Final Budget FY 1991-1992 I I I I I CITY OF POWAY I I I FINANCIAL PROGRAM I 1991 - 1992 I I I I I I I I I I -- --- - I I I I I I CITY OF POWAY . I' I CITY COUNCIL AND REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY I JAN GOLDSMITH, MAYOR AND CHAIRMAN I KATHY MCINTYRE, DEPUTY MAYOR AND VICE-CHAIRMAN DON HIGGINSON I B. TONY SNESKO B08 EMERY I I I I I I I I I I I I I C I T Y OF POWAY I I I BUDGET REVIEW COMMITTEE I DON BLACKWELL I MARY CROSS VICKI LAZOWSKI I JOHN MULLI N I GORDON MEYER I I I I Prepared By: Administrative Services Department I Peggy A. Stewart, Director Christine Tsung, Finance Manager I II I I I I CITY OF POWAY I DIRECTORY OF CITY OFFICIALS I I CITY MANAGER I JAMES L. BOWERSOX I I ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY SERVICES JOHN D. FITCH ROBERT L. THOMAS I CITY ATTORNEY DIRECTOR OF ENGINEERING SERVICES I STEPHEN M. ECKIS MARK S. WESTON I CITY CLERK/TREASURER DIRECTOR OF PLANNING SERVICES MARJORIE K. WAHLSTEN REBA WRIGHT-QUASTLER I DIRECTOR OF ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC SERVICES I PEGGY A. STEWART ALAN D. ARCHIBALD I DIRECTOR OF SAFETY SERVICES MARK A. SANCHEZ I I I I I I I C I T Y 0 F POWAY I I REDEVELOPMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE I CARLTON (DUKE) AYERS NEVILLE BOTHWELL I MICHAEL CAFAGNA I MIKE CHARRON DARWIN DRAKE I ALAN DUSI PAUL GRIMES II GORDON MEYER I BETTY REXFORD ALAN SUGARMAN I TOM TREMBLE I I I I I I I TABLE OF CONTENTS I Guide to Reading the Budget Document. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i I City Manager's Letter of Transmittal. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vi P~ogram Expenditures. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . x Budget by Fund . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xi Employee, Positions, Classifications, and Salary Ranges. . . . . . . . xv I Revenues by Funds and Sources. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Summary of Sources and Uses of Funds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Fund Activity Detail . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 I Genera 1 Fund. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Street Improvement - Gas Tax Fund . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 I Park Improvement Fund . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Drainage Fund (Funds 12 and 24) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Grant Funds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Special Assessment Districts Fund (Funds 20 and 25) . . . . . . 23 \1 Street Development Fund (Funds 21 and 23) . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Pro~os1tion "All Fund. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Municipal Improvement Fund. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 I Community Facilities District #1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Community Facilities District #88-1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Community Facilities District - 199D #88-1. . . . . . . . . . . 29 I Debt Service Fund. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Debt Service Fund - Community Facilities District #1. . . . . . 31 Debt Service Fund - Community Facilities District #88-1 . . . . 32 Water Fund. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 I Sewer Fund. . . . . . .' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Capital Replacement Fund. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Trust Funds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 I Performing Arts Donation Fund. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 80nd Interest and Redemption . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 Statement of Fund Balances and Reserves. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 I Redevelopment Agency Loans Payable to City. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 Department Operating BUdgets. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 I Legislative and Administrative: City Council. . . . . . . . . . 46 Legislative and Administrative: C 1 ty C 1 e rk . . . . . . . . . . . 50 Legislative and Administrative: City Attorney. . . . . . . . . . 54 I Legislative and Administrative: City Manager. . . . . . . . . . 58 Department of Administrative Services. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 Department of Community Services. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82 Department of Planning Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94 I Department of Pub li c Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104 Department of Safety Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134 Department of Engineering Services. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146 I Ci ty of PowayCapi ta 1 Improvement Program. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161 I I I I TABLE OF CONTENTS I Map - City Parks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200 poway Redevelopment Program: 1991-1992 I Revenue by Funds and Sources. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 201 I Statement of Fund Balances and Reserves . . . . . . . . . . . . . 205 poway Redevelopment Agency-Administration Fund and Capital Projects Fund. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 207 I Poway Redevelopment Agency-Debt Service Fund. . . . . . . . . . 208 Poway Redevelopment Agency~1986 Tax Allocation Bond. . . . . . 209 Poway Redevelopment Agency-1989 Tax Allocation Bond. . . . . . 210 Poway Redevelopment Agency-Poinsettia Mobile Home Park. . . . . 211 I poway Redevelopment Agency-Low/Moderate Income Fund. '. . . . . 212 poway Redevelopment Agency-1990A TAB. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 213 poway Redevelopment Agency-Poway Royal Mobile Home Park I Administration. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 214 Poway Redevelopment Agency-1991 COP. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 215 80nd Interest and Redemption. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 217 I Administrative Operating Budget. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 219 Redevelopment Capital Improvement Program. . . . . . . . . . . . 233 I Map - paguay Redevelopment Project Area. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 288 I Appendix A - Resolution Adopting 1991-1992 City Financial Program . . 289 Appendix 8 - Resolution Adopting 1991-1992 Redevelopment Agency Financial Program. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 295 I Appendix C - Chart of Expense Accounts & Definitions. . . . . . . . . 299 Appendix D - Chart of Revenue Accounts & Definitions. . . . . . . . . 313 I I I I I I I I I i I GUIDE TO READING THE BUDGET DOCUMENT I Every year, the City of poway prepares a budget for the upcomi ng fi sca 1 year I which serves as the City's financial plan. Although the budget serves as a con- tra) document for the City Council and staff; its primary purpose is to provide information to citizens and other interested parties about the financial health I and activities of the City as a municipal corporation. This guide was prepared to assist citizens and other individuals who may not be familiar with public budgeting and finance to read and interpret this document. I I A great deal of i nformat ion is provi ded in the budget beyond do llar5 and cents. , One just needs to know how and where to look for itl I Getting Started An excellent place to begin to examine the budget is the City Manager's Letter I of Transmittal which provides a philosophical as well as factual summary of the City's ftnancial plan. Next, the Budget by Fund pages shows expenditures for each Department and its I divisions spread across the City's major funds. You will note that the General Fund shows expenditures for all Departments, while the other funds show expen- ditures for certain ones. Thi s is another ill ustra t i on of the fund, accounting I nature of government which restricts certain revenues to expenditures for limited purposes. The next pages summarize and describe the City's work force. The number of I authorized full-time positions is shown in comparison to the prior year. New positions and position deletions are mentioned by title. Each full-time job classification authorized in the bUdget is then I isted alphabetically by title I with its corresponding monthly salary range. Next, you wi 11 not ice that the budget is actua lly di vi ded into two pI ans. One I is the Operating and Capital Budget of the City. The other is the Operating and Capital Budget of the poway Redeve 1 opment Agency. An operati.ng bUdget is the financial plan for the day-to-day operations of the City or the Agency; a capi- tal budget is the financial plan for acquiring or constructing major municipal I facilities such as streets, drainage systems and parks. The City'S Operating Budget I The first section following this guide is "Revenues by Fund and Source." This group of pages out 1 i nes the Ci ty' s revenues, or the doll ar resources the Ci ty receives. I Governments account for money in funds, which separate available dollars accord- ing to how they may be used. The largest fund is the General Fund whose reve- I nues maybe used to provide any government service. Other funds are restricted as to how their revenues may be used. There will be more information on the City's various funds later in this document. I I ii I I Guide to Reading the Budget Document Page 2 I Notice that the revenues are shown by fund and by revenue type; for example, I "Property Taxes-Current," under the General Fund. Every type of revenue has a four digit number in front of it. In the back of the budget document is the "Chart of Revenue Accounts and Definitions," Appendix D. The four digit numbers 1 are listed in ascending order and next to each is a description of each revenue type. Analyzing the City's revenues will give you an idea of where the City gets its money, how much of it is restri cted and how much may be used for general purposes. You'll also be able to compare amounts of money between the I prior fiscal year and the proposed/approved new year. ~: I 1990-1991 1990-1991 1991-1992 1991-1992 Budget Actual Proposed Approved I, 7010 Property Taxes-Current $3,238,000 $3,164,880 $3,161,000 $3,161,000 This number identifies the The amou~t The estim- The pro- The pro- I revenue source in the "Chart of revenue ated total jected jected of Revenue Accounts and estimated year revenue revenue for revenue Descriptions" in Appendix D at the at the time the next for the I beginning of bUdget fiscal year next of a fiscal preparation in the pro- fiscal year posed budget year in I the fi na 1 budger- Following the Revenue pages is the "Summary of Sources and Uses of Funds." I These pages list all of the City's major fund types, describe them and display summarized dollar amounts of money going into and out of each fund. These num- bers are broken down into more detail on the pages following the Summary. Note I that-the page numbers directing you to each fund's detail are referenced in each fund description. The Fund Activity Detail pages allow comparison of prior year budgets' actual I flow of money, in as revenues, and out as expenditures or transfers. Some funds have borrowed money (incurred debt) through the issuance of bonds. I On the page following the Fund Activity Detail pages is a summary of the bonded indebtedness of each fund. These dollars are used to repay interest and pri n- cipal on the debt. II Next, as a grand summary, the "Statement of Fund Balances and Reserves" follows a 11 the previ ous pages descri bed. The City's major funds are 1 i sted vert i ca lly I on the left hand side of the page. Horizontally, dollar amounts are shown to track the status of each fund from its beginning balance through to its expected year-end position. I I I iii II Guide to Reading the Budget Document Page 3 I I After the Statement of Fund Balances and Reserves, more detail regardi ng the expenditure side of the budget is provided, again moving from summary to detail. I The Program Expenditures page 1 ists the seven major City departments and what each plans to spend in the three major program expenditure categories: 1. Personnel - The cost of salaries, fringe benefits and other employee- I related costs. 2. Operations and Maintenance - The cost of doing business day-to-day in supplies, materials and services. I 3. Capital Outlay - The cost of major nonrecurring purchases of $500 or more with a useful life of three or more years. Examples are I office furniture, vehicles and larger pieces of equipment. It is common for the tota 1 of all program expenditures to be referred to as "the I budget," even though it is only the expenditure side of the entire bUdget pic- ture. What follows next is the heart of the City's Operating Budget detail. For each II of the City's seven major departments, an activity overview is provided in which the major expenditure categories - personnel, operations and maintenance and capital outlay- are summarized and compared to prior years. A narrative com- I mentary provi di ng a descrl pt i on of the compos it ion of the department and its purpose in the governmental organization is backed up by an illustrating organi- zation chart on the facing page. I Following the Departmental Overview, each division of the department will show two facing pages of activity detail. The narrative page includes a description of the major functions of the divis'\on, the division's goals and objectives, I work load activity statistics for prior and proposed years and a section entitled Slgnificant Activity Program Changes. This last section points out and explains larger dollar increases or decreases and the expense account where each I s i gni ficant activity prog ram change is refl ected. The facing page contains the actual dollar amounts to be spent to achieve the I division's goals and objectives. You will note that the major expenditure cate- gories (personnel, operations and maintenance and capital outlay) are further divided into particular types of expenditures. Each expenditure type has a three-digit number preceding it. In the back of the bUdget book is the "Chart I of Expense Accounts and Definitions," Appendix C. Expense account numbers are listed, in order, with a definition following each one. These definitions give a more detailed description of what costs are included in each expense account. I I I iv I Guide to Reading the Budget Document I Page 4 I In comparing the expense account dollar amounts between fiscal years, the narra- I tive section, Significant Activity Program Changes, is the key to explaining major differences. ~: I 1989-90 1990-91 1990-91 1991-92 1991-92 Actual Budget Actual Proposed Approved 311 - Pri nti ng $ 348 $ 350 $ 250 $ 300 $ 300 I Thi s number The The The est im- The The I identifies actual amount of ated amount proposed approved the expense amount approved spent by bUdget budget account in spent by bUdget in year end. amount. amount. I the Chart year end. prior year of Expense Accounts and Descriptions II The numbers in parentheses next to Position Titles indicate when there is more than one position of that title authorized. If there is an FT, PT and/or T I after the Position Title, this indicates that the position is full-time, part- time and/or temporary. The City's Cll.Ditll.l IllIlrovement Budget I Capital Projects are the acquisition or construction of major public facilities such as streets, sewers, water systems, parks and government buildings. They I' are often the kind of projects that take more than one budget year to complete. The Capital Improvement Budget, like the operating budget, shows revenues in and I expenditures out, but also details expenditure projections over multiple budget years. The revenue page indicates which funds are contributing to the Capital I Improvement Program. The Prog ram Overvi ew summari zes expendi tu res by type of improvement to show the total estimated cost of planned projects, what has been spent on planned projects, the proposed year's expenditure levels and the amount I of the total estimated cost that has been incurred to date. The Program Detail pages I ist each project with a short description and code I number corresponding to the activity. Cost estimates for each fiscal year appear on the left hand side with the contributing funds 1 isted to the right, under the project description. Dn the facing page, the costs are shown spread across the next five fiscal years according to an acquisition/construction plan. II The dollar amounts budgeted for the proposed fiscal year can be tied back to the operating budget's "Statement of Fund 8alances and Reserves" under the Capital I Projects column. I I v I Guide to Reading the Budget Document Page 5 I I Each year the Program is adjusted to reflect actual performance so the costs of the City's Capital Improvement Program can be historically tracked. I The poway RedeveloDmtnt Agency Budget The budget of the Redevelopment Agency is patterned after the City's budget and includes the same elements--an operating and a capital improvement budget. I The Agency has grown tremendously. It has more funds than last year, but money is tracked through the budget in the same way as through the City. I Revenues of the Agency, like those 'of the City, are listed by the four-digit account numbers found in Appendix D. Fund 'activity detail pages follow, and the I Agency has its own "Statement of Fund Balances and Reserves." The organization chart of the Agency indicates its relationship to the City of Poway,: The City Council acts as the Agency's Board of Directors, and the City I Manager is its Executive Director. The operating budget covers the day-to-day admini'strative affairs of the Agency. I Note that the format of the Agency's opera t i ng budget detail para 11 el s that of the City's operating budget. I The Redevelopment Agency Capital Improvement Budget is set up using the same format as the City's Capital Improvement Budget. I More Infol'1llllt1on is Available The Administrative Services Department prepares the budget document you have I just read about. In addition to the publ ished document, City staff retains files of detailed backup material. I Back-up documentation is reviewed by the Budget Review Committee, appointed from among Poway's citizens by the City Counci 1. Thi s Commi ttee spends many hours with staff each year pri or to budget adoption, exami n i ng the deta 11 behi nd the proposed budget. These fil es are also available for revi ew by the general I public, by appointment with the Administrative Services Department, as early as the month of May prior to a new fiscal year. I The Budget is considered by the City Council in public hearings at every regular City Council meeting in June. Pub Ii c comment is invited and wi 11 be cons i dered by the City Council at these hearings. I In addition to the above, any person havirtg questions about the financial plan may 'contact the Administrative Services Department. We are pleased to answer any inquiries to the best of our ability. I I vi CITY OF POW A Y I IAN GOLDSMITH, Mayor BOB EMERY, Deputy Mayor I DON HIGG:r:N:SON, Councilmember B. TONY Sr-..'ESKO, Councilmember KATHY MONTYRE, Councilmember I May 21, 1991 I Dear Honorable Mayor and Councilmembers: I The proposed Fi.nancial Program for Fiscal Year 1991-1992 is the first of the I second decade following incorporation. The City continues to be healthy financially, that is, revenues still exceed expenditures. Although, the budget remains in the black, thi s has been accomplished onl y by major expend iture reductions in the General Fund. The proposed budget of $29.5 million is $150,000 I be low that approved for Fi sca 1 Year 1990-1991. The General Fund supported programs of the budget have been reduced by over $1.0 million in order to remain within projected revenues. I In order to avoid a budgetary crisis such as that of the State of California, reduction in General Fund expenditures as well as a few accounting changes have I been used to balance the budget. In areas such as Contract Building ,Inspection and Eng i neeri ng, reductions in services have been made proportionate to reduct ions in revenues. However, the balance of reduct ions has been accompli shed I by delayed hiring for vacant pas i t ions, reductions in expend itures in the operation and maintenance accounts for all departments, and the transfer of eight employees to a Drought Assistance Response Team now funded by the Water and Sewer Funds. I The most prominent reductions in General Fund revenues occurred within the Sales Tax, Motor Vehicle In-Lieu Fees, Building and Engineering Fees, and Interest I Income categories. Although it was anticipated that Fiscal Year 1991-1992 would be tight budgetarily due to new program expenditures increasing at a rate greater than that of revenues, the unpredictable circumstances of recession, war, and I drought compounded the challenge of balancing this year's budget. Having addressed the immediate issues of a balanced 1991-1992 Budget, a prospective review of probable future budgets is encouraging. The developments I planned and under construction in South Poway indicate that there will be a healthy industrial economy. New commercial projects such as Wal Mart coupled with a predicted end to the recession by late 1991 will re-establish a former I growth trend in sales tax revenues by Fiscal Year 1992-1993. It is anticipated that by Fiscal Year 1993-1994, the budget for the City of Poway may once again be able to accept some new or expanded programs. I During the next two budget years, the City of Poway must be cautious, patient, and vigilant in order to maintain a stable financial position. With the State of Cal ifornia still unable to address their financial crisis, cities are going I to be looked upon as a source of funds to balance their budget. Efforts must continue to isolate local finances from those of the state in order to maintain the quality of life in Poway. I City Hall Located at 13325 Civic Center Drive ) I Mailing Address, POBox 789 Poway California 92074-0789 . (619) 748-6600 695-1400 I vii I Honorable Mayor and Councilmembers May 21, 1991 I Page 2 I It continues to be a pleasure to have the opportunity to present to the City Counci 1 and community a budget that maintains quality services ina time of I fi sca 1 constraints. Poway will continue to be recognized for its accomplishments which have been achieved with minimal resources put to work for a community which is governed with vision. I espectfully Su I J I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF POWAY FINANCIAL PROGRAM: 1991-1992 PROGRAM EXPENDITURES I x CITY OF POWAY PROGRAM EXPENDITURES FISCAL YEAR 1991-1992 Operations Total and Capital Program CITY OF POWAY Personnel Maintenance Outlav Exoenditures Legislative and Administrative $ 703,520 $ 383,850 $ 1,000 $ 1,088,370 Administrative Services 1,219,790 959,680 168,700 2,348,170 Community Services 1,478,130 1,029,990 11,630 2,519,750 Planning Services 676,310 830,770 7,710 1,514,790 Public Services 3,733,410 9,701,390 16,340 13,451,140 Safety Services 2,212,900 4,493,730 29,760 6,736,390 Engineering Services 1,415,930 734,620 6,200 2,156,750 TOTAL CITY $11,439,990 $18,134,030 $ 241,340 $ 29,815,360 , 1 I . I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF POWAY FINANCIAL PROGRAM: 1991-1992 BUDGET BY FUND I x ~. CITY OF POWAY - BUDGET BY FUND ~. CAPITAL REPLACE- ASSMT. DRAIN- DEPARTMENT GENERAL WATER SEWER GAS TAX MENT DIST. AGE PROP. A TOTAL - LEGISLATIVE AND ADMINISTRATIVE City Counc il 141,015 16,590 8,295 165,900 City Cl erk 230,707 27,142 13,571 271,420 City Attorney 183,617 21,602 10,801 216,020 City Manage r 369,775 43,503 21,752 435,030 Total 925,114 108,837 54,419 1,088,370 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES Di rector 133,540 30,398 45,702 209,640 Personnel 143,264 35,918 24,898 204,080 Customer Services 32,676 196,845 164,169 393,690 Finance 178,224 86,308 47,048 311,580 Data Processing 26,048 52,095 26,047 104,190 Purchasing 140,818 52,557 28,385 221,760 Support Services 119,611 73,236 26,402 5,739 4,592 229,580 Risk Management 263,079 161,079 58,069 12,624 10,099 504,950 Capital Replacemen 168,700 168,700 Total 1,037,260 688,436 420,720 187,063 14,691 2,348,170 COMMUNITY SERVICES Director 334,780 334,780 Recreation 867,250 867,250 Lake Operations 453,320 453,320 Aquatic Center 352,940 352,940 Performi ng Arts 511,460 511,460 Total 2,519,750 2,519,750 PLANNING SERVICES Director 244,420 244,420 Current Planning 359,180 359,180 Advanced Plannin9 308,940 308,940 Building Inspec. 602,250 602,250 Total 1,514,790 1,514,790 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - .- .- CITY OF POWAY - BUDGET BY FUND , CAPITAL REPLACE- ASSMT. DRAIN- DEPARTMENT GENERAL WATER SEWER GAS TAX MENT DIST. AGE PROP. A TOTAL - PUBLIC SERVICES Director 73,720 73,720 147,440 Drought Asst. Response 599,340 302,800 902,140 Field Oper. Admin. 17,703 106,218 53,109 177,030 Street Maintenance 695,226 29,952 29,952 767,820 126,000 1,648,950 Water Supply 4,230,980 4,230,980 Sewer Treatment 2,565,630 2,5,65,630 Water Transmission 615,050 615,050 Sewer Collection 352,380 352,380 Facilities Maint. 126,490 101,192 25,298 252,980 Dra i nage 306,180 306,180 Tra 11 s 65,310 65,310 Park 842,499 93,611 936,110 Landscape 1,250,960 1,250,960 Total 1,747,228 5,850,063 3,402,889 767,820 1,250,960 306,180 126,000 13,451,140 SAFETY SERVICES Director 188,710 1l3.8,710 Fire Suppression 1,897,100 1,897,100 Fire Prevention 417,710 417,710 Paramedics 504,150 504,150 Law Enforcement 3,728,720 3,728,720 Total 6,736,390 6,736,390 ENGINEERING SERVICES Director 159,510 17,652 35,518 212,680 CIP 226,660 7,158 4,772 7,500 246,090 Subdivision 461,662 14,579 9,719 485,960 Special Projects 304,887 11,087 53,586 369,560 Engr'g Inspec. 658,758 20,803 13,869 693,430 Traffic Engr'g 141,579 4,471 2,980 149,030 1,953,056 75,750 120,444 7,500 2,156,750 x ~. ~. ~. TOTAL EXPENDITURES $16,433,588 $6,723,086 $3,998,472 $775,320 $187,063 $1,250,960 $320,871 $126,000 $29,815,360 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I . I CITY OF POWAY FINANCIAL PROGRAM: 1991-1992 EMPLOYEE POSITIONS. CLASSIFICATIONS. AND SALARY'RANGES I xvi I AUTHORIZED FULL-TIME I POSITIONS BY DEPARTMENT I 1990-1991 1991-1992 1991-1992 I DEPARTMENT AUTHORIZED PROPOSED APPROVED Legislative & Administrative 10 10 10 I Administrative Services 27 27 27 I Community Services 24 22 22 Engineering Services 30 28 28 I Planning Services 13 12 12 Public Services 79 86 86 I Safety Services 35 33 33 - - - I TOTAL 218 218 218 I I I PROPOSED NEW POSITIONS I None I I I I I I < I xvii I CITY OF POWAY FULL TIME CLASSIFICATIONS I MONTHLY CLASSIFICATION RANGE NO. SALARY RANGE I Accountant 247.6 2736-3340 Account Cl erk II 207.6 1834-2239 I Account Clerk I 202.6 1745-2130 Administrative Clerk II 198.6 1676-2046 Administrative Clerk I 193.6 1595-1947 Admini strati ve Secretary 223.1 2141-2614 I Assistant City Manager 329.1 6178-7542 Assistant Civil Engineer I 254.0 2916-3560 Assistant Civil Engineer II 264.0 3223-3934 I Assistant Director of Planning Services 292.4 4281-5226 Assistant Planner I 242.6 2602-3177 Assistant Planner II 252.6 2876-3511 I Assistant Public Services Operations Manager 283.8 3928-4795 Associate Civil Engineer 279.0 3744-4571 Associate Planner 262.6 3178-3880 8uilding Maintenance Worker 206.6 1816-2217 I Code Compliance Officer 247.6 2736-3340 Community Services Manager 289.9 4175-5097 Construction Maintenance Worker III 231. 6 2331-2846 I Construction Maintenance Worker II 216.6 2007-2450 Construction Maintenance Worker I 206.6 1816-2217 Customer Services Manager 279.9 3778-4612 I Customer Services Worker 221. 6 2110-2575 Data Entry Clerk II 207.6 1834-2239 Data Entry Clerk I 202.6 1745-2130 Data Processing Coordinator 247.6 2736-3340 I Department Aide 233.1 2366-2889 Deputy City Clerk 233.1 2366-2889 Director of Administrative Services 315.3 5382-6505 I Director of Community Services 315.3 5382-6505 Director of Engineering Services 315.3 5382-6505 Director of Planning Services 315.3 5382-6505 Director of Public Services 315.3 5382-6505 I Director of Safety Services 315.3 5382-6505 Drainage Maintenance Supervisor 246.6 2708-3306 Engineering Services Inspection Supervisor 265.2 3262-3982 I Engineering Techni.cian 234.9 2409-2941 Equipment Maintenance Supervisor 252.7 2879-3514 Equipment Mechanic 237.7 2478-3025 I Equipment Service Worker 197.7 1661-2028 Finance Manager 289.9 4175-5097 Fire BattaTi~n Chief 298.2 4536-5538 Fire Captain 269.2 3395-4144 . Fire Engineer 254.9 2943-3592 Firefighter 244.3 2647-3231 Fire Prevention Inspector 254.9 2943-3592 I I xvi; i I CITY OF POWAY I FULL TIME CLASSIFICATIONS MONTHLY I CLASSIFICATION RANGE NO. SALARY RANGE General Services Manager 279.9 3778-4612 I Housing Coordinator 262.6 3178-3880 Laboratory Analyst 252.6 2876-3511 I Landscape Architect 242.6 2602-3177 Landscape Maintenance Supervisor 244.5 2652-3238 Management Analyst 257.6 3023-3691 Management Assistant 247.6 2736-3340 I Meter & Backflow Preventor Mechanic 231.6 2331-2846 Park & Landscape Manager 279.9 3778-4612 Park Attendant 193.6 1595-1947 I Park Maintenance Worker III 229.5 2283-2787 Park Maintenance Worker II 214.5 1965-2399 Park Maintenance Worker I 204.5 1778-2171 I Park Ranger 205.2 1791-2186 Perfonning Arts Manager 279.9 3778-4612 Personnel Aide 233.1 2366-2889 Personnel Manager 289.9 4175-5097 I Principal Management Analyst 279.6 3767-4598 Public Services Inspector 250.2 2808-3427 Public Services Operations Manager 298.8 4563-5571 I Recreation Leader II 202.4 1741-2126 Recreation Leader I 182.4 1426-1740 Recreation Program Coor:dinator , 224.0 2161-2638 I Recreation Supervisor 239.0 2510-3064 Redevelopment Manager 289.9 4175-5097 Secretary 213.1 1938-2366 Secretary to the City Manager 238.1 2488-3037 I Sr. Accountant 257.6 3023-3691 Sr; Building Maintenance Worker 235.2 2417-2950 Sr. Civil Engineer 294.0 4350-5310 I Sr. Management Analyst 267.6 3341-4079 Sr. Pl anner 277.6 3692-4507 Sr. Utililty System Technician 257.1 3008-3672 I Sewer Treatment Plant Operator 242.1 2589-3161 Storekeeper II 222.6 2131-2601 Storekeeper I 202.6 1745-2130 Street Maintenance Supervisor 246.6 2708-3306 I Telephone Operator/Receptionist 193.6 1595-1947 Traffic Engineer 294.0 4350-5310 Utilities System Mechanic 242.1 2589-3161 I Utilities System Technician 247.1 2722-3323 Wastewater Collection Supervisor 246.6 2708-3306 Water Distribution Supervisor 246.6 2708-3306 I Water Treatment Plant Operator III 252.1 2861-3493 Water Treatment Plant Operator II 242.1 2589-3161 Water Treatment Plant Operator I 232.1 2343-2860 Water Treatment Supervisor 267.1 3324-4058 1 I , I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF POWAY FINANCIAL PROGRAM: 1991-1992 REVENUES BY FUNDS AND ,SOURCES I 2 I CITY OF POWAY I REVENUES BY FUNDS AND SOURCES 1990-1991 1990-1991 1991-1992 1991-1992 I BUDGET ACTUAL PROPOSED APPROVED GENERAL FUND - 1 I Taxes 7010 Property Taxes~Current $3,238,000 $3,164,880 $3,161,000 $3,161,000 I 7012 Property Taxes-Delinquent 115,100 113,964 128,000 128,000 7013 Suppl. Tax Roll-Current 240,000 247,985 260,500 260,500 7015 Homeowner's Prop. Tax Exem 115,800 87,020 115,800 115,800 I 7017 Other Tax Roll Items 500 11 500 500 7018 Property Taxes - Trailer Ls 12,000 16,213 10,700 10,700 7020 Franchises 338,890 398,823 364,080 364,080 7022 Sales Tax 3,228,500 2,571,958 2,839,500 2,839,50D I 7024 Transient Occupancy Tax 35,000 28,993 24,000 24,000 7026 Real Property Transfer 231,000 154,378 161,900 161,900 Subtotal $7,554,790 $6,784,225 $7,065,980 $7,065,980 I Licenses and Permits I 7111 Anima 1 License $ 300 $ 1,036 $ 150 $ 150 7114 Business Registration 25,400 38,719 25,900 25,900 I 7115 Sanitation Permits 23,80D 50,220 80,000 80,000 7116 Fi shi ng Permits 147,75D 125,930 129,500 129,500 7151 Boat Permits 85,300 81,800 80,200 80,200 I 7153 Excavation Permits 16,630 16,368 20,000 20,000 7154 Grading Permits 10,000 4,810 4,000 4,000 7160 Parking Permits 62,000 75,926 71,950 71,950 Subtotal $371,180 $394,809 $411,700 $411,700 I I Fines and Forfeitures I 7210 Fines and Penalties $150,000 $146,838 $164,000 $164,000 Subtotal $150,000 $146,838 $164,000 $164,000 I I I I I I 3 I CITY OF POWAY REVENUES BY FUNDS AND SOURCES I 1990-1991 1990-1991 1991-1992 1991-1992 BUDGET ACTUAL PROPOSED APPROVED I GENERAL FUND CONTINUED I Revenues from Use of Money and Property $330,000 $ $ 350,750 $ 7310 Interest Income 537,705 350,750 7317 Interest on Loans 490,330 517,074 327,790 327,790 I 7340 Parkland Dedication Fees - 2,250 - - 7341 Rental of Property 15,960 4,100 - - 7350 Southwestern Rent 2,550 3,600 - - I 7359 Facilities Rental- Performing Arts Center 65,240 39,504 50,040 50,040 7360 Facilities Rental 25;000 22,134 29,000 29,000 I 7362 Fire Facilities Rental 2,560 3,105 3,600 3,600 7364 Swimming Pool Rental 14,500 18,050 25,000 25,000 7365 Pool Locker Rental 1,200 1,829 2,000 2,000 7370 Concession Lease 20,830 14,211 20,830 20,8~0 I 7380 Group Rentals 11 ,000 10,014 13,500 13,500 7391 Overnight Camping Sites 300 593 800 800 7401 Revenue from Other Agency 18,000 22 , 184 - - I Subtotal $997,470 $1,196,353 $ 823,310 $ 823,310 I I Revenues from Other Agencies I 7410 Motor Vehicle in Lieu $1,807,320 $1,809,872 $1,709,600 $1,709,600 7411 Off Highway in Lieu 830 - 830 830 7440 Cigarette Tax 88, 11 0 68,714 80,400 80,400 7470 Grant Revenue - TOA - 7,000 - - I 7575 Grant Revenue - Art. 4.5 - 3 - - Subtotal $1,896,260 $1,885,589 $1,790,830 $1,790,830 I I I I I 4 I CITY OF POWAY I REVENUES BY FUNDS AND SOURCES 1990-1991 1990-1991 1991-1992 1991-1992 I BUDGET ACTUAL PROPOSED APPROVED GENERAL FUND CONTINUED I Current Fees & Services I 7510 Candidates Filing Fees $ 500 $ - $ - $ - 7515 Ti cket Sa 1 es 144,550 113,423 112,260 112,260 7516 Performing Arts Staff Services 11,550 22,784 24,000 24,000 I 7517 Concession Operations 3,000 5,649 8,160 8,160 7518 Plan Check 135,200 440 135,200 135,200 7519 Inspection 135,290 39,393 135,200 135,200 I 7520 Sales and Service - 25 - - 7526 Reconnect Fees - 20 - - 7541 Analysis Fees - 17,690 - - 7542 Connection Fees - 57,585 - - I 7544 Administrative Fees-RDA 731,940 880,800 937,600 1,218,880 7545 Administrative Fees-Other 9,000 7,000 19,000 19,000 7558 Fire Prevention Canst. Fee - 123,053 - - I 7564 Pumping-Del Poniente - 54 - - 7567 Alarm Registration 27,500 17,725 19,200 19,200 7568 Safety Services Plan Check 302,500 44,395 67,500 67,500 I 7569 Aquatics Rec/Prog 45,600 43,871 46,170 46,170 7570 Planning Fees 140,000 82,876 140,000 140,000 7571 Environmental Review Fees 170,000 147,005 177,000 177 ,000 7572 Misc. Planning Fees 7,000 3,199 10,660 10,660 I 7573 Building Inspection Fees 1,381,710 725,597 800,000 800,000 7574 Misc. Legislative/Admin. 2,580 3,517 3,540 3,540 7575 Plan Check Revenues 873,410 920,645 452,460 452,460 I 7576 Misc. Public Service Fees 20,120 57,015 250 250 7577 Inspection Revenues 740,000 917,074 730,300 730,3DO 7578 Engr. Staff Time Reimb. 24,680 21,800 36,680 36,680 I 7579 Misc. Safety Services Fees 1,800 2,751 800 800 7580 Leisure Contracts 182,710 176,907 189,220 189,220 7581 Recreation Programs 99,070 87,004 98,300 98,300 7582 Recreation Officials 22,960 12,727 19,340 19,340 I 7583 So. poway Engineering Fees 244,960 98,012 373,840 373,840 7587 Pool Admission Fees 82,000 91,351 83,810 83,810 7588 Aquatic Program Contract 21,690 6,203 9,350 9,350 I 7589 Towing Contracts/Abatement 1,000 7,323 1,000 1,000 7590 Ambulance Fees 162,990 164,708 199,040 199,040 7591 Fire Protection Fees 550,000 504,761 532,700 532,700 I 7592 Weed Abatement Fees 31,500 32,144 42,500 42,500 Subtotal $6,306,720 $5,436,526 $5,405,080 $5,686,360 I I I I 5 I CITY OF POWAY REVENUES BY FUNDS AND SOURCES I 1990-1991 1990-1991 1991-1992 1991-1992 BUDGET ACTUAL PROPOSED APPROVED I GENERAL FUND CONTINUED I Other Revenue 7640 State. license Fee $ 1,000 $ 1,286 $ 1,650 $ 1,650 7656 Donations-Performing Arts - - - - 7657 Performi.ng Arts Center I Gala Opening - (1,270) - - 7660 S.a le of Surpl us Property - 4,642 - - 7670 Mandated Costs Recoveries 2,000 10,981 250 250 I 7671 Other Funds - 241,439 - - 7674 Insurance Settlements - 3 - - 7675 Mi.scenaneous Income 6,000 88,219 35,000 35,000 7676 Recovery of Stolen I Property 10,000 - 5,000 5,000 7677 Reimbursement Agreement Fees - 3,368 - - 7678 PERS Surplus Drawdown - 460,408 520,000 520,000 I 7679 Lawsuit Settlement - 55,361 - - $ 19,000 $ 864,437 $ 561,900 $ 561,900 I TOTAL $17,295,420 $16,708,777 $16,222,800 $16,504,080 STREET IMPROVEMENT-GAS TAX FUND - 10 I 7430 Gasoline Tax-2106 $ 209,940 $ 203,422 $ 187,910 $ 187,910 7431 Gasoline Tax-2107 456,710 423,759 385,960 385,960 7432 Gasoline Tax-2107.5 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 I 7433 Gasoline Tax-2105 - 150,934 193,950 193,950 7574 Misc. Legislative/Admin. Fees - 71 - - 7594 Traffic Signal Fees - 1,828 - - I 7675 Miscellaneous Income 50 929 - - Total $ 674,200 $ 788,443 $ 775,320 $ 775,320 I PARK IMPROVEMENT FUND & COASTAL SAGE FUND - 8 AND 11 7340 Parkland Dedication Fees $ 271,250 $ 283,914 $ 150,000 $ 404,870 I 7461 Grant - Park Bonds Act '80, '76, etc. - 19,651 - - Total $ 271,250 $ 303,565 $ 150,000 $ 404,870 I DRAINAGE FUND - 12 7031 Property Tax-Flood Zones $ 314,820 $ 314,820 $ 321,120 $ 321,120 I 7310 Interest Income 110,000 39,288 40,100 40,100 7544 Administrative Revenue - 26 - - 7566 Drainage Fees 123,500 25,040 57,000 57,000 I 7586 Yegrly'Capital Outlay - 1,570 - - Total $ 548,320 $ 380,744 $ 418,220 $ 418,220 I 6 I CITY OF POWAY I REVENUES BY FUNDS AND SOURCES 1990-1991 1990-1991 1991-1992 1991-1992 I BUDGET ACTUAL PROPOSED APPROVED GRANT FUNDS - 15-19 I 7010 Taxes, Current - Secured I and Unsecured $ - $ 1,533 $ - $ - 7402 SB-939 Recycling - - 39,030 39,030 7450 Grant-Iron Mountain Trails - 35,825 - - I 7456 Federal Aid/Urban Systems 57,570 217,514 - - 7470 TDA - Bike Lanes - 184,966 50,000 50,000 Total Grant Funds $ 57,570 $439,838 $ 89,030 $ 89,030 I ASSESSMENT DISTRICTS FUND - 20 I 7310 Interest Income $ - $255,772 $ 45,990 $ 45,990 7519 LMD Inspection Revenue - 2,235 - - I 7548 Street Light Fees - 8,946 - - 7710 AO 83-1 152,550 139,012 190,985 190,985 7711 AD 86-3 7,320 6,185 18,870 18,870 I 7712 AD 86-1 192,600 180,115 192,466 192,466 7713 AD 86-2 22,400 43,482 - - 7715 AD 87-1 229,070 221,444 160,879 160,879 7716 'AD 86-2B - - 5,915 5,915 I Total $603,940 $857,191 $615,105 $615,105 STREET DEVELOPMENT FUND - 21 I 7310 Interest Income $ 90,000 $ 16,662 $ 400 $ 400 I 7593 Traffic Mitigation Fees 129,000 48, 123 122,200 122,200 7595 Landscape Median Fees 8,130 38,218 - - 7597 Road Fees - Other - - 2,500 2,500 I Total $227,130 $103,003 $125,100 $125,100 PROP. A FUND - 22 I 7023 Prop A Sales Tax $929,774 $1,733,000 $770,000 $770,000 I 7310 Interest Income 61,900 54,434 70,000 70,000 Total $991,674 $1,787,434 $840,000 $840,000 I I I I 7 I CITY OF POWAY REVENUES BY FUNDS AND SOURCES I 1990-1991 1990-1991 1991-1992 1991-1992 BUOGET ACTUAL PROPOSED APPROVED I STREET DEVELOPMENT (AB1600) - 23 I 7310 ,Interest Income $ - $ (1,620) $ - $ - 7401 Revenue from Other Agency - - - 112,800 7593 Traffic Mitigation Fees - (98,875) - - I Total $ - $ (100,495) $ - $112,800 I DRAINAGE FUND (AB1600) - 24 7310 Interest Income $ - $ 29,434 $ 25,370 $ 25,370 I 7566 Drainage Fees 25,690 - - Total $ - $ 55,124 $ 25,370 $ 25,370 I LIGHTING DISTRICT FUND - 25 I 7010 Lighting District-Property Tax $107,000 $ 137,859 $140,000 $140,000 7310 Interest Income - 27,615 17,610 17,610 I 7548 Street Light Fee - - - - 7714 Lighting District AD 86-4 208,130 220,879 176,663 176,663 I Total $315,130 $ 386,353 $334,273 $334,273 I MUNICIPAL IMPROVEMENT FUND - 30 7310 Interest Income $ 90,000 $ 64,566 $ 51,100 $ 51,100 I Total $ 90,000 $ 64,566 $ 51,100 $ 51,100 I COMMUNITY FACILITIES DIST. #1 ACQUISITION FUND - 31 I 7310 Interest Income $310,000 $ 412,261 $389,500 $389,500 Total $310,000 $ 412,261 $389,500 $389,500 I I I 8 I CITY OF POWAY I REVENUES BY FUNDS AND SOURCES 1990-1991 1990-1991 1991-1992 1991-1992 I BUDGET ACTUAL PROPOSED APPROVED PARKWAY BUSINESS CENTER ACQUISITION FUND - 32 I 7310 Interest Income $584,830 $981,958 $534,800 $ 534,800 I Total $584,830 $981,958 $534,800 $ 534,800 I DEBT SERVICE FUND - 40 7310 Interest Income $120,000 $273,125 $168,700 $ 168,700 I 7616 Fire Bonds 175,800 175,800 173.,450 173,450 Subtotal $295,800 $ 448,925 $342,150 $ 342,150 I COMMUNITY FACILITIES DIST. #1 DEBT SERVICE FUND - 41 I $ $ $ $ 7310 Interest Income 225,000 214,978 213,750 213.,750 7618 Tax Roll-CFD #1 2,365,700 2,253-,922 2,666,100 2,666,100 I Subtotal $2,590,700 $2,468,900 $2,879,850 $2,879,850 PARKWAY BUSINESS CENTER I DE8T SERVICE FUND - 42 7310 Interest Income $ - $ 290,921 $ - $ - I 7618 Tax Roll CFD #88-1 532,720 575,714 3,689,310 3,699,310 Subtotal $ 532,720 $ 866,635 $3,689,310 $3,689,310 BUSINESS CENTER DEBT SERVICE FD 88-1 - 44 I 7310 Interest Income $ - $ 74,408 $ - $ - I Subtotal $ - $ 74,408 $ - $ - CFD 1990 88-1 - 52 I 7310 Interest Income $ - $ 265,396 $ - $ - 7623 Contributions from I Property Owners - 6,081,744 - - Subtotal $ - $ 6,347,140 Total Debt Service Fund $3,419,220 $10,206,008 $6,911,310 $6,911,310 I I I I 9 I CITY OF POWAY REVENUES BY FUNDS AND SOURCES I 1990-1991 1990-1991 1991-1992 1991-1992 BUDGET ACTUAL PROPOSED APPROVED I WATER FUND - 60 I 7310 Interest Income $ 260,000 $ 328,380 $ 226,200 $ 226,200 7315 Interest Income-Bond 135,000 240,662 179,870 179,870 7519 LMD Inspection Revenue - 434 - - I 7500 Current Fees & Services - 1,568 - - 7520 Sales and Service 5,629,650 4,972,291 5,618,130 5,089,300 7521 Sales-Unmetered Water 1,400 14,635 20,420 20,420 I 7522 SDCWA/Ramona Water Charges - 168,189 185,000 185,000 7523 Inter-City Sales - 40,023 54,350 54,350 7524 Delinquency Charges 50,000 70,763 63,000 63,000 I 7525 Hydrant Meter Charges 1,200 1,090 1,200 1,200 7526 Reconnection 3,500 6,480 5,400 5,400 7528 Agricul. Rebate/Interrupt. - 167,253 - - 7529 Sales-Capacity Charges 765,100 755,850 775,400 1,052,970 I 7530 Pumping-ID #1 42,550 40,006 46,730 31,7,30 7531 Pumpi ng-ID #4 22,000 19,615 25,230 25,23D 7532 Pumping-Orchard et al 59,000 57,711 72,720 53,130 I 7533 Pumpi ng-Donart 1,050 781 875 875 7534 Pumping-Convair 2,850 2,496 2,450 2,450 7535 Pumping-Padre Transit 4,360 3,110 3,520 3,520 7536 Pumping Power-Camelback 41,600 37,446 37,700 37,700 I 7537 Pumping Power-Woodcliff 3,110 2,485 2,760 2,760 7538 Pumping-Community 19,580 22,179 27,360 27,360 7540 Expansion Fees - 2,515 - 31,200 I 7542 Connection Fees 542,000 1,095,084 230,880 230,880 7543 County Water Authority Fees 58,500 26,240 31,200 - 7544 Administrative Fees 2,400 3,908 4,220 4,220 I 7546 Meter Installation Fees 87,400 178,690 49,310 49,310 7576 Misc. Engineering Fees - 500 - - 7577 Inspection Revenue Fees 550 5,850 6,910 6,910 7611 Bond-General Water 923,470 1,077,409 840,880 840,880 I 7617 Bond-AD 79-1, Tax Roll 212,210 180,172 215,210 215,210 7672 Returned Check Charges - 1,730 1,200 1,200 7675 Miscellaneous Income 24,000 38,078 24,150 24,150 I Total $8,892,480 $9,563,623 $8,752,275 $8,466,425 I I I I 10 I CITY OF POWAY I REVENUES BY FUNDS AND SOURCES 1990-1991 1990-1991 1991-1992 1991-1992 I BUDGET ACTUAL PROPOSED APPROVED SEWER FUND - 61 I 7310 Interest Income $ 742,500 $1,141,894 $ 750,000 $ 750,000 7315 Interest Income-Debt 15,000 20,920 15,350 15,350 I 7330 Interest-Notes Receivable 150 - - - 7520 Sales & Service 2,776,240 2,719,507 2,816,780 3,214,000 7542 Connection Fees 628,320 1,055,523 228,480 228,480 I 7544 Administrative Revenue - 102 - - 7546 Sewer Cleanout Installation 9,500 - 6,000 6,000 7551 Annexation-General - 82,358 - - 7554 Annexation-Green Valley - 67 - - I 7555 Sewer Service Tax Roll - 15,152 12,100 12,100 7556 Connection Fee-Inspections 6,880 4,950 6,880 6,880 7562 Pumping-St. Andrews Area 3,670 2,206 3,670 3,670 I 7563 Pumping-Camino Del Valle 26,520 33,584 25,610 25,610 7564 Pumping-Del Poniente Area 1,070 938 1,320 1,320 7565 Pumping-Highlands 900 - 200 200 I 7577 Inspection Revenue Fees - 131 - - 7615 Bond Interest & Redemp. 146,000 170,373 139,500 139,5DO 7675 Miscellaneous Income 8,000 45,493 18,000 18,000 I Total $4,364,750 $5,293,198 $4,023,890 $4,421,110 CAPITAL REPLACEMENT FUND - 70 I 7310 Interest Income $ 73,000 $171,190 $ 117,100 $ 117,100 7585 Vehicle & Equip. Rental 651,250 480,250 583,760 583,760 I 7586 Capital Outlay Rental 182,760 295,630 417,600 417,600 766D Sale of Surplus Property - 32,435 - - Total $907,010 $979,505 $1,118,460 $1,118,460 I CLYDE REXRODE MEMORIAL FUND - 80 I 7310 Interest Income $ 320 $ 331 $ 240 $ - Subtotal $ 320 $ 331 $ 240 $ - I I I I I I 11 I CITY OF POWAY REVENUES BY FUNDS AND SOURCES I 1990-1991 1990-1991 1991-1992 1991-1992 BUDGET ACTUAL PROPOSED APPROVED I POWAY RD. BEAUTIFICATION TRUST - 81 I 7310 Interest Income $3,300 $3,477 $2,500 $ 2,500 Subtotal $3,300 $3,477 $2,500 $ 2,500 I MARY PATRICIA ROSS TRUST - 83 7310 Interest-Note Receivable $2,550 $2,656 $1,910 $ 1,910 I Subtotal $2,550 $2,656 $1,910 $ 1,910 BETTY BENDIXEN TRUST - 85 I 7310 ,Interest Income $1,070 $ 821 $ 740 $ 740 Subtotal $1,070 $ 821 $ 740 $ 740 I LAW ENFORCEMENT FUND - 87 $ $ $ $ 7310 Interest Income - 50 50 50 I 7660 Sale of Surplus Property - 7 - - 7676 Recovery of Stolen Property - 19,128 - - Subtotal $ - $19,185 $ 50 $ 50 I Tota 1 Trust and I Miscellaneous Funds $ 7,240 $26,470 $ 5,440 $ 5,200 I PERFORMING ARTS CENTER - 86 7310 Interest Income $ - $ 5,996 $ - $ - 7515 Ti cket Sa 1 es - 96 - - I 7610 Interest Income - - 5,780 5,780 7656 Donations-Annual Operations 29,250 88,946 30,000 30,000 Total $ 29,250 $95,038 $35,780 $35,780 I ROUTE 56 - 88 I 7310 Interest Income $ - $ 2,549 $ - $ - 7667 Developer Participation - 75,000 - - Total $ - $77 ,549 $ - $ - I REVENUE GRAND TOTAL $39,589,414 $49,410,153 $41,417,773 $42,177,853 I I I I I I I I I I I I- I I I I I I I \ I I CITY OF POWAY FINANCIAL PROGRAM: 1991-1992 I I SUMMARY OF SOURCES AND USES OF FUNDS 14 I CITY OF POWAY FISCAL YEAR 1991-1992 SUMMARY OF SOURCES AND USES OF BUDGETED FUNDS I SPECIAL SPECIAL GENERAL REVENUE ASSESSMENT TRUST I FUND FUNDS FUNDS FUNDS SOURCE OF FUNDS Revenues $16,504,080 $2,385,840 $ 949,378 $ 40,980 I Accumulated Appropriations 3,332,458 658,920 0 67,501 Fund Balance 0 673,702 1,585,861 184,235 Transfers In 0 104,319 0 0 I TOTAL $19,836,538 $3,822,781 $2,535,239 $292,716 USE OF FUNDS I Expenditures $16,433,588 $1,222,191 $1,250,960 $ 0 Capital Projects - 504,331 0 0 Bond Interest & I Redemption 0 0 0 0 Reserves for Contingencies 3,207,820 492,O~5 0 0 . Unappropriated Reserves 0 1,514,234 1,284,279 292,716 Transfers Out 195,130 90,000 0 0 I TOTAL $19,836,538 $3,822,781 $2,535,239 $292,716 General Fund - The primary source of revenues for the General Fund are property taxes I and sales tax. General Fund revenues from all sources are shown on pages 2, 3, 4 and 5. The General Fund finances all of the Safety Services, Planning Services, Community Services, general engineering and the City administration. A summary of the approved '. budget for the General Fund is shown on pages x, xii, xiii and 18. Spec1al Revenue Funds: I Gas Tax/Street Improvement - The fund 'i s used to fi nance the construction, repa i r and maintenance of City streets. As shown on page 5, sources of revenue are from gasoline tax and interest income. The approved budget is shown on pages xiii and 19. I Street Development Fund - The fund is used for street construction projects financed by developer's fees. Revenues are shown on pages 6 and 7. The approved budget is shown on page 24. Prop "A" Tax Fund - This fund is used to account for special sales taxes to be used I for street and highway projects approved by a regional transportation 9roup. Revenues are on page 6. The approved budget is shown on page 25. Drainage Fund - Revenues for this fund are shown on pages 5 and 7 The primary source 011 revenue is from drainage fees collected as development occurs. This revenue is used ' to finance construction of flood control and drainage improvements. The approved budget is shown on pages x, xiii and 21. I Grant Funds - These funds are used to account for various grants that are received by the City. Revenues are shown on page 6. A fund activity detail is shown on page 22. Special Assessment Fund - This fund is used to finance public improvements or services I that benefits the properties against which the assessments are levied. Revenues are shown on page 6. A fund activity detail is shown on page 23. Trust Funds - These funds are used to account for proprietary trusts that have been I donated to the City. Trust Fund Revenues are shown on pages 10 and 11. I I 15 I CAPITAL DEBT CAPITAL I PROJECT SERVICE ENTERPRISE REPLACEMENT REDEVELOPMENT FUNDS FUNDS FUNDS FUND AGENCY TOTAL - I $ 1,380,270 $ 6,911,310 $12,887,535 $1,118,460 $ 0 $ 42,177,853 0 19,803,853 2,304,877 2,007,449 28,175,058 - I 15,100,140 12,934,198 0 0 0 30,478,136 210 ,130 3,171,242 0 0 0 3,485,691 $16,690,540 $23,016,750 $32,691,388 $3,423,337 $2,007,449 $104,316,738 I $ 0 $ - $10,721,558 $ 187,063 $ 0 $ 29,815,360 I 9,872,556 0 4,019 0 0 10,380,906 0 7,298,530 1,268,050 0 0 8,566,580 I 0 0 19,504,649 3,236,274 0 26,440,768 6,817,984 15,718,220 0 0 0 25,627,433 I 0 - 1,193,112 0 2,007,449 3,485,691 $16,690,540 $23,016,750 $32,691,388 $3,423,337 $2,007,449 $104,316,738 I Capital Project Funds: Municipal Improvement - Revenue for this fund is shown on page 7. The fund is used to I finance City capital improvement projects. The approved budget is shown on page 26. Park Improvements - This fund is used to finance the cost of park construction. Revenues are shown on page 5. Community Facilities Districts - These funds are used to finance the cost of the South .1' poway Community Facilities Districts. Debt Service - These funds record the revenues and expenditures associated with the financ- I i ng of the City's genera 1 debt and Community Faci 1 it i es Di stri ct #1 Bonds. Revenue sources are shown on page 8. The approved budget is shown on pages 30, 31 and 32. I Enterprise Funds: - (Water and Sewer) Water Fund - The Water Fund is a self-supported enterprise fund. The primary source of revenue for this fund is from the sale of water. All revenues for the fund are shown on page 9. The approved budget for the Water Fund is shown on pages x, xii, xiii and 33. I Sewer Fund - The primary source of revenue for the sewer fund is the sewer service charge. Other sources of revenue for this fund are shown on page 10. The approved budget for the Sewer Fund is shown on pages x, xii, xiii and 34. I Capital Replacement Fund - The capital replacement fund is used to finance the replace- ment of City 'vehicles and major equipment. The revenue for this fund comes from sale of surplus property and rental fees charged to each of the divisions that have been assigned II vehicles or equipment. Revenues are shown on page 10. Expenditures are on page xii. Redevelopment Agency - The funding for the Redevelopment Agency includes loans from the I City .whJch are included in the City's budget summaries for display purposes only. The total budget for the Redevelopment Agency is shown on pages 201 through 287. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF POWAY FINANCIAL PROGRAM: 1991-1992 FUND ACTIVITY DETAIL I I 18 I CITY OF POWAY I GENERAL FUND 1989-1990 1990-1991 1990-1991 1991-1992 1991-1992 I ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL PROPOS EO APPROVED FUND ACTIVITY DETAIL BEGINNING BALANCE-July 1 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - I Prior Years Appropriation 460,735 168,273 168,273 3,332,458 3,332,458 Revenues 16,167,419 17,295,420 16,708,777 16,222,800 16,504,080 I TOTAL FUNDS AVAILABLE $16,628,154 $17,463,693 $16,877,050 $19,555,258 $19,836,538 EXPENDITURES Operating Expenses: I Legis./Administrative $ 1,141,421 $ 1,123,180 $ 960,918 $ 925,114 $ 925,114 Admi n. Servi ces 2,238,736 942,840 895,441 1,037,260 1,037,260 Community Services 3,184,990 2,568,000 2,672,489 2,496,650 2,519,750 I Engineering Services 2,677,477 2,231,534 2,363,850 1,953,056 1,953,056 Planning Services 1,746,595 2,046,450 1,553,954 1,514,790 1,514,790 Public Services 356,079 2,114,674 1,874,519 1,747,228 1,747,228 Safety Servi ces 5,594,219 6,267,770 5,738,977 6,527,890 6,736,390 I Total Oper. Expenses $16,939,517 $17,294,448 $16,060,148 $16,201,988 $16,433,588 Capital Projects: I Streets and Highways $ 1;419 $ - $ 58,581 $ - $ - Government Buildings 493,750 - 49,324 - - Total Capital Projects $ 495,169 $ - $ 107,905 $ $ - I TOTAL EXPENDITURES $17,434,686 $17,294,448 $16,168,053 $16,201,988 $16,433,588 TRANSFERS/LOANS-In (Out) I Trans. to RDA Debt Servo $ - $ - $ (195,000) $ - $ - Trans. to Muni-Improve. (213,000) - - (413,360) - Trans. from Muni-Improve. - 200,000 200,000 413,360 - I Trans. to/from Vehic. Maintenance 246,464 - 101,742 - - Trans. to Street Improv. (29,231) - - - Trans. from Trust Fund - - 7,000 - - I Trans. to Grant Fund (80,729) (359,360) (64,600) - - Trans. to/from Park Fund thru Escrow 1,003,822 1,139,566 1,139,566 - (195,130) I Trans. from Debt Servo thru Escrow 454,862 728,033 728,033 - - Trans. to 85 TA8 (1,283) - - - - I Loan Payment from RDA 3,258,340 1, 080,772 1,575,772 1,410,560 $ 1,410,560 Loan to Muni-Improve. - - (14,000) - - Loan to Redev. Agency (3,664,340) - (50,000) (1,410,560) (1,410,560) Loan to Perf. Arts - (64,000) (64,000) - I Loan pmt from Perf. Arts - 120,000 120,000 - Add'l appropriations - (16,400) - - - @12/31/90 - - - - - I Payable/encumbrance 1861,052) set aside - - - - TOTAL TRANSFERS/LOANS $ 974,805 $ 2,828,611 $ 2,623,461 $ - $ (195,130) I TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS $ 168,273 $ 2,997,856 $ 3,332,458 $ 3,353,270 3,207,820 I ENDING BALANCE-June 30 0 0 0 0 0 I I 19 I CITY OF POWAY STREET IMPROVEMENT-GAS TAX FUND I 1989-1990 1990-1991 1990-1991 1991-1992 1991-1992 ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL PROPOSED APPROVED I FUND ACTIVITY DETAIL BEGINNING BALANCE-July 1 $ $ $ $ $ - - - - - I Prior Years Appropriation - - - 13,123 13,123 Revenues 697,608 674,200 788,443 775,320 775,320 TOTAL FUNDS AVAILABLE $ 697,608 $ 674,200 $ 788,443 $ 788,443 $ 788,443 I EXPENDITURES Operating Expenses: I Engineering Services $ - $ - $ 7,500 $ 7,500 $ 7,500 Public Services 726,839 674,200 767,820 767,820 767,820 . Total Operating Expenses $ 726,839 $ 674,200 $ 775,320 $ 775,320 $ 775,320 Capital Projects: I Streets & Highways (continuing approp.) $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Streets & Highways - - - - - I Traffic Signals - - - - - Total Capital Projects $ $ $ $ $ - - - - - I TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 726,839 $ 674,200 $ 775,320 $ 775,320 $ 775,320 TRANSFERS/LOANS-IN (OUT) $ I From General Fund 29,231 - - - - $ TOTAL TRANSFERS/LOANS 29,231 $ - $ - $ - $ - I TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS $ - $ - $ 13,123 $ 13,123 $ 13,123 I I ENDING BALANCE-June 30 0 0 0 0 0 I I I I 20 I CITY OF POWAY PARK IMPROVEMENT AND COASTAL SAGE FUND (FUNDS 8 AND 11) 1989-1990 1990-1991 1990-1991 1991-1992 1991-1992 I ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL PROPOSED APPROVED FUND ACTIVITY DETAIL I BEGINNING BALANCE-July 1 $ (378,940) $ 1,137,066 $1,011,669 $ (30,321) $ (30,321) I Prior Years Appropriation - - - - - Revenues 647,412 271,250 303,565 150,000 404,870 TOTAL FUNDS AVAILABLE $ 268,472 $ 1,408,316 $1,315,234 $ 119,679 $ 374,549 I EXPENDITURES Operating Expenses - - - - - Total Operating Expenses - - - - - Capital Projects: I Parks & Open Space $ 643,815 $ 91,600 $ 282,989 $ 68,832 $ 513,312 Total Capital Projects $ 643,815 $ 91,600 $ 282,989 $ 68,832 $ 513,312 I TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 643,815 $ 91,600 $ 282,989 $ 68,832 $ 513,312 I TRANSFERS/LOANS-In (Out) Transfer to/from General I Fund thru Escrow $(1,003,822) $(1,139,566)$(1,139,566) $ - $ 195,130 Transfer from Escrow. 2,443,834 - - - - Trans. to Municipal Imp. - (2,500) - - - I Loan Payment from RDA - - 87,000 15,000 15,000 Loan TO RDA (53,000) - (10,000) - - TOTAL TRANSFERS/LOANS $ 1,387,012 $(1,142,066) $(1,062,566)$ 15,000 $ 210,130 I TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - ENDING BALANCE-June 30 $1,011,669 $ 174,650 $ (30,321)$ 65,847 $ 71,367 I I 21 I CITY OF POWAY DRAINAGE FUND (FUNDS 12 AND 24) I 1989-1990 1990-1991 1990-1991 1991-1992 1991-1992 I ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL PROPOSED APPROVED FUND ACTIVITY DETAIL I BEGINNING BALANCE-July 1 $ 816,643 $1,081,911 $ 809,905 $ 575,895 $ 575,895 Prior Years Appropriation - - - - - Revenues 700,648 548,320 435,868 443,590 443,590 I TOTAL FUNDS AVAILA8LE $1,517,291 $1,630,231 $1,245,773 $1,019,485 $1,019,485 I EXPENDITURES Operattng Expenses: Admin. Services $ 62,079 $ 13,139 $ 11,317 $ 14,691 $ 14,691 I Public Services 236,607 288,950 313,994 306,180 306-,180 Total Operating Expenses $ 298,686 $ 302,089 $ 325,311 $ 320,871 $ 320,871 I Capital Projects: I Flood Control & Drainage $ 408,700 $ - $ 17,567 $ 170,000 $ 170,000 Government Buildings - - - - - I Total Capital Projects $ 408,700 $ - $ 17,567 $ 170,000 $ 170,000 I TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 707,386 $ 302,089 $ 342,878 $ 490,871 $ 490,871 I TRANSFERS/LOANS-In (Out) Loan to Redevelopment Agency $ - $ - $ (327,000) $ - $ (90,000) I TOTAL TRANSFERS/LOANS $ - $ - $ (327,000) $ - $ (90,000) I TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - I ENDING BALANCE-June 30 $ 809,905 $1,328,142 $ 575,895 $ 528,614 $ 438,614 I II I I 22 I CITY OF POWAY I GRANT FUNDS 1989-1990 1990-1991 1990-1991 1991-1992 1991-1992 I ACTUAL 8UDGET ACTUAL PROPOSED APPROVED FUND ACTIVITY DETAIL BEGINNING 8ALANCE-July 1 $ (92,860) $(303,990) $ (254,985) $ 97,807 $ 97,807 I Prior Years Appropriation - - Revenues 206,870 57,570 439,838 89,030 89,030 I TOTAL FUNDS AVAILABLE $ 114,010 $(246,420) $ 184,853 $ 186,837 $ 186,837 EXPENDITURES I Operating Expenses: Community Services $ 168,990 $ - $ - $ - $ - I Total Operating Expenses 168,990 $ - $ - $ - $ - Capital Projects - I Redevelopment Agency: Streets $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Total Redevelopment Projects $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - I Capital Projects - City: I Park Projects $ 280,734 $ 81,940 $ 151,321 $ 68,800 $ 68,800 8ike Lanes & Curbside Recycling - 31,000 69,550 9,550 64,626 I Total City Projects $ 280,734 $ 112,940 $ 220,871 $ 78,350 $ 133,426 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 449,724 $ 112,940 $ 220,871 $ 78,350 $ 133,426 I TRANSFERS/LOANS-In (Out) I Transfer from General Fund $ 80,729 $ 359,360 $ 64,6DO $ - $ - Transfer from Redev. Agency (Admin.) - - 69,225 - - I TOTAL TRANSFERS/LOANS $ 80,729 $ 359,360 $ 133,825 $ - $ - I TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS - - - - - ENDING 8ALANCE-June 30 $(254,985) $ $ 97,807 $ 108,487 $ I - 53,411 I I I I 23 I CITY OF POWAY SPECIAL ASSESSMENT DISTRICTS FUND I 1989-1990 1990-1991 1990-1991 1991-1992 1991-1992 ACTUAL BUDG ET ACTUAL PROPOSED APPROVED I FUND ACTIVITY DETAIL I BEGINNING BALANCE-July 1 $ 816,382 $1,072,711 $1,067,477 $1,585,861 $1,585,861 Prior Years Appropriation - - - - - Revenues 751,722 919,070 1,243,544 949,378 949,378 I TOTAL FUNDS AVAILABLE $1,568,104 1,991,781 $2,311,021 $2,535,239 $2,535,239 I EXPEND ITURES Operating Expenses: I Community Services $ 282,805 $ - $ - $ - $ - Public Services 217,822 1,023,670 725 ,160 1,200,210 1,250,960 I Total Operating Expenses $ 500,627 $1,023,670 $ 725,160 $1,200,210 $1,250,960 I Capital Projects: Total Capital Projects $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - I TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 500,627 $1,023,670 $ 725,160 $1,200,210 $1,250,960 I TRANSFERS/LOANS-In (Out) I TOTAL TRANSFERS/LOANS - - - - - I TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS - - - - - I I ENDING BALANCE-June 3D $1,067,477 $ 968,111 $1,585,861 $1,335,029 $1,284,279 I I I 24 I CITY OF POWAY STREET DEVELOPMENT FUND (FUNDS 21 AND 23) 1989-1990 1990-1991 1990-1991 1991-1992 1991-1992 ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL PROPOSED APPROVED FUND ACTIVITY DETAIL BEGINNING BALANCE-July 1 $ - $ - $ $ $ Prior Years Appropriation 136,480 (420,984) (238,296) (50,796) (50,796) Revenues 1,235,419 227,130 2,508 125,100 237,900 TOTAL FUNDS AVAILABLE $1,371,899 $ (193,854) $ (235,788) $ 74,304 $ 187,104 EXPENDITURES Operating Expenses: Public Services $ 15,929 $ - $ - $ - $ - Total Operating Expenses $ 15,929 $ - $ - $ - $ - Capital Projects: City Street Signs $ 24,536 $ 20,000 $ (3 ,-638) $ 48,000 $ 41,016 Streets and Highways 749,730 660,454 137,500 91,500 159,889 Flood Control - - 555,454 - - Total Capital Projects $ 774,266 $ 680,454 $ 689,316 $ 139,500 $ 200,905 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 790,195 $ 680,454 $ 689,316 $ 139,500 $ 2DO,905 TRANSFERS/LOANS-In (Out) Loan to Redev. Agency $ (820,000) $ - $ - $ - $ - Loan from Redev. Agency - 874,308 874,308 104,319 104,319 TOTAL TRANSFERS/LOANS $ (820,000) $ 874,308 $ 874,308 $ 104,319 $ 104,319 * TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS $ (238,296) $ - $ (50,796) $ 39,123 $ 90,518 I 1 ENDING BALANCE-June 30 0 0 D 0 0 I 25 I CITY OF POWAY PROP. A SALES TAX FUND I 1989-1990 1990-1991 1990-1991 1991-1992 1991-1992 ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL PROPOSED APPROVED I FUND ACTIVITY DETAIL BEGINNING BALANCE~July 1 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - I Prior Years Appropriation 620,724 (873,674) (822,841) 696,593 696,593 Revenues 22,738 991,674 1,787,434 840,000 840,000 TOTAL FUNDS AVAILABLE $ 643,462 $ 118,000 $ 964,593 $1,536,593 $1,536,593 I EXPENDITURES I Operating Expenses: $ Public Services 108,000 $ 118,000 $ 118,000 $ 126,000 $ 126,000 I Total Operating Expenses $ 108,000 $ 118,000 $ 118,000 $ 126,000 $ 126,000 I Capital P~ojects: Streets and Highways $1 ,088,252 $ - $ 150,000 $ $ I Total Capital Projects $1,088,252 $ - $ 150,000 $ - $ - TOTAL EXPENDITURES $1,196,252 $ 118,000 $ 268,000 $ 126,000 $ 126,000 I TRANSFERS/LOANS-In (Out) I Loan to Redev. Agency $ (200,000) $ - $ - $ - $ - Trans. to Redev. Agency (70,051) - - - - TOTAL TRANSFERS/LOANS $ (270,051) $ - $ - $ - $ - I I TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS $ (822,841) $ - $ 696,593 $1,410,593 $1,410,593 I ENDING BALANCE-June 30 0 0 0 0 0 I I , I I 26 I CITY OF POWAY MUNICIPAL IMPROVEMENT FUND 1989-1990 1990-1991 1990-1991 1991-1992 1991-1992 ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL PROPOSED APPROVED FUND ACTIVITY DETAIL BEGINNING BALANCE-July 1 $1,528,202 $ 475,428 $ 788,431 $ 571,730 $ 571,730 Prior Years Appropriation - - - - - Revenues 239,718 90,000 64,566 51,100 51,100 TOTAL FUNDS AVAILA8LE $1,767,920 $ 565,428 $ 852,997 $ 622,830 $ 622,830 EXPENDITURES Operating Expenses: Admi n. Servi ces $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Publi c Servi ces - - - - - Total Operating Expenses $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Capital Projects: Government Buildings (continuing approp.) $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Government Buildings 5,626,819 - 278,065 303,353 223,353 Total Capital Projects $5,626,819 $ - $ 278,065 $ 303,353 $ 223,353 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $5,626,819 $ - $ 278,065 $ 303,353 $ 223,353 TRANSFERS/LOANS-In (Out) Transfer to General Fund $(320,000) $ (320,000) $ (413,360) $ - Transfer from General Fund $ 213,100 - - 413 360 - Transfer from Escrow 4,434,230 - - - - Transfer from Perf. Arts - 120,000 120,000 - - Transfer In-RDA - - 114,500 - - Loan Payment from RDA - - - - Loan from General Fund - - 14,000 - - Transfer from Parks and - - RDA - 68,298 68,298 - - TOTAL TRANSFERS/LOANS $4,647,330 $(131,702) $ (3,202) $ - $ - TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS - - - - - ENDING BALANCE-June 30 $ 788,431 $ 433,726 $ 571,730 $ 319,477 $ 399,477 I 27 I CITY OF POWAY CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT #1 I 1989-1990 1990-1991 1990-1991 1991-1992 1991-1992 ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL PROPOSED APPROVED I FUND ACTIVITY DETAIL I BEGINNING BALANCE-July 1 $11,570,592 $7,568,131 $7,774,538 $3,271,950 $3,271,950 Prior Years Appropriation - - - - - Revenues 981,371 310,000 412,261 389,500 389,500 I TOTAL FUNDS AVAILA8LE $12,551,963 $7,878,131 $8,186,799 $3,661,450 $3,661,450 I EXPEND ITURES Operating Expenses: Admin. Services $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - I Public Services - - - - - I Total Operating Expenses $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - I Capital Project: Pomerado Business Park $ 4,777,425 $ - $4,914,849 $3,305,904 $3,661,450 I 'TOTAL CAPITAL PROJECTS $ 4,777,425 $ - $4,914,849 $3,305,904 $3,661,450 I TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 4,777,425 $ $4,914,849 $3,305,904 $3,661,450 - I TRANSFERS/LOANS-In (Out) Trans. to General Fund $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - I Loan to Redev. Agency - - - - - I TOTAL TRANSFERS/LOANS $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - I I ENDING BALANCE-June 30 $ 7,774,538 $7,878,131 $3,271,950 $ 355,546 $ - . I 28 I CITY OF POWAY CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT #88-1 1989-1990 1990-1991 1990-1991 1991-1992 1991-1992 ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL PROPOSED APPROVED FUND ACTIVITY DETAIL BEGINNING BALANCE-July 1 $26,298,119 $18,420,184 $20,107,926 $4,939,641 $4,939,641 Prior Years Appropriation - - , - - - Revenues 1,637,360 584,830 981,958 534,800 534,800 TOTAL FUNDS AVAILABLE $27,935,479 $19,005,014 $21,089,884 $5,474,441 $5,474,441 EXPENDITURES Operating Expenses: $ Admin. Services $ - $ - - $ - $ - Public Services - - - - Total Operating Expenses $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Capital Projects: Parkway Business Ctr. $ 7,827,553 $12,572,710 $16,150,243 $7,060,459 $5,474,441 Total Capital Projects $ 7,827,553 $12,572,710 $16,150,243 $7,060,459 $5,474,441 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 7,827,553 $12,572,710 $16,150,243 $7,060,459 $5,474,441 TRANSFERS/LOANS-In (Out) Trans. to General Fund $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Loan to Redev. Agency - - - - - TOTAL TRANSFERS/LOANS $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - ENDING BALANCE-June 30 $20,107,926 $ 6,432,304 $ 4,939,641 $(1,586,018) $ - I 29 I CITY OF POWA Y CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT - 1990 #88-1 I I 1989-1990 1990-1991 1990-1991 1991-1992 1991-1992 ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL PROPOSED APPROVED I FUND ACTIVITY DETAIL BEGINNING BALANCE-July 1 $ - $ - $ - $6,347,140 $6,347,140 Prior Years Appropriation - - - - - I Revenues - - 6 ,347 ,140 - - TOTAL FUNDS AVAILABLE $ - $ - $6,347,140 $6,347,140 $6,347,14D I EXPENDITURES Bond Interest and Redemption $ - $ - $ 83,050 $ - $ - I Total Bond Interest/ I Redemption $ - $ - $ 83,050 $ - $ - I TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ - $ - $ 83,050 $ - $ - , I TOTAL TRANSFERS/LOANS $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - I TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS $ - $ - $6,347,140 $6,347,140 $6,347,140 I I I I I I I 30 I CITY OF POWAY DEBT SERVICE FUND 1989-1990 1990-1991 1990-1991 1991-1992 1991-1992 ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL PROPOSED APPROVED FUND ACTIVITY DETAIL BEGINNING aALANCE-July 1 $5,425,620 $1,105,710 $5,344,993 $5,129,278 $5,129,278 Prior Years Appropriation - - - - - Revenues 555,228 295,800 448,925 342,150 342,150 TOTAL FUNDS AVAILABLE $5,980,848 $1,401,510 $5,793,918 $5,471,428 $5,471,428 EXPENDITURES Bond Interest & Redemption: 1978 Fire Bond $ 178,475 $ 175,800 $ 175,800 $ 173,450 $ 173,450 1986 Certiflcates of Participation 775,318 959,100 964,370 964,900 964,900 1988 Certificates of Participation 884,473 889,720 887,101 1,013,230 1,013,230 Total Bond Interest and Redemption $1,838,266 $2,024,620 $2,027,271 $2,151,580 $2,151,580 Operating Expenses: Total Operating Expenses - - - - - , Capital Projects: Total Capital Projects - - - - - TOTAL EXPENDITURES $1,838,266 $2,024,620 $2,027,271 $2,151,580 $2,151,580 TRANSFERS/LOANS-In (Out) Trans. from Poinsettia Funds $ 904,421 $ 889,720 $ 920,065 $1,013,230 $1,013,230 Trans. Escrow Funds to General Fund (454,862) (728,033) (728,033) - - Trans. from Redev. Agency Admin. Fund 1,930,852 959,100 959,106 964,900 964,900 Trans. to Redev. Agency (210,000) (756,507) (756,507) - - Trans. from/(to) Redev. Agency Debt Service (968,000) 968,000 968,000 - - TOTAL TRANSFERS/LOANS $1,202,411 $1,332,280 $1,362,631 $1,978,130 $1,978,130 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS - ENDING BALANCE-June 30 $5,344,993 $ 709,170 $5,129,278 $5,297,978 $5,297,978 I 31 I CITY OF POWAY DEBT SERVICE FUND COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT #1 I 1989-1990 1990-1991 1990-1991 1991-1992 1991-1992 I ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL PROPOSED APPROVED FUND ACTIVITY DETAIL I 8EGINNING BALANCE-July 1 $4,679,335 $1,703,265 $4,881,978 $4,666,916 $4,666,916 Prior Years Appropriation - - Revenues 2,916,531 2,590,700 2,468,900 2,879,850 2,879,850 I TOTAL FUNDS AVAILABLE $7,595,866 $4,293,965 $7,350,878 $7,546,766 $7,546,766 I EXPENDITURES Bond Int. Redemption $2,713,888 $2,679,650 $2,683,962 $2,666,060 $2,666,060 I TOTAL EXPENDITURES $2,713,888 $2,679,650 $2,683,962 $2,666,060 $2,666,060 I TRANSFERS/LOANS-In (Out) Trans. from Gen. Debt Service $ - $ - $ $ - $ - I Trans. Escrow to - Capita 1 proj. - - - - - Trans. to Capital Proj. I thru City - - - - - I TOTAL TRANSFERS/LOANS $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - I TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - I I ENDING BALANCE-June 30 $4,881,978 $1,614,315 $4,666,916 $4,880,706 $4,880,706 I I I I 32 I CITY OF POWAY I DEBT SERVICE FUND COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT #88-1 I 1989-1990 1990-1991 1990-1991 1991-1992 1991-1992 ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL PROPOS EO APPROVED I FUND ACTIVITY DETAIL BEGINNING BALANCE-July 1 $5,903,639 $4,019,948 $4,196,090 $3,138,004 $3,138,004 I Prior Years Appropriation - - - - - Revenues 391,870 532,720 866,636 3,689,310 3,689,310 TOTAL FUNDS AVAILABLE $6,295,509 $4,552,668 $5,062,726 $6,827,314 $6,827,314 I EXPENDITURES I Bond Int. Redemption $2,099,419 $2,431,980 $2,423,189 $2,480,890 $2,480,890 I TOTAL EXPENDITURES $2,099,419 $2,432,980 $2,423,189 $2,480,890 $2,480,890 TRANSFERS/LOANS-In (Out) $ $ I Loan from Sewer Fund $ - - $ 498,467 - $1,193,112 Trans. Escrow to I Capita 1 Proj. - - - - - Trans. to Capital Proj. thru City - - - - - TOTAL TRANSFERS/LOANS $ - $ - $ 498,467 $ - $1,193,112 I TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS $ $ $ $ $ I - - - - - I ENDING BALANCE-June 30 $4,196,090 $ 2,120,688 $3,138,004 $4,346,424 $5,539,536 I I I I I I I 33 I CITY OF POWA Y WATER FUND I 1989-1990 1990-1991 1990-1991 1991-1992 1991-1992 ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL PROPOS EO APPROVED I FUND' ACTIVITY DETAIL , 8EGINNING BALANCE-July 1 $ - $ - $ - - $ - $ - . Prior Years Appropriation 4,469,165 4,825,813 4,359,101 6,269,587 6,269,587 Revenues 10,195,903 8,892,480 9,563,623 8,752,275 8,466,425 I TOTAL FUNDS AVAILABLE $14,665,068 $13,718,293 $13,922,724 $15 :021,862 $14,736,012 EXPEND ITURES I Bond Interest & Redemption $ 1,165,020 $ 1,119,030 $ 1,118,595 $ 1,128,150 $ 1,128,150 I Operating Expenses: Admin. Services $ 525,010 $ 646,817 $ 636,993 $ 688,436 $ 688,436 Engineering Services 85,127 88,936 91,323 75,750 75,750 I Legis. & Admin. Servo - - 113,050 108,837 108,837 Public Services 6,378,,223 5,605,250 5,388,962 6,152,863 5,850,063 I Total Operating Expenses $ 6,988,360 $ 6,341,003 $ 6,230,328 $ 7,025,886 $ 6,723,086 Capital Projects: I Water Improvements (continuing approp.) $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Water Improvements 250,587 49,980 179,123 4,019 4,019 I TOTAL CAPITAL PROJECTS $ 250,587 $ 49,980 $ 179,123 $ 4,019 $ 4,019 I TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 8,403,967 $ 7,510,013 $ 7,528,046 $ 8,158,055 $ 7,855,255 I TRANSFERS/LOANS-In (Out) Loan to Redevelopment Agency $(1,902,000) $ (125,091) $ (125,091) $ - $ - I TOTAL TRANSFERS/LOANS $(1,902,000) $ (125,091) $ (125,091 $ - $ - I TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS $ 4,359,101 $ 6,083,189 $ 6,269,587 $ 6,863,807 $ 6,880,757 I ENDING BALANCE - June 30 0 0 0 0 0 I I I 34 I CITY OF POWAY SEWER FUND 1989-1990 1990-1991 1990-1991 1991-1992 1991-1992 ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL PROPOSED APPROVED FUND ACTIVITY DETAIL BEGINNING BALANCE-July 1 $ - $ - $ $ $ Prior Years Appropriation 9,282,516 12,746,494 12,988,091 13,534,266 13,534,266 Revenues 6,637,612 4,364,750 5,293,198 4,023,890 4,421,110 TOTAL FUNDS AVAILABLE $15,920,128 $17,111,244 $18,281,289 $17,558,156 $17,955,376 EXPENDITURES Bond Interest & Redemption $ 153,578 $ 146,400 $ 146,500 $ 139,900 $ 139,900 Operating Expenses: $ Admin. Services $ 285,257 $ 396,307 403,289 $ 420,720 $ 420,720 Engineering Services - 148,230 141,404 120,444 120,444 Legis. & Admin. Services - - 56,525 54,419 54,419 - Public Services 2,121,679 3,111,276 1,831,549 3,100,089 3,402,889 Total Operating Expenses $ 2,406,936 $ 3,655,813 $ 2,432,767 $ 3,695,672 $ 3,998,472 Capital Projects: Sewer Improvements (continuing approp.) $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Sewer Improvements 371,523 150,000 794,981 - - TOTAL CAPITAL PROJECTS $ 371,523 $ 150,000 $ 794,981 $ - $ - TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 2,932,037 $ 3,952,213 $ 3,374,248 $ 3,835,572 $ 4,138,372 TRANSFERS/LOANS-In (Out) Transfer to Cap. Repl. Fund $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Loan to Redev. Agency - (874,308) (874,308) - - Loan to CFD 88-1 - - ( 498,467) - (1,193,112 TOTAL TRANSFERS/LOANS $ - $ (874,308) $(1,372,775)$ - $(1,193,112 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS $12,988,091 $12,284,723 $13,534,266 $13,722,584 $12,623,892 ENDING BALANCE-June 30 0 0 0 0 0 I 35 I crJ:Y OF POWAY CAPITAL REPLACEMENT FUND . 1989-1990 1990-1991 1990-1991 1991-1992 1991-1992 ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL PROPOSED APPROVED I FUND ACTIVITY DETAIL I BEGINNING BALANCE-July 1 $ - $ - $ $ $ Prior Years Appropriation 1,210,754 1,624,996 1,559,784 2,304,877 2,304,877 Revenues 750,073 907,010 979,505 1,118,460 1,118,460 I TOTAL FUNDS AVAILA8LE $1,960,827 $2,532,006 $2,539,289 $3,423,337 $3,423,337 I EXPENDITURES Bond Interest & Redemption - - - - - I Operating Expenses: Admin. Services $ 154,579 $ 265,017 $ 132,670 $ 187,063 $ 187,063 I Total Operating Expenses $ 154,579 $ 265,017 $ 132,670 $ 187,063 $ 187,063 I TOTAL EXPENDITURES' $ 154,579 $ 265,017 $ 132,670 $ 187,D63 $ 187,063 I TRANSFERS/LOANS-In (Out) Trans. to General Fund (246,464) - (101,742) - $ - I TOTAL TRANSFERS/LOANS $ (246,464) $ - $ (101,742) $ - $ - I TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS $1,559,784 $2,266,989 $2,304,877 $3,236,274 $3,236,274 I . ENDING BALANCE-June 30 0 0 0 0 0 I I . I 36 I CITY OF POWAY TRUST FUNDS 1989-1990 1990-1991 1990-1991 1991-1992 1991-1992 ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL PROPOSED APPROVED FUND ACTIVITY DETAIL BEGINNING BALANCE-July 1 $ 79,606 $87,548 $ 87,216 $184,235 $184,235 Prior Years Appropriation - - - - - Revenues 7,610 7,240 104,019 5,440 5,200 TOTAL FUNDS AVAILABLE $ 87,216 $94,788 $191,235 $189,675 $189,435 EXPEND ITURES Bond Interest & Redemption Operating Expenses: $ $ Admin. Services - $ - $ - - $ - Safety Services - - - - - Total Operating Expenses $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - TRANSFERS/LOANS-In (Out) Trans. to General Fund $ - $ - $ (7,000) $ - $ - TOTAL TRANSFERS/LOANS $ - $ - $ (7,ODO) $ - $ - TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS $ 87,216 $94,788 $184,235 $189,675 $189,435 ENDING BALANCE-June 30 0 0 0 0 0 I 37 I CITY OF POWAY PERFORMING ARTS DONATIONS I 1989-1990 1990-1991 1990-1991 1991-1992 1991-1992 ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL PROPOSED APPROVED I FUNO ACTIVITY DETAIL BEGINNING' BALANCE-July 1 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - I Prior Years Appropriation (45,724) 92,463 28,463 67,501 67,501 Revenues 74,187 29,250 95,038 35,780 35,780 I TOTAL FUNDS AVAILABLE $ 28,463 $ 121,713 $ 123,501 $103,281 $103,281 I EXPENDITURES Bond Interest & Redemption . Operating Expenses: Admi n. Se rv ices $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Safety Servi ces - - - - - I Total Operating Expenses $ $ $ $ $ - - - - - I TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ - $ - $ - $ - $ ~ I TRANSFERS/LOANS-In (Out) I Trans. to General Fund $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Trans. from Water Fund - - - - - Trans. from Sewer Fund - - - - - Loan payment to Municipal Fund - (120,000) (120,000) - - I Loan from General Fund - 64,000 64,000 - - I TOTAL TRANSFERS/LOANS $ - $ (56,000)$ (56,000) $ - $ - I TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS $ $ $ $ $ - - I I ENDING BALANCE-June 30 $ 28,463 $ 65,713 $ 67,501 $103,281 $103,281 I . I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF POWAY FINANCIAL PROGRAM: 1991-1992 BOND INTEREST AND REDEMPTION I 40 I CITY OF POWAY I BOND INTEREST AND REDEMPTION I 1990-1991 1990-1991 1991-1992 1991-1992 BUDGET ACTUAL PROPOSED APPROVED I WATER FUND 1970 $ 268,250 $ 268,250 $ 273,700 $ 273,700 I 1972 51,460 51 ,460 51,460 51,460 1975 538,330 538,330 539,tOO 539,100 79-1 235,000 235,000 238,000 238,000 I Amortization of Discount 23,990 23,990 23,890 23,890 Processing Fee 2,000 1 ,565 2,,000 2,000 TOTAL WATER FUND $1,119,030 $1,118,595 $1,128,150 $1,128,150 I SEWER FUND Series 8 $ 146, "000 $ 146,000 $ 139,500 $ 139,500 I Processing Fee 400 500 400 40D TOTAL SEWER FUND $ 146,400 $ 146,500 $ 139,900 $ 139,900 I DEBT SERVICE FUND I 1978 Fire Bonds $ 175,800 $ 175,800 $ 173,450 $ 173,450 1986 Certificates of Participation 959,100 959,106 956,400 956,40D I 1988 Certificates of Participation 879,720 879,720 1,004,730 I,004,73D Processing Fee 10,000 12,645 17,000 17,000 TOTAL DEBT SERVICE FUND $2,024,620 $2,027,271 $2,151,580 $2,151,580 I SOUTH POWAY CFD#l DEBT SERVICE I 1987 Special Tax Refunding Bond $2,668,850 $2,668,850 $2,650,960 $2,650,960 Processing Fee 10,800 15,112, 15,100 15,10D I 1989 CFD #88-1 2,421,980 2,406,978 2,470,890 2,470,890 Processing Fee 10,000 16,211 10,000 10,000 TOTAL SOUTH POWAY #88-1 DEBT I SERVICE $5,111,630 $5,107,151 $5,146,950 $5,146,950 GRAND TOTAL $8,401,680 $8,399,517 $8,566,580 $8,566,58D I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF POWAY FINANCIAL PROGRAM: 1991-1992 STATEMENT OF FUND BALANCES AND RESERVES I CITY OF POWAY STATEMENT OF FUND BALANCES AND RESERVES .po N Accum Fund Funds Available Fund Fund Approp Approp. Balance/ as of Balance Revenues Bond Int. Capital as of Reserves FUND 7/1191 7/1191 1991-1992 & Redem Pro ects 6/30/92 6/30/92 General $ 3,332,45 $ - - 16,433,588 $ - $ (195,130)$ 3,207,82 $ - Gas Tax/Street Improvement 13,12 - - 775,320 - - 13,12 - Park Improve. - (30,321) - - 513,312 210,13 - 71,367 Drainage - 575,895 - 320,871 170,000 (90,000) - 438,614 Grant - 97,807 - - 133,426 - - 53,411 Spec. Assesmt. - 1,585,861 - 1,250,960 - - - 1,284,279 Street Develop. (50,796) - - - 200,905 104,31 90,51 - Prop "A" Fund 696,59 - - 126,000 - - 1,410,59 - Municip. Impro - 571,730 - - 223,353 - - 399,477 CFD's - 14,558,731 - - 9,135,891 - - 6,347,140 Debt Service - 12,934,198 6,911,31 7,298,530 - - 3,171,24 - 15,718,220 Water 6,269,587 - 1,128,150 6,723,086 4,019 - 6,880,757 - Sewe r 13,534,26 - 4,421,11 139,900 3,998,472 - (1,193,112) 12,623,89 - Capita 1 Rep 1 ac. 2,304,877 - 1,118,46 - 187,063 - - 3,236,27 - Trust - 184,235 5,20 - - - - - 189,435 Perf. Arts 67,501 - 35,78 - - - - - 103,281 TOTAL 2 30,478,136 42,177,85 8,566,580 29,815,360 10,380,906 2,007,44 27,462,977 24,605,224 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I I I I I I I I I , I I I I I I I I I CITY OF POWAY FINANCIAL PROGRAM ~ 1991~1992 REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY LOANS PAYABLE TO CITY J CITY OF POWAY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY LOANS PAYABLE TO CITY .po .po Beqinninq Balance - 7/1/90 Fiscal Year 1991-92 Endinq Balance - 6/30/92 Current Principal Interest Total New Loans Payback Interest Principal Interest Total FUND P $(1,410,560) Gene ra 1 $ 4,489,265 $ - $ 4,489,265 $1,410,560 I (327,790)$ 327,790 $ 4,489,265 $ - $ 4,489,265 Dra i nage 2,315,800 175,317 2,491,117 - - 169,053 2,315,800 344,370 2,660,170 Street Development 2,567,263 211,799 2,779,062 - (104,319) 179,795 2,462,944 391,594 2,854,538 Water 3,804,911 307,798 4,112,709 - - 277,758 3,804,911 585,556 4,390,467 Sewer 938,327 30,972 969,299 - - 68,498 938,327 99,470 1,037,797 Grant Fund 11,000 907 11,907 - - 803 11,000 1,710 12,710 Park Improvements 140,660 10,938 151,598 - (15,000) 9,173 125,660 20,111 145,771 Prop A Fund 200,000 16,500 216,500 - - 14,600 200,000 31,100 231,100 TOTAL $14,467,226 $154,231 $15,221,457 $1,410,560 $11,857,6691$1,047,470 $14,347,907 $1,473,911 $14,347,907 * Interest rate is calculated at City's estimated average rate of return for investment in FY 1991-92 (7.3%). .. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF POWAY FINANCIAL PROGRAM: 1991-1992 DEPARTMENTAL OPERATING BUDGETS I ... LEGISLATIVE AND ADMINISTRATIVE en CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMISSION 010 REDEVELOPMENT 5005 AGENCY CITY CITY CITY CLERK ATTORNEY MANAGER TREASURER 012 013 011 ADMINISTRATIVE COMMUNITY PLANNING PUBLIC SAFETY ENGINEERING SERVICES SERVICES SERVICES SERVICES SERVICES SERVICES 100 200 300 400 500 600 010 CITY COUNCIL - - - - - - - .. - .- -, - - _. - - - - - I 47 I CITY OF POWAY DEPARTMENTAL ACTIVITY OVERVIEW I Dept. Code Department: Fund Distribution: Legislative and General Fund: $141,015 Administrative Water Fund: $ 16,590 Ii 010 Citv Council Sewer Fund: $ 8,295 EXPENSE 1989-1990 1990-1991 1990-1991 1991-1992 1991-1992 II, CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL PROPOSED APPROVED I, Total Positions - - - - - I Personnel Expense 40,422 38,380 45,016 45,350 45,350 I: Operations and 82,757 113,060 128,407 120,550 120,550 Ma intenance , I Capital Outl ay - - - - - I TOTAL BUDGET $123,179 $151,440 $173,423 $165,900 $165,900 I OVERVIEW COMMENTARY I The City Council is comprised of five members elected at large by the citizens of Poway to serve for four overlapping terms. The Mayor of the City Council is elected Annually, the City Council chooses one of its members to serve as Deputy Major. I The City Council is accountable to the residents of Poway for all services and programs provided by the City. I As the City's policy making body, the City Council takes action on all legislative matters concerning the City such as approving and adopting all City ordinances, resolutions, contracts, and matters requiring policy decisions and leadership. In reaching policy decisions, the City Council reviews propsoal designed to neet community U, needs while maintaining desired service levels. The City Council also oversees the expenditure of all City funds and determines the ability of the City to provide financing for the proposed budget submitted by the City Manager. 0 The City Council appoints the City Manager, City Attorney, and City Clerk as well as various citizen advisory committees to provide broad-based input into City Affairs. B U I 48 I C!TV OF POWA Y I DEPARTMENTAL ACTIVITY DETAIL Department: Activity: Activity I Code: Legislative & Administrative City Counc 11 010 ACTIVITY COMMENTARY , '. ACTIVITY GOALS AND OBJECTIVES I 1. To provide policy for the establishment and maintenance of City programs and services through overall legislative guidance and direction. 'I 2. To oversee and monitor the implementation of the City Council's adopted short, medium, and long-range goals. I 3. To ensure that the delivery of all municipal services is done in the most efficient and effective manner possible. 4. To provide the citizens of Poway with a forum for direct public input and an I avenue for the solution of community problems. 5. To provide input to the elected County, State, and Federal representatives about I the needs, concerns, and issues affecting the citizens of Poway. SIGNIFICANT ACTIVITY PROGRAM CHANGES CHANGE I - 314 - Reflects increase in community relations contributions. +$ 4,800 I I I ,. J I I I I I 49 CITY OF POWA Y I DEPARTMENTAL ACTIVITY DETAIL I Department: Activity: Activity Legislative and Administrative City Counc il Code: 010 Obj. 1989-1990 1990-1991 1990-1991 1991-1992 1991-1992 I Code Expense Classification Actua 1 Budget Actua 1 Proposed Approved Personnel Expense Range Position Title I Mayor 4,801 4,800 4,801 4,800 4,800 Councilmember (4) 19,202 19,200 19,147 19,200 19,200 I 111 Salaries - Special 24,003 24,000 23,948 24,000 24,000 120 Employee Benefits 16,419 14,380 21,068 21 ,350 21,350 I Total Personnel 40,422 38,380 45,016 45,350 45,350 Operations and Maintenance 148 Special Studies 1,900 - - - - I 260 Reimbursed Mileage 19,699 19,000 18,017 19,000 19,000 270 Travel and Meetings 14,493 22,760 11 , 688 24,700 24,700 I 314 Community Relations 28,825 24,060 51,888 28,850 28,850 315 Publications and Dues 15,832 44,850 45,005 46,200 46,200 411 Office & Stationery Supplies 1,008 2,400 1,809 1,800 1,800 I I I I I E m I Total Operations & Maint, 81,757 113,070 128,407 120,550 120,550 Capital Outlay I Total Capital Outlay - - - - - I Activity Total $122,179 $151,450 $173,423 $165,900 $165,900 Ul 0 LEGISLA liVE AND ADMINISlRA liVE CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMISSION CITY CLERK TREASURER 011 011 CITY CLERK - - - - - ,- - - - - .. - ... - -- -- - I 51 II CITY OF POWAY DEPARTMENTAL ACTIVITY OVERVIEW I Dept. Code Department: Fund Distribution: Legislative & General Fund - $230,707 I 011 Administrative Sewer Fund - $13,571 Citv Cl erk Water Fund - $27 142 I EXPENSE 1989-1990 1990-1991 1990-1991 1991-1992 1991-1992 CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL PROPOSED APPROVED I Tota.l pos it ions 4 4 4 4 4 I Personnel Expense 169,183 189,860 190,717 195,190 195,190 I Operations 67,723 88,780 57,375 75,230 75,230 and Maintenance I Capital Outlay 12,813 5,500 3,391 1,000 1,000 I TOTAL BUDGET $249,719 $284,140 $251,483 $271,420 $271,420 e I OVERVIEW COMMENTARY The City Clerk is appointed by the City Council to serve as Clerk of the Council, I Records Manager, and Election Official of the City. In carrying out this function, the City Clerk coordinates the City Council agenda preparation and oversees the preparation, and maintenance of the official meeting record. The City Clerk also serves as Secretary of the poway Redevelopment Agency and on the Board of poway I Today, Inc. The City Clerk's Office is the central information source for the public and City I staff regarding Council action. This department is responsible for the organiza- tion, maintenance and protection of all official City records and coordinates the City-wide functional filing system. All legal advertisements, including notices of I public hearing and call for bids are placed through this office. Recording of documents for all department is coordinated through this office. The City Clerk organizes and conducts all municipal elections. Candidates receive , their nomination papers from the City Clerk and all candidate filings, including campaign disclosure and statements of economic interest are done with this office. I The City Clerk's Office coordinates appointment of Council-appointed Committee members and maintains information regarding the Committees including charters, agendas, and minutes. I The City Clerk, also appointed as the City Treasurer, has signatory authority on public securities and instruments of payment. I 52 II CITY OF POWAY I DEPARTMENTAL ACTIVITY DETAIL Department: Activity: Act i vity I Code: Leoislative/Administrative Citv Clerk 011 I ACTIVITY COMMENTARY ACTIVITY GOALS AND OBJECTIVES I 1. To serve as custodian of the official records of the City, ensuring the safety and security of the record documents. I 2. To establish a records management program to provide for efficient storage, retrieval and disposition of records, including the implementation of the PUFFS (poway Uniform Functional Filing System) throughout all City departments. I 3. To post, publish and mail in a manner complying with the law, all notices of public hearings, meetings and bid proposals. 4. To record concisely and correctly, 1n action minute form, the meetings of the City Council. I 5. To conduct all municipal elections, ensuring conformance with existing laws to preserve the accuracy and integrity of the process. 6. To manage the City Council agenda process to ensure timely preparation, notice I and follow-up on all items requiring Council action. 7. To coordinate appointment of Council-appointed Committee members. 8. To serve as Secretary for Poway Today, Inc. and Poway Redevelopment Agency. I 9. To ensure compliance with Political Reform Act by designated employees, Committee members, Councilmembers, and Council Candidates with timely filing of Statement of Economic Interest and Campaign Disclosure statements. ACTIVITY WORKLOAD STATISTICS I 1989-90 1990-91 1991-92 ACTUAL EST! MATED FORECASTED I Public Hearings Noticed 177 200 200 Public Hearing Notices mailed 21,240 20,000 20,000 Documents Recorded 288 250 300 I Resolutions Processed 210 250 250 Planning Resolutions Processed 121 150 130 Ordinances Processed 27 30 30 Sets of Minutes Prepared 60 60 60 I Redevelopment Resolutions Processed 43 30 20 City Contracts/Agreements Processed 102 100 100 Redevelopment Contracts/Agreements Processed 29 30 30 I Legal Advertisements 268 250 275 SIGNIFICANT ACTIVITY PROGRAM CHANGES CHANGE I 515 - New fee charged by San Diego County for +$16,500 filing of Negative Declaration. I I I I 53 I CITY OF POWAY DEPARTMENTAL ACTIVITY DETAIL I Department: Activity: Activity Legislative and Administrative Citv Cl erk Code: 011 Obj. 1989-90 1990-91 1990-91 1991-92 1991-92 II Code Exoense Classificatlon Actual BudQet Actual Proposed Approved Personnel Expense RanQe Position Title I Ci ty Cl erk 56,328 61,400 61,396 61,400 61,400 228.1 Deputy City Clerk 27,790 32,400 32,436 34,320 34,320 218.1 Admin. Secretary 26,570 29,840 29,838 31,070 31,070 I 188.€ Admin. Clerk I 16,477 18,900 19,195 Zl,310 21,310 188.€ Admin. Clerk I (T/PT) 3,029 1,920 3,111 - - I 110 Salaries - Regular 126,465 142,580 142,865 148,100 148,100. 112 Salaries - Part-Time 3,029 1,920 3,574 - - 113 Salaries - Overtime 4,702 3,600 2,623 1,920 1,920 I 120 Fringe Benefits 34,987 41 ,760 41,655 45,170 45,170 , Total Personnel 169 18J 18!:1.860 190.717 195,190 195,190 I Operations and Maintenance 199 Other Professional Fees 12,407 11,220 6,069 9,820 9,820 215 Telephone 2,792 180 138 180 180 260 Reimbursed Mileage 4,185 3,960 3,763 3,960 3,960 I 270 Travel and Meetings 1,835 3,860 615 2,410 2,410 280 Advertising 16,169 20,000 12,298 12,000 12,000 306 Election Services 4,337 15,250 7,028 - - I 311 Printing 9,811 16,000 12,390 12,000 12,000 314 Community Relations - 400 1,300 400 400 315 Publications and Dues 1,010 1,280 1,207 1,270 1,270 317 Education and Training 351 500 371 400 400 I 331 R&M Building - 200 - 3,200 3,200 334 R&M Equipment 4,218 6,210 3,316 4,090 4,090 411 Office & Stationary Supplies 4,068 4,500 4,374 4,000 4,000 I 413 Photographic/Copy Supplies - 1,000 124 1,000 1,000 512 Rent-Buildings & Grounds 350 500 782 900 900 515 Intergovernmental Fees - - - 16,500 16,500 I 522 Insurance Expense 500 620 500 500 500 555 Capital Outlay Rental 5,690 3,100 3,100 2,600 2,600 I Tota.l Operations & Maint. 67,723 88,780 57,375 75,230 75,230 I Caoital Outlay 611 Office Equipment 12,813 5,500 3,391 1,000 1,000 I I Tota 1 Cao ita lOut 1 ay 12,813 5,500 3,391 1,000 1,000 I Activity Total $249,719 :5284,140 :5251,483 $271,420 $271,420 en .". LEGISLA TIVE AND ADMINISTRATIVE CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMISSION CITY ATIORNEY 012 012 CITY ATIORNEY - - -' - -- - -, - - - - - - -, - - - - I 55 I CITY OF POWAY DEPARTMENTAL ACTIVITY OVERVIEW I Dept. Code Department: Leg is,l at i ve Fund Distribution: & Administrative General Fund: $183,617, Water Fund: $21,602 012 City Attorney Sewer Fund: $10,801 I EXPENSE 1989-1990 1990-1991 1990-1991 1991-1992 1991-1992 CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL PROPOSED APPROVED I Total Positions - - - - - I Personnel Expense 77 ,335 76,930 91,322 91,440 91,440 I Operations and 306,940 169,530 198,253 124,580 124,580 I Ma intenance - - - - - I Capital Outlay I TOTAL BUDGET $384,275 $246,460 $289,575 $216,020 $216,020 OVERVIEW COMMENTARY II The City Council appoints the City Attorney to serve as the City's legal advisor for all matters related to the conduct of municipal affairs. I The City Attorney provides services through a contract with the City. Services provided by the City Attorney include legal counsel, attending official meetings, I appeari ng at all 1 ega 1 proceedi ngs and negot i at ions re lat i ng to 1 and acqui s it ion, as well as providing other specialized services. The City Attorney drafts ordinances, prepares contracts, conducts legal negotiations, reviews legal documents, and he or his designated legal counsel defends the City's position in court cases. I Additionally, the City Attorney serves as legal advisor to other Council appointed boards and represents City officials and employees in matters relating to City I business. I I II I , ~h I CITY OF POWAY I DEPARTMENTAL ACTIVITY DETAIL Department: Legislative & Activity: City Attorney Activity I Administrative Code: 012 ACTIVITY COMMENTARY ACTIVITY GOALS AND OBJECTIVES I 1. To assist the City Council and staff in the development of I procedures based on sound legal principles which will enable the City to accomplish its goals. 2. To prepare ordinances and resolutions necessary to carry out I established policies of the City Council. 3. To prepare contracts, agreements, and legal opinions as required by I the City Council, Redevelopment Agency, and staff. 4. To review the legal content of documents not prepared by the City Attorney I prior to submittal to the City Council. 5. To ensure compliance is obtained with the provisions of the municipal code I and state and federal law. 6. To inform the City Council and staff of legislative and/or other legal developments which may impact the administration and operation of the City. I 7. To attend all City Council regular and special meetings, workshops, and agenda meetings. I 8. To represent the City in courts of jurisdiction on legal matters relating to the City. I 9. To oversee City 1 it igat i on in whi ch the City Attorney is not the attorney of record. 10. To communicate to the press and public the legal position taken by the City I Attorney and the legal rationale for City actions. I SIGNIFICANT ACTIVITY PROGRAM CHANGES CHANGE 140 - Reflects decrease in cost for use of City Attorney in - $ 12,000 II excess of 32 hours per month. 142 - Indicates decrease in litigation defended and prosecuted - $ 3,000 I by the City Attorney 146 - Reflects decrease in costs for use of outside counsel. - $ 30,000 I I I I 57 CITY OF POWAY II DEPARTMENTAL ACTIVITY DETAIL I Department: Activity: Act i vity Legislative and Administrative City Attorney Code: 012 Obj. 1989-1990 1990-1991 1990-1991 1991-1992 1991-1992 I COdE Expense Classification Actua 1 Budget Actual Proposed Approved Personnel Expense Range Position litle I City Attorney 63,961 63,960 75,826 70,880 70,880 Asst. City Attorney - - - 2,360 2,360 Asst. City Attorney - - - 2,360 2,360 I 111 Salaries - Special 63,961 63,960 75,826 75,600 75,600 I 120 Employee Benefits 13,374 12,970 15,496 15,840 15,840 I T ota 1 Personne 1 77 , 335 76,930 91,322 91,440 91,440 Operations and Maintenance I 140 City Attorney Fees 44,001 52,000 21 ,7 50 40,000 40,000 142 Litigation - City Attorney 63,754 48,000 143,904 45,000 45,000 146 Litigation-Other Attorneys 195,920 65,000 29,662 35,000 35,000 I 270 Travel and Meetings 1,827 3,030 1,402 3,080 3,080 315 Publications and Dues 1,128 1,000 1,076 1,000 1,000 411 Office & Stationery Supplies 310 500 459 500 500 I I I I I Total Operations & Maint. 306,940 169,530 198,253 124,580 124,580 Capita lOut 1 ay I I I Total Capital Outlay - - - - - I Activity Total $384,275 $246,460 $289,575 $216,020 $216,020 <.n LEGISLATIVE AND ADMINISTRATIVE 00 CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMISSION CITY MANAGER 013 ADMINISTRATIVE COMMUNITY PLANNING PUBLIC SAFElY ENGINEERING SERVICES SERVICES SERVICES SERVICES SERVICES SERVICES 100 200 300 400 500 600 013 CITY MANAGER - - -' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I 59 1 CITY OF POWA Y DEPARTMENTAL ACTIVITY OVERVIEW I Dept. Code Department: Fund Distribution: Legislative and General Fund: $369,775 013 Administrative Water Fund: $ 43,503 II Citv Manaaer Sewer Fund: $ 21,752 EXPENSE 1989-1990 1990-1991 1990-1991 1991-1992 1991-1992 I C LASS I FI CAT I ON ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL PROPOSED APPROVED 1 Tota 1 Pos i t ions 5 6 5 5 5 I Personnel Expense 321,648 367,110 354,634 371,540 371,540 I Operations and 62,602 74,030 61,378 63,490 63,490 Maintenance I- Capital Outlay - - - - - I TOTAL BUDGET $384,250 $441,140 $416,012 $435,030 $435,030 I OVERVIEW COMMENTARY The City Manager is appointed by the City Council to serve as the City's chief I executive officer responsible for the overall planning, organization, and direction of municipal activities within the City. The City Manager advises the City Council on all legislative and policy matters as well as makes recommendations to the City Council on I affairs and operations of the City. The City Manager is responsible for the preparation and submittal of the annual City budget to the City Council in addition to advising the City Council on the financial I condition and needs of the City. The City Manager must also ensure that all ordinances, laws, and regulations are implemented and enforced in the City. To ensure efficient and effective administration of matters within the City, the City Manager I provides direction to all department directors and employees, As the Executive Director of the Poway Redevelopment Agency, the City Manager is I responsible for the overall planning, organizing, and directing of Agency activities to ensure that Agency goals are attained. I I I 60 I CITY OF POWAY I DEPARTMENTAL ACTIVITY DETAIL Department: Legislative Activity: City Manager Act i vity II & Administrative Code: 013 ACTIVITY COMMENTARY ACTIVITY GOALS AND OBJECTIVES I 1. To assist the City Council in its development of the most efficient effective I policy to address the needs and issues of the community by providing projected costs and benefits for alternative policy decisions. 2. To provide overall direction to City staff in the implementation of City I Council policy through the centralization of authority and responsibility. 3. To develop innovative and creative means of delivering municipal services to I ensure the highest quality, and most efficient and effective service provision possible. 4. To keep the City Council apprised of pending State and Federal legislation II to enable timely and informed input. 5. To keep the City Council fully informed of all aspects of municipal affairs and I operations. 6. To assist the Poway Redevelopment Agency Board of Directors as Executive II Director of the Agency. SIGNIFICANT ACTIVITY PROGRAM CHANGES CHANGE II 270 - Reflects decrease in Travel and Meetings expenses due to - $ 6,930 I a reduction in the number of conferences to be attended. 311 - Reveals a decrease in printing costs based upon $4,000 - $ 2,000 per quarter for printing Powav Todav. I 317 - Reduction in Education and Training expenses. - $ 2,500 I I I I II I I 61 CITY OF POWAY m DEPARTMENTAL ACTIVITY DETAIL U Department: Activity: Activity Legislative and Administrative City Manager Code: 013 Obj. 1989-1990 1990-1991 1990-1991 1991-1992 1991-1992 D Code Expense Classification Actua 1 Budget Actua 1 Proposed Approved Personnel Expense Range Position Title I City Manager 88,688 88,690 96,670 96,670 96,670 329.1 Asst. City Manager 79,624 83,540 83,544 90,070 90,070 256.6 Management Asst. 32,546 31,070 28,749 34,340 34,340 I 238.1 Sec. to City Manager 29,688 34,670 34,666 36,090 36,090 223.1 Admin. Secretary 26,868 29,840 25,038 30,320 30,320 198.6 Admin. Clerk II - 18,660 13,785 10,330 10,330 g 110 Salaries - Regular 257,414 286,470 282,452 287,490 287,490 112 Salaries - Part-Time - - - 10,330 10,330 g 113 Salaries - Overtime 1,209 1,320 727 1,000 1,000 120 Employee Benefits 63,025 79,320 71,455 72,720 72,720 I Total Personnel 321,648 367,110 354,634 371,540 371,540 . Operations and Maintenance 199 Other Professional Fees 1,500 2,000 2,500 2,000 2,000 215 Telephone 619 - - - - I 260 Reimbursed Mileage 14,173 14,700 12,771 13,260 13,260 270 Travel and Meetings 10,781 12,250 7,314 9,630 9,630 282 Postage 5,322 7,200 6,820 6,800 6,800 I 311 Printing 21,199 18,000 16,545 16,000 16,000 315 Publications and Dues 2,546 3,950 3,521 3,970 3,970 317 Education and Training 200 7,500 6,738 5,000 5,000 I 334 R&M Equipment 2,437 4,830 2,197 3,730 3,730 411 Office & Stationery Supplies 1,108 1,500 1,505 1,500 1,500 I 413 Photographic/Copy Supplies 577 600 337 300 300 499 Other Supplies and Materials - 500 130 300 300 555 Capital Outlay Rental 2,140 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 I I Total Operations & Maint. 62,602 74,030 61,378 63,490 63,490 Capital Outlay , 611 Office Equipment - - - - - . I I Total Capital Outlay - - - - - Activity Total $384,250 $441,140 $416,012 $435,030 $435,030 I '" N ADMINISTRA TIVE SERVICES CITY MANAGER 013 DIRECTOR ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 100 I I I PERSONNEL CUSTOMER FINANCE DATA 101 SERVICE 103 PROCESSING 102 104 I I PURCHASING SUPPORT RISK CAPITAL 105 SERVICES MANAGEMENT REPLACEMENT 106 107 108 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - m 63 I CIn OF POWAY DEPARtMENTAL ACTIVITY OVERVIEW I Dept. Code Department: Fund Distribution: General Fund - $1,037,260 Sewer Fund - $420,720 I 100 Administrative Services Water Fund - $688,436 Drainage Fund - $14,691 Caoital Reolacement Fund - $187,063 EXPENSE 1989-1990 1990-1991 1990-1991 1991-1992 1991-1992 0 CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL PROPOSED APPROVED 0 Total Pos it ions 24 26 26 27 27 0 Personnel Expense 954,235 1,098,910 1,103,453 1,219,790 1,219,790 Operations and Maintenance 1,017,133 906,020 852,052 959,680 959,680 g Capital Outlay 255,888 258,290 124,205 168,700 168,700 I TOTAL BUDGET $2,227,256 $2,264,120 $2,079,710 $2,348,170 $2,348,170 I OVERVIEW COMMENTARY The Department of Administrative Services is divided into nine operational divisions . including the Office of the Director, Personnel, Customer Services, Finance, Data Processing, Purchasing and Warehousing, Support Services, Risk Management and Capital Replacement. These organizational divisions coordinate the day-to-day . activities of various internal operations of the City and supply specialized staff support services to all other City departments. I Appointed by the City Manager, the Director of Administrative Services has the responsibility of managing, coordinating, controlling and directing departmental programs, and ensuring that the City's departmental goals are achieved. The department's staff is vested with the responsibilities of the City's overall I financial management and control, budget development and preparation, administration of the City's employment system, the purchasing function of the City, administration of the municipal insurance programs, water and sewer billing, meter reading, I processing accounts receivable, and management of the City's central stores warehouse. The personnel in this department also function in a quasi-consultant capacity by I providing technical expertise and specialized financial information to other City departments and their staffs. , I I I 64 I CITY OF POWAY I DEPARTMENTAL ACTIVITY DETAIL Department: Activity: Activity I Code: Administrative Services Office of the Director 100 I ACTIVITY COlI4ENTARY ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION I The Office of the Director of Administrative Services is responsible for the I coordination and management of the internal operations of the City and Redevelopment Agency. Divisions under the direction of the Director's Office are Personnel, Customer Services, Finance, Data Processing, Purchasing, Support Services, Risk I Management, and Capital Replacement. The Office of the Director is also responsible for providing staff assistance to the I citizens' Budget Review Committee and the Business Advisory Committee. ACTIVITY GOALS AND OBJECTIVES I To provide helpful, courteous, and quality service to other City departments 1. and the public. I 2. To coordinate the preparation and administration of the City's financial plan in cooperation with other City departments in a manner which maintains the City's financial health. I 3. To develop and implement management reporting and long-range fiscal forecasting capabilities. I 4. To foster employee potential and morale by creating and maintaining a work environment that encourages creativity, communication, dedication, and I commitment. 5. To coordinate the upgrade and expansion of the City's computerized management information system in order to provide comprehensive, accurate and timely I information to the City Council and the City's operating departments. 6. To ensure the maintenance of a safe and productive work environment through I the administration of the City's safety program. SIGNIFICANT ACTIVITY PROGRAM CHANGES CHANGE I None - I I I m 65 I CITY OF POWAY DEPARTMENTAL ACTIVITY DETAIL I Department: Activity: Activity Administrative Services Office of the Director Code: 100 Obj. 1989-90 1990-91 1990-91 1991-92 1991-92 I Code Exoense Classification Actual BudQet Actual Proposed Approved Personnel Expense RanQe Position Title 307..; Di rector 50,212 59,040 58,062 71,450 71,450 I 249.E Sr. Management Analyst 34,454 37,160 40,321 44,650 44,650 218.1 Admin. Secretary 26,868 29,840 29,838 31,070 31,070 I 110 Salaries - Regular 111,534 126,040 128,221 147,170 147,170 113 Salaries - Overtime - 1,030 - 1,200 1,200 g 120 Fringe Benefits 27,197 30,500 36,141 36,060 36,060 g Total Personnel 138.731 157 570 164,J62 184,4JO 184,430 I Operations and Maintenance 144 Audit Service 10,500 11 ,000 11 ,000 11,000 11, COO 148 Special Studies 11,905 - - - - I 199 Other Professional Fees 950 - - - - 260 Reimbursed Mileage 2,997 4,140 3,602 4,140 4,140 270 Travel and Meetings 3,898 5,130 3,564 3,150 3,150 311 Printing 81 350 - 350 350 I 315 Publications and Dues 1,207 1,830 850 1,430 1,430 317 Education and Training 120 350 317 350 350 334 R&M Equipment 1,033 1,140 1,033 1,140 1,140 I 411 Office & Stationery Supplies 981 1,080 1,257 1,080 1,080 499 Other Supplies & Materials 1,134 1,370 1,521 1,370 1,370 555 Capital Outlay Rental 2,200 - - 1,200 1,200 I I I Total Operations & Maint. 37,006 26,390 23 , 144 25,210 25,210 I Capita lOut 1 a v 611 Office Equipment - - - - - I I Total Capital Outlav - - - - - I $175,737 $183,960 $187,506 li209,640 li209,640 66 I CITY OF POWAY I DEPARTMENTAL ACTIVITY DETAIL Department: Activity: Activity I Code: Administrative Services Personnel 101 I ACTIVITY COMMENTARY ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION I The Personnel Division administers the personnel operations of the City. This division provides comprehensive, centralized personnel services to the line I operating departments, including overall management of recruitment, examination and certification processes associated with the selection and promotion of personnel in the City's work force. The division also implements and administers I personnel policies, practices and procedures for classification, employee benefits, compensation, training, development, safety and employer relations. Additional responsibilities include maintenance of all personnel records, coordination of I special employee events, and the employee recognition program. ACTIVITY GOALS AND OBJECTIVES 1. To maintain the Personnel Rules and Regulations and enforce the personnel I policies of the City. 2. To continually work to 'improve the revel of performance in providing services I to other City departments and individual employees. 3. To continue to review and revise the City's personnel rules as appropriate. I 4. To utilize professional expertise consistent with City policies in providing guidance to the operating departments/divisions concerning personnel issues. I 5. To continually strive to maximize employee benefits received from the resources expended. I ACTIVITY STATISTICS 1990-91 1991-92 ESTIMATED FORECASTED Employment Applications 1,700 1,600 I Recruitments 27 25 Recruitment/Promotional Testing 27 26 I Job Interest Notices Processed 1,000 1,000 Employee Evaluations Processed 360 350 Personnel Transactions 260 260 I Injury Reports Processed 36 35 SIGNIFICANT ACTIVITY PROGRAM CHANGES I None I I I 67 I CITY OF POWAY DEPARTMENTAL ACTIVITY DETAIL I Department: Activity: Activity Administrative Services Personnel Code: 101 Obj. 1989-90 1990-91 1990-91 1991-92 1991-92 I Code Expense Classification Actual Budget Actual Proposed Approved Personnel Expense RanQet Position Title D 280.s Personnel Manager 51,096 55,900 56,357 60,870 60,870 231.1 Personnel Aide 29,688 33,900 34,253 34,330 34,330 191.6 Admin. Clerk I 9,874 21,500 22,153 22,980 22,980 Vacation Relief 1,120 - - - - I 110 Salaries - Regular 91,778 111,390 112,763 118,180 118,180 D 120 Fringe Benefits 20,717 29,410 29,236 30,980 30,980 g Tota 1 personne 1 112.495 140.800 141. 999 149,160 149,160 I uperations and Maintenance 260 Reimbursed Mileage 286 2,170 1,97,1 2,000 2,000 270 Travel and Meetings 1,091 1,640 733 890 890 I 281 Recruitment 31,360 6,200 13,271 5,500 5,500 311 Printing 1,553 1,500 2,580 2,400 2,400 315 Publications and Dues 2,146 2,330 2,184 2,090 2,090 316 Medical Exams 11 ,454 12,610 5,194 12,610 1-2,610 I 317 Education and Training 1,042 4,900 3,566 4,900 4,900 323 Tuition Reimbursement 1,681 2,300 2,344 2,400 2;400 334 R&M Equipment 418 1,670 1,365 1,670 1,670 I 399 Other Contractual Services 4,727 5,480 5,153 5,480 5,480 411 Office & Stationery Supplies 800 510 721 900 900 422 Employee Awards 11 ,843 12,540 11,935 13,380 13,380 I 555 Capital Outlay Rental - 2,200 2,200 700 700 I Total uperations & Maint. 68,401 56,050 53,217 54,920 54,920 I Capita lOut 1 a v 611 Office Equipment 3,681 - - - - I I I Total Capital Outlay 3,681 - - - - I Activitv Total li184,577 $196,850 $195,216 li204,080 $204,080 68 I CITY OF POWAY I DEPARTMENTAL ACTIVITY DETAIL Department: Acti vity: Activity I Code: Administrative Services Customer Services 102 I ACTIVITY COMMENTARY ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION I The Customer Services Division performs a variety of functions relating to the I public, customers and businesses. This Division administers the utility accounts of water and sewer. This function includes processing utility service applications, turn-on and turn-offs, response to I service inquiries and complaints, bimonthly meter readings, minor meter repairs and exchanges. The Division's activities also include the accounts receivable function involving I invoicing, collecting, recording and depositing of City revenues. This includes follow-up on delinquent, closed, and unpaid accounts. I The Division's personnel provides the City's telephone communication system, reception services, and mail handling activity. The Division is also responsible for the issuance of regulatory licenses and business I certificates. ACTIVITY GOALS AND OBJECTIVES I 1. To provide courteous, professional public service. 2. To maintain an awareness of customer attitudes and needs. I 3. To maintain a minimum level of uncollectible accounts. ACTIVITY WORKLOAD STATISTICS I 1989-90 1990-91 1991-92 ACTUAL ESTIMATED FORECASTED Meters read for billing 68,900 73,700 74,400 I Past due notices 7,000 7,300 7,500 Final notices 4,200 4,700 4,800 Delinquent accounts (doors tagged) 1,500 1,600 1,700 I Delinquent turn offs 220 260 300 Miscellaneous service orders 780 820 850 New Business Registrations issued 103 170 175 I SIGNIFICANT ACTIVITY PROGRAM CHANGES I None I I . 69 " I CITY OF POWAY DEPARTMENTAL ACTIVITY DETAIL I Department: Activity: Activity Administrative Services Customer Services Code: 102 Obj. 1989-90 1990-91 1990-91 1991-92 1991-92 I Code Expense Classification Actual Budget Actual Proposed Approved Personnel Expense Rangel Position Title I 272.s ~ustomer Svcs. Mgr. 48,601 51,600 51,592 55,080 55,080 216.6 Customer Svc. Wkr. (3) 79,827 86,090 86,095 90,410 90,410 202.6 Account Clerk I/II (4) 65,693 93,240 89,091 100,420 100,420 188.6 Telephone Operator/ 18,328 0 Receptionist 20,460 18,025 19,670 19,670 110 Salaries - Regular 212,449 251,390 244,803 265,580 265,580 0 113 Salaries - Overtime 29 3,120 1,142 6,000 6,000 120 Fringe Benefits 58,186 71,180 68,127 64,330 64,330 I Tota 1 Personnel 270 664 325 690 314 072 335,910 335,910 operations and Maintenance 260 Reimbursed Mileage 42 1,800 2,001 1,900 1,900 I 262 Vehicle Operations 2,602 2,400 2,838 2,860 2,860 263 Vehicle Maintenance 2,643 2,000 3,667 2,600 2,600 264 Vehicle Rental 4,500 4,500 4,500 4,500 4,500 I 270 Travel and Meetings 352 1,200 239 650 650 282 Postage 12,910 15,000 15,004 24,000 24,000 311 Printing 5,729 6,300 9,427 6,300 6,300 313 Uniforms and Laundry 759 1,160 784 1,160 1,160 I 314 Community Relations 1,750 3,500 - - - 315 Publications and Dues 288 300 306 300 300 317 Education and Training 433 2,540 4,308 2,370 2,370 I 334 R&M Equipment 1,921 4,220 3,510 4,220 4,220 337 R&M Radios 211 210 209 210 210 411 ,Office & Stationery Supplies 1,560 1,890 1,813 2,190 2,190 I 413 Photographic/Copy Supplies 246 220 - 220 220 416 Safety Supplies 54 150 20 150 150 417 Operating Supplies 35 - 15 - - 420 Small Tools 198 350 369 350 350 I 499 Other Supplies and Materials 1,657 1,750 2,525 1,750 1,750 532 Uncollectibles 57,471 - 54,256 - - 541 Cash Over/Under 18 50 - 50 50 I 555 Capital Outlay Rental 2,190 3,200 3,200 2,000 2,000 I Total Operations & Maint. 97,569 52,740 108,991 57,780 57,780 Capita 1 Outlay I 601 Telecommunication Equipment - - - - - 611 Office Equipment 342 1,690 1,582 - - 621 Autos and Trucks - - - - - I Total Capital Outlay 342 1,690 1,582 - - I Acti vitv Tota 1 $368,575 $380,120 ll424,645 li393,690 $393,690 70 ,. CITY OF POWAY I DEPARTMENTAL ACTIVITY DETAIL Department: Activity: Activity . Code: Administrative Services Finance 103 I ACTIVITY COMMENTARY ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION I The Finance Division administers the fiscal operations of the City. It is the duty of this Division to assure accountability and compliance with generally accepted I accounting principles and established policies and procedures as well as government codes. Areas of responsibil ities include internal control, bond maintenance, investments, general accounting, accounts payable, payroll, budget coordination, revenue forecasting, expenditures, encumbrance accounting and budget compliance. I Functions include financial data collection, analysis and reporting; implementation of City's financial policies and control and audit; disbursement of funds in accordance with purchase orders, purchase requisitions and other related documents: I investment of surplus cash, monitoring tax rolls and special assessments. ACTIVITY GOALS AND OBJECTIVES 1. Develop monitoring process for RDA and City transactions and reporting I requirements. 2. Update and maintain efficient internal control systems according to changing I needs and newly formed rules and regulations. 3. To strengthen financial reporting by again achieving National as well as State awards for excellence in financial reporting. I 4. To provide support for the study/testing/parallel running of the new computer and its software. 5. To monitor and revise procedures developed to assist operating departments and newly acquired mobile home parks to achieve their goals. I ACTIVITY WORKLOAD STATISTICS 1988-1989 1989-1990 1990-1991 1991-1992 I ACTUAL ACTUAL ESTIMATED ESTIMATED Financial Report Processing Days 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 I Investment Avg. Portfolio (in millions) $41.0 $57.0 $56.0 $48.0 Investment Earnings (in millions) $ 3.5 $ 5.0 $ 4.8 $ 3.5 Investment % Yield 8.5 8.8 8.6 7.3 Purchase Orders Processed 2,281 2,463 2,760 2,953 I Vendor Warrants Prepared 7,519 8,790 9,000 9,325 Budget Adjustments Processed 157 133 160 180 Supply Requisitions Processed 1,842 2,394 3,113 4,000 I Equipment Requisitions Processed 518 497 482 500 SIGNIFICANT ACTIVITY PROGRAM CHANGES CHANGE . None - I I I 71 I CITY OF POWAY DEPARTMENTAL ACTIVITY DETAIL I Department: Activity: Acti vity Administrative Services Finance Code: 103 Obj. 1989-90 1990-91 1990-91 1991-92 1991 92 m Code Expense Classification Actual Budget Actual Proposed Approved Personnel Expense Rangel Positi on Ti tl e D 280.5 Finance Manager 46,241 53,180 53,175 60,810 60,810 251. 6 Senior Accountant 33,068 37,750 37,758 41,690 41,690 241. 6 Accountant (2) 34,590 37,740 42,450 75,320 75,320 202.6 Account Clerk I/II (2) 36,921 42,940 34,946 45,350 45,350 I 110 Salaries - Regular 150,820 171,610 168,329 223,170 223,170 0 113 Overtime 873 2,120 771 2,000 2,000 120 Fringe Benefits 40,904 50,010 46,112 64,330 64,330 130 Temporary Services 10,135 - 14,927 - - 0 Total Personnel 202,732 223.740 230.139 289.500 28!i.500 U Operations and Maintenance 260 Reimbursed Mileage 397 2,230 2,127 2,230 2,230 270 Travel and Meetings 2,331 3,310 724 2,220 2,220 I 311 Printing 5,934 8,550 8,014 8,550 8,550 315 Publications and Dues 2,527 2,550 2,236 2,050 2,050 317 Education and Training 1,119 1,720 875 2,820 2,820 334 R&M Equipment 38 1,260 1,280 1,260 1,260 I 399 Other Contractual Services - 900 968 - - 411 Office & Stationery Suppfies 1,664 1,750 2,170 1,750 1,750 555 Capital Outlay Rental - 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 I I I Total Ooerations & Maint. 14,010 23,470 19,594 22,080 22,080 I Capital Outlay 611 Office Equipment 4,100 - 976 - - I I I Total Capital Outlav 4,100 - 976 - - I Acti vitv Tpta 1 $220,842 $247,210 li250,709 $311,580 $311,580 72 I CITY OF POWAY I DEPARTMENTAL ACTIVITY DETAIL Department: Activity: Activity I Code: Administrative Services Data ProcessinQ 104 I ACTIVITY COMMENTARY ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION I Data Processing supplies the City with financial information secured from daily input I of utility billing and general ledger activities. Interaction with the other divisions of the Administrative Services Department is critical to our operations. Information flowing into and out of Data Processing must be maintained as frequently as possible to keep the revenues and expenses status current. The maintenance of I programs and files is continuous. We assist users with problems encountered during operations. We monitor the system's security feature. We track our users' activities on a daily basis. Integrity of our information is our daily priority. I ACTIVITY GOALS AND OBJECTIVES I 1. I ssue, a Request for Proposal (RFP) for new software and hardware. 2. Be actively involved in installation and training of the new system while I maintaining current information on the old system. ACTIVITY WORKLOAD STATISTICS I 1988-1989 1989-1990 1990-1991 1991-1992 ACTUAL ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROJECTED No. of Payroll Checks Run 5,842 7,058 6,000 7,160 I No. of Utility Bills Printed 78,728 82,213 85,000 86,300 SIGNIFICANT ACTIVITY PROGRAM CHANGES I CHANGE None - I I I I I I I 73 I CITY OF POWAY DEPARTMENTAL ACTIVITY DETAIL I Department: Activity: Activity Administrative Services Data Processing Code: 104 Obj. 1989-90 1990-91 1990-91 1991-92 1991-92 I Code Expense Classification Actual Budget Actual Proposed Approved Personnel Expense RanQel Position Title D 241.t Data Processing Co- ordinator 36,124 37,740 38,447 39,880 39,880 202.E Data Entry Clerk II 23,875 25,560 26,265 26,610 26,610 Vacation Relief - 380 - 350 350 I 110 Salaries - Regular 59,999 63,680 64,712 66,840 66,840 113 Salaries - Overtime - 200 65 240 240 I 120 Fringe Benefits 15,045 17,760 17,590 18,500 18,500 0 Total Personnel 75,044 81.640 82,367 85.580 85,580 Operations and Maintenance U 145 Data Processing Consultant - 10,400 6,450 - - 260 Mileage Reimbursement 32 360 74 360 360 270 Travel and Meetings 85 210 130 210 210 I 311 Printing 979 1,610 1,295 1,280 1,280 315 Publications and Dues 543 600 529 480 480 317 Education and Training 36 630 410 630 630 334 R&M Equipment 4,345 4,870 5,120 5,320 5,320 I 411 Office & Stationery Supplies 496 600 255 600 600 417 Operating Supplies 2,758 5,830 5,475 5,830 5,830 514 Lease Purchase 3,896 3,900 3,895 3,900 3,900 g 555 Capital Outlay Rental 21,500 20,000 20,000 - - I I Total Operations & Maint. 34,670 49,010 43,633 18,610 18,610 I Capita lOut 1 av 611 uffice Equipment 304 - 385 - - . I I Total Capital Outlay 304 385 - - - I Activitv Total UI0,018 $130,650 $126,385 .$104,190 $104,190 7~ I CITY OF POWAY I DEPARTMENTAL ACTIVITY DETAIL Department: Activity: Activity I Code: Administrative Services Purchasing 105 I ACTIVITY COMMENTARY ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION I Through this cost center, a number of technical and special services are provided I to the line operating departments of the City on a centralized basis. Among the functions assigned to personnel within this division are control and responsibility of purchasing for all supplies, services, equipment, and maintenance of a centralized I inventory and property control program, as well as control and responsibility for City warehousing operating is assigned to the Purchasing Division. ACTIVITY GOALS AND OBJECTIVES I 1. To maintain the Purchasing Manual and enforce the purchasing policies of the I City. 2. To exercise positive financial control over City purchases to ensure adherence to the requirement that expenditures and encumbrances do not exceed amounts appropriated. I 3. To procure equipment, supplies and services at the lowest cost with clean, open competitive specifications, receiving maximum benefit from bUdget dollars avail- able. I 4. To continually work to increase the quality of services provided to the other City departments through better comunication--thus ensuring a smoother flow of operation and a better understanding of existing and future departmental needs. I 5. To maintain control of existing central stores and warehousing operations. ACTIVITY WORKLOAD STATISTICS I 1990-91 1991-92 ESTIMATED PROJECTED Number of Purchase Orders issued 3,000 3,000 I Number of Change Orders issued 200 200 Number of Blanket Order releases 750 1,000 Total Order Production 3,950 4,200 I SIGNIFICANT ACTIVITY PROGRAM CHANGES \ I None I I I I 75 I CITY OF POWAY DEPARTMENTAL ACTIVITY DETAIL I Department: Activity: Activity Administrative Services Purchasino Code: 105 Obj. 1989-90 1990-91 1990-91 1991-92 1991-92 m Cod- Exnense Classification Actual Budoet Actual Prooosed Approved Personnel Ex[)ense Rarlilii Position Title 272:~ General Services Mgr. 48,600 51,600 52,677 55,080 55,080 m 217. Storekeeper II 27,960 29,690 30,762 30,910 30,910 208.1 Secretary 23,718 27,000 28,087 28,110 28,110 197.€ Storekeeper I 18,060 22,560 21,597 22,930 22,930 I 110 Salaries - Regular 118,338 130,850 133,123 137,030 137,030 I 113 Salaries - Overtime 24 430 ' 89 470 470 120 Fringe Benefits 36,207 38,190 37,302 37,710 37,710 0 'Total Personnel 154.569 169 470 170,514 175,210 175,210 I Operations and Maintenance 260 Reimbursed Mileage 109 1,800 1,943 1,800 1,800 262 Vehicle Operations 500 1,000 742 800. 800 I 263 Vehicle Maintenance 245 250 388 250 250 264 Vehicle Rental - 2,200 2,200 2,200 2,200 270 Travel and Meetings 141 1,800 1,001 400 400 311 Printing 2,632 1,500 1,126 1,000 - 1,000 m 313 Uniforms and Laundry 487 670 556 750 750 315 Publications and Dues 540 610 421 ' 410 410 331 R&M Building - 500 439 500 500 I 334 R&M Equipment 2,987 11 ,000 2,394 9,740 9,740 411 Office & Stationery Supplies 909 600 1,388 600 600 417 Operating Supplies 715 2,000 1,065 1,500 1,500 515 Intergovernmental Fees 1,700 2,000 2,074 2,000 2,000 I 555 Capital Outlay Rental 2,930 24,600 24,600 24,600 24,600 I I Total Ooerations & Maint. 13,895 50,530 40,337 46,550 46,550 Capita 1 Outlav 611 Office Equipment - - - - - I 621 Autos and Trucks 12,642 - - - , - 691 Nonstructural Improvements - - - - - I I Total Canital Outlav 12,642 - - - - I ActivitvTotal $181,106 I $220,000 $210,851 $221,760 $221,760 I , 76 I CITY OF POWAY I DEPARTMENTAL ACTIVITY DETAIL Department: Activity: Activity I Code: Administrative Services Support Services 106 ACTIVITY COMMENTARY I ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION I This cost center is charged with the responsibility for the costs associated with I the telephone system, City Hall utilities, and City Hall maintenance. In addition, the costs associated with the City Hall copy machines, postage, fire and burglar alarms are charged to this cost center. . ACTIVITY GOALS AND OBJECTIVES I 1. To provide building maintenance requirements for City Hall. 2. To provide copying services for City Hall departments. a 3. To provide gas, electric, and telephone services for City Hall. 4. To provide for City Hall security against fire and burglary. I SIGNIFICANT ACTIVITY PROGRAM CHANGES I None I n I 1m I , I I I I I 77 I CITY OF POWAY DEPARTMENTAL ACTIVITY DETAIL I Department: Activity: Activity Administrative Services Support Services Code: 106 Obj. 1989-90 1990-91 1990-91 1991-92 1991-92 I Code Expense Classification Actual Budaet Actual Proposed Approved Personnel Expense Range Position Ti tl e I I I I Iota 1 Pe rsonne 1 - - - - - Operations and Maintenance .' 148 special Studies 1,314 - - - - 210 Gas and Electricity 32,606 50,000 47,734 42,000 42,000 212 Water Interagency - - 65 - - I 215 Telephone 65,256 60,000 64,922 .63,300 63,300 216 Trash Removal 1,046 1,080 1,051 1,080 1,080 282 Postage 35,818 30,000 29,177 30,000 30,000 331 R&M Building 2,017 500 1,485 500 500 I 333 R&M Elevator 1,170 1,100 1,129 1,130 1,130 334 R&M Equipment 21,450 26,000 25,210 26,400 26,400 399 Other Contractual Services 383 1,000 98 1,020 1,020 I 411 Office & Stationery Supplies 154 - - - - 413 Photographic/Copy Supplies 4,281 6,000 3,517 5,000 5,000 416 Safety Supplies 1,106 850 652 500 500 I 417 Operating Supplies 3,663 7,000 3,639 8,000 8,000 515 Intergovernmental Fees 584 150 - 150 150 555 Capital Outlay Rental 10,330 50,500 50,500 50,500 50,500 I I Total Operations & Maint. 181,178 234,180 229,179 229,580 229,580 I Capital Outlav 601 Telecommunications Equipment - 8,000 2,738 - - I I Total Capital Outlav 8,000 2,738 - - - I Activity Total $181,178 $242,180 $231,917 $229,580 li229,580 78 I CITY OF POWAY 'I DEPARTMENTAL ACTIVITY DETAIL - Department: Activity: Activity I Code: Administrative Services Risk ManaQement/Frinoe Benefits 107 ACTIVITY COMMENTARY ,I ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION I Risk Management This cost center is responsible for managing the City's risks through purchased I insurance and self-funded programs. Moni.s go toward insurance premiums and contributions to a pooled risk joint powers authority for claims adjusting and stop loss protection. I Fri nge Benefits I The cost of all employee fringe benefits is indicated in this cost center under each benefit program. They are: life, health, dental, long-term disability, I retirement, and workers' compensation insurance. ACTIVITY WORKLOAD STATISTICS I 1989-90 1990-91 1991-92 ACTUAL ESTIMATED FORECASTED Number of general liability claims processed 36 40 40 I Number of claims closed at end of fiscal year 18 20 20 I I SIGNIFICANT ACTIVITY PROGRAM CHANGES CHANGE I 522 - Increase reflects anticipated rate of insurance +$100,000 expense for cities participating in the Southern I California Joint Powers Insurance Authority. I I I I I 79 I CITY OFPOWAY DEPARTMENTAL ACTIVITY DETAIL I Department: Activity: Activity Administrative Services Risk Manacement/Frinoe Benefits Code: 107 Obj. 1989-90 1990-91 1990-91 1991-92 1991-92 '. Code Exoense Classification Actual Budoet Actual Prooosed Aooroved Personnel Exoense 'RanQe Position Title I I I I Tota 1 Pe rsonne 1 - - - - - I OOerations and Maintenance 120 Fringe Benefits (1,890,075)(2,419,560)(2,390,018)(2,318,750)(2,318,750) 121 Workers Compo Benefits 332,513 304,730 260,004 304,73C 304,730 I 122 Health/Life Benefits 703,854 881,330 884,730 881,33C 881,330 123 Retirement Benefits 952,255 1,233,500 1,245,284 1,132,690 1,132,690 148 Special Studies - 10,000 559 2,OOC 2,000 260 Reimbursed Mileage 78 250 21 - - I 270 Travel and Meetings 165 1,450 120 1,450 1,450 315 Publications and Dues 268 360 433 760 760 416 Safety Supplies 987 2,400 1,388 1,500 1,500 I 521 Uninsured Claims 5,115 10,000 2,514 10,000 10,000 522 Insurance Expense 465,244 390,090 328,922 489,240 489,240 I I I Total OOerations & Maint. 570,404 414,550 333,957 504,950 504,950 Canital Outlav I I I Tota 1 Ca[)ita lOut 1 a v - - - - - Activitv Total S-570,404 $414,550 $333,957 $504,950 $504,950 I 80 I CITY OF POWAY I DEPARTMENTAL ACTIVITY DETAIL Department: Activity:' Activity I Code: Administrative Services Capital Replacement 108 ACTIVITY COMMENTARY I ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION I This activity is financed by annual "rental" rates charged to the Divisions using I vehicles, equipment, and costly capital outlay items. The Purchasing Division is responsible for this cost center. I I SIGNIFICANT ACTIVITY PROGRAM CHANGES CHANGE ,I None - I I I I I I I I I I I 81 I CITY OF POWAY DEPARTMENTAL ACTIVITY DETAIL - I Department: Activity: Activity Administrative Services Capital Replacement Code: 108 Obj. 1989-90 1990-91 1990-91 1991-92 1991-92 I Code Expense Classification Actual BudQet Actual Proposed Approved Capital Outlav 611 Office Equipment: Minicomputer (104) - 141,500 - 161,500 161,500 I Folder/Inserter (102) - 12,500 10,574 - - Sharp Copier (106) - 9,500 7,413 - - Sharp Copier (500) - 9,500 7,303 - - I Sharp Copier (404) - 4,500 7,413 - - Copier (Community Ctr.) 4,883 - - - - Personal Computers (100,300 I 400) - 7,200 38,892 - - P/U Trucks (204,403,404, 406,407) 79,942 - - - - #1792 Ambulance (503) 75,084 - - - - I MC4 Motorcycle (505) 6,199 - - - - #30 Cab/Chassis-Stake (403) - 16,700 - - - #33 Van (201) - 18,000 18,294 - - I #45 Aquatic (407) - 12,000 17,914 - - #46 Utility (204) - 10,000 - - - Kawasaki Motorcycle (505) - 7,200 10,721 7,200 7,200 I 623 Construction Equipment: #506 Wheel Loader 40,000 - - - - #507 Skip Loader 23,211 - - - - I I I I I I I I Total Capital Outlay 234,819 248,600 118,524 168,700 168,700 I Activitv Total $234,819 $248,600 $118,524 $168,700 $168,700 co N COMMUNITY SERVICES CITY MANAGER 013 DIRECTOR COMMUNITY SERVICES 200 I I RECREATION LAKE AQUATICS PERFORMING 201 OPERATIONS CENTER ARTS CENTER 203 206 207 COMMUNITY SERVICES - - -- - - - -'- -;- - - - - - - - - I 83 I CITY OF POWAY DEPARTMENTAL ACTIVITY OVERVIEW I Dept. Code Department: Fund Distribution: 200 Community Services General Fund: $2,519,750 I EXPENSE 1989-1990 1990-1991 1990-1991 1991-1992 1991-1992 CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL PROPOSED APPROVED I I Total Positions 24 24 24 22 22 Personnel Expense 1,296,740 1,482,170 1,500,977 1,459,310 1,478,130 I Operations and I Maintenance 895,271 1,067,600 1,135,606 1,025,710 1,029,990 I Capita 1 Outl ay 34,349 18,230 35,906 11 ,630 11 , 630 I TOTAL BUDGET $2,226,360 $2,568,000 $2,672,489 $2,496,650 $2,519,750 I OVERVIEW COMMENTARY I The Department of Community Services is responsible for providing the cultural, social, and recreational activities for the City. The Department is divided into five operating divisions, which include the Office of the Director, Recreation, I Lake Operations, the Aquatics Center, and the Performing Arts Center. The Director of Community Services, appointed by the City Manager, supervises the five operating divisions. They provide direct staff support in the develop- I ment and implementation of programs designed to enhance the sociocultural activi- ties available to Poway residents. I Responsibilities of the Department include: (1) coordinating resources of public and private agencies to provide community-wide special events such as Poway Days; (2) providing liaison services between City officials and community groups; (3) I providing means for community input into the development of leisure programs; (4) providing a balanced program of recreation, leisure, and cultural services for the community; (5) administering the City's transit, cable TV, and animal control I contracts; (6) coordinating, preparing and managing various types of grants to provide additional financial assistance to the City for specialized recreational and cultural programs; (7) development and administration of the performing arts program; and (8) design and development of a new library facility. I I 84 I CITY OF POWAY DEPARTMENTAL ACTIVITY DETAIL I Department: Activity: Activity I Code: Community Services Office of the Director 200 ACTIVITY COMMENTARY I ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION It is the responsibility of the Office of the Director to administer and manage all I operations within the department, including animal regulation, cable television, the City's grant-funded programs, park site acquisition and development programs, I transit system, the Performing Arts Center, and the design of a new library. By p 1 ann i ng and coordi nat i ng the programs of a 11 the Community Servi ces' operat i ng divisions, the Director ensures that Department responsibilities are implemented in an effective and efficient manner. I The Department also provides staff assistance to the Library Advisory Committee, Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee and Performing Arts Advisory Committee. I ACTIVITY GOALS AND OBJECTIVES l. To oversee the design and construction of a library facility to meet the I diverse interests of the community. 2. To administer the performing arts programs for the Poway Community. I 3. To ensure high quality animal control, cable television, and transit services' for the residents of Poway. I 4. To meet the aquatic, recreational and socio-cultural needs of the residents of Poway. I 5. To enhance promotions of City-sponsored events, performances, City Council and advisory committee meetings by utilizing the public access channels of ,cable television. I SIGNIFICANT ACTIVITY PROGRAM CHANGES CHANGE 148 - Special studies for the library were completed in FY 1990-91. - $15,000 I 370 - Majority of costs for re-franchise of cable TV services was I completed in FY 1990-91. - $12,000 \ I I I I I 85 CITY OF POWAY I DEPARTMENTAL ACTIVITY DETAIL I Department: Activity: Activity Community Services Office of the Director Code: 200 Obj. 1989-90 1990-91 1990-91 1991-92 1991-92 I Code Expense Cl ass ificat ion Actua 1 Budget Actua 1 Proposed Approved Personnel Expense Range; Position Title I 315.3 Director 65,560 72 ,780 75,312 78,460 78,460 279.6 Prin. Mgmnt. Analyst 41,250 50,940 53,472 54,920 54,920 223.1 Admin. Secretary 26,870 29,840 30,626 31,070 31,070 I 110 Salaries - Regular 133,680 153,560 159,410 164,450 164,450 113 Salaries - Overtime 1,017 1,400 2,824 2,500 2,500 120 Employee Benefits 32,199 38,570 39,778 39,090 39,090 I Total Personnel 166,896 193,530 202,012 206,040 206,040 I Operations and Maintenance 148 Special Studies 28,544 15,000 - - - 210 Gas and Electricity - 6,300 3,246 6,300 6,300 I 215 Telephone - - 159 500 500 216 Trash Removal - - 42 200 200 260 Reimbursed Mileage 4,846 4,800 4,381 4,800 4,800 I 270 Travel and Meetings 3,770 4,000 2,351 4,000 4,000 311 Printing 365 500 543 500 500 315 Publications and Dues 629 1,000 1,006 1,000 1,000 317 Education and Training 149 300 - 300 300 I 319 Animal Regulation 25,728 41,200 32,965 45,200 45,200 331 R&M Building - - 1,208 3,000 3,000 334 R&M Equipment 3,104 3,180 2,835 3,180 3,180 I 370 Other Contract Svcs. Reimb. 23,031 17,000 17,087 5,000 5,000 371 Interim Improvements-Library - 50,000 48,213 43,440 47,720 411 Office & Stationery Supplies 692 1,070 1,424 1,000 I,OOO I 413 Photographic/Copy Supplies 14 250 72 350 350 417 Operating Supplies 497 3,000 1,970 2,000 2,000 555 Capital Outlay Rental 3,620 - - - - I I I Total Operations & Maint. 94,989 147,600 117,502 120,770 125,050 Capital Outl ay I 601 Telecommunications Equipment 180 - - - - 611 Office Equipment 2,117 - 1,711 3,690 3,690 I Total Capital Outlay 2,297 - 1,711 3,690 3,690 I Activity Total $264,182 $341,130 $321,225 $330,500 $334,780 86 I CITY OF POWAY DEPARTMENTAL ACTIVITY DETAIL I Department: Activity: Activity I Code: Community Services Recreation 201 ACTIVITY COMMENTARY I ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION The Recreation Division provides a variety of leisure activities for all residents of Poway. A comprehensive program, including contractual specialty classes, I special events, adult sports leagues, various camps, and after school programs are scheduled at City, School District, and commercial recreation facilities. Major facilities include Poway Community Park, Lake Poway Recreation Area, and Twin Peaks I Multipurpose Center. Additional programs are held at Garden Road, Starridge, and Valle Verde parks, and Midland Elementary School. The Recreation Division manages all program registration and facility reservations. Programs offered are continually evaluated and new programs developed to provide the most beneficial and I socially current leisure activities. ACTIVITY GOALS AND OBJECTIVES I, 1. To maximize the use of all recreation facilities for Poway residents. 2. To ensure that activities are planned for all ages and interests I and abil it i es. 3. To develop recreational activities that encourage and broaden creative and unique uses of leisure time by all individuals. I 4. To cooperate with Poway Unified School District, youth sports groups, special interest agencies, and community organizations to ensure the greatest use of all available recreation resources. I ACTIVITY WORKLOAD STATISTICS 1989-90 1990-91 1991-92 I ACTUAL ESTIMATED FORECASTED Contract classes per year 970 950 940 Contract class participants 6,230 6,500 6,500 I Recreation program special events 72 60 50 Programs/events participants 37,000 40,000 42,000 Sports leagues/tournaments (team) 330 350 340 I Sports participants 5,098 5,300 5,200 SIGNIFICANT ACTIVITY PROGRAM CHANGES CHANGE I 110 - Park Attendant position transferred from Lake Operations + $23,130 112 - Elimination of temporary Recreation Leader I positions - $24,880 from Lake poway Day Camp and after school programs. I 230 - Decrease due to elimination of security installation charges - $ 7,090 318 - Increase due to reimbursed cost of maintaining existing + $ 6,040 contractual recreation classes. I 399 - Sponsors will be obtained for Community Day and Lake Poway - $ 8,530 Summer Concert series entertainment. 417 - Decrease due to elimination of supplies for special events, - $ 7,650 I day camps, summer concerts, and after school programs. 511 - Decrease due to elimination of bus and equipment rentals for - $15,650 for day camps, after school prOQrams, and sDecial events. I 87 CITY OF POWAY DEPARTMENTAL ACTIVITY DETAIL Department: Activity: Activity r 'Communi ty Servi ces Recreation Code: 201 I Obj. 1989-1990 1990-1991 1990-1991 1991-1992 1991-1992 Code Expense Classification Actua 1 Budget Actua 1 Proposed Approved Personnel Expense Position Title . ommunlty erVlces gr. 51,090 55,900 57,894 60,870 60,870 239.0 Recreation Supervsr (2) 65,890 69,260 71 ,254 73,200 84,960 224.0 Rec. Prog. Coord. (3) 76,715 85,730 85,792 90,830 90,830 202.4 Recreation Leader II (2) 42,600 38,060 38,124 45, 150 45,150 198.6 Admi n. Cl erk II 29,045 19,230 21,225 23,670 23,670 193.6 Park Attendant - - - 23,130 23,130 198.6 Admin. Clerk II (PT) - 11 ,000 11 , 003 - - 193.6 Admin Clerk I (PT~ 8,600 9,400 9,499 9,640 9,640 182.4 Rec. Leader I (3 T) 27,927 25,060 23,520 27,160 27,160 182.4 Rec. Leader I (16 T/PT) 55,714 83,030 57,128 89,900 89,900 Rec. Assistant ~7 T/PT) 11 ,800 24,880 23,337 - - 110 Salaries - Regu ar 265,340 268,180 274,289 316,850 328,610 112 Salaries - Part-Time 104,041 153,370 124,487 126,700 126,700 113 Salaries - Overtime 10,381 10,020 7,037 8,570 8,570 120 Employee Benefits 96,046 91,880 106,585 91,400 92,570 130 Temporary Services 4,114 - 3,863 - . Tota 1 Personnel 479,922 523,450 512,398 543,520 556,450 Operations and Maintenance ,210 Gas and Electricity 33,615 43,900 51,072 48,480 48,480 1215 Telephone 1,955 3,660 2,801 4,170 4,170 230 Other Utility Charges 275 13,960 7,887 6,870 6,870 :260 Reimbursed Mileage 511 2,580 2,078 2,580 2,580 262 Vehicle Operations 914 770 1,207 980 980 263 Vehicle Maintenance 1,238 6,000 784 4,000 4,000 264 Vehicle Rental 5,000 2,800 2,800 3,080 3,080 270 Travel and Meetings 2,017 3,400 1,378 1,570 1,570 1311 Printing 7,992 5,560 5,334 5,000 5,000 313 Uniforms and Laundry 4,926 4,740 4,095 4,320 4,320 314 Community Relations 1,945 1,000 715 - - 315 Publications and Dues 427 460 614 500 500 I 317 Education and Training 2,182 1,120 1,051 940 940 318 Leisure Contracts 126,937 127,290 152,543 133,330 133,330 33] R&M Buil di ng - - 250 - - 334 R&M Equipment 2,639 4,440 4,742 8,560 8,560 337 R&M Radios 166 150 154 100 100 370 Other Contract Svcs. Reimb. 19,846 21,960 20,226 22,520 22,520 399 Other Contractual Services 10,626 10,900 11,817 2,370 2,370 411 Office & Stationery Supplies 2,737 2,600 2,614 2,550 2,550 412 Janitorial Supplies 109 200 110 200 200 413 Photographic/Copy Supplies - - 145 - - 416 Safety Supplies 895 1,000 954 800 800 417 Operating Supplies 63,109 58,480 57,311 50,830 50,830 420 Small Tool s 77 100 32 70 70 444 Sign Maintenance 2,000 1,000 379 350 350 511 Equipment Rental 17 , 057 17,730 15,978 2,080 2,080 541 Cash Over/Under 46 300 395 250 250 555 Capital Outlay Rental 3,200 4,600 4,600 2,300 2,300 Total Operations & Maint. 312,441 340,700 354,066 308,800 308,800 Capital Outlay 611 I 644 Capital Outlay 6,115 11 , 230 28,257 2,000 2,000 Total Capital Outlay 6,115 11,230 28,257 2,000 2,000 Activity Total $798,478 $875,380 $894,721 $854,320 $867,250 88 -, CITY OF POWA Y DEPARTMENTAL ACTIVITY DETAIL I Department: Activity: Activity I Code: Community Services Lake Operations 203 ACTIVITY COMMENTARY I ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION I The Lake Operations Division, which is responsible for managing and operating the Lake Poway Recreation Area, offers a diversified number of activities to the general public. In addition to year-round fishing and recreational boating, I sailing, camping, hiking, and picnicking, the Lake Poway Park facilities are also available to the community for meetings, special events, recreation classes, and sports leagues. The Lake Operations Division also provides security enforcement. I ACTIVITY GOALS AND OBJECTIVES 1. To promptly enforce rules and regulations of the Lake Poway Recreation Area I for the safety of park visitors and the security of City property. 2. To encourage adherence to all state and local regulations through professional communication and community education. I 3. To ensure the security of property and the health and safety of facility users - through community education and proper lake management. 4. To promote the varied recreational resources at the lake such that there is a I more constant year-long usage of the facilities. 5. To encourage and promote the continued development of a wide variety of recreational, fishing, and boating programs that meet the needs of the I community. 6. To positively and accurately represent the City in all aspects of the operation of the Lake Poway Recreation Area. I ACTIVITY WORKLOAD STATISTICS 1989-90 1990-91 1991-92 I ACTUAL ESTIMATED FORECASTED Fishing Permits 35,472 34,414 34,250 I Boat Rentals 9,433 8,730 8,700 F ac 11 ity Rentals 445,000 448,000 450,000 Parki ng Permi ts 16,199 17,177 22,000 SIGNIFICANT ACTIVITY PROGRAM CHANGES CHANGE I 110/ I 120 - Decrease due to loss of one Park Attendant and one - $68,950 Park Ranger position. 112 - Decrease due to loss of temporary part-time Park Attendant. - $ 9,950 I 417 - Decrease due to reduction in fishing and boating supplies. - $ 6,700 418 - Decrease due to reduction in trout stock. - $13,000 419 - Decrease due to reduction in catfish stock. - $10,370 I I I 89 - I CITY OF POWAY DEPARTMENTAL ACTIVITY DETAIL I Department: Activity: Activity Community Services Lake Ope rat ions Code: 203 Obj. 1989-1990 1990-1991 1990-1991 1991-1992 1991-1992 I Code Expense Classification Actua 1 Budget Actua 1 Proposed Approved Personnel Expense Range Position Title I 239.0 Recreation Supervisor 21,970 31,750 31,750 33,650 33,650 205.2 Park Ranger (3) 91,813 96,220 92,268 73, 100 73,100 193.6 Park Att/Admin. Clerk I 20,927 22,220 22,220 - - 193.6 Park Attendant ~6 PT~ 51,344 59,590 55,621 54,240 54,240 I 193.6 Park Attendant T/PT 3,275 3,790 3,790 - - 192.4 Dock Attendant (6 PT 43,612 55,630 46,254 53,110 53,110 3,970 I 110 Salaries - Regular 134,710 150,190 146,,238 106,750 106,750 112 Salaries - Part-Time 98,231 119,010 105,665 107,350 107,350 113 Salaries - Overtime 11 ,866 18,180 13,764 12,600 12,600 120 Employee Benefits 62,405 71,380 66,216 48,520 48,520 I Total Personnel 307,212 358,760 331,883 275,220 275,220 Operations and Maintenance I 210 Gas and 'Electricity 8,686 9,940 8,846 10,640 10,640 215 Telephone 1,503 1,130 1,304 1,210 1,210 230 Other Util ity Charges 1,320 2,160 1,877 3,090 3,090 I 260 Reimbursed Mileage 12 200 69 - - 262 Vehicle Operations 1,427 1,880 1,837 2,340 2,340 263 Vehicle Maintenance 2,426 300 2,570 1,000 1,000 264 Vehicle Rental - - 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 I 270 Travel and Meetings 379 550 674 120 120 311 Printing 3,941 10,680 6,798 5,930 5,930 313 Uniforms and Laundry 5,696 6,040 4,878 4,790 4,790 I 315 Publications and Dues 229 350 252 160 160 317 Education and Training 30 20 25 300 300 334 R&M Equipment 1,552 2,970 3,051 2,920 ' 2,920' 337 R&M Radios 202 300 - 300 300 I 399 Other Contractual Services - 2,300 732 1,550 1,550 411 Office & Stationery Su~plies 979 880 983 980 980 413 Photographic/Copy Supp ies 528 400 115 150 150 I 416 Safety Supplies 1,028 450 451 450 450 417 Operating Supplies 17,717 28,560 23,410 21,860 21,860 41B Trout Stock 86,216 88,000 95,604 75,000 75,ODO 419 Other Fish Stock 34,000 38,500 34,000 28,130 28,130 I 420 Small Tool s 125 300 128 300 300 444 Sign Maintenance - 2,000 801 800 800 51I Equi~ment Rental - - - 5,200 5,200 532 Unco lectibles - 100 - 100 100 I 541 Cash Over/Under 679 800 690 640 640 555 Capital Outlay Rental , 3,100 2,000 2,000 5,200 5,200 Total Operations & Maint. 171,775 203,310 193,595 175,660 175,660 I Capital Outlay 601 Telecommunications Equipment 4,080 - - - - 611 Office E~uiPment 347 - - - - I 621 Autos an Trucks 19,734 - - - - 622. , Other Equi pment - 6,400 5,348 2,440 2,440 Total Capital Outlay 24,161 6,400 5,348 2,440 2,440 I Activity Total $503,148 $568,470 $530,826 $453,320 $453,320 "gO I CITY OF POWAY DEPARTMENTAL ACTIVITY DETAIL I ~ Department: Activity: Activity Code: I Community Services Aouatics 206 ACTIVITY COMMENTARY I ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION The Aquatics Division is responsible for programming, organizing, developing, and I teaching a wide variety of aquatic programs. The Division provides a safe, quality environment for all patrons. The Division conducts daily pool maintenance, water I testing, daily operations, and all swim programming at the Community Swim 'Center. Programs include a comprehensive American Red Cross learn to swim program, special events, aquatic exercise, water polo, novice swim teams, and contract programs, I which include springboard diving, scuba, and synchronized swimming, The division is responsible for recreational swimming, lap swimming, swim meets, and all aquatic related special events. I ACTIVITY GOALS AND OBJECTIVES 1. To provide a safe and properly supervised swim facility for all patrons. I 2. To plan and promote activities for all ages and ability levels including teens, seniors, and disabled. 3. To strive for organizational efficiency and cost-effectiveness. I 4. To provide qual ity swim lessons and programs following American Red Cross guidelines. 5. To provide a specialized leisure activity swim facility for all patrons. ACTIVITY WORKLOAD STATISTICS I 1989-90 1990-91 1991-92 I ACTUAL ESTIMATED FORECASTED Swim Classes (offered) 304 290 257 I Swim Lessons (attended) 3,850 2,698 2,029 Daily Attendance 87,500 88,500 83,810 Special Events 7 8 5 I SIGNIFICANT ACTIVITY PROGRAM CHANGES CHANGE 1101 I 120 - Decrease due to the elimination of Recreation Coordinator - $32,130 position. 318 - Decrease due to the number of classes offered due to - $ 6,850 I decrease in operating hours. 334 - Increase due to maintenance costs of pool equipment. + $ 4,950 I I I I 91 CITY OF POWAY I DEPARTMENTAL ACTIVITY DETAIL I Department: Activity: Activity Community Services Aquatics Code: 206 Obj. 1989-1990 1990-1991 1990-1991 1991-1992 1991-1992 I Code Expense Classification Actua 1 Budget Actua 1 Proposed Approved Personnel Expense Range Position Title I 239.0 Recreation Supervisor 30,582 34,630 34,630 36,600 36,600 202.4 Rec. Leader II 43,933 46,730 32,195 23,600 23,600 202.4 Rec. Leader II (4 PT) 45,148 31,570 46,620 43,060 43,060 202.4 Rec. Leader II (2 T/PT) - 2,980 2,980 - - I 193.6 Park Attendant (4 PT) 39,715 32,520 47,570 35,700 35,700 182.4 Rec. Leader I (4 PT) 19,896 29,180 44,227 34,4.70 34,470 182.4 Rec. Leader I (4 T/PT) 39,198 14,040 20,422 24,480 ' 30,370 I 110 Salaries - Regular 74,515 81,360 66,825 60,200 60,200 112 Salaries - Part-Time 143,957 110,290 161,819 137,710 143,600 I 113 Salaries - Overtime 4,040 4,750 5,934 6,500 6,500 120 Employee Benefits 36,210 36,970 37,558 33,430 33,430 I Total Personnel 258,722 233,370 272,136 237,840 243,730 Operations and Maintenance 147 Chemical Analysis - - - 200 200 I 210 Gas and Electricity 56,648 59,000 81,149 63,130 63,130 215 Telephone 453 1,000 315 700 700 230 Other Utility Charges 3,262 1,750 1,637 1,820 1,820 260 Reimbursed Mileage 56 100 21 100 100 I 270 Travel and Meetings 855 1,380 736 200 200 311 Printing 4,116 4,000 2,523 2,000 2,000 313 Uniforms and Laundry 3,291 3,990 2,765 3,350 3,350 I 315 Publications and Dues 201 330 165 250 250 317 Education and Training 601 490 13 90 90 318 Leisure Contracts 3,613 15,150 5,559 8,300 8,300 I 334 R&M Equipment 950 2,000 6,694 6,950 6,950 411 Office & Stationery Supplies 745 800 889 800 800 412 Jan itori a 1 Supp 1 i es 999 1,000 1,749 2,000 2,000 I 413 Photographic/Copy Supplies 1,873 2,000 694 1,000 1,000 416 Safety Supplies 554 550 318 550 550 417 Operating Supplies 1,850 1,200 1,407 1,150 1,150 420 Small Tools 145 100 121 100 100 I 423 Chemicals 17,610 11 , 000 17,056 12,500 12,500 444 Sign Maintenance - 500 1,095 500 500 541 Cash Over/Under - 20 4 20 20 I Total Operations & Maint. 97,822 106,360 124,910 105,710 105,710 Capital Outlay I 622 Other Equipment - 600 590 3,500 3,500 I Total Capital Outlay - 600 590 3,500 3,500 I Activity Total 356,544 340,330 397,636 347,050 352,940 '92 I CITY OF POWA'\' DEPARTMENTAL ACTIVIT'\' DETAIL I Department: Activity: Activity I Code: Community Services Performino Arts Center 207 ACTIVITY COMMENTARY I ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION The Performing Arts Division is responsible for the management and operation of the I Poway Center for the Performing Arts; for presenting a series of professional performances and for facilitating the use of the Center by the School District and community performing arts groups for the enjoyment of the Poway community; for I staffing the Performing Arts Advisory Committee; and for working directly with the private, nonprofit Foundation for the Performing Arts. ACTIVITY GOALS AND OBJECTIVES I l. Sponsor a subscription series of nine performances by touring professional I artists and entertainers. 2. Volunteers will be recruited, trained, and motivated to be provided as ushers at no cost to all users of the Center. 3. Third party users shall pay established rental fees and other charges for the I use of the Center. School District shall pay no rental fees except hourly charges for independent contractor technicians and ticket printing costs. 4. Janitorial, landscaping services, and the service and'maintenance of major I systems and equipment will be provided by outside contractors qualified to perform such tasks. 5. Staff shall assist the Foundation in its fund-raising efforts. I SIGNIFICANT ACTIVITY PROGRAM CHANGES CHANGE 210 - Adjusted based on first year of actual service. + $35,000 I 280 - Increased to market ticket sales. + $ 7,000 305 - Adjusted based on first year of actual service. - $ 9,000 I 311 - Increased use of direct mail promotions. + $ 6,000 I 312 - Expense over estimated in FY 1990-91. - $ 7,000 318 - Increased use of contract technical services. Cost + $ 9,000 I partially offset by charges to users. 399 - Reduction of contract services. - $ 6,000 I I I I I 93 ~ CITY OF POWAY DEPARTMENTAL ACTIVITY DETAIL I Department: Activity: Activity Community Services Performing Arts Center Code: 207 'Obj. 1989-1990 1990-I99I 1990-1991 1991-1992 1991-1992 I 'Code Expense Classification Actua 1 Budget Actua 1 Proposed Approved Personnel Expense Range Position Title I 279.9 Performing Arts Mgr. 43,840 49,090 51,406 55,080 55,080 239.0 Recreation Supervisor 16,428 31,750 34,066 35,270 35,270 ; 213.1 Secretary 6,010 23,360 25,675 26,980 26,980 I 224.0 Theatre Volunteer (PT) - 16,630 15,896 12,850 12,850 193.6 Box Office Att. (2 PT) 2,281 9,760 11,773 19,770 19,770 , I 110 Salaries - Regular 66,278 104,200 111,147 117,330 117,330 '112 Salaries - Part-Time 2,281 26,390 27,669 32,620 32,620 113 Salaries - Overtime 1,002 9,900 10,644 11 , 000 11 , 000 120 Employee Benefits 14,427 32,570 33,088 35,740 35,740 Total Personnel 83,988 173,060 182,548 196,690 196,690 Operations and Maintenance 210 Gas and Electricity 15,613 45,000 92,794 80,000 80,000 215 Telephone 1,134 6,200 2,843 3,500 3,500 :260 Reimbursed Mileage 204 2,600 2,349 2,500 2,500 I 270 Travel and Meetings 1,106 1,890 2,228 1,690 1,690 280 Advert is i ng 11 ,777 18,000 33, 162 25,000 25,000 282 I Postage 409 3,000 2,893 5,000 5,000 I 305 Contract Landscape Maint. - 15,000 1,765 6,000 6,000 311 Printing 6,045 4,000 9,924 10,000 10,000 , 312 Janitorial Services 2,440 21,000 14,430 14,000 14,000 '313 Uniforms - 1,430 43 - - I 314 Community Relations - - 3,625 - - 315 Publications and Dues 545 830 945 1,000 1,000 :317 Education and Training 182 750 665 - - I 318 Leisure Contracts 17,070 30,000 47,450 39,000 39,000 331 R&M Building 70 6,000 5,643 15,000 15,000 334 R&M Equipment - 8,980 4,509 5,000 5,000 I 399 Other Contractual Services 150,559 96,000 100,746 90,000 90,000 411 Office & Stationery Supplies 1B - 2,030 900 900 413 Photographic/Copy Supplies 937 900 - 600 600 I 417 Operating Supplies 3,346 5,000 12,973 10,000 10,000 511 Equ i pment Rental 6,789 3,000 4,516 3,000 3,000 541 Cash Over/Under - 50 - 50 50 '555 Capita 1 Outlay Rental - - - 2,530 2,530 I Total Operations & Maint. 218,244 269,630 345,533 314,770 314,770 I Capital Outl ay 611 Office Equipment 1,776 - - - - I Total Capital Outlay 1,776 - - - - I Activity Total $304,008 $442,690 $528,081 $511,460 $511,460 '" -"> PLANNING SERVICES CITY MANAGER 013 DIRECTOR PLANNING SERVICES 300 CURRENT PLANNING ADVANCED PLANNING BUILDING AND SAFETY 301 302 INSPECTION - 303 PLANNING SERVICES - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I 95 I CITY OF POWAY DEPARTMENTAL ACTIVITY OVERVIEW ~ I Dept. Code Department: Fund Distribution: 300 PlanninQ Services General Fund: $1,514,790 I EXPENSE 1989-1990 1990-1991 1990-1991 1991-1992 1991-1992 CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL PROPOSED APPROVED I Tota 1 Pos it ions 12 13 13 12 12 I Personnel Expense 591,342 730,320 667,179 676,310 676,310 I Operations and 1,154,710 1,357,360 877,176 830,770 ' 830,770 I Maintenance I Capital Outlay 21,763 10,140 9,599 7,710 7,710 I TOTAL BUDGET $1 ,767,815 $2,097,820 $1,553,954 $1,514,790 $1,514,790 I OVERVIEW COMMENTARY I The Department of Planning Services is divided into five divisions: the Office of the Director; Current Planning; Advance Planning and Building Safety Inspection. I The department is charged with designing, maintaining and implementing a sound and workabl e pl anning program and for admini steri ng the City's buil di ng safety program. Planning staff members serve as a liaison between members of the public and other I departments involved in processing development applications. Department staff assists other departments with planning and designing public I facilities and performs environmental review for all projects proposed including City and Redevelopment Agency sponsored capital improvement projects. The department also monitors planning and development activities in adjacent jurisdictions and those of I region-wide significance. I I I 96 I CITY OF POWA Y DEPARTMENTAL ACTIVITY DETAIL I Department: Activity: Activity I Code: PlanninQ Services Office of the Director 300 ACTIVITY COMMENTARY I ACTIVITY GOALS AND OBJECTIVES I The Office of the Director of the Planning Services Department includes those responsible for the overall administration of the department. Appointed by the City Manager, the Director is responsible for managing and directing the operation I of the department and ensuring that the departmental goals are achieved. The Assistant Director is responsible for the day-to-day operations of the Current Planning Division, replacing the Director in her absence and assisting with general I departmental administrative duties such as establishment of procedures, review of reports, and budget preparation and control. ACTIVITY GOALS AND OBJECTIVES I L To guide the department in providing high quality professional advice and technical assistance to decision makers, committees, staff, and citizens. I 2. To ensure that departmental program objectives are met and that the goals of the department are consistent with those of the City. I 3. To create a work environment that encourages professionalism, creativity, team spirit and commitment. I 4. To stay well informed of legislation, programs and issues of regional, state and federal agencies that affect the City's planning, building, and housing programs and provide recommendations as appropriate concerning the adoption and I implementation of such legislation and programs. SIGNIFICANT ACTIVITY PROGRAM CHANGES CHANGE I None. I I 1 I I I I I 97 CITY OF POWAY I DEPARTMENTAL ACTIVITY DETAIL I Department: ' Activity: Activity Planning Services Office of the Director Code: 300 Obj. 1989-1990 1990-1991 1990-1991 1991-1992 1991-1992 I Code Expense Classification Actual Budget Actual Proposed Approved Personnel Expense Range Pos i t ion Titl e I 314.3 Director 66,662 72,780 71 ,829 78,460 78,460 291. 4 Assistant Director 49,272 55,770 55,037 60,390 60,390 221.1 Admin. Secretary 26,085 29,840 28,043 31,070 31,070 I Office Clerk (PT) - - - 4,960 4,960 Vacation Relief 2,897 - - - - I 110 Salaries - Regular 144,916 158,390 154,909 169,920 I69,92D 112 Salaries - Part-Time - - - 4,960 4,960 113 Salaries - Overtime 310 2,580 544 2,690 2,690 I 120 Employee Benefits 33,697 37,880 40, 183 40,040 40,040 I Total Personnel 178,923 198,850 195,636 217,610 217,610 Operations and Maintenance 145 Data Processilng Consultant 808 27,500 33,026 - - I 148 Special Studies - - - - - 210 Gas and Electricity 1,232 700 352 - - 215 Telephone 1,025 630 893 600 600 I 260 Reimbursed Mileage 4,490 5,520 5,555 5,460 5,460 270 Travel and Meetings 5,235 6,250 4,630 4,340 4,340 315 Publications and Dues 1,932 2,620 2,889 1,800 1,800 I 317 Education and Training 150 150 98 100 100 334 R&M Equipment 2,775 4,710 4,593 5,360 5,360 399 Other Contractual Services 87 - - - - I 4ll Office & Stationery Supplies 1,235 1,300 1,266 1,330 1,330 417 Operating Supplies - - 134 400 400 445 Misc. Construction Materials 13 - - - - I 512 Rent-Buildings and Grounds 9,504 2,380 792 - - 555 Capital Outlay Rental 1,100 3,400 3,400 3,500 3,500 I Total Operations & Maint. 29,586 55,160 57,628 22,890 22,890 Cap ita lOut 1 ay I 611 Office Equipment 8,204 1,910 1,848 3,920 3,920 I I Total Capital Outlay 8,204 1,910 1,848 3,920 3,920 I Activity Total $216,713 $255,920 $255,112 $244,420 $244,420 98 I CITY OF POWAY DEPARTMENTAL ACTIVITY DETAIL I Department: Activity: Activity I Code: PlanninQ Services Current Plannina 301 ACTIVITY COMMENTARY I ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION The Current Planning Division carries the primary responsibility for the I implementation of the City's General Plan and Zoning Ordinance. Staff members in this division have frequent contact with local citizens and developers interested in land use and development regulations. The division processes discretionary land .. use applications and assures compliance with conditions of approval by reviewing grading and building plans and by field inspections of projects under construction. The Code Compliance Officer is charged with ensuring that various City regulations I are followed including those dealing with signs, location of businesses and property maintenance. I The City Landscape Architect conducts plant i ng and i rri gat i on pl an checks and inspections for private and public projects and assists the Community Services, Public Services and Engineering Services Departments with landscape-related matters I including design of public parks and street landscaping. ACTIVITY WORKLOAD STATISTICS I During 1990 the Current ,Planning Division processed: 14 variances; 19 conditional use permits; 82 temporary use permits; 87 minor development reviews; 17 development I reviews; 11 tentative parcel maps; 10 tentative tract maps; 60 sign permits/ comprehensive sign programs; code violations complaints; and, landscape plans. ACTIVITY GOALS AND OBJECTIVES I 1. To efficiently provide a full range of planning services to the citizens of Poway. I 2. To achieve compliance with development standards of the Comprehensive Plan. 3. To more closely monitor the progress of development applications via computer I programs available to the department. SIGNIFICANT ACTIVITY PROGRAM CHANGES CHANGE I None. I I I I I 99 CITY OF POWAY I DEPARTMENTAL ACTIVITY DETAIL - Activity I Department: Activity: 'Planning Services Current Planning Code: 301 Obj. 1989-1990 I990-I991 1990-1991 1991-1992 1991-1992 1 'Code Expense Classification Actual Budget Actua 1 Proposed Approved Personnel Expense Range Position Title I 262.6 Associate Planner 10,068 43,320 42,798 46,330 46,330 252.6 Assistant Planner II(2) 95,451 73,400 68,676 78,500 78,500 252.6 Code Compliance Officer 32,865 37 ,740 37,091 39,880 39,880 I 236.6 Assistant Planner I 26,705 31,300 29,855 - - 247.6 landscape Architect - 27,590 29,721 36,730 36,730 242.6 Secretary 21,012 26,780 24,965 28,110 28, 11 0 I 213.1 Admin. Clerk I - - - 20,2,90 20,290 193.6 Planning Intern (PT) 6,868 7,160 6,909 8,000 8,000 Clerk (PT) 2,244 2,340 2,255 - - 1 110 Salaries - Regular 186,101 240, 130 233,106 249,840 249,840 112 Salaries - Part-time 9,112 9,500 9,553 8,000 8,000 I 113 Salaries - Overtime 1,691 3,200 2,706 4,080 4,080 120 Employee Benefits 52,604 69,460 69,868 70,070 70,070 1 Total Personnel 249,508 322,290 315,233 331,990 331,990 Operations and Maintenance I 210 Gas and Electricity 4,407 - 944 - - 260 Reimbursed Mileage 921 2,820 805 1,260 1,260 262 Vehicle Operations 408 450 518 450 450 1 263 Vehicle Maintenance 253 1,800 371 1,800 1,800 264 Vehicle Rental 2,000 1,600 1,600 1,600 1,600 270 Travel and Meetings 2,180 3,210 1,836 1,490 1,490 I 311 Printing 1,533 3,750 1,208 1,750 1,750 313 Uniforms and Laundry - - 46 240 240 315 Publications and Dues 1,463 1,730 1,908 1,380 1,380 I 317 Education and Training 220 120 98 200 200 334 R&M Equipment 2,511 4,020 2,189 4,230 4,230 I 411 Office & Stationery Supplies 3,183 4,600 3,967 3,400 3,400 413 Photographic/Copy Supplies 834 810 1,145 800 800 417 Operating Supplies 75 200 14 - - I 444 Sign Maintenance - 1,500 1,370 800 800 555 Capital Outlay Rental 5,920 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 Total Operations & Maint. 25,908 30,610 22,019 23,400 23,400 I Capital Outlay 601 Telecommunications Equipment 530 - - - - 611 Office Equipment 4,737 7,410 6,519 3,790 3,790 I Total Capital Outlay 5,267 7,410 6,519 3,790 3,790 Activity Total $280,683 $360,310 $343,771 $359,180 $359,180 1- 100 I CITY OF POWAY DEPARTMENTAL ACTIVITY DETAIL I Department: Activity: Activity I Code: Planning Services Advance PlanninQ 302 ACTIVITY COMMENTARY I ACTIVITY GOALS AND OBJECTIVES The Advance Planning Division is primarily responsible for: I Comprehensive Plan Implementation - updating and maintaining the General Plan and I Zoning Development Code through reviewing, initiating and processing City-initiated and private requests for General Plan and Zoning Ordinance amendments. DemoQraphic PlanninQ - maintain the City's database relating to population, housing, and employment including continuously monitoring information generated by I outside sources such as the Department of Finance and SANDAG. ReQional PlanninQ Coordination - closely monitor and review the lbng-range planning programs and land development projects proposed by other jurisdictions to determine I their impact on the goals and objectives of Poway and the region. CEOA Imp 1 ementat ion - keep abreast of current envi ronmenta 1 1 egi slat i on and programs to ensure that local planning/development projects are in compliance with I State environmental laws and guidelines. This Division is also responsible for the preparation of environmental impact reports for major projects proposed in the City. Inter-Departmental Proiect Coordination - coordinate and provide planning technical I support to other City departments as needed. ACTIVITY WORKLOAD STATISTICS I During 1990 the Advance Planning division processed: 4 General Plan amendment applications; 2 specific plans and specific plan amendments; envi~onmental impact I reports. ACTIVITY GOALS AND OBJECTIVES 1. Prepare the specific plans for Poway Road, Old Pomerado Road. I 2. Implementation of the City's housing program. 3. Review the Zoning Development Code for consistency with the updated General I Plan and draft needed amendments. 4. Monitor and implement environmental laws and guidelines. 5. Participate in regional planning and demographic programs affecting the City of Poway . I SIGNIFICANT ACTIVITY PROGRAM CHANGES CHANGE 148 - San Dieguito Regional Open Space JPA contribution -$ 14,000 I transferred to the City Manager's Division and VL computer mapping studies have been completed. I 364 - It is anticipated that there will be fewer environmental -$ 24,000 impact reports processed during this fiscal year. I I I 101 CITY OF POWAY I DEPARTMENTAL ACTIVITY DETAIL I DepartTllent: Activity: Activity Planning Services Advance Planning Code: 302 Obj. 1989-1990 1990-1991 1990-1991 1991-1992 1991-1992 I Code Expense Classification Actual Budget Actua 1 Proposed Approved Personnel Expense Range Position Title I 277 .6 Senior Planner 47,184 50,940 50,279 53,830 53,830 252,.1 Assistant Planner II 36,742 39,660 39,561 41,720 41,720 208.1 Secretary 23,287 27,000 26,085 - - I Planning Intern (PT) 7,047 7,160 7,097 7,610 7,610 110 Salaries - Regular 107,213 117,600 115,925 95,550 95,550 I 112 Salaries - Part-time 7,047 7,160 7,097 7,610 7,610 113 Salaries - Overtime 483 3,490 582 730 730 I 120 Employee Benefits 29,138 33,010 32,706 22,820 22,820 I . Total Personnel 143,881 161,260 156,310 126,710 126,710 Operations and Maintenance 148 Special Studies 6,680 16,500 27,046 2,500 2,500 I 260 Reimbursed Mileage 943 1,200 883 970 970 270 Travel and Meetings 461 1,080 566 620 620 311 Printing 3,184 8,500 6,205 5,000 5,000 I 315 Publications and Dues 310 310 301 310 310 317 Education and Training 119 220 193 - - 334 R&M Equipment 1,050 1,470 1,216 1,200 1,200 I 364 Environ.Impact Review-Plans 305,314 190,000 205,116 166,000 166,000 411 Office & Stationery Supplies 1,478 2,990 2,165 1,640 1,640 413 Photographic/Copy Supplies 772 880 657 850 850 I 555 Cap ita lOut 1 ay Rental 2,420 3,050 3,050 3,140 3,140 I Total Operations & Maint. 322,731 226,200 247,398 182,230 182,230 Capital Outl ay I 601 Telecommunications Equipment 991 - - - - 611 Office Equipment 2,726 - - - - I I I Total Capital Outlay 3,717 - - - - I Activity Total $470,329 $387,460 $403,708 $308,940 $308,940 , , - 102 I CITY OF POWAY DEPARTMENTAL ACTIVITY DETAIL I Department: Activity: Act i vity I Code: PlanninQ Services Building & Safety Insoection 303 ACTIVITY COMMENTARY I ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION I Esgil Corporation provides the City's Building and Safety Inspection services through a contract. Responsibilities include: assistance and information to developers and residents concerning construction code requirements through I telephone and counter contacts; plan check review; and structural, electrical, plumbing, and mechanical inspections. ACTIVITY WORKLOAD STATISTICS I During 1990, this division completed 332 plan checks and issued 1,420 building I permits. ACTIVITY GOALS AND OBJECTIVES 1. To provide high quality information, plan check, and inspection services to I developers and citizens of Poway who are building or altering structures. 2. To work with other City departments, related agencies, the County of San Diego, I and State of California in a cooperative spirit. 3. To say current with changes in laws, codes, and techniques which affect the I building industry and recommend changes to local codes as appropriate. 4. To provide information and advice concerning the requirements of applicable I state and federal laws and recommend appropriate action. SIGNIFICANT ACTIVITY PROGRAM CHANGES CHANGE I 143 - It is anticipated that there will be a decrease in -$436,290 construction activity. I I I , I I I I 103 I CITY OF POWAY DEPARTMENTAL ACTIVITY DETAIL I Department: Activity: Activity Planning Services Building and Safety Inspection Code: 303 Obj. 1989-1990 1990-1991 1990-1991 1991-1992 1991-1992 I Code Expense Classification Actua 1 Budget Actua 1 Proposed Approved Personnel Expense Range Position Title .1 I I Total Personnel - - - - - I Operations and Maintenance 143 Building Inspection 773,384 1,036,290 545,517 600,000 600,000 I 148 Special Studies - - 1,523 - - 311 Printing 609 2,500 2,286 1,000 1,000 315 Publications and Dues 150 300 150 150 150 I 411 Office & Stationery Supplies 493 1,000 655 600 600 413 Photographic/Copy Supplies - 2,000 - 500 500 417 Operating Supplies 19 - - - - I I I I - I I Total Operations & Maint. 774,655 1,042,090 550,131 602,250 602,250 Capital Outlay 601 Telecommunications Equipment 540 - - - - I 611 Office Equipment 905 - 1,232 - , - I Total Capital Outlay 1,445 1,232 - - I Activity Total $776,100 $1,042,090 $551,363 $602,250 $602,250 ...... (:) PUBLIC SERVICES ..,. CITY MANAGER 013 DIRECTOR PUBLIC SERVICES 400 I I I I I I FIELD STREET WATER SEWER WATER SEWER OPERATIONS MAINTENANCE SUPPLY PUMPING TRANSMISSION COIl.ECTlON 402 403 404 405 406 407 I I I I I I FACILITIES VEHICLE & DRAINAGE TRAILS AND PARK AND SPECIAL MAINTENANCE EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE OPEN SPACE lANDSCAPE LANDSCAPE 408 MAINTENANCE 410 411 MAINTENANCE DISTRICTS 409 412 413 PUBLIC SERVICES - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I 105 I CITY OF POWAY DEPARTMENTAL ACTIVITY OVERVIEW I Dept. Department: Fund Distribution: Code Genrl:$I,747,228;Water:$5,850,063~ Gas:$767,820 Public Services Sewer: $3,402,889; Prop.A: $126,000 I 400 Drainaoe: $306,180; Assmt. Dist.: $1,250,960 EXPENSE 1989-1990 1990-1991 1990-1991 1991-1992 1991-1992 I CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL PROPOSED APPROVED I Tota I Pos it ions 79 79 79 84 84 Personnel Expense 3,082,117 3,320,480 3,327,000 3,733,410 3,733,410 I Operations and Maintenance 7,744,596 9,470,300 7,892,109 9,650,640 9,701,390 I Capital Outlay 150,766 136,860 61,765 16,340 16,340 I I TOTAL BUDGET $10,977 ,479 $12,927,640 $11,280,874 $13,400,390 $13,451,140 I OVERVIEW COMMENTARY The Department of Public Services consists of 14 divisions which include: Offi ce of I the Director; Field Operations and Maintenance Administration; Street Maintenance; Water Supply, Treatment, Pumping and Storage; Sewer Pumping, Treatment and Disposal; Water Transmission and Distribution; Sewer Collection Maintenance; Facilities I Maintenance; Vehicle and Equipment Maintenance; Drainage Maintenance; Trails and Open Space Maintenance; Park and Landscape Maintenance; Special Districts, and the and the newly established one-year Drought Assistance Response Team. I The Department's various divisions are responsible for managing, operating, and maintaining a variety of municipal services and facilities, including streets and highways, solid waste management, safety lighting, traffic signals, street sweeping, I sewer collection and maintenance, municipal buildings, vehicles and equipment, water treatment and distribution, water conservation, sewer maintenance and construction, parks and trails maintenance, and lighting and landscape maintenance districts. I The Department of Public Services, together with other City departments, is responsible for reviewing improvement plans, reporting to the City Manager, implementing City standards, and assurance of the City's compliance with State and Federal laws and I regul at ions. I I 106 I CITY Of POWAY '. OEPARtMENTAL ACTIVITY OETAIL Department: Activity: Activity I Code: Public Services Office of the Director 400 ACTIVITY COMMENTARY I ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION I The Office of the Director is responsible for the direct supervision, coordination and control of the operational and maintenance of the City's streets, water, sewer, I drainage, parks, buildings, trails, and open spaces. The Director of Public Services is appointed by the City Manager. The Director functions in a staff capacity to advise the City Manager concerning the City's public services needs and I requirements. The Director's office is responsible for: I a. Ensuring the quality of the services provided by the department through management and analysis of the various functions of each division. b. Providing the most responsive, professional, fiscally responsible operation and I maintenance of all City utilities and public facilities. c. Provide professional advise and technical assistance to decision makers, I commi ttees, staff, and citizens. d. Ensure the City's compliance with State and federal laws and regulations I regarding water, wastewater, storm drainage, solid waste, special districts, and vehicle maintenance. ACTIVITY GOALS AND OBJECTIVES I 1. Update and implement computerized scheduling, budgeting, and reporting. I 2. Improve overall maintenance practices for all divisions. 3. Update computerized maps with new inventories of facilities, and integrate with computerized scheduling program. I 4. Determine the feasibility of using water wells at all City parks. 5. Complete the Integrated Waste Management Plan required by AB939. SIGNIFICANT ACTIVITY PROGRAM CHANGES CHANGE .' The Special Studies (148) is reduced by $80,000 due to the transfer -$80,000 of the Integrated Waste Management Plan efforts to a Capital I Improvement Program Account. .- I I 107 I CITY OF POWAY DEPARTMENTAL ACTIVITY DETAIL I Department: Activity: Activity Pub.li c Servi ces Office of the Director Code: 400 Obj. 1989-1990 1990-1991 1990-1991 1991-1992 1991-1992 Code Expense Classification Actual Budget Actua 1 Proposed Approved Personnel Expense Range Posit i on Title 315.3 Director of Public Svcs 73,370 73,370 77,430 78,460 78,460 282.8 City Engineer 63,320 - - - - 266.6 Sr. Management Analyst 48,460 - - - - I 223.1 Admin Secretary 26,870 29,840 30,594 31,070 31,070 189.6 Account Clerk II 23,590 - - - - 182.6 Admi n. Cl erk II 22,000 - - - - 110 Salaries - Regular 257,610 103,210 108,024 109,530 109,530 ,I 120 Employee Benefits 62,544 27,540 26,123 26,040 26,040 Total Personnel 320,154 130,750 134,147 135,570 135,570 I Operations and Maintenance 148 Special Studies 1,788 - 3,155 - - 260 Reimbursed Mileage 7,309 3,780 4,347 3,780 3,780 I 270 Travel and Meetings 5,134 2,700 1,985 2,700 2,700 311 Printing 252 200 35 200 200 315 Publications and Dues 1,951 920 916 920 920 I 334 R&M Equipment 1,282 1,000 1,114 1,000 1,000 411 Office & Stationery Supplies 2,898 1,000 1,148 1,000 1,000 413 Photographic/Copy Supplies 28 100 9 100 100 I 420 Small Tool s 30 200 122 200 200 512 Rent-Buildings and Grounds 100 - 100 - - 555 Capital Outlay Rental 3,300 - - 1,970 1,970 I Total Operations & Maint. 24,072 9,900 12,931 11,870 11 ,870 Capital Outl ay I 611 Office Equipment 11 ,829 - 3,571 - - I I I Total Capital Outlay 11,829 - 3,571 - - I Activity Total $356,055 $140,650 $150,649 $147,440 $147,440 108 I - CITY OF POWAY DEPARTMENTAL ACTIVITY DETAIL I Department: Activity: Activity I Code: Public Services Drought Assistance Resoonse Team 401 ACTIVITY COMMENTARY I ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION The Drought Assistance Response Team (DART) has been established as a division of I the Public Services Department in response to the statewide drought crisis. The team is comprised of 8 personnel who were previously assigned to positions throughout the City. These personnel have been selected to form a one year task force to coordi nate the City's short- and long-range efforts at mi ni mi zing the I impact of the current drought and any which may follow. The focus of DART is to address the needs of the City in three areas: public I education, a retrofit/rebate program, and a code enforcement element. The public education element will provide water conservation information and training to residents, business owners and operators and service organizations throughout the I City. In addition, the DART Division will provide information regarding the details of ordinances adopted by the City Council. The retrofit program will encourage the installation of low-flow toilets, through a I monetary rebate program for residents wishing to participate. In addition, the installation of low-flow shower heads will be encouraged. The last element of DART shall be the code enforcement of prohibitions and I restrictions adopted by ordinance through the City Council. Every effort will be made to obtain compliance through voluntary cooperation. ACTIVITY GOALS ,I l. To provide water conservation information to citizens so that they can '.- achieve immediate conservation results in their homes or work places. 2. To' provide information so that citizens may clearly understand the intent and I goals of water use restrictions and prohibitions. 3. To implement a low-flow toilet rebate program to provide a financial incentive for residents to replace older, less efficient toilets with those I requiring less water to operate. , 4. To encourage residents to adopt lifestyle standards which result in a I reduction of large quantities of water used for landscape irrigation. 5. To ensure compliance with ordinances adopted by the City Council. I SIGNIFICANT ACTIVITY PROGRAM CHANGES This is a newly-created division within the Department of Public Services. I I I I 109 I CITY OF POWAY DEPARTMENTAL ACTIVITY DETAIL I Department: Activity: Activity Publ ic Services Drought Assistance Response Team Code: 401 Obj. 1989-199D 1990-1991 1990-1991 1991-1992 1991-1992 I Code Expense Classification Actua 1 Budget Actual Proposed Approved Personnel Expense I Range Position Title I 298.2 Fira Battalion Chief - - 17,187 66, 130 66,130 264.0 Asst Civil Engineer II - - 11 ,236 42,320 42,320 252.6 Assistant Planner II - - 10,044 37,550 37,550 I 247.6 Code Compliance Officer - - 10,626 39,880 39,880 214.5 Park Maint. Worker 11(2) - - 12,747 48,360 48,360 198.6 Admin Clerk II (2) - - 10,698 40, 160 40, 160 I 110 Salaries - Regular - - 72,538 274,400 274,400 113 Salaries - Overtime - - 1,619 5,000 5,000 120 Employee Benefits - - 18,673 82,730 82,}30 I Total Personnel - - 92,830 362, 130 362,130 Operations and Maintenance I 145 Data Processing Consultant - - 214 - - 210 Gas and Electricity - - 306 2,400 2,400 215 Tele~hone - - 2,915 3,990 3,990 216 Tras Removal - - - 1,060 1,060 262 Vehicle Operations - - 266 650 650 260 Reimbursed Mileage - - 146 1,600 1,600 263 Vehicle Maintenance - - - 2,200 2,200 264 Vehicle Rental - - - 5,900 5,900 I 270 Travel and Meetings - - 195 940 940 280 Advertising - - 666 800 800 282 Postage - - 5,051 6,200 6,200 311 Printing - - 7,298 6,000 6,000 313 Uniforms and Laundry - - 157 280 280 314 Community Relations - - 10,666 19,900 19,900 315 Publications and Dues - - 756 580 580 I 317 Education and Training - - 822 300 300 331 R&M Buil di ng - - 5,349 1,320 1,32D 334 R&M Equipment - - 405 2,700 2,700 399 Other Contractual Services - - 244 - - I 411 Office & Stationery Supplies - - 2,683 2,000 2,000 - 412 Janitorial Supplies - - 169 500 500 413 Photographic/Copy Supplies - - 17 400 400 I 416 Safety Supplies - - 36 100 100 417 Operating Supplies - - 1,401 2,600 2,600 420 Small Tools - - 96 180 180 444 Sign Maintenance - - - 500 500 499 Other Supplies and Materials - - 16,215 454,200 454,200 511 Equipment Rental - - 650 - - 512 Rent-Buildings and Grounds - - 7,194 22,210 22,210 I 555 Capital outlay Rental - - - 500 500 Total Operations & Maint. - - 63,917 540,010 540,010 Capital Outlay I 611 Capital Outlay - - - - - 691 - - 8,944 - - Total Capital Outlay - - 8,944 - - I Activity Total - - 165,691 902,140 902,140 110 ,I CITY OF POWAY I DEPARTMENTAL ACTIVITY DETAIL Department: Activity: Activity I Code: Public Services Field Operations and Maintenance Admin. 402 ACTIVITY COMMENTARY I ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION I Administration of all Public Services operations, maintenance and repair activities is handled by this section. The Public Services Operations Manager has I responsibil ity for overall management of the City's water and sewer util ities, streets and drainage field operations, vehicle, equipment and building maintenance. City building facil ities include City Hall, Planning Department, Community Center, I and Park Recreation Buildings and the Fire Department Stations. Managed through this section is the water supply, treatment, pumping, distribution I and storage; sewer collection, pumping, metering and disposal; street, water and sewer utilities, storm drain and creek cleaning, maintenance and repair; City building facilities, vehicle and equipment maintenance and repair. Added this year is the management of the City parks, roadside, and median landscape maintenance, I and all the hiking and riding trails. ACTIVITY GOALS AND OBJECTIVES I To serve as liaison between the Engineering Services Department including its Inspection Division and the field operations and maintenance activities; to plan I and coordi nate all water, sewer, street ,drainage, and 1 andscape work activities j to ma i nta in the City's veh i c le fl eet and equ i pment inventory and all City bui 1 di ngs; and continue to develop facil it i es inventory, maintenance and repa i r I scheduling with the aid of computerization. SIGNIFICANT ACTIVITY PROGRAM CHANGES CHANGE . None. '. 'I . I I I I I III CITY OF POWAY DEPARTMENTAL ACTIVITY DETAIL Department: Act i vity: Act i vity Publ i c Servi ces Field Operations and, Maintenance Admin. Code: 402 Obj. 1989-1990 1990-1991 1990-1991 1991-1992 1991-1992 Code Expense Classification Actua I Budget Actua I Proposed Approved Personnel Expense Range Position Title 298.8 Public Servo Oper. Mgr. 59,894 62,960 62,957 66,530 66,530 233.1 Department Aide 16,033 23,360 10,479 3D,090 30,090 198.6 AdmIn Clerk II 20,478 29,840 29,842 24,320 24,320 Engineering Intern (PT) 2,424 - - - - 110 Salaries - Regular 96,405 116,160 103,278 120,940 120,940 112 Salaries - Part-Time 2,424 4,600 232 - - 120 Employee Benefits 25,557 28,220 22,248 31,470 31,470 Tota I Personnel 124,386 148,980 125,758 152,410 152,410 Operations and Maintenance 148 Special Studies - 28,000 168 - - 161 Water Project Engineering 6,533 - - - - 162 Sewer Project Engineering 4,700 - - - - 215 Telephone 30B 360 782 600 600 262 Vehicle OperatIons 594 450 572 560 560 263 Vehicle Maintenance 949 1,000 1,121 1,800 1,800 264 Vehicle Rental 2,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 270 Travel and ,Meetings 1,128 2,670 1,107 1,200 1,200 313 Uniforms and Laundry 235 480 304 240 240 315 Publications and Dues 1,707 2,810 3,246 2,810 2,810 317 Education and Training - 10,000 10,134 3,240 3,240 334 R&M Equipment 2,563 4,000 2,419 4,370 4,370 337 R&M Radios 314 440 498 450 450 411 Office & Stationery Supplies 1,164 1,160 1,306 1,950 1,950 555 Capital Outlay Rental 1,100 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 Total Operations & Maint. 23,795 54,070 24,357 19,920 19,920 Capital Outl ay 611 Office Equipement 2,074 450 - 4,700 4,700 622 Other Equipment 1,020 - - - - I Total Capital Outlay 3,094 450 - 4,700 4,700 I Act i vity Total 151,275 203,500 150,115 177,030 177,030 , 112 I CITY OF POWAY I DEPARTMENTAL ACTIVITY DETAIL Department: Activity: Activity I Code: Public Services Street Maintenance 403 ACTIVITY COMMENTARY I ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION I The Street Maintenance activity involves a variety of maintenance functions, including pavement repairs, traffic striping of all public streets, traffic I signals, street lights, signs, curb, gutter, and sidewalk maintenance, and the maintenance of public trees throughout the City. ACTIVITY GOALS AND OBJECTS I To ensure that a comprehensive maintenance program is continued for City-owned I facilities in the public rights-of-way; to forestall future capital expenditures through on-going, preventative street maintenance; to ensure pedestrian safety through the maintenance of crosswalks, curbs, gutters, sidewalks, tree and shrubbery control; and to continue roadside cleanup and vegetation control through I Work Release Program. ' SIGNIFICANT ACTIVITY PROGRAM CHANGES CHANGE I 148 - Special studies - $ 25,000 216 - Increased costs for solid waste disposal due to over + 11,600 I- so percent increase in tipping fees 218 - Increase due to four signalized intersections that were + 9,300 I energized 262 - Increase in fuel cost + 5,500 I 350 - Reduced budget amount as a result of the Poway Grade - 15,000 Project I 441 - Reduced budget amount as a result of the Poway Grade - 12,000 Project 714 - Street light maintenance activity has been transferred - 335,000 I to Activity Code 413 (Special Districts) I I I I , - 1 113 CITY OF POWA Y I DEPARTMENTAL ACTIVITY DETAIL . ! ! Department: Activity: Activity I Public, Services Street Maintenance Code: 403 [ Obj. 1989-1990 1990-1991 1990-1991 1991 1992 1991-1992 I Code Exp~nse Classification Actua 1 Budget Actua 1 Proposed Approved Personnel Expense Range Position Title I 283.8 Asst. Operations Mgr. 51,546 54, 190 54,188 57,270 57,270 246.6 Street Maint Supervisor 30,614 34,820 34,822 37,530 37,530 , 231. 6 Cons.Maint.Wkr. III (4) 82,317 124,830 120,829 129,000 129,000 I 216.6 Cons.Maint.Wkr. n (4) 138,282 124,690 120,690 107,180 107,180 206.6 Cons.Maint.Wkr. I - - - 21,580 21,580 I Salaries - Standby 1,849 1,380 1,380 1,450 1,450 110 Salaries - Regular 304,608 339,910 331,909 354,010 354,010 113 Salaries - Overtime 3,166 6,360 2,910 4,000 4,000 t 120 Employee Benefits 83,831 96,660 91,467 99,430 99,430 Total Personnel 391,605 442,930 426,286 457,440 457,440 Operations and Maintenance , I 148 Special Studies 4,320 25,000 - - - 216 Trash Removal 29,755 28,400 32,858 40,000 40,000 . 218 Signal Power 88,375 72,300 73,165 81 ,600 81,600 , 260 Reimbursed Mileage 36 60 17 - - I 262 Vehicle Operations 14,550 11 , 500 15,515 17,000 17,000 263 Vehicle Maintenance 29,447 48,570 29,665 45,000 45,000 264 Vehicle Rental 48,190 62,320 62,320 62,320 62,320 , 270 Travel and Meetings 1,310 500 160 580 580 313 Uniforms and Laundry 3,086 2,640 2,866 2,640 2,640 315 Publications and Dues 452 250 502 500 500 Medical Exams 55 330 610 140 140 317 Education and Training 1,120 1,100 40 910 910 324 Nuisance Abatement - 1,500 1,107 - - 337 R&M Radios 1,185 1,250 1,106 1,250 1,250 I 350 R&M Sidewalks & Barricades 16,853 35,000 16,699 20,000 20,000 351 R&M Signals 78,710 76,130 77 , 728 80,000 80,000 354 R&M Street Striping 18,213 125,000 68,326 70,000 70,000 I 355 R&M Roadway 811,486 518,000 725,780 518,000 518,000 358 Street Sweeping 83,881 98,500 82,050 96,500 96,500 411 Office & Stationery Supplies - - 320 - - I 416 Safety Supplies 1,869 2,000 2,525 2,000 2,000 417 Operating Supplies 16,110 16,000 18,124 16,000 16,000 420 Small Tool s 210 500 522 300 300 I 441 Street Repair Materials 38,465 45,000 21,539 33,000 33,000 444 Sign Maintenance 33,181 35,000 36,639 35,000 35,000 445 Misc. Construction Materials 355 1,500 1,657 1,000 1,000 511 Equipment Rental 4,548 8,000 2,498 5,000 , 5,000 I 555 Capita 1 Outl ay Rental 32,180 62,770 62,770 62,770 62,770 714 Street Light Maintenance 217,639 335,000 - - - Total Operations & Maint. 1,575,581 1,614,120 1,337,108 1,191,510 1,191,510 Capital Outlay 1,,621- Capital Outlay 25,263 - 3,637 - - 653 Total Capital Outlay 25,263 - 3,637 - - I Act i vity Total 1,992,449 2,057,050 1,767,031 1,648,950 1,648,95D 114 I CITY OF POWAY I DEPARTMENTAL ACTIVITY DETAIL Department: Activity: Water Supply, Activity '. Code: Public Services Water Supply, Treatment, Pumping & StoraQe 404 I ACTIVITY COMMENTARY ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION I Major areas of responsibility include: delivery of high quality treated water to City consumers; receiving and storing untreated water deliveries from the San Diego I County Water Authority; maintaining the quality of stored water in Lake Poway; operation and maintenance of water treatment plant and all water pumping and regulating stations; and operation of all the water storage reservoirs throughout the City to assure normal and emergency supply conditions in the distribution I system. ACTIVITY GOALS AND OBJECTIVES I To maintain the Lake Poway raw water storage at optimum quality and levels consistent with seasonal conditions and recreational needs while meeting peak I system demands and emergencies; to provide the highest quality treated, potable water at the most economic level to the consumers; to increase cost efficiency by accomplishing repairs and maintenance using City staff rather than outside assistance. I 1990-91 1991-92 ACTIVITY WORKLOAD STATISTICS ESTIMATED FORECASTED Acre feet of water purchased from SDCWA 13,670 A.F. 10,795 A.F. I Acre feet of water production 13,670 A.F. 13,558 A.F. SDCWA water costs 237 A.F. 277 A.F. Water treatment for Ramona None 2,763 A.F. . SIGNIFICANT ACTIVITY PROGRAM CHANGES CHANGE 213-Raw water costs have decreased as a result of the 20% reduced -$249,570 I water allocation program. 214-Increased budget amount due to higher raw water cost. +$ 8,850 I 240-Reduced budget amount due to lower water production, from 258-Anticipated 20% reduction in water consumption as a result of -$43,010 I mandatory drought allocation program. 264-Increase includes reimbursement to capital replacement fund for +$8,000 upgrade of vehicle. 280-Reduced budget amount due to water conservation awareness program I being turned over to DART Team for FY 1991-92. -$ 8,500 331-Reduced budget amount due to one-time expenditure for recon- ditioning of log boom on Lake Poway. -$27,720 I 334-Increased maintenance at treatment plant & distribution system +$25,290 399-0ne-time repair and coating of interior backwash storage tank. -$20,000 417-Increased budget amount due to replacement of residual analyzer I and filter media at Water Treatment Plant. +$12,740 . I 115 C!TV OF POWA Y I DEPARTMENTAL ACTIVITY DETAIL Department: Activity: Act i vity I Public Services Water Supply, Treat~ent. Pumping & Storage Code; 404 Obj. 1989-1990 1990-1991 1990-1991 1991-1992 1991-1992 Code Expense Classification Actual Budget Actual Proposed Approved I Personnel Expense Range Position Title 283.8 Asst. OperatIons Mgr. 44,770 49,460 49,979 55,410 55,410 I 267.1 Water Treatment su~vr. 43,630 45,860 46,379 48,470 48,470 257.1 Sr. Util. Syst Tec (2) 73,760 79,850 80,369 86,510 86,510 256.1 Util. Systems Mech. 32,330 36,080 36,599 41,760 41,760 252.6 Lab Analyst 36,520 40,080 40,599 41 ,720 41,720 I 252.1 Water T.P.O. III (4) 150,220 159,,520 160,959 166,040 166,040 242.1 Water T.P.O. II 26,480 31,860 30,700 34,790 34,790 110 Salaries - Regular 415,469 451,830 461,420 474,700 474,700 :1 113 Salaries - Overtime 19,947 17,250 20,307 19,000 19,000 120 Employee Benefits 106,919 124,500 119,714 120,850 120,850 Total Personnel 542,335 593,580 601,441 614,550 614,550 I Operations and Maintenance 147 Chemlcal Analysls 4,805 3,700 3,016 4,600 4,600 148 Special Studies 100 - - - - 210 Gas and Electricity 6,074 4,610 3,238 3,770 3,770 I 211 Natural Gas 640 1,100 1,659 1,200 1,200 213 Water Purchases 3,242,040 3,239,790 3,009,488 2,990,220 2,990,220 214 Water Storage Adjustment - 84,530 - 93,380 93,380 I 215 Tele~hone 247 380 462 750 750 216 Tras Removal 536 600 558 670 670 229 Telemetry 6,982 8,400 7,236 8,400 8,400 24~8 Pumpi ng Power 302,287 308,340 286,070 265,330 265,330 I -25 260 Reimbursed Mileage 48 150 l,nO 1,860 1,86Q 262 Vehicle Operations 3,184 3,650 2,709 3,840 3,840 263 Vehicle Maintenance 3,191 3,000 3,228 3,000 3,000 I 264 Vehicle Rental 5,670 8,040 8,040 17 , 180 17,180 270 Travel and Meetings 40 250 237 300 300 280 Advertising 798 10,000 4,264 1,500 1,500 I 313 Uniforms and Laundry 3,021 2,640 3,130 3,060 3,060 315 Publications and Dues 785 510 550 1,880 1,880 317 Education and Training 814 1, 100 1,081 1,100 1,100 331 R&M Building 1,959 40,000 36,344 12,280 12,280 I 334 R&M Equipment 43,618 24,200 46,130 49,490 49,490 337 R&M Radios 550 650 550 680 680 356 Street Repairs 39,131 - - - - I 360 Contract Inspection 4,203 4,450 4,435 4,520 4,520 399 Other Contractual Services - 20,000 20,260 - - 411 Office & Stationery Supplies 45B 480 794 530 530 416 Safety Supplies 511 420 406 630 630 I 417 Operating Supplies 58,347 57,790 61,587 70,530 70,530 420 Small Tool s 1,257 2,420 2,386 1,900 1,900 423 Chemicals 95,220 71 ,440 80,194 70,430 70,430 511 Equipment Rental - 750 276 - - I 515 Intergovernmental Fees 1,985 2,000 7,984 - - 555 Capital Outlay Rental - 900 900 900 900 Total Operations & Maint. 3,828,501 3,906,290 3,598,942 3,613,930 3,613,930 I 601- 622 Capital Outlay 6,090 49,050 15,226 2,500 2,500 Total Capital Outlay 6,090 49,050 15,226 2,500 2,500 I Activity Total $4,376,926 $4,548,920 $4,215,609 $4,230,980 $4,230,980 , 116 I CITY OF POWAY I DEPARTMENTAL ACTIVITY DETAIL Department: Activity: Activity I Code: Public Services Sewer Pumoi no and Di sposa 1 405 ACTIVITY COMMENTARY I ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION The sewer pumping and disposal operation and maintenance section is charged with I the pumping of sewage within the City. Major functional areas include transfer of raw sewage from two low areas to the I major gravity system, by pumping from the North to South Basins, with metered delivery to the Metropolitan Sewer System's Penasquitos line. Maintenance of the pump stations is also part of this activity. This section is responsible for I ensuring the operation of the pumping stations under normal and emergency conditions to minimize health risks. Data processing of (A.D.S.) wastewater flow measuring sites is also performed by this division. ACTIVITY GOALS AND OBJECTIVES I 1. To maintain the sewage pumping stations at optimum performance and reliability. I 2. To increase cost efficiency by accomplishing repairs and maintenance, using City staff rather than outside assistance. 3. To provide a service that responds to the needs of the community. I 4. To install sewage metering stations with telemetry at all City of San Diego connection points. 5. To continue ongoing wastewater sampling program for the purpose of gathering I data for the wastewater reclamation project. ACTIVITY WORKLOAD STATISTICS 1990-91 1991-92 I ESTIMATED FORECASTED (In millions of qallons Sewage delivered to Metro 1,570.00 1,588.00 I Sewage delivered to R.B./Escondido 13.20 16.90 Sewage pumped by St. Andrews Pump Station 33.50 34.50 Sewage pumped by Camino del Valle Pump Station 204.00 210.12 Sewage pumped by Del Poniente Pump Station 7.40 7.62 I Sewage pumped by Highlands Ranch Pump Station 0.18 0.46 SIGNIFICANT ACTIVITY PROGRAM CHANGES CHANGE I 220 - Decrease of M&O Penasquitos due to recalculated sewage flows. -$ 37,680 221 - Decrease of M&O Metro System due to recalculated sewage flows. -$103,530 I 334 - Increase due to new pump being installed at Camino del Valle and increased maintenance cost. +$ 9,410 417 - Increase due to purchase of composite sampler for wastewater I reclamation project and increased maintenance activity at sewage lift stations. +$ 6,140 I I I 117 CITY OF POWAY I DEPARTMENTAL ACTIVITY DETAIL I Department: Activity: Activity Public Services Sewer Pumping"Metering and Disposal Code: 405 Obj. 1989-1990 1990-1991 1990-1991 1991-1992 1991-1992 I Code Expense Classification Actua 1 Budget Actua 1 Proposed Approved Personnel Expense Range Pas it i on Title I 257.1 Sr. Utility Syst. Tech 40,026 41,920 41,917 43,640 43,64D 242.1 Sewer T.P.O. II 34,526 36,080 33,475 37,560 37,560 I 110 Salaries - Regular 74,551 78,000 75,392 81,200 81,200 113 Salaries - Overtime 1,911 1,450 2,878 1,600 1,600 120 Employee Benefits 17,328 20,480 19,249 21, 080 21,080 I Tota 1 Personnel 93,790 99,930 97,519 103,880 103,880 Operations and Maintenance I 147 Chemical Analysis 6,240 12,000 14,667 16,000 16,000 210 Gas and Electricity 79 710 284 650 650 212 Water - Inter-agency - - 287 150 150 220 M&O - Penasquitos System 314,157 506,070 386,440 468,390 468,390 I 221 M&O- Metro System 769,379 1,755,800 644,062 1,652,270 1,652,270 222 M&O - Bernardo System - 11 , 560 48,665 14,670 14,670 223 Capacity - Metro System 162,950 162,950 162,949 162,950 162,950 I 229 Telemetry 3,399 1,980 2,632 2,700 2,700 230 Other Utility Charges - - - 200 200 240 Pumping Power - Plant - - - 1,000 1,000 I 244 Pumping Power - St. Andrews 2,692 3,670 2,572 3,660 3,660 246 Pumping - Camino Del Valle 18,714 26,480 19,298 25,590 25,590 253 Pumping Power-Del Poniente 991 1,070 793 1,320 1,320 I 256 Pumping-Comm. Rd./So. Poway 54 900 118 200 200 262 Vehicle Operations 2,091 1,350 1,532 3,000 3,000 263 Vehicle Maintenance 2,335 1,180 1,366 1,350 1,350 264 Vehicle Rental 1,830 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 I 270 Travel and Meetings 1,081 820 720 250 250 313 Uniforms and Laundry 471 480 494 480 480 315 Publications and Dues 265 300 2,465 200 200 I 317 Education and Training 81 200 195 200 200 334 R&M Equipment 4,171 3,500 2,059 12,910 12,910 337 R&M Radios 66 70 67 70 70 399 Other Contractual Services - 4,300 2,782 78,170 78, 170 I 417 Operating Supplies 5,451 5,000 4,257 11,140 11,140 420 Small Tool s 387 200 38 300 300 555 Capital Outlay Rental - 1,900 1,900 1,930 1,930 I Total Operations & Maint. 1,296,884 2,504,490 1,302,642 2,461,750 2,461,750 Capital Outl ay I 622 Other Equipment 5,068 700 641 - - I Total Capital Outla 5,068 700 641 - - I Activity Total 1,395,742 2,605,120 1,400,802 2,565,630 2,565,630 118 I CITY OF POWAY I DEPARTMENTAL ACTIVITY DETAIL Department: Activity: Act i vity I Code: Publ ic ,Services Water Transmission and Distribution 406 ACTIVITY COMMENTARY I ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION I The water transmission and distribution section is charged with the maintenance and repair of the water transmission and distribution system. Major funct i ona 1 maintenance and repair areas include pjpeline valves, air releases and blow-off I assemblies, City fire hydrants, water service laterals and meters, and extension and relocation of facilities for new construction. This activity also aids in maintaining optimum water quality throughout the City by an annual water main I flushing program performed in conjunction with the water main and fire hydrant valve exercising activity. ACTIVITY GOALS AND OBJECTIVES I 1. To upgrade 20 fire hydrants annually. 2. To replace 500-600 residential water meters annually. I ACTIVITY WORKLOAD STATISTICS I 1990-91 1991-92 ESTIMATED FORECASTED Water Main Valves and Appurtenances 3,485 3,640 I Fire Hydrant Assemblies 1,016 1,036 Miles of Pipeline 194 198 I SIGNIFICANT ACTIVITY PROGRAM CHANGES CHANGE 417 - Operating supplies decreased because of completed I reservoir repairs and reduced need for cast-iron fittings. -$6,000 511 - Equipment rental decreased because of completed reservoir I repairs. -$9,000 I I I I I I 119 CITY OF POWAY I DEPARTMENTAL ACTIVITY DETAIL I Department: Activity: Activity Public Services Water Transmission and Distribution Code: 406 Obj. 1989-1990 1990-1991 1990-1991 1991 1992 1991-1992 I Codl Expense Classification Actua 1 Budget Actua 1 Proposed Approved Personnel Expense Range Position Title I 245.6 Water Distr. Supervisor 35,536 37,370 37,372 39,490 39,490 229.6 Backflow Prevo Mech. 30,604 32,480 32,478 33,820 33,820 229.6 Cons. Maint. Wkr 111(2) 56,B42 61 ,060 61,057 63,560 63 , 560 I 214.6 Cons. Maint. Wkr II (6) 140,372 155,310 152,129 161,990 161,990 Salaries - Stand by 5,269 9,660 9,664 4,320 4,320 110 Salaries - Regular 268,623 295,880 292,700 303,180 303,180 I 113 Salaries - Overtime 10,464 14,520 14,651 16,000 16,000 120 Emp 1 oyee, Benefits 72,993 94,550 90,155 86,600 86,600 I T ota 1 Personnel 352,080 404,950 397,506 405,780 405,780 Operations and Maintenance I 210 Gas and Electricity 8,397 8,250 8,597 9,200 9,200 211' Natural Gas 810 1,500 1,283 1,200 1,20D 215 Telephone 176 420 155 250 250 I 216 Trash Removal 559 600 621 720 720 260 Reimbursed Mileage 60 150 - 60 60 262 Vehicle Operations 10,745 9,500 11,679 12,500 12,500 I 263 Vehicle Maintenance 17,132, 34,600 17,065 34,600 34,600 264 Vehicle Rental 45,840 44,690 44,690 44,690 44,690 270 Travel and Meetings 370 210 117 200 200 313 Uniforms and Laundry 3,690 3,900 4,174 3,600 3,600 I 315 Publications and Dues 192 170 231 580 580 316 Medical Exams 115 280 132 420 420 334 R&M Equipment - - 131 - - I 337 R&M Radios 1,455 800 740 800 800 411 Office & Stationery Supplies 120 200 133 150 150 416 Safety Supplies 1,500 1,500 1,466 1,500 1,500 I 417 Operating Supplies 88,501 86,000 99,778 80,000 80,000 ' 420 Small Tools 505 500 513 300 300 511 Equipment Rental 3,539 10,000 5,956 1,000 1,000 555 Capital Outlay Rental 18,380 17 , 550 17,550 17,500 17,500 I Total Operations & Maint. 202,086 220,820 215,011 209,270 209,270 I Capital Outl ay 622 Other Equlpment - 9,150 3,776 - - I I Total Capital Outlay - 9,150 3,776 - - I Activity Total 554,166 634,920 616,293 615,050 615,050 ,uo I CITY OF POWAY I DEPARTMENTAL ACTIVITY DETAIL Department: Activity: Activity I Code: Public Services Sewer Co 11 ect ion Ma i ntenance 407 ACTIVITY COMMENTARY I ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION I The Sewer Collection Maintenance activity is charged with the maintenance of all City sewer system mains, manholes, and appurtenant service laterals. The major I funct i ona 1 maintenance and repair areas i ncl ude c 1 eani ng and i nspecti on of a 11 sewer mains and access manholes as part of a yearly preventive maintenance program, including repair of eight-inch through 24-inch sewer mains, and four-inch through I si x- inch sewer laterals on an as-needed, bas is. The division video inspects newly installed sewer mains prior to acceptance as well as existing mains to determine condition and maintenance needs; maintains all manholes to grade; maintains off- I site access easements; responds to customer requests, updates sewer system mapping, and eliminates groundwater infiltration by in-place grouting and/or repair. ACTIVITY GOALS AND OBJECTIVES I 1. To prevent all sewer backups due to blockages caused by grease or solids and I root penetration. 2. To ensure maximum available sewer main capacity. I 3. To maintain optimum access to sewer facilities to minimize response time when handling service requests. ACTIVITY WORKLOAD STATISTICS I 1990-91 1991-92 I ESTIMATED FORECASTED Footage of sewer mains television inspected 185,000 25,000 I Footage of sewer mains cleaned 630,000 650,000 Number of sewer main stoppages 4 4 Number of sewer lateral service calls 45 42 Miles of sewer mains maintained 145 150 I SIGNIFICANT ACTIVITY PROGRAM CHANGES CHANGE None. I , I I I I 121 I CITY OF POWAY DEPARTMENTAL ACTIVITY DETAIL - I Department: Activity: Activity Public Services Sewer Co 11 ecti on Maintenance Code: 407 Obj. 1989-1990 1990-1991 1990-1991 1991-1992 1991-1992 I Code Expense Classification Actual Budget Actua 1 Proposed Approved Personnel Expense Range Position Title I 246.6 Wastewater Supervisor 35,540 37,370 37,374 39,490 39,490 231. 6 Const.Maint.Worker III 28,633 32,090 32,086 33,820 33,820 216.6 Const.Maint.Wkr II (4) 87,456 100,000 100,630 107,930 107,930 I Salaries - Stand by - 1,380 1,380 1,080 1,080 llO Salaries - Regular 151,629 170,840 171,470 182,320 182,320 I 113 Salaries - Overtime 1.414 5,090 574 4,800 4,800 120 Employee Benefits 38,424 41 ,600 47,262 52,310 52,310 Total Personnel 191,467 217,530 219,306 239,430 239,430 I Operations and Maintenance 260 Reimbursed Mileage - 60 - - - 262 Vehicle Operations 5,560 5,000 6,045 7,000 7,000 I 263 Vehicle Maintenance 14,823 34,200 14,284 34,200 34,200 264 Vehicle Rental 16,340 34,700 34,700 34,700 34,700 270 Travel and Meetings 370 210 132 150 150 I 313 Uniforms and Laundry 2,297 1,840 2,411 2,000 2,000 315 Publications and Dues 20 50 130 140 140 316 Medical Exams 441 110 - 140 140 I 317 Education and Training 245 350 - 420 420 337 R&M Radios 2,012 600 609 600 600 411 Office & Stationery Supplies 5B 50 7 50 50 416 Safety Supplies 33B 500 473 500 500 I 417 Operating Supplies 15,345 17,300 21,357 14,800 14,800 420 Small Tool s 424 500 15 250 250 515 Equi pment Rental - 1,000 - 500 500 I 555 Capital Outlay Rental 20,870 17,500 17 ,500 17,500 17,500 I Total Operations & Maint. 79,143 113,970 97,663 112,950 112,950 I Capital Outlay 621 Autos and Trucks 6,699 - - - - 622 Other Equipment 1, 100 - - - - I 691 Nonstructural Improvements 14,523 - - - - I I Total Capital Outlay 22,322 - - - I Activity Total 292,932 331,500 316,969 352,380 352,380 122 I CITY OF POWAY I DEPARTMENTAL ACTIVITY DETAIL , I Department: Activity: Activity Code: Public Services Facilities Maintenance 408 ACTIVITY COMMENTARY I ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION I The Facilities Maintenance Activity provides in-house janitorial services to City Ha 11, Eng i neeri ng, Pl ann i ng, Commun i ty Center, i ncl ud i ng the Sen i or Center, I Aquatics Center, and Community Services offices. Building maintenance and repair activities for the above facilities, including the I Field Operations, Vehicle and Equipment Maintenance Center, Water Treatment Plant, Lake Poway Park buildings, Aquatics Center, and Multi-Purpose Room are also performed by this division. I ACTIVITY GOALS AND OBJECTIVES l. To continue providing in-house janitorial services to City Hall, Community and I Weingart Centers, Aquatics Center, and the Engineering and Planning Department buildings. 2. To provide as much in-house facility maintenance and repair service as I practical. 3. To maintain a fully functioning carpenters shop. I 4. To continue an ongoing preventative maintenance program for all City buildings. I SIGNIFICANT ACTIVITY PROGRAM CHANGES CHANGE None. I I I I I I I I 123 I CITY OF POWAY DEPARTMENTAL ACTIVITY DETAIL I Department: Activity: Activity Public Services Facilities Maintenance Code: 408 Obj. 1989-1990 1990-1991 1990-1991 1991-1992 1991-1992 I Code Expense Classification Actual Budget Actua 1 Proposed ,Approved Personnel Expense Range Position Title I 235.2 Sr.Building Maint Wkr. 32,810 33,670 33,673 35,060 35,060 206.6 Build. Maint.Wkr. (5) 94,190 120,090 118,596 124,910 124,910 I Salaries - Shift Diff. 1,660 3,000 3,000 3,720 3,720 110 Salaries - Regular 128,660 156,760 155,269 163,690 163,690 113 Salaries - Overtime 519 1,140 575 910 910 120 Employee Benefits 36,319 47,860 43,004 48,580 48,580 I Total Personnel 165,498 205,760 198,848 213,180 213,180 I Operations and Maintenance 130 Temporary Services - - 1,794 - - 262 Vehicle Operations 1,748 2,200 1,938 2,100 2,100 I 263 Vehicle Maintenance 853 2,000 1,586 2,000 2,000 264 Vehicle Rental 5,000 6,500 6,500 6,630 6,630 313 Uniforms and Laundry 1,277 1,200 1,541 1,440 1,440 I 331 R&M Building 10,733 5,700 7,311 6,300 _6,300 332 R&M Air Conditioning 8,956 2,000 1,627 2,000 2,000 337 R&M Radios 129 150 129 80 80 I 412 Janitorial Supplies 7,484 7,900 8,825 9,070 9,070 417, Operating Supplies 11 ,85B 11 ,000 11,885 9,830 9,830 420 Small Tools 317 200 166 100 100 511 Equipment Rental - 270 - 250 250 I I I Total Operations & Maint. 48,355 39,,120 43,302 39,800 39,800 I Capital Outlay 622 other EqUlpment - 1,850 791 - - 651 Shop Tools 960 950 1,392 - - I I I Total Capital Outlay 960 2,800 2,183 - - I Activity Total 214,813 247,680 244,333 252,980 252,980 124 I CITY OF POWAY I DEPARTMENTAL ACTIVITY DETAIL Department: Activity: Activity I Code: Public Services Vehicle and Eauioment Maintenance 409 ACTIVITY COMMENTARY I ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION I The Vehicle and Equipment Maintenance Division provides vehicle, equipment, and field maintenance support for the City. The activities of this divilion relate I to maintenance, repair, modification, and fabrication of all types of City motorized and construction-maintenance equipment from fire department pumpers to park maintenance lawn mowers. First and second line maintenance of City- I owned law enforcement vehicles is also part of this division. This activity is financed by charging each of the cost centers that have been I assigned vehicles and/or equipment for the cost of maintaining their vehicles and/or equipment. ACTIVITY GOALS AND OBJECTIVES I To extend the anticipated service life of all City-owned vehicles and equipment through routine and preventative maintenance programs; to inspect, maintain, I repair, and overhaul all City-motorized equipment; to evaluate service vehicles, determine their service life and advise of replacement needs; and to fuel and perform routine vehicle maintenance during off-hours. I 1990-91 1991-92 ACTI V ITY WORKLOAD STATISTICS ESTIMATED FORECASTED Passenger Vehicles 10 10 I Li9ht Industrial (1 ton & below) 60 60 Heavy Industrial (over 1 ton) 17 17 I Tractors 12 12 Other Equipment 153 153 Motorcycles/Trail Vehicles 9 9 I (Includes 3 City-owned motorcycles and 2 vehicles used for law enforcement) SIGNIFICANT ACTIVITY PROGRAM CHANGES I None. I I I I I 125 CITY OF POWAY I DEPARTMENTAL ACTIVITY DETAIL I Department: Activity: Activity Public Services Vehicle and Equipment Maintenance Code: 409 Obj. 1989-1990 1990-1991 1990-1991 1991-1992 1991-1992 I Code Expense Classification Actual Budget Actua 1 Proposed Approved Personnel Expense Range Position Title I 252.7 Equip. Maint. Supvr. 37,797 39,720 39,723 41,970 41,970 237.7 Equipment Mechanic (2) 59,302 65,220 66,122 70,110 70,110 197.7 Equip. Servo Wkr. (PT) 8,895 10,480 9,077 11,510 11,510 I Salaries - Shift Diff. 390 1,360 1,360 1,350 1,350 110 Salaries - Regular 97,489 106,300 107,205 113,430 113,430 I 112 Salaries - Part-Time 8,895 10,480 9,077 11,510 11,510 113 Salaries - Overtime 447 1,390 541 1,250 1,250 120 Employee Benefits 25,879 28,610 30,963 31,640 31,640 I T ota 1 Personnel 132,710 146,780 147,786 157,830 157,830 Operations and Maintenance I 210 Gas and Electricity 5,059 6,030 4,965 6,370 6,370 211 Natural Gas 1,950 1,350 2,484 1,500 1,500 216 Trash Removal 559 510 613 530 530 262 Vehicle Operations 1,604 1,600 1,622 1,600 1,600 I 263 Vehicle Maintenance 2,021 3,600 1,091 3,600 3,600 264 Vehicle Rental 4,080 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 270 Travel and Meetings 35 1,150 738 420 420 I 313 Un i forms and Laundry 2,14B 1,380 2,036 1,680 1,680 315 Publications and Dues 97 100 20 320 320 317 Education and Training 1,032 200 - 150 150 I 334 R&M Equipment 1,98B 3,150 710 3,150 3,150 335 R&M Outside Vehicle Repair 33,957 36,000 35,651 "38,000 38,000 337 R&M Radios 129 180 129 150 150 417 Operating Supplies 3,653 4,000 4,719 5,200 5,200 I 420 Small Tools 2,236 2,500 2,327 2,500 2,500 499 Other Supplies and Materials 69,291 65,000 89,847 67,000 67,000 515 Intergovernmental Fees 789 750 976 750 750 I 531 Expense Credits (139,522) (285,810) (155,656) (306,690) (306,690) 555 Capital Outlay Rental 1,760 6,530 6,530 6,530 6,530 I Total Operations & Maint. (7,134) (146,780) 3,802 (162,240) (162,240) Capital Outl ay 651 Shop Tools 10,139 - - 4,410 4,410 I I I Total Capital Outlay 10,139 - - 4,410 4,410 I Act i vity Total 135,715 - 151,588 - - 126 I CITY OF POWAY I DEPARTMENTAL ACTIVITY DETAIL Department: Activity: Activity I Code: Public Services Drainace Maintenance 410 ACTIVITY COMMENTARY I ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION I The Drainage Maintenance Division is charged with the maintenance and repair of all City drainage improvements and the cleaning of major creeks throughout the I community. Work in the improved channels consists of silt, debris, and graffiti removal; tree, shrubbery, and ground-cover pruning; concrete and fence repair and access maintenance. Work in the major creeks consists of debris removal, hard stem I plant removal, selective vegetation spraying as well as weed and grass mowing where appropriate. Sand bar and silt removal or relocation within watercourses is performed to maintain the hydraulic capacity of the streams. Drainage culverts and I catch basins are inspected annually, cleaned, and repaired as necessary. ACTIVITY GOALS AND OBJECTIVES To improve aesthetics by keeping natural stream beds in a clear, unobstructed I condition free of any debris and excess growth; to reduce flooding of low-lying areas by maintaining drainage systems at optimum hydraulic efficiency; to reduce I street and roadway flooding during rainstorms by maintaining culverts and catchbasins; and to complete inventory of all storm drains within the City and to establish a routine maintenance program. I SIGNIFICANT ACTIVITY PROGRAM CHANGES CHANGE 216 - Increased costs for solid waste disposal + $ 9,750 I I I I I I I . I I 127 I CITY OF POWAY DEPARTMENTAL ACTIVITY DETAIL I Department: Activity: Activity Public Services Drainage Maintenance Code: 410 Obj. 1989-1990 1990-1991 1990-1991 1991-1992 1991-1992 I Code Expense Classification Actual Budget Actua 1 Proposed Approved Personnel Expense Range Position Title I 246.6 Drainage Maint. Supvr. 35,540 37,370 38,629 39,490 39,490 231.6 Const.Maint.Wkr.III 26,807 30,530 31,789 33,410 33,410 216.6 Const.Maint.Wkr.II (2) 44,513 51,620 56,226 58,220 58,220 I Salaries - Standby 930 - - 1,080 1,080 110 Salaries - Regular 107,790 119,520 126,644 132,200 132,200 113 Salaries - Overtime 667 3,820 2,082 1,500 1,500 I 120 Employee Benefits 30,659 34,750 36,196 36,680 36,680 " I Total Personnel 139,116 158,090 164,922 170,380 170,380 Operations and Maintenance 148 Special Studies 850 - '- - - I 216 Trash Removal 7,414 15,250 32,010 25,000 25,000 260 Reimbursed Mileage - 60 - - - 262 Vehicle Operations 3,853 3,500 4,313 5,000 5,000 I 263 Vehicle Maintenance 9,169 12,800 19,367 12,800 12,800 264 Vehicl e Rental 13,670 45,630 45,630 45,630 45,630 270 Travel and Meetings 370 210 82 150 150 313 Uniforms and Laundry 1,039 960 1,077 960 960 I 315 Publications and Dues 20 50 35 50 50 316 Medical Exams 110 110 244 70 70 324 Nuisance Abatement - 2,000 - - - I 337 R&M Radios 464 350 299 350 350 399 Other Contractual Services 7,800 7,800 7,800 7,800 7,800 416 Safety Supplies 378 300 231 300 300 I 417 Operating Supplies 3,229 3,500 3,642 3,000 3,000 420 Small Tools 451 400 49 200 200 443 Culvert Cleaning 678 6,500 1,856 3,000 3,000 445 Misc. Construction Materials 1,440 1,500 580 1,000 1,000 I 511 Equipment Rental 2,872 5,000 6,917 5,000 5,000 555 Capital Outlay Rental 21,840 24,940 24,940 25,490 25,490 I Total Operations & Maint. 75,647 130,860 149,072 135,800 135,800 Capital Outlay 621 Autos and Trucks 15,932 - - - - I 623 Construction and Street Maint 7,964 - - - - I I Total Capital Outlay 23,896 - - - - I Activity Total 238,659 288,950 313,994 306,180 306,180 ',128 I CITY OF POWA Y I DEPARTMENTAL ACTIVITY DETAIL Department: Activity: Activity I Code: Public Services Trails and Open Space 411 ACTIVITY COMMENTARY I ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION I The Trails and Open Space Division is responsible for the development and I maintenance of the City's trail system and open space areas not within the landscape maintenance districts. The division coordinates the planning of trails systems; obtains necessary easements; and is responsible for the construction of new trails and improvements to existing trails and open space. In addition, the I division coordinates and supervises volunteer assistance groups and programs, including the Eagle Scouts, California Conservation Corps, and Adopt-A-Trail program. I ACTIVITY GOALS AND OBJECTS To meet riding and hiking needs of the community; to ensure effective maintenance I of City trails and open space areas in order to accommodate continuous public use; to increase the use of volunteers and other cost-effective resources for construction and maintenance; to provide volunteer programs; and to complete the I Iron Mountain and Espola Trails grant projects. ACTIVITY WORKLOAD STATISTICS 1990-91 1991-92 I Miles of developed trail s 49 57 Miles of City maintained trails 40 40 Miles of special landscape district trails 17 20 I SIGNIFICANT ACTIVITY PROGRAM CHANGES CHANGE None. I I I I I I I I 129 CITY OF POWAY I DEPARTMENTAL ACTIVITY DETAIL I Department: Activity: Activity Public Services Trails and Open Space Code: 411 Obj. 1989-1990 1990-1991 1990-1991 1991-1992 1991-1992 I Code Expense Classification Actual Budget Actua 1 Proposed Approved Personnel Expense Range Position Title I 214.5 Park Maint. Worker III 11, 543 26,390 27,158 28,510 28,510 I 110 Salaries - Regular 11,543 26,390 27,158 28,510 28,510 I 113 Salaries - Overtime 482 1,140 38 1,140 1,140 120 Employee Benefits 7,325 7,390 8,773 8,420 8,420 I Total Personnel 19,350 34,920 35,969 38,070 38,070 Operations and Maintenance 216 Trash Removal - 1,000 418 1,000 1,000 I 262 Vehicle Operations 917 1,000 755 1,000 1,000 263 Vehicle Maintenance 42 2,000 1,064 2,000 2,000 264 ' Vehicle Rental - 4,200 4,200 4,200 4,200 I 311 Printing 1,498 1,500 1,490 1,500 1,500 313 Uniforms and Laundry 150 240 225 240 240 314 Community Relations 340 1,200 - 800 800 I 417 Operating Supplies 4,412 12,000 11,865 9,500 9,500 420 Small Tools 2,861 6,500 1,848 6,000 6,000 421 Landscaping Supplies 176 - 177 - - 444 Sign Maintenance - 1,000 230 1,000 1,000 I I I I Total Operations & Maint. 10,396 30,640 22,272 27,240 27,240 Capital Outlay I 622 Other Equipment 300 2,000 644 - - 1 I I Total Capital Outlay 300 2,000 644 - - I Activity Total $30,046 $67,560 $58,885 $65,310 $65,310 130 I CITY OF POWAY I DEPARTMENTAL ACTIVITY DETAIL Department: Activity: Activity I Park and Landscape Code: Publ ic Services Maintenance 412 ACTIVITY COMMENTARY I ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION The Parks and Landscape Division is responsible for the maintenance of public I restrooms; public recreational facilities and equipment; the repair and maintenance of boats, docks, and motors; grounds maintenance for 21 pump stations and I reservoirs, 16 buildings, the wilderness campground, Poway Road medians, landscaping along Poway Creek, Pomerado Road, Community Road, Twin Peaks Road, Budwin Lane Parking lot, Espola Road south of Twin Peaks Road, and grounds I maintenance around all City facilities. ACTIVITY GOALS AND OBJECTS To ensure the attractiveness of public landscape areas throughout the City on a I year-round basis; to efficiently maintain park grounds, facilities, and equipment to ensure conti nuous and enjoyabl e pub 1 i c use; to effect i vely ut.il i ze volunteer I labor forces; and to retrofit all of the City's irrigation systems to drip where feasible. ACTIVITY WORKLOAD STATISTICS 1990-91 1991-92 I . Acreage maintained 134.42 141. 42 Floor space maintained (sq. ft.) 24,800.00 24,800.00 I Restrooms maintained 23 25 Boats maintained 84 84 Docks maintained 4 4 I Ballfields maintained 5 6 Soccer fields maintained 4 5 Tennis courts maintained 2 2 I Basketball courts maintained 2 3 Tot lots maintained 8 10 SIGNIFICANT ACTIVITY PROGRAM CHANGES CHANGE I 110 - Decrease due to transfer of 2 maintenance workers to DART - 120 - Decrease due to transfer of 2 maintenance workers to DART - I 215 - Increase caused by the installation of a security system +$ 2,760 331 - Decrease due to deleting the annual building painting contract -$10,000 360 - Decrease due to transfer of development inspection and I plan checks to Planning Services -$94,640 600 - Decrease due to budget constraints -$29,100 I I I I 131 CITY OF POWAY I DEPARTMENTAL ACTIVITY DETAIL Department: Activity: Activity I Public Services Park and Landscape Maintenance Code: 412 Obj. 1989-1990 1990-1991 1990-1991 1991-1992 1991-1992 Code Expense Classification Actual Budget Actua 1 Proposed Approved I Personnel Expense Range Position Title 279.9 Park and Landscape Mgr. 48,601 51,600 51,604 55,080 55,080 I 243.5 Lndscpe Maint.Supvr l2l 63,133 68,360 68,356 75,510 75,510 229.5 Park MainLWkr. III 3 39,774 64,710 68,099 96,990 96,990 214.5 Park MainL Wkr. II (6 258,542 209,580 183,548 158,360 158,360 204.5 Park Maint. Wkr. I (3) 29,411 87,360 87,420 67,600 67,600 I 198.6 Admi n. Cl erk II 20,761 23,360 23,360 24,320 24,320 127.2 Gardener Aide (3 PT) 8,931 13,350 10,099 14,820 14,820 110 Salaries - Regular 460,222 504,970 482,387 477 ,860 477,860 I 112 Salaries - Part-time 8,931 13,350 11,301 14,820 14,820 113 Salaries - Overtime 6,707 7,200 8,123 7,200 7,200 120 Employee Benefits 133,766 162,130 157,420 140,750 140,750 I Total Personnel 609,626 687,650 659,231 640,630 640,630 Operations and Maintenance 210 Gas and Electricity 6,775 15,940 9,635 17,540 17 , 540 I 212 Water - Interagency 532 - 20,607 - - 215 Telephone 526 - - 2,760 2,.760 216 Trash Removal 17,276 16,220 16,01'2 16,820 16,820 260 Reimbursed Mileage 401 2,750 1,989 2,450 2,450 I 262 Vehicle Operations 9,072 8,000 9,132 10,000 10,000 263 Vehicle Maintenance 16,987 31,900 24,114 31,000 31,000 264 Vehicl e Rental 15,230 20,030 20,030 17 ,530 17,530 I 270 Travel and Meetings 2,182 3,580 2,400 2,950 2,950 303 Joint Use Agreement-PUSD 34,250 37,750 34,250 37,750 37,750 311 Printing 118 1,000 265 1,000 1,000 . I 313 Uniforms and Laundry 6,859 7,050 10,386 6,400 6,400 315 Publications and Dues 1,174 960 1,281 780 780 331 R&M Building 21,650 24,700 10,780 14,700 14,700 I 334 R&M Equipment 1,714 11 , 680 3,084 8,480 8,480 337 R&M Radios 1,982 1,060 1,493 1,800 1,800 360 Inspection - 47,320 10,087 - - 363 Plan Check - 47,320 7,193 - - I 411 Office & Stationery Supplies 1,593 1,000 1,456 1,000 1,000 412 Janitorial Supplies 15,523 18,090 11 , 569 20,100 20,100 416 Safety Supplies 1,942 3,150 2,237 3,150 3,150 I 417 Operating Supplies 20,136 18,470 19,767 18,480 18,480 420 Small Tool s 2,999 2,470 2,711 2,740 2,740 421 Landscaping Supplies 57,057 56,880 44,833 58,580 58,580 I 444 Sign Maintenance 55 1,000 263 1,000 1,000 511 Equipment Rental 197 1,000 540 1,000 1,000 555 Capital Outlay Rental 10,110 12,740 12,740 12,740 12,740 I Total Operations & Maint. 246,340 392,060 278,854 290,750 290,750 Capital Outlay 601 Telecommunications Equipment 7,760 - - - - 611 Office Equipment 1,533 3,050 135 450 450 I 622 Other EqUi~ment 18,493 25,330 19,715 4,280 4,280 652 Mobile Too .s 14,019 5,000 - - - Total Capital Outlay 41,805 33,380 19,850 4,730 4,730 I Activity Total $897,771 $1,113,090 $957,935 936,110 936,110 132 I CITY OF POWAY I DEPARTMENTAL ACTIVITY DETAIL Department: Activity: Activity I Code; Public Services Spec i a 1 Li qht i nq and Landscape Di stri cts 413 ACTIVITY COMMENTARY I ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION I The Special Lighting and Landscape District Division is responsible for maintenance of public rights-of-way and open space for landscape maintenance districts within I specific development boundaries in the City as well as City street lights. City staff administers the program by providing engineering services, contract inspection and supervision services, clerical and accounting support, in-house maintenance and repairs as needed, and provides staff assistance to the Landscape I Maintenance Districts Advisory Committee. ACTIVITY GOALS AND OBJECTS I To ensure that all associated public grounds are attractively maintained and suitable for public use at all times; to effectively administer each special . assessment district in the most cost efficient manner; and to ensure all street I lights are properly maintained and are repaired in a timely manner. ACRES MAINTAINED I ACTIVITY WORKLOAD STATISTICS 1990-91 1991-92 TOTAL BUDGET 0420 - Landscape District 83-01 59.44 64.54 $ 263,330 I 0421 - Landscape District 86-01 28.93 32.93 203,690 0422 - Landscape District 86-02A 2.00 3.00 13,460 0423 - Landscape District 86-03 4.10 4.10 28,300 0424 - Landscape District 87-01 47.31 47.31 308,490 I 0425 - Landscape District 86-02B 5.00 5.00 16.290 143.48 156.88 $ 833,560 I 0440 - Lighting District 86-04 366.660 $ 1,200,220 I SIGNIFICANT ACTIVITY PROGRAM CHANGES CHANGE Increase in maintained acreage within landscape maintenance I districts +$144,880 Increase due to the transfer of the lighting district from I streets +$366,660 I I I I 133 I CITY OF POWAY DEPARTMENTAL ACTIVITY DETAIL I Department: Act i vity.: Activity Public Services Special Landscape ,Districts Code: 413 Obj. 1989-1990 1990-1991 1990-1991 1991-1992 1991-1992 I Code Expense Classification Actua 1 Budget Actua 1 Proposed Approved . Personnel Expense Range Position Title I, 233.1 Department Aide - 27,710 18,043 31 ,660 31,660 199.5 Park Maint. Wkr. I - 10,150 - - - I' 110 Salaries - Regular - 37,860 18,043 31,660 31,660 112 Salaries - Overtime - 1,540 877 1,500 1,500 120 Employee Benefits - 9,230 6,531 8,970 8,970 I Total Personnel - 48,630 25,451 42,130 42,130 I Operations and Maintenance LMD 83-01 - 420 160,270 243,510 165,319 263,330 263,330 LMD 86-01 - 421 151,200 175,790 157,461 203,690 203,690 I LMD 86-02A - 422 500 7,770 11,172 13,460 13,460 LMD 86-03 - 423 22,960 23,430 21,814 28,300 28,300 LMD 87-01 - 424 - 6,570 50,715 308,480 308,480 I LMD 86-02B - 425 6,000 143,670 5,152 16,290 16,290 Lighting District - 440 - - 330,603 366,660 417,410 520 Administrative Cost - - - (42,130) (42,130) I I I I Total Operations & Maint. 340,930 600,740 742,236 1,158,080 1,208,830 Capital Outlay , I LMD 83-01 - 420 - 39,300 3,293 - - LMD 86-01 - 421 - - - - - LMD 86-02 - 422 - - - - - I LMD 86-02A - 423 - - - - - LMD 86-038 - 424 - - - - - I I Total Capital Outlay - 39,300 3,293 - - I Activity Total $340,930 $688,670 $770,980 $1,200,210 $1,250,960 >--' w SAFETY SERVICES ... CITY MANAGER 013 DIRECTOR SAFETY SERVICES 500 FIRE SUPPRESSION FIRE PREVENTION PARAMEDICS LAW ENFORCEMENT 501 502 503 505 SAFETY SERVICES - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - ~ I 135 I CITY OF POWAY DEPARTMENTAL ACTIVITY OVERVIEW I Dept. Code Department: Fund Distribution: I 500 Safety Servi ces General Fund: $6,736,390 EXPENSE 1989-1990 1990-1991 1990-1991 1991-1992 1991-1992 I CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL PROPOSED APPROVED I Tota 1 Pos it ions 35 35 35 33 33 I Personnel Expense 1,928,224 2,230,370 2,278,626 2,212,900 2,212,900 Operations 3,633,039 3,945,000 3,375,983 4,285,230 4,493,730 I and Maintenance Capital Outlay 61,448 92,400 84,368 29,760 29,760 I I TOTAL BUDGET $5,622,711 $6,267,770 $5,738,977 $6,527,890 $6,736,390 OVERVIEW COIt4ENTARY I The Department of Safety Services' mission statement is to "Protect and Educate I the Public in Areas of Fire, Safety and Health." The Director reports to the City Manager and has five (5) divisions within the Department. The divisions consist of Office of the Director, Fire Suppression, Fire Prevention, Emergency Medical I Services, and Law Enforcement. Law Enforcement is administered countywide by the San Diego County Sheriffs and locally by the Poway Substation Sheriff's Captain, with the Director being a liaison for purchasing and budget management. I The Safety Services Department responsibilities include protecting life from fire, civil disobedience, other disasters, and the delivery of emergency medical services. The proactive duties include public education in areas of fire, crime prevention I and drug prevention; also, fire prevention encompasses code compliance, enforcement of fire codes and standards, building plan checks for safety, annual inspections, abandoned vehicles and weed abatement. I I I I 136 -. CITY OF POWAY I DEPARTMENTAL ACTIVITY DETAIL Department: Acti vi ty: Activity I Code: Safetv Services Office of the Director 500 I ACTIVITY COMMENTARY ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION I The Director of Safety Services has two primary areas of responsibility which include the day-to-day management of the Fire Department in addition to maintaini!ng the local I law enforcement contract. Assisting the Director are two (2) Fire Battalion Chiefs who each are assigned an operational Division. These Divisions consist of Emergency Medical Services, Fire Prevention, and Fire Suppression. In addition, a Sheriff's I Captain is responsible for the day-to-day management of the local law enforcement needs. Although the Department is divided into the four (4) Divisions, collectively they are I responsible for several programs in the City. These include, but are not limited to, Code Compliance, Weed Abatement, Disaster Preparedness, Drug Education and Prevention, and Bicycle Safety. I ACTIVITY GOALS AND OBJECTIVES I 1. To promote a positive work environment for employees by enhancing communications, safety and employee development through dedication and commitment. I 2. To ensure that an optimal level of emergency services are provided to the Community. I 3. To continue to inform the community and its service groups about pre- disaster planning and home emergency preparedness through enhanced community I relation programs. ACTIVITY WORKLOAD STATISTICS 1990-91 1991-92 I ESTIMATED FORECASTED Fire (Structure/Grass) and Other 475 525 I Emergency Medical Services 1,575 1,625 SIGNIFICANT ACTIVITY PROGRAM CHANGES CHANGE I 110 - Temporary assignment of one Battalion Chief to -$ 89,190 the Drought Assistance Response Team (401) I I I , I ~ 137 I CITY OF POWAY DEPARTMENTAL ACTIVITY DETAIL I Department: Activity: Activity Safetv Services Office of the Director Code: 500 Obj. 1989-90 1990-91 1990-91 1991-92 1991-92 I Code Exnense Classification Actual Budoet Actual Prooosed Approved Personnel Expense Rarlilii , Position Title 307:~ Di rector 48,854 70,130 70,127 78,460 78,460 I 290. Fire Battalion Chief 51,910 61,340 46,270 - - 218.1 Admin. Secretary 26,870 29,840 29,844 31,070 31,070 I 110 Salaries - Regular 127,634 161,310 146,241 109,530 109,530 113 Salaries - Overtime - - - - - I 120 Fringe Benefits 39,152 56,970 51,040 34,970 34,970 I Total Personnel 166.786 218,280 197,281 144,500 144,500 ODe rat tons and Maintenance 145 Data Process i ng Consu 1 tant 772 1,800 1,764 1,800 1,800 I 215 Telephone 770 2,200 1,774 2,200 2,200 262 Vehicle Operations 1,432 1,250 1,410 1,250 1,250 263 Vehicle Maintenance 2,324 2,600 2,455 2,600 2,600 I 264 Vehicle Rental 4,910 4,340 4,340 4,340 4,340 270 Travel and Meetings 4,530 3,430 2,306 2,390 2,390 311 Pri nting 687 700 619 700 700 313 Uniforms and Laundry 275 280 275 - - I 314 Community Relations 351 340 302 340 340 315 Publications and Dues 1,134 1,540 1,425 1,540 1,540 316 Medical Exams - 180 - 90 90 I 317 Education and Training 10,421 5,540 5,540 2,500 2,500 325 Vehicle Regulation 39 - - - - 331 R&M Building 177 400 388 400 400 334 R&M Equipment 3,764 4,560 3,166 5,040 5,040 I 411 Office & Stationery Supplies 1,463 1,650 1.,265 1,650 1,650 412 Janitorial Supplies 204 150 129 150 150 417 Operating Supplies 613 750 724 750 750 I 555 Capital Outlay Rental 3,030 4,210 4,210 1,900 1,900 I Total OOerations & Maint. 36,896 35,920 32,092 29,640 29,640 f:anital Outlav I 601 Telecommunications Equipment - - - - - 611 Office Equipment 345 28,950 28,828 14,570 14,570 621 Autos and Trucks - - - - - I 622 Other Equipment - - - - - 672 Building Improvements 4,120 - - - - I Total Capital Outlav 4,465 28,950 28,828 14,570 14,570 Activitv Total $208,147 $283,150 $258,201 $188,710 $188,710 I 138 I CITY OF POWAY I DEPARTMENTAL ACTIVITY DETAIL Department: Activity: Activity I Code: Safetv Services Fire Suooression 501 I ACTIVITY CQIIMENTARY ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION I The Fire Suppression Division of Safety Services is responsible to provide and I maintain efficient fire, health and life safety programs. Our goal is to ensure maximum fire protection for all life and property within our community. This is accomplished by continually improving operational methods by training and implemen- I tation of advance fire suppression techniques. Additional suppression activities include fire company inspections, fire prevention education, pre-fire planning, maintenance of apparatus and equipment. ,I ACTIVITY GOALS AND OBJECTIVES I 1. To implement a company officer training program. 2. To increase the utilization of reserve firefighters for enhanced I community education programs. - I SIGNIFICANT ACTIVITY PROGRAM CHANGES CHANGE 322 - Approximately 50~ increase in contract dispatch. +$ 24,870 I I I I 1 I I I I I 139 I CITY OF POWAY DEPARTMENTAL ACTIVITY DETAIL I Depa rtment: Activity: Activity Safetv Services Fire Sunnression Code: 501 Obj. 1989-90 1990-91 1990-91 1991-92 1991-92 I Code Expense Cl ass ifi cation Actual Budoet Actual Proposed Approved Personnel Ex[)ense Ranop Position Title 290.~ Fire Battalion Chief 56,631 55,520 55,516 60,880 60,880 I 267.J Fire Captain (6) 260,061 291,780 302,286 298,440 298,440 249:~ Fire Engineer (6) 225,576 241,680 252,186 254,880 254,880 238. Firefighters (9) 316,509 314,200 324,917 343,350 343,350 I Ca 11 back 10,850 11,720 11,724 10,850 10,850 I 110 Salaries - Regular 869,627 903,180 946,629 957,550 957,550 113 Salaries - Overtime 91,145 89,640 77,907 94,450 94,450 120 Fringe Benefits 231,007 330,490 356,480 359,630 359,630 FLSA 25,640 27,710 27,708 30,890 30,890 I Tota 1 Personnel 1.217,419 1,351,020 1,408,724 1,442,520 1,442.520 OOerations and Maintenance 131 Volunteer Service 16,767 20,000 15,855 20,000 20,000 I 210 Gas and Electricity 17,524 20,600 17,688 22,050 22,050 215 Telephone 4,040 6,600 5,279 6,800 6,800 216 Trash Removal 1,293 1,200 1,238 1,200 1,200 260 Reimbursed Mileage - 500 326 250 250 I 262 Vehicle Operations 5,373 11,250 6,557 11 ,250 11,250 263 Vehicle Maintenance 25,056 32,200 19,955 32,200 32,20D 264 Vehicle Rental 163,100 164,850 164,850 164,850 164,850 I 270 Travel and Meetings 5,042 8,110 4,767 3,130 3,130 311 Printing 2,898 1,200 687 1,200 1,200 313 Uniforms and Laundry 8,636 8,980 9,008 18,460 18,460 I 314 Community Relations 745 750 289 750 750 315 Publications and Dues 747 850 849 850 850 316 Medical Exams 3,150 5,070 2,875 5,070 5,070 317 Education and Training 1,601 1,550 1,554 750 750 I 320 Outside Emergency AssistancE 13,554 15,000 593 15,000 15,000 322 Dispatch Contract 36,451 56,870 56,866 81 ,740 65,240 331 R&M Buildings 6,086 5,440 5,637 5,640 5,640 I 334 R&M Equipment 5,420 4,400 4,382 5,040 5,040 337 R&M Radios 6,339 6,000 5,434 6,240 6,240 338 R&M Fi re Hydrants 852 1,000 1,197 1,000 1,000 I 399 Other Contractual Services 25,668 28,180 28,176 31,200 31,200 411 Office & Stationery Supplies 1,831 2,000 1,793 2,000 2,000 412 Janitorial Supplies 2,538 2,500 2,455 2,500 2,500 413 Photographic Supplies 354 550 594 350 350 I 417 Operating Supplies 12,840 14,250 14,024 20,590 20,590 420 Small Tools 496 500 369 500 500 515 Intergovernmental Fees 748 850 869 850 850 I 555 Capita 1 Outla v Renta 1 3,600 2,300 2,300 1,800 1,800 Total OOerations & Maint. 372,749 423,550 376,466 463,260 446,760 Caoital Outlav I 605- 62, Caoita 1 Outl av 6,972 36,800 36,477 7,820 7,820 I Total Canital Outlav 6,972 36,800 36,477 7,820 7,820 I ActivifV Total ~1.597,140 $1,811,370 $1,821,667 $1,913,600 $1,897,100 I 140 I CITY OF POWAY I DEPARTMENTAL ACTIVITY DETAIL Department: Activity: Activity I Code: Safety Services Fire Prevention 502 ACTIVITY COMMENTARY I ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION The Fire Prevention Division's primary responsibilities deal with Public Education, I Plan Checking and Inspection Services, hazardous materials, weed abatement, and a variety of other areas. All of these efforts lead to providing the necessary components to reduce property damage and physical injury, and provide for the I general safety, health and welfare of the citizens of Poway. Fire Prevention/Safety Education is the key to providing and maintaining a fire~safe I community. This Division is currently providing the "Learn Not To Burn" curriculum in four elementary schools. Programs are available and provided to schools, institutions, clubs, and special interest groups upon request. A wildland fi re safety information campaign is planned for the High Valley area. I This Division performs plan check and inspection services on all phases of development and construction within the City. Inspections are also completed in all occupancies I on an annual basis. Two-thirds of these inspections are performed by the Fire Engine Company crew and the remainder by Fire Prevention personnel. The Fire Inspector is expanding enforcement of our ordinances. Areas include weed I abatement, false alarms, and fire hydrant obstructions. Other areas include: pre-fire planning, juvenile firesetter counseling, hydrant maintenance, mapping, and hazardous materials. I ACTIVITY GOALS AND OBJECTIVES I 1. Increase the Public Education Program on fire and life safety in the City's schools and residences through safety programs, "Learn Not To Burn" and home I fi re safety. 2. Increase the level of enforcement in the areas of weed abatement. 3. Develop new computerized tracking of our annual business fire inspection I program. SIGNIFICANT ACTIVITY PROGRAM CHANGES CHANGE I 11 0 and I 120 - Temporary assignment of Code Compliance Officer to -$ 37,740 Drought Assistance Response Team (401) I I I I 141 I CITY OF POWAY DEPARTMENTAL ACTIVITY DETAIL I Department: Activity: Activity Sa fetv Servi ces Fire Prevention Code: 502 Obj. 1989-90 1990-91 1990-91 1991-92 1991-92 I Code Expense Classificatipn Actual BudQet Actual Proposed Approved Rersonnel Expense Range Position Title 290.l Fire Battalion Chief 56,631 61,340 61,884 66,130 66,130 I 246.7 Fire Prevention Inspec. 37,596 39,720 40,272 42,480 42,480 241.E Code Compliance Officer 35,904 37,740 35,462 - - 208.1 Secretary 11,545 27,000 27,527 28, 11 0 28,110 I 110 Salaries - Regular 141, 676 165,800 165,145 143,200 143,200 I 113 Salaries - Overtime 11,504 15,790 7,703 15,120 15,120 120 Fri nge Benefits 42,143 61,280 58,169 46,890 46,890 130 Temporary Services 15,495 6,480 6,105 6,480 6,480 I Tota,l Personnel 210,818 249 350 237,122 211,690 211,690 I Operations and Maintenance 215 Telephone 673 1,700 1,134 1,800 1,800 260 Reimbursed Mileage - 100 140 100 100 I 262 Vehicle Operations 1,249 2,400 1,491 2,400 2,40D 263 Vehicle Maintenance 1,435 4,000 1,446 4,000 4,000 264 Vehicle Rental 6,000 5,950 5,950 5,950 5,950 270 Travel and Meetings 1,563 2,940 1,492 1,390 1,390 I 311 Printing 1,428 1,500 1,499 1,500 1,500 313 Uniforms 500 500 500 280 280 314 Community Relations 4,113 5,000 4,868 5,000 5,000 I 315 Publications and Dues 1,430 1,490 1,210 1,250 1,250 316 Medical Exams - 420 80 270 270 317 Education and Training 282 300 60 300 300 324 Nuisance Abatement 42,909 48,000 33,279 44,640 44,640 I 360 Contract Inspection 8,255 96,250 578 49,570 49,570 363 Plan Check Services 11,702 137,500 9,525 70,810 70,810 399 Other Contractual Services 3,844 11,000 7,202 11,000 11,000 I 411 Office Supplies 432 500 549 500 500 413 Photographic Supplies 527 750 265 750 750 417 Operating Supplies 3,060 3,150 2,602 3,150 3,150 I 555 Capital Outlay Rental - - - 1,360 1,360 . Total Operations & Maint. 89,402 32J,450 73,870 206,020 206,020 Capital Outlay 601 Telecommunications Equipment - 750 645 - - I 605 Photographic Equipment - - - - - 611 Office Equipment - 7,790 7,372 - - I Total Capital Outlay - 8,540 8,017 - - Activitv Total li300,220 $581,340 $319,009 $417,710 M17,710 I 142 I CITY OF POWAY I DEPARTMENTAL ACTIVITY DETAIL Department: Activity: Activity I Code: Safetv Services Paramedics 503 ACTIVITY COMMENTARY I ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION I The Paramedic Division consists of nine (9) of the 27 fire suppression personnel who have received extensive additional training in the area of emergency medicine. This additional training has prepared the personnel to utilize sophisticated medical I diagnostic equipment in the delivery of advanced pre-hospital care. Once a patient has been assessed, the paramedics work closely with emergency physicians or specially trained nurses to adminster definitive therapy to the patient in the field, who would I not otherwise receive care until his/her arrival in an emergency room. In addition to maintaining an acute awareness to new developments in emergency I medicine, paramedics must also train and maintain a high level of proficiency in the area of fire suppression. This is accomplished through their participation in all phases of the fire suppression training program. On a day-to-day basis, the paramedics operate under the direction of a Fire Captain, I although the comprehensive program manager is a Fire Battalion Chief. The Battalion Chief serves as the coordinator and represents the City of Poway at the I local, state, and federal level on pre-hospital care issues. ACTIVITY GOALS AND OBJECTIVES I 1. To provice continued training and certification for engine company personnel in the emergency medical defibrillation program designed I to decrease pre-hospital deaths due to heart attacks. 2. To provide a citizen cardiopulmonary resuscitation program to the I citizens of poway in cooperation with Pomerado Hospital. 3. To provide emergency crews and target groups in the community with training in the area of disaster preparedness and medical care. I 4. To reduce pain and suffering to the sick and injured through the use of current emergency medical care techniques and equipment. I 5. To supplement current Fire Suppression staffing by providing training to paramedic personnel in fire suppression techniques. I SIGNIFICANT ACTIVITY PROGRAM CHANGES None I I I I 143 I CITY OF POWAY DEPARTMENTAL ACTIVITY DETAIL I Department: Acti vity: Activity Safetv Services Paramedi cs Code: 503 Obj. 1989-90 1990-91 1990-91 1991-92 1991-92 I Code Exnense Classification Actual Budoet Actual Proposed App roved Personnel Expense Rarlilii Position Title 238.: Paramedi cs (6) 177,553 209,470 224,535 228,900 228,900 I Special Proficiency Pay 30,780 30,780 30,783 38,890 38,890 Recertification Bonus 6,000 1,800 6,000 6,750 6,750 I 110 Salaries - Regular 214,333 242,050 261,318 274,540 274,540 113 Salaries - Overtime 30,454 35,710 26,785 35,710 35,710 120 Fringe Benefits 84,204 129,410 142,849 88,500 88,500 I FLSA 4,210 4,550 4,547 15,440 15,440 I Tota 1 Personne 1 333,201 411,720 435,499 414,190 414,190 nnerations and Maintenance I 215 Telephone 705 1,200 815 1.,200 1,200 260 Reimbursed Mileage 26 300 110 300 300 262 Vehicle Operations 1,807 3,340 1,638 3,340 3,340 I 263 Vehicle Maintenance 1,803 7,000 3,737 7,000 7,000 264 Vehicle Rental 15,000 31,500 31,500 31,500 31,500 270 Travel and Meetings 1,744 2,650 1,210 2,650 2,650 314 Community Relations 604 1,000 838 1,000 1,000 I 315 Publications and Dues 433 890 575 890 890 317 Education and Training 3,083 9,030 1,440 7,860 7,860 334 R&M Equipment 3,983 4,600 2,837 4,600 4,600 I 411 Office & Stationery Supplies 107 200 10 200 200 413 Photographic Supplies 160 200 186 200 200 414 Medical Supplies 13,249 18,D80 14,769 20,680 20,680 417 Operating Supplies 678 "1,830 1,818 2,400 2,400 I 555 Capital Outlay Rental 3,940 3,940 3,940 3,940 3,940 I I Total Ooerations & Maint. 47,322 85,760 65,423 87,760 87,760 Caoital Out 1 av 601 Telecommunications Equipment - 3,900 3,266 2,200 2,200 I 615 Paramedic Equipment 18,119 6,630 3,543 - - I I I Total Canital Outlav 18,119 10,530 I 6,809 2,200 2,200 ActivifV Total $398,642 $508,010 $507,731 $504,150 $504,150 I 144 I CITY OF POWAY I DEPARTMENTAL ACTIVITY DETAIL Department: Activity: Acti vity I Code: Safetv Services Law Enforcement 505 ACTIVITY COMMENTARY I ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION I The City of poway continues to have the lowest crime rate (crime per 1,000 population) within the County of San Diego. The poway Sheriff's Substation has developed a I pro-active profile in addressing criminal and traffic-related problems. The attitude and cooperation of the Poway citizens and the Sheriff's deputies continue to promote goodwi 11 and a positive community effort to retain the lowest crime rate in San Diego I County. The staffing for 1991-1992 eight-hour units is as follows: I o Seven (7) Patrol Units, 7-day with relief o Two (2) 4-Wheel Drive Units, 7-day with relief o One (1) Substance Abuse Officer I o One (1) Detective, DARE Program o Four (4) Traffic Units, 7-day with relief o Two (2) Motorcycle Units, 5-day without relief I o One (1) Communications Dispatch Unit, three 5-day without relief o Two (2) Community Service Officers ACTIVITY GOALS AND OBJECTIVES I 1. To reduce crime by aggressive law enforcement, community education, and I soliciting community involvement. 2. To reduce residential and commercial burglaries by increased surveillances I on known and targeted SUbjects. 3. To reduce the traffic accidents and related injuries by pro-active enforcement of laws related to substance abuse and prudent operation of I motor vehicles. SIGNIFICANT ACTIVITY PROGRAM CHANGES CHANGE I 321 - Increase in salaries and contractual adjustment +$430,820 I with San Diego County Sheriff I I I I 145 I CITY OF POWAY DEPARTMENTAL ACTIVITY DETAIL I Department: Activity: Activity Safe tv Services Law Enforcement Code: 505 Obj. 1989-90 1990-91 1990-91 1991-92 1991-92 I Code Exoense Classification Actual Budoet Actual Proposed Approved Personnel Exoense Ra iliiF Position Title I I I Total Personnel - - - - - I Onerations and Maintenance 215 Telephone 3,807 6,180 3,721 6,370 6,370 262 Vehicle Operations 973 1,050 1,427 1,200 1,200 I 263 Vehicle Maintenance 4,057 6,000 2,151 6,000 6;000 264 Vehicle Rental 3,750 10,100 10,100 10,100 10,100 270 Travel and Meetings 1,996 4,040 2,055 1,390 1,390 I 314 Community Relations 10,705 5,900 5,800 4,400 4,400 321 Community Safety 2,866,722 2,810,730 2,611,526 3,241,550 3,466,550 325 Vehicle Regulation 5,862 6,800 6,887 6,800 6,800 327 Sheriff's Dispatch Contract 95,450 105,240 72,325 97,060 97,060 I 328 DARE Program 60,270 63,940 65,291 68,790 68,790 329 California I.D. Systems - 4,000 - 2,100 2,100 334 R&M Equipment 1,937 4,110 4,623 5,860 5,860 I 399 Other Contractual Services 13,324 17,230 12,393 17,5DO 17,500 413 Photographic Supplies 192 250 228 250 250 416 Safety Supplies 12,795 16,630 15,823 15,280 15,280 417 Operating Supplies 2,770 4,220 3,882 4,000 4,000 I 555 Capital Outlay Rental 2,060 9,900 9,900 9,900 9,900 I I Total Onerations & Maint. 3,086,670 3.076 320 2,828 132 3,498,550 3,723,550 Caoltal Outlav 601 Telecommunications Equipmenl 6,646 3,300 - 3,100 3,100 605 Photographic Equipment 137 280 237 - - I 611 Office Equipment 5,019 - - - - 621 Autos and Trucks 19,360 - - - - 622 Other Equipment 536 - - - - I 653 Other Tools & Equipment 194 4,DOO 4,000 2,070 2,070 I Total Caoltal Outlav ~1,892 7,580 4,237 5,170 5,170 Activitv Total $3,118,562 $3,083,900 $2,832,369 S3,503,720 $3,728,720 I I-' ENGINEERING SERVICES ~ en CITY MANAGER 013 DIRECTOR ENGINEERING SERVICES 600 , CI.P SUBDIVISION ENGINEERING ENGINEERING TRAFFIC ENGINEERING ENGINEERING SPECIAL INSPECTION ENGINEERING 601 602 PROJECTS 604 605 603 ENGINEERING SERVICES - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I 147 I CITY OF POWAY DEPARTMENTAL ACTIVITY OVERVIEW I Dept. Code Department: Fund Distribution: General Fund: $1,953,056; Water Fund: $75,750 600 Engineerin Services Sewer Fund: $120,444; Gas Tax: $7,500 I EXPENSE 1989-1990 1990-1991 1990-1991 1991-1992 1991-1992 CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL PROPOSED APPROVED I Tota 1 Pos i t ions - 30 29 27 27 I Personnel Expense - 1,478,090 1,361,675 1,415,930 1,415,930 I Operations and Maintenance - 978,510 1,220,096 734,620 734,620 I Cap ita lOut 1 ay - 17 , 800 18,539 6,200 6,200 I TOTAL BUDGET - $2,474,400 $2,600,310 $2,156,750 $2,156,750 I OVERVIEW COMMENTARY The Engineering Services Department, created January 1, 1990, has completed its first full year of service with noted improvement to serving the public. The construction of I modular office space, shared by the Planning Services Department, provides a one-stop counter for all permits to greatly enhance efficiency and public service. I The Engineering Services Department oversees all City engineering functions of land development, capital improvement, traffic engineering, water reclamation and public improvement inspections within the structure of five divisions. The Engineering I Services Department manages planning engineering, budgeting design, contract administration and inspection of all capital improvement and development projects within the City of Poway. The Special Projects division oversees all development activities within the South Poway Business Park, including land divisions, I infrastructure construction, water reclamation facilities and the construction of the South Poway Parkway. In addition, the newest division of Engineering Services, Traffic Engineering, has provided more responsive and in-depth review of traffic engineering I issues within the City of Poway. Over the last year, the City's engineering staff has focused on major roadway I construction, sensitive traffic engineering, planning, water reclamation, and enhanced public service. The addition of a new engineering technician at the counter provides more rapid response to inquiries by the public. Significant capital improvement projects des i gned in FY 1990-91 i nc 1 ude Community Road wi deni ng, Mi dl and Road dra i nage, I Poway Grade improvements, Alternate 8A (extension of South Poway Parkway to I-IS), Twin Peaks widening, Poway Road west end widening, and SR 56 construction. As a response to the 1991 drought, Engineering Services Department has explored innovative ways to I provide interim reclaimed water until the Poway Water Reclamation Facility is constructed. The City purchased a package treatment plant and Engineering Services was instrumental in constructing an operating facility. I 148 I CITY OF POWAY I DEPARTMENTAL ACTIVITY DETAIL Department: Activity: Activity I Code: EnQineerinq Services Office of the Director 600 ACTIVITY COMMENTARY I ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION I The Office of the Director provides the administration and management function of the Engineering Services Department. I The Director of Engineering Services is responsible for overseeing the five divisions which comprise the Engineering Services Department. These divisions include Capital Improvement Program, Subdivision Engineering, Special Projects I Engineering, Engineering Inspection and Traffic fngineering. The Director of Engineering Services is accountable to the City Manager for I ensuring the timely and reliable completion of public and private improvement projects throughout the City. The Director is the City Engineer. In addition, the Director is the project manager for the design and construction of Poway's Water I Reclamation Facility. The Engineering Services Department has developed a mission statement of which all of the employees within the Engineering Services Department are proud. The Mission I Statement is "Engi neeri ng Servi ces Department: Buildi ng for the Future-- Together." ACTIVITY GOALS AND OBJECTIVES I 1. Provide timely and accurate responses to the public, City Council, and other City Departments. I 2. Provide eng'ineering services to the City and the publ ic that promote the most ,advanced and cost effi ci ent methods avail ab 1 e. 3. Coordinate with State and local agencies to obtain permits and approvals necessary to construct a Poway Water Reclamation Facility. I 4. Complete the construction of Alternate 8A. 5. Complete the preliminary designs for South Poway Parkway east of Sycamore Canyon Road. I 6. Continue to address and respond to traffic issues throughout the City. 7. Manage the activities of the Transportation Advisory Committee and provide assistance to Planning Services to amend the Transportation I Element of the General Plan. 8. Develop a five-year 'capital improvement program for the City of Poway. SIGNIFICANT ACTIVITY PROGRAM CHANGES CHANGE I Management Analyst position vacant for fiscal year 1991-1992 -$45,890 I I I I 149 - CITY OF POWAY I DEPARTMENTAL ACTIVITY DETAIL I Department: Activity: Activity Engineering Services Office of the ,Director Code: 600 Obj. 1989-1990 1990-1991 1990-1991 1991-1992 1991-1992 I Code Expense Classification Actua 1 Budget Actua 1 Proposed Approved Personnel Expense Range Position Title I 315.3 Director - 72,780 72,780 7B,460 78,460 249.6 Management Assistant - 39,220 15,291 - - 223.1 Admin. Secretary - 25,380 25,380 27,770 27,770 I 207.6 Account Clerk II - 24,830 24,830 26,610 26,610 198.6 Admin Clerk II - 20,420 18,620 20,120 20,120 I 110 Salaries - Regular - 182,630 156,901 152,960 152,960 112 Salaries - Overtime - 600 52 - - 120 Employee Benefits - 46, 160 45,897 40,500 40,500 I Total Personnel - 229,390 202,850 193,460 193,460 I Operations and Maintenance 145 Data Processing Consultant - 29,500 33, 112 800 800 215 Telephone - 600 1,169 1,200 1,200 I 26D Reimbursed Mileage - 4,200 3,617 3,840 3,840 270 Travel and Meetings - 3,970 2,538 3,140 3,140 311 Printing - 500 267 500 500 I 315 Publications and Dues - 1,340 1,197 1,200 1,200 334 R&M Equipment - 3,880 1,396 1,830 1,830 411 Office & Stationery Supplies - 2,500 2,367 2,500 2,500 I 413 Photographic/Copy Supplies - 150 262 150 150 417 Operating Supplies - - 735 310 310 420 Small Tool s - 50 - 50 50 I 555 Capital Outlay Rental - - - 1,700 1,700 I I Total Operati ons & Ma i nt. - 46,690 46,660 17,220 17,220 Capital Outlay I 611 Office Equipment - 4,600 3,811 2,000 2,000 , I I Total Capital Outlay - 4,600 3,811 2,000 2,000 I Act i vity Total $280,680 $253,321 $212,680 $212,680 150 I CITY OF POWAY I DEPARTMENTAL ACTIVITY DETAIL Department: Activity: Activity I Code: Enoineerino Services C.I.P. EnoineerinQ 601 I ACTIVITY COMMENTARY ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION I The responsibilities of the City'sCapita.1 Improvement Project Division include I capital improvement project surveys, design, construction administration, and inspection services, supervising special studies and engineering support for the Community Services and Planning Services Departments and Redevelopment Advisory I Committee, as well as similar duties for the Redevelopment Agency. ACTIVITY GOALS AND OBJECTIVES I 1. Manage the City and Redevelopment Agency C.I.P. projects which include both in-house and contractual design services. 2. Assist the Community Services Department in constructing the projects needed I to ennance the City's park and recreational facilities. 3. Prepare conceptual in-house designs and cost estimates for capital improvement I proj ects. 4. Provide total design services for the smaller City and Redevelopment Agency I proj ects. 5. Manage all phases of construction activities including inspection for C.I.P. I proj ects. ACTIVITY WORKLOAD STATISTICS I In FY 90-91, this division completed 9 City projects and 9 Redevelopment Agency projects. This group of projects includes several significant projects, i.e. the I Widening of Twin Peaks Road from Midland to Espola, Carriage Road Medians, City Hall Modular Office Units, FFA Facility, Aubrey Street Improvements. SIGNIFICANT ACTIVITY PROGRAM CHANGES CHANGE I 110 - Transfer Assistant Civil Engineer II to Drought Action -$ 42,320 Response Team I 1 514 - End of lease for modular building -$ 10,630 -$ 52,950 I I I I 151 CITY OF POWAY I DEPARTMENTAL ACTIVITY DETAIL Department: Activity: Activity I EnQineerina Services C.I.P. Enoineerino Code:601 Obj. 1989-90 1990-91 1990-91 1991-92 1991 92 Code Expense Classification Actual BudQet Actual Proposed Aoproved I Personnel Exoense Ranae Position Title 294.0 Senior Civil Eng. 58,090 60,010 62,248 63,420 63,420 I 279.( Associate Civil Eng. 50,156 51,660 51,746 54,590 54,590 264.( Assist. Civil Eng. II 36,160 38,130 34,509 - - 234.~ Engineering Technician 23,260 33,110 33,107 35,130 35,130 I 213.1 Secretary 25,310 27,000 27,003 28,12D 28,120 I 110 Salaries - Regular 192,976 209,910 208,613 181,260 181,260 113 Salaries - Overtime 140 - - - - 120 Fri nge Benefi ts 45,441 56,260 51,438 45,460 45,460 I Tota 1 Personne 1 238,557 266,170 260,051 226,720 226,720 Operations and Maintenance I 148 Special Studies 20,920 5,000 - 5,000 5,000 160 Engineering 2,525 5,000 - 5,000 5,000 I 260 Reimbursed Mileage 265 250 1,406 2,000 2,000 263 Vehicle Maintenance 731 - - - - 270 Travel & Meetings 1, 925 1,960 582 I,DI0 1,010 311 Print1ng 254 300 214 300 300 I 315 Publications & Dues 357 340 528 210 210 317 Education & Training 298 - - - - 332 R&M Air Conditioning 43 2DO - 50 50 I 334 R&M Equipment 1,704 2,640 2,660 2,450 2,450 337 R&M Radios 61 150 67 150 150 411 -Office Supplies 3,133 3,600 2,530 3,000 3,000 I 413 Photographic & Photocopy 262 200 - 200 200 514 Lease Purchase 10,631 10,630 10,631 - - 555 Capital Out1ay Renta1 3,400 2,200 2,200 - - I I Tota,l Ooerations & Maint. 46,509 32,470 20,818 19,370 19,370 Capita lOut 1 av I 611 Office Equipment 2,942 - - - - I I Total Caoital Outlay 2,942 - - I Activitv Total $288,008 $298,640 $280,869 $246,090 $246,090 152 I CITY OF POWAY I DEPARTMENTAL ACTIVITY DETAIL , Department: Activity: Ac t i v ity I Code: EnoineerinQ Services Subdivision Enoineerino 602 I ACTIVITY COMMENTARY I ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION The Subdivision Engineering's responsibility is to assure that private developments I are undertaken in accordance with City standards and specific conditions of approval to the highest standards of quality. This goal is accomplished while assuring the I most benefit to the community as a whole and the least disruption of homes, business, and traffic. At the public counter, we provide informatton to developers and the general public from our comprehensive files and mapping systems. The division manages and maintains an extensive amount of engineering records and files I including grading, subdivision maps, and public improvements in addition to subdi- vision project files. ACTIVITY GOALS AND OBJECTIVES I 1. Continue to improve services to the community through quicker permit processing, I more efficient communications with other departments, and improved response to citizens' complaints. 2. Complete development of computerized project tracking system. I 3. Continue to streamline and standardize procedures and develop a clear, logical I procedures manual. SIGNIFICANT ACTIVITY PROGRAM CHANGES CHANGE I 110 - Transfer of Assistant Civil Engineer II -$ 53,720 120 to Special Projects I 160 - Engineering - Reduced reliance on consultants. -$ 5,760 363 - Plan Check - Projected reduced level of development -$124,800 I from 1 ast year I I JI I I 153 I CITY OF POWAY DEPARTMENTAL ACTIVITY DETAIL I Department: ,Activity: Activity EnClineerinCl Services Subdivision Code: 602 Obj. 1989-1990 1990-1991 1990-1991 1991-1992 1991-1992 Code Expense Classification Actual BudQet Actual Proposed Approved I Personnel Expense RanQel Pos.ition Title 294.l sr. Civil Engineer 57,090 60,010 62,248 63,420 63,420 I 279.( Assoc.Civil Engineer 49,140 51,660 53,581 54,590 54,590 264.( Asst. Civil Engineer II 31,010 42,300 4,007 - - 254.C Asst. Civi 1 Engineer I 30,163 34,510 37,582 38,290 38,290 I 234.S Engineering Technician 21,080 30,470 31,674 32,270 32,270 213.1 Secretary 24,310 27,000 27,590 28,120 28,120 198.6 Admin. Clerk II 10,201 19,130 22,153 22,560 22,560 Engineering Intern (PT) 8,000 8,450 7,943 8,400 8,400 I 110 Sa 1 ari es-Regu 1 ar 230,994 265,080 238,835 239,250 239,250 112 Salaries-Part-Time - 8,450 7,943 8,400 8,400 I 113 Salaries-Overtime 174 - 62 500 500 120 Employee Benefits 54,040 65,890 66,653 64,830 64,830 I Tota 1 Personne 1 285,208 339,420 313,493 312,980 312,980 Operations and Maintenance 160 Engineering 2,480 7,760 - 2,000 2,000 164 Land Dev. Engineering 847 - - - - I 260 Reimbursed Mileage 472 2,340 2,052 2,160 2,160 270 Travel and Meetings 412 1,950 98 1,230 1,230 311 Printing 1,974 4,250 1,076 2,BOO 2,800 I 315 Publications and Dues 517 610 1,276 940 940 317 Education and Training 1,037 950 819 570 570 334 R&M Equipment 1,387 1,930 2,309 2,980 2,980 I 363 Plan Check 615,031 270,400 409,952 145,600 145,600 399 Other Contracted Services - - - 2,800 2,800 411 Office & Stationery Supplies 7,702 4,400 6,540 5,800 5,800 413 Photographic/Copy Supplies 85 100 285 100 100 I 417 Operating Supplies - - 419 970 970 420 Small Tools 22 30 - 30 30 499 Other Supplies and Materials - 400 238 200 200 I 555 Capital Outlay Rental 2,200 2,200 2,200 3,600 3,600 I I Total Operations & Maint. 634,416 297,320 427,264 171,780 171,780 I Capital Outlav 611 Office Equipment 13,716 7,750 6,998 1,200 1,200 I Total Capital Outlav 13,716 7,750 6,998 1,200 1,200 Activity Total $933,340 $644,490 $747,755 $485,960 $485,960 I 154 I CITY OF POWAY I DEPARTMENTAL ACTIVITY DETAIL Department: Activity: Activity I Code: Enaineerina Services Special Projects 603 I ACTIVITY COMMENTARY ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION I The Special Projects Division is responsible for engineering services to the City for the South poway Planned Community. These services include project administra- tion, development plan checking, engineering design, and construction. In addition, I the Division provides project management for Alternate 8 design and construction, conceptual design of Sycamore Canyon Road, conceptual design of South Poway Parkway to Highway 67, and management of the water reclamation project. GOALS AND OBJECTIVES I 1. Provide quality assurance for construction of public and private improve- ments in South Poway through comprehensive design reviews, and field I inspection. 2. Complete the Engineering Design Manual and related drawings. 3. Provide engineering support to Planning Services for the South Poway Planning, Area. I 4. Oversee and manage the design and construction of Alternate 8. 5. Project management for Poway Grade, Sycamore Canyon Road, and South poway to Highway 67. I 6. Manage all activities for the development of a water reclamation facility. 7. Manage the master plan water system improvements for the City. ACTIVITY WORKLOAD I Construction of public improvements in Phase I of Parkway Business Centre will continue into FY 91-92. There will be private development of an estimated 15 to 20 lots in the business park. Grading of Phase II of Parkway Business Centre will I also extend into FY 91-92. poway Corporate Center will be constructing public improvements on Phase I, and I private development on 10 to 15 lots is expected. McMillin Inc. is scheduled to start construction of Rolling Hills Estates, a 120 I lot development adjacent to South poway Parkway at the City limits. Construction of Alternate 8 will begin in FY 91-92 and is expected to last 12 to 18 months. Staff will be overseeing construction of the roadway. I Prel iminary engineering design and environmental work wi 11 begin for South Poway Parkway from Sycamore Canyon to Highway 67. Staff will be cQordinating these I efforts with CALTRANS and' the County of San Diego. Water reclamation project includes environmental analysis for storm discharge, I master planning for reclaimed water distribution system, basin plan amendment, City-wide master plan, coordination with Metro, flow equalization basin, and installation of reclaimed water lines in new development. SIGNIFICANT ACTIVITY PROGRAM CHANGES CHANGE I 270 - Reduced as a cost savings measure -$ 3,630 363 - Reduced to reflect expected reduction of olan submittals -$ 94,300 I I 155 I CITY OF POWA Y - DEPARTMENTAL ACTIVITY DETAIL I Department: Acti vi ty: Activity Publ ic Services Eno i neeri no Speci a I Proiects Code: 603 Obj. 1989-1990 1990-1991 1990-1991 1991-1992 1991-1992 I Code .Exoense Classification Actual Budoet Actual Proposed Aop roved Personnel Expense Ranoe Position Title I 288.0 Sr. Civil Engineer (2) 55,241 110,430 60,011 63,420 63,420 273.0 Assoc. Civil Engineer - 43,750 22,660 47,010 47,010 258.0 Asst.Civil Engineer II - 22,672 46,940 46,940 I 228.9 Engineering Techni~ian - 28,390 18,051 29,410 29,410 208.1 Secretary 23,130 27,000 27 ,003 28,110 28,110 I 110 Salaries - Regular 78,371 209,570 150,397 214,890 214,890 113 Overtime 100 500 - 120 Employee Benefits 20,065 52,940 43,870 54,780 54,780 I Total Personnel 98,537 263,010 194,267 269,670 269,670 Ooerations and Maintenance I 164 Land Development Engineering - 1,400 73 1,000 1,000 260 Reimbursed Mileage 27 3,720 1,667 2,000 2,000 I 262 Vehicle Operations 757 1,500 1,065 1,500 1,500 263 Vehicle Maintenance 74 1,000 923 1,000 1,000 264 Vehicle Rental 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,100 3,100 270 Travel and Meetings 665 4,130 729 500 500 I 311 Printing 100 - - 150 150 315 Publications and Dues 567 510 1,269 500 500 317 Education and Training 275 - 69 200 200 I 334 R&M Equipment - 240 1,159 2,200 2,200 337 R&M Radios 61 70 67 80 80 360 Contract Inspection 223,996 - - - - I 363 Plan Check/Map Processing 244,277 177,500 208,329 83,200 83,200 411 Office & Stationery Supplies 532 970 1,389 960 960 413 Photographic/Copy Supplies - - - 1,350 1,350 417 Operating Supplies - - 395 150 150 I 555 Capital Outlay Rental - 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 I Total Operations & Maint. 474,331 196,040 222,134 99,890 99,890 Capita 1 Outlay I 611 Office Equipment 4,750 1,700 1,470 - - I I Total Capital Outlav 4,750 1, 700 1,470 - - I Activitv Total $577,618 $460,750 $417,871 $369,560 $369,560 156 I CITY OF POWAY I DEPARTMENTAL ACTIVITY DETAIL Department: Activity: Activity I Code: EnClineerina Services EnQineerinQ Inspection 604 ACTIVITY COMMENTARY I ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION I The Engineering Inspection Division is charged with the inspection of all capital improvement projects, grading, and public improvement projects. Through quality I inspection, the projects inspected are in compliance to all applicable federal, state and local codes and standards. The division also fields and handles public complaints relative to adjacent construction, traffic control safety through work zones, and inspection of the City's street maintenance and striping programs. I ACTIVITY GOALS AND OBJECTIVES I I. Develop a team work attitude within the division which will promote more efficient information transfer between public, contractors, team members I and members of other divisions. 2. Develop inspection policies and procedures which will promote consistent inspection operations. - I 3. Develop a pro-active attitude toward construction problems so solutions will be developed which avoid construction delays. I 4. Continue education and training programs to improve quality of staff. SIGNIFICANT ACTIVITY PROGRAM CHANGES I None. I I I I I I I I 157 I CITY OF POWA Y DEPARTMENTAL ACTIVITY DETAIL I Department: Activity: Activity EnQineerinQ Services Engineerin Insoection Code:604 Obj. 1989-90 1990-91 1990-91 1991-92 1991-92 I Code Expense Classification Actual Budoet Actual Proposed Approved Personnel Exoense RanQe Position Title I 259.2 E.S. Insp. Supervisor 40,228 42,820 40,756 47,550 47,550 245.2 E.S. Inspectors (4) 76,551 142,780 154,014 157,690 157,690 193.6 Administrative Clerk II 7,145 23,360 21,996 24,320 24,320 I 110 Salaries - Regular 123,924 208,960 216,766 229,560 229,560 113 Salaries - Overtime 14,819 13,760 16,183 12,000 12,000 I 120 Fringe Benefits 32,022 52,950 58,618 60,780 60,780 I Tota 1 Personne 1 170,765 275,670 291,567 302,340 302,340 Operations and Maintenance I 215 Telephones 2,174 4,200 5,327 4,200 4,200 260 Reimbursed Mileage 133 150 674 150 150 262 Vehicle Operations 1,991 7,500 4,004 5,000 5,000 I 263 Vehicle Maintenance 2,519 3,750 3,959 2,750 2,750 264 Vehicle Rental 5,050 9,500 9,500 9,500 9,500 270 Travel and Meetings 344 1,290 638 1,000 1,000 311 Printing 1,228 700 771 1,000 1,000 I 315 Publications and Dues 285 370 318 150 150 317 Education and Training 392 1,080 497 500 500 334 R&M Equipment 65 650 685 600 600 I 337 R&M Radios 211 700 230 600 600 360 Contract Inspection 443,319 312,000 425,603 362,000 362,000 363 Plan Check & Map Processing 1,428 - - - - I 399 Other Contractual Services 344 840 679 840 840 411 Office & Stationery Supplies 978 840 1,147 1,300 1,300 413 Photograpic/Copy Supplies 252 850 276 600 600 416 Safety Supplies 343 700 148 500 500 I 420 Small Tools 678 100 83 100 100 499 Other Supplies and Materials 194 300 67 300 300 I Total Operations & Maint. 461,928 345,520 454,606 391,090 391,090 I Capital Outlav 601 Telecommunications Equipment 1,800 - 2,377 - - 605 Photographic Equipment - 650 - - - I 611 Office Equipment 2,178 - - - - 622 Other Equipment 2,714 2,100 2,086 - - I I Total Caoital Outlav 6,692 2,750 4,463 - - Activitv Total $639,385 $623,940 $750,636 $693,430 $693,430 '158 I CITY OF POWAY , I DEPARTMENTAL ACTIVITY DETAIL - Department: Activity: Activity I Code: EnQineerinQ Services Traffic Enqineering 605 ACTIVITY COMMENTARY I ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION I This division performs all traffic and transportation engineering related tasks. These tasks include evaluation of traffic circulation on all public streets, I optimization of traffic signal timing and operation, evaluation of traffic related citizen complaints and management of the Traffic Safety Committee. This division conducts speed studies, performs traffic counts and projections, keeps accident I records and serves as staff to the Transportation ,Advisory Committee. Other services include design and review assistance for the other engineering and planning services divisions. I ACTIVITY GOALS AND OBJECTIVES 1. Provide consistent, prompt and professional evaluation of requests for I traffic controls. 2. Optimize traffic signal timing on all classified streets and insure I timely response to all traffic signal malfunctions. 3. Manage the Traffic Safety Committee and assure that all follow-up I activities are promptly and professionally resolved. 4. Maintain accurate and current speed survey data on all streets having I established speed limits and provide certification to the Sheriff's Department as necessary for use in court. 5. Maintain accident records and provide evaluations as required to I enhance safety on all public streets. SIGNIFICANT ACTIVITY PROGRAM CHANGES CHANGE I 163 - TAC work-plan and tasks now performed by traffic engineer -$25,630 I 611 - Traffic count program requires additional counters +$ 2,000 I I I I I 159 CITY OF POWAY I DEPARTMENTAL ACTIVITY DETAIL Department: Activity: Activity I Engineering Services Traffic Engineering Code: 605 Obj. 1989-1990 1990-1991 1990-1991 1991-1992 1991-1992 Code Expense Classification Actua 1 Budget Actua 1 Proposed Approved I Personnel Expense Range Position Title I 294.0 Sr. Civil Engineer - 50,830 48,785 56,150 56, 150 234.9 Engineering Tech 19,265 28,860 26,973 32,270 32,270 I 110 Salaries - Regular 19,265 79,690 75,758 88,420 88,420 112 Salaries - Overtime 140 - 248 - - 120 Employee Benefits 6,481 24,740 23,441 22,340 22,340 I Total Personnel 25,886 104,430 99,447 110,760 110,760 Operations and Maintenance I 160 Engineering 13 2,500 - 2,000 2,000 163 Traffic Engineering 203,501 47,470 40, 100 21,840 21,840 I 260 Reimbursed Mileage - 1,800 1,813 1,800 1,800 262 Vehicle Oper~tions 86 700 - 700 700 263 Vehicle Maintenance - 800 - 800 BOO I 264 Vehicl e Rental 1,910 2,800 2,800 2,800 2,800 311 Printing 297 300 477 600 600 315 Publications and Dues - 180 395 300 300 I 317 Education and Training 131 540 565 350 350 334 R&M Equipment - 780 397 1,430 1,430 411 Office & Stationery Supplies 1,706 1,500 1,363 1,500 1,500 I 413 Photographic/Copy Supplies - 200 23 100 100 416 Safety Supplies 14 100 - 100 100 417 Operating Supplies - 800 279 700 700 I 420 Small Tools 1,252 - 402 250 250 I I Total Operations & Maint. 208,910 60,470 48,614 35,270 35,270 Capital Outl ay I 611 Office Equipment 5,622 1,000 1,797 3,000 3,000 I I Total Capital Outlay 5,622 1,000 1,797 3,000 3,000 Activity Total $240,418 $165,900 $149,858 $149,030 $149,030 I I -, I I I I , I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF POWAY FINANCIAL PROGRAM:. 19U-1992 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM I, 162 I CITY OF POWAY I CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM OVERVIEW REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE ANALYSIS I CITY OF POWAY I SOURCE AND APPLICATION OF FUNDS FISCAL YEAR 1991-1992 FUNDING SOURCES ,1 Genera 1 Fund $ 195,130 I Street Development Fund 200,905 Dra i nage Fund 170,000 Water Fund 4,019 '. Park Development Fund 63,312 Coastal Sage Fund 254,870 Municipal Fund 223,353 I TDA 133,426 TOTAL $1,245,015 I I FUNDING APPLICATIONS I Streets and Highways $ 232,890 Traffi c Signals 41,016 II Flood Control & Drainage 170,000 Parks and Open Space 543,061 - Water Improvements 4,019 I Government Buildings 223,353 Sewer Improvements 30,676 TOTAL $1,245,015 I I 'I I I I I I 163 I CITY OF POWAY CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM OVERVIEW I Department: CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Total Total I Estimated Activity Classification Total Prior 1991-1992 Combined Reouirements Aoorooriations Estimate Exoenditures I $ 638,140 Streets & Highways $ 405,250 $ 232,890 $ 638,140 724,000 Traffic Signals 682,984 41,016 724,000 I 1,104,154 Flood Control & Drainage 934,154 170,000 1,104,154 I 10,261,475 Government Buildings 10,038,122 223,353 10,261,475 1,558,260 Parks and Open Space 1,015,199 543,061 1,558,260 I 1,074,292 Water Improvements 1,070,273 4,019 1,074,292 1,698,504 Sewer Improvements 1,667,828 30,676 1,698,504 I $17,058,825 TOTAL BUDGET $15,813,810 $1.245,015 $17,058,825 I OVERVIEW COMMENTARY I The Capital Improvement program of the City of poway represents an organized plan for addressing the physical needs of the community. The pages which follow add to I the five-year Capital Improvement Program that began during Fiscal Year 1982-83. As the budget is approved each fiscal year, it will be possible to review progress being made, costs incurred to date, and the. imp.1ications of inflation on future costs. I The improvements as set forth in this budget fall into the following seven major categories: Streets and Highways, Traffic Signals, Flood Control and Drainage, I Government Buildings, Paries and Open Spaces, Water Improvements, and Sewer Improve- ments. In the future as needs are identified, attempts will be made to prioritize additional projects as well as identify probable funding. The five-year program, I which will be updated annually, will assist in allocating Capital Improvement Funds and enable the City of Poway to attain its goals in a reasonable period of time. I I I I 164 .1 CITY OF POWAY I CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL Department: Acti vity: I, CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT STREETS AND HIGHWAYS ACTIVITY CON4ENTARY I 1217 CITY STREET SIGNS To standardize the appearance of street signs city-wide in several phases. Cost Estimate - $60,000 I FY 85-86 - $ 20,000 FY 86-87 - 20,000 I FY 87-88 - 20,000 FY 88-89 - 20,000 FY 89-90 - 20,000 I FY 90-91 - (40,000) 1218 BICYCLE LANE - GARDEN ROAD This project provides for the construction of a bicycle lane along Garden Road from - Poway Road to Whitewater Drive. Cost Estimate - $43,500 Funding Source - FY 91-92 I Grant funds (#16) $9,550 FY 85-86 - $26,450 I FY 86-87 - 7,500 FY 91-92 - 9,550 1219 BICYCLE LANE, - LAKE POWAY ROAD I This project provides for the construction of a bicycle lane along Lake Poway Road. Cost Estimate - $45,800 I FY 86-87 - $13,900 FY 87-88 31,900 I 1220 LAKE POWAY PARKING LOT RENOVATION I This project provides for the renovation of Lake Poway parking lots including the repair, sealing, and restriping of all asphalt. Cost Estimate - $52,551 Funding Source - FY 91-92 Park Fund (#11) $22,551 . FY 89-90 - $30,000 FY 91-92 - 22,551 I I I 165 . CITY OF POWAY CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL I Department: Acti vity: CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT STREETS AND HIGHWAYS .' Project Total Total Project Description Estimated Prior 91-92 92-93 93-94 94-95 95-96 Code Cost Aooroo. Aooroo. Estimate Estimate Estimate Estimate I 1217 City Street Signs 60000 6000C I, M' I I 1218 Bicycle Lane - Garden Road 43500 3395C 955C I Ii , I 1219 Bicycle Lane - Lake Poway Road 45800 4580C I I I' 1220 Lake poway Parking Lot Renovation 52551 3000( 22551 I I -, I ACTIVITY TOTAL I' I I I 166 I CITY OF POWAY I CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL Department: Activity: I. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT STREETS AND HIGHWAYS ACTIVITY COMMENTARY I 1222 POMERADO ROAD IMPROVEMENTS I This project provides for the construction of a 5' wide sidewalk, landscaping, irrigation system, and street lighting on Pomerado Road between Kaitz and Monte Vista I Road. Cost Estimate - $147,000 , I FY 89-90 - $147,000 1223 LANDSCAPED MEDIAN - ESPOLA ROAD t This project provides for replacing the existing asphalt median with a landscaped I and stamped concrete median on Espola Road at the westerly City limits. Cost Estimate - $20,000 I FY 89-90 - $20,000 1224 BUS BENCHES I Installation of bus benches at various locations around the City. I Cost Estimate - $36,500 Funding Source - FY 91-92 TDA 4.0 Fund (#15) $16,500 I FY 90-91 - $20,000 , FY 91-92 - 16,500 1225 BIKE LANE - AVENIDA FLORENCIA I This project provides for installation of signs designating Stone Canyon and I Avenida Florencia as a bike route. Cost Estimate - $5,000 I FY 90-91 - $5,000 I I I I 167 I CITY OF POWAY CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL I Department: Activity: CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT STREETS AND HIGHWAYS I Total Total proj ec' Proj~ct Description Estimated Prior 91-92 92-93 93-94 94-95 95-96 Code Cost Aooroo. Aooroo. Estimate Estimate . Estimate Estimate I 1222 Pomerado Road Improvements 147000 147000 I I I 1223 Landscaped Median - 2000C I Espola Road 20000 I - I 2000C 1224 Bus Benches 36500 16500 I j I 1225 Bike Lane - 500C Avenida Florencia 5000 I I, , 'I I ACTIVITY TOTAL I 168 I CITY OF POWAY CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL Department: Activity: CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT STREETS AND HIGHWAYS ACTIVITY COtt4ENTARY 1227 BICYCLE SAFETY This provides for installation of a bicycle safety program in each of the elementary and middle schools in the City. Cost Estimate - $11,000 FY 90-91 - $11,000 1230 JOSHUA TREE LANE This project will provide neighborhood loan to the residence of Joshua Tree Court. Cost Estimate - $33,589 Fundin Source - FY 91-92 Street Development Fund #23) $1,089 FY 90-91 - $32,500 FY 91-92 - 1,089 1231 BICYCLE TRAIL STUDY This project involves a bicycle trail study for the San Dieguito River Valley open space park. Cost Estimate - $24,400 Funding Source - FY 91-92 TDA Funds (#16) $24,400 FY 91-92 - $24,400 I 169 I CITY OF POWAY CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL I Department: Activity: CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT STREETS AND HIGHWAYS I Total Total Projec' Project Description Estimated Prior 91-92 92-93 93-94 94-95 95-96 Code Cost ADD roo. ADD roo. Estimate Estimate Estimate Estimate I 1227 Bicycle Safety Program 11 000 1100C I I I I 1230 Joshua Tree Lane 33589 32500 1089 - I I I 1231 Bicycle Trail Study 24400 24400 I I I I ,I II ACTIVITY TOTAL I I I I 170 I CITY OF POWAY CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL Department: Activity: CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT STREETS AND HIGHWAYS ACTIVITY COMMENTARY 1232 ESPOLA ROAD SIDEWALKS This project involves installation of a 5-ft. wide, 1475-ft. long, 2-in. thick asphalt sidewalk along the south side of Espola Road from Martincoit to Valle Verde Road. Cost Estimate - $46,000 Funding Source - FY 91-92 Street Development Fund (#21) $46,000 FY 91-92 - $46,000 1234 REALIGNMENT STUDY - HIGH VALLEY ROAD This project involves preliminary study of the realignment of High Valley Road. Cost Estimate - $112,800 Funding Source - FY 91-92 Street Development Fund (#23) $112,800 FY 91-92 - $112,800 , I I . I I I I I 171 I , CITY OF POWAY CAPITAL ,IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL I Department: Activity: CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT STREETS AND HIGHWAYS I Project Total Total Project Description Estimated Prior 91-92 92-93 93~94 94-95 95-96 Code Cost Aooroo. Aooroo. Estimate Estimate Estimate Estimate I 1232 Espola Road Sidewalks 46000 46000 I I I I 1234 Realignment Study - High Valley Road 112800 112800 I I I I I I I I I ACTIVITY TOTAL $638140 $40525 $232890 I' 172 I CITY OF POWAY CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL Department: Activity: CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT TRAFFIC SIGNALS ACTIVITY COlt4ENTARY 1312 TRAFFIC SIGNAL SYNCHRONIZATION This project provides for the synchronization of poway Road traffic signals. The first phase of this project tncludes a study which explores the feasibility, alternatives, and costs of a synchronization system. Cost Estimate - $514,000 I FY 88-89 - $ 14,000 FY 89-90 - $500,000 c 1313 HIGH ACCIDENT LOCATION ANALYSIS This project will study intersection locations where there are a high number of I accidents and will recommend solutions. - Cost Estimate - $16,000 FY 89-90 - $16,000 I 1315 ESPOLA ROAD AT SUMMERFIELD TRAFFIC SIGNAL This project provides for the installation of a traffic signal at Espola Road and Summerfield. Cost Estimate - $105,000 FY 90-91 - $105,000 1316 LAKE POWAY/ESPOLA ROAD TRAFFIC SIGNAL This project provides for the installation of a traffic signal at Lake Poway and Espola Road. Cost Estimate - $48,000 Fundin Source - FY 91-92 Street Development Fund #23) $16 FY 90-91 - $47,984 FY 91-92 - 16 I 173 I CITY OF POWAY CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT ,PROGRAM DETAIL ,I Department: Activity: CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT TRAFFIC SIGNALS I Total Total Proj ect Project Description Estimated Prior 91-92 92-93 93-94 94-95 95-96 Code ' Cost Aooroo. ADD roo. Estimate Estimate Estimate Estimate I 1312 Traffic Signal Synchronization 514000 514000 I I r I I 1313 High 'Accident Location Analysis 16000 1600C J I I 1315 Espola Road at Summerfield Traffic Light 105000 10500C I I I 1316 Lake Poway/Espola Road/Traffic Signal 48000 47984 16 I I I ACTIVITY TOTAL I 174 I' , CITY OF POWAY I CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL Department: Activity: I CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT TRAFFIC SIGNALS ACTIVITY COtIMENTAAY 1317 TOBIASSON STREET LIGHTS I . This project involves the installation of three street lights on Tobiasson north I of McFeron. Cost Estimate - $18,000 Fundin Source - FY 91-92 treet Development Fund #21) $18,000 I FY 91-92 - $18,000 1318 CARRIAGE ROAD STREET LIGHTS This project involves the installation of four (4) street lights on Carriage Road south of Poway Road. Cost Estimate - $23,000 Fundin Source - FY 91-92 Street Development Fund #21) $23,000 FY 91-92 - $23,000 I I \ 'I I 175 I CITY OF POWAY CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL I Department: Activity: CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT TRAFFIC SIGNALS I Total Total Project Project Description Estimated Prior 91-92 92-93 93-94 94-95 95-96 Code Cost Approp. Approp. Estimat~ Estimate Estimate Estimate I 1317 Tobiasson Street Lights 18000 18000 I I I 1318 Carriage Road I Street Lights 23000 23000 I II I I I I I I I ACT! VUY TOTAL $724000 $682984 $41016 I 176 I CITY OF POWAY I CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL Department: Activity: I CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FLOOD CONTROL AND DRAINAGE ACTIVITY COMMENTARY I 1409 AVENIDA FLORENCIA DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS I This project will reconstruct the existing box culvert to provide a four-barrel, 6' x 6' reinforced con rete box at Green VaHey Creek on Avenida Florencia, and I construct two 48" boxes on Avenida Florencia 550 feet south of Espola. Cost Estimate - $371,000 I FY 89-90 - $371,000 I 1411 T'NT OAK KNOLL DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENT . I This project provides funds for reimbursement to developer for drainage improvements on Oak Knoll Road. Cost Estimate - $7,700 I FY 89-90 - $7,700 I 1413 SILVERWOOD DEVELOPMENT STREET REIMBURSEMENT This project provides funds for reimbursement to developer to street lights, I, sidewalk, and grading. Cost Estimate - $555,454 I FY 90-91 - $555,454 I 1415 BOWRON TO CIVIC CENTER DRIVE - DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS I This project involves the installation of 36 storm drains from the intersection of Bowron Road and Civic Center Drive to Rattlesnake Creek. I Cost Estimate - $170,000 Funding Source - FY 91-92 Drainage Fund (#24) $170,000 I FY 91-92 - $170,000 I I I 177 I CITY OF POWAY CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL '. Department: Activity: CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FLOOD CONTROL AND DRAINAGE I Total Total Project Project Description Estimated Prior 91-92 92-93 93-94 94-95 95-96 Code Cost Approp. Approp. Estimate Estimate EsUmate Estimate I 1409 Avenida Florencia Drainage Improve- 37100C I ments 371000 I I I 1411 T'NT Oak Knoll Drainage Improve- 7700 ment 7700 I I I 1413 Silverwood Develop- ment Street Reimbursement 555454 555454 II I I 1415 Bowron to Civic Center Drive - I Drainage Improve- ments 170000 170000 I I ACTIVITY TOTAL $1104154 $934154 $170000 I 178 I CITY OF POWAY CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL Department: Activity: I CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT GOVERNMENT BUILDINGS ACTIVITY ClMtENTAAY I 1513 JOINT USE FACILITY - PERFORMING ARTS CENTER This project provides for the construction of the poway Center for the Performing Arts at poway High School with 800 seats. The facility will be used both for performances as well as an educational center. This year's appropriation will construct the landscape and irrigation system at the existing Center parking lot. Cost Estimate - $9,394,372 Funding Source - FY 91-92 I Municipal Fund (#30) $140,000 FY 86-87 - $4,500,000 FY 88-89 - 4,256,924 FY 89-90 - 250,650 FY 90-91 - 246,798 FY 91-92 - 140,000 1514 OPERATIONS CENTER IMPROVEMENTS This project provides for the installation of landscaping and irrigation improvements around the Operations Building, Vehicle Maintenance Building, and Material Storage Area. Cost Estimate - $290,000 FY 87-88 - $ 8,000 I FY 89-90 - 282,000 1515 CITY HALL EXPANSION - MODULAR UNITS This prOject provides for temporary modular units, parking and landscaping for additional offices adjacent to City Hall. Cost Estimate - $577,103 Funding Source - FY 91-92 Municipal Fund (#30) $83,353 FY 89-90 - $493,750 FY 91-92 - 83,353 I 179 I CITY OF POWAY CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL I Department: Activity: CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT GOVERNMENT BUILDINGS I Total Total Proj ect Project Description Estimated Prior 91-92 92-93 93-94 94-95 95-96 Code Cost Aoorop. Approp. Estimate Estimate Estimate Estimate I 1513 Joint Use Facility- Perfor:mi ng Arts 925437, 14000( I Center 9394372 I I I I 1514 Operations Center Improvements 290000 29000C I I I II 1515 City Hall Expansion Modular Units 577103 493750 8335: I I I I ,ACTIVUY TOTAL ,$10261475 1$1003812' $22335: I 180 I CITY OF POWAY CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL Department: Activity: I CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PARKS AND OPEN SPACE ACTIVITY COMMENTARY I 1613 BLM TRAILS I Thi s is a four-phase project to construct tra 11 sin accordance with an agreement signed I by the City with the Bureau of Land Management. Cost Estimate - $28,000 FY 86-87 - $28,000 I I 1632 POWAY COMMUNITY PARK PLAYGROUND EQUIPMENT This project provides for the purchase and installation of playground equipment to I complete two playgrounds at Poway Community Park. Cost Estimate - $35,000 I FY 87-88 - $35,000 1633 COMMUNITY PARK WEST LANDSCAPING PROJECT I This project is designed to complete the landscaping in the northwest section of Poway I Community Park in the area around the Adventure Playground. The project includes irrigation, turf, trees, sidewalks, tables, and barbeques. Area to be landscaped is approximately two acres. I Cost Estimate - $129,064 FY 87-88 - $80,000 I FY 88-89 - 49,064 I I I .- I 181 I CITY OF POWAY CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL I Department: Activity: CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PARKS AND OPEN SPACE I Total Total Project Project Description Estimatec Prior 91-92 92-93 93-94 94-95 95-96 Code Cost Anoron, Aooroo. Estimate Estimate Estimate Estimate I 1613 BLM Tra 11 s 28000 2800( I I I I 1632 Community Park Playground Equip- 3500( Ment 35000 I - I - I 1633 Community Park West I Landscaping Project 129064 129064 I I I I I ACTIVITY TOTAL I 182 I CITY OF POWAY CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL Department: Activity: CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PARKS AND OPEN SPACE ACTIVITY COMMENTARY 1643 FUTURE FARMERS OF AMERICA FACILITY This project provides for the construction of a facility to be utilized by student members in the Future Fanners of America organization. Cost Estimate - $203,640 Funding Source - FY 91-92 RDA Capita] Project Fund (#39) FY 88-89 - $ 32,600 Loan Payback to Park FY 90-91 - 156,040 Fund (#11) $15,000 FY 91-92 - 15,000 1644 BUS SHELTERS This project provides for the installation of bus shelters at various locations. Cost Estimate - $176,740 Funding Source - FY 91-92 TDA Fund 4.0 (#19) $52,300 ,FY 88-89 - $45,000 FY 89-90 - 19,500 FY 90-91 - 59,940 FY 91-92 - 52,300 1649 LAKE POWAY CONCESSION This project provides for the renovation of the Lake Poway concession, including electrical system improvements and the addition of a grill and fryer. Cost Estimate - $146,471 Funding Source - FY 91-92 Park Fund (#11) $12,381 FY 88-89 - $ 13,500 FY 89-90 - 136,811 FY 90-91 - (16,221) FY 91-92 - 12,381 I 183 I CITY OF POWAY CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL I Department: Activity: CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PARKS AND OPEN SPACE I Total Total Project Project Description Estimatec Prior 91-92 92-93 93-94 94-95 95-96 Code Cost Annron. AnnroD. Estimate Estimate Estimate Estimate I 1643 Future Farmers of 188640 1500C America Facil1ty 203640 I I I I 1644 Bus Shelters -176740 12444C 52300 I I I 1649 Lake Poway I Concession 146471 13409C 12381 I I I I II ACTIVITY TOTAL I 184 I CITY OF POWAY I CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL Department: Activity: I CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PARKS AND OPEN SPACE ACTIVITY COMMENTARY I 1650 LAKE POWAY AMPHITHEATRE I This project will provide for the design and construction of an amphitheatre around the Lake Poway Pavilion. I Cost Estimate - $95,737 Funding Source - FY 91-92 Park Fund (#11) $19,237 I FY 89-90 - $75,000 FY 90-91 - 1,500 FY 91-92 - 19,237 I 1651 LAKE POWAY DAM ACCESS This project will provide for the design and construction of approximately 1,800 linear I feet of chain link fence and a prefabricated bridge across Lake Poway Dam spillway for public access. I Cost Estimate - $9,000 FY 89-90 - $ 9,000 I 1652 IRON MOUNTAIN TRAIL I This project provides for the design, easement acquisition and construction of 10 miles of wilderness trail in the Iron Mountain area of Poway. Cost Estimate - $154,000 II FY 89-90 - $154,000 I 1654 ESPOLA TRAIL I This project will provide for construction of 1,000 feet of trail located on northeast corner of Espola Road and poway Road. Cost Estimate - $5,000 I FY 90-91 - $5,000 I I I I 185 I CITY OF POWAY CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM. DETAIL I Department: Activity: CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PARKS AND OPEN SPACE I Total Total Project Project Description Estimatec Prior 91-92 92-93 93-94 94-95 95-96 Code Cost Approp. Approp. Estimate Estimate Estimate Estimate I 1650 Lake poway Amphitheatre 95737 7650C 19237 I I I I 1651 Lake poway Dam Access 9000 900( I I I 1652 Iron Mountain Trail 154000 15400C I I I 1654 Espola Trail 5000 500C I I I ACTIVITY TOTAL I 186 I CITY OF POWAY CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL Department: Act i vity: CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PARKS AND OPEN SPACE ACTIVITY COMMENTARY 1655 LAKE POWAY RANGER STATION This project provices for construction of a 400 square foot Ranger/Lake storage building northeast of the Lake Concession. The project is designed tD provide shelter for Lake staff and boat dock equipment. Electric boat motors will be repaired in the new structure. Cost Estimate - $42,800 FY 90-91 - $42,800 1656 COMMUNITY PARK PRE-SCHOOL PLAYGROUND This project provides for the purchase and installation of pre-school play equipment in an existing playground at the Community Park. The project also includes modification of existing wooden equipment. Cost Estimate - $28,000 FY 90-91 - $28,000 1657 LAKE POWAY CONCESSION LANDSCAPING This project is to provide for the construction of walkways and landscaping around the concession building at Lake Poway. Cost Estimate - $2,078 Funding Source - FY 91-92 Park Fund (#11) $(19,237) FY 90-91 - $ 21,315 FY 91-92 - ( 19 , 237) 1658 PARK RESTROOM DOOR INSTALLATION This project will provide for the construction and installation of ten iron gates to secure the park restrooms at Lake poway recreation area. Cost Estimate - $10,500 Funding Source - FY 91-92 Park Fund (#11) $(1,500) FY 90-91 - $12,000 FY 91-92 - (1,500) I 187 I CITY OF POWA Y CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM .DETAIL I Department: Activity: CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PARKS AND OPEN SPACE I Total Total Project Project Description Estimated Prior 91-92 92-93 93-94 94~95 95-96 Code Cost , Approp. Approp. Estimate Estimate Estimate Estimate I 1655 Lake Poway Ranger Station 42800 42800 I I I I 1656 Community Park Pre- School Playground 28000 2800C I I I 1657 Lake Poway Con- cession Landscape 2078 2131: ( 19237) I I I 1658 Park Restroom Door Installation 10500 12000 (1500) I I I ACTIVITY TOTAL I 188 I CITY OF POWAY CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL Department: Activity: CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PARKS AND OPEN SPACE ACTIVITY COMMENTARY 1659 POND LANDSCAPE IMPROVEMENTS This project will provide for the construction of landscape improvements. Cost Estimate - $17,000 FY 90-91 - $17,000 1660 COMMUNITY PARK PLAYGROUND This project provides for installation of tot lot equipment at Community Park. Cost Estimate - $10,350 FY 90-91 - $10,350 1661 COMMUNITY PARK STORAGE ENCLOSURE This project provides for the construction of 225 feet of fencing to secure an undeveloped area adjacent to the tenis court at the Community Park. The area is to be used for outside storage and security of the City's mowers, vehicles, and landscape supplies. Cost Estimate - $5,880 Funding Source - FY 91-92 Park Fund (#11) $5,880 FY 91-92 - $5,880 I ' 189 I CITY OF POWAY CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL I Department: Acti vity: CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PARKS AND OPEN SPACE I P roj ect Total Total Project Description Estimated Prior 91-92 92-93 93-94 94-95 95-96 Code Cost ADO roo. AooroD. Estimate Estimate Estimate Estimate I 1659 Pond Landscape Improvements 17000 1700C I I I I 1660 , Community Park Playground 10350 1035C I I I 1661 Communi ty Park I Storage Enclosure 5880 5880 I I I I II ACTIVITY TOTAL I I 190 I CITY OF POWAY CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL Department: Activity: CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PARKS AND OPEN SPACE ACTIVITY COMMENTARY 1663 COMMUNITY & GARDEN ROAD PARK IMPROVEMENT This project providces for installation of a drinking fountain, additional sand for the Community Park tot lot, and installation of a public phone at Garden Road Park. Cost Estimate - $9,000 Funding Source - FY 91-92 Park Fund (#11) $9,000 FY 91-92 - $9,000 1664 GOODAN RANCH This project provides for the maintenance of 325.1 acres as an open space preserve between the City of poway and Santee through the acquisition of Goodan Ranch. Cost Estimate - $450,000 Funding Source - FY 91-92 General Fund $195,130 FY 91-92 - $450,000. Coastal Sage Scrub Mitigation Fees 254,870 I 191 I CITY OF POWAY CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL I Activity: I Department: CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PARKS AND OPEN SPACE I Project Total Total Project Description Estimated Prior 91-92 92-93 93-94 94-95 95-96 Code Cost Aooroo. Aooroo. Estimate Estimate Estimate Estimate I 1663 Community & Garden Road Park Improve- 900C I ment 9000 I I I 1664 Goodan Ranch 450000 450000 I I I I I I I I I ACTIVITY TOTAL $1558260 ~1015199 $543061 I 192 I CITY OF POWAY CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL Department: Activity: CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT WATER IMPROVEMENTS ACTIVITY COMMENTARY 1702 NEIGHBORHOOD LOANS - WATER To provide low interest loans to citizens for water-related improvement projects for private property. Cost Estimate - $50,000 FY 85-86 - $50,000 1703 LAKE POWAY WATER MAIN This project provides for the installation of a 20-inch water main between the San Diego aqueduct easement and Espola Road on Lake poway Road in coordination with the Bridlewood subdivision improvement of Lake poway Road. Cost Estimate - $49,000 FY 85-86 - $49,000 1712 DONART RESERVOIR AND TRANSMISSION LINES This project provides for the Engineering design phase for Donart Reservoir and trans- mission lines needed for additional storage and supply for Pomerado Business Park. Cost Estimate - $314,019 Funding Source - FY 91-92 Water Fund (#60) $4,019 FY 87-88 - $310,000 FY 91-92 - 4,019 1713 PRESSURE REDUCING STATION (865 TO 715) AND TRANSMISSION MAIN This project provides for additional flows to 715 System from new line being constructed by Pomerado Business Park. Cost Estimate - $120,000 FY 87-88 - $120,000 I 193 I , CITY OF POWAY CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL I Department: Activity: CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT WATER IMPROVEMENTS I Total Total Proj ect Project Description Estimated Prior 91-92 92-93 93-94 94-95 95-96 Code Cost Approp. Approp. Estimate Estimate Estimate Estimate I 1702 Neighborhood Projects - Water 50000 50000 I II I 1703 Lake poway Water Main 49000 49000 I I - I 1712 Donart Reservoir and Transmission I Lines 314019 310000 4019 I I I 1713 Pressure Reducing Station & Trans- mission Main 120000 120000 I \ I I .ACTIVITY TOTAL I 194 I CITY OF POWAY CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL Department: Activity: CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT WATER IMPROVEMENTS ACTIVITY CQtII4ENTARY 1714 OZONE TREATMENT PILOT PLANT STUDY The project will evaluate the use of ozone treatment as the primary disinfectant at the Water Treatment Plant as an element of the Clean Water Act. Cost Estimate - $212,150 FY 88-89 - $212,150 1715 OLD COACH ROAD REIMBURSEMENT This project provides for reimbursements to property owners in Old Coach Road area for installation of water lines. Cost Estimate - $49,980 FY 90-91 - $49,980 1716 WATER MAIN - REIMBURSEMENT STANDARD PACIFIC This project provides for reimbursement of oversized water lines cost to Standard Pacific. Cost Estimate - $129,143 FY 90-91 - $129,143 1751 WATER MAIN - TIERRA BONITA TO ESPOLA This project provides for construction of 24" water main from Tierra Bonita to Espola Road. Cost Estimate - '$150,000 FY 89-90 - $150,000 I 195 Ii CITY OF POWAY CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL I' Department: Activity: , CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT WATER IMPROVEMENTS II: Total Total P roj ec' Project Description Estimatec Prior 91-92 92-93 93-94 94-95 95-96 Code Cost Aooroo. Aooroo. Estimate Estimate Estimate Est.imate I: 1714 Ozone Treatment Pilot Plant Study 212150 21215( I I I, 1715 Old Coach Road Reimbursement 49980 4998( I I I, 1716 Water Main - , Reimbursement 129143 12914. I I I II 1751 Water Main - Tierra Bonita to Espola 150000 15000( I I I ACTIVJTY TOTAL $1074292 ,$1070273 $4019 I 196 I CITY OF POWAY CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL Department: Activity: CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT SEWER IMPROVEMENTS ACTIVITY COlI.MENTARY 1802 NEIGHBORHOOD LOANS - SEWER To provide low interest loans to citizens for sewer-related improvements to private property. I Cost Estimate - $50,000 FY 85-86 - $50,000 1803 DEL PONIENTE SEWER LINE To construct a sewer trunk line to replace the exisitng Del Poniente pump station. Cost Estimate - $402,000 FY 85-86 - $402,000 I 1806 CREEK ROAD SEWER LINE I This project will provide sewer service to residents on Creek Road. . Cost Estimate - $357,000 FY 89-90 - $357,000 I I : I I 197 I CITY OF POWAY CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL II Department: Activity: CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT SEWER IMPROVEMENTS II Total Total Projec Project Description Estimated Prior 91-92 92-93 93-94 94-95 95-96 Code Cost Aooroo. Aoo roo. Estimate Estimate Estimate Estimate I 1802 Neighborhood Projects - Sewer 5000C 5000( II I I 1803 Del Poniente Sewer 402000 402000 I Line I I I 1806 Creek Road Sewer Line 35700C 35700C I I I I I I ACTIVITY TOTAL I 198 I CITY OF POWAY I CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL Department: Activity: II CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT SEWER IMPROVEMENTS ACTIVITY COIC4ENTARY II 1807 MIDLAND ROAD SEWER II Extend 8" sewer from Adrian Street to Norwalk Street, including installation of six manholes and relocation of existing utilities. II Cost Estimate - $164,523 FY 90-91 - $164,523 II I 1809 WATER MAIN - REIMBURSEMENT C.F. POWAY This project provides for installation of a reclaimed water distribution main within II the industrial park development subject to the reimbursement of costs to C.F. Poway. Cost Estimate - $644,981 I FY 90-91 - $644,981 I 1810 SOLID WASTE INTEGRATED WASTE MANAGEMENT I Under mandates of AB-939 and related bills, counties and cities within the State of I California are required to prepare integrated solid waste management plans for source reduction, recycling, and hazardous waste. A consultant has been hired through agreement with the County of San Diego and 17 incorporated cities to prepare I the required elements of the plan. Cost Estimate - $80,000 Funding Source - FY 91-92 Grant fund (#16) $30,676 I FY 90-91 - $49,324 FY 91-92 - 30,676 - I I , I I 199 I CITY OF POWAY CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL I Department: Activity: CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT SEWER IMPROVEMENTS II Total Total Proj ect Project Description Estimated Prior 91-92 92-93 93-94 94-95 95-96 Code Cost Aooroo. Aooroo. Estimate Estimate Estimate Estimate II 1807 Midland Road Sewer- Adrian to Norwalk 164523 16452: II I I II 1809 Water Main Reim- bursement - C.F. poway 644981 644981 I I I 1810 Solid Waste Inte- 1 grated Waste 49324 Management 80000 30676 I I II I I. $1698504 1$1667821 ACT! V ITY TOTAL $30676 I 200 I PARKS AND RECREATION PLAN I I \,"~, II ~ ~-- II I I , I , I I I I ,..------ I ~~"." I "',," I ---.... \ \ \ \ I , \ \ '" " : ....~";;;,,:c, " ~ ,0,,", "' ~I> I --- '....h.OIlQ\J'eo' I LEGEND I 1 LAKE POW A Y /REXRODE 6 PANORAMA HILLS PARK WILDERNESS AREA 7 VALLE VERDE PARK I 2 POWAY COMMUNITY PARK 8 OLD POWAY TOWN PARK 3 GARDEN ROAD PARK 9 STARRIDGE PARK 4 LOS ARBOLlTOS PARK 10 HILLEARY PARK I 5 THE PONDS PARK ['::,-::-1 PARK SERVICE AREAS FIGURE 8 I CITY OF POWAY COMPREHENSIVE PLAN I I I I I I I I I , I I I I I I . I I POWAY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY FINANCIAL PROGRAM: 1991-1992 REVENUES BY FUNDS AND SOURCES I 202 I POWAY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY I REVENUES BY FUNDS AND SOURCES 1990-1991 1990-1991 1991-1992 1991-1992 '. BUDGET ACTUAL PROPOSED APPROVED REFUNDING BOND I ACQUISITION FUND - 1990A TAX ALLOCATION BOND - 33 7310 Interest Income $ - $ 61,278 $ 81,930 $ 81,930 I 7620 Bond Proceeds - - - - Total $ - ~ 61,278 $ 81,930 $ 81,930 ,I CONSTRUCTION FUND - 1989 SUBORDINATE TAX ALLOCATION I BOND - 34 7310 Interest Income $ 991,040 $ 1,071,186 $ 750,000 $ 750,000 '. 7620 Bond Proceeds 12,500,OOD 12,527,114 - - Total $13,491,040 $13,598,300 $ 750,000 $ 750,OOD POINSETTIA MOBILE HOME PARK I AOMINISTRATION FUND - 35 7310 Interest Income $ - $ 54,939 $ 37,250 $ 37,25D I, 7341 Rental of Property-Family 663,220 673,021 700,730 700,73D 7342 Rental of Property-Senior 592,86D 567,707 592,860 592,860 1 7675 SDCWA Reimbursements - 1,172 - - Total $ 1,256,080 $ 1,296,839 $1,330,840 $1,330,840 LOW/MODERATE INCOME HOUSING I CONSTRUCTION FUND - 36 7310 Interest Income $ 361,870 $ 692,284 $ 448,840 $ 448,840 I 7620 Bond Proceeds - - - - Total $ 361,870 $ 692,284 $ 448,840 $ 448,84D I CONSTRUCTION FUND - 1986 SUBORDINATED TAX ALLOCATION I 80ND - 37 7310 Interest Income $ - $ 193,600 $ - $ - I Total $ - $ 193,600 $ - $ - I I I I 203 I POWAY REDEVELOPMENT ,AGENCY REVENUES BY FUNDS AND SOURCES I 1990-1991 1990-01991 1991-1992 1991-1992 BUDGET ACTUAL PROPOSED APPROVED I COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ADMINISTRATION FUND - 39 I 7310 Interest Income $ 180,100 $ 844,841 $ 300,000 $ 300,000 7341 Rental of Property - 6,003 - - 7597 Developer Reimbursements - 100,000 - - 7624 Contributions from Other I Funds - 53,000 - - 7660 Sale of Surplus Property - 1,693,320 - 930,895 7667 Developer Fees-So. Poway - - - 250,000 I 7675 SB-300 Reimbursement - 165,831 173,000 173,000 Total $ 180,100 $ 2,862,995 $ 473,000 $ 1,653,895 I COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY DEBT SERVICE FUND - 49 7010 Property Tax-Increment $ 7,170,000 $ 9,548,455 $10,000,000 $10,000,000 I 7310 Interest Income 408,750 964,501 543,430 543,430 7311 Interest Income- Restricted - 650,665 - - I 7620 Proceeds from Sale of Bonds/Notes - 3,214,767 - - Total $ 7,578,750 $14,378,388 $10,543,430 $10,543,430 I POWAY ROYAL MOBILE HOME PARK - 75 7310 Interest Income $ - $ 20,444 $ 8,400 $ 8,400 I 7341 Rental of Property - 1,049,154 2,389,000 2,389,000 7544 Administrative Revenue - 357 - - 7675 Miscellaneous - 7,823 15,720 15,720 I Total $ - $ 1,077,778 $ 2,413,120 $ 2,413,120 1991 COP CONSTRUCTION FUND - 51 I 7310 Interest Income $ - $ 110,224 $ - $ - 7620 Proceeds from Sale of Bonds - 23,499,833 - - I Total $ - $23,610,057 $ - $ - I I REVENUE GRAND TOTAL $22,867,840 $57,771,519 $16,041,160 $17,222,055 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I POWAY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY FINANCIAL PROGRAM: 1991-1992 STATEMENT OF FUND BALANCES AND RESERVES I POWAY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY STATEMENT OF FUND BALANCES AND RESERVES N 0 '" Accum Fund Funds Available 1991-1992 Aooroved Expenditures Fund Approp Fund Balance and as of Balance Revenues Bond Int. Cap ita 1 Transfers Reserves 6/30/91 7/1191 1991-1992 & Redemo. Administration Projects In/(Out) 6/30/92 Community RDA Admin. and Capital Projects Fund $ 2,036,133 0 $ 1,653,895 $ 0 $1,691,840 $ 2,372,709 $ 1,50D,560 $1,126,039 Debt Svce. Fund 11,311,700 0 10,543,430 8,406,540 0 0 (684,024) 12,764,566 Capital Improv. Projects - 1986 TAB 31 ,526 0 0 0 D 67,070 82,400 46,856 Cap ita I Imp rov. Projects - 1989 TAB 2,651,728 0 750,000 0 0 2,998,295 (198,750) 204,683 Poinsettia Mobi I e Home Park 58,224 0 1,330,840 0 519,363 (19,073) (863,230) 25,544 , Capital Improv. ~ Projects ~ Low/Moderate 2,051,304 0 448,840 0 0 17,043 (201,250) 2,281,851 Refunding Bond Acqu is it ion Fund - 1990A TAB 47,531 0 81,930 0 0 0 0 129,461 poway Roya 1 Mobi I e Home Park 673,829 0 2,413,120 0 898,407 0 (1,815,071) 373,471 Capita 1 Improv. Projects - 1991 COP 1,956,,746 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,956,746 TOTAL $20,818,721 0 1>17,222,055 $8,406,540 $3,109,610 $ 5,436,044 $12,179,3651 $18,909,217 - - - - - - ,- - - ,- - ... - - -' '. - - - . , -I 207 I POWAY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS - ADMINISTRATIVE I 1989-1990 1990-1991 1990-1991 1991-1992 1991-1992 ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL PROPOSED APPROVED FUND ACTIVITY DETAIL I BEGINNING BALANCE-July 1 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Prior Year~ Appropriation 2,523,812 1,128,84_1 939,567 2,036,133 2,036,133 I Revenues 9,011,057 180,100 2,862,995 473,ODO 1,653,895 TOTAL FUNDS AVAILABLE $11,534,869 $1,308,941 $3,802,562 $2,509,133 $3,690,028 I EXPEND ITURES, Operati.ng Expenses $ 620,428 $ 973,890 $1,341,298 $1,410,560 $1,691,840 I Total Operating Expenses$ 620,428 $ 973,890 $1,341,298 $1,410,560 $1,691,840 Capital Projects: I Street and Hi.ghway $ 9,608,435 $ 146,841 $ 517,521 $ 978,612 $ 780,174 Flood Control & Dra inage - - 326,606 - 86,082 Gov't Build. (Reduction) - - (1,373,058) - - I Water Improveme~ts 2,047,200 41,400 9,917 - - Park and Open Space 368,736 - 1,088,549 - 460,961 Sewer Improvements 112,000 - - - - I Revitalization Proj. - 755,000 754,969 114,600 1,045,492 Total Capital Projects $12,136,371 $ 943,241 $1,324,504 $1,093,212 $2,372,709 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $12,756,799 $1,917,131 $2,665,802 $2,503,772 $4,064,549 I TRANSFERS/LOANS-In (Out) Loans from City $ 6,600,112 $ - $ 60,000 $ - $ - I Loan from Water Fund - 125,091 125,091 - - Loan from Sewer Fund - 874,308 874,308 - - Loan from Drainage Fund - - 327,000 - 90,000 I Loan payment to Street Development Fund thru RDA Debt Service - (874,308) (874,308) - - Trans. from Redev. I Agency Debt Servo - 959,100 1,042,092 964,900 964,900 Trans. to City (770,600) (959,100) (1,042,092) (964,900) (964,900) Trans. from Debt Servo I thru City 3,146,340 1,405,000 - 1,410,560 1,410,560 Trans. from 19B8 COP - 756,507 756,507 - - Trans. to Muni Improv. and Park (6,878,064) - - - - I Trans. from Prop A 63,709 - - - - Trans. toGra~ts Fund - - (69,225) - - Trans. t~Cfty thru I Debt Service - - (300,000) - - TOTAL TRANSFERS/LOANS $ 2,161,497 $2,286,598 $ 899,373 $1,410,560 $1,500,560 I TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS $ 939,567 $1,678,408 $2,036,133 $1,415,921 $1,126,039 I 208 I POWAY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY - DEBT SERVICE FUND 1989-1990 1990-1991 1990-1991 1991-1992 1991-1992 ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL PROPOSED APPROVED FUND ACTIVITY DETAIL BEGINNING BALANCE-July 1 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - I Prlor Years Appropriation 4,826,572 7,159,893 7,413,741 11,311,700 11, 311 ,700 ' Revenues 11,552,706 7,578,750 14,378,388 10,543,430 10,543,430 I TOTAL FUNDS AVAILABLE $16,379,278 $14,738,643 $21,792,129 $21,855,130 $21,855,130 EXPENDITURES Bond Interest and Redemption $ 5,044,015 $ 5,228,040 $ 5,604,488 $ 8,078,750 $ 8,078,750 Loan Interest-City 470,930 490,330 517,075 327,790 327,790 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 5,514,945 $ 5,718,370 $ 6,121,563 $ 8,406,540 $ 8,406,540 TRANSFERS/LOANS-In (Out) Transfer from General Debt Service $ 968,000 $ - $ - $ - $ - Transfer to General Debt Service (1,160,252) (968,000) (968,000) - - Transfer to Redevelop- ment Agency Admin. Fund - (959,100) (959,106) (964,900) (964,900) Transfer to Capital Projects Fund through City (3,146,340) (1,405,000) - (1,410,560) (1,410,560) Transfer to 1990A TAB - - (2,021,810) - - Transfer from 1989 TAB - - 645,348 - - Excess interest earnings reserve - - - - (189,885) Transfer from RDA Admi n. Fund - - 1,174,308 - - Transfer from poway Royal 2,000 :640 ~ Mobile Home Park Fund - - - 2,000,640 Transfer from General Fund - - 195,000 - Loan payment to Street Development Fund - - (874,308) (104,319) (104,319) Loan payment to Park Fund - - (87,000) (15,DOO) (15,000) Loan payment to Municipal Fund - - (68,298) - - Loan payment to General Fund 112,000) - 1,395,000) - - TOTAL TRANSFERS/LOANS 3,450,592) $(3,332,100) 4,358,866) I (494,139) $ (684,024) ~ TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS $ 7,413,741 $ 5,688,173 $11,311,700 $12,954,451 $12,764,566 ENDING BALANCE June 30 0 0 0 o 0 ~ I 209 I ,POWAY REDEVELOPMENT e,GENCY CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS - 1986 TAB I 1989-1990 1990-1991 1990-1991 1991-1992 1991-1992 ACTUAL 8UDGET ACTUAL PROPOSED APPROVED I, FUND ACTIVITY DETAIL BEGINNING BALANCE-July 1 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - I Prior Years Appropriation 2,401,172 30,798 13,857 31,526 31,526 Revenues 388,165 - 193,600 - - I TOTAL FUNDS AVAILABLE $ 2,789,337 $ 30,798 $ 207,457 $ 31,526 $ 31,526 EXPEND ITURES I Operating Expenses $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - I Total Operating Expenses $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Capital Projects: I Street and.Highway $ 2,682,955 $ - $ - $ - $ 1,891 Traffic Signals 4,694 - - - (62,303) Park and Open Space 83,043 - - - 26,009 I Sewer Improvements 2,897 - - - - Re~italization proj. - - - - 101,473 Tota,l Capita 1 proj ects $ 2,773,589 $ - $ - $ - $ 67,070 I TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 2,773,589 $ - $ - $ - $ - I TRANSFERS/LOANS-In (Out) Trans. to Debt Servo thru City $ (8,233) $ - $ (82,986) $ - $ - Trans. to Muni Improv. - (30,798) - - - I Trans. from Prop. A 6,342 - - - - Trans./Adjustments (Re: Refunding) - - 89,683 - 82,400 I Trans. Interest Income to Low/Mod (Re: Refunding) - - (182,628) - - I Trans. from 1989 TA8 - - - - - TOTAL TRANSFERS/LOANS $ (1,891) $ (30,798) $(.175,931) $ $ 82,400 - I TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS $ 13,857 $ - $ 31,526 $ 31,526 $ 46,856 I I I 210 I POWAY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS - 1989 TAB 1989-1990 1990-1991 1990-1991 1991-1992 1991-1992 ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL PROPOSED APPROVED FUND ACTIVITY DETAIL 8EGINNING BALANCE-July 1 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Prior Years Appropriation 86 ,137 6,761,140 5,158,610 2,651,728 2,651,728 Revenues 16,348,796 13,491,040 13,598,300 750,000 750,000 TOTAL FUNDS AVAILABLE $16,434,933 $20,252,180 $18,756,910 $3,401,728 $3,401,728 EXPENOITURES Operating Expenses $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Total Operating Expenses $ - $ - $ - $ - $, - Capital Projects: $ 5,854,000 Street and Highway $ 4,908,811 $ 7,868,900 $ 13,295 $ 13,295 Traffic Signals 450,000 - (35,000) - (15,000) Flood Control & Drainage 541,000 - - - - Government Buildings 1,850,000 2,872,000 3,550,000 3,000,000 1,200,000 Water Improvements - 27,000 27,000 - - Park and Open Space 927,720 1,077,500 1,014,300 - 350,000 - Sewer Improvements 800,000 695,093 - - - Revitalization proj. 1,798,792 250,000 250,000 - 1,450,000 Total Capital Projects $11,276,323 $10,775,593 $12,675,200 $3,013,295 $2,998,295 I TOTAL EXPENDITURES $11,276,323 $10,775,593 $12,675,200 $3,013,295 $2,998,295 TRANSFERS/LOANS-In (Out) Trans. to City thru Debt Service $ - $ (900,000) $ - $ - $ - Trans. to Muni Improv. (35,000) - - - Trans. to Low/Moderate - (2,000,000) (2,414,270) - - Trans. interest income to Low/Mod (Refunding) - - (370,364 ) - - Trans. to RDA Debt Service - - (645,348) - - Excess Interest Earnings Reserve - - - - (198,750) TOTAL TRANSFERS/LOANS $ - $(2,935,000) $(3,429,982) $ - $ (198,750) TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS $ 5,158,610 $ 6,541,587 $ 2,651,728 $ 388,433 $ 204,683 I 211 , I POWAY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY CAPiTAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS '-- -" POINSETTIA MOBILE HOME PARK I 1989-1990 1990-1991 1991-1992 1990-1991 1991-1992 I ACTUAL 8UDGET ACTUAL PROPOSED APPROVED FUND ACTIVITY DETAIL .1 8EGINNING BALANCE-July 1 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Prior Years Appropriation 96,439 72,571 97,961 58,224 58,224 Revenues 1,171,855 1,256,080 1,296,839 1,330,840 1,330,840 I TOTAL FUNDS AVAILABLE $1,268,294 $1,328,651 $1,394,800 $ 1,389,064 $ 1,389,064 I EXPENDITURES Operating Expenses $ 461,456 $ 525,150 $ 480,424 $ 519,363 $ 519,363 I Total Operating Expenses$ 461,456 $ 525,150 $ 480,424 $ 519,363 $ 519,363 I Capital Projects: $ $ Revitalization Proj. 22,688 $ - $ 19,073 - $ (19,073) Total Capital Projects $ 22,688 $ - $ 19,073 $ - $ (19,073) I TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 484,144 $ 525,150 $ 499,497 $ 519,363 $ 500,290 I TRANSFERS/LOANS-In (Out) Transf. to Ci ty $ (686,189) $ (889,720) $ (837,079) $(1,013,230) ${I,OI3,230) I Transf. from Housing Revitalization - 118,810 - 150,000 150,000 I TOTAL TRANSFERS/LOANS $ (686,189) $ (770,910) $ (837,079) $ (863,230) $ (863,230) I TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS $ 97,961 $ 32,591 $ 58,224 $ 6,471 $ 25,544 I I I I I 212 I POWAY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS - LOW/MODERATE 1989-1990 1990-1991 1990-1991 1991-1992 1991-1992 ACTUAL 8UDGET ACTUAL PROPOSED APPROVED FUND ACTIVITY DETAIL BEGINNING BALANCE-July 1 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Prior Years Appropriation 2,418,015 696,924 742,652 2,051,304 2,051,304 Revenues 4,324,637 361,870 692,284 448,840 448,840 TOTAL FUNDS AVAILABLE $6,742,652 $1,058,794 $1,434,936 $2,500,144 $2,500,144 EXPENOITURES Operating Expenses $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Total Operating Expenses $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Capital Projects: Revitalization proj. $6,000,000 $2,860,600 $3,893,199 $ - $ 17,043 Total Capital Projects $6,000,000 $2,860,600 $3,893,199 $ - $ 17,043 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $6,000,000 $2,860,600 $3,893,199 $ - $ 17,043 TRANSFERS/LOANS-In (Out) Trans. from Escrow $ - $2,000,000 $2,414,270 $ - $ - Trans./adjustments (refundi ng) - - 1,120,705 - - Trans. tnt. income from 1986 TAB (refunding) - - 182,628 - - Trans. into income from 1989 TAB (refunding) - - 370,364 - - Trans. from 1990A TA8 - - 421,600 - - Trans. to Poinsettia Mobile Home Park Fund - - - (150,000) (150,000) Excess interest earnings reserve - - - - (51,250) TOTAL TRANSFERS/LOANS $ - $2,000,000 $4,509,567 $ (150,000) $ (201,250) TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS $ 742,652 $ 198,194 $2,051,304 $2,350,144 $2,281,851 - . 213 I POWAY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY CAPIfAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS - 1990A TAB I 1989-1990 1990-1991 1990-1991 1991-1992 1991-1992 ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL PROPOSED APPROVED I FUND ACTIVITY DETAIL BEGINNING BALANCE-July 1 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - I Prior Years Appropriation - - - 47,531 47,531 Revenues - - 61,278 81,930 81,930 I TOTAL FUNDS AVAILABLE $ - $ - $ 61,278 $129,461 $ 129,461 I EXPENDITURES Operating Expenses $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - I Total Operating Expenses $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - I Capital Projects: Street and Highway $ - $ - $ 794,557 $ - $ (14,557) Traffic Signals - - 265,000 - - I Government Buildings - - - - 45,500 Park and Open Space - - - 14,557 14,557 Revitalization Proj. - - 259,128 - (45,500) I Total Capital Projects $ - $ - $ 1,318,685 $ 14,557 $ - I TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ - $ - $ 1,318,685 $ 14,557 $ - I TRANSFERS/LOANS-In (Out) Trans. to City thru Debt Service $ - $ - $ (180,772) $ - $ - I Loan payment to Park Fund - - (87,000) - - Trans. to Municipal Fund - - (114,500) - - Trans. to Low/Moderate - - (421,600) - - I Trans. from RDA Debt Service Fund - - 2,108,810 - - TOTAL TRANSFERS/LOANS $ - $ - $ 1,304,938 $ - $ - I I TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS $ - $ - $ 47,531 $114,904 $ 129,461 I, I 214 I POWAY REVELOPMENT AGENCY I POWAY ROYAL MOBILE HOME PARK ADMINISTRATION 1989-1990 1990-1991 1990-1991 1991-1992 1991-1992 I ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL PROPOSED APPROVED FUND ACTIVITY DETAIL I BEGINNING BALANCE-July 1 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - I Prior Years Appropriation - - - 673,829 673,829 Revenues - - 1,077,778 2,413,120 2,413,120 TOTAL FUNDS AVAILABLE $ - $ - $1,077 ,778 $3,086,949 $ 3,086,949 I EXPENDITURES I Operating Expenses $ $ $ 403,949 $ 898,407 $ 898,407 - - - I TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ - $ - $ 403,949 $ 898,407 $ 898,407 TRANSFERS/LOANS-In (Out) I Transfer to General Debt Service (net of I cap1ta11zed interest) $ - $ - $ - $(1,815,071) $(1,815,071) TOTAL TRANSFERS/LOANS $ - $ - $ - $(1,815,071) $(1,815,071) I I TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS $ - $ - $ 673,829 $ 373,471 $ 373,471 I I I I . I I I 215 I POWAY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS - 1991 COP I 1989-1990 1990-1991 1990-1991 1991-1992 1991-1992 ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL PROPOSED APPROVED I FUND, .ACTIVUY DETAIL BEGINNING BALANCE-July 1 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - I Prior Years Appropriation - - - 1,956,746 1,956,746 Revenues - - 23,610,057 - - I TOTAL FUNDS AVAILABLE $ - $ - $23,610,057 $1,956,746 $1,956,746 EXPENDITURES I Capftal Projects: Revitalization proj. $ - $ - $21,653,311 $ - $ - I Total Capital Projects $ - $ - $21,653,311 $ - $ - TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ - $ - $21,653,311 $ - $ - I TOTAL TRANSFERS/LOANS $ $ $ $ $ - - - - - I TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS $ - $ - $ 1,956,746 $1,956,746 $1,956,746 I I I I I I I I .1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I POWAY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY FINANCIAL PROGRAM: 1991-1992 BOND INTEREST AND REDEMPTION I 218 I POWAY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY I BOND INTEREST AND REDEMPTION/DEBT SERVICES I 1990-1991 1990-1991 1991-1992 1991-1992 I BUDGET ACTUAL PROPOSED APPROVED 1985 Tax Allocation Bond $ 438,810 $ 311,402 $ - $ - Processing Fee 3,500 758 - - I 1986 Subordinated Tax I All oca t i on Bond 1,620,790 1,087,314 - - Processing Fee 6,500 7,040 - - 1989 Tax Allocation Bond 2,608,050 2,608,045 2,608,050 2,608,050 I Processing Fee 10,000 2,606 10,000 10,000 I 1990A Tax Allocation Bond - 872,810 2,218,600 2,218,600 Processing Fee - 3,969 10,000 10,OOD I Contract Payable - CF poway 498,000 668,149 822;150 822,150 I Contract Payable - Parkway Business - - 364,770 364,770 Contract Payable - County of I San Diego/Pomerado Cemetery District 42,390 42,395 44,540 44,54D . 1991 Certificate of Participation - - 1,990,640 1,990,640 Processing Fee - - 10,000 10,000 I GRANO TOTAL $5,228,040 $5,604,488 $8,078,750 $8,078,750 I I . . I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I POWAY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY FINANCIAL PROGRAM: 1991-1992 ADMINISTRATIVE OPERATING BUDGET I POW A Y REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY N N C> CITY COUNCIL 010 PLANNING COMMISSION REDEVELOPMENT 5005-5010 AGENCY , CITY CITY CITY CLERK ATTORNEY MANAGER TREASURER 012 013 011 ADMINISTRATIVE COMMUNITY PlANNING PUBLIC SAFETY ENGINEERING SERVICES SERVICES SERVICES SERVICES SERVICES SERVICES 100 200 300 400 500 600 5005-5010 AGENCY ADMINISTRATION - - .. - I!!!!!I - l!!!!!I - .. I!!!!!I I!!!!!!I .. - I!!!!!I .- - - - - I 221 I CITY OF POWAY DEPARTMENTAL ACTIVITY OVERVIEW I Dept. Department: Fund Distribution: Code Community Redevelopment Agency Poway Redevelopment Administrative Fund: $1,410,560 I 5005 Agency Redevelooment Aaency Housinq: $1,417,770 EXPENSE 1989-1990 1990-1991 1990-1991 1991-1992 1991-1992 I CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL PROPOSED APPROVED I Tota 1 Pas it ions 1 1 2 3 3 I Personnel Expense 68,635 120,140 124,955 205,630 205,630 I Operat ions and Maintenance 992,986 1,368,170 2,054,899 2,609,770 2,891,050 I Capital Outlay 19,471 10,580 16,48D 12,930 12,930 I TOTAL BUDGET $1,081,092 $1,498,890 $2,196,334 $2,828,330 $3,109,610 I I OVERVIEW COMMENTARY Ordinance No. 96, adopted by the City Council on April 26, 1983, formally established I the Poway Redevelopment Agency. After an extensive survey and review of the proposed project area by the Redevelopment Project Area Advisory Committee and the City Council, the Paguay Redevelopment Project was adopted in December of 1983. I Operat i ng under the authority granted by Section 33000 et. seq. of the Cali forn ia Health and Safety Code, the primary purpose of the Redevelopment Agency' is to formulate and execute programs to address blighted conditions within the Project Area. The I Agency is also charged with the task of improving the condition of the Area by providing, individually or in joint venture with the private sector, public facilities and infrastructure, affordable housing, commercial facilities and employment I opportunities. This year's budget reflects the tenth full year of a multi-year work program designed to implement the provisions of the Paguay Redevelopment Project Plan. The funds I necessary to provide for the operating expenses associated with the Redevelopment Agency activities have been advanced by the City of Poway and will be reimbursed from future tax increment revenues. I I 222 I CITY OF POWA Y I DEPARTMENTAL ACTIVITY DETAIL Department: Activity: Activity I Code: Powav Redevelopment Aqency Aqency Administration 5005 ACTIVITY COMMENTARY I ACTIVITY GOALS AND OBJECTIVES I Funds budgeted within this cost center provide for the overall management and administration of the Poway Redevelopment Agency. This activity is funded by the I Redevelopment Agency's Special Administrative Fund, as authorized by Section 33613 of the California Health and Safety Code, and has been established to meet the operational expenses of the Agency. I The Redevelopment Agency's Administrative function ensures that a program of sound fiscal and business management is provided to the Agency, consistent with accepted practices and procedures required by California Community Redevelopment Law. I The full-time Redevelopment Manager and Management Analyst, City staff, and professional consultants provide the Redevelopment Agency with the necessary I personnel services, including management support. The cost of these services, together with expenses related to the dissemination of redevelopment information and other activities requisite to the Agency's operations, are loaned to the Agency I from the City's General Fund. The Redevelopment Agency will reimburse the City for these expenses from future tax increment revenues generated by the project area. SIGNIFICANT ACTIVITY PROGRAM CHANGES CHANGE I 110, 120 - Increase reflects the addition of +$ 65,720 I a Redevelopment Manager as approved by the City Council/Redevelopment Agency I during FY 1990-91. 141 - Increase reflects need for additional legal +$104,040 services based on actual usage and a small I anticipated increase in the cost of those services. 560 - Increase in utilization of City staff for +$205,660 I Agency activities, reflective of increased redevelopment activity and more accurate I accounting of current charges. I I I I 223 I CITY OF POWAY DEPARTMENTAL ACTIVITY DETAIL I Department: Activity: Act i vity Redevelopment Agency Agency Administration Code: 5005 Obj. 1989-1990 1990-1991 1990-1991 1991-1992 1991-1992 I Code Expense Classification Actual Budget Actual Proposed Approved Personnel Expense Range Position Title I Agency Members (5) 6,330 7,200 6,990 7,200 7,2DO 289.9 Redevelopment Manager - - - 51,340 51,340 267.6 Sr. Management Analyst 34,426 39,220 42,640 46,940 46,940 I 11D Salaries - Regular 34,426 39,220 42,640 98,280 98,280 111 Salaries - Special 6,330 7,200 6,990 7,200 7,200 I 120 Employee Benefits 7,777 9,570 10,260 25,000 25,000 I Total Personnel 48,533 55,990 59,890 130,480 130,480 Operations and Maintenance 141 Legal Fees 65,347 63,480 204,572 167,520 167,520 I 144 Audit Service 16,704 19,000 19,,000 21,000 21,ODO 148 Special Studies 57,372 50,000 21,909 50,000 50,ODO 199 Other Professional Fees 1,892 16,670 35,307 16,670 16,670 215 Telephone 707 3,140 1,123 3,280 3,280 I 260 Reimbursed Mileage 395 880 75 2,520 2,520 270 Travel and Meetings 6,424 7,050 4,064 6,800 6,800 280 Advertising 2,313 3,000 1,359 2,210 2,210 I ' 282 Postage 1,864 1,400 ' 737 2,390 2,390 3ll Printing 3,613 5,500 2,687 5,500 5,500 314 Community Relations 1,699 1,000 1,418 1,330 1,330 I 315 Publications and Dues 2,001 2,350 3,272 3,690 3,690 317 Education and Traning - - 350 - - 326 Telecom. Contracts 1,485 1,430 2,185 2,510 2,510 334 R&M Equipment 753 2,510 1,412 2,140 2,140 I 399 Other Contractual Services - - 66,161 - - 411 Office & Stationery Supplies 1,336 1,200 2,008 1,560 1,560 413 Photographic/Copy Supplies 403 1,050 10 750 750 I 555 Capital Outlay Rental - 4,800 - 52,610 52,610 560 Administrative Cost 402,372 731,940 883,237 937,600 1,218,880 I I 1 Total Operations & Maint. 566,680 916,400 1,250,886 1,280,080 1,561,360 Capital Outlay 611 Office Equipment 5,215 1,500 1,550 - - I Total Capital Outlay 5,215 1,500 1,550 - - I Activity Total $620,428 $973,890 $1,312,326 $1,410,560 $1,691,840 224 I - CITY OF POWAY I DEPARTMENTAL ACTIVITY DETAIL Department: Activity: Activity I Code: Redevelonment Aqency Poinsettia Family Mobile Home Park 5006 ACTIVITY COMMENTARY I ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION I This division delineates costs associated with the overall administration of the 138 unit family mobile home park located on Midland Road. I ACTIVITY GOALS AND OBJECTIVES l. To preserve affordable housing opportunities for famil ies. I 2. To foster an attitude of efficient helpfulness towards the residents of the park. E SIGNIFICANT ACTIVITY PROGRAM CHANGES CHANGE 210/ - Increase based on actual usage during the first eight +$ 19,600 . 212 months of Fiscal Year 1990/91. 331 - Fewer building repairs are anticipated. -$ 12,340 I 399 - Security services have been added as well as increases +$ 11,450 in other contractual service amounts. I 421 - Substantial renovation was completed during FY 1990/91. -$ 5,000 515 - Adjusted based on first year of experience. -$ 5,310 I I I I . I I I . 225 I CITY OF POWAY DEPARTMENTAL ACTIVITY DETAIL I Department: Activity: Activity Redevelopment Agency Poi nsettia Fam1:ly Mobil e Home Par;k Code: 5006 Obj. 1989-1990 1990-1991 1990-1991 1991-1992 1991-1992 I Code Expense Classification Actual Budget Actua 1 Proposed Approved Personnel Expense Range Position Title I 204.5 Park Maint.Wkr.I (PjT) 536 5,150 5,649 5,270 5,270 182.4 Rec. Leader I (2 TjPT) - 4,070 4,068 4,800 4,800 I 112 Salaries - Part-time 536 9,220 9,717 10,070 10,070 120 Employee Benefits - 930 1,003 790 790 I Total Personnel 536 10,150 10,720 10,860 10,860 Operations and Maintenance 141 Legal Fees 825 1,990 - 300 300 I 210 Gas and Electricity 59,441 63,070 81,220 77 , 030 77,030 212 Water - Inter-agency 34,153 34,360 19,553 40,000 40,000 215 Tele~hone 758 610 820 850 850 216 Tras Removal 11,851 13,470 14,479 15,770 15,770 I 230 Other Utility Charges 1,415 460 133 530 530 262 Vehicle Operations - 600 276 300 300 263 Vehicle Maintenance - 500 1,201 500 500 264 Vehicle Rental - 930 - 930 930 I 280 Advertising 179 - 181 100 100 282 Postage 24 190 210 150 150 305 Contract Landscape Maint. . 5,947 - - 1,500 1,500 I 314 Community Relations - 1,750 1,514 1,500 1,500 315 Publications and Dues - - 622 1,000 1,000 319 Animal Regulation 25 - - - - 331 R&M Building 12,461 34,500 25,122 22 , 160 22,160 I 334 R&M Equipment 8,172 2,110 2,254 1,900 1,900 337 R&M Radios 88 310 216 300 300 358 Street Sweeping 730 - 900 1,500 1,500 I 399 Other Contractual Services 46,626 33,420 36,099 44,870 44,870 411 Office & Stationery Supplies 1,420 1,750 880 600 600 412 Janitorial sup~lies 205 1,800 802 700 700 417 Operating Supp ies 31 540 213 540 540 I 420 Small Tool s - 400 236 200 200 421 LandSCa~ing Supplies 2,140 8,000 1,397 3,000 3,000 423 Chemi ca .s - 2,100 2,207 2,000 2,000 I 499 Other Supplies and Materials 2,058 - - - - 515 Intergovernmental Fees 25,494 29,320 31,832 24,010 24,01D 523 Other Fees 282 - - - - I Total Operations & Maint. 214,325 232,180 222,367 242,240 242,240 Capital Outlay 611 Office Equipment 4,850 - - - - I 622 Other Equipment 713 5,550 3,129 2,700 2,700 653 Other Tools and Equipment - 1,390 629 2,330 2,330 I Total Capital Outlay 5,563 6,940 3,758 5,030 5,030 I Act i vity Total $220,424 $249,270 $236,845 $258,130 $258,130 226 I CITY OF POWAY I DEPARTMENTAL ACTIVITY DETAIL - Department: Activity: Activity I Code: Redevelooment AQencv Poinsettia Senior Mobile Home Park 5007 ACTIVITY COMMENTARY I ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION I This division delineates costs associated with the overall administration of the 124 unit senior mobile home park located on Edgemoor Road. I ACTIVITY GOALS AND OBJECTIVES l. To preserve affordable housing opportunities for families. I 2. To foster an attitude of efficient helpfulness towards the residents of the park. E 3. To provide on-site senior citizen activities to the residents. SIGNIFICANT ACTIVITY PROGRAM CHANGES CHANGE E 331 - Fewer building repairs are anticipated. -$ 7,690 399 - Security services have been added as well as increases +$ 10,960 I in other contractual service amounts. 515 - Adjusted based on first year of experience. -$ 5,000 I I I I I I , I I I . 227 CITY OF POWAY I DEPARTMENTAL ACTIVITY DETAIL . Department: Activity: Activity Bedevelopment Agency Poinsettia ,Senior Mobile Home Park Code: 5007 Obj. 1989-1990 1990-1991 1990-1991 1991-1992 1991-1992 I Code Expense Classification Actual Budget Actua 1 Proposed Approved Per'sonnel Expense Range Position Title I 204.5 Park Maint.Wkr.I (PjT) 535 5,150 5,795 5,270 5,270 182.4 Rec. Leader I (2 TjPT) - - - 4,800 4,800 I 112 Salaries - Part-time 535 5,150 5,795 10,070 10,070 120 Employee Benefits - 930 - 790 790 I Total Personnel 535 6,080 5,795 10,860 10,860 Operations and Maintenance 141 Legal Fees 825 1,990 1,119 700 700 I 210 Gas and Electricity 59,441 56,670 55,083 51,800 51,800 212 Water - Inter-agency 34,153 30,880 17,163 35,000 35,000 215 Telehhone 758 790 675 880 880 I 216 Tras Removal 11 ,851 12,150 9,968 11,200 11 , 200 230 Other Utility Charges 1,415 460 100 530 530 262 Vehicle Operations - 600 - 300 30D 263 Vehicle Maintenance - 500 922 570 57D I 264 Vehicle Rental - 930 - 930 930 280 Advertising 153 - 181 100 100 282 Postage 24 170 207 180 180 I 305 Contract Landscape Maint. 5,947 - 875 1,300 1,300 314 Community Relations 930 1,750 1,312 1,500 1,500 315 Publications and Dues - - 621 1,000 1,000 319 Animal Regulations 65 - - - - I 331 R&M Building 12,461 36,690 20,664 29,000 29,000 334 R&M Equipment 5,947 2,110 2,123 1,700 1,700 337 R&M Radios 88 310 216 300 300 358 Street Sweeping 730 - 600 600 600 I 399 Other Contractual Services 46,627 32,720 36,003 43,680 43,680 358 Street Sweeping 1,420 1,750 796 600 600 412 Jan i tori a 1 sUP1l i es 205 1,800 769 500 500 I 417 Operating Supp ies 514 540 212 540 540 420 Small Tool s - 400 226 200 200 421 Landsca1ing Supplies 2,140 4,000 5,667 3,000 3,000 423 Chemica s - 2,580 2,279 2,000 2,000 I 499 Other' Supplies ~nd Materials 1,157 - - - - 515 Intergovernmental Fees 24,093 26,500 27,746 . 21,500 21,500 523 Other Fees 282 - - - - I T~tal Op~rations & Maint. 210,944 216,290 185,527 209,610 209,610 Capital Outl ay 601 TeJecommunications Equipment 4,850 250 - - - I 622 Other Equipment 713 500 206 2,100 2,100 653 Other Tools and Equipment - 1,390 623 2,130 2,130 I Total Capital Outlay 5,563 2,140 829 4,230 4,23D I Activity Total $217,042 $224,510 $192,151 $224,700 $224,700 228 I CITY OF POWAY I DEPARTMENTAL ACTIVITY DETAIL Department: Activity: Activity I Code: RedeveloDment Aaency Poway Royal Estates Mobile Home Park 5008 ACTIVITY COMMENTARY I ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION I This division delineates costs associated with the overall administration of the 399 unit mobile home park located on Community Road. I ACTIVITY GOALS AND OBJECTIVES 1. To preserve affordable housing opportunities. I 2. To foster an attitude of effitient helpfulness towards the residents of the park. I SIGNIFICANT ACTIVITY PROGRAM CHANGES CHANGE Newly established division for the purpose of assuming I management responsibilities for the park. I I I I I I I . I I . 229 CITY OF POWAY I DEPARTMENTAL ACTIVITY DETAIL I D_epartment: Act i vity: Activity Redevelopment Agency Poway Royal Mob.i1 e Home Park Code: 5008 Obj. 1989-1990 1990-1991 1990-1991 1991-1992 1991-1992 I COdE Expense Classification Actual Budget Actua 1 Proposed Approved Personnel Expense Range Position Title . 182.4 Rec. Leader I (TjPT) - - - 2,420 2,420 112 Salaries - Part-time - - - 2,420 2,420 I Tota 1 Personnel - - - 2,420 2,420 I Operations and Maintenance 141 Legal Fees - - - 2,500, 2,500 210 Gas and Electricity - - 164,078 304,770 304,770 I 212 Water - Inter-agency - - 57,849 113,820 113,820 215 Tele~hone - - 2,186 4,800 4,800 216 Tras Removal - - 13,906 30,860 30,860 I 230 Other Util ity Charges - - 67 500 500 262 Vehicle Operations - - 135 1,040 1,040 263 Vehicle Maintenance - - 2,760 3,270 3,270 264 Vehicle Rental - - - 930 930 I 280 Adverti sing - - 281 500 500 282 Postage - - 248 930 930 305 Contract Landscape Maint. - - 3,625 12,450 12,450 312 Janitorial Services - - 403 2,500 2,500 I 313 Uniforms and Laundry - - 398 1,320 1,320 314 Community Relations - - 64 2,990 2,990 315 Publications and Dues - - 183 6,450 6,450 I 331 R&M Buil di ng - - 56,051 96,800 96,800 334 R&M Equipment - - 3,867 14,840 14,840 337 R&M Radios - - 160 380 380 355 R&M Roadway - - 1,462 15,000 15,000 I 358 Street Sweeping - - 640 1,920 1,920 399 Other Contractual Services - - 70,030 167,180 167,180 411 Office & Stationery Supplies - - 1,532 2,400 2,400 I 412 Janitori al Suppl ies - - 1,516 2,200 2,200 414 Medical Supplies - - 74 - -' 417 Operating Supplies - - 148 500 500 420 Small Tool s - - 418 1,000 1,000 . 421 Landsca~ing Supplies - - 1,328 8,000 8,000 423 Chemica s - - 28 500 500 515 Intergovernmental Fees - - 10,373 73,700 73,700 I Total Operations & Maint. - - 393,810 874,050 874,050 I Capital Outlay 622 Other Equipment - - 7,883 1,200 1,200 653 Other Tools and Equipment - - 2,247 2,470 2,470 I Total Capital Outlay 10,130 3,670 3,67D 1 Activity Total $403,940 $880,140 $880, 1.40 230 I CITY OF POWAY I DEPARTMENTAL ACTIVITY DETAIL Department: Act i vity: Act i vity I Code: Redevelooment Aoency HousinQ 5010 ACTIVITY COMMENTARY I ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION The Housing Program Coordinator is responsible for the management of mobile home I parks owned by the Poway Redevelopment Agency and other housing which may be acquired by the Agency or the City. This division is also responsible for I providing staff support to the City Council, Redevelopment Advisory Committee, Migrant Worker Relations Committee, and other City departments concerning housing matters. ACTIVITY GOALS AND OBJECTIVES I 1. Supervise and coordinate the management of the Poinsettia Family Mobile Home I Park, Poinsettia Senior Mobile Home Park, and the Poway Royal Estates Mobile Home Park. 2. Monitor and review legislation and programs at the local, state, and federal I levels which impact the City's housing programs. SIGNIFICANT ACTIVITY PROGRAM CHANGES CHANGE I None. I I I I I I I I I 231 - ~I CITY OF POWAY I DEPARTMENTAL ACTIVITY DETAIL - I Dep'artment: Act i vity: Activity I Redevelopment Agency Housing Administration Code: 5010 ,Obj. 1989-1990 1990-1991 1990-1991 1991-1992 1991-1992 ,COdE Expense Classificatio Actua 1 Budget Actua 1 Proposed Approved Personnel Expense Range Pas i t i on Title 261.6 Housing Coordinator 15,802 37,600 38,238 41,090 41,090 I , 110 Salaries - Regular 15,802 37,600 38,238 41,190 41,190 I 120 Employee Benefits 3,229 10,320 10,312 9,820 9,820 Total Personnel 19,031 47,920 48, 550 51,010 51,010 I Operations and Maintenance 260 Reimbursed Mileage 682 1,200 1,157 1,200 1,200 I 262 Vehicle Operations - - 214 - - 270 Travel and Meetings 68 150 97 390 390 311 Printing - - 32 - - 315 Publications and Dues - 470 273 200 2DO 334 R&.M Equipment - 780 245 1,500 1,5DO 411 Office &. Stationery Supplies 287 600 262 400 400 I 413 Photographic/Copy Supplies - 100 29 100 1DO I I I I Total Operations &. Maint. 1,037 3,300 2,309 3,790 3,790 Capital Outlay 611 Office Equipment 3,130 - 213 - - I I Total Capital Outlay 3,130 - 213 - - , 1 Activity Total $23,198 $51,220 $51,072 $54,800 $54,800 I I I I I 1\ I I I I I I I I I I I I POWAY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY: 1991-1992 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM I 234 I - POWAY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY I CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM OVERVIEW REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE ANALYSIS I POWAY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY I SOURCE AND APPLICATION OF FUNDS FISCAL YEAR 1991-1992 I FUNDING SOURCES I Redevelopment Fund I Redevelopment Agency Bond Issue Proceeds $3,O77,891 Redevelopment Agency Land Sale 1,643,404 I Reimbursement from SB #300 Funds 277 ,150 Developer Participation/Contribution 347,599 Loan from Ci ty 90,000 I TOTAL $5,436,044 I I FUNDING APPLICATION I Street and Highways $ 780,803 I Traffic Signals (77,303) Flood Control and Drainage 86,082 Government 8uildings , 1,245,500 I Park and Open Space 851,527 Revitalization Projects 2,549,435 TOTAL $5,436,044 I I I I I I 235 I POWAY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM OVERVIEW I Department: CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM I Total Total Estimated Activity Classification Total Prior 1991-1992 Combined Reouirements Appropriations Estimate Exoenditures I $34,259,384 Streets & Highways $33,478,581 $ 780,803 $34,259,384 684,090 Traffic Signals 761,393 (77,303) 684,090 I 1,702,082 Flood Control & Drainage 1,616,000 86,082 1,702,082 I 7,578,500 Government Buildings 6,333,000 1,245,500 7,578,500 5,410,567 Parks and Open Space 4,559,040 851,527 5,410,567 I 2,190,544 Water Improvements 2,190,544 - 2,190,544 1,896,708 Sewer Improvements 1,896,708 - 1,896,708 I 17,372,213 Revitalization Projects 14,822,778 2,549,435 17,372,213 I, $71,094,088 TOTAL BUDGET $65,658,044 $ 5,436,044 $71,094,088 I OVERVIEW COMMENTARY The poway Redevelopment Agency's Capital Improvement Program represents an effort to I allocate the potential financial resources of the Agency in a manner which will benefit the paguay Project Area. Contained within the Agency's work program are projects designed to eradicate blighting conditions outlined in the paguay I Redevelopment Plan. The projects described in this budget fall into the fallowing eight major categories: Streets and Highways, Traffic Signals, Flood Control and Drainage, I Government Buildings, Parks and Open Space, Water Improvements, Sewer Improvements, and Revitalization Projects. The pages that follow cover the Redevelopment Agency's five-year capital improvement program which will be updated annually. I The projects contained in the five-year Capital Improvement Program are proposed to be funded through loans from the City, federal funds from the Community Development I Block Grant Program or any other federal program, state-funded programs, and the Redevelopment Agency bonds. Funds advanced to the Redevelopment Agency Capital Improvement Program will be I reimbursed to the City of Poway from future tax increment monies. I I 236 I REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL I Department: Activity: REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY STREETS AND HIGHWAYS ACTIVITY COMMENTARY 5207 TWIN PEAKS ROAD - MIDLAND TO ESPOLA This project provides for the widening to the ultimate right-of-way of Twin Peaks Road between Midland Road and Espola Road. Design was completed in FY 1987-88 with construction to follow. This project was completed in FY 1988-89. Cost Estimate - $931,921 Funding Source - FY 91-92 Reimbursement from S8 #300 FY 87-88 - $500,OOD Funds $104,150 FY 88-89 - 75,800 RDA Bond Proceeds (#39) 3,918 FY 89-90 - 145,112 FY 90-91 - 102,941 FY 91-92 - 108,068 5232 TWIN PEAKS RECONSTRUCTION AT NORTH CITY PARKWAY This project provides for the reimbursement to Twin Peaks Plaza developer for the recon- struction of the north side of Twin Peaks Road at North City Parkway. Cost Estimate - $179,551 Funding Source - FY 91-92 RDA Land Sale (#39) $6,342 ~ FY 87-88 - $106,500 FY 90-91 - 66,709 FY 91-92 - 6,342 . 5233 NORTH CITY PARKWAY - POMERADO TO WEST CITY LIMITS This project provides for the conceptual design of North City Parkway (Route 56) in FY 1987-88. The design and acquisition of right-of-way is scheduled in 1988-89 and construction in 1989-90. Cost Estimate - $1,200,000 Funding Source - FY 91-92 RDA Land Sale (#39) $320,000 FY 87-88 - $ 30,000 FY 88-89 - 300,000 FY 90-91 - 550,000 FY 91-92 - 320,000 ~ I I 237 I REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL I Depa rtment: Activity: REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY STREETS AND HIGHWAYS I Total Total Projec' Project Description Estimatec Prior 91-92 92-93 93-94 94-95 95-96 Code Cost Aoo roo. Aooroo. Est ima te Estimate Estimate Estimate I 5207 Twin Peaks Road - Midland to Espola 931921 823853 10806€ I I I I I 5232 Twin Peaks Recon- struction at North - City Parkway 179551 173209 634~ I I I 5233 North City Parkway- Pomerado to West I City Limits 1200000 880000 32000( I I I I ACTIVITY TOTAL I 238 I REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY I CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL Department: Activity: I REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY STREETS AND HIGHWAYS ACTIVITY COMMENTARY I 5234 STATE HWY 56/SYCAMORE CANYON ROAD I This project provides for the design and construction of State Highway 56 from Poway I Road to Twin Peaks and Sycamore Canyon Road from south City limits to Poway Road. Conceptual design shall occur in FY 1988-89 with final plans, specifications, engineering, and right-of-way acquisition in 1989-90, and construction to follow. Cost Estimate - $304,900 I FY 87-88 - $ 60,000 I FY 88-89 - 94,900 FY 89-90 - 150,000 I 5235 AU8REY STREET IMPROVEMENTS FROM COMMUNITY TO MIDLAND I This project provides for the widening of Aubrey from Community Road to Midland to a 40' width with concrete ,curb and gutters and sidewalks. Included will be the I installation of a water line, grading, utility and driveway modification and relocation. Additionally, decorative street lights, hydrants and fixtures are included to complement the Old poway theme. Cost Estimate - $535,739 I FY 87-88 - $344,000 I FY 88-89 - 70,000 FY 89-90 - 39,739 FY 90-91 - 82,000 I I I I I 1 I 239 1- REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL I Department: Activity: REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY STREETS AND HIGHWAYS I Total Total Projec Project Description Estimated Prior 91-92 92-93 93-94 94-95 95-96 Code Cost Aooroo. Approo. Estimate Estimate Estimate Estimate I 5234 State Hwy 56/Syca- 304900 304900 more Canyon Road I I I I I 5235 Aubrey Street Im- I provements from C~ommunity to Midland 535739 535739 I I I I I I I ACTIVITY TOTAL I 240 I . REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY I CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL Department: Activity: I REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY STREETS AND HIGHWAYS ACTIVITY COli4ENTARY I 5238 SOUTH POWAY PARKWAY I This project provides for design and construction of the horizontal and vertical a,lignment of the roadway South Poway Parkway (Alternate 8) from Pomerado Business Park to a point I 1.2 miles west of the City limits. This is a cooperative effort 'with the City of San Diego and various developers to design and build a link from Mercy Road interchange to the South poway Arterial. Construction is anticipated to start in FY 1989-90. I Cost Estimate - $8,800,000 FY 87-88 - $ 40,000 I FY 88-89 - 6,960,000 FY 89-90 - 1,800,000 5239 HIGH VALLEY/ESPOLA/DEL PONIENTE REALIGNMENT I This project provides for the realignment of the High Valley/Espola/Del Poniente I intersection. Land acqu1sition, design, construction, and installation of a traffic signal are included in this project. I Cost Estimate - $921,635 Fund1ng Source - FY 91-92 RDA Land Sale (#39) $155,270 FY 87-88 - $255,200 I FY 89-90 - 511,165 FY 91-92 - 155,270 5240 POWAY GRADE IMPROVEMENTS I This project provides for the desi9n and construction of improvements to Poway Grade. I Design will be undertaken in FY 1988-89 and construction in 1989-90. Cost Estimate - $270,000 I FY 88-89 - $ 70,000 FY 89-90 - 200,000 I I - I I , 241 I REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL 1/ Department: Activity: REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY STREETS AND HIGHWAYS I Total Total Project Project Description Estimated Prior 91-92 92-93 93-94 94-95 95-96 Code Cost ADDroD. Approp. Estimate Estimate Estimate Estimate I 5238 South Poway Parkway 8800000 880000e I I I I I 5239 Hi9h Valley/Espolal Del Poniente Reali9n 921635 76636E 155270 " I I . I 5240 poway Grade I Improvements 270000 270000 I I 1 I I, ACTIVITY TOTAL I 242 I REOEVELOPMENT .AGENCY CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL Oepartment: Activity: REOEVELOPMENT AGENCY STREETS AND HIGHWAYS ACTIVITY COMMENTARY 5241 MIDLAND ROAD LANDSCAPED MEDIANS This project will construct approximately 580 feet of landscaped medians and two bus shelters on Midland Road just north of poway Road. Cost Estimate - $72,000 FY 8B-89 - $72,000 5242 GARDEN ROAD ULTIMATE WIDTH IMPROVEMENTS This project provides for the desi9n of Garden Road at its ultimate width from poway Road to Sycamore Canyon Road. Provides identification of right-of-way needed, and acquisition will follow. Cost Estimate - $378,621 Funding Source - FY 91-92 RDA Bond Proceeds (#34) $13,295 FY 88-89 - $ 35,630 ROA Bond Proceeds (#37) 1,891 FY 89-90 - 253,600 FY 90-91 - 74,205 FY 91-92 - 15,186 5243 BUDWIN LANE PARKING LOT This project provides for the design and construction of a parking lot to be shared by public, Poway Unified School District, and the City of Poway. The project is located at Twin Peaks Road and Budwin Lane on property owned by SDG&E. Cost Estimate - $192,620 FY 88-89 - $198,620 FY 90-91 - (6,000) \ I 243 I REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY - CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL I Department: Activity: REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY STREET AND HIGHWAYS I Total Total Proj ect Project Description Estimated Prior 91-92 92-93 93-94 94-95 95-96 Code Cost Approp. App rop. Estimate Estimate Estimate Estimate I 5241 Midland Road Landscaped Medians 72000 72000 I I I 5242 Garden Road Ultimate Width Improvements 378621 363435 15186 I I I I I 5243 Budwin Lane Parkin9 Lot 192620 192620 I I I I I ACTIVITY TOTAL I 244 I REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL Department: Activity: REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY STREETS AND HIGHWAYS ACTIVITY COtI4ENTARY 5246 TEMPLE WAY IMPROVEMENTS As proposed by the Redevelopment Advisory Conmittee, this project provides for the paving of Temple Way, installation of a permanent water system, fire hydrant and installation of a sewer system. Cost Estimate - $270,833 FY 87-88 - $276,900 FY 90-91 - (6,067) 524B POWAY ROAD/ADAH LANE SOUND ATTENUATION WALL This project provides for the construction of an 8' high wall, 750' long, on the south side of the storm drain channel. Cost Estimate - $145,000 FY 88-89 - $145,000 5249 UNDERGROUND UTILITIES - ESPOLA & AUBREY This project provides for the undergrounding of utility lines on Espola and Aubrey Roads in a joint project with SDG&E. Cost Estimate - $18,000 FY 88-89 - $18,000 I 245 I REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL I Department: Acti v1ty: REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY STREETS AND HIGHWAYS I Total Total Project Project Description Estimatec Prior 91-92 92-93 93-94 94-95 95-96 Code Cost Approp. Approp. Estimate Estimate Estimate Estimate I 5246 Temple Way Improvements 270833 270833 I I I I 5248 Poway Road/Adah Lane Sound Attenuation I Wall 145000 145000 I I 5249 Underground Util- I ities - Espola and 18000 18000 Aubrey I I , I I I ACTIVITY TOTAL I 246 I REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL Department: Activity: REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY STREETS ANO HIGHWAYS ACTIVITY COMMENTARY 5252 POWAY ROAD IMPROVEMENTS - WEST END This project provides for the construction of road improvements along poway Road between the west City limits and Oak Knoll Road. The improvements include a stamped concrete landscaped median, 1700 feed of concrete block soundwall, landscaping and irrigation, curb, gutter and sidewalks, and a 6-phase traffic signal. Cost Estimate - $1,017,000 Funding Source - FY 91-92 RDA Land Sale (#39) $160,000 FY 89-90 - $740,000 FY 90-91 - 117,000 FY 91-92 - 160,000 5253 CARRIAGE ROAD IMPROVEMENTS This project will provide for the removal of existing striping, and provide for two 6' bicycle lanes and reconstruction of a portion of the roadway. Cost Estimate - $281,342 Funding Source - FY 91-92 ROA Land Sale (#39) $(99,380) FY 89-90 - $ 399,380 RDA Bond Proceeds (#39) (18,658) FY 91-92 - (118,038) 5255 ESPOLA ROAD MEDIANS This project provides for the construction of a stamped concrete and landscaped median on Espola Road from Titan Way to Lake Poway Road. Cost Estimate - $222,000 FY 89-90 - $222,000 ~ I 247 I REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY - CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL I Department: Activity: REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY STREETS AND HIGHWAYS I Total Total Project Project Description Estimated Prior 91-92 92-93 93-94 94-95 95-96 Code Cost App rop. P,pprop. Estimate Estimate Estimate Estimate I 5252 Poway Road Improve- ments - West End 1017DO( 85700( 160000 I I I I I 5253 Carriage Road Improvements 281342 399380 (118038) I I I , 5255 Espola Road Medians 22200C 22200( I I I I I ACTIVITY TOTAL I 248 I REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY I CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL Department: Activity: I REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY STREETS AND HIGHWAYS ACTIVITY COMMENTARY I 5256 ESPOLA ROAD ULTIMATE WIDTH IMPROVEMENTS This project provides for an alignment study for the ultimate width of Espola Road I from Twin Peaks Road to Titan Way, including an EIR. Cost Estimate - $100,000 I FY 89-90 - $100,000 I 5257 ESPOLA ROAD WIDENING This project provides for the widening of Espola Road from Twin Peaks Road to 1400' north I of Twin Peaks and includes curb, gutter, sidewalk, fire hydrants, street lights, and a 54-inch storm drain on the east side of Espola Road. I Cost Estimate - $1,200,000 Funding Source - FY 91-92 RDA Bond Proceeds (#34) $(1,200,000) I FY 89-90 - $ 400,000 FY 90-91 - 2,000,000 FY 91-92 - $(1,200,000) 5258 TWIN PEAKS/POMERADO TURN LANE I This project provides for a right turn lane on westbound Twin Peaks Road to I northbound Pomerado Road. Cost Estimate - $74,000 I FY 88-89 - $45,000 FY 89-90 - 29,000 I 5259 COMMUNITY ROAD WIDENING I This project provides for the widening of Community Road between Aubrey Street and Twin Peaks Road. It also includes curb, gutter, sidewalk, fire hydrants, 54-inch storm drain, and relocation of a traffic signal. I Cost Estimate - $1,456,000 Funding Source - FY 91-92 Reimbursement from SB #300 I FY 88-89 - $450,000 Funds $173,000 FY 89-90 - 600,000 FY 90-91 - 233,000 I FY 91-92 - 173,000 I I 249 I REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL I Department: Activity: REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY STREET AND HIGHWAYS I Total Total I Proj ect Project Description Estimatec Prior 91-92 92-93 93-94 94-95 95-96 Code Cost Approp. ADProp. Estimate Estimate Estimate Estimate I 5256 Espola Road Ultimate Width Improvements 10000C 10000( I I I: 5257 Espo.l a Road I Widening 1200000 2400000 (1200000) I I I' 5258 Twin Peaks/Pomerado Turn Lane 74000 74000 I I I 5259 Community Road 145600C 128300( 173000 Widening I I I ACTIVITY TOTAL 1 250 I REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL Department: Activity: REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY STREETS AND HIGHWAYS ACTIVITY COMMENTARY 5261 SOUTH POWAY PARKWAY - EAST END This project provides for the design and environmental review for South Poway Parkway between Sycamore Canyon and Highway 67. Total cost of the project is projected at $10 million with the Agency portion being $3,725,000. Cost Estimate - $4,925,000 Funding Source - FY 91-92 RDA Bond Proceeds (#34) $1,200,000 FY 89-90 - $ 250,000 FY 90-91 - 3,475,000 FY 91-92 - 1,200,000 5263 POWAY GRADE REHABILITATION This project provides for improvements to Espola Road, the design and improvement of Sycamore Canyon Road, and design for Poway Grade including resurfactng of Poway Grade, renovating the existing quadrails, installation of turnouts and install ing emergency call boxes. Cost Estimate - $1,228,000 FY 90-91 - $1,228,000 5264. ADRIAN STREET IMPROVEMENTS This project provides for full street improvements for Adrian Street from Eastern Street to 600 feet west. Includes curbs, gutters, sidewalk, 18' of paving, A.C. tapers, landscaping, streetlights and water line extension. Cost Estimate - $235,000 FY 90-91 - $235,000 5265 TWIN PEAKS PLACE/PEBBLE CANYON ROAD ALIGNMENT STUDY This project will provide alignment studies to serve Twin Peaks Place/Pebble Canyon Road area with access roads, water, sewer and dra i nage faci lit i es. Cost Estimate - $27,000 FY 90-91 - $27,000 I 251 I REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL I Department: Activity: REOEVELOPMENT AGENCY STREETS AND HIGHWAYS I Project Total Total Project Description Estimated Prior 91-92 92-93 93-94 94-95 95-96 Code Cost ADD roo. ADD roo. Estimate Estimate Estimate Estimate I 5261 South Poway Parkway - East End 4925000 3725000 120000( I I I I 5263 Poway Grade Rehab i11ta t i on 1228000 122800( I I 1 5264 Adrian Street I Improvements 235000 23500( I I 5265 Twin Peaks Place/ I Pebble Canyon Road 2700( Alignment Study 27000 I I ACTIVJTY TOTAL 1 252 I REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL Department: Activity: REOEVELOPMENT AGENCY STREETS AND HIGHWAYS ACTIVITY COte4ENTARY 5267 ROUTE 56/TWIN PEAKS ROAD This project will construct curbs on Twin Peaks east of Route #56 and install dua I turn lanes. Cost Estimate - $200,000 FY 90-91 - $200,000 5270 SOUTH POWAY REIMBURSEMENT AGREEMENT 4/90 This project provides for the reimbursement to the developer of the Pomerado Business Park for their cost of constructing certain public improvements, including portions of the South poway Pa-rkway, Community Road, Stowe Drive, and the water supply system. Cost Estimate - $8,191,247 FY 89-90 - $8,191,247 5271 SOUTH POWAY REIMBURSEMENT DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM This project provides for the reimbursement to the developer of the Pomerado Business Park for their cost of installing a reclaimed water distribution system. Cost Estimate - $820,000 FY 89-90 - $820,000 5273 STARRIDGE WALKWAY This project will provide for the construction of a walkway between the Starridge area and Pomerado and Meadowbrook schools. Cost Estimate - $61,975 Funding Source - FY 91-92 RDA Bond Proceeds (#39) $(39,025) FY 9D-91 - $101,000 FY 91-92 - (39,025) I 253 I REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL I Department: Activity: REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY STREETS AND HIGHWAYS I Project Total Total Project Description Estimated Prior 91-92 92-93 93-94 94-95 95-96 Code Cost ADD roo. ADD roo. Estimate Estimate Estimate Estimate I 5267 Route 56/Twin Peaks Road 200000 20000( I I 1 5270 South poway Re- imbursement I Agreement 4/90 8191247 8191247 I " I 5271 South Poway Reim- I bursement Distri- bution System B20000 820000 I I 5273 Starridge Walkway 61975 101000 (39025) I I \ I I ACTIVITY TOTAL f34259384 ~33478581 $78080' I 254 I REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY I CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL Department: Activity: REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY TRAFFIC SIGNALS ACTIVITY COMMENTARY 5305 ESPOLA/TITAN WAY TRAFFIC SIGNAL I This project provides for the construction of a traffic signal at the intersection of I Espola Road and Titan Way. The project was completed in FY 1988-89. . . Cost Estimate - $19,090 Funding Source - FY 91-92 RDA Bond Proceeds (#37) $(62,303) I . FY'87-88 - $ 450,000 FY 90-91 - (368,607) FY 91-92 - (62,303) 5308 CARRIAGE ROAD/POWAY ROAD TRAFFIC SIGNAL This project provides will upgrade the existing signal with an eight-phase traffic signal at the intersection of Carriage Road and poway Road. II Cost Estimate - $75,000 Funding Source - FY 91-92 FY 89-90 - $125,000 RDA Bond Proceeds (#34) $(15,000) FY 90-91 - (35,000) FY 91-92 - (15,000) I 5309 POMERADO AT OAK KNOLL SIGNAL This project provides for the installation of a traffic signal at the intersection of Pomerado Road and Oak Knoll Road. Cost Estimate - $125,000 FY 89-90 - $125,000 I- I I I ~ 255 I REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL I Department: Activity: REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY TRAFFIC SIGNALS I Total Total Proj ect Project Description Estimated Prior 91-92 92-93 93-94 94-95 95-96 Code Cost Approp. ADD roo . Estimate Estimate Estimate Estimate I 5305 Espola/Titan Way Traffic Signal 19090 81393 (62303) I I I I 5308 Carriage Road/Poway Road Traffic Signal 75000 90000 (15000) I I I I 5309 Pomerado at Oak Knoll Signal 125000 125000 I I I I I ACTIVITY TOTAL I 256 I REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL Department: Activity: REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY TRAFFIC SIGNALS ACTIVITY COlIMENTARY 5310 METATE AT COMMUNITY ROAD SIGNAL This project provides for the installation of a traffic signal at the intersection of Metate Road and Community Road. Cost Estimate - $175,000 FY 89-90 - $175,000 5311 STREET LIGHT AT ESPOLA ROAD AT HIGH SCHOOL This project provides for new street lights due to the undergrounding of overhead utilities on Espola Road adjacent to poway High School. Cost Estimate - $25,000 FY 89-90 - $25,000 5312 TRAFFIC SIGNAL, COMMUNITY AT OLIVE GROVE This project provides for the installation of a traffic signal and a pedestrian walkway east to McKenzie. Cost Estimate - $265,000 FY 90-91 - $265,000 I 257 I - REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL I Department: Activity: REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY TRAFFIC SIGNALS I P roj ect Total Total Project Description Estimated Prior 91-92 92-93 93-94 94-95 95-96 Code Cost ADD roo. ADD roo. Estimate Estimate Estimate Estimate I 5310 Metate at Community Road Signal 175000 17500( I I I I 5311 Street Light -- Espola Road at 2500( High School 25000 I , I I 5312 Traffic Signal at I Community and 26500( Olive Grove 265000 I I I I I ACTIVITY TOTAL $684090 $761393 $(77303) I 258 I REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL Department: Activity: REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY FLOOD CONTROL AND DRAINAGE ACTIVITY COMMENTARY 5402 POWAY CREEK DETENTION BASIN A flood control improvement project to design and construct a detention basin on the north fork of Poway Creek, east of Garden Road. Cost Estimate - $310,000 FY 89-90 - $ 310,000 5404 IMPROVEMENTS - GARDEN ROAD AT NEDDICK ROAD As proposed by the Redevelopment Advisory Committe, this project provides for the improvement of poor drainage at the intersection of Garden Road at Neddick Road. Cost Estimate - $10,000 FY 86-87 - $10,000 5407 RATTLESNAKE CREEK IMPROVEMENTS This project provides for improvements to Rattlesnake Creek through Community Park. ~ These improvements protect the future swimming pool as well as other park improvements from flood damage. This year's appropriation will construct 1,500 feet of concrete curb to keep the water within the low floor channel. Cost Estimate - $25,000 FY 89-90 - $ 25,000 I 259 I REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY CAPITAL .IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL - I Department: Activity: REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY FLOOD CONTROL AND DRAINAGE I Total Total Proj ect Project Description Estimated Prior 91-92 92-93 93-94 94-95 95-96 Code Cost Approp. Approp. Estimate Estimate Estimate Estimate I 5402 poway Creek Detention Basin 310000 310000 I . I I I 5404 Improvements - Garden Road at I Neddick Road 10000 1000C I I I 5407 Rattlesnake Creek Improvements 25000 2500( I I I I I ACTIVITY TOTAL I 260 I REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL Department: Activity: REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY FLOOD CONTROL AND DRAINAGE ACTIVITY CCM4ENTARY 5409 MIDLAND ROAD STORM DRAIN EXTENSION Construct the Midland Road master storm drain facility extension from south of Agsten Lane to Janette Lane and Midland Road. Project will be partially funded by drainage fees from four development projects in the drainage basin. Cost Estimate - $1,061,082 Funding Source - FY 91-92 RDA Bond Proceeds (#39) $(3,91B) FY 8B-89 - $738,000 FY 90-91 - 327,000 FY 91-92 - (3,918) 5410 RATTLESNAKE CREEK DETENTION BASIN This project will provide for the design of a detention basin for the upper Rattlesnake Creek area. Cost Estimate - $206.,000 FY 89-90 - $206,000 5411 TEMPLE STREET STORM DRAIN This project provides for the construction of the Temple Street storm drain from Brighton Avenue to Rattlesnake Creek. Cost Estimate - $90,000 Funding Source - FY 91-92 Loan from Drainage Fund (#24) $90,000 FY 91-92 - $90,000 I 261 I REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL I Department: Activity: REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY FLOOD CONTROL AND DRAINAGE I Total Total Project Project Description Estimated Prior 91-92 92-93 93-94 94-95 95-96 Code Cost Approp. Approp. Est ima te Estimate Estimate Estimate I 5409 Midland Road Storm Drain Extension 1061082 106500( (3918) I I I I 5410 Rattlesnake Creek I Detention Basin 206000 20600C I I I 5411 Temple Street Storm Drain 90000 90000 I , I I I I ACTIVITY TOTAL $1702082 $1616000 $86082 I 262 I REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL Department: Activity: REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY GOVERNMENT BUILDINGS ACTIVITY COMMENTARY 5504 JOINT USE FACILITIES - POWAY HIGH STADIUM This project, begun in 1985-86, provided lighting of the stadium at Poway High School. The remalnder of the project provides for Agency sharing with the costs of seating, field improvements, all-weather track, snack bars, restrooms, ticket booths and parking. Cost Estimate - $800,000 FY 85-86 - $250,000 FY 86-87 - 350,000 FY 88-89 - 200,000 5508 CITY HALL IMPROVEMENTS This project provides for improvements to Poway City Hall, to include an upgrading of the telephone system, air conditioning/heatlng system, and the installation of carpeting. Cost Estimate - $350,000 FY 89-90 - $ 350,000 5509 TWIN PEAKS SCHOOL IMPROVEMENTS This project of the Poway Unified School District and the City will provide for the design and construction of a concession stand/restroom facility and renovation of the playfields at Twin Peaks School. Cost Estimate - $133,000 FY 88-89 - $133,000 I 263 I REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL I Depa rtmen t: Activity: REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY GOVERNMENT BUILDINGS I Total Total Project Project Description Estimatec Prior 91-92 92-93 93-94 94-95 95-96 Code Cost Approp. Approp. Estimate Estimate Estimate Estimate I 5504 Joint Use Facilities poway High Staduim 80000C 80000( I I I I I 5508 City Hall Improvements 350000 350000 I I I 5509 Twin Peaks School Improvement 133000 133000 I I I I I ACTIVITY TOTAL I 264 .. REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY * CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL l' Department: Acti vity: REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY GOVERNMENT BUILDINGS ACTIVITY COMMENTARY I I 5514 LIBRARY SITE/CONSTRUCTION , This project provides for the acquisition of a property for a future library site. Additional funds are included for the construction of the community library in I conjunction with San Diego County. As an alternative, the proposed construction funds could be used in order to facilitate a joint-use facility via a joint powers I agreement between the Redevelopment Agency, the City of Poway, and Palomar Community ~ College District. This alternative would have the Agency acquire a campus site and the District build the library which would be jointly operated by the District and San Diego County. Cost Estimate - $4,750,000 Funding Source - FY 91-92 I RDA Bond Proceeds (#34) $1,200,000 FY 89-90 - $2,872,000 FY 90-91 - 678,000 l FY 91-92 - 1,200,000 I 5516 MEADOWBROOK MULTIPURPOSE ROOM I This project provides for the construction of a multipurpose center adjacent to I Meadowbrook School. This is a joint use project with PUSD. I Cost Estimate - $1,500,000 , FY 90-91 - $1,500,000 5519 POINSETTIA MANAGER'S MOBILE HOME UNIT I I This project provides for the purchase of an additional mobilehome unit at the I Poinsettia Mobile Home Park for use by the resident-manager. Cost Estimate - $45,500 Funding Source - FY 91-92 I RDA Bond Proceeds (#33) $45,500 FY 91-92 - $45.500 I II ~ I I 265 I: REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL I Department: Activity: REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY GOVERNMENT BUILDINGS I Total Total Project Project Description Estimated Prior 91~92 92-93 93-94 94-95 95-96 Code Cost Aoprop. Aporoo. Estimate Estimate Estimate Estimate I 5514 Li brary Site/ 4750000 355000( 120000C Construction I" , I I I I 5516 Meadowbrook Multi- I Purpose Room 1500000 1500000 I I 5519 Poinsettia Manager's I Mobile Home Unit 45500 4550C I I I I ACTIVITY TOTAL $7578500 ,$6333000 $1245500 I 266 I REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY " CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL I Department: Activity: I REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY PARKS AND OPEN SPACE ACTIVITY COMMENTARY 5602 OLD POWAY PARK This project provides for the development of a park in the Old Poway area, bordered by Midland Road, Sycamore, Temple, and Aubrey Streets. The 1991-92 funds are for street improvements, parking lots, storm drains, safety lighting, and building improvements. Previous expenditures completed land acquisition, relocation and infrastructure improvements. Cost Estimate - $3,034,009 Funding Source - FY 91-92 RDA Bond Proceeds (#34) $458,000 FY 86-87 - $850,000 RDA Bond Proceeds (#37) 26,009 FY 87-88 - 300,000 FY 8B-89 - 600,000 FY 89-90 - 800,000 FY 91-92 - 484,009 5607 ARBOLITOS PARK IMPROVEMENTS ., j This project provides for the acquisition and installation of 15 picnic units in I Arbolitos Park. I Cost Estimate - $10,000 ~ FY 89-90 - $10,000 5608 TWIN PEAKS SCHOOL FIELD AND SURFACE LIGHTING This project will light two existing tennis courts and the existing ballfield, complete the master plan and add new electrical service at Twin Peaks Middle School and Tierra Bonita Elementary School. Cost Estimate - $-0- Funding Source - FY 91-92 RDA Bond Proceeds (#34) $(108,000) FY 89-90 - $ 108,000 FY 91-92 - (108,000) I I 267 I REDEVE~OPMENT AGENCY CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL I Department: Activity: REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY PARKS AND OPEN SPACE I Project Total Total Project Description Estimatec Prior 91-92 92-93 93-94 94-95 95-96 Code Cost AooroD. Aooroo. Estimate Estimate Estimate Estimate I 5602 Old poway Park 3034009 2550000 484009 I I I I I 5607 Arbolitos Park I Improvements 10000 1000( I I I 5608 Twin Peaks School Field and Surface Lighting - 10800( (108000) I I I I I ACTIVITY TOTAL 268 I REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY I CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL Department: Acti vity: I REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY PARKS AND OPEN SPACE ACTIVITY CfJIt4ENTARY I 5609 HILLEARY PARK I This project provides for the design and construction of a 9.34 acre site located west I of Community Road at the end of Hilleary Road. Design will occur in FY 1989-90 and construction shall follow. Cost Estimate - $845,720 I FY 89-90 - $ 74,720 FY 90-91 - 771,000 I 5614 COMMUNITY PARK PARKING LOT RENOVATION I This project provides for the removal and placement of 10,000 square-feet of asphalt at I Poway Community Park. Cost Estimate - $44,557 I Funding Source - FY 91-92 I RDA Bond Proceeds (#33) $14,557 FY 89-90 - $30,000 FY 91-92 - 14,557 I 5617 SENIOR CENTER EMERGENCY LIGHTING I This project provides for installation of emergency lighting in the Bill Bond Hall I and nutrition room at the Senior Center. Cost Estimate - $3,000 FY 90-91 - $3,000 I I I I I I 269 I REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL I Department: Activity: REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY PARKS AND OPEN SPACE I Total Total Project Project Description Estimated Prior 91-92 92-93 93-94 94-95 95-96 Code Cost Approp. Approp. Estimate Estimate Estimate Estimate I 5609 Hi 11 eary Park 84572( 845720 I I I I 5614 Community Park I Parking Lot Reno- .. 30000 vation 44557 14557 I . I I 5617 Senior Center Emergency Lighting 300C 300C I I I I I ACTIVITY TOTAL K: f' \ 270 I REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL Department: Activity: REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY PARKS AND OPEN SPACE ACTIVITY COMMENTARY 5618 SILVERSET PARK This project provides for the construction of Silverset Park. Cost Estimate - $1,115,682 Funding Source - FY 91-92 RDA Land Sale (#39) $55,680 FY 9D-91 - $1,002,320 RDA Bond Proceeds (#39) 57,682 FY 91-92 - 113,362 5619 STARRIDGE PARK FENCING This project provides for the fencing at Starridge Park. Cost Estimate - $10,000 FY 90-91 - $10,000 5620 SOUTH POWAY SPORTS PARK ~ This project provides for the deSign and construction of the South Poway Sports Park. The 1991-92 appropriation is for design. Cost Estimate - $347,599 Funding Source - FY 91-92 Developer Participation/ FY 91-92 - $347,599 Contribution (#39) $347,599 - 1 ~ I 271 i I: REDEVELOPMENT .AGENCY CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL I Department: Activity: REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY PARKS AND OPEN SPACE I Project Total Total Project Description Estimatec Prior 91-92 92-93 93-94 94-95 95-96 Code Cost ADDroD. Aooroo. Estimate Estimate Estimate Estimate I 5618 Silverset Park 1115682 1002320 113362 I .. I I 5619 Starridge Park Fencing 10000 1000( I I I 5620 South poway Sports Park 347599 34759S I I I I I I ACTIVITY TOTAL $5410567 $4559040 $851527 . I 272 I REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL Department: Activity: REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY WATER IMPROVEMENTS ACTIVITY COMMENTARY 5709 BELVEDERE DRIVE FIRE HYDRANT As proposed by the Redevelopment Advisory Committee, this project provides for the installation of three fire hydrants and extension of an 8-inch water main from the end of Olive Tree Lane to Belvedere Drive. Cost Estimate - $96,000 FY 87-88 - $95,DOO FY 89-90 - 1,000 5711 HILLTOP CIRCLE FIRE HYDRANT As proposed by the Redevelopment Advisory Committee, this project will install a fire hydrant on an existing water distribution line at the intersection of Hilltop Circle and La Manda Drive. Cost Estimate - $65,000 FY 88-89 - $ 7,000 FY 89-90 - 58,000 I 273 I REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL I Department: Activity: REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY WATER IMPROVEMENTS I Total Total Project Project Description Estimatec Prior 91-92 92-93 93-94 94-95 95-96 Code Cost ADDroD. ADD roo. Estimate Estimate Estimate Estimate I 5709 Belvedere Drive Fi re Hydrant 96000 9600( I I I . I 5711 Hilltop Circle Fire I Hydrant 65000 65000 I I I I I I I I ACTI V ITY TOTAL I 274 I REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL Department: Activity: REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY WATER IMPROVEMENTS ACTIVITY COMMENTARY 5715 HUMO DRIVE IMPROVEMENTS This project provides for the installation of an 8-inch water line in Humo Drive and Putney Road north of Humo Drive to improve fire flows in the fire hydrants. Cost Estimate - $161,144 FY 89-90 - $161,144 5716 ESPOLA ROAD WATER IMPROVEMENTS This project provides for the installation of a 24-inch water transmission line on Espola Road from Titan Way to Twin Peaks Road as a part of the Master Water System. Cost Estimate - $1,800,000 FY 89-90 - $1,800,000 5717 BEELER CREEK TRAIL/COBBLESTONE CREEK ROAD This project will stUdy the alternative means for serving the water supply and fire hydrant needs in the Beeler Creek Trail and Cobblestone Creek Road areas. Cost Estimate - $27,000 FY 90-91 - $27,000 ~ I 275 I REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL I Department: Activity: REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY W TER IMP OVEMENTS I Project Total Total Project Description Estimated Prior 91-92 92-93 93-94 94-95 95-96 Code Cost Approp. Approp. Estimate Estimate Estimate Estimate I 5715 Humo Drive Improvements 161144 161144 I I I - I 5716 Espola Road Water Improvements 1800000 180000( I I I I 5717 Beeler Creek Trail/ I Cobblestone Creek 27000 27000 Road I I I I ACTIVITY TOTAL I 276 I REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL Department: Activity: REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY WATER IMPROVEMENTS ACTIVITY COMMENTARY 5718 EL TOPO/ESPOLA ROAD FIRE HYDRANT This project provides for the installation of a fire hydrant at El Topo and Espola Road as recommended by Redevelopment Advisory Committee. Cost Estimate - $5,900 FY 90-91 - $5,900 5719 MIDLAND ROAD FIRE HYDRANT This project provides for the installation of a fire hydrant at Midland Road as recommended by Redevelopment Advisory Committee. Cost Estimate - $6,000 FY 90-91 - $6,000 I 5720 POMERADO OAKS TRAILER PARK FIRE HYDRANT This project provides for the installation of extention of water main and a fire hydrant at Pomerado Oaks Trailer Park as recommended by Redevelopment Advisory Committee. Cost Estimate - $29,500 FY 90-91 - $29,500 I. 277 I REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY - CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL I Depa rtmen t: Activity: REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY WATER IMPROVEMENTS I Proj ect Total Total Project Description Estimate Prior 91-92 92-93 93-94 94-95 95-96 Code Cost ADorOD. Aooroo. Estimate Estimate Estimate Estimate I 5718 El Topo/Espola Roac Fi re Hydrant 5900 590( I I I I 5719 Midland Road Fire I Hydrant 6000 600( I I- I 5720 Pomerado Oaks Trailer Park I Fi re Hydrant 29500 2950( I I I I ACTI V I TV TOTAL $2190544 $2190544 I 278 I REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY I CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL Department: Activity: I REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY SEWER IMPROVEMENTS ACTIVITY COMMENTARY 5801 WATER RECLAMATION PLANT I This project provides for the design of a water reclamation plant at the existing site utilizing the Coordinate Chemical Bonding and Adsorption (CCBA) process or other feasible alternative. Construction will follow. The San Diego County Water Authority contributed funds towards the feasibility study. This year will include the construction of 5,700' of transmission main in Alt. 8. Cost Estimate - $1,784,708 FY 87-88 - $400,000 FY 88-89 - 584,708 FY 89-90 - 800,000 5802 SANITARY SEWER - OLIVE TREE LANE As proposed by the Redevelopment Advisory Committee, this project will provide for the construction of a 650-foot sanitary sewer line extensIon along Olive Tree Lane, and continue easterly towards poway Road for an additional 450 feet. Cost Estimate - $112,000 FY 88-89 - $112,000 I 279 I REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL I Department: Activity: REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY SEWER IMPROVEMENTS I Total Total Project Project Description Estimated Prior 91-92 92-93 93-94 94-95 95-96 Code Cost Approp. Approp. Estimate Estimate Estimate Estimate I 5BOl Water Reclamation Plant 1784708 1784708 I I I I I 5802 Sanitary Sewer - I Olive Tree Lane 112000 112000 I I I I I I I ACTIVITY TOTAL $1896708 $1896708 I f 280 I REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL Department: Activity: REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY REVITALIZATION PROJECTS ACTIVITY COMMENTARY 5901 COMMERCIAL REVITALIZATION The sum of $2,612,351 was allocated for use in commercial revitalization projects. The funds were spent in developing the tax base for the City through redevelopment activities. Cost Estimate - $4,993,243 Funding Source - FY 91-92 RDA Bond Proceeds (#34) $1,450,000 FY 86-87 - $ 815,348 RDA land Sale (#39) $ 930,892 FY 89-90 - 1,797,003 FY 91-92 - 2,380,892 5950 HOUSING REVITALIZATION The sum of $760,000 has been allocated for use in housing revital ization proJects. These funds were used in the development of Poinsettia Mobilehome Park. The feasibility study for poway Royal Mobilehome Park was also funded by this project. Cost Estimate - $760,000 FY 86-87 - $760,000 5951 HALEY MOBILEHOME PARK This project provides for the design and construction of a low and moderate income mobilehome park south of poway Creek. One project will also include relocation assistance for existing tenants. Cost Estimate - $9,471,599 FY 89-90 - $6,000,000 FY 90-91 - 3,471,599 5953 POINSETTIA STREET RESURFACING This project provides for patching asphalt, installing concrete swabs and overlaying all streets in Poinsettia Mobile Home Park after completion of electrical repairs. Cost Estimate - $355,000 Funding Source - FY 91-92 RDA Land Sale (#39) $114,600 FY 91-92 - $355,000 RDA Bond Proceeds (#37) 240,400 I 281 I REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL I Department: Activity: REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY REVITALIZATION PROJECTS I Total Total Projec' Project Description Estimated Prior 91-92 92-93 93-94 94-95 95-96 Code Cost ADD roo. ADD roo. Estimate Estimate Estimate Estimate I 5901 Commercial Revital ization 4993243 2612351 238089, I I I I 5950 Housing Revital ization 760000 76000( I I - I I 5951 Haley Mobilehome Park 9471599 947159S I I I 5953 Poinsettia Street Resurfacing 355000 35500( I I ACTIVITY TOTAL I -' 282 I REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL Department: Activity: REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY REVITALIZATION PROJECTS ACTIVITY COIlMENTARY 5955 POINSETTIA FAMILY PARK TOT LOT This project provides for installation of tot lot over poured protective rubber cushioning and safety perimeter fence in Poinsettia Mobile Home Park family park. Cost Estimate - $19,000 Funding Source - FY 91-92 RDA Bond Proceeds (#37) $(8,000) FY 90-91 - $27,000 FY 91-92 - (8,000) 5956 POINSETTIA RV STORAGE AREA This project provides for grading existing dirt lot and applying asphalt surface, striping the lot and installing chain link fence. Cost Estimate - $32,000 Funding Source - FY 91-92 RDA 80nd Proceeds (#37) $(36,000) FY 90-91 - $ 68,000 i=Y 91-92 - (36,000) 5957 POINSETTIA SENIOR CAR WASH This project provides for removing existing asphalt and replacing with concrete. Cost Estimate - $2,200 Funding Source - FY 91-92 RDA Bond Proceeds (#37) $(18,000) FY 90-91 - $ 20,200 FY 91-92 - (18,000) I 283 I REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL I Department: Activity: REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY REVITALIZATION PROJECTS I Total Total Project Project Description Estimatec Prior 91-92 92-93 93-94 94-95 95-96 Code Cost ADD roo. ADDroD. Estimate Estimate Estimate Estimate I 5955 Poinsettia Family Park Tot Lot 19000 27000 (8000) I I I I 5956 Poinsettia RV Storage Area 32000 68000 (36000) I I I I 5957 Poinsettia Senior Car Wash 2200 20200 (18000) I I I I I ACTIVITY TOTAL I 284 I REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY I CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL Department: Activity: I REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY REVITALIZATION PROJECTS ACTIVITY COMMENTARY I 5958 POINSETTIA MOBILEHOME PARK ELECTRICAL RENOVATION I This project provides for the electrical renovation of Poinsettia Mobilehome Park as well as other contingencies for the park. I Cost Estimate - $822,000 Funding Source - FY 91-92 RDA Bond Proceeds (#37) $(96,000) I FY 90-91 - $918,000 FY 91-92 - (96,000) I 5959 LOW-MOD SHARED HOUSING PROGRAM The project provides for funding a shared housing program for poway residents with I low and moderate income. Cost Estimate - $17,043 Funding Source - FY 91-92 I RDA Bond Proceeds (#36) $17,043 FY 91-92 - $17,043 I 5997 '90 REFUNDING BOND CONTINGENCY I This project provides for a contingency to fund unanticipated project costs on current I Redevelopment Agency projects. Cost Estimate - $213,628 Funding Source - FY 91-92 I RDA Bond Proceeds (#33) $(45,500) FY 90-91 - $259,128 FY 91-92 - (45,500) I I I I I I 285 I REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL I Department: Activity: REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY REVITALIZATION PROJECTS I Total Total projec. Project Description Estimatec Prior 91-92 92-93 93-94 94-95 95-96 Code Cost ADD roo. ADD roo. Estimate Estimate Estimate Estimate I, 5958 Poinsettia I Mobilehome Park Ii Electrical Reno- va t j on 822000 91800C (96000) 1 I.' . I 5959 Low-Mod Shared Housing Program 17043 17043 I I I 5997 '90 Refunding Bond Contingency 213628 25912E (45500) I I I I I I ACTIVITY TOTAL I 286 1 REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY I CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL Department: Activity: I REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY REVITALIZATION PROJECTS ACTIVITY COMMENTARY I 5998 LOW/MODERATE HOUSING REVITALIZATION-421.6 K CONTINGENCY I This project provides for a contingency to fund unanticipated project costs on current Redevelopment Agency projects in the low/moderate income housing fund. Cost Estimate - $421,600 FY 90-91 - $421,600 I 1 5999 NEIGHBORHOOD IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS The sum of $264,900 has been allocated for use In neighborhood revitalization projects I as recommended by the Redevelopment Advisory Committee. A report containing specific proposals will be presented to the Redevelopment Agency in 1989. Projects recommended by the Committee in 1988-89 have been included in this Capital Improvement Program. Cost Estimate - $264,900 FY 86-87 - $ 238,600 FY 87-88 - 27,600 FY 88-89 - (38,900) I FY 89-90 - 37,600 I 287 I REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL I . Department: Activity: REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY REVITALIZATION PROJECTS I Total Total Project Project Description Estimatec Prior 91-92 92-93 93-94 94-95 95-96 Code Cost Approp. Approp. Est1mate Estimate Estimate Estimate I 5998 Low/Moderate I Housing Revitali- zation-421.6K Contingency 421600 42160( 1 I I 5999 Neighborhood Im- provement Projects 264900 264900 I - I I I I 1 I 1 I I ACTIVITY TOTAL $,17372213 $11482277E $2549435 I 288 I I 1m I " 1 ...1 ,.' ," , I . I I , I I , ;. ... '''-''.-.'- " I ~ "", , I , , .~ I , -\ ...r - - " I , , I r I I . 1 I I I PAGUAY REDEVEl.OPMENT PROJECT I -lI'AOJECT ""fA 1I0UN0.ut'l' _CITYlOUNIl.un -Ucc.U.lUaol..IlIi.... 1 PAGUA Y REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I APPENDIX A RESOLUTION NO. 91-072 ADOPTING 1991-1992 FINANCIAL PROGRAM I 290 I RESOLUTION NO. 91-072 I A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF POWAY, CALIFORNIA, I APPROVING AND ADOPTING THE ANNUAL BUDGET FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1991-1992 AND APPROPRIATING THE FUNDS NECESSARY TO MEET THE EXPENDITURES SET FORTH THEREIN I I. ADOPTION OF ANNUAL BUDGET I WHEREAS, the City Manager of the City of poway has submitted to the City Counc1l of the City of poway a 1991-1992 Fi sca 1 Year Operati ng and Capi ta 1 I Improvement Budget in the amount of $30,297,064 in proposed expenditures for general and special City purposes and reflecting estimated revenues in the total amount of $41,417,773; and WHEREAS, the Ci ty Counci 1 of the Ci ty of Poway has heretofore cons i derect I said budget and fixed the dates of June II, June 18, and June 25, 1991 as the dates for holding public hearings relative to its adoption; and I WHEREAS, following duly given notice, the City Counc1l of the City of Poway, did hold such public hearings, receiving, considering and evaluating all public comments. I NOW, THEREFORE, the City Counc1l of the City of Poway does hereby FIND, DETERMINE AND DECLARE as follows: I Section 1: The City Manager's proposed 1991-1992 Fiscal Year Budget for general and special City purposes is hereby amended as follows: I (A) REVENUE AMENDMENTS Amount of Revenue Fund Description of Revenue Adjustment I Number Revenue Amendment (Increase:+/Decrease:-) 1-7401 CSA Assessments from County + $112,800 I 60-7520 Water Sales and Service - 528,830 60-7529 Water Capacity Charges + 277,570 60-7530 Pumping Charges - Water Service I (ID #1) - 15,000 60-7532 Pumping Charges - Water Service (Orchard) - 19,590 61-7520 Sewer Sales and Service + 397,220 I Net Total Revenue Amendments: + $224,170 I I I I I 291 I Resolutton No. 91-072 Page 2 I (B) EXPENDITURE AMENDMENTS I Activity. Amount of or Project Explanation of Expenditure Ajustment Code Cost Center Expenditure Amendment (Increase:+/Decrease:-) I Community Services + $ 200-371 Office of the Contribution to Library 4,280 I Director 201-110 Recreation Funds for 4th of July Celebration + 6,000 201-110/120 Recreation Salaries/Benefits + 6,930 I 206-110/120 Aquatics Salaries/Benefits + 5,890 Publ i c Servi ces I 404-515 Water Supply Intergovernmental Fees + 1,320 Safety Servi ces 501-322 Fire Suppression Dispatch Contract - 16,500 I Capital Proj ects 1233 Curbside Recycling Project + 80,000 I 1234 Realignment Study-High Valley Road + 112,800 I Net Total Expenditure Amendments: + $200,720 I Section 2: The City Manager's proposed 1991-1992 Fi sca 1 Year Budget for general and special City purposes, as amended in Section 1, subsections (A) and (B) thereof, is approved and adopted in the amount of $30,497,784 for expen- I ditures and $41,641,943 in revenues. Section 3: The monies necessary to offset the expenses incurred as detailed I in the 1991-1992 budget document, as adopted by the City Council for the City of Poway pursuant to Section 2 hereof, are authorized by this section to be appropriated out of the funds available to the City during the 1991-1992 Fiscal Year. I Section 4: The City Manager is authorized to make such changes in depart- ment operating and capital improvement budget totals during the 1991-1992 Fiscal I Year as may be, from time to time, deemed desirable and necessary in order to meet the City's needs. I Section 5. The Capital Improvement Projects of the City of poway are in conformance with the City of poway Comprehensive Plan as governed by Section 65402 of the California Government Code. I I 292 I Resolution No. 91-072 I Page 3 II. APPROPRIATION OF FUND BALANCES I WHEREAS, it has been determined that appropriating unappropriated reserve I monies in various funds in a manner corresponding to the operational mode of the City is reasonable and proper; and WHEREAS, funds established and monies appropriated shall not be considered I as restricted totally in their availability and use and amounts may be adjusted between funds as necessary to serve the future needs of the City of Poway. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Counc1l of the City of Poway does hereby di rect I that any unappropriated balance in the General Fund as of June 30, 1992, shall be automatically appropriated into the Contingency Fund therein; and I That any unappropriated balance in the Water Fund as of June 30, 1992, shall be automatically appropriated into the Contingency Fund therein; and I That any unappropriated balance in the Sewer Fund as of June 30, 1992, shall be automatically appropriated to the Contingency Fund therein. I I II. COLLECTION AND EXPENDITURE OF DEVELOPER DEPOSITS WHEREAS, deposits will be accepted in the The Developer Deposit Fund (Fund I 84) during the fiscal year based upon the levels of development activity; and WHEREAS, the City is responsible for administering these deposits, including I coll ect ion and disbursement of funds as necessary to pay for development services. NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved that the City Counci 1 hereby authori zes I expenditures of developer deposit funds on hand at July 1, 1991, together with any funds collected during fiscal year 1991-92. I IV. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM APPROPRIATIONS WHEREAS, the financial plan provides for the appropriation of monies for I Capital Improvement Projects; and WHEREAS, these projects may span multiple fiscal years. I NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council hereby authorizes a continuing appropria- I tion for the balances remaining in Capital Improvement Projects active as of June 30, 1990, and directs that the authorized appropriation shall be brought forward to be used in the fiscal year 1991-92 Capital Improvement Project program or until the completion of these projects. I I I I 293 I Resolution No. 91-072 Page 4 I V. COLLECTION AND EXPENDITURE OF BUILDING INSPECTION FEES I WHEREAS, fees collected by the City for- building inspection services offset the City's contractual expenditures to provide inspection services. I NOW,_ THEREFORE, be it resolved that the City Counc1l hereby authorizes the expenditure of all such fees collected during Fiscal Year 1991-92, at the discretion of the City Manager, provi ded that these fees be spent for the provi si on of sa i d contractual bu1l ding inspect i on servi ces. I PASSED, ADOPTED AND APPROVED, by the City Council of the City of Poway, I California, at a regular meeting thereof tfis 25th day of June, 1991. j I ~ GOId,m th, I ATTEST: I J }I()_~\k,'- I~ 'J1.!iX./!,.-\-tt_ Marjorie K', Wahlsten, City Clerk \ - J I STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO ) I I, Marjorie K. Wahlsten, City Clerk of the City of Poway, do hereby certify I under penalty of perjury that the foregoing Resolution No. 91-072 was duly adopted by the City Council at a meeting of said City Council held on the 25th day of June, 1991, and that it was so adopted by the following vote: I AYES: EMERY, HIGGINSON, SNEKSO, GOLDSMITH NOES: NONE I ABSTAIN: NONE ABSENT: MC INTYRE I J I \CL\k~L 1< ;j Get L) t~_ I Marjorie K. Wahlsten, City Clerk City of \po way I 6/R/BUDGETl-4 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I APPENDIX B RESOLUTION NO. R-91-14 ADOPTING 1991-1992 REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY FINANCIAL PROGRAM I 296 I RESOLUTION NO. R-91-14 I A RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF POWAY, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING AND ADOPTING THE ANNUAL BUDGET I FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1991-1992, AUTHORIZING LOAN PAYBACK TO THE CITY OF POWAY FROM THE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY DEBT SERVICE FUND, I AND AUTHORIZING EXPENDITURES THEREFROM WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Poway (the "City"), in accordance I with the provisions of the California Community Redevelopment Law, has created a Community Redevelopment Agency Administrative Fund for the purpose of accounting for administrative expenses of the poway Redevelopment Agency (the "Agency") and I fund advances therefore; and WHEREAS, the City Council has approved by resolution of even date herewith, I a community redevelopment budget for fi sca I year 1991-92 and has approved a net loan payback to the City in the amount of $327,790 to be deposited in the City's General Fund; and I WHEREAS, the Agency desires to approve a community redevelopment budget for fiscal year 1991-92 and authorizes said payback to the City. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE POWAY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY AS FOLLOWS: I Sect ion 1. The budget attached to this resolution as Exhibit "A" and I incorporated herein by reference is hereby adopted and approved as the 1991-92 budget of the Agency. Section 2. The net loan payback to the City of $327,790 appropriated to I the Communi ty Redevelopment Agency Debt Servi ce Fund for debt servi ce expen- ditures of the Agency, as set forth in said budget, is hereby authorized by the Agency and the Agency agrees to pay interest thereon at a rate equal to the I annual average interest accrued on investments of the City's General Fund as calculated on January 1st of each year. The Agency acknowl edges that said payback constitutes the relief of the same indebtedness from the Agency within I the meaning of Article 6, Chapter 6, of the California Community Redevelopment Law. Section 3. The expendi ture of moni es from the Community Redevelopment I Agency Administrative Fund for administrat.ive expenses and capital projects as set forth in said budget is hereby authorized, subject to compliance with the same procedure establ i shed by the City for the expendi ture of funds by other I agencies and departments of the City subject to budgetary control. Sect ion 4. As requ i red by the Community Redeve 1 opment Law, the Agency I shall fi 1 e with the Ci ty Counc i 1 a deta il ed report of all of its transact ions with respect to the Community Redevelopment Agency Administrative Fund, including a statement of all revenues and expenditures, no less than annually. I I I I 297 I Resolution No. R-91-14 Page 2 1 Secti on 5. The proposed 1991-1992 .Fi scal Year Budget for the Community Redevelopment Agency is hereby amended as follows: II (A) REVENUE AMENDMENTS Amount of I Revenue Fund Explanation of Revenue Adjustment Descri pt ion Revenue Amendment (Increase: +/Decrease: -) I 39-7667 Devel. opment Fee - South Poway Sports Park + $ 250,000 39-7660 Sale of Land to poway Motors Inc. + 930,895 II TOTAL REVENUE AMENDMENTS: + $1,180,895 II (B) EXPENDITURE AMENDMENTS II Object or Amount of Project Explanation of Expenditure Ajustment Code Expenditure Amendment (Increase:+/Decrease:-) I 5411 Temple Street Storm Drain + $ 90,000 5514 Civic Center Site (prior year's appropriation) - 1,800,000 II 5602 Old Poway Park Construction + 350,000 5620 Design and Construction of South Poway Sports Park + 250,000 I 5901 Commercial Revitalization + 2,380,895 II TOTAL EXPENDITURE AMENDMENTS: + $1,270,895 Section 6. The Executive Director is authorized to make such changes in II the administrative and capital improvement project budget totals during the 1991-1992 Fiscal Year as may be, from time to time, deemed desirable and necessary in order to meet the Agency's needs. I Section 7. The Capital Improvement Projects of the poway Redevelopment Agency are in conformance with the City of poway Comprehensive Plan as governed by Section 65402 of the California Government Code. I. Sect ion 8. The Redevelopment Agency hereby authori zes a cont i nu i ng appropriation for the balances remaining in Capital Improvement Projects active I as of June 30, 1990, and directs that the authorized appropriation shall be brou.ght forward to be used in the fi sca I year 1991-92 Capi ta 1 Improvement Project program or until the completion of these projects. 1 I 298 I Resolution No. R-91-14 I Page 3 _E.~SS~D> ADOPTED AND APPROVED, by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of I Poway, Caiifornia; at a regular meeting thereof thi 25th day of June, 1991. ~.. 1 II \;]Ol~' Chairman d"''''';' ATTEST: II . rW'-\.-\l<-~ 1-<: ZJ L~.l.""'tt.-, Marjorie K. Wahlsten, Secretary \ \. II '-.) STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) I ) ss. COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO ) I, Marjorie K. Wahlstlln, Secretary of the poway Redevelopment Agency, do II hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution No. R-91-14 was duly adopted by the Redevelopment Agency at a meeting of said Agency on the 25th day of June, 1991, - ." and that it was so adopted by the following vote: II AYES: EMERY, HIGGINSON, SNEKSO, GOLDSMITH NOES: NONE II ABSTAIN: NONE ABSENT: MCJNTYRE I J) IClv~~L k' J UtLk.') -G::. II Marjorie K. Wahlsten, Secretary poway Redevelopment Agency I .~ II I I I II I I I II I I 1 I I I I I I I I 1 I I APPENDIX C CHART OF EXPENSE ACCOUNTS AND DEFINITIONS I 300 I EXPENSE ACCOUNT DEFINITIONS 1 PERSONNEL SERVICE. Salaries, wages and fees for personnel services not involving I the furnishing of materials. 110 Salaries - Regular. Compensation paid to regularly employed personnel on I the City's payroll, assigned payroll number and subject to normal payroll deductions, such compensation includes stand-by (call-out) pay, paramedic pay, shift differential, etc. II 111 Salaries - Special. Salaries paid to Councilmembers and any others not subject to the majority of the normal payroll deductions. 1 112 Salaries - Part-Time. Wages paid to employees who are classified as part-time employees. 113 Salaries - Overtime. Portion of the salary subject to premium pay. 1 120 Fri nge Benefits. City paid benefits such as PERS, health insurance, com- I pensation insurance and other benefits as negotiated in the MOU's. 121 Workers Compo Benefits. Total City paid workers compensation benefits. This account is used only in the Risk Management Division. 1 122 Health Li fe Benefits. Total City paid health and 1 He insurance and other benefits. This account is used only in the Risk Management II Division. 123 Retirement Benefits. Total City paid PERS contribution. Th is account is II used only in the Risk Management Division. 130 Temporary Services. Cost of outside temporary personnel hired on an "as needed" basis. I 131 Volunteer Service. Volunteer workers, such as volunteer firefighters on call for fire suppression. I 140 City Attorney Fees. Compensation paid to the City Attorney. 141 Legal Fees. Compensation paid to lawyers other than the City Attorney I for legal advice. 142 Litigation - City Attorney. Compensation paid to the City Attorney to 1 represent the City in court appearances. 143 Building Inspection. Compensation paid for providing building inspection 1 service. 144 Audit Service. Compensa t ion pa i d to cert Hi ed pub li c accountants and 1 other outside accountants engaged by Council. 145 Data Processing Consultant. Compensation paid to data processing con- sultants. 1 II I 301 I 146 Litigation - Other Attorneys. Compensation paid to attorneys other than the City Attorney to represent the City in court appearances. 147 Chemical Analysis. Compensation paid to chemists and other scientists I for analytical work. 148 Special Studies. Cost of special studies and analysis performed by out- I side consu I tants and other profess i ona Is for specifi c programs, e.g. , personnel study, needs assessment study, etc. . 160 Engineering. Compensation paid to engineers for general servi ces not otherwise classified. 161 Water Project Engineering. Compensation paid to eng i nee rs for water I projects. 162 Sewer Project Engineering. Compensation paid to engineers for sewer pro- I jects. 163 Traffi c Engi neeri ng. Compensation paid to engineers for traffi c I projects. 164 Land Oevelopment Engi neeri ng. Compensation paid to engineers for land development analysis including right-of-way engineering. I 165 Construction Engineering. Compensation paid to engineers for construc- tion surveys, material and compaction testing and consultation etc. , I that occur during the construction phase. 199 Other Professional Fees. Other services not otherwise classified, such I as election fees, codification, surveying, etc. UTILITIES,. TRANSPORTATION ANO COMMUNICATIONS SERVICES. Utilities, allowances in lieu of City cars, City fleet costs, travel and subsistence allowances, advertis- I ing, recruitment and postage. 210 Gas and Electricity. Payment for el ectri city and gas used for genera 1 II purpose activities, not otherwise classified to provide lighting, heating and power. 211 Natural Gas. Cost of fuels such as propane and liquid natural gas. I 212 Water - Inter-agency. Cost of water purchased from the City by Landscape Maintenance Oistricts. I 213 Water Purchases. Cost of buying raw water for resale. I 214 Water Storage Adjustment. Account used by Finance annually to adjust water inventory to the actua.l 1 evel. 215 Telephone. Cost of telephone charges for service, installation, local I and long distance calls, and cost of sending telegrams. 216 Trash Removal. Cost of contract to remove trash. I I 302 I 217 Gasoline and Diesel Fuel. Cost of gasoline and diesel fuel purchased for 1 use in City vehicles and equipment. 218 Signal Power. Cost of electricity used for traffic signals. 219 Street Safety Light and Power. Cost of electricity to provide safety I lighting on City streets. 220 M&O - Penasquitos System. Maintenance and operations charges paid to the II City of San Diego for effluent through this system. 221 M&O - Metro System. Same as 220. II 222 M&O - Bernardo System. Same as 220. 223 Capacity - Metro System. Annual capacity service charges paid to the 1 City of San Diego. 229 Telemetry. Telephone line lease charges and electricity cost for signal II transmission involving measurement and control of water and sewer pump stations. 230 Other Utility Charges. Minor utility charges for gas, electricity, II telephone, water trash removal etc. where specific identification of ser- vice type is not necessary. II 240 Pumping Power - Plant. Utility charges for pumping to water or sewer facility. II 242 Pumping Power - Lake. Utility charges for pumping water to this loca- tion. 243 Pumping Power - I.D. 1. Utility charges for pumping water through this II pump station location to serve the utility consumers. These costs are passed on to the consumers as a pumping charge on the utility bi 11 and 1 returned to the City as revenue. 244 Pumping Power - St. Andrews. Utility charge for pumping wastewater II through this pump station location to serve the utility consumers. These costs are passed on to the consumers as a pumping charge on the utility bill and returned to the City as revenue. 245 Pumping - I.D. 4. Same as 243. 1 246 Pumping Power - Camino Del Valle. Same as 244. 1 247 Pumping Power - Orchard A-73. Same as 243. 248 Pumping Power - Donart. Same as 243. II 249 Pumping Power - Convair. Same as 243. 250 Pumping Power -Plant. Same as 243. I 251 Pumping Power Telemetry. Same as 229. II II I 303 I ~52 Pumping Power - Camel Back. Same as 243. 253 Pumping Power - Del Poniente. Same as 244. 1 254 Pumping Power - Woodcliff. Same as 243. 255 Pumping Power - Community Road/South Poway. Same as 243. II 256 Pumping Power - Highlands. Same as 244. I 257 Gregg St. Pump Station. Same as 243. 258 Welton Pump Station. Same as 243. I 260 Reimbursed Mileage. Money paid to City staff and others for use of their own vehicles on a time basis or mileage basis established by the Council. This payment represents either a mileage reimbursement or a car allowance II paid to designated employees in lieu of an assigned City vehicle. 262 Vehicle Operations. In-house cost of fuel charged to City departments/ I divisions. 263 Vehicle Maintenance. Labor, materials, parts and other costs associated with maintenance of City-owned vehicles. These costs are normally i n- Il house charges by the City's Vehicle and Equipment Maintenance Division to other City departments/divisions. This account is also used by the Vehicle and Equipment Maintenance Division to acquire parts and materials I to provide these services. This account is also used by the Sheriff's Department for outside maintenance. The charges to thi s account are scrutinized by Finance and the Budget Committee. Transfer requests are I discouraged. 264 Vehicle Rental. Rate paid to recover the anticipated replacement cost of City-owned vehicles. The charges to thi s account are scrutinized by I Finance, and bUdget transfer requests are discouraged. 270 Travel and Meetings. Costs of attending meetings, seminars, conferences II or workshops. Such charges include meals, transportation, lodging, registration fees, etc. 280 Advertising. Advertising expense for public notices. II 281 Recrui tment. Expenses associated with hiring and promoting employees, such as fingerprinting, advertising, testing and costs associated with I interview boards. 282 Postage. Mailing expense including parcel post. II CONTRACTUAL SERVICES. Labor and materials contracted for outside the division, medical exams, subscriptions, memberships, promotional costs. I 303 Joint Use Agreement Contribution-PUSD. Cost paid to PUSD for joint use of faci lities. I 305 Contract Landscape Maint. Cost of contractual maintenance. I 3M I 306 Election Services. To pay for election-related expenses. I 308 Publ ic Transportation Service - Community. Cost paid to contract services for transportation services related to TDA programs. II 311 Printing. Costs paid to outside firms for printing, binding, and dupli- cating. 312 Janitorial' Services. Payments to outside firms for providing these I services. 313 Uniforms and Laundry. Costs to purchase uniforms; laundry and dry 1 cleaning of fabrics including uniforms,draperies, cleaning rags, etc. 314 Community Relations. Costs of decorative and promotional materials used II to publicize the City, including such things as plaques, proclamations, flowers, school safety patrol, etc. 315 Publications and Dues. Payments for subscriptions to journals, news- II papers and purchase of books and other pamphlets to promote the inter- change of ideas, membership fees and associated costs for officials and I key employees to attend various municipal organizations to promote the interchange of ideas. Also used for the City's membership in the same type of organizations. 316 Medical Exams. Costs for periodic physical examinations required by the I City for City employees and for prospective employees. 317 Education and Training. Used for training at local col leges, for guest 1 lectures and educational films where overnight travel is not included. 318 Leisure Contracts. Costs paid to outside recreation leaders for pro- I grams. These expenses are offset by revenue generated by these programs. 319 Animal Regulation. Contractual agreement for removal of dead animals, I animal regulation, and animal control. 320 Outside Emergency Assistance. Used by Safety Services for costs that are I paid to other agencies for their assistance at a fire or chemical spills such as costs including meals, support, etc. 321 Community Safety. Contract costs with the County Sheri ff' s Department I for police protection. Also includes other costs associated with police protection. 322 Dispatch Contract - Fi reo Contract cost with the City of San Diego' s I Fire Department for dispatch service. 323 Tuition Reimbursement. Cost of reimbursing City staff for fees paid to 1 educational institutions. This account is used only in the Personnel Division and administered in accordance with the City's tuition reimbur- I sement policy. 324 Nuisance Abatement. Cost of soil sterilization and/or weed abatement I and/or vehicle abatement at off-street locations deemed to be a public nuisance. 1 I 305 325 Vehicle Regulation. Costs associated with traffic citation processing, I bicycle licensing program, and towing program. 326 Telecom Contracts. Costs paid to link City's computer or equipment with I information provider's computer or equipment through various telecom- municatlon equipment. II 327 Dispatch Contract - Sheriff. Costs paid to San Diego County Sheriff's Department for contracted dispatcher's services. 328 D.A.R.E. Program. Costs paid to implement Drug Awareness and II Resistance Education Program (DARE). 329 Cal-ID System Safety Services. Cost paid to implement a system of State- II wide fingerprint identification network and database. 331 R&M Building. Costs associated with repair and maintenance of the City's buildings and structures. I 332 R&M Air Conditioning. Costs associated with the repair and maintenance of the City's air conditioning, heating, and ventilation units. I 333 R&M Elevator. Costs associated with the repair and maintenance of the City'S elevator. II 334 R&M Equipment. Costs associated with therepai r and maintenance of City equipment not otherwise classified. This account includes the cost of service/maintenance agreements. I 335 R&M Outside Veh.ic.le Repair. Repair of vehicles and equipment performed by outside shops for the Vehicle and Equipment Maintenance Division. II 336 R&M Playground Equipment. Costs associated with the repair and main- tenance of playground .equipment. I 337 R&M Radios. Costs of contract to repair and maintain radios and assoc- iated radio equipment. Also includes related materials and supplies. '11 338 R&M Fire Hydrants. Costs associated with repair and maintenance of City fi re hydrants. 1 350 R&M Sidewalks and Barricades. Trim and/or tree removal, repair and/or replace concrete sidewalks and curbs, repair and/or replace roadside guardra 11 s. I 351 R&M Signals. Contract services with private firm for City traffic signals and associated flashers. Service includes, but is not limited II to, repair and maintenance of signals, safety lights, street lights and knock-down repair. 353 R&M Roadway - FAU. Contract services for eligible road repair and I maintenance under the Federal Aid Urban (FAU) Program. 354 R&M Street Striping. Contract service for striping roadway traffic II lanes, islands, and bike lanes. I 306 I 355 R&M Roadway. Contract for patching, repairing and surfacing roadways. 1 This also incl udes major repair and maintenance of the roadways not otherwise classified. 356 Street Repairs - SB 300. To account for eligible street repairs financed I by the City's SB 300 allocation. 357 Pavement Evaluation. Engineering study of roadway condition for priority 1 of repair. 358 Street Sweeping. Contract cost for providing street sweeping service. I 359 R&M Roadway - FAU. Contract services for eligible road repa i rand maintenance under the Federal Aid Urban (FAU) Program. I 360 Contract Inspection. Special engineering inspections on contracted pri- vate or public improvement. 363 Plan Check/Map Processing. Contract engineering costs for checking and I process i ng pl ans and speci fi ca t ions to determi ne conformance with City requirements and specifications. I 364 Environ. Impact Revi ew-Pl ans. Contract costs for review of plans for environmental consideration. This expense is offset by revenue for en- I vironmental impact plan fees. 370 Other Contract Services Reimb. Other contractual services which repre- sent a "pass through" account and reimbursed services not otherwi se I classified such as knock down repair. 371 Fund Interim Improvement to Poway Library. Costs of equipment, books, I and services for the library. 399 Other Contractual Services. All contractual services not assigned to one of the foregoing designations. I MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES. Expendable items used by City departments having a mone- I tary value of less than $100.00 or which are enti'rely consumed or are fastened to a structure or real property to become part of such item. 411 Office & Stationery Supplies. Consumable items used in an office, such I as paper, pens, ribbons, note pads, etc. 412 Janitorial Supplies. Those items used for cleaning such as rags, mops, I brooms, soap, cleaners, etc. Also, consumable items such as paper towels, soap, etc. 413 Photographi c/Copy Supp 1 i es. Consumabl e items used for photography and I photocopy processing 414 Medical Supplies. Consumab 1 e items such as bandages, oxygen and other I fi rst aid items. This account is used primarily by the Paramedics. 1 II I 307 416 Safety Supplies, Supplies used in safety programs. I 417 Operating Supp.lies. Supplies used for ma'intenance and operations of City-owned property, including items which are unique to each activity. II 418 Trout Stock. Cost of stocking trout in the lake. I 419 Other Fi sh Stock. Cost of stock i ng all other fi sh except trout in the lake. I 420 Small Tools. Hand tools, measuring tools, and other tools and instru- ments valued at less than $100.00 and often portable. 421 Landscaping Supplies. Landscape and planting materials and supplies. II 422 Employee Awards. Awards presented to employees in recognition of their services and other special awards. I 423 Chemicals. Cost of acquiring chemicals. This account is primarily used by Public Services for water or sewage treatment. I 441 Street Repair Materials. Materials and supplies used to repair and main- tain roadways, sidewalks, curbs, and center medians, etc. . 442 Storm Repair & Cleanup. Materials used to repair damages ca,used by storms. I 443 Culvert Cleaning. Materials and supplies used to clean and repair culverts, storm drains and other waterways. 444 Sign Maintenance. Materials and supplies used for signs and billboards II resurfacing and construction. 445 Misc. Construction Materials. Construction materials not otherwise II classified. 446 Oversi zi ng Agreement. Material sand suppl i es used to enl arge 1 i nes beyond normal parameters. II 499 Other Supplies and Materials. Materials and supplies not otherwise properly classified above. I FIXED CHARGES, DEBT AND OTHER COSTS. Rents, insurance, bond charges and fees, uncollectibles, transfers and other expenses not otherwise classified. Also, I expenses for redevelopment. 511 Equipment Rental. Payment to rent machinery and equipment including such items as trenchers, backhoe, etc. II 512 Rent-Buildings and Grounds. Payment to rent facilities buildings and grounds including storage facilities. I 513 Rent - Office and Other Equip. Payment to rent office furniture and equipment, including such items as desk, typewriter, etc. 1 I 308 I 514 Lease Purchase. Payments made to use and obtain equipment per a . contract. 515 Intergovernmental Fees. Regulatory fees to the State of Cal ifornia, County of San Diego or other governmental agencies. 1 521 Uninsured Claims. Payment of the City's cost for claims. 522 Insurance Expense. Premi ums for insurance and bonds other than fri nge I benefit insurance programs. 523 Other Fees. Includes fiscal agent fees associated with bond issues, or II bond processing, taxes or other fixed costs. 524 Interest Expense. Payment of interest on bond issue, note and other II debt. 525 Tax Increment - County. Expense of the Redevel~pment Agency in accor- II dance with an agreement with the County of San Diego. 526 Principal Expense. Payment of pri nci pa I on bonds payab 1 e, notes and I other debts. 527 Bond Issuance Cost. Payment of bond issuance cost on bond issue; i.e., cost of printing. 1 528 Bond Refunding Cost. Payment of bond refunding expense on bond issues, notes and other debts. II 529 Lease Expense 1991 COP. Lease payment on Royal Mobile Home Park. 531 Expense Credits. To record transfers and expense reallocations not II otherwise classified. 532 Uncollectibles. Bad debt write-off. I 541 Cash Over/Under. Account used by cashiers unable to balance till. 542 Refund. Reimbursement of overpayment due to error, mistake or omission. II 551 Administrative Overhead. To record expenses for overhead and surcharges. II 552 Depreciation. The port i on of the cost of a fi xed asset charged as an expense. 555 Capital Outlay Rental. Rate paid to recover the anticipated replacement II cost of City-owned equipment. The charges to this account are scrutin- ized by Finance, and budget transfer requests are discouraged. . 558 Relocation Assistance. Expenses incurred to help relocate businesses and residents requ ired to move by City/Redevelopment Agency improvement projects. . 560 Administrative Cost. An account used to accumulate Redevelopment Agency costs. 1 I I 309 I 574 Long~Term Debt Principal. Expense for principal payment of Redevelopment Agency debt. 580 Unappropriated Reserves. Funds set aside by budget action for allocation I at a later date. 581 Transfers to Other Funds. Movement of resources between funds. I 582 Clearing Account. Account used by Finance. I CAPITAL OUT.LAY 8. FIXED ASSETS. Equipment, land, buildings and other assets which retain thei.r identity when in use. Equipment and tools valued at $100.00 or less and/or with an anticipated useful 1 ife of less than one (1) year shoul d be 1 expensed in the 400 series. 601 Telecommunications Equipment. Equipment used to send or receive data. Includes radios, transcei vers, modems, antennae, telex and telephone I equipment. 605 Photographic Equipment. Equipment used to take, develop or display pic- I tures, slides or film. Includes cameras, camcorders, slide projectors, and 1 ike items. 611 Office Equipment. Office machines, typewriters, adding machines, calcu- I 1 ators" check wri ters and such other equipment and machines as are required to facil itate office procedure; desks, chairs, beds, tables, stands, file cabinets, pictures, rugs, carpets, clocks, audio visual I equlpment and like items. 615 Paramedic Equipment. Includes biomedical equipment used by the City's 1 paramedics. 621 Autos and Trucks. Automobil es, trucks, trailers, motorcycles and all automotive equipment not listed elsewhere. 1 622 Other Equipment. Equipment not otherwise classified. I 623 Const./Street Maint. Equip. T racto rs, power shovels, cranes, mob 11 e hoists, air compressors, and simi 1 ar machi nes, including the vehicle carrying or supporting such items; street cleaning equipment. I 626 Fi re Fighting Apparatus. Fire trucks, rescue vehicles, salvage trucks, fire extinguishers, special vehicles or other items not listed elsewhere that are procured for the primary purpose of extinguishing flres, 1 inclui:ling vehicles for movement of fi re fighting personnel and their equipment. I 631 FireHoses. Fire hose of all sizes when in the hands of the Fire Depart- ment. When used for other purposes, such as flushing streets, should be in 623 category. II 640 Tra ffi c Contro Is. Signs and signals used for directional or speed control of vehicles; includes parking limitation signs, including attached lights and lamps and traffic signals and blinkers. I I 310 I 642 Street Light Replacement. Street lights, their standards, arms, lamps, I starters, ballasts, and other parts, used for street and walk illumina- tion when placed between property 1 ines in City-owned streets; when behind property lines, these are part of such property. I 643 Street Light Other. Other street equipment. 644 Athletic Equipment. Line markers, signal guns for games, hurdles, back- I stops and other similar items when portable or mobile. 645 Laboratory Equipment. Scientific instruments. I 646 Park Equ i pment. Park benches, picnic tables, barbecues. 651 Shop Tools. Tools and equipment used in the shop. I 652 Mobil e Tool s. Equipment mounted on wheels for ease of movement, but not including those in other categories above (623). Wood chippers, rotary I tiller, lawn mowers, trimmers, etc., would come under this heading. 653 Other Tools and Equipment. Tools and equipment not properly classified I in a foregoing classification. Scales for commercial vehicle enforce- ment, tools, and appropriate trailer. 662 Mains and Appurtenances. Mains, manholes, covers, and structures. I 666 Drainage Structures. Ditches, cul verts and underground pipes for move- ment of storm waters. I 671 Land. Land valued at more than $1,000.00. 672 Buildings. A structure of three or more walls and a roof, ,capable of 1 housing personnel, equipment or machinery, value of more than $500.00. 673 Misc. Structures. A special category for reservoirs, bridges, swimming I pools, and parking lots. 674 Commercial Revi ta.l ization. Project expenditures to el iminate commer- I cia] blight for the benefit of the Redevelopment Project Area. 675 Housing Revitalization. Project expenditures to el iminate housing I blight for the benefit of the Redevelopment Project Area. 676 Public Transit Fixtures. Bus benches and shelters. 681 Streets, Sidewalks, Trails. Land procured and improvements thereon for II the movement of people on foot or in vehicles, including bike lanes and rel a ted drainage, utility use, includes all portions dedicated to pUb- I lic use. 691 Non-Structural Improvements. Fences, thei r gates and parts, walls not I supporting roofs. 692 Trees and Landscapi ng. Trees, shrubs, plants, etc. that are part of a total project for beautification of grounds, either alone or at building. I I I 311 . 699 Other Assets. Those not properly classified in a foregoing classifica- tion. ASSESSMENT DISTRICT CHARGES. Cha rges for maintenance, repairs, contractual I servi ces and other ma te ria ls and supplies needed to maintain the assessment districts. I 710 Assessment Oistrict 83-1 (Rancho Arbolitos). Costs associated with maintaining this specifi c landscape maintenance assessment district, which includes Rancho Arbolitos, Barratt and Standard Pacific tracts. . 711 Assessment Oi strict 83-3 (Sunwood). Costs associated with maintaining this specific landscape maintenance assessment di stri ct, which includes the Sunwood tract. I 712 Assessment Oi strict 86-1 (Hi rsch Ranch). Costs associated with main- taining the Hirsch Ranch landscape maintenance district. I 713 Assessment District 86-2 punrise Ranch). Costs associated with main- taining the Sunrise Ranch andscape maintenance district. I 714 Assessment District 86-4 Street Lighting. Costs associated with main- taining street lighting within the district boundaries. I 715 Assessment District 87-1 Pomerado Business Park. Costs associated with Pomerado Business Park landscape maintenance district. I DEPOSIT ACCOUNTS. Costs for deposit accounts collected for engineering and inspection by Public Services Department. 810 Grad i n Plan Check. Covers all Ci ty charges for grading plan review I including consultants). 812 All City charges for grading inspection (including I 814 Final Map Checking. All City charges for checking processing maps, I required forms, etc. (including consultants). 816 1m rovement Plan Checkin . All City charges for improvement plan review including consultants). I 818 1m rovement Ins ection. All City charges for inspection of improve- ments including consultants). I 820 Boundary Adjustment Review. All City charges for revi ew of Boundary Adjustment, Certificates of Compliance, Certificate of Comp Ii ance for . Parcel Map Waiver, Merger without parcel map. 822 Misc. Engineering Requests. All City costs for stay application request; street or easement vaca t i on; special tentative map processi ng 1 (BSI costs); temporary sewer and water applications. 824 Cash deposits to secure construction of I total security or in combination with I 312 I 825 Security Deposits - Right of Way. Cash deposits to secure construction I of required improvements for right-of-way permits. 826 County Depos its Uncl ass i fi ed. Cash depos i ts remitted to the City from the County and lacking deta 11 for allocation by type of expense I category. 828 Sewer Annexation Deposits. Incl udes City charges for processi ng sewer I district annexations as well as annexation fees which the City must remit to the State of California. 830 Street lighting Deposits. Deposits to secure street 1 ighting improve- II ments. 999 SUSPENSE ACCOUNT. Account used only by the Finance Division. 1 I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I ," 1 II I I I I I I I I I II 1 I I I I APPENDIX D CHART OF REVENUE ACCOUNTS AND DEFINITIONS I 314 I REVENUE ACCOUNT DEFINITIONS II TAXES AND FRANCHISES: Revenue in the 7000 series represent taxes on retail I sales, property taxes, franchises or head (room) tax. Most of the taxes in this category are paid directly to the City by the unit that collects the tax. 7010 Property Tax - Current: Secured and unsecured property tax allocated I to the City by the County at the rate of 1% of the assessed value of the property. Payments are made to the City about 14 times a year with II the majority paid in December and April. Normally property value is anticipated to grow (i.e., inflate) at 2% of the prior year's values. 7012 Property Tax - Del inquent: Secured and unsecured property taxes that II were levied in prior tax year(s), but were not paid when levied. As the County collects these late taxes, they are paid to the City. 7013 Supplemental Tax Roll - Current: Secured and unsecured property taxes II generated from supplemental assessments which are the result of increases in assessed valuation due to changes of ownership or new II construction and are billed at the time of their occurrence. 7014 Supplemental Tax Roll - Delinquent: Supplemental property taxes paid in a year subsequent to the year in which the taxes were assessed. II 7015 Homeowners' Property Tax Exemption: A $7,000 exemption provided for in the State Constitution. The exemption is deducted from the full value I of the dwelling unit from the tax bill paid by the citizens. The State then reimburses the County who, in turn, reimbucses the City for the loss of revenue. The exemption is constitutionally guaranteed to the taxpayer, but the reimbursement to the City is subject to annual bUdget I review by the State. 7016 Business Inventory Subvention: Once businesses paid a tax on thei r I inventory on a specific date. This tax is no longer paid by businesses. The City is reimbursed for this revenue loss Subject to annual budget approval by the State. State law is phasing out this I revenue source over a 5-year period. 7017 Other Tax Roll Items: This is a series of miscellaneous taxes collected by the County and paid to the City on personal property I including such items as trailers, race horses, and aircraft. 7018 Trailer License Fees - Property Tax: Motor trailer license fee revenue I collected by the State of California from mobile home owners not on the current tax roll. 7019 No- and Low-Property Tax Transfer: SB-709 revenue generated from I property tax transfer--7% over 7 years--to II low-property tax citi es," for which City of poway qualifies. The transfer begins in FY 1989-90. 7020 Franchises: Revenues for use of publiC right-of-way or exclusive right II to furnish gas, electricity, cable television, and other utilities to the City. These taxes are paid to the City q.uarterlY by the two larger I franchises and annually by the smaller franchise. I ~ I 315 7022 Sales Tax: A portion of the statewide sales tax collected by busi- I nesses and paid to the State. The State remits a portion of the tax to the City each month then, periodically, (quarterly in most cases) adjusts the payments to "actual" amounts. The tax is paid to the City I based on point of sale collections. Cu~rently the local allocation is 1\4 percent with 1 percent being remi tted to citi es and the add it i ona 1 \4 percent earmarked for transportation funds to counties. II 7023 Prop. A ~-Cent Sales Tax: Additional ~-cent transactions and use tax passed by the voters in San Diego,November 1987. This sales and use tax wi 11 last for 20 years beg inn i ng April 1, 1988, and ending I March 31, 2008. The revenue generated by thi s tax increase wil 1 fund many transportation purposes, including transit and streets and roads. I 7024 Transient Occupancy Tax: A tax collected from hotel-motel guests as a percentage of their room rate. The tax is collected by the hotel-motel owner and remitted quarterly to the City. II 7026 Real Property Transfer Tax: Tax imposed on the transfer of real pro- perty at a rate per dollar value of sale. This tax is collected and paid to the City throughout the year as part of the 14 tax increment II payments. 7031 Property Taxes - Flood Zones: Property tax collections within this I area for d ra i nage, flood control, etc., used for operations and maintenance. 1 LICENSES' AND PERMITS - Revenue in the 7100 seri es represents collections for licenses and permits issued directly by the City or by the City for another governmental unit. I 7111 Animal licenses: Licenses issued to regulate and control dogs and horses. The licenses are issued by the County with the City receiving a minor portion of the dog 1 i cens ing fee. The fee collected for horse I 1 i censes is eventua 1 1 Y returned to the City for riding trails. Community Services and Customer Services coordinate these programs for the City. II 7113 Bi cycl e Li censes: Li censes issued to regu I ate and contro 1 bicycles. The 1 i censes are reco~ded by the State and issued by the City. The City pays for license forms and materials and receives a minor license 1 fee. Safety Services coordinates this program for the City. The reve- nue co 11 ected are used for installation and maintenance of Bi cycl e Lanes. II 7114 Business RegUlatory Fee: An amount collected for regulation of busi- nesses in the City. This program is jointly controlled by Safety I Services, Planning Services, and Administrative Services. 7115 Sanitation Permits: Permits issued to firms to negotiate trash collec- tion within the City. II 7116 Fi shi ng Permi ts: A permit issued by Community Services for the privi- lege of fishing at the Lake. I .1 316 I 7151 Boat Permits: A permit issued by Community Services to obtain the use I of a boat on the Lake. 7153 Construction Permit - Excavation: A permit issued by Public Service to allow for encroachment on publ ic right-of-way. 1 The rates charged for the permit are based upon various unit prices that relate to the type of work to be performed. The rates are out- II lined in a City resolution (currently Resolution 325) and the authority for the collection is part of the Ordinance 80. 7154 Construction Permit - Gradinq: A permit issued by Publ ic Services that I allows for grading. The rates are also out.lined in a City resolution (currently Resolution 325). 7155 Construction Permit - Other: A permit issued by Public Services for I miscellaneous construction. This account is rarely used. 7157 Construction Permits - Sewer: An account for the issuance of temporary I sewer service connections. This account is seldom used. ' 7160 Parking Permit: A one-day permit issued for parking at the Lake. I Community Services collects and issues the permits. The rates are established by City Resolution 83-044. FINES AND FORFEITURES - Revenue in the 7200 seri es represents collection of I fines levied for citations. 7210 Fines and Penalties: The revenue generated by citations issued by the II Sheriffs. Revenue represents collections for citations from the courts or from the fi rm that processes the City's' tickets. USE OF MONEY AND PROPERTY - Revenue in the 7300 series represents income II generated from the rental of property and equipment, or derived from the invest- ment of the City's funds. . I 7310 Interest Income: Income generated from the investment of City funds. The interest income is apportioned to the funds based upon the positive I cash balances in the fund at the end of each month. Any interest ear- nings not budgeted is allocated to the general fund. Investment of City funds is performed by Administrative Services. 7311 Interest Income - Restricted: Income generated from the investment of I City funds recei ved as earni ngs and specifi ca lly restri cted/reserved for specific funds. II 7315 Interest Income - Bond: Income generated from the investment of City funds received as earnings on cash collected for bonded debt payments. I 7316 Interest Income - Pool: A temporary account used to accumulate interest income during the month prior to allocating it to the funds at month end. 1 7317 Interest Income - Loans: Interest earned on principal due to another entity. II II I 317 7330 I nterest Income - Note Rece.ivab le: An account. to record interest earn- I ings on a note. Curr.ently this account is used to record income to the general fund for an Orchard Water District note which will be paid off in about 1994. The account is administered by Administrative Services. I 7340 Parkland Dedication Fees: Fees collected from developers for construc- tion of parks in accordance with Ordinance 124. I 7341 Rental of Property: Rental of general city property to various enti- ties, depend i ng on the fund source. In mobil ehome park fund, this 1 account is for family rental for mobilehome park which is administered by Planning Services. 7342 Rental of Property - Senior Mobile Home Park: Rental of property to I qual i fied i ndi vidua 1 s in the low- moderate-income senior mobile home park. Per HUD requirement, rental is administered by Planning Services. II 7343 Rental of Property - .Poway Royal Mobile Home Park: Rental of property to qualified individuals in the low-moderate income Poway Royal Mobile Home Park. Per HUD requi rement, rental is administered by Planning 1 Services. 7344 Cox Cable Rental - Family Park: Rentals received from residents of the I Poinsettia ~nd poway Royal Mobile Home Parks for their usage of the Cox cable television service. I 7345 Lease Revenue - 1991 COP: Lease revenue received from the poway Rede- vopment Agency for the lease of the Poway Royal Mobile Home Park. 7350 Signalmaster ID 4 Rent: Rent paid by Signalmaster for property rented I by this cable television company for equipment (e.g., antennas, etc.) IQcated in ID 4 at the Boca Raton Reservoir site. The site renta 1 is administered by Community Services. I I 7359 Facilities Rental: A fee paid by the public to reserve and secure the use of the Performing Arts Center. This rental is administered by the II Performing Arts Center. 7360 Facilities Rental: A fee paid by the public to reserve and secure the use of park sites and structures. This rental fee is administered by I Community Services. 7361 Dock Equipment Rental: Rental of fishing apparatus used at Lake Poway. 1 This account has been combined into account 7363. 7362 Fi re Facilities Rental: Rent paid by other fi re departments to use I training structures and equipment such as the tra i ni ng towe r. This account is administered by Safety Services. 7363 Recreation Equipment Rental: Rental fee charged to the public to use II recreation equipment at the Lake and Community Center. This account is administered by Community Services. II I 318 I 7364 Swimming Pool Rentals: Rental fees charged to swim teams and other I users for reservation of sWimming pool. This account is administered by Community Services. 7365 Pool Locker Rental Fees: Rental fees charged to the public to use pool 1 locker. This account is administered by Community Services. 7370 Concession Lease Rent: A rental fee paid as a percentage of income for 1 on-site services offered by a private concern that operates at a city facility. Concession income is primarily generated by the concessionaire at the 1 Lake. Additional revenue is derived from a snack bar operated at the Community Center. Community Services monitors the concessionaires. I 7380 Group Rentals: A fee paid by the public to reserve and secure the use of park sites. The reservation process is administered by Community Services. Thi s account is being phased out and revenue recorded to 1 7360. 7391 Overnight Camping Site Rental: Rental fee pa i d by the pub Ii c to camp II in designated sites at the campgrounds at the Lake. This activity is moni tored by Community Servi ces. Th is account will be combined with 7360. REVENUE FROM OTHER AGENCIES: City's share of revenue collected by other govern- I mental units and then paid to the City as subventions; also used to account for funding received from federal, state, or other public agencies for spec1fi c I programs, grants or projects. 7401 Revenue from Other Agenci es - Public: Revenue received from other I public entities, such as schools and hospitals, for a particular pro- ject or activity. 7410 Motor Vehicle in Lieu: Includes revenue derived from Section 11005 'of I Revenue and Taxation Code. The annual fee is set at 2% of the depre- ciated market value of motor vehicles. The State keeps about 50% of the collection and distributes the rest to cities monthly on the basis I of population. 7411 Off-Highway Motor Vehicle In-lieu Fees: State remits this fee semian- I nually to the City as a per capita amount. This revenue is apportioned and collected under Vehicle Code Sections 38240(a) and 38230. 7420 State Aid to Local Agenc.i es: Other state revenue not otherwi se I classified such as a subvention or grant. 7421 Federal Aid to Local Agencies: Federal revenue receipts not otherwise I classified such as a grant, construction, in-lieu taxes. 7430 Gasoline Tax - 2106: Includes revenue derived from Section 2106 of the I Street and Highway Code. The State remits a fixed amount monthly to the City. Additionally, the City shares in a portion of the overall base sum that is not distributed to the counties and this amount is apportioned on a monthly basis. I I I 319 1 7431 Gaso li.ne. Tax, - 2107: I ncl udes rev. enue .deri ved from Sect ion 2107 of the State and. Highway Code. The payment pattern for this account is the same as for 7430. The tax is collected as an amount per gallon and is distributed to cities as a per capita amount. 1 7432 Gasoline Tax - 2107.5: Includes revenue derived from Section 2107.5 of the Street and Highway Code. These funds are allocated annually to II the City based upon population ranges. The City's population must increase to 100,000 before there is a change in the bracket amount. I 7433 Gaso 11 ne Tax - .2105: I ncl udes revenue deri ved from Sect ion 2105 of the Street and Highway Code. Prop. 111, October 1990, calls for 11.5% of the 6 cents additional gas tax to be allocated to cities based upon population ranges. II 7440 Cigarette Tax: Includes revenue derived from Section 30462 of the Revenue and Taxatton Code. The State remits this tax monthly to the II State and adjusts this amount quarterly. This tax is allocated based on a series of formulas that can be roughly equivalent to a per capita amount and to an amount that approximates a ratio of City's sales tax to other cities' sales tax throughout the County. I 7450 Grant Revenue: General category heading used to indicate that accounts coded from 7450 to 7499 represent grants. I 7451 Grant Revenue - County: Revenue received from the County for specific programs. Currently the City has received funding for a fish habitat at the Lake. I 7453 Federal Revenue Sharing: Includes revenue paid quarterly by the federal government under the State and Local Assistance Act of 1972. 1 Revenue is distributed based on a formula that combines population and taxing authority. I 7455 Grant Revenue HES-FAU: Revenue received from Hazard Elimination and Safety (HES) AND Federal Aid to Urban (FAU). Currently revenues in this account are for specific street improvements projects where funding is from the state as administered by Caltrans. II 7456 Grant Revenue - FAU: This account has been combined with 7455. II 7457 Grant Revenue - OTS: Revenue received from the state Office of Traffic Safety for specific grants. Currently this account is inactive. I 7458 Grant Revenue - Jobs Bill: Revenue recei ved from the federal govern- ment under the jobs bills program. Currently this account is inactive. I 7459 Street Maintenance Funds - SB 300: Special al location of State funds to be used strictly for road maintenance. No funding is anticipated after fiscal year 1986-87. I 7460 Grant Revenue - SB 174: Grant revenue from the state for specific park improvement projects as approved under Senate Bill 174. Currently this I account is inactive. I 320 I 7461 Grant Revenue Park Bond Acts 1980, 1976, etc: Grant revenue from the I state for specifi c park improvement projects as approved by voters under various bond acts. 7467 Grant - Fuel Efficient Traffic Signal Prog ram: To account for grant 1 revenue received for a study to determine the optimum timing for City traffic signals. 7470 Grant Revenue - Transportation Development Act: State revenue for mass 1 trans it improvement programs such as bicycle improvements. Revenue normally paid as reimbursements to the City for specific improvement I projects funded as a portion of the Article 3 allocations administered by SANDAG. 7471 Grant Revenue - Office of Criminal Justice: State revenue for a crime I prevention program currently being presented in the City school s, by the Safety Services Department in conjunction with the schools. 7473 Grant Revenue - CDBG 8th Year: Accounts for revenue funded by the II federa 1 government under the' 8th al location year for the Corrinun ity Development Block Grant programs. The program reimburses cost incurred 1 for approved projects. The County is the primary recipient of the funds. 7474 Grant Revenue - Housing and Community Development: Federal grant 1 program that is no longer used. 7475 Grant Revenue - TDA Article 4.5: State grant admi ni stered by SANDAG I for the Call-A-Ride program for the elderly and handicapped citizens. Funding is remitted monthly by SANDAG. The original allocation is part of the 14-cent TDA sales tax and special district, augmentation for I revenue. 7477 Grant Revenue - COBG 9th Year: Accounts for federal revenue funded as part of the 9th year allocation of Community Development Block Grant. II 7478 Grant Revenue - CDBG 10th Year: Same as account 7477 except the funding year is ten. II 7479 Grant Revenue - CDBG 8th and 9th Year Fundi ng. Same as Account 7477 except the funding year is eight and nine. I 7481 Grant Revenue - CDBG 11th Year: Same as 7477 except the funding year is eleven. 7482 Grant Revenue - CDBG 12th Year: Federal Community Development Block I Grant allocation; twelfth year entitlement. 7483 Grant Revenue - CDBG 13th Year: Federal Community Development Block II Grant allocation; thirteenth year entitlement. 7484 Grant Revenue - CDBG 14th thru 18th Years: Federal Community Develop- I ment Block Grant allocation; fourteenth and eighteenth year entitle- ment. I II I 321 I CURRENT FEES AND SERVICES: ReVenue in the 7500 series represents charges to the public for services or commodities. Revenue in these account series represents fees for services or products. I 7510 Cand i da te Fili ngFees: Fee paid by candidate for City Council office. The City Clerk estimates and monitors this account. Revenue is received only in election years. II 7515 Ticket Sales: Revenue from subscri pt i on and other ti cket sales to events presented by the Performing Arts Division in the Performing Arts I Center. 7516 Performing Arts Staff Services: Cost recovery for part-time staff ser- vices performed for School District and third party rental users of 1 Performing Arts Center. 7517 Concession Operations: Revenues from sal e of beverages and/or other I merchandise at Performing Arts Center events. 7518 LMD Plan Check Revenue: Charges for Public Services' revi ew of con- struction plans and maps in land maintenance districts (LMD). Revenue 1 received represents the overhead charges for LMD consultants and salary and overhead reimbursement for City LMD staff. 1 7519 LMD Inspection Revenue: Revenue received for on-site inspections made. by the Public Services Department relating to land maintenance districts. I 7520 Sales .nd Service: Revenue received from the sale of water, sewer, and transit services. Utility revenue is recorded bimonthly as billed. I Transit service revenue is recorded monthly and represents the opera- tor's 10% fare box collection which is part of a gross revenue concept requi red by the state for audit purposes. The utility rates normally are set annually by resolution. I 7521 Sales - Unmetered Water: Interim water service provided at sites where there are no meters for activities such as construction and land- II scaping. Water service is billed manually based on minimum charge for residential users and area size for unmetered slope water. 7522 Sales - SDCWA/Ramona Water: Water sold by the City to the San Diego II County Water Authority for use by the Ramona Muni ci pa 1 Water Di stri ct in accordance with a contractual ag reemen t. Revenue is recorded monthly as service is billed. I 7523 Interdepartmental Utility Charges: Charges for water and sewer service provided for internal use with the City. The billing system automati- 1 cally bills the metered accounts. 7524 Delinquency Charges - Sales: A late fee assessed to utility customers who have fa il ed to pay their bills in a timely manner. The fee II currently is a percentage of the unpaid balance. 7525 Hydrant Meter Service Charges: A fee charged to persons who use fire II hydrant water meters during construction. Currently a flat fee of $10 is charged. I 322 I 7526 Reconnection and Turn-on Fees: A fee charged to util ity customers to I reestablish service. Currently the fee is a flat fee assessed to cover the labor cost of the meter reader and varies from $15 to $35 depending on the hours the service is provided. 7528 Interruptible Water/Agricultural Rebate: A credit issued by SDCWA that I reduces the cost of water to the City and the City's agricultural users. The discounted rate permits MWD the right to decrease I (interrupt) delivery by an agreed upon amount. 7529 Sales Capacity Charges: Fixed cost based on meter size associated with I the water meter, i.e. meter reading, repair/replacement of meter, etc. 7530 Pumping - ID #1: Charges bi 1 led to water util ity users for water pumping required to service an area. The purpose is to recover the I electrical energy costs. The pumping for ID #1 is to lift water to the High Valley area. 7531 Pumping - ID #4: Charges billed for pumping in Panorama Hills, Lomas 1 Verdes, and portions of Stoneridge areas. Al so see account 7530 for further explanation. 7532 Pumping - Orchard, Silver Saddle, A73: Charges billed for pumping in I the areas identified as Northcrest, Del Poniente and portions of the Green Valley areas. Also see account 7530 for further explanation. II 7533 Pumping - Donart: Charges billed for pumping in the Donart Drive Service area Also see account 7530 for further explanation. II 7534 pumPin7 - Convair: Charges billed for pumping to Convair-Sycamore Canyon Pomona Facility in the City of San Diego Also see account 7530 1 for further explanation. 7535 Pumping - Padre Transit Mix: Charges billed for Padre Transit Mix water service. Also see account 7530 for further explanation. II 7536 Pumping - Camelback: Charges billed to the Alta Mira Reservoir serving Lake Poway Park and Water Service Area VI. Also see account 7530 for II further explanation. 7537 Pumping - Woodcliff: Charges billed to water pumping to Water 1 Assessment District 79-1. Also see account 7530 for further explanation. 7538 Pumpi ng - Community: Charges bi 11 ed to consumers in the Pomerado 1 Business Park - 895 gradient. 7540 ExpanSion Fees: Charge paid for the privilege of joining the water or I sewer utility service system. This fee is paid whenever developers or new utility users apply for service in a new area. 7541 Water System Analysis Fees: All City Charges for water analysis I (including consultants). I II I 323 I 7542 Connection Fees: Charge paid for utility serv.ice based on meter size. Connection fees are normally paid onlY by individuals requ i ri ng new service rather than by the 1 arge developers who expand the ut 11 ity system. I 7543 County Water Authority Fees: Capacity charges for all meters purchased on or after 10/1/90. I 7544 Admi ni strati ve Revenue: Cost recovery for staff performi ng servi ces that benefit a 1 imited public or different accounting entity. Administrative revenue includes such items as overhead charges, and I cost recovery for staff pos it ion performi ng work for the Redeve 1 opment Agency. II 7545 Administrative Fees - Other: Cost recovery for staff performing ser- vices that benefit a limited public or different accounting entity. Administrative revenue includes such items as overhead charges and cost I recovery for s ta ff position performi n9 work for the Redevelopment Agency. 7546 Meter Installation: Charge for setting and connecting water meter and 1 laterals when necessary whenever a new installation is requested. Meter installation is based on' fixed charge and lateral charges are based on a fixed fee and/or actual cost. 1 7547 Administrative Fees - Special Districts: Cost recovery for staff per- forming services that benefit a limited public or different accounting I entity (landscape maintenance and lighting districts). Administrative revenue includes such items as overhead charges and cost recovery for staff performing work for these districts. II 7548 Street Light Energizing Fee: This fee covers the cost of street light operations and maintenance from the time a light is energized until it is annexed into the 1 ighting district. After annexation, costs are I recovered through property tax roll assessment. 7550 High Volume Sewer: Sewer service charges billed to commercial users as I part of the utility system. Billing is based on water consumption. 7551 Annexation Fees - General:' Fee paid for the privilege of joining the sewer district. I 7552 Annexa t i on Fee - De 1 Norte Taxes: When sewer service was offered to this area, the consumers had a choice of using several payment options. II This account records this fee charged in ten annual installments reco rded on the property tax ro 11 s. This area is also known as Assessment District 73-1. Revenue from 73-1 has basi ca lly been I collected with the exception of the delinquencies. 7553 Annexation Fee - Kozy Crest Taxes: Similar to account 7552, but the Kozy Crest area is Assessment District 80-2. Revenue is anticipated I through 1990. 7554 Annexation Fee - Green Valley Taxes: Similar to account 7552 but for I the Green Valley area, Assessment District 80-1. Revenue is antici- pated through 1990. I 324 I 7555 Sewe r Se rv ice Tax Ro 11 - Fiscal Year 1981-1982: In previous fiscal I years, the sewer service charges were col~ected on the tax roll as a flat rate cha rge. Thi s account records these del i nquent charges as they are being collected. I 7556 Inspection Fees: Fees charged by the public works department for on- site inspection of water and sewer lines, grading, inspection, etc. . 7557 Annexat ion - Map Check Fees: Process ing fee coll ected in connect ion with sewer map reviews for hookup charges. 7558 Driveway Paving Fee: Cost recovery for performi ng street improvement . of private driveway areas. Revenue is anticipated through 1997. 7560 Surcharges - WCI: Sewer service charge for wastewater capital improve- I ment. 7562 Pumping Charges - St. Andrews: Revenue derived from utility customers I who are assessed for the energy costs of transmission through the pump station located on St. Andrews to service this area. 7563 Pumping Charges - Camino del Valle: Same as 7562, but for the Camino I del Valle area. 7564 Pumping Charges - Del Poniente: Same as 7562, but for the Del Poniente I area. 7565 Pumping Charges - Highlands: Same as 7562, but for the Highland area. I 7566 Dra i nage Fees: Fee charged to assist in overall erosion and drainage protection, facilities, and terracing. . 7567 Alarm Registration and ~enalties: Revenue derived from alarm registra- tion to be issued upon first occurrence of first alarm. Pena It i es I derived from fees charged for false alarm in excess of two occurrences in 12-month period. 7568 Safety Servi ces Plan ChecklInspection: Revenue generated from fees I charged to customer for plan check and inspection submi tted to Fi re Department. 7569 Aquatics Recreation Programs: Fees for swim classes and for programs I lead by outside instructors; e.g., springboard diving, scuba, etc. 7570 Planning Fees: Fee charged for the review of development applications I by the Pl anni ng' Servi ces Department. 7571 Environmental Review Fees: Fees paid for consultants hired by the City . to prepare Draft Environmental Impact Reports (EIR) for the Planning Services Department. 7572 Miscellaneous Planning Fees: Fees collected by Planning Services to . recover the cost of services such as photocopies, booklets and maps. 7573 Building Inspection Fees: Charges for building permits and associated I inspection for such items as remodeling, fences, etc. . I 325 7574 Miscellaneous Legislative & Administrative Fees: Fees collected by I City Clerk, City Manager, City Attorney and Administrative Services for the sale of publications, documents and for photocopying services. II 7575 Plan Check . Revenue: Charges for engineering review of construction plans and maps. Revenue recorded represents the overhead charges for engineering consultants and salary and overhead reimbursement for City engineering staff. II 7576 Miscellaneous Public Services Fees: Revenue received for sale of publications, bid specifications, etc. by the Public Services . Department. 7577 Inspection Revenue Fees: Revenue received for on-site inspections made I by the Publ ic Services Department other than those inspections con- nected to utility inspection. I 7578 Engineering Staff Time Reimbursement: Reimbursement from private developers for engineering staff time spent on boundary adjustment reviews and other miscellaneous engineering services. . 7579 Miscellaneous Safety Services Fees: Revenue received by the Safety Services Department for the sale of publications, permits, hazardous materials cleanup, etc. .' 7580 Leisure Contracts: Revenue received for recreation programs that are led by outside instructors; e.g., gymnastics, tiny tot, karate. The recreation participants pay a fee that offsets the cost of the indivi- . dual class. 7581 Recreation Proqrams: Basically the same as account 7580, but the II recreational class is conducted by City employees. 7582 Recreation Officials: Revenue collected for softball umpires from the . league teams. City remits amount to softball officials. 7583 South Poway Engi neeri ng Fees: Th is account is used to recoup the salary and benefit costs for Engineering staff time--specifically the I cost of the Special Projects Engineer. 7584 Vehi cl e Maintenance Fee - Sheriff: Revenue recei ved from the county II for providing minor service on sheriffs' vehicles assigned to poway. 7585 Yearly Vehicle and Equipment Rental Service Fee: Rental fee charged to . using departments to recover the cost of acqui ring a replacement vehicle or mobile equipment. 7586 Yearly Capital Outlay Rental: Rental fee charged to using departments II to recover the replacement cost of acqui ring material assets such as word processors, computers, etc. . 7587 Swimming Pool Admission Fees: Fees charged to public for dai ly use and season passes for swimming pool. II 7588 AquatiC Programs and Contracts: Fees for swim classes and for programs lead by outside instructors; e.g., springboard diving, scuba, etc. I , I 326 7589 Towi ng Contracts: Revenue recei ved to reimburse the City for hi ri ng I private companies to tow a vehicle as part of a nuisance abatement program. 7590 Ambulance Fees: Revenue received from users of the paramedic ambulance I service provided by Safety Services. 7591 Fire Protection Fee: A fee based on a fire flow calculation. This fee I is collected on the tax roll. 7592 Weed Abatement: Revenue recei ved from property owners for cl eari ng I weeds, and debris from their property. The weed and vehicle abatement program is administered by Safety Services. Most of the revenue is collected on the tax roll. 7593 Traffic Mitigation Fees: Fees paid by developers to improve traffic I flow or mitigate traffic congestion near their development sites. 7594 Traffic Signal Fee: Fees paid by developers to install or improve I traffic signals near their development sites. 7595 Landscape Medi an Fees: Development fee paid to improve landscaping I near the development area. 7596 CPR Class Revenue: Revenue received for the conducting of CPR classes. I 7597 Road Improvement Fee - Developer: Simi lar to account 7593, but the City Council may specify the particular amount or usage. I 7598 Poway and Garden Road Signal: Revenue received to benefit a particular site. This account is no longer active. I 7599 Road Improvement - Midland: Revenue received to benefit a particular site. This account is no longer active. OTHER REVENUE: Revenue in the 7600 seri es represents collection of general I obl i9ation debt, bond proceeds, donations, sale of property refunds and other miscellaneous income. I 7610 Bond I & R - Orchard Water District, Taxes: Interest and principal redemption collections for payment of Orchard Water District bonds. Funds collected through property taxes are from del i nquent accounts I only as the bonds have been paid. 7611 Bond I & R - Genera 1 Water Bonds, Taxes: Interest and pri nci pa 1 I redemption collections for payment of general obl igation water bonds issued by poway Muni ci pa 1 Water Di stri ct. Collected through property taxes as a rate per assessed value. The levy is in excess of the one I percent property tax rate. 7612 Bond I & R - ID #1, Taxes: Interest and principal. redemption collec- tions on the tax rolls for payment of Improvement District 1, High I Valley area, bonds originally issued by PowayMunicipal Water District. I I .- I 327 I 7613 Bonds I &R - 1D#2 - Taxes: Interest and principal redemption collec- tions on the tax rolls for payment of Improvement District 2, bonds originally issued by poway Municipal Water District. I 7614 Bond I & R - 1975 Bonds, Taxes: Interest and principal redemption collections for payment of 1975 bonds used to finance the fire station and related structures and equipment. This issue is a general obl iga- I tion bond issued by Poway Municipal Water District. 7615 Bond I & R - Sewer Bonds, Taxes: Interest and pri ncipal redemption I collections for payment of general obligation sewer bonds. Collected through property taxes as a rate per assessed value. The 1 evy is in excess of the one percent property tax rate and represents various debt issues of Pomerado County Water District. I 7616 Bond I & R - 1978 Fire Bonds, Taxes: Interest and principal redemption collections for payment of 1978 Fire Bonds. Collected through property I taxes on annual basis. 7617 Bond I & R - AD 79-1, Taxes: Interest and principal redemption collec- I tions for payment of AD 79-1 bonds. Collected through property taxes on annual basis. 7618 South Poway CFD #1 Bond: Interest and principal redemption collections I for payment of South poway CFD #1 bonds collected through p rope rty taxes on annual basis. I 7620 Proceeds from Sa 1 e of Bonds: Proceeds from sale of debt instrument; e.g., bond, note, etc. 7621 Bond Issuance Fees: Fees collected by the City or Redevelopment I Agency for the sponsorship of a debt issue. 7622 Loan Proceeds: Thi s account is used to account for the recei pt of I borrowed funds. 7624 Contributions from Other Funds: Contributions recei ved by one fund I from another fund. 7630 Premium On Bonds/Notes: Amount collected in excess of the face value of a note, bond, or other debt instrument. I 7640 State License Commissions: Handling fees for sell i ng State of California fishing licenses. Co 1 1 ected at Lake poway on a dai ly I basis. 7650 Donations Community Servi ces: Contributions made by citizens - of II poway for purchase of equipment for Community Services Department. 7651 Donations - Fire Station: Contributions made by citizens and organiza- I tions of Poway for materials and equipment for Safety Services. 7652 Donat.ions - Paramedic: Contributions made by citizens and organiza- tions to benefit paramedi cs for such items as paramedic equipment, I safety films, etc. I 328 I 7653 Donations - Clyde Rexrode Memorial: Contributions made by citizens of I Poway in memory of Clyde Rexrode, the City's first mayor. The funds collected are paying for the construction of a memorial pavilion at Lake Poway. I 7654 Donations - General: General contributions made to the City without specification as to use of funds for specific operating units. Usually money is received for specific programs or projects on a non-recurring I basis. 7655 Donations - Bette Bendixen: Contributions made by the estate and the I citizens in memory of Bette Bendixen for development of ridi ng and hiking trails in Poway. Donations are received periodically throughout the year. . 7656 Donations -' Annual Operations: Revenue from contributions made by groups and individuals to the Foundation for the Performi ng Arts, des i gna ted to he 1 p underwri te annua 1 operating expenses of Performi n9 I Arts Center. 7657 Donations - Endowment: Revenue from contributions made by groups and I individuals to the Foundation for the Performing Arts designated for the Endowment Fund created for the long-term support of the Performing Arts Center. 7658 Donations - Community Day: Revenue received for Poway's Community Day I Activity. 7660 Sale of Surplus Property: Proceeds of sale of surplus property owned I by City. Coll ected by Purchas i ng Department after sale of property declared as surplus by Council. I 7665 Developer/Subdivision Deposit Revenue: Deposits made with Public Services Department by developers to cover engineering, inspection and map checking of developers' construction projects. I 7667 Developer Participation - Capital Improvements: Contributions from developers for capital improvement projects constructed by the City/ I Redevelopment Agency. 7670 Mandated Costs Recoveries: Collections from the State for increases in I costs imposed by legislation. Claims fil ed annually by Finance Department. 7671 Other Refunds: Refunds for overpayments that are not accounted for in I other refund accounts. 7672 Returned Check Charges: Charges to customers for checks returned by . their bank. Collected by Customer Services at time of restitution. 7673 Workers' Compensation Insurance: Dividends received on Workers' I Compensation Insurance Premiums paid in prior fiscal years and is received annually, usually in June. 7674 Insurance Settlements: Property settlements awarded by insurance. I II Ii 329 7675 Miscellaneous Income: Used for re,cording revenues not classified in I any other revenue account. Collected at various times throughout the year. Mi sce 11 aneous income incl udes such: th i ngs as phone commi ss i on, publication sales, transcriptions., ~endor refunds, etc. . 7676 Recovery of Stol en Property: Revenue generated from stol en property auctioned by the Sheriff's Department. I 7677 Reimbursement Agreement Fees: Reimbursement to CF poway for improve- ments in Pomerado Business Park. I 7678 PERS Excess Earnings: Current year revenue collected from the accumu- lated prior years' surplus assets in PERS account balance. I 7679 Lawsuit Settlement: Revenue received from court settlements. 7680 Interfund Transfers: Used to record transfers of funds other as I financing sources or loans between funds. 7681 Interfund Loans: Loans between funds. Account used for budgetary I purposes. 7680 Interfund Transfers: Used to record transfers of funds as other financing sources or loans between funds. II 7681 Interfund Loans: Loans between funds. . Account used for budgetary purposes. I 7690 Year-end Revenue Clearing: Used at fiscal year end to close revenue accounts to fund balance under the old accounting system. This account is no longer act i ve but remains to provide title file for the old I system. ASSESSMENT DISTRICTS: Revenue in the 7700 series represents assessment district I funding. 7710 Assessment District 83-1 Rancho Arbolitos: Collections of assessments I from property owners in this area for landscaping and maintenance of slopes. 7711 Assessment District 86-3 Sunwood: Collection of assessments from I property owners in Assessment Di stri ct 86-3 for I andscapi ng and ma i n- tenance of slope in Sunwood Tract along Meta te Lane. The revenue is collected on property tax rolls with assessment based on acreage. I 7712 Assessment District 86-1 Hirsch Ranch: Assessments collected via property tax rolls for landscape maintenance. II 7713 Assessment District 86-2 Sunri se Ranch: Assessments co 11 ected via property tax rolls for landscape maintenance. I 7714 Assessment Oi stri ct 86-4 Street L i ght i ng: Assessments co 11 ected vi a property tax rolls for street lighting maintenance. I I 330; I 7715 Assessment District 87-1 Pomerado Business Park: Assessments collected I via property tax rolls for landscape maintenance. 7716 Assessment District 86-02B Sycamore Creek Landscape Maintenance: Assessments collected via property tax rolls for landscape maintenance. I 7999 SUSPENSE ACCOUNT: Used for unident Hi ed revenues. When revenue is identified the amount is transferred to the proper account. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I