Final Budget FY 1992-1993 I I I I I CITY OF POW A Y I I I FINANCIAL PROGRAM I 1992 - 1993 I I I I I I I I I I m - . CITY OF POWAY CITY COUNCIL AND REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY DON HIGGINSON, MAYOR AND CHAIRMAN BOB EMERY, DEPUTY MAYOR AND VICE-CHAIRMAN MiCKEY CAFAGNA SUSAN CALLERY I B. TONY SNESKO I .' , I I I I I '""""-- :---- I CITY OF POWAY BUDGET REVIEW COMMITTEE DON BLA.CKWELL JAMES CROSBY MARY CROSS JANET HARPER BILL ROBERTSON MARY SMITH TOM TREMBLE Prepared by. Administrative Services Department Peggy A. Stewart, Director Christine Tsung, Finance Manager I CITY OF POWAY DIRECTORY OF CITY OFFICIALS , I q CITY MANAGER JAMES L. BOWERSOX I ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY SERVICES I I JOHN D FITCH ROBERT L. THOMAS I CITY ATTORNEY DIRECTOR OF ENGINEERING SERVICES I I STEPHEN M. ECKIS MARK S. WESTON CITY CLERK/TREASURER DIRECTOR OF PLANNING SERVICES I MARJORIE K. WAHLSTEN REBA WRIGHT-QUASTLER , DIRECTOR OF ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES I DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC SERVICES PEGGY A. STEWART ALAN D ARCHIBALD I DIRECTOR OF SAFETY SERVICES I MARK A. SANCHEZ i I , t II ~ ! , CITY OF POWAY ; I REDEVEL0PMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE , i I l I ; I CARLTON (DUKE) AYERS MICKEY CAFAGNA I DARWIN DRAKE I I ALAN DUSI I GORDON MEYER I LOIS DOWNS , , I TOM TREMBLE I JOYCE EISWALD DAVID CHURCHILL I MARGARET LESTER I SCOTT GRAY I SUSAN CALLERY I I I , ,. \ TABLE OF CONTENTS Guide to Reading the Budget Docl:Jment . . . . ... . .......'.. . ... . ... . ., . ... i City ~anager's Letter of Transmittal ...... .... . .. . .. . . . ... . ., . .. vii Program Expenditures . . .... . ... . ........ . ... . .. . ......... . ix Budget by Fund ... . . . ... . .. . ..... . .. . . . .. . ... . xi Employee Positions, Classifications, and Salary Ranges . . . . .... . . . .. . xv Revenues by Funds and Sources . . ... . .. . ... . . . .. . . . . . 1 Summary qf Sowces and Uses of Funds .. . ...... . . . 15 Fund Activity Detail . ..... . .. . ... . .. . ..... . ... '. .. . . . . . . . . . 18 General . . . . . . ... . ... . ... . .. . ... . .. . ., . . . 20 Street Irnprovement - Gas Tax Fund .. .... . ... . . . ... . 21 Park Improvement Fund . . . ... . ... . ...... . . . .. . .., . 22 Drainage Fund (Funds 12 and 24) .... . ... . ..... . . . . . .. . 23 Grant Funds .... . . .. . . . .... . .. . .... . .. . . . ... . . . 24 Special Assessment Districts Fund (Funds 20 and 25) .. . . . . . . . . . 25 Street Development Fund (Funds 21 and 23) .. . . . .. . .. . .... . 26 Proposition "A" Fund .. ..... . .. . .. . . . . . . 27 Municipal Improvement Fund ... . .. . . . . . 28 Comunity Facilities District #1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . 29 Community Facilities District #88-1 .... . .... . . . .. . . . .. . 30 Comunity Facilities District 1990 #88-1 . . .... . . . . . .. . .. . 31 Debt Service Fund ..... . . . ..... . .. . .. . .. . .... . 32 Debt Service Fund - Comunity Facilities District # 1 . . . . . . .. . 33 Debt Service Fund - Comumnity Facilities District #88-1 34 Debt Service Fund - Comml:JnityFacilities District 1990 #88-1 . . .. . 35 Water Fund . ... . .. . . . . . . . . . 36 Sewer Fund 37 Capital Replacement Fund . . . . 38 Trust Funds . . . . . . . . . . 39 Performing Arts Donation Fund . . . . .. . . . 40 Bond Interest and Redemption . . . . . . . . 41 Statement of Fund Balances and Reserves . . . . 43 Redevelopment Agency Loans Payable to City . . 45 Department Operating Budgets .. . 47 Legislative and Administrative City Council . . 48 Legislati\(e and Administrative' City Clerk 52 LegislaHve and Administrative: City Attorney . 56 Legislative and Administrative: City Manager . . . . . . 60 Department of Administrative Services 64 Department of Community Services . . 86 Department of Planning Services ... . .. . 98 Department of PLiblic Services .. . . . .... . . ., 108 I TABLE OF CONTENTS Department of Safety Seryices .. ......... . ... . . . .... . . . .. . 136 Department of EngineeringSeritices .... .. . ..... . ... . . . .. . 148 Housing Administration .. . ... . .. . .. . . . . . . . .. 162 City of Poway Capital Improvement Program . . . ... . .. . .... . . . . . 175 Parks and Recreation Plan ....... . .. . .. . . . ... . . . . . . . 222 poway Redevelopment Program: 1992-1993 Revenue by Funds and Sources . . . . . ...... . ... . ... . . . 223 Staterrient of Fund Balances and Reserves . .... . . . . . 227 poway Redevelopment Agency - Administrative Fund and Capital Projects Fund . . . . ........... . .. . .... . . . 229 Poway Redevelopment Agency - Debt Service Fund .. . . . .. 230 poway Redevelopment Agency - 1986 Tax Allocation Bond. . . . . . . . . . 231 poway Redevelopment Agency- 1989 Tax Allocation Bond. . . . . . . . . . . 232 Poway Redevelopment Agency - Poinsettia Mobile Home Park .. . . . ... . 233 poway Redevelopment Agency -Low/Moderate Income Fund . . .. . 234 poway Redevelopment Agency - 1990A TAB ... ... . .. . . . 235 poway Redevelopment Agency - poway Royal Mobile Home Park Fund . . 236 poway Redevelopment Agency - 1991 Certificates of Participation . . 237 Pow~y Redevelopment Agency - Haley Park Estates Fund 238 Bond Interest and Redemption . . .. . ... . . . . . 239 Administrative Operating Budget . . .. . . . 241 Redevelopment Capital Improvement Program .. . . . 247 Map - paguay Redevelopment Project Area . . . . 304 Appendix A - Resolution Adopting 1992-1993 City Financial Program. . 305 Appendix B - Resolution Adopting 1992"1993 Redevelopment Agency Financial Program 313 Appendix C - Chart of Expense Accounts and Definitions 317 Appendix D - Chart of Revenue Accounts and Definitions . . . . 333 Appendix E - City Council Immediate and Short-Term Goals 353 . I ; . GUIDE TO READING THE BUDGET DOCUMENT I Every Y13ar, the City of Poway prepares a budget for the upcoming fiscal year which I serves as the City's financial plan. Although the budget serves as a control document fortheCity Council and staff, its primary purpose is to provide.information to citizen~and otherinterested parties about the financial health and activities of the City as a muniCipal I corporation. This' guide was prepared to assist citizens and other individuals who may not be familiar I with public budgeting and finar:lce to read and interpret this document. A great deal of information is provided in the budget beyond dollars and cents. One just needs to know how and where to look for it! I Getting Started I An excellent place to begin to examine the budget is the City Manager's Letter of Transmittal which provides a philosophical as well as factual summary of the City's financial plan. I Next, the Budget by.Fund.pages show expenditures for each.Department and its divisions I spread across the City's major funds. You will note that the General Fund shows exper:lditures for all Departments, while the other funds show expenditures for certain ones. This is another illustration of the fund accounting nature of government which I restricts certain revenues to expenditures for limited purposes. The next pages summarize and describe the City's work force. The number of authorized I full-time positions is shown ir:l comparison to the prior year New positions and position deletions are mentioned by title. Each full-time job classification authorized in the budget is then listed alphabetically by title with its corresponding monthly salary range. I Next, you will notice that the budget is actually divided into two plans. One is the Operating and Capital Budget of the City The other is the Operating and Capital Budget I of the poway RedevelopmentAgency An operating budget is the financial plan for the day-today operations of the City or the Ager:lcy; a capital budget is the finanCial plan for acquiring-or constructing major municipal facilities such as streets, drainage systems.and I parks. I The City's Operatina Budaet The first section following this guide is "Hevem,Jes by Fund and Source." This group of I pages outlines the City's revenLJ~s, or the doliar resources the City receives. Govemments account for money in funds; which separate available dollars according.to I how they may be used. The largest fund is the General Fund whose revenues may be I ;; 1 Guide to Reading the Budget Document I Page 2 I used to provide any government service. Other funds are restricted as to how their I revenues may be used. There will be more information on the City's various funds later in this document. Notice that the revenues are shown, by fund and by revenue type; for example, "Property I Taxes-Current," under the General Fund. Every type of revenue has a four-digit number in front of it. In the back of the budget document is the "Chart of Revenue Accounts and I Definitions," Appendix D The four-digit numbers are listed in ascending order and next to each is a description of each revenue type. Analyzing the City's revenues will give you an idea of where the City gets its money, howmuch of it is restricted and how much may I be used for general purposes. You'll also be able to compare amounts of money between the prior fiscal year and the proposed/approved new year. Key' I 1991-92 1991-92 1992-93 1992~93 I Budaet Actual Proposed Approved 7010 Property Taxes-Current $3,161,000 $3,306,755 $3,376,700 $3,019,620 I This number identified the The The The The revenue source in the "Chart amount of estimated projected projected I of Revenue Accounts and revenue total year revenue for revenue for Descriptions" in Appendix D estimated revenue at the next the next at the the time of fiscal year fiscal year I beginning budget in the in the ,final of a fiscal preparation proposed budget I year budget Following the Revenue pages is the"Summary of Sources and Uses of Funds." These I pages list all of the City's major fund types, describe them and display.summarized dollar amounts of money going into and out of each fund. These numbers are broken down into more detail on the pages following the Summary. Note that the page numbers directing I you to each fund's detail are referenced in each fund description. The Fund Activity Detail pages allow comparison of prior year budgets' actual flow of I money, in as revenues, and out as expenditures or transfers. Some funds have borrowed money (incurred debt) through the issuance of bonds. On I the page following the Fund Activity Detail pages is a summary of the bonded indebtedness of each fund. These dollars are used to repay interest and principal on the I debt. I I Hi I Guide to Reading the Budget Document I Page 3 I Next, as a grand summary, the "Statement of Fund Ba.lancfils and Reserves" follows all the previous pages described. The City's major funds are listed vertically on the left-hand side ofthe page. Horizontally, dollar.amounts are shown to track the status of each fund I from its beginning balance through to its expected year-end position. After the Statement of Fund Balances and Reserves, more detail regarding the I expenditure side of the budget is provided, again moving from summary to detail. The Program Expenditures page lists the seven major City departments and what each I plans to spend in the three major program expenditure categories: 1. Personnel - The cost of salaries, fringe benefits and other employee-related costs. I 2. Goerations and Maintenance - The cost of doing business day to day in supplies, materials, and services. I 3. Caoital Outlav - The cost of major nonrecurring purchases of $500 or more with a I useful life of three or'more years. Examples are office furniture, vehicles and larger pieces of equipment. I It is common for the total of all program expenditures to be referred to as "the budget," even though it is only the expenditure side of the entire budget picture. I Whatfollows next is the heart of the City's Operating Budget detail. For each of the City's seven major departments, an activity overview is provided in which the major expenditure categories--personnel, operations and maintenance, and capital outlay--are summarized . and compared to prior years. A narrative commentary providing a description of the composition of the department and its purpose in the governmental organization is backed up by an illustrating organization chart on the facing page. I Following the Departmental Overview, each division .of the department will show two facing pages of activity detail. The narrative page includes a description of the major I functions of the division, the division's goals and objectives, work load activity statistics for p~i6r and proposed years, and a section entitled Significant Activity Program Changes. I This last section points out and explains larger dollar increases or decreases and the expense account where each significant activity program change is reflected. I The, facing page contains the actual dollar amour:lts to be spent to achieve the division's goals and objectives. You will note that the major expenditure categories (personnel, operations and maintenance, and capital outlay) are further divided into particular types . of expenditures. Each expenditure type has a three-digit number preceding it. In the I iv I Guide to Reading Budget Document I Page 4 I back of the budget book is the "Chart of Expense Accounts and Definitions," Appendix I C. Expense account numbers are listed in order, with a definition .following each one. These definitions give a more detailed description of what costs are included in each expense account. I In comparing the expense account dollar amounts between fiscal years, the narrative section, Significant Activity Program Changes, is the key to explaining major differences. I Key: 1990-91 1991-92 1991-92 1992-93 1992-93 I Actual BudQet Estimated Proposed Approved 311 - Printing $348 $350 $250 $300 $300 I This number The actual The The The The I identified the amount amount of estimated proposed approved expense account spent by approved amount budget budget in the Chart of year end. budget in spent by amount. amount. I Expense prior year year end. Accounts and Descriptions I The numbers in parentheses next to Position Titles indicate when there is more than one I position of that title authorized. If there,is an FT, PT and/or T after the Position Title, this indicates that the position is full-time, part-time, and/or temporary The City's Caoital Imorovement Budaet I Capital Projects are the acquisition or construction of major public facilities such as I streets, sewers, water systems, parks, and government buildings, They are often the kind of projects that take more than one budget year to complete. The Capital Improvement Budget, like the operating budget, shows revenues in and I expenditures out, but also details expenditure projections over multiple budget years. The revenue page indicates which funds are contributing to the Capital Improvement I Program The Program Overview summarizes expenditures by type of improvement to I show the total estimated cost of planned projects,. what has been spent on planned projects, the proposed year's expenditure levels, and the amount of the total estimated cost that has been incurred to date. I I ,I v 1 Guide to Reading the Budget Document I Page 5 I The Program Detail pages list each project with a short description and code number corresponding to the activity Cost estimates for each fiscal .year appear on the left hand I side with the contributing funds listed to the right, under the project description. On the facing' p~ge, the costs are"shown spread across the next five fiscal years according to an acquisition/construction plane I The dollar amounts budgeted for the proposed fiscal year can be tied back to the operating budget's "Statement of Fund Balances and Reserves" under the Capital Projects I column. Each year the Program .is adjusted to reflect actual performance so the costs of the City's I Capital Improvement Program ban be historically tracked. The poway Redevelopment Agencv Budget I The budget of the Redevelopment Agency is patterned after the City's budget and includes the same elements-'an operating and a capital improvement budget. I Revenues of the Agency, like those of the City, are listed by the four-digit account 1 numbers found in Appendix D Fund activity detail pages follow, and the Agency has its own "Statement of Fund Balances and Reserves." 1 The organization chart of the Agency indicates its relationship to the City of Poway' The City Council acts as the Agency's Board of Directors, and the City Manager is its Executive Director 1 The operating budget covers the day-to-day administrative affairs of the Agency Note that the format of the Agency's operating budget detail parallels that of the City's I operating budget. The Redevelopment Agency Capital Improvement Budget is set up using the same format I as the City's Capital Improvement Budget. More Information is Available 1- The Administrative Services Department prepares the budget document you have just read about. In addition to the published document, City staff retains files of detailed I backup material. I I I vi I Guide to Reading the Budget Document I Page 6 I Backup documentation is reviewed by the Budget Review Committee, appointed from 1 among Poway's citizens by the City Council. This Committee spend many hours with staff each year prior to budget adoption, examining the detail behind the proposed I budget. These files are also available for review by the general public, by appointment with the Administrative Services Department, as early as the month of May prior to a new fiscal year. I The Budget is considered by the City Council in public hearings .at every regular City Council meeting in June. Public comment is invited and will be considered by the City -I Council at these hearings. In addition to the above, any person having questions about the financial plan may I contact the Administrative Services Department. We are pleased to answer any inquiries to the best of our ability. I I I I I I I I I I I D vii CITY OF POWAY I JAN GOLDSMITH, Mayor KATHY 'MCINTYRE, Deputy Mayor DON HIGGINSON. Councilmember B. TONYSNESKO; Councilmember I BOB EJv1ERY.,Councilmember I May 18, 1992 I Dear Honorable Mayor and Councilmembers: I The proposed Financial Program for Fiscal Year 1992-1993 has been prepared during a time of financial uncertainty with a vision of optimism. The recession in I Cal iforn i a has had a devastati.ng impact on all 1 eve 1 s of government. Powayhas fa fed somewhat better than most due to City Council conservative fiscal policies, particularly as they have been appl ied to the General Fund. Despi te major revenue reductions of about $2.0 million during the past 2 years, expenditures I have been revised to permit the accumulation of $600,000 which improved the reserves. At the same ti me, the City has avo i ded layoffs or substant la 1 servl ce reductions, which has been accomplished through foresight and use of contracts I for many of the economy driven services. The $31.7 mill Ion Financial Program proposed for FI seal Year 1992 - 1993 Is I ba 1 anced us I ng the General Fund surplus carrl ed over from the past two fiscal years. This use of surpl us funds represents only 3% of the recommended expenditure plan. It is antitipated that modest historical budget savings and a modest increase in revenues will more than offset this need for surplus fund I usage by June 30, 1993. The recommended Financial Program includes four change~ in services. These are I the sta ffi ng for the Meadowbrook Gymnas I urn expected to open I n September of 1992, the add it I on of a second DARE offl cer to be ass i gned to the mi ddl e and hi gh schoo 1 s, a veh I c 1 e to allow the operat i on of a second weekend work release crew, I and a commitment of additi~nal Proposition A funds for street repairs. The ut i 1 ity fund budgets, water and sewer, refl ect modest increases in C.ity related expenditures. However, they do include major cost increases from the I Metropol itan Water District of 17% and the Metropol itan Sewer District '68%. These cost increases are anticipated to be recovered in part through rate Increases I The Capital Improvement Program for the City addresses several small projects while that for the Redevelopment Agency Is proposed to be an Interim program for I Fiscal Year 1992-1993. The Redevelopment Agency .C 1 P budget will be re-eva luated in early 1993 upon completion of the Redevelopment Plan Amendment and project prioritizattonprogram. I" I I City Hall Located at 13325 Civic Center Drive ~ i~~\ Mailing Address, PO Box 789 Poway, Calitornia 92074-0789 . (619) 748-6600 695"1400 ~J "TIr.l>!':ltl ::;~~-.'C.12J:F;'1J:o': vi i i I Financial Program 1992-1993 1 May 18, 1992 Page 2 I In conclusion, Fiscal Year 1992-1993, should be a transitionary year between the I rapid budget growth of the 80' s, the 2 year recession, and anticipated steady economi c growth of the 90' s. With patience, opportunities for increases in service levels could be considered by Fiscal Year 1994-1995. The conservative I fiscal practices of the past decade which have enabled Poway to cope with the recession will continue to pay future dividends. Respectfully Submitted, I J,~ I J mes L. Bowersox C ty Manager I I I I I I I I I I I I .t- CllY OF POWAYFINANCIAL PROGRAM: 1992-1993 PROGRAM EXPENDI1"URES x I CITY OF POWAY I PROGRAM EXPENDITURES FISCAL YEAR 1992 - 1993 I I Legislative and I Administrative $ 750,330 $ 358,300 $ - $ 1,108,630 I Administrative Services 1,475,800 1,123,780 167,380 2,766,960 I Community Services 1,671,850 1,005,490 7,650 2,684,990 I Engineering Services 1,543,690 175,600 5,050 1,724,340 I Planning Services 727,260 557,020 2,930 1,287,210 I Public Services 3,789,490 10,802,780 23,860 14,616,130 I Safety Services 2.589.620 4.260.910 49.170 6.899.700 I Total $12,548,040 $18,283,880 $256,040 $31,087,960 I Housing Services $92,600 $1,914,870 $56.630 $2,064,100 I I I I I I f,:, .. CITY OF POWAY FINANCIAL PROGRAM: 1992.;1993 BUDGET BY FUND CITY OF POWAY - BUDGET BY FUND CAPITAL ASSESS' .. ,'_' _n _'._.~'.'._ .'. ,.. .:. REPLACE; . '. ... MENT .. ................... ........................ PROP AI. DEPARTMENT GENERAL WATER SEWER . GAS TAX MENT . DISTRICTSDRAINAGI:. .STP Legislative and Administrative City Council 147,636 17,369 8,685 173,690 City Clerk 216,885 25,516 12,758 255,160 City Attorney 184,391 21,693 10,846 216,930 City Manager 393,423 46,285 23,143 462,850 ,))eparfii1!lr1t Tcital 942335 , J10;8il3 55,432 LH)8,630 ;; ...,,_.- Administrative Services Director 150,184 34,187 51,399 235,770 Personnel 151,316 37,937 26,297 215,550 Customer Services 36,298 218,665 182,367 437,330 Finance 213,877 103,574 56,459 373,910 Data Processing 27,550 55,100 27,550 110,200 Purchasing 112,751 42,081 22,128 177,560 Support Services 107,050 65,545 23,630 5,136 4,109 205,470 Risk Management 258,963 158;559 57,161 12,426 9,941 497,050 Capital Replacement 167,220 167,220 DART 237,113 109,787 346,900 .... De paifmer1tTOtai', ,057;989 952'761 557.378 184,7132 14;050 2,766,960 Communitv Services Director 342,580 342,580 Recreation 938,070 938,070 Lake Operations 430,940 430,940 Aquatics 384,440 384,440 Performing Arts Ctr 588,960 588,960 "DepadmehtTotal 2;684,Mo. 2;684,M() Plannina Services Director 250,810 250,810 Current Planning 378,310 378,310 Advance Planning 328,850 328,850 Building Inspection 329,240 329,240 ..... DepartmeJ1tTotal 1 ;287;210 1,287,210 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -I!!!!!!I-- _~_~_~I!!!!!!!!i- --- - 0-_'. ~ ~ ~ -"-', I!!!!!!!! .. .. .. .. .. - CITY OF POWAY - BUDGET BY FUND ,.,.:: '-:-:oo: '. ..... ... ......fft.>t~~~l/0~~~fu~r>g~d~~j> ....... ....... ...... ...... .. WATER SEWER . GAS.TAX" .'. MENT ./D1STRICTSDRAINAGEi.STp......TOTAl\ Public' Services Director 79,140 79,140 158,280 Field Operations & Maint. 18,171 109,026 54,513 181,710 Street Maintenance 640,004 28,813 28,813 768,730 391 ,000 1,857,360 Water Supply 5,142,660 5,142,660 Sewer Pumping 3,272,880 3,272,880 Water Transmission 654,270 654,270 Sewer Collection 371,200 371,200 Facilities Maintenance 136,820 109.456 27,364 273,640 Drainage 321,760 32.1,760 Trails and Open Space 63,980 63,980 Park & Landscape Maint. 947,376 105,264 1,052,640 Landscape Maint. Districts 1,265,750 1,265,750 'QepaitmentTotal 1,806,3~1 6;228,629 :3;833,91 Cl 768,f3() ".,265,f5b 321760 391,000 .t4,61$i13Cl ,- ..-", .. Safety Services .- Director 288,380 288,380 ..A Fire Suppression 2,035,260 2,035,260 Fire Prevention 374,310 374,310 Paramedics 566,900 566,900 Law Enforcement 3,634,850 3,634,850 ;,;:[)ellartmentTotal. 6,8fj9,7ClO .ii15'8997()() .:-, '.... ~ "-",-',,,:'''-,':',- Engineerinq Services Director 122,130 13,516 27,194 162,840 Capital Projects 290,688 9,395 6,264 7,500 6,813 320,660 Subdivision 325,347 10,274 6,849 342,4 70 Special Projects 240,686 9,693 46,848 25,863 323,090 lri'spection 355,984 11,242 7.494 374,720 Traffic 190,532 6,016 4,012 200,560 iJ[)~p~i1:riiii.6t.. milIal.' .......1;5:?$'$$? 60;136 98,661 7;500 32676 1;}24)340 ..,-,..., ,--.. .__' .1._,,_ "_,'._,._,, ... ...,........-.. ,... TOTAL EXPENDITURES $16,203,942 $7,352,389 $4,545,381 $776,230 $184,782 $1,265,750 $368.486 $391,000 $31,087,960 x -::" ~. ~. I " :1 :1 I , , I I I ! I , CITY OF POWAY FINANCIAL PROGRAM: 1992-1993' EMPLOYEE POSITIONS, CLASSIFICATIONS, AND SALARY RANGES I xv; I CITY OF POWAY I AUTHORIZED FULL-TIME POSITIONS BY DEPARTMENT I I I Legislative and Administrative 9 9 9 I Administrative Services 27 31 31 1 Community Services 22 23 23 :1 Engineering Services 27 26 26 I Housing Services 1 1 1 I Planning Services 12 12 12 I Public Services 84 78 78 I Safety Services 33 34 34 I TOTAL CITY 215 214 214 I I I I I I < '.' ^v. I I CITY OF POWAY FULL TIME CLASSIFICATIO~S Accountant 252:6 2876 - 3511. Account Clerk I 212.6 1928 - 2354 Account Clerk II 207.6 1834 - 2239 Administrative Clerk II 203.6 1762 - 2151 Administrative Clerk I 198.6 1676 - 2046 Administrative Secretary 228.1 2251 - 2748 Assistant City Manager 334.1 6494 - 7928 Assistant Civil Engineer I 259.0 3066 - 3743 Assistant Civil Engineer II 269.0 3388 - 4136 Assistant Director of Planning Services 2974 4500 - 5494 Assistant Planner I 247.6 2736 - 3340 Assistant Planner II 257.6 3023 - 3691 I Assistant Public Services Operations Manager 288.8 4129 - 5041 Associate Civil Engineer 284.0 3936 - 4805 Associate Planner 267.6 3341 - 4079 Building Maintenance Worker 211.6 1909 - 2330 Code Compliance Officer 252.6 2876 - 3511 Community Services Manager 294.9 4389- 5358 Constructon Maintenance Worker III 236.6 2451- 2992 Construction Maintenance Worker II 221.6 2110 - 2575 Construction Maintenance Worker I 211.6 1909 - 2330 Customer Services Manager 284.9 3971 - 4848 Customer Services Worker 226.6 2218 - 2707 Data Entry Clerk II 212.6 1928 - 2354 I Data Entry Clerk I 207.6 1834 - 2239 Data Processing Coordinator 252.6 2876 - 3511 Department Aide 238.1 2488 - 3037 Deputy City Clerk 238.1 2488 - 3037 Director of Administrative Services 320.3 5657 - 6907 Director of Community Services 320.3 5657 - 6907 I Director of Engineering Services 320.3 5657 - 6907 ~ Director of Planning Services 320.3 5657 - 6907 Director of Public Services 320.3 5l)57- 6907 Director of Safety Services 320.3 5657 - 6907 Drainage Maintenance Supervisor 251.6 2847 - 3476 Engineering Services Inspection Supervisor 270.2 3429 -4186 Engineering Technician 239.9 2533 - 3092 Equipment Maintenance Supervisor 2577 3026 - 3694 Equipment Mechanic 242.7 2605 - 3180 ~ Equipment Service Worker 202.7 1746 - 2132 Finance Manager 294.9 / 4389 - 5358 Fire Battalipn Chief 303.2 4769 ~5821 ~ fire Captain 274.2 3569 - 4357 Fire. Engineer 259.9 3093 - 3776 Firefighter 249.3 2782 - .3397 FiLe Prevention Inspector 259.9 3093 - 3776 xv ... CITY OF POWAY FULL TIME CLASSIFICATIONS General Services Manager 284.9 3971 - 4848 Housing Coordinator 267.6 3341 - 4079 Laboratory Analyst 257.6 3023 - 3691 Landscape Architect 247.6 2736 - 3340 Landscape Maintenance Supervisor 249.5 2788 - 3404 Management Analyst 262.6 3178 - 3880 Management Assistant 252.6 2876 - 3511 Meter & Backflow Preventor Mechanic 236.6 2451 - 2992 Park & Landscape Manager 284.9 3971 - 4848 Park Attendant 198.6 1676 - 2046 Park Maintenance Worker III 234.5 2400 - 2930 I Park Maintenance Worker II 219.5 2066 - 2522 Park Maintenance Worker I 209.5 1869 - 2282 Park Ranger 210.2 1882 - 2298 Performing Arts Manager 284.9 3971 - 4848 Personnel Aide 238.1 2488 - 3037 Personnel Manager 294.9,/' 4389 - 5358 Prinyipal Management Analyst 284.6 3960- 4834 Public Services Inspector 255.2 2951 - 3603 Public Services Operations Manager 303.8 4797 - 5856 Recreation Leader II 207.4 1830 - 2235 Recreation Leader I 1874 1499 - 1830 Recreation Program Coordinator 229.0 2271 - 2773 Recreation Supervisor 244.0 2639 - 3222 Redevelopment Manager 294.9 4389- 5358 Secretary 218.1 2037 - 2487 Secretary to the City Manager 243.1 2615- 3193 Sr Accountant 262.6 3178 - 3880 Sr. Building Maintenance Worker 240.2 2541 - 3101 Sr. Civil Engineer 299.0 4573- 5582 Sr. Management Analyst 272.6 3512- 4288 Sr Planner 282.6 3881 - 4738 Sr Utility System Technician 262.1 3162 -3860 Sewer Treatment Plant Operator 2471 2722 - 3323 Storekeeper II 227.6 2240 - 2734 Storekeeper I 207.6 1834 - 2239 Street Maintenance Supervisor 251.6 2847 - 3476 Telephone Operator/Receptionist 198.6 1676 - 2046 Traffic Engineer 299.0 4573 - 5582 II Utilities System Mechanic 2471 2722 - 3323 Utilities System Technician 252.1 2861 - 3493 , Wastewater Collection Supervisor 251.6 2847 - 3476 Water Distribution Supervisor 251.6 2847 - 3476 , Water Treatment Plant Operator III 2571 3008 - 3672 Water Treatment Plant Operator II 2471 2722 - 3323 Water Treatment Plant Operator I 2371 2463 - 3007 I Water Treatment Supervisor 272.1 3495 - 4266 I ~ ) I , I I I i I / I , ~ ! I I I I I ! I I CITY OF POWAY FINANCIAL PROGRAMS: 19924993 ~~\ REVENUE BY FUNDS AND SOURCES 2 I REVENUES BY FUNDS AND SOURCES FY 1991-92 FY 1991-92 FY 1992-93 FY 1992-93 I GENERAL FUND - 1 Budget Actual Proposed A roved Taxes 7010 Property Taxes-Current $ 3,161,000 $ 3,306,755 $ 3,376,700 $ 3,366,700 7012 Property T axes-Deliquent 128,000 120,752 132,000 134,000 7013 Supplemental Tax-Current 260,500 168,369 167;300 170,300 7015 Homeowner's Prop. Tax Exem. 115,800 86,274 80,000 86,000 7017 Other Tax Roll Items 500 - 500 500 7018 Property Taxes-Trailer Lie. 10,700 16,711 17;000 18,000 7020 Franchises 364,080 403,911 512,890 512,890 7022 Sales Tax 2,839,500 2,672,052 3,067,320 3,067,320 7024 Transient Occupancy Tax 24,000 33,651 30,000 30,000 7026 Real Property Transfer 161,900 148,177 137,800 137,800 Subtotal $7;065,980/$6,956\652$ 1;$21,516 $>./1,523,516 ._,.._',..__..___ .,_..,...... .,' .._.._ ._..._. '. H' ,........ ,. ,.. ,.n " ,., Licenses and Permits , 7111 Animal License $ 150 $ 499 $ 150 $ 150 7114 Business Registration 25,900 37,726 32,000 32,000 7115 Sanitation permits 80,000 68,628 69,000 69,000 7116 Fishing Permits 129,500 100,649 114,400 114,400 7151 Boat Perm its 80,200 70,450 80,000 80,000 7153 Excavation Permits 20,000 5,840 7,500 7,500. 7154 Grading Permits 4,000 3,800 3,600 3,600 7160 Parking Permits 71,950 64,749 68,900 68,900 I Subtotal, ..., $ 41},'7QQ,$ . :352,~41', $, 375,550$//~75;550 I Fines and Forfeitures 96,000 I 7210 Fines & Penalties $ 164,000 $ 95,204 $ 96,000 $ Subtotal $(. 164;090 ,$ 95,204$>i '96;000 $'. 96,000 I I I . 'I II I II~ II ~ - ' ',J " ,-.' .' REVENUES BY FUNDS AND SOURCES FY 1991-92 FY 1991-92 FY 1992c93 FY 1992-93 GENERAL FUND (Continued) Budget Actual, Proposed A roVed Revenues from Use of Monev and Property 7310 InteresUncome $ 350,750 $ 479,699 $ 372,200 $ 372,200 7317 Interest on Loans 327,790 327,790 317,740 317,740 7359 Facilities Rental (PAC) 50,040 81,067 185,550 185,550 7360 Recreation Facilities Rental 29,000 31,129 31,000 31,000 7362 Fire Facilities 3,600 1,500 2,400 2,400 7364 Pool Rentals 25,000 12,645 15,300 15,300 7365 Pool Locker Rentals 2,000 1,482 2,000 2,000 7370 Lake Poway Concession 20,830 9,662 21,000 21,000 7371 Pool Concessions - 904 1,500 1,500 7380 Lake Poway Facilities Rental 13,500 9,824 12,500 12,500 7391 Lake Poway Overnight Camping 800 382 700 700 7392 Perf. Arts.! Pusd Joint Cost 39,030 57,594 42,000 42,000 Sl.ibtCJt~F .. $><a62,~40 iY$ i1;61:,,679 $ 1;6d3;a90i$it!6o:,ia$O, ReVenue from Other AQencies 7410 Motor Vehicle in Lieu $ 1,709,600 $ 1,706,375 $ 1,546,800 $ 1,572,670 7411 Off Highway 830 1,355 1,100 1,100 7412 Vehicle Abatement Svc Auth - - - 33,000 7440 Cigarette Tax 80,400 29,733 - - 7470 TDA Admin - - 8,000 8,000 Subtotal> . $t,790,830t $1:737,463,$it,555;900 $<1,614;770 .. '____ ,. ..,_ "..._.. ."..u,. ... .- _,'"...___ ____ ..., ...... ,'....,,'..... "...., ~ ~ I ~ ~ 4 I REVENUES BY FUNDS AND SOURCES FY 1992-93 I FY 1991c92 FY 1991-92 FY 1992-93 GENERAL FUND (Continued) Budget Actual Proposed Approved I Fees and Services 7510 Candidates Filing Fees $ - $ - $ 500 $ 500 I 7515 Perf Arts Center Ticket Sales 112,260 80,809 118,540 118,540 7516 Perf. Arts Center Staff Services 24,000 29,729 9,900 9,900 7517 Perf. Arts Center Concessions 8,160 9,247 27,270 27,270 I 7518 Landscape Plan Check & Insp. 270,400 57,872 123,020 123,020 7541 Water System Analysis Fees - 5,300 - - 7544 Administrative Revenue - RDA 1,218,880 1,244,618 1,542,330 1,542,330 I 7545 Administrative Fees-Other 19,000 10,356 10,200 10,200 7547 Admin. Fees-Special District - 65,259 71,400 71,400 7558 Fire Prevention Const. Fee - 12,815 13,560 13,560 I 7567 Alarm Registration 19,200 41,613 45,000 45,000 7568 Safety Service Plan Check 67,500 79,835 55,000 55,000 I 7569 Aquatics Programs 46,170 42,176 47,380 47,380 7570 Planning Fees 140,000 80,412 102,510 102,510 7571 Environmental Review Fees 177,000 13,138 178,640 178,640 I 7572 Miscellaneous Planning Fees 10,660 2,993 15,990 15,990 7573 Building Inspection Fees 800,000 537,997 436,180 436,180 7574 Miscellaneous Legislative/Adm. 3,540 3,384 2,430 2,430 I 7575 Plan Check Revenue 452,460 308,925 134,500 134,500 7576 Misc. Engineering Serv Fees 250 27,971 750 750 7577 Engin. Services Inspection Fees 730,300 310,851 202,750 202,750 I 7578 Staff Time Reimbursement 36,680 21,983 82,500 82,500 7579 Miscellaneous Safety Services 800 6,860 2,000 2,000 7580 Recreation Leisure Contracts 189,220 157,490 158,160 158,160 I 7581 Recreation Program Fees 98,300 74,362 90,000 90,000 7582 Recreation Official Fees 19,340 19,975 19,230 19,230 7583 South Poway Engineering Fees 373,840 87,841 161,200 161,200 I 7587 Swim Pool Admission 83,810 104,142 104,920 104,920 7588 Aquatics Program Fees 9,350 7,419 6,830 6,830 I 7589 Towing Contracts 1,000 874 200 200 7590 Ambulance Fees 199,040 117,799 256,530 256,530 7591 Fire Protection Fees 532,700 499,510 515,000 515,000 I 7592 Weed Abatement Reimb. 42,500 18,615 22,000 22;000 7595 Median Fees - - 1,250 1,250 7596 CPR Class Registration - 884 560 560 I Subtot<il,' $ '.$,6?6,360$i 4;0?3,0515$".4,558,:23b $ 4;558,?30 I I I II ' , ;-''1! ' ~ , REVENUES BY FUNDS AND SOURCES FY 1991-92 FY 1991-92 FY 1992-93 FY 1992-93 GENERAL FUND (Continued) Budget Actual Proposed A roved Other Revenue 7640 State Fishing License Comm. $ 1,650 $ 1 ;013 $ 1,200 $ 1,200 7650 Donations- Community Svcs - 383 - - 7670 Mandated Cost 250 42,148 8,400 76,400 7675 Miscellaneous Income 35,000 119,673 67,450 67,450 7676 Recovery of Stolen Property 5,000 790 - - 7678 PERS Excess Earnings 520,000 928,763 601,000 601,000 \/$ubto!aF""" , '/$/ \$13},900 /$>1;092;170 /$/ '6t~;Q5b/ $746;050 Total General Fund $ 16,543,110 $ 15,331,164 $ 15,789,130 $ 15,918,000 Street Improvement - Gas Tax Fund - 10 7430 Gas Tax - 2106 $ 187,910 $ 208,914 $ 182,900 $ 187,050 7431 Gas tax - 2107 385,960 426,443 367,570 367,570 7432 Gas Tax - 2107.5 7,500 7,500 7,500 7;500 7433 Gas Tax - 2105 193,950 219,481 218,260 218,260 7544 Administrative Revenue - 55 - - 7675 Misclncome - 15 - - Total.$lreetlrnprov.!7und". ,'. <$r '11'5;320$ '~E):2Ab$/ $ . '17l3,230$/r\18b;3S0 Park Improvement Fund - 11 7340 Parkland Dedication fees $ - $ 236,704 $ - $ - 7461 Grant Revenue- Park Bonds - 174,138 - - 7675 Misc Income 404,870 5,000 114,750 114,750 ,..'.Total..Pal'k,lniproviFuhd...'. $ ,.,.404,870 $," ", 415842.$ 1'14,150 /,$'./114;7~b .-.,,-.,.,...',',----.....,' ... ,-........' '. . .n,'. .-:-....,..' .,' ~ ~ ~ I I I h I REVENUES BY FUNDS AND SOURCES FY 1991-92 FY 1991-92 FY 1992-93 FY 1992-93 I Drainaqe Fund - 12 Budget Actual Proposed Aooroved I 321,120 $ 332,680 $ 7031 Property Tax - Flood Zones $ 321 ,120 $ 332,680 7310 Interest income 40,100 32,548 36,900 36,900 I 7675 Miscellaneous Income - 1,237 - .'"." .,""."TotaIDtainageFGrid\ '<$i\361/220$\:?!?4,!;j05\ $ i~$g;!5?q.$\ '3695!3b I .,._..., "........., '...0. J....___ Grant Funds: 14-19 I 7484 CDBG"14th YR $ - $ - $ 120,000 $ 120,000 7402 SB 939 Recycling - 47,565 22,000 22,000 I 7403 Solid Waste Reduction - 18,748 48,000 48,000 7450 Grant- Iron MOl:lntain Trail - 84,870 - - 7470 Grant - Bike Lane 50,000 - - - I Total'. Grant Flinds l !S%bo $ '151;183\$<>t~Q;QQQ\1 <.1~b;oQQ I Liqhtinq District Fund - 20 I 7310 Interest Income $ 45,990 $ 59,951 $ 63,700 $ 63,700 7710 Assessment District 83-1 190,985 202,414 237,780 237,780 I 7711 Assessment District 86-3 18,870 11 ,165 34,150 34,150 7712 Assessment District 86-1 192,466 165,000 207,,280 207,280 7713 Assessment District 86-4 - - 12,850 12,850 I 7714 Assessment District 86-2A - - 292,560 292,560 7715 Assessment District 87-1 160,879 149,648 335,050 335,050 7716 Assessment District 86-02B - 8,247 - - I 7717 Assessment District 81-1 B 5,915 - 34,760 34,760 7718 Assessment District 86-2B - - 19,210 19,210 . '-()talASsElssi'ne.KtPi~t.f;Und $ 615,1b5i$ 596,425$ 1.23T,~40 $ "1,?37\34b I I I I I I ': , ! REVENUES BY FUNDS AND SOURCES FY 1991-92 FY 1Q91-92 FY 1992-93 FY 1992-93 : :Street Development Fund - 21 Budget . Actual Proposed A roved 7~10 Interest income $ 400 $ 43,165 $ 49,900 $ 49,900 7597 Road Fees - Other 2,500 - - - )!:rotaIStreef[)evif:'Gnd" ,. ".<$ "<<2;900i $<ii4~;1~$ .".'$< 'i49;Q()() )$i<t4~:$b() Prop. AFund - 22 :7023 Prop. A Sales Tax $ 770,000 $ 426,000 $ 818,000 $ 818,000 7310 Interest Income 70,000 86;666 79,700 79,700 .Tot?IF@piAF~l1q,',"" ' ... ')$<$4P,()bO$i$1?;666$897,ioot$139Z:ZOQ Street Development (AB1600) - 23 7017 T~xes-Oth Tax Roll items $ - $ - $ 18;800 $ 18,800 17310 Interest Income - 20,866 - - 7401 Revenue from Other Agencies - 54,304 - - 7593 Traffic Mitigate Fees 122,200 469~007 39,640 39,640 ;7594 Traffic signal Fees 112,800 469 148,500 148,500 .totaIStreefOev;Fllrid '. ..'. :<i$ii235,OOO$544;64Ei i$i2Q6;94di$ii2b~;94Q DrainaQe Fund (AB1600) -24 7310 Interest Income $ 25,370 $ 20,473 $ 24,000 $ 24,000 7566 Drainage Fees 57,000 133,089 28,500 28,500 Total Di'ainagefllrid' :/i$ ,">82;~70$, 153;562$ 52;5()O$i . 52:500 ,Uqhtinq District Fund - 25 7010 Lighting Distric:t Property Tax $ 140,000 $ 143,006 $ 140,000 $ 140,000 7310 Interest Income 17,610 44,496 40,600 40,600 ,7548 Street Light Fees - 23,331 - - 7714 Lighting District 86-4 176,663 225,295 - - TtltatLigHtihilpi$.t.:FlJhq ,'," :'$" 334,213$' :436,128$ 180;60Q<$."iij$O;6Ob . ---.-- '" -- ... . , . _.._. ..m 8 REVENUES BY FUNDS AND SOURCES I FY 1991-92 FY 1991-92 FY 1992-93 FY 1992-93 I Municipal Improvement Fund - 30 Budget Actual Proposed Approved I 51 ,100 $ 7310 Interest Income $ 44,140 $ 52.500 $ 52,500 , .,..-rotarNfllnClmpl'ov;Fund $ip}.tOCli$ 44140 .$>52500 '$> 52;$OCl I .;..,..._;.....". ',",' . Community Facilities Dist. #1 Acquisition Fund - 31 I 7310 Interesi Income $ 389,500 $ 11,340 $ 400 $ 400 I ToiaVCbrnm ,.'Facjlitie$" Dist.#t">$ ,>"i3139,500>$i>11.340$ ,400$\ 400 I Parkway Business Center Acquisition Fund - 32 I 7310 Interest Income $ 534,800 $ - $ 100 $ 100 'Total,PkWayCentetAc:q.j:Iihd$i>5j4:/300 $i - $ . 100$>'" 100 I Debt Service Fund - 40 I 7310 Interest Income $ 168,700 $ 358,435 $ 148,300 $ 148,300 I 7616 Bond Redemption-tax roll 173,450 173,450 170,800 170,800 7620 Bond Proceeds - 12,285,614 - - .',.' l"otalDebfSer"liceFurid $ 342;150 '$ }2;1317,499 $i;319;1oo$>\>319;100 I ... ",.. '- ...-. ,.. Community Facilities Dist. #1 I Debt Service Fund - 41 7310 Interest Income $ 213,750 $ 222,566 $ 236,100 $ 236,100 I 7618 Tax RolI-CFD#1 2,666,100 2,576,084 2,474,700 2,474,700 I "." TbtaFC:FD#1 $ 2;1379./3,50",$ .2:]98.6$0, $ 2;110,$00$ 2;110;800 I I I I '-'.1 ~' . ~ 'I REVENUES BY FUNDS AND SOURCES FY 1991-92 FY 1991-92 FY 1992-93 FY 1992-93 ParkwaY Business Center Budget Actual Proposed A roved Debt Service fund - 42 7310 Interest Income $ - $ 291,110 $ 247,200 $ 247,200 7618 Tax'RolI-CFD 88#1 3,689,310 3,757,764 2,982,940 2,982,940 ..,'. 'i;tb(ijlp~pebt$l:lrY;FUnd .....i\$\~,$89;31qi $i4iQft8;~74:, i$i3,230,149\ $ii~;7~Cl;14Q Parkway Business Center DeblService Fund 88-1 - 44 7310 Ir,terest Income $ - $ 98,533 $ 112,000 $ 112,000 7618 Tax RolI-CFD 88#1 - - 731,600 731,600 '. "iiiTcjtalp~bE%I:J($erVice$8+1\i$I -,--,-- \$.'..., ""98;$33,$i .'i843;e()6i$IHdi$ClO Community Facilities Dist. 199088-1 Construction Fund - 52 7310 Interest Income $ - $ 363,106 $ 340,000 $ 340:000 "'TotaIC9h'1trl.Facili'.lJist."$8:;1i'. ,$,.,',. ., '$363;ld61'i~0,006 i$i \~4d,900 I REVENUES BY FUNDS AND SOURCES FY 1991-92 FY 1991-92 FY 1992-93 Water Fund - 60 Budget Actual Proposed 7310 Interest Income $ 226,200 $ 438,074 $ 460,600 $ 7315 Interest Income - Bond 179,870 227,324 264,700 7401 Revenue from other Agencies - 5,000 - - 7500 Current Fees and Services - - 2,620 7520 Sales and Service 5,089,300 4,836,369 5,818,130 7521 Sales and Service-Un metered 20,420 318 - - 7522 Sales-SDCWAlRamona 185,000 84,378 - - 7523 Inter-City Sales 54,350 - - - 7524 Delinquency Charge 63,000 63,796 50,000 7525 Hydrant Meter Charge 1,200 765 1,000 7526 Reconnection 5,400 4,015 3,000 7528 Agricul. Rebate/Interrupt Water - 70,393 - - - 7529 Sales-Capacity 1,052,970 889,035 1,021,600 1,021,600 7530 Pumping-ID 1 31,730 19,518 36,330 36,330 7531 Pumping-IDA 25,230 18,095 12,300 12,300 7532 Pumping-Orchard etc 53,130 36,105 36,880 36;880 7533 Pumping-Donart 875 567 490 490 7534 Pumping-Convair 2,450 437 1,690 1,690 7535 Pumping-Padre Transit 3,520 529 1,690 1,690 7536 Pumping-Camelback 37,700 33,828 19,150 19,150 7537 Pum ping-Wood cliff 2,760 2,015 1,920 1,920 7538 Pumping Community 27,360 15,598 5,050 5,050 7540 Expansion Fees 31,200 - - - 7541 Water System Analysis Fees - 605 19,680 7542 Connection Fees 230,880 25,201 129,840 7544 Administrative Fees 4,220 8,336 - - 7546 Meter Installation 49,310 18,101 25,480 7577 Inspection Revenues 6,910 6,700 - - 7611 Bond - General Water 840,880 1,053,267 915,920 915'920~ 7617 Bond-AD 79-1, Tax Roll 215,210 219,818 211,710 211,710 7672 Returned Check Charges 1,200 1,890 1,600 1,600 7675 Miscellaneous Income 24,150 51,454 - toti:lI WaterFu rid . "",$<8,466,425 $i8;131,53,1$i9;041,386$9'641;386 .d.,.......'.._..._'....___...". ..__....C',,_,,:.:.;,. .,,,...........;'.'.,;..;',,.....,.....-..,;.. ;--.- -;.-...-,....-.-...........; ~., .~! 4 11 , REVENUES BYFUNDS AND SOURCES FY 1991-92 FY 1991-92 FY 1992-93 FY 1992-93 Sewer Fund - 61 Budget Actual Proposed A roved 7310 Interest Income $ 750,000 $ 1,183,965 $ 1,160,000 $ 1,160,000 7315 Interest Income - Bond 15,350 11,585 18,600 18,600 7330 Interest Income-Notes Rec. - 3,559 - - 7520 Sales & Service 3,214,000 3,167-,761 3,428,000 3,428,000 7542 Connection 228,480 975,661 132,080 132,080 7546 Cleanout Service 6,000 - - - 7551 Annexation-General - 20,977 20,000 20,000 7555 Sewer Service Tax Roll 12,100 12,135 24,500 24,500 7556 Inspection 6,880 3,900 4,500 4,500 7562 Pumping St Andrews 3,670 2,217 3,000 3,000 7563 Pumping Camino del Norte 25,610 34,280 21,130 21,130 ,7564 Pumping Del Poniente 1,320 943 1,070 1,070 7565 Pumping-Highlands 200 - 160 160 7615 Bonds 139,500 167,015 158,000 158,000 .7675 Miscellaneous Income 18,000 39:613 4,000 4,000 fTotalSeWerFlJl1df' " $4,421,110$ 5,623;$11$i4:QZ$;Q4(j$iY4!91;$:040 ,Captial Replacement Fund - 70 7310 Interestincome $ 117 , 1 00 $ 231,207 $ 239,400 $ 239,400 7585 Vehicle & Equip rental 583,760 496,090 303,890 303,890 7586 Capital Outlay Rental - Office 417 ,600 332,310 243,020 243,020 7660 Sales of Surplus Property - 3,269 500 500 .,'...,, , ',TotalCapital Repl.FQrid $1,}1 ~;460$ 1,662,876$ '" ., 186:81() $>i ."".786;8,10 .. . ~Library Endowment -71 7654 Donations- General $ - $ - $ - $ 401,000 ~i"" t()fahLi~tCl,rYE:Hpq'N'."FlJ.ncf 12 REVENUES BY FUNDS AND SOURCES I FY 1991-92 FY 1991-92 FY 1992-93 Grant - CATV Pubic Access - 78 Budget Actual Proposed 7310 Interest Income $ - $ 3,753 $ - $ - 7654 Donations- General - 110,000 - - 7668 CATV- PEG Access Program - 15,000 - - Clyde Rexrode Memorial Fund - 80 7310 Interest Income $ - $ 352 $ 400 $ Tbfal,.'Rexrbde"M~rn(FUrid)< $- $i . . 352$i> '400)$ Poway Rd. Beautification Trust Fund - 81 7310 Interest Income $ 2,500 $ 2,094 $ 4,000 $ Total.'.pbWClYRcj.l3eaut.,'F,uhd," $)),<2;5.90$ 2;094i$) '" ".4,660$ Mary Patricia Ross Trust - 83 7310 Interest Income $ 1 ,910 $ 2,824 $ 3,000 $ TCltalROssTrustFund, ' $ 1.91Q$ . '" 2,824$ 3,OpO)$ ,,', Betty Bendixen Trust - 85 7310 Interest Income $ 740 $ 580 $ 600 $ " tClfarBendlxen-rr~sr $ ".,,746$ 580$),606 $ I ~ , , lj REVENUES BY FUNDS AND SOURCES FY 1991-92 FY 1991-92 FY 1992-93 FY 1992-93 Arts Center - 86 Budget Actual Proposed A roved Interest Income $ 5,780 $ 9,231 $ 6,600 $ 6,600 Donation-Annual Operation 30,000 32,425 - - Misc Income - 500 - - '...'....' ",.,'. ,'. ,. """"""" "....$ .,' '",. ..... '.'.$ ..' .".i5$ "'660 "'$..'...'.60()' .'...TotaIR(i3rLArt~tc:enter ...',', .,<<<35;789"i '42;15 ,. .' ,. ,.,".",."< . , ". 9 '., ,<,ii6;. . ... ,... Law Enforcement - 87 Interest Income $ 50 $ 1,543 $ 1,000 $ 1,000 Recovery of Stolen Proprty - 3,589 - - . "''fOfal'.'Law'Enfor~eITlElr1t '<$ , 50$\i '$;1.~2$ '\1,000 i$i\1;dbo , Route 56 Vernal Pool - 88 7310 Interest Income $ - $ 6,294 $ 6,800 $ 6,800 T(jtaID€lv.PartiCipatiorl . $ $" 6294$> '$)~o6. $\\!5i8PQ - .,. ;., f".. . 7310 Interest Income $ - $ 10 $ - $ - 7667 Developer Participation - - 100 100 Total BarbehTrlJst . .., '$'" - . $ ....10$ . <100$..' "100, I REVENUE GRAND TOTAL $ 42,177,853 $ 54,590,447 $ 42,187,040 $ 42,721,060 I I I I I I I CITY OF POWAY FINANCIAL PROGRAM: 1992..1993 I SUMMARY OF SOURCES AND USES 01= FUNDS - 16 FISCAL YEAR 1992-93 SUMMARY OF SOURCES AND USES OF BUDGETED FUNDS I SPECIAL SPECIAL I GENERAL REVENUE ASSESSMENT TRUST FUND FUNDS FUNDS FUNDS SOURCE OF FUNDS I Revenues $15,918,000 $2,547,000 $1,417,940 $423,500 Accumulated Appropriations 3,349,578 1,384,189 0 109,657 Fund Balance . 0 412,623 1,481,417 263,146 I Transfers in 0 0 0 TOTAL $19,267,578 $4,343,812 $2,899,357 $796,303 USE OF FUNDS I Expenditures $15,815,682 $1,535,716 $1,265,750 $ 0 Capital Projects 9,700 302,596 0 0 I Bond Interest & Redemption 0 0 0 0 Reserves for Contingencies 3,411,796 516,787 0 0 I Unappropriated Reserves 1,878,257 1,633,607 796,303 Transfers Out 30.400 110.456 0 0 I TOTAL $19,267,578 $4,343,812 $2,699,357 $796,303 General Fund - The primary source of revenues for the General Fund are property I taxes and sales tax. General Fund revenues from all sources are shown on, pages 2, 3, 4 and 5. The General Fund finances all of the Safety Services, Planning Services, Community Services, general engineering ar;Jd the City administration. A summary of I the approved budget for the General Fund is shown on pages x, xii, xiii ,and 20. Special Revenue Funds: I Gas Tax/Street Improvement - The fund is used to finance the construction, repair and maintenance of City streets. As shown on page 5, sources of revenue are from gasoline tax and interest income. The approved budget is shown on pages xiii and I 21.. Street Development Fund - The fund is used for street construction projects financed I by developer's fees. Revenues are shown on pages 6 and 7 The approved budget is shown on on page 26. Prop "A" Tax Fund- This fund is used to account for special sales taxes to be used for I street and highway projects approved by a regional transportation group. Revenues are on page 7 The approved budget is shown on page 27. Drainage Fund - Revenues for this fund are shown on pages 6 and 7. The primary I source of revenue is from drainage fees collected as development occurs. This revenue is used to finance construction of flood control and drainage improvements. The approved budget is shown on pages x, xiii and 23. I Grant Funds - These funds are used to account.forvarious grants that are received by the City. Revenues are shown on page 6. A fund activity detail is shown on page 24. Special Assessment Fund - This fund is used to finance public improvements or I services that benefit the properties against which the assessments are levied. Revenues are shown on page 6. A fund activity detail is shown on page 25. I Trust Funds - These funds are used to account for proprietary trusts that have been .' donated to the City Trust Fund revenues are shown on pages 11, 12 and 13. ,-- I 17 I CAPITAL CAPITAL REDEVELOP- PROJECT DEaT SERVICE ENTERPRISE REPLACEMENT MENT TOTAL FUNDS FUNDS FUNDS FU,ND AGENCY I $ 507,750 $ 7,103;640 $14,016,420 $ 786,810 $ 0 $42,721,060 I 0 0 22,686,962 3,049,570 1,824,045 32,404,001 3,7?8,149 15,459,414 0 0 0 21,374,749 124.700 1.842.80r 0 0 0 1.967.501 $4,390,599 $24,405;855 $36,703,382 $3,836,380 $1,824,045 $98;467,311 I $ 0 $ 0 $11,897,770 $ 184,782 $ 0 $30,699,700 I 3,919,769 0 2,226,461 0 0 6,458,526 0 7,979,981 1,155,050 0 0 9,135,031 I 0 0 21,424,101 3,648,998 0 29,001,682 470,830 16,425,874 0 0 0 21,204,871 I 0 0 0 2.600 1.824.045 1.967.501 $4,390,599 $24,405,855 $36,703,382 $3,836,380 $1,824,045 $98,467,311 I Capital Proiect Funds: Municipal Improvement - Revenue for this fund is shown on page 8. The fund is used I to finance City capital improvement projects. The approved budget is shown on page 28. Park Improvements - This fund is used to finance the cost of park construction. I Revenues are shown on page 5. Community Facilities Districts " These funds are used to finance the cost of the South poway Community Facilities Districts. I Debt Service - These funds record the revenues and expenditures associated with the financing of the City's general debt and Community Facilities District #1 bonds. I Revenue sources are shown on page 8. The approved budget is shown on pages 32 to 35. I Enterprise Funds: (Water and Sewer) Water Fund - The Water Fund is a self-supported enterprise fund. The primary source of revenue for this fund is from the sale of water. All revenues for the fund are shown I on page 10. The budget for the Water Fund is shown on pages x, xii, xiii and 36. Sewer Fund - The primary source ,of revenue for the sewer fund is the sewer service I charge. Other sources of revenue for this fund are shown on page 11. The approved budget for the Sewer Fund is shown on pages x, xii, xiii and 37. I Gapital Replacement Fund - The capital replacement fund is used to finance the replacement of'City vehicles and major equipment. The revenue for this fund comes from sale of surplus property and rental fees charged to each of the divisions that I have been assigned, vehicles or equipment Revenues are shown on page 11. Expenditures are on page xii. I Redevelopment Aaency - The funding for the Redevelopment Agency includes loans from the City. The total budget for the Redevelopment Agency is shown on pages 223 through 303. , I - , c I I I CITY OF POWAY FINANCIALPROGBAM: 1992-1993 I FUND ACTIVITY DETAIL , I , I,.~= 20 II FUND ACTIVITY DETAIL I ! I GENERAL FUND !. 1990-1991 1991-1992 1991-1992 1992-1993 1992-1993 ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL PROPOSED APPROVED I - Prior Years Appropriation, $ 168,273 $ 3,332,458 $ 3,332,458 $ 3,349,578 $ 3,349,578 I Approp From Fund Balance - - - (748,240) - I Fund Balance Appropritaion Used for Current Year - - - 748,240- Revenues 16,708,777 ,16,543',110 15,331,164 15,789,130 15,918,000 I TOTAL FUNDS AvAIi.::ABLE $16,877,050,$,19,875,568/$ 18,663;622 ,$19;138,708$ 19;267;~Z8 I EXPENDITURES I Operating Expenses: Legis./Administrative' $ 960,918 $ 925,114 $ 898,884 $ 951,030 $ 942,335 I Administrative Services 895,441 1,037,260 1,001,708 1,057,989 1,057,989 I Community Services 2,672,489 2,.519,750 2,517,698 2,686,110 2,684,990 Engineering Services 2,363,850 1,953,056 1,552,619 1,525,367 1,525,367 II Planning Services 1,553,954 1,514,790 1,224,157 1,287,210 1,287,210 Public Services 1,874,519 1,747,228 1,140,753 1,776,424 1,806,351 I Safety Services 5,738,977 6,736,390 6,294,537 7,253,240 6,899,700 I Expense Credit From Capital Replacement Fund - - - - (388,260) I Total Oper Expenses $ 16,060,148 $ 16,433,588 $ 14,630,356 $ 16,537,370 $ 15,815,682 ~ Capital Projects: Streets and Highways $ 58,581 $ - $ - $ - $ 9,700 II Government Buildings ~~ - - - - ..: ,,;::;:::~. ':''';4,;;586'' :. ""';';"'''':;1M!~,3TO:.; 15,8'::::' ~ Total Capital Projects TOTAl.. EXF'ENOITURES TRANSFERS/LOANS-In (Out) Transfer to RDA Debt Service $ (195,000) $ - $ (555,000) $ (360,000) $ (360,000) ~ Transfer from/to Municipallmpr 200,000 - - - (70,800) ~ Transfer to/from Vehicle Maintenance 101,742 - 82,571 - 2,600 - Transfer from /to Trust Fund 7,000 - 16,463 - 7~'800 I Transfer from Water Fund - - 5,000 - Transfer from/ to Grant Funds (64,600) - - - Transfer from Assessment Funds - - 170,569 - Transfer from/to Park Fund II thru Escrow 1,139,566 (195,130) (205,130) - (30,000) I Transfer from Debt Service thru Escrow 728,033 - - - (;,000) II Transfer to Admin Fund - - - - Loan Payment from RDA 1,575,772 1,410,560 4,010,202 2,420,460 4,375,053 I Loan to RDA (50,000) (1,410,560) (3,455,202) (2,060,460) (4,015,053) I Loan Payment from Perf Arts 120,000 - - - : I Loan to Performing Arts (64,000) - - - Loan to Municipal Fund (14,000) - - - Loan to Park Fund _ - (7,000) - - Payable/Encumb Set Aside (861,052) - (746,161) - - I TOTAL TRANSFERS/LOANs $ ,:2;623,461 $i:i(195,jaoL$,(683,61111l$ - $ (30,400) I TOTAL FUNo sALANCE $ 3,332,45a....$~:246;1l5H$ipi34t=l:5713$2i~Ql,~3El$i 3,411,796 I ApPROPRIATi;[) -'-' , . ..... - . ~ i 'I; FUND ACTIVITY DETAIL I STREET IMPROVEMENT-GAS TAX FUND I 1990-1991 1991-1992 1991~ 1992 1992-1993 1992-1993 I ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL PROPOSED APPROVED I BEGINNING BAL.- July 1 i $ $ $ $ $ I - - - - - I Prior Years Appropriation - 13,123 13.123 13,193 13,193 I~~ven,ues, .""..", 788,443 775,320 862,408 776.230 780,380 /$/, 1881443 '$' ., ":_'_',,' ".:' ,.' ,. ':"0::::':'''':,::::.:,:,'-:'-':-' '.c....-.:'..,':_, .-."......,_"'::_,._.,.,'_.___:::_: 1 TOTA~FLJNpSAVAILABl:.E 788,443$'875;531$789,423\$/793;573< ! "-.',-..-,, '.-,'..' . . .. - ... .. , . ' . . " -- -. ,....'.-. - -,'..' -- .'. " .. ..... ". ~ I EXPENDITURES I I Operating Expenses: , , Engineering Services $ 7,500 $ 7,500 $ 7,500 $ 7,500 $ 7,500 I Public Services 767,820 767,820 854,838 768,730 768,730 ..,.,...,_...,,--._.. ".,.. . ..., ,. ._,-.-.,. 776,23b,$776;23()\ J 'TQtCliOp~fatingExpell$es $//77'5,329, ,$ 7'7'5;320$862,338$ I .... ..', ,.. ... .. -. .. -.. - ,-,." .... ~ CAPITAL PROJECTS I Streets & Highways $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - I (continuing approp) i , Street & Highways - - - - - , I Traffic Signals - - - - - Total Capital Projects $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - I TOTALEXPENDlfuRES' .......- .. :":".. ".' . ""'''--''''''''''''''. ...., .,;"::',,---,-:.-.:.-.:.:,':::':- ::''-:''':;- "". ' . ' :::--- , ,",':::''-:'- $ '7715.320 $,t?5,~2Q/ $\~6213~~<$<7?6,23Cl$ ""'77l?;23Cl " . - " .. .. . . , , ,. ". .",'--- ,.,. I - ! TRANSFERlLOANS-IN(OUT) I Transfer From General Fund $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - ! 1~9W~S~q~9~~~~c;E\ , , 1~,f2:r>$,'./","1$,123\/$i1~,J~~<$ ...,.........13H9~$}1i,~4~i, I APPROPRJATED .,. $ I ,- ,.,'.."-,,. I , I , ,I i' "- L ? FUND ACTIVITY DETAIL ~ PARK IMPROVEMENT AND COASTAL SAGE FUND I (FUNDS 8 AND 11) I I 1990-1991 1991-1992 1991-1992 1992-1993 1992-1993 I ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL PROPOSED APPROVED I BEGINNING BAL.- July 1 $ 951,954 $ (30,321) $ (90,036) $ (21~464) $ (21,~64) I Prior Years Appropriation - - - Revenues 303,565 404,870 415,842 114,750 ~,750 I JOTALFUNOSAVAILABl.E$J;255;519$i374,549 $$25;866$ ~3,2136$93'~86 ..' ~ EXPENDITURES Operating Expenses: I Total Operating Expenses $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Capital Projects: Park & Open Space $ 282,989 $ 513,312 $ 579,620 $ 124,650 $ 291,950 Total Capital Projects $ 282,989 $ 513,312 $ 579,620 $ 124,650 $ 291,950 tbtALEXPENDltURES '$i282;989 i$.$1~;3'12$ 579;620 $124'.656$291,;$20 TRANSFERlLOANS-IN(OUT) Trans. to/from General Fund thru escrow $ (1,139,566) $ - $ 10,000 $ - $ - Transfer from 90-A TAB - - 5,220 - - Transfer to Muni. Improv. - - - - - Transfer from General Fund - 195,130 195,130 - 30,000 Loan from General Fund - - 7,000 - - Loan Payment from RDA 87,000 15,000 15,000 - - Loan to RDA (10,000) - - - - ..-.....,-.""'...,.... ".. -.-...-.---....-----...-.----,',-,'.-.:...'-'-"-.....-- - .' '. ...... .., $ $O.QQOi ;tQ-rAL-rRANSf:ERS/LOAN$$(j;662;5~$)$i.. 216.1;30$..," 2~?;3$Q $i'" '. - .".,-------_.,.",... END,lNGBAlf\NCE..Jghe36i$ .',',' '."(9d;()36)i$ii1i36Ot$(2'1,46<iY$i/(31.,364)i$i(j6$,6134)'.. --. - ~- -- -- - ----- --- ~- -,..~ ,- I - 23 FUND ACTIVITY DETAIL I DRAINAGE FUND (FUNDS #12 & 24) I I 1990-1991 1991-1992 1991-1992 1992-1993 1992-1993 ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL PROPOSED APPROVED I BEGINNING BAL.- July 1 $ 811,131 $ 577,121 $ 577,121 $ 496,667 $ 496,667 : Prior Years Appropriation - - - - - Revenues 435,868 443,590 508,467 422,080 422,080 I' ',-QTjq_F0NDS.AVAILA$LE$1;246i9$~ $" 1,020,'711" $, 1,085,588$. ...._n__ _._ ,. ,......,._._.... 918747/ $918741 , ,I' . :::-- . ,.;..-....,', 1,,;:;-,' .. -, I EXPENDITURES I Operating Expenses Administrative Services $ 11,317 $ 14,691 $ 13,628 $ 14,050 $ 14,050 I Public Services 313,994 306,180 279,045 321,760 321,760 Engineering Services - - 32,676 32,676 32,676 Total Operating Expenses $ 325,311 $ 320,871 $ 325,349 $ 368,486 $ 368,486 I Capital Projects: I Flood Control & Drainage $ 17,567 $ 170,000 $ 91,872 $ - $ 65,000 Government Buildings - - - - - I Total Capital Projects $ 17,567 $ 170,000 $ 91,872 $ - $ 65,000 ""-'-'-'-"'- ., .-.--..::...,-.,..''': '_."""'_'_",__'" ",', ""'_',',",,"____._ ,n .....,_.... ......... 368486$,433486 TOTALE)(,F"ENQITLJRES$, ';342;878$ 499;87t /$ 417;221i$ I TRANSFER/LOANS-In (Out) .___.....,...,........ ..,,' .1:..., ......... I Loan to Redevelopment Agency $ (327,000) $ (90,000) $ (171,700) $ - $ (39;656) IT9TAWTRANSPgRJL<:>.ANS>$ ','(;32!"QOQ)$'..(9b;Oo())r$(1'i1,700}$i " _:i$,.(~~,~56) I : "'NDIN~1lWff4!p~<!lli3oii ""$",m7ir,!ij"i$",;,~.,B4\ji?$" j\4~6,6$J'""i$ if55i1,!i6j~;j$1i!j\~~;$'6~~ I 1 , 24 I FUND ACTIVITY DETAIL GRANT FUNDS I (FUNDS #14 THRU 19) I 1990-1991 1991-1992 1991-1992 1992-1993 1992-1993 I ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL PROPOSED APPROVED BEGINNING BAL. - July 1 $ (313,016) $ 97,807 $ 39.776 $ (84,044) $ (84,044) I Prior Years Appropriation - - - - - Revenues 439,838 50,000 151,183 190,000 190,000 TOTALFUNDSAVAILABLE ,$ '126,822$147;807 $ 190,959,$i195,956$/10sf956 I EXPENDITURES I Operating Expenses: Community Services $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - I Total Operating Expenses $ $ $ $ $ - - - - - Capital Projects - I Redevelopment Agency Streets $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - I Total Redevelopment Projects $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - I Capital Projects - City' Park Projects $ 151,321 $ 68,800 $ 62,993 $ - $ (156,026) I Bike Lanes & Curbside 69,550 64,626 50,213 - - Bridge & Renovation - - - 120,000 120,000 I Total City Projects $ 220,871 $ 133.426 $ 113,206 $ 120,000 $ (36,026) tdtALEXF'ENDITURES ,. $ZZQ,?71 $1~3,.42{r $,tj~,20~ $ .t2d,OO()$(~&;()?6r I TRANSFER/LOANS-In (Out) I Transfer to Trust Fund $ - $ - $ (2,100) $ - $ - Transfer to General Fund - - - - (70,800) Transfer from General Fund 64,600 - - - - I Transfer from/to RDA Admin 69,225 - (159,697) - - l"dTAL.:l'RANSf'ERit.dAl\iS\ "'.,',$i1 ??i@i$' ".'S//$(i~1ii$7)$ , -. "$ "(t6,860) I I ENDINGE3ALANCE"JUn~30 ."'$". .".'3~,7:t6<$/14,38t/$. "<(84.944)$" .'.(14:044)$" 71;1&? I I 25 FUND ACTIVITY DETAIL I SPECIAL ASSESSMENT DISTRICTS (FUNDS #20,& -25) I 1990'1991 1991-1992 1991-1992 1992-1993 1992-1993 I BEGINNII'-JG BAL.- July 1 ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL PROPOSED APPROVED $ 1,057,320 $ 1,585,861 $ 1,575,704 $ 1,481,417 $ 1,481,417 I Prior Years Appropriation - - - - - Revenues 1,243,544 949,378 1,032,553 1,417,940 1,417,940 I'rCrtALF:CINbSAVAfLABLE.... ,.........'"....,.,'....'....... ",""',',""" .....,',',.. -,'.._,',.", -"",., -,.'-.-', ...,.,....,.....,_.,'.., $2,306,864 $2;535;239'$ ,2;608,257 $2;899;357$2;899;357) ,',. ;'._'____' ,." ,_ . ;..__ __... _,. ._"'m' .".'_,,_ ,....,........' -..---'" .-..... .,_. -, n'...;_,'..';""."_" I EXPENDITURES Operating Expenses: I Community Services $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Public Services 725,160 1 ,250,960 956,271 1,293,250 1 ,265,750 1 Total Operating Expenses $ 725,160 $ 1,250,960 $ 956,271 $ 1,293,250 $ 1,265,750 I Capital Projects: Total Capital Projects $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - I TOTAIiExPENbIruREs ""'-,~ """, " ,"'" . ',C"" "...---.... . ....,-_...,.-.......,_... ::':"'---"""".""""',--'-' ."",.... "" ,. ,.. ". ". .........'........,.,. $)725,160', $ 1;250;960$$::;6;211$ 't2$~,25Cl$\ 1,265/1'$6 I I Transfer to General Fund - - (170,569) - - I I]~~~E~~~~~~NCE\""" , I APPROPRIATED> I ...-..........".....,-......." ",'''' .,......... .:::,:,:,;...::::::,:,::':.:.:,:.;,.....,',:.:.:,::,.:::.c':::,::::::::::::.,'" .:::,::::::::,:,:.;,:.::.:::,.,.::::::,:,:::::::'.':::::::::.::...,:,::::-:::"::;::-:"'::: :,:,:.:,:.:.:,;,:::::::';::'::::"':::""'::;;::::,;,::';:'.:':':':-:':':'::',,:,;,:,:',,:';::<':':':;:',:::::;:,:.:.:.:::;:::;,::,:.:,' ...,.,.,..----,',...,:".,..,." ,. ".""",n.-".,",".',','.,'.',. ,'.".',.. .,....'.-......,.,'.. '"..,n ,.,.,...".,..., .",'".,.,......,.., ," ~Nr:)ING$i\L,2p@~*y . . ".$)1'575,704'.",$/1,284;279$.1,481.,417>$ )j,6Q6',1Cl7/$di633;6P?', .,.....'..',....,.,.,. ,'.'.'."'" "'n' n.,.,','".,'''".,." ."",., ",.,." ,.,...:..."",'....'"""".", "",'.n'.'.-..:.::.,."'.,.""....,,,.::. n. 1 I .-. 26 FUND ACTIVITY DETAIL I STREET DEVELOPMENT FUND I (FUNDS 21 &23) I 1990-1991 1991-1992 1991-1992 1992-1993 1992-1993 ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL PROPOSED APPROVED I BEGINNING BAL.-July 1 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Prior Years Appropriation (392,855) (50,796) (205,355) 328,318 328,318 I Revenues 2,508 237,900 587,811 256,840 256,840 TOTAl.,FUNb$AVAILASU::$ (390,347)i$18i,1()4if382 ,456 $i5B~;1$,$}$\$85,15B I EXPENDITURES I Operating Expenses I Public Services $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Total Operating Expenses $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - I Capital Projects: City Street Signs $ (3,638) $ 41,016 $ 130,178 $ - $ 41,622 I Streets and Highways 137,500 159,889 71,279 - 232,000 Flood Control 555,454 - - - - I Total Capital Projects $ 689,316 $ 200,905 $ 201,457 $ - $ 273,622 ., " "'" ","""" I '""", , .,-'---.,-'-'- ~" " ...,.,-,. . "'-'-'-'-'----', ." TOTAtiEXPENbj'fLJRESii$i)68$,316 i$/20()iQO$$2Q1.4~i$ ", .,,~.,. $ /2i~;$2;r TRANSFER/LOANS-In (Out) I Loan to Redev.Agency $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - I Loan Payment From RDA 874,308 104,319 104,319 Transfer from General Fund - - - - - Trans. from poway Road 1 Beautification Fund - - 43,000 - - , ,..."',,,., ' "..-.. I TOTA.l..TRANSFERll..OA.NS$?Z4,:30&)$ . 1()4';319 $//14'7;319)$ ". ,." ,,' $ tOIAL.FUNDSA.L.AN()E I ;,:,:,;,:,:,:,;:;,;,-'-- "., "::,:"",.",,.;..:.,'''''' ."..,-:-..,'........,........,........ .....'.........,..",.....,..:..' -.- "",""',"',"':-:':. ::::::::::::::::: APPROPRIATEQ "$)(205,$55)$) ,..'.90;518.,../$. .'i328,,~j8'.'.'.$ii $8$.1'58'""",'.'$}.,..311 ,536 . ,. I I -, -~- -.- -- --- -- - -- .,:.t. Ii), N I FUND ACTIVITY DETAIL I, PROP. A SALES TAX FUND I 1990-1991 1991-1992 1991-1992 1992-1993 1992-1993 ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL PROPOSED APPROVED I BEGINNING BAL.- July 1 I' Prior Years Appropriation $ (873,675) $ 696,593 $ 645,759 $ 1,042,678 $ 1,042,678 , 'Revenues 1,787,434 840,000 512,666 897,700 897,700 _'_:_:.':':",":;".,,- "'..' ..____.,."'_,_....''...::;;---..'',.;-::.--' ,',_:-...'__..oc.._,_.....::"';':", .:_ ...... "', '--::".. ..::::::, , __:'. ,-----;, ----..-.-,'.:.,-;':"".....::.:::. : I TCYr'AI..FUNDSAVAIG\ElI..E$913;7'59i$ 1;536,593 $1;158;429 '$1 ;~49.37'8$t940;378 I EXPENDITURES Operating Expenses 1 Public Services $ 118.000 $ 126,000 $ 126,000 $ 391,000 $ 391,000 Total Operating Expenses $ 118,000 $ 126,000 $ 126,000 $ 391,000 $ 391,000 1 Capital Projects: I City Street Signs Streets and Highways $ 150,000 $ - $ (10,253) $ - $ - 1 , Total Gapital Projects $ 150,000 $ - $ (10,253) $ - $ - JOIALExPENOifPRE$> $ ",2q8,OOOi$\i 126.000 $ ++5,747$ 39t;ClOO$ 39t,(i06 I . .... . ,. ". ,...-~ . 1 TRANSFER/LOANS-In (Out) Loan to Redev Agency $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Transfer to Redev Agency $ - $ - $ - $ - $- - I TOTAtfRAN$fERlLOANS $ - ". ..$ IfOTALFUNDBALANCF :;., """'-.-:.-...,.,-....:"-...-,.-.,-:..,.."...:., :'.',. .._.-:',...,;....,.,-". .' .....$..'.',', ......645,75$..".'.'.$,','..1.:4,1.q;59.~,.'........'$.'.i~'.';042.678"...".".$......'..1:~4~.';378i...'$i1;54$.:~7.,8'.'.'.. .:--,'....-','-'-'-...--,-,...,-,...,'-'.'-.---....."'.."."-,.-"'--,,-.',-..., ., -.."'" """.-, :":".,.,"" I APPROPRIAfgp, '.' 1 I I 28 FUND ACTIVITY DETAIL I MUNICIPAL IMPROVEMENT FUND I 1990-1991 1991-1992 1991-1992 1992-1993 1992-1993 I ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL PROPOSED APPROVED BEGINNING BALANCE-July 1 $ 806.130 $ 571.730 $ 589,429 $ 461.749 $ 461.749 I Prior Years Appropriation Revenues 64.566 51.100 44.140 52,500 52.500 I ., "" "..., "". ."",.,,.'... "-,,,,-..,_......_,.. . . . tOtAL FUN DS'A V AILABL.E$870i696 $622;836$633 ;569 $514,249.$514.449> . ... .............. ....... ..... ..... .... ............. . ........ ........... I EXPENDITURES Operating Expenses: I Amin. Services $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Public Services - - - - - I Total Operating Expenses $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Capital Projects: I Government Buildings (continuing approp.) $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - I Government Buildings 278.065 223.353 223.352 - - Total Capital Projects $ 278.065 $ 223.353 $ 223,352 $ -$ - I TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 278,065 $ 223.353 $ 223,352 $ - $ - I TRANSFER/LOANS-In (Out) I Transfer to/fromGeneral Fund $ (320.000) $ - $ - $ - $ 70.800 Transfer In-RDA 114.500 - 51,532 - - Transfer from Perf. Arts 120.000 - - - - I Loan payment from RDA 68.298 - - - - Loan from General Fund 14,000 - - - - I TOtAILTRAN. sFERIl..oANS >$" . '.'{3;20:1.) i$" "'"'$' .. 51;532 $\>;;: '$. ....70.80'6 .................... ......... .................. . .. ..... I .. .............. I ENOINGBAi..ANQE~4UNE.3b$~~9.;A:1.9$39~.4"t"t$4t3i;i49'$)514;gA9$..585;049" I I . ." ,'- .r:..' t'l ; 29 FUND ACTIVITY DETAIL CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT P,R.OJECTS COMMUNITY FACILlJIESDISTRICT #1 1990c 1991 1991-1992 1991-1992 1992-1993 1992-1993 ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL PROPOSED APPROVED BEGINNING BAL. - July 1 $ 7,774,538 $ 3.271.950 $ 3.271.950 $ 6.552 $ 6.552 I Prior Years Appropriation - - - - - Revenues 412,261 389.500 11.340 400 400 ,.. " .. -.. -,-.------ . r:j;g52' T$\6;~5?; ITotaIFundsAvCiilable\) .'$8,1136;799 $ .3;661,450$~'2$3;29() $ I EXPENDITURES Operating Expenses I Admin. Services $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Public Services - - - - - IT()taIOper'atil"1g~,(p~nsEl.s'." '.\$'. ................".. $' . - .. . Capital Projects: Pomer'ado Business Park $ 4;914.849 $ 3,661,450 $ 3.276.738 $ - $ - I Total Capital Projects $ 4.914.849 $ 3.661,450 $ 3,276.738 $ - $ - TOTALEXPENDIJ;URES . \$4914849$3661450$327:6738$ .- ./$ - ............. ........ ..................... ... .,'c...' ;.1.,.,_.;',::;,1.,,:.. ,'.. .... :,.'._ .1._ ",.. :"_': ......f.....,.....::,....,:.."... .:.. .... . TRANSFERlLOANS-IN{OUT) . Transfer To General Fund $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Loan To Redev. Agency - - - - - I I I 1.~NpING~A~;.:4tiNE3b/ .\$$.271;9$0/$......... .......i..../$\(3;$$2$i~;~~?$i(6,9g2..... . I FUND ACTIVITY DETAIL I CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS I COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT #88-1 I 1990-1991 1991-1992 1991-1992 1992-1993 1992-1993 ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL PROPOSED APPROVED I BEGINNING BAL.- July 1 $ 20,107,926 $ 4,939,641 $ 4,939,641 $ (89,607) $ (89,607) Prior Years Appropriation - - - - - I Revenues 981,958 534,800 - 100 100 .,-" "" '"'''' ". ". ,......,..." . ,,0. ". I TOTAl.FUNbSAVAIL.AElLE $ 21;b89,684$!5,4.74,44f$ 4,~39;€l~j$ (8$.,$97)$ (89,507) EXPENDITURES I Operating Expenses: Admin. Services $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Public Services - - - - - I Total Operating Expenses $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - I Capital Project: Parkway Business Ctr $ 16,150,243 $ 5,474,441 $ 4,931,275 $ - $ - I Total Capital Projects $ 16,150,243 $ 5,474,441 $ 4,931,275 $ - $ - .-'....".....-'-"".' .....,-,."". ."_....,.........._,,.......,. ...,-...-........ -,_.- -.....,-,--.---.. , .".. I J"OTAL.EXP$Nbl1;URESii.' $ 16;150,44$$$.474,441$ .4,931,2"],5$.) .iL.' .'$. - TRANSFER/LOANS-In (Out) I Trans. from Cfd#88-1 Debt $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 23,900 Trans. from Cfd88-1 Cons!. - - - - 113,100 I Arbitrage Set Aside - - (97,973) - - TOTALTRANSFER/LqI\NSi$ii . - i$i/ii2>>$ (9[,973)$'< . .-<$137,000 I I I ENbINGBALANCE;Jdne30 ........$ > 4;9:39;641 $i ....ii"..... . .....$...... <(?$.;$9t)$i(~~;$97)$i47,493 I I I ~ -: -,r" 31 I FUND ACTIVITY DETAIL I CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRleT- 1990 #88-1 I 1990"1991 1991-1992 1992-1993 1992-1993 1992-1993 I ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL PROPOSED APPROVED BEGINNING BAL.- July 1 $ - $ 6,347,140 $ 6,264,091 $ 3,400,919 $ 3,400,919 ' I Prior Years Appropriation - - - - - Revenues 6,347,140 - 363,106 340,000 340,000 IIQTALj::0NbsAVAII.:J\BLE $. 6:,347,146 $ 6,34j',140$S;62"T;197:$3,740,9J9!;,$i 3,746;9;19 ; I CAPITAL PROJECTS $ 83,049 $ $ 3,226,278 $ .$ Parkway Business Ctr - - 3,627,819 I Ii"QIAL.EXPENPWI"URE$)" '$ .' $~,??~,278$ .., ':':"':;':;...,..."""'- 83049 $g; 3,627;;819 I.. "". J I TRANSFERS/LOANS : Transfer to Cfd #88-1 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 113,100 ItQTACtRANSFERS1LC>.A.NS$ . ,." " , ..----.,..,......,..--,--..,..,--,.. ....... . $ . $ ,:0'-:,:."", ,. l . . ....... $?(1i1~;tb(j , . .,::::;.;--..:.::',.,.,..'c',.'..'....'...,.",'.',',..'."..".,..",." ~8TAq\HNPBALANc:E ..' I APPROPRIATED... .... I . , IENDINGBAl..:"JUNE36 ::::.: :::",-,"':',':)"':":' :.': :,'-:':.:':',: "::: :,:" ::.-, ',:':-:-::-::-;:'" , . ':;:',,:',,"':"';:::C::=- :(:: ,':''- c:;:.:' '::':;:': C,':: ':" ::!:',:: C:,' "::,,, ':::"',':' :://(':"::: ::,:,:,;,' .$......6;264,091.. ."$.. '6,:34"t,140.$~A(jO,91.9...$ ..3,74Q;91.Sf$......... " I ! I I I I I ! I ! I 2 FUND ACTIVITY DETAIL ~ DEBT SERVICE FUND I 1990-1991 1991-1992 1991-1992 1992-1993 1992-1993 ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL PROPOSED APPROVED BEGINNING BAL. - July 1 $ 5,344,993 $ 5,129,278 $ 5,129,278 $ 5,412,610 $ 5,412,610 Prior Years Appropriation - - - - - Revenues 448,925 342,150 12,817,499 319,100 319,100 ".." .-........ . ",""'" .. ",... :tc5TALFUNbSA\lAILAE3~E$ 5,793 ;918$ 5,471;428$17,946;77'1 $5,731,7.10$5,131:7.16 ',"' ....." ....- ' .,- "".....-'.'....,.... . EXPENDITURES Bond Interest & Redemption: 1978 Fire Bond $ 175,800 $ 173,450 $ 173,450 $ 170,800 $ 170,800 1986 Certificates of Participation 964,370 964,900 964,212 963,260 967,760 1988 Certificates of Participation 887,101 1,013,230 895,462 903,441 907,941 1992 Certificates of Participation Note Retirement - - 12,371,338 - - Total Bond Interest and Redemption $ 2,027,271 $ 2,151,580 $ 14,404,462 $ 2,037,501 $ 2,046,501 Operating Expenses. Total Operating Expenses $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Capital Projects: Total Capital Projects $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - .."", , Y"", ,""'" TOTALE><PgNDl"fURE.S$ 2:027;271i$ ,2,191;580$ 14,404.AE5?$.~;b~7::5Q1 /i$2,Q46,501....... . '" n_ ,__,,___...... TRANSFER/LOANS-In (Out) Transfer from Poinsettia Funds $ 920,065 $ 1,013,230 $ 905,395 $ 903,441 $ 907,941 Transfer Escrow Funds to General Fund (728,033) - - - - Trans. from Redevelopment Agency Admin. Fund 959,106 964,900 964,900 963,260 967,760 Transfer to Redev. Agency (756,507) - - - - Trans. from/(to) Redevelop- ment Agency Debt Service 968,000 - - - - .., "".,,,,,.,,.,,.......' ..........,..... . , tc5fACTRANSFER/LOANS $1,36:2;631$1;918;130 >$1,870;295 i$ i1:866,i01$ 1.. ,8...75.7d1 . "d. __.".,...,_, , ,..,_...._'__...,.............,..,........... ,. ",. """"...,, ,.",. .... ._,_,' .._.._,._.,'.....'. .--,.. .....".,..--,.,.,',.,-..,."..,........__ ....,,, ._'.,'. .,......._.".,.. ......,-,.. ENbING~,6.LANGE~J~h~30' ...$5;129:278$&,Z~7:~78$5.412:61Q$...$.56Q,910$5,56Q;9jd.... 1 ~. .1"<..... '!:'. 33 FUND ACTIVITY DETAIL 1 DEBT SERVICE FUND COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT #1 I 1990-1991 1991-1992 1991-1992 1992-1993 1992-1993 I ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL PROPOSED APPROVED I BEGINNING BALANCE-July 1$ 4:886,341 $ 4,666,916 $ 4,671,279 $ 4,795,006 $ 4,795,006 Prior Years Appropriation - - - - - Revenues 2,468,900 2,879,850 2,798,650 2,710,800 2,710,800 I TofALFQNDSA\lAILABLE$ 7,355;241$7,546,766$7:;469;929$ 7;505,806$ 7;sbs:806} . " ".-,.-.. ".'.'.'--. ' . ,." -- .-.....,. -- ------- .. '-, .' '. I EXPENDITURES 1 f~;::~~pR:~:;~::S' $ 2,683,962 $ 2,666,060 $ 2,674,923 $ 2,704,160 $ 2,708,660 '$..2;683;962$ 2;666,060$2,674,923}$ 2;104;160\iF:i,708;660 1 TRANSFER/LOANS-In (Out) I Transfer from General Debt Service $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - 1 Transfer Escrow to Capital Projects - - - - - I Transfer to Capital Projects thru City - - - - - '_..,...,.,';::--':-'" ,...;--",-..,-.',._',..'.;.:--'--,-_......'.'.,.,. "...---....,....-...'.'.','....-..-.".'... ...._,-,_.,-,.,..:':: I tb"fALTRAN$FER/LbAN$$i "."i$ - I , , 1 I 1 .1 FUND ACTIVITY DETAIL I DEBT SERVICE FUND I COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT #88-1 I 1990-1991 1991-1992 1991-1992 1992-1993 1992-1993 ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL PROPOSED APPROVED I BEGINNING BAL.- July 1 $ 4,160,854 $ 3,138,004 $ 3,102,768 $ 4,116,439 $ 4,116,439 Prior Years Appropriation - - - - - I Revenues 866,636 3,689,310 4,048,874 3,230,140 3,230,140 TOtALFUNbsAv AILA.$l-E.$ 5,027,490$.$,827.::314'1.. ],15.1,644 ..$.' 7;:346,579i$....7,346 ,579. I EXPENDITURES I Bond In!. Redemption $ 2,423,189 $ 2,480,890 $ 2,536,736 $ 2,529,150 $ 2,533,650 1 tOTALEXPENbttlJRES ," $ 2,423,189 $ 2;480,890 i$2,536,736 $ 2,529,156 $ 2,533,650 ."". ,.,', ,.,._"".,____" .'_' ___ ". ,.. n"',,___ '.. .d._.__,'_ _. .' ,. ;...,',; . .., ... I TRANSFER/LOANS-In (Out) Loan from Sewer Fund $ 498,467 $ 1,193,112 $ 1,193,112. $ - $ - I Loan pmnt to Sewer Fnd - - (1,691,579) - - Transfer to Capital Project - - - - 23;900 I tdtALtRANSFERJ4dANS$i 4980467 i$ "'1i19~;1.12$.....(498,467}$' '0>$(23,900 ,'.. ' " . .' - .... ,-_... -.-.-. .-.- ". .. ....-...". 1 '-8,-~S~~N9~~?ANCE.'. I APPROPRIATED. , , >>$ . - ENblNGBALdJI.Jrie30 .i$ '3,1'02,1$8i$5;539;536i$i<116,4~Qi$i>W;817,429i$.'.'.4,7"89,62Q I I I I I I ; ;':1 {~f J:J, I FUND ACTIVITY DETAIL I I DEBT SERVICE FUND COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT 1990 #88-1 1 1990-1991 1991-1992 1991-1992 1992-1993 1992-1993 1 ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL PROPOSED APPROVED I BEGINNING BAL.-July 1 $ 1,776,382 $ - $ 1,776,382 $ 1,135,359 $ 1,135,359 Prior Years Appropriation - - - - - Revenues - - 98,533 843,600 843,600 I ToTAl.. Fl.lNDs AVAILAsLE . '$ 1,776,382 $ ',' ....'.".. ".......-..,--.. ",.. .. .. .....---,-,., - .. ,.-------...."...-...- ' - $1)374,9f5$i 1;978;959 $1;978;Q59 ...... .".......-.., .....,--...--- '''''.'. I EXPENDITURES I .......~.~.n~.I~~.~e~~:Pti~~.... $ - $ - $ 739,556 $ 686,670 $ 691,170 $i $" .739;556 $686,670$..69+:176'; TOTALEXPEONDITl)RESi . $ I .-.."....'.,-. ,., . .--.....,,'.-... ,. ".,...'....'. I TRANSFER/LOANS-In (Out) Transfer from General Debt I Service $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Transfer Escrow to Capital Projects - - - - - I Transfer to Capital Projects thru City - - - - - I I I , I ..:_.....' .._..___..,.".,'.-,'...".,..-.-...."...__..._..,......'...'...;;___"'.','_'.'_. ,';;;-'-.-,-,.,-,.,-.;...._. ':':c...,.,,,: ..$........1..,.1.~.5,359.........$........1.;~~~;g?~,.......$.....1..;2137;7@Q....... '" ,'''''' "..--...--."....' "" .......-------.. ....., " ....-----.....,. ..." '" ..., I ENbINGBAi..ANcE~4u/"le96i' $1,n~,382i$. ........i~\.... I ~ , I I 36 FUND ACTIVITY DETAIL I WATER FUND I 1990-1991 1991-1992 1991-1992 1992-1993 1992-1993 I ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL PROPOSED APPROVED BEGINNING BAL. -July 1 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - I Prior Years Appropriation 4,156,632 6,269,587 6,067,118 6,842,613 6,842,613 Revenues 9,563,623 8,466,425 8,131,531 9,041,380 9,041,380 I ._"""""_'_'____"'______, ,.. .,'."'" . .:.... " ",. "n.",. ",',"'" .....__....___...__.. ..... . .Tc5TAL.FQN DS>AVAILAI?LE'..$13,7ZQ;29? "$.t4;i~'~.,Q1i$i4,198,649. i$15,883;993'$1?;883,99:3/ EXPENDITURES Bond Interest & Redemption $ 1,118,595 $ 1.,128,150 $ 992,448 $ 996,550$ 996,550 Operating Expenses: Administrative Services 636,993 688,436 1,151,907 1,000,631 952,761 Engineering Services 91,323 75,750 63,967 60,136 60,136 Legis. & Admin. Services 113,050 108,837 105,751 11.1,886 110,863 Public Services 5,388,962 5,850,063 5,060,194 6,202,139 6,228,629 Total Operating Expenses $ 6,230,328 $ 6,723,086 $ 6,381.,819 $ 7,374,792 $ 7,352,389 Capital Projects: Water Improvements (continuing Approp.) $ T $ - $ - $ - $ - Water Improvements 179,123 4,019 (23,231) - 82,371 Total Capital Projects $ 179,123 $ 4,019 $ (23,231) $ - $ 82,371 TOTAGgXPENbITt.JRES$7;9?~;94~>$T;@?;?9~ $7;3~1,636>$ 8,~i:1,344$ . 8,4~1,310. TRANSFER/LOANS-In (Out) Loan to Redevelopment Agency $ (125,091) $ - $ - $ - $ - Transfer to General Fund - - (5,000) - - T()TAI..TR..AN$F~giGOANS$(i2S;691)$i './$(5;999)$/ '- ............ .$// . ",. , .............,..,--,..,..,.,..,.,.,',.,......'.',. ,-9:r~8FQN[)B~~~g7i.. i.... . ...... '..i.i . ...... ......................i .......> .............. APPROPRIATED' ...... ./.i,>.$.....6,097;1.1.13.....$i6.,.~~q,79!i$.....6 ,842,613>$7;512,1351.....$7,452,68~..... 1.' (.-. 37 I " . FUND ACTIVITY DETAIL I SEWER FUND 1 1990-1991 1991-1992 1991-1992 1992-1993 1992-1993 ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL PROPOSED APPROVED 1 BEGINNING BAL.- July 1 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - PriorYearS Appropriation 13,011,680 13,534,266 13,557,855 15,844,349 15,844,349 1 Revenues 5,293,198 4,421,110 5,623,611 4,975,040 4,975,040 TOTAl..FLJNoSA\lAILABl.E $111,304,Silr $ 17,955,376 $ 19;181,466$20,819;389$20;819;(389 I EXPENDITURES Bond Interest I & Redemption $ 146,500 $ 139,900 $ 139,500 $ 158,500 $ 158,500 I Operating Expenses: Admin. Services 403,289 420,720 676,681 557,378 557,378 Engineering Services 141,404 120,444 107,071 98,661 98,661 I Legis. & Admin. Services 56,525 54,419 52,877 55,944 55,432 Public Services 1,831,549 3,402,889 2,619,455 4,121,287 3,833,910 I Total Operating Expenses $ 2,432,767 $ 3,998,472 $ 3,456,084 $ 4,833,270 $ 4,545,381 Capital Projects: I Sewer Improvements (continuing approp.) Sewer Improvements $ 794,981 $ - $ - $ - $ 2,144,090 I Total Capital Projects $ 794,981 $ - $ - $ - $ 2,144,090 :,....:"".",,,,,,,,,,,,,--.,.,..,.,,,,.,,,.,.:.;::.,,-,"""'--'" ',', --.' ,:..:"" , '''.'.'" ......" ".--....-- ...." "; ....... ..."".'",..."""."",, ,,",,',' I J;OTACEXP.i;NpITURES 3,374,2411,i4,138,~72 '3,5$5,$$4/ 4,9$1,779i6,1347;;971 ..... I TRANSFER/LOANS-In (Out) Transfer to Capital I Replacement Fund Loan'toRedev. Agency $ (874,308) $ - $ (240,000) $ - $ - Loan To CFD 88-1 (498,467) (1, 193, 112) (1,193,112) - - I Loan Pymnt from CFD 88-1 - - 1,691,579 - - :fOTAL.TRAN$FERll..OANSi '.$' (1',37i;77?)$>(1,1~3h1?)$i.i2~8,46i$ii ..ili/$di......... 1 ~i~~~~~~g~~~~Ei.$...;t~i557i855$i12,6?~.,892$>15;844;349i$'..H5i847;~j$$A$.97;i:4i8 I I 38 FUND ACTIVITY DETAIL I CAPITAL REPLACEMENT FUND I 1990-1991 1991-1992 1991-1992 1992-1993 1992-1993 I ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL PROPOSED APPROVED BEGINNING BAL. - July 1 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - I Prior Years Appropriation 1,511,981 2,304,877 2,257,074 3,049,570 3,049;570 Revenues 979,505 1,118,460 1,062,876 786,810 786,810 I ;::"._"" .:..':',.__..,-,,',::.::,',-,'.-.::.:,',:,:,:,:,::,',-.:,','.:,',::.:,',:,-,':.:,-.:...,::'.': . . --.............,.....::,..,.'..,..'..,. ';':::"::.'.:' .:::' :::",.....,,',,.,::,',:. : TOTALFUNDSAVAILA.E3l.E$ 2,4!l1,4~r:j $3A2~,3$7< $ 3,319;9~O $:3;836,380$3,836,380. I EXPENDITURES I Operating Expenses: Admin. Services $ 132,670 $ 187,063 $ 187,809 $ 150,362 $ 184,782 I Total Operating Expenses $ 132,670 $ 187,063 $ 187,809 $ 150,362 $ 184,782 TOTALEXPENDjTURES .>$ . 13?670) $ 18t;()63$ 187,809$150,362 >$ 184;782 I . .,. ' , n.."-.-....,-,',-.... ....,..,_..-. ..... I TRANSFER/LOAN-In (Out) Trans. to General Fund $ (101,742) $ - $ (82,571) $ - $ (2,600) I ,.. ..... .. .... .... ....... ....... . .... ..... .... ... ........... ..."........".... .. .. . . TOTALTRANSFERll...OA.NS ......$001,7t1~)..'$......... -)$i{?gi$71)i$' -$i{2;60Q) I .."... """""'''.',','.',''," ...."..... .--,-,-,. l8J"6bFYNR~~~NCE'. . ':,"': '-;-:',','::<;>:::;':::::,',::.::':::-'-::'-.::.:,-.:.:",':'.,;-."-:,::-::-::::.-.::,:::.:.-.:.-,,.,',",.,':::::.:':,-,:.-.::'::':"':::::':-:'::";-;':-::':::-..'__'::."'"..,::.::.'. ,'C"':: :,".,::::: ,:::.'.:. ::. :.::;':"'."':":':''''-'':':''<':':':'::.'.",''-'-'''''''-:':: I APPROFlRI.ATED . ....$.4;2ti7;Qi4}$~;236,274..$....3,049.,57Q.... .$ 3,68$;01 ~.'.'$3,$48;998i I I I I I , I - .. ., . , t~. ~' 3Y I FUND ACTIVITY DETAIL I TRUST FUNDS I 19<90-1991 1991-1992 1991-1992 1992-1993 1992-1993 ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL PROPOSED APPROVED 1 BEGINNING BAL.- July 1 $ 95,719 $ 184,235 $ 192,738 $ 263,146 $ 263,146 Prior Years Appropriation - - - - - I Revenues 104,019 5,200 146,039 15,900 416,900 I TOTALFUNDSAVAIL.ABLE i$>d99'7:}{l $ 1~9,435$i~~~)777: i$ 279\046'$ !6~Q;()46> I EXPENDITURES Bond Interest & Redemption I Operating Expenses: Administrative Services $ - $ - $ 18,268 $ - $ - I Safety Services - - - -- Total Operating Expenses $ - $ - $ 18,268 $ - $ - I ..... ..... '.. ........ ............... ..... .... ....'.-.-.-...- ......,.,-...-.,..,..-.-..,---."".,'.., ",.". "-,-",,.; TqTAt..gxPENPITI..lRg$..' .$i...ii,;..... I TRANSFER/LOANS-In (Out) I Transfer from Grant Fund $ - $ - $ 2,100 $ - $ - Transfer to/from General Fund (7,000) - (16,463) - - 1.:~a.~s~~rto..~tr~~t~~~~U:d .i'. . - .. ....... -. ... ...... ...(;~'~~O) ... - - TOTALJ"RANSFE8!GQAN$$i . '(7.,OOO}$"$i{!57,:}6~)$. I ..."..,'_...'-'.......'-.....,--','....:-:._'.'.._,-.--'----,-,,;-:"" ..-.-.,-,;,',..,-'.-,::::::"; m9[~.F~U~9~~se:~C::E .. IAPP~dPRIA.T~di. .. ..' . ... ....Y$Y1$g.Z$8$ ......18$,435+$ !g63,14~?!$27Q!Q46$~~Q;Q46Y I I I I FUND ACTIVITY DETAIL I PERFORMING ARTS DONATIONS I 1990-1991 1991-1992 1991-1992 1992-1993 1992-1993 I ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL PROPOSED APPROVED BEGINNING BAL.- July 1 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - I Prior Years Appropriation 28,463 67,501 67,501 109,657 109,657 .Revenues . ..' ... .. ............................ 95,038. ...... ...~~.,.7~0 .......... ..... 42,156 . ... .........6,600.. .......6,600 I TOTAL FUNDS.AVAILABLE$ 123;501.$103,281$ .109,6~7$<116;25T $116,257 . '. .... ..... . '.' ...,'. . . I ~~~~ I Operating Expenses: Administrative Services $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Safety Services - - - - - I Total Operating Expenses $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - .. ......... .. ...... . ... I . . . TOTAL EXPENDITURES .. $ 123,501 $ )103,281$109;657$/116;257$1.1.6(257 . _._... ". ",... d.'." ..",. ,_. _, _'n_,_ ,._, .......... .... ..._..d__"' .. ,.. . I TRANSFER/LOANS-In (Out) Loan paymnt to Muni. Fund $ (120,000) $ - $ - $ - $ - I Loan from General Fund 64,000 - - - - Loan pymnt to General Fund - - - - - I .....-,.....---.----.--...---.........".... ",-" -,- ..,_.................................. ... tOtALTRANSFgRliJ5ANS$(56;000F$_i$ I I .......................... ..... . ...... ... ....... .. ....<....... ................... ........................, ..........................<...... .... ............ .......<... .......... ....................................<................ ... .... ... ... I EN biNGBALANCE~Ju ne30/ '$\ . ./E)'7';5pi....$/lQ3,281...$1.09;657i$.....tt6 ,257i$116,257..... . ... ........ ... . I I I I ...,....,.. ~~ -. I I I I I I I I CITY OF POWAY FINANCIAL PROGRAMS: 1:992-t993 I BOND INTERESTAND REDEMPTION 4? CITY OF POWAY I I BOND INTEREST AND REDEMPTION I I I I 1991-1992 1991-1992 1992-1993 1992-1993 I WATER FUND BUDGET ACTUAL PROPOSED APPROVED 1970 $ 273,700 $ 133,700 $ 133,700 $ 133,700 I 1972 51 ,460 51 ,463 51,460 51,460 1975 539,100 539,105 549,000 549,000 79-1 238,000 238,000 233,500 233,500 I Amortization of Discount 23,890 23,887 23,890 23,890 Processing Fee 2,000 6,293 5,000 5,000 tdTAl..iWAtERFUND $ . t;1?8,150$ 992,448 $9@,550<$. .......9~6,55b\ I SEWER FUND I 1958 Series B $ 139,500 $ 139,500 $ 158,000 $ 158,000 I Processing Fee 400 - 500 500 TOIALSgWERFUf\jp.... $ 139;900$139,500$158,500 \$158,500 .. I . ,.' ..., ... "," .-......, ......-". ........ . ...'_.,-"., . DEBT SERVICE FUND I 1978 Fire Bonds $ 173,450 $ 173,450 $ 170,800 $ 170,800 1986 Certificates Of Participation 956,400 956,350 957,260 957,260 1988 Certificates Of Participation 1,004,730 888,367 897,441 897,441 I Processing Fee 17,000 14,957 12,000 21,000 TotALOEBJ;$ERVICEFLJNb' . $...2,.1S1;580$i2;033,124 . $ 2037;501$2,046>501 I ' .,.._......:......'.'....:-...'."..,_._...........,,;. ..,....._"._,_......,_.,...; .,_,__ . ..!,...-,..,. :.:....;;..,.;,., : ;..,..... '.:...__.:1.,,,:. SOUTH POWAY CFD#1 DEBT SERVICE I 1987 Special Tax Refunding Bond $ 2,650,960 $ 2,650,962 $ 2,686,160 $ 2,686,160 Processing Fee 15,100 23,961 18,000 22,500 I 1989 CFD #88-1 Debt 2,470,890 2,515,381 2,521,150 2,521,150' Processing Fee 10,000 21,355 8,000 12,500 . 1990 CFD #88-1 Debt - 739,556 682,670 682,670 I Processing Fee - - 4,000 8,500 totALDE$-rSER\lICE .. · .. '$5;146;950$( $;9$f,215$\i$;919;980$<$,9$~,480 . I GRANbTOtAl...... .<tfl;$6~.$~0$9;116.?8t$ '9;112,531$9,135..031' I I I l~ ".. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF POWAY FINANCIAL PROGRAMS: 1992-1993 STATEMENT OF FUND BALANCES AND RESERVES I ,~,.:., - ._. _::"0.,_ -':' ._,__'v .;y'~; ~.- ..- ". . -- STATEMENT OF FUND BALANCES AND RESERVES I ' Funds Available,:,. .. ..,'., .;,.,' <., .'," ...., , " +> L +> I ,.' ',. 199211993 AbllrovedEXpenditlJres Accum.' JTT""".... ,..., _n_._ .... Ii .,.' Fund . ._n__._ _.., , Fund, .... ....' B?t"ld , . Fund Balance/ '.,... Approp, as Elal.ance Revenues .. I . Interest & Capital Transfers Approp, Reserves Fund 017/1192 7tf/92 . .,1992'1993. . Redemptn Operations Projects In/(Out) as 01.6/30/93 6/30/93 , General $ 3,349,578 $ - $ 15,918,000 $ - $ 15,815,682 $ 9,700 $ (30.400 $ 3.411,796 $ - ,J Gas Tax 13,193 - 780,380 - 776,230 - - 17,:343 - Park Improv - (21.464 114,750 - - 291,950 30,000 - (H38;1364 .. Drainage - 496,667 422,080 - 368.486 65,000 (39,656 - 445,605 Grants - (84,044 190,000 - - (36,026 (70,800 - 71,182 Special Assm. - 1.481.417 1.417,940 - 1,265,750 - - - 1,633,607 Street Deve!. 328,318 - 256,840 - - 273,622 - . 311,536 - .. Prop A 1,042,678 - 897,700 - 391,000 - - 1 ;549,378 _. Municpllmpr - 461,749 52,500 - - - 70,800 - 585;049, CFD'S - 3,317,864 340,500 - - 3,627,819 23,900 - 54.445 Debt Service - 15.459.414 7,103,640 7,979,981 - - 1,842,801 - 16.425,874 Water 6,842,613 - 9,041,380 996,550 7,352,389 82,371 - 7.452,683 - Sewer 15,844,349 - 4,975,040 158,500 4,545,381 2,144,090 - 13.971.418 - Capital Rep, 3,049,570 - 786,810 - 184,782 - (2,600 3,648,998 - ,- Trust - 263,146 416,900 - - - - - 680,046 Perf. Arts 109,657 - 6,600 - - - - - 116.:257 ..' I ", 9,135,0311 $ 30,699,7~0 .' ' TOTAL $ 30,519;956 $ 21,374,749 $ 42,721,060 $ $ 6.458,526 $ 1,824,045 $ 30,363,152 $ 19;843.401 * Total expenditures $31,087,960 less expense credit from Capital Replacement Fund of $388,260 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - " " I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF POWAY FINANCIAL PROGRAM: 1992-1993 REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY LOANS PAYABLE TO CITY I ,..- .- " --. -. 0'01 ~ en REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY LOANS PAYABLE TO CITY o . ..... ,.'" EridlnBalance-6/30/93 2 Current . Interest p 12,060.460) ., 4.4 75,265 $ 2,060,460 I $ (317,740) $ 317,740 $ 4,475,265 $ $ 4,475,265 General $ 4,475,265 $ $ ., Drainage 2.487,500 744,657 3,232,157 176,612 2,487,500 921,269 3,408,769 " :~ Sreet .i Development 2,462,944 724,581 3,187,525 174,869 2.462,944 899,450 3,362,394 Water 3,804,911 999,786 4,804,697 270,149 3,804,911 1,269,935 5,074,846 Sewer 1,178,327 191,789 1,370,116 83,661 1,178,327 275,450 1.453,777 Grant 11,000 2,772 13,772 781 11,000 3,553 14,553 Park Improvement 125,660 40,297 165,957 8,922 125,660 49,219 174,879 Prop A 200,000 33,000 233,000 14,200 200,000 47,200 247,200 i 0"" 0__ '0 .0____. 0.. ..___ .____ ______... ,.'__0."0 -.. ., '" .-.__." - - ----. -- -'," , ,$"4,7 45,6()7,$2,7:36;8 82 '~.,' J 1. 482; 4~!l$+O~(),46611:2 ,3'78,200 $ i ,046; 9;4 $14/745 )6C,j$:3,466 ,076$11, 211,683 1 For reference only-not accrued in either receivable or payable fund 2 Interest rate on loans where payable Is calculated at City's average rate of return for investment in FY 1992-93 (7 1%) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF POWAY FINANCIAL PROGRAMS: 1992-1993 DEPARTMENTAL OPERATING BUDGETS I _n'....__.~".i';~. !~_~.,--... :.:.~ .:~.~- .:. ,'- ~ ,~~; 0... " _,:- --..::-,,-." -.-.- .,~. -, ,'c _.n_ '" :_.-'_,. .'- ~.' '_ '","~-.'" - .j. "":' . , -, ., dR I I I LEGISLATIVE AND ADMINISTRATIVE # I ~ ~" .. I ':'h_.., .', "_,:", . CITY'COUNCIL/ I PLAN~ING1COMMISSION 010 ..,..................................................................................., REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY 5005 I I I CITY CITY CITY CLERK/ ATTORNEY MANAGER TREASURER I 012 013 011 I I I I I ADMINISTRATIVE COMMUNITY PLANNING PUBLIC I SERVICES SERVICES SERVICES SERVICES 100 200 300 400 I I SAFETY ENGINEERING HOUSING I SERVICES SERVICES SERVICES 500 600 700 I I I I I I '" .-......-. ~.. .- .~~." -'.;' -. .",..- . ..... '~'- .-. - " .' .,. . I 49 I CITY COUNCIL I Le~i~I~~~:'fAdmiiiistr~tio'9:~~p~ctm~rit ...,._ -=- ,Fund Distribution: "Departrnent COde::2.1?" 'i:',:, General Fund: $147,636 :c:'.,. ),'~..J;, ~":" ,,;::"._ .'_:_~_',_:_' "'_'_,_,: :;, :c" ~, Water FUnd: $17,369 , I De8~[lmental ActlvrtyOvervii9Yf ,. Sewer Fund: $", 8,685';, , ,--- d ,;';:', , ,.' I EXPENSE 1990-1991 1991-1992 1991-1992 1992-1993 1992-1993 CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL PROPOSED APPROVED I Total Positions - - - - - I Personnel Expense 45,016 45,350 47,824 52,230 52,230 I Operations and Maintenance 120,550 120,550 109,076 121,960 121,460 I Capital Outlay - - 4,554 - - I ."'{ I totALSubGET ;, ,. $173;423 $165,960 $161,454 $174,190 $173,690 hi I , ,- " ' .. " . . OVERVIEW COMMENTARY I The City Council is comprised of five members elected at large by the citizens of poway to serve for four overlapping terms. Since the Mayor of the City Council is directly elected by the citizens of poway for a four year term, the City Council reorganizes annually, ch09sin9 one of its members to serve as I Deputy Mayor. The City Council also serves as the Board of Directors for the poway Redevelopment Agency I The City Council is accountable to the residents of poway for all services and programs provided by the City. The City Council serves as the City's policy making body taking action on all legislative I matters concerning toe approval and adoption of all Gity ordinances, resolutions, contracts; and matters requiring policy decision and leadership. In reaching policy decision, the Council listens to public testimony and reviews proposals designed to meet community needs while maintaining desired service levels. I The City CouncilappoiQts the City Manager, City Attorney, and City Clerk as well as various citizen I advisorycbmmittees!to ,ensure broad-based input into Gity affairs. The City Council also oversees the expenditure of all City funds throughout the fiscal year. initiates new programs to upgrade existing services, and determines the ability of the City to provide financing for the proposed budget as I submitted by the City Manager. I , , ~-_. ,.-_.~--,y -~.~ -.--;-: "7" ~"._' ...... .. ' - ",' ,... ...... ,--' 50 I CITY COUNCIL I ....'."" " < ' " '.'" I " ,.",;,;,-". . ,,--... "," ,.... ,.-,::." ',.---- :.,.. ,. -,...,--, '"..,...'.'_'_'_" .d'._; : .-. ,,' ..., I,' Legisla.tive & Administration ibiVisiClri Nur1ibar:01 0 , .......15iviSi()ni\f~iVity\ ... Department '" '" , ..Commentaryii' I ',. '... ".' ..'....','...' ,,' " ..' : ,'" ACTIVITY GOALS AND OBJECTIVES I 1 To ensure that municipal services are provided in the most efficient, effective, and responsive manner possible to meet the needs and desired service levels of the I community 2. To provide legislative guidance and direction for the establishment and maintenance I of City programs and services. 3. To provide the citizens of poway with a forum for direct public input and an avenue I for resolving community problems. 4 To oversee and monitor the implementation of the City Council's short and long- I range goals and objectives. 5. To continually work with Local, County, 'State, and Federal representatives to provide I input about the needs, concerns, andissl:Jes affecting the citizens of poway 6. To oversee the expenditure of all City and Redevelopment Agency funds. I SIGNIFICANT ACTIVITY PROGRAM CHANGES I None I I I I I I I ._ ._.r" .~ ~ -. .- -.. .- ~. . .. I 51 CITY COUNCIL I Legislative and Administration Division No: 010 Division Detail I Obj. 1990-1991 1991-1992 1991-1992 1992-1993 1992-1993 Code Exoense Classification Actual Budaet Actual Proposed Approved I Personnel Expense Range Position Title Mayor 4,801 4,800 4,801 4,800 4,800 I Councilmembers (4) 19,147 19,200 18,464 19,200 19,200 I 111 Salaries - Special 23,948 24,000 23,265 24,000, 24,000 120 Employee Benefits 21,068 21,350 24,559 28.230 28,230 I ." Total Personnel 45,016 45,350 47,824 52,230 52,230 Ooerations and Maintenance I 215 Telephone - - 55 - - 260 Reimbursed Mileage 18,017 19,000 18,288 18,500 18,000 I 270 Travel and Meetings 11,688 24,700 14,567 22,330 22,330 314 Community Relations 51,888 28,850 30,718 33,350 33,350 I 315 Publications and Dues 45,005 46,200 43,609 45,700 45,700 334 R&M Equipment - - 156 - - 411 Office & Stationery Supplies 1,809 1,800 1,683 1,800 1.800 I 555 Capital Outlay Rental - - - 280 280 I I I I I I ' Toia-I:ObEiratior\s &'M~il1ten~nce " 128,407 12"6,550 · 109 076 121;960' 121,460 . , Capital Outlav I 611 Office Equipment - - 4,554 - - I .;1f:btahCapit~F0utlat ' "...." .,', ''2" '" , 4,554 '", ,")!',j'''-) ,:;:,;':;:/1 ...;~~;::~::;;/>~; " ",~, ~',,". .:'. . , , DivisionTotal $173423 $165900 $161454 $174 190' :$173 690 ... ~";'''_' .....,,-..~~_. ..."'7~' 'c'- ,,-"~._.-.... "'C .Cl~.'.~"T.--::"-~ '.-:'" "'7'''-:': ,-":.-.,, .u_.,.-.c::-.~,:""- -." - -;. -T- -.. .". ~ .~. " 52 :1 :. I LEGISLATIVE AND ADMINISTRATIVE I I CITY COUNCIL - ...................~~.N.~.;~G..C.OM.M.;.SS;.O.N................... I I I' , I I "'"',,.,"" Clty/Cl.ERK tREAS~RER I 011""", ,', I I I I I I- I I ,~ , -." _ -. .;" ":: ;." ' . li'l 53 I CITY CLERK ',".l!~~i.~I~~~y~'<AdmIhistr~tI6B;,~~~rt~~rtti,... ,....,....... -"",:.'. -.",' : Fund biStribution:{.. , I' I '".".....,' )::;:~:-:-::-:-::::::::.:' ,. .. . ;: ,..::L~:.;;',~:-' '\:;':' ,,:::.~,::.:..f:,:,.; Departmeht'Ccld~:{)11.", General FlJnd: $216,885 I !6Jp'~~~ritiiIActivit}/'bverVi~w '" " . ' ,".<:' Water Furnf;;$ '~?,516' :':'~:'; ~.. :./,::. ,',t. ..'r:'-;. ;\."... : ,__~,...:..,' :; i'i'u Sewer "Fund:",:.$:t2, 758" . (:'-:- .....:~':;;:-. -- ~. ': ",' I ,EXPENSE 1990-1991 1991-1992 1991-1992 1992-1993 1992-1993 CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL PROPOSED APPROVED I I i I Total Positions 4 4 4 4 4 1 I Personnel Expense 190,717 195,190 194,219 207,380 197,250 , I Operations and Maintenance 57,375 75,230 39,822 57,910 57,910 I Capital Outlay 3,391 1,000 731 - - , ' ',.'.' , . " '.'",. I TC>TALSLJDGET '$251;~ $271,420 '$234,712 $265;290' ' ;;;;:$255~ ~f30 ., ' ' "..',..' '" ,,\. ".'.' p', ,;,.... I OVERVIEW COMMENTARY I. The City Clerk is appointed by the City Council to serve as Clerk of the Council, Records Manager, and Election Official of the City In carrying out this function, the. City Clerk coordinates the City Council agenda preparation and oversees the preparation, and maintenance of the official meeting ,. record. The City Clerk also serves as Secretary of the poway Redevelopment Agency and on the Board of Poway Today, Inc. . The City Clerk's Office is the central information source for the public and City staff regarding Council action. This department is responsible for the organization, maintenance and protection of all official I City records and coordinates the City-wide functional filing system. All legal advertisements, including notices of public hearing and call for bids are placed through this office. Recording of documents for all departments is coordinated through this office. I The City Clerk organizes and conducts all municipal elections. Candidates receive their nomination papers from the City Clerk and all. candidate filings, including campaign disclosure and statements of economic interest are done with this office. I The City Clerk's Office coordinates appointment of Council-appointed Committee members and maintains information regarding the Committees including charters, agendas, and minutes. I The City Clerk, also appointed as the City Treasurer, has signatory authority on public securities and I instruments of payment. , ."_.-~-----.-..,_.",, - ,..,-" ..~~~- .,..... r ,~~ H -I- CITY CLERK I . '" ... '.:..:..:.'.. ,'-.;,..,.....:,....:::.".: [~gislativ~&Admihistr;atiCJf1 ..','. '. ...,--"."." ,- .... "'[)ivi~iOne-~tiviW I DepartmE;lnt ')Gom)'Tfebtary " ACTIVITY GOALS AND OBJECTIVES I 1 To serve as custodian of the official records of the City, ensuring the safety and security of the record documents. I 2. To establish a records management program to provide for efficient storage retrieval and disposition of records, including the implementation of the PUFFS (poway Uniform I Functional Filing System) throughout all City departments. 3 To post, publish and mail in a manner complying with the law, all notices of public hearings, meetings and bid proposals. I 4 To record concisely and correctly, in action minute form, the meetings of the City Council. 5. To conduct all municipal elections, ensuring conformance with existing laws to preserve the accuracy and integrity of the process. 1 6. To manage the City Council agenda process to ensure timely preparation, notice and follow-up on all items requiring Council action. 7 To coordinate appointment of Council-appointed Committee members. I 8. To serve as Secretary for Poway Today, Inc., and Poway Redevelopment Agency 9. To ensure compliance with Political Reform Act by designated employees, Committee members, Councilmembers, and Council 'Candidates with timely filing of Statement of I Economic Interest and Campaign Disclosure statements. 1990-91 1991-92 1992-93 DIVISION WORKLOAD STATISTICS ACTUAL ESTIMATED FORECASTED I Public Hearings Noticed 100 100 100 ,I Public Hearing Notices mailed 7,032 7,000 10,000 Documents Recorded 261 300 300 Resolutions Processed 149 150 150 'i Planning Resolutions Processed B6 80 100 Ordinances Processed 18 20 30 I Sets of Minutes Prepared 64 60 60 Redevelopment Resolutions 25 20 50 I City Contracts/Agreements Processed 76 30 30 Redevel. Contracts/Agreements 24 30 30 I Legal Advertisements 200 200 200 FPPC Filing Officer Activity 277 200 250 I SIGNIFICANT ACTIVITY PROGRAM CHANGES CHANGES 306 - General Municipal Election November, 1992 + $ 10,000 I I .,.--, ,-, ,.,. ..,..-~.- . ' ,--_. '- .. .. c ._ . . '--,-,= . ~,' 1- 55 CITY CLERK I Legislative and Administration Division No: 011 Division Detail I Obj. 1990-1991 1991-1992 1991-1992 1992-1993 1992-1993 Code, Exoense Classification Actual BudQet Actual Propased Approved I ,Personnel Expense Range Position Title City Clerk 61 ,396 61,400 66,310 66,310 66,310 I 228.1 Deputy City Clerk 32,436 34,320 29,410 36,450 36,450 218.1 Admin. Secretary 29,838 31,070 30,373 32,980 22,980 I 188.6 Admin. Clerk I 19,,195 21,310 21,318 23,840 23,840 188.6 Admin. Clerk I (T/PT) 3;574 - - - - .. 110 Salaries - Regular 142,865 148,100 147,411 159,580 149,580 I 112 Salaries - Part-Time 3,574 - - - - 113 Salaries - Overtime 2,623 1,920 306 - 500 I 120 Employee Benefits 41,655 45,170 46,502 47,800 47,170 /T' "i-rotaIPersbririel, .- " '195,190 ,," 194,2,19 207,380 197,250 ,,' ...190;717 ." , I Ooerations and Maintenance I 199 Other Professional Fees 6,069 9,820 5,645 7,220 7,220 215 Telephone 138 180 17 - - 260 Reimbursed Mileage 3,763 3,960 3,693 3,960 3,960 I 270 Travel and Meetings 615 2,410 1,491 1,690 1,690 280 Advertising 12,298 12,000 10,601 10,000 10,000 306 Election Services 7,028 - 109 10,000 10,000 I 311 Printing 12,390 12,000 8,749 10,000 10,000 314 Community Relations 1,300 400 136 400 400 I 315 Publications and Dues 1,207 1,270 1,069 1,040 1,040 317 Education and Training 371 400 460 600 600 331 R&M Building - 3,200 86 500 500 . 334 R&M Equipment 3,316 4,090 771 2,000 2,000 411 Office & Stationery Supplies 4,374 4,000 3,411 3,600 3,600 I 413 Photographic/Copy Supplies 124 1,000 - 1,000 1,000 512 Rent-Buildings and Grounds 782 900 985 1,100 1,100 515 Intergovernmental Fees - 16,500 - 2,500 2,500 I 522 Insurance Expense 500 500 - - - 555 Capital Outlay Rental 3,100 2,600 2,600 2,300 2,300 I fr5taIOberatiOris&Maintenance "'<57,37$ , "'75'236 " '/39;823 I,""""",","""'. .":;57;910 ::. ::.:; :. "",57;9,10, Capital Outlay I 611 Office Equipment 3,391 1,000 731 - - 1.<~i~ ';rotafCaPita}iOutlaV " < '.," 3,391'" "'J;()()() '. '731 I Division Total $251,483 $271,420 $234,773 $265,290 $255,160 , - " , , I I I LEGISLATIVE AND ADMINISTRATIVE ,I I' CITY COUNCIL I .............................................................................................................. PLANNING COMMISSION I I I ,I . :,." "',;.,.'.:",:.- 1 .." ....", .' ,..," "".." : :.:,-,' "..'." : .:':...'" . ''':'''-'' . ""':"'...,- -,'-' ..,',,",',',' crr'tAmoRNEY I .....:.p. .n.' 01,2 '. I I I I I I "._h_ ""~ ,yo. '.""C. . _ _ .. I 57 I CITY A1TORNEY I :L~gi~i~pYe':~.,#aMi~i~~~ti~"p~~~~~'fu"" ." :.:. "":':,,:. ,....::.:~:.:) ,.;-;,Y'.....;:. ,'Fund DiStribUtioh:,y,. , .'--..-- ,..:.:;;-.-.-.;-'.... . ....'.... "Department;COd~!l;b1'~'. ' ,General Fl1nd:.$184;39f'.'.; '-'-":',-.;.' .., ~~.-_:,;;". :- -~;~';;::; , ',.;... ,c-:;-- ". ".., Water Fuhd:;:$i'\21 '693 .",',', I 'Departinehtal..,Activny'Qver:vieW' :....., , ,.~., --:.,.-xx:-' .,',..:...-.'-'....-...,.... . '".i '.... Sewer Fund: ',' ;$,10;846 ',,' '.' ......:-:-:::,-,::,'..'.. , ;"':;;;";'-,-,',;'" - 'co,., ;'"" ,;.. ~:. ..",'c:.;'" ";'- I EXPENSE 1990-1991 1991-1992 1991'1992 1992-1993 1992-1993 CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL PROPOSED APPROVED I , , Total Positions \ - - - - - I , Personnel Expense 91,322 91,440 107,360 101,370 101,370 I Operations and Maintenance 198,253 114,240 96,444 115,560 115,560 I Capital OUtlay - - - - - ',"."".. :::!,:,' = .. ,,', I .. :;::)h'~>-', . ,: -,>:.:,:::: _. _, n':; --'. :~:,: .:~.:;.' -. ". .;.:.,::'::_,,- I, '.., ,',' ," $216,020 $203,804 $21({9~, TOTAL BUDGET. $289 575 "i$21693o. , , - \-,~:; ,:::.,:,.,,:, ,.'.,...'" , ",.'." .,,;", , I OVERVIEW COMMENTARY . The City Attorney is appointed by the City Council to serve as legal advisor for all matters 'related to the operation and administration' of the City. The City Attorney keeps the City Council and staff I apprised of any legislative or legal developments that may impact the City. Through a contract with the City, the City Attorney provides legal counsel, attends official meetings, I appears at all legal proceedings and negotiations relating to land acquisition, as well as provides other specialized ,services, The City Attorney also drafts ordinances. prepares contracts, conducts legal negotiations, reviews legal documer:lts, and defends the City's 'position in court cases. The City m Attorney also'serves as legal advisor to other Council appointed boards and represents City ,officials and employees in matters relating to City business. I I I I , , . ." ,,<---< .....~~. ..~-_.... ""-".~"-'''''''' .',",~'-"",,,,.., -"- ...~ ".,... ..,,_. ,o"~-., _,,_,;'._ ;"";;,"...".""'!-., .':',"'; ~.. \,0, 1..- '* - -. ....,-,';-- ... '-.: ---. ~ ......-.."..- --"."'. ')P, I CITY ATTORNEY I , ""', '-,"- '" ,... ,"" ',',':'0;. ,i' ' , " .. ,,' ' , ,', ,"'- , , Legi~lative&A8r'T1ihis@ttve' I. .....biyisid;:;.N8ffi~~t!012 Division: Activity"" , , I Department " ' " "..:GQmr'TI~Qi~;y<, ,,", ACTIVITY GOALS AND OBJECTIVES I 1 To assist the City Council in the development of policies based on sound legal I principles which will enable the City to accomplish its goals and objectives. 2. To apprise the City Council and staff of any legislative and legal developments which I ' ' may impact the operations and procedures of the City 3. To prepare ordinances and resolutions necessary to carry out established City I Council policies and to draft contracts, agreements, and legal opinions as required by the City Council, Redevelopment Agency; and staff I 4 To review the legal content of documents"not prepared by the City Attorney prior to submittal to the City Council. I 5. To ensure compliance with the provisions of the municipal code and state and federal law I 6. To represent the City in courts of jurisdiction on legal matters relating to the City as well as oversee City litigation in which the City Attorney is not the attorney of record. I 7 To communicate to the press and public legal positions taken by the City Attorney and the legal rationale for City actions. :1 SIGNIFICANT ACTIVITY PROGRAM CHANGES CHANGE I 140 - Increase in outside attorney fees +$ 5,000 146 - Decrease in costs for use of outside counsel. -$15,000 I I . I I I 'c' - ',~ ~ ,- .7., -;'<"'.- ;..,-'",,- .-... ... - ,.. " I 59 I CITY ATTORNEY Legislative and Administration Division No: 012 Division Detail I Obj. 1990-1991 1991-1992 1991-1992 1992-1993 1992-1993 Code ExDense Classification Actual Budaet Actual Pro Dosed ADDroved I Personnel Expense Ranoe Position Title City Attorney 71,060 70,880 83,262 75,600 75,600 I Ass!. City Attorney (2) 4,766 4,720 4,718 4,800 4,800 I 111 Salaries - Special 75,826 75,600 87,980 80.400 80,400 120 Employee Benefits 15.496 15,840 19,380 20;970 20,970 I ..'...' TotaJ'PElrsonhel' 91 ,322 ., 91 44Cf ..'.',. 107 360 101:370 101,370 , , , I ODerations and Maintenance 140 City Attorney Fees 21 ,750 40,000 53,152 45,000 45,000 142 Litigation - City Attorney 143,904 45,00q 37,147 45,000 45,000 I 146 Litigation-Other Attorneys 29,662 35,000 2,021 20,000 20,000 270 Travel and Meetings 1 ,402 3,080 2,183 3,180 3,180 I 315 Publications and Dues 1,076 1,000 1,575 1,000 1,,000 411 Office & Stationery Supplies 1,809 500 366 500 500 555 Capital Outlay Rental - - - 880 880 I I I I I I T()tal;6Peratiohs&..Mainterfarlce',.," 199,603 .' ....'.'" 20 960444 ' ,,115;'560 ...'115,566 I ,,124,580 Capital Outlav I T()taf,CaOitafQutlaY .... .) "',.. . '.....U"'..', .)~ ,T IT< ", '...." I Division Total , $290 925 $216.020 $203 804 $216'930 $216 930 ; ! -t -, ----;-~~... .~-. ~... .~~. "' ~,~ ....1 -: - .~ .:"">,:\:.... ~ '.- .,~.... , -... ~ ,:'.,' .:. .,..' - -...,. ". . ~ .' -".- :;,{".- .-;., ,_. ':":~" 60 I I I LEGISLATIVE AND ADMINISTRATIVE 'I I CITY COUNCIL .........................................................................................................0' I PLANNING COMMISSION . ".: <,-',''';' .....,. . I CITY MANAGER . 013 '''0.. _ I ADMINISTRATIVE COMMUNITY PLANNING PUBLIC I SERVICES SERVICES SERVICES SERVICES 100 200 300 400 I SAFETY ENGINEERING HOUSING I SERVICES SERVICES SERVICES 500 600 700 I I I 'I I I I I ~---. ~. .:~ ;.: '-'--: ."".7......;:;::' -.. ..' .-.. , ,'" ..,' I . 61 I CITY MANAGER I ';:',.,:;;-',::!,::' ",:<::""-.,'--- ."',;-'-:, ,.i.:,:__ _" ;, ;.:~ .t"""-':::_:":_"":':::::::':::'O'! Fund DiStribution: t " Legislatiy~,&Adminis;!Tati9'1;t>epa'1rnem "'" .. :; ~ :,< -- :~'::. ,:""":,"__""":':"'''__''''_:'_'',,..'.'V ,"_:,,,,,,,:,,,",,,___'_'.';'__.' "'-"-'-"''''''''''''j : Department COd~t 013/ .:':;{~ ',".1.;, ""','.' General Fund: $393,423': I i[)~e~~~mtaIAc:tivity9v~rview"'."""" Water "Fund: $" 46,285' ;"; , ... Sewer Furld:i.$ .~,143 ;) ; ., f" I EXPENSE 1990-1991 1991-1992 1991-1992 1992-1993 1992-1993 CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL PROPOSED APPROVED I . Total Positions 6 5 5 5 5 , I , Personnel Expense 354,634 371,540 398,044 399,480 399,460 I, Operations and Maintenance 61 ;378 63,490 59,458 62,970 63,370 I Capital Outlay - - - - - t ".' TOfALBU[)GET $416;012,. $435,030 $457,502 $462,450 $462,850 " '.. " .,',,' ~::-,' , . ...... I OVERVIEW COMMENTARY .1 The City Manager is appointed by the City Council to serve as the City's chief executive officer responsible for the overall planning, organization, and direction of municipal activities I within the City. The City Manager also serves as the Executive Director of the poway Redevelopment Agency responsible for the planning and direction of the Agency's activities. I The City Manager advises the City Council on all legislative and policy matters as well as provides the City Council with recommendations to assist the Council in making the most effective and efficient policies that,address the needs of the community. The City Manager is responsible for ensuring that I all ordinan.ces, laws, and regulations are implemented and enforced in the City. To ensure efficient and effective administration of matters within the City, the City Manager provides directiohtb all City department directors and employees. I The City Manager is also responsible for the preparation and submittal of the annual City budget to the City Council in addition to advising the City Council on the financial condition and needs of the I City. . I I I i __ - __'n --_.-'- ~... . - , .'" '~ ".-- ..~-'.',- ".".. ~. -. . .... - "l~ -.- - F? I CITY MANAGER I ',,',,' ""'" '" '" . DiVisi6hi\idrilber:013' ..,,' ....',' - -..,'-,"'--' :. Ii Legislative&AdrTliriistf~tiJe ':.:.,_:,,_ ___,' '_. _d: ,.: ..;' · OiJisi6ht.ttivity I I" Department I . 'CClrT1rn:~6taFy , ACTIVITY GOALS AND OBJECTIVES I 1 To provide assistance to the City Council in the Council's development of the most effective and responsive policies addressing the needs and issues of the community I 2. To direct City staff in the implementation of City Council policy through the centralization of authority and responsibility I 'J To develop .innovative and creative means ,of delivering municipal services to u. ensure that the highest quality of service is provided to the citizens of Poway I 4 To inform the City Council about pending State and Federal legislation that not only impacts the City, but the .surrounding region. I 5. To keep the City Council apprised about all aspects of municipal affairs and operations. I 6. To continually advise the City Council about the financial condition and needs of the City SIGNIFICANT ACTIVITY PROGRAM CHANGES CHANGE I None I I I I I I I I 1 ''... -. ,,' n ", ,'. --',', , " .. :1 63 I CITY MANAGER I I Legislative and Administration Division No: 013 Division Budget Detail Obj. 1990-1991 1991-1992 1991-1992 1992-1993 1992-1993 Code Expense Classification Actual Budaet Actual Proposed Approved I Personnel Exoense Ranoe Position Title I City Manager 96,670 96,670 100,536 100,540 100,540 334 1 Asst. City Manager 83,544 90,070 90,074 95,150 95,150 I 262.6 Management Analyst 28,749 34,340' 34,836 39,930 39,930 243.1 Sec. to City Manager 34,666 36,090 36,112 38,320 38,320 228.1 Admin. Secretary 25,038 30,320 31 ,371 32,980 32,980 I 203.6 Admin. Clerk II (PT) 13,785 10,330 10,449 10,690 10,690 I 110 Salaries - Regular 268,667 287,490 292,929 306,920 306,920 112 Salaries - Part-Time 13,785 10,330 10,449 10,690 10,690 I 113 Salaries - Overtime 727 1,000 - 1,000 1,000 120 Employee Benefits 71 ,455 72,720 94,666 80,870 80,870 -, ii ' ",Total Personnel" " 354,634 ' 371,540 ::- 398044 399,480 399,480 I ' , Operations and Maintenance 199 Other Professional Fees 2,500 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 I 260 Reimbursed Mileage 12,771 13,260 12,670 13,260 13,260 270 Travel and Meetings 7,314 9,630 8,110 10,220 10,220 I 282 Postage 6,820 6,800 7,212 7,250 7,250 311 Printing 16,545 16,000 16,976 16,000 17,000 I 315 Publications and Dues 3,521 3,970 3,854 4,130 4,130 317 Education and Training 6,738 5,000 5,150 1,500 1,500 I 334 R&M Equipment 2,197 3,730 527 3,980 3,380 411 Office & Stationery Supplies 1,505 1,500 1,591 1,500 1,500 413 Photographic/Copy Supplies 337 300 216 300 300 I 499 Other Supplies and Materials 130 300 152 300 300 555 CapitaWutiay.Rental 1,000 1,000 1,000 2,530 2,530 I I ;tofal,.Ooeratidhs'&Maintenance ,...,..'... ' 61,378 ?i '63,490 \63370 " ,,59;458 : ,.',." ,62;970, ... -.... , I CaoltafOutfay I '1;otaHJapital,OGtiay ,,',,? ,." .' ,\ .'.,. 10, '(l:" >- :J ,: :,,': ii Oivision Total - $416.012 $435 030 $457 502 $462'450 $462.850 ~~ .~- - - - .---_.~-----_.."~-- ~ -..-<.-"". ~~,""-~;..=.",-="""""",, I I A~ I --- ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES ~ ..0 I ~ "7 '''-- I I CITY MANAGER 1 013 DIRECTOR I 100 I PERSONNEL CUSTOMER FINANCE DATA I SERVICES PROCESSING 101 102 103 104 I I PURCHASING SUPPORT RISK CAPITAL SERVICES MANAGEMENT REPLACEMENT I 105 106 107 108 DART I 401 I I I I . --~---'--'--- - - .,....,. ._ "'_ .~"". _.".._.....,.."'_"""'..,._.......,......._ ,.~__..,.........,..__ ~._ ._."_"..""......._"T.,,..p. _=-, ...'.......' _"_ _ . I 65 I ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES I :~~d~'.[)istnbtiti()~.://','.. /i<;....'.'i,.:....;." ".~l ' Gen.eral. ' """..$,1 ,qei7,98~ 'Wate( " ','.," \'952,761 , I '$ewer: , "5;>7:378 ! ".............". ,..,' ',.... _, .,' ... I C;:pU.Nllcrlll}t ',"" ,,<...]84782 Drainage: ' ' "" ,.,14,0$6 I EXPENSE 1990-1991 1991-1992 1991-1992 1992-1993 1992-1993 I CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL BUDGET , ACTUAL PROPOSED APPROVED I Total Positions 26 27 27 31 31 Personnel Expense 1,103,453 1,219,790 1,503,740 1,523,670 1,475,800 ,I Operations and Maintenance 852,052 959,680 1 ,387,351 1,123,780 1,123,780 I Capital Outlay 124,205 168,700 88,486 132,960 167,380 I I I OVERVIEW COMMENTARY i The Department of Administrative Services is divided into nine operational divisions including the Office I of the Director, Personnel, Customer Services, Finance, Data Processing, Purchasing and Warehousing, Support Services, Risk Management and Capital Replacement. These organizational divisions coordinate the day-to-day activities of various internal operations of the City and supply I specialized staff support services to all other City departments. During fiscal year 1992"1993, the DART Division for promotion of water conservation is under the management of the Administrative Services I Department. I Appointed by.the City Manager, the Director of Administrative Services has the responsibility of managing, coordinating, controlling, and directing departmental programs, and ensuring that the City's I departmental goals are achieved. The department's staff is vested with the responsibiiities,ofthe City's , overall financial management and control, budget development and preparation, administration of the City~s employment system, the purchasing function of the City, administration of the municipal I insurance programs, water and sewer billing, meter reading, processing accounts receivable,and management of the City's central stores warehouse. I The personnel in this department also function in an in-house-consultant capacity by providing technical expertise and specialized financial information to other City departments and their staffs. I ___~. __-,-.;" ~ ~_ "'~". ~~ ". "!J ~ ......"" ~,. ,... ~, - ~',;.; ...., , " ~ ,:"..;:.',:;> ..; ~ .'1 -,: .!~-~. .. 66 I DIRECTOR OF ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES I I . ' ','. ii ,""', '" '" "" """ · " ','" :,--,:..:u,':::.:.:u.:.:,:.:.:_.: .:::'.- . ":::~::>;'>(" .." , ".., .c""-" "". . " ' '"-'''-,,'''',''' ,,' ,,,' .'---- , ,,'" ."." ", __. '" ....." ",n '" , .. I Administrative ".Ssf'\Iices., !-.,- PivisiogNUn'lber.j GO " "[)ivisiOh~ctivitY ' Dl?partmenF :'.:;':~'-!'::,. C6mmehta. ','., ..' , '",_.', ry, ,.., I ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION The Office of the Director of Administrative Services is responsible for the I coordination and management of the internal operations of the City and Redevefopment Agency Divisions under the direction of the Director's Office are Personnel, Customer Services, Finance, I Data Processing, Purchasing, Support Services, Risk Management, Capital Replacement and, during fiscal year 1992-93, the DART Division. The Office of the director is also responsible for providing staff assistance to the citizens' Budget I Review Committee and the Business Advisory Committee. 1 DIVISION GOALS AND OBJECTIVES 1 To continue the development and the implementation of management reporting and long- I range fiscal forecasting capabilities. 2. To foster employee potential and morale by creating and maintaining a work I environment that encourages creativity, communication, dedication, and I commitment. 3. To coordinate the upgrade and expansion of the City's computerized mar:1agement information system in order to provide comprehensive, accurate and timely I information to the City Council and the City's operating departments. 4 To coordinate the preparation and administration of the City's financial plan ir:1 cooperation I with other City departments in a manner which maintains the City's financial health. 5. To ensure the maintenance of a safe and productive work environment through the I administration of the City's safety program. 6. To provide helpful, courteous, and quality service to other City departments and the public. I SIGNIFICANT ACTIVITY PROGRAM CHANGES I None I I I ,0,.. 7,"- ., .. - I"~ ,,' , -- I 67 ,II DIRECTOR OF ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES III AdmlOj""".. SaMces Departme" DwOlO, No' 100 DwO;o, .o'..t Detail I Obj:J . 1990-1991 1991-1992 1991-1992 1992-1993 1992-1993 . Cod Expense Classification Actual Budaet Actual Proposed Approved Personnel Exoense I Ranae Position Title 320.3 Director 58,062 71,450 75,344 80,370 80,370 I 272.6 Sr Management Analyst 40,321 44,650 46,857 49,170 49,170 228.1 Admin. Secretary 29,838 31,070 31,067 32,980 32,980 I 110 Salaries - Regular 128,221 147,170 153,268 162,520 162,520 113 Salaries - Overtime - 1,200 - 1,300 1,300 I 120 Employee Benefits 36,141 36,060 44,657 45,,130 45,130 . TotaLPersCll111ElL ".. , . :;.{ , ..' 164,362 184,43'0, ' 197,925 . 208,950' .'208;950 . Operations and Maintenance 144 Audit Service 11 ,000 11 ,000 8,627 11,000 11,000 I 148 Special Studies - - 22,561 260 Reimbursed Mileage 3,602 4,140 3,837 4,140 4,140 I 270 Travel and Meetings 3,564 3,150 3,568 3,110 3,110 311 Printing - 350 39 350 350 315 Publications and Dues 850 1,430 1,154 1,490 1,490 I 317 Education and Training 317 350 220 1,200 1,200 334 R&M Equipment 1,033 1,140 891 1,4 70 1,4 70 I 399 Other Contractual Services - - 72 - - 411 Office & Stationery Supplies 1,257 1,080 1,183 1,080 1,080 I 499 Other Supplies and Materials 1,521 1,370 997 1,370 1,370 555 Capital Outlay Rental - 1,200 1,200 1,610 1,610 I I I '-r-ota.IQperaH6n~&"'Maihter\al1ce .. ",' ", ," "';25,2J6 .'" ~"'44 349 "f.,_'26!'8ZQ, :'26 820 ,."",23,144 I " , "', '-.," Capital Outlay I "'To~al(:a.pitaIQutlay'.., ,..'.,'...... ' I~ ,- .. ',,' .'..' ,,-,i ,) " '~.' , I ,',' ."" Division' Total $187,506 $209,640 $242,274 $235;770 $235;7,10 __..u ,_ __~.. .. -."..,. .,.' ...,' ....~~....-.;-o+-_........,.......;-,'...-"'..,;:., :;"".~ .'~ '. '< ,;.:; ..,;~ '~.."~ -.[' ;';. ~ ~. ..;.:.- ...... -- ~~, ;.'~ ,:;.;.~ I PERSONNEL I - ,-, '''''" , ,":no' Ii ....,- .-- ."... . I ....,..'-., ,---- ,". AdniinistrativeServices" ,,' " .' , pivisiOhf'ctlvi,ty Qepartnient ,:1<Commentary';.:'c, ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION I The Personnel Division administers the City's centralized personnel services. The Division I provides comprehensive personnel services to the line operating departments, including the overall management of recruitment examination and certification processes for the selection and I promotion of personnel in the City's work force. The Division activities include: implementation and administration of personnel policies, practices and procedures for classification, recruitment and employment, employee benefits, compensation, training, development, safety and security, I and employee relations. Additionally, the Divisi6n maintains all persof;lnel records, coordinates special employee events, the safety program, the suggestion incentive program, and the employee service awards program. 1 ACTIVITY GOALS AND OBJECTIVES I 1 To continue to provide a high level of performance in providing services to all City departments and individual employees: I 2. To continue revision of the City's Personnel Rules and Regulations as appropriate. 3. To continually strive to maximize employee benefits received from resources .expended. I 4 To utilize professional expertise consistent with City policies ir:l providing guidance to the . operating departments concerning personnel issues. ACTIVITY STATISTICS 1991-92, 1992-93 I ESTIMATED FORECASTED Employment Applications 1,200 1,200 1 Recruitments 31 23 Recruitment/Promotional Testing 33 25 I Job Interest Notices Processed 2,044 2,500 Employee Evaluations Processed 367 350 Personnel Transactions 260 260 I Injury Reports Processed 59 35 SIGNIFICANT ACTIVITY PROGRAM CHANGES I None I . - - I 69 I PERSONNEL I I Administrative Services Department Division No: 101 Division Budget Detail Obj. 1990-1991 1991"1992 1991-1992 1992-1993 1992-1993 I Code Expense Classification Actual Budget Actual Proposed Approved Personnel Expense I Range Position Title 2949 Personnel Manager 56,357 60,870 61,632 64,310 64,310 I 2381 Department Aide 34,253 34,330 34,613 36,450 36,450 203.6 Admin. Clerk I 22,153 22,980 23,386 25,820 25,820 I 110 Salaries - Regular 112,763 118,180 119,631 126,580 126,580 120 Employee Benefits 29,236 30,980 33,449 34,830 34,830 I Total."P~fsohnel.F"'" " "."149,160 <<153,080, 'J61,'410 ," 141;999 , 161,410 Operations and Maintenance 1 260 Reimbursed Mileage 1 ,971 2,000 1,817 2,000 2,000 270 Travel and Meetings 733 890 946 890 890 I 281 Recruitment 13,271 5,500 1,851 3,400 3,400 311 Printing 2,580 2,400 1 ,452 1,900 1,900 I 315 Publications and Dues 2,184 2,090 2,512 2,090 2,090 316 Medical Exams 5,194 12,610 4,610 7,800 7,800 317 Education and Training 3,566 4,900 3,652 4,900 4,900 I 323 Tuition Reimbursement 2,344 2,400 4,190 3,500 3,500 334 R&M Equipment 1,365 1,670 762 1,670 1,670 I 399 Other Contractual Services 5,153 5,480 5,463 5,480 5,480 411 Office & Stationery Supplies 721 900 835 900 900 I 422 Employee Awards 11,935 13,380 14,165 18,960 18,960 555 Capital Outlay Rental 2,200 700 700 650 650 I I I "'" .,"',.........,..."...,."'. ,,""',",-,',,-,'-'.""--' , "'5:3,211 .... ..54;920 ','?;5471'46":'~f54,14b.' , "TQtaIPp~i~ti6iis&,.M?ihienahC$"""" ,""'.'.42955' . :.-' I Capital Outlay 1 "";,.....".,....,~ .._.':":":',.",,::,:----,..-::::'-::" ,.:' ::. ::'::',::<:,.;,:/:';:-" .. .. "'$..~..,'..,.'.,....., ,'........ ."c.'.....,' i'...'...'.'.'.~... ;rotaIQCipijaIOl.llli!y;'" , I Division Total $195,216 $204,080 $196,035 $215;550: $215;550 i _ .,__..____. _H_"_"'.' '__'A"_ ."'.,-_.._.,-,....,.. ._..,.~ ,..::;:-~-..-, ."'..... --, ,,,~:- --,.. ,,' .' . -'. .,." t ''';;,' . 7n. I CUSTOMER SERVICES I .,,,. ,.-. 0 'AdministrativeSer\iices > Divisioi1 NUrriber')02 ' , bivisib~'ACti\lity. I ..... Department '." ',.", ,,", ()olli~E1ntary .,.'.,', "'.... ,', .0' ,.,..,,"'.. ,,' ,," '..".", I ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION I The Customer Services Division performs a variety of City functions relating to the public, utility I customers, and businesses. The Division personnel maintains the City's telephone communication system and provides mail handling services. The Division performs the accounts receivable function involving collecting, recording and depositing of City revenues, including I follow-up on delinquent, closed, and unpaid accounts. Customer Services includes processes utility service applications, utility turn-on and I turn-offs and utility service inquiries and complaints. Performing bimonthly water meter readings, minor meter repairs and exchanges are also included. The Division is also responsible for the issuance of regulatory licenses and business certificates. I DIVISION GOALS AND OBJECTIVES 1. To provide courteous, professional customer service. I 2. To maintain an awareness of customer attitudes and needs. 3. To maintain a minimum level of uncollectible accounts. I DIVISION WORKLOAD STATISTICS 1990-91 1991-92 1992-93 I ACTUAL ESTIMATED FORECASTED Meters read for billing 71,200 72,767 74,400 I Past due notices 7,800 7,300 7,500 Final notices 4,470 4,700 4,800 Delinquent accounts (doors tagged) 1,700 1,650 1,700 I Delinquent turn-offs 280 280 300 Miscellaneous service orders 1,016 1,000 1,000 New business registrations issued 160 1681 75 I SIGNIFICANT ACTIVITY PROGRAM CHANGES None I I I 1 ,-, .-.,' -. .~. -. _"';"."_ .: 'i,~ ;" _~- .t,~;'-~ "":"""= or -.,~ ~ - I 71 I CUSTOMER SERIVCES Administrative Services' Department Division No: 102 Division Budget Detail I Ol;lj.. 1990-1991 1991c1992 1991-1992 1992-1993 1992-1993 Code Expense Classification Actual BudQet Actual Proposed Approved Personnel Exoense I Rance Position Title 272.9 Customer Services Manger 51 ,592 55,080 55,108 58,190 58,190 216.6 Customer Services Wkr (3) 86,095 90,410 92,670 97,470 97,4 70 I 202.6 Account Clerk 1/11 (4) 89,091 100,420 103,626 110,880 110,880 188.6 Telephone Oper.lReceptn. 18,025 19,670 19,660 21,950 21,950 I 110 Salaries - Regular 244,~03 265,580 271,064 288,490 288,490 113 Salaries - Overtime 1,142 6,000 1,067 4,890 4,890 120 Employee Benefits 68,127 64,330 77,621 83,510 83,510 I I,'," Tofal personrier<," .' ,. 335;910 349,752 I .~ - I' I 314,072' 376;890 " 376,890 1 Operations and Maintenance 260 Reimbursed Mileage 2,001 1,900 1,829 1,900 1,900 262 Vehicle Operations 2,838 2,860 2,712 2,860 2,860 I 263 Vehicle Maintenance 3,667 2,600 1,853 2,600 2,600 264 Vehicle Rental 4,500 4,500 4,500 5,490 5,490 I 270 Travel and Meetings 239 650 - - - 282 Postage 15,004 24,000 23,958 25,000 25,000 I 311 Printing 9,427 6,300 8,556 8,500 8,500 313 Uniforms and Laundry 784 1,160 815 1 ,460 1 ,460 315 Publications and Dues 306 300 321 300 300 I 317 Education and Training 4,308 2,370 369 1,820 1,820 334 R&M Equipment 3,510 4;220 2,357 3,060 3,060 I 337 R&M Radios 209 210 218 220 220 411 Office & Stationery Supplies 1,813 2,190 1,981 2,190 2,190 I 413 PhotographiC/Copy Supplies - 220 105 250 250 416 Safety Supplies 20 150 137 150 150 I 417 Operating Supplies 15 - 34 - - 420 Small Tools 369 350 163 350 350 499 Other Supplies and Materials 2,525 1,750 1,855 1,750 1,750 I 532 U ncollectibles - - 3,281 - - 541 Cash Over/Under - 50 (13 50 50 I 555 Capital Outlay Rental 3,200 2,000 2,000 2,490 2,490 't()talOpel'afions & Mairite6allce '54735 ".',57780 . 57:0~1 I, .6'0;440 ,V' 6(),44b ...'-, . . :,,_ .,_.r', ' . ----. "." I Capital,Outlay 611 Office Equipment 1,582 - - - ,- 1 'l'btaICapitcif.()utlay'.... ,',', ',',i.,'....,..,,' '," 1,582 ' ".,.. I.""..,". " """?'~' L, ,"ii Division Total $370,389 $393,690 $406,783 '$437 ;330; :$437,330 _~__.__n_...____...~_..~,..,....,., '__' ,'".,~___..~..:=-1._..'...'__._ .". .,-',," .f.'- - .... "., ,....-. ~ ~<< Co,. -".. '''''''''.''' 72 I FINANCE Divisi,~nNumbef: 103 , 1 A.diTlinistrative Services .', ,DiVision ,ActiVity Department ,',." Commentary .,'. .. ";.,,..:.;'.... The Finance Division administers the fiscal operations of the City It is the duty of this Division to I assure accountability and compliance with generally accepted accounting principles and I established policies and procedures as well as government codes. Areas of responsibilities include internal control, bond maintenance, investments, general accounting, accounts payable, budget coordination, revenue forecasting, expenditures, encumbrance accounting and budget I compliance. Functions include financial data collection, analysis and reporting; implementation of City's financial policies and control and audit; disbursement of funds in accordance with purchase orders, purchase requisitions and other related documents; investment of surplus cash, I monitoring tax rolls and special assessments. ACTIVITY GOALS AND OBJECTIVES I 1 To develop amd maintain a monitoring process for RDA and City transactions which meets GFOA reporting requirements. 2. To update and maintain efficient internal control systems consistent with changing needs I and newly formed rules and regulations. 3. To strengthen financial reporting by again achieving national as well as state awards for excellence in financial reporting. I 4 To provide support for the study/testing/parallel running of the new computer system and its software. 5. To monitor and revise procedures developed to assist operating departments and newly I acquired mobile home parks achieve their goals. DIVISION 1989-1990 1990-1991 1991-1992 1992-1993 WORKLOAD ACTUAL ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROJECTED I STATISTICS Financial Report 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 I Processing Days Investment Average $57.0 $57.0 $53.0 $50.0 Portfolio I (in millions) Investment Earnings (in $ 5.0 $ 4.9 $ 4.9 $ 3.5 millions) 1 Investment % Yield 8.8 8.6 7.6 71 Purchase Orders 2,463 2,760 3,100 3,400 I Processed Vendor Warrants Prepared 8,790 9.701 10,000 11,000 Budget Adjustments 133 160 180 180 I Processed Supply/Equip. 2,512 2,782 2,830 2,980 I Requisitions Processed SIGNIFICANT ACTIVITY PROGRAM CHANGES CHANGE 110,120- Increase in personnel costs due to transfer of $39,100 I Account Clerk from Engineering Services Department I ~ . -\" " '":'.,. - ~ ': ~ ." I 73 I FINANCE Administrative Services Department Division No: 103 Division Budget Detail - I Obj. 1990-1991 1991-1992 1991-1992 1992-1993 1992-1993 , Code Expense Classification Actual Budget Actual Proposed Approved I Personnel Expense Range Position Title . 294.9 Finance Manager 53,175 60,810 61,095 64,310 64,310 262.6 Senior Accountant 37,758 41,690 41,665 46,290 46,290 I 252.6 Accountant (2) 42,450 75,320 76,406 79,640 79,640 212.6 Account Clerk 1\ (2) 34,946 45,350 46,093 54;940 54,940 2076 Account Clerk I - - - 24,020 24,020 I 110 Salaries - Regular 168,329 223,170 225,259 269,200 269,200 113 Salaries - Overtime 771 2,000 29 - - 1 120 Employee Benefits 46,112 64,330 74,480 82,400 82,400 130 Temporary Services 14,927 - - - - I F ')tbtaiPersClhl'lel) . > 230,139 289,500 ' 299,768 351,600 ' 351,600 . Operations and Maintenance I 260 Reimbursed Mileage 2,127 2,230 2,024 2,230 2,230 270 Travel and Meetings 724 2,220 735 1,130 1,130 I 311 Printing 8,014 8,550 8,037 9,060 9,060 315 Publications and Dues 2,236 2,050 1,279 1,650 1,650 I 317 Education and Training 875 2,820 2,275 2,920 2,920 334 R&M Equipment 1,280 1,260 469 1,240 1,240 399 Other Contractual Services 968 - - - - I 411 Office & Stationery Supplies 2,170 1,750 1,708 2,190 2.190 555 Capital Outlay Rental 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,730 1 ,730 I I I .,.'.,i'.' ",. ",,' '.'. ',' ,',.." , " .""', Iii ,19.594 22,080' , 17 ,727 ..",{2Zj'SO. :: ,..,22;150 Tot~llQpElrl:1tiol1s& 'Maintenance. I Capital Outlay 611 Office Equipment 976 - - 160 160 1 I )TC;t~10~pit~i6Jti~y:;):""""'" ' ... , i976 ..'.."."...", ~,'.,. I."" ,',.,.,... IX' ' .',''D6Q Ji,.,/.,.1 Rn ...'" Division Total $250,709 $311 ;580 '$317,495 $37,3,910 $373,910 -,-- -. .._ 0.' ~... .0...-........ _'.,y. ~,,,.,.....-_~. .,.....".",-.,-;-<"-,'. '-~"'.-. '.' '~--.; , -. ~ ,- .". .. 74 1 DATA PROCESSING I ,.' '. Adriiinistrati\ieSeI'Vices Division:' Number' 1 04 [)i\iisi6i1 Activity I ".. Department Qomment?ry ", " ". I ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION I Data Processing is responsible for the operation and maintenance of the City's mainframe computer system. This division mustmaintain the integrity of all of the City's financial and I administrative data bases, generate timely reports, process daily financial transactions, monitor the system's security features, track users' activities on a daily basis, and troubleshoot hardware and software problems. I Fiscal Year 1992-93 will see a significant change in the Division's activities. Acquisition and installation of a new computer system will expand the City's computer capabilities and the I responsibilities of Data Processing. The Division will have lead responsibility in brihging the new system on line, receiving training on all new hardware and software, managing a fully-integrated city-wide network, maintaining PC's, and coordinating the City's computer users support group. I The opportunities for interaction with other departments will increase. The primary function of the division will change form one of data processing to a full management ihformation system. I ACTIVITIES GOALS AND OBJECTIVES 1 To oversee installation of new computer system hardware and software so that the 1 integrity of the system and data within it will be maintained and will continue to provide comprehensive accurate and timely information. 1 2. To become proficient in all aspects of the management of the new system so it operates efficiently and effectively I 3. To serve as a resource to other departments in achieving optimal performance form the new system I SIGNIFICANT BUDGET CHANGES CHANGE I None I 1 I I .u, ~, ".,",1 .,- :;.....- ':'-;,." , -"'. <. '. - , I 75 I DATA PROCESSING Adminisfrative Services Department Division No: 104 Division BudgetDetail I Obj. 1990-1991 1991-1992 1991-1992 1992~1993 1992-1993 Code Expense Classification Actual Budget Actual Proposed Approved Personnel Expense I ' Ranoe Position Title 252.6 Data Processing Coordinator 38,447 39,880 39,886 42,140 42.140 .. 212.6 Data Entry Clerk" 26,265 26,960 27,310 28,250 28.250 1 110 Salaries - Regular 64,712 66,840 67.196 70,390 70,390 113 Salaries - Overtime 65 240 - 300 300 , 120 Employee Benefits 17 ,590 18,500 19,484 20,010 20,010 . < ,'....' ., Total Persol'lr1i:i1 ., .' ,82;367 85;580 I 86,680' 90,700 90,700 . Operations and Maintenance 145 Data Processing Consultant 6,450 - (1,210 9.900 9,900 260 Reimbursed Mileage 74 360 157 360 360 I 270 Travel and Meetings 130 210 - 1,760 1,760 311 Printing 1,295 1,280 884 - - . 315 Publications and Dues 529 480 446 540 540 317 Education and Training 410 630 700 630 630 I 334 R&M Equipment 5.120 5,320 3,910 370 370 411 Office & Stationery Supplies 255 600 335 480 480 I 417 Operating Supplies 5,475 5,830 3,008 4,580 4,580 514 Lease Purchase 3.895 3,900 3,926 - - 555 Capital Outlay Rental 20,000 - - 880 880 I I I I ',',t()t~16pe[~tipr1s&Maintellar1c:e ' ' " "',",.', ,. .,'..'18610 12,156 I, "" ."," ,19,506 . ..,.' . 43,633 ',',::;- <--,., ,I. . I . 39,000 ... . . . Capital Outlay . 611 Office Equipment 385 - - - - "-,'-'," ..,. -,' '. ",.".-"...-----..---.. ,. ',.' ,.., I; , .,., Ii ~. ..'" ," ..,'~ I T9tiilCapitaf()lltlay '.'.'.'.,....... ,,"', ,.' ,,385 .< '.'. . ">. 'Division Total '$126.385 $104.190, $98.836 - $129.'700' $~.10.200 __._~c._, _._ -- _.- -... ~-~- .. .,-, - -.., -,. ,~.i. . . _," 4 ~ 'h _. ;"'.., 7C I PURCHASING I AdrninistfativeServices " DivisibnNuinber'105 DivisibhActivity I Department '.' Commentary , ., !'.,,',',. I ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION I With the assistance of the Purchasing Division, a number of technical and special services are I provided to the line operating departments of the City on a centralized basis. Among the functions assigned to personnel within this cjivision are centralized purchasing for all supplies, services, and equipment, maintenance of centralized inventory as well as a property control I program. Also, control and responsibility for City warehousing operations is assigned to the Purchasing Division. ACTIVITY GOALS AND OBJECTIVES I 1 To ensure that all goods and services will be purchased within the City of Poway whenever it is practical and economically justifiable to do so. I 2. To maintain the Purchasing Manual and enforce the purchasing policies of the City I 3. To exercise positive financial control over City purchases to ensure adherence To the requirement that expenditures and encumbrances do not exceed the amounts 1 appropriated. 4 To procure equipment, supplies ,and services at the lowest cost with clean, open, I competitive specifications receiving maXimum benefit from budget dollars available. 5. To continually work to increase the quality of services provided to the other City 1 departments through better communications, thus ensuring a smoother flow of operations and better understanding of existing and future departmental needs. 6. To ensure that the quality of services and products provided to the City is excellent. I 7 To maintain control of existing central stores and warehousing operations. I SIGNIFICANT ACTIVITY PROGRAM CHANGES 1 None I I I .u -~.. .',,," .- ~'.,,; .., '. " ~ :.,' , .. I 77 I PURCHASING Administrative Services Department Division No: 105 Division Budget Detail I Obj. 1990-1991 1991-1992 1991-1992 1992-1993 1992-1993 Code Expense Classification Actual Budaet Actual Proposed Approved I Personnel Expense Range Position Title 284.9 General Services Manage 52,677 55,080 55,074 58,190 58,190 I 227.6 Storekeeper II 30,762 30,910 13,998 26,920 26,920 218.1 Secretary 28,087 28,110 28,116 29,850 29,850 1 Storekeeper I 21,597 22,930 24,763 - - ) I 110 Salaries - Regular 133,123 137,030 121,951 114,960 114,960 , 113 Salaries - Overtime 89 470 193 500 500 120 Employee Benefits 37,302 37,710 37,612 34,550 34,550 ~ .... ~-Totai Personnel .". 170;514 175;210' 159,756 150,010 . 150',0101 I Operations and Maintenance 260 Reimbursed Mileage 1,943 1,800 1,800 1,800 1,800 262 Vehicle Operations 742 800 600 700 700 I 263 Vehicle Maintenance 388 250 449 100 100 264 Vehicle Rental 2,200 2,200 2,200 1,370 1,370 I 270 Travel and Meetings 1,001 400 110 300 300 311 Printing 1,126 1,000 1,002 1,000 1,000 I 313 Uniforms and Laundry 556 750 466 380 380 315 Publications and Dues 421 410 228 300 300 331 R&M Building 439 500 72 250 250 I 334 R&M Equipment 2,394 9,740 7,253 9,000 9,000 411 Office & Stationery Supplies 1,388 600 957 500 500 I 417 Operating Supplies 1,065 1,500 25 750 750 515 Intergovernmental Fees 2,074 2,000 1,178 2,000 2,000 I 556 Captail Outlay Rental-Other Equip. 24,600 24,600 24,600 9,100 9,100 I I '-'-'--' ,--,.-,'-.,-':::-::::":,_:' '-',' .::,' ..;,,-::.:,',:' , 46 550 . i, ,..'27';550: L' 27,550 '" TbbalOp.ehitiolls& Mailltenance 40,337' ,40,940 : '. . Capital Outlay 1 'T.C:;tafCapit~1 Outlay '.'.,.. , ,.' ., ",', ,.". .'. ,.'>'\"':l1! I'" ,'J'.'" ,; I ",' - - Division Total $210,851 $221,760, $200,696 $177,560 $177.560 ,_,"-",<":.~.._.--:,;._,.":--;..,..._~..,,.~ _,;"..",:-0,,,:\ '""."~ ~'~V" .,;~ --i~. .. . .,' ~'-. :'; .'. ."( . . .. '. ,~.. . \. :. - . 78 SUPPORT SERVICES , " .-....._, ._-,-,------. , , ".';'-'." ',.--..--.......,-....--.. "..',', . "" - .. Administrative SeryiCes ,-"." "-.,...,,"""" , ..".[)i\li~ionAc:tivitY pepartmerit " Qomrm:lntaiy , .. - .. . ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION The costs associated with the telephone system, City Hall utilities, and City Hall maintenance are provided of in the Support Services Division. In addition, costs associated with the City Hall fire and burglar alarms, primary copy machines, and City-wide postage are charged to this cost center ACTIVITY GOALS 1 To provide maintenance requirements for the City Hall complex. 2. To provide high-volume copying services for City Hall. 3. To provide electric and telephone services for City Hall. 4 To provide for City Hall fire and burglar alarms. CHANGE SIGNIFICANT BUDGET CHANGES 334 - Reflects cost of added equipment $ 8,300 215 - Increase based on FY 1991-92 2,700 215 - Increase based on FY 1991-92 3,000 I: .- I, 79 I SUPPORT SERVICES I I Administrative Services Department Division No: 106 Division Budget Detail I Obj: 1990-1991 1991"1992 '1991-1992 1992-1993 1992-1993 Cooe ExoenseClassification Actual Budget Actual Proposed Approved Personnel Expense I Ra'rige' Position Title I I I TotalPersonneL ,,:\ " '.. ~. ' , , '. . - '" ,. -.. ". -" ' .. ...... I Operations and Maintenance 210 Gas and Electricity 47,734 42,000 44,522 45,000 45,000 I 212 Water-Interagency 180 215 Telephone 64,987 63,300 73,268 66,000 6-6:000 I 216 Trash Removal 1,051 1,080 1,023 1,,130 1,130 282 Postage 29,177 30,000 38,796 30,000 30,000 331 R&M Building 1 ,485 500 703 - - I 333 R&M Elevator 1,129 1,130 1,132 1,140 1,140' 334 R&M Equipment 25,210 26,400 20,559 33,900 33~900 I 399 Other Contractual Services 98 1,020 98 400 400 413 Photographic/Copy Supplies 3,517 5,000 3,596 4,000 4,000 I 416 Safety Supplies 652 500 235 250 250 417 Operating Supplies 3,639 8,000 3,438 7,000 7,000 515 Intergovernmental Fees . 150 - 150 150 I 555 Capital Outlay Rental 50,500 50,500 50,500 16,500 16,500 I I I 'TotafpperaliQris&Mairiteri?i1ce ' 229179" 229,580. /238 050, " 2054'70 ;;'205410, I "'::,,,:, _J.. ..~.; , .." ....J. .. .... . .r,,'.. CapitaliOutlay I ,'fot~t;'GapitaH)u~lay :'...,". ,.,' :,.",., "." i ,.. ". ,.', ..,.:i,.. '.>/' I" ", c.:, ".. " ',- ,.'.. :,>,,~?>, ,{'ie", I Division Total $229,179 $229,580 $238,050 $205,470 $205,470 . t ~ 'L ~ ~,.~...~- '''''."",~"*",,r- '...1~~,~,,,,,,:c::-,._~_.,:-;;_;.~,~"':.'--r:"~":;~- :~''''-' ~'-:~~:i:=.' "-~':~. ':::c ;:'~ .~ -:-~. ..- -..,.. .,'...... "-,."r._..__ .. .. .~. ;.": ~n-:";;';' .,._,~ -;;;,: -_.~,..." . t:, . '. :'_'l 80 RISK MANAGEMENT AND EMPLOYEE BENEFITS , ".. AdlllinistrCitive.Servicss pepartlllsnt' ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION Risk Management The cost of managing the City's risks through purchased insurance and self~funded programs are detailed in this cost center Monies go toward insurance premiums and contributions to a pooled risk joint powers authority for claims adjusting and stop loss protection, Fringe Benefits The cost of all employee fringe benefits is indicated in this cost center under each benefit program. They are' life, health, dental, long4erm disability, retirement and workers' compensation insurance. ACTIVITY GOALS AND OBJECTIVES \, 1 To focus on loss control and minimize the City's liability and risk wherever possible, 2. To educate the various departments on current risk management policies of the City with the use of a Risk Management Manual. SIGNIFICANT ACTIVITY PROGRAM CHANGES None I 81 , RISK MANAGEMENT AND EMPLOYEE BENEFITS Ii Administrative Services Department Division No: 107 Division Budget Detail I Obj. 1990-1991 1991-1992 1991-1992 1992-1993 1992-1993 COde Exoense!Classification Actual Budget Actual Proposed Approved Personnel Expense I Range Position Title I : roti:iIPers6ril1el i< " ,"'" , " .L ' - ' " -. I - Operations and Maintenance I 120 Fringe Benefits (2,390,018 (2,318,750 (2,839,828 (3,009,980 (2,929,120 121 Workers Compo Benefits 260,004 304,730 266,148 300,870 300,870 I 122 Health Life Benefits 884,730 881,330 1,063,921 1,110,350 1,110,350 123 Retirement Benefits 1,245,284 1,132,690 1,509,759 1,598,760 1 ;517,900 I 148 Special Studies 559 2,000 - 2,000 2,000 270 Travel and Meetings 21 - 1,293 350 350 I 314 Community Relations 120 1,450 - 800 800 315 Publications and Dues 433 760 177 - - 416 Safety Supplies 1,388 1,500 2,111 4,500 4,500 I 521 Uninsured Claims 2,514 10,000 6,063 10,000' 10,000 522 Insurance Expense 328,922 489,240 472,142 479,400 479,400 I I I I I I ",',',',..'.'".:'.' "',,,.' '",..'. .""..., ,., 333 957 < 50,4',950 I 481,786 I' 497,050: .497,050 I . TotaI9perations&Maintenanc~ , Capital Outlay I I ',T6tal:C~piful.Outr~y<' ..' " ... i"......,....,....",.,~:i I:..,'.'" '." "." iTi ..'.;;[%\'0i Division Total $333,957 $504,950 $481,786 $497,050 $497,050 !,L-- ~- ,.- - ~'T"" -.! ......., .r_ -, "'.r' '~;.,,~f''''- ~. .-.-;-:' -':c, _ ..., 0', .,~.. -;.. >: _.;: ~'_.. .~ I ". '-.J" r.;:;:;......'1..;. ... .. 82 CAPITAL REPLACEMENT Adrnillistratills',.Services Department ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION The costs for replacing vehicles, equipment and other capital outlay items are charged to this cost center When vehicles anq equipment are scheduled for replacement, the Purchasing Division has the responsibility for making the replacement purchases using funds in this account. This activity is financed by annual rental rates charged to the various divisions using the vehicles, equipment and capital outlay items. ACTIVITY GOALS AND OBJECTIVES 1 To ensure that the City has capital funds' available for the replacementof all vehicles and equipment. SIGNIFICANT ACTIVITY PROGRAM CHANGES None II 83 CAPITAL REPLACEMENT 1'1 I Administrative Services Department Division No: 108 Division Budget Detail I Obj. 1990-1991 1991-1992 1991-1992 1992-1993 1992-1993 Code Expense Classification Actual Budget Actual Proposed Approved Capital Outlay I 611 Office Equipment: I Minicomputer (104) - 161,500 - - - Folder/I nserter (102) 10,574 - - - - Sharp Copier (106) 7,413 - - - - I Sharp Copier (500) 7,303 - - - - Sharp Copier (404) 7,413 - - - - I , Personal Computers 38,892 - 57,935 - - Mail Machine (102) 5,000 , 5,000 - - - I Tab Burster (104) - - - 3,100 3,100 Check Signing Machine (104) - - - 1,720 1, 720 High Capacity Copier (106) - - - 25,000 25,000 I 6 Minolta Copier replacements - - - - - (013,200,201,402,601,300/600 - - - 45,780 45,780 I 621 Autos and Trucks - - 24,636 - - I #33 Van (201) 18,294 - - - - #45 Aquatic Truck (407) 17,914 - - - - I Kawasaki Motorcycle (505) 10,721 7,200 - 7,200 7,200 #38 P/U Truck (403) - - - 16,000 16,000 #8 Service Body Truck (406) - - - 16,000 16,000 I P/U Truck (412) - - - - 19,350 I 622 Aluminum Boats - 11 (203) - - - - 15,070 I 623 Construction Street Maint. Equip. #511 Compressor (406) - - - 13,000 13,000 I I I ':'[Qtal..c:apital()utlay > " "118,524 ' "168,70() I 82 571 ' 132}JO'O ;)9/167220 .11 l:~'~:?'<;:::, " ,,' l'--':. .. t.,. ',. ,,-..-'. "'",. ':"'-'-..<.-- . , Division Total $118,524 $168,700 $82,571 $132,800. " $,167,220 ~_'''r__..__' '~""I":_'_~'" ,...~,,:~.~ ....0 "+:-. ~- -' - . . ," 84 DART '" ..'.',.'-'-'...'-',...'.',.,'.....'-'.'...,..' , '"" ,'" -. ."""'':.::-..'':'-'-'...'" ':"-:"'-':"':" >~- Adlllinistrati~eSer'Vices/biViSiClRAct!vity ,,' ",.' , . " DepartmentCommeritii.ry ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION The Drought Assistance Response Team (DART) has been established as a division of the Administrative Services Department in response to the statewide drought crisis. The team is composed of 4 personnel who were previously assigned to positions throughout the City These personnel have been selected to form a task force to coordinate the City's short and long-range efforts at minimizing the impact of the current drought and any which may follow The focus of DART is to address the needs of the City in four areas: Public education, a retrofit/rebate program, landscape evaluation, and a code enforcement element. The public education element will provide water conservation information and training to residents; business owners and operators, and service organizations and students of Poway Unified School District throughout the City In addition, the DART Division will provide information regarding the details of ordinances adopted by the City Council. The retrofit program will encourage the installation of ultra low-flush toilets, through a monetary rebate program for residents wishing to participate. In addition, the program will provide low-flow showerheads and sink aerators to poway citizens. The last element of DART shall be the code enforcement of prohibitions and restrictions adopted by ordinance through the City Council. Activities shall be conducted asa branch Clf the public education program and every effort will be made to obtain compliance through voluntary cooperation. ACTIVITY GOALS 1 To provide a reliable and dynamic water conservation public education program for students of the Poway Unified School District and youth service organizations. 2. To provide water conservation information to citizens so that they can achieve immediate, measurable conservation results in their homes or workplaces. 3. To implement a ultra low-flush toilet rebate program to provide a financial incentive for residents to replace older, less effiCient toilets with those requiring less water to operate. 4. To encourage residents through the landscape evaluation service to adopt lifestyle standards which result in a reduction of large quantities of water used for landscape irrigation. I 85 DART I Administrative Services Department Division No: 401 Division Budget Detail Obj. 1990-1991 1991-1992 199t-1992 1992-1993 1992-1993 I Code Exneiise Classification Actual Budaet Actual Prooosed Annroved Personnel Exoense Ranae Position Title I 298.2 FireBatallion Chief 17,187 66,130 42,694 - - 264.0 Asst. Civil Engineer II 11,286 42,320 23,841 - - 257.6 Assistant Planner II 10,044 37,550 37,556 41,690 41.690 I 252.6 Code Compliance Officer 10,626 39,880 39,884 42,140 42,140 219.5 Park Maintenance Worker I 12,747 48,360 24,180 28,680 28,680 203.6 Administrative Clerk II 10,648 40,160 20,080 23,730 23,730 I 110 Salaries - Regular 72,538 274,4,00 188,235 136,240 136,240 113 Salaries-Overtime 1,619 5,000 3,036 120 Employee Benefits 18,673 82,730 65,508 ; I > "Total Personrieli'< .,','. ",'," '92,830 362,,130 '. 256,779,' 136;240 136,240 Operations and Maintenance ' 130 Temporary Services - - 2,381 - - I 145 Data Processing Consultant 214 - - - - 199 Other Professional Fees - - - 500 500 210 Gas and Electricity 306 2,400 1,978 2,400 2,400 I 215 Telephone 2,915 3,990 2,010 440 440 216 Trash Removal 266 1,060 - 1,060 1,060 260 Reimbursed Mileage 146 650 1,677 2,300 2,300 I 262 Vehicle Operations - 1,600 962 650 650 263 Vehicle Maintenance - 2,200 1,339 1,200 1,200 264 Vehicle Rental - 5,900 5,900 1,840 1,840 I 270 Travel and Meetings 195 940 933 1,050 1,050 280 Advertising 666 800 800 600 600 282 Postage 5,051 6,200 562 3,800 3,800 311 Printing 7,298 6,000 3,735 4,000 4,000 ,I 313 Uniforms and Laundry 157 280 614 450 450 314 Community Relations 10,666 19,900 17,066 10,800 10,800 315 Publications and Dues 756 580 632 910 910 I 317 Education and Training 822 300 302 300 300 331 R&M Building 5,349 1,320 453 3,160 3,160 334 R&M Equipment 405 2,700 2,371 1,600 1,600 I 399 Other Contractual Services 244 - - 800 800 411 Office & Stationery Supplies 2,683 2,000 2,065 1,000 1,000 412 Janitorial Supplies 169 500 85 450 450 I 413 Photograp,hiC/COPY Supplies 17 400 371 300 300 416 Safety Supplies 36 100 38 50 50 417 Operating Supplies 1,401 2,600 2,123 2,000 2,000 420 SmallTools 96 180 210 250 250 I 444 ,Sign Maintenance - 500 1,680 1,330 1,330 499 Qth~r Supplies and Materials 16,215 454,200 372,274 164,680 164,680 511 EquipmentRental 650 - - - - I 512 RentcBuildings and Grounds 7,194 22,210 29,296 - - 555 Capital Outlav Rental - 500 500 2,740 2,740 "iTotal;Ooerationsand Maintenance' ',CC 63,917540,010 ,.452,357210,660 '210,660 I Caoital Outlav 611 -691 CaoitalOutlav 8,944 . 5,915 - - I ;TotaICapital'Qutlay . ,'," """',' '8,944 .,."",,'" '",." 5,915"liiF,." ,! I.., ,Division Total 5165.691 5902140 3715.051 $346900:6346900 --'~ -"..-,.," ~ '-"'.'':.~ -:. "=. ~...,.. .-.: .- or uO ~ COMMUNITY SERVICES ~~ S/ I.~ -' " ,~ ' G~ CITY MANAGER DIRECTOR COMMUNITY SERVICES 200 RECREATION LAKE AQUATICS PERFORMING OPERATIONS ARTS CENTER 201 203 206 207 I 87 I COMMUNITY SERVICES u..',.."..,:........ ..,..."",..,-,...",,,..., ..,'.,...-.........', ..... . .",' I, D",~R~~~~hfaJ;Acti\Ji~()~~rview ' D~partment Code; ,., ~f~Bd-IDi~triblJtjon: " " ,,', ' General: $2;684,990*,;" . ,', . . <.. .. "I~-'~ 1 EXPENSE 1990-1991 1991-1992 1991-1992 1992-1993 1992-1993 I CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL PROPOSED APPROVED 1 Total Positions 24 22 22 23 23 Personnel Expense 1,500,977 1,478,130 1,539,666 1,671,850 1,671,850 1 Operations and Maintenance 1,135,606 1,029,990 972,944 1,006,610 1,005,490 I Capital Outlay 35,906 11,630 5,088 7,650 7,650 I. ' TO, TALBUDGET. $2,672.489, $2,519,750 $2,517,698 $2,686,110 $2;684,990 .' .-. .," .' I'."'" '" " OVERVIEW COMMENTARY I The Department of Community Services is responsible for providing the cultural, social, and recreational I' activities for the City The Department is divided into five operating division, which include the office of the director, Recreation, Lake Operations, the Aquatics Center, and the Performing Arts Center The Director of Community Services" appointed by the City Manager, supervises the rive operating 1 division. They provide direct staff support in the development and implementation of programs designed to enhance the sociocultural activities available to poway residents. I Responsibilities of the Department.include: (1) coordinating resources of public and private agencies to provide community-wide special events such as poway Days; (2) providing liaison services between City officials and community groups; (3) providing means for community input into the development of I leisure programs; (4) providing a balanced program for recreation, leisure, and cultural saryices for the community; (5) administering the City's transit, cable TV, and animal control contracts; (6) coordinating, 1 preparing and mar:laging various types of grants to provide additional financial assistance to the City for specialized recreational and cultural programs; (7) developmeritand administration of the performing arts program; (8) design and development of a new library facility; and (9) design and development of a I transit center using county state and federal funds. I I' In,., :"\,t: . _ ~ ., _.";:':....:.= . ~ :....,~".~ 0.-. ; .,_ . '.- "':'--"":'9""-"."':;" ..:,~,,~;-,~:::,.,.,.~ '~.li. r' ,"'.\.;> "Y-,.. - -, ,,'" ~,_ -.:...... ~ ;:'.':;..-...t: ;""."'- - ~"""""'i~ \'". ".~'~"'"""';~.""",.... " 88 DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY SERVICES ":,-,......-,-,., ,~,. _.: . ".. :'... . :'";:"','. '," Community Services Depattrhent bi\li~[qhNumber'20b Division ActivitY Commentary ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION It is the responsibility of the Office of the Director to administer and manage all operations within the department, including animal regulation, cable television, the City's grant-funded programs, park site acquisition and development programs, transit system, the Performing Arts Center, and the design of a new library By planning and coordinating the programs of all the Community Services' operating divisions, the Director ensures that Department responsibilities are implemented in an effective and efficient manner The Department also provides staff assistance to the Library Advisory Committee, Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee and Perforrriing Arts Advisory Committee. ACTIVITY GOALS AND OBJECTIVES 1 To oversee the design and remodel of the Long's Building into a library facility to meet the diverse interests of the community. 2. To work with MTDB and the County to facilitate the design and development of a transit center using county, state, and federal funds. 3. To provide assistance to MTDB and SANDAG in the development of a regional plan for improved express bus service in the 1-15corridor 4 To administer the performing arts programs,for the Poway Community 5. To ensure high quality animal control, cable television, and transit services services for the residents of poway 6. To meet the aquatic, recreational and sociocultural needs of the residents of poway 7 To enhance promotions of City-sponsored events, performances; CityCouhcilan'd advisory committee meetings by utilizing the public access channels of cable television. 8. To explore various technologies to develop a 24-hour service enabling residents to gain access to City Hall information through their telephone and cable hook ups. SIGNIFICANT ACTIVITY PROGRAM CHANGES CHANGE 319 - Increase in costs for animal control services with County of San Diego + $4,400 370 - Majority of costs for refranchise of cable TV services was completed in FY 1991-92. -$3,177 " ---- ,._~--'--...-_. I 89 I DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY SERVICES Community Services Department Division No: 200 Division BUdgetDetail I Obj. 1990-1991 1991-1992 11991-1992 1992-1993 1992-1993 Code Exoense Classification Actual Budaet Actual Proposed Approved ^ Personnel Expense I Range Position Title 320.3 Director 75,312 78,460 79,329 82,890 82,890 I ' 284.6 Principal Mgmnt. Analyst 53,472 54,920 55,789 58,020 58,020 228.1 Administrative Secretary 30,626 31,070 31,940 32,980 32,980 I 110 Salaries - Regular 159,410 164,450 167,058 173,890 173,890 " 113 Salaries - Overtime 2,824 2,500 2,586 1,500 1,500 I 120 Employee Benefits 39,778 39,090 45,448 46,640 46,640 ."., l'otarPerSonrlel- 202,012 206;040 i 215,092 - 222,030, ' 222;030 I " ' Operations and Maintenance 210 Gas and Electricity 3,246 6,300 4,480 5,350 5,200 I 215 Telephone 159 500 192 290 290 216 Trash Removal 42 200 - 200 200 I 260 Reimbursed Mileage 4,381 4,800 3,866 4,100 4,100 270 Travel and Meetings 2,351 4,000 3,608 3,380 3,380 I 282 Postage - - - 100 100 311 Printing 543 500 198 600 600 I 315 Publications and Dues 1,006 1,000 992 900 900 317 Education and Training 300 155 250 250 319 Animal Regulation 32,965 45,200 27,248 44,400 44,400 I 331 R&M Building 1,208 3,000 1,248 2,000 2,000 334 R&M Equipment 2,835 3,180 1,309 1,200 1,800 I 370 Other Contract SVGS. Reimb. 17,087 5,000 6,514 1,000 1,000 371 Contribution to Library 48,213 47,720 47,403 46,640 50,000 I 411 Office & Stationery Supplies 1,424 1,000 1,093 950 950 413 Photographic/Copy Supplies 72 350 179 200 200 417 Operating Supplies 1,970 2,000 933 1,100 1,100 I 555 Capital Outlay Rental - - - 4,080 4,080 I ::" ,:_.." ''''::,::'.::;_:;'''''',:,..:_''':",':'' '::.-::C._".:--.::','_ ',:,,:,': .,..,...'1 rT;S()2 "125;656.',, 99,4l1l ',,_ ,1'16j4CJ / 126,550 ;,/'r6taIOperationS&"MaintenancEt. .., Capital dutiay 'I 611 Office Equipment 1,711 3,690 1,224 - - .,.-.........",...--... ,"', .,'".....,..... ....,.,-,.,...,. ' , -,;.,.'-,',.-., "', F ~. :. .!fdtaiCapitciliOLltlay>.) ".. 1 ,711- I,.,.',.,'," '3,690 ;1'224 " '''''''. .;......,;1 -. Division Total , 1 g~ $321,225 $334,780 $315,734 $338,770 $342;580 ...~. ._~._,-"""._,y... --,---:-.... ,'J':"" " 0::-: :...:::':--:'-.......~':-',- ::~~-;" "'.~.",..;'"~....\':".-:.._._' '"\ '.' -.'..... ..,." ,. -~~.... ::.. ~ '.~. -. \; ~'; ....:1'.;:""_1t.,:.\.~{:~. . "-1' 90 RECREATION Community Servicesbep~rtmEmt ,.: ., ..".'..,.bi\ii~ibhN.ambEk: .20,1, Di\iision Activity ",.,...,Cpmmentary ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION The Recreation Division provides a variety of leisure activities for all residents of poway A comprehensive program, including contractual specialty classes, special events, adult sports leagues, various camps, and after school programs are scheduled at City, School District, and I commercial recreation facilities. Major facilities include poway Community Park, Lake poway Recreation Area, and Twin Peaks Multipurpose Center. Additional programs are held at Garden Road, Starridge, and Valle Verde parks, Midland Elementary School. Silverset Park and Meadowbrook Middle School Gymnasium opened in 1992 to broaden division programs and facilities. Division manages all program registration and facility reservations. Programs offered are continually evaluated and new programs developed to provide the most beneficial and socially current leisure activities. ACTIVITY GOALS AND OBJECTIVES 1 To open and operate Meadowbrook.Gymnasiumand start an after school program at Silverset Park providing a variety of public recreation programs. 2. To maximize the use of all recreationfaciJities,for poway residents. 3. To ensure that activities are planned for all ages and interests and abilities. 4 To develop recreational activities that encourage and broaden creative and unique uses of leisure time by all individuals. 5. To cooperate with poWay Unified School District, youth sports groups; special interest agencies, and community organizations to ensure the greatest use of all available recreation resources. ACTIVITY WORKLOAD STATISTICS 1990-91 1991.92 1992-93 ACTUAL ESTIMATED FORECASTED Contract classes per year 900 880 850 Contract class participants 5,960 6,000 5,500 Recreation program special events 50 40 40 Programs/events participants 40,000 42,000 44,000 Sports leagues/tournaments (team) 310 300 300 Sports participants 5,000 4,900 4,900 SIGNIFICANT ACTIVITY PROGRAM CHANGES CHANGE 210 - Increase in utility costs for newly constructed Meadowbrook + $11,950 Gymnasium 318 - Decrease in contractual instructional class~s - 21,620 412 - Increased costs of janitorial services fm Meadowbrook + 5,800 Gymnasium - cost shared with PUSD. --..----..- 4 .__ " '- I " 91 I RECREATION Community Services Department Division No: 201 Division Budget Detail I Obj: 1990-1991 1991"1992 1991-1992 1992-1993 1992~ 1993 Code ExDense Classification Actual Budnet Actual Pro Dosed ADDroved Personnel Expense Range Position Title I 294.9 Community Services Mgr 57,894 60,870 63,918 64,310 64,310 259.0 Sr Recreation Supervisor - - - 42,210 42,210 244 0 Recreation SuperVisor 71,254 84,960 84,956 38;670 38,670 I 229.0 Recreation Coord. (3) 85,792 90,830 73,444 97,950 97,950 2074 Recreation Leader 11-(2) 38,124 45,150 45,164 46,630 46,630 203.6 Administrative Clerk II 21,225 23,670 23,674 23,080 23,080 I 198.6 Park Attendant - 23,130 23,126 24,560 24,560 203.6 Admin. Clerk II (PT) 9A99 9,640 9,636 - - 198.6 Admin. Clerk I (PT) 11,903 - - 11 ,290 11 ,290 1874 Recreation Leader I (7 PT) 23,520 27,160 27,174 54,610 54,610 I 1874 Rec. Leader I (17 TIPT) 57,128 89,900 86,453 99,030 99,030 1874 Recreation Assistant (T/PT) 23,337 - - 6,230 6;230 110 Salaries - Regular 274,289 328,610 314,282 337,410 337,410 I 112 Salaries Part"Time 114,988 117,060 113,627 171,160 171,160 113 Salaries - Overtime 7,037 8,570 8,163 8,580 8,580 120 EmDlovee Benefits 1 06 585 92 570 123 977 114 620 114620 I ,0" Total PersonneIC", "" ' ., 502 899 546 810 560 049 631 770 631 770 ODearatlons and Maintenance 210 Gas and Electricity 51,072 48,480 51,611 60,430 60,430 215 Telephone 2,801 4,170 935 2,400 2,400 1 230 Other Utility Charges 7,887 6,870 6,077 6,080 6;080 260 Reimbursed Mileage 2,078 2,580 2,223 2,580 2;580 262 Vehicle Operations 1,207 980 1,199 880 880 I 263 Vehicle Maintenance 784 4,000 1,447 4,000 4,000 264 Vehicle Rental 2,800 3,080 3,080 3,530 3,530 270 Travel and Meetings 1,378 1,570 1,675 2,300 2,300 311 Printing 5,334 5,000 3,576 5,000 5,000 I 313 Uniforms and Laundry 4,095 4,320 4,172 5,780 5,780 314 Community Relations 715 - - - - 315 Publications and Dues 614 500 454 500 500 317 Education and Training 1,051 940 733 1,220 1,220 . 318 Leisure Contracts 152,543 133,330 116,869 111,710 111,710 331 R&M Building 250 - 520 2,300 2,300 334 R&M Equipment 4,742 8,560 4,284 9,260 9,260 337 R&M Radios 154 100 360 480 480 I 370 Other Contract SVGS. Reimb. 20,226 22,520 16,684 19,110 19,110 399 Other Contractual Services 11,817 2,370 1,344 3,870 3,870 411 Office & Stationery Supplies 2,614 2,550 2,958 3,000 3,000 I 412 Janitorial Services 110 200 185 6,000 6,000 413 Photographic/Copy Supplies 145 - 234 200 200 416 safety-Supglies 954 800 852 1,000 1,000 417 Operating, upplies 57,311 50,830 36,819 47,150 47,150 I 420 Small Tools 32 70 32 70 70 444 Si~n Maintenance 379 350 289 350 350 499 Ot er SUPflies - - 29 - - 511 Equipmen Rental 15,978 2,080 1,569 2,500 2,500 I 521 Uninsured Claims - - (1J~ - - 544 Cash,-Over/Under 398 250 250 250 555 ' Capital Outlay Rental 4,600 2,300 2,300 1,350 1,350 I Total'Oileratlohs & Maintenance' , 354069 1308800 ." 262321 ' 303 300 ;', 303300 CaDtialOutlav 611" 644- Ca,ptial Outlay 28,257 2,000 573 3,000 3,000 I )riltal:<~aDltal,Outlav"" ""',','" 28257 ., ' /2 000 ;,:. "/"..573 ':.' ,""\ 000' ,K;,:';;;3 000 DiviSIon Total H :- -I ~: s885 225 T857610 s822 943 s938 070 '!:93R 070 -'......... '_._0'" _~.........,~_,,' ~_",... -,..,.".",. ':-::-','"7-:':' ,.".,.' '.. .,,~""'''-;'~--'i,~''''''.':' "^i"7'''''' ;';':" --,~;~:-;*-.-' ;.,..., ,.r,_~:,:. -,..:~...,.. -~~~ ~ "i"":::;'/'~"";;::l"T""'-'''';..'''''''' -;. - ~ 92 LAKE OPERATIONS Comrl1LJrlity.SerViC~sbepartment '., .b.ivisiohActivity , Commentary,. . ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION The Lake Operations Division, which is responsible for managing and operating the Lake Poway Recreation Area, offers a diversified number of activities to the general public. In addition to year- round fishing and recreational boating, sailing, camping, hiking, and picnicking, the Lake poway Park facilities are also available to the community for meetings, special events, recreation classes, and sports leagues. The Lake Operations Division also provides security enforcement. ACTIVITY GOALS AND OBJECTIVES 1 To represent the City in a positive and accurate manner with respect to the operation of Lake poway Recreation Area. 2. By enforcing all applicable county, state and city laws, rules and regulations to ensure the safety of park visitors and the security of city property 3. To promote the varied recreational resources at the lake to encourage year-round use of the facilities. 4 To encourage and promote the continued d~velopment of a wide variety of quality cultural, recreational, environmental, and outdoor leisure programs that meet the needs of the community. 5. To promote and manage the use of the new group picnic area in enhancing large group and family activities. 6. To work with the State Department of Fish and Game in the development of facilities and programs for the Blue Sky Ecological Reserve. ACTIVITY WORKLOAD STATISTICS 1990-91 1991-92 1992-93 ACTUAL ESTIMATED FORECASTED Fishing Permits 34,740 35,120 36,200 Boat Rentals 8,655 8,600 9,950 Facility Rentals 985 950 1,000 Parking Permits 19,544 19,500 19,690 SIGNIFICANT ACTIVITY PROGRAM CHANGES CHANGE 417 - Decrease due to reduction in fishing and boating supplies. - 3,210 418 - Decrease due to reduction in trout stock. - 7,160 419 - Decrease due to reduction in catfish stock. - 16,370 ---.. - _._..~ L_.____. I 93 I LAKE OPERATIONS Community Services Department Division No: 203 Division Budget Detail I Obj. 1990-1991 1991-1992 199H 992 1992-1993 1992-1993 Code Expense Classification Actual Budoet Actual Proposed Approved I Personnel Expense Range Position Title 2440 Recreation Supervisor 31,750 33,650 35,654 37,130 37,130 I 210.2 Park.Ranger (3) 92,268 73,100 78,671 81,270 81,270 198.6 Park Atten.lAdmin. Clerk I 22,220 - - - - 198.6 Park Attendant (6 PT) 59,411 54,240 53,875 52,170 52,170 I 1974 Dock Attendant (6 PT) 46,254 53,110 47,832 46,300 46,300 110 Salaries - Regular 146,:238 106,750 114,325 118,400 118,400 112 Salaries - Part-Time 105,665 107,350 101,707 98,470 98,470 I 113 Salaries - Overtime 13,764 12,600 12,620 8,500 Moo 120 Employee Benefits 66,216 48,520 59,235 59,620 59,620 I Total Personnel?;" 331 ,883 275,220 287,887 284,990 . 284,990 Operations and Maintenance 210 Gas and Electricity 8,846 10,640 10,325 10,830 10,530 I 215 Telephone 1,304 1,210 1,576 1,340, 1,340 230 Other Utility Charges 1,877 3,090 2,790 2,290 2,290 260 Reimbursed Mileage 69 - - - - 1 262 Vehicle Operations 1,837 2,340 1,544 2,100 2,100 263 Vehicle Maintenance 2,570 1,000 902 1,000 1,000 264 Vehicle Rental 2,500 2,500 2,500 1,610 1,610 . 270 Travel and Meetings 674 120 76 120 120 311 Printing 6,798 5,930 5,536 5,930 5,930 313 Uniforms and Laundry 4,878 4,790 3,412 4,510 4,510 I 315 Publications and Dues 252 160 172 160 160 317 Education and Training 25 300 283 300 300 334 R&M Equipment 3,051 2,920 2,165 2,500 2,500 I 337 R&M Radios - 300 723 960 960 399 Other Contractual Services 732 1,550 996 2,650 2,650 411 Office & Stationery Supplies 983 980 1,237 1,600 1,600 I 413 Photographic/Copy Supplies 115 150 149 150 150 416 Safety Supplies \ 451 450 468 450 450 417 Operating Supplies 23,410 21,860 15,765 18,650 18,650 I 418 Trout Stock 95,604 75,000 73,352 67,840 67,840 419 Other Fish Stock 34,000 28,130 24,725 11,760 11,760 420 Small Tools 128 300 75 300 300 I 444 Sign Maintenance 801 800 210 800 800 511 Equipment Rental - 5,200 - - - 532 U ncollectibles 100 100 - 100 100 I 541 Cash Over/Under 690 640 852 640 640 555 Capital Outlay Rental 2,000 5,200 5,200 3,010 3,010 I T()tal'Ooerations& Maintenance ' ',,'," 193,695 ,""',175,660. ,.,'.155,033 ',." 141,600 "14,1,300 Capital Outlay 622 Other Equipment 5,348 2,440 1,551 4,650 4,650 I > Total Capiti:i10lJtlay """.,., 1< 5,348 .,.".,.,.,., '. 2,440, /<1;551 '''</4,650' ';,.L'~,650 Division Total ,;. ~....: .' ,-..:.: ,.$530 926 $453.320 $44.4471 $431 240 $430 940 .-....._~~.---~-'~. ,-.---;. -~ --","~' ,-':""-',,,--..--""""'--;: -~'. ' ---- ~.;' , ~ " 94 AQUATICS , CClmmunityrServicesDepartment .' .Pivisi6nActivity '.'C;ommentary ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION The Aquatics Division is responsible for programming, organizing, developing, and teaching a wide variety of aquatic programs. The Divisior;1 provides a safe, quality environment for all patrons. The Division conducts pool maintenance, water testing, daily operations, and all non- maintenance operations at the Community Swim Center Programs include a comprehensive American Red Cross learn to swim program, special events, aquatic exercise,. water polo, novice swim teams, and contract programs, which include springboard diving, scuba, and synchronized swimming. The Division is responsible for recreational swimming, lap swimming, swim meets, and all aquatic related special events. This division also provides private rental time for individuals and groups to utilize the swim center ACTIVITY GOALS AND OBJECTIVES 1 To provide a safe and properly supervised swim facility for all patrons. 2. To plan and promote activities for all ages and ability levels including teens, seniors, and disabled. 3. To strive for organizational efficiency and cost-effectiveness. 4 To provide quality swim lessons and programs following American Red Cross guidelines. 5. To provide a specialized leisure activity swim facility for all patrons. ACTIVITY WORKLOAD STATISTICS I 1990-91 1991"92 1992-93 ACTUAL ESTIMATED FORECASTED Swim Classes (offered) 358 380 290 Swim Lessons (attended) 2,540 2,650 2,600 Daily Attendance 89,455 92,000 93,000 Special Events 4 4 4 SIGNIFICANT ACTIVITY PROGRAM CHANGES CHANGE 318 - Decrease due to reduced number of contractual classes - $ 3,050 offered 334 - Reduction in maintenance costs of pool equipment. - 1,250 423 - Reflects increase cost of chemicals as a result of conversion+ 2,920 from gas to liquid chlorine system -- . ---.-. .. -- I . . 95 I AQUATICS Community Services Department Division No: 206 Division Budget Detail I Obj. 1990-1991 1991-1992, 1991-1992 1992-1993 1992-1993 COdE Expense Classification Actual Budget Actual Proposed' Approved I Personnel Expense Range Position Title 244 0 Recreation Supervisor 34,630 36,600 36,737 38,670 38,670 1 2290 Recreation Coordinator - 23,600 21,760 31,270 31,270 2074 Recreation Leader II 32,195 - - - - 2074 Recc Ldr II/Life Guard (4 PT 46,620 43,060 45,633 46,260 46,260 I 198.6 Park Attendant (4 PT) 47,?70 35,700 39,271 44,800 44,800 184 7 Recreation Leader I (4 PT) 44,?27 34,470 37,032 37,740 37,740 2074 Rec. Ldr. II (2 PTIT) 2,980 - 7,600 10,140 10,140 I 1847 Rec. Ldr. I (6 PTIT) 20,422 30,370 32,931 23,520 23,520 110 Salaries - Regular 66,825 60,200 58,496 69,940 69,940 I 112 Salaries - Part-Time 161,819 143,600 162,467 162,460 162,460 113 Salaries - Overtime 5,934 6,500 5,295 4,730 4,730 120 Employee Benefits 37,558 33,430 44,358 42,580 42,580 I ),>10tal Personnehi,'" ' ' ,,' , 272,136 243,730 270,616 " 279,7JO m' 279,710 Operations and Maintenance 147 Chemical Analysis - 200 - 100 100 I 210 Gas and Electricity 81,149 63,130 75,282 67,550 65,660 215 Telephone 315 700 174 320 320 I 230 Other Utility Charges 1,637 1,820 589 1,930 1,930 260 Reimbursed Mileage 21 100 - 100 100 270 Travel and Meetings 736 200 197 200 200 I 311 Printing 2,523 2,000 668 1,200 1,200 313 Uniforms and Laundry 2,765 3,350 2,697 2,680 2,680 315 Publications and Dues 165 250 755 250 250 I 317 Education and Training 13 90 75 90 90 318 Leisure Contracts 5,559 8,300 2,521 5,250 5,250 I 334 R&M Equipment 6,694 6,950 7,418 5,700 5,700 411 Office & Stationery Supplies 889 800 597 600 600 412 Janitorial Supplies 1,749 2,000 2,049 2,000 2,000 I 413 Photographic/Copy Supplies 694 1,000 809 700 700 416 Safety Supplies 318 550 496 550 550 417 Operating Supplies 1 ,407 1,150 1,138 1;000 1,000 I 420 Small Tools 121 100 59 100 100 423 Chemicals 17,056 12,500 16,448 15,420 15,420 444 Sign Maintenance 1,095 500 149 300 300 I 515 Intergovernmental Fees - - - 560 560 541 Cash Over/Under 4 20 - 20 20 T6taLOrietatioris& Mairitenance.'."', ",. IJ24,910 1\105.710 " 112;121 ," "'106;620 h,( 1 04:730 I " ' Capital Outlay 622 Other Equipment 590 3,500 1,740 - - I T6tabCariital;,Outlay, i,' "..';,; """,>",,590 ' ",3500 i""',' 'f'.t-;.740: .'~ 1$384 440 -.'. I Division Total - $397636: $352;940 $384477 -...,."--...,..--=......., .' ._~. ~ .... _ u ,. .. .;." --....' .." ., , _ u ".;>.\. .-. ;:: ,,- ~b PERFORMING ARTS CENTER " , ,-, .", . ... .........- ... "" ...... ~6mmunityServic:Elsbep$iimeflt " ..Divi~j8niNLJl11bElr:207 ,... Divi$i6hACtivity n Commentary ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION The Performing Arts Division is responsible for the management and operation of the poway Center for the Performing Arts; for presehtinga series of professional performances and for facilitating the use of the Center by the School District and community performing arts groups for the enjoyment of the poway community; for staffing the Performing Arts Advisory Committee, for working directly with the private, nonprofit Foundation for the Performing Arts. ACTIVITY GOALS AND OBJECTIVES 1 City shall sponsor a subscription series of nine performances by touring professional artists and entertainers. 2. Volunteers will be recruited, trained, and motivated to be provided as ushers at no cost to all users of the Center 3. Third party users shall pay established rental fees and other charges for the use of the Center School District shall pay no rental fees except hourly charges for independent contractor technicians and ticket printing costs. 4 Janitorial, landscaping services, and thesel'Vice and maintenance of major systems and equipment will be provided by outside contractors qualified to perform such tasks. 5. Staff shall assist the ARTS ALIVE! Foundation in its fund-raising efforts. SIGNIFICANT ACTIVITY PROGRAM CHANGES CHANGE 210 - Adjusted based on actual service and anticipateq reduction + $ 5,334 achieved by more focused increase in energy costs. 280 - Decrease due to revised marketing strategies. - $ 7,308 311 - Decrease due to revised marketing strategies. - $ 4,000 318 - Decrease due to outside groups hiring contractors. - $ 4,944 499 - A new account for the beverages and snacks sold at the + $ 5,000 concession during intermission. Costs are offset by revenue in account 7517 I ..-- I 97 I .PERFORMING ARTS CENTER Community Services Department Division No: 207 Division Budget Detail I Obj. 1990-1991 1991-1992, 1991-1992 W92-1993 1992-1993 Code Expense Classification Actual Budaet Actual Proposed Approved Perso~nel Exp~nse I Range Position Title 284.9 Performing Arts Manager 51 ,406 55,080 56,063 58,190 58,190 I 244.0 Recreation Supervisor 34,066 35,270 37,519 38,670 38,670 2290 Box Office Coordinator - - - 28,000 28,000 218.1 Secretary 25,675 26,980 29,139 29,850 29,850 I 2290 Volunteer Coord. (PT) 15,896 12,850 12,850 22,880 22,880 219.5 Stage Technician (PT) - - - 11,920 11,920 198.6 Box Office Attendant (PT) 11,773 19,770 19,757 10,080 10,080 I 110 Salaries - Regular 111,147 117,330 122,721 154,710 154,710 c 112 Salaries - Part-Time 27,669 32,620 32,607 44,880 44,880 113 Salaries - Overtime 10,644 11 ,000 11,222 3,000 3,000 I 120 Employee Benefits 33,088 35,740 39,472 50,760 50,760 , ,...'..' " TotaIJ'ersohnel.'> ..". 182,548 196,690 .' 206,022 ' , 253,350 253,350 I Operations and Maintenance 210 Gas and Electricity 92,794 80,000 83,622 94,000 91,260 1 215 Telephone 2,843 3,500 2,999 3,500 3,500 260 Reimbursed Mileage 2,349 2,500 2,384 2,500 2,500 270 Travel and Meetings 2,228 1,690 1,635 1,500 1,500 I 280 Advertising 33,162 25,000 29,642 20,000 20,000 282 Postage 2,893 5,000 8,483 8,500 8,500 305 Contract Landscape Maint. 1,765 6,000 5,957 6,000 6,000 311 Printing 9,924 10,000 13,556 10,000 10,000 I 312 Janitorial Services 14,430 14,000 19,639 22,000 22,000 313 Uniforms and Laundry 43 - - - - 314 Community Relations 3,625 - - - - I 315 Publications and Dues 945 1,000 936 1,000 1,000 317 Education and Training 665 - - - - 318 Leisure Contracts 47,450 39,000 37,990 24,000 24,000 I 331 R&M Building 5,643 15,000 14,207 17,000 17 ,000 334 R&M Equipment 4,509 5,000 8,541 7,000 7,000 399 Other Contractual Services 100,746 90,000 96,207 90,000 90,000 I 411 Office &: Stationery Supplies 2,030 900 901 900 900 413 Photographic/Copy Supplies - 600 746 600 600 417 Operating Supplies 12,973 10,000 10,551 16,000 16,000 I 499 , Other Supplies and Materials - - - 8,000 8,000 511 Equipment Rental 4,516 3,000 3,021 3,500 3,500 522 Insuraflce Expense - - 462 - - 541' Cash Over/Under - 50 42 50 50 I 555 Capital Outlay Rental - 2,530 2,530 2,306 2,300 '.TotaIQpei'~ti()ns&.M~ir1tehancE!"'" '....,.'345,53~ ""-','-"'--'" .... , ' 344,051 ,"338;356 '335610 .."".",',314776 , , '-'."'_ ..1 ,', . I Capit;iIOutlay .., , ...".'..,....",'........'......"'..'-'-..--,.... C'" . .. .... I .'.,.~...,,".'.'.',' 12 '~",...,..."..',."""., ,. '" ,,',. 1/ ."" I ,Tqtal.<::apital'Outlay'" .,.,,' " ',.,..." ,.~",.... ..'. Division Total $528,081 $511,460 $550,073 $591 ;700 ,$588,960 ....-,..""'.." - -~. T' ;.=+"~'- --,c.- -;-:.- -~.:'"'. '", ~.--~""': --:--:'," '."'7"-"-:~" T P - :r :.. "' _} .~. _"._0 ~"..",..:,~,~: ':~'.,' ~'~~:~. ';". "'..' Q, PLANNING SERVICES PLANNING SERVICES I DEPARTMENT CITY MANAGER I~] , DIRECTOR PLANNING SERVICES 300 CURRENT ADVANCE BUILDING PLANNING PLANNING AND SAFETY INSPECTION 301 302 303 - . - . _._- I 99 I PLANNING SERVICES I ,y,: ,., ,'," , .'.',' ,"',.,,",,' ~ i\r/ ",' ".."" ",.,'" ,."" 'b;'pahm~htarActi'l~Overview '.,' ,,': Department Code: 300 'e<,:";/: F~:n~::~i~~2~1,~?~;' I .. "'.'., ,,' ".". ", ' "", ':,.:;' " , ':.., ...', ,'..,.' ",: ", .,"" ,', I EXPENSE 1990-1991 1991-1992 1991-1992 1992-1993 1992-1993 CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL PROPOSED APPROVED I Total Positions 13 13 12 12 12 I Personnel Expense 677,179 676,310 702,326 727,260 727,260 I Operations and Maintenance 877,176 830,770 518,157 557,020 557,020 I Capital Outlay 9,599 7,710 3,548 2,930 2,930 ., " .. c,'': .. ,'1' -.-. I TOTAL BUDGET :$1',553,954 ' $1 ;514,790 ' "$1,224,031' ." $1,287,210 ,$1 ,287;2~0 ,", - " . ,,' : (;-. ::"'7 t!'. .. .. I OVERVIEW COMMENTARY 1 The Department of Planning Services is divided into four divisions: the Office of the Director; Current . - Planning; Advance Planning; and Building Safety Inspection. I Department activities include reviewing development plans, administering building safety program, facilitating public input, maintaining demographic information, researching and analyzing policy alternatives and serving as liaison between members of the public and other departments involved in 1 processing development applications. Department staff assists other departments witt) planning and designing public facilities and performs I environmental review for all projects proposed including City and Redevelopment Agency sponsored Capital Improvement Projects. The department also monitors planning and development activities in adjacent jurisdictions and participates in region-wide planning efforts. I I I I : ~ " , ".".......-..... --,,--. ~.~. - .,.~ ,~: _..',.~"~:'-...... ~I".:c..,- ',;,'" ;,~~ '_,.,,~.,~ ,~ .. '",'''.." .' ,. .. . " ':"'~."r' ,...;....i~t . ..."'. lUU OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR Planning Services Division Number' 300 Division Activity Department Cmnmentary ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION The Office of the Director of the Planning Services Department is responsible for the overall administration of the department. Appointed by the City Manager, the Director is responsible for managing and directing the operation of the department and ensuring that the departmental goals are achieved. The Assistant Director is responsible for the day-to-day operations of the Current Planning Division, replacing the Director in her absehcea8d assisting with general departmental administrative duties such as establishment of procedures, review of reports, and budget preparation and control. The Administrative Secretary serves as computer resource person for the department, coordinates budget preparation, and ensures timely preparation of reports to the City Council in addition to routine secretarial duties. ACTIVITY GOALS AND OBJECTIVES 1 To create a work environment that encourages professionalism, creativity, team spirit, and commitment. 2. To guide the department in providing high quality professional advice and technical assistance to decision makers, committees, staff, and citizens. 3. To ensure that departmental program ol:>jectives are met and that the. goals of the department are consistent with those of the City 4. To stay well informed of legislation, programs and issues of regional, state, and federal agencies that affect the City's planning and building programs and provide recommendations as appropriate concerning the adoption and implementation of such legislation and programs. SIGNIFICANT ACTIVITY PROGRAM CHANGES CHANGE None, --- - ._-- --- I 101 DIRECTOR OF PLANNING SERVICES I Planning Services Department Division No: 300 Division Budget Detail I Obj. 1990-1991 1991-1992 1991-1992 1992-1993 1992-1993 Code Expense Classification Actual Budget Actual Proposed Approved Personnel Expense 1 Range Position Title 320.3 Director 71,829 78,460 79.343 82,890 82,890 1 2974 Assistant Director 55,037 60,390 61,273 65,940 65,940 228.1 Administrative Secretary 28,043 31,070 32,019 32,980 32,980 I Office Clerk (PT) - 4,960 1,378 2,680 2,680 110 Salaries - Regular 154,909 169,920 172,635 181,810 181,810 I 112 Salaries - Part-Time - 4,960 1,378 2,680 2,680 113 Salaries - Overtime 544 2,690 250 - - 120 Employee Benefits 40,183 40,040 47,313 47,910 47,910 I I TotalPersoririel",.""" : 195,636 217,610 ' 221,576 , 232,400 232,400 Operations and Maintenance I 145 Data Processing Consultant 33,026 - - - - 210 Gas and Electricity 352 - - - - 1 215 Telephone 893 600 537 570 570 260 Reimbursed Mileage 5,555 5,460 5,419 5,420 5,420 I 270 Travel and Meetings 4,630 4,340 2,734 2,700 2,700 315 Publications and Dues 2,889 1,800 1,770 1,800 1,800 I 317 Education and Training 98 100 100 100 100 334 R&M Equipment 4,593 5,360 3,451 4,020 4,020 411 Office & Stationery Supplies 1,266 1,330 850 670 670 I 417 Operating Supplies 134 400 493 700 700 512 Rent-Buildings and Grounds 792 - - - - I 555 Capital Outlay Rental 3,400 3,500 3,500 1,430 1 ,430 I I 1,-6~IQpe..ati()n~ if MaIllter1all~..'. 157,628 .' .' "',',"" ".' "'18;854 1"1,419 117 410 ."" ." 22;890 I .._..,1-._. .. Capital Outlay I 611 Office Equipment 1,848 3,920 3,413 1,000 1,000 ','.", "'. ...'.,...', ""., '.... " ~.,.1 ,848 ,," ' 3;920; , ,,' 3,413' .. /\,,;.3,000 :;~0?;-'j:Ob(j I ,.:rotal,.,Capital,.Qutlay.'.... .', Division Total $255,112 $244,420 $243,843 $250,810 $250,810 "-,-~""",~~- -, .=...... .~.-:A_..".'-,~~, _ ,h 0":'- " -....."~,,.. ~ ... .;...... . ,- ~......- .... "-, :=r~.T<, "f-' ~:--. ...... 1 CURRENT PLANNING :~ ' , . ., 'Planning ..Service~ . [)iVisi6h,Nqn'lbs," sot. DiVisi()hActi\lity" , Departn'lstit " .iCcimmentar)', ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION The Current Planning Division processes discretionary land use applications and monitors compliance with conditions of approval by way of grading and building plan check review and field inspections. The Division interacts with local citizens and developers to implement the City's General Plan and Zoning Ordinance. Staff members provide information about land use and development regulations at the counter, by telephone, and through correspondence. The Code Compliance Officer is responsible for enforcing an array of City regulations, e.g., those addressing signs, locations of businesses, property maintenance, and nuisance abatement. The City Landscape Architect checks irrigation and landscape plans and does field inspections for private and public projects. Other duties are to assist Community Services, Public Services, and Engineering Services Departments with landscape matters such as public park design, and capital improvement projects involving landscape specifications. ACTIVITY WORKLOAD STATISTICS During 1991 the Current Planning Division processed: 11 variances; 17 conditional use permits and 6 modifications; 69 temporary use permits, ,76 minor development reviews; 32 development reviews; 14 tentative parcel maps; 5 tentative tract maps; 63 sign permits/ comprehensive sign programs; 282 home occupation permits; 83 landscape plan checks and about 1100 code violations complaints. ACTIVITY GOALS AND OBJECTIVES 1 To provide a broad spectrum of planning services to local citizens and property owners. 2. To complete the update of the Development Code by early 1993. 3. To track the status of development applications through computer programs available to the department. 4 To complete update of the City's Landscape Guidelines. SIGNIFICANT ACTIVITY PROGRAM CHANGES CHANGE None ---- - -. I . .. 103 CURRENT PLANNING I Planning Services Department Division No; 301 Division Budget Detail I Obj. 1990-1991 1991-1992 1991-1992 1992-1993 1992-1993 COdE Expense Classification Actual Budaet Actual Proposed Approved Personnel Expense I Ranoe PositionTitle 262.6 Associate Planner 42,798 46,330 48,822 48,950 48,950 I 257.6 Assistant Planner II (2) 68,676 78,500 78,568 83,910 83,910 252.6 Code Compliance Officer 37,901 39,880 41,884 42,140 42,140 247.6 Landscape Architect 29,721 36,730 36,726 40,080 40,080 I 247.6 Assistant Planner I 29,855 - - - - 218.1 Secretary 24,965 28,110 28,117 29,850 29,850 198.6 Administrative Clerk I - 20,290 20,283 22,380 22,380 I Planning Intern (PTfT) 6,909 8,000 8,000 8,210 8,210 Clerk (PTfT) 2,255 - - - - I 110 Salaries - Regular 233,916 249,840 254,400 267,310 267,310 112 Salaries - Part-Time 9,164 8,000 8,000 8,210 8,210 I 113 Salaries - Overtime 2,706 4,080 573 - - 120 Employee Benefits 69,868 70,070 81,921 81,340 81,340 I -,---- Totaipers()nnelS, 315,654 331,990 . 344;894 356860 " 356'860 I. .. ""'. , Operations and Maintenance 148 Special Studies - - 75 - - I 210 Gas and Electricity 944 - - - - 260 Reimbursed Mileage 805 1,260 819 880 880 I 262 Vehicle Operations 518 450 371 400 400 263 Vehicle Maintenance 371 1 ,800 105 800 800 264 Vehicle Rental 1,600 1,600 1 ,600 330 330 I 270 Travel and Meetings 1,836 1 ,490 863 2,120 2,120 311 Printing 1,208 1,750 1,023 2,150 2,150 313 Uniforms and Laundry 46 240 146 130 130 I 315 Publications and Dues 1,908 1,380 1,531 1,680 1,680 317 Education'and Training 98 200 49 200 200 334 R&M Equipment 2,189 4,230 795 3,750 3,750 I 411 Office & Stationery Supplies 3,981 3,400 2,779 2,380 2,380 413 Photographic/Copy Supplies 1,145 800 943 520 520 1 444 Sign Maintenance 1,370 800 - 200 200 541 Cash Over/Under - - (10 - - 555 Capital Outlay Rental 4,000 4,000 4,000 3,980 3,980 I "f6t~iOperati()hs&M~intenahde ""'1 22,019 23400 ' Hi,089 '.',j"',.,' i '."19;52Cl ,'.:,. ,. - I _ \ ",;~19;520, Capital,0utlay I 611 Office Equipment 6,519 3,790 135 1,930 1,930 i'ql~fCapit~l()lJtlay .".,....'..,.."" ' ..", .'.. I 6.,~19 3i9() ,;,,135 '..'.!:;.\:1'.;$~O., (,f,.d ,93.0 I... _...., I Division Total $344,192 $359,180 $360,118 $378,310 $378.310 1 1 , .-- __...."__.._d.. _. _.,. _.~~_._" .,.,_. ".,-.-,-""_'~-. -,"",,,-.,, ,'.C 'c' .~. - ~ ... -.' . '~..._." ..-_. . -.,. .." . , .. 104 ADVANCE PLANNING PICl.rinirigServic:es DivisiOri>NLJnibef::302 .Qivi~ionActivitY... Department 'Commeritary . . ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION Comorehensive Plan Implementation - Prepare and maintain the General Plan and Master Environmental Assessment including City- and privately-initiated General Plan amendments. Demoaraohic Planning - Maintain the City's population, housing, and employment database. Regional Develooment and Environmental Planning Coordination - Monitor plannit;1g programs and activities proposed by surrounding jurisdictions. Administer City sphere of irifluence amendment and annexation process with LAFCO CEQA Imolementation - Maintain and administer the City's CEQA Implementation Procedures. Coordinate the implementation of the General Plari Update Program EIR. Initiate and administer contracts between City and environmental corisultant firms. Inter-Deoartmental Proiect Coordination - Coordinate and provide planning technical support to other City departments as needed. - ACTIVITY WORKLOAD STATISTICS During FY 1991-92 the Advance Planning Division contributed significantly to the following efforts: Master Environmental Assessment, General Plan Update, and associated consultant efforts and General Plan Program EIR; Poway Roacj Specific Plan; Old Pomerado Road Specific Plan; Pomerado Water Reclamation Facility; South poway Expressway East Extension; San Dieguito Regional River Park; SANDAG Technical Committees; SR-56; Del Poniente Sewer Extension; Sphere of Influence Amendment; partial Sphere Annexation; Alternate 8A, Acquisition of Goodan Ranch; Regional Biological Resource Conservation Programs; and 30+ CIP erivironmental reviews. ACTIVITY GOALS AND OBJECTIVES 1 Complete the specific plans for Poway Road and Old Pomerado Road. 2. Implementation of the City's housing program. 3. Monitor and implement relevant laws and guidelines. 4. Participate in regional planning and demographic programs affecting the City 5. Coordinate completion of EIRs for South poway Expressway East and other significant projects as required. SIGNIFICANT ACTIVITY PROGRAM CHANGES CHANGE 364 - Anticipated EIRs will be less expensive than those of the previous - $6,000 fiscal year 515 - AB 3158 requires payment of $1,275 fee to the Dept. of Fish & Game + $10,760 for filing negative declarations under CEQA. Two planning projects are expected to require payment of these fees. In addition the City is expected to file a request for amendment to its sphere of influence and for annexation. Both actions require payment of fees to LAFCO - - ... I \ ~. 105 ADVANCE PLANNING I I Planning Services Department Division No: 302 Division Budget Detail I Obj. 1990-1991 1991-1992 1991-1992 1992-1993 1992-1993 Code Expense Classification Actual Approved' Actual Proposed Approved Personnel EXDense I Ranoe Position Title 282.6 Senior Planner 50,279 58,830 58,946 56,870 56,870 I 257.6 Assistant Planner II 39,561 41,720 40,378 44,300 44,300 208.1 Secretary 26,085 - - - - I Planning Intern (PTIT) 7,097 7,610 4,811 8,210 8,210 110 Salaries - Regular 115,925 100,550 99,324 101,170 101,170 I 112 Salaries - Part-Time 7,097 7,610 7,811 8,210 8,210 113 Salaries. Overtime 582 730 - - - I 120 Employee Benefits 32,706 22,820 28,721 28,620 28,620 " TohWPersohhEli> ,,' 156,310 131,710 135,856 138,000 138;000 I Operations and Maintenance 148 Special Studies 27,046 2,500 25.411 3,740 3,740 I 260 Reimbursed Mileage 883 970 1,388 1,980 1,980 270 Travel and Meetings 566 620 434 960 960 I 311 Printing 6,205 5,000 2.416 3,000 3,000 315 Publications and Dues 301 310 316 300 300 317 Education and Training 193 - - - - I 334 R&M Equipment 1,216 1,200 - 840 840 364 Environ. Impact Review-Plans 205,116 166,000 39,583 160,000 160,000 I 411 Office & Stationery Supplies 2,165 1,640 1,212 1,500 1,500 413 Photographic/Copy Supplies 657 850 658 780 780 I 515 Intergovernmental Fees - - - 17 , 170 17,170 555 Capital Outlay Rental 3,050 3,140 3,140 580 580 I I 1"bt810pera.tlons&Maiht(i3nanBe .'. ....... '-',','" . ..182230. 1,74,558 ' . ."'. .....< ". 190850 "247398 190;850 ;'..' . I '. ;; ..... , . . , I Capital Outlay I ...:~' :'TqtaiCapit<i1 Outlay ... . ........... .~::. ........\.- ......:. ., ....... - I Total Division $403,708 $313,940 $210,414 $328;850, '. ,$328,850 . I' ~ , ~ ._,_...-.~-_...;.- """,,,,'-' -~- .........-. '-=. - . . - -.. -....-.= . :'.,,' '... ..i . ., - lUb BUILDING & SAFETY INSPECTION Planning,'Services Division'Number' 303 Division Activity Department Commentary ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION Esgil Corporation provides the City's Building and Safety Inspection services through a contract. Responsibilities include: assistance and information to developers and residents concerning construction code requirements through telephone and counter contacts, plan check review; and structural, electrical, plumbing, and mechanical inspections. ACTIVITY WORKLOAD STATISTICS During 1991, this division completed 930 plan checks, issued 903 building permits, and completed 9,455 inspections. The average time to complete the initial plan check was 3.07 work days. All inspections were completed by the end of the work day following the day the inspection was requested. ACTIVITY GOALS AND OBJECTIVES 1 To provide high quality information, plan check, and inspection services to developers and citizens of poway who are building or altering structures. 2. To work with other City departments, related agencies, the County of San Diego, and State of California in a cooperative spirit. 3. Monitor changes in laws, codes, and techniques which affect the bUilding industry and recommend changes to local codes as appropriate. SIGNIFICANT ACTIVITY PROGRAM CHANGES CHANGE 143 - It is anticipated that there will be a decrease -$272,860 in construction activity I 107 I BUILDING Planning Services Department Division No: 303 Division Budget Detail I Obj: 1990-1991 1991-1992 1991-1992 1992-1993 1992-1993 Code . Expense Classification Actual Budaet Actual Proposed Approved Personnel Exoense I Ranoe Position Title I I I I '( .. . TotcilPersbrine())\:;,i Ooerations and Maintenance I 143 Building Inspection 545,517 600,000 406,437 327,140 327,140 148 Special Studies 1,523 - - - - 311 Printing 2,286 1,000 1,117 1,000 1,000 I 315 Publications and Dues 150 150 150 150 150 411 Office & Stationery Supplies 655 600 381 470 470 I 413 Photographic/Copy Supplies - 500 1,571 480 480 I I I I I if9ial.6peratiClhs&'M~irij~nanCe ..,...'. . . .n__,' ..... / sd2,250 : ...,.....,.............. 329;240 ;., 329~~40 i55O,13t 409,656 I Capital Outlay 611 Office Equipment 1,232 - - - - I l~t9i~jdapj~(rodH~y\i::>'.'..., '"",,1 ........... 1:..'.."....)(< Ii';.,>..,. . ..,,:<:C:":, ~1:'Ji/" .. ,232 I Division Total $551,363 $602,250 $409,656 $329,240 $329,240 ; t "-....- ... _ _ .._,,__~ ..' '_r.~_.' _4~~"'" . ..~ ..-.. ~... ... _.~....~ ..: ~- '.', .. -::.... .~ ,-;"'-;.:,1,- ~..: -..;.,,"-..,.,~ """. ";'-~,'''''' " ~ --:;" -"- 1 3 I I I ~?:;; PUBLIC SERVICES ~ i~ I e ~*. I I CITY MANAGER I I DIRECTOR PUBLIC SERVICES I 400 I FIELD STREET WATER SEWER I OPERATIONS MAINTENANCE SUPPLY PUMPING 402 403 404 405 I I WATER SEWER FACILITIES VEHICLE AND TRANSMISSION COLLECTION MAINTENANCE EQUIP MAl NT I 406 407 408 409 I DRAINAGE TRAILS AND PARK AND SPECIAL I MAINTENANCE OPEN SPACE LANDSCAPE LANDSCAPE 410 411 MAINT 412 DISTRICTS 413 I I I -.. . " ,,, I 109 I PUBLIC SERVICES I 'g;~v~,'!~!!"'FUri:e~:::~utib;~,,~~'~~~;~'\tii:'~r~p Ai ~/~~,~'. ~c . I 't, Water: 6,228,629< Drainage: ...., ", ~'321 ,760; >> Sewer: ." 3,833;910< Assmnt'Djst:h;265,750, [t.r' Gas Tax: /./' 76a,73Oc/j1i;~'::'::':~;< .... " ...... I . .,'.- ,., ;,.;'Y'- EXPENSE 1990-1991 1991-1992 1991-1992 1992-1993 1992-1993 I CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL BUDGET, ACTUAL PROPOSED APPROVED I Total Positions 79 s4 84 78 78 I Personnel Expense 3,327,000 3,733,410 3,444,741 3,765,390 3,789,490 Operations and I Maintenance 7,892,109 9,701,390 7,754,584 11,098,060 10;802,780 Capital Outlay 61,765 16,340 33,418 11,140 23,860 I.... ' ',~~ , .... . ...,;,:)X.':~ ': ;:.., '. , "',"_ ,,',n_, _",'" ".... ,.,_.'. . ,:".,....,'. . ..... ..---.... tOTADsU6GET.r..'.'.. -' - -', }":?~:',;:::;-: .; " 1 ,280~8~4 "$13,451;140 $11,232;743 $14,874,590 ':$.14,616,130 I .",... ..,.. ". ,,_: >:'~~':~r~: I OVERVIEW COMMENTARY The Department of Public Services consists of 14 divisions which include: Office of the Director; Field I Operations and Maintenance Administration; Street Maintenance; Water Supply, Treatment, Pl,Jmping and Storage; Sewer Pumping, Treatment and Disposal; Water Transmission and Distribution; Sewer Collection Maintenance; Facilities Maintenance; Vehicle and Equipment Maintenance; Drainage I Maintenance; Trails and Open Space Maintenance; Park and Landscape Maintenance; Special Districts, and the and the newly established one-year Drought Assistance Response Team. I The Department's various divisions are responsible for managing, operating, and maintaining a variety'of municipal services and facilities, including streets and highways, solid waste management, safety lighting, traffic signals, street sweeping, sewer collection and maintenance, municipal buildings, vehicles I and equipment, w.ater treatment and distribution, water conservation, sewer maintenance and construction, parks and trails maintenance, and lighting and landscape maintenance districts. I The Department of Public Services, together with other City departments, is responsible for reviewing improvement plans, reporting to the City Manager, implementing City standards, and assurance of the I City's compliance with State and Federal laws and regulations. I -. , 1:' .~~._..."._..-. -,,~~<'~~"--""~ ,-, ~ = ..,...,.. ;.,..,.J......,_.,..,-..........,...-..,...,---;- .-. ,.~.... .." ~-'- +-~ ~ -_.,...<......,;".-.~. -,.,~~:..:... "', ,",- ,'-. "', ..'" "~ -:., .. . 110 I , ,," ". "", DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC SERVICES I P~PI:&~.,,;,"D'P4"m.~ .i~~..i*~N"~.~~' . .... . ; .... t~'g~~~:~.~ I ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION I The Office of the Director is responsible for the direct supervision, coordination I and control of the operational and maintenance, of the City's streets, water, sewer, drainage, parks, buildings, trails, and open spaces. The Director of Public Services is appointed by the City Manager The Director functions in a staff capacity to advise the City Manager concerning I the City's public services needs and requirements. The Director's office is responsible for' I a. Ensuring the quality of the services provided ,by the department through management and analysis of the various functions of each division. I b. Providing the most responsive, professional, fiscally responsible operation and maintenance of all City utilities and public facilities. I c. Provide professional advise and technical assistance to decision makers, committees, staff, and citizens. I d. Ensure the City's compliance with State and Federal laws and regulations regarding water, wastewater, storm drainage, solid waste, special districts, and vehicle maintenance. I ACTIVITY GOALS AND OBJECTIVES I 1 Update and implement computerized scheduling, budgeting, and reporting. 2. Improve overall maintenance practices for all divisions. I 3. Ensure that the City-wide curbside residential recycling programs performs as planned, and plan for the implementation of residential yard'waste and commercial recycling programs. 4 Development of the former County waste disposal site as a materials handling/recycling I center SIGNIFICANT ACTIVITY PROGRAM CHANGES CHANGE I None I I I I I III I DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC SERVICES Public Services Department Division No: 400 Division Budget Detail I Obj. 1990-1991 1991-1992 1991-1992 1992-1993 1992-1993 Code Expense Classification Actual Budoet Actual Proposed Approved Personnel Expense I Rance Position Title 320.3 Director of Public Services 77 ,430 78,460 79,763 82,890 82,890 I 228.1 Administrative Secretary 30,594 31,070 31,070 32,980 32,980 110 Salaries - Regular 108,024 109.530 110,833 115,870 115,870 I 113 Salaries - Overtime - - 296 - - 120 Employee Benefits 26,123 26,040 28,941 30,400 30,400 I ",', " . TotiiiPersonnei) " ..\ 134,147 135.570 140,070 146,270 . 146,270 Operations and Maintenance I 148 Special Studies 3,155 - - - - 260 Reimbursed Mileage 4,347 3,780 4,019 3,960 3,960 I 270 Travel and Meetings 1,985 2,700 5,182 2,410 2.410 311 Printing 35 200 50 200 200 I 315 Publications and Dues 916 920 848 920 920 334 R&M Equipment 1,114 1,000 744 1,340 1,940 411 Office & Stationery Supplies 1,148 1,000 1,009 1,000 1,000 I 413 Photographic/Copy Supplies 9 100 63 100 100 420 Small Tools 122 200 110 200 200 I 512 Rent-Buildings and Grounds 100 - 100 - - 555 Capital Outlay Rental - 1,970 1,970 1,280 1,280 I I I I \TotaLOiations&Malhtenance'.' ,.'.'... Ui .'..".,. ....,.. .,11",870j, 14095 ..". '1'1416 ',,;,' 12.010 . ~ 2;931 . ... .... ..p(;3. ,. ,. ,. ,,' ..... . .... .t ." ....__..1 _ .' I Capital Outlay I 611 Office Equipment 3,571 - - - - I ;if.6tai.ClipitaIOutl~y...,U,.'.ii;"" ,.'.', '.'3;5711, C . I . ;.1' ,"'.. ~'!~ . Division Total $150,649 $147,440 $154,165 $157.680 $158,280 .--..--- ., "P'. .....~-......,._._._..,..... ,--.,. ~. ,-- - "-";, ~",,:",.-:., ---"-,.....-,......:'~ ... :....... ',"',~'_. .....~.,...,M. .~:. _.. it .J...... ,.c-.~.-:-' , ? I FIELD OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE ADMINISTRATION I .,... - . . ".. . - ,.. .. ,Pl.Jbli8sefvices[:jepartlT1ent " ,,:pilJisiori Activity I i,Conimentary I ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION Administration of all Public Services operations, maintenance and repair activities is handled by I this section. The Public Services Operations Manager has responsibility for overall management of the City's water and sewer utilities, streets and drainage field operations, vehicle, equipment I and building maintenance. City building facilities include City Hall, Planning Department, Community Center, and Park Recreation Buildings. Managed through this section is the water supply, treatment, pumping, distribution and storage; I sewer collection, pumping, metering and disposal; street, water and sewer utilities, storm drain and creek cleaning, maintenance and repair; City building facilities, vehicle and equipment I maintenance and repair Added this year is the management of the City parks, roadside, and median landscape maintenance, and all the hiking and riding trails. I ACTIVITY GOALS AND OBJECTIVES To serve as liaison between the Engineering Services Department including its Inspection Division I and the field operations and maintenance activities; to plan and coordinate all water, sewer, I street, drainage, and landscape work activities; to maintain the City's vehicle fleet and equipment inventory and all City buildings; and continue to develop facilities inventory, maintenance and repair scheduling with the aid of computerization. I SIGNIFICANT ACTIVITY PROGRAM CHANGES CHANGE I None I I I I I I .~'. .. --<", .. I 113 FIELD OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE ADMINISTRATION I Public Services Department Division No: 402 Division Budget Detail Obj. 1990-1991 1991-1992 1991-1992 1992-1993 1992-1993 I Code Exoense Classification Actual Budaet Actual Prooosed Aooroved Personnel Expense I Range Position Title 303.8 Public Serv Oper. Manage 62,957 66,530 66,776 70,290 70,290 I 238.1 DepartmentAide 10,479 30,090 31,588 33,250 33,250 203.6 Administrative Clerk II 29,842 24,320 18,918 25,820 25,820 I 110 Salaries - Regular 103,278 120,940 117,282 129,360 129,360 110 Shift Differential - - - 1,000 1,000 I 113 Salaries - Overtime 232 - 3,983 1,430 1,430 120 Employee Benefits 22,248 31,470 20,186 36,170 36,170 I Total'Persbnnel>; 125,758 152,410 141,451 167,960' 167,960 Operations and Maintenance I 148 Special Studies 168 - - " - 215 Telephone 782 600 801 880 880 I 262 Vehicle Operations 572 560 678 700 700 263 Vehicle Maintenance 1,121 1,800 653 900 900 264 Vehicle Rental 1,500 1,500 1,500 - - I 270 Travel and Meetings 1,107 1,200 554 1,090 1,090 313 Uniforms and Laundry 304 240 339 420 420 I 315 Publications and Dues 3,246 2,810 2,271 2,810 2,810 317 Education and Training 10,134 3,240 233 - - I 334 R&M Equipment 2.419 4,370 3,601 2,750 2,750 337 R&M Radios 498 450 303 360 360 I 411 Office & Stationery Supplies 1,306 1,950 1,973 1,200 1,200 417 Operating Supplies 18 555 Capital Outlay Rental 1,200 1,200 1,200 2,640 2,640 I I ;;TotaIOper'aHOnsandMaintenance "f> 24,357 ;.,;19;920. " 14,124, .13;759 T "1~:75d I Capital Outlay I 611 Office Equipment - 4,700 146 - - .~'tdt~FG~piHil'Quflay<; "ii '....',.',....,. ~ 4,160;\';. 146:t.'~ I Division Total $150,115 $177,030 $155,721 $18,1,710 $181;71011 - - .--- .o__. _ ++ _.__.~_.._, .. _. ,___ w.,_ _ '" . ._- . _ -. 114 I STREET MAINTENANCE I ." "..., ,.,'" "" '.',"'" ,.'"," < ." .,...."" " ;.,; ",,' . ,i'" ."., ,.,. .'., ,.. ..'..,PLiblii:: ser\iiQ~s[)ep~Jh1e~t ,.,,'..... '.'.",'","",',-," " " ' --, I ' .,"'....[)iliision'NOh18~i::4()3, ."Divisibn Activity ". ;., ,....", ,~;C6mmentary ,.,.. .'..,. ... . ........_. ,.,. , I ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION The Street Maintenance activity involves a variety of maintenance functions, including pavement I repairs, traffic striping of all public streets, traffic signals, street lights, signs, curb, gutter, and sidewalk maintenance, and the maintenance of public trees throughout the City I ACTIVITY GOALS AND OBJECTS I To ensure that a comprehensive maintenance program is continued for City-owned facilities in the public rights-of-way; to forestall future capital expenditures through on-going, preventative street I maintenance; to ensure pedestrian safety through the maintenance of crosswalks, curbs, gutters, sidewalks, tree and shrubbery control; and to continue roadside cleanup and vegetation control through Work Release Program. I SIGNIFICANT ACTIVITY PROGRAM CHANGES CHANGE I 215 - Phone service costs for newly established traffic + $11,520 signal synchronization program 216 - Increased costs for solid waste disposal + 5,000 I 50 percent increase in tipping fees I 218 - Increase due to six additional signalized intersections + 21,200 energized I 264 - Decrease due to re-evaluation of internal vehicle - 21,180 rental rates I 355 - R&M Roadway program will use a portion of prior - 130,310 funds not expended in FY 1991-92 I 356 - New account for roadway reconstruction funded by + 300,000 the Cities apportionment of Prop, A monies I 556 - Decrease due to re-evaluation of internal capital 6,500 - equipment rates I I '. ,', - I 115 STREET MAINTENANCE I Public Services Department Division No: 403 Division Budget Detail Obj. Exoense Classification 1!:J~~t~~T1 11991-1!:J!:JL 1!:l!:lT1992 1992-1 !:J!:l;j 1WL-1993 I Coos Budnet ACtual Prooosed Annroved Personnel. EXDense Rance Position Title I 288:8 Asst. Operations. Manager 54,188 57,270 57,264 60,510 60,510 251.6 Street Maintenance Supvsr 34,822 37,530 37,526 41,720 41,720 236:6 Construction Maint. Wkr 111 (4) 120,829 129,000 123,357 140,570 140,570 I 236.6 Construction Maint. Wkr 11 (5) 120,690 107,180 110,173 146,680 146,680 211.5 Construction Maint. Wkr I - 21,580 21,588 - - 110 Salaries - Regular 330,529 352,560 349,908 389,480 389,480 I 110 Salaires - Standby 1,380 1 ,450 1,450 2,000 2,000 113 Salaries - Overtime 2,910 4,000 2,920 4,300 4,300 120 Employee Benefits 91,467 99,430 102,205 117,210 117,210 I I '... ,Total PersorinEiI .. 426,286 457;440 . 456,483 . 512,990 512;990 Operations and Maintenance I 215 Telephone - - 1,429 11.520 11,520 216 Trash Removal 32,858 40,000 45,416 45,000 45,000 218 Signal Power 73,165 81,600 82,139 102,800 102,800 I 260 Reimbursed Mileage 17 - - - - 262 Vehicle Operations 15,515 17,000 15,502 15,000 15,000 263 Vehicle Maintenance 29,665 45,000 41,024 45,000 45,000 I 264 Vehicle Rental 62,320 62,320 62,320 41,140 4 t, 140 270 Travel and Meetings 160 580 530 380 380 305 Contract Landscape Maint. - - - - - I 313 Uniforms and Laundry 2,866 2,640 3,557 4,310 4,310 315 Publications and Dues 502 500 347 400 400 316 Medical Exams 610 140 66 140 140 317 Education and Training 40 910 442 810 810 I 324 Nuisance Abatement 1,107 - - - - 337 R&M Radios 1,106 1,250 1,020 1,200 1,200 350 R&M Sidewalks & Barricades 16,699 20,000 16,966 17.,000 17 ,000 I 351 R&M Signals 77,728 80,000 64,894 78,000 78,000 354 R&M Street Striping 68,326 70,000 40,194 65,000 65,000 355 R&M Roadway 725,780 518,000 19,945 388,600 388,600 I 356 Roadway Reconstruction - - - 300,000 300,000 358 Street Sweeping 82,050 96,500 93,867 96,500 96,500 416 Safety Supplies 2,525 2,000 2,019 2,000 2,000 I 417 Operating Supplies 18,444 16,000 14,271 14,500 14,500 420 Small Tools 522 300 285 300 300 441 Street Repair Materials 21,539 33,000 31,867 24,000 24,000 I 444 Sign Maintenance 36,639 35,000 32,290 31 ,500 31,500 445 Misc. Construction Materials 1,657 1,000 927 1,000 1,000 511 e:qUipment Rental 2,498 5,000 1,065 2,000 2;000 I 556 Capital Outlay Rental 62,770 62,770 62,770 56,270 56,270 I ,'J:otalOperations and Maintenance ,1,337,108 1,191,510 635,152 . 1,3441370 ::1,344;370 CaoitaLOutlav 62,1- 653 CapitaLOutlay 3,637 - 22,000 - I" .Tota(:Gal ItatOutlay . ",>- .,.',',., ,. ,.,.3,637 .,:'.>' , 1<0'.'22',000 '7i2'~' <n;> ~3~6 " DiviSion . otal $1,767,031 $1,648,950 $1,113,635 $1.857,360 " .~ .--.--........." ......._~~.., ~-" --,. -~-, ..,,~.,._~. .;/"" .. ',~' ." --c ,-:- .'- -,' c''', ..: ~-' "'!.- .. 116 I WATER SUPPLY, TREATMENT, PUMPING AND STORAGE I " ... '...... ".,.'... ',. Public Sel'vic:esDepartnient ... ,., "" ",," ..',. ..,. Division ,Activity I Divisiori,NumperrA04,', ," ' ',' ' "COmmentary ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION I Major areas of responsibility include of this division include delivery of high quality treated water I to City consumers: receiving and storing untreated water deliveries form the San Diego County Water Authority; maintaining the quality of stored water in Lake poway; operation and maintenance of water treatment plant an all water pumping and regulating stations; and operation I of all the water storage reservoirs throughout the City to assure normal and emergency supply conditions in the distribution system. I ACTIVITY GOALS AND OBJECTIVES To maintain the Lake poway raw water storage at optimum quality and levels consistent with I seasonal conditions and recreational needs while meeting peak system demands and emergencies; to provide the highest quality treated, potable water at the most economic ,level to I the consumers; to increase cost efficiency by accomplishing repairs and maintenance using City staff rather tan outside assistance, I DIVISION WORKLOAD STATISTICS 1991-92 1992-93 I ESTIMATED FORECASTED Acre feet of water purchased from SDCWA 10,795 AF 11,346 A.F Acre feet of water production 10,795 AF. 11,346 A.F I SDCWA water costs $277/AF $324/A.F Water treatment for Ramona 2,763 AF. None .. SIGNIFICANT ACTIVITY PROGRAM CHANGES CHANGE I 147 - Increase budget amount due to new State and Federal + $ 5,800 Lead and Copper Rule I 213 -Increase in raw water costs by $47/AF from FY 1991-92 + 830,884 240 - Increase budget amount due to higher power rates and additional + 12,480 I 258 facility coming on line 423 - Decrease due to termination of contract with Ramona MWD for raw - 7,170 I water sales and local conservation efforts I I ~' :- ~~~,~ - I 117 I WATER SUPPLY, TREATMENT, PUMPiNG AND STORAGE II Public Services Department Division No: 404 Division Budget Total Obj. 1990-1991 1991-1992 1991-1992 1992-1993 1992-1993 I Code Expense Classification Actual Budoet Actual Proposed Approved Personnel Expense Ranoe Position Title I 288.8 Ass!. Operations Manager 50,979 55,410 56,955 60,510 60,510 272.1 Water Treatment Supervisor 47.379 47,470 49,024 51,200 51,200 261 1 Sr Utility Systems Tech (2) 81,369 84,510 87,060 92,660 92,660 I 2576 Utility Systems Mech. 37,599 40,760 42,330 45.870 . 45,870 257'1 Lab Analyst 41,599 40,820 42,271 44,300 44,300 2576 Water Trtmnt Plant Oper III (4) 164,955 166,040' 161,561 176,280 176,280 2471 Water Trtmnt Plant Oper II 31,700 33,790 32,835 38,040 38,040 I 110 Salaries - Regular 455,580 468,800 472,036 508.860 508.860 110 Shift Differential 5,840 5.900 5,900 6,760 6,760 113 Salaries - Overtime 20,307 19,000 19,875 19,250 19,250 120 Employee Benefits 119,714 120,850 132.441 148,060 148,060 I ,'.' ..'. Total PerSonnel '. ,...,...,. 601,441 614,550 630,252 682.930 682,930 Operations and Maintenance I 147 Chemical Analysis 3,016 4,600 1,113 10.400 10.400 210 Gas and Electricity 3,238 3,770 4.458 4,260 4,130 211 Natural Gas 1,659 1.200 1,151 1,510 1,510 213 Water Purchases 3,009.488 2,990,220 2,997,692 3,821,100 3,821,100 I 214 Water Storage Adjustment - 93,380 (33) 89,930 89,930 215 Telephone 462 750 480 570 570 216 Trash Removal 558 670 714 710 710 I 229 Telemetry 7,236 8.400 7,798 7,630 7,630 240- Pumping Power - - - - - 258 286,070 265,330 238,969 277,810 277,810 260 Reimbursed Mileage 1,730 1,860 1,800 1,880 1,880 I 262 Vehicle Operations 2,709 3,840 2,777 3,920 3,920 263 Vehicle Maintenance 3,228 3,000 2,764 3,160 3,160 264 Vehicle Rental 8,040 17,180 17,180 3,410 3.410 I 270 Travel and Meetings 237 300, 254 250 250 280 Advertising 4,264 1,500 1,096 950 950 313 Uniforms and Laundry 3,130 3,060 3,133 4,220 4,220 I 315 Publications and Dues 550 1,880 1,721 1,860 1,860 317 Education and Training 1,081 1,100 419 880 880 331 R&M Building 36,344 12,280 12,286 8,080 8,080 334 R&M Equipment 46,130 49.490 46,227 53,920 53,920 I 337 R&M Radios 550 680 678 580 580 360 Contract Inspection 4,435 4,520 6,620 6,670 6,670 399 Other Contractual Services 20,260 - - - - I 411 Office & Stationery Supplies 794 530 529 560 560 416 Safety Supplies 406 630 569 1,980 1,980 417 Operating Supplies 61,587 70,530 65,200 71,620 71,620 420 Small Tools 2,386 1,900 1,877 1,500 1,500 I 423 Chemicals 80,194 70,430 56,255 63,260 63,260 511 Equipment Rental 276 - - - - 515 Intergovemmental Fees 7,984 - 2,314 2,420 2,420 I 555 Capital Outlay Rental 900 900 900 1,220 1,220 ffotai'db~raiidrls'arldMairlteri~nte',','.iI, ,3,598;942 '0';"':-:"'.. ':-:';"'::._...:.':.; 3476941' '". . .0.,"...... ..,_, r4,446,130 <3;613.930 ''::4',446)260 ., I . I CapitalOutlav 621- 672 Capital Outlay 15,226 2,500 2,434 880 13,600 '\T6tal'CaoitilIOutlay'" '. ,.'..". ,,' " ,..i . 2,500 fYi.' 2,434 ,.It')i\,)f88o; ';""'13,600 I ; ,. 15,226. Division Total $4215609 $4 230 980 $4109627 $5130070 $5 142660 '.' .- ,-._' --- _.~.,..,- '.' ......" _." _'._ _ '" . .':'-~-'.;o. .r' ~-" '- - ;.. ;. ~ .~. -.' ..-' ..t.,:.., ,-' ._-.,. ... ..'- # . " 118 I SEWER PUMPING AND DISPOSAL I ,. PLJblicService~bepartrii~rit ,',. '<i~iX,iT!(~<N~~~~r:405 <' '.'.','....::,,~~~~~~~~ity I ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION I The sewer pumping and disposal operation and maintenance section is charged with the pumping of sewage within the City Major functional areas include transfer of raw sewage from I two low areas to the major gravity system, by pumping from the North to South Basins, with metered delivery to the Metropolitan Sewer System's Penasquitos line. Maintenance of the pump stations is also part of this activity This section is responsible for ensuring the operation of the I pumping stations under normal and emergency conditions to minimize health risks. Data processing of (A.D.S.) wastewater flow measuring sites is also performed by this division. ACTIVITY GOALS AND OBJECTIVES I 1 To maintain the sewage pumping stations at optimum performance and reliability 2. To increase cost efficiency by accomplishing repairs and maintenance, using City staff I rather than outside assistance. 3. To provide a service that responds to the needs of the community 4 To install sewage metering stations with telemetry at all City of San Diego connection points. I 5. To continue ongoing wastewater sampling program for the purpose of gathering data for the wastewater reclamation project. DIVISION WORKLOAD STATISTICS 1991-92 1992-93 I ESTIMATED FORECASTED Sewage delivered to Metro 1,228.00 1,277.50 I Sewage delivered to R.B.jEscondido 16.90 17.50 Sewage pumped by St. Andrews Pump Station 27.60 28.42 I Sewage pumped by Camino del Valle Pump Station 194.88 200.72 Sewage pumped by Del Poniente Pump Station 6.10 6.28 I Sewage pumped by Highlands Ranch Pump Station 0.37 0.37 SIGNIFICANT ACTIVITY PROGRAM CHANGES CHANGE I 220 - Decrease of M&O Penasquitos as a result of community - $ 16,650 I conservation efforts. ~ 221 - Increase in Metro System costs and implementation of the State + 1,031,200 Clean Water Program mandates I 222 - Increase of budgeted amount of M&O Bernardo system due to + 10,530 replacement of San Elijo joint use wastewater effluent outfall. I 334 - Increase due to replacement pump being installed at Del Poniente lift + 7,640 station and increased maintenance costs. 399 - Decrease as a result of not activating wastewater reclamation - 62,920 I package plant in FY 92-93. .1 - . --,,, I , 119 I SEWER PUMPING, METERING AND DISPOSAL Public Services Department Division No: 405 Division Budget Detail I Obj. 1990-1991 1991-1992 1991-1992 1992-1993 1992-1993 Code Exoense Classification Actual Budoet Actual Prooosed Aooroved Personnel Expense I Range Position Title 262.1 Sr. Utility Systems Tech 41 ,917 43,340 44,491 46,330 46,330 I 247.1 Sewer Trtmnt. Plant Oper 33,475 37,260 38,418 39,880 39,880 110 Salaries - Regular 75,392 80,600 82,909 86,210 86,210 I 110 Shift Differential - 600 600 600 600 113 Salaries - Overtime 2,878 1,600 3,489 1,570 1,570 120 Employee Benefits 19,249 21,080 21,968 25,020 25,020 I i: ,'.."".." .fotalp~rsOnnelrn, ',: ,> ' 97,519 '. 103;886 :.' 108,966 113,40tl 11 113,400 Operations and Maintenance I 147 Chemical Analysis 14,667 16,000 13,848 16,000 16,000 210 Gas and Electricity 284 650 280 380 380 212 Water - Interagency 287 150 13,172 - - I 220 M&O - Penasquitos System 386,440 468,390 438,312 451,740 477,550 221 M&O - Metro System 644,062 1,652;270 1,330,755 2,683,470 2,367,000 I 222 M&O - Bernardo System 48,665 14,670 13,178 37,350 37,350 223 Capacity - Metro System 162,949 162,950 162,949 173,480 173,480 229 Telemetry 2,632 2,700 2,933 3,130 3,130 230 Other Utility Charges - 200 - 100 100 I 240 Pumping Power - Plant - 1,000 - - - 244 Pumping Power - St. Andrews 2,572 3,660 2,388 2,990 2;990 I 246 Pumping - Camino Del Valle 19,298 25,590 18,722 21,020 21,020 253 Pumping Power-Del Poniente 793 1,320 1,062 1,070 1,070 256 Pumping Power - Highlands 118 200 150 160 160 I 262 Vehicle Operations 1,532 3,000 1,457 2,030 2,030 263 Vehicle Maintenance 1,366 1,350 1,397 900 900 264 Vehicle Rental 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,160 2,160 I 270 Travel and Meetings 720 250 56 210 210 313 Uniforms and Laundry 494 480 464 710 710 315 Publications and Dues 2,465 200 100 200 200 I 316 Medical Exams - - - 1,300 1,300 317 Education and Training 195 200 43 160 160 334 R&M Equipment 2,059 12,910 16,538 20,550 20,550 I 337 R&M Radios 67 70 68 120 120 399 Other Contractual Services 2,782 78,170 5,586 15,250 15,250 417 Operating Supplies 4,257 11,140 5,143 13,680 13;680 I 420 Small Tools 38 300 274 250 250 555 Capital Outlay Rental 1,900 1,930 1,930 1,730 1,730 tOtal"OberatlOrls ahd Maihterlance . '1,302,642 ;2,461;750 2;032,805 3 ,';f50,}4(j: '3,159;480 I Capital Outlav 622 Other Equipment 641 - - - - I trotalCiibitalOutlaV '" "..'{{,. iii.' .. .641 1>\- . 1"'<,> $3 563 5401$3 272 880. Division Total , " $1 400802 $2 565 630 $2141771 _.._...m__....__.......__."_... ~ ~.._~.~.~.."'....._,.-...-,.._~~.--. ",' " _':...... ._'_.;.,,;:,:-::,";- ..._.~.;.,V-'~" . '.~.,~'~ V',"::,"~ .' ".,,",""" 0-... 120 I WATER TRANSMISSION AN DISTRIBUTION I .. ,. , . , "/.""',"<",'<,,,.. " " I' ". ,,' .' ....-... ",.",-.' ;...,.,. lil"ublicserviceslJepartmjnf.i' .... 'bivi~ihr\.NLJnibeh:406 << ,',','". Divisi6riActivity I . Commentary - . . - I ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION The water transmission and distribution section is charged with the maintenance and repair of the I water transmission and distribution system. Major functional maintenance and repair areas include pipeline valves,air releases and blow-off assemblies, City fire hydrants, water service I laterals and meters, and extension and relocation of facilities for new construction. This activity also aids in maintaining optimum water quality throughout the City by water main flushing and a continuous programs in cross-connection control. I ACTIVITY GOALS AND OBJECTIVES I 1 To upgrade 20 fire hydrants annually 2. To replace 500-600 residential water meters annually I DIVISION WORKLOAD STATISTICS 1991-92 1992-93 I ESTIMATED FORECASTED Water main valves and appurtenances installed 3,640 3,748 Fire hydrant assemblies 1,036 1,056 I Miles of pipeline 198 205 SIGNIFICANT ACTIVITY PROGRAM CHANGES CHANGE I 264 - Decrease due to evaluation of internal vehicle and capital - $ 14,370 I 556 equipment rental rates 417 - Decrease due to reduction in operations supplies + 5,500 I I I I I I .. "' I 121 I WATER TRANSMISSION AND DISTRIBUTION , Public Services Department Division No: 406 Division Budget Detail Obj. 1990-1991 1991f1992 1991-1992 1992-1993 1992-1993 I €ode . Exoense Classification Actual Budoet Actual Prooosed Annroved Personnel Expense Ranoel Position Title I I, 251.6 Water Distribution Supvsr 37,372 39,490 39,488 41,720 41,720 236.6 Meter/Bkflw Prevntn Mech. 61,057 63,560 63,574 35,910 35,910 I 236.6 Const. Main!. Wkr. III (2) 32.478 33,820 44,456 70,920 70,920 221.6 Cons!. Maint. Wkr \I (6) 152,129 161,990 167,520 184,000 184,000 I 110 Salaries - Regular 283,036 298,860 315,038 332,550 332;550 110 Salaries - Standby 9,664 4,320 4,320 6,000 6,000 113 Salaries - Overtime 14,651 16,000 10,839 17.000 17 ,000 I 120 Employee Benefits 90,155 86,600 105,562 109,890 109,890 " ...""." "., ,. ,,'.. 397,506 405,780 '.' 435,759 465,440 465;440 .:" TCltaFPersoiulel , I Operations and Maintenance 210 Gas and Electricity 8,597 9,200 8,432 9,850 9,850 I 211 Natural Gas 1,283 1,200 1,770 1,300 1,300 215 Telephone 155 250 221 250 250 I 216 Trash Removal 621 720 649 720 720 260 Reimbursed Mileage - 60 31 60 60 I 262 Vehicle Operations 11,679 12,500 10,993 11,000 11,000 263 Vehicle Maintenance 17,065 34,600 14,795 34,600 34,600 I 264 Vehicle Rental 44,690 44,690 44,690 25,150 25,150 270 Travel and Meetings 117 200 114 200 200 313 Uniforms and Laundry 4,174 3,600 4,536 5,440 5,440 -I 315 Publications and Dues 231 580 90 200 200 316 Medical Exams 132 420 142 140 140 I 334 R&M Equipment 131 - - - - 337 R&M Radios 740 800 689 800 800 I 411 Office & Stationery Supplies 133 150 252 150 150 416 Safety Supplies 1 ,466 1,500 119 1,000 1,000 417 Operating Supplies 99,778 80,000 42,271 74,500 74,500 I 420 Small Tools 513 300 286 300 300 511 Equipment Rental 5,956 1,000 440 500 500 I 556 Capital Outlay Rental - Other 17,550 17 ,500 17,500 22,670 22,670 "Toili(opeiiitions',iiridMaihtehiince ,'" 215,011 "209;270 .,.,'148;020 ' . 188~@j '188830 . .. ... .. . ;' _, ".f.. . I Capital Outlay 622 Other Equipment 3,776 - - - - motli!l:ciipiUiiQOtlay . '\ \ 3,7715 >,:.... . -c " ~k~" ,. ..,c", Division Total $616,293 $615;050 $583,779 $654,270 ,$654,270 ~_. .__m _. _. _~_.,. .~.__.,"_.~~_~._.,.....;...~., _.__"__.-,o--..~..~,._..,~'_ .-:. .-::: ',--,('-' -;~,"'- ",- ~~.., ,. ",,'.. ,,",," ,:r . 122 I SEWER COLLECTION MAINTENANCE I - ,.,- ,.".,-..". .. Public SerVices Departmerlt . ..,..,'.. pivisionActivity I C9rr\mentary I ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION The Sewer Collection Maintenance activity is charged with the maintenance, of all City sewer I system mains, manholes, and appurtenant service laterals. The major functional maintenance and repair areas include cleaning and inspection of all sewer mains and access' manholes as part I of a yearly preventive maintenance program, including repair of eight-inch through 24-inch sewer mains, and four-inch through six-inch sewer laterals on an as-needed basis. The division video inspects newly installed sewer mains prior to acceptance as well as existing mains to determine I condition and maintenance needs; maintains all manholes to grade, maintains off-site access easements, responds to customer requests, updates sewer system mapping, and eliminates groundwater infiltration by in-place grouting and/or repair I ACTIVITY GOALS AND OBJECTIVES I 1 To prevent all sewer backups due to blockages caused by grease or solids and root penetration. I 2. To ensure maximum available sewer main capacity 3. To maintain optimum access to sewer facilities to minimize response time when handling I service requests. DIVISION WORKLOAD STATISTICS 1991-92 1992-93 I ESTIMATED FORECASTED Footage of sewer mains video television inspected 25,000 25,000 I Footage of sewer cleaned 650,000 650,000 Number of sewer main stoppages 4 4 I Number of sewer lateral service calls 42 54 Miles of sewer mains maintained 150 153 I SIGNIFICANT ACTIVITY PROGRAM CHANGES CHANGE I 264 - Decrease due to evaluation of internal vehicle and capital - $ 7,700 556 equipment rental rates I 417 - Decrease due to reduction in operating supplies - 4,800 I I I . 123 II SEWER COLLECTION MAINTENANCE ~I Public Services Department Division No: 407 Division Budget ,Detail , Obj, 1990-1991 1991-1992 1991-1992 1992-1993 1992-1993 I Code Expense Classification Actual BudQet Actual Proposed Approved Personnel Expense I Range Position Title 251.6 Wastewater Collec. Supvr. 37,374 39,490 39,506 41,720 41,720 I 236.6 Construction Maint. Wkr III 32,086 33,820 33,834 35,910 35,910 221.6 Cons!. Maint. Wkr II (4) 100,630 107,930 107,228 121,560 121,560 I 110 Salaries - Regular 170,090 181,240 180,568 199,190 199,190 110 Salaries - Standby 1,380 1,080 1,080 2,000 2,000 I 113 Salaries - Overtime 574 4,800 1,238 5,100 5,100 120 Employee Benefits 47,262 52,310 53,200 60,810 60,810 I I, TotaiPersdhnel 219,306 . 239,430 236;086 267,100 267,100 il Operations and Maintenance I 262 Vehicle Operations 6,045 7,000 5,008 5,500 5,500 263 Vehicle Maintenance 14,284 34,200 15,884 34,200 34,200 I 264 Vehicle Rental 34,700 34,700 34,700 23,030 23,030 270 Travel and Meetings 132 150 105 150 150 I 313 Uniforms and Laundry 2,411 2,000 2,502 2,550 2,550 315 Publications and Dues 130 140 98 140 140 I 316 Medical Exams - 140 140 1,940 1,940 317 Education and Training - 420 125 420 420 337 R&M Radios 609 600 311 400 400 I 411 Office & Stationery Supplies 7 50 47 50 50 416 Safety Supplies 473 500 200 500 500 I 417 Operating Supplies 21 ,357 14,800 10,961 10,000 10,000 420 Small Tools 15 250 45 250 250 I 511 Equipment Rental - 500 - 500 500 555 Capital Outlay Rental 17 ,500 17 ,500 17,500 24,470 24,470 I .".tdtaIOperaHpr"lsSfldMaiflt(i3naflC;e . .',', "'97;663 <<11295b ,..,.. ..',.. "'104,166' ,C. 164~1 00 I . ".-; ;......... , 87,626 Capital Outlay I 622" Other Equipment - . - - - - - - - - I "'fpfciFCapitaloGHay'" 'i '> .,'...' "" .'...... ..'., '. ~.",i ..'~,;'., ~ ., ..','. '" , Division T ofal $316,969 $352,380 $323,712 $371,200 $371,200 ~ _. _._~ _n ~__ .- .~ ___ -.--","0.- h. _ ..... '-'-_'.." ~;. -'- ." - ~ . ,.-, 1.... .. 124 I FACILITIES MAINTENANCE I , ,"'. ".. "., ".... ,".i" ',.'.,'" ...'"..... "" '" , ..,. . ',' ,.".. I ' ". ....n._........... , ...............--....... .., " ... ""-:,.:,.,..,,.... "--'.'..','.'-":"""" ,..."... Public Service~Department Division ,Number:, 408 . ,Division Activity , ."-'-" ., "" .. '(Commentary I ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION I The Facilities Maintenance Activity provides in-house janitorial services to City Hall, Engineering, Planning, Community Center, including the Senior Center, Aquatics Center, and I Community Services offices. Building maintenance and repair activities for the above facilities, including the Field Operations, I Vehicle and Equipment Maintenance Center, Water Treatment Plant, Lake Poway buildings, Aquatics Center, and Multi-Purpose Room are also performed by this division. I ACTIVITY GOALS AND OBJECTIVES 1 To continue providing in-house janitorial services to City Hall, Community and Weingart I Centers, Aquatics Center, and the Engineering and Planning Department buildings. 2. To provide as much in-house facility maintenance and repair service as practical. I 3. To maintain a fully functioning carpenters shop. I 4 To continue an ongoing preventative maintenance program for all City buildings. SIGNIFICANT ACTIVITY PROGRAM CHANGES CHANGE I None I I I I I I I .~.., ~_., ,~. ~ ." I 125 I FACILITIES MAINTENANCE Public Services Department Division No: 408 Division Budget Detail I Obj. 1990-1991 1991-1992 1991-1992 1992-1993 1992-1993 Code Expense Classification Actual Budaet Actual Proposed Aooroved Pers9n,nel Expense I Range Position Title 250.2 Building Maint. Coordinator - - - 42,800 42,800 I 240.2 Sr. Building Maint. Worker 33,673 35,060 35,056 37,220 37,220 211.6 Building Maint. Wkr. (4) 118,596 124,910 116,456 72,400 90,730 I 110 Salaries - Regular 152,269 159,970 151,512 152,420 170,750 110 Shift Differential 3,000 3,720 3,720 4,560 4,560 I 113 Salaries - Overtime 575 910 425 1,160 1,160 120 Employee Benefits 43,004 48,580 45,701 49,080 54,850 I . "., ." Total Personnel> ' ... 198,848 2h.180 201,358 207,220 . 231,320 ,.,.. .', ,'.. ' Operations and Maintenance I 130 Temporary Services 1,794 - 8,420 - 5,730 262 Vehicle Operations 1,938 2,100 2,768 2,370 2,370 I 263 Vehicle Maintenance 1,586 2,000 1,561 1 ,400 1 ,400 264 Vehicle Rental 6,500 6,630 6,630 1,380 1,380 I 313 Uniforms and Laundry 1,541 1 ,440 1,878 2,130 2,130 331 R&M Building 7,311 6,300 6,172 5,950 5,950 332 R&M Air Conditioning 1,627 2,000 2,766 3,000 3,000 I 337 R&M Radios 129 80 100 240 240 412 Janitorial Supplies 8,825 9,070, 8,640 9,520 9,520 I 417 Operating Supplies 11,885 9,830 8,663 10,320 10,320 420 Small Tools 166 100 45 80 80 I 511 Equipment Rental - 250 22 200 200 556 Capital Outal Rental - - - - - I I Tota.IQper<itiorisand."Mairitenanc~ ......""43302 :39,806 i 47,665 , 36;590, li'42326 I ".,_...:...;,.:, . I .. - .. . . - ,_., , " Capital Outlay I 622 Other Equipment 791 - - - - 651 Snop'Tools 1,392 - - - - , - ---.. ..... ,"- . " '} ". .. ,ii '..'",,:;; I L'i ~ I ',.otafQapitaIOlitla.Y 2,183 : OiViSion Total $244,333 $252,980 $249,023 $243,810 :$273,640 -...--...- _".._,~_ ~ ____B~_~'.r _...... _ __ ....p_ ._.....-.... ,--. ..,..",....- ~"...,." -"'..,,, " ""_ _,' - ,,,. ;" . ....".. ..__.,~:.=- 0=-",' ..... ,. ~ "\0-: . . .;:'.hU' o' _ . . 126 I VEHICLE AND EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE I ,.,. " ,.., '. .. ,. . . , . '.' ','i ' I ,_... ............... " "., ..' . , . ,-;.:.'-'..."....'.'....'-'..'..:...:-'.-...'.'... .'. Public Services Departnient ",.. Division"Number:4Cl9" ',\, 'Division Activity '" .. : (Qbmm,entary ",." '" ' ,.,. I ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION I The Vehicle and Equipment Maintenance Division provides vehicle, equipment, and field maintenance support for the City The activities of this division relate to maintel1ance, repair, I modification, and fabrication of all types of City motorized and construction-maintenance equipment from fire department pumpers to park, maintenance lawn mowers., First and second line maintenance of City-owned law enforcement vehicles is also part of this division. I This activity is financed by charging each of the cost centers that have been assigned vehicles and/or equipment for the cost of maintaining their vehicles and/or equipment I ACTIVITY GOALS AND OBJECTIVES I To extend the anticipated service life of all City-owned vehicles and equipment through routine and preventative maintenance programs; to inspect, maintain, repair, and overhaul all City- I motorized equipment; to evaluate service vehicles, determine their service life and advise of replacement needs; and to fuel and perform routine vehicle maintenance during off-hours. DIVISION WORKLOAD STATISTICS 1991-92, 1992-93 I ESTIMATED FORECASTED I Passenger vehicles 11 11 Light industrial (1 ton and below) 60 60 I Heavy industrial (over 1 ton) 15 15 Tractors 13 13 I Other Equipment 162 162 Motorcycles/trail vehicles 10 10 I SIGNIFICANT ACTIVITY PROGRAM CHANGES CHANGE 264 - Decrease due to evaluation of internal vehicle and capital - $ 7,590 I 556 equipment rental rates 499 ' Increase due to higher maintenance costs and increased + 10,000 I maintenance activities on vehicles and equipment I I ___. ';":.; "N_., " '. 0, I 127 I VEHICLE AND EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE Public Services Department Division No: 409 Division BudgetDetail I Obj. 1990-1991 1991-1992 1991-1992 1992-1993 1992-1993 Bode EXDense Classification Actual Buddet Actual Prooosed Aooroved Personnel Expense I Range Position Title 2577 Equipment Maint. Supvr. 39,723 41.970 42.123 44,340 44,340 I 242.7 Equipment Mechanic (2) 66,122 70,110 71,228 76,290 76,290 202.7 Equip. Service Worker (PT) 9,077 11,510 9,471 11,090 11.090 I 110 Salaries - Regular 105,845 112,080 113,351 120.630 120,630 110 Shift Differential 1,360 1,350 1,820 1 ,400 1,400 112 Salaries - Part-Time 9,077 11 ,510 9,471 11.090 11 ,090 I 113 Salaries - Overtime 541 1,250 1,359 690 690 120 Employee Benefits 30,963 31,640 35,187 37,740 37,740 I ".. 'Total Personhell" '". ,"'" , 147,786 157,830 161.188 171.550 171,550 Operations and Maintenance I 210 Gas and Electricity 4,965 6,370 4,700 5,500 5.340 211 Natural Gas 2,484 1,500 1,442 1,590 1,590 I 216 Trash Removal 613 530 649 650 650 262 Vehicle Operations 1,622 1,600 1,545 1,690 1,690 263 Vehicle Maintenance 1,091 3,600 1,755 2,400 2,400 I 264 Vehicle Rental 5,000 5,000 5,000 1.650 1,650 270 Travel and Meetings 738 420 84 320 320 I 313 Uniforms and Laundry 2,036 1,680 2,348 2,100 2,100 315 Publications and Dues 20 320 - 270 270 I 317 Education and Training - 150 95 170 170 334 R&M Equipment 710 3,150 1,705 3,200 3,200 I 335 R&M Outside Vehicle Repair 35,651 38,000 25,597 36,500 36,500 337 R&M Radios 129 150 132 240 240 417 Operating Supplies 4.719 5,200 4,116 5,500 5,500 I 420 Small Tools 2,327 2,500 1,445 2.380 2,380 499 Other Supplies and Materials 89,847 67,000 91,362 77.000 77 ,000 I 515 Intergovernmental Fees 976 750 1,167 1,500 1,500 531 Expense Credits (155,656 (306,690 (146,041 (316,500 (316,340 I 556 Capital Outlay Rental 6,530 6,530 6.530 2i~90 2,290 . Tc5Hil' Qperatiohs. andMaiht~nance. 1 3,802 10(162.240 . .3,631 ,....(17) ,556 1:",'" .. ".. (171 ;550 I Capital Outlay 651 Shop Tools - 4,410 4,764 - - Tot~ICapit~jQutla.y' · ,,' . ." , , 4,410 "4;764' ...'......,,~ )~ I ..... ',.." Division Total $151,588 - $169,583 - - .-- ." . . ,< ~"'" .......,-. ---;- - ,-., -<.', ._.__._ __ _ .T." ~_..._._.._ .__n '.:< ... ,;......,...:"';-,~-:'_., -~: ..... ...... . , ..~. ..~ -.P,':' ' 128 I DRAINAGE MAINTENANCE I Pl!bliC ServiCes DepartiTieht. ~' Division Activity I '.' '.90mll1~ntary I ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION I The Drainage Maintenance Division is charged with the maintenance and repair of all City drainage improvements and the cleaning of major creeks throughout the community Work in the I improved channels consists of silt, debris, and 'graffiti removal; tree, shrubbery, and ground-cover pruning; concrete and fence repair and accessmaintenahce. Work in the major creeks consists of debris removal, hard stem plant removal, selective vegetation spraying as well as weed and I grass mowing where appropriate. Sand bar and silt removal or relocation within watercourses is performed to maintain the hydraulic capacity of the streams. Drainage culverts and catch basins are inspected annually, cleaned, and repaired as necessary I ACTIVITY GOALS AND OBJECTIVES I To improve aesthetics by keeping natural stream beds in a clear, unobstructed condition free of any debris and excess growth; to reduce flooding of low-lying areas by maintaining drainage I systems at optimum hydraulic efficiency; to reduce street and roadway flooding during rainstorms by maintaining culverts and catch basins; and to complete inventory of all storm drains within the City and to establish a routine maintenance program. I SIGNIFICANT ACTIVITY PROGRAM CHANGES CHANGE I 148 ' Storm drainage sampling program - $ 21,930 264 - Decrease due to evaluation of internal vehicle and capital + 10,000 I 556 equipment rental rates 515 - Cost of NPDES storm-water discharge permit + 7,500 I I I I I I ,-, I 129 I DRAINAGE MAINTENANCE Public Services Department Division No: 410 Division Budget Detail ' I Obj, 1990-1991 1991,':1992' 1991-1992 1992-1993 1992-1993, Code Exoense Classification Actual Budoet Actual Prooosed Approved Personnel Expense I Range Position Title 251.6, Drainage Main!. Suprvsr 38,629 39,490 39,488 41,720 41,720 I 236,6 Const. Maint. Worker III 31,789 33,410 33,416 35,910 35,910 2216 Const. Maint. Wkr. II (2) 56,226 58,220 58,332 61,820 61,820 I 110 Salaries - Regular 126,644 131,120 131,236 139,450 139,450 110 Salaries - Standby - 1,080 1,080 1,000 1,000 113 Salaries - Overtime 2,082 1,500 2,626 1,600 1,600 I 120 Employee Beneftis 36,196 36,680 40,853 44,700 44,700 I . " TotalperSohl'1el . ,.. 164,922 '. ,170,380 ...... 175,795 ' 186,750 ,186,750 I Operations and Maintenance 148 Special Studies - - 351 10,000 10,000 I 216 Trash Removal 32,010 25,000 28,058 27,000 27,000 262 Vehicle Operations 4,313 5,000 4,541 5,000 5,000 I 263 Vehicle Maintenance 19,367 12,800 13,815 12,800 12,800 264 Vehicle Rental 45,630 45,630 45,630 26,400 26,400 I 270 Travel and Meetings 82 150 125 150 150 313 Uniforms and Laundry 1,077 960 1.717 2,100 2,100 315 Publications and Dues 35 50 43 350 350 I 316 Medical Exams 244 70 68 70 70 337 R&M Radios 299 350 260 300 300 I 399 Other Contractual Services 7,800 7,800 - 9,300 9,300 416 Safety Supplies 231 300 29 300 300 I 417 Operating Supplies 3,642 3,000 2,278 2,500 2,500 420 Small Tools 49 200 98 150 150 443 Culvert Cleaning 1,856 3,000 727 2,500 2,500 I 445 Misc. 'Construction Materials 580 1,000 620 800 800 511 Equipment Rental 6,917 5,000 5,754 5,000 5;000 I 515 Intergovernmental Fees - - 250 7,500 7,500 556 Capital Outlay Rental 24,940 25,490 25,490 22,790 22,790 I itc5taI6pe(a.H6ns~ridMair'ltEmahBe" 149,072 '135800 '12985'4, ,.,,;135.'016' '<,135,016 , . ...-' ;._ .1 . ,-. .. ,oo.."". I Cap'itlll Outlay ;.:tPt~IC~pit~16utl~yJ' , <Ai li>......./<.'.. ..,..,+,. J.. I '.',','",',.' - Division Total , $313,994 $306,180 $305;649 $321,760 $321 ;'160 , --_.~ - "._ _'0 ~_....'- ..- .- ...,.~_.,... .,.... ...-. ~. '....;0-...... ~- -~... ,,,"';~' ~-".:.~. ,., '.. ',"'~' ~ .....". '''''.' i 30 I TRAILS AND OPEN SPACE I -, ","-':;'- " ',. .;..,," ......... '-.-,', -, ., I ,-----'-','-'.-"-'-".;--,,., Pu blic ,services[)~pcll'tnieht ;...k..... .. .-. , 'J:)ivisioriActivity .,.',,'<:::9nimeiitary I ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION I The Trails and Open Space Division is responsible for the development and maintenance of the City's trail system and open space areas not'within the landscape maintenance districts. The I division coordinates the planning oftrails systems; obtains necessary easements; and is responsible for the construction of new trails and improvements to existing trails arid open space. In addition, the division coordinates and supervises volunteer assistance groups and programs, I including the Eagle Scouts, California Conservation Corps, Adopt-A-Trail program and local civic organizations. I ACTIVITY GOALS AND OBJECTS To meet riding and hiking needs of the community; to ensure effective maintenance of City trails I and open space areas in order to accommod?ote continuous public use; to increase the use of volunteers and other cost-effective resources for construction and maintenance; to provide I volunteer programs; and pursue grants available for trail constriction. ACTIVITY WORKLOAD STATISTICS 1991-1992 1992-1993 I ESTIMATED PROJECTED Miles of developed and maintained trails 57 61 Total undeveloped park acreage (open space) 2,877 2,877 I maintained SIGNIFICANT ACTIVITY PROGRAM CHANGES CHANGE I 264 - Decrease due to evaluation of internal vehicle and capital $ - 3,760 I equipment rental rates 417 - Reduction in purchase of operation supplies - 4,250 420 - Reduction in purchase of small tools - 2,800 I I I I I -. - ~- ,- .- " _. - .- - I 131 I TRAILS AND OPEN SPACE MAINTENANCE PublicSerjvces Department Division No: 411 Division Detail I ob). 1990-1991 1991-1992 1991-1992 1992-1993 1992,1993 Code Exoense,Classification Actual Budaet Actual Proposed Aooroved I Personnel Expense Rance Position Title 234.5 Park Maintenance Worker II 27,158 28,510 28,130 31,860 31,860 I 110 Salaries - Regular 27,158 28,510 28,130 31,860 3,1 ,860 113 Salaries - Overtime 38 1,140 461 1,140 1,140 I 120 Employee Benefits 8,773 8,420 10,767 12,030 12,030 I . "Total Personnel.,...',','.. ,"", ' " 35,969 38,070 I>" 39,358 ' '45,030 . , 45,030 Operations and Maintenance 216 Trash Removal 418 1 ,000 - 1,000 1,000 I 262 Vehicle Operations 755 1 ,000 487 780 780 263 Vehicle Maintenance 1,064 2,000 1,618 2,000 2,000 I 264 Vehicle Rental 4,200 4.200 4,200 440 440 311 Printing 1.490 1,500 232 1,500 1 ,500 I 313 Uniforms and Laundry 225 240 219 340 340 314 Community Relations - 800 748 800 800 I 317 Education and Training - - - 40 40 416 Safety Supplies - - 10 500 500 417 Operating Supplies 11 ,865 9,500 4,354 5,250 5,250 I 420 Small Tools 1,848 6,000 3,758 3,200 3,200 421 Landscaping Supplies 177 - - - - I 444 Sign Maintenance 230 1.000 907 1,600 1,600 I I I I ,. cital'Ooerations&' Maintehance '.'i .22,272 ',' 27240 . H3,533 "1.1,450! '",.".17 ,450 .,' I Capital Outlay I 62,2 Other Equipment 644 - - 1,500 1,500 t 6taiCa.oltardUlIav'" " 1.'644 . '.....- ". '.'".' ",." ,.'>;;,1';506 ':', -;:::.(..........-..-.....'., "1' 500 I ., ., }:.:;:;'/:_,,;-:~, ::; b,vision Total , I, I $58,885 $65,310 $55,891 .$63:980 $63;980 -- -- .~ _.. .....~~.~_-"-.___ _~_.."'"..~~.,~ _"~-Ol-" ."i ~ '.:\." .._~ ,-.., _ .;~-.,~'". .-, -.,- .....~,.. ~.,;I:'" - -~- , 132 I PARK AND LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE I ...."",..,.. ,. " "'" '-, ~-" , ..'....' 'u .'.; ....."."." ...." "-,,.......,, '" Public SSr'\lices Departmeht "" '.\DillisiClnNl.lmtJef:412 . ... Divisiori Activity I . (,=:, Commentary , .,'"."."" ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION I The Parks and Landscape Division is responsible for the maintenance ofpl.lblic parks, I recreational facilities and equipment; publicrestrooms; 'the repair and maintenance of boats, docks, and motors; grounds maintenance for water pump stations and reservoirs, the wilderness campground, poway Road medians, landscaping along Poway Creek, North City Parkway, I Pomerado Road, Community Road, Twin Peaks Road, Budwin Lane Parking lot, Espola Road south of Twin Peaks Road, and grounds maintenance around all City facilities. ACTIVITY GOALS AND OBJECTS I To ensure the attractiveness of public landscape areas throughout the City on a year-round I basis; to efficiently maintain park grounds, facilities, and equipment to ensure coritinuous and enjoyable public use, to effectively utilize volunteer labor forces; and to retrofit all of the City's irrigation systems to drip where feasible. I DIVISION WORKLOAD STATISTICS 1991-92 1992-93 ESTIMATED FORECASTED I Acreage maintained 141 166 Building floor space maintained (sq. ft.) 24,800 25,400 I Restrooms maintained 27 29 Boats maintained 84 84 I Docks maintained 4 4 Ballfields maintained 5 6 I Soccer fields maintained 5 6 Tennis courts maintained 2 2 I Basketball courts maintained 3 3 Tot lots maintained 11 13 I SIGNIFICANT ACTIVITY PROGRAM CHANGES CHANGE 110 ' Increase due to transfer of one maintenance worker + $ 37,970 I 120 returning form the DAR.T Division 216 - Increase trash hauling costs due to increased disposal + 6,950 I fees and new facilities 412 - Decrease due to reduction in janitorial supplies - 5,010 622 - Equipment costs for maintenance of additional 21 acres of new + 4,030 I grounds I ".-... ,-.- 4._ . I 133 I PARK AND LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE Public Services Department Division No: 412 Division Budget Detail Obj. 1990-1991 1991-1992 1991-1992 1992-1993 1992-1993 I Code Exoense Classification Actual BiJdo.et Actual Prooosed Aooroved Pei'sonnelExpense Ranoa ' Position Title I 284.9 Park and Landscape Mgr 51,604 55,080 55,078 58,190 58,190 248.5 Landscape Main!. Suprvsr (2) 68,356 75,510 75,542 80.880 80,880 234.5 Park Maintenance Wkf III (3) 68,099 96,990 96,982 104.060 104,060 I 219.5 Park Maintenance Wkr II (7) 183,548 158.360 173,229 203.370 203,370 209.5 Park Maintenance Wkr I (3) 87,420 67,600 68,608 74,750 74,750 203.6 Administrative Clerk II 23,360 24,320 24.316 25,820 25,820 I 132.2 Gardener Aide (3 PT) 11,301 14,820 13,543 16,020 16,020 110 Salaries - Regular 482,387 477,860 493,755 547,070 547.070 110 Shift Differential - - - 390 390 I 112 Salaries - Part-Time 11,301 14,820 13,543 16,020 16,020 113 Salaries - Overtime 8,123 7,200 5,627 7,150 7,150 120 Employee Benefits 157,420 140,750 163,277 181,990 181,990 I TotalPersonnel . " ,',,' 659,231 640,630 676,202 752,620' 752,620 ODerations and Maintenance 210 Gas and Electricity 9.635 17,540 11,123 14,890 14,570 I 212 Water - Inter-agency 20,607 . - - - 215 Telephone - 2.760 1.043 2,760 2,760 216 Trash Removal 16,012 16,820 17,489 23;770 23,770 I 260 Reimbursed Mileage 1,989 2,450 2,102 2,450 2,450 262 Vehicle Operations 9,132 10,000 9,953 13,000 13,000 263 Vehicle Maintenance 24,114 31,000 24,303 25,000 25,000 264 Vehicle Rental 20.030 17,530 17,530 8.590 8.590 I 270 Travel and Meetings 2,400 2,950 1,769 2,300 2,300 303 Joint Use Agreement-PUSD 34,250 37,750 34,250 37,750 37,750 305 Contract Landscape Maintenance - - - - 17,000 I 311 Printing 265 1,000 267 650 650 313 Unifonns and Laundry 10,386 6,400 6,538 6.880 6,880 315 Publications and Dues 1,281 780 764 780 780 331 R&M Building 10,780 14,700 16,233 16,060 16,060 I 334 R&M Equipment 3,084 8,480 7,387 8,480 8,480 337 R&M Radios 1.493 1,800 187 1,000 1,000 360 Contract Inspection 10,087 - - - - I 363 Plan Check/Map Processing 7,193 - - - - 411 Office & Stationery Supplies 1,456 1,000 1.037 1,000 1,000 412 Janitorial Supplies 11,569 20,100 11.391 15,090 15,090 416 Safety Supplies 2,237 3.150 3,115 2.900 2,900 I 417 Operating Supplies 19,767 18,480 17,784 21,080 21,080 420 Small Tools 2,711 2,740 2,298 1,990 1,990 421 Landscaping Supplies 44,833 58,580 33,418 43,400 43.400 I 444 Sign Maintenance 263 1,000 524 3,000 3,000 511 Equipment Rental 540 1,000 396 500 500 555 Capital Outlay Rental 12,740 12,740 12,740 21.260 21,260 I . Jotal'Opei'atiohs and Maintenance,' I, 278;854' '290,750 ",.,233,641 274,580 , 291;260 CapitaLOutlav 601 Telecommunications Equipment 135 450 - . - I 611 Office Equipment - - 447 450 450 621 ,j\utosandTrucks - - - - - 622. OthefEquipment 19,715 4,280 3,627 8,310 8,310 I ,;1!ota I; Caoital,'OiJtla.v ."... ,.'...",',. ",' \19,850 ..' 4,730 I. 4,07,4'; \ ..,..'8;760: ;i:s.v\,8;760 Division Total ' $957935 $936 110 $9139.17 $1.035.960 $1052'640 .----.--." - ".-,~. - --*- .. ,~,. . , . ,. -' --- ~ ',.,' 134 I SPECIAL LIGHTING AND LANDSCAPE DISTRICTS I PUblic ServicesDepa"r'tment .T Divisi6h+1Un;ber:, 413 'piyision Activity I ". " ."" .", ' "Commentary ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION I The Special Lighting and Landscape District Division is responsible for the maintenance of public I rights-of-way and open space within the boundaries of landscape maintenance and street light maintenance districts. City staff administers the program by providing engineering services, contract inspection and supervision, clerical and accounting support, in-house maintenance and I repairs as needed, and provides staff assistance to advisory committees. ACTIVITY GOALS AND OBJECTS I To ensure that all associated public grounds are attractively maintained and suitable for public I use at all times; to effectively administer each special assessment district in the most cost efficient manner; and to ensure all street lights are properly maintained and are repaired iha timely manner I DIVISION WORKLOAD STATISTICS 1991-92 1992-93 TOTAL ESTIMATED FORECASTED BUDGET I 420 - Landsc?pe District 83-1A 64.54 59.54 $ 268,260 421 ' Landscape District 86-1 32.93 32.93 207,100 I 422 - Landscape District 86-2A 3.00 3.00 18,530 423 - Landscape District 83-3 4.10 6.00 33,320 I 424 - Landscape District 87-1 47.31 57.31 305,670 425 - Landscape District 86-2B 5.00 5.00 34,300 I 426 - Landscape District 83-1 B - 4.60 24.180 = 156.88 168.38 $ 891,360 I 440 - Lighting District 86-4 $ 401,890 SIGNIFICANT ACTIVITY PROGRAM CHANGES CHANGE I Landscape District budget changes are due to an increase + $ 27,820 I in acreage maintained and projected higher utility rates I I I ".- .,i'" I 135 SPECIAL LANDSCAPE DISTRICTS I Public Services Department Division No: 413 Division Budget Detail I Obj. 1990-1991 1991-1992 1991-1992 1992-1993 1992-1993 Code Exoense Classification Actual Aooroved Actual Prooosed Aooroved Personnel Expense I Ranae Position Title 238.1 Department Aide 18,043 31,660 31,957 34,910 34,910 I 110 Salaries - Regular 18,043 31,660 31,957 34,910 34,910 112 Salaries - Overtime 877 1,500 419 1,500 1,500 I 120 Employee Benefits 6,531 8,970 9,397 9,720 9,720 TotaFPersonnel), ,. 25,451 42,130 . 41,773 46,130, ,." 46,130 I ODerations and Maintenance I LMD 83-01 - 420 165,319 263,330 148,579 268,260 240,760 LMD 86-01 - 421 157,461 203,690 173,130 207,100 207,100 LMD 89-02A - 422 11,172 13,460 12,033 18,530 18,530 I LMD 86-03 - 423 21,814 28,300 27,313 33,320 33,320 LMD 87-01 - 424 50,715 308,480 259,420 305,670 305,670 I LMD 86-02B - 425 5,152 16,290 18,698 34,300 34,300 LMD 81-01 B - 426 - - - 24,180 24,180 I Lighting District - 440 330.603 417,410 318,025 401,890 401,890 531 Expense Credits - (42,130 (42,701 (46,130 (46,130 I I I I I I Total Oberationsand Maintenance . ...',]42,236 1~208,830 ,. 914,497 2,466,740 '<1,219,620 CaoitalOuUav I 622 Other Equipment 3,293 - - - - I ':T 6tal'Cabital'Outlav,i, "'"..""""""".,, ..."...,,',',.,"....'.',.,' ..'..,3;293 ..... .. -' '. ,." Division Total $770 980 $1 .250 960 $956 270 $25.12870' $1265750 II '. =>~~"=~._' - ~~....,-;... . ~ ~_.+."- ..,..,."..-:.>. t", -i" .- -'- :: ...~- ,.-. ~ ..~ ;'-" ~',. ~.:; ;'....:~......~-~ F ..~'; , I I I SAFETY SERVICES I I CITY MANAGER I I DIRECTOR SAFETY SERVICES I 500 I FIRE FIRE PARAMEDICS LAW I SUPPRESSION PREVENTION ENFORCEMENT 501 502 503 505 I I I I I I I I I _h _. , ,. - - -- 137 SAFETY SERVICES B~;~~nt,,9&ie:."5~',,;':!;:;~1:;J;i', .~~~~~~~~t:;:g~,;dbrf;!"" EXPENSE 1990-1991 1991-1992 1991-1992 1992-1993 1992-1993 CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL PROPOSED APPROVED . Total Positions 35 33 33 34 34 I Personnel Expense 2,278,626 2,212,900 2,493,387 2,702,900 2,589,620 Operations and . Maintenance 3,375,983 4,493,730 3,765,491 4,501,170 4,260,910 Capital Outlay 84,368 29,760 35,659 49,170 49,170 I I TQTAbBUDGEl' $11,280,814 $6,736,390 $6,294,537 $7,253,240 $6,899,700 I OVERVIEW COMMENTARY I The Department of Safety Services is divided into five divisions. The divisions consist of Office of the Director, Fire Suppression, Fire Prevention, Paramedics and Law Enforcement. The San Diego County Sheriff's Department provides law enforcement for the City. The poway Sheriff's Station employs 44 I sworn personnel and 11 non-sworn personnel. They are supervised by the Station Captain. The Sheriff's Department provides the following services for the community: Law Enforcement, Traffic Enforcement, Drug Enforcement, Drug Education, Investigations, Crime Prevention, Dispatch and . ,Juvenile Division. The Director prepares and monitors the law enforcement budget and coordinates requests for specialized services. '. The Safety Services Department responsibilities include: Protecting life from fire, civil disobedience and other disasters; and the delivery of Emergency Medical Services. The proactive duties include Public Education in the areas of fire and disaster preparedness. Fire prevention encompasses code . compliance, enforcement of fire codes, building plan checks, inspection, abandoned vehicles and weed , abatement. .. .. .. J ....~...", ~ . , __~ .'M '",,." ,__ ._0,. , -:_;,. .v.;:.- '. ..... ~.. ~ .-'- .~., .....~.. -. .. 138 I DIRECTOR OF SAFETY SERVICES I .....SafetyServicesDepartment Division Nurilber' 500 'Division Activity I Commentary ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION I The Director of Safety Services provides highly responsible and technical staff assistance to the I City Manager and City Council. The Director serves as the Fire Chief, administrator of the City's law enforcement contract as well as a liaison with the San Diego County Sheriff's Department. The Department of Safety Services is divided into five divisions. Three Fire Battalion Chiefs I manage the operational divisions, which consist of Fire Prevention, Fire Suppression and Emergency Medical Services. I ACTIVITY GOALS AND OBJECTIVES I 1 Increase public awareness and contact by informing citizens of available services through an enhanced community relations program. I 2. Provide the community and its service groups information on disaster planning and home emergency preparedness. I 3. Develop and implement a customer "Bill of Rights" for the Department of Safety Services. 1991-92 1992-93 I DIVISION WORKLOAD STATISTICS ESTIMATED FORECASTED I Fire responses - structure,grass and other 525 550 Emergency medical responses 1,625 1,650 I: SIGNIFICANT ACTIVITY PROGRAM CHANGES CHANGE 110 - Fire Battalion Chief return from temporary assignment at the + $ 100,437 II 120 DART Division I I. I. I. I~ . '-'.'~ I 139 DIRECTOR OF SAFETY SERVICES I Safety Services Department Division No: 500 Division Budget Detail Obj. 1990-1991 1991-1992 1991-1992 1992-1993 1992-1993 I Code .Exoense Classification Actual Budoet Actual Prooosed Aoproved Personnel EXDense I Ranoe Position Title 320.3 8irector 70,127 78,460 78,464 82,890 82,890 303:2 Fire Battalion Chief 46,270 - 50,183 69,870 69,870 I 228.1 Administrative Secretary 29,844 31,070 31,066 32,980 32,980 I 110 Salaries - Regular 146,241 109,530 159,713 185,740 185,740 120 Employee Benefits 51,040 34,970 59,180 77,230 68,730 .".". ......."..."...., "", -:.- , . !',::,..- I , " ", 'TotaLPersonnel , 197,281 ,,144;500 ; 218,893" 262,970 254470 " Operations and Maintenance I 130 Temporary Services - - 2,292 - - 145 Data Processing Consultant 1,764 1,800 1,787 2,500 2,500 I 215 Telephone 1,774 2,200 1,153 2,200 2,200 262 Vehicle Operations 1,410 1,250 1,667 1,250 1,250 263 Vehicle Maintenance 2,455 2,600 1,602 2,600 2,600 I 264 Vehicle Rental 4,340 4,340 4,340 3,850 3,850 270 Travel and Meetings 2,306 2,390 2,174 2,120 2,120 I 311 Printing 619 700 632 930 930 313 Uniforms and Laundry 275 - - 230 230 I 314 Community Relations 302 340 217 340 340 315 Publications and Dues 1,425 1,540 706 840 840 316 Medical Exams - 90 - - - I 317 Education and Training 5,540 2,500 2,395 2,500 2,500 331 R&M Building 388 400 156 400 400 I 334 R&M Equipment 3,166 5,040 4,015 5,040 5,040 411 Office & Stationery Supplies 1,265 1,650 1,659 1,650 1,650 I 412 Janitodal Supplies 129 150 59 150 150 417 Operating Supplies 724 750 568 750 750 555 Capital Outlay Rental 4,210 1,900 1,900 5,460 5,460 I I · 'TotarQperCltfClrisahd" Mairitena6ctl" ' i 32'092 ?9;6,46 I ,.27,322 > 32,81.6 .',',"~:'32;810 , . Capital Outlay I 611 Office Equipment 28,828 14,570 14,515 1,100 1,100 :TbtalCapifai6Jtlay, \ ".."". 1'28,828 . 14,570 ""14515 ,.,,, ..,,".. ,.. ': /':x._:;?::.;....'~..--:,:;;:.,' ; ,""-. I . '" ::: : ': : :::' ~.; . , ~ ...,.".;,C1;100: :;#>,~',100 Division Total $258,201 $188,710 $260,730 $296,880 $288,380 -.------... - ----- ----, -...~.~_., .~....,-.....".,..,..,. - - - ,'-. ." ;. lLln I FIRE SUPPRESSION I '$~fetyserVicesDepartnierit 'PiViSid$A,t':n.Ji)1b~~:, 591 "" ,.Division Activity I ,,'. Conimentary ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION I The mission of the Fire Suppression Division of Safety Services is to deliver effective fire, health I and life safety programs to citizens within our community This is accomplished by providing adequate fire protection at reasonable costs, reducing fire risks through company inspection . . I programs, fire prevention education and pre'fire planning; and controlling fire losses by maximizing firefighter training utilizing measurable objectives and standards. Additionally, our goal is to increase fire safety awareness at all levels of our community These goals are accomplished through a continuous process of planning, implementation and evaluation. I GOALS AND OBJECTIVES I 1 To develop specifications for a new fire apparatus and submit a request for proposal. 2. To design and implement an 800 MHz communications network to enhance emergency and I fireground communications. 3. To improve road mapping of Poway's high hazard wildland urban interface areas. I CHANGE I SIGNIFICANT ACTIVITY PROGRAM CHANGES 264 - Reduction due to evaluation of internal vehicle rental charges - $ 62,280 322 - Approximately 25% increase in contract dispatch + 22,820 I 514 - 800 MHz Communications equipment (5 year lease-purchase) + 39,320 I I I I I I I ... '" .,. .-... I 141 I FIRE SUPPRESSION Safety Services Department Division No: 501 Division Detail I Obj. 1990-1991 1991-1992 1991-1992 1992-1993 1992c 1993 Code Exoehse Classification Actual Budaet Actual Prooosed Aooroved I Personnel Expense Ranoe Position Title 303.2 Fire Battalion Chief 55,516 60,880 63,688 67,040 67,040 I 274.2 Fire Captian (6) 302,286 298,440 298,053 313,740 313,740 259.9 Fire Engineer (6) 252,186 254,880 254,754 271,980 271,980 249.3 Firefighter (9) 324,917 343,350 356,917 379,520 379,520 I 110 Salaries - Regular 934,905 957,550 973,412 1,032,280 1,032,280 110 Callback 11,724 10,850 10,850 10,850 10,850 113 Salaries - Overtime 77,907 83,600 119,849 112,430 112,430 I 120 Employee Benefits 356,480 359,630 426,978 493,800 436,330 FLSA 27,708 30,890 30,890 32,770 32,770 .".,..'.. ." .. Total'Perso~nel'" :- ' 1,408,724 1,442,520 1,56,1,979 1,682,130 1,624,660 I Operations and Maintenance 131 Volunteer Service 15,855 20,000 19,241 20,000 20,000 210 Gas and Electricity 17,688 22,050 16,326 22,370 22,370 I 212 Water-Interagency - - 885 - - 215 Telephone 5,279 6,800 3,840 7,150 7,150 216 Trash Removal 1,238 1,200 1,398 1,200 1,200 I 260 Reimbursed Mileage 326 250 183 250 250 262 Vehicle Operations 6,557 11,250 6,989 11,250 11,250 263 Vehicle Maintenance 19,955 32,200 20,878 32,200 32,200 I 264 Vehicle Rental 164,850 164,850 164,850 102,570 102,570 270 Travel and Meetings 4,767 3,130 3,098 3,430 3,430 311 Printing 687 1,200 877 1,200 1,200 I 313 Uniforms and Laundry 9,008 18;460 23,526 14,000 14,000 314 Community Relations 289 750 665 750 750 315 Publications and Dues 849 850 728 850 850 I 316 Medical Exams 2,875 5,070 2,882 5,420 5,420 317 Education and Training 1,554 750 427 750 750 320 Outside Emergency Assist. 893 15,000 46,339 15,000 15,000 322 Dispatch Contract - Fire 56,866 65,240 65,237 104,560 104.560 I 331 R&M Building 5,637 5,640 5,926 14,640 14,640 334 R&M Equipment 4,382 5,040 5,096 5,540 5,540 337 R&M Radios 5,434 6,240 6,180 13,740 13,740 I 338 R&M Fire Hydrants 1,197 1,000 820 1,000 1,000 399 Other Contractual Services 28,176 31,200 31,186 26,750 26,750 411 Office & Stationery Supplies 1,793 2,000 1,929 2,000 2,000 I 412 Janitorial,Supplies 2,455 2,500 2,650 2,500 2,500 413 PhotographiC/CoPY Supplies 594 350 387 350 350 417 Operating Supplies 14,024 20,590 16,829 20,590 20,590 I 420 Small Tools 339 500 477 500 500 515 IntergoVernmental Fees 869 850 850 850 850 555 Caoital'Outlav Rental 2,300 1,800 1,800 2,600 2,600 I Total;Ooerations,&', Maintenance.'....."', .,' 319.555 .' ", .' 385;970 .> .'.452,499 . 363J3O, " 363,130 Capital Outlay 605- I 622 Caoital Outlav 36477 7820 5892 47 470 47 470 TotcllCapitalOutlay I, "36,477 ' '>.,71820. " '5892 .SA7,;;U;0. ./(,,::47:470 __,'0"_--:' . . ::',., ",';:",:,-; , .. Division Total $1 764756 $1 836310 $2 020 370 '$2 092730 $2 035 260 - ._~__,..n___""'co<_" .... ... 0." ,"': "<, .."..':.!:- -.. 142 I FIRE PREVENTION I .' . ',' " " ' ",. " '. . " .". ,_n... ..._,.... "" ., . ,,' ",', ." .,:--,.." ,'.'----,'-:.,. ".., .......". I ' ._,-,','-',',.,'.',-,.,,------,",.,- - .. ".. Safety Services Department ' ,.Divisi6hNumber'S02' .'""",' Division Activity '.......,.,.. "'; t',,)C6ninientary ., ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION I The Fire Prevention Division's primary responsibilities deal with public education, plan checking I and inspection services, hazardous materials, weed abatement and a variety of other areas. All of these efforts lead to providing the necessary components to reduce property darriage, physical injury, and provide for the general safety, health and welfare of the citizens of poway I Fire prevention and safety education are the keys to providing and maintaining a fire-safe community This Division is currently providiqg the "Learn Not to Burn" curriculum in five I elementary schools. Programs are available and provided to schools, institutions, clubs and special interest groups upon request. A wildland fire safety information campaign is planned for several hazardous areas within the City I This division performs plan check and inspection services on all phases of development and construction within the City Inspections are also completed in all occupancies on an annual I basis. Two-thirds of these inspections are performed by the Fire Engine Company crew and the reminder by Fire Prevention personnel. The Fire Inspector has expanded enforcement of our ordinances. Areas include weed I abatement, false alarms and fire hydrantobstructiohs. Other areas include pre-fire planing, juvenile firesetter counseling, hydrant maintenance, mapping and hazardous materials. I DIVISION GOALS AND OBJECTIVES 1 Continue the public education program on fire ,and life safety in the City's schools and I residences through safety programs, i.e. "Learn Not to Burn" and home fire safety I Increase public awareness and provide information to service groups. 2. Continue the level of enforcement in the areas of weed abatement and add parcels as I necessary 3. Adopt by ordinance the 1991 edition of the Uniform Fire Code. I 4 Implement a hazardous material labeling program for classification. SIGNIFICANT ACTIVITY PROGRAM CHANGES I 110 - Return of Code Compliance Officer from temporary assignment with + $53,980 I DART Division (401) I I , ..... ,- I 143 FIRE PREVENTION I Safety Services Department Division No: 502 Division Budget Detail Obj. 1990-1991 1991-1992 1991-1992 1992-1993 1992~1993 I Code Exoense Classification Actual Budoet Actual Prooosed Aooroved Personnel, Expense Rance Position Title I 303.2 Fire Battalion Chief 61,884 66,130 66,377 69,870 69,870 259.9 Fire Inspector 40,272 42,480 43,064 45,330 45,330 I 246.6 Code Compliance Officer 35,462 - 218.1 Secretary 27,527 28,110 24,439 29;850 29;850 Fire Inspector (PTIT) - - - 9,720 9,720 I 110 Salaries - Regular 165;145 136,720 133,879 145,050 145,050 112 Salaries - Part-Time - - - 9,720 9,720 I 113 Salaries - Overtime 7,703 15,120 7,874 15,120 15,120 120 Employee Benefits 58,169 53,370 60,064 64,350 57,900 TbtaIPel'sbnf'ieL. . ,'.,. 231,017 205,2"10 201,817 234,240 227,790 I Operations and Maintenance 130 Temporary Services 6,105 6,480 11,919 - - I 215 Telephone 1,134 1,800 625 1,200 1,200 260 Reimbursed Mileage 140 100 16 100 100 I 262 Vehicle Operations 1,491 2,400 1,294 2,400 2,400 263 Vehicle Maintenance 1,446 4,000 660 4,000 4,000 264 Vehicle Rental 5,950 5;950 5,950 2,650 2,650 I 270 Travel and Meetings 1 ,492 1,390 1,164 2,050 2,050 311 Printing 1 ,499 1,500 1,685 2,000 2,000 313 Uniforms and Laundry 500 280 275 280 280 I 314 Community Relations 4,868 5,000 4,952 5,000 5,000 315 Publications and Dues 1,210 1,250 1,341 1,250 1,250 I 316 Medical Exams 80 270 270 270 317 Education and Training 60 300 380 300 300 324 Nuisance Abatement 33,279 44,640 39,497 45,920 45,920 I 360 Contract Inspection 578 49,570 19,600 19,600 363 Plan Check/Map Processing 9,525 70,810 20,799 35,400 35,400 I 399 Other Contractual Services 7,202 11,000 20,413 18,000 18,000 411 Office & Stationery Supplies 549 500 567 500 500 413 Photographic/Copy Supplies 265 750 121 500 500 I 417 Operating Supplies 2,602 3,150 2,938 3,300 3,300 555 Caoital Outlav Rental - 1,360 1,360 1,800 1,800 fotal(")pel'~tions,<3ndMair'ltE!narice' . 1.',..'..>79,975 . ,. ...,'....-.......... . 115,956 }. 146;520 I I 212,500 { ,,146520 . --" .. .'" .,. Capital Outlay I 601 Telecommunications Equipment 645 - - - - 615 Paramedic Equipment 7,372 - - - - 'totaliC~pitai9LJuaY...."'.......'. . "".,.".., CC '8,01'7., '.,. . ~; c:.. ;.'.'.','..';; 1,.;,_'..,','..,'.;,rL:; I ,. Division Total $319,009 $417,710 $317,773 $380;760 $374,3,10 - - --'';: -,.,....,.-.--- '::'" .~ - i'" ,,,,,.. ,.., ~ -. .; - '-., ~-;:';.':.':'--'~ '-- ~~'-'-" ~." >.,:.:,., ~' -'i: ;.....t::.' .....- ....- 144 I PARAMEDICS I ,:. ,,,.,, ...-' I SafetyServibesDepartmeht 503 ',.'."....'.....[)ivision'.Activity Conimentary ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION I The Paramedic Division consists of 9 of the 27 fire suppression personnel who have received I extensive additional training in the area of emergency medicine. This additional training has prepared the personnel to utilize sophisticated medical diagnostic equipment in. the ,delivery of I advanced pre-hospital care. Once a patient has been assessed, the paramedics work closely with emergency physicians or specially trained nurses to administer definitive'therapy to the patient in the field who would not otherwise receive care until his or her arrival in an emergency I room. In addition to maintaining an acute awareness to new developments in emergency medicine, I paramedics must also train and maintain a high level of proficiency in the area of fire suppression. This is accomplished through their participation in all phases of the Department's fire suppression training program. I On a day-to-day basis, the paramedics operate under the guidance of a Fire Captain, although the comprehensive program manager is a Fire Battalion Chief The Battalion Chief serves as the I coordinator and represents the City of poway at the local, state, and federal level on pre-hospital care issues. In addition, this Battalion Chief coordinates the community's disaster preparedness efforts as well as the city's hazardous material and emergency incident cost recovery program. I DIVISION GOALS AND OBJECTIVES 1 To provide continued training and certification for engine company personnel in the I emergency medical defibrillation program designed to decrease pre-hospital deatns due to heart attacks. I 2. To provide a citizen cardiopulmonary resuscitation program to the citizens of Powayin cooperation with Pomerado Hospital. 3. To provide citizens, employees and service organizations information which may better I prepare them to respond to a major disaster in our community 4 To reduce pain and suffering to the sick and injured through the use of current emergency medical care techniques and equipment. I 5. To supplement current fire suppression staffing by providing training to paramedic personnel in fire suppression techniques. 6. To develop a quality improvement program to meet the requirements of the state I Emergency Medical Services Authority and ultimately lead to improved patient care. CHANGE SIGNIFICANT ACTIVITY PROGRAM CHANGES I 120 - Increase reflects a change in the allocation of employee benefit None costs shared with the Fire Suppression Division I I -----. ~, .. . --. -.. '- " 0 I 145 I PARAMEDICS Safety Services Department Division No: 503 Division Budget Detail I Obj. 1990-1991 1991-;1992 1991-1992 1992-1993 1992-1993 Code Expense Classification Actual Budoet Actual Proposed Aporoved PersonnetExDense I Rance Position Title 249.3 Paramedics ( 6) 224,535 228,900 243,210 271,900 271,900 I 110 Salaries - Regular 224,535 228,900 243,210 271,900 244;620 110 Proficiency Pay 30,783 38,890 38,976 40,930 40,930 I 110 Recertification Bonus 6,000 6,750 6,750 4,050 4,050 113 Salaries - Overtime 26,785 35,710 22,758 54,730 54,730 I 120 Employee Benefits 142,849 88,500 183,564 129,000 115,420 FLSA 4,547 15,440 15,440 22,950 22,950 ... ,,'.." "'.",,.,.,,'... 435;499 414,190 510,698 523,560' 482,700 I Total. Personnel....,,', Operations and Maintenance I 215 Telephone 815 1,200 922 800 800 260 Reimbursed Mileage 110 300 66 200 200 262 Vehicle Operations 1,638 3,340 1,356 3,340 3,340 I 263 Vehicle Maintenance 3,737 7,000 2,850 7,000 7,000 264 Vehicle Rental 31,500 31 ,500 31,500 34,630 34,630 I 270 Travel and Meetings 1,210 2,650 914 1,470 1,470 311 Printing - - - 400 400 I 314 Community Relations 838 1,000 819 1,000 1,000 315 Publications and Dues 575 890 733 890 890 317 Education and Training 1,440 7,860 5,569 5,090 5,090 I 334 R&M Equipment 2,837 4,600 3,241 4,600 4,600 411 Office & Stationery Supplies 10 200 - 200 200 I 413 Photographic/Copy Supplies 186 200 65 200 200 414 Medical Supplies 14,769 20,680 19,423 20,680 20,680 I 417 Operating Supplies 1,818 2,400 1,989 2,400 2,400 555 CapitarOutlay Rental 3,940 3,940 3,940 70b 700 I i6tafdper~ti6hsahd Maintenance '... 165;4.23, ,< .,., . , 73,3Er7 '.: '83'600 ,.,.. ",,' I '.' ",<:87.760 83;600 .. . , " Capital Outlay I 601 Telec9mmunications Equipment 3,266 2,200 2,189 - - 615 RaralJlMic Equipment 3,543 - - - 600 't:f blafCapilaf 6Jliay ',,',' . ,"",."......'.'..".'.. 6;809 '" ,.. '" . ... .".,. It, ,.')\.\). ."...' ""'.',,, 6'60' I i, "., ,2,200 '. .,2,189 .::'::""';::,:::'~'," ':':. " ,/.."..,':-........:-,..... -.,' Division Total $507,731 $504,150 $586,274 $607,160 $566,906 --'~>"'" -~'"'.... ~ . ~c- ~"',!.j<.. .. ....-.. .. ., :y.',,".- ., -... .. ,=".0:;....... :'": ",~ ;' .. 146 I LAW ENFORCEMENT I DilfisionActivity I " )Cbninientary ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION I The City of poway contracts with the County of San Diego Sheriff for Law Enforcement services. I Under this contract, the City of poway. continues to have the lowest crime rate (crime per 1,000 population) within the County of San Di~go. The Poway Sheriff's Station has developed a pro" I active profile in addressing criminal and traffic-related problems. The attitude and cooperation of the poway citizens an the Sheriff's deputies continue to promote good will and a positive community effort to retain the lowest crime rate in San Diego County. I The staffing for Fiscal Year 1992-1993 (eight hour units) is as follows: Seven Patrol Units, 7 day with relief I Two 4-Wheel Drive Units, 7 day with relief One Substance Abuse Officer I One Detective, DARE Program Four Traffic Units, 7 day with relief Two motorcycle Units, 5 day with relief I One Communication Dispatch Unit, 5 day without relief Two Community Services Officers DIVISION GOALS AND OBJECTIVES I 1 To implement a night detective team for pro-active enforcement. I To reduce crime by aggressive law enforcement, community education, and soliciting 2. community involvement. I To reduce residential and commercial burglaries by increased surveillance on known and 3. targeted subiects. I 4 To reduce the traffic accidents and related. injuries by pro-active enforcement of laws related to substance abuse an prudent operation of motor vehicles. I 5. To increase efficiency of patrol operations by the procuring of a new station site which will accommodate all Sheriff's personnel. I CHANGE I SIGNIFICANT ACTIVITY PROGRAM CHANGES 328 - Addition of one DARE Officer - personnel and support costs + $70,000 I I ,.,." -' . -"' - .....'1.. I 147 LAW ENFORCEMENT I Safety Services Department Division No: 505 Division Detail I Obj. 1990-1991 1991-1992 1991-1992 1992-1993 1992-1993 Code Exoense Classification Actual