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'.,^~, :\:" ""';'~':'- ",:::':,: ":;~>"'~ " ',>.1, ,:~<'"" ..'^' ::",.:,: 'i,:.'":~""n'Vf.A7 1 · 1233 · ,~ r A'l.'l,that ,portion of theSouthells,t Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Secti'on 23, Township 14 South, Rangel We'st, ,San Bernard'inoMeridian, in the' tits of poway, County of San Diego, State of CalifornIa, according - to-the Off.iclirl PIa t thereof approved August 29, 1890, described ,as follows I BEGINNING at the, point of intersection of the South line of said BectiOl'! 23 wHh the Nor,theaster1y Hneof Misaion Road I-A as shown on sheet 13 of map of said l1iss.lon Road I-A, SanDlegQCounty Highway C ormn is,s ion , Recor,ds of t,he County Surveyor of said San Diego County, saId point being' di6tant North 8,90 42' East, 26.62 het, along s'dd section line from station 318 plus 97.72 on the center line of said Mission Road; thence North 890 42' East along flBid South line of said Section, 162.65 feet; thence Nnrth 00 41' Eu,t, 146.87 feet to Ii 'point on a curve whose centel' bears North ,00 41' East 50 feet from the aforesa'id point, thene'e Westerly and Northedy along said curve 95.99 .," . I - feet; ,thence South 830 52'42" West 126.66 feet,; 'thence South 38053 ' Wast, 130.00 feet to a point on said ~ortheasterly ~ine bf said Mission Road; thence South 410 35'East along sa,idl,Northeas;tel'lY,l,ine being para11elwith and distant 20 feet at right an~les rortheaster1y from the center line of saId road,. as shown on theabov'''' men1tioned map of said road 134.59 feet to ,ttJe ..POiht of lIeginning, I : ! I, I , " I "- EXHIBIT "A" . .1234 . . .' .' ....' j' CERTIFICATE OF ACCEPTANCE I, JAMES L. BOWERSOX"as Executive Direc'tor ,and agent for poway Redevelopment Agency make the following certificatton on its behalf: This ;s to certify that the interest in real property conveyed by the ,deed' - ,- or grant dated MAY-22, 1-991 CONSOLIDATED_ EXCHANGE, 'rNC-., from -- - -- --'--------- to the PowayRedevel,opment Agerlc.Y ,a polit i calcorporati on and/ or governmental agency, is hereby accepted by the undersigned,o.fficer or agent on behalf of tlie Board of Directors pursuant to authority conferred by Resolution No. R~87~18 adopted on July 21, 1987, arid th~ grantee cons~nts to recordation thereof by its duly authorized officer or agent. Dated: May 3D" 1991 POWAY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ~ '- -- - ~ ...----. . - \ 2 _ ~ v' :,.,~ ' oat'" ,~I ;. ',i- ., .0 Vl >- 1!1\ ~ ' " ")." , _():: ,~5'J'l 'I, ' i ' , 'I W 3: ~~ 0 '" ,,0: I I' . I , _ ~w 0 x"~ I /, I , , I I I U) ~Z~ "~"I~~;~II' I I I I T- N i I ~ 0 .t"';'t~ Ol~' t '. .' 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