Notice of Acceptance 1982-217612 15 ECEIVED _ 82-21 761~ ~'RECOROFDIN -], " L OEFICIAL'RECORDS OFSMi OlfGO,.COIJNTY.c,:\; ,/98? jUt !~ PM 12: 3~ Lri" VEFlk"['i""'- , ' ' '''''It-I'- ,.,~OUNTYR[COHD~ , I, , i'v PT~,'~:s e :r:,e c,q~.t;:d', For-' ,& RECORDING REQUESTED BY cl.t.y Clerk" " Ci,.TY QPPO\{5? P. '0. Box 785 p,oway-i' CA' 9,2,06,4 .r'e.-n to: ) ) ,;,~,UG 3 1982 ) CITY OF POWAV " C\1:VCLERK'S,cfFF'ICE NO, fEE ' N 0 T I C E 0 F A C C E P T A"N C E No,ti ce is hereby gi ye"n tha"t the pro'j,ec:t K-no'wn as F. W. .WPOLW0RTH ,FIRE"HYDRA.NT .E;'XTENSWN ""-'"(P'roj,;"ct ,Name} 'for 'which 'PRAVER 'BROTHERS INVESTMENTS ,(Nam"e. o,f the 'O'wner) entered into "STANDARD AGREEMENT FOR' CONS"TRUCT,IoN OF WATER S,YSTEM," has b?en C'ornplet-ed' "in accordan_ce" with said lIAgreemen.,t." a~d h:as l;)'e~'~ accepted as' par"t of the CITY',S sys.tem for' ?onti-n~ous.,m'a'~~I:1tenance a.nd oJ?'e'rat'io.~ by the POWAY CITY COUNCIL on the 6th day of July , l'981.- Said project co'nsist~ of- 6''' Water Main & 1\Ppur;tenances, including fire .hydrant. (brief des:cription of project) 1 o.c'a te d at 13811,Poway Road, Poway, California 92064 poway, California. This Not:ic2 of Accep~tance is' executed, u.nde'.r author-ity of a dire,ctive from the POWAY CITY C6UNCTL. I;;' 'L"la:...<j'..;,r;i e K'.o' ,\~-"a'h',Ls"tE.ri, 'de c'J.:5..f"~' ;;:'.r:~..le:r, pe\~::aljt:y ,q:f E.e'-r 'j".1.i.r'i'i.; -en a. t :1' ,am, the City e,i,";rk o'ft:h'eC'l'TjY QF pO,WAY, that: ;r 'Cain 'faiili1:'<i:a'r,w7f,th 'tlie, f.ac\:s, ,s:ta'te-i "':;;n' 1;. 1re , )~~9:'li.?g6'i:flg, }fqtl",c~ oif 'Ac"Cre'p,t.a)1,ce e'xecu',te',d for. ,an. on be-hatt o:.f ~~.a-id CLTY.., andt~h'a:t I h.a;'y:~ r.e,ad .-th~, ff'die'5J:o'ing Noti'.ce and know the con'ten'ts th~reo.f to be t~ri~o July 12" 1982 Da'ted:, j (DPS~IO/81