Notice of Acceptance 1982-217607 GJ Pleas",e, re:cordfor' /~e.?~o: RECORl)INGREQUESTEDBY City' Clerk, ',,' ,CITY' OF POWA"y. P. O.Box 785 P'ciw~ay" CA' 9206'4 ) ) \ RE,CEI VED r- -) AlJG ,3 19~2 ,c:ITY: OFPOW~Y' cn): ClEI'lK'S, QMICE \ . . ;J. / 7 b() 7 ';" ,_RECOf)DEOiIN~" " . Or,FIGI!\LRECORDS' OFSAN DiEGO ,COUlln, CA, . . ~ ~..' ',,;::......, 'I ,!98Z JUl.l'5 PM 12:37 'US\f::;"'A'L "l Vh'" I ' J_.,L;;f:.; . H.I,L.::- ,cO,l,""TY f'Fr'QRnE"R . "." "-~ "::...J NO FEE & -fer "I' J: C::-E- o F A C C E P T A, N C, E llo:tice is hereby given, that di!" project khow,n ~s ORCHARD OPERATING ,CO. 6",WATER MAIN, (Projec,t Name:)' .,;', for which IMPERIAL SAVINGS & LOAN..ASSOCIATION '(Name of the'Owne'r) eii"te're,d int"o" "STANDARD AGREEMEN,T F"OR CONSTRUC'NO'N OF WATER SYSTEM '." has ,be,en comple,ted in :accor.d'ance 'w,ith ,said "A'gre'e!l1e'ntll an'd has been ac'c,ce:pte'd a's ,part of 'the CITy'I,-S ,s.ys:.'tem Io.r continuo-us' m'aintenan'ce' .and o'perat-ion -by !:h'~ 'POW'AYCITY COUNCIL on (he 6th day ~'f, '. July , 1'9 st. Sa~d proje~t consists of 611 WEt-tar ~1ain c.... (brief: des,cr:i'p,tion of proJect) loc'a,ted' at the south';sicte of Lake 'P6way Road, 'ea~Xt of E'spola Road ,po-w,ay.", Ca.Ti fbriliia_. This Noti'ce o,f-' Accep:tance is. eXP'cll.,te:d '\.lnde,r a~1:thCJ'r-ity of.a di'rective from the POWA Y CITY COUNCIL. ~,;, "!i_~~rJr?\r_J,~ K.. ,\JC!h~~.~\~~X~:", ~:~_.q~j',.a-rl7: u~I:1:fte'-r 'iH~n_a.~Lty' ;.9.~~ :p,~rj;':l:-ry;" -tha;;t,~. ~~ oartL t,ne' Ci'ty 818)'.k. o:f, .t"he, C.,",Ty 'OF POy/A:Y'" tha't' I "am fam'iI'i~r,wi'"th .the facb; ~_s:ta\fe:d i/'"n, 'tlJe_" ffoi:-;e~g'oiri}i' _Nc>'.t'-~-,ce 'o.fiA:cce~:;t:.a'n.ce e~,ec,uted rfo-r, 'an on be'h'al'fl o'f .s!a'i,d CI,',T,~, i1:hd t_h.:it: I" hav-e read, ,the -f.or,e90in,g Noti!'ce a,nd know the ,con~ten'.ts, -----t::h-'?-:;."~0-:l:---t~':'.--:.h'?~t-~,'~C>. _- - --. - -. Dated: 'u:uly: 12,,, 1982" 'm ",,' ~.J!.. ,iVuL&"~ M'a~ie K .Wahl's>1:en " ..,-.1 0t,y, Clerk ' (DPS-IQVSI