Notice of Completion 1981-169997 :Recoraing RifQ~_ested'.by ol / 0 \lEC'O JUN 2, r.; 1961 . .' 1;-1.69991 t'.PAGENO, 8 "BOOKI981, ' c\ttORDED REQUESl OF ?iif',t;;f~ I:lff~IC\'.{,L f.IL.Cv.RDS ,,"Ii IllECO COU.;H, CA. . 'VERA L, LYLE .FiECQRDER . I 'I 1 1$. WJlell RJtc,orde-d'M.ail fo: PqWAY HOMES, LTD. ,. ,9,ti~Q :Qti~~ap'eake::qrive,: :Sy,f1:e :2,n: ,.5ilnRiegQ .C~ nfqi:nia.~Z)Z.3 , '.' , , Oider"~.o. Escrow','No. ". , .. ~4.00 ~~lJ. , , ~ ' ~ , ~kl ... SPACEABOVE'THIS UINE;'FOR RECORDER'SUSE'- ,~",iji) .. ",-/ NOTICE. O,F.' COMrLETl,QN .- . NonCE'lS HEREBY GIVEN THAT: - . -.. - ~ 1 ~' ,The undersigned is;owner 01 ,tlle,:interestor estatej;tate'd.below in the property herei,nafter:,descri_bed, i. Th,fu~tNAME,ofthe.underslgned is ,P6:Yla]H,(liii,e,s:,L:f,d.""a,L.i,mtt,e,d, '.P:ar.tn:ers,h,iR . ' ,', ' , ' , 'p' '. . , , ".' ' 3 The:FULLA'OORESSof ihe'undersigned is.,nZ,O ,C,Ii:e:s'a,pe,ake:Dr,iy,e" ,?y.i.t,~,..2.r1", ;San. 'PI:e9,O".. CA9ZM:3, , ' "'>.'. ',,' 4'. The NAiuRE OFTHE TITLE of iheunderiigned 1,,'.ln !~eX~'fX,XXXXX:X:X,XXXXXXX:X:X:X:XJ:ft,XXXX,XXXXX,XX?XXXXXXXXXXXXXX (1,1. olller ihan' fee~'SIj-ike "I n'.'fec'. ,and'inscrt ,.10 rcxal11 pIe, "'!lurchaser'-lJ nd,er,; ContI <lct 0"'\ Purct1ilSe, "'of "Lessee. "j 5', The F U L'L NAMES and' FU LL ADD RESSES;O ~IIAL~.:P~ RS'ON'~~it, any ,who hold t,tfe'wi'tl~' the ~'rid~rs;g-j~~'d'a~ 'j"oinUe}lants or astena~tsin. cqmmon':'are: NAMES .AOO,RESSES , , ,N/A:, '6, rl)_~ names:ef the'P,REDECESSORS;,in';i'ntere.st'ol,lh~ lJ"nd~rsigfl-~,d"if tIle prO!lenY'was,translerred:subsequeilt',to the cprnri'lellc.emenl 61 thewerk 0 (illlpro~elllent\b ereln referred;' 10 arc:i,{l 1,:110 ,tfallsf.tif rnade, i'nserl, "nolle.:"} NAMES ADb RESSES ..,.... ..,.,. .,.... ,.".',,'.. . , , , , 'No:he, .,' ' , , . . ......... . . . . , . . . .,' ".. '. ~,.c ;' . . . , ,. '. ,. ".' . . 7. A work,of improvem'ent.ofl the p,rop-eity Iler'einafter described was COMPLET.ED on . .S:e<p:t.~~P\b~.r:';. .Y.97.9. ; .8. The'nameof the. CONTRACTOR, jfan'Y".fo(~'uch wo"r~.,~(;mprovement was: (d no.conffactor for,~wo-rkiOf improvement as'a whole"insert '~none~"l , , ,~1<,fI ,Equ,ip,m.ent , 9. TIle property, on w!,ic!l said work of improvement:was,completed"js in the City of. . .R.o,~.ay!' . !;,' COlJf1'iy of. .~'~r). .Q.i:,~gq : , . . " . . , . . ';'''. .'. . . -;,State of California '<Ind i's:describl;ld <I_s.'.lollows: . , ,eASA ,REAL ,I'QWAYUNI:T#l,. .L.o,t,s .20l,thru .275 , CountyofSandie.go, ~St'a.teofCahfornia, , accord'i n'g to Map thereof No:. 8885 . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . ,- . .". . . . .'. . ....". . .'. , . . " " . . . . . . ","':', ) , 'I \ 10, TheslreeFaddress of said propert\(is.:,:(lf !.lo..slfee! i1ddfeSsdHls been assigned, insert "noiic.") '12408'".1.2405 Laj a Dri ve Wl,90c14983 ,Amso ,Street" ' 14910-1491S Conchos Drive S1ATEOF CALIFORNIA l ( (VERIFICATION) ...,. .,' .r....... .he ha5 foad :hc sa!l1c.aGd~ Dated .Ap.rirT , V , )981, \ S5. (If this \\Cltice is'executed by a' corporation, lIse 'form ..b'elci.":'V a'nd affix ~orporilte sean. I I I iol - . ' .1_ (SIGNATUHEol owner narllcd'm p';Ha':!f.1l)!l,"2. AI~o'siYr\ i e've:.!lic;.a~i,?~af'iYlii',~I. xl" '- Tti"e,undersigne'u', bein!-l'f1rst.dlJViS"NOTl\,:says:~That.he is:an,officer, 10 ,wit, Roway,~:Hoine~; L t'd, <iLinli tedPartners'h{p' . ~ ", "" By :,. S~n" M~rcos OeV,e! otmjelltGompar1Y . ~ON _'.y'.:;.. ._~. ' ,~;' .'~~,,......:..':: :....L.:. '':'': . '~ ~ . . -' ';.. ".'. . 'B' ""1' ". ;"k f (Owiler,'nanled, InParagrapl;l 2',;if a.corporation) , - -,- - '-i<, to)."p,rrl1n;n~:wR,ciYiPn,~rJt;~er o( thhafores~ld interest or estate in the,prop"",V '(Seal): . . .';-::' . . :.. described in ,the 'foregoing NoticCe;;'e)(.ei:~{ted,~\'i;s-aid c~orporatfon; that he has readhheisilm-e; afd knows,' thecontellts thereof-, and' tha't ,t~e facts ',tl~,~r~in 's~at~d are true of':his :own knowledge ;,.tl1at he makes, 111 is verificallOllifor, and on, behalf of said' Coi-"poratiqn: ',n. ','_ ."... .'.... Jon ~. Shakespeaf'e su BSCRIBEO~AN D'svib RNTO~BE FO RE ME SIGNATURE ,,' C:'?I ..-~k"...,.....,. \ - ...~~ .-W._____.r'"__~~ ...-.........l..".\i.l~._.'" <_~~~"'.!...~ ::"ijf~:~ ,-...~I:'r~~:.~..', '-, ," ~". ,-- '.~:.'v~t~.' ,'.'.....-... I......~t~..\.:,'~ii~~~, \.: ....t..: ",:--'...';'J ._. . t\i4,~:'t;I.;t:). ; ... ..1 .;-"1, .., '. . . . "~~r..:I:rra'1"" _" ''',Ii " ,."uo >,; ~,1., : . ,~', .,... , ': ,,,,,;;~~..Ji 'C_' . '';" . :'I"!,~.-;t~._\.';'1t '.~ ~"~"'.J,:;"<,'r'.~:..-"~:~~!:<, ~,:~' .~, ~\..:::,,{~~::....~~.~. 'v:: " ......,r'.l. ......./' _.",~ '..... '-.. ,., "0".. . " .-. .-'t. ~...'"_ "o'~ r-' l~'" -( . ~,;.. .'.. : '~..l.....-~"V'"' ::' ".~ r. ~:' ,_' ' .;:~'~~. ,. , ~,__.u~_ ."", _. ~ - ,i. "'''''', o. -.-. ........... ),IAJ E 0 F CAkIFQ P~~lIlf\Is 5 GO U N TY OJ SAN on GO) 191'2' April 1 gfiL, Notary Public in and-for Jon S. SQQke5~~~re , k n 6'ilil 'to bet 0 be the , respectivelyof~.whHomes. Limited , the ciorporation that ex'ec,uted the with,fn in,st.rumen,t, '5ilid per's'on(s) bei~g known t,o !lIe. to be the perso'ns' 1'1110 executed tll'ew.{thin i1rl'strument, of b'eh'aJf of sai,dtiJl'poration., sa'i,dcorpo;ra:tion bein,g knovin to me to be the gener,aJ pa,rther of the li,mited p:artl1,ershi p 'of POI-!ay Homes, ud" t,he li.mited partners,hip that executed th.c )yjth'in instrument and ac,- 1::llo'W'ledged to ,me t,hat such corpo,ration 'executed th'e s,ame both iri,diViduilny illid a:s th'e gelleral part'nerof s'ai'd limited p:art'n'er'sh'ip aild that suc'h li,mi ted, partnership al so ex:ec,u,h'.d ttie same" ' On th i s2A1h.... day 0 f , a so'na'llyappeared, be fQr ~ me" Ka th 1 een M,. Fi tlg,e.r.ald__ s a'i d C'o'un t'y and 5 tat e" per - . j!~ ~){W. ~~"-1 Ah J~ ~~. h ' _.L a:tJ p~ / ' 'fAd '. i'lo'airy P'ublic in and f,' aid c.ou,n,ty and' State' ~~;';~';'''.''..''.';''..''~.~'\."':'...'"1.''.''~'\.~".."",''~ " ....'!~Q ......,. '\ ~: :,~ .,QfF:tCIAl" :.("'-l"'. :. ':~,""i-~%: " KA,WlEEN, M, FITZGER,~,,~D ~ ,/,,~\.f-~~~';:;)~, NUf/\!\y PU811C. ~~~lt:~t\NIA_.,'J :.' . :;;';';~Y" PRINGJf'f.t (JUICE :IN ~ :'~ ~'07--=-B"/ tM': D\r.l.;O t:OlJNf.'f Z. .::: ~y. ,C!JIT;riljssi(\n'Expj;c,~':'O':!Jb~r 29; .1'982 ~ !'ft.'\.....'\. ~.:.~"" ~ .rJ",'\,"o/' ..~ ....<;';,. ".~. ~.. ~'~',:..: . ._.,~....... '\.~....." .~;;.. ,\frY Ins.s my h and and 0 f fi c i a'l 5 ea 1 , . ,:..Tt::W,~t'.:At ,....;.1.. . .r:-l~L~..._.~...~~;..".. ll'.':~"..l" i -',,'~;Jti~', :4 '01.. . '" . ~ ~ -.-.-.,- '" ~ " .._-~ - -~ -""---- '~ -::::- ---------- ;- ----- -.