Grant of Sewer Collector Line 1979-524117 ,,/~ fi,:.",',e> , "', ,/ ",' /" " , MAR'Y, 1:. SHEPAR-OSON, PRESIDENT JE'AN'~'l, HARRIS, VJCE,,~RES. ~RICHARD~G; COURTtER ._~~R~~T.oR ANTHONY 'S.;.CREIDER. DiRECTOR, JOSE':'H .R. ME!'Il?~LS'ON 'DIRECTOR ',' -~ - ~~::~ POM~BADO COUNTY W,ATER DISTRI,GT SEWEF,l SERVICE P,O, BOX 785,POWAY, CALIFORNIA '92064 13202 POWAVRD,- 748"3935 -566'5140 ORGAN'IZED JULY 18, 1957~~ .., <1 J;;;. ROBERT W MEISSNER,SECRETARY-MANAGER ("" ..A l) GLENN E. PRENTICE-ASST. MANAGE~ V Or ,. JACK L MANN-ATTORNEY ITLCflVED ~ JACK Y,KUBOTA-ENGINEER :EB 22 1980 0 Otnsrado C Wate; It ,OUnty , Istrlot e ~ ,,' SS S~ATE OF CALIFO~~IA ) ,COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO ) I, Robe,rt W. Meissner, Secretary-Manager of the Board of Diiecto~s, of the Pamer ado Cbunty Water District, County of San Diego, State of California, hereby certify that I have compared the foregoing copy with the original Resolution No, 80~35 passed and adopted by said Board of Directors, at the Regul a r meeting thereof Novemoer 8, 1979 at the time and by the vote therein stated, which original Resolution No, ,80c 35 is now on file in my office; that the same contains a full, true and correct transcript tljere- r\ -,,/,-... fr,om and of the wbole thereof. Witness my band and seal of said Board of Directors, this ---9.ih ,;~, ~!Wljltr;f'- - , ,,1,, ", "'1 ~(-::~~:~~:~!~:.~i;'~ ~ ' 79-5.~~~.J..: ~ ",,;..- ",,~,~o :'.,..-. '. #*", "" "\0 - -----, .: ~..,,~,. 'lIy".""",."lppG'C,r,'~ - :::..~',)lrjel.,nlr,.~n ,~'1;..-':';-' ~'-Jtl\' ~Ol:~ ,,'" [. ='\f..r"",~,,-. "#,,".~' JI'".'...~\\::,.-,\IJ:. ::: "",.. ., '!i,'... ~ ~,'...~ ,,~l":::D. RE.li,-'....;;< I. - l.~;;i; .;~f:\Q t.)(,;,Yj-:I.!''''}c" "0,."" ,...~ ~ ..v~" ~ .I1.t., ,lj,. . "'.." - . \":',:,~'",.l.,, if ,," [I :- ".- if'l.\ "' ." ,,' u '1~ "',':', ~~~:,;';;~,~.,"' U~~\ ~ \048 ~r1 , "IClI>L p,,-cORDS Orr R},tgBE~~(:C/l\:.lf: ',st,ll w,,~o , ,.-....' day of November _,~19-:J.9_ " , I ! ~ ' - " ~.dJ.dL-tf fl\ R, W', Meissner, Secretary-MaiJager of ~he Board of Directors pomerado County Water Distrjct NO r-:::: ; >C. . ,i ~.. ;300 .' , RESOLUTION NO. 80-35 RESOLUTION OF; THE; BOARD OF, DIRECTORS OFT-HE .POMERADo COUNTY\\:AT.ER~DlfO:rIrrq]APJ'!tPI'ING AND ,,\CCEP[fING 'THE GRANT OF ,THE1SEWERfOYSTEM' TN ",AORIAN-'TEMPU,EXTE NSION,u .. ,",' , WHEREAS, July' 26, 1979 pursuant to ResolutionNQ.' ,8,0-9 the', Pom~rado Courit-y Water ',adopted . ' Dis'triet :has entered iii,t6"an.. agreement with ,Four Flags West. 'lnc, I for the construction ofa public sewer system Adr.ian - Temple Extension in the proj ect known as , '"and, WHEREAS, Four Flaos West, Inc, Ilas submitted a 'plapfor theconstruct:ion of 'the sewer systein in' the project which 'has --'--been approve'eJ by Pomerado County Water DistLr-.ct; and, WHEREAS, tl)'e"sevrer~ge, ,system has been constructed in accordance : ~- wi th District speci f,icat:i'ons a,nd tJ::e ',D<;,vel()per. has ..feLled and, re,corded a Notice of Completion on ' Oc'fober l,"19,79 .' NOW, THEREFORE" ,THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE 'POMERADOCOUNTY WATER DISTRICT DOES HEREI3Y,RESOLVE AND, ORDER AS FOLLOWS: Section 1: The Grant by Four F,laqs West, lnc, of the public sewer system in Adrian Temple Extension is @..ccepted j;ht,s" d"te. Section 2:' A copy o~ the Grant is attarlhed hereto and in- corporated here"Ln as Exh'ibi,t "A". PASSED;ADoPTEb~D APPROVED THIS 19-.22., by the following ,roll c'a'll vote:-- 8th day of November " .~ ~ . ...... ." ij.~,T - ii: t.. ~.. 1';./''......."....'.(' :' ...').t:~,,\Zi~~~,~,'~../..... 'iT" ~ir,(AWI'l;f!~.. .j. ." : .)~"".,"'~,,' 0,<,", _ , -',' i: ..~li.i'"R.lJ c -~' ~';", '~...;t.. ~ ~;J,~~~l~,~~~~: ~ -< -,".~.,"-"'=, , "." .,,~ 1'<" '" - 'l-r ,T~.~';!'l::..' ':\lo'r' ,', - 'I' --:~--;s."'.;;'ft,~/;i.<t,l~,:.~f:,\~~ .: ;:','::' , ,...." <" ,..~ ,,-,"- . 'i.~.~-':'Jj~d:,..~....~ ,.. ;-.r --:.. . '-;;~~;~.:~:~;1;.,... "('SBi'\.'l1\)~;<> . "'-Tt'!T-" AYES':' NOES:: ABSTAIN,,: ABSENT,' ,Directors Shepardson, Directors, Nori~,', '.'''' Iiirector;:; None,' Director's None' Harris, Courtier, Creider, Mendels~ ~ - '." -----' a'~/ ard 0 Directors II'ATER D\STH I,CT ATTE8.T: ~y~, Secretary, \3'o,ardof Directors POMERADOColiid'y WATER DISTRICT _ h _ u ___. .___" .~__. '_ ..._----.>.'--. ';:-.o---",=-.:-'-~-=__ _,.:.._ _-'. ,.~~~~";;=_.:s.:..._-=.",,~=-==-.." - '"- :..,;.._..-___::'=-.:;...,.__n'~_~~.,.~.;;; _ ~. ~,;,fI~r .1~=L.:7,X,'_: 11:'= ii'~.-ll t:'t1. ~~ ' . ';O'--'-~ --II'-;-\' 'rr~-~.~. -.---'}'-1 .:- h-=--.\.:..~10 l '.1. \ I. ,L'.!~) t." L ~ ~ 1 '.. P,O" 8'0), ,E';, i3202 P.oh'ay ,R ' P0\1a'Y, en, ~2D6L , 30J D}=LJ:.E ;rT.~2)Y, T2'::,;:5;:-~ ~ j ,:':',):: j~:l:--;= - SlOc rl: e=; is c ~'Ub".""gE:',DC.Y of thE S"';,1.= of c.l:.,. PSSESSOF '. .<iRCELNO, ~M -e,- . . GRANT 'OJ SEWER COl LE;(TOR LINE ("GYilFtOr-'"j. ha5 caused a, s5~5tem of sew~r; ]i ~es and' appurt"nant fa dl'i'ti'es: for the ,coHec' Elan bf se\\'ageforconsumer use to be constructed in the, real property located in the Counjty of :San Diego, Sta,te of California, as more comp']etely described in the Improvement 'Pians, approved by pomer-ado County Water District's Engineer on 1(;1 -,;l't(. - 'It:, 'bnd enhi,led '''78-M;di-tf" - Ctl21f!:JIJN , $ew&e. &)cr~OJJ /?LA:y$ ao copy of ,whi ch is on file i,n the offi,ces of thePome'rado County ylater Di stric,t (Oi strilct,), PJW HHcREAS', GRANTDR des ires servi ce from "Di's t l'i ct "i n accordance wi'th cU1Tent District pohcy as set fOl'th in District, Ol'dinances ilnd Resolutions, receipt of c:op.ies is acf~nowle.dgedby GRJl,NTOR, and GRAI\TORhereby app'hesto DISTRICT for sel'vices under 'tlie.pi'6\'i'sionsof (Ii? above mentioned policy and has offered to dedicate for DISTRICT use ~--------'---- " t!-;e sewer 1 i ne systenl l'eJet;17ed to ,above; \~r(E R~AS" Ji~tf3 ~S to~r7;h.;a, , " AND WHEREAS, the plans, and, speci ficati onsfor, CO[lstl'udSon,of the s.ystem have, ' , . been prepared by an Engine.el',-;hcense'd by 'the 'State'O;f CiiTiforn'ia' and areacceptable"to , , "'DJ STRTeTa no have beeni nspectedand ,approved by 'the ',DJ STRI CT 'Engi neer as' conforming to _, current 'DISTRI eT ui tel'i a for s'{JGhprojects: , Jl.ljO HHEREAS; 01 STRI CT hasi nspected and accepte'd. the system as co'nst ructed oS conforming to OJSTR1CT uitel'ia and, the apPl'oved plans and specifications fOl' construct'i,on; AI~D ,iHERE.~S, DJ,SJRICT h'a's approved acceptance of theoedicet,ion of the sai d sys,t:em to OJ STRJ CT US,E: NOli, THERE FORE: ,,t:Vtt.Ii:- ~_~t()~L., && ' " "(GRANTOR) -.-..-i.Q,' dlYd in consi.d.el'ati'on, or the' s'um',of One Dollar (',\;-.1,00) and.'other valuable cons,i:dercl'tion pa.i,d by. PO/'jERJl,DO COUNT); "WATE'R, oiSIRl'CT, ,a public corporat.ion" receipt of which is hereby '.adnoi~l'edged; do'es lieYei5j 5'e1'1 ,gl'a'nt, con\!ey, tl'ansfe17" assl'~m anddeli:vel' to'sa,i:d 'pOr:,ERADO COU/HY,IAJER 01'ST RICT"i;tss uc:ces'sors,.andas s',ig'ns" al"l d:g'ht" Il,'t)e, :o\'lllel;t',i p , ~'Qd, tn.:\~x~~J__YD. ~a..cn9, to s ai d s)'s tern of ~s'ewer._ 1 i nes a'nd appur'tenarrt'"" :fac'i:li~t-i~es--p'i.i\~s.Dc:n,t --1:0 thep.Iansand s'pecifications on file ",ith the POJ"ERAOO COUNTY "lATER DlSTR1CI, , ] N l'fnNESS ,'iHEREOF, the GRl\N,IOR nas executed, th,i s document thi s ~ >,,-r .d,ay of ,~ 19 7L.. . .:. ...:;'l- " '\. ..,~"j , j", ":.'- L ....... l/;:--:ib. .. ....-:.'t?..; '9'0 n-" "O'.;sti;,. .- ........~~ .I~ ..~V-A\S, . -., :,~~il"t). \,~j\ '~~"'~~ . -:.~,~ O(~~li::;fi'\ '.~)[:: ::. ""'S.. -~..';~, '::<-f,.O. i,f)i, ." pl..lI7(".:::-~'J;..~ll':~-n" ..~' ; ~:~ On ,i'~"1 ::.{T'". '~ :,'7"" -.\..,. C'T" .1Jl. ,,.. ~ ~"'....;o.L. s~., t :. ".,,~~ . .J i-'~" , .-. ....., ,~~'e~' ~ '/l'~.t',"'!:..Il ",~.~. '" If"" ,'t:l\C( ..'. ,<.'" f ::-~. .#t'r'~~.oe~'o~;;~\;:~~;'..'" " "['I '~' . GOrpOI-,c f',i,Qnf(j f'CJ~'pc';r~d ie. .-..,." ' '* I,I, seal must be a ffi'xed, ~ COI ~ l1) 0+= 'i~',~ l~; S ;:',-0 lat l.:= ~./ .E ~~V1 ~c - 'u ~ ~ :>,; E ~--E "" 0 f-;u " On _November_l 19]3~. before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and fOl' said County and State. personally appeared W. V. ORfer, Jr. Known to me to be the President, and ~._E..~Hub.e,[ Known to me to be the SeCletalY of the corporation that executed the within instru- ment, and Known to me to be the persons who eXfJcuted the within instrument on behalf of ttle corporation therein named. and aCKnowledged to me that sIKh corporation executed the within instrument pursuant to its By~LJWS or a Resolution of its Board of Directors. . Corporation ACK1,)owledgme.nt STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF I ss 302 >- c: c c.. E o u WITNESS my hand and official seal. CT.J7 ~~< ~~', "'~...' ~, '~'_.." : ~ ,." ~ . ,;'., ~ ~ "p '~1:"'" Notary'Public in and for said County and State . Notary Seal OFFICIAL, SEAL J LAURIE KRUSINSKI NOTARY PUBL!C M CALIFORNIA , SAN DIEGO COUNW My C'Ji.:~1. expir~s !IUG 5, 1933 / .....~~~~J