Notice of Completion & Acceptance 1979-514902 ,Re~cording requested ,by: " .... ~......... :E?way M~nic~~a~ water~ict P.O. Box, GAB, , ' , ' , lot.. Poway, Ca'lJ..fornia, 92064 L 0 d After recbr21ing,return to: poway Mlinicip'!t W,a:ter District P..o'.. B'ox 3"18 po~ay, Ca~ifornia 9206"1 } ) ) ) ) . ClI ) 1&I )~ ) 1&I ), () J' 1&I ) a: ) , ) . o co, en - <::> .~ '2: 'c::[ --, a u a '" :E '" '" ~ o Q" ,ill, NO. :29':",514902 ~ ;:1..", 000K .1979 a RECOR,OEO REOIlE51 ijt , I p~Wt"ba^--~t' DEe 7 '155 p~ '19 , OFFltl~LRECORDS 'RECORDER" SAN mEGO COUNTY, CALIf NOTICE OF: COMPLETION&ACCE~TANCE NO FEE Notice is hereby given that th~'project known as' CONNciLEFIREHYE>JlA~'):'<EXTENS'ION' 'TO SERVE TPM 15406, (project Name) TIM J. CONNOLE , (Name of the Developer) entered into ",S'rANPARD ,A,GBEEMEN;T ,FOR CONSTRUCTION OF WATER SYSTEM," has ,been completed in accordance witlisaid "Agreement" and has been accepted' as part o~the District's sys:tem for continuous maintenance and operation by :tpe!BqARD OF DIRECTORS of POWAY ,MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT' on the 4th 'dayof' 'Decembet'-, "1979 -. - ' -- for which Said project consists of ins+uding fire hydrant. 6," water main' and' appurtenances, ,(bd,ef descriptfon of project) located at Old stone Road, wes,t of romerado Road, ,'Poway, California. ..._,..,___~_ ,_ ..._'___~_.___._._ ._'n. __."___.___,_.___ This Notice of compl~~o~ &Acceptanc~ is executed under authority bfa 'diredtl.ve from the Board" of 'Directors of 'Pm'lay MUni-, cipal 'W,at;er' District. ,t, l-ll,\RRX BARBER, declare under the ,penalty of perjury that rai'ti'tne GENERALd";A.NAc:;E~ of t11.e POI!;AYHUNICIPAL ~1ATER DISTRICT, that J: am fa.miliarwith the 'fac,ts ,stated ,in the foregoing Notice of Com'"' pietion 'and 'Acceptance executed for an ,on behalf of said agency, and that I ,have read the foreg()ing'Noti:ce a:nd'know the contents thereof to, be true. ' DATED: December 5 , 1979. ~F~d HarrY'Bar~r~nera1 Manager ,:/ i (2/79)