Notice of Completion 1979-258130 '\ Reco,rding requested by:_, POMERA~? COUNTY.WATER DI.....CT An d_whe,n_Fee,eOrded-ma-i-l-i;e-;-.. POMER1mo-COltN-T-Y~\\'AT-ER-Ill STR I CT .Jl-.,Q.. Rm' 7-85-,-ED,\\'av. CA 9gQG4 !! # ~~~ at 'J7?-7 ~ t-r NOTICE OF COMPLETION .f: "., ' ~~ C!-o.l..: J 1 o? ~ ZNOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: c7 '"-l' CJ' .~ ' ' , cr ~ , \ 385 '. ... { . '119-258130 , ~ILE/PACE HO., ' , COOK .1979 ' , RECORDED REOUEST QF :j\P.PRe5SEE , JUN 2.\ 2 29 f~ '1~ OVfICIA~,~ECI!ROS RECOR[)~R . SA" DIEGO COUNTY. C"!.'I'; ----~ . L..~1:he_jlnder1?1ogned_is owner of the interest or estate stated below $3.00 in the property hereinafter'described. - - - - ,'- , 2. The nature of the title of the undersigned is: (In fee) (easement), etc. 3. The, full names and full addresses of all persons, if any , who hold title with the unde3:;:n.eq as joint tenants o~ as tenants in -common are: ELljltl!/LJ. m/ou 1i5::fh/~# ~~ ~M /l4.A~il1l,.t/ / "I' .D~.' ././.H'et< / , The names bf the predecessors in interest of the undersigned, if the property was t:t;ansferred subsequent to the commencement o,f the work of improvement herein refe'ried to: 4:: 5. A work of improvement on toe property hereinafter described was completed on \ ) "","<" 'I S- I q 7 &f 6. improvement was 7. The work of improvement was coinpleted ,in Po vJ-4'f County of San Diego~ State of Califorriia, pursuant to an Agreement between Oo,,-,}f<..D J.... (<R/.j ....~IL (Developer) and Pomerado County Water District which was executed on II Gee.. 7)( , and is described as follows: sewerage system for subdivision improvement plans, , approved and filed by the San Diego on . and en,tit led , . i's als'o on fil'e 'in Water District. " ices of the r~ ;cJM ~ ~::r: 1, Ie' . ~ ~ " " rP'-~(, ,-A~ 8i.;'1p/f"\..Q 1- .-11;d2.,..,'VcdA1:'w..."J'."JV'.'\h "".. , " ;iJ;'p'-~., SJ.'US(~R,.:(;{iJ AllD SWO~ TO 8EFOREME ~:~,',~:.'~! , F, ,n, P A~ '~t ~:~:LD :: ,.~,\ ~IS - IS< "!:C!i- 1.7 . .\\..<. ,...,,;1., NOT IUgUC,', '.'-""" ",' ' ,~ ......... ;:;'''l'tj .' ..' \. . , II, ',.., . . ,,--..... .~...119..... :- '3i0",;.J1, """ C' I ,',. ~" ..". f/" q(,~'O;;~ J, '. '.. . ..: ~ .. ~ "II DIt.GO COUNTY . ;~'; .m..... ,. .......~,..m..n_t!:'~..n._n, '. My CommISSIon Expi,'cs Au 11:;! 23. . 0' ~l ~r!'..rl''''rI'''''P''-tl II .1..32 . NOTARY PUBLIC _' ~ALlFORNIA . . .. ..'.. h "b""~~".\C'"".....\:.,;,(,,,,~...,,-J, _ _ :,' "r- .