Grant Deed 1960-2407 ~~--:-- ,-"'- \' \ .....;.;1 ~J'iO-SD.57 r .:....:~;::;r-_- ,/ ~<>c~~~~ _ -\.. 1\ I j:'4lU~ ~ ,/ ~~ t'dAffix By this instrument dated NnvAmhpr .3Crth, 1 q59 ~for~a valuable consider.tit:::' U~ ~'I ~~ ~ AJ!.bert' M. Reynolds and Lalla Reynolds v' . ; /(J 'I: 80ft>; . husband and wife as joint t.enants fI ; ~ / I -t..-?- '0 Di strict, a state agency ~: GRANT DEED * v<t:.~ 959 I hereby GRANTS to Pomerado County Wat,er' '1. l '. - 960 -'--~';'--.::-- -' - --- - --. ! T',"8 IS 'j. ",- " convey db"" ',-,.c...;,": 'l ~ ' ~'d ' , ...:ac:~ _ e y~t e" d' Q- ',' -." " ~"~'.li oel e<" -' .. ,- , '-<!"...':'7~, "'-<!t? ee oJ:-,.erant dated&~'8<,,~eal P!,o]Jerty BICT c_., ,M}.__ - <1 ' .. ,~" /9.5 5' 'L . a County w.1, T"'~ .V..-,.,4,",_ "',cu lJOM" ,I, I :,..'-, '.. - -u.f'J,:'om .uo'ar'd of' Direct ~l,e.!' l-1~y.:3t!'lot. is hereJ.b-l ,. .I.. ..~GS1'i .l-~:l'ER DIST_ con 01 S cn --L :;z.;./s-;c <:l ), '0"...'; ,," ". ' sents -to tb~ /:,,:-- ,0. _~4-~ --/ ..~: ..:....L r;y Vrdor 01'" . -4. :0..;' ... :reoO.::d!;..L.i. J ' -~..!'24~.;5/ 1 vS: . .. ,..... "'-0'n l;1181'eoi' b ., . - - ., - -, 'l.nd th.. : DA.T~D- ,.tl!?c.-~ /) J l' ,Y 1:':1 eu r :'IU--}.'" ... G'.!'2!1tee ~ .'. ....,....~-.c/ 7'fP '/0 -0 ", <, ",<'-n~8d 0""'" ":.' ----";"'---.u...____::)._C./.~: 7 ":".1.1. C 3.1',. " ,:.,p~O"CO~U1l1)-: V.:ZA'; B D IS :! 13 '. '; '''>'( TRICT ':.. , --~~, --....-:0~..8&~~/i . Secretary: ..'..'.'........; : "-... - . - .'- --- -.---i,-----=--..... '._,' ---..... ,. -li; , STATE~OF CALIFORNIA } ,COUNTY!OF ' SS, San Diego. " oo,d0- S~ , v~ "!o/!-b_-/9S7.b.fo",,m., the und~tsi9nedi 0 Notary ~blic.~n i{d tor, said County.'end State, p."on.lIy~.pp..,.dAlb ert M. Reynolds - ~ ~~':,;~~~~'h ~. -' ~ - . . - ,- '. T ,and--'[,~:Ua R. Reynold's ...'" i ~S !V' '. , ,.:\\,\1 ".": ,'../..'1 ., ( (' / - , d' .t 'knJw:.~:'!.~;.'!1'8:!O,~~r~..p.rson ~) 'wh~~.e neme II~~ ~~~ .s~~scr,be I . 4~-'~~~r~t~i~~,ist~,~~~!.' .~nd 4~k-nowled9.d to me,that h./sh./t~ey ;::I!:xe~ut_e~"the:s!!l:!~: .\,? ~ :=': ~::~ '.It.r'':f'J,,\~,',,!.,\':\~:: :';1 ~ tX'{ITNESS;,~, heriGnJ:l Official'"I~al, ~.. ....... .....g. "t"")- '" (~eai!)!'_ . .~. lY.ti ~ f G.E?RG~ J. RUSS_ , " "..:1?;;..,.I . :,.'... '"'.i Cgmm'SSlOn Expires OctgO" 27, 1961 '. ~~,i::~~f;~~~y~~,..,.., ~~~'\~~~.. ...,. SPACE- BE[OW"FOR ,RECORDERSi uSE ONLy '! :,/::)P'f,{iWt.T .~~='-""': '221(i..? PO/0.(;',pA J:J n . ' l~ 7t>3 - j)'{)WA 'r )'JD/,lj!1 y , ( COOf,/Tf- Wj/TF~ J)IST""!' Ihx FILE([~g~D~~' AT'REQu'Esi'o~":: m_'h_~L~';'$-t JIl,N 6 1960 AT ~q .. Cj ~~Rr, ~~MI~U~~~~' "~6t OFFICIAL RECORDS ! SANOIEGO COUNTY"CALlFORNIA ROGER N, HOWE. COUNTY RECORDER "'?u) .~~ AFTER RECORDING'MAIL TO c/U IF- - -., . . ,""'.':. ~ ...,1 . · ,'" ' 'J), () Ie, Ol/!',Jf, ;yi!J vV ' .,-&~'~ -- n easement for the construction, operation, and maintenance of, pipe lines, and purposes incIdental thereto" over, under, 'upon, ahd ,a:crossa:l1 those portions of the Southeast Quarter oJ' tJle "Northwe::;.'t Qu,arter, and the Eas,t ,Half of the' Southwest Q\larter of Sec,tion 12, Township 14 South, Range 2 West, ,San Bernardino Meddla:n, ,according to the, United,Stat'es Government Surveya:pproved Noverilb'er lQ, l880,and those portions of the NortMas,t Quarter of the Northwest Quarter, arid the Northwest Quarter' of the Northeast, Quarter of 'Section 1'3, TownShip 14 South,Range 2 'West, San Bernardino Mer,ldian,:acc(jrdirigto theUrlitedS tates Government $urvey '. ap'p~oveci' - ,August 29, 1890, all in theCotinty of San Diego, State of California, lying wi,thin ast'rip of land 10.00 feet of even width, said 10.00 .foo,t stIjlp lying :5.00 .feet on each side of the following described -center line,: J; ---~. ,,", ...., \'H'~r".~,-~:rr;' . -titi--- . .~ t~~~~t\~, .P=- I'm. . J~ , ~ ~ I -;. , Begiriliing at Eng::lmeers Station 14 plus 96.98 P .0,T.on ,the, cente'r 1:1.ne cifthe CoUnty Road as shown on the Map of County Road ,~urv,?y No. 1587; a Rla,t or";h,ich ls oofi1e in the Off:l:ceoft;he , S,uIjveypr ofSarl Diego County; t~ence along said center lin~",North 1'. .54" 00'" East :805.',92 feet' to the beginning of a tangent, 1000..0'0 foot radius curve, c,onCav:e Westerly,' thenc'eNortherl,Y along:, the, - . . . .~~ arc of said curve, through a central angle of 6. 45' 41," a dis'tarice ol')ifl:.Ql feet; thenc,e tai-igen t to said cury,~, North 4. 51 j 41." We~t 240.:,66 fee,t 'to -:the; beginning, of ataligent ,1000.00 foot radius curve'; dohc:ave Easterly; thence Northerly alohg the arc of sa:l:dcurve" throtigh .a 'ceritfalangleof 4. 31' jO"adista:rice of 78.97 feet; thence t<j.ngent to saotdcurye, North o. ;20'll"West :?203.2l' feet to't;he be- ginning of a tangent' 1'006.00foo1; radius cur\(e, concave Easterly,,; thence Northerly along the arc. of said curve, through a. central angle'of 6,. -35'30"a distance of 11$.05 feet; trenc"e tangent to said' clirve, Nor'tfi 6. 15' 19'" East 232 . 86 fee,t to th'e begfii'ning of ,a tangent '1000 . 00 foot radius curve, concave Westerly; thence North" e,rly iiAong, the' arc of said' curve, through a: centre:1 .a'ngie 0 f 6. 35' 45!'a q-1:,stance 0.1'115.12 feet,; thence tangent to sa,id curve, North O. 20-' 2$" 'West 1266. 54 feet. EXCEPTING FROM the above described 10.00 foot strip of land, any portion thereof lying within the boundaries aT land now de~ \~/'- dka ted to pllblic use. , ~~J J RI' .. y&, ~ ,/'fdZ- ' 'J ;~, 15, K "l'" - \ 6J) - ~ ---~----