Subordination Agreement 1981-291038 ,~. '- ~'?;' ~ ~." ,~ ,.'" .... of' ,,' , ... " ' ,,' ;,,;' ..l..' ~-: - ~~ ,~, ~ '" 13,4 "~'-., .. v{-~ - 2 9;1 ~ ~ 8 v'~ ~"'''~'''' e"L. Ji~.'c:..~..' .'~.' R~.)~c'<'\h\) FllE/PAGE'ND.. ,,' , . ./. ,':, '-."'. ' . '-I:,. RE . BOOK 1981 '. - Retu.r;n to: /d,15 -oi,30,~U} c;o.RDEp REQUESTOF- , '. /~~(l.~~.k:.- / /SAFECO TiTLE IIISUM~CEC(jjVji-'ANY &ASSOC:rAU',~" PiC Sou'~ Q vS~.f u 1/ o2AH'RI . 9200 8 sA~~[llfdtttu~~~~ti ,VE'RALlVLE . RF-r:OR01=R . i+.."'......";,..;. After Rec.ord i:ng, j '/O,OD sfID:E /Ku B OTA P', 0:. B 0;(' 1095. CAR1SBAD,' CA 'FTle No,' Cc 6 2130'5' IProjectNo. P -HO 1 NO FEE ~ BOR'DTNiH ION A'G REEM E'1{T NO FEE REQUI~D PER GOYER~Jr"'ENT. CODE stCTION 6103 V--;ANTA FE FEDERAL SA\IJNGSAND LOAN, ASSO,CIA-T.lON:,. a corpo;ra'tion holder(s,) of the b:enefi dal' interest in a d~ee,d of t'rust dated June 16, 1978 F i Ie N.D. 78-26'2834 , and r;ecorded J!-lDe2'3, 1978, as 'o,f of,'n ci a I Records. 'i'n the County of San 'Diego; State of Califor:ni'a, affecting the he':r.etnafter de.scribed,real property in sa i d Cou.nt'y and S ta te, HERiEBi s'ubord'inate(s) the encumbrance, Hen, :or c'ha'r:ge of said deed of t r u.s t to the ea s'errl'e'nt ove'r sa,i dl aD q c;onveyedt.o CITY O'F POWAY V" by Instrument re'corded ,Julv 31. 1981. as: File No, 8] "?4?fi7fi , and AGREit that for,eclo:sure or other enforceme'nt .of rights under said deed of trus,t 'sharI 'not affect s'aid ea'sernerit. The e,a;sement d,escribed:i,n this agreement aff'ect.s that re.al pro'pe:rty in t'heCounty of San Di!':90, S,tate of Cal iforni,a., described as: -:. (See,atta'ched Exhibit "A''') r- _~ D,art ed t'hi s 2 n d ,d a'j' oJ, September , 19~. ": ; SANTA F.E FEDERAL SAV.lNGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATI N, a cor oration .--r; ',!.>-. ; BY;: ,0, (ACKNOWLtDGEMENT) By: . . 1 i I STATE OF i:.-II.lFUR'iI,1 cou,',n of_~gdAe~/NO 1/,t.../J'1 , } SS J349 ~ SAFECO " . 0. " - rijr:- llt'f'lle 011 me. the \llldf'r~i~ned. a_Not;lI\' Puldic III and fror ~aid CIIUllt\' and State. Iler."flnally aprt'3.r~d ~RnL 8~_ knuwn to mt' to! I,p the~e._I're"jdt'llt, and kllH\\'1I tu Ill!.' to II!' S':<:n'lary nf the "(I!l'foCltiuJI that c'u:r'llll"! tlH' withill 111.~IIUl1Wnr. kllrn,n In me In 1.(' t)w J"'r'O!1S \'I'!in l'x':(,lJt,~d th(" within IIl,.trlllllt'nt 0111 llO'halr of Ilw ('ol"l,oratillll tlll'l','in II:lIIP:d. ,11101 a<,kllowl(:,J~"d to l1W th:lt "t)l'll ,'ol"f",r:lti'm "'-<:I'llll"J I)\(~ witl,iJI illqrulllent pur"lIant In ll" !'y.luw" or a rcso!lltirJll of it" LO~Hll uf ': din:l'tor'S. ", ~ N FOR NOTARY SEAL OR STAMP , . '" c ." ii C " o L' OFFICIAL SEAL lINDA M PAINE NOTARY PUBLIC - CALIFORNIA SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY My comm, expires NaV 18, 1983 -~ ~ u <(, rxllLt.~ '>no ';#~ .en cj S;~!lat\lre o lJ_o. ~ " '7cii -~ i ,," . ~,fl"' '~,~ ......... " . .". ,,' . ,. " " t ':'1 , . J. ,I ',' ,I. ~.: .; ~ ,,; t '.; ..;:~ . . ~ . 1350 .'. NO HE REQUIR!':D PER GOVERNr,1Hl( GODESfCTlON 6103 EX-HIS I T A ALD.OO FOpT WIDE S(WER EASEMENT OVER HIE WESTERLY PORTION OF THE FOLLOWJN.G DESCR.LBED 'U\ND. T~AT PORTIDN OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 25, TOWNSHIP - '13 SOOTI'I,.. R~NGE :2!WE;ST, SAi~ BER}iARD,LNO,'o1ERi'DJ.AN., IN Tl;IE C.ol'JNTY OF SAN 6 I EGO, StATE .OF CALI FORN'j A AC'CORDjNG, TO ,UNlTEDS,TAT,ES ., ... '. ' ' ..... . ~ . ',,'0 ~ GOVERNMENT SURVEY THEREOF AND SHOWN' AS LO'T 1;3,<) OF Sl LVER SADDLE R'!l:NCH ACCORD I NG TO MAP THEREOF NO.. i478" FJ LED IN THE OFF I CE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER, OF SA ID SAN DIEGO COl:JNTY NOVEMBER 9, 1972. JENS.EN SEWER EASEMENT TO, THE CITY OF POI"AY P-81D1 " - ,- - - ,- . j ;:.' ~ , , . . , ,'. . , .;t... ' -.- .. . -- ,., "f ':" ,; ~ , .'[ .. ,',! " .~;. . .. r=Qlr/('!j::Ol\MA7JO!~L QijLL__ 5/LVE;f :lADDLe L4NE ..._~ 11'1 C/L~ F;G=( .5 {)t)~E /~A/'yL~:! I . wtr, L/#6-:--'>- tOT /39 . /-/40f7 nFOFQ5ED 5t"f/VE/f - "" /k/A;D7/7A . EA5EMEIYT:J '. \ . '.' '---t /'-- /'141 \ ./' I i:;/: , ' I- . . ,J '- -'-l~ .. . , . 5C;4?~: . 1:'/SltA. ~./ .!Ii' . 1~~6 frJ5reli .:A4LBACf-l /VCLttJN -i gj \ V . \, t94R 1f?4~ C . P.4~..5 c:J /1 /PI-F. . / 11 t:J "') 7 .sF; In\ L- _L L I In I L/ IL/\.../ .13'rONECAN'rtJ/v KOAO ,........,..- - JetJG5N ' . . QEWCR EA5eME:lvT TO THE CITY Of POWA r .,)UN61; ple! , . "