Subordination Agreement 1981-291037 ,.. ), '.( .....-:.r "~' t' i ~"~'7"'" ,~~ ~. ~.i;.. t... ;..~' ~ f',-:: ~ ,P \; .'" , 1 : /81 ~ 291 0 3 7 1345 . .. / "75. ; 30-20 FIlElPAGE NO. ... b . 8001' /98'- '.. 'After Recording, Retu,rn to:. ' /~hQ~~~) .RECOROEOREQUESTOF. &:!lSS:9C;Lf!TE<S', RN.G ,&>,,"n\ v1~r 1iCOI:r6;)IAtt'~BN!E CQMPANV ''''-' ... . 'OFFICIAL Rl:CORDS ,SAIl'DIECO COUNTY, CA: Fi.l e No .'C-6,2L305 /Project No, P-S1o..l LVtR~L'LYLE . .. RF./'iORlltR NO FEE /'0.,.ilitm ~ E","t. . , v' --*~. ~~w. R,t) \.l~ ~/ '. .".. . NO FEE REQUIRED Pt:R GOVERNMWl . . SUBORDJ,NAHON AGREU1[NT CODE SfCTION 6103 ~NrA FE FEDERAL.Sl:.VMGS, 'MD .LOAN,~5~SOG)A'TtO,~. a.cor:poration' M,O 0'0 S'Wr/KU BO M y,.:O,.,~g;X 1095 -, cAMsBAD C'A' ..' ,.' , ~f20 0 8 " holder(s)of the bene;'f'ici,al'interesttn ad:e:e;d,of trust dated . J.lpr i I 25,. t978 (i l.e No;, 78-17 5'944 , a.nd recorded :May?, 1978, as of, off'i ci a I Record,s in the County of San Dieg'o, 'S.tate oJ 'calif'orn'ia,af(ecting the:hefeinaJter described real property in saidCount.Y and State, HEREBY subordinate'(s) the, ehcumb,rance, Yie'n.; or ch,arge of said de.ed "'"----""'"'-"- , o'f trust. to the easeme:nt ,o,ve'r: sai d land, 'co'n~v'e,yed to' '. CITY OF PO.W'A Y . , V' by! ns tr ij'm en t recorded July' '31, 1981 , as File No" 81- 2 4 26:76 , and AGREE that foreclo~ure or other enforcement of 'rights under ,sa:i'd deed of tl';.ust sha II not affect sai d ea,semenL The easement described in fhis agreement .a,ffe,cts that real pro'perty in the C'ounty of San D,i.eg'o, Stafeof Ca lif6fni'a , described as,: ,. (;Se,e, <!'t,taChed Exhibit "fA."') '.. :.: D'a t e d t his 2n d day o'f Se pte!JltJer 1'.9 SI ',.~' (ACKNP~L[D~[M[NTl SANTA FE FEDIRAL SAVINGS AND LoAN :;:S';L~Z~ I3Y: \ ~ " t t., -. ., 'i th.: llnd~l~i!.::IH.d, a r",'ota.ry PlIl!li(' in :llld fnr ~ai,j r:l,unl\ 1111d .-::1;lk per!<ollnllv al'l,eared _l(/l.L(.t2~L6..L.I/I1 _ known tu me In l'e tl,(:__,~LC::6:._I)r{'~jl!.>nt. alid_ known tn Illt: to h(~ Sl'I'ITtarv of till: "'Irl'or:ltill!< that PX("'lltp,1 lilt, within IIl~tnllllcnt. knn\\'n t,~ me Iii Iw thr l'el~(IIl~ \\110 t'"\t'l'llll';j tIll' withill lli~tlllnwnt nn 1,,'k11f of the ,",IIJ"lIatioll thnt>in nelllwd, ,1I1'! iwknnwledl--'fCd to IIH~ thilt ~1Jr h nlrJ"lI'ati"1l e"'>"lik,] lh" wilhill ill~trllllll'llt r'Ur~llant to} it" 11~'.bw~ 01' a rt:"o]lIti"t1 of ih I!oard III ~~, direct'Jl'!<. M ~ " ,; " '5 " e ji u ~ o u '" -< vi (') ~~" ~g, :in . -a " 'iii- ST.ITE OF L\I.lFtJll\IA COUi\TY tJF_..JA~LfL1I1Leb//vo 9..j,tjH On ~ Signat\lft> (~./?l~~ )JJ. YlU)U'. . // 1. 55. I 1346 hdrl]'/' Illf:'. . m SAFECO FOR NOTARY SEAL OR STAMP OFFICIAL SEAL UNDA M PAINE NOTARY PUBLIC - CALIFORNIA SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY My comm, expires NOV 18. 1983 ~~..~ . --.\ . .' :~I ;,' , .. -' - :\ . . , . , -f ~ . . , .," " t.!__ f. . '.... " c . 1:347 . , . . ,NO m REQUIR~D PER GoVERNMUi1 . . CODE sECTION 6103 EXH i BIT A A. 10.00 FOOT WI D~ SElYE,R EASEMENT OVERTHEWES TERL Y PORTI ON OF THE fOLLOWING DESCRIBED LAND.. THAT PORTION OF THE SOUmWEST QUARTER OF S'E,GcTION '25, TOWNSHIP 1 !/S,Q,UTH, RANG.E 2 ViJ'S I, SA~! BERNARD I NO, MER:Wn'AN, I N THE COUNTY . OF SAN DI'EGO, STATE, O);'CAL(F.'ORNIA .[{C'CORDING to' UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT SURVEY THEREOF -AND SHOWN AS'LO:"- :13[9 'OF S I LVERSADDLE RANCH ACCORDI NG TOMI'I:P; THEREOF NO. 7478" ,IOI,LED I N THE OFF I CE OF T;8E. GO_UNlY 'RECqRDsR OF SAI D SAN DJ EG.O COUNTY NOVEMBER 9., 1.972. JENSEN SEWER EASEMENT' TO THE CITY OF POWAY p-.8.LO 1 .... 'C',::-' - - ~,...~ .......-~ "':1.-:, ','; . ,'v> . ,.~:.. , " , , -.., . '. . ,-- ." . .',r . ~' ,",' " '... "1" , '. . . , roIf:JtlEQJfI'rJAll,q-^{~otlfL___ 6/lVE;f' 54DOLr LANE ~III \./ / L, ~'6CA?e- .,' 11,&;[Je; I' , 1'---"'8 , /_/4{;/7 rlf:uFCBE D J[fVt;/f- wtr. '. ;rvt-1' b 74~0 'f EA5EMEN T.5 LINe -::::-----' / / /5 [,01139 ,. I F=Q . ~ IIfjl F ,PI1I1./~11 ';['1,5 /....//..../LL 'j,\!---If YG H .10' dff?locl';/ /V5re/\ :)AWACl-1 - '-- NL'ftVN '\ \ ,) \ ~. ~ - -;j- I ., ). PAl? It91R C P)1ft::' ,J IO/I'P/~'F /,-l1 /::::J -F) 7t=)J-") n'\ L- L L / //-11 L./ / L./\..../ ' ;;..-,-=.~----'""'"'" ' :'.' , tyrONE CANYON RoAD 'Jqy55N ' ,Q~WE.f< t:..4:5e:ME./VT rOTHE , (;;;/TY or powA! , Jt:{N'6 .~. /'18/ .,.,..