ACFR FY 1998-19990 W-117-f � vf� qnw! Tr- lwl&q4ajw9jqAR 1 0 • 1 I CITY OF POWAY COMPREHENSIVE ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT FORTHE`YEAR ENDED NNE 30, 1999 1 1' Prepared by: f Department of Administrative Services Warren H. Shafer Director Andrew R. White Finance Manager CITY OF POWAY Comprehensive Annual Financial°Rdport For the Year Ended June 30 4999 TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE 1 INTRODUCTORY SECTION Title. ,., . .... ....................... ............................................................................................. i Tableof Contents ..............:......................................................:...... ............................... iii Principal a Officials .......................................................................... ............................... vi Organization Chart .....:..:.....:.... vii Letter of Transmittal ix GFOA Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting .......:.::..................................................... ............................... xxii CSMFO Certificate of Award for Outstanding Financial Reporting xxiii FINANCIAL SECTION Independent Auditors' Report ......................................................... ............................... 3 Required: Supplementary Information ( Unaudited) ......................... ............................... 48 Combining. and Individual Fund and Account Group Financial Statements and Schedules (Supplementary Information): General,. C omparative Balance Sheets ..........................:......:.:............. .........................I..... 52 �• Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balance - Budget and Actual ................................... ............................... 53 iii Co_ mbined Financial' Statements ( "Liftable General Purpose; Financial Statements"): Combined Balance Sheet - All Fund Types and Account Groups ............................ 4 Combined. Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and' Changes in Fund Balances- All Governmental Fund Types and Expendable Trust Funds ................................................. ............................... 8 .� Combined Statement of-Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balances - Budget and Actual - General, Special Revenue and Debt Service Funds ...... ,..................................................... 10 Combined Statement of Revenues, Expenses, and Changes in Retained Earnings - All Proprietary Fund Types and Similar Trust Funds ...................................:......:....:......... ............................... 12 Combined. Statement of Cash Flows - All Proprietary Fund Types and Similar Trust; Funds ......................................................... ............................... 14 Notes''to Financial ; Statements .................................................... ............................... 18 Required: Supplementary Information ( Unaudited) ......................... ............................... 48 Combining. and Individual Fund and Account Group Financial Statements and Schedules (Supplementary Information): General,. C omparative Balance Sheets ..........................:......:.:............. .........................I..... 52 �• Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balance - Budget and Actual ................................... ............................... 53 iii �.J CITY OF POWAY Comprehensive Annual Financial Report For the Year Ended June 30, 1999 TABLE OF CONTENTS FINANCIAL SECTION (Continued) PAGE Special Revenue Funds: Combining Balance Sheet ..................................................... ............................... 58 Combining Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balances ..•...•.• Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balance - Budget and Actual: Fire Protection .............................................................. ..............................: 800 MHZ Communication Systems ............................. .............................:. Gas Tax Fund ...... ............................... .......................... ............................... Street Improvement Fund .......................................... ............................... . . Drainage Fund ........................... ................................... ............................... Maintenance District 83 -1 Fund Miscellaneous and Grants Fund Community Development Block Grant.Fund..,.. .......... ............................... T ransportation Development Act Fund .... ................ • •. • •..........................;,; PropositionA Fund ....................................................................... .......................................... ............................... Royal Mobilehome Park Administration Fund ............. ............................... Low and Moderate Income Housing Fund..... •... •. • .. ............. •.. •.... • Debt Service Funds: 62 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 Combining' Balance Sheet ...................................................... ............................... 78 Combining Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes Fund Balances ..............::....:........................... ......................I........ 79 Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, , and Changes in Fund Balance - Budget and Actual: 93 Cityof Poway Fund ........................................................ ............... I............. 80 City of Poway Redevelopment Agency Fund ............... ............................... 81 Capital Projects Funds: 100 Combining Balance Sheet ........... .......................................... ............................... 84 Combining 'Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and 101 Changes in Fund Balances ................................................ ............................... 86 Enterprise Funds: Combining Balance Sheet ........ :........................................................................... 90 Combining Statement of Revenues, Expenses, and Changes, in Retained Earnings .......; ..........:....................... .............d................. 93 Combining Statement of Cash Flows .................................... .....................•.•....... 94 Internal Service Fund: Comparative Balance Sheets ................................................. ............................... 100 Comparative Statement of Revenues, Expenses, , and Changes in Retained Earnings .......................................... ............................... 101 Comparative Statementof Cash Flows ................................ I ........................... 102 iv • CITY OF POWAY • Comprehensive Annual Financial. Report ,• For the Year Ended June 30, 1999 TABLE OF CONTENTS FINANCIAL SECTION (Continued) Fiduciary Funds: Combining Balance Sheet . ............................................................ ' Nonexpendable Trust Funds: Combining Statement of Revenues, Expenses, and Changes in Fuud Balances PAGE 106 ....................................... ............................... Combining Statement of Cash Flows ...................... ............................... 108 109 ■ Expendable TrusfFunds: ' Combining Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in-Fund Balances ........................................... ............................... 110 Agency Funds: 124 Combining Statement of Changes in Assets and Liabilities ............................. 111 Account'Groups: 126 ' Comparative Schedule of General FixedAssets by Source ..... ......... ......... 115 Schedule of General Fixed Assets by Function and Activity ... ......... ......... 116 Schedule of Changesin General Fixed Assets ' byFunction and Activity ................................................... ............................... 118 Comparative Schedule of General Long -Term Debt, ........................................... 1 STATISTICAL SECTION (Unaudited) 132 ■ General Governmental Expenditures by Function - Last Ten Fiscal'Years 122 .... ..... ...... ....................... ........ ............ General Governmental Revenues by Source - Last Ten Fiscal Years ............... 124 General Governmental Tax Revenues by Source - Last Ten FiscalYears ...... I ......... 124 Property Tax - Levies and Collections - Last Ten Fiscal Years 126 ' . ......... ...... ........ Assessed and Estimated Actual Value of Taxable Property Last Ten Fiscal Years . ...................................................... :. ....... :..: ................. ......... 128 Property Tax Rates - Direct and Overlapping Governments - ' Last Ten Fiscal Years ................................................................. ............................... 130 Ten Largest Taxpayers ...................................... .... .... ............ ..:....... ............................... 131 Special Assessment Collections - Last Ten Fiscal Years ................. ............................... 132 Computation of Legal Debt Margin ..................... ......... 133 Ratio. of NetGeneral•Bonded Debt to Assessed Value and ' NefBonded'Debt�PeuCapita - Last Ten Fiscal Years ................ ............................... 134 Ratio of Debt Service for General Bonded Debt to Total General. Expenditures - Last Ten Fiscal Years ................ ...... ............................... 135 Direct;and Overla pping -Bond,Debt ..................... ......., 136 Demographic Statistics - Last Ten Fiscal Years.. ....:. ....... ............................... 137 Property Value; Construction Activity and Bank Deposits ,• Last.Ten Fiscal Years ............ ............................... .. ......... ......... ......... 138 Mi scellaneous Statistics .................................................................. ............................... 140 ' v 0 CITY OF POWAY City Council LI Mayor Council: Mickey Cafagna Bob.Emery Jay Goldby Don Higginson Betty Rexford Appointed Officials City Manager James L. Bowersox City Clerk/City Treasurer Lori A. Peoples City Attorney Stephen `K Eckis Administrative Personnel Director of Administrative Services Warren Shafer Director of Community Services Robe_ rt L. Thomas Director of Development Services Niail S. Fritz Director of Public Services James R. Howell Director of Redevelopment Services Deborah A. Johnson Director of Safety Services Mark A.: Sanchez Vi ift no CITY OF POWAY ORGANIZATION CHART Redevelopment and Housing Services Citizens City Council Planning Commission Redevelopment' Agency City Manager/ Executive Director City Clerk/ City Couricil Treasurer Attorney Committees Administrative Services 1. Personnel 2. Customer Services 3. Finance 4. Data Processing 5. Support Services 6. Risk Management 7. Capital Management Community Services 1. Leisure Services 2. .Lake Operations 3. Aquatics,Center 4. Performing Arts Ctr 5. Old Poway Park 6. Library Development, Services 1. Current Planning 2. Advance Planning 3. Building Inspection 4. Capital Projects 5. Land Development 6. Engineering Inspection 7. Traffic Engineering Public Services 1. Fleet Maintenance 2. Water Supply. 3. Sewer Pumping & Disposal 4. Water Distribution S. Wastewater Collection 6. Maintenance Control 7. Street:Maiotenance 8. Drainage, Maintenance 9. Facilities Maintenance 10. Trails & Open'.Space 11. Park & Landscape Maintenance 12. Special District Administration Safety Services 1. Fire'Suppression 2. Fire Prevention. 3. Paramedics 4. Law Enforcement 0 0 [This page intentionally left blank] i I tITY OF POWA4 MICKEY CAFAGNA, Mavor BOB ENIERY Depui� May:u JAY GOCDBI', Cuuncilmember. DON HIGGINSON, Councilmemher BETTY REXF,ORD, Connctlmemhe� November 30, 1999 Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council Poway,'California This Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) is prepared, in.order to provide you and the community with a comprehensive report of the financial transactions of the City of Poway as of and for the year ended June M, 1999. Responsibility'for the accuracy, completeness, and fairness of the report rests with the City. We believe that the data, as presented, is accurate in all material aspects; .that it is presented in.a,manner designed to'fairly.set forth the financial position and results of operations of the City as measured by the financial activity of:its various fund'types, and that all disclosuresnecessary to enable the reader to gain the maximum understanding of the'City.'s financial affairs have been'iiicluded. . The significant accounting policies of the City are described in the Notes to Financial Statements. These accounting policies have been approved by the City's independent certified public accountants and. are in conformance with the recommendations of the American Institute.of Certified Public Accountants and the Governmental Accounting Standards Board. This report is prepared following, the guidelines set forth by the Government Finance Officers Association of the United States and Canada and the California Society of Municipal Finance Officers. In accordance with the above - mentioned guidelines, the report is divided into three sections: L Introductory . Section - including this letter of transmittal, the City's organizational. chart, and the list of principal officers. 1. Financial Section - including the independent report from the City's, certified public accountants, the combined financial statements, notes to financial statements and supplemental statements. 3. Statistical Section - including other pertinent unaudifed financial tables and information that',presents historical trends, demographics and miscellaneous data about the City. ' ix City Hall.. Located at 13325 Civic Center Drive Mailing Address: P.O. Box 789, Poway, California 92074 =0789 0 (619) 74S -6600, 695 -1400 FAX 748.1455 0 Annual Financial Report November 30, 1999 Page 2 0 The Reporting Entity and Its Services Included within the City's financial statements is the financial information of the Poway Redevelopment Agency and the Poway Public Financing Authority. Although the entities are legally separate.from the City, their financial operations are closely related thereto. Their activities are .includedwith the activities of the City because the City Council serves as the Board of Directors and is able to impose its will'.on both entities. There is, therefore, a financial benefit/burden relationship. This financial presentation is in accordance with GASB Cod., Section 2100. The City of Poway was incorporated December 1, 1980, under the general laws of the State of California. The City operates under a Council-Manager form of government and provides the following services: public safety (police and fire), community services, development services, public works, general administrative services, and capital improvements. The Poway Redevelopment Agency was,,establishedApril 26, 1983, pursuant to the State, of California Health and Safety Codes, Section 33000 entitled 'ICommunity Redevelopment Law." Its purpose is to eliminate blighted areas by encouraging the development of residential, commercial, industrial, recreational and public facilities. The Poway Public Financing Authority is a joint, powers authority organized pursuant to the State of California Government Code, Section, 6500. The authority exists under a Joint. Exercise. of Power Agreement dated October 8, 1991, between the City of Poway and the Poway Redevelopment Agency. Its purpose is to assist in financing and refinancing projects for the benefit of the City and the Agency. Economic Condition and'0utlook Poway, from Indian words meaning "where the waters meet;" first gained prominence in the 1800s as an important link in Southern California's stagecoach network. Now the City, a thriving, civic - spirited 1. community, is located in the coastal foothills.of San Diego County just twenty miles north of downtown San Diego and three miles east of Interstate 15. The City of Poway flourishes with a family oriented population of 48,277 and covers 39 square miles with elevations ranging from 450 to 2,250 feet above sea level. Poway incorporated. December 1 1980 as a full- service general law city governed by a council of five members -at -large serving, staggered four - year terms. In 1990 the City had its first mayor directly elected by the voters.. The City absorbed existing special districts as of February 1, 1981. Water, sewage disposal, fire, paramedic, parks and recreation, planning and building, street maintenance, and redevelopment services, are .provided by the City; sheriff services are contracted through the County of San Diego. ►Y ' Annual. Financial Report •; November 30, 1999 1 Page3 ' Poway has been popularly dubbed the "City in the Country. Poway has set aside over 65 percent of total land use as open space, nearly 3,000 acres of dedicated public open space, 345 acres of developed parkland featuring community parks and centers, and 60 miles of riding and hiking trails. Home lots are often larger than in mostbotherareas, with a median value of $244,318. Poway is predominately a single - family community, and the Poway Unified School District - -a top performer in the state and nation - -is a source of great pride, as is the fact that the City has the lowest crime rate in the county., As ' part of San Diego County, Poway has 'a relatively dry climate with frost -free temperatures over 300 days per year, and rainfall of about 11 inches which falls principally between October and April. The average daytime temperature in Poway is about 74 °F. The expected population at build out is approximately 55,000. ' Poway's local economy is based primarily on automobile and transportation related sales, general merchandising, industrial park wholesale consumer products, and retail sales of food and gas. Having the third highest median household income of $62,748 in San Diego County has helped fuel the dramatic ' increase in sales tax revenues over the past two years. An increased volume in automobile sales has led the way; and with the continued development of the business parks, there is great potential to expand other sectors such as business and industry and building and construction. The year 1999 saw the continued brisk expansion of the Poway and San Diego County economy. We estimate that the rate of activity may begin to slow in 2000, but overall land sales, construction, leasing, ' and job growth'will exceed 1999. The past year has seen the addition of almost one million square feet of building construction in the South Poway Business Park. Jobs�have grown by 95% with more than 10,000 people now employed in-the South Poway Business Park. Construction of an additional one million square feet of building space is anticipated in 2000. The South Poway Business Park will continue to be a major growth center for San Diego County. ' Maior Initiatives .For the Year: The first step of the Water Treatment Plant Upgrade was completed in the fall of 1997. This phase of the project included new filters, upgrading all chemical systems, and installing new state - of- the -art computer- controlled electronics. The City will complete the final step of the plant upgrade by, replacing the floating cover on the clearwell in February 2000. The total capital budget for the water plant upgrades is $10.7 million. During the past year, the City rehabilitated three potable water reservoirs. In the upcoming yearan additional two reservoirs will be rehabilitated. The City of Poway Operations Center renovation was completed at a cost of $255,000 and reopened on May 26, 1999. Over the past 20 years, the City had outgrown the facility and decided to renovate and ' add additional space. xi 1 9 0 Annual Financial Report November 30,.1999 Page 4 The construction of the Gregg Street Reclaimed Water Reservoir was completed in 1998 at a cost of $1.95 million. The City gained a new prestressed concrete tank for potable water and the conversion of the existing Gregg Street potable reservoir to a reclaimed water reservoir. This reservoir acts as the terminus of reclaimed water pumped from the City of San Diego to be used throughout the South Poway Business Park in Poway. The completion of this reservoir will allow the delivery of reclaimed water, which has been a 12 -year goal for the City of Poway. Currently, the City has 44 connections that deliver 200 acre -feet of reclaimed water. In the next year, the City anticipates an additional 200 connections that will deliver an additional 300 acre -feet of reclaimed water to the business park. During fiscal year 1998 -99, the City completed $1.1 million of street maintenance including overlay of arterials and sealing and repairing residential streets throughout the City. As part of this project, the City repaired 52 concrete areas at a cost of $100,000. The City also completed the Espola Road Widening project located in the vicinity of Bridlewood and Old Coach. Espola Road has now been widened to its full width of four lanes for approximately 5,000 feet. This project was completed within the approved budget. During 1999, the City received $203,624 from the Community Development Block Grant Program which was applied toward a housing service program, public street pedestrian ramps, the housing rehabilitation program, and renovations to City facilities for compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. For the Future The outlook for fiscal year 1999 -00 is another year of major capital improvements constructed by the City and the completion of several of the projects listed above. The City will be widening Community Road from Hilleary Park to Poway Road. This construction project includes completing an asphalt overlay from Poway Road to Twin Peaks Road. The budget for this project is approximately $1.26 million. This project is part of the City's street maintenance program, the purpose of which is to improve arterial and residential roadways. The City will be master - planning the improvements for Pomerado Road between Poway Road and Ted Williams Parkway which will lead to the ultimate reconstruction and full width improvements of Pomerado Road. The total cost is $6.8 million for this segment of roadway with a potential $3.million project in 2000. The City will be reviewing its street maintenance program and looking toward continual improvement of the arterial and residential roadways. The Brookview affordable senior housing development was awarded an allocation of the highly competitive State and Federal Tax Credits this fall. The Agency will also be providing financing which will make construction of this 102 -unit complex possible in the spring of 2000,. with completion by summer of 2001. We also expect to complete the developer selection process for the,Breihan family development which will include a transfer of the Agency's interest in the adjacent affordable development, Haley Ranch Estates. An Exclusive Negotiating Agreement will be executed, and xii Annual Financial Report �. November 30; 1999 Page 5 negotiations will be initiated for.a Disposition and Development Agreement with the top ranking development team: We also expectto,initiate discussions with the owner of the Gateway site to explore the feasibility of developing additional affordable senior units. The Agency has the funds.topurchase additional affordable housing sites: Accordingly, we expect to initiate discussions with the owners of the two remaining properties that have: the Affordable Housing (AH)Overlay Zone designation. Wealso will be evaluating the potential,forestablishing a multifamily acquisition ° and rehabilitation program. The City will also be completing Master Plans for water, sewer and drainage systems to determine a capital needs plan and a maintenance` plan for the next ten to twenty years. ' In early 2000,.the City will be remodeling the Weingart Senior Center - kitchen, with a project budget of $180;960, and undertaking its extensive 1999 -2000 facilities maintenance program. Accounting System and Budgetary Control The City's accounting records for governmental fund types, the expendable trust fund, and the agency funds are maintained on the modified accrual basis of accounting. The modifications to the accrual basis of accounting are described in the Notes to Financial Statements. The accounting records for- proprietary funds (water, and sewer) and the nonexpendable trust fund are - maintained on the full accrual basis of accounting. Accordingly, revenues are recognized in the accounting period earned, and expenses; are recognized the period incurred: In developing and evaluating the City's accounting system, consideration is given_to the adequacy of internal accounting controls. Intemal, accounting controls are designed to provide reasonable, but not absolute, assurance regarding (1) the safeguarding of assets against .loss from unauthorized use or disposition, and (2) the reliability of financial records for preparing financial statements and maintaining accountability of assets. The conceptof reasonable assurance recognizes that the cost of a control should not exceed the benefits likely t6 be derived. The evaluation of Yhis cost benefit relationship requires estimates and judgments by management.. All' internal controlevaluaiions,occur within the above framework. We- believe'that the City's?intemal accounting - controls adequately, safeguard assets and provide reasonable assurance of proper recording of financial transactions: xiii 0 0 Annual Financial. Report November 30, 1999 Page 6 Financial transactions are continuously updated in the City's computerized financial reporting: system, and all managers have instant access to the current budget information for which they are. responsible. These financial reports compare the budgeted figures to the recorded transactions and compute. the resulting variance. These reports form the basis of the budgetary control system which allows for the timely review and continuous assessment of the financial position and results of operations. Additionally, an encumbrance system is employed as an extension of the formal budget integration. The estimated purchase order amounts are encumbered prior to releasing the order to a vendor. Purchase orders which would result in an overrun of balances at the functional level are normally not released until budget transfers are approved by the City Manager or additional appropriations:are.authorized by the City Council. Open encumbrances are reported as reservations of fund balances at year-end. The level of budgetary control (the level on which expenditures may not legally exceed appropriations) is the individual fund level. Other financial reports available for management and legislative review-include monthly reports of investments and capital improvement projects: At the. end of six months, a midyear report is distributed which assesses the City's financial position and results of operations and projects activity for the remainder of the fiscal year. The interim reports form the basis for the budget projections,for the upcoming fiscal year's budget. A budget review committee consisting of five council7designatedcitizens annually reviews the City's financial operations and budget controls. During fiscal year 1998 -99, the City for the second time adopted a two -year budget covering fiscal years 1999 -00 and 2000 -01. 'In addition to the traditional midyear review process, the City will complete an extensive, review process at the end of fiscal year 1999 -00, to determine if any adjustments to the fiscal year 2000 -01 budget are necessary. Financial Highlights of 1998 -1999 The City continued an aggressive capital, improvement program administering 184 new or continuing projects designed to expand and maintain the City's infrastructure. These projects were financed using redevelopment funds, the reserves in the General Fund, and special revenue funds. The City's investment policy is reviewed annually for changes in state regulations and is approved by City Council. The pooled investment portfolio balance increased by $10,442,613 or 14.6 %, from the beginning of the year to the end of the year. The portfolio's increase was due to a combination of factors, including the receipt of $6.8 million of'bond proceeds, and higher property and sales tax revenues related to the overall continued strength of the economy. Major changes in the City's investment portfolio include a $3.2 million increase, in the State Local Agency' Investment Pool, a $3.2 million increase in medium -term corporate notes and asset - backed securities, and a $3.9 million increase in U.S. government securities. Rfi ,. Annual Financial Report ' November 30, 1999 Page 7 Since =fiscal year 1996 -97, the City has had an investment - management agreement with Metropolitan West Securities, Inc. Metropolitan West Securities, Inc. actively monitors the portfolio and advises the City of various investment straiegies °that assist the City in meeting its stated investment, goals of (1) safety of principal, (2) liquidity, and (3) return on investment, Financial Statement Analysis General Governmental Functions 140 u 1e Governmental fund types include General,'S,pecial Revenue; Debt Service, Capital Projects (City of Poway, Poway Redevelopment Agency„ an(f Community;Facility_District), and Fiduciary Fund Type Expendable Trust. Revenues For the 1998 -99:fiscal year revenues for governmental fund'types and the expendable trust fund totaled $52,264,3.15 as compared to $53,192,159 fonthe prior fiscal ,year - -a decrease of $927,844. The amount of revenue from each revenue source and the changes over the previous year are shown 'in the following tabulation: dx1 tl e�' RevenueSources�FY1998 � ,� Taxes 4P lbee 3 tit HI's.' k 99 +1 $26,047,002 P €.2 ° i Percent "of,'r, 49.8 V i p e Increase (Decrease) $ 3 Licenses and Permits 262,482• 0' =5 4,664 Intergovernmental 4,678,887 9.0 (4,1:58,743) Charges for Services 10,207,646 NJ (377,071) Fines and Forfeitures 210,762 0.4 124,489 Interest and Rentals 7,738,120 14.8 (504,908). ,Developer Fees 2,152,267 4:1 448,595; Other 967,149 1.9 509 Total $52,264;315 1 00:0 $,(927,844) xv 0 Annual Financial Report November 30, 4 999 Page 8 Annual`Financial Report A :pie chart depicting•the above infortnatiorris shown: below. City Poway Revenue Composite FY 1998 -9999 (49.8 %) (0.5 %) (9:0%) n u (1.9 %) 4.8 %) m Taxes o Licenses 8' Permits m. Intergovermental o Developer Fees o charges, for Services m Fines & Forfeitures o Interest & Rentals : o Other RevenueslfromPtaxes increased by 13.1 % in 1999. The majority of the- increaseiwas attributed to an increase in.property taxes of$2,009 sales tax.of $81i,691. ;Revenues from intergovernmental: sources decreased 45.7 %($4,034,016)in -1999' The majoriiypf this , decrease was :relatedto,fiscal':year 1997- 98=one -time revenues'thab:did not reoccur in =fiscal; year .1998 -99: These;included prior,:year revenues road work of approximately$2.3'million for a PrepositionA advance; and $1.4 million:for a SB 3Wg ant from the. state. The decrease imchargesyfor.services isrelated to, the Cityhaviing received. •less,road work reimbursement revenue than in the prior- fiscal 'year. The fines.and;forfeitures category ..increased substantially, due to change in state legislation' that?returned the.majority'of funds collected' +for parking and trafficcitations'to Cities. The decrease in interest and rentals revenueii's related_ to the- =GASB,31 adjustment, vhich.was necessary to mark- to- marketithe'City's investmerit:portfolio: The. .decrease in market value, was =caused' by moves. in interest, and :not'by the credit <worthiness of the: investments held by the City. 'Developer.fees increased due to the payment of traffic and drainage :fees, for several..newrprojects, as well' as. for the final' payment'by. a developer<for its share of the: Scripps(_ 'Poway Parkway project. Finally, increases of $96,000 for insurance.premium rebates, $32,006, for state mandated cost reimbursements; $47,000 For federal and:state disaster reimbursements, $40;000 for the. •repaymentof afford'abl'e housing_ improvement loans, $100,000 for a new hazardous.waste collection fee, and $155,000 on again on.sale of land held for resale: compose the increase;in other,revenue. xvi, (V.4 - / 0) (19:5 %) ' Annual Financial Report November 30, 1999 • Page 9 Changes m the level of expenditures formajor functions of Lite Ctty over the previous year are s own in the following tabulation: ' Expenditures h I 1 I I � Function m FYx98 99,�Amount-z '.' PercenfSof�Tota1 " =increase (Decre ase) From x1998 t HS 2Y°t,t1R..k4'_F`^'3'8�✓ka' , '+.!£d'2" Aw'#.+.�9�df93sr t _ iGY Fin z� ".F e`:ii £t`". 1! sv .a ,x ,. General %Government $7,704,342 14.3 $ (54,262) Public Safety 9,958;312. 18.4 530,091 Public Works 3,343,102 6.2 (2,692,033) Community Services 5,266,558 9.8 344,995 Capital Expenditures 8,213,245 15.2 (12,172,537) Debt Service: Principal 6,072,045 -- 11.2 (312,904) ----------------- - - - - -- Interest -------- - =; - - - - -- 13 082 746 ------------ - - - - -- 24 :2 -------------------------------- (53 ----------------------- Bond Refunding -------------- - - - - -- 185,166 -------------= = -- -- ------------ - - - - -- 0.3 ------------ - - - - -- -------------------------------- 162,753 -------------------------------- -----=----------= - - - --- Tax Increment - Reimbursement 234;601 0 :4 158;483 Total $54,060,117 100.0 $(14,088;558) City of Poway Expenditure. Composite FY 1998 -1999 1 0 (18.4 %) (6.2 %) I (9 %) (1512 %) (03%) ` °44 (11.2 %) (0.4 %) (14.3 %) (24.2 %) m General Govemmen o2Public.Safety m Public Works o Community Service m Capital Expenditure o Bond. Refinancing m.Principal m Tax Increment Reim m.lnterest Xvii C Annual Financial Report .November 30, 1999 Page 10 11 Total >experidituresdecreasedby '$14,088,558. Capital expenditures decreased by "$12,172,537wth'the :capital projectsfunds decreasing:by'$9,75 . Fiscal year.199.8 -99 continued to.see"the completion- of various - capital'. projects, while no,,new large projects, such as the Scripps Poway, rParkway road construction or the Water Treatment Facility upgrade, were undertaken as inprior years. The cost for the operating departments decreased'$1;871',209, or 6.7 %'from "the prior year. During fiscal =year.1997-98 approximately $2.8 million of additional street experiditures made due to the of an advance "of PropositiomA funds for roadwork. This decrease was. partiallyaoffset by increases!in• :Public Safety costs; primarily related to the, contract with the County of San Diego, for Sheriff's services, and in to a reorganization; of the City's Poway Center for the Performing, Arts, and having the.new City Library in operation for'the entire year. a ti r General FundtSurplus ^, 1, rq a 1F mount� �r(In Thousands) €1 t R " }'' t,„'� a wtil� `$�T v, a F �' � ":•mk'+� � s � � �� < ,]'r- 'S n �a. , ,dN� . �, ,s , t { "' �M � r ^C� �, # Y X. T d 1`999f y1998.P � Change , a 4 ^ts , _i .R S #e,.. =7 •,3 i;, �1' ..wm -, ukk Revenues. $22,135_ $20,551 7.7 Expenditures- 20,50& 18;875 8.7 Excess,(Deficiency); of Revenues• Over Expenditures 1,62T ;; 1,676: -2.9 Other- Financing Sources.(Uses); Net 274• ' ' 766 -64.2 Increase, (Decrease): Fun&Balance $1,901 •$;2;442 -22:2' At the end of.fiscafyeai 1998-99, the fund;; balance. fi the General.Fund was:$29,660,930 cornpaied•to , -the balance at June 30, 1998 of $27;759;728, oran increase of $1,901,202._ Included the`operatin& *.transfers out,arepri'ncipal pay downs ofthe.1992'and.1995icertificates of participation arrmounting4o' $730,000: fund�balarices.remain adequate;iin the major operating funds: There were,increases in, -the general, special revenue; debt service, " "and''expendable trust4unds, and decreases in`the'capital project: < funds: a The general fixed assets of the!.government are those fixed assets used in the performance of,general" governmental functions and, exclude the fixed assets accounted -for in 'the enterprise. funds:: The general = fixed assets totaled $100,229;360asofyear -end: Depreciation of general fixed ;assets-is notrecognized` An the accounting system. The net book'value of fixed assets presented for the water, and sewevfunds> -includes depreciation, which Iis in accordance withi generally accepted accounting Orihciples..'Thelstated: values: for the- assets' for the enterprise funds represent the original• cost of the assets which is considerably,lessthan`the- present -day values. xvnl ' Annual Financial Report ,November 30, 1999 ' Page I 1 ' Enterprise Operations The City's water utility -had a net decrease in retained earnings of $272;273, which included interest ' income of.$404,846,,net operating loss of $901,296, and tax revenue of'$463,587. Total operating revenue was $1,642,018 more than the prior year. This was due to an increase in the volume of water sold resulting in an increase in charges for services of $1,301,806 and an increase of $319,643 for connection fees. The sewer utility had a net decrease in retained earnings of $710,243, which included net operating loss ' of $1,458;001 and interest income of $864,750. Total operating, revenue was $482,964 less than last year. The decrease was planned by the utility, and rate stabilization funds were used to supplement ' operating revenues. One financial test to verify an "enterprise fund's ability to continue operating (paying its own bills) is a ' comparison of liquid or readily available assets to liabilities which must be paid from these assets. This comparison -- also known as the acid test ratio - -was 5.4 for the water fund (a ratio of 1.0 or greater is usually deemed an acceptable level of liquidity for an enterprise fund).. The sewer fund's acid test ratio is about 46.9, indicating a very liquid position for this fund. The data used to calculate water and sewer rates do not include all of the factors present in the financial statements. Primarily such items as depreciation and debt service that affect the financial statements are not included in the rate calculation, and it would be misleading to infer that the rates that are established to offset operating costs also are sufficient to offset the total expenses of these funds. ' Fiduciary Operations The South Poway and Parkway Business Center Community Facilities, District and the High Valley Road funds account for debt service payments which are funded through property tax assessments that are forwarded to the fiscal agent - trustee for payment of bonds. Cash Management ' Cash was invested primarily in the Certificatesof Deposits with savings and loan institutions and banks, the State of California's Local Agency InvestmentFund, U. S. Government Securities and medium -term ' corporate notes. The average yield on maturing investments during fiscal year 1998 -99 remained at 5.8 %, the same as in the,prior year. Investment interest revenue on the City's general operating reserves was $4,097,569 - -an increase of $160,532 from the previous year. This was primarily the result of an ' increase in the portfolio's average month -end balance as compared to FY 1997 -98. xix 0 Annual Financial Report November 30, 1999 Page 12 Debt Administration 0 At June 30, 1999, the City and the Poway Redevelopment Agency had general long -term debt amounting to $228.4 million which is detailed in the Notes to Financial Statements. This includes $113.7 million of tax allocation bonds, $7.9 million of tax allocation notes, $55.0 million of certificates of participation, $43,634 contracts payable to the Cemetery District, $24.9 million in advances from other funds, notes payable of $26.5 million „and a $330,213 obligation for a capital lease. The Water Fund has included in long -term debt $3,167,634 of general obligation refunding bonds and $3,008,413 of revenue bond indebtedness. Risk Management The City of Poway is a member of the California Joint Powers Insurance Authority, a consortium of approximately 84 public entities. The Authority's goveming board consists of one member from each participating entity and is responsible for the selection of management as well as budgeting and finance. Insurance activities, are financed by charges to members, and no long -term debt has been incurred. Actual annual premiums are determined using a retrospective method. At June 30, 1999, for general liability, the City is self - insured for each loss to the extent of $20,000. Losses between $20,001 and $5,000,000 are shared by the participating entities. Costs of covered claims between $5,000,000 and $50,000,000 are paid by,reinsurance. As for workers compensation, the City is charged for the first $50,000 of each claim. Costs between $50,001 and $500;000 are shared by the participating entities. Costs in excess of $500,000 are paid by excess insurance purchased by the Authority. Because of the low deductible amounts of the self - insurance program, the City does not maintain reserves or a sinking fund for its unpaid claims and judgements. They are expended as they occur, and the City intends to pay all of its unpaid claims and judgements from available resources. GFOA Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting The Government Finance Officers Association,of the United States and Canada (GFOA) has awarded a Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting to the City of Poway, California, for its comprehensive annual financial report for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1998. In order to be awarded a Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting, a government must publish an easily readable and efficiently organized comprehensive annual, financial report whose contents conform to program standards. Such reports must satisfy both generally accepted accounting principles and applicable legal requirements. A Certificate of Achievement is valid fora period of one year only. We believe that our current report continues to conform to the Certificate of Achievement program requirements, and we are submitting it to GFOA to determine its eligibility for the certificate. xx 0 0 ' Annual'Financial Report November 30, 1999 ' Page 13 1 CSMFO Certificate of Award for Outstanding Financial Reporting The California Society of Municipal Finance Officers ( CSMFO) presented the City of Poway with a Certificate of Award for Outstanding Financial Reporting for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1998. This award is designed to recognize cities which demonstrate superior financial reporting. The report must meet requirements outlined in the CSMFO Awards Checklist, satisfying generally accepted accounting principles in all material respects, and including certain statistical information. The Certificate of Award is valid for a period of one yeat.only. We believe that our current report. continues to conform to the Certificate of Award program requirements, and we are submitting it to the CSMFO to determine its eligibility for the certificate. Independent Audit 1 The Government Code of the State of California requires general law cities such as Poway to be audited annually by independent certified public accountants selected by the City Council. This requirement has been met and the auditors' independent report is included in this report. Acknowledgments 1 I. I I 1. Preparation of the City's Comprehensive Annual Financial Report is an undertaking of the Administrative Services Department.. Special credit is due to Andrew White, Finance Manager; Al Kohn, Senior Accountant; Tro Badillo and Rick Munoz, Accountants; and the staff in the Finance Division. Their year -long hard work and dedication have made this report possible. We should also like to Shank the City Council for their interest and support in planning and conducting the financial operations of the City in aresponsible and progressive manner. Respectfully submitted, Jambs L. Bowersox City ) Manager c: \data \wpfl les \finance\cafr\cafr. rpt Warren H. Shafer Director of Administrative Services xxl 9 0 [This page intentionally left blank] I Certificate of 1 Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting Presented'to ' City of Poway, California For its Comprehensive Annual Financial Report for the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 1998 A Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting is presented by the Government Finance Officers ' Association of the United States and Canada to government units and public employee retirement systems whose comprehensive annual financial reports (CAFRs) achieve the highest ' standards in government accounting and financial reporting. ' IIRO S0. C President ' o Executive Director ' XXiii California Society of Municipal `f inance Officers Certificate of Award Outstanding Financial Reporting 1997 -98 x x Presented to the City of Poway This certificate is Issued in recognition of meeting professional standards and criteria in reporting which reflect a high level of quality in the annual financial statements and in the underlying accounting system from which the reports were prepared. March 1, 1999 Chair rofcsiional'& Technical Standards Committee Dedicated to Excellence in Municipal Financial Management M M M M M M" M! M& M� M M i M M M M 1 6 0 1 I i I I I 11 I FINANCIAL SECTION 1 The Honorable City Coon cil of the City of Poway, California ' Independent Auditors' Report We have audited the accompanying general purpose financial statements of the City of Poway, California, ras of and for ' the year June 30, 1999, as listed in the table of contents. These general purpose financial istatemerits are the respo nsib i lity of the City of Poway management. Our responsibility is;to express an opinion on these general purpose financial statements based on our audit. We conducted our audit in. accordance with generally accepted auditing standards and the standards applicable to financial audits containdin: GovemmenyAudi6w Standards issued bythe Comptroller General of the`llnited States: Those standards require that we,plan ;and.perform the audit to obtain reasonable assuran about whether the general purpose financial statements are free of material misstatement. An audit includes examini on a test ±basis, evidence supporting the amounts and'disclosures in the'general Purpose financial statements. An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overalLgeneral purpose financial statement presentation. We believe that our audit provides 'a reasonable basis for our opinion. In our opinion, the general purpose financial statements referred to .above preseat fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of the City of Poway as of June 30, 1999, and the results of its operations and cash' flows of its proprietary fund types for the year then ended inconformity with generally accepted accounting principles. Our audit was made for the purpose of forming an opinion on the general purpose financial statements taken as a whole: The require supplementary information on page 48 is not a required part - of the basic financial statements but is supplementary information required by the Governmental Accounting Standards Board. We have applied certain limited procedures, which consisted principally of inquiries of management regarding the methods of measurement and presentation of the supplementary information. However, we did not audit the information and do not express an ' opinion on it. In addition, we do not provide assurance that the City is or will become year 2000 compliant die City's year 2000 remediation efforts will be successful in whole or in part, or that parties with Which the City does business are or will become year 2000 compliant. . The accompanying, combi individual fund and account ;group financial statements and schedules listed as supplementary information in the table of contents are presented for purposes of additional analysis and. are not a required pariofthe +general purpose'financial statements of the City of Poway. The information lias; been subjected to the auditing procedures, applie in the audit of the general purpose financial statements' and, in our opinion, is fairly state in all material, respects in.relation to the general purpose financial statements taken as a whole. The statistical information listed ' in table of contents was not andited by us and, accordingly, we do not express an opinion thereon. In accordance with Government:Auditinmt Standards we have also.issued our report dated October 19, 1999, on our consideration of the City; of Poway internal controls over financial reporting and our tests of its compliance with certain provisions of laws regulationI contracts, and grants. i �� 3 1201 DOVE STREET, SUITE 680 oreland & c ,, Ja NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA 92660 949)22, 0025 JM CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS 570 RANCHEROS DRIVE, SUITE 260 ' !SAN MARCOS, CA 92069 (760) 7523390 October 19, 1999 ' The Honorable City Coon cil of the City of Poway, California ' Independent Auditors' Report We have audited the accompanying general purpose financial statements of the City of Poway, California, ras of and for ' the year June 30, 1999, as listed in the table of contents. These general purpose financial istatemerits are the respo nsib i lity of the City of Poway management. Our responsibility is;to express an opinion on these general purpose financial statements based on our audit. We conducted our audit in. accordance with generally accepted auditing standards and the standards applicable to financial audits containdin: GovemmenyAudi6w Standards issued bythe Comptroller General of the`llnited States: Those standards require that we,plan ;and.perform the audit to obtain reasonable assuran about whether the general purpose financial statements are free of material misstatement. An audit includes examini on a test ±basis, evidence supporting the amounts and'disclosures in the'general Purpose financial statements. An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overalLgeneral purpose financial statement presentation. We believe that our audit provides 'a reasonable basis for our opinion. In our opinion, the general purpose financial statements referred to .above preseat fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of the City of Poway as of June 30, 1999, and the results of its operations and cash' flows of its proprietary fund types for the year then ended inconformity with generally accepted accounting principles. Our audit was made for the purpose of forming an opinion on the general purpose financial statements taken as a whole: The require supplementary information on page 48 is not a required part - of the basic financial statements but is supplementary information required by the Governmental Accounting Standards Board. We have applied certain limited procedures, which consisted principally of inquiries of management regarding the methods of measurement and presentation of the supplementary information. However, we did not audit the information and do not express an ' opinion on it. In addition, we do not provide assurance that the City is or will become year 2000 compliant die City's year 2000 remediation efforts will be successful in whole or in part, or that parties with Which the City does business are or will become year 2000 compliant. . The accompanying, combi individual fund and account ;group financial statements and schedules listed as supplementary information in the table of contents are presented for purposes of additional analysis and. are not a required pariofthe +general purpose'financial statements of the City of Poway. The information lias; been subjected to the auditing procedures, applie in the audit of the general purpose financial statements' and, in our opinion, is fairly state in all material, respects in.relation to the general purpose financial statements taken as a whole. The statistical information listed ' in table of contents was not andited by us and, accordingly, we do not express an opinion thereon. In accordance with Government:Auditinmt Standards we have also.issued our report dated October 19, 1999, on our consideration of the City; of Poway internal controls over financial reporting and our tests of its compliance with certain provisions of laws regulationI contracts, and grants. i �� 3 ' Proprietary Fiduciary Account Groups Fund Types Fund'Type General General Totals ' Internal Trust and Fixed Long -Term (Memorandum Only) Enterprise Service Agency Assets Debt 1999 1998 ' $ 21;261,404 $ 3,088,107 $ 6,570,785 $ 81,826,182 $ 71,198,177 18,753 1,742;996 1,781,208 2,172,475 4,429,605 7,187,399 7,059,340 20,441 1,263,970 1,100,991 ' 367,095 367;095 161,102 147 910,081 600 1,200 359,035 214,587 431,693 621,253 ' 905,783 73,052 15,938 15,938 646,092 747,430 807,710 ''. 11,138,577 32,801;934 40,434,477 188,674 188,674 208,477 474,974 2,419,564 1,421,777 1,521,777 1,532,965 1 316,036 5,753,471 20,183,234 20,532,555 3,359 3,359 6,729 13,378 13,378 13,378 ' 33',052,465 $ 100,229,360 133,281,825 132,943,629 $ 17,638,708 17,638,708 9,381,741 210,791,253 210,791,253 216,745,997 ' $ 70,214,237 $ 3,088,107 $ 16,793;055 $,100,229,360 $'228,429;961 $ 511,810 $ 508,370,291 (Continued) ' 5 CITY OF POWAY • 1 Combined Balance Sheet - All Fund Types and Account Groups (Continued) ' June'30, 1999 Governmental Fund Types Liabilities. Equity: and Other Credits Liabilities: Accounts payable Accrued liabilities Due to other funds (Note 13) Deposits Due to bondholders Deferred revenue Payable from restricted assets: Bonds payable,within one year (Note 8) Accrued liabilities Advances from other funds (Notes 8 and 13) Contract payable (Note 8) Notes payable (Note 8) Obligations under capital leases (Note 8) Bonds payable (Note 8) Tax allocation notes (Note 8) Certificates of participation (Note 8) Total Liabilities Equity and Other Credits: Contributed capital, net Investment in general fixed assets Retained earnings: Reserved (Note 12) Designated (Note 12) Unreserved Fund Balances: Reserved (Note -12) Unreserved: Designated (Note 12) Undesignated' (deficit) Total Equity and Other- Credits Total Liabilities, Equity and Other Credits General $ 1,525,208 $ 977,094 65;374 Revenue Service Projects 489,044 $ 17,846 $ 118,066 52,705 24,764 130,017 129,018 23;946 20,374 36,450 1,033,847 2,111,743 307,228 2,567 1,725,987 2,129,589 639,472 1, I I I 17,772,142 15,710,806 17,638,708 1,228,327 11,888;788 6,922,837 301 3 11,325;831 29 .26,138,798 . 17;638,708 12;554 $ 32,228;606 $27,864,785 $ 19;768,297' $ 13,193;931. See Accompanying Notes to Financial Statements. I �a I Proprietary. Fiduciary Account Groups Fund Types Fund Type General General Totals ' Internal Trust and Fixed Long -Term (Memorandum.Only) Enterprise Service Agency Assets Debt 1999 1998 ' $ 1,203,153 $ 27,476 $ 1021557 $ 3,483,350 $ 4,517,255 163,470 17,479 1,235,512 1,158,914 259,035 214,587 2,252;971 2,342,291 2,355,564 9,158;480 9,158,480 9,222,131 ' 56,824 984,799 520,000 520,000 500,000 94,239 94,239 915,212 ' 4,429,604 $ 24,919,512 32,801,934 40,434,477 5,407 43,634 49,041 49,687 26,521,602 26,521,602 28,570,133 ,.� 138,052 330,213 468,265 523,002 5,656,047 113,676,000 119,326;047 121,849,418 7,945,000 7,945,000 55,000 4000 55;000,000 .55,810,000 ' 7,780,368 44;955 15;943,612 228,429,961 259,261,620 267,105,179 9,136;408 9,136,408 9,088,066 $ 100,229,360 100,229,360 99,302,238 1,698,619 3,0431152 4,741,771 4,510,634 147,042 51,598,842 51,598;842 52,429,328 858,218 53,208,201 44,470,055 18,811,926 17,407,414 ' (8 , 775) 14,822;211 13,910,335 '62,433,869 3,043;152 849;443 100,229,360 252,548,719 241,265,112 $ 70,214,237 $ 3,088,107 $ 16,793,055 $ 100,229,360 $'228 ;429,961 $ 511,810,339 $ 508,370,291 7 CITY OF P:OWAY Combined Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, an Changes in Fund Balances - All Governmental' Fund Types and Expendable Trust Funds For the Year Ended June 30, 1999 Revenues: Taxes (Note 3) Licenses and permits Intergovernmental Charges for services Fines and forfeitures Interest and rentals Developer fees Other Total Revenues Expenditures: Current: General government Public safety Public works Community services Capital expenditures Debt service: Principal Interest and fiscal charges Bond issuance costs Tax increment reimbursement Total Expenditures Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues Over Expenditures Other Financing Sources (Uses): Proceeds from long -term debt Operating transfers in Operating transfers out Total Other Financing Sources (Uses) Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues. and Other Sources Over Expenditures and Other Uses Governmental General Revenue $ 11 262,482 2,243,053 6,169,569 210,762 1,397,834 529,866 22,135,361 $ 526,089 2,435,834 2,254,671 Service $ 14,199,118 i 1 Capital ' Projects $ 1 4,530,009 1,253,155 556,185 639,148 1,513,119 273,786 163;497 10;659,537 .15,452,273 4,016,207 4 222,211 5,965,482 .3,190 9;870,602 87,710 1,479,364 1,863,738 3015,074 2,251,484 1,851,542 3,449,163 2,912,540 6,072,645 13,082;746 185;'166 234,601 20,507,834 7;874,306 19,574 6 1,627,527 2,785,231 (4,122,285) (2 1,018,596 2,861,799 (744,921) (4;130,977) 1 I •1. 1 10;319,973 2,121,819 5,965,482 322,101 (3,906,203) (954,872) 273,675 (1,269,178) 12;379;252' 1,489,048 ' 1 1,901,202 1,516;053 8 1 256,967 (598,164) Fund Balances, Beginning (Restated Note 20) 27,759;728 24,622,745 .9,381,741 13 Fund Balances, Ending $ 29,660,930 $'26,138,798 $ 17;638;708 $' 12,554,459. See Accompanying Notes to Financial Statements. a �1 1 IF s 1 t,• 1 L I u Fiduciary Fund Type Totals Expendable (Memorandum Only) Trust. .1999 1998 $ 26 $ 23,021,049 262,482 4,678,887 10,207;646 210,762 7,738;120 2,152,267 967,149 257,818 8,837,630 10,584,717 86,273 8,243,028 1;703,672 457,972 ' $ 937 937 I I 52,264,315 53,192,159 7,704,342 7,758,604 9;958312 9,428,221 3,343,102 6,035,135 5,266 ;558 4,921,563 8 20,385,782 6,072,045 6,384,949 13 13,135,890 185,166 22,413 234,601 76,118 54,060,117 68,148,675 ' 937 (1;795;802) (14,956,516) 12;441,792 5,865,531 10,167,978 18,879,704 (9,736,973) (18,084,798) 12;872,797 6,660,437 937 11,076,995 (8,296,079) 10,448 74,927,285 83,223,364 $ :11,385 $ 86,004,280, _ & 74,927,285 '' 9 • CITY OF POWAY • Combined Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balances Budget and Actual General, Special Revenue and Debt Service Funds For the Year Ended June 30, 1999 Revenues: Taxes (Note 3) Licenses and permits Intergovernmental Charges for services Fines and forfeitures Interest and rentals Developer fees Other Total Revenues Expenditures: Current: General government Public safety Public works Community services Capital. expenditures Debt service: Principal Interest and fiscal charges Bond issuance costs Tax increment reimbursement Total Expenditures Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues Over Expenditures Other Financing Sources (Uses): Proceeds from long -term debt Operating transfers in Operating transfers out Total Other.Financing Sources (Uses) Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues and Other Sources Over Expenditures and Other Uses Fund Balances, Beginning (Restated Note 20) Fund Balances, Ending General Fund Variance Favorable Budget Actual (Unfavorable) 10,221,610 $ 11;321,795 $ 1,100,185 285,270 262,482 (22,788) 1,986,000 2,243,053 257,053 5,561,550 6,169 .608,019 78 210,762 132,362 1,079,970 1,397,834 317,864 347,950 529,866 181,916 19 22,135,361 2,574,611 4;567,024 4,291,252 275,772 10,3,70,785 9,870;602 500,183 1,608,411 1,479,364 129,047 3,201,064 3,015,074 185,990 3,061,175 1,851,542 1,209,633 1 1 1 1 •, 1 22 20,507,834 2,300,625 (3,247,709) 1,627,527 4,875,236 I 568,660 1,018,596 449,936 (740 (744,921) (4,921) ' (171,340) 273,675 445,015 (3,419,049) 1,901,202 5,320;251 ' 27,759,728 27,759,728 $ 24 $ 29 $ 5;320;251 1 See Accompanying Notes to Financial Statements. 10 1' i 1 I 1• 1 11 i • 0 Special Revenue Funds Variance ,Favorable Budget Actual (Unfavorable) $ 512,870 $ 526,089 $ 13,219 2,068,077 2,435,834 367,757 2,297,080 2,254,671 (42,409) 4,267,926 4,530,009 262,083 185,000 639,148 454,148 100;000 273,786 173,786 9;430;953 10;659,537 1,228, 584 292,610 222,211. 70,399 123,460 87,710 35,750 1;978,228 1,863,738 114,490 2,578,263 2,251,484 326,779 10,596,126 3,449,163' 7,146,963 15,568,687 1,874,306 7,694,381 (6,137,734) 2,785,231 8,922,965 2,556,710 2,861,799 305,089 (4,163,160) (4,130,977) 32,183 (1,606,450) (1,269;178) 337,272 (7,744,184) 1,516;053 9,260,237 24,622,745 24,622,745 $ ,16,878,561 $ 26,138,798 $ 9,260,237 0 Debt Service Funds Variance Favorable Budget Actual (Unfavorable) $ 12,783,560 $ 14,199,118 $ 1,415,558 1,263,150 1,253,155 (9,995) 14,046,710 15,452,273 1,405, 563 9,977,306 6,072,045 3;905,261 11,430,599 13,082,746 (1,652,147) 187,645 185,166 2,479 14,530,669 234,601 (234,601) 21,595,55,0 19,574,558 2,020,992 (7,548,840) (4,122 3,426,555 11,973,922 10 (1,653,949) 6 5,965,482 (202,145) (3,610,880) (3,906;203) (295,323) 14,530,669 12,379,252 (2,151,417) 6,981,829 8,256,967 1,275,138 9,381,741 9,381,741 $ 16363,570 $ 17,638,708 $ 1,275,138 11 0 0 CITY OF POWAY Combined Statement of Revenues, Expenses, and Changes in Retained Eamings/Fund Balance - All Proprietary Fund Types and Similar Trust Funds For the Year Ended June 30, 1999 Operating Revenues: Charges -for services Connection fees Other Total Operating Revenues Operating Expenses: Personnel services Maintenance and operations Cost of purchased water Depreciation Total Operating Expenses Operating Income (Loss) Nonoperating Revenues (Expenses): Taxes Interest revenue Interest expense and fiscal agent charges Total Nonoperating Revenues Income Before Operating Transfers Operating Transfers: Transfers out Net Income (Loss) Depreciation on Contributed Capital Increase (Decrease) in Retained Earnings/Fund Balance Retained Earnings/Fund Balance, Beginning Residual Equity Transfer Out (Note 21) Retained Earnings/Fund Balance, Ending See Accompanying Notes to Financial Statements. Proprietary Fund'Types Internal Enterprise Service $ 14,269,584 $ 963,510 1,523,137 84,204 5,993 15,876,925 969,503 1,960,672 185,375 8,575,180 301,488 6,091,014 1,609,356 18,236,222 486,863 (2,359,297) 482,640 463,587 1,269,596 .143,999 (344;342) 1,388;841 143,999 (970,456) 626,639 (390,564) (970,456) 236;075 135,332 (835,124) 54,279,927 (147,342) $ 53,297,461 236,075 2,807,077 $ 3,043,152 12 I �l I'* ,, I_ Fiduciary Fund Type Totals `Nonexpendable (Memorandum Only) Trust Funds 1999 1998 $ 41,064 41,064 23,084 23,084 17,980 17,980 (40,441) (22,461) (22,461) 860,519 $ 15,233,094 1;523 131,261 16,887 492 2,146;047 8,899 6 1 18,746,169 (1 463,587 1,413;595 (344:342) 1,532 (325;837) (431,005) (756,842) 135,332 (621 57;947,523 (147;342) $ 57;178;671 $ 14,429,710 1,212,676 116,012 15,758,398 2,334,573 6,914,797 4,938,989 1,507;501 15,695,860 62,538 510,795 1,932,496 (364,372) 2,079,919 2,141,457 (794,906) 1,346,551 67,491 1,414,042 57,912,172 (1,378,691) $ 57,947,523 0 '' 13 0 • CITY OF POWAY Combined Statement of Cash Flows All Proprietary Fund Types and Similar Trust Funds For the Year Ended June 30, 1999 Net Cash Used for Non - Capital Financing Activities 1,655,215 (390,564) Cash Flows from Capital and Related Financing ?activities: Interest expense.and fiscal agent charges Principal payments on long -term borrowing Acquisition of property, plant, and equipment Net Cash Used for Capital and Related Financing Activities Cash Flows from Investing Activities: Interest received Net Increase (Decrease) in Cash and Cash. Equivalents Cash and Cash Equivalents, Beginning Cash and Cash Equivalents, Ending See Accompanying Notes to Financial Statements. (1,133,883) (516,137) (984,099) (2;634,119) 1,269,596 143,999 (491,437) 207,350 23,490;654 .2, 880, 757 $ 22,999;217 $ 3,088,107 14 Proprietary Fund..Types Internal Enterprise Service Cash Flows From Operating Activities: Operating income (loss) $ (2,359;297) $ 482 Adjustments to reconcile operating income (loss) to net cash provided by operating activities: Depreciation 1,609,356 Interest income Changes in operating assets and liabilities: Decrease in accounts receivable 10,102 7,829 Decrease in inventories 52,298 Decrease in accounts payable (122,130) (40,421) Increase (decrease) in accrued : liabilities 27,542 3,867 Net Cash Provided by (Used for) Operating Activities (782,129) 453;915 Cash Flows from Non-Capital Financing Activities: Taxes 466,958 Transfers out (390 Repayment of advances to other funds 1,188,257 Loan from other funds Net Cash Used for Non - Capital Financing Activities 1,655,215 (390,564) Cash Flows from Capital and Related Financing ?activities: Interest expense.and fiscal agent charges Principal payments on long -term borrowing Acquisition of property, plant, and equipment Net Cash Used for Capital and Related Financing Activities Cash Flows from Investing Activities: Interest received Net Increase (Decrease) in Cash and Cash. Equivalents Cash and Cash Equivalents, Beginning Cash and Cash Equivalents, Ending See Accompanying Notes to Financial Statements. (1,133,883) (516,137) (984,099) (2;634,119) 1,269,596 143,999 (491,437) 207,350 23,490;654 .2, 880, 757 $ 22,999;217 $ 3,088,107 14 1 1 • Fiduciary Fund Type, Totals Nonexpendable (Memorandum Only) Trust 1999 1998 $ 17,980 $ (1,858,677) $ 62,538 1,609,356 1,507,501 (41,064) (41,064) (56,150) 17,931 514,815 52,298 48,329 (19,524) (182,675) (229,483) 31,409 (3,875) (42,608) (370;822) 1,843,675 (40,441) 466,958 512,488 (431,005) (794,906) 1,188,257 (3,300,000) (3,984) (40,441) 1,224;210 (3,586,402) (1,133,883) (472,493) (516 (500,206) (984,099) (2,217,233) (2;634,119) (3,189,932) 41,064 1,454,659 1,988,646 (41,985) (326,072) (2,944,013) 880,043 27,251,454 30,195,467 $ 838,058 $ 26,925,382 $ 27,251,454 (Continued) 15 E 0 CITY OF POWAY Combined Statement of Cash Flows All Proprietary Fund Types and Similar Trust Funds (Continued) For the Year Ended June 30, 1999 Reconciliation of Cash Equivalents to the Balance Sheet: Total cash and invesments per the balance sheet Total restricted assets per the balance sheet: Cash and investments Cash and investments with fiscal agents Cash and Investments of Expendable Trust and Agency Funds Cash and Cash Equivalents at the End of Year Noncash Investing, Capital and Financing Activities: Proprietary Fund Types Internal Enterprise Service $ 21,261,404 $ 3,088,107 1,421,777 316,036 $ 22,999,217 $ 3,088,107 The Water Enterprise Fund acquired $183,674 of fixed assets through contributed capital during the year ended June 30, 1999. Of this amount, $147,342 was contributed by the Sewer Enterprise Fund. See Accompanying Notes to Financial Statements. 16 1 Fiduciary Fund ' Type Totals Nonexpendable (Memorandum Only) Trust 1999 1998 $ 6,570,785 $ 30 $ 30,050,334 1,421,777 1,432,965 5,753,471 6 069,507 7,212,316 ' (11,486,198) (11,486,198) (11,444,161) $ 838,058 $ 26,925,382 $ 27,251,454 1 1 1 17 • 1. • CITY OF POWAY • ' Notes to Financial Statements June 30, 1999 SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES ' Description of the Reporting Entitv , other two entities This report includes all fund types and account groups of the City of Poway (the "primary government "), as well as the Poway Redevelopment Agency (Agency) and the.PowayPublic , Financing Authority (Authority). The Agency and the Authority meet the definition of a "component unit ", and are presented on a "blended" basis as if they were part of the primary government. Although they arer legally separate entities, their governing boards are comprised of the same membership as the:City Council. The Citymay impose its will on the Agency and the Authority, including the ability to appoint; hire, reassign or dismiss management. There are also financial - benefit/burden relationships between ihe'City -and -the , The City of Poway was incorporated December 1, 1980, under the general laws of the State , of Califomia. The City operates under a Council- Manager form of govemment provides the following services: public safety (police— through the County of Safi Diego —and fire), ' community services, engineering services, planning services, public works,. general administrative services, and capital improvements. The Poway Redevelopment. Agency was established April 26, 1983, pursuant to the State of • 1 California Health and Safety Codes, Section 33000 entitled "Community. Redevelopment Law." Its purpose is to eliminate blighted areas by encouraging the, development of ' residential, commercial, industrial, recreational and public facilities. The financial statements of .the Redevelopment Agency can be obtained from the Poway Finance Department located at Poway City Hall. ' The Poway Public Financing Authority'is a joint powers authority organized pursuant to the State of California Government Code, section 6500. The authority exists under•a Joint ' Exercise of Power Agreement date&October 8, 1991, between the City of Poway and the Poway Redevelopment Agency. Its.purpose.is to assist in financing and refinancing projects for the benefit of the City and the Agency. Separate financial statements are not prepared for , the Authority The accounting policies of the City of Poway, the Poway Redevelopment Agency and the ' Poway Public Financing Authority conform to generally accepted accounting principles as applicable to governments. The following is'a summary of the more significant policies. Fund Accounting The accounts of the City are organized on the basis of funds,and account groups, each of 1 which is considered ,a separate accounting entity. The operations of each fund are accounted for with a separate set of self - balancing accounts that comprise its assets, liabilities, fund 18 ' CITY OF POWAY Notesto Financial Statements (Continued) June 30, 1999 ' equity, revenues, andexpenditures, or expenses, as appropriate. Government resources are allocated to and accounted for in individual funds,based upon the purposes for which they are.to,be spent and the means by which spending ,activities`are;controlled. The various funds are grouped, in the financial: statements in this report, into generic fund types and broad fund categories as follows: Governmental;Funds ' General Fund - The-General Fund is the general operating fund of the City. It is used to account for all financial resources except:those required to be accounted for in another fund. Special Revenue Funds - .Special Revenue Funds are used to account for the proceeds of specific revenue sources that are legally restricted to expenditures for specified, purposes. Debt Service Funds - The Debt Service Funds are used to account for the accumulation of resources for, and the payment of principal, interest, and related costs of the debt of the, general long -term debt account. group,. Capital Projects Funds - Capital Projects Funds are used to account for financial resources to be,used_for the acquisition or construction of major capital facilities (other ' than those:fmanc funds). Proprietary Funds ' Enterprise Funds - The Enterprise Funds are used to account for operations that are financed and operated in a manner similar to a private business enterprise - where the ' intent of the City Council is that the costs (expenses, including depreciation) of providing :goo&or services to the general public on continuing basis be financed or rec overed:primarilythrough user charges. Internal Service Fund - The Internal Service Fund is used to account for activities and service s;perfohned for other organizational, units within the City. Charges.to other city departments are -made to support these activities. Fiduciary Funds Nonex endable Trust Funds - The Nonexpendable Trust Funds are used to account for the 'resources' received from a private donor and held by the City in a trustee capacity.: The principal gift is to be maintained intact and invested.. ;Investment earnings are used for library and park- relatedprejects, These-funds are accounted for ' in essentially the same manner as proprietary - funds since capital maintenance is critical. ' 19 0 CITY OF POWAY 0 1 Notes to Financial Statemen"tw(Continued) June 30;1999 • Expendable Trust Funds - The'Expendable Trust Funds are4ised to account for the ' resources received from private donors. The principal gifts and investment earnings are used for beautification, projects on Poway Road. These fiinds are accounted for in essentially the same manner as Governmental Funds. Agency Funds - The Agency Funds are used to account for.developer deposits and ' bond deposits. These funds are custodial in nature (assets equal liabilities) and do , not involve measurement of results of operations. , Fixed Assets and Long -Term' Liabilities The accounting and reporting treatment applied to the fixed assets and tong -term liabilities t' associated with a fund are determined by 'its, measurement focus. All govemmental;funds are accounted for on a spending or "financial flow" 'measurement: focus. This - means that only current assets and current liabilities.are,generally included on their balance sheets. Their reported fund balance (net currenvassets) is considered a measure of "available,spendable resources," Governmental funds operating statements present (revenues and other financing sources) and decreases (expenditures and other financing uses) in net current assets. Accordingly, they are said to present a summary of resources and'uses of "available spendable resources" during a period. .' Fixed assets used in governmental fund'type operations (general fixed' assets), are accounted for in the General Fixed Assets AccounfGroup, rather than in govemmental'fands. Public ' domain ( "infrastructure ") general fixed assets consisting of certain improvements other than buildings, including roads, bridges, curbs and gutters, streets and, sidewalks; drainage systems, and lighting systems are not capitalized along with other general fixed`assets. No ' depreciation has been provided on general fixed assets. All fixed assets are valued at historical cost or estimated historical cost-if actual historical , cost is not available. Donated'fixed•assets are valued at their estimated,fair market.value on the date donated. The City capitalizes its fixed assets, acquired under lease, purchases or similar contracts. Long -term liabilities expected to be financed from govemmental'funds-are accounted for in the General Long -Term Debt Aceount',Group, notin'the governmental funds. The two account,groups are not " funds:" They�are concerned . only with the measurement of ' financial position. They are not involved with measurement of results of operations. Because of'their measurement focus; expenditure recognition for governmental ' fund types is limited to exclude; amounts represented -by non- currentliabilities. Since they'do not affect net current assets, such long -term amounts are not recognized as governmental ' fund type 'expenditures or fund liabilities. They are instead reported as liabilities in the General Long -Term Debt Account Group. 20 1 • CITY OF POWAY • Notes toYinancial Statements "(Continued) June 30, 1999 The proprietary funds and nonexpendable trust fluids are accounted for on a cost of services or "capital maintenance" measurement focus. This means that all assets and all liabilities (whether currentor noncurrent) associated with their activities are included on their balance sheets. The reported fluid equity (net total assets) is segregated into contributed capital and retained eamings components. Proprietary fund type operating statements present increases (revenues) and decreases (expenses) in net total assets. Depreciation of all exhaustible fixed assets used by the proprietary , funds is charged as an expense against their operations. Accumulated depreciation is provided on proprietary fund balance sheets. Depreciation has been provided over .the "estimated useful lives using the straight -line method. The estimated useful lives are as follows: Distribution lines and' other than buildings 25 -100 Years Buildings 25 Years Machinery and equipment 5 -10 Years Basis ofrAccounting Basis of accounting refers to when revenues and expenditures or expenses are recognized in the accounts and reported in the financial statements. Basis of accounting relates to the timing of the measurements made, regardless of the measurement focus applied. All governmental funds, the expendable.trust funds and the agency funds, are ; accounted ?for using the modified accrual basis of accounting. Their "revenues are recognized When they become measurable and available as net current assets.. ;Their measurementfocus is based on flow of current financial resources. The primary revenue: sources susceptible to:accrual are property and sales taxes, franchise fees, transient occupancy taxes, investment income, federal entitlement,. motor vehicle fees and gas tax, subventions. Expenditures are generally recognized under the modified .accrual basis of accounting when the related fund liability is incurred. An exception to this general rifle is principal and interest on general long -term debt which is recognized when due. ' The,proprietary.funds and the nonexpendable trust fiand,arei accounted for using the accrual basis` of accounting. Their measurement focus is based on flow of economic resources. Their revenues are recognized when earned, and expenses are recognized when they are incurred. In 'accordance with Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) Statement No. 20, Accounting and Financial Reporting for Proprietary Funds and Other Governmental Entities That Use Proprietary Fund Accounting, the City applies all GASB pronouncements currently in effect as well as 'Financial. Accounting Standards Board • Statements and Interpretations, Accounting Principals Board Opinions and Accounting Research Bulletins of the Committee on Accounting Procedure issued on or before November 30, 1989. ' 21 0 CT1'Y OF POWAY Notes to Financial Statements (Continued) June 30,1999 Budgets and Budgetary Accounting 10 The City prepares its budgets on the basi&of estimated actual expenditures and, accordingly, the budget amounts included in the accompanying financial, statements are presented on a basis consistent with generally accepte&accounting principles. Each year, the City Manager submits a proposed budget to the City Council,during early May. The City Council holds budget, hearings during May and early June. The final budget is adopted by the City Council during late June. No budget expenditures can be disbursed without proper appropriations. Once the budget is adopted, no additional fund appropriations can be authorized without the Council's, approval. The level of budgetary control (the level on which expenditures may not legally ,exceed ' appropriations) is the individual fund level. The City Manager can authorize budget transfers between departments, without additional, appropriations. During fiscal year' 1998- 1999, supplemental budgetary appropriations were minor. The City holds a mid -year budget review meeting. During the meeting, all the budget expenditures are reviewed and projections for the whole year' are made. Therefore, any necessary changes are submitted for approval by the City Council with a resolution. Annual appropriated budgets are adopted for the general, special revenue, and debt service funds. Budgets are adopted on a basis consistent with generally accepted accounting principles. Budgeted amounts are as originally adopted and as further amended by the City Council. Unexpended and unencumbered appropriations of the governmental funds automatically lapse at the end of the fiscal year. Encumbrances Encumbrance accounting, under which purchase• orders, contracts and other commitments for the expenditure of monies are recorded in order to reserve that portion of the applicable appropriation, is employed as an extension of formal budgetary ,integration `in the Governmental Fund Types. Encumbrances at year end are a portion of reserved fund balance and are reappropriated'the following year. Investments 1 Investments'are stated at fair value, the value at which a financial instrument could be exchanged in a current transaction between willing parties other than a•forced or'liquidaton sale. • 22 ' • CITY OF POWAY • ' Notes'to Financial Statements (Continued) • June 30,1999 Cash and Cash Equivalents For purposes of the Statement of Cash Flows, the City considers all highly liquid investments (including restricted assets) with a maturity of three months or less when purchased to be cash equivalents. In addition, cash invested in the City's cash management pool is considered to be cash equivalents. Inventories Inventories are stated at cost, computed on a first -in, first-out basis. General fund .inventory consists of expendable supplies held for consumption, and are ' recorded as expenditures in the fiscal year consumed. This.reported inventory is offset by a fund balance reserve to indicate that it is not available for appropriation. Fixed Assets Held forResale The Capital Projects Fundfixed assets held for resale are valued at lower of cost or market. Reported fixed assets held for resale are equally offset by a fund balance reserve which indicates that it does not constitute available spendable resources. Compensated Absences The City accounts for compensated absences (unpaid vacation, sick leave and compensatory time) in accordance with GASB Cod. Sec. C60. Compensated absences are accrued as incurred in both governmental and proprietary funds as the City intends to pay this liability as it becomes due, from currently available financial resources. No portion of this liability is considered to be long -term. Comparative Data Comparative total data for the prior year have been presented in the - ,accompanying financial ' statements, in order to provide an understanding of changes in the City's financial position and operations. However, comparative (i.e., presentation of prior year totals by fund type) data have not.been presented in each of the statements since.their inclusion would make the ' statements unduly complex and difficult, to read. Certain prior year amounts. have been reclassified to conform to the current year presentation forcomparative purposes. ' Total Columns on Combined Statements Total columns onjlie Combined Statements are captioned "Memorandum. Only" to indicate that they are presented only to facilitate financial analysis. Data in these columns do not present financial position,. results of operations, or cash, flows in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles. Neither is such data comparable to a consolidation. Interfund eliminations have not been made in the aggregation of this data 23 • CITY OF POWAY • Notes to Financial Statements (Continued) June 30, 1 2. CASH AND INVESTMENTS Cash and investments at June 30, 1999 consisted of the following: Pooled deposits: Demand accounts (bank balances) Add deposit in transit Less outstanding warrants Book Balance Certificates of deposit Total Pooled Deposits Pooled investments Deposits and investments with fiscal agents Total Cash and Investments $ 1,365,390 298.000 1,663,390 81,684;569 20,183,234 103.531.193 The City follows the practice of pooling cash and.investments of all funds except for funds required to be held by outside fiscal agents under the provisions of bond indentures. Interest income earned on pooled cash and investments is allocated. monthly to the various funds based on the average cash balance in each fund. Interest income from cash and investments with fiscal agents is credited directly to the related fund. Authorized Deoosits/Investments Under provision of the City's investment policy, and in accordance with Section 53601 of the California Government Code; the City may invest in the following types of investments: Securities of the U.S. Government or its agencies. Obligations of State or Municipal Governments. Certificates of Deposit (or Time Deposits). Bankers' Acceptances. Negotiable Certificates of Deposit: Commercial Paper. Local Agency Investment Fund demand deposits (State pool). County Treasury Pool. Repurchase Agreements. Reverse repurchase agreements Passbook Savings Account demand deposits. $1,399,002 103,763 ( 137,375 24 ' • CITY OF POWAY • Notes to Financial Statements (Continued) ' June 30, 1999 • Mutual-Funds. Medium- Term Corporate Notes. ' Asset- backed Securities. Other prudent, investments instruments, .majority of the governing body. Deposits/Credit Risk approved prior to purchase by a two- thirds The California Government Code requires California banks and savings and loan associations to secure a City's deposits by pledging government securities as collateral. The market value of pledged securities must equal at least 1 of a City's deposits. California law also allows financial institutions to secure City •deposits by pledging first trust deed mortgage.notes:having -a value of 150% of a City s total deposits. The City may waive collateral requirements for deposits which are fully insured up to $100,000 by Federal 'depository insurance. 1 In accordance with GASB Statement 3, deposits are classified as to credit risk by three categories as follows: Category 1: Insured oecollateralized with securities held by the City or by its agent in the City's name. Category 2: Collateralized with securities held by" the pledging financial institution's trust department or agent in the City' I s'name. Category 3: Uncollateralized. Credit Risk: Canning Amount, and Fair Value of Investments The investments that are represented by specific identifiable investment securities are classified as to credit risk by the three categories as follows: ' Category.l .Insured or registered, or securities held by the City or its agent in the Citys name.. Category 2: Uninsured and unregistered with securities held by the pledging financial institution's or counterparty's trust department or agent in the City s name. Category 3: Uninsured and unregistered with securities =held by the counterparty, or by its trust department or agent, but not in.the City,s name. 25 • • CITY OF POWAY Notes to Financial Statements (Continued) June 30,1999 Deposits were categorized as follows at June 30, 1999: Pooled Deposits: Demand Accounts (Bank'Balance) Add deposit in transit Less outstanding warrants Demand Accounts (Book Balance) Certificates of Deposit Total Pooled Deposits Deposits with Fiscal Agents: Deposits (Cash) Total Deposits Category 1 2 3 Amount i !7 $108,346 $1,290,656 $1,399,002 103,763 ( 137,375 200;000 98,000 1,365 298.000 308,346 1,388,656 1,663,390 $8707 87:007 Investments consisted of the following at June 30, 1999: Pooled Investment: U.S. Government Securities Medium -Term Corporate Notes Local Agency Investment Fund'(State Pool)"' San Diego County Pool ) Total Pooled Investment Investments with Fiscal Agents: U.S. Treasury Notes Mutual Funds Total Investments With Fiscal Agents Total Investments (1) Not subject to categorization Gateeory Fair 1 2 3 Value $36,866,339 $ 36,866 339 18,246,645 18 26,250,669 320 "916 55,112;984 81,684,569 $8,232,593 8,232,593 11,863;634 8,232,593 20,096,227 $55:- 112.984_ 101.780.796 26 CTTY OF POWAY Notes to Financial Statemenfs,(Continued) ,'. June 30,1999 r c2) The management of the State of California Pooled Money Investment Account (generally ,referred to as LAIF)•has indicated to the City that as of June 30, 1999 the amortized cost value of the pool was $36,849,505,673 and the fair value of the pool was $36,801,515,428. Included in LAIF"s investment. portfolio are certain • derivative securities, or similar products, in the form of structured notes totaling $1,524,350,000 t and asset - backed, securities totaling $351,942,000. LAIF's (and the City's) exposure to risk (credit, market -or legal);is not currently available., (3) At June 30, 1999,_ market value for the County Treasury Pool was $1,847,174,100. The City's proportionate share of that value is $325,160. The County Treasury's investment portfolio does not contain any derivatives. The County Treasury's .(and the City's) exposure to risk (credit,:market or legal) is not currently available. Cash and Investments with 'Fiscal Agents ' The City has monies held by trustees or fiscal agents pledged to the payment or security of certain bonds. The California Government Code provides these monies, in the absence of specific statutory provisions governing the issuance of bonds, may be invested in accordance with the ordinance, resolutions or indentures-specifying the types of investments its trustees or fiscal agents may make. 3. PROPERTY TAXES Property taxes attach as an enforceable lien on property as of January 1. Taxes are levied on July 1 and.are -in two installments on December 10 and April 10. The County bills and,collecis the,property taxes and remits them to the City in installments during the year. City property tax revenues are recognized when levied,to_the extent that they result in current receivables in accordance with GASB Cod. Sec. P70: Property,tax receivablesare not offset �. by deferred revenues because they are collectible within 60 days after the fiscal year end. The County is permitted: by State Law (Proposition _13) to levy taxes at 1% of f ill.market value (at time of purchase) and can increase the property tax rate no more than two percent peryear. The.City.receives a share of this basic levy. 4. REFIABILITATION LOAN PROGRAM The ;City has made various non - interest bearing loans to property owners for the rehabilitation of property within the City. In accordance with the Affordable Housing Rehabilitation. Loan Program, ten percent of each loan is forgiven each year on the loan anniversary. A portion of the loans are repayable only upon the sale of the property within • ten years of the loan. origination date or upon the death of the current property owner. Due to the contingent repayment schedule of these loans, .the Agency records an expenditure when a loan is made and.no receivable is included-in the financial statements. The balance of the loans outstanding at June 30, 1999 was $686,532. 1 27 9 6. 7. 0 CITY OF POWAY Notes to Financial Statements (Continued) June 30,1999 RECEIVABLE UNDER OWNER PARTICIPATION AGREEMENT In 1990, the Poway Redevelopment Agency entered into an agreement with a developer whereby the developer is to contribute $1 to the construction of Scripps.. Poway Parkway. $302,940 plus accrued interest is to be paid at the time of issuance of the -first building, permits on the commercial property. The - payment of the balance°of $1,074,060 is to be paid at the time of issuance of a building permit for each residential lot ($8 plus accrued interest per residential "lot). hiterest isto accrue at the rate of 8 1 %4% per year to the principal of $1,377,000 commencing on March 9, 1993. At June 30, 1999, the agreement has been satisfied and no balance remains. CHANGES IN GENERAL FIXED ASSETS Changes in general fixed assets during the year ended June 30, 1999, were as follows: Balance July 1. 1998 Additions Land $43,510,522 Buildings 44,217,364 $ 790,699 Improvements other than buildings 2,882,389 248,934 Machinery and equipment 7,976,928 602,524 Construction in progress 715.035 1 LJ I Balance Deletions June 301999 $ 43;510,522 45 3,131,323 8,579,452 $715.035 The beginning balance of Buildings is restated to exclude $344,626'of improvements relating to fixed assets held for resale previously reported in the General Fixed Assets Account Group. (See Note 20) ENTERPRISE FILED ASSETS A summary of proprietary fund type property, plant and equipment at June 30, 1999 follows: Land Buildings Improvements other than buildings Machinery and equipment Construction in progress Total Less accumulated depreciation Net $ 76,797 19,489,824 36,125,038 1,431,420 1.977.499 59,100,578 (26;048:113) 33.052:465 1 11 l I I M 1 r� I • • CITY OF POWAY Notes:to Financial Statements (Continued) June 30,1999 CHANGES IN LONGTERM DEBT General Long -Term Debt. Account Groua The following is a'summary of the changes in the General Long -Term Debt Account Group for the year ended June 30, 1999: Tax Allocation Bonds Tax Allocation Notes Certificates of Participation Advances from Other Funds Contract Payable Notes Payable Obligations Under Capital Leases Total Balance New Debt Debt Balance July 1, 1998 Incurred Retirement June 30, 1999 $115,685,000 $ 2 ;015,000 $113,670,000 $ 7,945;000 7,945,000 55,810;000 810,000 55,000,000 25,649,512 2121,819 2 24,919,512 44,280 646 43,634 28,570,133 2;374,973 4,423,504 26,521,602 368,813 $226:127.73 8 12:441 "792 38,600 330,213 10139.569 ' 228429961 General long -term debt consisted of the following at June 30,`1999: Tax Allocation Bonds 1990 Tax Allocation Bonds, issued in 1990 in the amount of $21,595,000 consisting bonds of $7,475,000 maturing from 1991 to 2000, in semi - annual installments of $295;000 to $510,000 and term bonds of $4,840,000 and $9,280,000 maturing in 2011, respectively. Interest is payable semi - annually on June 15 and December 15 at rates ranging from 5.75% to 7.25 %.. Bonds maturing on or after December 15, 2011 are subject to ,optional redemption in whole or in part on any interest payment date. Bonds 'maturing on December 15, 2004 are subject to mandatory redemption on interest;payment date from June 15, 2001 to December 15, 2004. Bonds maturing, on December 15; 2011 are ,subject to mandatory redemption on each interest payment date from June 15, 2005to'December 15, 2011. $15,600,000 29 • CITY OF POWAY • Notes to Financial Statements (Continued) June 30,.1999 1993 Tax Allocation Refunding. Bonds issued >in 1993 in the amount of $104,710,000 consisting of $79,355,000 Fixed Rate bonds and $25,355;000 Indexed Inverse Floating/Fixed Rate bonds. The $79,355,000 Fixed Rate bonds consist of $9;520,000 serial bonds maturing from 1993 to 2002 in annual in of $325,000 to $2,810,000; term bonds of $49;035,000 maturing in 2023; and term bonds of $20,800,000 maturing in 2026. The $25,355,000 Indexed Inverse Floating/Fixed Rate bonds consist of $4,390,000 bonds maturing in. 2006 scheduled to convert in '2003 to 5.22% and $20,965,000 bonds maturing in 2014 scheduled to convert in 1999 to 5,67 %. Interest on the bonds is payable. semi-annually on June 15 and December 15 at rates ranging from 170%to 5.75 %. Bonds maturing on or after December 15, 2002 are subject to: optional redemption in whole or in part on any interest date. Bonds , maturing on December 15, 2006, are subject to mandatory redemption beginning June 15, 2003. Bonds maturing on December 15,. 2014, are subject to mandatory redemption beginning June 15, 2007. Bonds maturing on December 15, .2023, are subject to mandatory redemption beginning June 15, 2015. Bonds maturing on December 15 are subject to mandatory redemption beginning June 15, 2024. Total Tax Allocation Bonds Tax Allocation Notes In May 1999, the Agency issued $7,94000 of Subordinated Tax Allocation Notes (Notes). The Notes were 'issued on a subordinate basis to the Agency's previously issued $21,595,000 Paguay Redevelopment Project, Tax Allocation Refunding Bonds; Series 1990A of which $15,600,000 are currently outstanding and the Agency's $104,710,000 Paguay Redevelopment` Project, Subordinate Tax Allocation Refunding Bonds, Series 1993 of which $98;070,000 are currently outstanding. The;Notes are;also subordinate to payments under certain Owner Participation. Agreements and Pass- Through Agreements. The Notes are being issued to repay certain obligations owed by the Agency. The Notes are payable -and secured by Pledged Tax Revenues derived from taxes levied on the property within the Project Area The Notes may be called before maturity and redeemed, in whole or in part, on June 15, 2000 or on any day thereafter prior to maturity. The;Notes,will mature on December 15, 2003 and'bear interest at 4.75 %. Interest is payable semiannually on December 15 and June 15 beginning December 1999. Total Tax Allocation Notes 0 I 1 I j 98,070:000 �. $113.670A00 •, eee 1 'JI • CITY OF POWAY • Notes to,Financial Statements '(Continued) June 30, 1999 r Certificates ofParticiyation ' 1995 Refunding Certificates of. Participation issued. in, 1995 in the amount of $9,315 consisting of $6,930;000 serial, certificates maturing 'from 1996. to 2008 in annual installments of $375,000 to $710,000 and $2.385.000;term certificates maturing in 2011. Interest is payable semi- annually on February 1 and August 1 at rates ranging from 4.10% to 6;07 %. * 'Certificates maturing on or after August 1, 2006 are subject to optional redemption in whole or in part;on any interest payment datei beginning August 1, 2005. Certificates maturing on August 1,.2011` are subject to mandatory redemptions in part on August.l of each yearbeginning August 1, 2009:. 1995 Refunding Certificates of Participation issued in 1995 in the amount of $31,770,000 - consisting of $3,895,000 serial • certificates maturing from 1996 tos200 semi- annual installments; of $10,000 1 to $360,000 and term certificates of $6,335,000, $6,405 and $15,135 maturing, in 2015,.2020 and 2028, respectively. Interest is. payable semi - annually on.February 1 and August;l at rates ranging from 3.65 % to 6.15 %.. Certificates maturing on or. after,February 1, 2006 are subject to optional prepayment in whole or in part on any interest payment date on or after August 1, 2005. Certificates maturingon August 1; 2015,2020 and 2028 are subject to;mandatory prepayment by lot on any interest payment date beginning February 1, 2009, 2016 and,2021,,respectively. 1992 Certificates of Participation, issued in 1992 in the amount:of $12,640,000 consisting of serial certificates of $3,265 maturing from 1992 to 20031 in semi - annual installments of '$70,000 to $350,000 and term certificates of $2 and $6,495,000 maturing in 2009 and 2018 respectively. Interest semi- annually on June 1 and December 1 at rates ranging from 3.5% to 6.375%. Certificates maturing on or after December 1, ;2002 are ' subject to, optional prepayment in whole on any interest payment date on or'afler June 1, 2002. Certificates maturing on December 1, 2009 'are subject to mandatory prepayment on each interest, payment date from June 1, 2004 to December 1, 2009. Certificates maturing on June, 1, 2618 are subject to mandatory prepayment on each interest payment date `June` 1, 2010 to June 1, 2018. 31 $ 8,090,000 31,665,000 10,940,000 0 0 CITY OF POWAY Notes to Financial Statementi (Continued) June 30, 1999 1996 Certificates of Participation, issued in. 1996 in the. amount of $4,375,000 consisting of serial certificates of $960,000 maturing from 1999 through 2008 in annual installments of $70,000 to $110,000 and term certificates of $3,415,000 maturing in 2026: Interest is payable semi - annually on February 1 and August 1 at rates ranging from 4.4% to 5.6 %. Certificates maturing on or after August, 2008 are subject to optional redemption in whole or'inpart, on anyFebruary 1 or August 1, on or after August 1, 2007. Certificates, maturing on August 1, 2026 are subject to mandatory redemption, without premium, on August 1, 2009 to August 1, 2026. 4,305,000 Total Certificates of Participation 55.000.000 Advances from Other Funds The City Council authorized a loan.to the Redevelopment Agency in the amountof'$4,859,159 at an interest rate`ranging' from 6.25% to 7.875 %. The loan is repayable ,as tax increment funds become available to the Agency. $ 4,859,159 The City Council authorized a number of loans to the Redevelopment Agency in the amount of $13,047,865 at various interest rates. The terms of the loans are indefinite. Accrued interest on the loans , of $6,830,046 is notreflected in the accompanying financial statements. Interest is recorded when if becomes payable from available spendable resources. 1 13,047,865 The City Council authorized a loan to the Redevelopment Agency in the amount of $7,012,488 at interest rates: ranging from 6.5% to 8.375 %. The loan is repayable as tax increment funds become available to the:Agency. 7.012:488 Total Advances from Other Funds 24.919.512 Contract Payable Payable to Pomerado Cemetery Distri ct from .future,taxrevenues per agreement between the Cemetery District and the Poway Redevelopment. Agency dated October 23, 1984. The purpose of the. agreement is to' alleviate any financial burdenor'detriment caused to the District by the Redevelopment Plan. The Agency is to make payments to the District as follows: 06 9 • CITY OF POWAY • Notes to Financial Statements (Continued) ' • June 30, 3999 r A. For 'the first fiscal year in which the Agency receives tax revenues at least equal to two hundred fifty dollars ($250) plus an additional twenty percent (20 %) pursuant to Section 33334.2 of'the Health and Safety Code, the Agency shall pay to the District the sum of two hundred fifty dollars ($250); B. For each fiscal year during which the Redevelopment Plan remains in effect,after the fiscal year referred to in the °preceding paragraph A, the Agency shall pay to the District from tax revenues an amountiqual to (i) the amount of tax revenues paid by the Agency to the, District during the fiscal year'imrnediately preceding the fiscal year for which the calculation being made, multiplied by (ii) oneand seven one - hundredths (1.07). Notes Pavable In December 1985, the.Poway Redevelopment Agency entered into an acquisition agreement, with CF Poway Ltd. to provide for the construction of public improvements relating to the development of Pomerado Business Park. The agreement provides that the Agency will..enter into a promissory.: note with CF Poway to reimburse them for the cost of constructing'certain public improvements. In March 1991, the Agency accepted $8;608,753 of improvements. The note plus accrued interest at 9.375% is to be paid from excess tax w; increment generated by the 'project as the funds become available. In November 1990,,the Agency entered into an acquisition agreement with Tech Business Center, LLC, (IBC) a California limited liability company, to provide for the construction of public `improvements relating to the 'development of the Poway Corporate' Center. The agreement provided that the Agency would enter into :a promissory r note with TBC to reimburse TBC for the cost of constructing certain public improvements. In April 1993, the Agency accepted $2;500,000 of improvements and executed a promissory, noterat 8 %. The note plus' accrued interest was'.payable from excess tax increment generated,by,the:development. During the fiscal.year,ended;June 30, 1 1999, Ahe agreement was amended. The amended agreement requires the Agency to provide assistance by making payments from available tax increment "generated by the development, to a .maximum of $14,250,000. The payments; contingent upon faithful performance and compliance by T 3C of the amended agreement, are -to facilitate the construction of public improvements. The payments are payable on each September 30 to the extent that there is available tax 634 $17,770;502 1 33 • CITY OF POWAY • Notes to Financial Statements (Continued) June 30,1999 increment. The Agency may also issue bonds secured by the available tax increment when it is sufficient. The total of annual payments and bond proceeds will "not exceed the $14,250,000, As a result of the amendment, the Agency has removed the $2,500,000 note payable plus accrued interest of $1;528,921 from the General Long -Tenn Debt Account Group. Due to nature of the new obligation, it is not recorded in "the General Long -Term Debt Account Group. In October 1988, the Poway Redevelopment Agency entered into an acquisition agreement with Parkway Partners to provide for the construction of public improvements. relating to the development of Parkway Business Center. The: agreement provides that the Agency will enter into a promissory note with Parkway- Partners to reimburse them for the cost of constructing, certain public improvements. In November 1995, the Agency executed and delivered a promissory note in the face amount of $7,372,075 at an interest rate of 6.0% per annum,. effective July 1, 1995. The note plus accrued interest is payable from excess tax increment generated by the project as the funds become available. 8,751,10 Total Notes Payable 26.521.602 Obligations Under Capital Leases The City entered into a lease agreement to fund the energy retrofit of the lighting systems throughout the City facilities. The lease qualifies as a capital lease and the asset has been recorded in,the General Fixed Assets Account Group accordingly. The terms ,of the lease call for quarterly payments of $14,959 including interest,,at5.99%. 330 213 There are a number of limitations and restrictions contained in the bond indentures. The City is in compliance with all significant limitations and restrictions. The annual requirements to amortize all debt outstanding in the General Long -Term Debt Account Group, excluding amounts. for advances from other funds and notes payable, as of June 30, 1999, including interest payments of $165,852,882 are as follows: kill. Long -term debt in the Water Fund at June 30, 1999 consisted of the following: 1995 General Obligation, Refunding Bonds issued in the amount of $5,170,000 to advance refund $5,120,000 1975 General- Obligation I Water Bonds. The bonds mature from 1996 to -2005 in annual installments of $375;000 to $1,200,000. Interest is payable semi - annually in April and October 1 at rates ranging from,3.9% to 4.8 %. The balance outstanding at June,30, 1999, is net of a bond discount of $8,958 and a loss on refanding,of $33,408. $3,167,634 `■ Poway Public Financing Authority Revenue Bonds, series 1995 issued in the amount of $3,380,000 to provide funds to construct certain water facility improvements. The bonds consist of $2,190,000 serial bonds maturing from 1996 to 2010 in annual installments of $105,000 to $200,060 and $1,190,000 term bonds maturing in 2015. Interest .is payable. semi-annually on May 1 and November 1 with rates ranging from 3.70% to 5.75 %. Bonds maturing on or after November 1, 2006 are subject to optional redemption prior to maturity, in whole or in part, on any date on or after November 1, ' 2005. The term bonds are subject to mandatory redemption in part on .. November 1, 2011 to 2015 in amounts ranging from $215,000 to $265,000. The balance outstanding at June 30, 1999 is net of a bond discount of $41,587. 3,008,413 35 2000 $ 7,898,581 2001 8,694;609 $ 396,257 $ 4,106,075 $ 690 377,388 4,173,989 738 $ 59,835 59,835 $ 12,461,438 13,306,559 2002 8,292;070 CITY OF POWAY 59,835 12,989,793 Notes to Financial Statements (Continued) 377,388 4,292,580 845 59,835 ' June 30,1999 8,133,692 4,344,432 904 59,835 r Obligations Thereafter 183.382'440 86.696.695 39.666 104.713 270,223.514 Year Tax Tax Certificates $9.662.113 $107.873.481 $4_¢33 Under $342.841.729 Ending Allocation Allocation of Contract Capital the 1996 Certificates of Participation) June 30 Bonds Notes Participation Payable Leases Total Long -term debt in the Water Fund at June 30, 1999 consisted of the following: 1995 General Obligation, Refunding Bonds issued in the amount of $5,170,000 to advance refund $5,120,000 1975 General- Obligation I Water Bonds. The bonds mature from 1996 to -2005 in annual installments of $375;000 to $1,200,000. Interest is payable semi - annually in April and October 1 at rates ranging from,3.9% to 4.8 %. The balance outstanding at June,30, 1999, is net of a bond discount of $8,958 and a loss on refanding,of $33,408. $3,167,634 `■ Poway Public Financing Authority Revenue Bonds, series 1995 issued in the amount of $3,380,000 to provide funds to construct certain water facility improvements. The bonds consist of $2,190,000 serial bonds maturing from 1996 to 2010 in annual installments of $105,000 to $200,060 and $1,190,000 term bonds maturing in 2015. Interest .is payable. semi-annually on May 1 and November 1 with rates ranging from 3.70% to 5.75 %. Bonds maturing on or after November 1, 2006 are subject to optional redemption prior to maturity, in whole or in part, on any date on or after November 1, ' 2005. The term bonds are subject to mandatory redemption in part on .. November 1, 2011 to 2015 in amounts ranging from $215,000 to $265,000. The balance outstanding at June 30, 1999 is net of a bond discount of $41,587. 3,008,413 35 2000 $ 7,898,581 2001 8,694;609 $ 396,257 $ 4,106,075 $ 690 377,388 4,173,989 738 $ 59,835 59,835 $ 12,461,438 13,306,559 2002 8,292;070 377,388 4,259 790 59,835 12,989,793 2003 8,294,715 377,388 4,292,580 845 59,835 13,025,363 2004 8,296,199 8,133,692 4,344,432 904 59,835 20,835,062 Thereafter 183.382'440 86.696.695 39.666 104.713 270,223.514 $224.858.614 $9.662.113 $107.873.481 $4_¢33 $403.888 $342.841.729 The contract payable, advances from other funds, Tax Allocation Bonds, Certificates of Participation (except for the 1996 Certificates of Participation) and notes payable are serviced by tax increment revenues of the City of Poway Redevelopment Agency. Enterprise Funds Long -term debt in the Water Fund at June 30, 1999 consisted of the following: 1995 General Obligation, Refunding Bonds issued in the amount of $5,170,000 to advance refund $5,120,000 1975 General- Obligation I Water Bonds. The bonds mature from 1996 to -2005 in annual installments of $375;000 to $1,200,000. Interest is payable semi - annually in April and October 1 at rates ranging from,3.9% to 4.8 %. The balance outstanding at June,30, 1999, is net of a bond discount of $8,958 and a loss on refanding,of $33,408. $3,167,634 `■ Poway Public Financing Authority Revenue Bonds, series 1995 issued in the amount of $3,380,000 to provide funds to construct certain water facility improvements. The bonds consist of $2,190,000 serial bonds maturing from 1996 to 2010 in annual installments of $105,000 to $200,060 and $1,190,000 term bonds maturing in 2015. Interest .is payable. semi-annually on May 1 and November 1 with rates ranging from 3.70% to 5.75 %. Bonds maturing on or after November 1, 2006 are subject to optional redemption prior to maturity, in whole or in part, on any date on or after November 1, ' 2005. The term bonds are subject to mandatory redemption in part on .. November 1, 2011 to 2015 in amounts ranging from $215,000 to $265,000. The balance outstanding at June 30, 1999 is net of a bond discount of $41,587. 3,008,413 35 • CITY OF POWAY • Notes to Financial Statements (Continued) ' June 30,1999 The Water Fund entered into a lease agreement to fund the energy retrofit of the lighting systems throughout. the water facilities. The lease qualifies as a capital lease and the asset has been capitalized accordingly. The terms of the: lease call for quarterly payments of $6,254 including interest at 5.99 138,052 Contract payable 5,407 Total 6,319 Less current portion 537'126 Long -term Debt Payable in Enterprise Funds The annual requirements to amortize long-term debt outstanding.included in the Enterprise Funds as of June 30, 1999, excluding contract payable and including interest payments of $2,143,644 are as follows: Obligation General Under Year Ending Revenue Obligation Capital June 30 Bonds Bonds Lease Total 2000 $ 272,840 $ 535,787 $ 25,015 $ 833,642 2001 272,540 538,768 25,015 836,323 2002 271,930 535,486 25,015 832,431 2003 271,033 .535,788 25,015 831,836 2004 269,775 534,625 25,015 829,415 Thereafter 3,259,722 1,074,550 43,777 4,378:049 617 840 3 755 0 16 8 54 6 RESTRICTED ASSETS Restricted assets at June 30, 1999, consisted_of the following: Cash and Investments Receivables Cash and Investments With Fiscal Agents Debt Capital General Enterprise Enterprise Service Enterprise Projects Agency Fund Funds. Funds Funds Funds Funds Funds , Tax revenues received for payment of general obligation bonds $1,421,777 $3,359 • Certificate of deposit $100,000 1978 fire bonds $ 150 36 9. i I 1 I I • CITY OF POWAY • Notes,to,Financial Statements (Continued); June 30,1999 Cash and Investments Receivables _Cash and Investments With Fiscal Agents Debt Capital General Enterprise Enterprise Service Enterprise projects Agency Fund Funds Funds Funds Funds Funds Funds 1987 special tax refimding bonds 1998 special tax bonds 1996 special tax bonds, 1996 certificates of participation 1995 certificates of participation 1992 certificates of participation 1990 tax allocation bonds 1993,tax allocation bonds 1999 tax allocation note Various general obligation bonds Special assessment bonds 1995 revenue 'bonds 0 00 , 1"421"977 $2 3,064,267 $163,885 54,727 438,160 3;375,564 1,014,120 6 8,237,201 884,641 $ 15,844 16,500 283.692 S3 5913-949:842 $3I4 6" 6 '8 5 $ 10. SEGMENT INFORMATION FOR ENTERPRISE FUNDS The City, maintains two enterprise funds which provide water and sewer services. Segment information for the year ended June 30, 1999, was as follows: Water Fund Operating Revenues $11,084,766 ' Depreciation 1,190,642 Operating Loss (901,296) 418;714 Tax Revenues 463,587 (2,359,297) Net Loss (377,205) (593;251) Total Assets 37,064,923 70,214,237 37 Total Enterprise Sewer Fund Funds $ 4,792,159 $15,876,925 418;714 1,609,356 (1,458,001) (2,359,297) 463,587 (593;251) (970,456) 33,149,314 70,214,237 9 CITY OF POWAY Notes to Financial Statements (Continued) June 30;1999 11 RETIREMENT PLAN Plan Description: The City of Poway contributes to the California Public Employees Retirement System (PERS), an .agent multiple- employer public employee defi ned benefit pension plan. PERS provides retirement and disability benefits, annual cost ?of living adjustments, and death benefits to plan members and beneficiaries. PERS acts as a common investment and administrative agent for participating public entities within the State of Califomia. Benefit provisions and.all other requirements are established by state statute and City ordinance, Copies of PERS' annual financial report may be obtained from their executive office: 400'P Street; Sacramento, CA 95814. Funding Policy: Participants are, required to contribute 7% (9% for safety employees) of their annual covered salary. The City makes the contributions required of City employees on their behalf and for their account. The City is, required -to contribute at an actuarially determined rate; the, current rate is 6.5% for non - safety employees and;0% for safety employees, of annual_covered.payroll. The contribution' requirements of plan members and the City are established and may be amended by PERS. Annual Pension Cost: For the.year ended-June 30, 1999, the City's annual pension cost of $1,146,154 for PERS was :equal to the City's required and actual contributions. The required contribution was determined as part:of.the June 30, 1997, actuarial valuation using the entry age normal actuarial cost method. The actuarial assumptions included (a) 8.25% investment rate of return '.(net of administrative expenses), (b) projected annual salary increases that vary by`duration of service, and (c) 3.75% per year cost -of- living adjustments. Both (a) and (b) included' an inflation component of 3.5 %. The actuarial value of PERS assets was determined using techniques that smooth the effects of short-temi volatility in the market value of investments over a four -year period (smoothed market value). PERS unfunded actuarial accrued liability is being amortized M Total Enterprise Water Fund Sewer Fund Funds Plant, Property and Equipment: Additions 623,127 544,646 1,167,773 Deletions 147,342 147,342 Net Working Capital 8,013,743 14,682,479 22,696,222 Capital Contributions 183,674 183,674 Bonds and Other Long - Term Liabilities: Payable from Operating Revenues 5,782,380 5,782,380 Total Equity 29,604,035 32,829,834 62 11 RETIREMENT PLAN Plan Description: The City of Poway contributes to the California Public Employees Retirement System (PERS), an .agent multiple- employer public employee defi ned benefit pension plan. PERS provides retirement and disability benefits, annual cost ?of living adjustments, and death benefits to plan members and beneficiaries. PERS acts as a common investment and administrative agent for participating public entities within the State of Califomia. Benefit provisions and.all other requirements are established by state statute and City ordinance, Copies of PERS' annual financial report may be obtained from their executive office: 400'P Street; Sacramento, CA 95814. Funding Policy: Participants are, required to contribute 7% (9% for safety employees) of their annual covered salary. The City makes the contributions required of City employees on their behalf and for their account. The City is, required -to contribute at an actuarially determined rate; the, current rate is 6.5% for non - safety employees and;0% for safety employees, of annual_covered.payroll. The contribution' requirements of plan members and the City are established and may be amended by PERS. Annual Pension Cost: For the.year ended-June 30, 1999, the City's annual pension cost of $1,146,154 for PERS was :equal to the City's required and actual contributions. The required contribution was determined as part:of.the June 30, 1997, actuarial valuation using the entry age normal actuarial cost method. The actuarial assumptions included (a) 8.25% investment rate of return '.(net of administrative expenses), (b) projected annual salary increases that vary by`duration of service, and (c) 3.75% per year cost -of- living adjustments. Both (a) and (b) included' an inflation component of 3.5 %. The actuarial value of PERS assets was determined using techniques that smooth the effects of short-temi volatility in the market value of investments over a four -year period (smoothed market value). PERS unfunded actuarial accrued liability is being amortized M 39 0 • CITY OF POWAY Notes to Financial Statements (Continued) 1 June 30,1999 ■ as a. level of projected payroll on a closed basis. The remaining amortization period at June 30, 1999, is two years for safety 'employees, and thirteen years for miscellaneous employees. Three-Year Trend Information For PERS 1 ($ Amount In Thousands) Fiscal Annual Pension Percentage of Net Pension Unfunded Year Cost (APC) APC.Contributed Obligation 6/30/97 $1,391 100 % $ - 6/30/98 1,266 100 % - 6%30/99 1,146 100% - 39 (Most Recent Information Available) 1 Actuarial Unfunded Accrued (Excess UAAL as Actuarial Actuarial Liability Assets) a % of Valuation Value of (AAL) AAL Funded Covered Covered Date Assets Entry Age (LJAAL) Ratio Payroll Payroll (A) (B) (B -A) (A/B) (C) [(B -A) /C] 6/30/95: Misc. $15,252 $16,585 $1,333 91.9% $7,390 18.039% Safety 7,458 7.136 _D22j 104.5% 1.606 (20.047 0 /6)' Total 7L $ 1l —Q U 1 2 9° 6/30/96: Misc. $18,397 $18,418 $ 21 99.80% $6,732 0.308% Safety 8.772 8,253 519 106.2% 1669 (31.096 %) Total 27169 6 6 R4 8) 1 10"8 6/30/97: Misc. $22,168 $18,986 $(3,182) 116.8% $6,878 (46.257 %) S9ety. 10,384 8.286 (2,098 125.3% 1,702 (123.282 %) Total U5 . Z 8O 39 • CITY OF POWAY • Notes to Financial Statements (Continued) June30,1999 Defined Contribution Pension Plan The City provides pension benefits for all of its part-time employees through a defined contribution plan. In a defined contribution plan, benefits depend solely on amounts contributed to .the plan plus investment earnings. The plan is administered as part of the Public Agency Retirement Systems (PARS), All part - time employees are eligible to participate from the date of employment. Federal legislation requires contributions of at least 7.5 percent to a retirement plan, and City Council resolved to match the employees' contributions of 3.75 percent for employees. hired prior to July 1, 1996. Employees hired after July 1, 1996 pay 7.5% of the contributions. The City's contributions for each employee (and interest earned by the accounts) are,fiilly vested immediately. For the year ended June 30, 1999, the City's payroll covered by the plan was $518,923. The City made employer contributions of $3,948 (.76 percent of current covered payroll), and employees contributed $34,970 (6.74 percent of current covered payroll). 12. RETAINED EARNINGSNTND BALANCE RESERVES AND DESIGNATIONS Reserves The various reserves established as of June 30, 1999, are described below General Fund Prepaid items $ 905 Inventory 101,338 Advances to Other Funds 16,765,021 Total Reserved 17.772.142 Special Revenue Funds Notes Receivable $ 7,095 Deposits 4,969 Advances to Other Funds 4,772,676 Low and Moderate Income Housing 10,926 Total Reserved 710 0 Debt Service Funds Debt Service 7 -638 708 Capital Proiects Funds Notes Receivable $ 360,000 Deposits 10,969 Advances to Other Funds 125,660 40 i P I r� I • 0 CITY OF POWAY Notes to Financial Statements (Continued) June 30,1999 Fixed Assets Held for Resale Capital Projects Total Reserved Enterprise Funds Debt Service Internal Service Fund Equipment Replacement Trust an&Agency Funds Capital Projects 474,974 256,724 228 7 R eserved for Prepaid Items Represents disbursements for insurance and similar services extending over more than one accounting period. Reserve for Inventory Reserves have been'established for inventory held by the General, Fund (stationery, gasoline, and maintenance'supplies). Reserve for Advances to OtherFunds This reserve is established for long -term advances to other funds. Reserve for Notes Receivable This reserve is established'for long -term notes receivable. Reserve.for Deposits This reserve is established for deposits to indicate that they are not available spendable resources. Reserve for Low and Moderate Income Housing This-reserve is established for funds set aside to benefit low and moderate incwme.housing within' the redevelopment area Reserve for Debt Service Funds collected and interest earned on these funds are :reserved for future principal and interest payments of general long -term debt. Reserve for Fixed AssetsHeld for Resale This reserve established for fixed assets the Redevelopment - Agency purchased for the purpose sale.. Fundbalance is reserved in an arnount.equalsto the carrying value of the fixed assets held for resale because such assets are not;availabie to finance the Agency's operations. 41 • CITY OF POWAY Notes to Financial Statements (Continued) June 30,1999 Reserve for Capital Proiects Principal from the none4endable:trust is reserved for park expansion and is restricted,from use until after the year 2006. Additional funding is reserved in the Capital Projects Fund.and Expendable Trust Fund for projects. Reserve for Eauioment Replacement This reserve is established for replacement of vehicles and equipment on a scheduled program based on the estimated life of the vehicles and equipment. Designations Resolution 85 -038 passed by the City Council set aside all unreserved fund balance ($11,775,667) at June 30, 1999, of the'General fund for future contingencies. The General Fund contingencies are unfunded reserves for insurance, vacation. and sick leave, infrastructure replacement, and future contingencies designated by the City Council. A portion of fund balancelretained earnings in certain fund types in the amount of $310 has been designated to equal the increase in certain investments' in fair value relating to the implementation of GASB 31. These funds are not currently available for use at this time. The Gas Tax, Drainage, Maintenance District Miscellaneous and Grants, and Proposition A Special Revenue Funds unreserved fund balances of $6,922,837 are designated for capital projects. 13. INTERFUND. RECEIVABLES/PAYABLES Fund Receivables Pavables General Fund Special Revenue Funds: Fire Protection Street Improvement Fund Drainage Fund Miscellaneous and Grants Fund Community Development Block Grant Proposition A Fund Debt Service Funds: Redevelopment Agency Capital Projects Funds: Park Improvement Fund High Valley Roads AD #96-.1 Fund Redevelopment Area Fund Water Enterprise Fund Sewer Enterprise Fund $17,010,584 2,466,944 2,094,732 11,000 11 111 125,660 13,472 3,862,411 7,276,166 $ 3,424 780,647 253,200 113,121 13,472 2,111,743 307 129,018 EYA • • CITY OF POWAY Notes to Financial Statements (Continued) June 30, 1999 ,+ Fund Receivables - Payables . Agency Fund: Parkway Business Center CID #88 -1 4,429,604 Bond Deposits General Long -Term Debt Account Group'(Note 8) 24.919.512 33.060:969 33.060.969 14. INSURANCE'(CLAIMS AND JUDGMENTS) A. Description of Self-Insurance Pool Pursuant to Joint Powers, Agreement The City is a member of the CALIFORNIA. JOINT POWERS INSURANCE AUTHORITY (Authority). The Authority is "composed. of 84 California' public entities and, is organized under a joint powers agreement.pursuant to Caffoini Government Code §6500 et seq. The purpose of the Authority is to arrange . and administer programs for the pooling of self - insured losses, to purchase excess insurance or reinsurance, and to arrange for group - purchased insurance for property and other coverages. The Authority's pool began. covering =claims, of its members in 1978. Each member government has an elected official as :its representative on the Board of Directors. The Board.operates through a 9- member. Executive Committee. B. Self-Insurance Programs of the Authority in which the City, Participates General Liability — Each member government, pays a primary deposit to cover estimated losses ;for, a fiscal year (claims year). Six months after the .close of a fiscal year, outstanding claims are valued. A retrospective: deposit computation is then made for each open claims- year: Costs are spread to members;as follows: the first $20,000 ,of each occurrence:is charged directly to the member, costs from $20;001• to $500 are; based on a member's share of costs under $20,000; costs from $500,001 to $5,000,000 are.pooled,based on payroll. Costs of covered claims above,$5 000,000 are currently paid by reinsurance. The protection for each member is $50,000,000 per occurrence"and :$50,000 annual aggregate. Wor = kers Compensation - The City also participates4n. the workers compensation pool adrriinistered' by the Authority. Pool deposits and retrospective: adjustments are valued in a:mIanner'similar -to the General Liability pool. The. City is charged for the first $50,000 of each claim. Costs are pooled above that level to $50,000. Costs from $50 to $160,6W per claim are pooled based on the member's losses under its retention level: Costs. between $100,001 and $500,000 per claim are pooled based on payroll. Costs in excess of $500,000 are paid by excess insurance purchased by the Authority. The excess insurance provides coverage to statutory limits. 43 0 0 CITY OF POWAY Notes to Financial Statements (Continued) June 30, i999 C. Purchased Insurance Properly Insurance — The City participates in the all -risk property protection program of the Authority. This insurance protection is underwritten by several insurance companies. The City's property.is currently insured according to a schedule of covered property submitted by the City to the Authority. Total all -risk- property insurance coverage is $73,608,012. There is a $5,000 per loss deductible. Premiums for the coverage are paid annually and are not subject to retroactive adjustments. Fidelity Bonds — The City purchases blanket fidelity bond coverage in the amount of $1,000,000 with a $5,000 deductible:, The fidelity coverage is, provided through the Authority. Premiums are paid annually and are not subject to retroactive *adjustments. D. Adequacy of Protection During the past three fiscal (claims) years none of the above programs of protection have had settlements or judgments that exceeded pooled or'insured coverage. There have been no significant reductions in pooled or insured liability coverage from coverage in the prior year: Because of the deductible amounts of the self - insurance program, the City does not have reserves or a sinking fund set up for unpaid claims 'and judgments. They are expended as they occur and the .City intends to .pay all of its unpaid claims and judgments from available financial resources. 15. JOINT VENTURE The City is a member of the Regional Solid Waste Association Joint Powers Authority (JPA). The JPA was formed on September 1, 1997 by the Cities of Del Mar,.Encinitas, Lemon Grove, National City, Solana Beach and Vista to ,provide stable, long term, cost . effective options for all aspects of regional solid waste disposal. Each member provides a proportionate percentage of revenue to coverall costs, related to the.obligations and liabilities of the JPA when they are due and payable. In the event:of dissolution of the JPA, any money or assets in possession of the Regional Solid Waste Association after the. payment of all liabilities, costs, expenses and charges* shall be distributed to the member agencies in proportion. to their contributions determined' as of the time of temvnation. The activities of the JPA are supervised by a board _,consisting of one elected member of the legislative body of each of the member agencies. Summarized audited information of the JPA for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1999 is as follows` Total Assets $45,431 Liabilities 45.431 Fund Equity and Other Credits 44 CITY OF POWAY Notes to Financial Statementsi(Coutinued)� i June 30,1999 Revenues $211,280 Expenditures 211,280 M Net Incitzm in Fund Equity The City's share of the'JPNs assets and liabilities are, not available. Separate financial statements of the'JPA areavailable at the City of Poway. 16. OTHER REQUIRED INDIVIDUAL FUND DISCLOSURES '. Expenditures of $1,857,302 of the City of Poway Maintenance District 83 -1 Special Revenue Fund exceeded_;the:budget appropriation of $1,840,603. The Transportation.Deyelopment Act Special.. Revenue Fund had a deficit fund balance of $20,559 at June 30, 1999, which is expected to be eliminated through future revenues. The High Valley Roads AD#9&1 Capital Projects Fund had a deficit fund balance of $129,018 at June 30, 1999, which is expected to be eliminated through future revenues. The Performing Art Center Expendable Trust Fund had a deficit fund balance of $8,775 at ■`� June 30, 1999, which is expected to be eliminated through future revenues. 17. ASSESSMENT DISTRICT AND COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICTS BOND ISSUES I a. In November 1998,the City issued $26,090,000 in Special Tax Refunding Bonds to refund the outstanding,portion of the $32,800,0WSouth Poway Community Facilities District -.No. 1 1987 Special Tax Refunding Bonds., In May 1998, the City issued $34,445;000 in Special Tax Refunding Bonds to refund the.outstanding portion of the $30,000,000 and $8;000,000 Communities Facilities District No. 88 -1, (Parkway Business Centre) Special Tax Bonds, Series 1989 and .,(Parkway Business Centre) Special Tax Bonds Series 1990 respectively. The'bonds are authonzed'pursuant to M61lo =Roos Community Facilities Act of 1982 and are secured ;byand payable from the proceeds, of annual. special assessment taxes levied and eollected.on the property within the District. The Bonds are not general or special obligations ofthe City of Poway. The City..is:actingias agent only for the property owners,in collecting the special assessments 1 and forwarding the collections to the fiscal agents. Neither the faith and credit nor the taxing power of the City is pledged to the payment of these bonds. At June 30, 1999, the November 1989 and May ,1998 bonds outstanding were $24,780,000and $34,445,000, respectively. 45 0 0 CITY OF POWAY Notes to Financial Statements (Continued) June 30; 1999 The City has loaned $4,429;604 (including interest) to the Parkway Business Center CID 488 -1 Bond Deposits Agency Fund to pay debt service which should have been paid from special taxes revenues. The loan will be repaid by 1) payments to the..City'by the developer based on a per lot basis as lots are sold, 2) payments„to the. City by the developer based on a sales price basis as lots are sold, and 3) if necessary, assessments to the property owners via the special tax. b. In June 1996, the City issued $586 Integrated Financing Assessment District No. 96-1 (High Valley Roads) Limited Obligation Improvement Bonds to finance, the cost of acquisition and construction of.certain public infrastructure improvements benefiting properties within the boundaries of the assessment district. The bonds are authorized pursuant to the Improvement Bond Act of 1915 and are secured, by and payable from the proceeds of annual special assessment taxes levied and collected, on the property within the District The Bonds are not general or special obligations of the City of Poway. The City is acting as agent only for the property owners in collecting the special assessments and forwarding the collections to the fiscal agent. Neither'the =faith and credit nor the taxing power of the; City is pledged to the payment of these bonds. At June 30, 1999, the balance outstanding was $540,000. 18. DEFEASEMENT OF LONG -TERM DEBT. In September 1995, the City advance 'refunded $27,985,000 1991 Certificates of Participation by placing an irrevocable bug with an`escrow agent amounts sufficient to meet all future debt service payments of 'the refunded debt. As a result, the, Certificates were considered to be defeased and the liability was removed from the general .long -term debt account group. At June 30, 1999, $26,725,000 of the 1991 Certificates remained outstanding. In 1993 the Agency advance refunded $35;000,000 Tax Allocation Bonds Series 1,989A and $9,330,000 Tax Allocation Bonds; Issue of 1991 by placing in an irrevooable amounts sufficient to meet all future debt service payments of the. refunded debts. As a result, the bonds were considered defeased and the liability was removed from the:G'eneral Long -Term debt account. group. At June 30, 1999, $32,435,000 of the Tax Allocation Bonds, Series 1989A and $8,605,000 of the `Pax Allocation Bonds, Issue of 1991 remained'outstanding. 1La COMMITMENTS AND CONTINGENCIES a. On March 22, 1997, the Poway Redevelopment Agency entered into an Owner Participation Agreement with a developer with regards to a certain parcel of real property located in the Project Area within the boundaries of CID 88 -1. In order to partially fund debt service on. the CID Bonds (see note 17a) and to provide for the funding of certain public improvements associated with the project, the ,Agency shall pay the developer on each annual payment date an amount equal to the gross property !T CITY OF POWAY Notes to Financial Statements (Continued) June 30, 1999 tax: increment'allocated to >.and received by the Agency with respect.to the site less the housing -set aside,and the County and City administrative charges for the previous fiscal I year ending June 30m preceding the annual payment date. b. The City is a defendant in certain legal actions arising in the normal course of operations. In the opinion of management and legal..counsel, any liability resulting from those actions will not result in a material adverse effect on the City's financial position. 20. PRIOR PERIOD ADJUSTMENTS ' Special assessment-tax revenues -and related expenditures comprising $278,792 with regard to the Regional Communication System, were not recorded in prior years. Improvements to Land'held for,resale, in the amount of, $344,626 ° were previously recorded as an expenditure in the Capital Projects Fund and capitalizsddri the General Fixed.Assets Account Group rather than;the Capital Projects Fund. Balance as Prior Previously Period Balance as Fund Tvoe Reported Adiustment Restated Special Revenue Funds $24,343,953 $278 $24,622 Capital Projects Funds 12,807,997 344,626 13,152,623 21. RESIDUAL EQUITY TRANSFERS A residual equity transfer of.$147,342 was made, from the'Sewer Fund as a; contribution to the Water Fund's fixed assets. I 11 1� ,, 47 • CITY OF POWAY • Required Supplementary Information (Unaudited) On Year 2000 C_ ompliance June 30, 1999 Governmental Accounting Standards Board Technical Bulletin 99 -1, Disclosure About Year 2000 ( "Y2K ') Issues, requires disclosure of certain matters regarding Y2K. The Y2K issue stems from the inability of some computer systems to function correctly with the dates of Y2K or beyond in data, calculations or even internal clocks. Problems can occur before the Y2K; when future dates are encountered in data or calculated: The'City's ability to serve its customers. may be directly or indirectly affected by such,problems °in its own computer systems, others computer systems or even devices not recognized as computers but controlled by hidden components. The following is the City of Poway's position with regard to the stages of completion of its Y2K efforts. Awareness Stave The City has taken a very proactive. approach, in addressing the Y2K issue. An inventory of all - critical hardware and software used by the City has been performed classifying each item as "Compliant" or "Non- compliant ". A proposed _resolution and associated costs to bring. Non- compliant items under compliance has,been.set forth. The City has received documentation from its computer hardware and software vendors as to the vendor's compliance with the Y2K issue. Similar documentation has been received from other critical vendors not related to providing computer - related products. Remediation Stave During the remediation stage the actual reprogramming of software, resetting of hardware variables, and where necessary, the replacement of software and hardware occurs. Validation/Testing Stage Validation/Testing applies the changes to production systems in a non- production envorinment. The implementation stage is when a tested Y2K compliant system is ready for use. Required Year 2000 Actions The City's computer services department has inventories of all the software, hardware and embedded systems currently used. by all City departments. This inventory is continually updated as new software and hardware is acquired, prior to Y2K. During this process the City has analyzed all critical systems including its financial software, water and sewer systems, traffic signal and emergency communications. Analysis for Y2K deficiencies in the systems is conducted on anion -going basis. Any such deficiencies found in the systems are addressed either by remediation or replacement. Afterward, the system must be completely tested, to ensure compliance when Y2K arrives. In addition, the computer services department will continue to monitor the Y2K compliance status of their external dependencies through the year 2000. Monitoring will include the collection of "letters of compliance" from the City's software and hardware vendors whenever possible. These efforts are to ensure a strong; legal position and develop 'a straregy to monitor the efforts of their key outside dependencies. 48 I I I 1 �I I ' SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION COMBINING AND INDIVIDUAL FUND AND ACCOUNT GROUP FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AND SCHEDULES 0 0 This page left.blank intentionally. go 1 0 6 10 GENERAL FUND Used to account for all ,of the.general revenues of the City not specifically levied or collected for other City funds, and I for the expenditures '. related to the rendering of general services by the City. The�General Fund is used to account for all resources not required to be accounted for in another fund. 1 I I 10 1 i F I 1 51 0 0 CITY OF POWAY Comparative Balance Sheets General Fund June 30; 1999 Assets 1999 1998 Cash and investments Receivables Net of allowance for uncollectibles): Taxes Accounts Interest Due from other funds Due from other governments Prepaid items Inventory, at cost Advances to other funds Restricted cash and investments Total Assets $ 11,007,380 1,268,983 444,539 1,107,227 245,563 282,772 905,783 101,338 16,765,021 100,000 $ 32,228,606:_ $ 9,421,837 1,106;576 245,454 917,398 170;850 342,678 73,052 109,320 17;567,565 100;000 $'30,054;730 Liabilities and Fund Balance Liabilities: Accounts payable Accrued. liabilities Deposits $ 1,525,208 977,094 65,374 $ 1,287,858 939,657 67,487 Total Liabilities Fund Balance: Reserved: Prepaid items Inventory Advances to other funds Unreserved: Designated for far value adjustment Designated for contingencies Total Fund Balance Total Liabilities and Fund Balance 2,567,676 2,295,002 905,783 101,338 16,765,021 11,888,788 29,660,930 $ 32,228,606 73,052 109;320 17,567,565 40,337 9,969,454 27;759,728 $ 30054,730 52 • CITY OF POWAY • Statement`, of Revenues, Expenditures' and' Changes in Fund Balance Budget and Actual • General Fund For the Year Ended June 30, 1999 1999 1998 Variance Favorable Budget Actual (Unfavorable) $ 10,221,610 285,270 1,986,000 5,561,550 78,400 1,079,970 347,950 $ 11,321,795 262 2,243,053 6,169,569 210,762 1,397,834 529,866 $ 1,100,185 (22,788) 257,053 608,019 132,362 317,864 181,916 Actual $ 10,133,119 257,818 2,087,767 6,253,837 86,273 1,359,029 372,938 19,560,750 Revenues: 2,574,611 Taxes Licenses and permits 1 Intergovernmental 4;291,252 275,772 Charges for services 10,370,785 Fines and forfeitures ' Interest and rentals 1,608,411 Other 129,047 Total Revenues 3,201,064 Expenditures: 185,990 Current: General government. 3,061,175 Public safety 1,209,633 Public works Community services Capital expenditures Debt service: I Principal Interest ' Total Expenditures Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues Over Expenditures Other Financin&Sources (Uses): Operating,transfers °.in Operating. transfers (out) Total Other Financing Sources (Uses) Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues and Other Sources Over Expenditures and ` Other Uses t Fund Balance, Beginning Fund Balance, Ending 1998 Variance Favorable Budget Actual (Unfavorable) $ 10,221,610 285,270 1,986,000 5,561,550 78,400 1,079,970 347,950 $ 11,321,795 262 2,243,053 6,169,569 210,762 1,397,834 529,866 $ 1,100,185 (22,788) 257,053 608,019 132,362 317,864 181,916 Actual $ 10,133,119 257,818 2,087,767 6,253,837 86,273 1,359,029 372,938 19,560,750 22;135,361 2,574,611 20,550,781 4,567,024 4;291,252 275,772 4,119,614 10,370,785 9,870,602 500,183 9,333,832 1,608,411 1,479,364 129,047 1,368,133 3,201,064 3 185,990 2 3,061,175 1,851,542 1,209,633 1,255,900 32,979 2,826 22,808,459 20,507,834 2,300,625 18,875,248 (3,247,709) 1,627,527 4 1,675,533 568,660 1,018,596 449,936 1,496,570 (740,000) (744,921) (4;921) (730,263) (171,340) 273,675 445,015 766,307 (3,419,049) 1,901,202 27;759,728 27,759,728 5,320,251 2,441,840 25,317,888 $ 24,340,679 $ 29,660,930 $ 5,320,251 $ 27,759,728 53 0 This page intentionally left blank. 0 54 SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS Fire Protection Fund Used to account for revenues received from the Fire Protection Special Tax. Voters approved this special tax in June 1997. It is used to pay for a portion of the costs of fire protection within the City of Poway. Drainage Fund Used to account for operations of the flood control ' and drainage division. Financing is provided by developer's drainage fees and flood zone fees. from the County. Poway Municipal Code Section 16.72 requires the segregation of the funding. Maintenance District 83 -1 Fund Used for landscape and maintenance of a noise buffer. Costs of the projects are estimated and property owners are assessed their proportionate share based on acreage owned. The assessments are collected via the tax rolls. 1 Miscellaneous and Grants Fund Used to account for grants from various agencies used for operations and maintenance, and to account for specific in -lieu fees from developers. Financing for grants is provided by the State, County and Federal Government. Such grants provide, for payment of all current operating costs and may be used only for specified purposes. 55 800 MHZ Regional Communication Used to account. for revenues received from the 800 System Fund MHZ Regional Communication System Special Tax. Voters approved this special tax in June 1998. It is used to pay for the City's share of the County -wide radio backbone system, and a portion of the annual maintenance expenses. Gas Tax Fund Used to account for revenues received and expenditures made. for street maintenance. Financing is provided by the Citys share of State gasoline taxes made pursuant to the California State Constitution and authorized by the State Legislature. Street Improvement Fund Used to account for revenues received and N expenditures made for street improvements. Financing is provided primarily from developer's traffic mitigation fees. City Ordinance No. 80 authorized the 1 collection and the segregation of the funding. Drainage Fund Used to account for operations of the flood control ' and drainage division. Financing is provided by developer's drainage fees and flood zone fees. from the County. Poway Municipal Code Section 16.72 requires the segregation of the funding. Maintenance District 83 -1 Fund Used for landscape and maintenance of a noise buffer. Costs of the projects are estimated and property owners are assessed their proportionate share based on acreage owned. The assessments are collected via the tax rolls. 1 Miscellaneous and Grants Fund Used to account for grants from various agencies used for operations and maintenance, and to account for specific in -lieu fees from developers. Financing for grants is provided by the State, County and Federal Government. Such grants provide, for payment of all current operating costs and may be used only for specified purposes. 55 0 This page left blank intentionally. M . 1 0 • P SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS ' Fire Protection Fund Used to account for revenues received from the Fire Protection Special Tax. Voters approved this special tax in June 1997. It is used to pay for a portion of the costs of fire protection within the City of Poway. 800 MHZ Regional Communication Used to account for revenues received from the 800 System Fund MHZ Regional Communication System Special Tax. ' Voters approved this special tax in June 1998. It is used to pay for the City's share of the County-wide radio backbone system, and a portion of the annual ' maintenance expenses. Gas Tax Fund Used to account for revenues received and expenditures made for street maintenance. Financing is provided by the City's.share of' State gasoline taxes made pursuant to the California State Constitution and S authorized by the State Legislature. Street Improvement Fund Used to account for revenues received and lie expenditures made for street improvements. Financing is provided primarily from developer's traffic mitigation fees. City Ordinance No. 80 authorized the ' collection and the segregation of the funding. Drainage Fund Used to account for operations of the flood control and drainage division. Financing is provided by developer's drainage fees and flood zone fees from the County. Poway Municipal Code Section 16.72 requires the segregation of the funding. Maintenance District 83 -1 Fund Used for landscape and maintenance of anise buffer. Costs of the projects are estimated and property owners are assessed:their proportionate share based on acreage owned. The assessments are collected via the tax rolls. Miscellaneous Grants Fund Used to account for grants from various agencies used for operations and maintenance, and to account for specific in -lieu fees from developers. Financing for grants is provided by the State; County and Federal Government. Such grants provide for payment of all current operating costs and may be used only for specified purposes. 57 0 0 1 CITY OF POWAY Combining Balance Sheet - All Special Revenue Funds June 30, 1999 Assets Cash and investments Taxes receivable Accounts receivable Interest receivable Notes receivable Due from. other governments Deposits Advances to other funds Total Assets Liabilities and Fund Balances Liabilities: Accounts payable Accrued liabilities Due to other funds Deferred revenue Advances from other funds Total Liabilities Fund Balances: Reserved: Notes receivable Deposits Advances to other funds Low and moderate income housing Unreserved: Designated for: Capital projects Fair value adjustment Undesignated Total Fund Balances 800 MHz Fire Communication Street Protection System Gas Tax Improvement $ 320,916 $ 291,026 $ 1,645,684 , $ 3,424 79,501 7,095 , $ 3,424 $ 320,916 $ 3,424 4,969 ' 2 $ 370,527 $ 4;124,692 $ 88,415 $ 2,940 1 38,799 780,647 3,424 127,214 783,587 7,095 4,969 2,466,944 . 243,313 $ 320,916 862,097 320,916 243,313 3,341,105 Total Liabilities and Fund Balances $ 3,424 $ 320,916 $ 370,527 $ 4,124,692 58 1 Community Transportation Royal Mobile- Maintenance Miscellaneous Development Development Proposition home Park Drainage District'83 -1 and Grants Block Grant Act A Administration ' $ 765,993 $ 4,163,209 $ 1,426,954 $ 15,137 $ 2,379 $ 869,296 $ 2,357,524 13,039 904 25,725 ' 1,600 110,030 39,291 2,094,732 11,000 200,000 $ 2,862 $ $ 1;573,709 $ 54,428 $ 2,379 $ 1;069;296 $ 2,357,524 ' $ 12,309 $ 173,503 $ 71 ; 998 $ 38,662 $ 22,938 $ 40,382 $ 15,550 4,321 8,027 1,558 113,121 13,472 20,374 253,200 290,204 181,530 185;119 52,134 22;938 40,382 17,108 ' 2,094,732 11,000 200,000 477;389 3,995,622 1,377,590 828,914 9 ' 2,294 20,568 2,340,416 2 3,995,622. 1,388,590 2,294 20;559 1,028,914 2,340,416 ' $ 2,862,325 $ 4 $ 1,5,73,709 $ 54,428 $ 2,379 $ 1,069;296 $ 2,357,524 (Continued) 59 0 CITY OF POWAY Combining Balance Sheet - AH.Special Revenue Funds (Continued) June 30, 1999 Low and Moderate Income Totals Assets Housing 1999 1998 Cash and investments Taxes receivable Accounts receivable Interest receivable Notes receivable Due from other governments Deposits Advances to other funds Total Assets Liabilities and Fund Balances Liabilities: Accounts payable Accrued liabilities Due to other funds Deferred revenue Advances from other funds Total Liabilities $ 10,913,763 34,650 $ 489,044 52,705 130,017 20,374 1,033,847 $ 10,948,413 $ 27,864,785 $ 26,724,903 $ 22,347 $ 22,771 16,463 140,780 7,095 150,921 4,969 4,772,676 $ 15 23,699 113,636 3,288 7,095 278,575 4,969 10,414,418 Fund Balances: Reserved: Notes receivable Deposits Advances to other funds Low and moderate income housing Unreserved: Designated for: Capital projects Fair value adjustment Undesignated Total Fund Balances Total Liabilities and Fund Balances 22,347 1,725,987 2,102,158 1 7,095 4,969 4,772,676 10,926,066 10,926,066 6,922;828 9 3,505,155 $ 918,067 44,301 85,569 ' • 20,374 1,033,847 Fund Balances: Reserved: Notes receivable Deposits Advances to other funds Low and moderate income housing Unreserved: Designated for: Capital projects Fair value adjustment Undesignated Total Fund Balances Total Liabilities and Fund Balances 22,347 1,725,987 2,102,158 1 7,095 4,969 4,772,676 10,926,066 10,926,066 6,922;828 9 3,505,155 7,239;292 41,528 3,620,539 10,926,066 .26,138;798 24,622,745 1 I $ 10,948,413 $ 27;864,785 $$ 26,'72�� 60 1 7,095 4;969 10,414,418 3,294,904 7,239;292 41,528 3,620,539 10,926,066 .26,138;798 24,622,745 1 I $ 10,948,413 $ 27;864,785 $$ 26,'72�� 60 1 I c '. This page left blank intentionally. I I i I 1 1 1� 61 0 0 i CITY OF POWAY Combining Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balances All Special Revenue Funds For the Year Ended June 30, 1999 Revenues: Taxes Intergovernmental Charges for services Interest and rentals Developer fees Other Total Revenues Expenditures: Current: General government Public safety Public works Community services Capital expenditures Total Expenditures Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues Over Expenditures Other Financing Sources (Uses): Operating transfers in Operating transfers out Total Other Financing Sources (Uses) Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues:and Other Sources Over Expenditures and Other Uses Fund Balances, Beginning (Restated) Fund Balances (Deficit), Ending 800 MHz Fire Communication Street 894,446 Protection System Gas Tax Improvement 278,792 202,384 3,654,962 736,287 $ 884,746 1- 17,230 695,244 $ 557,590 $ 124,727 853;517 5,107 9,700 $ 78,398 302,989 557,590 129,834 87,710 87,710 557,590 42,124 557,590 557,590 894,446 381,387 278,792 202,384 3,654,962 736,287 1- 17,230 695,244 853;517 695,244 40,929 (313,857) 42,124 40,929 (313,857) 278,792 202,384 3,654,962 $ - $ 320,916 $ 243 $,$ 3,341,105 62 1 Community Transportation Maintenance Miscellaneous Development Development Proposition Drainage District 83 -1 and Grants Block Grant Act A $ 363,033 $ 163,056 $ 411,508 $ 203,624 $ 334,956 $ ' 601,000 Royal Mobile - home Park Administration 1,572,354 54,665 178,312 19,802 1,806 52,758 $ 2,998,773 149,172 186,987 46,852 5,295 102 613,722 1,919,017 721,282 203,624 336,762 653,758 2,998,773 250,888 2,400 19,135 874,163 1,126,957 1,124,527 447,248 730,345 315,399 203,610 262;375 514,366 48,080 698,136 1,857,302 317,799 203,610 281,510 1,388;529 1,172,607 (84,414) 61,715 403 1 (30,000) (30,000) 14 55,252 (734,771) 1,826,166 14,920 14,920 (1,754,927) (1 ' (84,414) 61,715 373,483 14 70,172 (734,771) 71,239 ' 2,656,535 3,933,907 1,015,107 2,280 90,731 1,763,685 2,269,177 $ 2,572,121 $'3,995,622 $ 1,388,590 $ 2,294 L(20,559) 1 1,028;914 $ 2,340,416 (Continued) ' 63 0 0 1 CITY OF POWAY Combining Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balances All Special Revenue Funds (Continued) •� For the Year Ended June 30, 1999 Total Revenues Expenditures: Current: General.government Public safety Public works Community services Capital expenditures Total Expenditures Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues Over Expenditures Other Financing Sources (Uses): Operating,transfers in Operating transfers out Total Other Financing Sources (Uses) Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues and Other Sources Over Expenditures and Other Uses Fund Balances, Beginning (Restated) Fund Balances (Deficit), Ending Totals 1 1999 1998 $ 526 ;089 2,435,834 2,254;671- 4,530;009 639,148 273,786 Low and $ 508,195 Moderate 5,217,698 Income 2;151,320 Housing Revenues: 222;211 Taxes Intergovernmental 87,710 Charges for services Interest and rentals $ 1,130,688 Developer fees Other 118 Total Revenues Expenditures: Current: General.government Public safety Public works Community services Capital expenditures Total Expenditures Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues Over Expenditures Other Financing Sources (Uses): Operating,transfers in Operating transfers out Total Other Financing Sources (Uses) Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues and Other Sources Over Expenditures and Other Uses Fund Balances, Beginning (Restated) Fund Balances (Deficit), Ending Totals 1 1999 1998 $ 526 ;089 2,435,834 2,254;671- 4,530;009 639,148 273,786 1,249,342 10,659;537 $ 508,195 5,217,698 2;151,320 4;818,950 222;211 304,110 75,883 87,710 1,249,342 10,659;537 13,136,156 203,076 222;211 211,042 87,710 94,389 1,863;738 4,667,002 2;251 2,159,599, 115,266 3,449,163 6,461,819 318,342 7,874,306 13,593 2,785,231 931,000 - (457,695) 2,846,879 2,861,799 9,443,792 (1,788,460) (4,130,977) (4,799,012) 1,058,419 (1,269,178) 4;644,780 1,989,419 1 8,936,647 24;622,745 $ 10 $ 26 ;138 M 4,187,085 ,20 $ 24,622;745 1 r CITY OF POWAY Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and,ChangesjwFund`•Balance Budget and Actual Fire'Protection Special Revenue Fund For the Year Ended June ^; 30,.1999 Revenues: Charges for services Other Financing (Uses): Operating transfers out Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues Over Other Uses Fund Balance, Beginning Fund Balance, Ending 1999 1998 Variance Favorable Budget Actual ( Unfavorable ) Actual $ 525,000 $ 557,590 $ 32,590 $, 537,092 (525,000 ) ((557 32,590 (537,092) 65 lJ 0 CITY OF POWAY Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balance Budget and Actual 800 MHz Communication System Special Revenue Fund For the Year Ended June 30, 1999 1999 Revenues: Charges for services Interest Total Revenue Expenditures: Public safety Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues Over Expenditures J • 1 Variance _ Favorable ' Budget Actual ( Unfavorable ) Actual $ 125,000 $ 124,727 $ (273) , 5,107 5,107 $ 9,606 125 129,834 4,834 .9,606 1 123,460 87,710 35,750 94,389 1 1,540 42,124 40,584 (84,783) Fund Balance, Beginning (Restated) 278,792 278,792 363,575 Fund Balance, Ending $ 280,332 $ 320,916 $ 40,584 $ 278,792 u .. I I I I 1 10 I 1 1 • CITY OF POWAY • Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in-Fund Balance Budget and Actual Gas Tax Special Revenue Fund For the Year Ended June 30, 1999 Revenues: Intergovernmental Interest Total Revenue Expenditures: Current: Public works Capital expenditures Total Expenditures Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues Over Expenditures Other Financing Sources: Operating transfers in Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues and Other Sources Over Expenditures Fund Balance, Beginning Fund Balance, Ending 1999 Variance Favorable Budget Actual ( Unfavorable ) Actual $ 888,190 $ 884,746 $ (3,444) $ 871,167 9,700 9,700 9,887 888,190 894,446 6,256 881,054 784,868 736,287 48,581 872,050 134,392 117,230 17,162 85,770 919,260 853,517 65,743 957,820 (31,070) 40,929 71,999 (76,766) 23,084 (31,070) 40,929 71,999 (53,682) 202,384 202,384 256,066 $ 171,314 $ 243,313 $ 71,999 $ 202,384 67 • CITY OF POWAY 0 1 Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balance 1 Budget and Actual • Street Improvement Special Revenue Fund For the Year Ended. June 30, 1999 ' 1999 1998 ' Variance Favorable ' Budget Actual (Unfavorable) Actual Revenues: Interest and rentals $ 55,620 $ 78,398 $ 22,778 $ 115,638 Developer fees 5,0,000 302,989 252,989 80,869 Total. Revenues 105,620 381,387 275,767 196,507 Expenditures: Capital expenditures 2,221 695,244 1,526,341 5,506 Excess (Deficiency) of ' Revenues Over Expenditures (2,115965) (313,857) 1,802,108 191,001 Fund Balance, Beginning 3,654,962 3,654,962 3,463,961 Fund Balance, Ending $ 1,538,997 $ 3,341,105 $ 1,802,108 $ 3,654,962 , r 68 I CITY OF POWAY Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balance Budget and Actual Drainage Special Revenue Fund For the Year Ended June 30, .1999 Revenues: Taxes Interest and rentals Developer fees Other Total Revenues 1 Expenditures: Current: Public works Capital expenditures '�• Total Expenditures 32,538 Excess (Deficiency) of 831,885 Revenues Over 384,637 Expenditures ' Fund Balance, Beginning ' Fund Balance, Ending 1 i 1� 1999 1998 Variance Favorable Budget Actual nfavorable) Actual $ 358,930 $ 363,033 $ 4,103 $ 352,529 62,950 54,665 (8,285) 71,197 55,000 149,172 94,172 43,380 46,852 46,852 3,934 476,880 613,722 136,842 471,040 283,426 250,888 32,538 274,854 831,885 447,248 384,637 83,210 1,115,311 698,136 417,175 358,064 (638,431) (84,414) 554,017 112,976 2,656,535 2,656,535 2,543,559 $ 2,018,104 $ 2,572,121 $ 554 $ 2,656,535 69 0 0 CITY OF POWAY Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balance Budget'and Actual Maintenance District 83 -1 Special Revenue Fund For the Year Ended June 30, 1999 Expenditures: Current: Community services 1,187,373 1,126,957 60,416 1,033,808 Capital expenditures 653,230 730,345 (77,115) 632,744 Total Expenditures 1,840,603 1,857,302 16,699 1,666,552 Excess of Revenues Over Expenditures 100,707 61,715 (38,992) 349,955 Other Financing Sources: Operating transfers in 35,430 Excess of Revenues and Other Sources Over Expenditures 100,707 61,715 (38,992) 385 Fund Balance, Beginning 3,933,907 3,933,907 3,548,522 Fund Balance, Ending $ 4,034,614 $3,995,622 _L(IL9921 $ 3,933,907 Iv 1999 1998 Variance Favorable Budget Actual ( Unfavorable ) Actual Revenues: Taxes $ 153,940 $ 163,056 $ 9,116 $ 155,666 Charges for services 1,647,080 1,572,354 (74,726) 1,614,228 Interest and rentals 140,290 178,312 38,022 223 Other 5,295 5,295 23,530 Total Revenues 1,941,310 1,919,017 22,293 2,016,507 Expenditures: Current: Community services 1,187,373 1,126,957 60,416 1,033,808 Capital expenditures 653,230 730,345 (77,115) 632,744 Total Expenditures 1,840,603 1,857,302 16,699 1,666,552 Excess of Revenues Over Expenditures 100,707 61,715 (38,992) 349,955 Other Financing Sources: Operating transfers in 35,430 Excess of Revenues and Other Sources Over Expenditures 100,707 61,715 (38,992) 385 Fund Balance, Beginning 3,933,907 3,933,907 3,548,522 Fund Balance, Ending $ 4,034,614 $3,995,622 _L(IL9921 $ 3,933,907 Iv CITY OF POWAY 'Statement of Revenues, Expenditures,.and Changes; in Fund Balance -'. Budget and;Actual Miscellaneous and Grants Special Revenu&Fund For the Year Ended June 30, 1999 1999 Total Other Financing Sources (Uses) Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues and Other ' Sources Over Expenditures and Other Uses ' Fund Balance, Beginning Fund Balance, Ending ,1 Budget Actual 199 Variance Favorable (Unfavorable) Actual $ 147,000 Revenues: $ 264,508 Intergovernmental ' Interest ' Developer fees ' Other 106,987 Total Revenues ' Operating transfers out 2,985 Expenditures: Current: Public works Capital expenditures '• 721,282 379,892 Total Expenditures Total Other Financing Sources (Uses) Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues and Other ' Sources Over Expenditures and Other Uses ' Fund Balance, Beginning Fund Balance, Ending ,1 Budget Actual 199 Variance Favorable (Unfavorable) Actual $ 147,000 Excess (Deficiency) of $ 264,508 Revenues Over 14,390 Expenditures ' 7,524 80,000 Other Financing Sources (Uses): 106,987 Operating transfers in ' Operating transfers out Total Other Financing Sources (Uses) Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues and Other ' Sources Over Expenditures and Other Uses ' Fund Balance, Beginning Fund Balance, Ending ,1 Budget Actual 199 Variance Favorable (Unfavorable) Actual $ 147,000 $ 411;508 $ 264,508 $ 616,019 14,390 19;802 5,412 7,524 80,000 186,987 106,987 179,861 100,000 102,985 2,985 640 341,390 721,282 379,892 804,044 2,400 (2,400) 1,311,894 315,399 996,495 719,062 1,311,894 317,799 994;095 719,062 (970,504) 403,483 1,373,987 84,982 74,208 30,000 (30,000) (62,030) 30,000 (30,000) 12,178 (970,504) 373,483 1,015,107 1,015,107 917,947 $ 44,603 $ 1,388;590. $ 1,343,987 $ 1,015,107 71 1,343,987 97,160 0 0 CITY OF POWAY Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balance Budget and Actual Community Development Block Grant 'Special Revenue Fund For the Year Ended'June 30, 1999 72 1999 1998 Variance Favorable Budget Actual ( Unfavorable ) Actual Revenues: Intergovernmental $ 266,231 $ 203,624 $ (62,607) $ 225,888 Expenditures: Capital expenditures 402,317 203,610 198,707 225;888 Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues Over Expenditures (136,086) 14 136,100 Fund Balance, Beginning 2,280 2,280 2;280 Fund Balance, Ending $ 133;806 $ 2,294 $ 136,100 $ 2,280 72 CITY OF POWAY Statement.of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes. in Fund$alance Budget and Actual'. Transpoitation Development Act Special Revenue Fund For the Year Ended June 30 1999 1 999 Revenues: ' Intergovernmental Interest and rentals Variance Favorable Budget Actual nfavorable) Actual $ 281,656 $ 334;956 $ 53,300 6,810 1,806 5 $ 468 288,466 336,762 48,296 468 19,135 (19,135) 606,902 262,375 344,527 348,550 606,902 281,510 325 348,550 (318,436) 55,252 373,688 14,920 14,920 1'998 (348,082) (318,436) 70,172 388,608' (348,082) 90,731 90,73.1 257,351 $ 409,167 $ 20,559 $ 388,608 $ 90,731 73 Total Revenues ' Expenditures: Current: General government ' Capital expenditures Total Expenditures '•Excess, Over Expenditures (Deficiency) of ' Revenues Over Expenditures Variance Favorable Budget Actual nfavorable) Actual $ 281,656 $ 334;956 $ 53,300 6,810 1,806 5 $ 468 288,466 336,762 48,296 468 19,135 (19,135) 606,902 262,375 344,527 348,550 606,902 281,510 325 348,550 (318,436) 55,252 373,688 14,920 14,920 1'998 (348,082) (318,436) 70,172 388,608' (348,082) 90,731 90,73.1 257,351 $ 409,167 $ 20,559 $ 388,608 $ 90,731 73 Other_ Financing Sources: Operating transfers in Excess ,(Deficiency) of ' Revenuesand Other Sources Over Expenditures Fund Balance ' Fund Balance (Deficit), Ending Variance Favorable Budget Actual nfavorable) Actual $ 281,656 $ 334;956 $ 53,300 6,810 1,806 5 $ 468 288,466 336,762 48,296 468 19,135 (19,135) 606,902 262,375 344,527 348,550 606,902 281,510 325 348,550 (318,436) 55,252 373,688 14,920 14,920 1'998 (348,082) (318,436) 70,172 388,608' (348,082) 90,731 90,73.1 257,351 $ 409,167 $ 20,559 $ 388,608 $ 90,731 73 0 0 CITY OFTOWAY Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balance Budget and Actual Proposition A Special Revenue Fund For the Year Ended June 30, 1999 Expenditures: Current: Public works 909,934 874,163 35,771, 3,520,098 Capital expenditures 665,351 514,366 150,985' 10,382 Total Expenditures 1,575,285 1,388,529 186,756. 3,530,480 Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues Over Expenditures (1,056,225) (734,771) 321,454 122,365 Fund Balance, Beginning 1,763,685 1999 1,641,320 1998 Fund Balance, Ending $ 707,460 $ 1,028,914 Variance Favorable Budget. Actual ( Unfavorable ) Actual Revenues: Intergovernmental $ 485,000 $ 601,000 $ 116,000' $'3;504,624 Interest and rentals 34,060 52,758 18,698 148 Total Revenues 519 653,758 134,698, 3 Expenditures: Current: Public works 909,934 874,163 35,771, 3,520,098 Capital expenditures 665,351 514,366 150,985' 10,382 Total Expenditures 1,575,285 1,388,529 186,756. 3,530,480 Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues Over Expenditures (1,056,225) (734,771) 321,454 122,365 Fund Balance, Beginning 1,763,685 1,763,685 1,641,320 Fund Balance, Ending $ 707,460 $ 1,028,914 $ 321;454 $ 1,763,685 74 L .1 1 i `J 1 1 1� 0 0 CITY OF POWAY Stateinent Expenditures and ChangesJn_Fund',Balance Budget and Actual Royal.Mobilehome Park Administration`Special Revenue Fund For the Year Ended June 30, 1999 1999 Revenues: Interest and rentals Expenditures: Current:. Commun ty.services Capital expenditures 1,480,710 1,172607 308 1,733,115 Variance Favorable Budget Actual ( Unfavorable ) Actual $ 2,966,136 $ 2,998;773 $ _32,637 $ 2,985,697 1,390,890 1,124,527 266,363 1,125,791 89;820 48,080 41,740 607,324 Total Expenditures Excess of Revenues Over Expenditures Other Financing (Uses): Operating transfers out Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues Over Expenditures and Other Uses Fund Balance, Beginning Fund Balance, Ending 1,485,426 1,826 340,740 1,252,582 (1,743,690) (1,754,927) 11,237 (1,746 (258,264) 71,239 2,269,177 2,269,177 ..; 329,503 (494,022) 2,763,199 $ 2,010,913 $ 2,340,416 $ 329,503 $ 2269;177 75 0 0 CITY OF POWAY Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balance Budget and Actual Low and Moderate Income Housing Special Revenue Fund For the Year Ended June 30, 1999 Budget Revenues: Interest and rentals Other Total Revenues Expenditures: Current: General government Capital expenditures Total Expenditures Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues Over Expenditures Actual 1998 Variance Favorable (Unfavorable) Actual $ 987,670 $ 1,130,688 $ 143,018 $ 1,307,629 118,654 118,654 47,779 987,670 1,249,342 261,672 1,355,408 292,610 203,076 89,534 211,042 3,678,750 115,266 3,563,484 3,743,383 3,971,360 318,342 3,653,018 3,954,425 (2,983,690) 931,000 3,914,690 (2,599,017) Other Financing Sources (Uses): Operating transfers in 2,556,710 2,846,879 290,169 9,311,070 Operating transfers out (1,894;470) (1,788,460) 106,010 (2,453,286) Total Other Financing Sources (Uses) Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues and Other Sources Over Expenditures and Other Uses 662,240 1,058,419 396,179 6;854,784 (2,321,450) 1,989,419 4,310,869 4,258,767 I 1 4" 1 I Fund Balance, Beginning 8,936,647 8,936,647 4 1 , 677,880 Fund Balance, Ending $ 6;615 $ 10,926,066 $ 4,310,869 $ 8;936,647 76 1 •. DEBT SERVICE FUNDS 1 1 1 i ,I 1. 0 Used to account, for, accumulation of resources for the payment of'interest and principal of general long- term debt. W&J • Assets Cash and investments Taxes receivable Interest receivable Loan receivable Restricted assets: Cash and investments with fiscal agents Total Assets Liabilities and Fund Balances Liabilities: Accrued liabilities Advances from other funds Total Liabilities Fund balances: Reserved: Debt service Unreserved: Designated for fair value adjustment Total Fund Balances Total Liabilities and Fund Balances CITY'OF POWAY Combining Balance Sheet All Debt Service Funds June 30, 1999 City of Poway City of Redevelopment Totals Poway Agency 1999 1998 $ 3,908,926 $ 1,352,685 438,797 109,281 600 $ 5,261,611 438,797 117,447 600 $ 4,510,373 572,472 115;877 1,200 A. M. 4 2,362 11,586 13,949,842 13,120,713 $ 6,279955 $:13,488,342 $ 19,768,297 $ 18 $ 150 $ 17,696 $ 17,846 $ 151 2,111,743 2,111,743 8,941,743 150 2,129,439 2,129,589 8,941,894 6,279,805 11;358,903 17,638,708 9,369,103 12 6,279,805 11,358,903 17,638,708 9,381;741 $ 6;279,955 $ 13,488,342 $ 19,768,297 $ 18,323,63 78 1 [J 10 1 i 1 1 F1 1 • CITY OF • Combining Statement of Revenues-Expenditures, and Changes in-Fund Balances - All Debt;Service Funds For the Year Ended June 30j999 Revenues: Taxes Interest and rentals Total Revenues Expenditures: Debt service: Principal Interest and fiscal charges Bond issuance costs Tax increment reimbursement Total Expenditures (Deficiency) of Revenues Over Expenditures Other Financing Sources (Uses) Proceeds from long -term debt Operating transfers in Operating transfers out Total Other. Financing Sources (Uses) Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues and Other Sources'Over Expenditures. and Other Uses Fund Balances, Beginning Fund Balances, Ending City of Poway City of Redevelopment Poway Agency Totals 1999 1998 $ 14,199,118 $ 14,199,118 $ 12,379,735 $ 589,735 663,420 1,253,155 955,358 5 89, 73 5 14,862,538 15, 452, 273 13,335,093 800,000 5,272,045 6,072,045 6,351,970 1,397,522 11,685,224 13,082,746 13,133,064 185,166 185,166 22,413 234,601 234,601 76,118 2,197,522 17,377,036 19,574,558 19,583,565 (1,607,787) (2,514,498) (4,122,285) (6,248,472) 10,319,973 10,319,973 2,307,457 1,789,324 4,176,158 5,965 482 5,853,916 (3,906,203) (3,906,203) (10,402,961) 1,789,324 10,589,928 12,379,252 (2,241,588) 181,537 8,075,430 8,256,967 (8,490,060) 6,098,268 3,283,473 9,381,741 17,871,801 $ 6,279,805 $ 11,358;903 $ 17,638,708 $ 9,381,741 1 79 • CITY OF POWAY • 1 Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balance Budget and Actual City of Poway Debt Service Fund • For the Year Ended June 30, 1999 1999 1998 Variance Favorable Budget Actual ( Unfavorable ) Actual Revenues: Interest and rentals $ 637,120 $ 589,735 $ (47,385) $ 349,939 ' Total Revenues 637,120 589,735 47,385) 349,939 Expenditures: ' Debt service: Principal 800,000 800,000 695,000 Interest and fiscal charges 1,399,950 1,397,522 2,428 1,451,762 Bond issuance costs 22,413 ' Total Expenditures 2,199,950 2,197,522 2,428 2,169,175 (Deficiency) of Revenues Over Expenditures (1,562,830) (1,607,787) (44,957) (1,819,236) Other Financing Sources: Operating transfers in 1,784,170 1,789,324 5,154 1,786,890 Excess (Deficiency) of , Revenues and Other , Sources Over Expenditures 221,340 181,537 (39,803) (32,346) Fund Balance, Beginning 6,098,268 6,098,268 6,130,614 ' Fund Balance, Ending $ 6,3.19,608 $ 6,279,805 $. (39,803) $ 6,098,268 1 • 80 I N 0 CITY OF POWAY • Statement.of Revenues, Expenditures; and,Changes in Fund Balance Budget and Actual City of Poway Redevelopment Agency Debt Service Fund For the Year Ended June'30, 1999 Revenues: Taxes Interest and rentals Total Revenues Expenditures: Debt service: Principal Interest and fiscal charges Bond issuance costs Tax increment reimbursement Total Expenditures 1999 Variance Favorable Budget Actual (Unfavorable) ..; Actual $ 12,783,560 $ 14,199,118 $ 1,415,558 $ 12,379,735 626,030 663,420 37,390 605,419 13,409,590 14,862,538 1,452,948 12,985,154 9,177,306 5,272,045 3,905,261 5,656,970 10,030,649 11,685,224 (1,654,575) 11,681,302 187,645 185,166 2,479 (4,429,236) 234,601 (234,601) 76,118 19,395,600 17,377,036 2,018,564 17,414 Total Other Financing Sources (Uses) (Deficiency) of Revenues Revenues Other Sources Over t Over Expenditures (5,986,010) (2,514,498) 3,471,512 (4,429,236) Other Financing Sources (Uses): Proceeds from long -term debt 11,973,922 10,319,973 (1,653,949) 2,307,457 ' Operating transfers in 4,383,457 4,176,158 (207,299) 4,067,026 Operating transfers out (3,610,880) (3,906,203) (295,323) (10,402,961) Total Other Financing Sources (Uses) Fund Balance, Beginning • Fund Balance, Ending 1 12,746,499 10,589;928 (2,156 ;571) (4,028,478) 6,760,489 8,075,430 3,283,473 3,283,473 11.741.187 $ 10,043,962 $ 11,358;903 $ 1,314,941 $ 3,283,473 81 1,314,941 (8,457,714) Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues Other Sources Over t Expenditures and Other Uses Fund Balance, Beginning • Fund Balance, Ending 1 12,746,499 10,589;928 (2,156 ;571) (4,028,478) 6,760,489 8,075,430 3,283,473 3,283,473 11.741.187 $ 10,043,962 $ 11,358;903 $ 1,314,941 $ 3,283,473 81 1,314,941 (8,457,714) This page left blank intentionally. 1 10 0 0 CAPITAL PROJECTS FUNDS Park Improvement Fund Used to account for the financing and construction of park facilities throughout the City. Municipal Improvement Fund Used to account for financing and construction of major capital facilities other than those financed by the proprietary funds. Major capital, projects include construction of government buildings, including City Hall, fire station and warehouse facilities. South Poway CFD #I Fund Used to account for financing and construction of streets, water and sewer facilities in the South Poway Business Park Parkway Business Center Used to account for financing of grading and CFD #88 -1 Fund construction of streets, water and sewer facilities in Parkway Business Center. High Valley Roads Used to account for financing and,construction of AD 996 -1 Fund certain public infrastructure improvements benefitting properties within the boundaries 'of the Integrated Financing District No. 96 =1. 1 Redevelopment. Area Fund I I Used to account for financing and construction of projects of the Redevelopment Agency in accordance with the' State's Health and Safety Code. ' 83 0 0 CITY OF POWAY Combining Balance Sheet All Capital Projects Funds June 30, 1999 Assets Cash and investments Interest receivable Notes receivable Other receivable Receivable under OPA Due from other funds Deposits Advances to other funds Fixed assets held for resale Cash and investments with fiscal agents Total Assets Liabilities and Fund Balances Liabilities: Accounts payable Accrued liabilities Due to other funds Deposits Deferred revenue Advances from other funds Total Liabilities Fund Balances: Reserved: Notes receivables Deposits Advances to other funds Fixed assets held for resale Capital projects Unreserved: Designated, for fair value adjustment Undesignated (deficit) Total Fund Balances Total Liabilities and Fund Balances Parkway South Business Park Municipal Poway Center Improvement Improvement CFD #1 CFD #88 -1 $ 901,282 $ 32,059 562 $ 9,856' $ 50,663 125,660 163,885 $ 1,026,942 $ 196,506 $ 1,678 307,228 308,906 125,660 $ 196,205 301 592,376 718,036 196,506 $ 9,856 $ 50,663 $ 9,856 $ 50,663 9,856 50;663 $ 1,026,942 $ 196,506 $ 9,856 $'50,663 IM 1 High Valley ' Roads Redevelopment Totals AD #96 -1 Area 1999 1998 ' $ 10,871,154 $ 11,865,014 $ 11,336,410. 18,293 18,855 35,876 360,000 360,000 360,000 161,102 161,102 147 910,081 13,472 13,472 43,737 10,969 10,969 10,969 ' 125,660 125,660 474,974 474,974 2,419;564 163,885 199,526 $ - $ 11,909,964 $ 13,193,931 $ 15,441,970 $ 116,388 $ 118,066 $ 839,465 24,764 24764 25,265 �. $ 129,018 129,018 129,018 23,946 23,946 23,946 36,450 36,450 964,425 307,228 307,228 129,018 201,548 639,472 2,289,347 360,000 360,000 360,000 10,969 10,969 10,969 125,660 125,660 474;974 474,974 2,419,564 256,724 251,619 �. 301 30,866 129,018 10,862,473 11, 325, 831 9,953,945 129,018 11,708;416 12,554,459 13,152,623 $ - $ 11,909,964 - _$.13,193,931 $ 15,441,970. 85 • • • CITY OF POWAY Combining Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund.Balances All Capital Projects Funds For the Year Ended June 30, 1999 Revenues: Intergovernmental Charges for services Interest and rentals Developer fees Other Total Revenues Expenditures: Current: General government Capital expenditures Total Expenditures Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues Over Expenditures Other Financing Sources (Uses): Proceeds from long -term debt Operating transfers in Operating transfers out Total Other Financing Sources (Uses) Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues and Other Sources Over Expenditures and Other Uses Fund Balances, Beginning (Restated) Fund Balances, Ending Parkway South Business Park Municipal Poway Center Improvement Improvement CFD #1 CID #,88 -1 $ 408,140 $ 9,089 $ 458 $ 2,354 408,140 9,089 458 2,354 24,861 7,237 24,861 7,237 383,279 1,852 458 2,354, 383,279 334,757 $ ,718,036 1,852 458 2,354 194,654 9,398 48,309 $ 196,506 $.,9,856 - $- 50,663 M 11 • 1,. 1 High Valley Roads Redevelopment Totals AD #96 -1 Area 1999 1998 ' $ 1,532,165 ' $ 1,783,406 $ 1,783,406 2,179,560 544,284 556,185 1,048,780, 1,104,979 1,513,119 1,399,562 163,497 163,497 8,470 3;596,166 4,016;207 6,168,537 ' (2,475,155) (2,087,212) (9,927,474) ' 2,121,819 2,121,819 3,558,074 322,101 322,101 2,085;426 ' (954,872) (954,872) (2,152,562) ' 1,489,048 1,489,048 3,490,938 1 (986,107) (598 (6,436,536) ' $ 129,018 12,694,523 13,152,623 19,589,159 $ 129,018 $ 11,708 $ 12,554,459 $ 13,152,623 1 87 o. 3,190,879 3 3,427,948 2,880;442 1912,540 12,668,063. ,• 6,071,321 6;103,419 16,096,011 ' (2,475,155) (2,087,212) (9,927,474) ' 2,121,819 2,121,819 3,558,074 322,101 322,101 2,085;426 ' (954,872) (954,872) (2,152,562) ' 1,489,048 1,489,048 3,490,938 1 (986,107) (598 (6,436,536) ' $ 129,018 12,694,523 13,152,623 19,589,159 $ 129,018 $ 11,708 $ 12,554,459 $ 13,152,623 1 87 o. 0 0 This page.left blank intentionally. 0 ENTERPRISEFUNDS Water Fund To account for the provision of water services to the residents of the City. All.activities necessary to provide such services are accounted for in this fund, including, but not ' limited to, administration, .operations, maintenance, financing and related debf,service, and billing and collection. Sewer Fund To account for the provision of sewer services to the residents of the City. Al activities necessary to provide such services are accounted for in this fund, including, but not limited to, administration, operations, maintenance, financing and related debt service, and billing and collection. 1 I i I 1 89 0 Assets Current Assets: Cash and investments Receivables (net, where applicable of allowance for estimated. uncollectibles): Accounts Inventories, at cost Total Current Assets Restricted Assets: Cash and investments Cash and investments with fiscal,agents Taxes receivable (net, where applicable, of allowance for estimated uncollectibles) Deposits Total Restricted Assets Other Assets: Advances to other funds Deferred charges Total Other Assets Property, Plant and Equipment: Land Buildings and structures Improvements other than buildings Machinery and equipment Construction in progress Total Property, Plant and Equipment Less Accumulated Depreciation Net Property, Plant and Equipment Total Assets CITY OF POWAY Combining Balance Sheet All Enterprise Funds June 30, 1999 Water Sewer Fund Fund r1 LJ lo' Totals 1999. 1998 $ 6,875,116 $ 14,386;288 $ 21,261,404 $ 20,924,727 F 1,582,757 589,718 2,172,475 2,182,577 X620,139 25,953 646,092 698,390 9;078,012 15,001,959 24,079,971 23,805,694 1 1,421,777 316,036 1,421,777 1,432,965 316,036 1,132,962 1 M (Continued) I 3,359 3,359 6,729 13,378 13,378 13,378 1,754,550 1,754,550 2,586,034 3,862,411 7,276,166 11,138,577 12,326,834 188,674 188,674 208 4,051,085 7,276,166 11,327,251 12,535,311 76,797 76,797 76,797 18;821,620 668,204 19;489,824 19,057,967 20,511,805 15,613,233 36,125,038 34,056,759 870,912 560,508 1,431,420 1,325;788 1,977;499 1;977,499 3,562,836 40,204,337 18,896,241 59,100,578 58,080,147 (18,023,061) (8,025,052) (26,048,113) (24,438,756) 22,181,276 10,871,189 33,052,465 33,641,391 $ 37,064,923 $ 33,149,314 $ 70,214,237 $ 72,568,430 M (Continued) I I I • CITY OF POWAY • Combining Balance Sheet All Enterprise Funds (Continued) June 30, 1999 Liabilities and Fund Eauity Current Liabilities (payable from current assets): Accounts payable Accrued liabilities Leases payable Current Liabilities (payable from restricted assets): Bonds payable - due within one year Unredeemed matured bond and interest payable Totals Water Fund Sewer Fund 1999 1998 $ 900,983 $ 302,170 $ 1,203,153 $ 1,325,283 146,160 17,310 163,470 135,928 17,126 17,126 16,137 1,064,269 319,480 1,383,749 1,477,348 520,000 94,239 520,000 500,000 94,239 915,212 614,239 614,239 1,415,212 Total Current Liabilities 1,678,508 319,480 1,997,988 2,892,560 i 1 Long -Term Debt Excluding Current Installments: General obligation bonds payable 2,767,634 2,767,634 3,159,605 Revenue bonds payable 2,888,413 2,888,413 3,004,813 Lease payable 120,926 120,926 138 Contract payable 5,407 5,407 5407 Total Long -Term Debt 5,782,380 5,782,380 6,307,877 Total Liabilities 7,460,888 319,480 7,780,368 9,200,437 Fund Equity: Contributed capital 8,057,316 2,277,415 10,334,731 10,151,058 Less accumulated depreciation (688,707) (509,616) (1,198,323) (1,062,992) Retained Earnings: Reserved for debt service Designated for fair value adjustment Unreserved Total Retained Earnings Total Fund Equity Total Liabilities and Fund Equity 7,368,609 1,767;799 9,136,408 9,088,066 1,698,619 1,698,619 1,713,415 137,184 20,536,807 31,062,035 51,598,842 52,429,328 22,235,426 31,062,035 53,297,461 54,279,927 29,604,035 32,829,834 62,433,869 63,367,993 $ 37,064,923 $ 33,149,314 $ 70,214,237 $ 72,568,430 91 0 This page left blank intentionally. L•A ' • 29 1,960,672 • Maintenance and operations 3,041,055 5,534,125 8,575,180 CITY OF POWAY Cost of purchased water 6,091,014 6,091,014 Combining ;Statement of Revenues, Expenses, and Changes in Retained Earnings 1,190,642 ' All 1,507,501 Enterprise Funds (593,251) (970,456) 1,507,179 • For the Year Ended June 30, 1999 Water Sewer Totals Fund Fund 1999 1998 Operating Revenues: Charges for services $ 10,291,890 $ 3,977;694 $ 14,269,584 $ 13,464,525 Connection fees 736,514 786;623 1,523,137 1,212,676 1 Other 56,362 27,842 84,204 40,670 Total Operating Revenues 11,084,766 4,792 15,876,925 14,717,871 Operating Expenses Personnel services 1,663,351 29 1,960,672 2,150,026 Maintenance and operations 3,041,055 5,534,125 8,575,180 6,515,189 Cost of purchased water 6,091,014 6,091,014 4,938,989 Depreciation 1,190,642 418,714 1,609,356 1,507,501 Total Operating Expenses 11,986,062 6,250,160 18,236,222 15,111,705 1• I' 1 Operating Income (Loss) Nonoperating Revenues (Expenses): Taxes Interest revenue Interest expense and fiscal agent charges Total Nonoperating Revenues (Expenses) Income (Loss) Before Operating Transfers Operating Transfers: Transfers out (901,296) (1,458,001) (2,359,297) (393,834) 463,587 463,587 510,795 404,846 864,750 ' 1,269,596 1,754,590 (344,342) (344,342) (364,372) 524,091 864,750 1,388,841 1,901,013 (377,205) (593,251) (970,456) 1,507,179 (35,430) Depreciation on contributed capital 104,982 .30,350 135,332 67,491 Decrease in Retained Earnings Retained.Earuings, Beginning (272,223) 22,507,649 (562,901) (835,124) 1,539,240 ' Residual Equity Transfers Out • Retained Earnings, Ending 1 1 1 31,772,278 54,279,927 54,119,378 (147,342) (147,342) (1,378,691) $ 22,235,426 $ 31,062,035 $ 53,297,461 $ 54,279,927 93 0 0 CITY OF POWAY Combining Statement of Cash Flows All Enterprise Funds For the Year Ended June 30, 1999 Cash Flows from Operating Activities: Operating (loss) Adjustments to reconcile operating income (loss) to net cash provided by operating activities: Depreciation Changes in operating assets and liabilities: (Increase) decrease in accounts receivable (Increase) decrease in inventories ( Derease) in accounts payable Increase (decrease) in accrued liabilities Water Fund $ (901,296) 1,190,642 Sewer Fund $ (1,458,001) 418,714 Net Cash Provided by (Used for) Operating Activities Cash Flows fir m Non- Capital Financing Activities: Taxes Operating transfers out Repayment of advances to other funds Loan from other funds Net Cash Provided by (Used for) Non - Capital Financing Activities Cash Flows from Capital and Related Financing Activities: Interest expense and fiscal agent charges Principal payments on long -term borrowing Acquisition of property, plant, and equipment Net Cash Used for Capital and Related Financing Activities Cash Flows from Investing Activities: Interest received Net Decrease in Cash and Cash Equivalents Cash and Cash Equivalents, Beginning Cash and Cash Equivalents, Ending 189,822 (179,720) 54,055 (1,757) (78,820) (43 34,088 (6,546) 488,491 (1,270,620) 465,548 1,410 I 1 I I I !1 1,188 •� 465,548 1,189,667 o i (1,133,883) (516,137) (439,453) (544,646) (2;089;473) (544,646) 404,846 864,750 (730,588) 239,151 9,343,517 14,147,137 $ 8,612,929 $ 14,386;288 i 1 I 94 1 1� Totals 1999 1998' ' $ (2,359,297) $ '(393 1,609,356 1,507,501 10,102 522;644 52,298 48;329 (122,130) (56;040) 27,542 (6 (782,129) 1,621,733 466,958 512,488 �.' (35,430). 1,188,257 (3,300,000) (3,984) ' 1,655,215 (2 (1,133,883) (472 (516,137) (500 (984,099) (2,217,233) (2,634,119) (3 1 1,754,590 (491 (2,640,535) 23,490,654 26,131,189 $ 22,999,217 $; 23,490 ' (Continued) ' 95 0 0 , CITY OF POWAY Combining Statement of Cash Flows All Enterprise Funds (Continued) • For the Year Ended June 30, 1999 Reconciliation of Cash Equivalents to the Balance Sheet: Total cash and investments per the balance sheet Total restricted assets per the balance sheet: Cash and investments Cash and investments with fiscal agents Water Fund Sewer Fund $ 6,875,116 $ 14,386,288 1,421,777 316,636 Cash and Cash Equivalents at the End of Year $ 8,612,929 $ 14,386,288 I I 01 fr i Noncash Investing, Capital and Financing Activities: The Water Enterprise Fund acquired $183,674 of fixed assets through contributed capital during the year ended June 30, 1999. Of this amount, $147,342 was contributed.by the Sewer Enterprise Fund. I �r i Totals 1999 1998 $ 21,261,404 $ 20,924 1,421,777 1,432,965 316,036 1,132;962 $ 22,999,217 $ 23,490,654 10 I 1 97 0 0 This page left blank intentionally. T 1 0 INTERNAL SERVICE FUND Vehicle Maintenance Fund I I* `1 I I ' 99 *. Used to account for the costs of operating a maintenance facility for automotive equipment used, by other City departments. Such costs to:other departments are billed on a direct cost basis. The Vehicle Maintenance Fund is responsible for financing replacement vehicles, as necessary. 0 0 CITY OF POWAY Comparative. Balance Sheet Vehicle Maintenance Internal Service Fund June 30, 1999 Assets Current Assets: Cash and investments Accounts receivable Total Assets 1999 1998 $ 3,088,107 $ 2,880,757 7,829 $ 3,088,107 $ 2,888,586' Liabilities and Fund Equity Current Liabilities: Accounts payable Accrued liabilities Total Liabilities Fund Equity: Retained Earnings: Reserved for equipment replacement Designated for fair value adjustment Toted Equity Total Liabilities and Fund Equity $ 27,476 $ 67,897 17,479 13,612 44,955 81,509 3,043,152 2,797,219 9,858 3,043,152 2,807,077 $ 3,088,107 $!2,888;586 100 I r� r r i' r. CITY OF POW_ Y • A Compatative Statement of Revenues, Expenses, and Changes in Retained Earnings Vehicle Maintenance Internal Service Fund For the Year Ended June 30 1999 1999 1998 Operating Revenues: - Charges for services Other Total Operating Revenues Operating Expenses: Personal services Maintenance and operations Total OperatineExpenses Operating Income Nonoperating Revenue: Interest revenue Income Before.Operatirig Transfers Operating Transfers: Transfers out Net Income (Loss) Retained Earnings, Beginning Retained Earnings, Ending $ 963,510 $ 965,185 5,993. 19,192 969,503 984,377 185,375 184,547 301,488 358,062 486,863 542,609 482,640 `441,768 143,999 177,906 626,639 619,674 (390;564) (705,041) 236,075 (85,367) 2,807,077 2,892,444 $ 3,043,152 $ 2,807,077 101 • CrrY OF POWAY Comparative Statememof Cash Flows Vehicle Maintenance Internal Service Fund For the Year Ended "June 30, 1999 1 nnn Cash Flows from Operating Activities: Operating income Adjustments to reconcile operating income to net cash.provided by operating activities: Changes in operating assets,and.habilities: (Increase) decrease in accounts receivable (Decrease) in accounts payable Increase'in accrued liabilities Net Cash Provided by Operating Activities Cash Flows from Non - Capital and Related Financing Activities: Operating transfers out Cash Flows fi - otn Investing Activities: Interest received Net Increase (decrease) in Cash and Cash Equivalents Cash and Cash Equivalents, Beginning Cash and Cash Equivalents, Ending $ 482,640 7,829 (40,421) 3,867 453,915 1998 $ 441,768 (7,829) (192,967) 2,992 243,964 (390,564) (705,041) 143,999 177,906 207,350 (283,171) 2,880,757 3,1'63,928 $ 3,088,107 $ 2,880,757 1101A I 1 11 10 [1 11 1 1 I FIDUCIARY FUNDS NONEXPENDABLE TRUST FUND Mary Patricia Ross Trust Fund Used to account for revenues and expenses provided by a_ private estate to finance community park and recreation purposes. The principal must be maintained intact until 2006. Interest income must also be used to finance such recreational purposes. Library Trust Fund Used to account -for a donation to the City which is to be held.in perpetual hest. The.income from the principal is to be used for library supplies and services. EXPENDABLE TRUST FUNDS Bendixon Trust Fund Used to account for money provided by private donors restricted to maintenance of riding and hiking trails.. Poway Road Beautification Tnist Fund Performing Arts Center Trust Fund Used to account for money provided_ by Expendable Trust Fund donors restricted to beautification efforts along Poway Road, Used to account for money provided by donors restricted to Performing Arts Center construction. AGENCYFUNDS Developer Deposits South Poway CFD #1 Bond Deposits Used to account for the collection and payments of development deposits. from 'and on behalf of the collective and individual developers. Used to account for debt service payments CFD#I Bond Deposits collected through property tax assessments remitted to fiscal agent - trustee for payment on bonds. 103 0 0 This page left blank intentionally. 11111! I 1� i I 1 1 1 0 • FIDUCIARY FUNDS .(Continued) AGENCYFUNDS Parkway Business Center CFD 488 -1 Bond Deposits Used to account for debt service payments CFD #88 -1 Bond Deposits collected through property tax assessments remitted to fiscal agent- trustee for payment on bonds. High Valley Roads AD 496 -1 Bond Deposits Used to account for debt service payments CFD 9964 Bond Deposits collected through property tax assessments remitted to fiscal agent - trustee for payment on bonds. ' 105 CITY OF POWAY Combining Balance Sheet All Fiduciary.Funds June 30, 1999 • Nonexpendable Trust Funds Expendable Trust Funds Mary Poway Patricia. Road Performing Ross Library Bendixon Beautification Arts Center Assets ,! Cash and investments $ 56,647 $ 781 $. 13,513 $ 6,647 Receivables: Taxes Accounts Interest Cash and investments with fiscal agents Total Assets $ 56 $ 781 -,411 $ 13,513 $ 6 $ - Liabilities Fund Balances y and Liabilities: Accounts payable Deposits Due to bondholders $ 8,775 Advances from other funds Total Liabilities 8,775 ,. Fund Balances: Reserved for capital projects $ 56,647 $ 781,411 $ 13,513 $ 6,647 Unreserved: Designated :for fair value adjustment Undesignated 8,775 , Total Fund Balances 56,647 781,411 13,513 6,647 8,7.75 Total Liabilities and Fund Balances $ 56,647 $ 781;411 $ 13,513 $ 6,647 $ - • 106 , i 1 Agency Funds Parkway High Business Valley South Poway Center Roads Developer CFD #1 CFD #88 -1 AD #96 -1 Totals Deposits Bond'Deposits Bond Deposits Bond Deposits 1999 1998 $ 2,342,370 $ 1,557,344 $ 1,767,054 $ 45,799 $ 6,570,785 $ 6,244,850 Im 858,218 879,495 247 (8,775) (8,775) 849,443 870,967 $2,342,370 $ 4,215,130 $ 9,276,538 $ 100,799 $ 16,793,055 $ 16,938,061 107 ■ 13,946 4,722 85 18,753 78,461 4,429,605 4,429,605 4,509,844 9,363 10,890 188 20,441 25 ' 2,634,477 3;064 54,727 5,753,471 6,079 $ 2,342,370 $ 4,215,130 $,9,276,538 $ 100,799 $ 16;793,055 $ 16,938,061 $ 98,174 $ 400 $ 3,983 $ 102,557 $ 78,685. 2,244,196 2,252,971 2,264,131 $ 4,215,130 4,846,534 96,816 9,158,480 9,222,131 4;429,604 4,429,604 4,502,147 ' 2,342,370 4,215,130 9;276,538 100,799 15;943,612 16,067,094 Im 858,218 879,495 247 (8,775) (8,775) 849,443 870,967 $2,342,370 $ 4,215,130 $ 9,276,538 $ 100,799 $ 16,793,055 $ 16,938,061 107 • 0 CITY OF POWAY Combining Statement of Revenues, Expenses, and Changes in Fund Balances All Nonexpendable Trust Funds For the Year Ended June 30, 1999 Mary Patricia Totals Ross. Library 1999 1998 Operating Revenues: Interest $ 2,631 $ 38,433 $ 41,064 $ 56 Operating Expenses Maintenance and operations 23,084 23,084 41,546 Operating Income 2,631 15,349 17,980 14,604 Operating Transfers: Operating transfers out (40,441) 40,441 54,435) Net Income (Loss) 2,631 (25,092) (22,461) (39,831) Fund Balances, Beginning 54,016 806,503 860,519 900,350 Fund Balances, Ending $ 56,647 $ 781,411 $ 838,058 $ 860,519 [toy. I i I 1 0 • CITY OF POWAY Combining Statement of Cash Flows All Nonexpendable Trust Funds For the Year Ended June 30,'1999 Cash Flows from Operating Activities: Operating income Adjustment to reconcile operating income to net cash from operating activities: Increase (decrease) in accounts payable Interest income I I 110 Cash and Cash Equivalents, Beginning Cash and Cash Equivalents, Ending Mary Patricia Totals Ross Library 1999 1998 $ 2,631 $ 15;349 $ 17,980 $ 14,604 (19,524) (19,524) 19,524 2,631 38;433 41,064 56,150 42,608 42,608 22,022 40,441 40,441 54,435 40,441 40,441 54 „435 2,631 38,433 41,064 56,150 2,631 (44,616) (41,985) (20,307) 54,016 826,027 880,043 900,350 $ 56;647 $ 781,411 $ 838,058 $ 880,043 1 109 Net Cash (Used for). Operating Activities Cash Flows from Non - Capital and ' Related Financing Activities: Operating transfers out Net Cash (Used for). Non - Capital and Related. 1 Financing Activities Cash Flows from Investing Activities: Interest received Net Increase (Decrease) in ' Cash and Cash Equivalents I I 110 Cash and Cash Equivalents, Beginning Cash and Cash Equivalents, Ending Mary Patricia Totals Ross Library 1999 1998 $ 2,631 $ 15;349 $ 17,980 $ 14,604 (19,524) (19,524) 19,524 2,631 38;433 41,064 56,150 42,608 42,608 22,022 40,441 40,441 54,435 40,441 40,441 54 „435 2,631 38,433 41,064 56,150 2,631 (44,616) (41,985) (20,307) 54,016 826,027 880,043 900,350 $ 56;647 $ 781,411 $ 838,058 $ 880,043 1 109 • 0 CITY OF POWAY Combining Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances All Expendable, Trust. Funds For the Year Ended'June 30, 1999 110 Poway Road Performing. Beautifi- Arts Totals Bendixon cation Center 1999 1998 Revenues: Interest $ . 628 $ 309 $ 937 $ 911 Other 681 Total Revenues 628 309 937 1,592 Fund Balances, Beginning 12,885 6;338 $ 8,775 10,448 8,856 Fund Balances, landing $ 13,513 $ 6,647 $. 8,775 $ 11;385 $ 10,448 110 CITY OFP.OWAY �. Combining: Statement of Changes in Assets and Liabilities All Agency Funds For the Year Ended June 30, 1999 ' Balance Developer Deposits Fund July 1, 1998 Additions Deletions Assets Cash and investments Interest receivable Total Assets I I N 1 I I 1 Liabilities Accounts payable Deposits Total Liabilities $ 2,310,109 $ 1,840,473 $ 1,808,212 283 283 Balance June 3.0, 1999 $ 2 $ 2,310,392 $ 1,840,471 $ 1,808,495 $ 2,342,370 $ 55,036 $ 1,652,646 $ 1,609,508 $ 98,174 '2,255,356 187,827 198,987 2,244,196 $ 1,880,486 $ 1,767,054 $ 2,310,392 $ 1,840,473 $ 1,808,495 $ 2,342,370 $ 1,557,344 Taxes receivable South Poway CFD #1 Bond Deposits Assets $ 103,863 $ 3,543,677 $ 1,880,486 $ 1,767,054 Cash and investments $ 2,894,308 $ 3,061,475 $ 4,398,439 $ 1,557,344 Taxes receivable 44,626 13,946 44,626 13,946 Interest receivable 12,577 9,363 12,577 9,363 Cash and investments with fiscal agents 3,077,518 5,721,272 6,164,313 2,634,477 Total Assets $ 6,029,029 $ 8,806,056 $ 10;619,955 $ 4 Liabilities Due to bondholders $ 6,029,029 $ 8,806,056' - $ 10;619,955 $ 4,215;130 Parkway Business.Center CFD #88 -1 Bond Deposits Assets Cash and'investments $ 103,863 $ 3,543,677 $ 1,880,486 $ 1,767,054 Taxes receivable 32,148 4,722 32,148 4,722 Accounts receivable 4,509,844 80,239 4,429,605 Interest receivable 12,469 10,890 12,469 10,890 Cash and investments with fiscal agents 2,947,170 142,348 25,251 3,064,267 Total Assets $ 7,605,494 $ 3,701,637 $ 2,030,593 $ 9,276,538 (Continued) !' 111 • CITY OF POWAY 0 Combining Statement of Changes in Assets and Liabilities All Agency Funds (Continued) For the Year Ended June30, 1999 Balance July 1, 1998 Additions Deletions I 40 1 Balance , June 30. 1999 Liabilities Accounts payable $ 400 $ 400 Due to bondholders $ 3,103,347 3,701,237 $ 1,958,050 4,846,534 Advances from other funds 4,502,147 72,543 4,429;604 Total Liabilities $ 7,605,494 $ 3,701,637 $ 2,030,593 $ 9 High Valley Roa AD #96 -1 Bond Deposits Assets ' Cash and investments $ 37,304 $ 107,564 $ 99,069 $ 45,799 Taxes receivable 1,687 85 1,687 85 Interest receivable 223 188 223 188 Cash and investments with fiscal agents 54,666 33,717 33,656 54,727 Total,Assets $ 93,880 $ 141 $ 134,635 $ 100;799 Liabilities Account payable $ 4,125 $ 3,983 $ 4,125 $ 3,983 Due to bondholders 89,755 137,571 130,510 96,816 ' Total Liabilities $ 93,880 $ 141,554 $ 134,635 $ 100,799 Total - All AQencv.Funds Assets ' Cash and investments $ 5,345;584 $ 8,553,189 $ 8 $' 5,712,567 Accounts receivable 4,509,844 80,239 4 429 Taxes receivable 78,461 18,753 78,461 18,753 Interest receivable 25,552 20,441 25,552 20;441 Cash and investments with fiscal agents 6,079,354 5 6,223,220 5,753,471 , Total Assets $ 16,038,795 $ 14,489,720 $ 14,593,678 $ 15,934,837 Liabilities , Accounts payable Deposits Due to bondholders Advances from other funds Total Liabilities $ 59,161' $ .1 2 187,827 9,222,131 12,644,864 4,502,147 $ 16,038,795 $ 14,489,720 $ 1,613,633 $ 102;557 198,987 2,244,196 , 12,708,515 9 72,543 4 • $ 14,593,678 $'15,934,837 112 1 r � ACCOUNT GROUPS' General Fixed Assets General Long -Term Debt Used to accountfor the cost of fixed assets that are used in the performance. of general government functions and that are not - accounted for in the proprietary funds. Used to account for the unmatured long -term indebtedness of the City and Redevelopment Agency not accounted for in the proprietary funds. lot] This page left blank intentionally. 114 f ./ i I 1 I CITY OF POWAY r Comparative Schedule of General'Fixed Assets by Source! June 30, 1999 General Fixed Assets: Land Buildings Improvements other than buildings Machinery and equipment Construction in progress 1999 $ 43,510,522 45,008,063 3,131,323 8,579,452 $:100,229,360 1998 $ 43,510,522 44,217,364 2,882,389 7,976,928 715,035 S Total General Fixed Assets Investments in General Fixed Assets: General Fund revenues Special Revenue Fund revenues Capital.Projects Funds: State grants Donations Bond proceeds Federal grants Transfer from prior water districts Total Investments in General Fixed Assets $ 86,726,453 $ 85,799,331 7,097,031 7,097,031 237,514 237,514 1,987,442 1,987,442 262,922 262,922 1,096 1,096 3,916;902 3 $ 100,229,360 $ 99,302,238 1 115 0 L CITY OF POWAY Schedule of General Fixed Assets by Function and Activity June 30, 1999 Function and Activi General Government: Manager Clerk Personnel Finance and Administration Other - Services Government Buildings Total General Government Public Safety: Safety Fire Paramedics Inspection Total :Public Safety Highways and Streets: Engineering Maintenance Total .Highways and Streets Culture and Recreation Mobilehome Parks Total General Fixed Assets Improvements Other "than Land Buildings Buildings $ 33,674 $ 117,796 413,793 2,880,380 425,748 $ 403,390 1,997,057 10,879, 140 141,271 309,156 4,995,233 11,752,355 544,661 5,509,251 18,215 100,226 5,609,477 18,215 309,156 .592,059 214,377 309,156 592,059 214,377 13,388,156 11,438,693 626,710 24, 817, 977 15, 615, 479 1,727;360_ $ 43,510,522 $ 45,008,063 $ 3,131,323 116 Machinery ' and Equipment Total $ 29,815 $ 63,489 149,992 149;992 4,648 4;648 1,346,985 1,878,574 1,778,545 5,488;063 914,478 13,931,946 4,224,463 21,516,712 725,340 6,252,806 N 1,078,420 1,178,646 188,411 188,411 40,500 40,500 2,032,671 7,660,363 ' 77,502 77,502 ' 1,509,246 2,624,838 1,586,748 2 ;702,340 718,491 26,172,050 17 42,177,895 $ 8,579 ; 452$ 10,0,229 117 0 I CITY OF POWAY Schedule of Changes. in General Fixed Assets by Function and Activity For the Year Ended June 30, 1999 Function and Acti jV General Government: Manager Clerk Personnel Finance and Administration Other - Services Government Buildings Total General Government Public Safety: Safety Fire Paramedics Inspection Total Public Safety Highways and Streets`. Engineering Maintenance Total Highways and Streets Culture and Recreation Mobilehome Parks Total General Fixed Assets General 214,270 Fixed General Assets Fixed July 1, 1998 Assets (As Restated) Additions Deletions, June 30, 1999 $ 63,489 134,830 4,648 1,840,197 $ 15,162 38,377 $ 63,489 149,992 4,648 1,878,574 1 I I 5,273,793 214,270 5,488,063 13,818,978 323,996 $ 211,028 13,931,946 , 21,135,935 591,805 211,028 .21,516,712 , 6,110,077 219,127 (76,398) 6,252,806 1,154,430 24,216 1,178,646 147,725 40,686 188,411 40,500 40,500 7,452,732 284,029 76,398 7,660;363 , 60,841 16,661 77,502 2,507,938 544,509 427,609 2,624,838 , 2,568,779 561,170 427,609 2,702,340 25,966,897 .205,153 26,172,050 42,177,895: 42,177,895 $99;302,238 $1,642,157 $ 715,035 $.100,229360 118 1 I. I 1 I I I i • CITY OF POWAY • Comparative Schedule of General Long -Term Debt June 30, 1999 Amount Available and to be Provided for the Payment of General Long -Term Debt: Amount available in debt service funds Amount to be provided Total Available and to be Provided General Long -Term Debt Payable: Tax allocation bonds payable Tax allocation notes Certificates of participation Advances from other funds Contract payable Notes payable Obligations under capital leases Total General Long -Term Debt Payable 119 1999 $ '17,638,708 210,791,253 & 228,429,961 $ 1 7,945,000 55,000,000 24,919,512 43,634 26,521,602 330,213 $ 228;429,961 FUR $ 9,381,741 216,745,997 $ 226,127,738 $ 115,685,000 55,810,000 25,649,512 44,280 28,570,133 368,813 $ 226,127,738 0 0 This page left blank intentionally. 120 I i 1 11 i* r- I 1� STATISTICAL SECTION LJ 0 0 CITY OF POWAY General Governmental Expenditures by Function (l) Last Ten Fiscal Years Fiscal General Public Public Community Capital Year G overnment Safety Works Services Expenditures 1990 $ 5,726,143 $ 5,563,163 $ 4,108,962 $ 3,532,117 $ 33,314,917 1991 5,680,185 8,212,765 2,562,230 3,487,041 55,427,599 1992 5,487,555 8,019,225 2,584,301 4,009;375 27,891,391 1993 6,954,504 8,322,611 2,605,336 4,289,493 18,690,422 1994 6,018,367 8,371,953 3,001,012 4,216,928 18,312,184 1995 6,555,752 8,156,328 3,040,823 4,375,933 12,711,970 1996 6,758,341 8,554,473 2,248,039 5,151,534 32;408,989 1997 7,822,743 8,884,438 4,661,719 5,068,108 23,553,095 1998 7,758,604 7,704,342 6,035,135 4,921,563 20;385,782 1999 9,428,221 9,958,312 3,343,102 5,266,558 8,213,245 Notes: (l) Includes all governmental fund types Source: City Administrative Services Department 122 TABLE 1 1 Debt Service Total $ 7;465,211 $ 59,710,513 i 11,911,077 87,280,897" 23,317,449 71,309,296 1 21,761,546 62,623,912 i 29,469;665 69,390,109 17,341,788 52,182,594 32, 901,191 88,022,567 ' 18,596,415 68,586,518 10 19,619,370 66,424,796 ' 19,574,558 55,783,996 i i 1 i i 1 "It 123 (1) Includes all governmental fund types:and an expendable trust fund. , (2) Includes property taxes for Redevelopment Agency. ., Source: City Administrative Services Department 124 , • 1 CITY OF POWAY General Governmental Revenues by Source Last Ten Fiscal Years . Licenses Intergovern- Charges Fiscal and mental for Fines and Year _ Taxes Permits Revenues Services Forfeitures ' 1990 $ 14,824,205 $ 398,748 $ 2 ;751,273 $ 7,466,928 $ 139,312 1991 18,695,696 394,812 2,991,647 7,364,057 146,838 1992 18,702,862 352,341 3,492,141 6,047,267 95,080 1993 18,952,451 340,884 3,643,717 6,532,158 71,747 ' 1994 20,065,771 335 10,363,173 7,061 91,593 1995 20,865,001 326,041 12;048,349 6,746,721 72,140 1996 21,187,183 299,810 12,912,925 7,550,017 67,799 ' 1997 20,941,439 281,610 5,013,053 8,826;878 71,477 1998 23 257 ;818 8,837,630 10,584,717 86,273 1999 26,047,002 262,482 4,678,887 10,207,646 210,762 TABLE 2A CITY OF POWAY General Governmental Tax Revenues by Source Last Ten Fiscal Years Fiscal Property Franchise Motor , Year T ax (2) Sales Tax Tax Vehicle Tax Total 1990 $ 9.,905,769 $ 2,790,198 $ 338,865 $ 1,789,373 $ 14,824,205 ' 1991 13 2,571,959 398,823 1,809,872 18,695,696 1992 13,920,524 2,672,052 403,911 1,706,375 18,762,862 1993 13,588,578 3,251,723 510,581 1,601,569 18,952,451 1994 1995 14,251,274 14,959,431 3,659,912 3,639,756 593,164 627,215 1,561,421 1,638,599 20,065,77.1 20,865,001 ' 1996 15,184,101 3,696,899 597,782 1,708,401 21,187,183 1997 14,338,241 4,149,019 618,386 1,835,793 20941,439 1998 15,451,792 4,902,359 714,901 1,951,997 23,021,049 ' 1999 17,460,797 5,714,050 764,077 2,108,078 26,047,002 , Notes: (1) Includes all governmental fund types:and an expendable trust fund. , (2) Includes property taxes for Redevelopment Agency. ., Source: City Administrative Services Department 124 , TABLE 2 ' Interest and Rentals Other Total $ 8,680,108 $ 2,535,849 $ 36,796,423 8 833,021 9,288,421 47,714,492 8,351,217 2,574,632 39,615,540 8,226,841 1,961,333 39,729,131 8,995,116 1,121,228 48,033,907 8,233,586 651,515 48,943,353 7,508;118 1,630,809 51,156,661 6,729,950 1,508,10 43,372,508 t 8,243,028 2,161,644 53;192,159 7,738,120 3,119,416 52,264,315 1 125 0 0 CITY OF POWAY Property Tax Levies and Collections Last Ten Fiscal Years Source: County of San Diego, Auditor and Controller's Office 126 Current Percent Delinquent Delinquent Fiscal Year Current Tax of Levy Tax Tax Year Tax Levy Collections Collected Receivable. Collections 1990 $ 8,009,185 $ 7,812,459 98 % $ 518,976 $ 115,233 1991 9,136,715 8,689,581 95 196,617 230,400 1992 12,639,697 12,284,495 97 377,585 424,816 1993 9,604,741 9,156,139 95 484,933 400,191 1994 12,855,280 9 74 548,364 386 1995 14,285,101 tl) 8,350,135 t2) 58 (3) 31743,833 (4) 269,023 (5) 1996 12,712,597 t9) 9,195,911 t10) 72 tll) 8,701,856 t") 811,738 (13) 1997 t ' 7) 13,967,053 13,834,167 99 327,952. 511,601 1998 13,052,091 12,731,719 99 244,785 225,298 1999 13,302,138 13,088,362 98 191,183 201,592 Notes: (1) Includes Community Facilities Districts assessments of $7,005,288. (2) Includes Community Facilities- Districts,collections of $1,515,168. (3) This percentage is 94% excludingthe,amounts'for the Community Facilities Districts. (4) Includes Community Facilities Districts receivables of $3,110,877. (5) No collections: for Community.Facilities (6) This percentage is 98% excluding the.Community Facilities Districts. C 7) Includes $8 for Community Facilities Districts. ($) This percentage is 15% excluding th Community Facilities Districts. (9) Includes Community Facilities District . #88-1. assessments of$4,236,818. (10) Includes Community Facili ties District #884 collections of $935;580. (11) This' percentage is 97% excluding the amounts, for CID #88 -1. (12) Includes Community Facilities District-#88-1 receivable of $7,527,270. (13) Includes Community Facilities District #88-.1. collection of $196,928. (14) This percentage 105% excluding Community Facilities District #88 -1. (ls) Includes $10,631,580 for CID #88 -1. (16) This percentage is 16% excluding CID #88 -1. (h) During fiscal year 1996 -97, Community Facilities District. #88 -1, had its delinquent assessments from prior years forgiven and was current for its fiscal year 1996 -97. Source: County of San Diego, Auditor and Controller's Office 126 ' •s TABLE 3 ' Percen Percent of Total Tax Outstanding Delinquent Total Tax+ Collections Delinquent Taxes to Collections to Tax Levy Taxes Tax Levy $ 7,927,692 99 % $ 715,702 9 % 8,919,981 98 643,751 7 12,709,311 101 732,787 6 9,556,330 99 933,535 10 ' 9,972,059 78 3,817,946 30 8,619,158 60 (6) 9,678,799 m 68 (8) ' 10,007,649 79 (14) 12,218,542 96 (16) 14,345,768 104 460,838 3 13,099,539 100 422,635 3 13,349,954 100 404,959 3 1 127 LJ • CITY OF POWAY • Assessed and Estimated Actual Value of Taxable Property Last Ten Fiscal Years Source: County of San Diego Assessor's Office 128 Real Property Personal Property Fiscal Assessed Estimated Assessed Estimated Year Value Actual Value Value Actual Value 1990 $ 2,052,405,447 $ 2,652,405,447 $ 30,240,937 $ 30,240,937 1991 2,413,737,613 2,413,737,613 37,219,612 37,219,612 1992 2,684,903,547 2,684,903,547 44,186,797 44,186,797 1993 2,858,029,834 2,858,029,834 54,214,861 54,214,861 1994 2,964,014,503 2,964,014,503 69,952,694 69,952,694 1995 3,014,899,373 3,014,899,373 76,590,235 76,590,235 1996 3,060,395,506 3 85,193,678 85,193,678 1997 3,052,732,206 3,052;732,206 87,641,025 87,641,025 1998 3,135,010,184 3,135,010,184 88,447,865 88,447,865 1999 3,353,922,981 3,353,922,981 118,083,485 118,083,485 Source: County of San Diego Assessor's Office 128 • TABLE 4 ' Total Percent Assessed Estimated Change From Value Actual Value Previous Year $ 2,082,646,384 $ 2;082,646,384 18 % ' 2,450,957,225 2 ; 450,957,225 18 2,729,090,344 2,729,090,344 11 2,9.12,244,695 2,912,244,695 7 3 3;033,967, 197 4 't 3;091,489,608 3,091,489,608 2 3 ,145;589 3,145,589,184 2 3,140,373,23,1 3,140,373,231 (0.2) LO 3 1 223,458,049 3,223,458;049 3 3,472,006,466 3,472,006,466 8 129 • • CITY OF POWAY • TABLE 5 Property Tax Rates - Direct and Overlapping Governments (Per $100 of Assessed Value) Last Ten Fiscal Years Fiscal School Other Year city Coun District District Total 1990 27807 .25000 .46636 .11147 1.10590 1991 .26594 .25000 .46636 .11147 1.09377 1992 .25841 .25000 .46636 .11147 1.08624 1993 .25440 .25000 .46636 .11147 1.08223 1994 .27516 .16722 .50771 .12620 1.07629 1995 .27370 .16722 .50771 .12598 1.07461 1996 .27349 .16722 .50771 .12585 1.07427 1997 .23434 .16722 .50771 .12612 1.03539 1998 .23234 .16722 .50771 .12540 1.03267 1999 .22954 .16722 .50771 .12380 1.02827 Source: County of San Diego Auditor and Controller's Office and Planning and Land Use Development. 130 t CITY OF POWAY Ten Largest Taxpayers June 30, 1999 Name Burnham Pacific Operating Partnership Parkway Development LLC Pacific Retail Trust Health Care Property Investors Braemar Properties LP Beecro8, Joseph N. & Lois M. Stoneridge Country Club Corp. Spectrum Investments LLC Retail Trust III VAT Partners 0 lM114m . Assessed Percentage Valuation of Total $ 20,039,000 15.9 % 14,602,830 11.6 % 13,962,157 11.1 % 13,780,000 11.0 % 13,604,900 10.8 % 12,715,376 10.1 % 11,657,557 9.3 % 8,738,136 6.9 % 8,501,401 6.8 % 8,192,487 6.5 % $ 125,793,844 100 % Source: San Diego County Assessor's Office and City Finance Division 131 0 0 CITY OF POWAY TABLE 7 Special Assessment Collections Last Ten Fiscal Years (1) Bonds were retired in fiscal year ended June 30, 1996. Source: City Administrative Services Department 132 Current Current Ratio of Total Fiscal Assessment Assessment Collections Outstanding Year Due Collected To Amount Due Assessments 1990 $ 213,209 $ 200,146 94 $ 13,063 1991 212,210 180,172 85 32,038 1992 215,209 187,447 87 27,762 1993 209,640 194,214 93 15,426 1994 216,707 196,692 91 20,015 1995 182,262 178,082 98 4,180 1996 -0- -0- -0- -0- 1997 -0- -0- -0- -0- 1998 -0- -0- -0- -0- 1999 -0- -0- -0- -0- (1) Bonds were retired in fiscal year ended June 30, 1996. Source: City Administrative Services Department 132 1 • 1 0 0 CITY OF POWAY Computation of Legal Debt Margin June 30, 1999 Total Valuation (1) Debt Limit - 15 percent of total valuation Amount of Debt Applicable to Debt Limit: Bonded Debt Less Amounts Available for Repayment of Debt: Held by Debt Service Fund Total Amount of Debt Applicable to Debt Limit Legal Debt Margin $ 543,484,205 $ 81,522,631 1,788,223 $ 79,734,408 Note: 25% of the assessed valuation, after deducting redevelopment tax allocation increment. Source: City Administrative Services Department 133 $ 3,210,000 1,421,777 9 0 CITY OF POWAY TABLE 9 Ratio of Net General Bonded Debt to Assessed Value and Net Bonded Debt Per Capita Last Ten Fiscal Years Notes: (1) Based on estimated population provided by the State of California. (2) After deducting $532,942,779 Redevelopment Tax Allocation increment. (3) After deducting $758,451,553 Redevelopment Tax Allocation increment. (4) After deducting $919,469,750 Redevelopment Tax Allocation increment. (5) After deducting $1,013,256,369 Redevelopment Tax Allocation increment. (6) After deducting $1,074,705,577 Redevelopment Tax Allocation increment. (7) After deducting $1,082,290,553 Redevelopment Tax Allocation increment. (8) After deducting $1,106,345,405 Redevelopment Tax Allocation increment. (9) After deducting $1,095,311,115 Redevelopment Tax Allocation increment. (10) After deducting $1,132,455,143 Redevelopment Tax Allocation increment. (11) After deducting $1,298,069,644 Redevelopment Tax Allocation increment. Source: City Administrative Services Department 134 General Ratio to Per Fiscal Assessed Bonded Assessed Capita Year Population (1) Valuation Debt Valuation Debt 1990 43,933 $ 1,549,703,605 (2) $ 10,515,000 0:68 239.34 1991 44,450 1,692,505,672 (3) 10,050,000 0.59 226.10 1992 45,263 1,809,620,594 (4) 9,850,000 0.54 217.62 1993 46,219 1,898,988,326 (5) 9,300,000 0.49 201.22 1994 46,579 1,959,261,620 (6) 8,875,000 0.45 190.54 1995 46,132 2,009,199,055 (7) 8,405,000 0.42 182.19 1996 45,452 2,039,243,779 (8) 5,340,000 0.26 117.49 1997 46,008 2,045,062,116 (9) 3,970,000 0.19 86.29 1998 47,098 2,091,002,906 (10) 3,595,000 0.17 76.33 1999 48,277 2,173,069,644 (11) 3,210,000 0.15 66.49 Notes: (1) Based on estimated population provided by the State of California. (2) After deducting $532,942,779 Redevelopment Tax Allocation increment. (3) After deducting $758,451,553 Redevelopment Tax Allocation increment. (4) After deducting $919,469,750 Redevelopment Tax Allocation increment. (5) After deducting $1,013,256,369 Redevelopment Tax Allocation increment. (6) After deducting $1,074,705,577 Redevelopment Tax Allocation increment. (7) After deducting $1,082,290,553 Redevelopment Tax Allocation increment. (8) After deducting $1,106,345,405 Redevelopment Tax Allocation increment. (9) After deducting $1,095,311,115 Redevelopment Tax Allocation increment. (10) After deducting $1,132,455,143 Redevelopment Tax Allocation increment. (11) After deducting $1,298,069,644 Redevelopment Tax Allocation increment. Source: City Administrative Services Department 134 I • • CITY OF POWAY TABLE 10 Ratio of Debt Service for General Bonded Debt to Total General Expenditures (1) ',. Last Ten Fiscal Years ' Total Total Ratio of Debt Service Fiscal Debt General to Total General ' Year Principal Interest Service Expenditures Expenditures 1990 $ 110,000 $ 62,700 $ 172,700 $ 59,710,513 0.3 ' 1991 120,000 55,800 175,800 87,280,897 0.2 1992 125,000 48,450 173,450 70,480,667 0.2 1993 130,000 40,800 170,800 62,623,912 0.3 1994 140,000 32,700 172,700 69,390,109 0.2 ' 1995 145,000 24,150 169,150 52,182,594 0.3 ' 1996' 160,000 15,000 175,000 88,022,567 0.2 1997 a' 170,000 5,100 175,100 68,586,518 0.3 1998 0 0 0 68,054,286 0.8 ' 1999 0 0 0 54,040,982 1.0 Note: (1) Includes all governmental fund types. w Bonds were retired in fiscal year ended June 30, 1997. ' Source: City Administrative Services Department 135 0 0 CTTY OF POWAY TABLE 11 Direct and Overlapping Bond Debt June 30, 1999 1998 -99 Assessed Valuation: $2,173,936,822 (after deducting $1,298,069,644 redevelopment incremental valuation) DIRECT AND OVERLAPPING TAX AND ASSESSMENT DEBT: % Applicable Debt 6/30/99 POPULATION 48,277 San Diego County Water Authority 1.521 % $ 114,759 Metropolitan Water District 0.254 1,468,209 Escondido Union High School District 0.080 35,302 San Pasqual Union School District 3.116 53,949 Poway Municipal Water District 100.000 780,000 City of Poway 100.000 3,210,000 City of Poway Assessment District No. 96 -1 100.000 555,000 City of Poway Community Facilities District No. 88 -1 100.000 35,445,000 South Poway Community Facilities District No. 1 100.000 24,780,000 TOTAL DIRECT AND OVERLAPPING TAX AND ASSESSMENT DEBT 66,442,219 DIRECT AND OVERLAPPING LEASE OBLIGATION DEBT: San Diego County General Fund Obligations 1.467 % $ 7,639;507 San Diego County Pension Obligations 1.467 5,475,137 San Diego County Superintendent of Schools Obligations 1.467 33,264 Palomar Community College District Certificates of Participation 6.467 483,732 Poway Unified School District Certificates, of Participation 19.536 110,265 City of Poway Certificates of Participation 100.000 55,000,000 TOTAL DIRECT AND OVERLAPPING LEASE OBLIGATION DEBT $ 68,741,905 COMBINED TOTAL DEBT $ 135,184,124 Ratios to Assessed Valuation: Direct Debt ($3,210,000) 0.09% Combined Direct Debt ($58,210,000) 2.68% Total Direct and Overlapping Tax and Assessment Debt 1.91% Combined Total Debt 6.22% STATE SCHOOL BUILDING AID'REPAYABLE AS OF 6/30/99: $0 Excludes tax and revenue anticipation notes, revenue, mortgage revenue and tax allocation bonds and non - bonded capital lease obligations. Source: California Municipal Statistics, Inc. 136 • CITY OF POWAY • TABLE 12 Demographic Statistics Last Ten Fiscal Years Per Fiscal Capita Median School - Unemployment ' Year Population (r) Income (2) Age (2) Enrollment Rate (Z) 1990 43,933 S 16,900 28.8 24,509 4.3 1991 44,450 17,207 32.6 26,055 6.2 1992 45,263 20,720 32.6 25,873 8.1 ' 1993 46,219 20,720 32.6 26,625 8.4 1994 46,579 20,720 32.1 27,520 7.5 ' 1995 46,132 20,720 32.0 29,817 7.3 1996 45,452 20,720 32.0 30,664 5.7 1997 46,008 20,720 34.7 30;293 2.9 1998 47,098 20,720 34.9 30,984 2.5 1999 48,277 20,720 35.0 3.1,649 2.1 (1) Based on estimated, population provided by the State of California as of ' January 1 each (Z) Based' on census provided by SANDAG. Source: Compiled by City Administrative Services Department u, 137' 0 0 CITY OF�POWAY Property Value, Construction Activity and Bank Deposits Last Ten Fiscal Years Fiscal Year 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 Commercial $ 30,240,937 37,219,612 44,186,797 54,214,861 69,952,694 76,590,235 85,193,678 87,641,025 88,447,865 118,083,485 i IVFW Ly V WUV Residential $ 2,113,865,650 2,476,632,903 2,750,384,816 2,922,783,103 3,032,530,528 3,685,143,929 3 3,123,520,296 3,206,158,747 3,427,371,909 Value (Z) Exemption $ 61,460,203 62,895,290 65,481,269 64,753,269 68,516,025 70,244,556 70,201,273 70,788,090 71,148, 563 73,448,928 Total $ 2,082,646,384 2,450,957,225 2,729,090,344 2,912,244,695 3,033,967,197 3,091,489,608 3,145,589,184 3,140,373,231 3,223 3,472',006,466 (1) San Diego Trust and Savings Bank Marketing Department provided actuals;for 1990. (2) Estimated assessed value from Table 4:. Source: City Planning Department 138 TABLE 13 ' Commercial:Construction Residential Constriction umber Percent Number Percent Bank ' of Units Value Change of Units Value Change Deposits (1) 34 $ 14,150,143 (8.8) 325 $ 70,998,258 (17.9) $ 181,000,000 ' 9 7,240,173 (48.8) 218 47,113,614 (33.6) 171,248,346 15 17,696,194 144.4 50 17,152,025 (63.6) 184,091,972 19 13,887,733 (11.5) 40 12,870,944 (25.0) 163,998,953 4 915,093 (93.4) 81 19,829,254 54.1 143,923,796 5 616,318 (32.7) 50 15,238,827 (23.1) 121,516,477 5 744,592 21.8 99 25,285,941 65.9 122,745,369 16 5,692,228 664.5 71 23,964,243 (5.23) 136 13 23,158,638 306.8 180 60,243,002 151.4 199,549,791 13 5,602,765 (313.3) 142 42,903,691 (28.8) 250,542,833 139 CITY OF POWAY • TABLE 14 Miscellaneous Statistics June 30, 1999 Date of Incorporation December 1, 1980 Form of Government Council- Manager Area 39 Square.Miles Miles of Streets 152 Number of Street Lights 2,681 Fire Protection: Number of Stations 2 Number of Staff Firefighters and Officers 32 Number of Volunteer Firefighters 23 Police Protection Number of Stations 1 Number of Sworn Officers 49 Number of Clerical Staff 12 Senior Volunteer Patrol 29 Reserve Sheriff 13 Community Service Officers 3 Education Attendance Centers 29 Number of Classrooms 1,281 Number of Teachers 1,800 Number of Students 31,649 Water Number of Consumers 13,300 Average Daily Consumption 11,906,787 gallons Miles of Water Mains 239 Sewer: Sanitary Sewers 137.5 miles Storm Sewers 49.5. miles Building Permits Issued 1,751 Recreation and Culture: Parks 14 with 345 acres Community Center 1 Libraries 1 Employees: Classified Services (full and part-time) 271 Management 69 Total Employees 290 Note: (1) Library services are provided by the County of San Diego. Source: Compiled by City Administrative Services Department ,140