Poway NOP 06/09/09 «P:\PWY0901\NOP-IS\Poway NOP.doc» 1 NOTICE OF PREPARATION OF AN ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT POWAY WALMART EXPANSION PROJECT SUMMARY Under the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and its Guidelines, the City of Poway (City) is the Lead Agency for the environmental review process and must evaluate the potentially significant environmental effects of the proposed project. The City has determined that an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) will be prepared to assess the proposed project’s effects on the environment, identify significant impacts, and identify feasible mitigation measures to reduce or eliminate potentially significant environmental impacts. This Notice of Preparation (NOP) is being circulated pursuant to California Public Resources Code Section 21153(a) and State CEQA Guidelines Section 15082. Public agencies and the public are invited to comment on the proposed scope and content of the environmental information to be included in the Draft EIR. A 30-day period is provided to return written comments to the City. Comments should be directed to Ms. Oda Audish at the City of Poway, Development Services Department, 13325 Civic Center Drive, Poway, California 92064; email: oaudish@ci.poway.ca.us. PROJECT LOCATION The proposed project is the expansion of an existing Walmart retail store located in the City of Poway within a fully developed commercial shopping center. The project site consists of two adjoining parcels located at 13425 Community Road and 13430 Midland Road. The site is bounded by Community Road, Hilleary Place, and Midland Road to the west, north, and east, respectively. The project location is shown in Figure 1. PROJECT DESCRIPTION The proposed project consists of the expansion and remodeling of the existing Walmart retail store located at 13425 Community Road in the City. The expansion consists of the addition of approximately 54,745 square feet (sf) of commercial/retail uses to the existing 142,955 sf structure (including the garden center and tire and lube area), resulting in an approximately 197,700 sf Walmart with a full-service grocery department. The project would include demolition of the existing tire and lube center and the adjacent vacant 7,000 sf commercial structure. The tire and lube center would not be replaced. The proposed project would include an extensive remodeling to both the exterior and interior of the store. The remodeled and expanded store would include approximately 40,835 sf of grocery sales area, 11,385 sf of grocery support area (bakery, deli, etc.), 23,630 sf of stockroom receiving area, 9,400 sf of ancillary area (front and rear offices, customer service, restrooms, vision center, janitors, 06/09/09 «P:\PWY0901\NOP-IS\Poway NOP.doc» 2 sprinkler room, and electrical room), 103,790 sf of general merchandise area, and 8,665 sf of outdoor garden center area. The project would include a new entrance for the grocery uses, new lighting, new landscaping, and additional loading facilities with two truck doors on the eastern side of the building. In addition, signage would be changed on the existing building and new signage would be installed according to a sign program submitted with the site plans. The project’s site plan is shown in Figures 2 and 3. The expanded store would operate on a 24-hour basis, and the existing store will remain operational during the expansion construction process. RESPONSIBLE AND TRUSTEE AGENCIES In accordance with Sections 15050 and 15367 of the State CEQA Guidelines, the City of Poway is the designated Lead Agency for the project and has principal authority and jurisdiction for CEQA actions. Responsible Agencies are those agencies that have jurisdiction or authority over one or more aspects associated with the development of a proposed project. Trustee Agencies are State agencies that have jurisdiction by law over natural resources affected by a proposed project that are held in trust for the people of the State. Project implementation will require administrative (ministerial) permits and other approvals from the City and other agencies, including (but not limited to) the San Diego Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB) for National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) compliance. TOPICS TO BE ANALYZED IN THE DRAFT EIR Based on the analysis contained in the Initial Study (IS) for the proposed project, the City has determined that an EIR will be prepared. The Draft EIR will serve to further assess the proposed project’s effects on the environment, identify significant impacts, and identify feasible mitigation measures to reduce or eliminate potentially significant environmental impacts. An analysis of alternatives to the proposed project and cumulative effects will also be included in the Draft EIR. In addition, the Draft EIR will include a summary of the Economic Impact Analysis being prepared for the proposed expansion project. Topics to be analyzed in the Draft EIR as identified in the IS include, but are not necessarily limited to, the following: • Aesthetics. Replacement and new permanent light fixtures are proposed in the parking lot and on the front exterior of the building. A photometric lighting plan will be prepared for the proposed project. The Draft EIR will include a summarization of the lighting plan and will analyze all potential impacts related to the new exterior lighting associated with the proposed project. This will include light pole heights, lighting types, and light coverage and spillage. In addition, the project would involve changes to the exterior of the building, landscaping, and parking. Potential impacts related to the new sources of light and glare and changes in the exterior aesthetics will be evaluated in the Draft EIR. The EIR will include mitigation measures, if necessary, to reduce potential aesthetic impacts. • Urban Decay. The Draft EIR will also evaluate all potential economic effects that may result in physical deterioration, urban decay, and blight, as detailed in an economic impact analysis 06/09/09 «P:\PWY0901\NOP-IS\Poway NOP.doc» 3 prepared for the proposed project. The study will analyze all secondary effects of competition from the project on grocery stores in the primary and secondary market areas. • Air Quality. In order to fully assess air quality impacts, an air quality analysis for the proposed project will be prepared and summarized in the Draft EIR. The air quality analysis will include the following components: (1) assessment of baseline air quality in the area as documented by nearby air monitoring stations; (2) assessment of construction impacts, including construction traffic, demolition, and site preparation; (3) assessment of operational impacts; (4) assessment of any potential conflict with any applicable air quality plans; (5) assessment of net increases of any criteria pollutant; (6) assessment of any potential impacts (including objectionable odors) to sensitive receptors; and (7) assessment of effects related to global warming. Potential air quality impacts and mitigation measures, if necessary, will be addressed in the Draft EIR. • Cultural Resources. The City’s General Plan Prehistoric and Historic Resources Element indicates that the proposed project site is located in an area of potential archaeological and paleontologic sensitivity. Due to this, the EIR will include an evaluation of potential impacts related to archaeological and paleontologic resources. Additionally, the project would demolish the existing 7,000 sf commercial structure that was developed in 1961. The EIR will fully evaluate the potential historical impacts related to removal of this structure. Mitigation measures, if necessary, will be included in the Draft EIR. • Geology and Soils. To ensure that all potential impacts related to geology and soils are identified and necessary mitigation measures are implemented, the Draft EIR will include a full evaluation of potential impacts related to the following issues: rupture of a known earthquake fault, strong seismic ground shaking, soil erosion, unstable soils, and expansive soils. • Hazards and Hazardous Materials. The proposed project includes demolition of the existing tire and lube center and the vacant 7,000 sf commercial structure located on the corner of Hilleary Place and Midland Road. Demolition and removal of these structures may have the potential to release hazardous materials into the environment. Therefore, the EIR will incorporate and address the conclusions of a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment that will identify the potential for release of hazardous materials upon project implementation and identify mitigation measures, if necessary. • Water Quality/Hydrology. A hydrology study describing storm water drainage and flows, pollutants of concern, and Best Management Practices (BMPs) will be prepared and summarized in the Draft EIR. The Draft EIR will fully assess any potential water impacts related to the following: (1) construction and operation activities; (2) storm water flows; (3) additional sources of polluted runoff or an increase in the discharge of pollutants; and (4) water quality standards. Mitigation measures, if necessary, will be included in the Draft EIR. • Noise. An acoustical analysis of the proposed project will be prepared and summarized in the Draft EIR. The analysis will address potential noise impacts in relation to the City’s noise standards and will identify any substantial increase in ambient noise levels for both construction and the 24-hour operation of the proposed project. Mitigation measures, if necessary, will be included in the Draft EIR. • Public Services. To ensure that all potential impacts related to public services are identified and necessary mitigation measures are implemented, the Draft EIR will include a full evaluation of potential impacts related to fire protection, police protection, and other public services within the City. 06/09/09 «P:\PWY0901\NOP-IS\Poway NOP.doc» 4 • Utilities. To ensure that all potential impacts related to utilities are identified and necessary mitigation measures are implemented, the Draft EIR will include a full evaluation of potential impacts related to the following utilities that serve the project area: water services, wastewater services, storm drainage, and solid waste facilities. • Traffic. The Draft EIR will describe traffic conditions and potential impacts based on a traffic study that is being prepared for the proposed project. Potential impacts will be fully analyzed in the traffic study in regards to traffic congestion, operating capacity of the roadway network and affected intersections, and cumulative project related traffic congestion. Mitigation measures, if necessary, will be included in the Draft EIR. ENVIRONMENTAL PROCEDURES This NOP will be submitted to the State Clearinghouse, Responsible Agencies, Trustee Agencies, and other interested parties that will be included in approving or funding the project or that have specifically requested a copy of the NOP. After the 30-day review period for the NOP, a Draft EIR will be prepared in accordance with CEQA (Public Resources Code, Section 21000 et seq.) and the State Guidelines for Implementation of CEQA (California Code of Regulations, Section 15000 et seq.). Detailed analyses will be conducted in order to ascertain the proposed project’s effects on the environment and the relative degree of impact prior to implementation of mitigation measures. Where impacts are determined to be significant, mitigation measures will be prescribed with the purpose of reducing the project’s effects on those impacts either completely or to the maximum degree feasible. Once the Draft EIR is completed, it will be made available for public review and comment. Copies of the Draft EIR, in either hard copy or CD format, will be mailed directly to those agencies commenting on the NOP. Project Boundary PROJECTAREA N FIGURE1 FEET 200010000 I:\PWY0901\G\ProjLoc.cdr(4/15/09) Project Location PowayWalmartExpansionProject SOURCE:ThomasBros.Maps Escondido 15 8 805 5 67 56 52 54 163 274 C a l i f o r n i a FE E T 10 0 50 0N SO U R C E : G R O U N D E D L a n d s c a p e A r c h i t e c t u r e & P l a n n i n g Illustrative Site PlanFIGURE2 I: \ P W Y 0 9 0 1 \ G \ I l l u s t s i t e p l a n . c d r ( 4 / 1 5 / 0 9 ) PowayWalmartExpansionProject CO M M E R C I A L CO M M E R C I A L L O T S NO T A P A R T EXISTING BUILDING TOBEREMOVED FE E T 10 0 50 0N SO U R C E : N A S L A N D E N G I N E E R I N G Overall Site PlanFIGURE3 I: \ P W Y 0 9 0 1 \ G \ O A s i t e p l a n . c d r ( 5 / 2 8 / 0 9 ) PowayWalmartExpansionProject