SPSP Vol 2 Jan 2011 CITY OF POWAY DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT SOUTH POWAY SPECIFIC PLAN DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS Volume 2 CITY COUNCIL/REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY DON HIGGINSON, MAYOR JIM CUNNINGHAM, DEPUTY MAYOR MERILEE BOYACK, COUNCILMEMBER JOHN MULLIN, COUNCILMEMBER DAVE GROSCH, COUNCILMEMBER CITY MANAGER PENNY RILEY Comprehensive Update Adopted December 2002 Updated August 2004 Updated January 2011 TABLE OF CONTENTS South Poway Specific Plan - Volume 2, Development Standards Page i CHAPTER 1 - INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................ 1 CHAPTER 2 - DEFINITIONS ..................................................................................................... 2 CHAPTER 3 - AREA-WIDE DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS .................................................... 6 I. STREET STANDARDS ..................................................................................................... 6 A. Scripps Poway Parkway ........................................................................................................ 6 B. Pomerado Road (Within The Plan Area) ............................................................................... 7 C. Commercial And Industrial Collector Without Medians ......................................................... 8 D. Commercial And Industrial Collector With Median ................................................................9 E. Commercial Industrial Street ............................................................................................... 10 II. PUBLIC USE AMENITIES ................................................................................................12 A. Recreational Trail Design Standards ................................................................................... 12 B. Bicycle System ..................................................................................................................... 14 III. GRADING STANDARDS .................................................................................................16 IV. LANDSCAPE STANDARDS ............................................................................................20 A. Introduction .......................................................................................................................... 20 B. Landscape Plan Submittal And Review Process ................................................................ 20 C. Water Conservation And Reclamation ................................................................................ 21 D. Irrigation ............................................................................................................................... 21 E. Planting ................................................................................................................................ 22 F. Slope Re-Vegetation ............................................................................................................ 23 G. Streetscape Program ........................................................................................................... 24 H. Site Development ................................................................................................................. 29 I. Hardscape ............................................................................................................................ 31 J. Maintenance – Property Management (Excludes LMD Areas) .......................................... 32 K. Sightline Restrictions ........................................................................................................... 35 V. UTILITY INSTALLATIONS ..............................................................................................36 CHAPTER 4 - INDUSTRIAL AND COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS ................37 I. INDUSTRIAL LAND USE DESIGNATIONS .....................................................................37 A. Industrial Park (IP) ............................................................................................................... 37 B. Light Industrial (LI) ............................................................................................................... 38 C. Light Industrial/Storage (LI/S) .............................................................................................. 38 II. PERMITTED AND CONDITIONAL USES INDUSTRIAL PARK, LIGHT INDUSTRIAL AND LIGHT INDUSTRIAL/STORAGE ......................................................................................38 A. Conditional Uses .................................................................................................................. 38 B. Prohibited Uses .................................................................................................................... 38 C. Civic Uses ............................................................................................................................ 38 D. Use Matrix ............................................................................................................................ 39 TABLE OF CONTENTS South Poway Specific Plan - Volume 2, Development Standards Page ii III. SOUTH POWAY COMMERCIAL LAND USE DESIGNATION .........................................47 A. SOUTH POWAY COMMERCIAL .............................................................................................47 B. USE MATRIX ......................................................................................................................47 IV. INDUSTRIAL AND COMMERCIAL SITE/BUILDING DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS .....53 A. Architectural - Industrial ....................................................................................................... 53 B. Architectural – South Poway Commercial ........................................................................... 56 C. Site Utilization – Industrial And Commercial ....................................................................... 59 D. Parking Standards – Industrial And Commercial ................................................................ 68 E. Lighting Standards – Industrial And Commercial ................................................................ 72 F. Signage – Industrial And Commercial ................................................................................. 73 G. Poway Subarea Habitat Conservation Plan ........................................................................ 81 CHAPTER 5 - RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS ................................................82 I. LAND USE DESIGNATIONS ...........................................................................................82 A. Open Space – 1 Dwelling Unit ............................................................................................. 82 B. Single-Family 2 .................................................................................................................... 82 C. Mobile Home Park (MHP) .................................................................................................... 82 D. Residential Apartment (RA) ................................................................................................. 83 II. DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS .......................................................................................83 A. Density ................................................................................................................................. 83 B. Poway Subarea Habitat Conservation Plan ........................................................................ 84 CHAPTER 6 - NATURAL OPEN SPACE .................................................................................85 CHAPTER 7 - WATER PARK FACILITY LAND USE DESIGNATION .....................................86 I. INTRODUCTION ..............................................................................................................86 II. LAND USE AND DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS ............................................................87 A. Architectural ......................................................................................................................... 87 B. Site Utilization ...................................................................................................................... 88 C. Grading Standards ............................................................................................................... 89 D. Landscaping Standards ....................................................................................................... 89 E. Circulation And Parking Requirements ............................................................................... 90 F. Lighting Requirements ......................................................................................................... 92 G. Signage Requirements ........................................................................................................ 93 H. Facility Operation ................................................................................................................. 94 I. Permitted Activities .............................................................................................................. 94 J. Planned Utilities And Public Facilities ................................................................................. 94 K. Environmental Review Compliance ..................................................................................... 94 CHAPTER 8 - MINERAL RESOURCE EXTRACTION AREAS ................................................96 TABLE OF CONTENTS South Poway Specific Plan - Volume 2, Development Standards Page iii CHAPTER 9 - CREEK ROAD ENCLAVE .................................................................................97 I. PROPERTY DESCRIPTION ............................................................................................97 II. SITE-SPECIFIC LAND USE AND ZONING ......................................................................97 III. DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS .......................................................................................98 A. Land Use And Development Standards .............................................................................. 98 IV. IMPLEMENTATION PROCEDURES ............................................................................. 106 V. AMENDMENT PROCEDURES ...................................................................................... 106 CHAPTER 10 - IMPLEMENTATION PROCEDURES ............................................................. 107 I. AMENDMENTS/ADJUSTMENTS TO THE SOUTH POWAY PLANNED COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PLAN ................................................................................................. 107 A. Finding Of Substantial Conformance ................................................................................ 107 II. DEVELOPMENT REVIEW PROCEDURES .................................................................... 108 III. TENTATIVE MAP PROCEDURES ................................................................................. 108 IV. REZONE PROCEDURES AND CHANGES IN LAND USE DESIGNATIONS ................. 109 V. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT (CUP) PROCEDURES .................................................... 110 VI. VARIANCES .................................................................................................................. 110 VII. NONCONFORMING USES, STRUCTURES AND PERFORMANCE STANDARDS ......... 111 VIII. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW ........................................................................................... 114 APPENDIX A - BUSINESS PARK STANDARD SAFETY CONDITIONS ............................... 115 APPENDIX B - CRITERIA FOR TEMPORARY OR PARTIAL OCCUPANCY OF COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL BUILDINGS ........................................................... 118 APPENDIX C - SOUTH POWAY LAND USE PLAN ............................................................... 121 TABLE OF CONTENTS South Poway Specific Plan - Volume 2, Development Standards Page iv LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1 Prime Arterial – Typical Section ............................................................................. 7 Figure 2 Major Arterial – Typical Section ............................................................................. 8 Figure 3 Commercial And Industrial Collector – Typical Section .......................................... 9 Figure 4 Commercial And Industrial Collector With Median – Typcial Section .....................10 Figure 5 Commercial And Industrial Street - Typical Section................................................11 Figure 6 Recreational Trail ..................................................................................................13 Figure 7 Recreational Trail Fence .......................................................................................13 Figure 8 Recreational Trail Underpass ................................................................................14 Figure 9 Bike Lane On 2-Lane Or Multi-Lane Highway .......................................................15 Figure 10 Visible Slope At Open Space Transition................................................................16 Figure 11 Contour Graded Slope ..........................................................................................17 Figure 12 Variable Slope Ratios ...........................................................................................17 Figure 13 “Rolled” Slope Edges ............................................................................................18 Figure 14 Earth Berm Design ...............................................................................................18 Figure 15 Parking Area Landscaping ....................................................................................29 Figure 16 Sightline Setback ..................................................................................................35 Figure 17 Sightline Setback Cross Section ...........................................................................35 Figure 18 Building Setback – Interior Parcel .........................................................................62 Figure 19 Building Setback –Corner Parcel ..........................................................................62 Figure 20 Building Setback – Parcel Abutting Scripps Poway Parkway ................................63 Figure 21 Interior Parcel – Parking And Landscape Setback ................................................ 64 Figure 22 Corner Parcel – Parking And Landscape Setback ................................................ 64 Figure 23 Parcel Abutting Scripps Poway Parkway – Parking And Landscape Setback ....... 65 South Poway Specific Plan - Volume 2, Development Standards Page 1 CHAPTER 1 - INTRODUCTION This Volume of the South Poway Specific Plan document presents detailed development standards for the planned community area. Area-wide circulation, streetscape standards and landscaping requirements are discussed , and specific development regulations for the Light Industrial, Industrial Park, South Poway Commercial, Residential, Creek Road Enclave, Open Space, Mineral Resource Extraction, and Water Park Facility areas are presented. This Volume also includes a description of procedures for processing and review of proposed development projects within the planned community area. When the provisions of this Specific Plan differ from those of the Poway Zoning Development Code, the provisions contained herein take precedence. When the specific plan is silent, the regulations applicable elsewhere in the City shall apply. South Poway Specific Plan - Volume 2, Development Standards Page 2 CHAPTER 2 - DEFINITIONS For the purposes of this Specific Plan, certain words, phrases, and terms used in this Specific Plan shall have the meaning assigned to them by this Chapter. When the definitions in this Chapter differ from those of the Poway Zoning Development Code, the definitions contained herein take precedence. When the Specific Plan is silent, the definitions contained in the Poway Zoning Development Code shall apply. “Automotive and Light Truck Repair – Minor” means activities that include, but are not limited to: automotive and light truck repair, the retail sales of goods and services for automotive vehicles and light trucks (less than six thousa nd pounds), and the cleaning and washing of automotive vehicles. Uses typically include, but are not limited to: brake, muffler and tire shops and automotive drive-through car washes. Heavier automobile repair such as transmission and engine repair are n ot included. “Automotive and Truck Repair – Major” means activities that include, but are not limited to: heavy automobile and truck repair such as transmission and engine repair, the painting of automotive vehicles, automotive body work, and the instal lation of major accessories. “Contractor’s yard” means a use providing for the outdoor storage, sales, rental or distribution of vehicles, equipment or supplies or for the dispatching of service vehicles used in construction activities. Typical uses include building contractor‟s yard, heavy equipment sales or rental yard or similar use. “Electric generating facility” shall mean a structure, apparatus or feature incorporating machinery or equipment, designed to produce electricity for power consumption by more than one user. “Fleet storage” means storage or parking of one or more vehicles used regularly in business operations where the parking of vehicles constitutes the principal use on the site. Typical fleet storage uses include taxi fleets, mobile catering trucks, storage or delivery truck fleets. Excluded are sales/rentals of vehicles. Grading, Contour. "Contour grading” means a grading concept designed to result in earth forms and contours, which resemble natural terrain characteristics, with generally curving, non-linear slope blanks having variations in the slope ratios of the horizontal and vertical curves. "Home improvement and specialty building supplies" means a retail service engaged in providing retail sale, rental, service or related repair and installation of home improvement products including building materials, paint and wallpaper, carpeting and floor covering, decorating, heating, air conditioning, electrical, plumbing and mechanical equipment, roofing supplies, yard and garden supplies, home appliances, and similar home improvement products. South Poway Specific Plan - Volume 2, Development Standards Page 3 “Logo” means a graphic symbol or emblem, which conveys a recognizable meaning, which symbol or emblem may include script (words) provided that such script is contained entirely within the boundaries of the symbol or emblem. Script alone, or outside of the boundaries of the symbol or emblem, whether registered as a trademark or not, is not included within the meaning of the term logo. Office, administrative. “Administrative Office” means an office for professionals such as lawyers, architects, engineers, designers, accountants or others who through training are qualified to perform services of a professional nature and where no storage or sale of merchandise exists. Also included in this definition are corporate headquarters, branch offices and data storage centers. Office, contractor. “Contractor office” means a business primarily engaged in construction activities with only incidental storage of materials, indoors only, and incidental parking of vehicles as an accessory use to a permitted use on the same premises. Excluded are building materials yards, equipment sales/rental yards and contractors‟ yards. “Premise” means a building or unified complex of buildings on one lot or on two or more contiguous lots under common ownership or management. "Recyclables" are discards or waste materials that are collated, separated or processed and used as raw materials or products. Typically, recyclables would include domestic waste such as beverage containers and newspaper, cardboard, high -grade paper, plastics, textiles, light industrial wastes, or other similar mate rials. Recyclables are not intended to include chemicals, toxic water, heavy industrial waste, petroleum, construction waste, unsorted garbage, heavy metals, or other similar materials as determined by the Director of Development Services "Recycling” means the series of activities by which materials that would otherwise be disposed of are collected, separated or processed and used in the form of raw materials. "Religious institution" means a seminary, retreat, monastery, conference center, or similar use for the conduct of religious activities, including accessory housing incidental thereto, but excluding a private educational facility. “Research and development” means a use engaged in study, testing, design, analysis and experimental development of products, processes, or services, including incidental manufacturing of products incidental to the main purpose of the primary use. “Resource extraction, processes and sales” means removal or recovery by any means whatsoever of sand, gravel, soil, rock, minerals, mineral substances or organic substances other than vegetation, from water or land on or beneath the surface thereof, exposed or submerged. South Poway Specific Plan - Volume 2, Development Standards Page 4 School, Business or Trade. "Business or trade school" means a use providing education or training in business, commerce, language or other similar activity or occupational pursuit and not otherwise defined as a home occupation, college or university, or public or private educational facility. School, Elementary and High. "Elementary and high school" means an institution of learning which offers instruction in the several branches of learning and study required to be taught in the public schools by the Education Code of the state of California. High schools include junior and senior. School, Private. "Private school" means any building or group of buildings the use of which meets state requirements of primary, secondary or higher education and which use does not secure the major part of its funding from any governmental agency. “Software manufacturing” means the preparation, production or manufacture of programs for use on computers or other similar devices. This use includes, but is not limited to, the transfer of those programs to tape, discs, diskettes or other media, plus packaging and shipping of those products. “Transit facility” means bus stops, bus terminals, transfer points or depots without vehicle repair or storage. Utility, Private or Public. "Private or public utility" means any closely regulated agency that, under public franchise or ownership, or under certificate of convenience and necessity, provides the public with electricity, gas, heat, steam, communication, rail transportation, water, sewage collection or other similar service. "Utility services" means establishments engaged in the generation, transmission and/or distribution of electricity, gas or steam, including water and irrigation systems and sanitary systems used for the collection and disposal of garbage, sewage and other wastes by means of destroying or processing materials. "Vehicle" means a self-propelled device by which persons or property may be moved upon a highway, except not including a device moved by human power or used exclusively upon stationary rails or tracks. Vehicle, Recreational. "Recreational vehicle" means a vehicle towed or self- propelled on its own chassis or attached to the chassis of another vehicle and designed or used for temporary dwelling, recreational or sporting purposes. The term "recreational vehicle" shall include, but shall not be limited to, travel trailers, pick-up campers, camping trailers, motor coach homes, converted trucks and buses, and boats and boat trailers. “Warehouse” means a building used primarily for the storage of goods or materials. South Poway Specific Plan - Volume 2, Development Standards Page 5 “Warehouse and distribution” means a use engaged in storage, wholesale and distribution of manufactured products, supplies or equipment, including accessory offices or showrooms, and including incidental retail sales, but excluding bulk storage of materials that are inflammable or explosive or that create hazardous or commonly recognized offensive conditions, and where the products, supplies or equipment that are distributed from the facility are not used or consumed on the premises. “Warehouse-style retail merchandising business” means a large retail structure or establishment under one roof where durable goods, food and grocery items or similar items are offered for sale in an open warehouse display context. “Wireless communication facility” means a facility that transmits and/or receives electromagnetic signals, including antennas, monopoles, and/or accessory structures and related equipment. CHAPTER 3 - AREA-WIDE DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS South Poway Specific Plan - Volume 2, Development Standards Page 6 CHAPTER 3 - AREA-WIDE DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS This Chapter presents area-wide development standards for streets, grading, landscaping, and utility installations I. STREET STANDARDS The following are the standards for all streets within the South Poway Planned Community A. SCRIPPS POWAY PARKWAY 1. Width: 106 foot right-of-way 2. Character: Primary arterial, six lanes with landscaped median. Maximum grade 7%. Minimum curve radius 1800 feet. Design speed 55 mph. 3. Access: Access limited to signalized intersections 4. Sidewalk: Five (5) feet wide on one side, within a General Utility Easement (G.U.E.). 5. Lighting: Low pressure sodium, 180-watt, luminary height maximum 30 feet, maximum 300 feet on center and alternating sides per City specifications. 6. Signage: Directional and park entry signs shall be to City specifications and comply with the sign standards contained in this Chapter. Street name signs shall be to City specifications. 7. Parking: Prohibited at all times posted and enforced by the City. 8. Utilities: All utilities will be underground and within designated easements except major electrical transmission lines as approved by the City. Electrical and telephone distribution lines will be installed below grade. 9. Landscaping: Within median and General Utility Easement (G.U.E.) beyond sidewalks. CHAPTER 3 - AREA-WIDE DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS South Poway Specific Plan - Volume 2, Development Standards Page 7 44’44’ 38’38’ 106’ 18’ 10’10’ R/WR/W **G.U.E.G.U.E. *6’ Bicycle Lane sidewalks 2%2% NTS FIGURE 1 PRIME ARTERIAL – TYPICAL SECTION B. POMERADO ROAD (Within the Plan Area) 1. Width: 106 foot right-of-way 2. Character: Major arterial, four lane width. Maximum grade. Seven percent, minimum curve radius 1800 feet. Design speed 55 mph. 3. Access: Controlled, limited private driveways. 4. Sidewalk: Five (5) feet wide on one side, within the General Utility Easement (G.U.E.) 5. Lighting: Low pressure sodium, 180-watt, luminary height maximum 30 feet, maximum 300 feet on center and alternating sides per City specifications. 6. Signage: Directional and park entry signs shall be to City specifications and comply with the sign standards contained in this Chapter. Street name signs shall be to City specifications. 7. Parking: Prohibited at all times posted and enforced by the City. 8. Utilities: All utilities will be underground and within designated easements except major electrical transmission lines as approved by the City. Electrical and telephone distribution lines shall be installed below grade. 9. Landscaping: Within median and right-of-way beyond sidewalks. CHAPTER 3 - AREA-WIDE DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS South Poway Specific Plan - Volume 2, Development Standards Page 8 FIGURE 2 MAJOR ARTERIAL – TYPICAL SECTION C. COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL COLLECTOR WITHOUT MEDIANS Width: 65/77 foot right-of-way (wider right-of-way shall only apply to Community Road to accommodate a bicycle lane). Character: Industrial/commercial collector, four lanes with center turn lane. Maximum grade 8%, minimum curve radius 500 feet, 45 mph design speed. Access: Private driveways allowed. Sidewalk: Five (5) feet wide on one side, within the General Utility Easement. Lighting: Low pressure sodium, 180-watt, luminary height maximum 30 feet, maximum 300 feet on center and alternating sides per City specifications. Signage: Directional and park entry signs shall be to City specifications and comply with the sign standards contained in this Chapter. Street name signs shall be to City specifications. Parking: Prohibited at all times; posted and enforced by the City. Utilities: All utilities will be underground and within designated easements except major electrical transmission lines as approved by the City. Electrical and telephone distribution lines will be installed below grade. Landscaping: Within GUE if sidewalk is not required. 53’53’ 34’34’ 106’ 10’10’ R/WR/W N.T.S. * 6’ Bicycle Lane (Pomerado Road) sidewalks 2%2% 9’9’ Center Line ** CHAPTER 3 - AREA-WIDE DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS South Poway Specific Plan - Volume 2, Development Standards Page 9 FIGURE 3 COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL COLLECTOR – TYPICAL SECTION D. COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL COLLECTOR WITH MEDIAN 1. Width: 77 foot right-of-way 2. Character: Industrial/commercial collector “Type B”, four lanes with landscaped median, maximum grade 8%. Minimum curve radius 500 feet, 45 mph design speed. 3. Access: Signalized at Metate Lane, no private driveways allowed. 4. Sidewalk: Five feet wide on one side, within the general utility easement. 5. Lighting: Low pressure sodium, 180-watt, luminary height maximum 30 feet, maximum 300 feet on center and alternating sides per City specifications 6. Signage: Directional and park entry signs shall be to City specifications and comply with the sign standards contained within Chapter 4. Street name signs shall be to City specifications. 7. Parking: Prohibited at all times posted and enforced by the City. 12’ 26’ 65’/77’10’10’ R/WR/W *6’ bicycle lane Community Road only 2%2% 32’32’ 26’ sidewalk G. U . E G. U . E turn lane** N.T.S. CHAPTER 3 - AREA-WIDE DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS South Poway Specific Plan - Volume 2, Development Standards Page 10 8. Utilities: All utilities will be underground and within designated easements except major electrical transmission lines as approved by the City. Electrical and telephone distribution lines will be installed below grade. 9. Landscaping: Within median and G.U.E. if sidewalk is not required. FIGURE 4 COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL COLLECTOR WITH MEDIAN – TYPCIAL SECTION E. COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL STREET 1. Width: 49 foot right-of-way. 2. Character: Industrial/commercial collector, two lanes. Maximum grade 8% (10%, may be allowed subject to approval of the Director of Development Services). Minimum curve radius-200 foot, 25 mph design speed. 3. Access: Private driveways allowed. 4. Sidewalk: Five feet wide on one side, within the General Utility Easement (G.U.E.). 5. Lighting: Low-pressure sodium, 180-watt, luminary height maximum 30 feet, maximum 300 feet on 12’ 26’ 77’10’10’ R/WR/W * 6’ bicycle lane Community Road only 2%2% 32’32’ 26’ sidewalk G . U . E G . U . E median ** N.T.S. CHAPTER 3 - AREA-WIDE DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS South Poway Specific Plan - Volume 2, Development Standards Page 11 center and alternating sides per City specifications. 6. Signage: Directional park and entry signs shall be to City specifications and comply with the sign standards contained within Chapter 4. Street name signs shall be to City specifications. 7. Parking: Prohibited at all times; posted and enforced by the City. 8. Utilities: All utilities will be underground and within designated easements except major electrical transmission lines as approved by the City. Electrical and telephone distribution lines will be installed below grade. 9. Landscaping: Within median and G.U.E. if sidewalk is not required. 16 ‘ 49 ‘5’5’ R/WR/W 2%2% 24 ‘24 ‘ 16 ‘ sidewalk G. U . E G. U . E NTS FIGURE 5 COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL STREET – TYPICAL SECTION CHAPTER 3 - AREA-WIDE DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS South Poway Specific Plan - Volume 2, Development Standards Page 12 II. PUBLIC USE AMENITIES All recreational trails within the South Poway Planned Community shall be constructed per City of Poway Guide to Landscape Requirements, recreational trail design standards. The width of trails shall be as indicated in the following recreational trail design standards. A. RECREATIONAL TRAIL DESIGN STANDARDS 1. Width: Variable three to eight feet of improved bed width depending upon topography, soil stability, presence or absence of biological resources and other environmental factors. 2. Character: Generally isolated from vehicular traffic. No surface treatment required. Grades will be as follows: 0 – 5%: optimum grade 5 – 10%: distance not to exceed 500 feet 10 – 15% distance not to exceed 250 feet 15 – 20%: distance not to exceed 100 feet 3. Access: From public right-of-way only. Vehicular access to be prohibited. Trails shall be posted to this effect. Gates at access points shall limit access of vehicles. 4. Landscape: Re-vegetation of disturbed areas to match adjacent vegetation. 5. Lighting: None required except where trail is within a street right-of-way. 6. Signage: Per City of Poway Guide to Landscape Requirements. 7. Fencing: As required when traversing areas of sensitive biological resources, when bisecting or bordering private property, and concrete drainage channels. See City of Poway Guide to Landscape Requirements, Recreational Trail Design Standards. CHAPTER 3 - AREA-WIDE DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS South Poway Specific Plan - Volume 2, Development Standards Page 13 N.T.S. FIGURE 6 RECREATIONAL TRAIL N.T.S. FIGURE 7 RECREATIONAL TRAIL FENCE Pressure treated logs to be located on the uphill side of trail where friar’s formation causes sloughing. Secure with Rebar (36” min.) as required. Fencing required w h 3’ - 8’ improved bed width CHAPTER 3 - AREA-WIDE DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS South Poway Specific Plan - Volume 2, Development Standards Page 14 N.T.S. FIGURE 8 RECREATIONAL TRAIL UNDERPASS B. BICYCLE SYSTEM 1. Width: All bikeways shall be constructed to City of Poway standards. 2. Character: Bike lanes will be striped and no vehicular parking will be permitted. 10% maximum grade unless street grade is greater. 3. Access: From public right-of-way. 4. Landscape: Will vary according to landscape standards for adjacent properties. 5. Lighting: None required except where trail is within street right-of-way. 6. Signage: Per CALTRANS Highway Design Manual, Section 7-1000, Bikeway Planning and Design Standards. CHAPTER 3 - AREA-WIDE DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS South Poway Specific Plan - Volume 2, Development Standards Page 15 6” Solid White Stripe 5’ min. 5’ min. Motor Vehicle Lanes 6’ min. bike lane 6’ min. bike lane N.T.S. Parking Prohibited FIGURE 9 BIKE LANE ON 2-LANE OR MULTI-LANE HIGHWAY –TYPICAL SECTION CHAPTER 3 - AREA-WIDE DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS South Poway Specific Plan - Volume 2, Development Standards Page 16 III. GRADING STANDARDS All grading for rural residential development (RR-A and RR-C) within the South Poway Planned Community shall comply with the Grading Ordinance of the City of Poway. All grading associated with mining activities shall be done in accordance with applicable permits. All grading for single-family residential, industrial, commercial, and water park facility development within the South Poway Planned Community shall comply with the Grading Ordinance for the City of Poway with the following modifications: A. Artificial slopes with high community visibility located in areas of transition to natural open space should have a natural, undulating look rather than a manufactured appearance. The tops and toes of major slopes should be rounded and contoured where feasible. Where natural and graded areas meet, manufactured slopes shall be blended and contoured to meet the natural terrain. FIGURE 10 VISIBLE SLOPE AT OPEN SPACE TRANSITION Blend manufactured slope to natural slope Contour grade slope to meet natural grade Pad Round or undulate artificial slope where feasible CHAPTER 3 - AREA-WIDE DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS South Poway Specific Plan - Volume 2, Development Standards Page 17 B. Use contour grading, varying slopes when possible, to create a more natural appearing slope. 2:1 2:1 3:1 2:1 FIGURE 11 CONTOUR GRADED SLOPE C. When soil conditions permit, the use of variable slope ratios is encouraged, particularly at collector and major street entries to development areas sitting above the streets. The toes of slopes along parkways should be flattened to the extent feasible. FIGURE 12 VARIABLE SLOPE RATIOS 2 X H Slope Height (H) 3 1 1 2 1 3 CHAPTER 3 - AREA-WIDE DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS South Poway Specific Plan - Volume 2, Development Standards Page 18 D. The edges of the slopes should be “rolled” to create a natural appearance. FIGURE 13 “ROLLED” SLOPE EDGES E. All grading operations should take into account the potential for erosion and settling. During construction, measures shall be taken to control runoff from construction sites. Filter fabric fences, heavy plastic earth cover, gravel berm or lines of straw bales are a few of the materials, which should be considered. Grading shall be phased so that prompt re - vegetation or construction can control erosion. Where possible, only those areas, which will later be resurfaced, landscaped or built on should be disturbed. F. Earth berms should be rounded and natural in character. Rounded at Top and Toe of Slope FIGURE 14 EARTH BERM DESIGN G. All planted areas (except architectural planters) should be graded with a two-percent minimum slope. CHAPTER 3 - AREA-WIDE DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS South Poway Specific Plan - Volume 2, Development Standards Page 19 H. Retaining walls may encroach into finished slopes where it is deemed necessary for project design by the Director of Development Services and upon approval of the City Council. Retaining walls shall meet the following design standards: 1. Retaining walls located within front yard or street side yard setbacks shall not exceed 48 inches in height. 2. Retaining walls located within the lot interior shall not exceed six feet in height. 3. When retaining walls, which exceed 48 inches in height, adjoin parking lots, driveways, or walkways, a landscape planter with a minimum width of five feet shall be provided between the paving and wall. Parking space “overhang” shall not encroach into the required five-foot planted area. 4. Retaining walls shall be constructed of aesthetically pleasing materials such as split-face block, slump-stone block or tilt-up concrete panels detailed to match the building. The Director of Development Services may approve other materials. Plain concrete masonry block may be used if the Director determines that it is on the interior of a lot and there is limited visibility from the street and off-site. 5. Retaining walls shall be sited so as to limit their visibility from existing residential and commercial areas outside the South Poway Business Park. Retaining walls shall not be located in or above the slopes located around the perimeter of the Business Park. CHAPTER 3 - AREA-WIDE DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS South Poway Specific Plan - Volume 2, Development Standards Page 20 IV. LANDSCAPE STANDARDS A. INTRODUCTION The City of Poway Guide to Landscape Requirements (latest edition) govern the design and installation of most landscape improvements in the South Poway Planned Community. The standards outlined in this section address the unique character and development pattern of the area. The intent of the landscape standards is to ensure consistent, high quality site development within planned community throughout the long-term building program. The organization of this section will follow that of the Guide to Landscape Requirements. The scope has been limited to presenting those requirements that are unique to the South Poway Planned Community. General requirements contained in the Guide to Landscape Requirements are not repeated in this document. For instance, there are no parking lot landscape standards contained in this section. B. LANDSCAPE PLAN SUBMITTAL AND REVIEW PROCESS All landscape plans for developments within the Planned Community must be reviewed and approved by the City‟s Development Services Department prior to installation. The City of Poway Guide to Landscape Requirements contains an outline of the plan submitta l and review process. In many areas of the Business Park, landscape improvements will be governed by Master Associations of property owners. In some cases Architectural Committees have been formed to review site development and landscape plans. If so, landscape plans shall be submitted to the appropriate committee in addition to the plan submittal required by the City of Poway Development Services Department. Where Associations or Architectural Committees have jurisdiction, applicants shall submit written evidence that plans have been submitted to the appropriate committee, prior to approval by the City. CHAPTER 3 - AREA-WIDE DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS South Poway Specific Plan - Volume 2, Development Standards Page 21 C. WATER CONSERVATION AND RECLAMATION 1. Water Conservation. The City of Poway encourages the design and installation of water-efficient landscapes. Low-water-use plant materials, including native plants where appropriate, should be specified in most landscaped areas. Irrigation design should utilize automatic controllers and other water efficient equipment, and minimize water waste such as runoff and over spray. 2. Water Reclamation. An important infrastructure element in the South Poway Planned Community is the reclaimed water distribution system. Most areas in the Business Park are dual- plumbed for both potable and reclaimed water delivery. Reclaimed water systems will be charged with potable water until planned regional water reclamation facilities begin operation. The use of reclaimed water for irrigation shall follow all requirements of the City of Poway Water Reclamation Ordinance and County of San Diego Department of Environmental Health. D. IRRIGATION Several Master Associations of property owners within the Business Park maintain large common areas. These extensive landscaped areas are well suited to take advantage of central computer cont rol of large irrigation systems. Although centralized computer control is not a requirement presently, water management practices in the future may be facilitated by such systems. Designers should consider the expansion capabilities of irrigation systems during the design phase, and plan for such items as extra wire sleeves under streets, extra wires for sensors and other monitoring devices such as radio remote control. The City of Poway is planning to provide for the future transfer of reclaimed water for use in irrigation of landscaped areas in the Business Park. All irrigation equipment shall be marked and/or color -coded for use with reclaimed water. All use areas for reclaimed water shall be posted with precautionary signs to warn the public when re claimed water becomes available. CHAPTER 3 - AREA-WIDE DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS South Poway Specific Plan - Volume 2, Development Standards Page 22 E. PLANTING 1. Planting Design. Planting design should take into consideration environmental factors within the Business Park, which will affect the health and growth of plant material. These factors include soils, wind and sun exposure, irrigation water (potable or reclaimed) and temperature. 2. Soils. Most of the Business Park consists of soil derived from a geologic formation known as Stadium Conglomerate. This formation is fairly widespread in Poway, Mira Mesa, Scripps Ra nch and La Mesa. The soil is predominantly coarse cobble (1” - 6”) intermixed with fine sand and clay. Drainage and fertility are poor. Specimen trees should be installed with perforated pipe and gravel “breather tubes.” Supplemental nitrogen is usually required as a soil amendment. 3. Water. Much of the landscaped area will be irrigated with reclaimed water in the future. It is likely that this water source will contain higher levels of dissolved salts and nitrogen than treated potable water. Plants should be selected which are tolerant of increased soil salinity. Applications of fertilizer must be monitored and adjusted to compensate for the nutrients in reclaimed water. Regular soil testing of existing landscapes will indicate when leaching of salts in the soil is required, or when adjustments in fertilizer type or application are necessary. 4. Temperature and Exposure. Much of the developable area within the South Poway Planned Community is located on the mesa top. Because of the higher elevation, cold air drains away into surrounding low areas called “cold-air basins.” Plants, which are frost sensitive, should not be planted in low -lying areas, which trap cold air. On the mesa top, such frost -sensitive plants may perform adequately. However, winds can be stronger throughout the higher and more open areas on the mesa. Trees, which are weak - wooded and susceptible to wind damage, should be avoided. CHAPTER 3 - AREA-WIDE DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS South Poway Specific Plan - Volume 2, Development Standards Page 23 F. SLOPE RE-VEGETATION All species utilized in slope re-vegetation shall be low-water-use, drought- resistant species capable of surviving on little or no supplemental watering for limited periods of time. Each seed mix should contain one or more nursery crop species such as Plantago indica to provide quick vegetative cover until the slower germinating species have sprouted. Nitrogen fixing legumes such as rose clover may also be included in some of the seed mixes to provide valuable nitrogen for progressive plantings. The development of the South Poway Planned Community will create large slopes, which require re-vegetation. These slopes fall within three categories. Category One consists of exterior slopes adjacent to undisturbed area that should be re-vegetated with a native plant palette compatible with the vegetation of the adjacent areas. Because of the type of plant material on these slopes, permanent irrigation is not desirable. A temporary irrigation system will provide supplemental water to aid in establishing the plantings. Category Two consists of those slopes, interior or exterior, which will be affected by future construction. The planting for these slopes will include native species capable of surviving with no supplemental irrigation. Category Three consists of those interior slopes, which will not be affected by future construction. The plantings for these slopes will be permanent and will not be limited to native plant species. A permanent irrigation system will be required to maintain an attractive appearance. 1. Exterior Slopes: Permanently Planted and Temporarily Irrigated . There are five basic “native” vegetation types occurring within South Poway, which are suitable for re-vegetation of slopes. The five types are Southern Coastal Sage Scrub, Mixed Chaparral, Southern California Grassland, and Coastal Sage Scrub/Grassland Ecotone. The selection of the slope plant material cannot be made until the final location and configuration of the new slope are known and the respective adjacent vegetation type is determined. Site specific planting will require appropriate species to be selected subject to the approval of the Development Services Department. Plantings shall be from seed and container stock. 2. Temporary Slopes: Temporary Plantings - No Irrigation Required. These slopes will likely be destroyed when building construction begins. In order to minimize wind and erosion, and to maintain a visually pleasant environment prior to actual building construction, newly created temporary slopes should be hydroseeded. Irrigation will not be required. These areas will not contain trees or large shrubs to facilitate removal when construction occurs. CHAPTER 3 - AREA-WIDE DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS South Poway Specific Plan - Volume 2, Development Standards Page 24 3. Interior Slopes: Permanent Plantings with Irrigation . These interior slopes, created by rough grading operatio ns, will not be affected by future site construction. A permanent automatic irrigation system is required and slopes shall be planted with containerized stock and hydroseeded according to the City of Poway Guide to Landscape Requirements. G. STREETSCAPE PROGRAM 1. Industrial, Commercial and Water Park Facility Streetscape: a. Street Trees: i. Tree palette: As approved by the Development Services Department. ii. Minimum size: 15 gallon (5 gallon for Eucalyptus species). iii. Maximum size: 24-inch box. iv. Spacing: An average spacing of 30 feet on center. v. Location: Street trees shall be planted a minimum of six (6) feet to a maximum of fifteen (15) feet from the back of curb. Street trees may be planted on slopes. b. Landscaped Setbacks: i. Twenty-five (25) feet minimum width measured perpendicular from back of curb except along Scripps Poway Parkway. The landscape setback area may be split between the private property owner and a Landscape Maintenance District provided separate irrigation systems are installed. ii. The entire area between street curb and the setback line shall be landscaped except for vehicular access and pedestrian and bicycle routes. iii. Landscape design shall provide for continuity and logical transitions between contiguous sites. iv. Streetscape setback areas shall provide one (1) twenty-four (24)-inch box tree per fifty- (50) lineal feet of street frontage (excluding driveways) in addition to CHAPTER 3 - AREA-WIDE DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS South Poway Specific Plan - Volume 2, Development Standards Page 25 the street tree requirements as stated. Frontage with slopes in excess of five (5) feet vertical height or along Scripps Poway Parkway shall be governed by the slope re-vegetation standards contained in the City of Poway Guide to Landscape Requirements. c. Landscaped Manufactured Slopes: i. Re-vegetation and erosion control standards shall apply to all slopes within the streetscape setback areas. ii. Slope plantings within the setback areas do not preclude the requirements for street tree plantings. iii. Planting and irrigation design for the graded level areas between back of curb or edge of paving and the top or toe of slope shall create continuity with adjacent slope planting. iv. Planting for the graded level areas between back of curb or edge of paving and the top or toe of slope shall be installed with the slope plantings unless future construction is likely within these areas. v. Tree plantings shall be set back from intersections per sight line standards (see Section IV, subdivision K of this Chapter). 2. Scripps Poway Parkway: a. Street Trees: i. Tree palette: As approved by the Development Services Department. ii. Minimum size: 15 gallon (5 gallon for Eucalyptus species). iii. Maximum size: 36-inch box. iv. Spacing: Average spacing of 1 tree per 30 lineal feet: 20% of trees to be 24-inch box or larger. v. Location: Trees shall be planted a minimum of six (6) feet back of CHAPTER 3 - AREA-WIDE DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS South Poway Specific Plan - Volume 2, Development Standards Page 26 curb to a maximum of fifteen (15) feet. Trees may be planted on slopes. b. Landscape Setbacks: i. 50-foot minimum width measured perpendicular from back of curb. The landscape setback may be split between the private property owner and a Landscape Maintenance District provided separate irrigation systems are installed. Freestanding signs may be located within this 50-foot minimum setback but must observe a minimum 35-foot setback measured perpendicular from back of curb (see Chapter 4, Section IV, subdivision F for sign location requirements). ii. The entire area between street curb and the setback line shall be landscaped except for paved bicycle/pedestrian paths. iii. Planting and irrigation design for all areas along Scripps Poway Parkway shall provide for continuity and logical transitions between contiguous sites. iv. Tree plantings shall be set back from intersections per sightline standards (see Section IV, subdivision K of this Chapter). c. Landscaped Manufactured Slopes: i. All slope plantings along the Scripps Poway Parkway, exclusive of the entry corridors, shall be per City landscape guidelines; ii. Plant palette for trees on the landscaped manufactured slopes along Scripps Poway Parkway, shall be compatible with the street tree plantings. 3. Site Entry/Accent Planting: a. Street Trees: i. Tree palette: As approved by the Development Services Department. ii. Minimum size: 24-inch box. CHAPTER 3 - AREA-WIDE DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS South Poway Specific Plan - Volume 2, Development Standards Page 27 iii. Maximum size: Not applicable. iv. Spacing: One (1) tree per 500 square feet; 20% of trees to be 24-inch box or larger. v. Location: Trees shall be planted a minimum of six (6) feet back of curb. Street trees shall not be planted on slopes. b. Landscaped Setback i. Varies - see site utilization development standards. ii. Tree plantings shall be set back from intersections per sight line standards (see Section IV, subdivision K of this Chapter). 4. Median Landscape: a. Plant Palette: As approved by the Development Services Department. b. Minimum size: Groundcovers: flats Shrubs: 1 gallon Trees: 15 gallon c. Maximum size: Groundcovers: 1 gallon Shrubs: 5 gallon Trees: 36-inch box d. Spacing: Trees - Average of 1 per 30 feet on center, 20% of trees to be 24- inch box or larger. e. Location: All median areas where minimum median width is ten (10) feet or greater. Trees shall be planted a minimum of four feet from back of curb. Shrubs shall be located within a planting area so that when mature spread is achieved they will not encroach over the median curb. Minimum distance from curb shall vary by species. CHAPTER 3 - AREA-WIDE DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS South Poway Specific Plan - Volume 2, Development Standards Page 28 f. Irrigation: All median plantings shall be flood irrigated with bubbler heads or drip irrigated. Standard shrub and lawn spray heads will not be allowed. CHAPTER 3 - AREA-WIDE DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS South Poway Specific Plan - Volume 2, Development Standards Page 29 H. SITE DEVELOPMENT All or part of the standards may be applicable to the precise site plan for any given development. 1. Landscaped Setback Area: Refer to streetscape standards previously discussed. 2. Vehicular Entrances: Vehicular entrances and pedestrian access points should be identified or accented with groups of specimen trees. 3. Parking Areas: a. Within industrial, commercial and water park facility developments a minimum of one tree shall be provided for every three parking stalls as shown in Figure 15 below. This requirement may be waived by the Director of Development Services for truck storage yard areas, loading, maneuvering and dock areas provided such areas are adequately screened from adjacent developments and roadways. FIGURE 15 PARKING AREA LANDSCAPING b. Tree wells or islands maybe used for tree planting. c. Parking lots within front or exterior side yards shall be landscaped or screened (with berm or walls) in such a manner as to shield or screen parking areas from views of the respective streets. Use grouped or linear masses of shrubs and trees with growth potential and habits sufficient to meet this requirement. CHAPTER 3 - AREA-WIDE DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS South Poway Specific Plan - Volume 2, Development Standards Page 30 4. Interior “On-Site” Areas Exclusive of Front Setbacks: a. Trees shall be planted with an average minimum ratio of one tree per 500 square feet of landscaped area: twenty percent (20%) of trees shall be 24” box size or larger. b. Palm trees should be limited to small-scale accent plantings and not used as theme or parking lot trees. 5. Undeveloped Site Areas: Undeveloped site areas designated for future use and expansion should be maintained in a weed and debris-free condition, and should be landscaped in the same manner as temporary slopes. 6. Outdoor Storage Areas: Planting should be used to soften screening for outdoor storage (see Chapter 4, Section IV, subdivision C.8.). 7. Loading Areas: Planting should be used to soften the walls and fencing used to screen loading areas (see Chapter 4, Section IV, subdivision C.6.). 8. Telephone, Electrical Service and Other Utilities: Transformers, terminal equipment, etc., that exceeds a width, he ight or depth dimension of greater than thirty-six inches shall provide adequate site distance from driveways and streets and shall be visually screened from view to the satisfaction of the Director of Development Services by any of the following, or combination thereof: a. Be visually screened from view architecturally or by a decorative block wall; b. Be visually screened by increasing the setback of the equipment from the street right-of-way to minimize its prominence when viewed from the street; c. Be visually screened by use of landscaping with adequate clearances as required by the utility company. 9. Landscape Elements Related or Integral to Building Architecture: The use of planters with draping vines, perennials, annuals, etc., along with shrubs and small trees (where feasible) at vertical building surfaces, decks, terraces, balconies, etc. is strongly encouraged. CHAPTER 3 - AREA-WIDE DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS South Poway Specific Plan - Volume 2, Development Standards Page 31 I. HARDSCAPE 1. Landscape Materials: Landscape areas may include such features as boulder groupings, organic mulch, gravel, or decomposed granite. However, organic much, gravel, or decomposed granite areas should in no case exceed five percent of the required landscaped area unless otherwise approved in order to prevent too large an area from being devoted to inert ground cover. Plant material should predominate in landscaped areas. Additional features, such as raised planters, curbs, wheel stops, bollards and headers and other devices should be utilized to protect the planted areas from damage by pedestrian, automobile or other types of vehicular traffic. 2. Wheelchair Ramps: Wheelchair ramps and other provisions for disabled persons should be provided as required by the State of California and/or the City of Poway. 3. Furnishings: a. Street furniture, benches, mailboxes, seat/walls, etc, should reflect an overall design them and be integrated with the architecture and landscape grading. b. Furnishings, including signs, mailboxes and graphics, for any given development should be selected or designed and constructed according to the architectural and standards of said development. c. The placement of furnishings shall avoid blocking sight distance from driveways and streets. 4. Fences and Walls: Fences and walls should be designed to complement the architectural and landscape character and should be placed such that sight distances from driveways and streets are not impeded. The following materials are prohibited for use in walls or fences: a. Corrugated metal b. Fiberglass c. Mica plaster d. Unpainted, brightly polished metals CHAPTER 3 - AREA-WIDE DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS South Poway Specific Plan - Volume 2, Development Standards Page 32 5. Paving Materials: a. All paving materials should be appropriate for their use and provide safe, well-drained, slip resistant surfaces. b. Paving material patterns and colors should be appropriate to and harmonious with related architectural character, colors, etc. and should anticipate the scale of space and intensity of use where the paving occurs. 6. Landscape Lighting: a. Landscape lighting should be held to a minimum, especially on sites where buildings or structural elements are washed with light. b. Colored lights should not be use. c. Outdoor spaces intended for intensive night activities should be illuminated to an appropriate level with shielding and /or cut off limits. d. Dark skies requirements as outlined in Section 17.10.150 H of the Poway Municipal Code shall be observed. J. MAINTENANCE – PROPERTY MANAGEMENT (EXCLUDES LMD AREAS) These maintenance standards should be followed subsequent to landscape installation. 1. Landscape Appearance: a. All planting areas should be maintained in weed and debris- free condition. Dead plants shall be replaced as part of routine maintenance. b. Plantings damaged by vandalism, automobile, etc., or natural events should be restored, replaced, corrected, etc. within thirty days after damage has been sustained. 2. Growth Control and Training: a. Lawn and ground cover areas should be trimmed and/or mowed regularly. CHAPTER 3 - AREA-WIDE DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS South Poway Specific Plan - Volume 2, Development Standards Page 33 b. Trees should be trimmed or pruned as needed to develop strong and healthy trunk and branch systems appropriate to their function in the landscape. Tree maintenance and pruning shall be in accordance with “American National Standard for Tree Care Operations” latest edition (ANSI A300). Trees shall not be topped and pruning shall not remove more than 25% of the trees‟ leaf surface. c. All plant growth that falls within the scope and jurisdiction of these landscape development guidelines will be controlled so that the plant material will not: i. Interfere with the installation, maintenance, repair or functioning of any public utilities. ii. Restrict pedestrian, bicycle, vehicular or equestrian circulation in their respective circulation corridors or routes. iii. Restrict any crucial sight lines related to the safe operation of moving vehicles at street intersections, etc. iv. Create any slope instability, or damage heavy construction footing, pavement, etc. 3. Cultivation: a. All plantings are to be maintained in a healthy growing condition by means of conscientious programs of fertilization, cultivation, corrective pruning, etc, in accordance with generally accepted horticultural and arboricultural practices. b. Trees and shrub stakes, ties, and guy wires shall be regularly inspected and adjusted to avoid damage to the plant materials and to preclude potential safety problems. Tree stakes should be removed after two growing seasons. 4. Irrigation: a. All planted areas shall be watered sufficiently to promote vigorous growth of all plant materials. b. Irrigation systems shall be maintained in good working order. Cleaning and adjustments to the systems should be a part of regular maintenance activities. CHAPTER 3 - AREA-WIDE DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS South Poway Specific Plan - Volume 2, Development Standards Page 34 c. Operation of irrigation systems shall be performed in an efficient, water-conserving manner. There shall be no run- off, over spray or low-head drainage from the irrigation system. 5. Plant Replacement: All plant materials, which die or fail to exhibit healthy growth, shall be replaced in quantity, kind and size as governed by the original landscape installation plan. 6. Drainage Devices a. All landscape drainage devices shall be maintained in good operating condition. b. All drainage swales, channels, etc. shall be maintained to conduct water without blockages or obstructions. 7. Graffiti: Any graffiti shall be removed within 48 hours of its appearance. CHAPTER 3 - AREA-WIDE DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS South Poway Specific Plan - Volume 2, Development Standards Page 35 K. SIGHTLINE RESTRICTIONS 1. Intersections shall have sightline setbacks as shown below: FIGURE 16 SIGHTLINE SETBACK 2. No trees shall be allowed within the sightline setback area. 3. Shrubs, walls, fences and signs or any other structure (excluding traffic control, directional signs) shall not exceed a vertical height of 30 inches above closest curb. FIGURE 17 SIGHTLINE SETBACK CROSS SECTION 50’ 50’ Face of Curb Sightline Setback N.T.S 30" 30” CHAPTER 3 - AREA-WIDE DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS South Poway Specific Plan - Volume 2, Development Standards Page 36 V. UTILITY INSTALLATIONS A. Transformer, terminal equipment, etc. shall be located contiguous to sidewalks, not in the sidewalks, unless below grade. B. All utility equipment, pull box covers, meter covers, etc. shall be located perpendicular to adjacent site improvements (curbs, walks, etc.) C. All above-grade utility equipment that has a width, height or depth dimension of 36 inches or greater shall comply with the screening requirements contained in Chapter 3, Section IV, subdivision H. 8. CHAPTER 4 - INDUSTRIAL AND COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS South Poway Specific Plan - Volume 2, Development Standards Page 37 CHAPTER 4 - INDUSTRIAL AND COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS This Chapter presents site-specific development standards for industrial and commercial developments within the South Poway Business Park. The first three portions of this section establish permitted and prohibited uses within the industrial and commercial areas. Following these discussions, specific site and building standards are presented for architecture, site utilization, landscaping, parking, lighting and signage. The South Poway Specific Plan incorporates major industrial employment areas to implement the Poway Comprehensive Plan goals for industrial development. The development plan reserve appropriate areas for industrial use and prevents intrusion of residential and other inappropriate types of development into industrial areas. The development plan also protects adjacent residential and commercial areas from objectionable influences and hazards (noise, dust, truck traffic, etc.). The planned community will provide significant employment opportunities in Poway and provide a needed balance within the City, which up to this time, has been developed primarily with residential and commercial land uses. The land use designations for property within the Specific Plan Area shall be as shown on the South Poway Specific Plan Land Use Map included as part of this document. The Land Use Map shall be updated as necessary by th e Director of Development Services as amendments to the land use designations are approved. I. INDUSTRIAL LAND USE DESIGNATIONS The South Poway Specific Plan permits a range of land uses within two industrial categories: Industrial Park (IP) and Light Industrial (LI). A. INDUSTRIAL PARK (IP) The purpose of the Industrial Park category is to provide an environment for, and conducive to, the development and protection of modern, large - scale administrative facilities, research institutions, and specialized manufacturing organizations, all of a non -nuisance type. Such permitted uses shall not cause objectionable noise, smoke, odor, dust, noxious gases, vibration, glare, heat, fire hazards, or other objectionable materials to emanate from the property. This land use designation is to provide for an aesthetically attractive working environment with attractive buildings, extensive landscaping, ample employee parking and other amenities appropriate to an employee-oriented activity. CHAPTER 4 - INDUSTRIAL AND COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS South Poway Specific Plan - Volume 2, Development Standards Page 38 B. LIGHT INDUSTRIAL (LI) The Light Industrial category is intended to promote the development of attractive comprehensively planned industrial uses that will help to provide the City with a sound and diverse industrial base. The uses in this category would be developed with less restrictive parking requirements than in the IP areas because of generally lower employment density. C. LIGHT INDUSTRIAL/STORAGE (LI/S) The Light Industrial/Storage (LI/S) category is intended to promote the same type and level of developments allowed under the Light Industrial (LI) category with the exception that outdoor storage may also be allowed with the approval of a conditional use permit. It is intended that LI/S properties be grouped in proximity to one another and that outdoor storage areas be screened from view from the public street and from outlying areas if located on a perimeter lot near a downhill slope. II. PERMITTED AND CONDITIONAL USES INDUSTRIAL PARK, LIGHT INDUSTRIAL AND LIGHT INDUSTRIAL/STORAGE A. CONDITIONAL USES Certain industrial, service and accessory uses are considered to be conditional uses, or minor conditional uses, in the IP and LI areas and will be permitted uses subject to the City of Poway‟s requirements for obtaining a Conditional Use Permit. B. PROHIBITED USES The IP and LI categories are intended to provide for well-planned, efficient industrial development. Residential, certain types of commercial and other inappropriate uses are specifically prohibited. Certain industrial uses are prohibited in order to eliminate noxious or hazardous uses and to restrict industrial and related uses, which would generate large numbers of automobile trips, especially during peak traffic periods. C. CIVIC USES In order to develop an efficient pattern of industrial development, certain public and semipublic uses will be permitted within the IP and LI areas. Trails, transit stops and certain public uses and public utility facilities will be permitted as shown in the use matrix. CHAPTER 4 - INDUSTRIAL AND COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS South Poway Specific Plan - Volume 2, Development Standards Page 39 D. USE MATRIX (Amended by Ordinance No. 581, Adopted June 24, 2003) (Amended by Ordinance No. 604, Adopted August 3, 2004) The following uses shall be permitted where the symbol “P” appears, shall be permitted subject to a Conditional Use Permit where the symbol “C” appears, shall be permitted subject to a minor conditional use permit where the symbol “M” appears and shall be prohibited where the symbol “X” appears. All activities shall occur completely within an enclosed building unless the use is on a property designated Light Industrial/Outdoor Storage and all appropriate permits have been obtained. TABLE 1 - INDUSTRIAL PARK AND LIGHT INDUSTRIAL USE MATRIX USE IP LI or LI/S A. MANUFACTURING 1. Agricultural packinghouses, metal forging, fireworks/explosives, refining, rendering, hazardous chemicals/materials manufacturing, tire retreading, recapping, and manufacturing, mobile home manufacturing, paint manufacturing, stockyards or slaughter of animals. X X 2. Custom Manufacturing. Activities typically include, but are not limited to: manufacturing, processing, assembling, packaging, treatment or fabrication of custom made products. These types of business establishments do not utilize raw materials for their finished products, but rather, may utilize semi-finished type of manufactured materials for their custom made-to-order products. The finished products from these business establishments are ready for use or consumption. Such uses may include, but are not limited to: jewelry; household furniture; art objects; apparel products; small instruments (musical, electrical or photographic); stationery, and related products; signs and advertising displays; stained glass products; leather products; and assembly of bicycle parts. The uses do not produce odors, noise, vibration or particulates that would adversely affect uses in the same structure or on the same site. P P 3. Light Manufacturing. Activities typically include, but are not limited to: labor intensive manufacturing, assembly, fabrication or repair processes that do not involve large container truck P P CHAPTER 4 - INDUSTRIAL AND COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS South Poway Specific Plan - Volume 2, Development Standards Page 40 TABLE 1 - INDUSTRIAL PARK AND LIGHT INDUSTRIAL USE MATRIX USE IP LI or LI/S traffic or the transport of large-scale bulky products. The new product may be finished in the sense that it is ready for use or consumption or it may be semi-finished to become a component for further assembly and packaging. Such uses may include, but are not limited to: electronic microchip assembly; printing, publishing, and allied industries; candy and other confectionery products; bottled or canned soft drinks and carbonated water; apparel and other finished products; paper board containers and boxes; drugs; small fabricated metal products such as hand tools, general hardware, architectural and ornamental metal work and toys, amusement, sports and athletics goods. The activities do not produce odors, noise, vibration, hazardous waste materials, or particulates that would adversely affect other uses in the structure or on the same site. 4. Medium Manufacturing. Activities typically include, but are not limited to: manufacturing, compounding of materials, processing, assembly, packaging, treatment or fabrication of materials and products that require frequent large container truck traffic, or the transport of heavy, bulky items. The new products are semi-finished to be a component for further manufacturing, fabrication, and assembly. Such uses may include, but are not limited to: canned food; textile products; furniture and fixtures; converted paper and paper board products; plastic products made from purchased rubber, plastic or resin; fabricated metal products made from sheet metal; electrical and electronic machinery, equipments and supplies; and office, computing, and accounting machines. These activities may produce noise, odors, vibrations, illumination or particulates that affect the persons conducting business in the vicinity. X P B. OFFICE PROFESSIONAL, DESIGN AND RESEARCH Administrative and Office. Activities typically include, but are not limited to: executive management, administrative, or clerical uses of private, profit-oriented firms other than public utility firms. Uses typically include, but are not limited to: corporate headquarters, branch offices, and data storage centers. P X CHAPTER 4 - INDUSTRIAL AND COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS South Poway Specific Plan - Volume 2, Development Standards Page 41 TABLE 1 - INDUSTRIAL PARK AND LIGHT INDUSTRIAL USE MATRIX USE IP LI or LI/S 1. Contractor‟s offices with no storage of equipment or trucks. P X 2. Professional and Design Services. Activities typically include, but are not limited to: the provision of advice, design, information or consultation of a professional nature. Uses typically include, but are not limited to: architects, engineers, lawyers, accountant and advertising offices, and a planning or educational research service. Excluded are dental, medical, and chiropractic offices. P X 3. Research Services. Activities typically include, but are not limited to: research, design, analysis, development and/or testing of a product. Uses typically include, but are not limited to: testing laboratories, acoustical chambers, wind tunnels, and mainframe computer services. Such uses do not promote odors, noise, vibration or particulates that would adversely affect uses in the same structure or on the same site. P P C. WHOLESALE STORAGE AND DISTRIBUTION 1. Auction houses. X C 2. Bulk oil/fuel storage tanks. C C 3. Light Wholesale, Storage and Distribution. Activities typically include, but are not limited to: wholesaling, storage and warehousing services and storage and wholesale to retailers from the premises of finished goods and food products, excluding hazardous materials, fuels or chemicals. Activities under this classification shall be conducted in enclosed buildings and occupy fifty thousand (50,000) square feet or less of building space. P P 4. Medium Wholesale, Storage and Distribution. Activities typically include, but are not limited to: wholesale, storage, and warehousing services; moving and storage services; storage and wholesaling of finished goods and food products from the premises to retailers; and distribution facilities for large-scale retail firms, and excluding hazardous materials, fuels or chemicals. Activities under this classification shall be conducted in enclosed buildings and occupy greater than fifty X P CHAPTER 4 - INDUSTRIAL AND COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS South Poway Specific Plan - Volume 2, Development Standards Page 42 TABLE 1 - INDUSTRIAL PARK AND LIGHT INDUSTRIAL USE MATRIX USE IP LI or LI/S thousand (50,000) square feet of building space. Included are multi-tenant and speculative buildings with over fifty thousand (50,000) square feet of warehouse space. 5. Public Storage. Activities include mini-warehouse with or without ancillary recreational vehicle storage, for the rental or lease of small-scale, enclosed storage units, and/ or parking spaces, primarily to individuals rather than firms or organizations. Activities to store household items, other than storage operations, are not allowed on the premises. W here twenty-four hour on-site surveillance is necessary, a caretaker‟s residence may be permitted when approved with a conditional use permit. X P 6. Outdoor storage, including, but not limited to, contractors‟ yards provided the land use designation is Light Industrial/Storage (LI/S). X C 7. Storage of fuels and hazardous chemicals shall be permitted subject to City of Poway regulations where such storage is necessary to support the primary use on-site. No warehousing or distribution of fuel or hazardous chemicals shall be permitted except as otherwise permitted in this section. P P 8. Truck or automobile fleet storage. M M 9. Warehousing or distribution of hazardous materials/ chemicals, fuels, warehoused and distributed as packaged when received. X C 10. Wholesale bakeries. X P D. MATERIALS RECOVERY FACILITIES 1. Asphalt concrete batch plants (except as temporary uses as described in Volume One and as otherwise permitted herein). X X 2. Cement products, ready-mix plants, asphalt batch plants as temporary uses as called out in the Gravel Resources section of the South Poway Planned Community Development Plan P P CHAPTER 4 - INDUSTRIAL AND COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS South Poway Specific Plan - Volume 2, Development Standards Page 43 TABLE 1 - INDUSTRIAL PARK AND LIGHT INDUSTRIAL USE MATRIX USE IP LI or LI/S (Volume 1). 3. Temporary sand and gravel aggregate processing facilities for processing materials during rough grading operations. M M E. CIVIC USES 1. Bicycle trails, pedestrian/jogging trails and staging areas, public transit stops. P P 2. City governmental services and facilities such as fire stations, fire fighting training towers, police stations and other facilities. P P 3. Cogeneration plants producing 2 mega-watts or less. P P 4. Day care center. C C 5. Other governmental services and facilities. C C 6. Public utility electric transmission and distribution substations. X P F. COMMERCIAL USES 1. Automotive and truck repair –major, provided all activities and storage occur within an enclosed building unless the property has a land use designation of Light Industrial/Storage (LI/S) X C 2. Building material/lumber yards, contractors‟ yards, provided the property has a land use designation of Light Industrial/Storage (LI/S) X C 3. Commercial uses except for Industrial Support Services for up to 10 percent of the gross floor area of each building, or Retail Outlets as an accessory use for up to 25 percent of the gross floor area of each building. X X 4. Commercial laundries. X P 5. Industrial Support Services. These support services shall not occupy a freestanding structure, shall be oriented away from the major public right-of-way, and shall support the primary P P CHAPTER 4 - INDUSTRIAL AND COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS South Poway Specific Plan - Volume 2, Development Standards Page 44 TABLE 1 - INDUSTRIAL PARK AND LIGHT INDUSTRIAL USE MATRIX USE IP LI or LI/S tenant of the building or be local-serving uses. The permitted support services include; data processing services; office furniture and office equipment display, sales and service; cleaning and dying works, laundry and dry cleaners; certified public accountants, tax accountants, engineers, surveyors, drafting, blueprinting and photocopying, commercial printers, office supply establishment, including stationer, addressing, secretarial and telephone answering services; pharmacies (sale of drugs, medicine and medical supplies only); medical appliance sales; restaurants; and travel bureaus. 6. Music recording/rehearsal studios. X P 7. Recreation vehicle, motorcycle, off-road vehicle, and watercraft sales and ancillary service (not including automotive vehicle sales). X C 8. Sales, rental, or repairs of prefabricated structures provided the property is designated Light Industrial/Storage (LI/S). X C 9. Trade schools (all activities shall occur within an enclosed building). P P 10. Wireless communications facility: a. Monopole C C b. Roof mounted, greater than six feet in height or no screening provided. C C c. Façade-mounted to an existing building or water reservoir or roof-mounted less than six feet in height and screened from view. Subject to the approval of a Minor Development Review Permit pursuant to Chapter 17.52 of the Poway Municipal Code. P P G. RECREATIONAL USES 1. Athletic and health club. X C CHAPTER 4 - INDUSTRIAL AND COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS South Poway Specific Plan - Volume 2, Development Standards Page 45 TABLE 1 - INDUSTRIAL PARK AND LIGHT INDUSTRIAL USE MATRIX USE IP LI or LI/S 2. Indoor recreational uses within a building of 5,000 square feet or less, (except athletic and health clubs) such as batting cages, archery ranges and marksman ranges. M M 3. Indoor recreational uses within a building of over 5,000 square feet (except athletic and health clubs). C C 4. Sports facilities and parks. C C 5. Golf practice facility/micro golf course. X C 6. Outdoor amphitheater X X H. RESIDENTIAL AND INSTITUTIONAL USES 1. Churches X X 2. Clubs and lodges X X 3. Convalescent care facilities X X 4. Hospitals X X 5. Hotels or motels and similar uses offering lodging to guests X X 6. Mobile home parks X X 7. Residential dwellings X X 8. School, public or private (excluding trade school) X X I. ACCESSORY USES 1. The following on-premise accessory uses shall be permitted as shown below: a. In-plant cafeteria, gymnasium/showers and day care facilities which are only intended to serve employees and others affiliated with the primary uses of the premises. P P CHAPTER 4 - INDUSTRIAL AND COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS South Poway Specific Plan - Volume 2, Development Standards Page 46 TABLE 1 - INDUSTRIAL PARK AND LIGHT INDUSTRIAL USE MATRIX USE IP LI or LI/S b. Retail Outlets for research, development, manufacturing or warehouse uses where such retail use is accessory to the primary industrial use and does not exceed 25 percent of the gross floor area of each building. These retail outlets shall not occupy a freestanding structure and shall support the primary tenant of the building. P P c. Pushcarts for sale of such items as coffee, ice cream, hot dogs and popcorn located on private property. M M d. Gas regulators and communications equipment buildings developed in accordance with development plans approved for the parcel P P CHAPTER 4 - INDUSTRIAL AND COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS South Poway Specific Plan - Volume 2, Development Standards Page 47 III. SOUTH POWAY COMMERCIAL LAND USE DESIGNATION The South Poway Specific Plan permits a range of commercial land uses within one commercial category. A. SOUTH POWAY COMMERCIAL The South Poway Commercial (SPC) zone is primarily intended for commercial office uses, but various retail services are also permitted. Although the primary focus of the commercial areas is to serve the office and retail needs of employees within the South Poway community and travelers on the Scripps Poway Parkway, selected regional retail uses may be located within this land use designation subject to a review of the effects such uses may have on traffic. B. USE MATRIX (Amended by Ordinance No. 581, Adopted June 24, 2003) The following uses shall be permitted where the symbol “P” appears, shall be permitted subject to a Conditional Use Permit where the symbol “C” appears, shall be permitted subject to a minor conditional use permit where the symbol “M” appears, and shall be prohibited where the symbol “X” appears. 1 TABLE 2 - SOUTH POWAY COMMERCIAL USE MATRIX USE SPC A. OFFICE AND PROFESSIONAL USES 1. Administrative offices. P 2. Financial, Insurance and Real Estate Services. Activities typically include, but are not limited to, financial, insurance, real estate, and securities brokerage services and banks. P 3. Medical, dental and related health services. C 4. Public utility company offices. P 1 Amended by Resolution No. 97-104 Approved December 16, 1997 as follows: The City Council of the City of Poway hereby adopts this resolution approving the following uses as permitted uses for the Trident Center area of the South Poway Commercial (SPC): antique shops, apparel stores, book and gift stores, candy stores and confectioneries, florists shops, jewelry stores, retail stores, and shops including but not limited to variety, shoe, toys, etc., stamp and coin shops, and markets. CHAPTER 4 - INDUSTRIAL AND COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS South Poway Specific Plan - Volume 2, Development Standards Page 48 TABLE 2 - SOUTH POWAY COMMERCIAL USE MATRIX USE SPC 5. Veterinary offices or animal hospitals. C B. RETAIL USES 1. Antique stores. X 2. Appliance stores. P 3. Art, music and photographic studios and supply stores. P 4. Book and gift stores. X 5. Drug stores, with or without pharmacies. P 6. Feed and tack stores. X 7. Florist Shops. X 8. Furniture stores, with or without repair and upholstery (No outdoor storage and/or display except as permitted by the Zoning Development Code of the Poway Comprehensive Plan). P 9. Hardware stores. P 10. Hobby shops. P 11. Home improvement and specialty building supplies within a warehouse-style retail merchandising building. P 12. Department stores. P 13. Newspaper and magazine stores. P 14. Nurseries and garden supply stores. P 15. Office supplies/stationery stores. P 16. Retail stores unless otherwise specifically permitted or conditionally permitted pursuant to this section. X 17. Small appliance repair, including but not limited to: household appliances, televisions, radios and computers. P CHAPTER 4 - INDUSTRIAL AND COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS South Poway Specific Plan - Volume 2, Development Standards Page 49 TABLE 2 - SOUTH POWAY COMMERCIAL USE MATRIX USE SPC 18. Swimming pool supplies. P 19. Warehouse-style retail merchandising business. P 20. Antique shops. X C. FOOD AND BEVERAGE SALES 1. Bakeries. P 2. Bars (no entertainment or arcades). C 3. Candy stores and confectioneries. X 4. Catering establishments. P 5. Convenience stores. P 6. Fast food restaurants with drive-in or drive-through. C 7. Liquor stores. P 8. Restaurants, coffee shops, delicatessens, snack bars (with or without alcoholic beverage). P 9. Supermarkets. X D. SPORT AND ENTERTAINMENT USES 1. Arcades and electronic games. X 2. Athletic and health club. P 3. Commercial recreation facilities not otherwise listed. C 4. Recreational uses conducted indoors such as batting cages, archery ranges, and marksman ranges. C 5. Theaters (motion picture and playhouse). X 6. Outdoor Amphitheaters. X CHAPTER 4 - INDUSTRIAL AND COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS South Poway Specific Plan - Volume 2, Development Standards Page 50 TABLE 2 - SOUTH POWAY COMMERCIAL USE MATRIX USE SPC E. SERVICE USES 1. Barber and Beauty shop. P 2. Blue print and photocopy. P 3. Cleaners including dry cleaning with or without cleaning machinery on-site. P 4. Equipment rental yards including, but not limited to, trucks, trailers, hitches and service thereof. X 5. Building Maintenance Services. Activities typically include, but are not limited to: maintenance and custodial services, window cleaning services, disinfecting and exterminating services, and janitorial services provided that there is no outdoor storage of any materials or equipment, no inoperable vehicles or non motorized trailers, nor any vehicles in excess of eighty-four inches in width or six thousand pounds in gross weight. P 6. Mortuaries, columbarium or crematoriums. X 7. Recycling drop-off bins located in the parking lot or other suitable area with property owner‟s permission, other than charitable or school sponsored permitted by the Zoning Development Code of the Poway Comprehensive Plan. P 8. Sign painting shops. X F. VEHICLE USES 1. Automotive and light truck repair - Minor C 2. Car washes. C 3. Car rental agencies. C 4. Gasoline dispensing and/or automotive service stations unless accessory to an otherwise permitted use. C 5. Recreation vehicle, motorcycle, off-road vehicle, and watercraft sales and ancillary service (not including automotive vehicle sales). C CHAPTER 4 - INDUSTRIAL AND COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS South Poway Specific Plan - Volume 2, Development Standards Page 51 TABLE 2 - SOUTH POWAY COMMERCIAL USE MATRIX USE SPC 6. Tire sales and service unless accessory to an otherwise permitted use. C 7. Vehicle storage yard. X G. PUBLIC, SEMIPUBLIC AND RESIDENTIAL USES 1. Clubs and lodges including YMCA, YWCA and similar youth group uses. X 2. Churches and religious institutions. X 3. Convalescent homes and hospitals. X 4. Educational institutions, public or private. X 5. Group care facilities or residential retirement homes. X 6. Hotels and motels. C 7. Post office branch. P 8. Day care centers. C 9. Wireless communications facility: a. Monopole. C b. Roof mounted, greater than six feet in height or no screening provided. C c. Façade-mounted to an existing building or roof-mounted less than six feet in height and screened from view. Subject to the approval of a Minor Development Review Permit pursuant to Chapter 17.52 of the Poway Municipal Code. P CHAPTER 4 - INDUSTRIAL AND COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS South Poway Specific Plan - Volume 2, Development Standards Page 52 TABLE 2 - SOUTH POWAY COMMERCIAL USE MATRIX USE SPC H. MISCELLANEOUS USES 1. Adult-Oriented businesses as defined in the Zoning Development Code (no such business shall be established or located within 300 feet of any other Adult-Oriented Business. No such business shall be established or located within 700 feet from any existing residential zone or use, park, church, or school. For purposes of this section the term “park” shall include land designated for water park and sports complex facilities in the South Poway Specific Plan). P 2. Body Piercing and/or Tattoo Parlors (No such business shall be established or located within 700 feet from any existing residential zone or use, park, church, or school. For purposes of this section the term “park” shall include the land designated for water park and sports complex facilities in the South Poway Specific Plan). C CHAPTER 4 - INDUSTRIAL AND COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS South Poway Specific Plan - Volume 2, Development Standards Page 53 IV. INDUSTRIAL AND COMMERCIAL SITE/BUILDING DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS (Amended by Resolution No. 01-129 Approved December 17, 2002) (Amended by Ordinance No. 572 Adopted January 7, 2003) (Amended by Ordinance No. 604, Adopted August 3, 2004) A. ARCHITECTURAL - INDUSTRIAL 1. Materials: a. The following materials are permitted: a. Tilt-up concrete with textures and/or colors. b. Masonry block with textured surface. c. Steel frame with glass or masonry and glass exterior (glass shall not exceed 70% of the exterior). d. Enameled metal panels, wood, glass and stucco may be used as decorative elements with tilt-up or masonry building system. e. All street fronting fences and walls, except for required gates, shall be of concrete tilt-up or solid masonry visually compatible with the building exterior. f. All exterior wall elevations facing any street are to have architectural treatment. g. Wood siding shall be permitted in SPC land use designation only. b. The following materials are restricted: a. Sheet or corrugated metal, asbestos or similar materials used on exterior walls. b. Use of a single material (such as more than 70% glass) on exterior walls 2. Roof: No part of the roof may project above the building parapet, except architectural screening of rooftop mechanical equipment. CHAPTER 4 - INDUSTRIAL AND COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS South Poway Specific Plan - Volume 2, Development Standards Page 54 3. Height: a. Unless otherwise specified in this specific plan, no structure shall exceed thirty-five feet or two stories in height, whichever is less, except that industrial buildings up to forty- five feet in height within two stories may be allowed when it can be demonstrated that the additional height is necessary for the particular use anticipated for reasons such as automated warehousing, inventory retrieval or bridge cranes. However, no structure shall exceed thirty-five feet in height within two stories when located adjacent to downhill slopes along the perimeter of the Business Park. b. Appropriate screening and architectural enhancements shall be provided to mitigate the visual impact of any building approved over thirty-five feet in height. c. Lightning protection devices may project above the height limit a maximum of fifteen feet, subject to the standards specified in subsection 4 (f) below. d. Subterranean parking areas shall not be considered a story for purposes of determining a building‟s number of stories. Such facilities shall comply with the design standards specified in subsection d. 14. of this Chapter. e. The height of city governmental fire fighting training towers shall not exceed 50 feet. There shall be no limit on the number of stories contained within the 50-foot height limit. 4. Equipment Installations and Screening a. All roof mounted equipment and/or ductwork shall be screened by an enclosure of equal or greater height and shall be consistent with the building, design, building materials and exterior colors. b. In situations where buildings are located below the grade of adjoining streets so that passing motorists look down onto the rooftop, dense landscaping along the street may be utilized as an alternative to standard equipment screens. c. The Director of Development Services may waive the requirement for rooftop equipment screens if it is determined that the size and design of an HVAC unit is so unobtrusive that screening will not will not serve to enhance the overall appearance of the building or in cases where varied CHAPTER 4 - INDUSTRIAL AND COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS South Poway Specific Plan - Volume 2, Development Standards Page 55 topography makes it infeasible to screen roof top equipment from all view points. d. No mechanical equipment or vent shall be placed on the exterior surface of any building wall that can be viewed from a public street. e. All above-grade utility equipment that has a width, height or depth dimension of 36 inches or greater shall comply with the screening requirements contained in Chapter 3, Section IV, subdivision H. 8. f. Lightning protection devices shall comply with the following: i. Lightning protection devices may be installed on the roof. Ground mounted or building façade mounted devices are prohibited. ii. Lightning protection devices shall be designed to be retractable. Retractable lightning protection devices shall be retracted when not in use or when not needed because of climactic conditions. 5. Color a. Colors shall be limited to a maximum number of three, exclusive of minor trim elements. b. Colors, materials and finishes are to be coordinated on all exterior elevations of the building to achieve total continuity of design. The use of muted earth tone colors shall be used. c. Vents, louvers, exposed flashing, tanks, stacks, ductwork, overhead, rolling and service doors are to be painted. d. All screens shall be painted a neutral color or a color consistent with the color scheme of the building. e. Lightning protection devices shall be painted a neutral color that blends into the skyline. CHAPTER 4 - INDUSTRIAL AND COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS South Poway Specific Plan - Volume 2, Development Standards Page 56 B. ARCHITECTURAL – SOUTH POWAY COMMERCIAL 1. Materials. The following materials are permitted: a. Tilt-up concrete with textures and/or colors. b. Masonry block with textured surface. c. High quality metal (excluding corrugated metal). d. Steel frame with glass or masonry and glass exterior (glass shall not exceed 70% of the exterior). e. Enameled metal panels, wood, glass and stucco may be used as decorative elements with tilt-up or masonry building system. f. All street fronting fences and walls, except for required gates, shall be of concrete tilt-up or solid masonry visually compatible with the building exterior. g. All exterior wall elevations facing any street are to have architectural treatment. h. Wood siding shall be permitted in SPC zone only. 2. Roof: No part of the roof may project above the building parapet, except architectural screening of rooftop mechanical equipment. 3. Height: a. Unless otherwise specified in this specific plan, no structure shall exceed thirty-five feet or two stories in height, whichever is less, except that industrial buildings up to forty- five feet in height within two stories may be allowed when it can be demonstrated that the additional height is necessary for the particular use anticipated for reasons such as automated warehousing, inventory retrieval or bridge cranes. However, no structure shall exceed thirty-five feet in height within two stories when located adjacent to downhill slopes along the perimeter of the Business Park. b. Appropriate screening and architectural enhancements shall be provided to mitigate the visual impact of any building approved over thirty-five feet in height. CHAPTER 4 - INDUSTRIAL AND COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS South Poway Specific Plan - Volume 2, Development Standards Page 57 c. Lightning protection devices may project above the height limit a maximum of fifteen feet, subject to the standards specified in subsection 4 (f) below. d. The maximum height of a hotel or motel shall not exceed 35 feet. No more than three stories shall be contained within the 35-foot height limit. e. Subterranean parking areas shall not be considered a story for purposes of determining a building‟s number of stories. Such facilities shall comply with the design standards specified in subsection E. 14 of this Chapter. 4. Equipment Installations and Screening a. All roof mounted equipment and/or ductwork shall be screened by an enclosure of equal or greater height and shall be consistent with the building, design, building materials and exterior colors. b. In situations where buildings are located below the grade of adjoining streets so that passing motorists look down onto the rooftop, dense landscaping along the street may be utilized as an alternative to standard equipment screens. c. The Director of Development Services may waive the requirement for rooftop equipment screens if it is determined that the size and design of an HVAC unit is so unobtrusive that screening will not will not serve to enhance the overall appearance of the building or in cases where varied topography makes it infeasible to screen roof top equipment from all view points. d. No mechanical equipment or vent shall be placed on the exterior surface of any building wall that can be viewed from a public street. e. All above-grade utility equipment that has a width, height or depth dimension of 36 inches or greater shall comply with the screening requirements contained in Chapter 3, Section IV, subdivision H. 8. f. Lightning protection devices shall comply with the following: i. Lightning protection devices may be installed on the roof. Ground mounted or building façade mounted devices are prohibited. CHAPTER 4 - INDUSTRIAL AND COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS South Poway Specific Plan - Volume 2, Development Standards Page 58 ii. Lightning protection devices shall be designed to be retractable. Retractable lightning protection devices shall be retracted when not in use or when not needed because of climactic conditions. 5. Color a. Colors shall be limited to a maximum number of three, exclusive of minor trim elements. b. Colors, materials and finishes are to be coordinated on all exterior elevations of the building to achieve total continuity of design. The use of muted earth tone colors shall be used. c. Vents, louvers, exposed flashing, tanks, stacks, ductwork, overhead, rolling and service doors are to be painted. d. All screens shall be painted a neutral color or a color consistent with the color scheme of the building. e. Lightning protection devices shall be painted a neutral color that blends into the skyline. CHAPTER 4 - INDUSTRIAL AND COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS South Poway Specific Plan - Volume 2, Development Standards Page 59 C. SITE UTILIZATION – INDUSTRIAL AND COMMERCIAL 1. Parcel Requirements a. Minimum parcel size: One-half (1/2) acre* b. Maximum parcel size: None c. Minimum width: 100 feet d. Minimum street frontage: 40 feet on cul-de-sacs *Parcels one-third acre in size are approved within the boundaries of Tentative Parcel Map 91-07 and 91-08 for Lots 102 and 104 of City of Poway Tract 85-04 Unit 2, except for Parcel 2 of Parcel Map No. 15625 at 0.32 acres and Parcel 1 of Parcel Map No. 15221. The approved parcels are subject to the following criteria: i. Zero lot line on common wall construction for buildings on adjacent properties. ii. Reciprocal access agreement for common driveways where a series of one-third acre lots is created. iii. Review of covenants, conveyances and restrictions (CC&Rs) by the City Attorney and Directors of Development Services and Safety Services. e. The size of configuration of lots within non -residential Planned Unit Developments and industrial condominium subdivisions shall be reasonable as to the intended use and relation to the subdivision project and the surrounding area and shall substantially meet the intent and purpose of the South Poway Planned Community Specific Plan. The size and configuration of lots will ultimately be determined by the City Council during its consideration of proposed tentative maps. Subdivision projects of this type would be permitted within the Light Industrial (LI) and Industrial Park (IP) designations. Flexibility in the form of ownership of separate units within multi-unit industrial buildings should be considered. 2. Coverage a. Maximum allowable coverage is 50%. The area allowed for structural coverage shall be no greater than 50% of the net lot area. The net lot area for development is exclusive of slopes and road right-of-way. CHAPTER 4 - INDUSTRIAL AND COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS South Poway Specific Plan - Volume 2, Development Standards Page 60 b. The sum total of building footprints within non -residential Planned Unit Developments or industrial condominium subdivisions shall not exceed the 50 percent coverage as defined above. Careful consideration should be given during the environmental review of proposed non-residential planned unit developments and industrial condominium subdivisions in the LI and IP areas that traffic generated by such subdivision projects does not cause an increase in traffic over and above that anticipated by the plan and its supporting environmental impact reports. A site-specific traffic analysis may be required. CHAPTER 4 - INDUSTRIAL AND COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS South Poway Specific Plan - Volume 2, Development Standards Page 61 3. Building Setbacks. Building setbacks shall be as indicated below: TABLE 3 - Building Setback Summary 11,2 Light Industrial Industrial Park South Poway Commercial Front Yard (may be averaged)3, 4, 5 Front Yard (minimum) 35‟ 20‟ 35‟ 20‟ 35‟ 20‟ Rear Yard 6 0‟/20‟ 0‟/20‟ 0‟/20‟ Interior Side Yards (sum of) 7, 8 40‟ 40‟ 40‟ Street Side Yard (average) 9 20‟-25‟ 20‟-25‟ 20‟-25‟ Street Side Yard (minimum) 17‟ 17‟ 17‟ Scripps Poway Parkway 10 50‟ 50‟ 50 „ 1 Setbacks for buildings located in non-residential Planned Unit Developments and industrial condominium subdivisions in Light Industrial and Industrial Park areas shall meet or exceed the minimum setback standards in Table 3 above with respect to the exter ior boundaries of the subdivision. Setbacks from individual lot lines may be zero feet provided that required building separation is maintained. 2 All setbacks are measured from property line. 3 Front and street side yard setbacks for buildings may be averaged. Buildings may not encroach more than 5 feet into the 35-foot building setback (or 50 foot building setback if along Scripps Poway Parkway). In all cases an equal building area that observes a proportionately greater setback shall offset the encroachment. The average setback must be equal to the minimum required front or street setback. The following criteria shall be utilized in determining the appropriateness of an averaged front yard or street side yard setback. If substantially met an averag ed setback may be approved by the City. a. All structures shall meet minimum intersection sightline requirements. b. The building footprint shall not conflict with necessary utility lines. c. Overall site landscaping and parking requirements shall be met. If a r educed building setback impacts the required parking area setback requirement (25 feet), no parking shall be permitted within reduced building setback area. d. Building line offsets shall be required to minimize the potential linear appearance of industrial a nd commercial structures. e. Required loading areas and facilities shall not be impacted, including adequate maneuvering areas for trucks and other large vehicles. f. The entire length of the building shall have an average front yard setback of 35 feet and no part of the structure shall be closer than 20 feet measured to the property line. 4 For all buildings over 250 feet in length an additional one (1) foot front yard setback per ten (10) feet of length to a maximum fifty (50) feet from the property line shall be required. 5 In cases where approved lots within the PC Development Plan have two front yards each of which adjoin a street, building setbacks may be reduced within one of the front yards as long as the subject yard does not front a major PC circulation or collector road including Community Road, Stowe Drive, Kirkham Way/Road, Pomerado Road, and Scripps Poway Parkway. In all cases, the required exterior side yard (corner parcel) setback of 35 feet shall be maintained. 6 Rear yards, which abut streets, shall be considered street side yards. 7 Side yard and rear yard setbacks shall be 0’ or 20’ or greater where no slope exists, but in no case shall the sum of the side yards on each lot be less than 40 feet. 8 Where adjoining property side and/or rear yards are separated by slopes, the horizontal distance between buildings shall be no less than 20 feet, and the distance between a building and the top or toe of slope shall be a minimum of five feet. 9 Street side yard setbacks may be averaged through the Development Review approval process and is dependent on the height of the building. A building 20 feet high or less is required to maintain an average setback of 20 feet. The average setback is increased by one foot for each two feet of additional building height to a maximum average of 25 feet. 10 When either rear yard or street side yard abut Scripps Poway Parkway, the 50 foot landscaped setback requirement shall supersede minimum building setbacks and, in those cases, the minimum building setback shall be 50 feet. CHAPTER 4 - INDUSTRIAL AND COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS South Poway Specific Plan - Volume 2, Development Standards Page 62 Figures 18 through 20 below illustrate minimum building setbacks discussed above: FIGURE 18 BUILDING SETBACK – INTERIOR PARCEL FIGURE 19 BUILDING SETBACK –CORNER PARCEL 40’ * Typical 35’ Typical Rear Front Property Line (Typical)0’ / 20’ or Greater (No Slope) 0’ / 20’ or Greater (No Slope) In t e r i o r S i d e In t e r i o r S i d e Building Area N.T.S. * Shall be the sum of the side yards. 35’ or Greater 35’ Typical Rear Front 0’ / 20’ or Greater (No Slope) Property Line (Typical) 0’ / 20’ or Greater (No Slope) N.T.S. In t e r i o r S i d e E x t e r i o r S i d e Building Area CHAPTER 4 - INDUSTRIAL AND COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS South Poway Specific Plan - Volume 2, Development Standards Page 63 Property Line (Typical) 0’ / 20’ or Greater (No Slope) Front In t e r i o r S i d e 35’ Typical In t e r i o r S i d e Frontage Along Scripps Poway Arterial N.T.S. *Shall be the sum of the side yards. Typical 50’ 40’ * Typical Building Area FIGURE 20 BUILDING SETBACK – PARCEL ABUTTING SCRIPPS POWAY PARKWAY 4. Parking Setbacks. Parking setbacks shall be as indicated below. TABLE 4 - Parking and Setback Summary1 Light Industrial Industrial Park South Poway Commercial Front Yard 2 25‟ 25‟ 25‟ Rear Yard 3 -0- -0- -0- Exterior Side (Corner Parcels) Yard 2 25‟ 25‟ 25‟ Interior Side (One Side Only) Yard 5‟ 5‟ 5‟ Interior Side (Other Side) Yard 5‟ 5‟ 5‟ 1 All setbacks are measured from property line to parking lot curb face. Cars may overhang planting areas as described in Chapter 4, Section IV.D. subdivisions 6, 7, 8, and 9. 2 When either the rear yard or an exterior side yard abuts the Scripps Poway Parkway, the 50 -foot landscaped setback requirement shall supersede minimum parking lot setbacks, and the minimum parking lot setback shall be 50 feet. 3 Where a rear lot line is adjacent to a side lot line a minimum setback of 5 feet from the rear lot line is required. CHAPTER 4 - INDUSTRIAL AND COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS South Poway Specific Plan - Volume 2, Development Standards Page 64 Figures 21 through 23 below illustrate the minimum parking and landscape setbacks discussed above: FIGURE 21 INTERIOR PARCEL – PARKING AND LANDSCAPE SETBACK FIGURE 22 CORNER PARCEL – PARKING AND LANDSCAPE SETBACK 25’ Setback Rear Front Property Line (Typical)Typical 5’ Setback N.T.S. In t e r i o r S i d e E x t e r i o r S i d e Parking Area 0’ Setback Landscaped Areas 25’ Setback 25’ Setback (Typical) Rear Front Property Line (Typical)5’ Setback (Typical) N.T.S. In t e r i o r S i d e E x t e r i o r S i d e Parking Area 0’ Setback Landscaped Areas 25’ Setback CHAPTER 4 - INDUSTRIAL AND COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS South Poway Specific Plan - Volume 2, Development Standards Page 65 FIGURE 23 PARCEL ABUTTING SCRIPPS POWAY PARKWAY – PARKING AND LANDSCAPE SETBACK 5. Driveway Width a. Driveways, which allow both ingress and egress, shall have a minimum width of 30 feet. b. Driveway width shall be limited to 30 feet for each 100-foot segment of property line abutting the street, but no single driveway shall have a width of more than 30 feet measured at the property line unless otherwise approved by the Director of Development Services. 6. Loading Areas a. All loading facilities and maneuvering areas shall be on -site. b. Loading areas in the front of the building shall be prohibited in the IP and SPC zones. Front loading areas shall be permitted in the LI zone if appropriately screened. c. Loading areas and truck doors shall not encroach into front or exterior side setback areas, or the landscape setback along Scripps Poway Parkway. d. Side loading areas and doors are permitted in the IP, LI and SPC designations and must be screened by landscaping or Property Line (Typical) Front I n t e r i o r S i d e 25’ Setback I n t e r i o r S i d e Frontage Along Scripps Poway Arterial N.T.S. 50’ Setback Parking Area 5’ Setback (Typical) 5’ Setback (Typical) Landscaped Areas CHAPTER 4 - INDUSTRIAL AND COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS South Poway Specific Plan - Volume 2, Development Standards Page 66 by a concrete or masonry wall a minimum of six (6) feet and not more than twelve (12) feet in height, textured or colored to match the main building and located no closer to a street than the applicable parking setback requirement. 7. Fences and Walls in the LI, IP and SPC Land Use Designations. Unless otherwise specified in this Specific Plan, the following provisions shall apply to fences and walls within the LI, IP and SPC land use designations: a. All fencing or walls shall provide a sight distance clearance as specified in Chapter 3, Section IV.K of this Specific Plan. b. Fences or walls not exceeding 8 feet in height may be located within a required interior side yard or rear yard setback area. c. In the LI and IP land use designations, barbed wire, concertina wire or similar security devices up to two feet in height are permitted on top of a minimum 6 foot high wall or fence located within an interior side yard or rear yard provided the wire or similar security device shall fall inward to the property and shall not extend beyond the property line or otherwise create a safety hazard. d. Fences or walls not exceeding three and one-half feet in height may be located within a required front or street side yard setback area. e. Fences and walls shall be designed to be compatible with on-site buildings in terms of color and/or materials. Solid fences shall be constructed of wood, brick, decorative block, and stone, framed stucco with tile or decorative metal. Open style fencing shall be constructed of wood, ornamental iron or other similar decorative material. The use of vinyl coated chain link is only permitted along interior side and rear property lines. 8. Outdoor Storage. For properties with a land use designation of Light Industrial/Storage, outdoor storage may be allowed with the approval of a conditional use permit. The standards contained in this subdivision shall apply to all requests for outdoor storage. Outdoor storage of merchandise, material and equipment, and refuse collection bins is permitted in any required interior side or rear yard, provided the storage area is completely enclosed by walls, fences or buildings or a combination thereof. Walls or fences shall be permitted as follows: CHAPTER 4 - INDUSTRIAL AND COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS South Poway Specific Plan - Volume 2, Development Standards Page 67 a. All screening shall be a minimum of eight (8) feet high with a maximum not to exceed twelve (12) feet. No storage shall be allowed to exceed height of screening, except for specialized equipment exceeding this height. Special screening may be required at the discretion of the Director of Development Services. Solid fences or walls shall be constructed of decorative masonry, decorative concrete, wood, brick, block, stone, metal, or other similar materials subject to the approval of the Director. b. Fences and walls constructed as required along abutting public rights-of-way and abutting properties with more restrictive zoning classifications shall comply with one of the following alternatives: i. Solid fences or walls shall be constructed of decorative masonry, decorative concrete, wood, brick, block, stone, decorative metal, or other similar materials subject to the approval of the Director. ii. Open-style fences such as spaced wood, ornamental iron, screen or decorative block or other similar material; provided, however, that said fences shall comply with one of the following landscaping requirements: 1) Planting with sufficient vines or climbing ivy of an acceptable density to ensure adequate screening within one year of planting. 2) Trees and shrubs of the evergreen variety, or other similar year-round leaf-bearing type, set away and in front of the fence line so as not to provide ingress over the fence. Such plants shall be of such variety and shall be spaced so as to allow only minimal gaps between foliage of mature trees and shrubs within one year after planting. 3) Evergreen shrubs or other similar year-round leaf-bearing shrub, planted with such spacing so as to form a solid hedge a minimum o f eight feet in height within one year after planting. 4) For the purposes of these regulations a spaced wood fence shall be one on which the gaps between the fencing material do not exceed CHAPTER 4 - INDUSTRIAL AND COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS South Poway Specific Plan - Volume 2, Development Standards Page 68 one-half the width of the average board or slat, and in no instance shall any gap between two boards of slats exceed four inches. iii. Vinyl-coated chain link fencing may be used along side or rear property lines subject to the same landscape requirements described in number (ii) above. iv. All gates shall be constructed of solid view-obscuring material except vehicular gates. v. No merchandise, material or equipment shall be stored on the roof on any building. 9. Utility Easements. Where utility laterals are designed to serve more than one lot, easements will be reserved across adja cent lots as required to ensure such service. 10. Building Separation. The distance separating buildings shall be either two feet or less, or greater than twenty feet. D. PARKING STANDARDS – INDUSTRIAL AND COMMERCIAL 1. All parking shall be on-site. No parking will be permitted on streets, except in residential areas. 2. Minimum parking requirements. Unless specifically identified below, all uses within the Light Industrial or Light Industrial/Storage land use designation shall provide a minimum of 1 space per 50 0 square feet of gross floor area and all uses within the Industrial Park land use designation shall provide a minimum of 1 space per 250 square feet of gross floor area. Structures that exceed 50,000 square feet in gross floor area may qualify for a reduction in required parking as specified in subdivision 3 below. a. Office 4 spaces per 1,000 square feet of gross floor area. b. Research and Development 3 spaces per 1,000 square Uses feet of gross floor area. c. Industrial Uses 2 spaces per 1,000 square feet of gross floor area. CHAPTER 4 - INDUSTRIAL AND COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS South Poway Specific Plan - Volume 2, Development Standards Page 69 d. Warehouse Storage and 1-space/1,000 square feet Distribution of gross floor area for the first 20,000 square feet devoted to storage. 1-space/2,000 square feet for the second 20,000 square feet of storage area. 1-space/4,000 square feet for area in excess of 40,000 square feet of storage area. e. Recreational Uses Parking requirements shall be calculated in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 17.42 of the City of Poway Municipal Code (Off-Street Parking). f. South Poway Commercial Parking requirements Land Use Designation shall be calculated in accordance with provisions of Chapter 17.42 of the City of Poway Municipal Code (Off- Street Parking). 3. The City Council may approve reductions in parking requirements for structures that exceed 50,000 square feet and meet one or more of the following criteria: a. Parking reductions may be considered for buildings occupied by a single tenant with 50 or more employees, which has an approved Transportation Demand Management Plan (TDM) designed to produce a reduction in parking demand commensurate with the reduction in parking spaces. The requirement to implement an approved TDM must be recorded as a deed covenant for the site. b. Parking reductions may be considered for projects where the applicant provides some alternative form of evidence (such as a parking study), which demonstrates that a parking reduction is warranted; and there is adequate land available CHAPTER 4 - INDUSTRIAL AND COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS South Poway Specific Plan - Volume 2, Development Standards Page 70 on the site to provide the full amount of parking required by code should a shortage occur in the future. 4. In the LI and LI/S areas a maximum of twenty percent of the total number of required parking spaces, and in the IP areas a maximum of thirty percent of the total number of required parking spaces, may be compact in size, with a minimu m width of eight feet and a minimum length of fifteen feet (8 ‟ X 15 ‟). Forty percent of the parking spaces that are provided in addition to the required parking in the LI, LI/S or IP areas may also be compact in size. The remaining parking spaces provided shall be standard in size, with a minimum width of eight and a half feet and a minimum length of eighteen and a half feet (8 ½ ‟ X 18 ½ ‟). Disabled parking shall be provided as required by the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, as well as Title 24 of the California Code of Regulations, and as otherwise specified in the Poway Municipal Code. Should the use of compact spaces in these zones create any on -street parking problems, the standard for such spaces may be amended at the direction of the City Council. 5. In the SPC designation all parking spaces shall be provided for by standard car spaces measuring a minimum width of eight and a half feet and a minimum length of eighteen and a half feet (8 ½ feet x 18 ½ feet). 6. Standard stall sizes may be reduced to 8.5 ‟ x 16.5 ‟ with 2 ‟ of overhang into a planting area where a 6 ” concrete curb separates the planting area from the parking area. 7. Compact stall sizes may be reduced to 8 ‟ x 13 ‟ with 2 ‟ of overhang into a planting area where a 6 ” concret e curb separates the planting area from the parking area. 8. Parking spaces may not overhang required landscape setback areas or landscape islands or strips, which have an inside, dimension of less than six (6) feet. 9. Where parking areas abut walls, fences, and landscape planter areas wheel stops shall be installed two feet from these areas to protect the walls, fences and landscaping. 10. Disabled access, bicycle and motorcycle parking requirements shall meet the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act 1990, as well as Title 24 of the California code of Regulations, and existing City of Poway parking requirements and specifications. CHAPTER 4 - INDUSTRIAL AND COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS South Poway Specific Plan - Volume 2, Development Standards Page 71 11. Aisle widths shall meet with existing City of Poway parking standards as contained in the Poway Municipal Code. 12. Parking aisles shall observe a minimum setback of 40‟ from the right of way. This requirement may be waived on cul-de-sac streets or other low traffic volume, non-collector streets. 13. A minimum turnout area of five feet should be provided for dead end parking spaces, which must back out adjacent to building walls. The required five-foot turnout can be provided in a turnout pocket or it can be added to the driveway aisle width (resulting in an aisle width of thirty feet). 14. Subterranean Parking. a. Subterranean parking areas shall be a minimum of 50% below grade as measured from the finished floor of the area to the bottom of the ceiling above the area. The subterranean parking area shall be 50% below grade on each side of the building exterior, except for those portions of the building exterior that provide vehicular and or pedestrian access to the subterranean parking area. b. For projects proposing subterranean parking areas on pre - graded pads, any increase in the building pad elevation, intended for the sole purpose of bringing a proposed subterranean parking area into compliance with the 50% below grade standard, shall not be permitted. c. Vehicular access (i.e., driveways) to subterranean parking areas should occur from within the project site and not from the street, unless it would be the only project driveway. Any driveway to a subterranean parking area, which is visible to the street, shall be screened to the maximum extent possible with earth mounding and enhanced landscaping. d. Subterranean parking areas shall not contain habitable space or storage space except that building equipment rooms are permitted. e. Subterranean parking areas shall not be subject to compliance with parking lot landscaping requirements. f. Any portion of a subterranean parking area t hat is above grade shall comply with the applicable underlying land use designation building setback requirement. Those portions of CHAPTER 4 - INDUSTRIAL AND COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS South Poway Specific Plan - Volume 2, Development Standards Page 72 subterranean parking areas that are 100% below grade shall not be subject to building setback requirements. E. LIGHTING STANDARDS – INDUSTRIAL AND COMMERCIAL 1. Security Lighting a. Wall mounted security light pack to be used only at rear and interior side of buildings. b. Security lighting shall utilize low-pressure sodium fixtures. c. Shielded fixtures with well-defined cut-off limits shall be used to confine illumination to on-site areas only. 2. Accent Lighting a. Architectural lighting shall be integrated into building design where feasible. b. Accent lighting, where used shall originate from concealed or inconspicuous source locations. c. Accent lighting may utilize high pressure sodium or mercury vapor. d. Color lights shall not be used. e. Shielded fixtures with well-defined cut-off limits shall be used where necessary to confine illumination to on-site areas only. 3. Parking Area Lighting a. Lighting for parking areas shall be shielded low-pressure sodium directed downward, and have zero cut-off. Parking lot illumination level shall achieve a uniformity ratio of 3 to 1 (average to minimum) and a maintained average of one foot - candle and a minimum of 0.3 foot-candle. b. Fixture shall be pole mounted, twenty-five (25) foot maximum height, and located above paved surfaces. c. Shielded fixtures with well-defined cut-off limits shall be used where necessary to confine illumination to on-site areas only. CHAPTER 4 - INDUSTRIAL AND COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS South Poway Specific Plan - Volume 2, Development Standards Page 73 F. SIGNAGE – INDUSTRIAL AND COMMERCIAL 1. General Provisions. General Provisions of the existing Comprehensive Sign Ordinance for the City of Poway as contained in Chapter 17.40 of the Poway Municipal Code shall be in effect for the South Poway Specific Plan Area except as modified herein. a. No sign shall be closer than ten (10) feet to the front or exterior side property line provided it complies with the sight distance requirements in Chapter 3, Section IV, subdivision K. of this Volume 2. b. No sign shall be placed within the 35-foot landscaped setback along the South Poway Arterial except park entry signs at major intersections. Sight distance requirements in Chapter 3, Section IV, subdivision K. of this Volume 2 shall apply. c. No sign may be roof mounted. d. No sign may be painted directly on any wall or building. e. Addresses on buildings shall comply with the following: i. Addresses within the South Poway Commercial land use designations shall be a minimum and a maximum of six (6) inches in height. ii. Addresses within the Light Industrial, Light Industrial/Storage and Industrial Park land use designations shall be a minimum of eighteen (18) inches in height and a maximum of twenty-four (24) inches in height. 2. Entryway Identification Signs a. One freestanding monument sign may be erected at each major entrance to the South Poway Planned Community as determined by the Director of Development Services. b. Entryway monuments shall not exceed fifteen (15) feet in height and sixty- (60) feet in length. c. Entryway monuments shall contain the name South Poway Business Park at the top of the sign. The name of the individual developer may be listed on the bottom sign panel. CHAPTER 4 - INDUSTRIAL AND COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS South Poway Specific Plan - Volume 2, Development Standards Page 74 d. Entryway monuments shall comply with sight distance requirements contained in Chapter 3 of this document. 3. Light Industrial, Light Industrial/Storage or Industrial Park Land Use Designations a. Single Tenant or Single Parcel Business. The standards below shall apply to single-tenant or single-parcel businesses. i. General Standards: 1) Wall signs shall be limited to identification of business name or identifying logo. 2) Street addresses shall be incorporated into the face or structure of all freestanding signs in numerals six (6) inches in height. ii. Wall Sign: 1) Maximum Number: One (1) per street frontage and/or main parking lot, not to exceed two (2) per business. 1 2) Maximum Sign Area: Four (4) percent of the building face, not to exceed one hundred and fifty (150) square feet per face. 3) Maximum Height: Not to project above the roofline. iii. Freestanding Sign: 1) Maximum Number: One (1) per street frontage not to exceed two (2). 2) Maximum Sign Area: Forty (40) square feet per each side of sign. 3) Maximum Height: Six (6) feet. 1 Amended by Resolution No. 99-006 Approved February 2, 1999 as follows: A third wall sign on the Danielson Street frontage of the Geico building (14111 Danielson Street) is approved. It is appropriate given the size and location of the building, and the reasonableness of placing the business name adjacent to the required street numbers on the front of the building. CHAPTER 4 - INDUSTRIAL AND COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS South Poway Specific Plan - Volume 2, Development Standards Page 75 b. Multiple Tenant or Multiple Use Business. The standards below apply to multiple-tenant or multiple-use businesses. i. General Standards: 1) Wall signs shall identify the individual business, use, or identifying logo and be located at the main pedestrian entrance or parking area. 2) The business directory sign shall list only the address and names of the on-site activities and may be a freestanding or wall sign no larger than twelve (12) square feet in area. 3) The business directory sign may be located either adjacent to the parking area or the main entrance to the building. 4) All industrial projects with more than two (2) tenants or uses shall develop a comprehensive sign program. 5) Street addresses shall be incorporated into the face or structure of the freestanding sign in numerals six (6) inches in height. ii. Wall Signs: 1) Maximum Number: One (1) per street or parking area frontage, not to exceed two (2). 2) Maximum Sign Area: Four (4) percent of the building face, not to exceed one hundred (100) square feet per face. 3) Maximum Height: Not to project above the roofline. iii. Business Directory (freestanding): 1) Maximum Number: One (1) per street frontage or parking area not to exceed two (2) per building. CHAPTER 4 - INDUSTRIAL AND COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS South Poway Specific Plan - Volume 2, Development Standards Page 76 2) Maximum Sign Area: Twelve (12) square feet per each side of sign. 3) Maximum Height: Six (6) feet. iv. Freestanding Sign: 1) Maximum Number: One (1) per development. 2) Maximum Sign Area: Forty (40) square feet per each side of sign. 3) Maximum Height: Six (6) feet 4. South Poway Commercial (SPC) Land Use Designation a. Businesses Within Commercial Centers. The standards below apply to businesses within commercial centers. A commercial center means two or more retail stores and/or service establishments, or one retail store and one service establishment, sharing customer parking areas, regardless of whether said stores and/or establishments occupy separate structures or are under separate ownerships. i. General Standards: 1) Wall signs are limited to identification of business, use, and service provided and/or identifying logo. 2) All freestanding signs may list the name of the center, the names of businesses in the center, and/or a brief description of businesses in the center, but may not include advertising copy or other information such as telephone numbers or hours of operation. All copy on freestanding signs shall be in letters/numerals at least six (6) inches in height. 3) All centers shall develop a comprehensive sign program for all tenants and uses. 4) Street addresses shall be incorporated into the face or structures of the freestanding sign in numerals six (6) inches in height. CHAPTER 4 - INDUSTRIAL AND COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS South Poway Specific Plan - Volume 2, Development Standards Page 77 ii. Wall Sign: 1) Maximum Number: One (1) per business frontage, up to three (3) maximum for any one business. 2) Maximum Sign Area: Fifteen (15) percent of building face up to 150 square feet. 3) Maximum Height: Not to project above the roofline. iii. Freestanding Sign: 1) Maximum Number: One (1) per street frontage not to exceed three (3) per center. 2) Maximum Sign Area: Sixty-five (65) square feet. 3) Maximum Height: Freestanding signs shall not be approved at a height greater than eight feet. A sign with a height the lesser of 15 feet or the roofline of the nearest building may be approved by the City Council if it finds that extraordinary circumstances warrant the approval of a sign greater than eight feet in height. Such extraordinary circumstances shall include, but are not limited to, the following: a. Impaired visibility from vehicles entering or exiting the primary driveway of the center; b. The grade of the site is such that the placement of a low-profile sign would not be visible from the street; or c. The site is located adjacent to Scripps Poway Parkway, a primary arterial, and due to the width of the road and speed limit, a low profile sign would not be readable by motorists. 5) In lieu of one of the allowable freestanding sign(s) for a center, a maximum of an additional sixty-five (65) square feet of wall CHAPTER 4 - INDUSTRIAL AND COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS South Poway Specific Plan - Volume 2, Development Standards Page 78 sign area may be allocated to one or more buildings within the center. 6) When more than one freestanding sign is permitted, up to two freestanding signs may be located on the same street frontage provided the street frontage is greater than 100 feet and the signs are separated by a distance of at least 50 feet. b. Commercial Businesses Not Within a Center i. General Standards 1) Wall signs and freestanding signs are limited to identification of the business, service provided and/or identifying logo. 2) The street address shall be incorporated into the face of the structure of the freestanding sign. 3) Wall signs and freestanding signs shall be architecturally compatible with the development. ii. Wall Sign: 1) Maximum Number: One (1) per street frontage and/or main parking lot, a maximum of three (3) per business. 2) Maximum Sign Area: Fifteen (15) percent of the building face where the sign is to be placed, not to exceed one hundred fifty (150) square feet per face. 3) Maximum Height: Not to project above the roofline. iii. Freestanding Signs: 1) Maximum Number: One (1) per street frontage with a maximum of two (2). 2) Maximum Sign Area: 40 square feet. CHAPTER 4 - INDUSTRIAL AND COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS South Poway Specific Plan - Volume 2, Development Standards Page 79 3) Maximum Height: Freestanding signs shall not be approved for a height greater than eight (8) feet. A sign with a height the lesser of fifteen (15) feet or the roofline of the nearest building may be approved by the City Council if it finds that extraordinary circumstances warrant the approval of a sign greater than eight (8) feet in height. Such extraordinary circumstances shall include, but are not limited to the following: a. Impaired visibility from vehicles entering or exiting the primary driveway of the proposed or existing development; b. The grade of the site is such that the placement of a low-profile sign would not be visible from the street; or c. The site is located adjacent to Scripps Poway Parkway, a primary arterial, and due to the width of the road and speed limit, a low profile sign would not be readable by motorists. c. Commercial Developments Containing Multiple Professional Tenants or Office Uses. The standards below apply to developments containing multiple professional tenants or office uses. i. General Standards: 1) Freestanding signs shall be limited to identifying the name of the office or professional complex. 2) Directory signs shall be placed on the wall at main entrance of the building or be freestanding and shall be limited to listing the tenants name and suite number. A maximum number of three (3) directory signs per building, each with a maximum sign area of twelve (12) square feet shall be allowed. 3) All office complexes with more than one tenant or use shall develop a comprehensive sign program. CHAPTER 4 - INDUSTRIAL AND COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS South Poway Specific Plan - Volume 2, Development Standards Page 80 4) Street addresses shall be incorporated into the face or structure of the freestanding sign. ii. Wall Sign: 1) Maximum Number: Two (2) per building. 2) Maximum Sign Area: Fifteen (15) percent of the face of the structure where sign is to be placed, not to exceed one hundred fifty (150) square feet. 3) Maximum Height: Not to project above the roofline. iii. Freestanding Sign: 1) Maximum Number: One (1) per street frontage with a maximum of two (2). 2) Maximum Sign Area: Forty- (40) square feet. 3) Maximum Height: Freestanding signs shall not be approved for a height greater than eight feet. A sign with a height the lesser of fifteen (15) feet or the roofline of the nearest building may be approved by the City Council if it finds that extraordinary circumstances warrant the approval of a sign greater than eight feet in height. Such extraordinary circumstances shall include, but are not limited to, the following: a. Impaired visibility from vehicles entering or exiting the primary driveway of the center; b. The grade of the site is such that the placement of a low-profile sign would not be visible from the street; or c. The site is located adjacent to Scripps Poway Parkway, a primary arterial, and due to the width of the road and speed limit, a low profile sign would not be readable by motorists. CHAPTER 4 - INDUSTRIAL AND COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS South Poway Specific Plan - Volume 2, Development Standards Page 81 d. Nationally Known Tenants: Any franchise, national, or regional chain store operating at least five stores under the same trade name, with a registered logo/trademark, may display their letter style and logo color of their ident ification on wall and freestanding signs. The logo area shall count toward the allowable sign area. G. POWAY SUBAREA HABITAT CONSERVATION PLAN All public and private development projects within the jurisdiction of the City that have the potential to adversely impact sensitive plant species, wildlife species, and associated natural habitats shall either demonstrate that any removal of habitat associated with the proposed development has been authorized by the California Department of Fish and Game and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service or comply with the adopted Poway Subarea Habitat Conservation Plan, the companion Implementing Agreement, and the requirements thereof including the Compensation Mitigation Strategy, Mitigation Ratios and Special Development requirements. CHAPTER 5 - RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS South Poway Specific Plan - Volume 2, Development Standards Page 82 CHAPTER 5 - RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS I. LAND USE DESIGNATIONS A. OPEN SPACE – 1 DWELLING UNIT The Open Space – 1 Dwelling Unit land use designation is intended as an area for very low-density single-family residential development. Parcels designated as Open Space – 1 Dwelling Unit are impacted by two or more of the following factors: unstable soils, landslides, creek/floodway channels, steep and visually prominent hillside areas. In order to avoid potential adverse impacts in the areas of soils and geology, hydrology and visual quality, residential development for these areas will be restricted to one living unit per existing parcel or one dwelling unit per 40 acres and most of the lot shall be left in its natural state. With the exception of the foregoing density limitation, the development standards for the Open Space – 1 Dwelling Unit areas shall be the same standards that apply to the Rural Residential A zone (RR-A) as stated in the City of Poway Zoning Ordinance. Outdoor amphitheaters are a prohibited land use. B. SINGLE-FAMILY 2 The Single-Family 2 land use designation is found in the westernmost portion of Sub-area 5, west of Pomerado Road. It is intended as an area for low-density single-family residential use with a minimum lot size of 20,000 square feet and a maximum density of two units per net acre. Outdoor amphitheaters are a prohibited land use. Development standards for this land use category are the same standards that apply to the RS -2 zone contained in the City of Poway Zoning Ordinance. Outdoor amphitheaters are a prohibited land use. C. MOBILE HOME PARK (MHP) The Mobile Home Park (MHP) land use designation is intended for the exclusive development of mobile home parks. Mobile home parks must be developed on sites of at least 20 acres in size with a maximum density of eight dwelling units per net acre. Development standards for mobile home parks are contained in the mobile home park section of the City of Poway Zoning Ordinance. Coaches and lots within mobile home parks must be held in common ownership. CHAPTER 5 - RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS South Poway Specific Plan - Volume 2, Development Standards Page 83 D. RESIDENTIAL APARTMENT (RA) The Residential Apartment (RA) land use designation is intended as an area for the development of residential apartments with provisions for adequate light, air, open space and landscaped areas at a maximum density of 25 living units per net acre with a 25% density bonus issued by the City Council for Affordable Housing (AH) projects. Additional uses are permitted that are complementary to, and can exist in harmony with a residential apartment development subject to the required per mits and approvals applied to the RA zone as contained in the City of Poway Zoning Ordinance. Development standards for this land use category are the same standards that apply to the RA zone contained in the City of Poway Zoning Ordinance. Outdoor amphitheaters are a prohibited land use. II. DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS A. DENSITY For areas not designated Open Space – 1 dwelling unit, the total residential density for the South Poway Planned Community shall be allocated as follows in order to preclude development on steep slopes that could create significant visual impacts, and to avoid areas with little or no infrastructure or limited or difficult access: TABLE 5 – DENSITY Total Number of Dwelling Units Project Name 19 Las Lomas Estates 20 Existing Dwelling Units 71 Hillside Village 122 McMillin Development (Trident Homes) 20 Creek Road Enclave 20 Gate Drive Specific Plan 17 Future Project 289 Total Units Allocated CHAPTER 5 - RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS South Poway Specific Plan - Volume 2, Development Standards Page 84 B. POWAY SUBAREA HABITAT CONSERVATION PLAN All public and private development projects within the jurisdiction of the City that have the potential to adversely impact sensitive plant species, wildlife species, and associated natural habitats shall either demonstrate that any removal of habitat associated with the proposed development has been authorized by the California Department of Fish and Game and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service or comply with the adopted Poway Subarea Habitat Conservation Plan, the companion Implementing Agreement, and the requirements thereof including the Compensation Mitigation Strategy, Mitigation Ratios and Special Development requirements. CHAPTER 6 - NATURAL OPEN SPACE South Poway Specific Plan - Volume 2, Development Standards Page 85 CHAPTER 6 - NATURAL OPEN SPACE The South Poway Planned Community includes approximately 538 acres, which are designated as Natural Open Space. Most of these areas are in a natural state although some manufactured slope areas, which were approved prior to 1992, have been included. It is the intention of the Natural Open Space designation to preserve existing biological resources and visual buffers by precluding any further grading or development beyond that which received Council approval prior to January 1, 1992. Agricultural development and ornamental landscaping will also be prohibited with the exception of habitat restoration projects for previously disturbed areas and re -vegetation plans for previously approved slopes. An additional 151 acres will be reclaimed and re - vegetated as Natural Open Space upon cessation of the aggregation extraction and processing activities on the Cal Mat site. Public water tanks are allowed within this land use designation. Wireless telecommunications facilities are allowed if collocated with a water tank and subject to the approval of a Conditional Use Permit. All public and private development projects within the jurisdiction of the City that have the potential to adversely impact sensitive plant species, wildlife species, and associated natural habitats shall either demonstrate that any removal of habitat associated with the proposed development has been authorized by the California Department of Fish and Game and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service or comply with the adopted Poway Subarea Habitat Conservation Plan, the companion Implementing Agreement, and the requirements thereof including the Compensation Mitigation Strategy, Mitigation Ratios and Special Development requirements. CHAPTER 7 - WATER PARK FACILITY LAND USE DESIGNATION South Poway Specific Plan - Volume 2, Development Standards Page 86 CHAPTER 7 - WATER PARK FACILITY LAND USE DESIGNATION I. INTRODUCTION The South Poway Specific Plan land use designation of “Water Park Facility (WPF)” establishes a site-specific land use planning overlay on the existing industrial and commercial designations of Light Industrial (LI), Industrial Park (IP), and South Poway Commercial as authorized under the City-approved Tentative tract Map 89-08/Tech Business Center and in conformance with this specific plan. In the event the WPF land use is not implemented in the future, the project site may be developed pursuant to the existing underlying industrial and commercial designations as described above. The WPF land use designation provides for a recreation Water Park Facility land use that will be permitted subject to the City of Poway requirements for obtaining a Conditional Use Permit and related Development Review application approval by the City Council. For the purposes of the South Poway Specific Plan and the site-specific SPF designation area, a Water Park Facility is described as a family - oriented recreation water park use developed within a park like environment with single and two-story buildings for park administration, park facilities, and employee and guest services use. The Facility would be open to the public and would provide guests a large variety of mainly water-oriented active and passive recreational attractions designed to accommodate all age groups. The various types of attractions will be complemented by the provision of guest services, food and beverage facilities, and restroom facilities. The amenities and attractions of the Facility should be integrally compatible and may include, but not be limited to, a variety of waterslide attractions with or without start platforms, wave surf lagoon, wading and lap pools, fountains, waterfalls, water toys, guest lockers and showers, raft rental, snack bars with adjoining shaded patios, gift shop, arcade, group sales pavilions and group areas, child daycare service, sun decks, patios, shade pavilion, picnic table lawn areas, and sand volleyball courts. The Facility shall be located within the South Poway Business Park and shall take its primary access from Scripps Poway Parkway. It may have secondary access from an adjacent “commercial/industrial collector”. The Facility must provide adequate ingress/egress for emergency vehicles and designated parking areas for cards, handicap vehicles, motorcycles, bicycles, recreational vehicles and other large vehicles. The overall building design, scale, and muted color scheme of the facility should complement the architectural integrity of the surrounding South Poway Business Park. Public use amenities includ ing a transit stop will be permitted within the SPF designation. CHAPTER 7 - WATER PARK FACILITY LAND USE DESIGNATION South Poway Specific Plan - Volume 2, Development Standards Page 87 This amendment deletes segments of two planned streets within the boundary of the proposed project. These deleted street segments include the north -to-south extension of Stowe drive between Scripps Poway Parkway and Kirkham Way, and the west-to-east extension of Gregg Street between the western boundary of Parcel A and the eastern boundary of Parcel C. II. LAND USE AND DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS The following sections of this chapter present the land use and development standards for the Water Park Facility (WPF) Land Use Designation, and provide the specific site development and building standards/requirements for architectural, site utilization, grading, landscaping, circulation and parking, lighting, signage, facility operation, permitted activities, planned utilities and public facilities, and environmental review compliance. The following standards shall incorporate the applicable requirements of the Conditional Use Permit and Development Review applications for the Water Park Facility. Specific Plan Appendix A – Business Park Standard Safety Conditions, and Appendix B-Criteria for temporary Occupancy or Partial Occupancy of Commercial/Industrial Buildings shall apply to the Water Park Facilit y land use designation. In addition, all development within this land use designation is subject to the Area-Wide Development Standards presented in Chapter 3 of this Specific Plan. A. ARCHITECTURAL With the exception of the additional structural height standard discussed in the following paragraph, the architectural standards for the WPF land use designation shall follow the existing standards of this Specific Plan found within Chapter 4 (Industrial Park and Commercial Development Standards), and under Section IV. (Industrial and Commercial Site/Building Development Standards – A. Architectural). The architectural design, features, and elements of the Water Park Facility shall comply with the applicable requirements of the Conditional Use Permit and Development Review applications. 1. Water Slide Platforms or Tower-like Structures In addition to the above-referenced architectural standards including structural height, the Water Park Facility may include several stand-alone or architecturally/structurally integrated water slide platforms or tower-like structures. The maximum height of these structures, as measured from the highest point of the adjoining finish grade elevation at the structural foundation, shall be limited to a maximum of eighty-five (85) feet. CHAPTER 7 - WATER PARK FACILITY LAND USE DESIGNATION South Poway Specific Plan - Volume 2, Development Standards Page 88 2. Future Water Rides The detailed site plan for the proposed project depicts possible locations for three future rides: at the sand volleyball area north of the Wave Pool, to the west of the Wave Pool/Group Tent, and to the south of the Suntan Lagoon. The nature of these attractions would be determined in the future. The design and construction of any of these future rides will require additional Development Review approval by the City Council. B. SITE UTILIZATION With the exception of the additional standards presented below, which are specific to a Water Park Facility development, the site utilization standards for this land use designation shall follow the existing standards of this Specific Plan found within Chapter 4 (Industrial Park and Commercial Development Standards), and under Section IV. (Industrial and Commercial Site/Building Development Standards – C. SITE UTILIZATION). Figures 18 through 23 and Table 3 located in Chapter 4 of this Specific Plan illustrate typical applications of the site utilization constraints listed below. All requirements of the Conditional Use Permit and Development Review applications shall be met. 1. Parcel Requirements Minimum parcel size: 40 acres Maximum parcel size: 60 acres Minimum width: 1,200 feet Minimum street frontage: 160 feet for adequate ingress/egress and landscaping. 2. Setbacks a. Building Setbacks (See Figures 18 through 20) – Use Corner Parcel (commercial/office designation) and Parcel Abutting Scripps Poway Parkway illustrations in combination with Table 3 – Building Setback Summary (South Poway Commercial requirements). b. Parking Setbacks (See Figures 21 through 23) – Use Corner Parcel (commercial/office designation) and Parcel Abutting Scripps Poway Parkway illustrations in combination with Table 4 – Parking Setback Summary (South Poway Commercial requirements). CHAPTER 7 - WATER PARK FACILITY LAND USE DESIGNATION South Poway Specific Plan - Volume 2, Development Standards Page 89 c. Landscape Setbacks (See Figures 18 through 23 and Tables 3 and 4) – Use Corner Parcel (commercial/office designation) and Parcel Abutting Scripps Poway Parkway illustrations in combinations with the Landscape Standards found in Chapter 3. The 50 foot minimum width landscape setback along the Scripps Poway Parkway frontage, measured perpendicular from back of curb, may be reduced in width as necessary to accommodate the Parkway east - bound deceleration lane prior to the water park entrance at the Parkway/Stowe Drive signalized intersection. d. Fences and/or Screen Walls – Not allowed within building setbacks. 3. Loading Areas All loading facilities and maneuvering areas shall be on -site. All loading areas shall be located to the rear of buildings, shall not be visible from Scripps Poway Parkway, and shall be appropriately screened from an adjoining commercial/industrial collector street and adjacent land uses. Side loading areas and doors are permitted in the WPF designation and must be screened by landscaping or by a concrete or masonry wall a minimum of six feet and not more than 12 feet in height, textured or colored to match the main buildings on-site and located no closer to a street than the applicable building setback requirement. C. GRADING STANDARDS All grading for Water Park Facility development within the South Poway Planned Community shall comply with the Grading Ordinance of the City of Poway with exceptions to the grading standards listed in Chapter 3, Section III – Grading Standards of this Specific Plan. The grading activities for this land use designation shall be confined within the “limits of grading” line as described in Volume 1, Section II. Land Use Element, B. Overall Development Program of the South Poway Planned Community document (October, 1985). The final grading shall comply with the applicable requirements of the Conditional Use Permit and Development Review applications. D. LANDSCAPING STANDARDS The WPF land use designation shall comply with the standards set forth in Chapter 3, IV – Landscape Standards of this Specific Plan. The landscape plan shall comply with the applicable requirements of the Conditional Use Permit and Development Review applications. CHAPTER 7 - WATER PARK FACILITY LAND USE DESIGNATION South Poway Specific Plan - Volume 2, Development Standards Page 90 E. CIRCULATION AND PARKING REQUIREMENTS A Water Park Facility development project shall provide adequate ingress/ egress, parking areas and stalls, and appropriate access/circulati on design to accommodate a wide range of vehicular and other traffic needs including automobiles, emergency vehicles (fire suppression, emergency medical, and law enforcement services), buses, recreational vehicles, bicycles, motorcycles, large delivery trucks, car/van pools, and the specific needs of the handicapped and the employees of the Water Park Facility. All parking shall be provided on-site and no parking will be permitted on adjoining public streets. The Water Park Facility designation parking requirements and the design/access requirements of the parking area(s) shall be in accordance with the applicable provisions of Chapter 17.42 (Off-Street Parking) of the City of Poway Municipal Code. The Water Park Facility circulation and parking plan shall comply with the applicable requirements of the Conditional Use Permit and Development Review applications. 1. Minimum Parking Requirements a. Parking for Buildings and Other Supportive Uses – One (1) parking space/250 square feet of gross floor area (*) for executive and administration, employee services, park operations and management/maintenance, food and beverage services, first aid, security staff gift shops, restrooms and all other uses that occupy single and two story buildings dedicated to serve and support the water park facility land use. Parking requirements for accessory storage areas within any building may be calculated at a rate of 1 -space/1000 square feet upon submittal and approval of a detailed floor plan, which depicts the locations, and dimensions of storage areas. b. Parking for Water Park Facility Patrons – The number of parking spaces necessary to adequately accommodate the patrons of this land use shall be based on a site/project- specific Transportation and Circulation Technical Study. c. All parking spaces shall be provided for standard car spaces which are 8.5‟ x 18.5‟ in dimension. Standard stall sizes may be reduced to 8.5‟ x 16.5‟ with 2‟ of overhang into a planting area where a six-inch concrete curb separates the planting area from the parking area, except the parking spaces may CHAPTER 7 - WATER PARK FACILITY LAND USE DESIGNATION South Poway Specific Plan - Volume 2, Development Standards Page 91 not overhang required landscape setback areas or landscape islands or strips which have an inside dimension of less than 6 feet. d. Where parking spaces abut walls, fences and landscape areas, wheel stops a minimum of two feet from such areas shall be installed to protect the walls and fences. e. Disabled access, bicycle and motorcycle parking requirements shall meet the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act 1990, as well as Title 24 of the California Code of Regulations, and existing City of Poway parking requirements and specifications. f. Parking aisles shall observe a minimum setback of 40‟ from the right of way. Aisle widths shall comply with the existing City of Poway parking standards as identified above. g. A minimum turnout area of five feet shall be provided for dead end parking spaces, which must back out adjacent to building walls. The required five-foot turnout can be provided in a turnout pocket or it can be added to the driveway aisle width (resulting in an aisle width of thirty feet). h. Ingress/egress and emergency vehicle access (including fire suppression, emergency medical, and law enforcement services) into and around the Water Park Facility shall be reviewed and approved by the Director Development Services and the Director of Safety Services. CHAPTER 7 - WATER PARK FACILITY LAND USE DESIGNATION South Poway Specific Plan - Volume 2, Development Standards Page 92 F. LIGHTING REQUIREMENTS With the exception of the additional standards presented below, which are specific to a Water Park Facility development, the lighting standards for this land use designation shall follow the applicable existing standards of this Specific Plan found within Chapter 4 (Industrial Park and Commercial Development Standards), and under Section IV. (Industrial and Commercial Site/Building Development Standards – E. LIGHTING STANDARDS) in combination with the requirements of Section 17.10.150(H) – Lighting for Commercial Zones, of the Poway Municipal Code. The Water Park Facility lighting design and plan shall comply with the applicable requirements of the Conditional Use Permit and Development Review applications. The following lighting standards for Water Park Facility development are supplemental to the Specific Plan lighting standards and Poway Municipal Code requirements referenced above. The supplemental lighting standards addressed under items 1 and 2 below may be included in the lighting design of a Water Park Facility. All outdoor lighting fixtures within the Water Park Facility development, other than low -pressure sodium fixtures, shall be turned off between the hours of eleven p.m. and sunrise except when business operating hours continue after eleven p.m., but only for as long as such business is open on a normal basis or for special events. In addition, all lighting fixtures shall be appropriately shielded so as to direct light away from streets and adjoining properties, and to prevent upward light spillage into the night sky. 1. Neon Accent Lighting and Theatrical Lighting – Neon lighting may be used as “accent lighting” to appropriately highlight architectural building features and signage. Any such use of neon lighting shall be integrated into building and signage design. Theatrical lighting, white and colored, may be utilized at group areas/tents and other areas of the facility to highlight thematic entertainment as long as such lighting is properly shielded, as specified in the applicable requirements of the Conditional Use Permit and Development Review applications. 2. Parking Area Lighting – The Water Park Facility parking area will require substantially more overhead lighting than other land uses in the South Poway Business Park because of the e xtensive area needed for guest parking and other relevant purposes. In order to adequately illuminate the parking area and to limit the number of pole mounted lighting fixtures to a feasible number, the height of the fixtures above paved surfaces may need to exceed the established 25 feet maximum. The maximum height of the pole- mounted fixtures shall not exceed 40 feet in height above paved surfaces. CHAPTER 7 - WATER PARK FACILITY LAND USE DESIGNATION South Poway Specific Plan - Volume 2, Development Standards Page 93 G. SIGNAGE REQUIREMENTS With the exception of the additional standards discussed below, the signage standards for this land use designation shall follow the applicable existing standards of the Specific Plan found within Chapter 3 (Industrial Park and Commercial Development Standards), and under Section IV. (Industrial and Commercial Site/Building Development Standards – F. SIGNAGE, (1.) general Provisions, in combination with the applicable provisions of the Comprehensive Sign Regulations of the Poway Municipal Code. The Water Park Facility signage shall comply with the requirements of the Conditional Use Permit. 1. Water Park Entrance Sign Along Scripps Poway Parkway – This land use may display a free standing, double -sided monument sign (Park Sign) at or near the water park‟s main street entrance located a the intersection of Scripps Poway Parkway and Stowe Drive. This sign will be the major identification for the water park along the Parkway. 2. Wall-type Monument Signs at Park Entrance – This land use may have identical monument signs on either side of the Park entrance driveway. These signs would be wall-type monument signs with fountains or waterfalls and complementary landscaping. The monuments would display the “Wet ‟n Wild/Americ a‟s Water Park” logo with backlit or front-lit lettering a maximum of 24” in height. The monument walls would be eight feet maximum in height and would mimic the color and architectural elevation of the Front Entry Building Complex. 3. Main Park Theme Signs – A park them sign reading “Wet ‟n Wild” may be allowed at the main park entry which is adjacent to and directly west of the park entrance driveway and guest parking lot. This theme sign may be attached at the top of the arched, painted open metal-frame entry structure, and made of backlit acrylic letters a maximum of 6 feet in height. The theme sign may be elevated above grade a maximum of 35 feet in height, as measured from finished grade to the top of the sign letters. In addition, a park theme sign reading “Wet ‟n Wild” may be allowed on the Group Tent structure which is located in the park interior to the west of the Wave pool attraction. This theme sign may be attached at the top of the group tent canopy structure, and made of backlit acrylic letters a maximum of 6 feet in height. This theme sign may be attached at the top of the group tent canopy structure, and made of backlit acrylic letters a maximum of 6 feet in height. This theme sign may be elevated above grade a maximum of 45 feet in heigh t, as measured from finished grade to the top of the sign letters. CHAPTER 7 - WATER PARK FACILITY LAND USE DESIGNATION South Poway Specific Plan - Volume 2, Development Standards Page 94 4. Other Interior Park Signage – Other interior park signage located inside the main park entry and not visible from nearby public streets, including directional signs, park information kiosk s, special event signs, and other guest-oriented information signage is not regulated. H. FACILITY OPERATION The Water Park Facility may operate 160 days annually from April through September. During the regular summer season, the facility may be open from 10:00 a.m. until 11:00 p.m. The Water Park Facility operation shall comply with the requirements of the Conditional Use Permit. I. PERMITTED ACTIVITIES In addition to normal Water Park activities, special activities at the Beach Club would be planned around a beach theme and would include games such as the limbo, ring toss, pizza eating and basketball shooting contest, karaoke sing-along, and thematic entertainment. A 3-4-person band or a disc jockey would provide music and there would be space for dancing. Private parties could also hire a small band or a disc jockey. J. PLANNED UTILITIES AND PUBLIC FACILITIES The planned utilities and public facilities within and adjacent to the parcels encompassing the Water Park Facility may include public rights-of-way for streets, general utility easement, potable water, reclaimed water, electric power, telecommunication service, sewer service, drainage facilities/improvements, and fire hydrants. The development of the WPF land use shall ensure that these utili ties and facilities are appropriately extended, sized, and located to serve the WPF site as well as the adjacent planned land uses. K. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMPLIANCE The Water Park Facility, including the site grading, project construction, and project operation and maintenance shall comply with the certified Final Environmental Impact Report and including the adopted environmental mitigation measures and associated Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program. All public and private development projects within the jurisdiction of the City that have the potential to adversely impact sensitive plant species, wildlife species, and associated natural habitats shall either demonstrate that any removal of habitat associated with the proposed development has been authorized by the California Department of Fish and Game and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service or comply with the adopted Poway Subarea CHAPTER 7 - WATER PARK FACILITY LAND USE DESIGNATION South Poway Specific Plan - Volume 2, Development Standards Page 95 Habitat Conservation Plan, the companion Implementing Agreement, and the requirements thereof including the Compensation Mitigation Strategy, Mitigation Ratios and Special Development requirements. CHAPTER 8 - MINERAL RESOURCE EXTRACTION AREAS South Poway Specific Plan - Volume 2, Development Standards Page 96 CHAPTER 8 - MINERAL RESOURCE EXTRACTION AREAS The South Poway Specific Plan area includes approximately 151 acres of land designated for Mineral Resource Extraction uses within Subarea 5. The Mineral Resource extraction area is all included within the geographical boundaries of the Vulcan Materials (formerly Cal Mat-Poway) Reclamation Plan and Conditional Use Permit 89-05. Mining operations within this area are subject to the standards contained in City Council Resolution P-91-48R and P-91-78, which approved the Vulcan Materials Conditional Use Permit and reclamation plan. Once the Vulcan Materials operation is completed and the land reclaimed peer plan, the acreage shall be designated as Natural Open Space. All public and private development projects within the jurisdiction of the City that have the potential to adversely impact sensitive plant species, wildlife species, and associated natural habitats shall either demonstrate that any removal of habitat associated with the proposed development has been authorized by the California Department of Fish and Game and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service or comply with the adopted Poway Subarea Habitat Conservation Plan, the companion Implementing Agreement, and the requirements thereof including the Compensation Mitigation Strategy, Mitigation Ratios and Special Development requirements. CHAPTER 9 - CREEK ROAD ENCLAVE South Poway Specific Plan - Volume 2, Development Standards Page 97 CHAPTER 9 - CREEK ROAD ENCLAVE I. PROPERTY DESCRIPTION The property in question is located at the southwest corner of the South Poway Planned Community and forms the physical border between the City of San Diego and the City of Poway. The property is more precisely located between Pomerado Road and Creek Road, terminating at the Poway city limits. The topographic character of the subject property is hillside with minimal slopes adjacent to Creek Road rising in an increasing angle to the west toward Pomerado Road. II. SITE-SPECIFIC LAND USE AND ZONING There are ten existing parcels divided into 29 residential lots that range from 10,400 square feet to 1.9 acres and one 3.2-acre commercial lot. No parcel is less than 10,000 square feet, and the overall unit density exceeds the one dwelling unit per one-half acre. This designation and allocation reflects the change in the character of the area from rural to suburban as a result of the intensification of land uses in the surrounding properties. The following table summarizes the owner, land use, acreage, and average slope for each unsubdivided parcel, as well as the proposed maximum number of residential units that would be permitted under the specific plan. TABLE 6 – CREEK ROAD ENCLAVE SUMMARY Owner APN Acreage Land Use Slope Maximum Parcels Williams 320-011-05 8.71 DEV-SFD 8.9% 7 Heimpel 320-020-34 0.39 DEV-SFD 5.3% 1 Dutra 320-020-31 1.26 Vacant 16.0% 2 Hammerstead 320-020-19 1.02 DEV-SFD 14.1% 2 Liu 320-020-18 2.51 DEV-SFD 13.4% 4 Rexford 320-020-17 1.36 DEV-SFD 17.6% 3 Basile 320-020-16 2.59 DEV-SFD 17.9% 4 Hartin 320-020-25 1.13 DEV-SFD 24.0% 1 Walters 320-020-32 0.91 DEV-SFD 16.9% 2 McDowell 320-020-37 320-020-38 0.92 DEV-SFD 14.9% 3 AVERAGE SLOPE 13.8% Total 20 CHAPTER 9 - CREEK ROAD ENCLAVE South Poway Specific Plan - Volume 2, Development Standards Page 98 III. DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS A. LAND USE AND DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS The subject property consists of 20.8 acres and is divided into a 3.2 -acre commercial site and 17.6 acres of residential. This section presents a list of permitted and conditional land uses as well as site-specific development standards. The land use and development standards are divided into two separate sections – commercial and residential. 1. Commercial Land Uses The following uses shall be permitted where the symbol “P” appears, and shall be permitted subject to a Conditional Use Permit where the symbol “C” appears. All other uses are prohibited. TABLE 7 – CREEK ROAD ENCLAVE COMMERCIAL USE MATRIX USE Commercial A. Administrative and Professional Services 1. Administrative offices; financial institutions, clerical and legal services; counseling services; public utility company offices. P 2. Medical, dental and related health services. C B. General Commercial Uses 1. Art, music and photographic studios and supply stores. P 2. Barber and beauty shops. P 3. Eating and drinking establishments: restaurants, coffee shops, and delicatessens with or without alcoholic beverage. C 4. Private clubs or lodges. C 5. Educational institutions, public or private, including vocational schools. C 6. Office supplies/stationery stores. P CHAPTER 9 - CREEK ROAD ENCLAVE South Poway Specific Plan - Volume 2, Development Standards Page 99 TABLE 7 – CREEK ROAD ENCLAVE COMMERCIAL USE MATRIX USE Commercial 7. Photocopying services. P 8. Television, radio sales and repair. P 9. Antique shops. P 10. Appliance stores and repair P 11. Bakeries – retail only. P 12. Bicycle shops, non-motorized P 13. Book and gift stores. P 14. Candy stores and confectionaries. P 15. Florist shops P 16. Hobby shops. P 17. Nurseries and garden supply stores. P 18. Stamp and coin shops. P 19. Veterinary offices or animal hospitals C 2. Development Standards a. Building Setbacks (Minimum) Front Yard 35 feet Side Yard 25 feet Rear Yard 35 feet The rear yard setback may be increased by the City Council in situations where additional distance would help to mitigate or alleviate potential problems or hazards. CHAPTER 9 - CREEK ROAD ENCLAVE South Poway Specific Plan - Volume 2, Development Standards Page 100 b. Parking i. Off-street parking shall be in compliance with Section 17.42.030 of the Poway Municipal Code. ii. Setbacks Front Yard 25 feet Side Yard 25 feet Rear Yard 20 feet c. Lot Coverage. Maximum allowable coverage (Gross Building Area divided by Lot Area) is 50 percent. d. Building Height. Development on the property shall be limited to one story in height, although a mezzanine may be permitted. The overall height shall not exceed 35 feet, except for church steeples, which are subject to City Council review. e. Noise Attenuation. An eight-foot high slump block wall or berm/wall combination shall be erected on the rear property line that separates the commercial and residential land uses. Said wall may be reduced to six feet in height if the pad elevation of the subject lot is four feet greater in height than the adjacent property. f. Lighting. Lighting of the project site shall be in conformance with the policies of Section 17.10.150H of the Poway Municipal Code. g. Architectural Standards i. Materials (the following materials are permitted).  Wood  Stucco  Masonry block with textured surface Colors and architectural style shall be compatible with that of the commercial center in the vicinity. Should the subject site be developed prior to commercial sites at Pomerado Road and South Poway Parkway, the building style should reflect a rural/western theme. CHAPTER 9 - CREEK ROAD ENCLAVE South Poway Specific Plan - Volume 2, Development Standards Page 101 ii. Equipment Screen 1) All roof-mounted equipment and/or ductwork shall be screened by an enclosure of equal or greater height and shall be consistent with the building design. 2) No mechanical equipment or vent shall be placed on the exterior surface of any building wall, which can be viewed from a public street. 3) Equipment mounted on the ground (such as a pad-mounted transformer), must be screened by a solid concrete or masonry wall consistent with the building design from any view from a public street. h. Site Utilization. The subject site shall be developed and utilized in a fashion that is transitional with and sensitive to adjoining land uses. No outdoor storage of material is permitted. i. Landscaping. A landscape plan must be submitted for City approval prior to the issuance of building permits and shall be in conformance with the City Landscape Manual. Special consideration should be given to the south section of the property to minimize the impacts on the adjacent residential use and drainage area. This would include locating the noise attenuation wall five feet north of the commercial/residential line with supplemental landscaping to screen the north elevation of any proposed wall. 3. Residential Land Uses The following uses shall be permitted where the symbol “P” appears, and uses subject to a Conditional Use Permit where the symbol “C” appears, and uses subject to a Minor Conditional Use Permit where the symbol “M” appears in the column beneath each zone designation; the symbol “X” indicates prohibition: CHAPTER 9 - CREEK ROAD ENCLAVE South Poway Specific Plan - Volume 2, Development Standards Page 102 TABLE 8 – CREEK ROAD ENCLAVE RESIDENTIAL USE MATRIX USE Lot Size One Acre 20,001 to 40,000 sq. ft. 10,000 to 20,000 sq. ft. 1. Single-family dwellings P P P 2. Guesthouses (see subsection D of Section 17.08.190 Poway Municipal Code) M M M 3. 4-H of FFA animal raising keeping in accordance with Section 17.28.010 P P P 4. Keeping of large animals in accordance with Section 17.32.010 P P P 5. Keeping of small animals in accordance with Section 17.32.010 P P P 6. Keeping of dogs and cats (over the age of eight (8) months): a. three (3) dogs and/or three (3) cats b. six (6) dogs and six (6) cats P P P P P X 7. Riding academies or commercial stables. (Sub-section E of this section does not apply.) X X X 8. Kennels, commercial and non- commercial (for dogs and/or cats greater than those permitted above in accordance with Chapter 17.34). C X X 9. The keeping of wild, exotic, or non- domestic animals. M X X 10. Keeping of beehives: a. 1 to 3 beehives b. 4 or more beehives P M M M X X CHAPTER 9 - CREEK ROAD ENCLAVE South Poway Specific Plan - Volume 2, Development Standards Page 103 TABLE 8 – CREEK ROAD ENCLAVE RESIDENTIAL USE MATRIX USE Lot Size One Acre 20,001 to 40,000 sq. ft. 10,000 to 20,000 sq. ft. 11. The raising of earthworms providing: (a) the area devoted to the raising of earthworms shall not exceed 10 percent of the minimum lot size permitted in the zone: (b) the area devoted to the raising of earthworms shall be no closer than 50 feet from any adjoining residential dwelling and (c) the operation shall be fully enclosed or in an enclosed structure. P M X 12. Day nurseries, day care schools, and nursery schools in single-family detached dwellings: a. Six or fewer children including those who reside at the facility. b. Seven to twelve children including those who reside at the facility c. Greater than twelve children including those who reside at the facility P M C P M C P M C 13. Churches, convents, monasteries, and other religious institutions. X X X 14. Essential public services including but not limited to libraries, museums, public parks and recreational facilities, safety services facilities, and other civic uses. C C C 15. Educational institutions, public or private schools not including art, business or trade schools and colleges. C C C 16. Public utility and public service sub- stations, reservoirs, pumping plants, and similar installations, not including public utility offices. C C C CHAPTER 9 - CREEK ROAD ENCLAVE South Poway Specific Plan - Volume 2, Development Standards Page 104 TABLE 8 – CREEK ROAD ENCLAVE RESIDENTIAL USE MATRIX USE Lot Size One Acre 20,001 to 40,000 sq. ft. 10,000 to 20,000 sq. ft. 17. Home occupations subject to the provisions of Chapter 17.28 of the Poway Municipal Code. P P P 18. Accessory structures and uses located on the same site as a permitted use. P P P 19. Accessory structures and uses located on the same site as a Conditional Use M M M 20. Unlighted private recreational courts including but not limited to tennis, paddle tennis, and other uses determined to be similar by the Director of Development Services (see Chapter 17.30 of the Poway Municipal Code). P P P 21. Private recreational courts with exterior lighting including but not limited to, tennis, paddle tennis and other uses determined to be similar by the Director of Development Services (see Chapter 17.30 of the Poway Municipal Code). M M M 4. Property Development Standards: R Zones The following property development standards shall apply to all land and buildings other than accessory buildings. The following requirements are minimum, unless otherwise stated. CHAPTER 9 - CREEK ROAD ENCLAVE South Poway Specific Plan - Volume 2, Development Standards Page 105 TABLE 9 – CREEK ROAD ENCLAVE DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS DEVELOPMENT STANDARD Lot Size One Acre 20,001 to 40,000 sq. ft. 10,000 to 20,000 sq. ft. Net lots are (sq. ft.) 1 acre 20,000 10,000 Lot width (in feet) 110 100 70 Cul-de-sac or odd shaped lot width (in feet) 30 30 30 Flag lots 20 20 20 Lot depth (in feet) 150 150 100 Front yard setback 40 30 25 Side yard setback each side (in feet) 20/20 15/15 10/10 Side yard, setback street side (in feet) 20 15 10 Rear yard setback (in feet) 50 40 25 Lot coverage, maximum 35% 35% 40% Building and structure height (in feet) 35 feet or 2 stories, whichever is less. Parking spaces per unit (garages are required in all residential zones except the RA zone). 2 2 2 5. Poway Subarea Habitat Conservation Plan. All public and private development projects within the jurisdiction of the City that have the potential to adversely impact sensitive plant species, wildlife species, and associated natural habitats shall either demonstrate that any removal of habitat associated with the proposed development has been authorized by the California Department of Fish and Game and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service or comply with the adopted Poway Subarea Habitat Conservation Plan, the companion Implementing Agreement, and the requirements th ereof including the Compensation Mitigation Strategy, Mitigation Ratios and Special Development requirements. CHAPTER 9 - CREEK ROAD ENCLAVE South Poway Specific Plan - Volume 2, Development Standards Page 106 IV. IMPLEMENTATION PROCEDURES In general, the development of the specific plan parcels shall follow normal procedures of the City of Poway with regard to subdivision maps, development reviews, and minor development reviews. A Development Review Permit will be required on any new structure proposed on the commercial lot. A parcel or tract subdivision map will be required on any division of land. The submittal requirements, fees, and review time shall be in compliance with normal City procedures as outlined in the Municipal Code. V. AMENDMENT PROCEDURES Any amendment shall be processed in accordance with Chapter 17.47 (Specific Plan Regulations) of the Poway Municipal Code and shall be, if approved, adopted by City Council resolution or ordinance. CHAPTER 10 – IMPLEMENTATION PROCEDURES South Poway Specific Plan - Volume 2, Development Standards Page 107 CHAPTER 10 - IMPLEMENTATION PROCEDURES This Chapter describes the procedures for processing and review of specific development plans within the South Poway Planned Community. In general, the normal procedures of the City of Poway with regard to development revi ew, rezones, changes in land use designations and conditional use permits as contained in the Poway Municipal Code will apply with some modifications as noted below. This section also outlines a procedure for a “finding of substantial conformance” for min or adjustments to the South Poway Planned Community Development Plan. Any change in land use will change the assessment for the lighting district. Landscape Maintenance District review is required if the property is not already annexed into the District. Annexation to the District will be required prior to development of the property. I. AMENDMENTS/ADJUSTMENTS TO THE SOUTH POWAY PLANNED COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PLAN Processing and review of major amendments to the South Poway Planned Community Development Plan will follow the same procedures as those for a Specific Plan Amendment within the City of Poway (Chapter 17.47 of the Poway Municipal Code). An amendment is not considered to be major unless it involves a significant change in the overall type, intensity, or density of land uses within the Planned Community as defined by the Director of Development Services. Such major changes are expected to be minimal. For minor adjustments to the Planned Community Development Plan, a procedure for a “finding of substantial conformance” will apply. Minor adjustments will involve possible changes in the configuration of roadways in response to project specific grading or design challenges. An adjustment is not considered to be minor unless it conforms to the overall intent of the design, circulation system, and limits of grading line described in the Development Plan (Volume 1). The procedure for a “finding of substantial conformance” as described below may apply to a concept plan, site plan, or tentative map prepared for a specific project within the Planned Community. A. FINDING OF SUBSTANTIAL CONFORMANCE The submittal requirements for a “finding of substantial conformance” will be as follows: 1. A letter outlining the reasons behind, and the justification for, the request for a “finding of substantial conformance.” 2. One copy of the concept plan, site plan, or tentative map showing proposed circulation and grading. CHAPTER 10 – IMPLEMENTATION PROCEDURES South Poway Specific Plan - Volume 2, Development Standards Page 108 3. A fee for processing, the amount of such fee to be determined by the City Council. The Director of Development Services shall have the authority to approve, deny or modify a request for a “finding of substantial conformance”. The decision of the Director of Development Services may be appealed within 10 days to the City Council by the applicant or any other interested person. II. DEVELOPMENT REVIEW PROCEDURES Review of site plans, landscaping plans, and architectural plans for the South Poway Planned Community Development Plan will follow the normal procedures for development review outlined in the City‟s Muni cipal Code with certain modifications as described below. Review of engineering drawings will follow the normal review procedures of the City of Poway. Site plans, landscaping plans, and architectural plans for any development within the South Poway Planned Community shall be reviewed by the Director of Development Services for conformance with the design intent and guidelines of the South Poway Development Plan. The Director of Development Services shall have the authority to approve, deny, or modify the proposed site, landscape or architectural plans. If the Director of Development Services denies the application, the reasons for the denial must be given in a letter to the applicant with specific references to sections of the Development Plan text (Volume 1) and Development Standards (Volume 2). The decision of the Director of Development Services may be appealed within 10 days by the applicant or any other interested person to the City Council or its‟ designee. The decision of the City Council or its‟ designee shall be final. The fees for such appeal shall be paid by the person(s) or organization(s) filing the appeal and shall be determined by the City Council. III. TENTATIVE MAP PROCEDURES Tentative maps will be processed according to existing City procedures and ordinances contained in the Poway Municipal Code with the exception that slope analysis will not be required in those areas where developed property is not subject to slope density requirements. Tentative and Final maps for industrial condominium projects and non-residential planned unit developments will be processed according to existing City procedures, the State Subdivision Map Act, the provisions of the State Civil Code, and the provisions of the State Business and Professions Code. Tentative and final maps for air space industrial condominiums are allowed pursuant to Section 66427.2 of the Subdivision Map Act within the LI (Light Industrial) and IP (Industrial Park) land use designations. Covenants and agreements for reciprocal use of driveways, parking, walkways, fire hydrants, water lines, and other facilities are subject to review by the City Attorney and the CHAPTER 10 – IMPLEMENTATION PROCEDURES South Poway Specific Plan - Volume 2, Development Standards Page 109 Directors of Development Services and Safety Services unless waived pursuant to Section 66428 of the Subdivision Map Act. IV. REZONE PROCEDURES AND CHANGES IN LAND USE DESIGNATIONS A. General Provisions The South Poway Planned Community is zoned (PC) Planned Community. Any change of this zoning designation will significantly impact the underlying land use designations and may be subject to the provisions of City of Poway Proposition FF. A change in zone or land use designation must conform to the requirements outlined in the Poway Municipal Code and considered by the City Council. The normal procedures of the City of Poway with regard to changes in land use designations, pursuant to Chapter 17.47 of the Poway Municipal Code and State law, shall apply. B. Traffic Generation and Mitigation 1. Any requested change in land use shall include a traffic analysis to the satisfaction of the Director of Development Services unless as provided below. The traffic analysis shall include recommendations to mitigate expected traffic impacts from the change in land use designation. 2. On July 17, 2001, the City Council approved SPA 84 -01 QQ that established a bank of one hundred forty-three (143) acres that could be converted from LI to IP. Any requested change in land use from Light Industrial (LI) to Industrial Park (IP), up to one hundred forty-three (143) acres, beginning on December 17, 2002 shall come under the traffic analysis prepared by VRPA, dated June 26, 2001. Any application for use of the 143 acre IP bank, shall comply with the following: a. A Traffic Impact Mitigation Fee shall be assessed as a condition of approval for any land use change request. The traffic impact mitigation fee shall be as adopted by City Council Resolution. The City Council may defer the fee provided a viable Transportation Demand Management (TDM) program is established as described in Chapter 4, Section D.3, of this document and maintained by the business. The owner of the business shall enter into an agreement, prepared to the satisfaction of the City Attorney and recorded on the property, specifying the terms of the TDM program. Cessation of the TDM will require payment of the fee. Any business with a TDM shall provide the CHAPTER 10 – IMPLEMENTATION PROCEDURES South Poway Specific Plan - Volume 2, Development Standards Page 110 Director of Development Services an annual report on its implementation of the TDM. The form and content of the annual report shall be as determined by the Director. b. Findings. The following findings shall be made in the approval of a land use designation change pursuant to this subsection. i. The change will not result in an over concentration of any one particular type of land use that would have a negative effect on the overall economy of the City. ii. The proposed use promotes high standards of site planning, architecture and landscape design. V. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT (CUP) PROCEDURES The procedures for obtaining a CUP within the Planned Community area will conform to the requirements of the City of Poway as outlined in the Poway Municipal Code. CUPs are expected to be minimal, but will be required for specific uses within all zones in the South Poway Planned Community. MCUPs will be necessary for the operation of any temporary gravel operations within the Planned Community. The existing gravel operation, Vulcan Materials (formerly Cal Mat Poway and Padre Transit Mix), operates under a CUP originally approved by the County of San Diego. The first CUP was obtained in 1973 and expired in 1990. A temporary CUP extension was granted between October 1990 and August 1991. The Poway City Council granted a 40-year permit in August 1991. Any future gravel operations under the auspices of a party or parties other than Vulcan Materials would also have to obtain a CUP modification. CU Ps for gravel operations are also monitored on a regular basis by the County Air Pollution Control District, the State Regional Water Quality Control Board, State Department of Conservation Office of Mine Reclamation and the Mining Safety and Health Association. VI. VARIANCES Variances may be obtained according to existing City standards and procedures as contained in the Poway Municipal Code. CHAPTER 10 – IMPLEMENTATION PROCEDURES South Poway Specific Plan - Volume 2, Development Standards Page 111 VII. NONCONFORMING USES, STRUCTURES AND PERFORMANCE STANDARDS A. Nonconforming Structures. A structure that was lawfully erected, but no longer conforms to the applicable code requirements because of a change in zone boundaries or a change of regulations for the zone in which it is located is a legal nonconforming structure may remain subject to the following restrictions and requirements. 1. Restoration of Damaged Structure. Whenever a non-conforming structure is destroyed by fire, or any other calamity, to the extent of fifty percent or less, the structure may be restored provided that restoration is started within one year and diligently pursued to completion. When the destruction exceeds fifty percent or the structure is voluntarily razed or is required by law to be razed, the structure shall not be restored except in full conformity with the property development standards for the zone in which it is located. The extent of damage or partial destruction shall be based upon the ratio of the estimated cost of restoring the structure to its condition prior to such damage or partial destruction to the estimated cost of duplicating the entire structure as it existed prior thereto. Estimates for this purpose shall be made by or shall be reviewed and approved by the Building Official and shall be based on the minimum cost of construction in compliance with the building code. 2. Maintenance and Repair. Routine maintenance and repairs may be performed on nonconforming structures. Structural elements may be modified or repaired only if the Building Official determines that such modification or repair is immediately necessary to protect the health and safety of the public or occupants of the nonconforming structure, or adjacent property, and the cost does not exceed fifty percent of the replacement cost of the legal nonconforming structure based on the estimated cost of duplicating the entire structure as determined by the Building Official based on the minimum cost of construction in compliance with the building code. However, improvements required to reinforce non-reinforced masonry structures shall be permitted without replacement cost limitations, provided that such retrofitting is strictly limited to compliance with earthquake safety standards. 3. Alterations and Additions. No nonconforming structure shall be moved, altered, or enlarged so as to increase the discrepancy between existing conditions and the property development standards unless required by law or unless the moving, alteration, or enlargement will reduce or eliminate the nonconformity or except that changes to interior partitions or other nonstructural CHAPTER 10 – IMPLEMENTATION PROCEDURES South Poway Specific Plan - Volume 2, Development Standards Page 112 improvements may be made provided that the cost of the improvements shall not exceed 1/2 of the replacement cost of the nonconforming structure over any consecutive 5-year period. B. Nonconforming Uses. This section is intended to limit the number and extent on nonconforming uses by regulating their enlargement, their reestablishment, their reestablishment after abandonment and the alteration or restoration after destruction of the structures they occupy. In addition, this section is intended to limit the number and extent of nonconforming structures by prohibiting their being moved, altered, or enlarged in a manner that would increase the discrepancy between existing conditions and the standards prescribed in this Specific Plan. 1. Continuation and Maintenance. a. A use lawfully occupying the area within this Specific Plan that does not conform with the use regulations of this Specific Plan shall be deemed a nonconforming use and may be continued except as otherwise limited in this Section. b. Routine maintenance and repairs may be performed on a nonconforming use or structure. 2. Alterations and Additions to Non-Conforming Uses – No nonconforming use shall be enlarged or extended in such a way as to occupy any part of the structure or site or any other structure or site that it did not occupy at the time it became a nonconforming use occupying a structure or site. 3. Discontinuation of Non-Conforming Uses – Whenever a non- conforming use has been changed to a conforming use or has been discontinued for a continuous period of one hundred eighty days or more, the nonconforming use shall not be reestablished, and the use of the structure or site thereafter shall be in conformity with the regulations of this Specific Plan. Discontinuation shall include termination of a use regardless of the intent to resume the use. 4. Restoration of a Damaged Structure a. Whenever the use of a structure does not comply with the regulations of this Specific Plan and the structure is destroyed by fire or other calamity, or by act of God, to the extent of fifty percent or less, the structure may be restored and the nonconforming use may be resumed, provided that restoration is started within one year and diligently pursued to completion. When the destruction exceeds fifty percent or the structure is voluntarily razed or is required by law to be razed, the structure shall not be restored except CHAPTER 10 – IMPLEMENTATION PROCEDURES South Poway Specific Plan - Volume 2, Development Standards Page 113 in full conformity with the regulations of this Specific Plan and the nonconforming use shall not be resumed. b. The extent of damage or partial destruction shall be based upon the ratio of the estimated cost of restoring the structure to its condition prior to such damage or partial destruction to the estimated cost of duplicating the entire structure as it existed prior thereto. Estimates for this purpose shall be made by or shall be reviewed and approved by the Building Official and shall be based on the minimum cost of construction in compliance with the Building Code of the Poway Municipal Code. C. Harmful Uses. In any zone any nonconforming use or structure determined to be a health, safety, or environmental (including noise impacts) hazard to the surrounding land uses may be ordered terminated by the City Council within a period of time less than otherwise specified in this section, provided that the City Council finds that said termination can reasonably be accomplished and that a reasonable amortization period i s provided. 1. Removal of Illegal Nonconforming Structures and Uses. Nothing contained in this Chapter shall be construed or implied so as to allow for the continuation of illegal nonconforming structures and uses. Said structures and uses shall be removed immediately, subject to the provisions of Chapter 17.44 of the Poway Municipal Code and State law. 2. Nonconforming Lots. An existing legal lot shall not be deemed nonconforming if it does not meet the minimum lot width, depth or lot size for the zone in which it is located. CHAPTER 10 – IMPLEMENTATION PROCEDURES South Poway Specific Plan - Volume 2, Development Standards Page 114 VIII. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW All projects submitted for approval for the South Poway Planned Community are subject to CEQA guidelines. For reference purposes, the following Environmental Impact Reviews have been completed for projects within the South Poway Planned Community and are on file in the Development Services Department:  1985 EIR and subsequent 1988 EIR for South Poway Planned Community.  1987 South Poway Addendum EIR: McMillan Site  1988 EIR for the South Poway Parkway (Alternate 8A) Construction Project.  1989/90 subsequent EIR for CalMat Poway.  2001 Mitigated Negative Declaration dated June 21, 2001 for SPA 84-01QQ. APPENDIX A – BUSINESS PARK STANDARD SAFETY CONDITIONS South Poway Specific Plan - Volume 2, Development Standards Page 115 APPENDIX A - BUSINESS PARK STANDARD SAFETY CONDITIONS 1. Roof covering shall be fire retardant as per UBC Sections 1503 and 1504, UBC Standard 15-2 and City of Poway Ordinance No. 64 and its amended Ordinance 526. 2. The building shall display their numeric address in a manner visible from the access street. Minimum size of the building numbers shall be 18 inches on the front façade of the building, street facing side. Building address shall also be displayed on the roof in a manner satisfactory to the Director of Safety Services, and meeting Sheriff Department – ASTREA criteria. 3. Every building hereafter constructed shall be accessible to Fire Department apparatus by way of access roadways with all-weather driving surface of not less than twenty feet of unobstructed width, with adequate roadway turning radius capable of supporting the imposed loads of fire apparatus having a minimum of thirteen feet, six inches of vertical clearance. The road surface type shall be approved by the City Engineer, pursuant to the City of Poway Municipal Code. 4. The building will be required to install an approved fire sprinkler system. The building sprinkler system shall be designed to meet a 0.45/3000 design density at the roof. Storage of Class A plastics up to 15 feet shall be protected by a design density of at least 0.60/4000 square feet if no in-rack sprinklers are to be provided. The entire system is to be monitored by a central monitoring company. A system post indicator valve, with tamper switch, also monitored, shall be located by the City Fire Marshal prior to installation. Maintenance of the post indicator valve shall be the requirement of the property owner. 5. Additional street and onsite fire hydrants may be required. The location of the hydrants shall be determined by the City Fire Marshal. Fire hydrants shall comply with City of Poway Department of Development Services standards and specifications for on-site fire hydrants. 6. A „Knox‟ Security Key Box or a „Knox‟ Haz-Mat Cabinet shall be required for the building at a location determined by the City Fire Marshal. A breakaway padlock shall be required for the fire sprinkler system Post Indicator Valve. 7. Fire Department access for use of fire fighting equipment shall be provided to the immediate job construction site at the start of construction and maintained at all times until construction is completed. 8. Permanent access roadways for fire apparatus shall be designated as „‟Fire Lanes‟ with appropriate signs and curb markings, upon construction completion. APPENDIX A – BUSINESS PARK STANDARD SAFETY CONDITIONS South Poway Specific Plan - Volume 2, Development Standards Page 116 9. Material Safety Data Sheets shall be required for all hazardous and/or toxic substances used in each building. 10. An Emergency Business Plan and Hazardous Materials Disclosure is required to be filed with the County of San Diego Department of Health and copies provided to the Poway Fire Department. 11. A wild land fuel mitigation plan shall be submitted for all projects located adjacent to open/open areas. This is to eliminate any potential threat of spread of fire from the proposed building area and the open area. This plan shall be to the satisfaction of the Directors of Safety Services, Development Services and Community Services prior to building occupancy. 12. The building shall be provided with approved automatic smoke and heat vents. 13. A technical opinion and report may be required to be prepared by a qualified engineer, specialist, laboratory, or fire safety specialt y organization to analyze the fire safety properties of the design, operation, and use of the building. Specific attention shall be given to type of construction; handling, use and storage of hazardous materials; fire detection systems; and fire protection systems. 14. N.F.P.A. Standard 704 Hazardous Materials labeling shall be provided as necessary throughout the building. 15. An automatic fire alarm system shall be installed to approved standards by a properly licensed contractor. The system shall be complete ly monitored by U.L. listed central station alarm company or proprietary remote station. 16. Minimum 4A:60BC fire extinguisher required for every 3000 square feet and 75 feet of travel distance. A 2A10BC fire extinguisher(s) are required for office areas every 3000 square feet and 75 feet of travel distance. 17. If an elevator is installed, it shall be sized to accommodate a normal hospital gurney. Minimum dimensions for the inside car platform shall be 6 feet 8 inches wide by 4 feet 3 inches deep. 18. The building shall conform to article 81 of the Uniform Fire Code for high piled combustible stock. The applicant shall provide a detail plan for all storage areas and a complete racking plan. 19. Prior to delivery of combustible building material on site, water and sewer systems shall satisfactorily pass all required tests and be connected to the public water and sewer systems. In addition, the first lift of asphalt paving shall be in place to provide adequate, permanent access for emergency vehicles. The fina l lift of asphalt shall not be installed until all other construction activity has been substantially completed to the satisfaction of the City. APPENDIX A – BUSINESS PARK STANDARD SAFETY CONDITIONS South Poway Specific Plan - Volume 2, Development Standards Page 117 20. All driveways in excess of 150 feet in length shall be provided with approved turnarounds. 21. If fire hydrants are required, a water systems analysis will be performed to establish available fire flow. 22. All electrically operated access gates shall be equipped with a „Knox‟ over -ride switch. Contact the Poway Fire Department to order the appropriate hardware. 23. The fire sprinkler system shall not interfere with roof venting appurtenances e.g. (heat and smoke venting, turbines and skylights) 24. Fire sprinkler riser(s) shall be located within ten (10) feet of an exterior-exit-man door or shall be located inside an enclosed closet with an exterior-access-man door. The door shall be labeled with a sign indicating “Fire Sprinkler Riser.” When the closet method is chosen, applicant shall provide 36 inches of clearance from the standpipe or attached additional risers, accessible by a 3 feet 0 inch man door. APPENDIX B - CRITERIA FOR TEMPORARY OR PARTIAL OCCUPANCY OF COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL BUILDINGS South Poway Specific Plan - Volume 2, Development Standards Page 118 APPENDIX B - CRITERIA FOR TEMPORARY OR PARTIAL OCCUPANCY OF COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL BUILDINGS These criteria apply to situations in which projects are not complete but may need to be partially put into use on a limited basis. The Uniform Administrative Code as adopted by the City of Poway states in Section 308(d). Temporary Certificate. If the Building Official finds that no substantial hazard w ill result from occupancy of any building or portion thereof before the same is completed, he may issue a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy for the use of a portion or portions of a building or structure prior to the completion of the entire building or structure. 1. The City must receive assurances from the property owner, contractor and other involved parties that the project will be satisfactorily completed prior to granting any temporary or partial occupancy approvals. The City may require the property owner to post a cash deposit or bond with the City to guarantee the completion of the project. 2. Any Temporary Certificate of Occupancy should be limited to a pre-arranged specific time frame agreed to by all parties involved. 3. If all conditions of the temporary occupancy are not adhered to the utility services to the building may be removed. 4. The use for which the Temporary Certificate of Occupancy is being granted should be very specifically stated in the agreement between the parties. Typical conditions, which may be imposed, include, but are not limited to: a. No office use. b. No manufacturing use. c. No personnel other than security staff permitted. d. No heating or cooling of space. e. No flammable or combustible liquids permitted. f. No hazardous material storage. APPENDIX B - CRITERIA FOR TEMPORARY OR PARTIAL OCCUPANCY OF COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL BUILDINGS South Poway Specific Plan - Volume 2, Development Standards Page 119 5. Once a limited occupancy of the building is agreed upon, a determination as to the extent of completion of the building and related site development could be jointly made by the City Departments having jurisdiction. Some of the deferred requirements might be: a. Completed parking lot. b. Completed landscaping. c. Public right-of-way improvements (curb, gutter, etc.). d. Finished office space. e. Finished restroom facilities. The determination as to which requirements may be deferred would have to be made on a case-by-case basis. 6. Fire Department Conditions of Temporary Occupancy of South Poway Buildings include: a. A completed and finaled building shell, including: i. Fire Sprinkler System. ii. Fire Sprinkler Monitoring. iii. Fire Department access with proper fire land markings. iv. Building Address, and roof numbers. v. Knox box with minimum access keys, including SDG&E room. b. Approved plans for any tenant improvements or internal alterations, including required sprinkler modifications necessary for a specific tenant. Full disclosure of building occupancy use including: i. Storage Arrangement. ii. Manufacturing. iii. Use of Chemicals. iv. Other pertinent information of proposed temporary use. APPENDIX B - CRITERIA FOR TEMPORARY OR PARTIAL OCCUPANCY OF COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL BUILDINGS South Poway Specific Plan - Volume 2, Development Standards Page 120 c. Other requirements may include: i. Fire Extinguishers - size and number based on building size and occupancy use. ii. Exiting, exit lighting and emergency lighting requirements based on building size and approved occupant load. APPENDIX C - SOUTH POWAY LAND USE PLAN South Poway Specific Plan - Volume 2, Development Standards Page 121 APPENDIX C - SOUTH POWAY LAND USE PLAN The South Poway Land Use Map is contained within this document and provides the land use designation of all properties within the Specific Plan Area.