Item 13 - Revision to Committee Charters Regarding Attendance AGEIVDA REPORT ��� ��� oF ,�
G �9 p
This report is included on the Consent Calendar. There will be no separate discussion of the �
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T0: Honorable Mayor and M�inbers of the City Council
FRC1�I: J�s L. Bawers�, City
IlQITIATED BY: Marjorie K. Wahlsten, City Clerk �
DATE: August 5, 1986 �
SUBJF��CT: Revision to Ca[mittee Charters Regarding Attendance
On July 8, 1986, the City Council directed staff to revise the charters of the
Parks and Recreation, Bwdget Review, and Floodplain Aclvisory Ccamittees to make
their attendance provisions consistent with the Redevelo�xrtient Advisory Ccmnittee
which states, "If any me�nber misses n�re than three (3) consecutive meetings of
the Cccrmittee, without prior authorization fran the Mayor/Redevelo�urtient
Chairperson, such m�mber shall be considered to have resigned from-�the
Car�nittee. In addition, any m�nber of the CaYmittee may be reimved at any time
and without cause by a majority vote of the City Council/Redevelo�ent P�ency."
The Floodplain Advisory Catmittee is d�een�d concluded with the acceptance of
their final report. �'hat report is elsewhere on this agenda.
The Parks� and Recreation Camtittee charter is adapted by Resolution. Attached
is a new Resolution adopting the revised charter and rescinding Resolutions No.
101 and 279. -
The Budget Review Ccrnnittee's charter was adopted by motion. 7.b be consistent,
attached is a resolution adopting the revised charter.
ACTION: �P��• Resoiution rro. 86-083 ' P�'� �.Recreation Committee.
� Resolution No. 86-084 - Budget Review Conunittee.
- � ��-� .
Mar�or•e x. Wahlsten, City Clerk AUG 5 1986 I T E M 13 �
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Agenda R�ort - Revised Charters
August 5, 1986
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It is recamn�nded that the City Council adopt the attached resolutions entitled:
1) "A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Pc�way, California, Adopting
a Revised Charter for the Parks and Recreation Camuttee, and Rescinding
Resolutions No. 101 and 279"; a�l 2) "A Resolution of the City Council of the
City of Paaay, California, Adapting a Revised Gharter for the Budget Review
1) Proposed Resolutions
2) Revised Charters
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L�, on February 17, 1981, the City Council appointed five citizens to
serve as a Parks and Recreation Crn�mittee; and
W�, by Resolution No. 101, this CamLi.ttee was formally established and
a charter adapted; and
V�[tE�S, by Resolution No. 279, this charter was amend�d; and
W�, it is again desirable to revise the charter for this Ca�nnittee,
more garticularly Section V, Tennination of Manbership.
NOW, T�ORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Paway, as
1. �e Parks and Recreation Cccrmittee shall continue to function as a
Ccntnittee of the City of Paway.
2. A Charter, attached as Exhibit "A" is adapted.
3. Resolutions 101 and 279 are hereby rescinded.
PASSID, ADOPTID Al�ID APPROVID, by the City Council of the City of Pvway,
California, at a regular meeting ther�f this 5th day of August, 1986.
Carl R. Kruse, Mayor
Marjorie K. Wahlsten, City Clerk
l AUG 5 1986 ITEM 13
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Cl't'Y � PC�Y
Section I. se
The purpose of the Parks and Recreation Camnittee shall be to
advise the City Council on the Parks and Recreational needs of the
City of Paway. Further the Parks and Recreation Cc�nittee shall
provide a means of encouraging ccrmninity involv�ent as it
pertains to park develop�nt and recreational prograim�
Section II. Duties
The Park and Recreation Camnittee shall have the follawing duties
as cletermined by the Poway City Council:
1. Sulamit re�omnendations for Parks and Recreation matters
praposed for consideration by the City Council.
2. Identify areas of the City where new parks or recreation
facilities and programs may be re�quired.
3. R�view e�cisting programs.
4. Review existing facilities and recamtiend future park improve-
5. Reccnmend priorities for park and recreation facilities and
programs for budget consideration.
6. Iclentify sources of funding for facility and program improve-
7. Eazcourage citizen involv�n�nt.
� 8. Undertake special projects as clesired by the City Council.
Section III. ManbP_rship
A. The Parks and Recreation CaYmittee shall consist of five (5)
members appointed by the Mayor with the concurance of the
City Cauncil. Each Councilme�nb�s shall offer to the City
Cauncil for consideration, one nanination for appointment to
the CaYmittee.
Adapted by Resolution No. 86-
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B. CaYmittee m�nbers shall be residents of the City of Pcyway.
C. 'I'he term of �nbership shall correspond to the term of the
Councilmember who nani.nated the CcYmlittee irnmber.
D. � City Manager or his designee shall be an ex-officio
member of the Camnittee.
Section IV. Voting
Each Carmittee m�nber shall be entitled to one vote. Approval of
any matter requires an affirmative vote frccn the majority of the present provided a quortnn of three are present and voting.
Section V. '�ermination of M�nbership
If a m�nb�.r misses nx�re than three (3) consecutive m�etings of the
Cam�ittee, without prior authorization fran the Mayor, such member
shall be considered to have resigned fran the Camiittee. In addi-
tion, any m�nber of the CaYmittee may be r�rioved at any time and
without cause by a majority vote of the City Council.
Section VI. M�etings of Msnbers
A. Regular irnetings of the Camli.ttee shall be scheduled at least
monthly, with the exception af the rronth imnediately
following the election of City Council M�nb�rs, at a ti.m� and
place agreed to by the Ca►mittee and convenient for the
public in order to encourage cannunity involv�nt.
B. S�ecial meetings may be called at any time by the Chairperson
or three or m�re me�nbers, provided haw�ver that notification
� to the public and press is made in accordance with applicable
State Laws.
Section VII. Financial Disclosure
In accordance with the State of California Government Code, the
Parks and Recreation Ccnmittee as designated �nployees shall be
required to file appropriate statem�nts of econanic interest.
P,dopted by Resolution No. 86-
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Section VIII. Officers ,
A. The Officers of the Ca�nittee shall be Chairperson and Vice
Chairperson. The City Manager or his designee, as an ex-
officio m�nber of the ccmnitt�ee shall serve as Secretary to
the Cannittee. Other officers may be appointed as necessary
to carry out the w�ork of the CaYmittee.
B. The officers shall be chosen annu, by the Caarmmittee and
shall serve for a term of one year, provided that any officer
may be re-elected to succeed hin�/herself for one additional
term only.
C. �e term of office shall run fran the meeting imnediately
following the election of City Council Manbers and expire
approximately one year later at the last meeting before the
second Tuesday in April of each year.
Section IX. Duties of Officers
A. Duties of the Chairperson
2"he Chairperson shall preside at all meetings of the
Camuttee and provide instructions to all ad-hoc Canmi.ttee
chairman and will attend appropriate meetings of the City
Cauncil. In his/her absence the Vice Chairperson wi.11 attend
and make appropriate reports to the Ca�mittee at their next
. regular meeting.
B. Duties of the Vice Chairperson
In the absence or disqualification of the Chairperson, the
Vice Chairperson shall assiune all the duties and respon-
sibilities of the Chairperson.
C. Duties of the Secretary
The Secretary shall keep or cause to keep a book of mi.nutes
af all meetings of the CaYmittee. The Secretary shall pre-
pare agendas and shall give notice of regular and special
meetings of the Carmi.ttee.
Section X. Ad-hoc Cco�nittees
The Cumuttee may create such ad-hoc caYmittees as the business of
the Camuttee may require, each of which shall exist for such
period and have such authority and perform such duties as the
Cannittee may fran time to time determine.
�o�pted by Resolution No. 86-
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Section XI. C�nsation
Msnbers of the Paway Parks and Recreation Canmittee shall serve
without compensation. Ha�aever, members shall be reimbursed for
expenses incurred in carrying out the duties of the CaYmittee as
approved by the City Council.
Section �I. Amendment of By-Laws
These by-laws shall be reviewed every tw� years and may be amended
at any tim� at any regular or special meeting. Amenchrents shall
becane effective upon approval by the City Coi�ncil.
�ted by Resolution No. 86-
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W�'�AS, the City Council has utilized a Bu�dget Review Carnuttee each year
to review the proposed budget and report to Council; and
W��AS, the Charter for this Ccnmittee was approved by minute action on
P,pril 6, 1982; and
WHEREAS, it is d�sirable to azn�nd the Charter at this time, more
particularly Section V, �ernu.nation of N1�nbership.
NdW, T�'ORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council that the revised
Charter, attached as �hibit "A" is acbpted.
PASS�, ADOPTID Al�ID APPRUJED, by the City Council of the City of Paway,
California, at a regular meeting thereof this 5th day of August, 1986.
Carl R. Kruse, Mayor
Marjorie K. .Wahlsten, City Clerk
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Section I se ,
The purpose of the Budget Review Cannittee shall be to review the
annual operating and Capital Improv�nent Budget as proposed by the
City Manager, and report its findings to the City Council.
Section II Duties
The Budget Review Carsni.ttee shall have the follawing duties as
c7�termined by the Paway City Council:
1. With the assistance of staff, review the budget as prepared
by the City Manager.
2. As appropriate, suggest means of improving the format of the
budget in order that it be easily read and comprehended.
3. Review terminology used within the budget such that it may be
easily understood by all interested readers.
4. Stiiggest areas that the City Council may wish to establish
specific policies pertaining to either revenues or expen-
5. Review the budget activity gaals and objectives as w�ll as
the activity w�orkload statistics.
6. Prepare final written report to be presented to the City
Council prior to the public hearings regarding the budget. �
Section III Nianbership
The Budget CamLi.ttee shall consist of f ive (5) m�mbers appointed
by the Mayor with the concurrence of the City Council. Each
Cauncil�nber shall offer to the City Council for consideration,
one rianination for appoint�ent to the Camtittee.
1. Camnittee mr�nbers shall be residents of the City of Paway.
2. The term of m�nbership shall conclwde with the adaption of
the budget report by the City Council.
3. 'i#ie City Manager or his c�esignee shall be an ex officio
member of the camnittee.
Adopted by Resolution No. 86-
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Section IV Voting
Each canni.ttee m�nber shall be entitled to one vote. Approval of
any matter requires an affirmative vote fran the majority of the
m�mbership of the careni.ttee (three (3) votes).
Section V Termination of N1�snbership
If a manber mi.sses more than three (3) consecutive meetings of the
Car�nittee, without prior authorization frcm the Mayor, such member
shall be considered to have resigned frcm the Camnittee. In
addition, any m�nber of the Ccmmittee may be r�mov�l at any tirne
and without cause by a majority vote of the City Council.
Section VI Meetings of M�nb�rs
1. Rer�ular meetings of the camnittee shall be sch�luled at a and place agreed to by the camnittee which will facili-
tate the attendance and input of the public.
2. Special meetings may be called at any time by the chairperson
ar three (3) or irore members.
Section VII Officers
The officers of the caYmittee shall be chairperson and vice chair-
person. The City Manager or his clesignee, as an ex officio member
. of the camiittee shall serve as secreta.ry to the camnittee.
Section VIII Duties of Officers
1. Duties of the Chairperson
The Chairperson shall preside at all meetings of the
2. Duties of the Vice Chairperson
In the absence or disqualification of the Chairperson, the
Vice Chairperson shall asstmie all the duties and responsibil-
ities of the Chairperson.
3. Duties of the Secretary
The Secretary shall k,eep or cause to be kept, a book af
minutes of all meetings of the camnittee. The Secretary
shall prepare agendas and shall give notice of and
special maetings of the camnittee.
Section IX Ca�ensation
Nianbers of the Budget Review Carmittee shall serve without �en-
sation. However, m�nbers shall be reimbursed for expenses
incurred in carrying out the duties of the cannittee as approved '
by the City Cauncil.
�*ed by Resolution 1�10. 86- AUG 5 1986 1 T E M 13
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