Gate_Drive_Specific_Plan Resolution No. 90-157 ' Page 3 i � ' SPECIFIC PLAN � 90 - 01 EXHIBIT 1 Resolution No. 90-157 �i Page 4 ' I SPECIFIC PLAN 90-01 Table of Contents Page I. INTRODUCTION 1 II. MAP LEGAL DESCRIPTION/PROPERTY OWNERSHIP 1 III. AUTHORITY AND SCOPE 1 IV. PROPERTY ANALYSIS - 1 V. LAND USE AND DEVEIOPMENT STANDARDS 2 A. LIST OF PERMITTED AND CONDITIONAL USES 2 RESIDENTIAL USES Z A6RICULTURAL USES Z PUBLIC AND SEMI-PUBLIC USES 3 HOME OCCUPATION 4 ACCESSORY USES 4 TEMPORARY USES 4 B. DENSITY AND LOT SIZES 5 C. SITE/BUILDING DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS: R ZONES 5 BUILDING STANDARDS 5 SITE UTILIZATION AND HILLSIDE DESIGN 6 HILLSIDE DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS 6 VI. RELATIONSHIP TO THE POWAY GENERAL PLAN 8 VII. IMPLEMENTATION PROCEDURES 8 VIII. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW $ IX. AMENDMENT PROCEDURES 8 -i- Resolution No. 90-157 , Page 5 SPECIFIC PLAN 90-01 ''i � I I. INTRODUCTION � On July 24, 1990, the City Council approved South Poway Specific Plan Amendment 84-01H which among other issues removed 38 parcels from the northerly portion of the South Poway Plan. The Council 's actions were based on the result of the detetion of the Midland Road extension from the Circulation Element of the General Plan and from the South Poway Specific Plan. With the deletion of this roadway a common connection of the sub,ject parcels with the South Poway Specific Plan was lost. Now that there witl be no direct correction of the sub�ect parcels to South Poway, it appeared appropriate to establish a separate specific plan to guide thely development . Through the creation of a new specific plan (SP 90-01) , the property owners wi11 be able to obtain a land use density similar to the surrounding properties and consistent with the designation which was on the parcels prior to the adopt9on of the South Poway Specific Plan. Due to topographic constraints, this specific plan con- tains detailed development criteria that will help minimize potential visual and grading impacts that could result from the development of these predominantly hillside properties. II. MAP LEGAL DESCRIPTION/PROPERTY OWNERSHIP — The 38 sub�ect parcels are located on the northern portion of the South Poway Specific Ptan. The parcels are further defined as APN's: 323-090-03, 52, 53, 58, 59; 323-262-33 thru 36; 323-280-21; 323-290-11 thru 13, 16 thru 20; and 323-430-06 thru 25; and legally described as portion of the southwest quarter of Section 18, the northerly one half of Section 19, and the northeast quarter of Section 24, Township 14 South, Range 1 West, of No. San Bernardino Meridian. III. AUTHORITY AND SCOPE Section 65450, et. seq. , of the California Government Code enables local gavernments to adopt specific plans for the systematic implementation of their general plans. The code requires that specific plans be consistent with the agency's general p1an. It is the intent of this specific plan to define appropr9ate land uses and development standards necessary to ensure that any proposed development of the sub3ect parcel is tran- sitional , compatible, and sensitive to the surrounding land uses. This specific plan proposes development standards for the subject parcels. Where the specific plan is silent, the Poway Zoning Development Code shall dicatate the land use and development standards. IV. PROPERTY ANALYSIS — The subject area consists of 38 separate parcels that range in size from .38 to ten acres in size. Nineteen of the 38 lots were previously sub- divided and developed as Los Lomas Estates. The remaining 18 parcels are primarily hillside properties that separate and serve as a transitional use between land uses to the north from the proposed industrial park to the south. Other than the parcels within the Los Lomas subdivision, only one of the remaining 19 parcels is developed with a single-family home. Resolution No. 90-157 Page 6 � S ecific Plan 90-01 I�� � page ', V. LAND USE AND DEVELOPMENT STANOARDS I �i This section presents site-specific development standards for the subject I properties. The land use and development standards are divided into tow sections. The first section lists land uses permitted on the sub3ect parcels. The second section discusses specific site and building stan- dards such as site utilizatlon, architecture, and grading procedures. A. LIST OF PERMITTED AND CONDITIONAL USES The following uses shall be permitted; uses where the symbol "P" appears, and uses subject to a conditional use permit where the sym- bol "C" appears, and uses sub,ject to a minor conditional use permit where the symbol "t" appears in the column beneath each zone designa- tion; all others not noted shall be prohibited. RESIDENTIAL USES 1. Single-family dwellings P 2. Guest houses (see Subsection P D of Section 17.08.190, Poway -- Municipal Code) 3. Accessory apartments on the C same lot as an existing single- family (see Subsection C of Sectlon 17.08.190, Poway Municipal Code) AGRICULTURAL USES 1. All types of horticulture P 2. Animal grazing and raising, P commercial or noncommercial , said property must be 1/2 acre or greater in size in Zones RS-3 through RA. (Subsections E and F of this section shall not apply) 3. 4H or FFA animal raising, keeping P in accordance with Section 17.28.010 of the Poway Municipal Code 4. The wholesaling of products raised P — on the premises, only when said property is two (2) acres or greater in size 5. Keeping of large an9mals 1n accordance P with Section 17.32.010 of the Poway Municipal Code Resolution No. 90-157 Page 7 �I I S ecific Plan 90-01 � — Page I � 6. Keeping of small animals in accordance P �! with Section 17.32.020 of the Poway ' Municipal Code �i 7. Keeping of dogs and cats (over the age of eight (8) months: � a. Three (3) dogs and/or three (3) P cats b. Six (6) dogs and six (6) cats P 8. Riding academies or cortmercial stables C 9. Kennels, commercial and noncommercial , C (for dogs and/or cats greater than those permitted in Subsection G of this section in accordance with Chapter 17.34 of the Poway Municipal Code 10. The keeping of wild, exotic or non- t domestic animals 11. Keeping of beehives: a. 1 to 3 beehives P b. 4 or more beehives t 12. The ralsing of earthworms providing: P (a) the area devoted to the raising of earthworms sha11 not exceed 10 percent of the minimum lot size permltted in the zone; (b) the area devoted to the raising of earthworms shall be no closer than 50 feet from any ad,�oining residentlal dwetling; and (c) the operation shall be fully enclosed or in an enclosed structure PUBLIC AND SEMI-PUBLIC USES 1. Family day care home, as defined in Section 1596.78 of the California Health & Safety Code, in single- family detached dwellings. — a. Small family day care home P b. Large family day care home P I Resolution IVo. 90-157 �! Page 8 , Specific Plan 90-01 , �— Page 4 �� I 2. Public utility and public service sub- C I stations, reservoirs, pumping plants, ' and slmilar installations, not includ- 1ng public utility offices 3. Recreational courts, including but not P limited to, tennls, paddte tennis, and other similar uses determined by the Planning Services Director (see Chapter 17.30 of the Poway Municipal Code) HOME OCCUPATION Home occupations are subject to the P pravisions of Chapter 17.28 of the Poway Municlpal Code ACCESSORY USES 1. Accessory structures and uses located P on the same site as a permitted use —� 2. Accessory structures and uses located t on the same site as a conditional use ACCESSORY USES (continued) 3. Unlighted private recreational courts, P including but not limited to tennis, paddle tennis, and other uses deter- mined to be simitar by the Planning Services Director (see Chapter 17.30 of the Poway Municipal Code) 4. Private recreationat courts with t exterior lighting lncluding, but not limited to, tennis, paddle tennis, and other uses determined to be similar by the Planning Services Director (see Chapter 17.30 of the Poway Municipal Code) TEMPORARY USES Temporary uses as prescribed in Chapter P 17.26 of the Poway Municipal Code i Resolut1on Plo. 30-157 I� ?age 9 I Specific Plan 90-01 '� — Page 5 B. DENSITY AND LOT SIZES I The lot size and density range within SP 90-01 shall be subject to the average slope of the property based on the measured rise over run calculation of a topogaphic map. To compute slope, the following formula shall be used: CL x I x S where CL = contour length NA I = contour interval S = scale of map NA = Net area in square feet The average slope of each parcel shall be consistent with the slope requirement of the total site. Lot sizes shall be as follows: 0-15X 1 dwe111ng unit per one net acre 15-259L 1 dwelling unit per two net acres 25-45% 1 dwelling unit per four net acres 45%+ No Credit C. SITE/BUILOING DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS — The following property develapment standards shall apply to all land and buildings other that accessory buildings permitted in their respective residential zones. Any tegal lot may be used as a building site, except no building permit sha11 be issued for a lot size of less than 4,000 square feet. Each building site sha11 have a minimum 20 foot wide vehicular access to a street. In situations where a 1ot is lrregular, by virtue of its configuration, so as to prohibit or unduly restrict the construction of a singte-family home, within the required setbacks noted herein, the Director of Planning Services sha11 have the authority to alter the setback locations (i.e. , front, side and rear yards) to enable the property owner to enjoy the same privileges as those en,joyed by other property owners in the same area. BUILDING STANDARDS 1. Setbacks Front yard 40 feet from property line Rear yard 50 feet from property line Side yard 20/20 feet from property line Minimum Lot Width — Cul-de-Sac 30 feet F1ag lots 20 feet 2. Buitding Height The building height af any structure sha11 not exceed 35 feet or two (2) stories, whichever is less. II Resolution No. 90-157 , PagE 10 ' _ I S ecific Plan 90-01 I � page — � 3. Lot Coverage The lot coverage sha11 mean the ratio between the ground floor � area of the building(s) and the net area of the lot. This ratio , shall not exceed 35 percent. ' 4. Parking Standards A minlmum two-car garage shall be required for all residential projects. Far uses other than residential , aff-street parking requirements shall be in conformance with Section 17.42 of the Poway Municipal Code. 5. Special Requirments/Performance Standards For additional special requirements and developmental perfor- mance standards, reference Section 17.08.180, .190, .210, and .220 of the Poway Municipal Code. SITE UTILIZATION AND HILLSIDE DESIGN The subject site shall be developed and utilized is a fashion that is — transitional with and sensitive to adjoining land uses. HILLSIDE DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS Grading will be limited to the minlmum area necessary for the pad, accessory uses, and access corrldors essential to the development of the site. Mass site grading is not permitted and a serrated grading technique must be used on graded hillsides in order to encourage suc- cessful revegetation. Depending on the scale of the project, grading must be phased to allow prompt revegetation and reconstruction to control erosion. 1. Lots and structures in hillside areas should follow and not significantly alter the natural contour of the 1and. 2. Grading in hillside areas should leave rounded off, natural appearance slopes instead of manicured cut-and-fill areas. 3. On lots where the average slope is greater than 15 percent, the use of custom homes with multiple foundation levels is encouraged. 4. On lots where the average slope is greater than 25 percent, the use of custom homes with multiple foundations is required. 5. A11 exposed graded slopes sha11 be landscaped and irrigated. 6. All structures are encouraged to be of a color scheme, style, and texture that reflects the rustic/rural character and natural environment. They sha11 not be visually out of character with the natural setting. Resolut.ion No. 9U-i57 I� Page 11 S ecific Plan 90-01 _-- age 7 I 7. Dwe111n and building pads shall be set back from the ridges and 9 btuffs to reduce visual impacts. 8. Structures shall be generally 1ow in profile so as not to be visually prominent from the valley floor, and in no case greater than 35 feet in height at any point of the structure measured from natural grade. 9. Building forms shall be designed to conform to the site tapography, including smaller terraced pads rather than large graded pad areas. Cut-and-fill slopes sha11 be minimized. 10. The facades of structures shall be angled at varying degrees as required to fottow the natural topography of the site. 11. Rooflines of structures shall vary in angle and height to pro- vide a changing profile. Rooflines sha11 emphasize the hillside form and help blend the structures into the natural open space environment. Large, linear, unbroken rooflines are prohibited. 12. Roadways and driveways shall follow the natural course and topography. 13. Areas containing significant native vegetation (e.g. , mature trees and shrubs) shall be preserved. A fire wall or buffer of 100 feet around the structure should be allowed, consistent with the regulations of the fire protection district. 14. Revegetation programs shall use "non-reseeding" species to hold soil until native vegetation can be established to allow the biological community to naturally reclaim slopes and protect the slopes from erosion. 15. Structures and improvements sha11 be located so as to require the minimal removal of trees and existing vegetation in accor- dance with the regulations of the fire district; any existing tree in the development area shall be shown on the site plan. 16. On the rldgeline or within the viewshed of the valley floor, any landscape material shall be consistent with existing native vegetation in the immediate area, and sha11 be non-evasive in nature. Sma11 garden plots may be allowed. 17. Grading for the road and building site shall be in accordance with the City Grading Ordinance No. 77. 'tesolutio� No. 90 -157 Page 12 Specific Plan 90-01 .._ Page 8 VI. RELATIONSHIP TO THE POWAY GENERAL PLAN Specific Plan 90-01 has been prepared in accordance with the governing City plans and ordinances and State law pertaining to specific plans. The development of the subject property shall be consistent with the ob,jec- tives and policies of the Poway General Plan and constituent elements. VII. IMPLEMENTATION PROCEDURES The development of the land within this specific plan area shall follow normal procedures of the City of Poway with regard to development review, minor development review, subdivision maps in association with criteria established in this specific plan. VIII. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW As minor devetopment review applications, tentative parcel maps, or any other discretionary permit are pursued by the project applicant, addi- tional environmental review may be required in accordance with the City of Poway Implementation Procedures for the California Environmental Quallty Act (CEQA). — IX. AMENDMENT PROCEDURES A specific plan adopted by the City Council may be amended by resolution at the request of the applicant only once in any calendar year. Specific plan amendments shall be reviewed and approved in the same manner as ini- tial application and in conformance with Section 17.47 of the Poway Municipal Code. A/SP7-31.1-8