Draft Housing Element Update 2013-2020 Table of ContentsDRAFT April 2013 TOC-i Table of Contents Page EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: ......................................................................................... ES-1 A. 2005-2010 Housing Element Review ................................... ES-1 B. Public Participation .............................................................. ES-2 C. State Legislation .................................................................. ES-2 D. Housing Needs Assessment ................................................ ES-3 E. Goals, Objectives, Policies, and Programs .......................... ES-4 CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION ............................................................................... 1-1 A. Purpose and Content of Housing Element .............................. 1-1 B. Community Context ................................................................ 1-2 C. State Requirements ................................................................ 1-4 D. Housing Element Components ............................................... 1-8 E. Relationship to Other General Plan Elements ...................... 1-11 F. Data Sources and Methodology ............................................ 1-11 G. Summary of Findings and Policies ........................................ 1-12 H. Public Participation ............................................................... 1-12 CHAPTER 2: COMMUNITY PROFILE .................................................................... 2-1 A. Population and Housing Characteristics ................................. 2-1 B. Housing Characteristics ........................................................ 2-11 C. Employment Trends .............................................................. 2-24 D. Housing Needs ..................................................................... 2-28 E. Affordable Housing Inventory................................................ 2-43 CHAPTER 3: CONSTRAINTS................................................................................. 3-1 A. Governmental Constraints ...................................................... 3-1 B. Environment, Infrastructure and Public Service Constraints .................................................... 3-28 C. Market Constraints ................................................................ 3-31 CHAPTER 4: HOUSING RESOURCES .................................................................. 4-1 A. Regional Housing Needs Assessment .................................... 4-1 B. Available Sites for Housing ..................................................... 4-2 C. Financial Resources ............................................................. 4-25 D. Administrative Resources ..................................................... 4-26 E. Opportunities for Energy Conservation ................................. 4-27 CHAPTER 5: PROGRAM EVALUATION/ACCOMPLISHMENTS .......................... 5-1 CHAPTER 6: HOUSING PLAN ............................................................................... 6-1 A. Fiscal Caveat .......................................................................... 6-1 B. Goals and Policies .................................................................. 6-3 City of Poway Table of Contents DRAFT April 2013 TOC-ii C. Housing Programs .................................................................. 6-8 D. Quantified Objectives ............................................................ 6-27 APPENDIX A: A. Table 1 Residential Sites Inventory (Above Moderate Income)A-1 APPENDIX B: A. Adequate Sites Program Alternative Checklist ....................... B-1 B. Letter from HCD ...................................................................... B-2 City of Poway Table of Contents DRAFT April 2013 TOC-iii List of Tables EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: E-1 Regional Housing Needs Assessment (RHNA) 1/1/2010 – 12/31/2020 ……………..………………………….ES-5 CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION 1-1 State Law Amendments Summary ......................................... 1-6 1-2 State Housing Requirements .................................................. 1-8 CHAPTER 2: COMMUNITY PROFILE 2-1 Population Trends and Projected Growth Poway and Surrounding Jurisdictions ....................................................... 2-2 2-2 Poway Age Characteristics 2000 and 2010 ............................ 2-3 2-3 Poway Age Compared to Region 2010 ................................... 2-3 2-4 Poway Households by Age of Householder and Tenure 2010 ........................................................................................ 2-4 2-5 Poway Race and Ethnicity 2000 and 2010 ............................. 2-5 2-6 Poway Race and Ethnicity Compared to Region .................... 2-5 2-7 Poway Changes in Household Type 2000 and 2010 .............. 2-6 2-8 Poway Population by Household/Group Quarters Status (2000 and 2010) ..................................................................... 2-6 2-9 Household Income (inflation adjusted to 1999 dollars) 2000, 2008, 2020 .................................................................... 2-8 2-10 Number of Households by Tenure and Income Level (HAMFI) 2006-2008 ................................................................ 2-9 2-11 Extremely Low, Very Low, & Low Income Households Compared with Region 2006-2008 ......................................... 2-9 2-12 Poway Poverty Status by Age 2006-2010 ............................ 2-10 2-13 Poverty Status Compared with Region 2006-2010 ............... 2-10 2-14 Poway Household Population by Structure Type 2000 and 2010 ...................................................................... 2-11 2-15 Poway Housing Tenure 2000 and 2010 ................................ 2-11 2-16 Poway Households by Age of Householder and Tenure 2010 .................................................................. 2-12 2-17 Poway Unit Vacancy and Rate by Tenure 2000 and 2010 ... 2-13 2-18 Poway Vacancy Rate by Housing Type ................................ 2-14 2-19 Poway Housing Value 2000 and 2010 .................................. 2-15 2-20 Average Home Sales Values by Jurisdiction 2011 ............... 2-16 2-21 Building Cost per Square Foot (Regional Average) 2007 ..... 2-16 2-22 Poway Contract Rent 2000-2010 .......................................... 2-17 2-23 Poway Mean Market Rents by Bedroom Type 2009-2010 ... 2-17 2-24 Poway Apartment Rental Rates (Monthly) December 2012 . 2-18 2-25 Poway Number of Households by Tenure and Income Level (HAMFI) 2006-2008 ................................. 2-19 City of Poway Table of Contents DRAFT April 2013 TOC-iv 2-26 Extremely Low, Very Low, and Low Income Households Compared with Region 2006-2008 ................... 2-19 2-27 Poway Households Overpaying for Housing by Income Level and Tenure ................................................ 2-21 2-28 Poway Overcrowding by Tenure ........................................... 2-22 2-29 Poway Overcrowding in Households (Occupants by Room) 2000 and 2006-2010 ................................................. 2-22 2-30 Extremely Low, Very Low, Low Income Household Overcrowding Compared to Region ...................................... 2-23 2-31 Poway Age of Housing ......................................................... 2-23 2-32 Poway Employment Profile (Labor Force) ............................ 2-25 2-33 Average Yearly Salary by Occupation (San Diego Region) .............................................................. 2-26 2-34 Existing and Projected Jobs/Housing Ratio (2008 and 2020) ................................................................... 2-27 2-35 Poway Total Jobs by Place of Work, 2008 ........................... 2-27 2-36 Regional Housing Needs Assessment (RHNA) 1/1/2010-12/31/2020 ............................................................. 2-28 2-37 Special Needs Groups .......................................................... 2-29 2-38 Poway Elderly Households by Tenure and Income Level (HAMFI) 2006-2008 ..................................... 2-30 2-39 Households by Type and Presence of Children Under 18 2000-2010 ............................................................. 2-31 2-40 Poway Household Size by Tenure 2006-2010 ...................... 2-32 2-41 Poway Number of Large Households 2006-2010 ................. 2-32 2-42 Median Household Income by Household Size 2006-2010................................................... 2-33 2-43 Poway Household Size by Tenure and Income Level (HAMFI) 2006-2008 ........................................ 2-34 2-44 Poway Household Stock by Number of Bedrooms 2006-2010............................................................................. 2-35 2-45 Poway Disability Status ........................................................ 2-36 2-46 Poway Disability Status by Employment and Disability Type 2008-2010 ............................................ 2-37 2-47 Homeless Population by Jurisdiction ................................... 2-40 2-48 Number of Households with Defined Housing Problems By Tenure and Income 2006-2008 ....................................... 2-42 2-49 Inventory of Assisted Housing .............................................. 2-43 CHAPTER 3: CONSTRAINTS 3-1 Land Use Categories Permitting Residences ......................... 3-2 3-2 Residential Development Standards ....................................... 3-8 3-3 Housing Types by Zone Category ........................................ 3-13 3-4 Poway Street Standards ....................................................... 3-16 3-5 City of Poway Planning and Development Fees ................... 3-17 3-6 Permit Issuance Fees (Prototype Home) .............................. 3-19 City of Poway Table of Contents DRAFT April 2013 TOC-v 3-7 Disposition of Home Purchase Loan Applications: City of Poway 2009 ............................... ………………………3-29 3-8 Vacant Land Prices ……………………………………………..3-29 CHAPTER 4: HOUSING RESOURCES 4-1 RHNA 1/1/2010 – 12/31/2020 ................................................. 4-2 4-2 RHNA Credits and Remaining Need ……..……………………4-3 4-3 Sample Densities of Constructed Affordable Housing Projects ................................................... 4-3 4-4 Residential Sites Inventory ..................................................... 4-6 4-4 Above Moderate Sites ............................................................ 4-8 CHAPTER 5: PROGRAM EVALUATION/ACCOMPLISHMENTS 5-1 Summary of Quantified Objectives and Accomplishments 2005 - 2013 ............................................ …5-1 5-2 2005 - 2010 Programs ............................................................ 5-3 CHAPTER 6: HOUSING PLAN 6-1 Summary of Quantified Objectives 2013-2020 ..................... 6-23 City of Poway Table of Contents DRAFT April 2013 TOC-vi List of Figures CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION 1-1 Vicinity Map ............................................................................ 1-3 CHAPTER 3: CONSTRAINTS 3-1 Proposition FF Lands Residences .......................................... 3-4 3-2 Application Processing Timeline ........................................ ...3-21 CHAPTER 4: HOUSING RESOURCES 4-1 Land Inventory (Site 1) ……………..……………………………4-8 4-2 Land Inventory (Sites 2 and 25) ………………………………..4-9 4-3 Land Inventory (Site 3) …………………………………………4-10 4-4 Land Inventory (Sites 4-9 and 11-16) …………...……………4-11 4-5 Land Inventory (Sites 10, 17-24 and 27) ……………………..4-12 4-6 Land Inventory (Site 26) ……………………………………….4-13 4-7 Land Inventory (Site 28) ……………………………………….4-14 4-8 Town Center Planning Area …………………………………..4-18