Appendix B �1'ATE9F_�AL1F�f�AlI�E3.11S1NESS._TW�iVSPQRTA,'�lOt�f�NDHQU�IN�.AGEH�Y _ ���1���-�4�_�oYem9r D�PARTM�NT OF HOUSING AND GaN1MUNITY DEVELOPM�N7 DGVISION OF Ft�I�SlNG PO�,ICY DEVELOPMEh1T ..1$0(31"hi3d Street,SuiteA30 � � , P.O. 8ox 952U53 ,A.<��;"� ��� " 1 Sacramenta, CA 94252-2053 '-�'� (9t8) 323-3177 FA?( {916}327-26a3 Ade uate Sf�es Pra ram Alterna#9ve Ch�ck�i�t Government Cod� 5ection 65583.1(c) As provid�d far in Governmerrt Code Sectfan 65583.1(c), lacal governments can re�y on existing hausin� units to address �p to 25 p�rc�nt af th�ir ade�uate s�tes requi�em�nt by �ounting existing units made avaiEable or preserved through th� provision of"committed assistance" to Eow- and very low-income houSeF�olds at affordable housing costs or affordable rents, The following is a ch�cKlist intended to provide guidance in determpning whethe�the provisions af Governmer�t Gad� Section 65583,1(c) can E�a us�d to address the adaquake sites pr�gram r�quirement. Please be aware, al! informatian must be provided in the housing �lement to damonstrate compliance. F�EPa � # 6v583.1�c)(4} Is #he lacal government providing, or will it �rovide "committeci assistance" during the �eriod of time from tne b�ginning of the Yes f�HNA projection period to th� �n� of the first 2 years af khe housin� N� element pfanning periad? See th� definition of"committe� assisfa�c�° at the end of the ch�cklist. 655$3.�f c)(1J(A} Mas th� local gavernment id�nti#i�d th� specific svurc� of "commitk�d assistance" funds? Y'�� If y�s: specify the amount and date wh�n f+�nds yuil[ be d�dicated Na fhrough a (legal{y enfarceable agreement}, $: `��i ����v 0� d Date: � � Ol 65583,1�c}{3) Has at leas# some porkiort of th� regional shar� housing n�ed for � Y�� very low-incom� (VL} or low-income (L) households been met in the ❑ No current c�r previous planning p�riod? Spec�fy the num�er of affordabp� uniks permittedlconstruct�d in the prewious period. ' �`� 2�\11-- ,�,.�_. Specify the number affordabl� units �ermitt�dlcanstruct�d ir� the � current perfad and docur�er�t how a�fardability was established. �L..� 65583.�{c)(1)(B} Iradicate the total number of units to b� ass�ste� with cdmmitted assistance funds and specify fundir�g source, Numb�r af units: �a Funding source: �,.,M�2 �i--� 65583.1{c)(1)(R) Wilf f�e funds be suffici�nt to d�v�lop the identifie� units at � Y�� affordable costs or rents? Q No 65583,1(c}(1)[C) �}o th� identified units meet th� sul�stantial rehabilitation, � Yes canversin , ar pres�rvatian r�quirements as defined�?Which N� o tian? �3 1 l'7�'� Noto: 1f yo�� cannot answ�r"yes" ta all of the general requirsrnsnfs questions listed abave, your jurisdickian is not eligible ka utilize the alternate acfequate sites program proVEsions set forth in Government Code Section 65583.1 c). Revised August 24, 2012 . � 655$3,9(c) Chsckiist Page 2 � suBSrAnrr�p�. n���a��.ir,arronr s$�as.� c z a , Prr��#� ��s Inclu�e reference to sp�cffic program action in housing element. 65583.1(c�(2)(A? W�II the rehabFli#ation resuft ir� a r�et increase in the nurnber of Yes , ! housing units available and affordable ta very faw- and lower� �� `�'"!'� income households? -�- If so, how many units?#of VLI uni#s� # af L� �nats: G� ��� 65583.�{c}��)(A}(i) �I} Are uniks at imminent risk of loss #o affnrdable housing stock? Ye5 Far exampl�, are th�unrts at-nsk of l�eing demofisl�ed or'removecf(�om the Na hausing stocic wifhout the necessary rehsbilitafion? 655�3.1tG1t���A)t�) ���) ls the local governmen# providing relocation assistance c�onsistenk L� Yes with Ga�vernm�nt code 7260 or Health and Safety Ca�e S�ction � �10 17975, including rent and maving ex�enses equivalent to fQUr (4) j�l���-Tiv�-� manths, to those occupants permanently or t�mporary displaced? �'�av+o� ��y` p����G� �� �rTyIH�• 655$3.�{cliz)(A14�1 f�i�) �[ Will tenants have the right to reoccupy units? f�J Yes ❑ No G5583.1(c)f 2)(A)(i) (IV} Have the units been determined to be unfit for human habitakion due ❑ Yes the at le�ast four (�} of the following violatiorrs (as listed in H�aith & � No Safety Cod� Section 17g95.3 (a) through (�))? ❑ Terrnination, extend�d interruption ar serious d�fects of gas, A�� � water or electric utility systems provide� sueh interr�rptions ar f�` #ermir�ation is not Ga�sed by the tenant`s failur� to pay such gas, �� � wateT or electric bi11s. �� ` � ❑ 5�riaus def�cks or lack of adequate s�ace and water heating, ���� ❑ Seriaus rodent, vermin or insect infestation. �S�v�re d�teriaratior�, renderin� significant por�ions of the s�ructur� unsafe or unsanitary. �Inadet�uafe numbers of garbage receptacles or servi�e. ❑ Unsanitary canditions affec#ing a si�nificar�t po�tion of the structure as a result of faulty plumbing or s�wage disposal. ❑ Ir�operable hailway lighting. 65583.'1{c)(2}(A�(ii) Yes Will a�fordability and accupancy Testrictivns �e maintained far at No leasf 20 years? ��s$3��ic1(2}{A?(i��� Note; Prior to occu�ancy af t�e rehabi{ifated uni�s, the local government must kssue a certificate that finds the units com i wit�r all �a�al and State t�uildin and h�alth and safet re uirements, F�evised August 24, 2D12 ' 65583.1(c) Checklist p�y� 3 , CONVER5I�IV OFMULT'lFAMILYRENTAL AIVD OWIVERSNIP UNITS pF3 OR M4RE OR F�R�CLQSEI7 PR(�PERTIES FRON!NON-AF'FORD�0.BLE TQ AFFDRDABLE 65583.9 c 2 B Prvgram # Pag� # Include reference to specific �rogram action in housing elemer�t. G5583,1�C)(2)tg1 �� Specify ths number of rrzuitifamily rentai (3 or more units) ta be canverfed, �^ Specify the nurnber muCtifamily ownership units to be converted, , � Specify the number of foreclosed pro��rties acquired. Dat� Acquired? Wi[� these units �e for renf? s��s�.�I�)(�)(��(�1 Yes ��� Will #he acquir�� units b� made affardable tv low- or very low- No �.� income households? � 65583.1(c1(2�(B�{ii) � Yes For units #o be canve�tad fo very-low i�ncvme, wsr� thase units No affordabl� tv very !ow-inc�m� househalds at the time ti�ey w�re id�ntified for a;cquisitinn? For �nits ta be converted ta low-inc�m�, were those units affordable ❑ Y�s to !ow-income households at the tim�e they were identified �or �. No ac uisitis�n? 65583.1�G?i21(B�(iii) C] Y�s If the acquisition res�ilts ir� the displac�ment af v�ry low- or low- �� Na incame households, is fhe jaca! governmen� praviding relocatian �J,.,���o�.l ass�skanc� cor�sistent with Government �ode Section 1260, ��v��� �� incRudin� rent and moving expens�s equivalent to four (�} mvr�ths, (� �K'_ - to thase accupants perman�ntly or temparary dis�laced? ���� r ,�v-� C�T y,l tt�t. 65583.1(c){2)(81(��? � Y�s Will units b� decer�t, safe, and sanitary upan accupancy� [] No L'+� �� 85583.'!(�)�Z�(8���? Will affordability and occupancy reskrictions be maintain�d �t feasf � Yes 55 years? ❑ No 6�583.1(c)(2}�B}(vi}* ' For cor�vers�on of multifamily own�rship �anits; �! /�- [J Yes Has at �east an equal share of newly c�nstructEd multifamily r�ntal ❑ No units affordabfs to [ower-incom@ households b�en constructed within the current plannir�g periad or will be canstructEd by the of program comp��#ion as the number of ownership units ko be #of Iower-income converted? (Noke: this could �� demonstrat�d by providing units: certificakes of occ�pancy) Sp�cify the nurnber of affardable multifarriiPy rental units constructed in the lannin �riod. *NOTE: After Jar�uary 1, 2015 for�clased units aGquired and cc�nver#�d must meet #he requir�ments of GC 65583.1 c � B vi Revlsed Augus!2�4,2p12