Statement of Overriding ConsiderationsEspola Road Improvement Project City of Poway
Statement of Overriding Considerations 1 May 2013
SCH No. 2003121157
May 2013
Pursuant to Section 21081 of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and Section
15091 of the State CEQA Guidelines, the Poway City Council found that mitigation was not
feasible for: (1) conflicts with City of Poway (City) policies regarding heights of sound walls;
(2) adverse visual impacts with regard to two sound walls located on top of retaining walls by
sound walls; and (3) operational transportation noise at a number of residences.
Under CEQA, before a project which is determined to have significant, unmitigated
environmental effects can be approved, the public agency must consider and adopt a “Statement
of Overriding Considerations” pursuant to CEQA Guidelines 15043 and 15093. As the primary
purpose of CEQA is to fully inform the decision makers and the public as to the environmental
effects of a Project and to include feasible mitigation measures and alternatives to reduce an y
such adverse effects below a level of significance, CEQA nonetheless recognizes and authorizes
the approval of projects where not all adverse impacts can be fully lessened or avoided. The
agency, however, must explain and justify its conclusion to approve such a project through the
Statement of Overriding Considerations setting forth the project’s general social, economic,
policy or other public benefits which support the agency’s informed conclusion to approve the
Statement of Overriding Considerations
The Poway City Council declares that it has adopted all feasible mitigation measures with
respect to the above-remaining unavoidable significant effects, and finds that they are acceptable
due to each of the specific economic, legal, social, technological, or other Overriding Benefits
that will result from approval and implementation of the Project, as listed below. All of these
benefits are based on the facts set forth in the CEQA Findings Concerning Mitigation of
Significant Effects, the Final EIR, and the record of the proceedings for the proposed Project.
Each of these benefits is a separate and independent basis that justifies approval of the Project, so
that if a court were to set aside the determination that any particular benefit will o ccur and
justifies Project approval, the City finds that it would stand by its determination that the
remaining benefit(s) are sufficient to warrant Project approval.
Espola Road Improvement Project City of Poway
Statement of Overriding Considerations 2 May 2013
Overriding Benefits
The Poway City Council finds that the proposed Project would have the following substantial
Overriding Benefits:
1. The Project will result in improved traffic operations along all Espola Road segments
between Twin Peaks Road and Titan Way, relative to what would occur in 2030 without the
2. The Project will increase connectivity between Poway’s northern, northeastern, and central
residential areas, and increase the capacity of the northernmost link between Poway and
Interstate 15.
3. The Project will facilitate improved access for emergency vehicles, as well as emergency
evacuation of citizens.
4. The Project will result in improved traffic operations at several intersections (Espola
Road/Twin Peaks Road, Espola Road/Durhullen Drive/Golden Sunset Lane, Espola
Road/Del Poniente Road/High Valley Road and Espola Road/Titan Way/Eden Grove), upon
completion and relative to what would occur in 2030 without the Project.
5. The Project will increase public safety and community connectivity by providing sidewalks
and widened bicycle lanes along both sides of this segment of Espola Road.
6. The Project will increase safety for equestrians by providing a marked crossing with
equestrian push buttons at Del Poniente Road.
7. The Project will underground currently overhead utility lines within the increase right-of-
way, thus improving openness of community views.
8. The Project will provide City-maintained uniform landscaping elements (slope and parkway
plantings with street trees) along the roadway improvement corridor, similar to other City
arterials upon completion.
9. The Project will increase the capacity for drainage in the area and will replace
inappropriately sized and older flood control facilities.
10. The Project will provide a reduction in noise levels at residences for which sound walls are
proposed, found feasible following final design, and where property owners choose to have
those sound walls built adjacent to their properties upon completion.
11. The Project will reduce congestion, which will in turn reduce vehicle idling, along the
roadway segments thereby reducing air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions upon
12. The Project will implement the current Transportation Master Element (TME) of the City’s
General Plan upon completion.
Espola Road Improvement Project City of Poway
Statement of Overriding Considerations 3 May 2013
13. Construction of the Project will create temporary, construction-related employment
Espola Road Improvement Project City of Poway
Statement of Overriding Considerations 4 May 2013