5.0_Chapter 5.0 - Growth InducementChapter 5.0 Growth Inducement Chapter 5.0 – Growth Inducement Espola Road Improvement Project Final EIR 5-1 May 2013 5.0 GROWTH INDUCEMENT Section 15126.2(d) of the State CEQA Guidelines requires a discussion of a project’s potential to foster economic or population growth, or the construction of additional housing, either directly or indirectly, in the surrounding environment. Included in this are projects that would remove obstacles to population growth (e.g., a major expansion of a waste water treatment plant might allow for more construction in service areas, or provision of a road through an area where none currently exists might allow development to grow along it). Based on the CEQA Guidelines, growth inducement is any growth that exceeds planned growth of an area and results in new development that would not have taken place without implementation of the project. Consideration of the topic is important because, depending upon the type, magnitude, and location of growth, increases in the population may tax existing community service facilities, requiring construction of new facilities that could cause substantial environmental effects. The Project’s growth inducing potential is considered significant under CEQA if it could result in unavoidable significant effects in one or more environmental issue areas. As previously described, the Project corridor is essentially built out. With or without the Espola Road improvements, potential possible development eventually would add approximately 100 homes to the northeast Poway area. Construction of those homes is not dependent upon whether or not improvements are implemented along Espola Road. Similarly, utility upgrades to the water and storm drain system in the roadway would repair existing degraded facilities and be completed to serve the existing uses/stormwater runoff. Overall, there would be no net impact on potential housing construction in the Project area, or the surrounding region. The average daily trips along Espola Road within the Project area are not projected to increase substantially with or without the proposed Project. The roadway currently exceeds design capacity and the proposed roadway widening is consistent with the City’s TME, which identifies Espola Road as a three-lane facility. Improvement of Espola Road—including the center turn lane, the improved bike lanes and abutting pedestrian sidewalks—would not affect growth within the local community or the region. Chapter 5.0 – Growth Inducement Espola Road Improvement Project Final EIR 5-2 May 2013 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK