Item 1 - Hillside/Ridgeline MDRA 02-85 R.E. & Charlotte Collins Limited Dis~rib~tign- lpril 15, 200~
TO: Honorable Mayor and Mem bers~o(~ City Cou nell
FROM: James ~. Bowersox, City Man~'-
INITIATED BY: Niall Fntz, Director of Developme~ Services ~
DATE: Apdl 15, 2003
SUBJECT: Hillside/Ridgeline Minor Development Review Application 02-85:
R.E. and Charlotte Collins, Applicant. A request for approval of a Minor
Development Review Application to allow the construction of a 3,800-square-foot,
single-family residence on a 9.01-acre property located at the eastem terminus of
~ Golden Supset Court. The property is zoned Rural ResidentiaI-A and located within .
the Hillside/Ridgeline Review Area. APN: 321-220-13
The applicant is requesting the approval of a Minor Development Review Application to construct a
3,800-square-foot, two-story, single-family residence measuring a maximum of 28 feet in height, on a
9.01-acre property located at the eastem terminus of Golden Sunset Court; The property is zoned
Rural ResidentiaI-A (RR-A) and located within the Hillside/Ridgeline Review Area. Pursuant to
Section 17.52.050, City Council approval is required for grading and development within the identified
Hillside/Ridgeline review area.
The project is Categorically Exempt, Class 3, from the California Environmental Quality Act pursuant
to Section 15303(a), in that it is the construction of a single-family home in a residential zonew thin an
urbanized area.
A preiect notice was mailed to adioinin~l property owners.
It is recommended that the City Council approve Minor Development Review Application 02-85,
subject to the conditions contained in the attached proposed Resolution.
M:\planning\02repo~mdra\mdra02-85 summary revised.doc
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This report is included on the Consent Calendar. There will be no separate discussion of the report prior to approval by the City
Council unless members of the Council, staff or public request it to be removed from the Consent Calendar and discussed
separately. If you wish to have this report pulled for discussion, please fill out a slip indicating the report number and give it to
the City C~eTk prior to the beginning of the City Council meat[ng.
TO: Honorable Mayor and Members~L.e City Council
FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Mana~ ~
INITIATED BY: . . Niall Fritz~ Director of Develo~,ment Services/-.
Patti Brindle, City Planner ~
Jim Lyon, Senior Planner ~
DATE: April 15, 2003
SUBJECT: Hillside/Ridgeline Minor Development Review Application 02-85:
R.E. and Charlotte Collins, Applicant. A request for approval of a
Minor Development Review Application to allow the construction of a
3,800-square-foot, single-family residence on a 9.01~acre property
located at the eastern terminus of Golden Sunset Court. The property
is zoned Rural Residential A and located within the Hillside/Ridgeline
Review Area. APN: 321-220-13
This application was originally heard on March 25, 2003. The applicant is requesting the
approval of a Minor Development Review Application (MDRA 02-85) to construct a 3,800-
square-foot, two-story, single-family residence on a 9.01-acre hillside property located at
the eastern terminus of Golden Sunset Court~ northwest of Tooth Rock (Attachments B
through G). The property is zoned Rural ResidentiaI-A (RR-A) and located within the
Hillside/Ridgeline Review Area. The main residence measures approximately 28 feet in
height and will be accessed from a private driveway measuring approximately 900 feet in
length that interconnects with Golden Sunset Court. The site is bounded on the west by
single-family homes. The surrounding property remains undeveloped and covered
primarily with Coastal Sage Scrub.
At the hearing of March 25, 2003, the City Council requested additional information
regarding the appearance of the residence and the retaining walls, with respect to the
hillside, from the surrounding areas. Mrs. Garland, an adjoining property owner, had also
submitted a letter expressing her concerns regarding development of the parcel and
proximity of the retaining walls to her driveway. The application was continued to April 15
for the applicant to provide the requested information.
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Since then, the proposed house plans have .been modified to reflect the house style ofth~
Mr. Wagenbach, who is in escrow to p[itcha§e ~e property, Attachment E. The proposed ~
house has been reduced in size from 4,500 square feet to 3,800 square feet, but increased ~J
4 feet in height from 24 to 28 feet high. The building pad has also been reduced by 10,000
square feet. Attachments H, I and J provide photo simulations of the drivewaY entrance,
and perspective views Espola Road and High Valley Road. Staff is also working with
the project engineer to eliminate or reduce, where feasible, segments of the retaining walls
adjacent to the neighbors' (the Garlands') driveway. Staff has conceptually found a wayto
move the retaining walls back from the Garlands' driveway. The walls are proposed to be
15 feet from the Garlands' driveway. Staff has conceptually found a way to move the walls
back another 25 feet, 40 feet in total, from the Garlands' driveway. The Garlands' concems
are expressed in a letter included as Attachment M.
· Mrs..Garland had been waiting for her husbandto return from~a business trip to explain the ~ '.
project and to meet with Staff. It was not until last Friday, April 11, 2003, that staff was
finally able to meet on site with the Garlands'. Also attending that meeting was Mr.
Bowman, who owns the property immediately to the south. In an effort to find an access
solution that would be acceptable to all parties, a revised concept alignment was
discussed. The revised alignment would have Mr. Collins' driveway extend south off his
property and interconnect with Mr. Bowman's proposed driveway, Attachment N. This
combined driveway would access Golden Sunset Court at the west end of the Garlands'
property, away from their gate. The Garlands, Mr. Collins, and Mr. Bowman all appear
amenable to this concept alignment. The project resolution has been modified to require
that the access to Mr. Collins' property use the proposed alternative alignment through the
Bowmans' property. The condition will also include a caveat that indiCates that if Mr.
Collins is not able to secure access through Mr. Bowman's property by September 1,2003,
then Mr. Collins may request the City Council to allow the existing legal access, adjacent to
the Garlands' property, to be used. It should also be noted that Mr. Bowman has not yet
submitted an MDRA for his property. Staff's review of the altemative access is based on an
MDRA submitted by a former owner, Vision Homes, that was not completed.
The site consists of steep topography that ranges from a Iow elevation of approximately
825 feet near Golden Sunset Court to a height of 1,025 feet, rising in a west to east
direction. An intermediate ridgeline follows the east property line. A relatively fiat knoll,
located at the 950-foot elevation, is situated on the north side of the ridgeline. East of the
parcel, the land drops into a small valley and rises again to approximately 1,075 feet,
forming the prominent ridgeline that serves as a backdrop to the proposed residence.
The parcel is located within the City's water service area. As such, it should be reliant upon
pressurized City water for drinking and fire prevention purposes. However, an evaluation of
the hydraulic conditions found that given the height of the pad, the existing water pressure
was insufficient to support a fire hydrant within 500 feet of the structure. The Safety
Services Department subsequently required the installation of a 10,000-gallon water tank to
meet the minimum City fire prevention requirements. The water tank will be located behind
the house, within a cut slope to minimize its appearance.
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An existing equestrian/pedestrian trail parallels the west portion of the parcel, continuing
onto the applicant's property without easement. The project will be conditioned for the
applicant to improve and coordinate the location of the trail extension through the parcel.
Compliance with the General Plan
Architecture and Visibility - The proposed building pad is located on the most level portion
of the property at an elevation of approximately 950 feet, 125 feet below the adjacent
ridgeline. As noted, the residence will be two-story, 28 feet in height, and will utilize a
medium grey stucco and dark gray concrete tile to help the structure blend with the existing
Access to the parcel is from Golden Sunset Court located on the southwest comer of the
parcel. The proposed building home site is positioned on the northeast comer of the
parcel. As such, this necessitates the creation of an unusually long driveway. As the
driveway will traverse across the side of the 'hillside, it will require the construction of
retaining walls along a majority of both sides of the 16-foot-wide driveway. The walls will
range from 2 to 5 feet in height. Given its length and relative steepness, the Fire
Department will require that the driveway be widened from 12 to 16 feet and contain 2
pullouts to permit vehicles to pass.
The proposed house will be visible from a limited section of Espola Road, Del Poniente
Road, and from the higher elevations in the Boulder Mountain area west of Espola Road.
The adjoining ridgelines will preclude its visibility from the east and south. The residence
will also be visible from sections of High Valley Road and Tim Connole's new subdivision
(Country Ridge Estates) located to the north.
While the General Plan does not contain a definition of prominent versus intermediate
ridgeline, staff would classify this ridgeline as intermediate because of the higher ridgeline
located to the east that serves as a backdrop from the majority of views. Strategy 16 of
Goal 1, Policy C - Site Design, of the Community Development Element of the Poway
General Plan states as follows:
"Intermediate ridges and hilltops shall be preserved in a natural state to the maximum
extent possible. Development on intermediate ridges shall only be permitted in association
with the preservation of significant open space, habitat, tree and reck outcropping, unique
geographical features and/or cultural or agricultural uses within the same project. Open
space proposed for dedication to the City should perform multiple functions such as view
maintenance, resource protection and hazard avoidance."
Staff reviewed the feasibility of moving the house further down slope to minimize the length
of the driveway and to keep of the house off the ridgeline. The applicant prepared a
concept grading plan that placed the building pad at the 895-foot elevation. Placing the
building pad at the lower elevation created a greater visual impact, as the mid-slope
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location required extensive cut and fill slopes that required more grading, scarred a m.a. jority
of the west-facing slope, and impacted ~ Or~a{~l- atnount of sensitive habitat. Staff believes
that there would be no significant gain moving the house further to the west and that the
proposed pad location and driveway will result in lesser impacts to habitat and aesthetics
due to grading.
Compliance with Gradin.q Standards- In June 2001, the City Council approved Ordinance
538 pertaining to the grading of lots and lot shape. This Ordinance clarified the grading
standards contained in both the General Plan and the Poway Municipal Code.
The average slope of the 9.01-acre property is 28 percent. Strategy 19 of Goal 1, Policy C
- Site Design, of the Community Development Element of the Poway General Plan (which
applies to the maximum allowable area of the lot that may be graded for' driveway,
residence and accessory -functions foi' Ifillside developments) would limit the area of'
allowable grading on the project site to 20,000 square feet or 10 percent of the lot,
whichever is greater. In this case, 10 percent of the 9.01-acre lot would permit 0.9 acres of
disturbance. Construction of the finished grading plan will require moving 18,500 square
feet of dirt. Construction of the driveway is anticipated to require moving approximately
20,000 square feet of dirt. This results in an approximate total of 38,500 square feet or
0.85 acres of disturbance and in compliance with City General Plan and grading
The proposed project would comply with Strategy 15 of Goal 1, Policy C - Site Design, of
the Community Development Element of the Poway General Plan (which applies to Hillside
Developments) states as follows:
"Driveways shall be designed to avoid cuts or fills in excess of 10 feet in height and at no
greater than 2:1 inclination."
It also would comply with Strategy 22 of Goal 1, Policy C - Site Design, of the Community
Development Element of the Poway General Plan (which applies to Hillside Developments)
which states as follows:
"Building pads, driveways, roadways and structures, including recreational coUrtS and
accessory buildings, and hillside areas shall follow and not significantly alter the natural
contour of the land", as the building pad will be located on the flattest portion of the property
requiring the least amount of grading.
The proposed project involves the least amount of grading and landform alteration in
comparison to the other alternatives that were evaluated.
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The project is Categorically Exempt, Class 3, from the California Environmental Quality Act
pursuant to Section 15303(a), in that it is the construction of a single-family home in a
residential zone within an urbanized area.
The project area is within the preserve boundaries of the Poway Subarea Habitat
Conservation Plan (PSHCP) Mitigation Area. The project site contains 8.61 acres of
Coastal Sage Scrub habitat, and 0.4 acres of barren dirt. The applicant is proposing to
remove the maximum 2 acres of habitat, which will include development area and the
required clearing for Fire Management Zones and leach field area. Brush clearing and
landscaping of the area within a 100-foot radius of the structures will be provided, pursuant
to the City's Fire Management Zon_e r. equirements.
The applicant will be required to .mitigate through the dedication of an on-site biological
conservation easement for a minimum of 4 acres, based on a mitigation ratio of 2:1 relative
to the area of removed habitat. In accordance with the PSHCP, a condition of approval for
the project requires that the balance of the undisturbed habitat on the property that is in
excess of the allowable 2 acres to be disturbed, be preserved in perpetuity by an open
space easement to insure preservation. Considering the lot size, the design preservation
objectives for the area, and the mitigation requirement, the proposed project is consistent
with the PSHCP.
A project notice was mailed to adjoining property owners.
It is recommended that the City Council approve Minor Development Review Application
02-85, subject to the conditions contained in the attached proposed Resolution.
A. Proposed Resolution
B. Vicinity Map
C. Grading/Site Plan
D. Aerial photograph
E. Building Elevations
F. Building First Floor Plan
G. Building Second Floor Plan
H. View Locations for Photo Simulations
I. View of the driveway entrance
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J. View from D.el Poniente~/Esl~ola I~oad Intemection
K. View from High Valley I~°ad '
L. Driveway Cross Section
M. Letter from Mr. and Mrs. Garland
N. Recommended Driveway Access
M:~plannlng~2re~raVndm02q~5 agenda revised.doc
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WHEREAS, Minor Development Review Application (MDRA) 02-85 submitted by
R.E. and Charlotte Collins, Applicant, requests approval to construct a 3,800-square-foot,
two-story residence on a 9.01-acre property located at the eastern terminus of Golden
Sunset Court. The property is zoned Rural ResidentiaI-A (RR-A) and located within the
Hillside/Ridgeline Review Area; and
WHEREAS, on April 15, 2003, the City Council held a public meeting to consider the
merits of the appeal request relative to this application.
NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council does hereby resolve as follows:
Section 1: The project, MDRA 02-85, is found to be Categorically Exempt under the
provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Section
15303(a), Class 3, as it is the construction of a two-story residence in a residential zone in
an urbanized area.
Section 2: Pursuant to the City of Poway Subarea Habitat Conservation Plan (PSHCP),
a biological survey was conducted by Brock Ortega on February 8 and updated on March
11,2002, to update the distribution of habitat on the site and identify new habitat impacts
associated with the project. Project grading and Fuel Management Zones will impact
Coastal Sage Scrub (CSS) habitat. In accordance with the Poway PSHCP, the required
findings for approval of the proposed mitigation for the removal of habitat for MDRA 02-85
are as follows:
A. The project site is within the Mitigation Area of the PSHCP, and also within the
Rattlesnake Canyon Cornerstone and Biological Core and Linkage Area. The
mitigation is consistent with and furthers the implementing objectives of PSHCP in
that the applicant will mitigate the removal of 2.0 acres of CSS at a 2:1 ratio. The
mitigation will be satisfied through an on-site dedication of a biological conservation
easement involving comparable undisturbed and unencumbered habitat of equal or
greater value.
B. The mitigation habitat wiLl be located on-site and in the Mitigation Area to enhance
the long-term viability and function of the preserve system in that the mitigation will
be accomplished through dedication of a biological conservation easement
preserving a minimum of 4.0 acres of comparable undisturbed and unencumbered
CSS habitat of equal or greater value within the Mitigation Area of the PSHCP.
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Resolution No. P-
Page 2
c. The mitigation will be to the long-term benefit of the covered species and their
habitats in that the dedication of.a cor~se~ation easement over und sturbed hab tat
promote a mean ngfu add~bon to the assemb y of a ~nab e reg~ona system of
interconnected natural habitat resoumes, habitat linkages, buffers and wildlife
corridors. Any remaining habitat not used for development or mitigation of biological
resoume impacts shall be placed in an Open Space Easement. The Open Space
Easement will further the goals of the Poway HCP.
D. The mitigation will foster the incremental implementation of the Poway Habitat
Conservation Plan in an effective and efficient manner in that any off-site habitat will
be within an identified Mitigation Area within the City and contiguous to the open
space land to the east, recently pumhased for additional mitigation in the Heritage
Development to minimize edge effect.
E. The mitigation will not result in a negati~,e fiscaHmpact with regard to the successful
implementation of the Poway Habitat Conservation Plan in that the subject
mitigation area will be placed in a recorded conservation easement paid and
maintained bythe applicant. Therefore, such dedication will not result in a negative
fiscal impact.
Section 3: The findings, in accordance with Section 17.52 of the Poway Municipal Code,
to approve Minor Development Review Application 02-85 to construct a.3,800-square-foot,
- two-story residence located at the eastern terminus of Golden Sunset Court in the
RR-A zone, are made as follows:
A. That the home has been sited to minimize landform alteration, and conforms with
City zoning and grading standards. Therefore, the proposed use respects the
interdependence of land values and aesthetics to the benefit of the City; and
B. That the approved project will not have an adverse affect on the aesthetics, health,
safety, or amhitecturally related impact upon adjoining properties, as the residence
is consistent with surrounding residences. Therefore, the proposed design, size,
and scale of the proposed addition is compatible with and will not adversely affect,
or be materially detrimental to adjacent uses, residents, buildings, structures, or
natural resources; and
C. That the granting of the MDRA would not be materially detrimental to the public
health, safety, or welfare since the proposed use will complete improvements as
deemed necessary; and
D. That the approved development encourages the orderly and harmonious
appearance of structures and property within the City as the neighboring properties
consist of rural residential estate lots with similarly spaced home sites. The project
has been designed to minimize impacts on the surrounding community by utilizing a
Iow profile architectural design and earth-toned wall and roof materials. Therefore,
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Resolution No. P-
Page 3
the proposed development respects the public concems for the aesthetics of
development; and
E. That the proposed use will not be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare,
or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the. vicinity nor be contrary to
the adopted General Plan; and
F. That the proposed development will comply with each of the applicable provisions of
the Zoning Ordinance and the General Plan.
Section 4: The findings, pursuant to Government Code Section 66020 for the public
improvements, are needed as a result of the proposed development to protect the public
health, safety, and welfare are made as follows:
A. The design and improvements of the proposed development are consistent with all
elements of the Poway General Plan, as well as City Ordinances, because all
necessary facilities will be available to serve this project. The construction of public
improvements is needed as a result of the proposed development to protect the
public health, safety, and welfare as identified below:
1. In accordance with the Poway General Plan, the project requires the
payment of drainage, park, affordable housing, and traffic mitigation fees,
which are assessed on a pm-rata basis to finance public infrastructure
improvements and which promote a safe and healthy environment for the
residents of the City.
Section 5: The City Council hereby approves Minor Development Review Application
02-85, to allow the construction of a 3,800-square-foot, two-story residence on a property
located at the eastern terminus of Golden Sunset Court per plans on file with the Planning
Division dated September 24, 2002, subject to the following conditions:
A. Approval of this MDRA shall apply to the subject project and shall not waive
compliance with all sections of the Zoning Ordinance and all other applicable City
ordinances in effect at the time of Building Permit issuance.
B. Within 30 days of approval, the applicant shall submit in writing that all conditions of
approval have been read and understood.
C. The conditions of MDRA 02-85 shall remain in effect for the life of the subject
residence and shall run with the land and be binding upon future owners,
successors, heirs, and transferees of the current property owner.
D. Prior to grading the applicant shall obtain a Grading Permit. Prior to issuance of a
Grading Permit, the applicant shall comply with the following:
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1. A grading plan for the development of the lot prepared on a City of Poway
standard mylar at a scale of 1~=20'~ shall be submitted along with a Grading
Permit application and applicable fees to the Development Services
Department-Engineering Division for review and approval. A grading plan
submittal checklist is available at the engineering division front counter.
As a minimum, the grading plan shall show the following:
a. All new slopes with a maximum 2:1 (horizontal to vertical) slope. Tops
and toes of graded slopes shall be shown with a minimum 5-foot
setback from open space areas and property lines. Buildings shall be
located at least five feet from tops and toes of slopes, unless waived
by the Planning Division and/or Engineering Division pdor to issuance
of a Grading Permit.
b. Driveways, in compliance with the specifications provided in Section
17.08.170D of the Poway Municipal Code, and including minimum
structural sections together with their elevations and grades.
c. A separate erosion control plan for prevention of sediment run-off
during construction.
d. All utilities (proposed and existing), together with their appurtenances
and associated easements. Encroachments ara not permitted upon
any easement without an approved Encroachment Agreement/Permit.
e. Locations of all utility boxes, cleady identified in coordination with the
respective utility companies, and approved by the City pdor to any
installation work.
f. Top of wall and bottom of wall elevations.
g. Fire protection zones pursuant to the Fire Management Zone pursuant
to the site plan dated September 24, 2002 on file with the Planning
Division to the satisfaction of the Director of Safety Services.
h. Limits of clearing/grading in defining the maximum 2-acre maximum
native habitat removal.
i. The location of the biological conservation easement area.
j. The location of the equestrian/pedestrian trail.
k. Utility boxes shall be screened to the satisfaction of the Director of
Development Services.
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A soils/geological report shall be prepared by an engineer licensed by
the State of Califomia to perform such work, and shall be submitted
with the grading plan.
A drainage study using the 100-year storm frequency criteria shall be
submitted with the grading plan. The drainage system shall be
capable of handling and disposing all surface water within the project
site and all surface water flowing onto the project site from adjacent
lands. Said system shall include all easements required to properly
handle the drainage. Concentrated flows across driveways are not
2. Prior to issuance of a Grading or Building Permit, whichever occurs first~ and
if construction of this project is to disturb one acre or more; the applicant shall
file with the State Regional Water Quality Control Board a Notice of Intent for
coverage under the statewide General Permit that covers stormwater
discharges. Proof of filing of the NOI and an assigned waste Discharge
Identification Number shall be submitted to the Development Services
Department- Engineering Division prior to issuance of a Grading or Building
Permit. Applications may be obtained by contacting:
California Regional Water Quality Control Board
San Diego Region
9174 Sky Park Court, Suite 100
San Diego, CA 92123
(858) 467-2952
3. Prior to issuance of a Grading Permit, and if construction of this project is to
disturb one acre or more, the owner shall prepare a Storm Water Pollution
Prevention Plan (SWPPP) that effectively addresses the elimination of non-
storm runoff into the storm drain system. The SWPPP shall include, but not
be limited to, an effective method of hillside erosion and sediment control; a
desilting basin with a capacity of 3,600 cubic feet of storage per acre drained,
or designed to remove fine silt for a 1 O-year, 6-hour storm event; a material
storage site; measures to protect construction matedal from being exposed to
storm runoff; protection of all storm drain inlets; on-site concrete truck wash
and waste control; and other means of Best Management Practices to
effectively eliminate pollutants from entering the storm drain system. The
engineer shall certify the SWPPP prior to issuance of a Grading or Building
4. The applicant shall pay all applicable engineering, plan checking, permit, and
inspection fees.
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5. Grading securities in the form of a performance bond and a cash deposit, or
a letter of credit shall bep0st~, W~ the City prior to grading plan approval.
A minimum of $2,000 cashseCurity deposit is required.
6. The applicant shall attend a pre-construction meeting, at which time they
shall present an Action Plan that identifies measures to be implemented
during construction to address erosion, sediment, and pollutant control.
Compliance for erosion control can be provided using one or more of the
following guidelines:
a. Provide an on-site desiltation basin with a volume based on 3,600
cubic feet per tributary acre drained.
b. Cover all flat areas with an approved mulch.
c. Install an earthen or gravel bag berm that retains 3 inches of water
over all at areas prior to discharge, effectively creating a desiltation
basin from the pad.
7. Prior to start of any work within City-held easements or right-of-way, a Right-
of-Way Permit shall be obtained from the Engineering Division of the
Development Services Department. All appropriate fees shall be paid prior to
- permit issuance.
8. Construction staking is to be installed and inspected by the Engineering
Inspector prior to any clearing, grubbing, or grading. As a minimum, all
protected areas as shown on the project plans are to be staked by a licensed
surveyor and delineated with lathe and ribbon. A written certification from the
engineer of work or a licensed surveyor shall be provided to the Engineering
Inspector stating that all protected areas are staked in accordance with the
approved project plans.
9. Prior to any rock blasting, a pre-blast survey of the surrounding properties
shall be conducted to the satisfaction of the Director of Development
Services, and a Blasting Permit shall be obtained from the Engineering
Division. Seismic recordings shall be taken for all blasting. Blasting shall
occur only at locations and levels approved by the Director of Development
10. A landscape/irrigation plan in accordance with the Poway Guide to
Landscape Requirements shall be submitted and approved by the Director of
Development Services. Said plan shall include landscaping for all
manufactured and disturbed slopes greater than a 5:1 slope and for Fire
Management Zones. In accordance with said requirements, and the Poway
General Plan requirement for hillside development, the landscaping shall
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utilize materials similar in appearence to the existing native vegetation. The
plan shall include trees and shrubs to provide visual relief of the retaining
walls and buildings to the satisfaction of the Director of Development
11. According to the habitat assessment and area calculations prepared by
Brock A. Ortega, the project will impact 2.0 acres of CSS. Impacted CSS
habitat shall be mitigated at a minimum of 2:1 retio for 4.0 acres of
undisturbed unencumbered native CSS habitat. Impacted Mitigation will be
completed as follows:
a. On-site dedication of 4.0 acres of habitat of equal or greater
conservation value. Said on-site dedication shall require the applicant
~-. · . ,. to place 4.0 acres of in-kind habitat in a Biological Conservation
Easement. Said Conservation Easement shall be approved by the
Director of Development Services and shall be notarized and recorded
with the County of San Diego at the cost of the applicant. In
compliance with the PSHCP, the City shall subsequently rezone the
mitigation area to Open Space-Resource Management to insure its
permanent preservation.
b. Any remaining undisturbed habitat not used for development or
mitigation of biological resource impacts on the project site shall be
placed in an Open Space Easement for further protection of the City's
PSHCP goals.
c. In accordance with Condition H of the PSHCP Incidental Take Permit,
a take of active California Gnatcatchers nests, which includes
haressment of the bird due to greding noise and vibretions from
February 15 through July 1, is not permitted. Therefore, greding
during this timeframe will only be permitted subject to the following
conditions having been met to the satisfaction of the Director.
The applicant is hereby advised that, during greding, if active nests
are found within 500 feet of the greding, the greding activity shall be
stopped until such time as mitigation measures to the satisfaction of
the City and the United States Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) are
implemented. There is no guarantee that grading will be allowed to
· If grading or clearing is to occur between February 15 and July
1, the applicant shall previde to the Planning Division before
issuance of a Clearing/Grading Permit, a letter from a qualified
biologist retained by the applicant with a scope of work for a
CSS habitat and Gnatcatcher survey and report for the area to
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Page 8
be cleared and/or graded and CSS habitat areas within 500
feet of such area, ,The biologist shall contact the USFVVS to
determine the aPPmprlate survey methodology. The purpose of
the survey is to determine if any active Gnatcatcher nests are
located in the area to be cleared or graded or in CSS habitat
within 500 feet of such area. To be considered qua/tried the
biologist must provide the City with a copy of a valid
Gnatcatcher Recovery Permit from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife
Service (USFVVS).
· The scope of work shall explain the survey methodology for the
biological survey and the proposed Gnatcatcher nest
monitoring activities during the clearing/grading operation.
· Should the report show, to the satisfaction of the Director of
Development' Services, that Gnatcatchers nests are not
present within .the area to be graded/cleared or within CSS
habitat located within 500 feet of said area, approval may be
granted to commence clearing/grading within the Gnatcatcher
nesting season from February 15 through July 1.
· If Gnatcatchers are present within the area to be
graded/cleared or within CSS habitat located within 500 feet of
said area, no grading will be allowed during this time.
d. The biologist must attend the City's pm-construction meeting for the
project and must be present on-site dudng all clearing/grading
activities to monitor that the clearing/grading activities stay within the
designated limits. During this pedod, the biologist shall also monitor
and survey the habitat, on a daily basis, within the area to be
cleared/graded and any habitat within 500 feet of said area for any
evidence that a Gnatcatcher nest(s) exists or is being built. Weekly
monitoring summaries shall be submitted to the Planning Division.
Should evidence of a Gnatcatcher nest(s) be discovered, the grading
operation shall cease in that area and be directed away from the
Gnatcatcher nest(s) to a location greater than 500 feet away from the
nest(s). If grading is required to stop due to the presence of active
nests, the applicant shall provide erosion control to the satisfaction of
the City Engineer. This paragraph must be included as a note on the
cover sheet of the clearing/grading plan.
e. Upon completion of the clearing/grading activities, the applicant's
biologist shall submit to the Director of Development Services a
biological monitoring report summarizing the daily observations of the
biologist, including whether any Gnatcatchers or evidence of active
15 of 36 April 15, 2003 Item #1_
Resolution No. P-
Page 9
Gnatcatcher nests were present during clearing and grading activities
within the area and any habitat within 500 feet of said area.
f. At a minimum, all protected areas, as shown on the grading plan, shall
be staked by a licensed surveyor, and delineated with lathe and
ribbon. The applicant shall have said staking inspected by the
Engineering Inspector prior to any grading; clearing, or grubbing. A
wdtten certification from the engineer of work, or a licensed surveyor,
shall be provided to the Engineering Inspector stating that all
protected areas are staked in accordance with the approved project
g. The biologist shall provide the City with written conflrmationlthat the
~ limits of clearing/grading are in accordance with the project's
Biological Resource Assessment.
h. Pursuant to Poway Landscape Guidelines and the Fuel
Management/Landscape plan on file with the City for landscape of all
manufactured slopes greater than a 5:1 slope and Fuel Management
Zones, all landscaping and irrigation shall be installed, to the
satisfaction of the Director of Development Services and the Fire
Marshal. Manufactured slopes greater than 5:1 shall be planted with
a combination of ground cover, shrubs, and trees (with ratios and
sizes consistent with the guidelines), and shall be provided with an
automatic irrigation system operational at the time of final inspection.
A $525.00 plan check fee/deposit is required with the landscape plan
submittal package.
i. A fence between the approved development area of the parcel and
the conservation easement deed area shall be installed and
maintained to protect in perpetuity the conservation values and
function of the property. The applicant shall obtain approval by the
Director of Development Services regarding the specific location, type
and height of the fence prior to its installation.
12. Prior to the issuance of a grading permit, the applicant shall submit a revised
grading plan and modified house plans, as necessary, that'comply with the
City's General Plan grading standards for approval by the Director of
Development Services.
13. Prior to the issuance of a grading permit the applicant shall have the grading
plan, site plan, and landscape plan reflect access to the subject parcel from
the adjoining parcel to the south, APN: 321-220-10 and as conceptually
shown on Exhibit A attached to this resolution. If Mr. Collins is not able to
secure access through Mr. Bowman's property, APN 321-220-10, by
16 of 36 April 15, 2003 Item #1_
Resolution-No. P-
Page 10
September 1, 2003, then Mr. Collins may request the City Council to allow
the pamel's existing legal a ~ccffs~0~djacent to the Garlands'property, to be
E. Compliance with the following conditions is required during grading operations:
1. The site shall be developed in accordance with the approved site plans on
file in the Development Services Department and the conditions contained
herein. Grading shall be in accordance with the Uniform Building Code, the
City Grading Ordinance, the approved grading plan, the approved soils
report, and grading practices acceptable to the City.
2. Erosion control, including, but not limited to, desiltation basins, shall be
installed: and maintained by the developer throughout the duration of the
.. · ..... construction period. The developer shal~maintain all erosion control devices
throughout their intended life.
3. Prior to any rock blasting, a pre-blast survey of the surrounding properties
shall be conducted to the satisfaction of the Director of Development
Services, and a Blasting Permit shall be obtained from the Engineering
Division. Seismic recordings shall be taken for all blasting. Blasting shall
occur only at locations and levels approved by the Director of Development
4. Construction staking in accordance with the approved grading plans shall be
F. Prior to construction the applicant shall obtain a Building Permit. Prior to issuance
of a Building Permit, the applicant shall comply with the following:
1. The site shall be developed in accordance with the approved site plans and
conditions of approval on file in the Development Services Department and
the conditions contained herein. Grading of lots shall be in accordance with
the Uniform Building Code, the City Grading Ordinance, the approved
grading plan, the approved soils report, and grading practices acceptable to
the City.
2. Erosion control, including, but not limited to, desiltation basins, shall be
installed and maintained by the developer throughout the duration of the
construction period. The developer shall maintain all erosion control devices
throughout their intended life.
3. Rough grading is to be completed and meet the approval of the City
inspector and shall include submittal of the following:
17 of 36 April 15, 2003 Item #1_
Resolution-No; P-
Page 11
a. A certification of line and grade for the lot, prepared by the engineer of '
b. A final soil compaction report for review and approval by the City.
4. Any well system for the residence shall be approved by the County of San
Diego Department of Health.
5. Leach field layout or seepage pit layout for the res dence sewage disposal
system shall be submitted to the City's Engineering Services Division for
review and approval by the City Engineer prior to obtaining a septic system
installation permit from the County of San Diego Department of Health. If a
permit is obtained without a City approved layout, a copy shall be submitted
prior to installation of leach lines. Leach fields and septic system shall be
shown on grading plan prior to issuance of grading plan approval.
§. The following development fees shall be paid for each lot to the Engineering
Services Department prior to Building Permit issuance; These fees are
currently in effect and are subject to change.
Traffic Mitigation $ 990
Park $2,720
Drainage $1,570
7. The building plans shall be consistent with the approved site plans and
elevations dated September 24, 2002, on file in the Development Services
Department, except as modified by the conditions herein.
8. School impact fees shall be paid at the rate established at the time of
Building Permit issuance. Please contact the Poway Unified School Distdct
for additional information at (858) 748-0010, ext. 2089.
9. The building plans shall depict the approved exterior materials and colors
consistent with the approved sample board showing the Proposed colors and
exterior building materials.
10. Water, sewer, and fire protection systems plans shall be designed and
constructed to meet the requirements of the City of Poway.
11. The maximum height of any fence or wall shall not exceed 6 feet. The
retaining walls, depicted on conceptual grading plans, shall be of decorative
block or stucco finish consistent with the exterior of proposed residence. A
color sample of proposed walls and fences shall be submitted to the Planning
Division for review and approval.
t8 of 36 April 15, 2003 Item #'1
Resolution No. P-
Page 12
12. If a Grading Permit is raquired, rough grading of the lot is to be completed
and must meet the approval of She City Inspector and shall include submittal
of the following:
a. A certification of line and grade for each lot, prepared by the engineer
of work.
b. A final soil compaction report for each lot for review and approval by
the City.
13. An Affordable Housing In-Lieu Fee in the amount of $4,500.00 shall be paid
prior to Building Permit issuance.
G. The applicant shall comply with the following conditions prior to occupancy:
1. Driveways, drainage facilities, slope landscaping and protection measures,
and utilities, shall be _constructed, completed, and inspected by the
Engineering Inspector. The driveway shall be constructed in accordance with
Poway Municipal Code, section 17.08.170D, and its structural section shall
be shown on the grading plan.
2. A private road construction and maintenance agreement for Golden Sunset
Court, in a form satisfactory to the City Attorney, shall be executed by the
owner. Said agreement is to comply with Ordinance No. 280, Poway
Municipal Code, Section 12.20.060.
3. The applicant shall repair any and all damages to the private read caused by
construction activity from this project, to the satisfaction of the City Engineer.
4. An adequate drainage system around the building pad capable of handling
and disposing all surface water shall be provided to the satisfaction of the
Engineering Inspector.
5. All proposed utilities within the project site shall be installed underground.
6. Record an equestrian/pedestrian trail easement to the City of Poway across
the property in a location and dimension subject to the satisfaction of the
Director of Public Works.
7. Improve the pedestrian/equestrian trail to City standards, subject to the
Director of Public Works.
8. Record drawings, signed by the engineer of work, shall be submitted to
Development Services prior to a request of occupancy, per section
16.52.130B of the grading ordinance. Record drawings shall be submitted in
19 of 36 April 15, 2003 Item #t_
Resolution No: P- .
Page 13
a manner to allow the City adequate time for review and approval prior to
issuance of occupancy and release of grading securitieS.
9. Fencing shall be muted in colors that blend with the native surroundings.
10. The water tank shall be painted a muted earth tone color to blend with the
surrounding habitat and is subject to the approval of the Director of
Development Services.
H. The applicant shall construct the following improvements to the satisfaction of the
Director of Safety Services:
1. Roof covering shall be fire retardant as per UBC Section 1503 and 1504,
UBC Standard 15-2 and City of. Poway Ordinance No. 64 and its amended
Ordinance No. 526.
2. Approved nUmbers or addresses measuring 4 to 6 inches in height shall be
placed on the building in such a position as to be plainly visible' and legible
from the street fronting the property. Said numbers shall contrast with their
background, Address shall be required at private driveway entrances.
3, Each chimney used in conjunction with any fireplace shall be maintained with
a spark arrester.
4. Dead end access roadways in excess of 150 feet long shall be provided with
approved provisions for the turning around of Fire Department apparatus.
Curves and topographical conditions could alter the requirements for
turnarounds and the width of access ways.
5. This dwelling is being built on a parcel size of 9.01 acre(s)and is beyond 500
feet maximum from the nearest fire hydrant. The dwelling will haveto have
standby water for firefighting and a residential sprinkler system. Contact the
Fire Prevention Bureau for details.
6. A residential fire sprinkler system with a one-inch meter will be required.
Plans shall be submitted to the Fire Prevention Bureau for approval prior to
installation. (If a one-inch lateral off the street main is currently not present,
one will have to be installed.)
7. The applicant shall comply with the City of Poway Guide to Landscape
Maintenance as it relates to fuel management zones.
8, A minimum 10,000-gallon water tank with fire department connection will be
required for fire protection purposes Contact the Fire Prevention Bureau for
locations and details.
20 of 36 April 15, 2003 Item #1_
Resolution No. P- ·
Page 14
9. The driveway shall be minimum 16 feet in width·
10. Two turnouts on the driveway shall ~e required to allow two-way traffic.
11. Provide engineers certification that grade of driveway does not exceed 25%
as shown on plan·
Section 6: This Minor Development Review Application 02-85 shall expire on April 15,
2005, at 5:00 p.m. unless a Building Permit has been issued and construction or use of the
property in reliance on this permit has commenced prior to its expiration.
Section 7: Pursuant to Government Code Section 66020, the 90-day approval period in
which the applicant may protest the imposition of any fees, dedicatior~s, reservations, or
exactions imposed pursuant to this approval shall begin on April 15, 2003.
PASSED, ADOPTED and APPROVED by the City Council of the City of Poway,
State of California, this 15th day of April 2003.
Michael P. Cafagna, Mayor
Lod Anne Peoples, City Clerk
21 of 36 APril 15, 2003 Item #1_
Resolution No. P- .
Page 15
) SS
I, Lod Anne Peoples, City Clerk of the City of Poway, do hereby certify, under the
penalty of perjury, that the foregoing Resolution No. P- , was duly adopted by
the City Council at a meeting of said City Council held on the 15th day of April 2003, and
that it was so adopted by the following vote:
Lori Anne Peoples, City Clerk
City of Poway
M:\planning\02report~ndra~mdra02-85 res.doc
22 of 36 April '15, 2003 Item #1_
· Resolution No. P-
Page 16
23 of 36 April 15, 2003 Item #1_
24 of 36 April 15,2003 Item#t
Z % I
25 of 36 ATTACHMENT C April 15, 2003 Item
26 o~ 36 ATTACHMENT D April 15, 2003 Item #1
North Elevation
South ElevatiOn
East Elevation
West Elevation
April 15, 2003 Item #1
28 o~ 36 ATTACHMENT F April 15, 2003 Item#1
Bedroom #3
29 of 36 April 15, 2003 Item#1
30 of 36 April 15, 2003 Item#1
31 o:E 36
32 of 36
33 o£ 36
34 o~ 36 April 15, 2003 Item #1
MAR 3 ! 20O3
Friday, March 28, 2003 CITY OF POWAY
William and Gall Gadand __ C~YC~ER~SOmC~
14933 Golden Sunset Court
Poway Ca. 92064
Mayor Cafagna and Members of the City Council,
I turned in a letter to the council last week that stated Our concern
about the proposed entrance/access to the property MDRA 02-85. I find it
necessary to repeat my statement about the retaining structure that is
proPOSed. We are strongly and completely against it as is propos~ d. I Was
asked after the meeting why I said ~n my letter that we would accept it as
long as there were plantings along the wall. That is not what I stated,
perhaps I wasn't stating it strongly enOugh.
We ask the council to protect and uphold our rights as an existing,
established homesite in this matter. We request that when the drawing or
image is made, that our fenceline and gate be added; showing exactly how
close our two entrances will be, thus being able to judge the ful! impact of
it's size and location in relation to our property. We also ask we be allowed
time to see and comment before any final judgement is made on this project.
There may be the possibility of purchasing a right of way or easement
from the vacant property to our south. This property, which is the upper of
three, will be very difficult to develop. We feel it is likely that an easement
could be had. This would allow the proposed drive to go around the swale
instead of into it; and would alleviate not only the intrudence to our property,
but the risk to vehicular mishaps would be greatly reduced.
We ask that you consider the financial harm that can come to us as we
have begun a major remodeling project on our home, from which this
structure will be the main view. Such a massive structure, that does not
belong in a neighborhood such as ours, will be a hard thing to miss. Keep us
in mind so there are no consequences we have to pay for someone elses
Thank you,
William and Gall Garland
35 of 36 April t5,2003 Item#1
~ttachment N
36 of 36 April 15, 2003 Item #1_
- Limited Di~-h'ibution: April 15, 2003
April 14, 2003 R E C E I V E D
William and Gall Garland APE ! 5 2003
14933 Golden Sunset Court CITY OF POWAY
Mayor Cafagna and Members of the City Council,
We are faced with a problem of Mr. Collins property, created 20 years
ago with the approval of a 1:1 grading plan and placement of an easement on
the opposite side of the parcel building pad. Now, in order to access, the 1:1
must be brought down to a 2:1 grade and a 900' driveway and walls built to
the pad. The extreme degree of excavation alone is OVerwhelming, overly
intrusive, and an extreme burden and over-use of this easement.
We now find ourselves faced with the prospects of another road,
occurring on the same swale, also beginning on our driveway, starting out in
the same direction; not one wall, but two. With the purchase of the three
plots to our south by the Bowman family. They also need to use the swale,
put in an extremely long drive and retaining walls. Twice the excavation,
twice the massive retaining walls, twice the 900' or more driveways, twice
the concrete and block being brought up our street, twice the earth being
hauled away down our street, twice the destruction.
Obviously we are concerned about the Collins access road; it may be
the prospective buyers right to demand the use of our easement, but the
devaluation of our property and the placing of ourselves in harms way is not
acceptable to us. This is not the normal access road that is proposed, this is
a road comparable to Golden Sunset Lane; but with freeway walls and
necessary "high acceleration" speeds to get up the road.
As ruling body for the city of Poway, you have the right and the duty
to protect and defend your citizens from such situations; to reject and
correct a mistake made long ago to retain our family's comfort and safety,
to keep us out of harms way, and to prevent the devaluation of our property.
The alternative is to allow the proposal to happen, with possible
disastrous results for our family.
if this access road is allowed to go in, then another road go in right
next to it, it would be a glaring act of mismanagement of land and an obvious
show of lack of planning; and would be a statement to the whole community
of the disregard given to us as a neighborhood when it comes to the
development of property here.
1 of 3 April 15, 2003 Item # 1
We believe that we deserve the master planning other ridge top
developments receive, that enhance and protect our properties and open
spaces. We believe in ten years time that the neighborhood will see major
changes, and that improvements here are inevitable. If we did not believe
that, we would not be doing a major remodeling of our home, or continue to
improve our landscape, or even think about paying for the repair and
improvements to Golden Sunset. We are not alone in our perception of what
will come, and we are not alone in our concern of what is about to happen
right now.
To address the access/retaining wall/driveway proposed for the Collins
property; we have repeated again and again that it does not matter what
they do to improve the look of it, it is in fact it's massive size, length,
steepness, and proximity to our entrance and property line that can not be
overcome by the movement of a few feet here or there. A structure of such
size and length will appear atrocious at best, a large scar across the land.
We ask you to consider what this added steep grade of driveway will do
to our drive. We see it everyday at our neighbors driveways; the speeds
needed to get up, the inevitable speeds going down, the large trucks that
can't make it, even witnessing one vehicle losing control, coming down too
fast, jumping the curb and taking out the corner mailbox and garbage cans.
The difference in our case is; our neighbors have a safe entrance and exit
from their property, we will not.
We ask that you consider the steepness of our own driveway, add the
25% grade on and up, and ask yourselves how you would approach getting a
vehicle to the top. Consider that you can not accelerate until you have
turned the sharp corner at the bottom of our property. The only way you can
get up enough speed in such a short distance is to floor it and hold on. Now,
think about us just leaving our property; we must clear through our gate, and
we can not yet see you coming, the front end of our car already in your path
as you are accelerating. As the parents of a teenage daughter, we can tell
you frankly we are terrified and sickened by the thought of what could
happen to our daughter or her friends if put in this unsafe situation.
The drive down this steep grade will likewise be treacherous; if one
descends too quickly or misjudges the sharpness of the corner turn, they will
find themselves in the Clingmans property below, either in or on top of their
We respectfully submit that this project, as planned, will place us in
harms way, devalue our property, and cause financial harm and damage to
ourselves and our neighborhood as a whole. We feel our concern over the
obvious should be considered with great weight as the existing property
2 of 3 April 15, 2003, Item if I
- ownerS affected; and that the neighborhood, being affected also, Should be
considered at least as important as one more new development.
It is careful and wise planning that is needed here, please spare us
another Connole's, or worse; a concrete freeway entrance with long block
tentacles reaching out to the horizon. If these properties are to be
developed, and they both have the swale, driveways and retaining walls to
contend with; the two projects must be combined. Save at least par~ of the
swale; using only the south side of it will greatly decrease the affect on us,
and our immediate problem is solved. Allowing them to go in separately on
both sides isn't an option, it's a major mistake.
This is of course not addressing Mr. Bowmans property, and what he
intends to do with it. That is a matter for the council to take up at a later
time. The gaining of the access could allow him only~ the acce. ss to the one lot
he intends to build his own home on, although I have not yet seen a plan for
where he intends to go. That is up to you also. At any rate, neither party
loses anything by sharing the easement.
We ask that you take the time and care to consider the mistakes
already made; and what would be best for the existing community, individuals
and properties concerned. That regardless of an apparent sense of urgency,
or any individuals rushed timetable, or pressure for a quick decision; that you
consider that we and everyone in this community have to live with what you
decide and the after effects of your planning.
Thank You,
William and Gail Garland
3 of 3 April 15, 2003 Item
! Mickey Cafagna - Golden Sunset Court project ....... ,,,, Page 1 i
............. :: t
From: "Vicki Gowey~ <>
" To: "Betty Rexford" <>, "Bob Emery" <>,
"Bob at home Emery" <>, "Mickey Cafagna" <>, "Don
Higginson" <>, "Jay Goldby" <>
Date: Tue, Apr 8, 2003 7:35 PM
Subject: Golden Sunset Court project
As you are all aware, we have been struggling to come up with a way to get our road re-paved. We are
very close to a final plan to just bring it back up to great standards rather than try to bring it up to City
Standards in hopes that the City will then take it. Unfortunately it came to my attention that yet another
project is about to be approved that will seriously impact our road. That is the parcel at the end of Golden
Sunset Court. It is my understanding that if this project is approved many tons of dirt will be moved via
trucks using Golden Sunset lane. Once the grading is done, thousands of blocks will be delivered to the
site to build retaining walls then hundreds of yards of cement will be delivered to pour the road followed by
months of construction trucks using Golden Sunset to access the site to perform work. I realize that
everyone has the right to build a home providing they obtain the proper permits and approvals from the
City. The problem I have with this is the damage all of these trucks will do to Golden Sunset Lane again. If
we pave within the next three months as planned the read will soon be ruined again by the trucks doing
this project. If we don't pave until the project is completed and the project drags on for several years as
Murray's project did, the road will be a total loss.
I am once again asking the City Council and the City's Planning Department to help the residents of
Golden Sunset Lane with this issue. You approve the work but take no responsibility regarding the
damage that is done to our investment. The issue of the previous damages and repair costs has already
created serious animosities in our neighborhood. Our road is a mess but half the people refuse to pay
their fair share to repair it because they feel that those who built over the last five years should carry the
entire cost. Many of us are willing to pay our fair share right now and get the road back into good condition
but we cannot carry the cost of those who refuse to pay. I am pleading with all of you to stop right now and
review the impact that this new project will have on our neighborhood. You must come up with a way to
compensate for the damages done by the trucks who use private roads to access building sites. Not just
for our neighborhood but for all neighborhoods with private roads in our City. It is a very unfair situation
that must be addressed. I will be at next weeks Council meeting to state this case once more as I did in
November of 1999. I truly hope that this time the City will take action to protect existing property owners
and the investments they have made in their roads. It just does not seem right that anyone can use our
roads for projects that will cause great damage, with the City's blessing, yet the City will not pay to repair
the roads once the work is done.
CC: <bkutzner@ci.poway.>
APR 9 2003
I of I April 15, 2003 Item # --1
- Distributio=: April 11, 2003
MAR 3 I 2003
Fdday, March 28, 2003 CITY OF POWA¥
William and Gall Garland CJTYCLERK'SOFFICE
14933 Golden Sunset Court
Poway Ca. 9Z064
Mayor Cafagna and Members of the City Council,
I turned in a letter to the council last week that stated our concern
about the proposed entrance/access to the property MDRA 02-85. I find it
necessary to repeat my statement about the retaining structure that is
proposed. We are strongly and completely against it as is proposed. I was
asked after the meeting why I said in my letter that we would accept it as
long as there were plantings along the wall. That is not what I stated,
perhaps I wasn't stating it strongly enough.
We ask the council to protect and uphold our rights as an existing,
established homesite in this matter. We request that when the drawing or
image is made, that our fenceline and gate be added; showing exactly how
close our two entrances will be, thus being able to judge the full impact of
it's size and location in relation to our property. We also ask we be allowed
time to see and comment before any final judgement is made on this project.
There may be the possibility of purchasing a right of way or easement
from the vacant property to our south. This property, which is the upper of
three, will be very difficult to develop. We feel it is likely that an easement
could be had. This would allow the proposed drive to go around the swale
instead of into it; and would alleviate not only the intrudence to our property,
but the risk to vehicular mishaps would be greatly reduced.
We ask that you consider the financial harm that can come to us as we
have begun a major remodeling project on our home, from which this
structure will be the main view. Such a massive structure, that does not
belong in a neighborhood such as ours, will be a hard thing to miss. Keep us
in mind so there are no consequences we have to pay for someone elses
Thank you,
William and Gall Garland
I of 1 April 15, 2003 Item #1