Item 16 - Adoption of Reso Concerning Operation Iraqi Freedom Distribuflr~) April 11, 2003 AGENDA REPORT SuI MARY TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: James L. Bowersox, Ci1¥ Mana.~ INITIATED BY: Scott Edwards, Senior Management Analyst~ DATE: April 15, 2003 SUBJECT: Adoption of Resolution Concerning Operation Iraqi Freedom ABSTRACT As widely reported over the last week, a war against Iraq began on Mamh 19, 2003, involving hundreds of thousands of United States military troops and personnel as well as an international coalition of armed forces. In this difficult and dangerous time, it is important to support the men and women who risk their lives as members of the United States Armed Forces. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW This report is not subject to CEQA review. FISCAL IMPACT None. ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCF None. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council adopt a Resolution in support of the United States military personnel in Operation Iraqi Freedom. ACTION N:~share~agenda-sum.doc ~-, of 4 April 15, 2003 Item CITY OF POWAY AGENDA REPORT TO: Honorable Mayor and Members. o~f~e City Council FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Manal~ INITIATED BY: Scott Edwards, Senior Management Analystl~ DATE: April 15, 2003 SUBJECT: Adoption of Resolution Concerning Operation Iraqi Freedom BACKGROUND As widely reported over the last week, a war against Iraq began on March 19, 2003, involving hundreds of thousands of United States military troops and personnel as well as an international coalition of armed forces. In this difficult and dangerous time, it is important to support the men and women who risk their lives as members of the United States Armed Forces. FINDINGS Attached is a proposed Resolution for the City of Poway for your review and consideration of adoption. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW This report is not subject to CEQA review. FISCAL IMPACT None. ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCF None. 2 of 4 April 15, 2003 ITEM Resolution - Operati~ -- i Freedom - ,~ April 15, 2003 Page 2 RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council adopt a Resolution in support of the United States military personnel in Operation Iraqi Freedom. Attachment: A. Resolution RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF POWAY, CALIFORNIA IN SUPPORT OF THE UNITED STATES MILITARY PERSONNEL IN OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM WHEREAS, approximately 290,000 veterans of the United States Armed Forces make their home in the San Diego region; and WHEREAS, approximately 110,000 active duty military are stationed in the San Diego region; and WHEREAS, many citizens of San Diego County, serving in the United States Armed Forces, are currently on assignments related to Operation Iraqi Freedom; and WHEREAS, the City of Poway recognizes the success of this military effort since the war began While remembering the dangers that still remain for our personnel overseas; and WHEREAS, the City Council believes in providing a compassionate and supportive community for those brave men and women of the United States Armed Forces who are called to perform military duties, as well as the families and friends of those serving; and WHEREAS, it is important to acknowledge the fathers, mothers, sons, and daughters of the United States and other allied nations, who heroically carry out Operation Iraqi Freedom. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council does hereby resolve that the City of Poway strongly supports our country and military personnel in Operation Iraqi Freedom, and Poway citizens and businesses are encouraged to show our community's unwavering commitment to honor members of the Armed Forces for their courageous and patriotic duty in defending our country, its freedoms, and our way of life. PASSED, ADOPTED AND APPROVED by the City Council of the City of Poway, State of California, this 15th day of April 2003. Michael P. Cafagna, Mayor ATTEST: Lori Anne Peoples, City Clerk ATTACHMENT A 4 of 4 April 15, 2003 Item # }~.