Item 6 - Approval of Minutes AGENDA REPORT SUMMARY TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: James L. Bowersox., C')~y Mana~ INITIATED BY: Lori Anne PeepS, ~ity Clerk DATE: April 15, 2003 SUBJECT: Approval of Minutes ABSTRACT The minutes of March 4, 2003 Regular Meeting, March 6, 2003 Canceled Adjourned Regular Meeting, March 11, 2003 Canceled Regular Meeting, March 18, 2003 Regular Meeting, March 20, 2003 Adjourned Regular Meeting and March 25, 2003 Regular Meeting have been prepared and are attached for your approval. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW Environmental review is not required according to CEQA guidelines. FISCAL IMPACT None ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE None RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the Council approve the minutes of March 4, 6, 11, 18, 20 and 25, 2003. ACTION Il n:~egislat~cityclrk~agenda\min utes.sum 1 of 24 April 15, 2003, Item CITY OF POWAY, CALIFORNA MINUTES OF THE CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING MARCH 4, 2003 The March 4, 2003, Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Poway, was called to order at 7:00 p.m., by Deputy Mayor Rexford, at the Poway Community Library- Meeting Room, 13137 Poway Road, Poway, California. COUNCILMEMBERS PRESENT Bob Emery, Jay Goldby, Don Higginson, Betty Rexford COUNCILMEMBERS ABSENT Mickey Cafagna STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT James Bowersox City Manager Penny Riley Deputy City Manager Steve Eckis City Attorney Lori Anne Peoples City Clerk Warren Shafer Director of Administrative Services Robert Clark Director of Community Services Jim Howell Director of Public Works Mark Sanchez Director of Safety Services Leonard Zuniga . Sheriff's Lieutenant Javid Siminou City Engineer Patti Brindle City Planner Ingrid Alverde Economic Development Manager Scott Edwards Sr. Management Analyst PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Councilmember Jay Goldby led the Pledge of Allegiance. PUBLIC ORAL COMMUNICATION Deputy Mayor Rexford explained the procedure for Public Oral Communications. There was no one present wishing to speak. 7758 2 of 24 April 15, 2003, Item ¢~, Page 2 - CITY OF POWAY - March 4, 2003 CONSENT CALENDAR Motion by Councilmember Higginson, second by Councilmember Emery, to approve the Consent Calendar as follows: 4. Ratification of Warrant Register for the Period of February 3-7, 2003. (401-10) 5. Approval of Minutes - City Council February 11,2003 - Regular Meeting 7. Approval of Final Map for Tentative Parcel Map 02-01; Carmel Ridge II, Applicant. APNs: 314-060-06,314-131-10, 11, and 314-132-07. (203-02) 8. Approval of Release of Grading Security No. 184 02 43 in the amount of $287,200 and a Cash Security of $40,000 for Parkway Centre Six, Tentative Tract Map 98-05; Don Mitchell, Parkway Development VI, Applicant. (203-01) 9. Acceptance of the Aqua Ammonia Facility Project from Falcon Engineering, Inc. (602-01 #1552) 10. Adoption of Resolution No. 03-017 - Supporting Funding of an Integrated Coastal Ocean Observation System in Southern California. (1502-32) 11. Approval of a Boundary Adjustment Application to the County of San Diego for City-Owned Property and Kuebler Family Property, located south of Scripps Poway Parkway, east of City of Poway Boundary. (203-12) 11.1 Acceptance of a portion of the City Office Building Phase I Improvements Project from Iron Home Grading, Peltzer Plumbing, Inc., Brady Co., and Brewster Electric. (1601-01 ) Motion carried 4-0 with Mayor Cafagna absent. ITEM 1 (701-04) ORDINANCE NO. 574/SECOND READING SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT 84-01 III APPLICANT: CITY OF POWAY Deputy Mayor Rexford opened the public hearing and read the title of Ordinance No. 574, "An Ordinance of the City of Poway, California, Approving Specific Plan Amendment (SPA 84-01 III) to the South Poway Specific Plan to Change the Land Use Designation of the 26.49-Acre Portion of the Property Located at the Southeast Corner of Scripps Poway Parkway and Tech Center Drive from Light Industrial to South Poway Commercial APN: 317-280-67." The first reading was held on February 18, 2003, Item #1. 7759 3 of 24 April 15, 2003, Item Page 3 - CITY OF POWAY - March 4, 2003 The following person was present wishing to speak: Mac McCardle, representing the Poway Chamber of Commerce, 13381 Poway Road, spoke in support. Motion by Councilmember Goldby, seconded by Councilmember Emery, to close the public hearing, waive further reading (unanimous vote) and adopt Ordinance No. 574. Motion carried 4-0 on a roll call vote with Mayor Cafagna absent. ITEM 2 (701-04/203-21/203-02/203-08/203-141203-15/1002-06) ORDINANCE NO. 575/FIRST READING ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT 84-01-JJJ TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP 02-05 DEVELOPMENT REVIEW 02-21 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 02-13 COMPREHENSIVE SIGN PROGRAM 03-01 VACATION OF A PORTION OF GREGG COURT Deputy Mayor Rexford opened the public hearing and read the title of Ordinance No. 575, "An Ordinance of the City of Poway, California Approving Specific Plan Amendment (SPA 84-01J J J) to the South Poway Specific Plan to Change the Land Use Designation of the Vacant 7.3-Acre Property Located at the Westerly Terminus of Gregg Court from Light Industrial to South Poway Commercial, APPN: 317-270-53." Introduction by City Manager Bowersox. The proposed project involves a public hearing on the first reading of the proposed Ordinance adopting Specific Plan Amendment 84- 01J J J, an amendment to the South Poway Specific Plan to change the land use designation of the 7.3 acre westerly portion of the subject site from Light Industrial (LI) to South Poway Commercial (SPC); a Tentative Parcel Map to subdivide the subject site into 3 separate properties; a street vacation of a portion of the public right-of-way on Gregg Court; a Development Review for land use entitlement for construction of the buildings and other site improvements; a Conditional Use Permit for a fast food/drive- through restaurant; and a Comprehensive sign program. Staff report by City Planner Brindle. The following people were present wishing to speak: Mac M¢Cardle, representing the Poway Chamber of Commerce, 13381 Poway Road, spoke in support. Ed Malone, 17150 Old Coach Road, owner of the Town and Country Center, spoke in opposition. 7760 4 of 24 April 15, 2003, Item #(~ Page 4 - CITY OF POWAY - March 4, 2003 Motion by Councilmember Emery, seconded by Councilmember Higginson, to adopt Planning Resolution No. P-03-11, entitled, "A Resolution of the City of Poway, California, Approving Tentative Parcel Map 02-05, Development Review 02-21, Conditional Use Permit 02-13, and the Vacation of a Portion of Gregg Court. Assessors Parcel Numbers 317-270-29 and 53," and Planning Resolution No. P-03-12, entitled, "A Resolution of the City of Poway, California Approving Comprehensive Sign Program 03- 01 Assessor's Parcel Numbers 317-270-29 and 53," waive further reading of the Ordinance (unanimous vote), and continue the public hearing to March 18, 2003 for second reading and adoption of the Ordinance. Motion carried 4-0 on a roll call vote, with Mayor Cafagna absent. ITEM 3 (401-22) TRAFFIC IMPACT MITIGATION FEE LAND USE DESIGNATION CHANGES SOUTH POWAY BUSINESS PARK Deputy Mayor Rexford opened the public hearing. Staff report by City Manager Bowersox. On December 17, 2002, Council established a traffic mitigation fee of $55 for every average daily trip (ADT) estimated to be generated as a result of a land use designation change from Light Industrial to Industrial Park, and established 71 ADT per acre as the expected increase in ADT associated with the change. The fee is deemed necessary to off-stet the costs of providing identified long range circulation related improvements in the Business Park associated with the intensification of use as identified in the Traffic Study prepared for SPA 84-01QQ. With the recent commercial development interest in the Business Park, there is a need to apply a similar fee to land use designation changes from LI to IP to South Poway Commercial (SPC). The recommended traffic impact mitigation fee would be applicable to all projects within the South Poway Specific Plan (SPSP) area requesting and receiving the land use designation change. There was no one present wishing to speak. Motion by Councilmember Emery, seconded by Councilmember Goldby, to close the public hearing and adopt Resolution No. 03-018, entitled, "A Resolution of the City Council, of the City of Poway, California, Approving a Traffic Mitigation Fee for South Poway Specific Plan Amendments that Change the Land Use Designation of Properties from Light Industrial or Industrial Park to South Poway Commercial." Motion carried 4-0 with Mayor Cafagna absent. CITY MANAGER ITEMS 12A. City Manager Bowersox provided Council with a brief update on the State Budget. (1502-23) 7761 5 of 24 April 15, 2003, Item #~ Page 5 - CITY OF POWAY - March 4, 2003 City Manager Bowersox then recognized Retired Assistant City Manager John Fitch who was present in the audience. City Manager Bowersox then provided Council with an update on the County Water Authority emergency storage project and the San Vicente Pipeline project. MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL-INITIATED ITEMS 14. Councilmember Emery requested staff look into traffic control on Midland Road by Old Poway Park for foot traffic crossing from the park to the shopping center. 18A. Councilmember Emery provided an update on Regional Governance inclusive of a bill that had been introduced on Friday afternoon of a holiday weekend by Assembly Member Kehoe (AB 361) without discussion or consultation with SANDAG or any of the member cities that is in conflict with the intent approved during negotiations last year on SB 1703. General discussion ensued. Motion by Councilmember Emery, seconded by Deputy Mayor Rexford, to support SANDAG's attempt to work with Assembly Member Kehoe to accomplish the mutually agreed upon conditions of SB 1703, with the City of Poway on the record in opposition to AB 361 as currently proposed. Motion carried 4-0 with Mayor Cafagna absent. 18B. Deputy Mayor Rexford requested and received Council concurrence to hold a pre-development conference for the Old Poway Specific Plan to allow a bed and breakfast use in the RS-2 zones within the Specific Plan area on March 20, 2003. (203-18) 18C. Deputy Mayor Rex'ford requested and received Council concurrence to hold a pre-development conference for Plancom/Cingular Wireless for consideration of a telecommunications facility on a developed church site located at 16903 Espola Road on March 20, 2003. (203-18) ADJOURNMENT Deputy Mayor Rexford adjourned the meeting at 8:15 p.m., on motion by Councilmember Emery, seconded by Councilmember Higginson. Motion carried 4-0 with Mayor Cafagna absent. Lori Anne Peoples, City Clerk City of Poway 7762 6 of 24 April 15, 2003, Item ~ - CITY OF POWAY, CALIFORNA MINUTES OF THE CITY COUNCIL CANCELED ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING MARCH 6, 2003 COUNClLMEMBERS PRESENT None COUNCILMEMBERS ABSENT Bob Emery, Jay Goldby, Don Higginson, Betty Rexford, Mickey Cafagna The Poway City Council Adjourned Regular Reefing of March 6, 2003, was canceled due to lack of a quorum. The next regularly scheduled meeting is March 18, 2003, at 7:00 p.m. in the Poway Community Library - Meeting Room. Lori Anne Peoples, City Clerk City of Poway 7763 7 of 24 April 15, 2003, Item #(..o CITY OF POWAY, CALIFORNA MINUTES OF THE CITY COUNCIL CANCELED REGULAR MEETING MARCH 11, 2003 COUNClLMEMBERS PRESENT None COUNCILMEMBERS ABSENT Bob Emery, Jay Goldby, Don Higginson, Betty Rexford, Mickey Cafagna The Poway City Council Regular Meeting of March 11,2003, was canceled pursuant to Council action on December 3, 2002. The next regularly scheduled meeting is March 18, 2003, at 7:00 p.m. in the Poway Community Library - Meeting Room. Lori Anne Peoples, City Clerk City of Poway 7764 8 of 24 April 15, 2003, Item #~.p -- CITY OF POWAY, CALIFORNA MINUTES OF THE CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING MARCH 18, 2003 The March 18, 2003, Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Poway, was called to order at 7:00 p.m., by Mayor Cafagna, at the Poway Community Library - Meeting Room, 13137 Poway Road, Poway, California. COUNCILMEMBERS PRESENT Bob Emery, Jay Goldby, Don Higginson, Betty Rexford, Mickey Cafagna STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT James Bowersox City Manager Penny Riley Deputy City Manager Steve Eckis City Attorney Lori Anne Peoples City Clerk Warren Shafer Director of Administrative Services Robert Clark Director of Community Services Niali Fritz Director of Development Services - Jim Howell Director of Public Works Mark Sanchez Director of Safety Services Linda Barnett Sheriff's Captain Javid Siminou City Engineer Patti Brindle City Planner Pamela Wilczak Housing Programs Manager Scott Edwards Sr. Management Analyst PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Deputy Mayor Rexford led the Pledge of Allegiance. PUBLIC ORAL COMMUNICATION Mayor Cafagna explained the procedure for Public Oral Communications. The following people were present wishing to speak. Howard Stackiin, 13149 Tobiasson Road, expressed his views on county-wide construction and the need for Civil Defense. Brenda and Harry Bloom, 14621 Twin Peaks Road, spoke regarding the negative - effects of the "Alstrand" project on their property. 7765 9 of 24 April 15, 2003, Item #~ Page 2 - CITY OF POWAY - March 18, 2003 Chuck Kramer, 14607 Twin Peaks Road, spoke regarding negative effects of the "Alstrand" project on the neighborhood. Barbara Luena, 14612 Twin Peaks Road, spoke regarding the negative effects of the "Alstrand" project on the neighborhood. Mary Boyle, P.O. Box 2590, Valley Center, Daughter of Mrs. Kane, 14635 Twin Peaks Road, spoke regarding the negative effects of the "Alstrand" project on her parents property and the entire neighborhood. Tom Teal, 15131 Country Hill Road, spoke regarding the negative effects of the "Alstrand" project on the Blooms driveway. Maryann Eshghipour and Arya Behzad, 13708 Paseo De Las Cumbres, spoke regarding flooding of their property caused by the adjacent property's construction. Gino Russo, 13350 Ann-O-Reno, representing the Poway Family Bocce Club, spoke regarding facility use. Cliff Hubball, 14562 Springvale Street, spoke regarding the need for a reduced speed limit on approximately 1,700 linear feet of Poway Road in order to accommodate electric vehicles with a top speed of 25 mph. CONSENT CALENDAR Mayor Cafagna noted that Agency Item #14 was requested to be continued to March 25, 2003 as the bids were still under review and that a request had been submitted to pull Agency Item #15 for discussion. Motion by Councilmember Goldby, second by Councilmember Emery, to approve the remainder of the Consent Calendar as follows: 5. Ratification of Warrant Register for the Periods of February 10-14 and February 17-21,2003. (401-10) 6. Approval of Minutes - City Council February 18, 2003 - Regular Meeting 8. Approval of City's Investment Report as of January 31, 2003. (408-01) 9. Acceptance of Fuel Station Upgrade from Advance Petroleum Corporation. (602-01 #1551) 10. Approval of Extra-Territorial Water Service Agreement Between the City of Poway and Ramona Municipal Water District. APN: 276-080-52. (602-01 #1595) 7766 10 of 24 April 15, 2003, Item -- Page 3 - CITY OF POWAY - March 18, 2003 11. Adoption of Planning Resolution No. P-03-13 - Approving Hillside/Ridgeline Minor Development Review 02-114, Larry Aker, Applicant: A request to construct a 5,200-square-foot, split-level two-story, single family residence measuring a maximum of 30 feet in height, and an attached 1,000-square-foot, 3-car garage on a 3.49-acre property. Located on the north side of Eastvale Road, east of Canyon Pass, APN: 278-240-33. (203-10) 12. Approval of Agreement with Park Creek Homeowners Association and Christopher and Lisa Pike for Construction Access to Construct a Masonry Wall for the City Office Building and settlement payments of $28,567 and $4,727 respectively. (602-01 #1596) 13. Adoption of Resolution No. 03-019 - Authorizing Hazard Elimination Safety Grant Project STPLH-5428 (011), for the installation of sidewalks and streetlights along the east side of Standish Drive between Garden Road and approximately 200 feet south of Kennebunk Street. (401-30) 17. Report on the Left-Turn Lane on Midland Road at Putney Road and an All-Way Stop Control at Putney Road and Melissa Lane. (1160-01 ) - 18. Update of City Council Goals and Objectives. (202-01) Motion carried unanimously. ITEM 1 (701-04) ORDINANCE NO. 575/SECOND READING SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT 84-01JJJ APPLICANT: CITY OF POWAY Mayor Cafagna opened the public hearing and read the title of Ordinance No. 575, "An Ordinance of the City of Poway, California, Approving Specific Plan Amendment (SPA 84-01J J J) to the South Poway Specific Plan to Change the Land Use Designation of the Vacant 7.3-Acre Property Located at the Westerly Terminus of Gregg Court from Light Industrial to South Poway Commercial, APN: 317-270-53." The first reading was held on March 4, 2003, Item #2. The following person was present wishing to speak: Ed Malone, 17150 Old Coach Road, representing Poway Town and Country Center, spoke in opposition. Motion by Councilmember Emery, seconded by Councilmember Higginson, to close the public hearing, waive further reading (unanimous vote) and adopt Ordinance No. 575. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote. 7767 11 of 24 April 15, 2003, Item #?~ Page 4 - CITY OF POWAY - March 18, 2003 ITEM 2 (203-08/203-10) MODIFICATION TO CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 91-05M MINOR DEVELOPMENT REVIEW 92-64R APPLICANT: PHILLIP CHENN Mayor Cafagna opened the public hearing. Staff report by City Manager Bowersox. This is a request to add a 2,154-square-foot, two-story addition onto an existing 4,522- square-foot residential care facility located at 16031 Pomerado Road. The request also includes the conversion of the existing garage to living space and the construction of a 754-square-foot detached garage. APN: 275-231-02. This item was continued from the December 17, 2002 Agenda, Item #5, January 14, 2003, Item #1 and February 4, 2003, Item #2. Staff is recommending it be continued again to April 1, 2003. There was no one present wishing to speak. Motion by Councilmember Goldby, seconded by Deputy Mayor Rexford, to continue the public hearing to April 1,2003. Motion carried unanimously. ITEM 3 (203-14) ANNUAL STATUS REPORT SOUTH POWAY DEVELOPMENT REVIEWS Staff report by City Manager Bowersox. In September 1996, the City Council delegated to staff, the approval of Development Review applications for the South Poway Specific Plan area. The last report on administratively approved Development Reviews was reported to the City Council on August 3, 1999. Tonight's report includes an annual summary of all approvals from January 1, 1999, through December 31, 2002. This is a receive and file. No objection as filed. ITEM 4 (205-04) FY 2002-2003 MIDYEAR BUDGET AMENDMENTS Staff report by City Manager Bowersox. Each year all departments do a midyear evaluation to determine if budget amendments are necessary. On June 26, 2001, the City Council approved the FY 2001-02 and FY 2002-03 two-year Financial Program. At the start of the second year of the Program, the City Council adopted a Program update effective July 1, 2002, that established an operating budget of $52,065,740 and a RedevelopmentJHousing Services operating budget of $5,074,480. Under the Program, General Fund revenues were projected to exceed expenditures by $98,039. On January 15, 2002, the City Council established the City and Redevelopment Agency multi-year Capital Improvement Project (CIP) Program, funding $16.4 million in new projects. 7768 12 of 24 April 15, 2003, Item #(P Page 5 - CITY OF POWAY - March 18, 2003 With adoption of amendments to the Financial Program for FY 2002-03, the City Council established a new Economic Uncertainty Fund. This action set aside $2,000,000 of the approximately $14,000,000 General Fund balance to be used in subsequent years in the event the State elects to reduce funding allocated to local agencies. Staff has completed a midyear evaluation of the City's FY 2002-03 midyear fiscal status and prepared this report. The Budget Review Committee reviewed it on March 11, 2003. Other than the proposed midyear expenditure reduction plan, no additional major expenditure adjustments are proposed. The figures reflect implementation of the mandated Storm Water Management program, and the reduction of $179,800 in revenue due to the suspension of the program's Pollution Abatement Fee. Adjustments adopted at the start of FY 2002-03, from the original two-year Financial Program adopted in June 2001, included an appropriation for Always Remember 9-11 Disaster Relief contribution, increased insurance costs in both general liability and worker's compensation, higher expense for development activity offset by related revenues, and approximately $260,000 of renovations taking place in the Landscape Maintenance Districts. For the CIP Program, a number of adjustments to projects are proposed with midyear. New projects include $2,000,000 for the Pomerado Road sound wall, and $250,000 for Tannin Road student parking. Additional appropriations for updated project costs include $2,750,000 for Community Road widening, $1,335,250 for construction of Fire Station III, and $489,670 for Old Poway Phase IV. These cost adjustments are generally related to an increase in the projects' scope or updated estimates. Due to the uncertainty of the impact from the State, projects are funded by the General Fund only as required. Staff will be compiling an updated five-year fiscal forecast for the General Fund for Council consideration as part of the upcoming two-year budget cycle. The forecast will evaluate the extent to which increasing revenues and the General Fund surplus are sustainable in future years. Motion by Deputy Mayor Rexford, seconded by Councilmember Emery, to adopt Resolution No. 03-020, entitled, "A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Poway, California Approving Midyear Amendments to the City's Financial Program for Fiscal Year 2002-2003." Motion carried unanimously. CITY MANAGER ITEMS 19A. City Manager Bowersox provided Council with a brief update on the State Budget. (1502-23) 7769 13 of 24 April 15, 2003, Item #~ Page 6 - CITY OF POWAY - March 18, 2003 MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL-INITIATED ITEMS 21. Councilmember Emery provided information on the Poway Unified School District Foundations "Community Campaign for Quality Education," wherein they ask for a $300 donation to sponsor a student (less than $1. a day) due to the loss of State funding. 24A. Deputy Mayor Rexford requested and received Council concurrence for the appointment of Peter Saxon to the Performing Arts Advisory Committee. (701-09) 25A. Mayor Cafagna stated he had no new information to provide on Regional Governance. (1503-46) ADJOURNMENT Mayor Cafagna adjourned the meeting at 9:05 p.m., on motion by Deputy Mayor Rexford, seconded by Councilmember Goldby, to March 20, 2003, 6:00 p.m., in the Community Park Auditorium, 13094 Bowron Road. Motion carried unanimously. Lori Anne Peoples, City Clerk City of Poway 777O 14 of 24 April 15, 2003, Item #,, ~ CITY OF POWAY, CALIFORNA MINUTES OF THE CITY COUNCIL ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING MARCH 20, 2003 The March 20, 2003, Adjourned Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Poway was called to order at 6:00 p.m., by Mayor Cafagna at the Community Park Auditorium, 13094 Bowron Road, Poway, California. COUNClLMEMBERS PRESENT Bob Emery, Jay Goldby, Betty Rexford, Mickey Cafagna COUNCILMEMBER ABSENT Don Higginson STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT James Bowersox City Manager Penny Riley Deputy City Manager Tamara Smith Assistant City Attorney Sherrie Worrell Deputy City Clerk Robert Clark Director of Community Services Niall Fritz Director of Development Services Ray Fisher Sheriff's Lieutenant Patti Brindle City Planner Javid Siminou City Engineer Jeff Beers Assistant Engineer Peggy Stewart Community Services Manager Jim Bentz Community Services Manager Jennifer Johnson Sr. Management Analyst Tracey Bohlen Sr. Management Analyst Scott Edwards Sr. Management Analyst PUBLIC ORAL COMMUNICATIONS Mayor Cafagna explained the procedure for Public Oral Communications. There was no one present wishing to speak. 7771 15 of 24 April 15, 2003, Item #,~o Page 2 - CITY OF POWAY - March 20, 2003 ITEM 1 (602-01 #74) PRESENTATION ARJIS - AUTOMATED REGIONAL JUSTICE INFORMATION SYSTEM A brief PowerPoint presentation on the system was made by Pam Scanlon, ARJIS Executive Director, who also responded to questions of the Council. Louis Tooch, 14105 Powers Rd., inquired as to why vehicular manslaughters and DUIs were not listed on the database. ITEM 2 (1301-12) PRESENTATION SUBSTANCE ABUSE PREVENTION Item was removed from the Agenda as requested by staff. .ITEM 3 (1401-02) MIDLAND ROAD SOFTBALL FIELDS Introduction by City Manager Bowersox. The Poway Girls' Softball League approached the City with a request to create additional softball fields. They had completed a needs assessment in November 2001 and submitted to the City. The needs assessment described the organization, its present fields and facilities, and presented a projection of future growth and the needs of the league. With the purchase of floodway parcels in the Old Poway Park area, a potential opportunity has been created to meet this recreational need. The site size is seven acres, located west of Midland Road and north of Aubrey Street and is presently occupied by a Christmas Tree Farm lot and three other parcels. The floodway limit runs diagonally through the tree farm with the flood plain limit encompassing the entire project area. A concept plan was reviewed by the Development Review Committee and several areas of concern were identified such as the requirements of the Standard Urban Storm Water Mitigation Plan requiring mitigation of runoff pollutants from the parking areas and ball fields, such as chalk, fertilizers, and infield dirt. The concept plan includes a total of 5 fields, including 4 fields measuring 125 feet and 1 lighted field measuring 175 feet; a parking lot with the capacity to hold 110 cars; one building with storage, a snack bar, restrooms, and a meeting space; a gazebo and meandering lighted sidewalks. The estimated base cost for the project is $2.5 million to $3.5 million. Items that are not included are any improvements that may be suggested by neighboring residents. 7772 16 of 24 April 15, 2003, Item #. (o - Page 3 - CiTY OF POWAY - March 20, 2003 The Poway Girls' Softball League has offered an alternative to a totally City- funded project. They have embarked on an aggressive fundraising effort and retained the services of a design engineer, which would reduce the role of city staff to the managing and overseeing of the project. If the entire project were to be done as a private development, the costs are estimated at $2.4 million. If Council concurs there is an interest in the project, it would be turned over to the Parks and Recreation Committee and neighborhood meetings would be arranged to see what can be developed and then brought back to Council. Director of Community Services Clark provided a brief verbal presentation on the program. One of the Council's adopted goals since 1997 has been to acquire additional field space. Since that time the City has developed every suitable propertY it could locate. The Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee completed a review of the needs assessment in November 2001, and confirmed the need for sport fields and a primary need for girl's softball fields. Roger Moyers, representing the Poway Girls Softball League, gave a brief PowerPoint presentation. The presentation covered the proposed site plan. - Dan Krall, 14223 Primrose Court, spoke in support of the project. Linda Farmer, 13989 Saddlewood Drive, spoke in support of the project. Brad Pitzer, 14521 Midland Road, spoke in support of the project, but would like to see the auto repair shop relocated. Douglas Duke, 13812 Olive Mill Way, expressed concerns about having lighted ball fields in the neighborhood, increase in traffic, parking, and noise. Craig Pond, 14452 Midland Road, expressed concerns about the traffic volume and increased speed on Midland Road. Maureen Blomberg, 14339 Sycamore Ave., expressed concern about parking on Sycamore, lighting of fields, and building in the floodplain. Nick Pinto, 14241 York Ave., expressed concern about the lighting, noise, and vagrants. Dee Fleischman, 14428 Midland Road, stated she supported the need for such a facility; however, not on the proposed site. - Pacaie Cowie, 14313 Sycamore Ave., expressed concern over the lighting and fencing of the grounds. 7773 17 of 24 April 15 2003, Item Page 4 - CITY OF POWAY - March 20, 2003 Susan Kane, 14331 Sycamore Ave., express concern over there being a sports park in the neighborhood rather than in the business park. General discussed ensued with Council expressing interest in the project with the applicant working with the neighborhood before going further. Mayor Cafagna called for a brief recess at 7:40 p.m. Council reconvened at 7:50 p.m. with all members present except Councilmember Higginson. ITEM 4 (203-18) PRE-DEVELOPMENT CONFERENCE 03-01 City Manager Bowersox explained that no decision is made during a pre- development conference, it is intended to provide an opportunity for the applicant to present their proposal and get some feedback from Council. Staff report by City Manager Bowersox. This is a request for consideration of an amendment of the Old Poway Specific Plan to allow a Bed and Breakfast use in the RS-2 zones, 13644 Adrian Street. APN: 314-193-31. The applicant was not present to present the proposal. Joe Wilson, 13624 Aubrey Street, spoke in favor of the project. Dee Fleischman, 14428 Midland Road, spoke in opposition to the project. The Council expressed no objections to the proposal. ITEM 5 (203-18) PRE-DEVELOPMENT CONFERENCE 02-10 Staff repor[ by City Manager Bowersox. This is a request for consideration of a proposed installation of a wireless telecommunication facility, consisting of panel type antennas mounted to a proposed 30-foot-tall, "faux" bell tower and ground mounted equipment, on a developed church site, St. John of Damascus Church, 16903 Espola Road. APN: 273-820-09. Council heard presentation from the applicant, Darrel Daugherty, PlanCom, 6170 Cornerstone Court, Suite 180, San Diego, who also responded to questions. The Council expressed no objections to the proposal. 7774 18 of 24 April 15 2003, Item #~ - Page 5 - CITY OF POWAY - March 20, 2003 ADJOURNMENT Mayor Cafagna adjourned the meeting at 8:15 p.m. upon motion by Councilmember Emery, seconded by Councilmember Goldby. Sherrie D. Worrell, Deputy City Clerk City of Poway 7775 19 of 24 April 15 2003, Item CITY OF POWAY, CALIFORNA MINUTES OF THE CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING MARCH 25, 2003 The Mamh 25, 2003, Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Poway, was called to order at 7:00 p.m., by Deputy Mayor Rexford, at the Poway Community Library- Meeting Room, 13137 Poway Road, Poway, California. COUNCILMEMBERS PRESENT Bob Emery, Jay Goldby, Don Higginson, Betty Rexford, Mickey Cafagna STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT James Bowersox City Manager Penny Riley Deputy City Manager Steve Eckis City Attorney Lori Anne Peoples City Clerk Warren Shafer Director of Administrative Services Robert Clark Director of Community Services Jim Howell Director of Public Works Deborah Johnson Director of Redevelopment Services Mark Sanchez Director of Safety Services Linda Barnett Sheriff's Captain Javid Siminou City Engineer Patti Brindle City Planner Scott Edwards Sr. Management Analyst PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Councilmember Goldby led the Pledge of Allegiance. PUBLIC ORAL COMMUNICATION Deputy Mayor Rex'ford explained the procedure for Public Oral Communications. The following person was present wishing to speak. Cliff Hubball, 14562 Springvale Street, inquired as to the time frame in which he would be contacted by the Traffic Safety Committee on his request for a reduced speed limit on approximately 1,700 linear feet of Poway Road in order to accommodate electric vehicles with a top speed of 25 mph. 7776 20 of 24 April 15 2003, Item ~ Page 2 - CITY OF POWAY - March 25, 2003 CONSENT CALENDAR Deputy Mayor Rexford announced that Item 8 was being pulled for discussion, Item 8.3 was being continued to April 1, 2003 and Item 8.4 was being removed from the Consent Calendar. Motion by Councilmember Goldby, second by Councilmember Higginson, to approve the remainder of the Consent Calendar as follows: 4. Ratification of Warrant Register for the Period of February 24-28, 2003. (401-10) 5. Approval of Minutes - City Council February 25, 2003 - Regular Meeting 7. Adoption of Resolution No. P-03-14 - Approving Temporary Use Permit 03-09, City of Poway Community Services, Applicant, to hold the Annual Earth/Arbor Day Celebration at Old Poway Park, 14124 Midland Road on Saturday, April 12, 2003, from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. (203-07) 8.3 Adoption of Resolution No. 03- - Authorizing the Submittal of a Grant Application to the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection for the - "Proposition 12" Urban and Community Forestry Program, and the appropriation of $3,600 to a Tree Planting Project to be funded by a "Proposition 12" Grant. (Continued to April 1, 2003). (401-30) 8.4# Adoption of Resolution No. 03- - Supporting the United States Military Personnel in Operation Iraqi Freedom. (Removed from the Agenda). (1501-00) Motion carried 4-0 with Mayor Cafagna absent. ITEM 1 (203-02) TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP 03-01 APPLICANT: BERRYMAN & HENIGAR Deputy Mayor Rexford opened the public hearing. Staff report by City Manager Bowersox. This is a request to subdivide 15.61 acres within the Old Poway Specific Plan Area into 3 parcels by merging and reconfiguring 10 existing parcels and vacating Brighton Avenue. The project site is zoned Residential Single-Family-7 (RS-7), Commercial General (CG) and Mobile Home Park (MHP). APNs: 314-220-07 through 12, 42, 66, 67 and 68. The following person was present wishing to speak: - Louis Tooch, 14105 Powers Road, inquired as to what the final zoning of the merged parcels would be. 7777 21 of 24 April 15 2003, Item #~, Page 3 - CITY OF POWAY - March 25, 2003 . Motion by Councilmember Emery, seconded by Councilmember Goldby, to close the public hearing and adopt Planning Resolution No. P-03-15, entitled, "A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Poway, California Approving Tentative Parcel Map 03-01 and Vacating Brighton Avenue Assessor's parcel Number 314-220-07 through 12, 42, 66, 67 and 68." Motion carried 4-0 with Mayor Cafagna absent. ITEM 2 (1504-10) APPROPRIATION OF FUNDS SUPPLEMENTAL LAW ENFORCEMENT SEVICES FUND CITIZEN'S OPTION FOR PUBLIC SAFETY PROGRAM (COPS) Deputy Mayor Rexford opened the public hearing. Staff report by City Manager Bowersox. The COPS program provides funding from the State's General Fund to local agencies to enhance public safety. The County of San Diego has received FY 02-03 COPS funding from the State Controller's Office and distributed the City of Poway's share of $100,000. The Safety Services Department has requested use of these funds to partially offset the cost of the two Sheriff's positions initially approved by the Council in FY 99-00. The City of Poway is required to maintain historic levels of funding for law enforcement that existed prior to this grant. These funds can be used to supplement the existing law enforcement budget and are to be used for front-line municipal police services, which include personnel expenses and capital needs. There was no one present wishing to speak. Motion by Councilmember Emery, seconded by Councilmember Goldby, to close the public hearing and approve the appropriation. Motion carried 4-0 with Mayor Cafagna absent. ITEM 3 (203-02) APPROVAL OF PARCEL MAP TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP 03-01 Deputy Mayor Rexford opened the public hearing. Staff report by City Manager Bowersox. This item is a companion item to Item 1 on this Agenda. The Parcel Map for Tentative Parcel Map 03-01, a three-parcel subdivision, located east of Midland Road between Adrian Street and Edgemoor Street, is ready for Council approval. Brighton Avenue between Temple and Edgemoor streets is being vacated through the parcel map. A public utility easement is reserved to the City with the right to dedicate easements to others over the vacated Brighton Avenue. There was no one present wishing to speak. Motion by Councilmember Goldby, seconded by Councilmember Emery, to approve. Motion carried 4-0 with Mayor Cafagna absent. 7778 22 of 24 April 15 2003, Item ~ -- Page 4 - CITY OF POWAY - March 25, 2003 ITEM 8 (203-10) HILLSIDE/RDGELINE MINOR DEVELOPMENT REVIEW 02-85 APPLICANT: R.E. COLLINS Introduction by City Manager Bowersox. This is a request to construct a 4,500-square- foot, one-story, single-family residence measuring a maximum of 24 feet in height on a 9.01-acre property located at the eastern terminus of Golden Sunset Court. APN: 321- 220-13. Staff report by City Planner Brindle, who also responded to questions of the Council. The following people were present wishing to speak: Gail Garland, 14933 Golden Sunset Court, proper owner adjacent to proposed project, spoke in opposition. Dee Fleisohman, 14428 Midland Road, requested visual documents be provided in the future for projects of this type. R.E. Collins, applicant, spoke in support of the project and responded to questions of - the Council. Motion by Councilmember Goldby, seconded by Councilmember Emery, to continue this item to April 15, 2003 to allow time for the owner to prepare a photo simulation of the proposed project on the site. Motion carried 4-0 with Mayor Cafagna absent. CITY MANAGER ITEMS 9. A. City Manager Bowersox presented Council with a State Budget update. (1502-23) City Manager Bowersox also presented Council with the 2003 CRA Award of Excellence for Poway's Road to Success Workshops by the Poway Redevelopment Agency. MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL-INITIATED ITEMS 15A. Mayor Cafagna was absent so no new information was provided on Regional Governance. (1503-46) 7779 23 of 24 April 15, 2003, Item #;~ Page 5 - CITY OF POWAY - March 25, 2003 ADJOURNMENT Deputy Mayor Rexford adjourned the meeting at 8:05 p.m., on motion by Councilmember Goldby, seconded by Councilmember Emery. Motion carried 4-0 with Mayor Cafagna absent. Lori Anne Peoples, City Clerk City of Poway 778O 24 of 24 April 15, 2003, Item