Item 8.1 - Proposal for a Sales Tax Increase for Benefit of Libraries AGENt REPORT SUMMARy TO: DATE: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council James L. Bowersox, City Han~ June 4, 1996 FROM: SUBJEct: Proposal for a Sales Tax Increase for the Benefit of Libraries: Support for Implementing Legislation ABSTRAct On Hay 7, 1996, the City Council briefly discussed a proposal of the City of San Diego and County of San Diego to place a v. cent increase in the sales tax on the November General Election Ballot. This sales tax increase which would require a two-thirds voter approval would remain in place for five years. In order for the proposed sales tax initiative to be placed on the ballot, the legislature must first approve implementing legislation and have it signed by the Governor by the third week of July. Senate Bi 11 1958 has been introduced by Senator Mello and is now in the Assembly. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW This report is exempt from CEQA review. FISCAL IMPAct None at this time. ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE None. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council approve a resolution in "Support for Urgency Legislation to Penait Local Voter Approval For a One-Quarter Cent Sales Tax for Libraries." AcnON 1 of 11 JUN 4 1996 ITEM 8.1 . CITY OF POWAY AGENDA REPORT TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council James L. Bowersox, City Man~ June 4, 1996 Proposal for a Sales Tax Increase for the Benefit of Libraries: Support for Implementing Legislation BACKGROUND On May 7, 1996, the City Council briefly discussed a proposal of the City of San Diego and County of San Diego to place a V. cent increase in the sales tax on the November General Election Ballot. This sales tax increase which would require a two-thirds voter approval would remain in place for five years. In order for the proposed sales tax initiative to be placed on the ballot, the legislature must first approve implementing legislation and have it signed by the Governor by the third week of July. Senate Bill 1958 has been introduced by Senator Mello and is now in the Assembly. FINDINGS Attached is a letter (Exhibit A) signed by all members of the Board of Supervisors requesting a resolution of "Support for Urgency Legislation to Permit Local Voter Approval for a One-Quarter Cent Sales Tax for Libraries." As noted in the Supervisor's letter, there is a need "to work out details of the ballot language, the distribution of revenues, and the sharing of costs in preparation for the passage of the legislation." On May 28, 1996, there was a meeting held at the office of the County librarian that included the County and all cities. At this meeting, an estimated revenue table was distributed (Exhibit B) which noted that Poway would receive $914,427 per year based upon Fiscal Year 1994-95 taxable sales. This would probably mean that Poway would accrue $5.0 million over the five-year collection period. Issues discussed during the meeting included the following: 1. The need to include a maintenance of effort provision and establishment of a base year. 2. Are there Countywide needs that should be addressed before those of individual cities? 3. How should the funds be divided between capital and endowment funds? 4. Should the cities share the cost with the County for the ballot measure? 2 of 11 JUN 4 1996 ITEM 8.1 Agenda Report June 4, 1996 Page 2 5. Is the Board of Supervisors willing to allow funds raised within the cities to be returned to the cities? In order to address the above issues as well as formulate recommendations with respect to specific projects and ballot language, a "follow up" meeting has been set for June 10, 1996. At this time it is premature to recommend support for the proposed sales tax increase. However, in order to preserve options, it is appropriate to support SB 1958 (Mello). Attached for City Council consideration is a resolution (Exhibit C) supporting legislation that would enable voters to decide whether they would enact a sales tax for the benefit of libraries. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW This report is exempt fro~ CEQA review. FISCAL IMPACT None at this time. ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE None. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council approve a resolution in "Support for Urgency Legislation to PerMit Local Voter Approval for a One-Quarter Cent Sales Tax for Libraries." Exhibits: Exhibit A - Exhibit B - Exhibit C - County of San Diego letter EstiMated Revenue Table Resolution C:\OATA\WP'lLES\AIENDA\OI04TAX.CMD 3 of 11 JUN 4 1996 ITEM 8.1 ptt rlECEIVED ClIoUttt~ of ~ntt ~i~go A . MAY 24 1996 BOARD OF SUPERVISORS CITY OF POWAY '800 ~ACI"C HIGHWAY. ~OOM 331. aAN OliGO. CAU.O....... .2'O"2~!);Y MANAGERS OFFICE May 20, 1996 The Honorable Don Higginson Mayor, City of Poway 13325 Civic Center Drive Poway, CA 92074 Dear Mayor Higginson: The Board of Supervisors has endorsed placing an initiative on the November 1996 ballot seeking 2/3 voter approval of a 1/4-cent sales tax increase for five years to be used exclusively for library purposes. In order to proceed with this initiative, special State urgency legislation is required to permit the County to place the measure on the ballot. Therefore, we request that your Council adopt a resolution of support. A draft is enclosed. We would appreciate receiving the Council's resolution by June 14. A copy must be faxed to Deputy Chief Administrative Officer Lari Sheehan at 531-6439 as soon as possible, but no later than June 14. The initiative envisioned by the Board of Supervisors would provide that each of the cities which have their own library, and the County of San Diego libraries would receive the 1/4-cent sales tax revenue generated within their service area boundaries for purposes of funding new library services and projects. The monies could not be used to supplant existing services and projects. EXHIBIT A 4 of 11 JUN 4 1996 ITEM 8.1 -2- County staff will be contacting your staff to work out the details of the ballot language, the distribution of revenues, and the sharing of costs, in preparation for passage of the legislation. If you have questions or would like more information, please contact Ms. Sheehan at 531-5274 or County Librarian Marilyn Crouch at 694- 2389. Supervisor Bill Horn Vice Chairman Respectfully, Supervisor Ron Roberts Chairman ~~ Supervisor ~reg Cox First District ~~ Third District Supe isor Dianne Second District Attachment cc: Councilmembers City Managers 5 of 11 ~UN 4 1996 ITEM 8.1 ~ ESTIMATED REVENUE FROM 1/4 CENT SALES TAX BY AREA INCORPORATED AND UNINCORPORATED AREAS OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY BASED ON 1994 CALENDAR YEAR PERCENTAGES AND FISCAL YEAR 1994-95 TAX ALLOCATIONS Annual Taxable Total Taxable Value 1/4 cent Sales Sales ( .0025) Allocatable Allocated (94- (1994) -Broken 95) Based on Le. .5 of Out to Derive 1/2 Cent SD previous Most Recent Regional column B Geogrphic Transportation Percentage Commission Allocations Allocations (Actuals after 2\" Administrative Charges Subtracted by State Board of Equalization Del Mar $ 80,409,000 $ 457,213 $ 228,606 ( .004) El Cajon $1,104,210,000 $6,172,383 $3,086,191 ( .054) Encinitas $ 382,772,000 $2,171,764 $1,085,882 (.019) Imperial Beach $ 43,26.8,000 $ 228,606 $ 114,303 (.002) La Mesa $ 608,603,000 $3,429,101 $1,714,550 (.030) Lemon Grove $ 199,069,000 $1,143,033 $ 571,516 ( .010) poway $ 321,747,000 $1,828,854 $ 914,427 (.016) San Marcos $ 507,815,000 $2,857,584 $1,428,792 (.025) Santee $ 369,909,000 $2,057,460 $1,028,730 ( .018) Solana Beach $ 116,946,000 $ 685,820 $ 342,910 (.006) A B C EXHIBIT B 6 of 11 JUN 4 1996 ITEM 8.1 Vista $ 414,023,000 $2,286,067 $1,143,033 (.020) Unincorporated $ 874,883,000 $4,915,043 $2,457,520 (.043) 7 of 11 JUN 4 1996 ITEM 8.1 Taxable $19,389,750,000 $109,388,341 $ 54,694.171 AIlocat (.957) able Transac- tioDS lncorporat ed CITIES Taxable $ 888,258,000 $ 4,572,135 $ 2,286,068 AIlocat (.04) able Transac- tioDS Unincorp . Ateas Total $20,264,633,000 AIlocat able Sales TOTAL $ 5,242,838 UNALLO CATED TAXABL E TRANSA CTlONS SAN $22,375,143,000 $ 55,937,857 DIEGO CO. TOTAL Allocated and Unallocate d Revenue $ 5,023,654,000 $ 12,559,135 raised in all areas served by Co. Ubnuy -8 of 11 JUN 4 1996 ITEM 8.1 .. SAN $20,264.633.000 $ 50,661,583 DIEGO CO. TOTAL Excluding Unallocate d Taxable Transactio os Ellen Zyroff 4123/96 9 of 11 JUN 4 1996 ITEM 8.1 RESOLUTION NO. 96- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF POWAY, CALIFORNIA REGARDING SUPPORT FOR URGENCY LEGISLATION TO PERMIT LOCAL VOTER APPROVAL FOR A ONE-QUARTER CENT SALES TAX FOR UBRARIES WHEREAS, citizens throughout the San Diego County region rely on their community libraries for a variety of services; and WHEREAS, current funding levels are insufficient to provide for essential library programs and operations; and WHEREAS, a number of library facilities are in desperate need of repair, remodeling, or expansion to properly serve library patrons; and WHEREAS, hours of operation have been reduced for many libraries due to funding constraints; and WHEREAS, current funding levels are insufficient to pay for an information-age library system; and WHEREAS, libraries serve youngsters from preschool to college, parents, and seniors, as well as businesses; and WHEREAS, libraries are a vital part of each community; and WHEREAS, a sales tax rate increase of one-quarter cent for a period of five years would generate approximately $50 million annually for the entire region; and WHEREAS, legislation is needed to authorize the voters of San Diego County to vote to impose a sales tax to be used exclusively for library purposes; and WHEREAS, urgency legislation is needed before August 9, 1996 to permit the Board of Supervisors to place the ballot measure on the November 5, 1996 ballot. EXHIBIT C 10 of 11 JUN 4 1996 ITEM 8.1 Resolution No. 96 - Page 2 NOW TIffiREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Poway that it hereby supports adoption of urgency legislation to permit the voters of San Diego County to consider a one-quarter cent sales tax rate increase for five years to be used exclusively for library improvements and that it urges all members of the San Diego Legislative Delegation and the Governor to support such legislation. PASSED, ADOP1ED, AND APPROVED by the City Council of the City of Poway at a regular meeting this 4th day of June, 1996. Don Higginson, Mayor STATE OF CAUFORNlA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO ) I, Marjorie K. WahIsten, City Oerk of the City of Poway, do hereby certify under penalty of perjury that the foregoing Resolution No. 96 - was duly adopted by the City Council at a meeting of said City Council held on the 4th day of June 1996 and that it was so adopted by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSTAIN: ABSENT: Marjorie K. Wahlsten, City Oerk City of Poway 11 of 11 JUN 4 1996 ITEM 8.1