Item 14 - Report of Admin Action Taken on City Council/Public Inquiry Items AGE.'IDA RFPORT Sn~lARX- TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: James 1. Bowersox, City Man~ INITIATED BY: John D. Fitch, Assistant City Manager1':\ l// Penny Riley, Senior Management AnalY~ DATE: June 4, 1996 SUBJECT: Report of Administrative Action Taken on City Council-Initiated and Public Inquiry Items ABSTRACT A policy for the disposition of issues introduced at Public Oral Communications or under a City Councilrnember's agenda item has been established by the City Council, Council requested staff to work directly with concerned citizens on issues and report the conclusions of those discussions in a report for the Consent Calendar, This report covers the period of March 26,1996 though May 13, 1996, ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW Environmental review is not required for this agenda item according to California Environmental Quality Act guidelines. FISCAL IMPACT There is no fiscal impact, ADDmONAL PUBLIC NOTmCATION AND CORRRl\PONDENCE None. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council receive and file this report. ACTION 1 of 4 JUN 4 1996 ITEM 1 4 CITY OF PO\\AY AGENDA REPORT Th. report.. induded on the C~ent Cal~.. Th.... wtN be no .epar.e dtecu..ion of the report prior to appro..... bv the City Council unl.. ~ of the Counc:iI. ~aff or pubic r~uMt it to be remov~ from the C~ent Calendar II"Id diecu...d .eparllttMy. If you wi.h to he.... thie report pulled for cMCUMion, ~... fil out . ,lip indic8ting the report number and gi.... it to the City Clerk prior to the beginning of the City Council mrMting. TO: FROM: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council James L, Bowersox, City Mana~ John D, Fitch, Assistant City Manager _.n/ Penny Riley, Senior Management Analysif- INITIATED BY: DATE: June 4,1996 SUBJECT: Report of Administrative Action Taken on City Council-Initiated and Public Inquiry Items BACKGROUND At the March 22, 1994 City Council meeting, Deputy Mayor Emery discussed the City's practice of responding to issues introduced at Public Oral Communications or under a City Councilmember's agenda item. A policy for the disposition of such matters is outlined in Resolution 86-13 5 (Exhibit A), City Council requested staff to work directly with concerned citizens on issues and report the conclusions of those discussions in a report for the Consent Calendar, FINDINGS This report of administrative action covers the period of March 26, 1996 though May 13, 1996, Meeting I Topic Disposition > ......- Date > < 04/23/96 Barbara Creek Maintenance near Letter from Redevelopment Services Swanson Powav Royal Deoartment 04/30/96 Gisela Traffic Signal Letter from Mayor Koestner Synchronization 04/30/96 Geraldine Housing Plotting for Old Letter from Planning Services Plum PUBLIC ORAL COMMUNICATIONS 2 of 4 JUN 4 1996 ITEM 14 Administrative Action Agenda Report June 4. 1996 Page 3 ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW Environmental review is not required for this agenda item according to California Environmental Quality Act guidelines, FISCAL IMPACT There is no fiscal impact, ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE None. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council receive and file this report. Attachment: Exhibit A - Resolution 86-135 C:\DAT A\RPTIPUB1NQ3.RPT 3 of 4 JUN 41996 ITEM 14 RESOWl'IOO NO. 86-13 5 A RESOLtmCN IE' 'niE CITY caJNCIL IE' '!HE CITY OF F<:W.Y, CALIFORNIA, ESrABLISHIOO PPO:E!X1RAL KJLES ro ro1PLY WITH GCl'JE!N.1ENT OXlE SE:TIONS 54954. 2 AND 54954. 3 mERE'AS, except as provided therein, california Government Code Sections 54954.2 and 54954.3, effective January 1, 1987, establish limitations upon discussing, and prohibit taking action upon itans of tusiness introduced at City Ca.1ncil meetings rot net appearing on the agenda; and WHEREAS, the City Ca.1ncil wishes to carq;lly with both the spirit and the letter of said sections and to be as responsive to llSI1bers of the public as possible; and WHERE'AS, the City Attorney has opined that, except as provided in said sections, the City Ca.1ncil should neither discuss nor act upon off-agenda it6!lS initiated by staff or Ca.1nci1manbers; and WHERE'AS, the City Attorney has opine:i that said sections do not prohibit discussion of off-agenda itans introduce:i by the public provided that no action is taken. Na'l', '!=uRE, THE CITY caJNCIL OF THE CITY OF F<:W.Y, CALIFORNIA, roES HEREBY AOOPl' 'mE FOI..r.a-1ING KJLES OF PRCCEDURE GOVERNING rrs MEETINGS o:::M-1ENCING ~ 1, 1987: Section 1. ltans of business not appearing on a City council agenda and introduced by a Ca.1ncilmember or by staff shall be referred autanatically and without any discussion or action whatever by council to the City Manager (1) for action by the City Manager if the llBtter is administrative in nature; or (2) for placement upon a City Council agenda within four (4) weeks if the xm.tter requires action by the Ca.1ncil. The City Manager shall report to the City Ca.1ncil within four (4) weeks any administrative action taken. Nothing herein shall prohibit or limit any councillllanber fran announcing or introducing at a meeting of the Ca.1ncil any llBtter of concern to such Ca.1ncilmember. Section 2. ltans of business not appearing on a City council agenda and introduced by a nanber of the public xm.y be discussed by the City Council, but no action shall be taken thereon. All such it6!lS shall be referred autarati- cally and without any action whatever to the City Manager (1) for action by the City Manager if the llBtter is administrative in nature; or (2) for placement upon a City Camcil agenda within four (4) weeks if the llBtter requires action by the Ca.1ncil. The City Manager shall report to the City Ca.1ncil within four (4) weeks any administrative action taken. PASSED, AOOPl'ED AND APPRJVED, by the City council of the City of Pa"lay, california, at an adjourned regular meeting thereof this 11th day of Decanber, 1986. . ~"-- Bruce J. ATTEST: m~:.-. t ';)L'.t.I.:-,t:: Marjorie K. wahlsten, City Clerk \ JUN 4 1996 ITEM 1 4 4 of 4