Item 15- Library Advisory Committee Recommended Funding for Poway Library AGE~A REPORT SL~L\fARY ~. TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Man~ INITIATED BY: John D. Fitch, Assistant City Manager'-1' Robert L. Thomas, Director oC Community Se Patrick R. Foley, Senior Management Analyst DATE: June 4,1996 SUBJECf: Library Advisory Committee Recommended Funding Cor the Poway Library in FY 1996-97 ABSTRACT The Library Advisory Committee is recommending a $72,000 budget for the library in FY 1996-97. The proposed budget represents a slight increase over the $71,165 budgeted in FY 1995-96. The proposed budget includes: (1) funding for a part-time children's librarian at 30 hours per week, (2) the purchase of 40 books per month, (3) UMI Proquest System, (4) San Diego Union-Tribune on compact disc, (5) LA Times and NY Times, on computer disc, (6)books on tape, (7) reference book updates, (8) books for young ch i 1 dren, (9) computer hardware, (10) phonedisc, and (11) contingency funds for equipment maintenance. It is recommended that the City Council approve the $72,000 library budaet for FY 1996-97 as proDosed by the Library Advisory Committee. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW This item is not subj ect to CEQA review. FISCAL IMPACT The $72,000 will have to be appropriated from the General Fund in FY 1996-97. ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE Additional notification sent to Library Advisory Committee and County Library staff. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council approve the $72,000 library budget for FY 1996- 97 as aroaosed by the Library Advisory Committee. ACTION 1 of 9 JUN 4 1996 ITEM 1 5 ~ AGENDA REPORT CITY OF POW A Y This report is included on the Consent Calendar. There will be rlO separate discussion of the report prior to approval by the City Councd unless members of the Council. staff or public request ,t to be removed from the Consent Calendar and discussed separately. If you wish to nave this report pulled fOf diSCUSSion. please fill out a slip indicating the report number and give it to the City Clerk prior to the beginning of the City Council meeting. TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council James L. Bowersox, City Mana~ John D. Fitch, Assistant City Manager~- Robert L, Thomas, Director of Community Services Patrick R. Foley, Senior Management Analyst FROM: INITIATED BY: DATE: June 4, 1996 SUBJECT: Library Advisory Committee Recommended Funding for the poway Library in FY 1996-97 BACKGROUND On April 17, 1996, the Library Advisory Committee considered a proposed library budget of $72,000 for FY 1996-97. The budget (Attachment 1) proposed by the committee includes the following items: 7,900 3,670 1,514 2,725 167 2,300 5,500 3,800 4,216 1.000 $72,000 i )) JUN 41996 ITEM 1 5 Children's librarian (continue funding position at 30 hours per week) Baker & Taylor Best Seller Purchase Plan (continue to purchase 40 books per month) UMI Proquest System General periodicals ondisc Business Dateline ondisc San Diego Union-Tribune ondisc LA Times and NY Times ondisc U.S. phone books ondisc Books on tape Reference book update Books for young children Computer hardware Contingency funds Tota 1 ACTION: 2 of 9 $30,958 8,250 Agenda Report June 4, 1996 Page 2 FINDINGS The Library Advisory Committee is recommending a $72,000 budget in FY 1996-97, To better meet the need of the Poway patrons, the FY 1996-97 budget reflects the deletion on some materials and the addition of others, The following is a brief summary of the changes to the proposed budget. Newspaper Abstracts Ondlsc This item has been eliminated from the FY 1996-97 budget due to the cost ($2,755) and the ability of patrons to find more current information on the Internet. LA Times and NY Times on Compact Disc Both of these newspapers were previously purchased on microfilm. The newspapers will now be purchased on compact disc at a much lower cost then the microfilm. The compact discs also contain the index for these newspapers, therefore, the costs for a separate paper index can be eliminated from the budget. Internet Access Costs The cost for Internet access ($3,055) is being provided by the County library as of March 22, 1996. San Diego, Union-Tribune Ondlsc Since patrons can easily access national and international news, the FY 1996- 97 budget proposes providing the San Diego-Union Tribune on compact disc for access to local news at a cost of $1,514, Phonedisc The phonedisc is new to the FY 1996-97 budget and provides access to phone books from major cities in the United States at a cost of S167. Books on Tape Due to the high demand, it is proposed that the books on tape budget be increased from $1,500 to $2,300 in FY 1996-97. JUN 4 1996 ITEM 15 3 of 9 Agenda Report June 4, 1996 Page 3 Computer Hardware To accommodate the LA Times and NY Times on compact disc will require the addition of another computer workstation at a cost of $4,216, Contingency Funds Most of the computer equipment is under a four year warranty, therefore, the equipment maintenance contingency fund has been reduced from $3,000 to $1,000, ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW This item is not subject to CEQA review. FISCAL IMPACT The $72,000 will have to be appropriated from the General Fund in FY 1996-97, ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE Additional notification sent to Library Advisory Committee and County Library staff. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council approve the $72,000 library budget for FY 1996-97.as proposed by the Library Advisory Committee. JLB:JDF:RLT:PRF Attachment: 1 - Proposed Library Budget E:8CITyeAGENDAeo604LBRY.COH JUN 4 1996 ITEM 15 4 of 9 PROPOSED BUDGET FOR CITY OF POWAY 1996/7 I. CHILDRE~'S LIBRARIAN 30 hours per week A Childn:n':; Libr~rian i:; a ncce:;:;ity in this community Toddler, preschool and school-age children's programs are excellent ways to instill a love of reading and libraries. Library tours and lessons are very necessary, as is reference assistance II. UMI PROQUEST SYSTEM General Periodicals Ondisc This CD ROM product indexes 450 magazine titles and includes full image for over 250 magazine titles. [t is in constant use by many members of the community for many different reference needs, Business Dateline This CD product consists of full-text regional business journals including San Diego Business Journal alld San Diego Daily Transcript, This workstation is in constant demand with patrons looking for employment, those interested in stocks and mutual funds and students doing reports related to business, Significant topic areas are: company profiles, real estate markets, industry regulations and new product development m. SAN DIEGO UNION ON COMPACT DISC NewsBank produces this product which is both an index and full-text of the San Diego Union. IV. LA TIMES (1997) (on microfilm) The library only keeps two week's worth of back issues so having this information in some format is important. LA TIMES INDEX (PAPER FORMAT) OR LA TIMES ON COMPACT DISC (index built into system) V. NEW YORK TIMES (1997) (on microfilm) NEW YORK TIMES INDEX (PAPER FORMAT) OR NEW YORK TIMES ON COMPACT DISC (This special price, which represents 30% off, is available only until July 15, 1996 and includes current year and two years back), VI. PHONEDISC POWERFINDER 96 This 5 Disc set includes 100 million residential and business Attachment 5 of 9 $30.958.00 $7,900.00 $3,670.00 $1,514.00 $1,402.00 $1,024.00 ($ 940.00 )* $2,352.00 $ 806.00 ( $1,78500)* $ 167.00 JUN 4 1996 ITEM 1 5 Page 2 listings indexed by name, address, phone number and business type Searching can be done by name, address, business type, S[C code and phone number VII. BAKER AND TAYLOR BEST SELLERS Our new book shelves get the most activity of any place in the library Approximately 40 best sellers will be selected each month and the bills will be paid upon receipt of the invoice. Patrons are thrilled to find best sellers on our shelves without having to request them, More than 70% of the collection is in constant circulation. $8,250.00 VIII. BOOKS ON TAPE $2,300.00 This collection continues to be extremely popular with commuters. It is very rare to find more than 5% of the collection left on the shelves, IX. REFERENCE BOOK UPDATE $5,500.00 We are known for our excellent business reference tools, They must be current to be of any value and many are quite expensive, X. BOOKS FOR YOUNG CHILDREN $3, 800.00 With an average of 50 children attending our programs, demand for new materials has dramatically increased, Concept books with large pictures and print are needed for toddlers and preschoolers, These books encourage fundamental skills and beginning reading habits, Easy reader books are books that children can read on their own, emphasizing basic phonic skilIs, First graders in this community are all assigned a number of books to read in the Rolling Reader Program. Both volunteers and children are told to find these books at their public library, Easy-reader biographies for 2nd and 3 rd graders get requested with frequency, We have biographies for older children but very little for this level. XI. COMPUTER HARDWARE Two Disc Changers (each has six disc capacity). $ 600.00 Two Cables $ 50.00 Color Monitor $ 300.00 6 of 9 JUN 4 1996 ITEM 15 Page J 8 Megabytes of Memory $ 200.00 XU. CONTINGENCY FUNDS $ 1,000,00 This money should be set aside for repair or replacement of CD ROM or other computer equipment. Or if LA Times and New York Times are purchased in compact disc format instead of microfilm with paper indices. 7 of 9 Total $71,793.00 otal ($68,934.00) JUN 4 1996 ITEM 1 5 Page .. EXPLANA nON OF CHANGES The following information refers to 1995/96 budget. ItemU Newspaper Abstracts Ondisc has been eliminated from the budget this year for a variety of reasons: cost ($2,755); ability to find more current information on the Internet; and frustration of patrons, The product indexes 5 major V.S, newspapers but Poway Library only has the full text of 2 of these papers (the New York Times and LA Times on film), When patrons would find a great abstract for the Wall Street Journal, Boston Globe or the Washington Post, they would have to go to another library to get the full article Item VII San Diego County Library will be paying for access to the Internet as of March 22, 1996. The following information refers to 1996/97 budget Item ill The library only keeps two week's worth of the San Diego Union in hard copy. Since patrons can easily get national and international news on the Internet, it would be very helpful to be able to access local news on compact disc, *Items IV & V In the past, the LA Times and New York Times have been purchased in microfilm format Newspaper Abstracts Ondisc indexed these papers. Due to the expense, as well as frustration to patrons, it is proposed that Newspaper Abstracts Ondisc, be eliminated (for reasons mentioned above), The paper format of the indices would then need to be purchased, A less expensive alternative is buying these newspapers on compact disc, Patrons find the microfilm awkward and cumbersome, They would greatly prefer using products on compact disc, The one big negative to getting these papers on compact disc is - one workstation would have four full-text products on it and only one person at a time could use it There is some likelihood that more memory and another disc changer would need to be purchased, as welL Item Vl This branch currently gets "hand-me-downs" of I'honefiche ( phone books from major cities in 8 of 9 JUN 4 1996 ITEM 15 Page 5 the United States on microfiche), They are cumbersome to use and are very out-of-date PhoneDisc is an excellent product which is reasonably easy to use and very inexpensive Item VIII Due to extremely high demand, it is suggested that the books on tape budget be raised from $1,500 to $2,300. Item XI In order to add 4 or possibly 5 new CD ROM products to one of the workstations, additional hardware, etc, is necessary, Additional disc changers have to be added to accommodate the new products. PhoneDisc alone would use up 5 slots, The color monitor currently in the workstation will not work with Windows which is necessary to run some of these products, In addition, extra memory is needed to run these products, Item xn Since most of our computer equipment is under a four year warranty, the budget for contingency funds has dropped from $3,000 to $1,000, JUN 4 1996 ITEM 1 5 9 of 9