Item 16 - Proposed Service Charge for Food/Beverage Reception at PAC AGEND~. REPORT SOMlO.RY TO: INITIATED BY:John D. Fitch, Assistant City Robert L. Thomas, Director of Xichael J. Putnam, Performing Honorable Mayor and Member. or the City James L. Bowersox, City xana~, ,,"',-; MaDaqe~, I ',. _ ""_._ ~"\' . ''7 community Service Arts xanagerf1 FROX: DATB: June 4, 1996 SUBJECT: proposed Service Charge for Food and/or Beverage Reception beld at Performing Arts Center .- ABSTRACT The Council is being asked to approve a special service charge for users of the Performing Arts Center who wish to hold a food and/or beverage reception at the Center. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW This item is not subject to CEQA review. FISCAL r1fl"~CT A modest increase in rental revenue to the City is anticipated offsetting associated janitorial and personnel expenses. ADDITIOImL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE Additional notification sent to Performing Arts Advisory Committee. RECO-lI!NDATION It is recommended that the City Council approve a $75 service charge for users of the facility who wish to hold a food and/or beverage reception at the poway Center for the Performing Arts. ACTION 1 of 3 JUN 4 1996 ITEU 1 6 ~ AGENDA REPOR1 CITY OF POW A Y This report is Included on the Consent Caler.dar :here 'W'ill be no separate disc~ssion of ~he report prior to approval by the City Council unless members oi the Council. staff or public request it to be removed from the Consent Calendar ana discussed separately If you wIsh to nave thiS report pulled for diSCUSSion, piease fill out a slip indicating the report number and give It to the City Clerk prior to the beginning of the Cit\/ Council meeting, ~, i~ \ ~-J. TO: INITIATED BY: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council James L. Bowersox, City Man~ John D. Fitch, Assistant City Manager~'~ Robert L. Thomas, Director of communit~ services'~ Michael J. Putnam, Performing Arts Manager~ FROM: DATE: June 4, 1996 SUBJECT: Proposed Service Charge for Food and/or Beverage Receptions held at Performing Arts Center BACKGROUND Since the opening of the Performing Arts Center in 1990, users of the Center have occasionally requested permission to hold a food and/or beverage reception in the Center. In recent times the request for such receptions have become more frequent and the receptions have become more elaborate. PINDIHGS The use of the Center for food and/or beverage receptions increases the wear and tear on Center fixtures and equipment such as carpeting and folding tables and chairs. Food and/or beverage receptions also cause an increase in janitorial services which are provided by an outside contract as needed and on an hourly cost basis. In addition, such receptions require additional time for coordination by part-time hourly Center staff. All of these costs are over and above those covered by the regular rental charges for the use of the Center. The Performing Arts Advisory Committee, at its regular meeting on April 10, 1996, voted unanimously to recommend to the City Council the approval of a $75 service charge for food and/or beverage receptions at the PCPA. ACTION: 2 of 3 )) JUN 4 1996 ITEM 1 (, Agenda Report June 4, 1996 Page Two ENVIRONMENT~L REVIEW This item is not subject to CEQA review. PISCAL IMP~CT It is anticipated that this service charge will produce approximately an additional $1,000 of rental revenue to the City in FY 1997. ADDITION~L PUBLIC NOTIPICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE Additional notification sent to Performing Arts Advisory Committee. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council approve a $75 service charge for users of the facility who wish to hold a food and/or beverage reception at the poway Center for the Performing Arts. JLB:JDF:RLT:MJP:gs 3 of 3 JUN 4 1996 ITEM 1 6