Item 21 - Award of Bid Mobile Lifting System AGE\'ll-.\. REPORT SnnfARY . TO: Honorable :\<layor and Members of the City Council James L. Bowersox, City Ma~ . ..- John D. Fitch, Assistant City Manager-.' ' ' James R. Williams, Director of Public Services ~ Michael Lessig, Equipment Maintenance Supervi~ FROM: INITIATED BY; DATE: June 4, 1996 SUBJECT: Award of Bid for Mobile Lifting System at the City's Vehicle Maintenance Facility --- ABSTRACT On October 19, 1995 bids were opened for a heavy-duty mobile lifting system for trucks at the City's Vehicle Maintenance Facility, The City's current lift system is inadequate to allow staff mechanics to perform the necessary repair and maintenance on the larger City trucks and equipment. It is recommended the City Council award the bid to Automotive Resources, Inc. in the amount of $28,883.00 ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW This item is not subject to CEQA review. FISCAL IMP ACT Sufficient funds have been budgeted in Account 0401-6130, ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE A copy of this report was mailed to the four bidders: GCS, 1nc" Challenger Lifts, Inc" Sefac Lift and Automotive Resources, RECOMMENDATION It is recommended the City Council award Bid No, 013-95-96 to Automotive Resources, 1nc, In the amount of $28,883 ,00. ACTION - JUN 4 1996 ITEM 2 1 1 of 3 ~ AGENDA REPOR'l CITY OF POW A Y This report is included on the Consent Calendar. There will be no separate discussion of the .eport pnor ~o approval by the City Council unless members of the Council. staff or public request it to be removed from the Consent Calendar and discussed separately. If you wish to have this report pulled for discussion, please fill out a Slip Indicating the report number and give it to the Cty Clerk prior to the beginning of the City Council meeting TO: FROM: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council James L. Bowersox, City Mana~ . J John D. Fitch, Assistant City Manager V) James R. Williams, Director of Public Services ~ Michael Lessig, Equipment Maintenance Supervis~ INITIATED BY: DATE: June 4, 1996 SUBJECT: Award of Bid for Mobile Lifting System at City's Vehicle Maintenance Facility BACKGROUND On October 19, 1995 bids were opened for a heavy-duty mobile lifting system for trucks at the City's Vehicle Maintenance Facility, The existing mechanical lifting system is not sized to support the larger trucks and equipment used by the City such as fire trucks, the Boom Truck, Vactor, etc.. It is recommended the City Council award the bid to Automotive Resources, Inc. in the amount of $28,883.00 FINDINGS Staff reviewed all bids and found three of the four bids did not meet the required specifications. The high bidder, Automotive Resources, Inc, did qualify and met all specifications, The four bids received were as follows: GCS, Inc,.............,........................,......,$ 21,293.00 Challenger Lifts, Inc................,..,....... $ 24,215.00 Sefac Lift & Equipment Corporation..,$ 25,894.00 Automotive Resources...... ,........,...... ,..$ 28,883.00 ACTION: l 2 of 3 )) JUN 4 1996 ITEM 2 1 Award of Bid--Mobile Lift Svstem June 4, 1996 Page :2 Although the low bidder GCS, Inc. did not meet City specs, they appealed to staff to perform a demonstration of their hydraulic equipment (versus electric per City specs) once it became available. following the demo in early April 1996, staff found the footings were not large enough to accommodate larger tires and the equipment operated in a "jerky" fashion. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW This item is not subject to CEQA review. FISCAL IMP ACT Sufficient funds have been budgeted in Account 0401-6130. ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE A copy of this report was mailed to each of the four bidders: GCS, Inc., Challenger Lifts, Inc., Sefac Lift & Equipment Corporation, and Automotive Resources. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended the City Council award Bid No. 013-95-96 to Automotive Resources, Inc. in the amount of$28,883,OO. a:\64moblft.400 3 of 3 JUN 4 1996 ITEM 2 1 .." ll.,,~ ~~ .. SEf'AC un & ...QUlPMENT CORPORATION 7175 OAKLAND MILLS RQo\D A-d COLUMBIA. MARYl..AND 21046 (410) 964-0806 . 1-800-826-.3486 . rAX: (410) 964-0877 4id-.S--3/-c/(; ~_~ 13~~S C~\'ic Ce~~er !:l:-iVE: A avis/on Of~ REC~ ~/VE I1Ar 2 9 D CfT'y 1996 CfT'y M.4AIPF POw. 'II1GERS O'A 'y ~~~~ing on June 4, 1996 FFICE I'.. , -;....' 2t. ;..99t. Mayer D~n Eigginso~ ~::.~ ::'~ ?~~4i c::~ C00NCIL ?O~cV. CA. 920t4 ?,~: :":-=T ;~:I. :::. C i ~y C'Y~n': i l D~a~ ~a','~r!C0u~~il Members. ! wculd li~e to p~eface this ty id~ntifying myself and ~equ~st tha~ you accept thi~ written testimony in lieu of my physica: ap~ea~ance. The notice of this council meeting was ~e~eivea at my office =n ~at~rdaYt May 25th and due to a ~ri:'~ c~~rni~~~~t that I arr u~~tle ~o change, I will be out of ttl~ 2:a~e (,n ttlbt date. ~'J ~a~~ is D~an James ~cD:,~al~. My office is in my residence which is loca~ed at 26268 28th Street, Highland CA. 92346. I a~ ~~e Territory Manager for Sefac Lif~ & Equipment Corp. ~~fs: is a C~:umbia ~2rylanlj based corporation who is and has ~ee~ i~ the bLSi~~ss of rnanufa:tL~ing and dist~ibuting heavy de:,. ;i:~ing eq~ipme~t for 25 years. We maintain warehouses wi:~ ~:Lipmen: and replac~ment parts and employ full time se:" .~~ ~'~~S('~11el in bot~ in Columbia Maryland and in Rialto C3~ ifc:'r::,.=,. _ ~~'~~~s~ :~~: the council re'liew the recommendation to award th~ ~i~ ~is~et as ite~ Nc'. 22, to the high bidder, Automotive R~s:~~ces. !~:. The finding2 s:ate ~~a: the reason to award to the high bidder is that the other three bidders did not meet a;! of the specifications, It should be noted here that the s~~cificatlons dated Octcbe~ 1, 1995, bid No. 013-95-96. j~s:~ite~ a s~~~ific product that is manufacturerd by Epe:ifi~ s~?~lier. Acto~otive Resources. Inc. and in turn ~rcYid~s fer a situaticn where Au~ornotive Resources (HETRA1, could be considered the only responsive bidder. As you can see frcm the enclosure which is a copy of their printed p~cdjc~ sp~cificatlon, th~s~ specs are nearly verbatim, This tnen affords that bidder the opportunity to quote a higher price to the city than they normally would have in a true co~~et:tive bid situation. If it were understood and the specifications were writ~en as such, that their intent was to descri~e the ki~d of equ!pment required to meet a specific scope cf work, in ~his case the lifting requirements of the City of ?oway, you can be sure that the price bid by Aut0~C~~V~ Resources would have much lower. Two recent exa~~l~s of identical eq~lpm~nt packages would be the City of Wasco CA. and the State of California (Calt~ansl. At Wasco ~hey t:~ less than we did in YOLr bid, At the State bid their JUN 4 1996 ITEM 2 1 I. \ ~. 1 \ r> I ,- ~..:.<- :!: ~.. J price was less than $20,000,00. Nationally, I have many more examples of this and could supply bid numbers and phone numbers to confirm upon request. It is noted in the Agenda Report Summary that a demonstration 0: 'hydraulic' lift was done and deemed not acceptable, This is a radically new design for an above ground portable lift that is still being refined. Sefac offers the electro- mechanical screw mechanism very similar to what was called for in the specifications, The only difference is that our lift has the machine screw as opposed to the ball screw that was lis~ed again in the specs, The threads on a machine screw are just li~e a typical nut and bolt, It is a totally non- reversible design meaning it has to be powered downward and cannot ~nwind, The ball screw on the other hand, is one that ~L'st '-~:y (,n so~e de'lice external of the screw mechanism to kee; ~ne load up in the air, This basic characteristic of the I~';",-;-i::'.~ S':~~et-! mf:,:,.:-::cg it will nC1't unwind on top of a.nyone is why it is the lift now being used exclusively by most high usage shops including; The City of L.A" L.A.C.M.T.A, and C.t.LTEA;;,2., Thel-E= is ail advarltag-::- te, the ball screw desigr; in ~ha~ it will raise a vehicle slightly fast~r than a machine :,:.rE:t.J, h':'\"h=:V-::1" since:: n() speed requirement was listed in the specifications it was assumed that this was not going to be a consideration for the award, Normally, when raising a 30,000 to 40~000 pound vehicle the time it ta~e5 to get it up is not es im~~~ta~t as being certain it will stay up in the ev~nt of 6 'f~i:ure' in the motor-gearbox mechanism. We respectfully requeE~ that the council take another look at ~his solicit6~ion 6nd suggest that the other two low bidders be given the opportunity to offer a demonstration of their equiFm~nt. The pe~fo~mance of their" equipment at that d~m0nstratio~ along with substantiation of past perf0r~6nce and the c6pabJlity of providing the backup service support, as well as perhaps a reference list of like users, should also be used as criteria in making this award. Even though we are sure that this was not the intent of the spec writer but the simple fact is that the specifications as they were written made it possible for there to be only one bidder who could meet the required specifications. Please feel free to contact me at 909-425-9634, if you have anY';'..l,;;:stions. Sincerely, Sefac Lift & Equipment Corp, g~1~?lT&D~ Dean J, McDonald T~rFjt('ry ~~nager , . , '~ .-- hetra ~orporation SPEC - 1 6-1-87 Page 1 of 5 SPECIFICATION HETRA MODEL HDML-6 HEAVY DUTY MOBILE LIFT FOR BUSES AND TRUCKS 1. GEI\ERAL - This specification is for a heavy duty mobile lift, consisting of four to six lifting posts which are capable of lifting 12 000 pounds per post or up to 72 000 pounds with six posts. Each lifting post shall be mobile and easily positioned to the wheels of the vehicle for lifting. 2. CONSTRUCTION - The construction of the mobile lift shall be in accordance with American National Standard ANSI B153.1 - 1981. where applicable, "Safety Requirements For The Construction, Care. And Use of Automotive Lifts". 3. DETAIL SPECIFICATION 3.1 SUPPORT COLUMN - The support column shall be a single heavy duty wide flange "H" beam, with a section modulus not less than 12. The flanges of the beam shall be precision machined to allow smooth operation of the lift carriage rollers. Three-quarter (3/4) diameter holes on two (2) inch centers shall be drilled vertically in the web of beam. to provide a detent for operation of the mechanical safety lock. 3.2 LIFT CARRIAGE - The lift carriage assembly shall form a box like structure around the support column and be guided with four (4) each flanged rollers. The bearings shall be self lubricating type. ,"equiring no lubrication. The Learing shafts shall insert from the outside and provide for easy removal, for inspection or replacement of rollers. There shall be a minimum distance of 3-inches between the lift carriage .,;nd support base, when carriage Is lowering. to eliminate any possible pinch point. 3.3 SUPPORT BASE - There shall be two (2) steel wheels on the support base and two (2) steerable wheels. A hydraulic jack shall be mounted on the steering end wheels and shall be capable of raising the base above the floor five (5) inches. to provide adequate clearance when moving lifting post over ramps, etc. If a vehicle is lifted before the hydraulic jack is lowered, the hydraulic jack shall automatically re= lease without damage to the jack or wheels. An OSHA approved handle shall be attached to the steering wheels and be spring loaded to the vertical position. 9990 Lee Highway, Suite 346, Fairfax, Virginia 22030-1704 (703) 359-6245 . (800) 545-6780 . FAX (703) 359-62G4 JUN 4 1996 ITEM 2 1 6- 1- 87 SPECIFICATION - HDML-6 Page 2 of 5 3. DETAIL SPECIFICATION (continued) 3. LI MOTOR, BRAKE AND DRIVE - The motor shall be high performance, wa ter proof, 208- 22 0 vol t, 3-phase, 60 hertz synchronous motor. The motor shall not exceed 1.5 kw. The motor shall contain a spring loaded brake. The brake shall have a means for attaching a handle which allows manual release of the brake for lowering of lift should an elec= trical power failure occur. A top mounted reduction gear box shall be provided for COllnecUng the motor to the ball screw 3ssembly. The control voltage shall be 100 volt and fused for protection. 3.5 BALL SCREW AND NUT - The mechanical lifting drive shall be a cir= culating ball bearing screw shaft and nut. The seventy-two (72) ball bearings shall be completely self-contained within the nut. There shall be no separate or external races on the nut, for circulating the ball bearings. To prevent mis-alignment between the ball screw shaft and nut. a conical type bearing shall be provided between the nut and lift carriage assembly. The ball screw assembly shall have a minimum life of ten (10) years. The drive screw and nut shall have a safety factor of 6.5 to yield based on a rated load capacity of 12 000 pounds. Required lubrication of the ball screw shaft and nut shall not be more than twice a year. 3.6 MECHAN ICAL SAFETY DEVICE - A mechanical wedge type safety device, independent of the ball screw shaft and nut shall be provided. The safety device shall automatically engage an,d lock the unit should any of the following occu r: Ball screw shaft fail ; lifting nut fail; drive chain fail; motor brake fail. A micro switch shall be provided which automatically stops operation of all lifting posts when mechanical safety lock engages. 3.7 PHASE CONTROL - An electrical sensing device shall be provided in the system and shall perform the following functions: Automatically select proper phase rotation; prevent unit from operating if any phase is inoperative. 6-1-87 SPECIFICATION - HDML-6 Page 3 of 5 3. DETAIL SPECIFICATION (continued) 3.8 ELECTRICAL CONTROLS - The following electrical controls shall be provided. All electrical components shall be water proof: 3.8.1 MAIN CONTROL BOX Power On Switch. 3.8.2 LIFT IN G POST CONTROL BOX Up and Down Switch (lighted switch, blinks on/off when selector switch is in single post position, stays on in multiple post position). Emergency Stop Switch - Red mushroom palm operated switch. Completely stops operation of all lifting posts when actuated. Up Limit Switch - Stops unit in upper most position. 3.8.2. q Lower Limit Switch - Stops the operation of unit when lift assembly has fully reached the lowered position. Mechanical Safety Lock Switch - Is actuated by the ball screw nut when the mechanical safety lock engages. 3.9 LIFT CARRIAGE MOVEMENT DETECTOR - A device shall be provided that detects the up and down movement of the lift carriage and if any of the following occurs, stops operation of all lifting posts. A. Lifting carriage does not move up or down. B. Lifting carriage moves up or down faster or slower than other lifting posts, by preset limit. C. When lifting carriage is lowering, if carriage exceeds preset lowering speed, safety lock will automatically engage. JON 4 1996 ITEM 2 1 6-1-87 SPECIFICATION - HDML-6 Page II of 5 3. DETAIL SPECIFICATION (continued) 3.10 ELECTRICAL CABLES - A fifty (50) foot long power cable shall be connected to the main control box. The cables which inter-connect the follower lifting posts shall be a single multi-conductor cable thirty-three (33) feet long. The outer sheath of all cables shall be a material that will provide maximum resistance to wear and damage and be impervious to fuels, oil or other fluids common in a vehicle repair facil ity. The inter-connecting cables on one end shall have a quick disconnect plug. Cables shall be safety yellow in color. 3.11 CONTROL BOX AND ELECTRICAL CIRCUITS - All wiring shall be stamped with a number corresponding to same on electrical schema= tic to assist in trouble shooting. All relays shall be of the snap in/out. type for easy repair or replacement. All control boxes shall be ' gasket sealed to prevent the entry of moisture. 3.12 SPECIFIC SIZES AND CAPACITY 3.12.1 Capacity - Each post 12 000 pounds II posts - 6 posts - 118 000 pounds 72 000 pounds. 3.12.2 Lifting Height - 63 inches. 3.12.3 Lifting Speed - 1.5 minutes. 3.12.11 Motor-1.5kw, 208-220 volt, 3-phase, 60 hertz. 3.12.5 Control Voltage - 11 0 vol ts . 3.12.6 Maximum Height - 86.5 inches. 3.12.7 Length - 115.3 inches. 3.12.8 Width - 111. 3 inches. 3.12.9 Turning Circle - 113.3 inches. 6-1-87 SPECIFICATION - HDML-6 Page 5 of 5 4. ACCESSORIES 4.1 TRIPOD SUPPORT STAND (A8G-20) - The support stand shall have a capacity of 14 000 pounds, with a cradle support pad. The stand shall be adjustable from 47.25 inches to 78.75 inches, in increments or 3-inches. Two wheels and a handle shall be provided for easy moving of stand. 4.1..A. Spring loading for A8G-20 (Af- 20). 4.2 Screw fine adjustment for A8G-20 SP75. 4.3 REDUCT ION SLEEVES - For lifting smaller vehicles with tire sizes up . to 8.25 x 20. Reduction sleeves shall be adaptable to the carriage lifting forks. Two reduction sleeves per lifting post. 5. WARRANTY - Electrical Components - 1 year parts and labor; 8all screw assembly and structure - two years, (first year parts and labor - second year parts only). 6. MANUALS - Complete operation and service manuals with trouble shooting information and parts breakdown shall be provided. MANUFACTURER RESERVE THE RIGHT TO CHANGE SPECIFICATION WITHOUT NOTICE ~ 4 1996 ITEM 2 1