Item 23 - 5-Yr Law Enforcement Contract - , -~ . ')-3/-9G AGENDAREPORTS~ARY FROM: INITIATED BY: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council James L. Bowersox, City Man~ ./\ John D, Fitch, Assistant City Managercr' t Aii? Mark A, Sanchez, Director of Safety Services ~ TO: DATE: June 4, 1996 SUBJECT: Five- Year Law Enforcement Contract with the County of San Diego ABSTRACT The Law Enforcement Agreement between the County of San Diego and the City of Poway will expire on June 30, 1996, Staff recommends that City Council approve the attachments and the new five-year contract. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW Environmental review is not required according to CEQA guidelines, FISCAL IMPACT Fiscal impact for Law Enforcement Services for fiscal year 1996/1997 will be $4,011,706, ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION None. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that City Council approve the attached five-year contract with the County of San Diego for Law Enforcement Services, ACTION JUN 4 1996 ITEM 2 3 1 of 17 AGENDA REPORT CITY OF POW A Y This report is included on the Consent Calendar. There will be no separate discussion of the report prior to approval by the City Council unless members of the Council. staff or public request It to be removed fr?n: ~e Consent Calendar and discussed separately. If you wish to have this report pulled for dISCUSSion, pl.ease fill out a slip indicatIng the report number and give it to the City Clerk pnor to the begmning of the City Council meeting. TO: FROM: INITIATED BY: The Honorable Mayor and Mem~er of the City Council James L. Bowersox, City Mana . John D. Fitch, Assistant City ManageAt' ~ Mark A. Sanchez, Director of Safety Services ~ DATE: June 4, 1996 SUBJECT: BACKGROUND Five- Year Law Enforcment Contract with the County of San Diego On March 5, 1996, City Council approved an extension to the current agreement that will expire on June 30. 1996, FINDINGS The new five-year Law Enforcement Services contract between the County of San Diego and the City of Poway contains costing methodologies that include direct and indirect costs, Several meetings have been held with representatives of the nine contract cities to negotiate a new long-term contract. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW This item is not subject to CEQA review. FISCAL IMPACT Fiscal impact for Law Enforcement Services for fiscal year 1996/1997 will be $4,01 1,706 ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE None. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that City Council approve the attached five-year contract with the County of San Diego for Law Enforcement Services, Attachment A: Five- Year Law Enforcement Contract with attachments ACTION: 2 of 17 JUN 4 1996 .. eM 2 3 COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO STATE OF CALIFORNIA AGREEMENT FOR GENERAL LAW AND TRAFFIC ENFORCEMENT SERVICES BETWEEN THE CITY OF AND THE COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO THIS AGREEMENT made and entered into this day of 19 , between the County of San Diego (here~nafter referred to as the-"COUNTY") and the City of (hereinafter referred to as the "CITY"): WITNESSETH WHEREAS, the CITY is a municipal corporation of the State of California within the County of San Diego and desires to obtain general law and traffic enforcement services from the Sheriff of the County of San Diego; and WHEREAS the COUNTY, . through the San Diego County Sheriff's Department, desires to provide general and specialized law and traffic enforcement services; WHEREAS, section 54980 et seq. of the Government Code authorizes the COUNTY and the CITY to contract for performance of Sheriff's services within the CITY; NOW THEREFORE, CITY AND COUNTY agree as follows: SECTION 1. SCOPE OF SERVICE. a) COUNTY, through the San Diego County Sheriff's Department, shall provide general law enforcement services via the various unit configurations of Patrol Service Options listed in Attachment A of this agreement. To the extent such units are provided within CITY, their services, together with all normal back-up auxiliary services related thereto (including but not limited to investigative, criminalistic, records, and supervisorial services, but excluding specialized traffic functions) shall primarily provide enforcement of the penal statutes of the State of California, the California Vehicle Code, and pertinent regulatory ordinances as adopted by the City Council of CITY. San Diego Sheriff's Department V 1 3 of li JUN4 1996 'e !;;l. 2 3 b) COUNTY shall provide traffic services via the various unit configurations of Traffic Service Options listed in Attachment A. To the extent that such units are provided within CITY, their services, together with all normal back-up auxiliary services related thereto (including but not limited to data processing, records, specialized training, and supervisorial services) shall primarily provide enforcement of the California Vehicle Code and pertinent traffic regulatory ordinances as adopted by the City Council of CITY, accident investigations, analysis of traffic related problems of CITY, and cooperation with various pertinent CITY departments to obtain solutions to the traffic problems of CITY. c) From time to time, COUNTY may provide services not included in its standard services options, or increase the level of existing services. The nature, scope, and cost of such specialized services and/or increased level of services shall be mutually defined and made a part of this agreement upon approval of CITY and COUNTY. d) CITY may request the purchase of additional sworn or professional ~ositions over and above the staffing included in existing serv~ce level units. The purchase cost of each requested position will be based on actual "average" base salary plus appropriate benefits. e) The Sheriff shall provide such enforcement services from his existing headquarters and existing stations and such other facilities as the COUNTY may hereafter acquire. SECTION 2. LEVELS OF SERVICE. a) By April 1 of each year, CITY shall determine the level of general law enforcement services required within the CITY for the following fiscal year. Such level of service shall not be less than that level which is provided by COUNTY to the urbanized unincorporated areas of the County of San Diego and, as a minimum, shall include the availability of one (1) continuous twenty-four hour per day patrol unit (one [1] eight-and-one-half-hour unit on each of three [3] shifts), every day. b) By April 1 of each year, CITY shall determine the level of traffic enforcement services required within the city for the following fiscal year. Such level of service, as a minimum, shall include the availability of one (1) eight-and-one-half-hour, five-day traffic unit, with relief. c) By April 1 of each year CITY shall determine whether or not to continue any agreed-to specialized services defined in accordance with Section 1.c and the level of such services for the following fiscal year. San Diego Sheriff's Department V 2 4 of 17 JUN 4 1996 .. .:M 2 3 SECTION 3. JOINT OPERATING AND FINANCIAL PLAN. a) COUNTY and CITY shall prepare annually a written Joint Operating and Financial Plan specifying the services referred to in Section 2, and the total cost for such services determined in accordance with Section 5. This plan when approved by CITY and the COUNTY Board of Supervisors shall be effective July 1 and shall be made a part of this agreement as Attachment B. b) Notwithstanding paragraph (a) of Section 3, if there are no changes in the levels of services within the CITY for the prospective contract year, or if the level of services change is minimal, thereby not requiring the addition of new COUNTY personnel nor additional COUNTY fixed assets and not exceeding ten thousand dollars ($10,000) in the aggregate, the Sheriff of the County of San Diego may, on behalf of the County of San Diego, enter into a (new) Joint Operating and Financial Plan with CITY specifying the total cost of services determined in accordance with Section 5. Such plan when approved by CITY and the County Sheriff, acting on behalf of the COUNTY, shall be made a part of this agreement as Attachment B. SECTION 4. CONTRACT ADMINISTRATION. a) The COUNTY designates the Sheriff or his designated representative to represent the COUNTY in all matters pertaining to the administration of this agreement. b) The CITY designates its City Manager or designated representative to represent CITY in all matters pertaining to this agreement on behalf of the CITY. c) The County Sheriff or his designated representatives shall at all times be available to confer with the City Manager or designated representative(s) of CITY and wherever feasible, practical, and not in conflict with mandated duties and responsibilities, shall provide the services agreed upon herein in accordance with the intent of the CITY. Both CITY and COUNTY will provide the full cooperation and assistance of its officers, agents, and employees to each other in the performance of this contract. d) The contract cities shall form a contract law enforcement technical advisory committee (CLETAC). The Sheriff and/or his designated representatives shall meet with this Committee on at least a quarterly basis to review contract administration including contract interpretation cost charges and liability issues. Operational issues will be addressed through a "side letter" from the Sheriff to the CITY. San Diego Sheriff's Departmenl V 3 5 of 17 JUN 4 1996 ITEM 23 e) Any notice or notices provided for by this agreement or by law to be given or served upon the COUNTY and not within the purview of Section 3(b) or Section 4(a) of this agreement, may be given or served by letter deposited in the United States mail, postage prepaid, and addressed to: Chairperson San Diego County Board of Supervisors 1600 Pacific Highway San Diego, CA 92101 The Board Chairperson will provide copies of all notices received to the COUNTY Chief Administrative Officer and to the San Diego County Sheriff's Department. Any notice or notices provided for by this agreement or by law to be given or served upon CITY may be given or served by letter deposited in the United States mail, postage prepaid, and addressed to: City Manager City of SECTION 5. CONTRACT COST. a) The contract cost for services provided by the COUNTY shall be based upon the COUNTY's actual cost of such services for identifiable units of service in accordance with Attachment A. Total costs for said services shall be determined by multiplying the unit cost of each identifiable service option by the number of units service to be provided, and multiplying the product derived by CITY's applicable beat factors, as defined below. b) The County Sheriff, in accordance with Section 4.a., shall provide to the City by March 1 of each year the service level detail costs as defined in Attachment C. C) The salaries and benefits that are applicable to each service level unit shall be based upon the most current payroll and adjusted for any known Board approved salary/benefit increases. d) All other costs (excluding salary, benefits and liability costs) will be based upon actual costs per the previous fiscal year Auditor's accounting records. San Diego SheriH's Department V 4 6 of 17 nt 4. 1996 ITEM 2 3 e) CITY and COUNTY agree to a fixed annual liability cost per the Attachment D for the term of this agreement. It is understood and agreed that the annual liability cost will not be impacted by the CITY beat factors. f) COUNTY agrees to provide the standard equipment for CITY vehicles per the Attachment E. The CITY/COUNTY agree that all CITY vehicles (except motorcycles) will be surveyed out at 90,000 miles. When the CITY vehicle reaches the 90,000 mile limit the COUNTY shall do one of the following: 1) Replace the vehicle, or 2) Allow the CITY to replace the vehicle and provide a credit on the monthly billing per Section 6, Paragraph b of this contract for the cost of the vehicle. g) In addition to the adjustments made in paragraphs (c) and (d) of Section 5, the beat factors of CITY for each of the applicable services agreed to in the Joint Operating and Financial Plan (Attachment B) shall be adjusted annually. The beat factor is the percentage of the total on-call time spent by contracted service units inside CITY limits. The beat factor shall be that determined for the CITY for each type of service option during the calendar year immediately preceding the prospective contract year beginning July 1. h) The CITY shall pay all costs which are mandatory as of the effective date of this contract for any city police force to pay pursuant to state or federal statute or case law, if such costs are not included in the agreed-to costs enumerated in the Joint Operating and Financial Plan (Attachment B). Further, the CITY shall pay any such mandatory costs that shall become operative during the term of this contract. Any and all costs under this section will be billed separately from the basic contract costs. i) For each year that this agreement is in effect, CITY agrees to maintain its membership in the Automated Regional Justice Information System Joint Powers Agency (ARJIS). j) The COUNTY shall provide all labor, supplies, equipment, services, and materials required for its performance of the foregoing law enforcement services; except that the CITY shall, at its own expense, supply any special stationery, supplies, notices, or forms which are to be issued in the name of CITY. k) All terms and conditions of this agreement the continued appropriations and availability of party for the performance of the services stated are subject to funds for each herein. San Diego Sheriff's Department V 5 7 of 17 JUN 4 1996 ITEM 23 SECTION 6. METHOD OF PAYMENT. a) The COUNTY shall invoice the CITY monthly for services received. The CITY, within 30 days from date of invoice, shall pay to the County Treasurer through the Sheriff's Department at 9621 Ridgehaven Court, San Diego, CA 92123 for the services agreed to as reflected in the Joint Operating and Financial Plan (Attachment B). b) Subject to written approval of the Sheriff or his designee, the CITY may purchase vehicles and equipment deemed necessary to facilitate program implementation or operation. Once the COUNTY accepts equipment transferred or purchased by CITY towards the operation of the contract under this agreement, such equipment becomes the property of the COUNTY, and CITY shall be credited total cost for said equipment. Total cost shall mean a value agreed upon between COUNTY and CITY at the time the transfer is made. C) In the event that the Sheriff performs other services not herein described, at the request of the CITY, such services shall be billed in addition to the amount and method of payments set forth above. CITY agrees to pay the allowable cost of such services so requested. The CITY shall not be obligated to pay any services provided at no charge to non-contract agencies (i.e., regional services); provided, however, that in the event that all non-contract cities are charged by the COUNTY for any regional service, the COUNTY may reopen negotiations with the CITY in accordance with Section 14 of this agreement, and a charge for such regional service may take effect at any time during the term of this agreement upon agreement of the parties. d) In the event that COUNTY does not maintain the annual level of service contracted for in this agreement, CITY shall be given appropriate credit for the service in non-compliance during the subsequent contract year based upon a method jointly developed and agreed to by COUNTY and CITY. Per mutual agreement this credit will not be "pooled", but will be credited to the CITY not receiving the contractual service. SECTION 7. COLLECTION OF FINES AND FORFEITURES. a) The distribution of fines and forfeitures under Section 1463 of the Penal Code shall be made as though the Deputy Sheriffs performing under this contract were "City Officers." V 6 San Diego SheriH's Slepartment 8 of 17 JUN 4 1996 ITEM 23 SECTION 8. FORFEITED ASSET SEIZURE PROPERTY. a) Any property retrieved in CITY by contracted patrol personnel, such as unclaimed stolen goods, or revenue generated by the sale of such property by COUNTY shall be made available to CITY, net of allowable expenses, at first option to retain for CITY purposes. b) Assets seized through the Asset Forfeiture process by contracted personnel as a result of self-initiated activities or calls for service shall be shared with the City according to current Asset Seizure guidelines. c) City Station Captains shall coordinate all asset forfeiture requests between the City and Sheriff's Department. d) City may share in 90% of the net forfeited asset, depending on the pro rata involvement of various agencies personnel, including any deputy which may be assigned to work the seized case within the contract city. e) In all cases, Federal Asset Seizure guidelines prevail. SECTION 9. AUDIT AND INSPECTION OF RECORDS. a) The COUNTY agrees that records generated under this contract shall be made available to the CITY to audit and examine. The CITY agrees that any such audit will be arranged by contacting the COUNTY Board Chairperson or designated representative at least ten (10) working days prior to the commencement of the audit and shall be conducted at any time during normal working hours. b) CITY, through its City Manager, shall have access to reports and other documents pertaining to this agreement. COUNTY shall transmit monthly statistical reports on crime occurrence, traffic incidence, and other calls for services within the CITY to the City Manager, upon request. SECTION 10. INDEMNIFICATION. a) All personnel provided by the Sheriff in the performance of the services and functions of this contract for said CITY shall be COUNTY officers and employees, but shall be deemed to be officers and employees of the CITY for the sole purpose of distributing fines and forfeitures pursuant to Penal Code 1463. (Section 7). The CITY shall have no liability for any direct payment of salaries, wages or other compensation to any COUNTY officers and employees engaged in such performance. The CITY shall not be liable for compensation or indemnity to any COUNTY employee for expenses or damages incurred from injury or sickness arising out of employment. V 7 San Diego Sheriff's Department 9 of 17 JUN 4 1996 ITEM 2 3 b) COUNTY shall assume the defense of and indemnify and hold harmless the CITY from and against all actions or claims against any COUNTY officers or employees for damages or losses arising out of or resulting from the performance of this agreement by such COUNTY officers and employees. c) The CITY shall assume the defense of indemnify and hold the COUNTY harmless from and against all actions or claims against any CITY officers or employees for damages or losses arising out of or resulting from the performance of this agreement by such CITY officers and employees. In addition, when liability arises pursuant to Government Code Sections 830 et seq. by reason of a dangerous condition of CITY property, the CITY shall assume the defense of and indemnify and hold harmless the COUNTY from all loss, cost of expenses arising out of the dangerous conditions of property of CITY. The duty of CITY to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the COUNTY in respect to any dangerous condition of CITY property shall apply regardless of COUNTY'S knowledge of or duty to warn CITY of such condition and regardless of any special relationship between CITY and COUNTY in regard to such dangerous conditions of CITY property. d) Any party may at its own cost participate in the defense of any suit, or in the prosecution of any appeal affecting matters herein involved where the duty of defense of prosecution is imposed on the other party, and where the other party has consented thereto. e) COUNTY shall assure the Sheriff's Department's status as an accredited law enforcement agency and, should that status be reduced, agrees to meet and confer with CITY about any impact, actual or potential, related to any provision of this agreement. SECTION 11. AMENDMENTS OR MODIFICATIONS. a) Either party may propose amendments or modifications to this agreement. Such changes, including any increase or decrease in the level of service which are mutually agreed upon by and between COUNTY and CITY, shall be effective when incorporated in written amendments to this agreement and approved by both COUNTY and CITY. SECTION 12. TERMINATION FOR CONVENIENCE. a) Notwithstanding any other section or provision of this agreement, either party hereto may terminate this agreement by giving a one-year advance written notice of intention to terminate. San Diego Sneriff's ;)epartmenl V 8 IG of 17 JUN 4 1996 ITEM 2 3 SECTION 13. TERM OF AGREEMENT. a) This agreement shall take effect July 1, 1996 and unless sooner terminated as provided for herein, shall terminate on June 30, 200 1 . SECTION 14. RENEGOTIATION Notwithstanding any other prov~s~on of this agreement, the COUNTY may reopen negotiations with the CITY concerning the provisions of this agreement at any time during the term of this agreement. In the event that a~reement of the parties is not achieved in any such renegotiat~on, the COUNTY may, if it so desires, terminate this agreement for convenience by giving a one-year advance written notice in accordance with the provisions of Section 12. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the CITY, by resolution duly adopted by its City Council, has approved the execution of this contract by its Mayor, and the COUNTY, by order of its Board of Supervisors, has ratified the execution of this contract by the Sheriff of the County of San Diego, this ____ day of , 19 CITY COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO Mayor Board Cha~rperson or Des~gnee Action Ratified by Board of Supervisors Action Approved by City Council Date ,19_ Date , 19 By: By: Clerk, Board of Superv~sors County of San Diego V 9 San Diego Sheriff s Department 11 of 17 JUN 4 1996 ITEM 2 3 ATTACHMENT A CONTRACT LAW ENFORCEMENT PROGRAM SERVICE UNIT COSTS FlY 1996/97 VEHICLE DAYS PER ANNUALIZED SERVICE UNIT CATEGORY TYPE WEEK RELIEF OWNER COST (1) PATROL SEDAN 7 WITH COUNTY $265.802 PATROL SEDAN 5 WITH COUNTY $189,859 PATROL SEDAN 5 WITHOUT COUNTY $152,760 PATROL 4x4 7 WITH COUNTY $264,847 PATROL 4x4 5 WITH COUNTY $189,177 PATROL 4x4 5 WITHOUT COUNTY $152,211 TRAFFIC SEDAN 7 WITH COUNTY $211,894 TRAFFIC SEDAN 5 WITH COUNTY $151,353 TRAFFIC SEDAN 5 WITHOUT COUNTY $121,778 TRAFFIC M/CYCLE 5 WITHOUT COUNTY $124,269 TRAFFIC M/CYCLE 5 WITHOUT CITY $120,017 SPECIAL PURPOSE OFFICER SEDAN 5 WITHOUT COUNTY $76,343 SPECIAL PURPOSE DETAIL SEDAN 5 WITHOUT COUNTY $434,096 (4 DEPUTIES, 1 SERGEANT) COMMUNITY SERVICES OFFICER VAN 5 WITHOUT COUNTY $43,950 COMMUNITY SERVICES OFFICER NONE 5 WITHOUT COUNTY $39,321 (1) Liability cost is excluded from 'Annualized Cost' Note: City may request the purchase of additional sworn or professional positions over and above those included in the above service unit categories. FIL.e \I1A:rCHl 2G-M,.,.1l8 JON 4 1996 ITEU 2 3 12 of 17 ~ c .. l'lI Cl- 00. .. - >0,0. .! CD ell - U ". C C I-:>Cll'lIto- -'Z 0 C,:cn .:!a..8lL.iD .i!:......."'C'cn :I:o.2c" () c l'lI ell ~ ~ w g'~ I- - :c ,- - <l:(,)l'lIia~ ..J .. CIl ~ 4) ._ U Q,lL. r:O - - c c o ,- ()~ 13 of 17 1:l o .;:: W 0. W ,c - . ~ 0 ,80l W -0 (0 OJ C OJ ctl ~.rJ) - o >- 'C: ::> o U W ,c -- 01:l >-C ctl ctl 1:l>- ctl ~ Cl.. - o ;:: (J)0 .- W :5'c 0- - C 1:lW1:l w~w W.,:;- c,Q.)ro ctl.o1:l 1:l1:l~ c: c .- ctlctlt:: Cll >- ctl 1:l.o 0. ctl _1:l 1'--'- E OJ ~ C OJ C ctl~ _ .Cll Cl..g~ .~ W Cll UC.o C::>I- ~-'Z .- Ol UJ lL. .~ :2 -g-gUJ ctlCllUJ Ol 1:l c:: .~ ~ <.? ro(O<l: ~OJW WOJ,c 0. - O~- .0 -~ .~ >- t:: 0- ctl -,::>0. 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U >- J:> "0 OJ > e Q. Q. <: >. co ~ t= '$ ,m Cl JUM 4 1996 ITEM 23 to 0'> ~ '" ~ r- ~ .. '" al - 0 Z L{)O'> I - '<t N r-<Xl NO'<t (0 <Xl (0" .... '" 0'>00 MNL{) r-L{)(O <Xl L{) 0;, .. 0 -r-~ N~, V~ '<t'<t<Xl M<XlO N ~ 1"--:' <:; CO ~~I .., - U 0') N'or- U1-cn-oc::i r.ri~-.:i ~ .j iO 0 - O'>~~ ..,.M<Xl OMM r- ..,. ~I, I- al r-L{)M <Xl NO M~ ~ L{) 0' .c Z ff> - ff> ff> ..,.', CO >o,Cl ~ N ~ III " ff> ff> ff> '" I- ~~ Z W 0- :E a- U> :I: .... !!! 0 ::: u .... < ~ " I- > I- 0 "" 00 L{) L{) 000 u r- r- r- r- 000 < ~ .. iii 0 (0(0 en en 000 w - en en en en 000 I- <l> U 00 00 CD CO ~~ ~ Z ~ => 0 r-N '<tN VM~ ~ " " " < '" ]1 ~ ]1 - .0 .0 0:= ~ ...J , , , ;:: 'It C en en en :::I 0 l- N r- ..,.r- MO..,. 0..,. en ~ VL{)(O - - <Xl CO COO MenO '" ,n.j ~O- C 0 (OM..,. =>U (0(0 ~N r- ..,.M NN N~ "" ff> ~ ff> ff> ff> ff> ff> c c c c - >- . . . . .i: !! !! !! " c:: !! - u ::> 0 :; :; :; 0 i " IE - " " " c U 0 " c.:l z ~ IE .c . . . . " U W ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 u 1ii I- 0 0 0 0 ~ .2: rJl " " " " " 0. < t:::. t:::. t:::. ~ Q '" " '" 10 U 8.01 is -;; ~ W " :; :?: :?: i u Cl. .i: .i: u i < u E " >- ;;; " " 0. r- S; '0 <:' u c: u 0 E E . en c:: '" ... if '" 5 - .u E E 15 :c .. '0 '0 "0 '" " :!- - " " CO 0. 0 0 .~ w CO " :> CO 01 ... .. 01 :;; 01 U u :J CIl ~ I- U LL 14 of 17 JUN 4 1996 ITEM 23 ATTACHMENT C SERVICE UNIT COST DETAIL SHEET 7-DAY PATROL SEDAN WITH RELIEF FlY 96/97 COST t. Opetatlons Costs $227,554 A. Salaries & Benefits: 1. Law Enforcement Stations a. Deputy b. Sergeant c. Other Support $115,859 19,281 17,441 $152,581 $33,480 16,161 3,920 3,606 14,200 71,367 $223,946 $1,838 1,768 3,606 . $38,248 $9,716 4,051 3,874 2,173 $19,814 2,890 $3,227 1,969 3,363 3,865 3,080 $15,544 $265,802 $2,780 , $268,582 2 Law Enforcement Support a. Station Area Detectives b. Communications Center c Crime Prevention d. Juvenile lntef'\lention e. Regional Services (Charged to Patrol Units Only) Total Salaries & Benefits OTHER OPTIONS; A. 5-Day With Relief Liability B. 5-Day Without Relief Liability $189,859 Sl,986 $152,750 $1,598 _t7"TTfoC.I<.WIU -- 15 of 17 .:JUN 4 1996 ITEM 2 3 '" co >. m :; ,.:. --~ ,:'~~.~4 , oil I- 0 0 0 0 0: Z 0 0 0 0 0, 01, 1/).",- 0 0 0 0 0' Ol! ./-,-",4 ::J 0" 0 0 0 0, oil I/)~ 0 0 L(') L(') 0 01 ~JI 0;.: ~ ~ CD r- a:l a:l: <( "'" I . (;,)", I <'), ~~j ~I, 0 .~ _...:...J - ;..Iff! I- :?'~'iii d-1~' z <(.''''i W ..~....~~ :E ~_..~~~tJ J: cr...J U <( i1~ <( >~:3 ...J I- ;:: I- \b-::::;; <( :.- ..,.,"'......;. 0 u.:-~."1 0~"1 ~ I- _ ~-):~.t 0 0 0 0 ('oJ ::J -,~ I"- a:l (J) 0 -. "';;1 (J) (J) S2: ('oJ 0 0""-> -. -. -. 0 . .,~.- CD r- a:l (J) 0 W ,'''i J:a'1 (J) (J) (J) (J) ('oJ .U~,.'i < < < < < - C/?___ u. u. u. u. u. .,. '" ;: o I U i:: <( "- '" UJ ~ ii: 1E of 17 jijN 4 1996 ITEM 2 3 s i ~ Cll ,,'U ,- ,... ==t: x x x x X III 0 .... I- 0 ~ Cll_ >r-- ,- , ...., "- X X X X Cll c: .. III ~> .. c: o III O"Q X X X X e Cll I- NI/) I/) ::i I- .. c: Z o III W W O-c X X X X ~ eCll l- e: ';1/) z ::J W 0 ~ W :I: e .., u < w >< X X X X X X X X X X X X l- N .., l- e < c:: < e " z IE < X X X X X X X X X X X x I- III .. I/) l- e .. x x >< x >< x x x x x x .. III c.. .. ." ::J " 'iij III CD .. ~ - .21 5 :2 0_0 U) .. ~ c: '6 .!!! "E ,-:Jco LL Q)e":':: Q)Oa::::~ xl... E .~ g c: 'S ~ .!9 Co 0 ~ ..c: .9- (j) ...J $ Q.E ,9 ~ :0 0 ~ ~ ;; g :s Q5 c: \- "'O..co c: c....,.J (I) "'0 Q,l cr_~uoca <<Sea :sca'- W~,,(/)uC::~:I:...JU5o..c::S: ~ ~ i: ~ . u; o U ! 17 of :7 JUN 4 1996 ITEM 23