Item 23.2 - Status Report on Pending Legislation TO, FROM: INITIATED BY: DATE: SUBJECT' AGENDA REPORT SUMMARY Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council James L. Bowersox, City Ma~ John D. Fitch, Assistant City Manager ~;;?~ Penny Riley, Senior Management Anal~, June 4, 1996 Status Report on Pending Legislation ABSTRACT The League of Califomia Cities has informed the City of Povvay of SB 1690 (Kopp) Care Facilities and 5B 1977 (Mountjoy) Sales and Use Taxes, which are pending before the State Legislature, ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW This informational report is not subject to CEQA review. FISCAL IMPACT There is no fiscal impact associated with this informational report. ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE Assemblyman Jan Goldsmith; Senator David Kelley; Bob Wilson, the City's Legislative .Advocate and the League of Califomia Cities will be mailed a copy of this agenda report, RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council supoort SB I 690 and SUDoort SB 1977 and direct staff to notify the appropriate legislative members, committees, and organizations of the City's position on these measures, ACTION - 1 of 3 JUN 4 1996 ITEM 23.2 CITY OF PO\\AY AGENDA REPORT Thie report . induded on the Coneenc eliend.'. Th<<. will be no lep... aaaaion of the report prior to flPPl'ov" by the City Council unl... nwnber. of the Council. ft.tf<< pubic requeet it to De rtmoved from the Corw.w CIIfend..oo cilcuued .~.eIy. If 'IOU wiM to have th. report puNed for iMcu..ion, ple._ fill out . Up mc.ting the report ~ Ind give it to the City Clartr, prior to the beIQinning of the City Councit meeting. TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council James Bowersox, City Ma~ John D. Fitch, Assistant City Manager Penny Riley, Senior Management Analr<;J~ FROM: INITIATED BY: DATE: June 4, 1996 SUBJECT: Status Report on Pending Legislation BACKGROUND The League of California Cities has informed the City of Poway of SB I 690 (Kopp) Care Facilities and SB 1977 (Mountjoy) Sales and Use Taxes, which are pending before the State Legislature. FINDINGS SB 1690 (Kooo\ Care Facilities: Over Concentration Senator Kopp introduced SB 1690 on February 21, 1996 which applies the 300 foot separation requirement to alcohol and drug treatment facilities, This legislation does two important things for cities that have experienced problems with residential care facilities, First, it requires the Director of Social Services and the Director of Alcohol and Drug Programs to deny an application for a license for a residential care facility that is located within 300 feet of another alcoholism or drug abuse recovery residential facility, Second, this bill establishes a task force to review problems of all residential care facilities. This task force will be consisting of city officials and residential care providers. It is recommended that the City Council support SB 1690. SB 1977 (Mountioy.) Sales and Use Taxes: Allocation Senator Mountjoy introduced SB 1977 on February 23, 1996 which earmarks one cent of the state sales tax rate for cities and counties, This additional revenue would be allocated on a per capita basis. About $3,2 billion would be shifted from the state to cities and counties, A portion of these specified provisions would be transferred to the Local Fiscal Relief Fund. The legislation has fajled to pass the Senate Revenue and Taxation Cornmittee and the author intends to resurrect substance of legislation in another vehide, It is recommended that the City Council support the concept of sales tax redistribution contained in SB 1977. 2 of 3 JUN 4 1996 ITEM 23.2 . Agenda Report Status Report on Pending Leg1SIatJon June 4. 1996 Page 3 ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW This informational report is not subject to CEQA review. FISCAL IMPACT There is no fiscal impact associated with this informational report, ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE Assemblyman Jan Goldsmith; Senator David Kelley; Bob Wilson, the City's Legislative Advcx:ate, and the League of California Cities will be mailed a copy of this agenda report, RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council take the following actions: I. Support SB 1690 and direct staff to notify members of the Icx:al Assembly delegation of the City's support for the measure. 2. Support SB 19n and direct staff to notify Senator Mountjoy of the City's support for the measure, 3 of 3 nf 4 1996 ITEM 23. 2