Item 8 - CUP 94-17 VAR 94-10 Ric and Barbara Dudeck - -- AGENDA R....PORT SUMMARY TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council - James L. Bowersox, City Ma~ FROM: INITIATED BY: John D. Fitch, Assistant City Manager¡1t J. Reba Wright-Quastler, Director of Plan ing Services ~ DATE: January 3, 1995 SUBJECT: Conditional Use Permit 94-17 and Variance 94-10, Ric and Barbara Dudeck, applicants. ABSTRACT A request to legalize an existing second living unit for the property located at 12859 Lui seno Dri ve, in the RR-C zone. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW The project is categorically exempt under Class 3 and Class 5 of the California Environmental Quality Act guidelines. FISCAL IMPACT None. - ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE Public notice was published in the Poway News Chieftain and mailed to 26 property owners within 500 feet of the subject property. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council approve Conditional Use Permit 94-17 and Variance 94-10, subject to the conditions contained in the attached proposed resolution. ACTION e: \ci ty\p 1 ann; ng\ report\cup9417 . sum - JAN 3 1995 r¡'EM 8 1 of 10 ~ AGENDA REPOR'... CITY OF POW A Y TO: Honorable Mayor and Member~e City Council FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Man INITIATED BY: John D. Fitch, Assistant City Manage~~ ~ Reba Wri ght-Quast 1 er, Di rector of Pl ann i ng Servi ces ~ Marijo Van Dyke, Associate Planner DATE: January 3, 1995 MANDATORY ACTION DATE: January 3, 1995 SUBJECT: Conditi ona 1 Use Permit 94-17 and Variance 94-10, Ric and Barbara Dudeck, applicants: A request to legalize an existing second living unit for the property located at 12859 Luiseno Drive, in the RR-C zone. APN: 275-400-03 BACKGROUND The appl icants are requesting the granting of a conditional use permi t and variance for the purpose of legalizing an existing attached second living unit at the address listed above. The building under discussion was built as a 750 square foot room addition in 1973, and was later converted to a separate living unit. Appraisal records indicate the presence of the second unit at the time when the Dudecks purchased the property in April 1989. FINDINGS In order for the subject second unit to meet current City of Poway standards for the construction of second units, the unit must be reduced in size. The main house contains 2,690 square feet of living space. The applicants have agreed to modify the accessory apartment by reducing the square footage to 650 square feet in order to comply with the 4:1 ratio size of main house to second unit. This will be accomplished by constructing exterior walls where a bedroom closet currently is placed, separating an area 7.5'x 14.25' in dimension from the living space of the unit, adding an exterior access door making this space into outdoor storage. r ACTION, j 2 of 10 JAN 3 1995 liEM 8 - Agenda Report - January 3, 1995 Page 2 The applicants are also aware of the requirement for one additional covered space. They have agreed to construct a carport adjacent to the east side of the existing garage. A setback variance will be needed to permit a twelve (12) foot encroachment i nto the requi red 20 foot mi n i mum si de yard setback. Staff supports the placement of the carport in the proposed location, since it will provide for the most logical extension of a paved parking area for the tenant, adjacent to the existing driveway and garage. The applicants further recognize that adequate landscaping will need to be installed along the easterly property line in order to visually enhance the new driveway area which will be placed within eight feet of the property boundary. Since the unit is a complete independent living unit, it is subject to development impact fees which will include the following: Traffic Mitigation, Drainage, Grading/Drainage Inspection, Parks, School Fees and Affordable Housing In-lieu Fee. These fees will be paid at building permit issuance. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW The project is categorically exempt under Class 3 (a small structure), and Class 5 (a minor alteration in land use limitations), of the California Environmental Quality Act guidelines. FISCAL IMPACT None. ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE Public notice was published in the Poway News Chieftain and mailed to --1.§. property owners within 500 feet of the subject property. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council approve Conditional Use Permit 94-17 and Variance 94-10, subject to the conditions contained in the attached proposed resolution. e: \c i ty \p 1 anni ng\ reDo rt \cup9417 . agn JLB:JDF:RWQ:MVD:kls Attachments: A. Proposed Reso 1 uti on B. Zoning and Location Map C. Site Pl an D. Proposed Floor Pl an JAN 3 1995 ITEM 8 3 of 10 RESOLUTION NO. P- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF POWAY, CALIFORNIA APPROVING CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 94-17 AND VARIANCE 94-10 ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER 275-400-03 WHEREAS, Conditional Use Permit 94-17 and Variance 94-10, submitted by Ric and Barbara Dudeck, applicants, request the approval to legalize an accessory apartment on the property located at 12859 Luiseno Drive, in the RR-C zone; and WHEREAS, on January 3, 1995, the City Council held a hearing on the above referenced item. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council does hereby resolve as follows: Section 1: Environmental Findinos: The City Council finds that this project is Categorically Exempt (Classes 3 and 5) from the California Environmental Quality Act, as it is a small residential structure, and a minor alteration to land use limitations. Section 2: Findinos: Conditional Use Permit 94-17 1. The approved project is consistent with the general plan in that a second living unit is considered to be an accessory use for a single family residence. 2. That the approved project will not have adverse aesthetic, health, safety or architecturally related impacts upon adjoining properties, in that the unit was built as a room addition to the home. It is not visible to the street, and is architecturally integrated with the main house. 3. That the approved project is in compliance with the Ion i ng Ordinance, except for the placement of the new carport, for which a variance from minimum side yard setback is sought. All other property development standards are met. 4. That the approved project encourages the orderly and harmonious appearance of structures and property within the City, as discussed in Finding #2. The applicants further agree to install a landscape buffer along the east property line to provide screening of the new parking area/carport, from the views of the adjoining neighbor to the east. 5. That the generation of a small amount of additional traffic will not adversely impact the capacity and physical character of surrounding streets. 6. That there are public facilities and utilities available to service the project. JAN 3 1995 ITEM 8 ' 4 of 10 - Resolution No. P- Page 2 7. That there wi 11 not be sign i fi cant harmful effects upon environmental quality and natural resources in that the property is a suburban lot which has been fully developed as a single-family home site for more than 25 years. Variance 94-10 1. The approved project is consistent with the general plan as discussed in #1 of CUP findings. 2. That there are special circumstances applicable to the property, and because of this, the strict appl ication of the Zoning Ordinance deprives the property of privileges enjoyed by other properties in the vicinity under identical zoning classification. The house was constructed more than twenty years ago under 1 ess stringent zoning setback requirements. At the time of construction, minimum side yard setbacks were ten (10) feet. 3. That granting the variance or its modification is necessary for the preservation and enjoyment of a substantial property right possessed by other property in the same vicinity and zoning for which the variance is sought. The variance will permit the placement of an additional covered space, in a logical location within the lot. 4. That granting the variance or its modification wi 11 not be materially detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare, or injurious to the property or improvements in such vicinity and zone in which the property is located, in that landscape screening will be provided along the east property line so as to provide a visual buffer to the residence to the east. 5. That the granting of this variance does not constitute a special privilege inconsistent with the limitation upon other properties in the vicinity and zone in that the property is located in an area where many of the existing homes do not observe the minimum side yard setback due to the age of the structures, and change in development standards which has occurred since their construction. 6. That the granting of this variance does not allow a use or activity which is not otherwise expressly authorized by zoning development regulations governing the parcel or property in that the project is the legalization of an existing second living unit, which is permitted in all single-family zones with benefit of a conditional use permit. Section 3: Citv Council Decision: The Ci ty Counci 1 hereby approves Cond it i ona 1 Use Permit 94-17 and Vari ance 94-10, subject to the following conditions: Within 30 days of approval (1) the applicant shall submit in writing that all conditions of approval have been read and understood; and (2) the property owner shall execute a Covenant on Real Property. 5 of 10 JAN 3 1995 ITEM 8 Resolution No. P- Page 3 The use cond it i ona 11 y granted by thi s permit sha 11 not be conducted i n such a manner as to interfere with the reasonable use and enjoyment of surrounding residential uses. This conditional use permit shall be subject to annual revi ew by the Di rector of Planning Services for comp 1 i ance with the cond it ions of approval and to address concerns that may have occurred during the past year. If the permit is not in compliance with the conditions of approval, or the Planning Services Department has received complaints, the required annual review shall be set for a public hearing before the City Council, to consider modification or revocation of the use permit. COMPLIANCE WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS IS REQUIRED. COMPLIANCE SHALL BE APPROVED BY THE DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING SERVICES. 1. Site shall be developed in accordance with the approved plans on file in the Planning Services Department and the conditions contained herein. 2. Revised site plans and building elevations incorporating all conditions of approval shall be submitted to the Planning Services Department prior to issuance of building permits. 3. Approval of this request shall not waive compliance with all sections of the Zoning Ordinance and all other applicable City Ordinances in effect at the time of building permit issuance. 4. The applicant shall comply with the latest adopted Uniform Building Code, Uniform Mechanical Code, Uniform Plumbing Code, National Electric Code, Uniform Fire Code, and all other applicable codes and ordinances in effect at the time of building permit issuance. 5. For each new residential dwelling, commercial or industrial unit(s), the applicant shall pay Permit, Plan Check and Inspection Fees and School Fees at the established rate (in accordance with City-adopted policy and/or ordinance). 6. A paved, covered parking space shall be constructed and a 1 andscaped buffer shall be i nsta 11 ed along the east property 1 i ne, withi n 90 days from the date of this approval. 7. An Affordable Hous i ng In-Lieu Fee of $2,500 shall be paid prior to building permit issuance. 8. The outdoor storage area shall be permanently divided floor to ceiling, from the living space of the second unit. This work shall be completed within 60 days from this approval. 9. Existing building(s) shall be made to comply with current building and zoning regulations for the intended use or the building shall be demolished. 10. Existing sewage disposal facilities shall be removed, filled and/or capped to comply with appropri ate gradi ng practi ces and the Uni form Pl umbi ng Code. JAN 3 1995 liëiVI 8 6 of 10 - - Resolution No. P- Page 4 .-- COMPLIANCE WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS IS REQUIRED. COMPLIANCE SHALL BE APPROVED BY THE DEPARTMENT OF ENGINEERING SERVICES. 1. An inspection fee of $500 shall be pa i d to the Eng i neeri ng Serv ices Department prior to building permit issuance. The purpose of the fee is to provide for an inspection of the site to certify proper drainage. 2. The following development impact fees shall be paid to the Engineering Services Department prior to building permit issuance: Drainage Fee $ 950.00 Traffic Mitigation Fee 660.00 Park Fee 2,550.00 APPROVED and ADOPTED by the City Counci 1 of the City of Poway, State of California, this 3rd day of January, 1995. Don Higginson, Mayor ATTEST: - MarJorie K. Wahlsten, City Clerk STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ) SS. COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO ) I, Marjorie K. Wahl sten, City Cl erk of the City of Poway, do hereby certify, under the penalty of perjury, that the foregoi ng Reso 1 uti on, No. , was duly adopted by the City Council at a meeting of said City Council held on the day of , 1995, and that it was so adopted by the fo 11 owi ng vote: AYES: NOES: ABSTAIN: ABSENT: MarJorie K. Wahlsten, City Clerk City of Poway JAN 3 1995 lïëM 8 7 of 10 - ,"' ¡ ~' -" ,,"'- "'-T,y iF' / à ,( T ì' T T ~)' :-þ;<.f' ,~~-c~~:>",2 ~ J'ii.. .... ~ ...... ,~\ OS-R IPC <j,.. ..'" .'. .. I Ea ola 7' - L ú.i 5-=0 .:5h- e ef::. .'19' - /' 1 I I I l/~, C",lraj"- I 1 \ I Z"Q2 ",.r. ;1 \ f'I ' I ' , \ - I' \~ I l/~, \ I I \ I I ..8' \ L_J- ' \ /3'1.0' -- - - --\ - ..5C4Le I" = 2é)' r.i:i\t 8 ' JAN 3 1995 ATTACHMENT C 9 of 10 . ~.,¡3\''" . T ~ ,.....,.,,':";t :.,. . l ','. ',"~'," ,",,' """,,> , . ',',',' , " 10 ;,~~;.' , I," LIÙI"\ 'o"'"?-o!,f. t"I'~'3" I ReI>" ' 0' I ,,' ,~~ 1 :5»[ "',@, ) i ' I I , ' I' 3" í ' 3~ ',I ~ I I ! I f.~<:.,-"e' B/R ! , ' ; I ! ! ! i ~r' 1 C>P- ; I ; , , " j-+ ~..__3-~..~ -+- /3'/.,"-<> Bk: 'I J -' r J !y--: i ! ¡-- IY'I" L/'r< I = ¡ Vlk/" ø ,I ~ f pi"": G) iii' -- j 7i~t<- @ ~! \J/ I3A I !,~ñ '" ,.; ,.,., 1 i .25) ßeð(£,,~e"" \ \ ¡::rJ'\'it 1'-'0°'" V 13'6" I I' 61 fZ 13 R : ~ -7 ¡ I /, ¡ t I i i n ¡ !; \ I'I';¡" I 6/ Î' 8/1< ~ .' I 1 11 'I I I .--:;:-----:----""-7-" ,,~ ' ,- \..",,~ t-..J.J'(¡,"--J i I , " FAV, t= 1 0 o:'::~ff5í,.'~t~~~~:~t,;~i~i~;;~5r;::~%!;~~~~: - ;, . , .-{ . c-- ", ~: .."'" " '? i \'l'f'" 'f"'7 \Co .J~ l ~cJ. V'}~ of 0 f ì ) ¡ l -. l 4 i ! ~ ~. ¡ .tÞ 'J r ~o\, 0 -J. .~ ç . {~ , 'f'~ I Cot"' I ~ ~ ~ ~O ~ ! ..)0"'- ~t-\~ ~b" t cJI).i , ~ 0 ¡,I I '(fI 0 0 ~ 0 v'{>;C' f 0 O...~ (J- 0 -¿¿ 0 , \\..c/'" '^' - ¥'~ ~ ~ ~\\ ,.¡o" v~'j~ I v..oo\' i ~ J ~ ~ - ! Ç\j".Ld I \<-'(\ .. -, - \'f.' '1'"JA' 1 ~ $("Ð..It: è..~ .Jyo,.( " "I \ \ 1-!J-e;S '# Ý I I / ~...._.- "-""""."""'" ß " ' 'J-- ~ SoqectPropertyAddress 'PZg,So/",,"¿I.//s"2-;:';o' "oo.M'f ,(I¡:¡, r?Zo{o-r-..'- '- C. Are you (Seller) aware of any of the following: L Features of the property shared in common wilh adjoining landowners, such as walls. fences, and driveways whose use or responsibility for maintenance may have an effect on ¡he subject property, ,....................... 0 Ves g II<> 2. Nty eocroacnments, easemenls or similar matlers Ihat may affect your inlerest in Ihe subjeci property. ............ 0 Ves EI lie. 3. Room additions, structural modificalions, or other aile rations or repairs made withoul necessary permits. ... . . . . . . . . 0 Ves ~ II<> .. Room additions. slructura! moditications, or olner ailerations or repairs not in compliance with building codes. .. .. 0 Ves ~ f9 /1-;. 5. landli~ (compacted or olnerwise) on the propeny or any ponion thereof, ""'" ,.. . . . . . . ... . . .. . . .. ... ... .. 0 Yes l':J In õ. Arrysettling from any cause, or slippage, sliding, or other soil probiems, .................... ...... ... .......... OVes ~No 7. Fioodong.drainageorgradingproblems. """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""'"....oVes I9No 8. Major damage to the property or any of the slructures from lire, ear1hquake, floods, or landslides. . . . .. . .. ..... 0 Yes ß:I No 9. Any zoning violations. non.conforming uses, violalions of "setback" requiremenls. ......,......,........;....... 0 Ves ~ Ilr, 10. Neighborhood noise problems or other nuisances. .................,.....,..................................OVes ~I"'J 11. CC&R's orolherdeed restriclions or obligations, ".,...,.....,.,......,........,...........................8'/Yes 0'1'" 12. Homeowners' Association wnich has any aulhorily over Ihe subjeci property, "................................ 0 Yes g¡ Plo 13. Any "common area" (facilities such as pools. tennis couns. walkways, or olher areas co-owned in undivided interest with others) .............,..............",..........................................OY<!S 8jPlo 14. NtynotìÅ“sofabalemenlorcilalions against the proper1y, """""""""""""""""'" ...........OVes EJI/rJ 15._AMJawsuitsagainst the seller threatening to or affecting Ihis reai properly. ""'....,.....,........ . . . . .. .. 0 Yes a II<> ~Ihe' anyoitheseisyes;e~þlãrri'7!1I!täc¡:'-iíddfiìõñiíÅ’ì<iJiliì1ìnElcess~!»I: ' .g . _.. ,- , é5ïIO,,}-48c';<'" 0 ,.J!;I<~'I-II/'J O¡::. nOR..5,£ S ':t-' . .5 é7~é. ,. -- /I..~/({.wBOR5. iH61j 4116.. ,JOt ßé.Æ 4) N<lls4¡Vc(:; 10 ~J/- Seller certifies that the information herein is true and correct to the best of the Seller's knowledge as of the date signed by th~, SeIer ~, T j)~~ Dale ~/Y/d"/' Seller {? ./ L-à.- ~ (f/ ~ #I- D ale 1'/ Y / cI: 7" III AGENT'S INSPECTION DISCLOSURE tic be ~mp\e\ed only II the seller Is represented by an agent In this transacl/on,) THE UNDERSIGNËD, BASED ON THE ABOVE INQUIRY QF THE SELLER(S) AS TO THE CONDfTJOP¡ OF THE PROPERTY AND BASED ON A REASONABLY COMPETENT AND DILIGENT VISUAL ItiSPECTION OF THE ACCESSIBLE AREAS OF THE PRÇ)PERTY,IN CO~JUNCTION WITH THAT INQUIR~, STATES THE FOLLOWING: Agent (BroI<er ~' Represen1ing SeP.er) , By, Dale I~pnt ,"'"""Ie L""...", "",...SIgn,"",¡ i ' .i IV AGENT'S INSPECTION DISCLOSURE (To be completed only If the agent who has obtained the offer Is other than the agent above.) THE UNDERSIGNED, BASED ON A REASONABLY COMPETENT AND DILIGENT VISUAL INSPECTION OF THE Ar:~~~~~T~)P P~,STATES.THEFO L~, INGX, /w.v 'Æ~ xJ~ (r,' -"c,- 'LCt. '. II.' . !I.a~ t .'¿1.'::=:4 úf-.v!,- ~ -- -- Agen\ !8roIcer >'-.. ,) tî~,~';;!v'Ã-1::rT.¡~ . 16 I y obtaònioç !he Offe'j /~ c!.\/dx..__J}LLI:S.__~~. B&':~:~!:'" -~= ~-é!!'Jc.L"'::_- oaIL7f~/.'::.Y'/ . IP,.O9OPnnll IA"oc""lIcøn"'oluru'OI';"¡nø~"'¡ t V BUYER(S) AND SELLER(S) MAY WISH TO OBTAIN PROFESSIONAL ADVICE ANDIOR INSPECTIONS OF THE PROPERTY AND TO PROVIDE FOR APPROPRIATE PROVISIONS IN A CONTRACT BETWEEN BUYER Arm SELLER(SJ WTni RESPECT TO ANY ADVICE/INSPECTIONS/DEFECTS. IIWE ACKNOWLEDGE RECEIPT OF A COpy OF THIS STATEMENT. X_g--.i£. T Q^yL 0" .."c5?:: ~ ""ilt! ': XSeGer Oh.å--~ YØ/¿d.:K--1Jate BUy¡¿tL¿Ó /1.<À/ . Da/I/?/y:-- I AgenI (Broker Representing Seller) By Dale ¡P1e",P""'1 I"""""""""""""""".S.""""I Agel'll (BmIær obIainìng Ihe Offer) By - Date ¡PIe,.. p""'1 lAss""" """",,, """"S""""'I A REAL ESTATE BROKER IS OUALIFIED TO ADVISE ON REAL ESTATE. IF YOU DESIRE LEGAL ADVICE, CONSUL T YOUR ATTORNEY -'="""'--""C,~.b,I"'."t"'I'.'.SI." .ndust')' V- ~~"Æ....~n;;.=.::;=;~,:::.~~~~,~ / - 3 - '7s J:t: ð = '::.:'Z ~~~~:~ ~'ò't'~~n~~~t ~~~: --..-:rt>ø 10 os Cod. 01 EII"cs ,OFFrcEUSEOIlLY G:r R.".w.d by a,o'.' '" 0."9n.. ~ ~'966.CAl.FORNIAASSOCIATIONOFREALTORS' Dal. ~ ----~-___5õ'S_'h¡ iA_.LosAnq.r.s.C'Woon"90020 RIIVFD'C r...nv g ..."'~ r December 28,1994 To the City of Poway, Regarding the issue at hand at 12859 Luiseno,Poway,we see no reason why Ric and Barbara DuDeck should not be granted a yes vote on their mother-In-law quarters. Having lived in the neighbortJood longer than the DuDecks,1 can honestly say that they have done major improving on the property in comparision to the previous owners. Having this unit on their property does nothing to hann the integrity or chann of our area. Sincerely, L¡ J ¿fL f!j 17.2i-&-dL Chuck and Mary Mitchell 12832 Luiseno,Poway,CA 92064 - JAN 3 1995 ITEM 8 0'4 ..- -- --- ----------- ~--~----- ---.. ~~-~~~~~ ~~ ~ ~~. ~~~ .~------------~~.,._~--~.~ I - .- December 28,1994 To the City of Poway, Regarding the issue at hand at 12859 Luiseno,Poway,we see no reason why Ric and Barbara DuDeck should not be granted a yes vote on their mother-in-law quarters~ Having lived in the neighborhood longer than the DuDecks,1 can honestly say that they have done major improving on the property in comparision to the previous owners. Having this unit on their property does nothing to hann the integrity or chann of our area. (r~)~ Bill and Kay Sorenson Del Norte Poway,CA 92064 - JAN 3 1995 ITEM 8 .~ .- IJ~,~ Yh-J,I. December 27,1994 C--1A1' 'l'-f-} 7 To the City of Poway, We are writing you conceming our neighbors property at 12859 Luiseno and the mother-in-law quarters in question. We are the neighbors directly to the west of the subject property and the closest to the unit. We have lived here longer than the DuDecks and in our opinion they have done nothing but to enhance their property. There is never any noise or any other problems regarding this unit which has always been a part of their house. We wish to express our opinion that this living quarter be legalized as it does nothing to disturb the beauty and serenity of our neighborhood. Sincerely, ' ~~~~~ 12853 Luiseno Poway, CA 92064 DEe 1994 JAN 3 1995 ITEM 8 ' ..-