Item 10 - EA CUP 94-14 Harry Rogers
TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council
- James L. Bowersox, City Man~
INITIATED BY: John D. Fitch, Assistant City Manage~~ ~
Reba Wright-Quastler, Director of Plan ing Services~
DATE: January 3, 1995
SUBJECT: Environmental Assessment and Conditional Use Permit 94-14, Harry Rogers,
Appl icant.
A request to legalize an existing horse boarding operation at a density of more than 10
horses per acre, and to provide for on-site worker housing, for the property located at
14433 Tierra Bonita Road, in the RR-C zone.
Staff has conducted a site visit and completed an Environmental Initial Study.
- None.
Public notice was published in the Poway News Chieftain and mailed to 39 property owners
within a 500 foot radius of the project's boundaries.
It is recommended that the City Council issue a Negative Declaration with mitigation
measures and approve Conditional Use Permit 94-14 with a limit of 115 horses, subject to
the condit ions conta i ned i n the attached proposed reso 1 ut ion.
JAN 3 1995 ITëi\f 10
1 of 19
TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council
FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Man~
INITIATED BY: John D. Fitch, Assistant City Manage~~ ~
Reba Wright-Quastler, Director of Plan ing Services ~
Marijo Van Dyke, Associate Planner
DATE: January 3, 1995
ACTION DATE: January 3, 1995
SUBJECT: Envi ronmenta 1 Assessment and Conditional Use Permit 94-14,
Harry Rogers, Applicant: A request to legalize an existing
horse boarding operation at a density of more than 10 horses
per acre, and to provide for on-site worker housing, for the
property located at 14433 Ti erra Bon i ta Road, i n the RR-C
APN: 321-190-05
The Poway Valley Stock Farm was established in 1985 to board horses in
conjunction with the activities at the Poway Valley Riders Association located
directly across the street. The boarding facility contains 113 horses on
approximately five (5) net acres.
Portions of the subject property are located within the 100-Year Floodway. The
total gross acreage of the lot is 6.59 acres. There are approximately 25 horse
enclosures sited within the floodway. Chapter 17.32.010.E. of the Poway Municipal
Code prohibits the placement of horse corrals within that area. The affected
area however, will be used to site the large exercise arena, thereby freeing up
room presently occupied by the arena for replacement of the corrals on higher
The existing density works out to 22.6 horses per net acre. The application has
proposed an upward 1 imit of 146 or 29.2 horses per net acre. The current
ordinance establishes a base density of 10/acre but allows higher densities by
C.U.P. Staff recommends a cap of 115 horses on this site.
2 of 19 JAN 3 1995 Ij2M 10
- Agenda Report
January 3, 1995
Page 2
Surrounding uses include: rural residential to the east; residences, a church and
creek to the north; a cemetery to the south; and Poway Valley Riders Association
(PVRA) to the west. The PVRA special use permit was approved in 1970 by the
County Planning Commission, with a 1982 time extension by the Poway City Council.
This boarding operation has operated for several years without comp 1 a i nt.
Recently however, an adjoining residential property owner has complained about
manure odor and dust. The proponent has agreed to move the manure pile toward
the center of the property and to have it removed twi ce per month. Staff
recommends that the proponent plant a row of trees along the southerl y and
easterly property lines common to the affected neighbor, to act as a wind break
and to help control dust. He has also agreed to do this additional planting.
The property conta i ns a barn/tack buil di ng in which the hired workers are
presently staying. The workers will move to another address since the building
is not constructed for human habitation, however, the applicant seeks approval
for the placement of worker housing on the property under this permit, that will
be built at a later date. In addition, state codes require the installation of
permanent restroom facilities. The appl i cant has agreed to compl ete these pri or
to the first 12 month review of his permit.
Existing outdoor lights located adjacent to both riding arenas will be fitted
with shielding in order to achieve code requirements for containing the light
spread withi n the property boundari es. Some 1 ights wi 11 be relocated along with
the arenas.
There are no public improvements required in conjunction with this application.
In order to control the amount of mud which is currently carried out onto Tierra
Bonita Road from this property during the rainy season, staff recommends that the
parking and delivery areas be covered with Class II base material, which will
compact adequately to provide a cleaner parking and driving surface, while
remaining a safe surface for horses.
Staff has conducted a site visit and completed an Environmental Initial Study.
The areas of concern included Soil s and Geology, Hydrology, Air Quality,
Transportation, and Health, Safety and Nuisance Factors. Removal of the horse
enclosures from the 100-Year Floodway and more regular and frequent manure
disposal will address the Soils and Geology, Hydrology, Air Quality, and Health
Safety, and Nuisance Factors. Covering the parking areas in Class II base
material will reduce the siltation of the paved roadway on Tierra Bonita Road.
It is recommended that a Negative Declaration with mitigation measures be issued.
JAN 3 1995 ITëM 10
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Agenda Report
January 3, 1995
Page 3
Publ ic notice was publ ished in the Poway News Chieftain and mailed to ~
property owners within a 500 foot radius of the project's boundaries.
It is recommended that the Ci ty Counc i 1 i ssue a Negati ve Oecl arat i on with
mitigation measures, and approve Conditional Use Permit 94-14 with a limit of 115
horses, subject to the conditions contained in the attached proposed resolution.
A. Proposed Resolution
B. Initial Study
C. Negative Declaration
D. Zoning and Location Map
E. Project Site Pl an
JAN 3 1995 ITeM 10
4 of 19
WHEREAS, Conditional Use Permit 94-14 submitted by Harry Rogers, applicant,
requests to 1 ega 1 i ze an exi st i ng horse boardi ng faci 1 ity, and permit on-s ite
worker housing on the property located at 14433 Tierra Bonita Road, in the RR-C
zone; and
WHEREAS, on January 3, 1995, the City Council held a duly advertised public
hearing to solicit comments from the public, both pro and con, relative to this
NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council does hereby resolve as follows:
Section 1: Environmental FindinQs:
The City Council finds that the project is not 1 i kely to have a
s i gni fi cant adverse i mpact on the envi ronment, if recommended mi t i gat i on
measures are completed and maintained and hereby issues a Negative
Declaration with mitigation measures as contained in the conditions of
Section 2: FindinQs:
1. The approved project is consistent with the general plan in that it is an
agri cultural and semi-public use which is permitted in the Rural
Residential-C zone with benefit of a conditional use permit.
2. That the 1 ocat i on, size, des ign and ope rat i ng characteri st i cs of the
approved use will be compatible with adjacent uses; in that the disposal
of manure and control of dust wi 11 be mitigation measures of this
approval, and that the majority of nearby uses are of a rural residential
3. That the harmony in scale, bulk, coverage and density is consistent with
the adjacent uses; in that a limit of 115 horses has been placed on the
facility. There are presently 113 on the site.
4. That there are available public facilities, services and utilities to
serve this project.
5. That there will be no harmful effect upon desirable neighborhood
characteri st i cs i n that trees wi 11 be planted along the property 1 i ne
adjoining the neighbor to the southeast in order to buffer dust and odor.
6. That the generation of traffic will not adversely impact the surrounding
street and/or the City's Transportaion El ement; in that a Traffic
Mitigation Fee will be paid per number of horses kept on the property.
On-site parking facilities will be adequately sized to meet the demand for
JAN 3 1995 ITëiVI 10
5 of 19
Resolution No. P -
Page 2
use by boarders. The parking areas will be covered with a Class II base material
to prevent siltation of the paved roadway along the Tierra 80nita frontage.
7. That the site is suitable for the type and intensity of use or development
which is approved; in that the immediate neighborhood contains a major
riding club facility which has created a demand for boarding of horses and
pon i es nearby. Many of the surrounding properties also contain horses on
large lots. It is in a rural residential setting.
8. That there wi 11 not be significant harmful effects upon environmental
quality and natural resources in that; the corrals which are presently
located within the 100-Year Floodway will be removed and relocated within
a flood-free port i on of the property. Manure will be removed on a regular
and more frequent basis.
9. That there are no other relevant negative impacts of the approved use that
cannot be mitigated because the conditions of approval include mitigation
measures, annotated by an asterisk *, which address all potential impacts.
Section 3: Citv Council Decision:
The City Council hereby approves Conditional Use Permit 94-14, subject to
the following conditions:
Within 30 days of approval (1) the applicant shall submit in writing that
all conditions of approval have been read and understood; and (2) the
property owner shall execute a Covenant on Real Property.
The use conditionally granted by this permit shall not be conducted in
such a manner as to interfere with the reasonable use and enjoyment of
surroundi ng res i dent i a 1 and commerc i a 1 uses.
This conditional use permit shall be subject to annual revi ew by the
Di rector of Pl ann i ng Services for comp 1 i ance wi th the conditions of
approval and to address concerns that may have occurred during the past
year. If the permit is not in compliance with the conditions of approval,
or the Planning Services Department has received complaints, the required
annual review shall be set for a public hearing before the City Council,
to consider modification or revocation of the use permit.
1. Site shall be developed in accordance wi th the approved site plans on fi 1 e
in the Planning Services Department and the conditions contained herein.
2. Revised site plans and building elevations incorporating all conditions of
approval shall be submitted to the Planning Services Department prior to
issuance of building permits.
3. Approval of this request shall not waive compliance with all sections of
the Zoning Ordinance and all other applicable City Ordinances in effect at
the time of building permit issuance. Compliance with all provisions of
Ordinance 432 as amended by Ordinance 438 is required.
JAN 3 1995 lïëM 10 I
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Resolution No. P-
Page 3
4. The applicant shall comply with the latest adopted Uniform Building Code,
Uniform Mechanical Code, Uniform Plumbing Code, National Electric Code,
Uniform Fire Code, and all other applicable codes and ordinances in effect
at the time of building permit issuance. The applicant shall obtain proper
building permits for existing structures which have been built without
5. Building permits shall be obtained for all illegal structures by March 3,
1995 and all structures shall have received final inspection by May 3,
6. Outdoor lighting for the exercise arenas shall be fitted with shielding so
as to contain the light spread within the property's boundaries.
7. No more than 115 horses shall be kept on the subject property at any time.
8.* No horse corrals, animal pens, or enclosures shall be placed within the
100-Year Floodway, although exercise arenas containing minimal fencing may
be constructed within this area.
9.* Manure shall be removed from the site on a cycle of not less than twice
per month, and shall not be stockpiled near the easterly property line,
nor within the 100-Year Floodway.
10. Public restroom facilities shall be completed within one year of this
approva 1.
11. Hours of operation shall be limited from sunrise to 9 p.m. Special events
that would extend the hours beyond 9 p.m. shall require temporary use
permit approval through the Planning Services Department.
12. Hours of operation for the arena lights shall be dusk to 9 p.m. except as
approved by temporary use permit and for actual emergencies.
13. An effective fly control system shall be maintained around the animal
14. The operation shall be maintained in a clean and sanitary condition.
Animal pens and animals shall be cleaned on a daily basis.
15. The temporary use of the barn/tack building as a residence for workers
shall be discontinued by April 3, 1995.
16.* Provide dust control, on a daily basis if needed, by use of sprin~er
systems for the arenas, horse workout pens and other portions of the site
where dust would be generated.
17. A temporary use permi t shall be obtained prior to any outdoor special
-- events such as horse shows, barbecues and day camps. Rodeos and any other
event that would generate large amounts of traffic are prohibited. No
amp 1 ifi ed sound i s allowed unless approved for a speci a 1 event approved by
a temporary use permi t.
JAN 3 1995 11'ï:M 10
7 of 19
Resolution No. P-
Page 4
The parking lots and delivery areas shall be surfaced with six (6) inches
of compacted Class II base material within 60 days of the date of this
1. A line of trees 15 gallon in size, shall be planted along the adjoining
property lines with Assessor's Parcel Number 321-190-06. These trees
shall be kept in a healthy, thriving condition, free from weeds, damage
from resident horses, and watered by means of a low water usage irrigation
2. Existing on-site trees shall be retained wherever possible.
Any signs proposed for this project shall be designed and approved in
conformance with the Sign Ordinance.
The appl icant shall pay Traffic Mitigation Fees to the Engineering
Services Department within 30 days of approval of this use permit. The
fee shall be paid at a rate of $10.00 multiplied by the maximum number of
horses proposed to be kept at the facility.
The proposed project falls within areas indicated as subject to flooding
under the National Flood Insurance Program and is subject to the
provisions of that program and City Ordinance.
Place 2A:I0BC extinguishers in exterior buildings, i.e. barns, tack sheds,
APPROVED and ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Poway, State of
California, this 3rd day of January, 1995.
Don Higginson, Mayor
MarJorie K. Wahlsten, City Clerk
JAN 3 1995 ITï:iVI 10
8 of 19
DATE, q- ';2.. -"'1'4-
APPLICANT: Ha.rrj ~.e.r.s
FILING DATE: 345-.,4 LOG NUMBER: GLlfl 'N-(4
PROJECT: fOW,""% \Ia~ Shock... F'~ (~'B-~..I:"'3 ~
PROJECT LOCATION: ¡<fC4õ~ -nè.rr..... ~~
(Fact-based exDlanatlons of all answers are reQuired on attached sheets.)
1. Soils and Geology. Will the proposal have
significant ImDacts In:
a. Unstable ground conditions or In changes In
geologic relationships? - - L
b. Disruptions, displacements, compaction, or ,/
burial of the soil? - -- -
c. Change In topography or ground surface
contour Intervals? - - V"
d. The destruction, covering, or modification
- of any uniQue geologic or physical
features? - - V
e. Any potential Increase In wind or water
erosion of soils, affecting either on- or ./
off-site conditions? - -- -
1. Changes In erosion, siltation, or /
deposition? - ~ -
g. Exposure of people or Droperty to geologic
hazards such as earthQuakes, landslides,
mudslides, ground failure, or similar
hazards? - - -k::
2. Hydrology. Will the proposal have significant
Impacts In:
a. Changes In currents, or the course In
direction of flowing streams, rivers, or
ephemeral stream channels? - - X
b. Changes In absorption rates, drainage
patterns, or the rate and amount of v'
surface water runoff? - -
c. Alterations to the course or flow of
flooo waters? - - L
d. change In the amount of surface water In
-- any body of water? - L- -
e. Discharge Into surface waters, or any alter- V
action of surface water Quality? - -
JAN 3 1995 ITëM 10
""--u ..."-
~ -
Environmental Study Checklist
Page 2
f. Alteration of groundwater
characteristics? - L- -
g. Change In the Quantity of groundwaters,
either through direct additions, or with-
drawals, or through Interference with an
aQu I fer?
Quality? - -L
Quant I ty? - - :Z:
h. The reduction In the amount of water otherwise
available for public water supplies? - - ~
i. Exposure of people or property to water V
related hazards such as flooding or seiches? - -
3. Air Quality. Will the Droposal have significant
Impacts In:
a. Constant or periodic air emissions from
mobile or Indirect sources? L - -
Stationary sources? - - -
b. Deterioration of ambient air Quality and/or
Interference with the attainment of appll- V
cable air Quality standards? - -
c. AI terat Ion of local or regional climatic
conditions, affecting air movement moisture ..L
or temperature? - -
4. Flora. Will the proposal have significant
results In:
a. Change In the characteristics of species,
Including diversity, distribution, or number ¡/
of endangered species of plants? - -
b. Reduction of the numbers of any uniQue,
rare, or endangered species of plants? - - V
c. Introduction of new or disruptive species
of plants Into an area? - - V
d. Reduction In the potential for agricultural ..L
product Ion? - -
5. Fauna. Wi II the proposal have significant
results In:
a. Change In the characteristics of species,
Including diversity, distribution, or L
numbers of any species of animals? - -
b. Reduction of the numbers of any uniQue,
rare, or endangered species of animals? - - X
c. Introduction of new or disruptive species
of animals Into an area, or result In a
barrier to the mitigation or movement of ~
animals? - -
d. Deterioration or removal of existing fish -L
or wi Idllfe habitat? -
10 of 19 JAN 3 1995 lï¿M 10
Environmental Study Checklist
Page 3
6. PODulatlon. [Will the prODosal] have significant
results In:
a. [Will the proposal] alter the location, dlstri-
butlon, density, diversity, or growth rate of ~
the human Dopulatlon of an area? - -
b. Will the proposal affect existing housing, L
or create a demand for additional housing? - -
7. Socio-Economlc Factors. Will the proposal have
significant results In:
a. Change In local or regional soclo-economlc
characteristics, including economic or
commercial diversity, tax rate, and prop- L
erty values? - -
b. Will project costs be eQuitably dlstrl-
buted among project beneficiaries, I.e.. ~
buyers, taxpayers. or project users? - -
8. Land Use and Plannlny Considerations. Will the
proposal have slgnlf cant results In:
a. A substantial alteration of the present or 1
planned land use of an area? - -
b. A conflict with any designations, objectives,
policies, or adopted plans of any govern- L
m~ntal entities? - -
c. An Impact upon the Quality or QUantity of
existing consumptive or non-consumptive V
recreational opportunities? - -
9. Transportation. Will the proposal have significant
results In:
a. Generation of substantial additional vehicular
movement? - -L -
b. Effects on existing streets, o~and for V
new street construct Ion? C,uM V<. - -
c. Effects on existing parking facilities, or -L
demand for new parking? - -
d. Substantial Impact upon existing transpor-
tatlon systems? - _ ...JL
e. Alterations to present patterns of clrcu-
latlon or movement of Deople and/or L
goods? - -
1. Alteration to or effects on present and
potential water-borne, rail, mass transit.
- or air traffic? - - ...JL
g. Increases In traffic hazards to motor
vehicles, bicyclists, or pedestrians? - _ ..J¿'
11 of 19 JAN 3 1995 ITï:i\t 10
Environmental Study Checklist
Page 4
10. Cultural Resources. Wi II the proposal have
significant impacts In:
a. A disturbance to the Integrity of archaeo-
logical, paleontological, and/or historical ¡/
resources? - -
11. Health. Safety, and Nuisance Factors. Wi II the
proposal have sIgnifIcant results In:
a. Creation of any health hazard or potential
health hazard? - --L -
b. ExDosure of people to potential health 1-
hazards? - -
c. A risk of explosion or release of hazardous V
substances In the event of an accident? - -
d. An Increase In the number of Individuals or
species of vector or parthenogenic organisms L
or the exposure of peoDle to such organisms? - -
e. Increase In existing noise levels? - - L
f. Exposure of people to potentially dangerous V
noise levels? - -
g. The creation of objectionable odors? JL - -
h. An Increase In-light or glare? - - L
12. Aesthetics. Will the proposal have significant
results In:
a. The obstruction or degradation of any scenic v'
vista or view? - -
b. The creation of an aesthetically offensive L
sl te? - -
c. A conflict with the objective of designated ~
or potential scenic corridors? - -
13. Utilities and Public Services. Will the proposal
have sIgnificant need for new systems, or alter-
atlons to the following:
a. Electric power? - - --!.C
b. Natural or packaged gas? - - L
c. Communications systems? - - -1L
d. Water supply? - - -1L
e. Wastewater facilities? - - ~
1. Flood control structures? - - v'
g. Solid waste facilities? - - ..K
h. Fire protection? - - ~
12 of 19 JAN 3 1995 rìè:M 10
Environmental Study Checklist
Page 5
I. Police protection? -IL
- -
j. Schools? ./
- -
k. Parks or other recreational facilities? L
- -
I. Maintenance of public facilities, Including
roads and flood control facilities? - - V
m. Other governmental services? - - V
14. Energy and Scarce Resources. Will the proposal
have significant Impacts In:
a. Use of substantial or excessive fuel or ~
energy? - -
bo. Substantial Increase In demand upon existing
sources of energy? - - -~
c. An Increase In the demand for development of v'
new sources of energy? - -
d. An Increase or perpetuation of the con sump-
tlon of non-renewable forms of energy. when
feasible renewable sources of energy are v
ava I I ab I e? - -
e. Substantial depletion of any nonrenewable ¡/
or scarce natural resources? - - -
15. Mandatory Findings of Significance.
a. Does the project have the potential to
degrade the quality of the environment,
substantially reduce the habitat of fish
or wildlife species, cause a fish or wlld-
life population to drop below self-
sustaining levels, threaten to eliminate
a plant or animal community. reduce the
number of restrict the range of a rare or
endangered plant or animal, or eliminate
ImDortant examples of the major periods ~
of the California history or prehistory? - -
b. Does the project have the potential to
achieve short-term, to the disadvantage of
long-term, environmental goals? (A short-
term ImDact on the environment Is one which
occurs In a relatively brief, definitive
period of time while long-term ImDacts will ~
endure we II Into the future.) - -
c. Does' the project have ImDacts which are
Individually limited, but cumulatively
considerable? (Cumulatively considerable
- means that the Incremental effects of an
Individual project are considerable when
viewed In connection with the effect of
past projects, and probable future v'
projects.) - -
13 of 19 JAN 3 1995 lTëM 10
Environmental Study L"dCkllst
Page 6
d. Does the project have environmental
effects which will cause substantial
adverse effects on human celngs, either L
directly or Indirectly? - -
(i .e., of affirmative answers to the above Questions plus a discuss ion of
proposed mitigation measures.)
On the basis of this initial evaluation:
D. I find the proposed project COULD NOT have a significant effect on
the environment, and a NEGATIVE DECLARATION will be prepared.
[3 I find that although the proposed project could have a slgn~flcant
effect on the environment, there wi II not be a significant effect
in this case because the mitigation measures described on an
attached sheet have been added' to the project. A NEGATIVE
D I find the proposed project MAY have a significant effect on the
environment, and an ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT Is required.
,DATE: 1- 2--""1- SIGNATURE: "-->u~ V~
TITLE: a..~_' JZ:et'1~.1oV~
14 of 19 JAN 3 1995 ITëM 10
1. Soils and Geoloav.
b. Disruption, displacement, compaction or burial or the
Applicant has buried manure in the past 'in large
quantities. Removal of the manure has been completed.
e&f. Any potential increase in wind or water erosion of soils,
affecting either on- or off-site conditions? Changes in
erosion, siltation, or deposition?
The property has little soil cover other than lawn area
around the residence and a line of mature trees at the
street frontage. The gradient of the property is fairly
gentle, which helps to contain soil on site. Some
erosion is evident however, along the north side of the
property. The northwesterly 120+ feet of the property is
within the 100 Year Floodway of Rattlesnake Creek.
Mitigation: Cooperate with the County Soils Conservation
Service in developing, implementing and maintaining a
Conservation Plan using Best Management Practices. This
may include, but is not limited to: moving corrals out of
the floodway boundaries, installing a dike system to
retain runoff from corral areas, as well as diverting
uphill runoff away from corral areas, and installing and
maintaining a filter strip along the northerly boundary
of the property.
2. Hvdroloav.
b.d.e.f.g.& h.
See discussion under #1 e.& f. above.
J. Air Oual! tv.
a&b. Constant or periodic air emissions from indirect sources?
The manure is stockpiled on the east side of the property
and removed at one-month intervals.
Mitigation: Work with the County Soils Conservation
- Service to develop a Waste Management Plan which will
reduce dust, flies and odor, as well as possible runoff
to the stream.
JAN 3 1995 ITï:M 10
15 of 19
9. Transportation.
a&b. Customer parking areas are presently unimproved, dirt
lots. During rainy season mud from the vehicles is spread
onto Tierra Bonita Road, contributing to a dangerous
driving situation as well as potential for greater
siltation of the creek to the north.
Mitigation: Improve the parking and delivery areas with
either gravel or Class II road base.
11. Health. Safety an Nuisance Factors.
a.b.d.& g.
Mitigation: See #3 a.& b.
Shielding should be installed on all arena lighting so as
to direct light downward, not allowing it to spill onto
adjacent roadways or residential properties.
JAN 3 1995 Iïi:M 10
16 of 19
MICKEY CAfAGNA. Councilm,mber
ROBERT EMERY. Councllmember
~ETfY REXFORD. Councilmemb"
1. Name and Address of Applicant: Harrv RoQers 14433 Tierra Bonita Road
Powav CA 92064
2. Brief Description of Project: A request to leGalize an existinQ horse boardinQ
operation at a density of more than 10 horses per acre and to provide for on-site
worker housinQ.
3. In accordance with Resolution 83-084 of the City of Poway, implementing the
California Environmental Quality Act of 1970, the City of poway has determined
that the above project will not have a significant effect upon the environment. An
Environmental Impact Report will not be required.
.-- 4. Minutes of such decision and the Initial Study prepared by the City of Poway are
on file in the Department of Planning Services of the City of Poway.
5. This decision of the City Council of the City of poway is final.
Contact Person: Mariio Van Dvke Phone (619) 679-4294
Approved by Date
Reba Wright-Qua stier, PhD, AICP
JAN 3 1995 IleM 10
City Hall Located at 13325 Civic Center Drive
17 of 19 Mailing Address: P.O. Box 7R9, Poway, California 92074-0789 . (619) 748-6600, 695-1400
a: RR.
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To: Honorable Mayor and RECEIVED
Members of the City Council
DEC 2 9 1994
From: Mrs. Valeire E. Cain
Subject: Environmental Assessment and CITY CLERK'S OFFiCe
Conditional Use Permit 94-14,
Harry Rogers, applicant
Date: January 3, 1995
My family has owned a one acre parcel of residential property at 14405 Tierra Bonita Road
since 1959 that adjoins the Poway Valley Stock Farm on the east and south side: the only
residence surrounded on two sides.
In acknowledging the Notice of Public Hearing concerning the above noted subject, 1 protest
the proposal of Harry Rogers to permit 146 horses on 6.59 acres and any other proposal for
more than 10 horses per acre.
Take into consideration that Mr. Steiner was permitted only 45 horses on 15 acres. The
facility on the Welton Lane 4.35 acres was only permitted 25 horses.
The 113 horses now at the Poway Valley Stock Farm create dust that covers everything on
our property. The odor from the manure and urine is sometimes unbearable. The noise
made by that many horses is especially disturbing at night.
When the boarding facility was first established, the manure was hauled away daily. In
recent years it has been stock piled for months at a time on the back of their property
adjacent to ours. The manure is stacked close to a group of large Eucalyptus trees, causing
some of the trees to die. During the rainy season, large pools of green water stand in the
The Code Compliance Officer from the Planning Department observed the area twice in
answer to complaints. The Assistant Director of Planning Services looked the situation over
once. Their answer to the problem was an ordinance, soon to be established, that would take
care of the dust and manure. Therefore, no further complaints were made.
I have no objection to the horse farm, just the condition so many horses cause. Hopefully
you can come to a fair and just decision.
Ilk¡ 7/LÚ£~ t r:£cu;z-J
- Mrs. Valeire E. Cain
Attachments: 9 Photos JAN 3 1995 ITEiVI 10
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