Item 11 - DR 94-07 VAR 94-13 Shea Homes - AGENDA R~PORT SUMMARY - TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Man~ . INITIATED BY: John D. Fitch, Assistant City Manager~Y c.R. Reba Wri9ht-Quastler, Director of Plan ing Services ~ DATE: January 3, 1995 SUBJECT: Development Review 94-07 and Variance 94-13, Shea Homes Applicant ABSTRACT A request to approve the design and placement of 62 single-family homes on the 9.92 net acre site located at the northeast corner of Metate Lane and Pomerado Road, in the RS-7 zone. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW An Environmental Impact Report (State Clearinghouse #890100) was certified by the Poway City Council on June 26, 1990. FISCAL IMPACT - The subject property is located within the Redevelopment Area. The increase in property tax receipts will equal 1% of the sales price of the home less the previous assessed land value prior to development. ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE Public notice was published in the Poway News Chieftain and mailed to 125 property owners within 500 feet of the project. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council find that the previously certified Final EIR for the Seniors Village adequately addresses the potential environmental impacts of the proposed development and approve Development Revi ew 94-07 and Vari ance 94-13, subject to the conditions contained in the attached proposed resolution. ACTION - 1 of 18 JAN 3 1995 ITeM 11 I ~ AGENDA REPOR.. CITY OF POW A Y TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Ma~ ~ INITIATED BY: John D. Fitch, Assistant City Managerc&r o¿ Reba Wright-Quastler, Director of Planning Services~ Marijo Van Dyke, Associate Planner DATE: January 3, 1995 MANDATORY ACTION DATE: January 17, 1995 SUBJECT: DeveloDment Revi ew 94-07 and Variance 94-13. Shea Homes. ADDlicant: A request to approve the design and placement of 62 single-family homes on the 9.92 net acre site located at the northeast corner of Metate Lane and Pomerado Road, in the RS-7 zone. APN: 317-211-02,04 BACKGROUND On June 21, 1994, the City Counci 1 approved the subdivision of the subject property into 62 single-family lots and an approximately one-half acre neighborhood pocket park. The site is relatively level, sloping gently to the northwest. A considerable amount of clean fill dirt will be requ i red to be placed in order to bring the buildable portion of the property out of the 100 Year Floodplain. The rema i nder of thi s property is located with i n the boundari es of Poway Creek, and will be revegetated following the grading operation in the appropriate riparian habitats. FINDINGS The new subdivision, which has been named Poway Oaks, contains 62 residential lots and a small park created under Tentative Tract Map 94-02. The lots each exceed the minimum size for the RS-7 zone. Sixteen lots exceed the previous minimum lot size for that zone of 6,000 square feet, while fourteen are at the minimum lot size of 4,500 square feet. The homes will range in size from 1,680 square feet to 2,050 square feet for the 1 argest of the three model s. Each of the model s wi 11 be offered in four r ACTION, 2 of 18 1.ï:¡W 11 JAN 3 1995 -- Agenda Report January 3, 1995 Page 2 elevations and color packages. A gray and dark brown flat concrete roof tile will be offered, as well as two colors of low profile Os" tile. Trims wi 11 vary from beige with brown accents, a warm gray with cream and darker gray accent, a go 1 den tan with pale tan and 01 i ve green accent, and a mauve and gray trim combination. All models contain one of the four types of brick trim. Each model and elevation will be built with a front porch. Each of the two-story models offers an optional second-story deck off the master bedroom. The single- story model (Plan 1) contains a den at the front of the house, which projects in front of the garage. Together, this room and the porch bring the house farther forward on the lot, adding more interest to the street scape. The placement of Plan 1 on Lot 49 will require approval of street side setback variance due to the size of the single-story footprint on a lot where the width tapers toward the back. Front yard landscaping and yard fencin9 will be provided with the project. The mix of plant materials proposed for use are all of drought tolerant variety, but are common landscape specimens, which are successful in Poway, and are relatively low in maintenance. Staff has explored the "affordabil ity" issue with this project and has ascertained that some of each plan will likely be priced within the means of moderate income households, at the sales prices currently anticipated projected by the builder. -' Lots 3, 6, 27, 46, 50 and 51 will require rear yard setback variances from the 20 feet ranging from .6 feet to 7.5 feet. Lots 53,56 and 58 will require street sideyard setback variances from .6 feet to 2.7 feet from the normal ten (10) foot setback. Staff further recommends that a variance be granted from the zoning code requirement to provide wide sideyards on 25% for purpose of R.V. storage. Given the average width of the lots at approximately 55 feet, the requirement would be very difficult to satisfy. A twe 1 ve-foot-wi de graded pathway wi 11 be created at the top the channel bank to provide access for creek maintenance. Two access ramps wi 11 also be i nsta 11 ed, one extendi ng north from the storm drain easement on Lot 37, and another extending northward toward the channel adjacent to Lot 15 and the subdivision's eastern boundary. The preliminary landscape plan for the pocket park includes a tot-play area and equipment meeting ADA requirements, concrete sidewalk leading from the cul-de- sac, past the play area to the half-court basketball court, and turf play area. A gated paved emergency services easement is provided along the south side of the park lot. A line of shrubbery will be placed along the fence line adjoining Lots 36 and 38 to help soften the effect of the park location next to each. No restroom facilities or on-site parking are provided with the park. In order to assure visibility to the Sheriff's Department, the fencing along the Pomerado Road frontage of the park will be wrought iron. A pedestrian pass through will be included to permit residents easy foot and bicycle access to Pomerado Road while preventing unwanted vehicular traffic from entering the neighborhood. JAN 3 1995 lIêM 11 3 of 18 Agenda Report January 3, 1995 Page 3 An acoustical study will be conducted to determine the size and placement of sound attenuation walls at the perimeters of the project. Staff estimates that the walls will vary in height from five to six feet in most locations. The name of the project will be impressed on the wall returns at the entry of the project off Metate Lane. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW An Environmental Impact Report (State Clearinghouse #890100) was certified by the Poway City Council on June 26, 1990. A channel restoration plan was subsequently submi tted to the State and Federal regul atory agenci es who have juri sd i ct i on over waterways and their adjoining areas. Channel revegetati on wi 11 be accompli shed with a permit issued by the California Department of Fish and Game and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Restoration work will consist of the construction of a wetland area along the south creek bank and within a portion of the southern channel area, to include a host of native species or plants. Staff recommends that the Counci 1 fi nd that the provi s ions of the EIR address the environmental concerns relating to the current project, and that no further project-specific environmental review is required at the development review since it the logical conclusion of the previously approved subdivision map. FISCAL IMPACT The subject property is located within the Redevelopment Area. The i ncrease i n property tax receipts will equal 1% of the sales price of the home less the previous assessed land value prior to development. The increased tax increment wi 11 be retained for use by the Ci ty of Poway. ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE Public notice was published in the Poway News Chieftain and mailed to ill property owners within 500 feet of the project. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council find that the previously certified Final EIR for the Seniors Village adequately addresses the potential environmental impacts of the proposed development and approve DeveloDment Review 94-07 and Variance 94-13, subject to the conditions contained in the attached proposed resolution. JLB:RWQ:MVD:kls Attachments: A. Proposed Resolution B. Zoning and Location Map C. Site Plan D. Building Elevations E. Floor Plans F. Mini Park Concept Plan e: \c ity\ p 1 ann; ng\ report \d r9407 . agn JAN 3 1995 lIêM 11 4 of 18 - - RESOLUTION NO. p- - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF POWAY, CALIFORNIA APPROVING DEVELOPMENT REVIEW 94-07 AND VARIANCE 94-13 ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER 312-211-02,04 WHEREAS, Development Review 94-07 and Variance 94-13, submitted by Shea Homes, applicant, requests approval of the development review to allow the construction of 62 single-family homes, ten of which will require the granting of variances from required setbacks, and none of which can provide for R.V. storage. The 62 homes will be constructed on lots created by Tentative Tract Map 94-02, on the property located at the northeast corner of Metate Lane and Pomerado Road; and WHEREAS, on January 3, 1995, the City Council held a hearing on the above- referenced item. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council does hereby resolve as follows: Section 1: Environmental Findinqs: The City Council finds that the previously certified EIR of June 26, 1990 adequately addresses the concerns of this project. Section 2: FindinGs: - Variance 94-07 1. The approved project is consistent with the general plan in that it proposed construction of single-family homes in an area designated for residential use. 2. That the approved project wi 11 not have an adverse aesthetic, hea lth, safety, or architecturally related impact upon adjoining properties, because building square footages, rooflines, materials, and building materials are compatible with nearby developments. 3. That the approved project encourages the orderly and harmonious appearance of structures and property within the City, because it is s i mil ar to and complements other res ident i a 1 development i n the vicinity. 4. That the approved project is in compliance with the Zon i ng Ordinance, except with regard to minimum building setbacks on ten lots for which a variance is sought. In all other respects the homes meet the development standards of the underlying zoning. Variance 94-13 1. The approved project is consistent with the general plan as previously discussed. 5 of 18 JAN 3 1995 ni:M 11 Resolution No. P- Page 2 2. That there are special circumstances applicable to ten of the subject lots, and because of this, the strict application of the Zoning Ordinance deprives the property of privileges enjoyed by other properties in the vicinity under identical zoning classification. In order to achieve an acceptable mix of residential units, ten of the models are placed on lots which lack either adequate width or depth to enable them to observe all requi red setbacks. Further, all of the lots are narrow, and do not provide an opportunity for R.V. storage within the side yards. 3. That granting the variance or its modification is necessary for the preservation and enjoyment of a substantial property right possessed by other property in the same vicinity and zoning for which the variance is sought. The variance will permit the construction of homes which are of an acceptable size to the surrounding neighborhood so that assurance of the maintenance of property values can be made. 4. That granting the variance or its modification wi 11 not be materially detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare, or injurious to the property or improvements in such vicinity and zone in which the property is located, in that Metate Lane wi 11 be widened. Drainage and flood control improvements will be constructed by the building of this project which will benefit the surrounding neighborhood. 5. That the granting of this variance does not constitute a special privilege inconsistent with the limitation upon other properties in the vicinity and zone in that the design of these homes is consistent with the features and qual ity of the newest homes constructed in Poway's most recent tract development. 6. That the granting of this variance does not allow a use or activity which is not otherwise expressly authorized by zoning development regulations governing the parcel or property. Section 3: City Council Decision: The City Council hereby approves Development Review 94-07 and Variance 94- 13, subject to the following conditions: Within 30 days of approval (1) the applicant shall submit in writing that all conditions of approval have been read and understood; and (2) the property owner shall execute a Covenant on Real Property. COMPLIANCE WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS IS REQUIRED. COMPLIANCE SHALL BE APPROVED BY THE DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING SERVICES. JAN 3 1995 liëM 11 6 of 18 - - Resolution No. P- Page 3 SITE DEVELOPMENT 1. Site shall be developed in accordance with the approved site plans on file in the Planning Services Department and the conditions contained herein. 2. Revised site plans and buildin9 elevations incorporating all conditions of approval shall be submitted to the Planning Services Department prior to issuance of building permits. 3. Approval of this request shall not waive compliance with all sections of the Zoning Ordinance and all other applicable City Ordinances in effect at the time of building permit issuance. 4. The CC&R's shall prohibit the storage of recreational vehicles in the required front yard setback. 5. Mail boxes shall be installed according to a plan which is acceptable to both the Post Office and the Director of Planning Services. 6. The developer shall integrate an appropri ate vari ety of approved roof materials and colors into the design of the residential development in a manner which is both complementary with surrounding development. - 7. The applicant shall comply with the latest adopted Uniform Building Code, Uniform Mechanical Code, Uniform Plumbing Code, National Electric Code, Uniform Fire Code, and all other applicable codes and ordinances in effect at the time of building permit issuance. 8. For each new residential dwelling unit, the applicant shall pay Permit, Plan Check and Inspection Fees, School Fees, and Affordable Housing In- Lieu Fee, at the established rate (in accordance with City-adopted policy and/or ordinance). 9. Street names shall be approved by the Planning Services Department prior to the recordation of the final map, and street addresses shall be provided prior to the issuance of building permits. 10. A pedestrian pass-through and double gate shall be installed at the Fire easement adjacent to Pomerado Road. 11. Masonry walls shall be installed along the west side of Lot 36 and the north side of Lot 38 to provide adequate buffering from the park. A line of vines shall be installed along the outside walls to screen them from view from within the park. 12. Park playground equipment shall meet ADA requirements. Park construction shall be completed prior to final occupancy of the first home. 13. This approval shall become null and void if building permits are not issued for this project within two years from the date of project approval. JAN 3 1995 ITëM 11 7 of 18 Resolution No. P- Page 4 LANDSCAPE IMPROVEMENTS 1. Complete 1 andscape construction documents shall be submitted to and approved by the Pl ann i ng Servi ces Department pri or to the i ssuance of building permits. Plans shall be prepared in accordance with City of Poway Guide to Landscape Requirements (latest edition). 2. Street trees, a minimum of 15 gallon size or larger, shall be installed in accordance with the City of Poway Guide to Landscape Requirements and shall be planted at an average of 30 feet on center spaci ng along all streets. 3. All 1 andscaped areas shall be maintained in a healthy and thriving condit i on, free from weeds, trash, and debri s. The trees shall be encouraged and all owed to retai n a natural form. Pruning should be restricted to maintain the health of the trees and to protect the public safety. Unnatural or excess i ve pruning, including topping, is not permitted. 4. Parkway areas adjacent to Pomerado Road and Metate Lane shall be planted and irrigated in accordance with the requirements outlined in #1 above. SIGNS Any signs proposed for this development shall be designed and approved in conformance with the Sign Ordinance. ADDITIONAL APPROVALS REOUIRED 1. The developer shall display a current Zoning and Land Use Map, or suitable alternative, in the sales office at all times, to the satisfaction of the Director of Planning Services. 2. All sales maps that are distributed or made available to the public shall include but not be limited to trails, future and existing schools, parks, and streets. 3. The developer shall provide a noise display board in the sales office to the satisfaction of the Director of Planning Services. The display shall include the site plan and noise study information. 4. Worki ng drawi ngs shall i nc 1 ude a certi fi cat i on by a recogn i zed acousti ca 1 expert that the requirements of the City of Poway's Noise Ordinance will be met. 5. At the completion of construction, and prior to occupancy, interior and exterior CNEL shall be determined by field testing at developer's expense. Tests to be conducted by a recognized acoustical expert. No occupancy permits shall be granted until this test is met to the satisfaction of the Building Code (latest adopted edition) "Sound Transmission Control". JAN 3 1995 ITï:M 11 8 of 18 - -- - Resolution No. P- Page 5 COMPLIANCE WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS IS REQUIRED. COMPLIANCE SHALL BE APPROVED BY THE DEPARTMENT OF ENGINEERING SERVICES. All engineering related conditions of approval for Tentative Tract Map 94-02 contained in Resolution P-94-31 remain in effect. There are no additional Development Review conditions. COMPLIANCE WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS IS REQUIRED. COMPLIANCE SHALL BE APPROVED BY THE DEPARTMENT OF SAFETY SERVICES. 1. Roof coverings shall be fire retardant as per UBC Section 3203(e) and City of Poway Ordinance #64. 2. Approved numbers or addresses shall be placed on the building in such a position as to be plainly visible and legible from the street fronting the property. Said numbers shall contrast with their background. Address may be requi red at pri vate dri veway entrances. 3. Emergency access from "C" Street to Pomerado Road shall be paved and gated at each end. Appropriate "No Parking Fire Lane" street markings and signs shall be installed. The gates shall be 20 feet in width. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS AND APPROVALS - All conditions of approval for Tentative Tract Map 94-02 contained in Resolution P-94-31 shall be completed. APPROVED and ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Poway, State of California, this 3rd day of January, 1995. Don Higginson, Mayor ATTEST: MarJorie K. Wahlsten, City Clerk ~ JAN 3 1995 ITëM 11 9 of 18 - I SABRE SPRINGS . \ ~ ~~ " /~ ,,<' . ' J~ CITY OF POW A Y ITEM: DR 94-07/ VAR 94-13 @ SCALE, TIT L E: ZOOTIlG & l.OC.ATICN MAP -NONE ATTACHMENT: B ~ 10 of 18 JAN 3 1995 r;~M 11 .. ~~I "..'n"... , Sm,\OHY:;J H S !, !¡."I,',I~, ¡,.I,',.~,' :' '::. . ""..:::;:.:~',~:"c- "V1J l.JD\OJ. S)IYO:\ V -')d I ¡, . , 'I' 11:. ¡II! 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