Item 15 - Appropriation of Funds for YMCA PRYDE at Meadowbrook M.S. AGENDA REPORT SUMMARY ~ --, TO: Honorable ih¡lyor and Members of the City Council FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Ma~ - INITIATED BY: John D. Fitch, Assistant City Manage4."t Robert L. Thomas, Director of CommuDIty Services ~ DATE: January 3, 1995 SUBJECT: Appropriation of Funds for the YMCA PRYDE Program at Meadowbrook Middle School ABSTRACT It is recommended that the City Council appropriate $83,000 from the General Fund Reserve to fund the YMCA PRYDE Program at Meadowbrook Middle School for a three year period. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW This item is not subject to CEQA review. FISCAL IMPACT -- A total of $83,000 will need to be appropriated from the General Fund Reserve. ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE Additional notification sent to Bill Adams, Linda Newell, and Piper Haynes. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council appropriate $83,000 from the General Fund Reserve to implement the YMCA PRYDE Program at Meadowbrook Middle School for a three year period. ACTION -- JAN 3 1995 '7~:\t 15 1 of 6 ~ AGENDA REPOR': - /" ~ CITY OF POW A Y 0000 1 This report is included on the Consent Calendar, There will be no separate discussion of the report prior to approval by the ) City Council unless members of the Council, staff or public request it to be removed from the Consent Calendar and >'i ' discussed separately, If you wish to have this report pulled for discussion, please fill out a slip indicating the report number 'c, '......". ,,- ..' ~"TH'C~ and give it to the City Clerk prior to the beginning of the City Council meeting, - TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Man~ INITIATED BY: John D. Fitch, Assistant City Manager~~ Robert L. Thomas, Director of Community services~ DATE: January 3, 1995 SUBJECT: Appropriation of Funds for the YMCA PRYDE Program at Meadowbrook Middle School BACKGROUND On February 8, 1994, the City Council approved an allocation of $15,000 to implement an afterschool pilot intervention and positive alternatives program for students at Meadowbrook Middle School. The program, "After School at the Brook," was fully implemented in September 1994. Between the hours of 2:30 and 5 p.m., Monday through Friday, approximately 15 to 20 "at risk" students from Meadowbrook participate in the program. Activities consist of homework assistance, computer lab, performing arts, hobbies/crafts, and recreation activities. The program is staffed by a Meadowbrook Middle School teacher who is assisted by part-time recreation leaders employed by the City. Recently, the City and the School District have been approached by the YMCA with an opportunity to expand the level of participants and services at Meadowbrook. The program the YMCA offers is called PRYDE. FINDINGS The YMCA operates an afterschool pr09ram known as PRYDE. The program serves primarily at-risk youth and offers youth and their families wholesome YMCA activities and structured educational programs. Homework assistance and tutoring, structured recreational activities, community service events, leadership training, and career awareness are several of the components of the PRYDE program. ~ /. /' ~ ACTION: I \. )) - 2 of 6 JAN 3 1995 l'Ti:M 15 Agenda Report - January 3, 1995 Page 2 - The YMCA PRYDE program will receive assistance from the federally assisted AmeriCorps program. Through AmeriCorps, two part-time staff will be funded for 20 hours per week over a three week period. The YMCA will be responsible for recruiting and training AmeriCorps personnel. It is proposed to implement the PRYDE program at Meadowbrook Middle School. The program would operate Monday through Friday between the hours of 2:30 and 5:30 p.m. It is projected that approximately 120 to 150 youth would eventually be enrolled in the program. Staffing would consist of a 30 hour per week site manager, two part-time AmeriCorps staff, and volunteers. The program would be administered by the YMCA in consultation with the City and Meadowbrook Middle School staff (Attachment 1) A projected annual budget for the PRYDE program is attached (Attachment 2). The total annual program expenses of $36,775 includes $12,348 from AmeriCorps and $24,427 from the City of Poway. This budget does not include the cost to lease and insure a IS-passenger van, which is estimated to cost $7,000 per year. Since the commitment for AmeriCorps participation is for a three year period, the PRYDE program should be budgeted for three years. A three year budget commitment would require a total City allocation of $95,000 less $12,000 savings for previously budgeted recreation leaders at Meadowbrook, or a net outlay of $83,000. .- It is anticipated that the PRYDE program could be implemented at Meadowbrook in early 1995. At the same time, the existing afterschool program at Meadowbrook would be terminated. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW This item is not subject to CEQA review. FISCAL IMPACT A total of $83,000 will need to be appropriated from the General Fund Reserve. ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE Additional notification sent to Bill Adams, Linda Newell, and Piper Haynes. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council appropriate $83,000 from the General Fund Reserve to implement the YMCA PRYDE Program at Meadowbrook Middle School for a three year period. JLB:JDF: RL T Attachments 1 - YMCA PRYDE Program Job Descri pt ion 2 - Program Annual Budget (C, IDArAIAGENDAI YMCA"YD.A") JAN 3 1995 ITi:M 15 3 of 6 E.i\-IPLOYEE: POSmON TITLE: Site Manager HIRE DATE: REPoRTS TO: PRYDE Program Director ~ ral Funrri QJ1 Under the supervision of the PRYDE Program Director, coordinate and supervise PRYDE activities within designated communities and supervise and evaluate Youth Leaders. Enm b-r¡pi~ B.A. in Behavioral Science or related field preferred. Two yean experience iU a youth/family worker preferred. MuSt be at least 21 yean of age. Cla3s B license required. Visual and auc!itory ability to resP<Jnd to critical incidents and act swiftly in an emergency situation, to adequately obse:ve participant activities, enforce safety regulations and apply appropriate policies and procedures, as well as the physical ability to lead and interact in group activities and perform related physical skilIs. ~ bon-If A~ 1) OuCre3ch into the community to identify and recruit youth for PRYDE enrollment. 2) Screen, enroll and facilitate youth/family involvement in PRYDE and branch activities. 3) Develop and supervise program activities with youth and families and establish program sites as required. 4) Provide ~tion for youth when necessary. 5) Organize and conduct substance abuse and gang prevention activities. 6) Prepare daily lessons plans. Conduct and mWntain ~rds and conduct follow-ups on youth completing and or leaving the program. 7) Facilitate and coordinate the integration of PRYDE youth and families with traditional branch programs. 8) 0 Supervise, train and evaluate Youth Leaders and program volunteers. 9) Coordinate acquisition of supplies required. 10) Implement and supervise community service events. This job description is not intended to be all inclusive. It 1s understood that the employee will also perform other reasonable related busine~ duties if requested by the immediate supervisor or Director. Job descriptions are reviewed periodically and may be revi.se<l if deemed necessary. Thi3 job description is not a written or implied contract. ..JJ1.N 3 1995 lïl:;\,1 15 Employee Signature Date Attachment 1 4 of 6 ,Y¥'~~/s~~'Þ~rà,Þ~ ~',?:~~rf'jj:':':.'/::':\ ;/~~[::::'~:/i/;,~;:;;:;:: '. POSITION: PJrttime AmeriCorps Member for Ylv1CA PRYDE AmeriCorps program. GENERAL RESPONSIBILITIES: Under the super"'¡sion of rhe Y¡\.'/CA PRYDE AmeriCorps sire-ó"sed CoordimJror, rh~ pcrttime MfJmber provides direcr services essel1tÎðI to the implementarion 01 the YMCA PRYDE AmeriCorps program. BASIC REQUIREMENTS: 1. Commitment to Amer;Corps goets of gerring things dons. strengthening communIty, sncouragin responsIbility. l!Ind expanding oppOrtUnity. 2. Ability to interact with youth. 3. Sensitivity to issues of diversity inCluding Culture, langlJege, ethnicities, life style, and IIge. 4. Ability to work cooperatively as part of a team. 5. Willingness to learr¡ new lob and organizZitional skills. Ô. U.S. C¡ti~en or lawful permar'lent resident. 7. At least 21 years of age. 8. Posse~s at leas! a high school diploma or QED or willingness to obtain One, 9. Provide information necessary to conduct a backgrounD' check, including fingerprinting and references. - 10. California driver's license, good driving record and eligible for Class B driver's license. RESPONSIBILITIES: 1. Attend orientation end all scheduled training sessions. 2. Meet regularly with PRYDE AmeriCorps team for team-building, journaling and reflection. 3. Implement PRYDE AmeriCorps activities, Including positive Group buiiding end recreational activities, mentoring. tutoring, leadership and communicetion skills training, prevention education, and Outreach to youth end their families, 4. Plan, coordinate, implement, and participate in community activities and events. 5. Attend all/unctions of YMCA PRYDE end regIonal AmeriCorps events. 6. Maintain time card and other member paper work i!IS required, 7. Maintain good public relations with team, program pertic:ipants, community, and stefl. 8. Provide transportation for youth when necessary. 9. Assist in supervision of interns and volunteers. 10. Other duties as negotiated with staff. TIME COMJI.1ITMENT: Part!ime Member hours: 900 within 9 months. TRAINING: 40 hour PRYDE AmeriCorp~ orientation and training. Site orientJtion end ¡ob specific training In-service training at interV.JI~ throughout the periOd of servica. Cont(Jct: JAN 3 1995 rrì:M 15 '(d\'W(d,dhtrloC'O10"!"J.I 5 of 6 ---. YMCA RAXCHO PRTD£ City ,J{ Total b.riCorp Jaauary I, 1995 - 12/3l/95 Match Po..y M.lteh Co.t Sit. Mauger - $10 per hour -30 haura per waek 0 15600 15600 (2) beriCorp Meaher. 900 hra pe, yr@ $U7 per hour 6680 1(02 8082 (living .llannee) 1/1/95 - 8/31/95 (2) beriCorps ..abera 277 hra t $~.77 per hour 1096 225 1321 (living allome.) 9/1195 - 12131/95 - Totd Sa14ri08 7776 11227 25003 Payroll deductious/benefíts 538 2826 33ô~ - Tota! Payroll deduetioes/benefits 538 2826 336~ tom msoNm B3H 20053 28387 Supplies 0 25~ 250 Snacks 8~' 8~0 Kilme - Staff ~ 100 10 Mileage - luriCorp ...bers 0 50 50 Transportation - Staff (6 96 H2 TrtJIaportation - beriCorp ...hera 0 100 100 Leeal halatiUlce for binding arbit"tion 0 150 150 To l.pbone 0 50 50 bnt 0 50 50 I...ruc. 0 150 150 In-Direct 3920 2m 6322 Oeiforu 6~ 138 200 Tom HOK-PJRSOØIiL ~OJ~ 43H 8408 0 Tom PROOIW! rmms 12348 24427 36775 No tue.portatioe i. iocluded io thie hodget for Held tripa IUIr to pick up or deliur 00 pro gr.. dare. The heriCorp. er..t .ill need $9.559 ia-Hnd latcbing {undo .bieh .e con obtai. froa va I un teere/equl paen tldona t iona/ate. We will naed accurate aooeunHne of in-kind. The hedCor.e staff .111 h. hired Jenuary 3, 1995. v. .ill begin pro~ma on 1/9/95. 1/3 of thu latch for AlerlCo,po volunteere Ie duo on Deee.her IS, 199 or ollodly tba".nar. Tho 1/3 far oalarioo a.d b...fit. .Ill b. $3065.0J. .:\r,¡acho! ~5 Attachment 2 JAN 3 1995 17èM 15 6 of 6