Item 21 - Approval of Cooperative Agreement with CALTRANS
TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council
Honorable Chairman and Members of the
~ Redevelopment Agency
FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Manager/Exe~
INITIATED BY: John D. Fitch, Assistant City Manager~ìr ~
Mark S. Weston, Director of Engineering service~V
Alan F. Schuler, Senior Civil Enginee~
DATE: January 3, 1995
SUBJECT: Approval of Cooperative Agreement With Caltrans -
Scripps Poway Parkway East
The Scripps Poway Parkway East project is progressing on schedule. In order to allow
the City to construct the portion of the project within Caltrans' jurisdiction, it is
necessary to implement a Cooperative Agreement between the two agencies delineating
responsibilities. Staff recommends approval of the proposed Agreement.
Funds for this project have been budgeted with the overall improvement program for
Scripps Poway Parkway East.
This authorization is not subject to CEQA review.
It is recommended that the City Council/Redevelopment Agency approve the attached
Cooperative Agreement between the State of California and the City of Poway for
construction of a portion of the Scripps Poway Parkway East.
JAN 3 1995 ITEM 21
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This report is included on the Consent Calenda, There will be no separate discussion of the report prior to approval by the
City Counc'¡ unless members of the Council. staff or public request it to be removed from the Consent Calendar and
discussed separately. If you wish to have this report pulled for discussion. please fill out a slip indicating the report number
and give it to the City Clerk prior to the beginning of the City Council meeting.
TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council
Honorable Chairman and Members of the Redevelopment Agency
FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Manager/Executive Dire~
INITIATED BY: John D. Fitch, Assistant City Manager~ ~
Mark S. Weston, Director of Engineeri Service~
Alan F. Schuler, Senior Civil Enginee.
DATE: January 3, 1995
SUBJECT: Approval of Cooperative Agreement With Caltrans - Scripps
Poway Parkway East
The Scripps Poway Parkway East project is progressing on schedule. Final
design has progressed past City and County initial plan checking. However,in
order for Caltrans staff to initiate plan review of the portion of this
project on Highway 67, we must first execute a "Cooperative Agreement"
(Attachment 1) specifying our respective responsibilities.
Ordinarily, Caltrans completes their Project Studies Report/Project Report
(PSR/PR) prior to drafting a Cooperative Agreement. Subsequent to a Partnering
Workshop, in the spirit of cooperation, Caltrans initiated a Cooperative
Agreement Report to allow early drafting of the project's Cooperative
Agreement. The PSR/PR is progressing well, but early execution of the
Cooperative Agreement is necessary to allow us to maintain our aggressive
This Agreement provides for the construction of the intersection of Scripps
Poway Parkway/Highway 67 and widening of approximately 3,000 linear feet of
Highway 67, all within existing and proposed State right of way, under an
Encroachment Permit. It stipulates full funding of the project by Poway.
Caltrans will review and approve plans and specifications for all work within
their jurisdiction. Caltrans staff will provide inspection activities during
construction for the work within Caltrans right of way.
Caltrans agrees to provide, at no cost to the City, the PSR/PR, oversight of
the project, oversight of ri ht of wa activities and an encroachment
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Agenda Report - Approval of Cooperative Agreement With Caltrans
- January 3, 1995
Page 2
The City Attorney and Engineering staff have reviewed the Cooperative
Agreement prepared by Caltrans and find it to be consistent with our prior
discussions during the project scoping and environmental studies. The
Agreement, as proposed, should allow us to complete this critical segment of
this important roadway on-time and within our budget.
Funds for this project have been budgeted with the overall improvement program
for Scripps Poway Parkway East.
This authorization is not subject to CEQA review.
It is recommended that the City Council/Redevelopment Agency approve the
attached Cooperative Agreement between the State of California and the City of
Poway for construction of a portion of the Scripps Poway Parkway East.
Exhibit 1 - Cooperative Agreement
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P.M. 13.2/15.0
E.A. 11275-17110K
Agreement No. 11-8183
Scripps poway Parkway
This AGREEMENT entered into on ,19 is
between the STATE OF CALI FOR1'HA , acting by and through its
Department of Transportation, referred to herein as STATE, and
CITY OF POWAY a body politic and a
municipal corporation of the State
of California, referred to herein as
1. STATE and CITY, pursuant to Streets and Highways Code
Section 13 0, are authorized to enter into a Cooperative
Agreement for improvements to State highways within the County
of San Diego.
2. CITY desires State highway improvements consisting of widening
and channelization at State Route 67 and the proposed
intersection of Scripps poway Parkway, referred to herein as
"PROJECT," and is willing to fund one hundred (100) percent of
all capital outlay and staffing costs, except that costs of
STATE's oversight of design and right-of-way activities may be
borne by STATE.
3. This Agreement supersedes any prior Memorandum of
Understanding (MOU) relating to PROJECT.
4. PROJECT has been environmentally cleared with certification of
the Environmental Impact Report (EIR) on February 8, 1994,
prepared by CITY as the lead agency.
5. Construction of said PROJECT will be the subject of an
encroachment permit.
6. The parties hereto desire to define herein the terms and
conditions under which said PROJECT is to be developed,
designed and financed.
1. To have detailed Plans, Specifications and Estimate (PS&E)
prepared at no cost to STATE and to submit to STATE for review
and approval at appropriate stages of development.
4 of 20 EXHIBIT 1 JAN 3 1995 l'rëM 21
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-- 2. To permit STATE to monitor and participate in the selection of
personnel who will prepare the PS&E, provide the right of way
engineering service, and perform right-of-way activities.
CITY agrees to consider any request by STATE to discontinue
the services of any personnel considered by STATE to be
unqualified on the basis of credentials, professional
expertise, failure to perform in accordance with scope of work
and/or other pertinent criteria.
3. Personnel who prepared the PS&E and right of way maps shall be
available to STATE, at no cost to STATE, through completion of
construction of PROJECT to discuss problems which may arise
during construction and/or to make design revisions for
contract change orders.
4. Not to use funds from any Federal-aid program for design or
acquisition of rights of way for PROJECT.
5. To make written application to STATE for necessary
encroachment permits authorizing entry onto STATE's right of
way to perform surveying and other investigative activities
required for preparation of the PS&E.
6. To identify and locate all utility facilities within the
PROJECT area as part of its PROJECT design responsibility.
- All utility facilities not relocated or removed in advance of
construction shall be identified on the PROJECT plans and
7. To identify and locate all high and low risk underground
facilities within the PROJECT area, and to protect or
otherwise provide for such facilities, all in accordance with
STATE's "Manual on Hiqh and Low Risk Underqround Facilities
Within Hiqhway Riahts of Wav". CITY hereby acknowledges
receipt of STATE's "Manual on Hiah and Low Risk Underaround
Facilities Within Hiqhway Riahts of Way".
8. If any existing public and/or private utilities facilities
conflict with PROJECT construction or violate STATE's
encroachment policy, CITY shall make all necessary
arrangements with the owners of such facilities for their
protection, relocation, or removal in accordance with STATE
policy and procedure for those facilities located within the
limits of. work providing for the improvement to the State
highway and in accordance with CITY policy for those
facilities located outside of the limits of work for the State
highway. Total costs of such protection, relocation or
removal shall be in accordance with STATE policy and
9. To furnish evidence to STATE, in a form acceptable to STATE,
that arrangements have been made for the protection,
relocation, or removal of all conflicting facilities within
2 JAN 3 1995 ITEM 21
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the STATE's right of way and that such work will be completed
prior to the award of the contract to construct PROJECT or as
covered in the Special Provisions for said contract. This
evidence shall include a reference to all requi:::-ed State
highway enc:::-oachment permits.
10. CITY shall require the utility owner and/or its contractors
performing the relocation work within STATE's right of way to
obtain a STATE encroachment pe:::-mit prior to the pe:::-formance of
said relocation work.
11. To perform all right of way activities, including eminent
domain activities, if necessary, at no cost to STATE, in
accordance with procedures acceptable to STATE, and in
compliance with all applicable State and Federal laws and
regulations, subject to STATE ove:::-sight, to assure that the
completed work is acceptable for incorporation into the State
highway right of way.
12. To utilize the services of a qualified public agency in all
right of way acquisition-related matters in accordance with
STATE procedures as contained in R/W Procedural Handbook,
Volume 9. Wheneve:::- personnel other than personnel of a
qualified public agency are utilized, administration of the
personnel contract shall be performed by a qualified Right of
Way person employed or retained by CITY.
13. To certify legal and physical control of right of way ready
for construction, and that all rights of way were acquired in
accordance with applicable State and Federal laws and
regulations subject to review and concurrence by STATE prior
to the advertisement for bids for construction of PROJECT.
14. To deliver to STATE legal title to the right of way, including
access rights, free and clear of all encumbrances detrimental
to STATE's present and future uses not later than the date of
acceptance by STATE of maintenance and operation of the
highway facility. Acceptance of said title by STATE is
subject to a review of a Policy of Title Insurance in STATE's
name to be provided and paid for by CITY.
15. Notwithstanding the requirements for delivery of legal title
as set forth herein, CITY agrees that the execution of this CITY grants to STATE the right to ente:::- upon CITY
owned or legally controlled lands to construct PROJECT
referred to herein.
16. To be responsible, at CITY expense, for the investigation of
potential hazardous waste sites outside of the existing State
highway right of way that would impact PROJECT.
3 JAN 3 ITEM 21
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- 17. To be responsible, at no cost to STATE, for remediation of
hazardous waste found on proposed State highway right of way
to be acquired for PROJECT.
18. If CITY desires to have STATE advertise, award and administer
the construction contract for PROJECT, CITY shall provide all
plans prepared by CITY or CITY's consultant on magnetic tape
using a Microstation .dgn files on 8 millimeter tape in UNIX
TAR or CPIO fermat. One copy of the data en the magnetic
tape, including the Engineer's electronic signature and seal,
shall be provided to STATE upon completion of the final PS&E
for PROJECT. STATE reserves the right to modify its
tape requirements and STATE shall provide CITY advance notice.
of any such modifications.
1. To provide, at no cost to CITY, a Project Study Report/Project
Report (PSR/PR) , oversight of PROJECT and to provide prompt
reviews and approvals, as appropriate, of submittals by CITY,
and to cooperate in timely processing of PROJECT.
- 2. To provide, at no cost to CITY oversight of all right of way
activities undertaken by CITY, or its designee, pursuant to
this Agreement.
3. To issue, at no cost to CITY or its contractor, upon proper
written application by CITY or its contractor, an encroachment
permit authorizing entry onto STATE's right of way to perform
survey and other investigative activities .required for
preparation of the PS&E.
4. To be responsible, at STATE expense, for the investigation of
potential hazardous waste sites within the existing State
highway right of way that would impact PROJECT.
1. All obligations of STATE under the terms of this Agreement are
subject to the appro~riation of resources by the Legislature
and the allecatio"n of resources by the California
Transportation Commission.
2. The parties hereto will carry out PROJECT in accordance with
-- the Scope of Work, attached and made a part of this Agreement,
which outlines the specific responsibilities of the parties
hereto. The attached Scope of Work may in the future be
JAN 3 1995 ITEM 21
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modified, in writing, to reflect changes in the
responsibilities of the respective parties. Such
modifications shall be concurred with by CITY's Director of
Public Works or other official designated by CITY and STATE's
District Director for District 11, or his designee, and become
a part of this Agreement after execution by the respective
officials of the parties.
3. The Cooperative Agreement Report (CAR) for PROJECT approved on
November 9, 1994, by this reference, shall become part of this
4. The basic design features shall comply with those addressed in
the approved CAR and PSR/PR, unless modified as required for
environmental clearance and/or approval of PROJECT.
5. The design, right of way acquisition, and preparation of any
additional required environmental documents for PROJECT shall
be performed in accordance with S7ATE standards and practices
current as of the date of execution of this Agreement. Any
exceptions to applicable design standards shall be approved by
STATE via the processes outlined in STATE's Highway Design
Manual and appropriate memorandums and design bulletins
published by STATE. In the event that STATE proposes and/or
requires a change in design standards, implementation of new
or revised design standards shall be done in accordance with
STATE's memorandum "Effective Date for Implementing Revisions
to Design Standards", dated February 8, 1991. STATE shall
consult with CITY in a timely manner regarding effect or
proposed and/or required changes on PROJECT.
6. CITY's share of all changes in development and construction
costs asscciated with modifications to the basic design
features as described above shall be in the same proportion as
described in this Agreement, unless mutually agreed by STATE
and CITY in a subsequent amendment to this Agreement.
7. If a finding is made that Federal and State regulations do not
require mitigation of contaminated material in its present
condition within the existing State highway right of way, CITY
shall be responsible, at CITY expense, for any remedial action
required as a result of proceeding with PROJECT. Locations
subject to cleanup include utility relocation work required
8. If Federal and State regulations indicate contaminated
material within the existing State highway right 0: way
presents a threat to public heal th or the environment,
regardless of whether it is disturbed or not, STATE shall be
responsible for the cleanup, at STATE expense. If STATE's
cost to mitigate is increased due to PROJECT, the additional
cost shall be borne by CITY.
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- --
- 9. The party responsible for funàing the cleanuD shall be
responsible for the development of the necessarÿ mitigation
and remedial plans and designs. Remedial actions proposed by
CITY shall be approveà by STATE anà shall be performeà in
accordance with standards and practices of STATE and other
Federal and State regulatory agencies.
10. A separate encroachment permi t will be required to cover
responsibilities anà funding for the PROJECT construction
11. Nothing in the provisions of this Agreement is intended to
create duties or obligations to or rights in third parties not
parties to this Agreement or affect the legal liability of
either party to the Agreement by imposing any standard of care
with respect to the maintenance of State highways different
from the standarà of care imposed by law.
12. Neither STATE nor any officer or employee thereof is
responsible for any damage or liability occurring by reason of
anything done or omitteà to be done by CITY under or in
connection with any work, authority or jurisdiction delegated
to CITY under this Agreement. It is understood and agreed
that, pursuant to Government Code Section 895.4, CITY shall
fully àefenà, inàemnify and save harmless the State of
California, all officers and employees from all claims, suits
or actions of every name, kind and description brought for or
on account of injury (as àefined in Government Coàe
Section 810.8) occurring by reason of anything done or omitted
to be done by CITY under or in connection with any work,
authority or jurisdiction delegated to CITY under this
13. Neither CITY nor any officer or employee thereof is
responsible for any damage or liability occurring by reason of
anything done or omitted to be done by STATE under or in
connection with any work, authority or jurisdiction delegated
to STATE under this Agreement. It is understood and agreed
that, pursuant to Government Code Section 895.4, STATE shall
fully defend, indemnify and save harmless the CITY, all
officers and employees from all claims, suits or actions of
every name, kind and description brought for or on account of
injury (as defined in Government Code Section 810.8) occurring
by reason. of anything done or omitted to be done by STATE
under or in connection with any work, authority or
jurisdiction delegated to STATE under this Agreement.
14. This Agreement may be terminated or provisions com:ained
herein may be altered, changed or amended by mutual consent of
the parties hereto.
15. No oral understanding or agreement not incorporated herein
shall be binding on any of the parties hereto.
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16. Except as otherwise provided in Article 14 above, this
Agreement shall terminate upon completion and acceptance of
the construction contract for PROJECT or on December 31, 1998,
whichever is earlier in time.
Department of Transportation
Director of Transportation
By: By:
Deputy District Director City Manager
Certified as to Funds
City Clerk
Approved as to form and procedure
Department of Transportation
Certified as to procedure
Accounting Administrator
Certified as to funds
District Resource Manager
7 JAN 3 1995 ITEM 21
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P.M. 13.2/15.0
E.A. ll275-17110K
This Scope of Work outlines the specific areas of responsibility
for various project development activities for the proposed
widening and channelization at State Route 67 and the proposed
intersection of Scripps poway Parkway.
1. STATE will review, monitor, and approve all project:
development reports, studies, and plans, and provide all
necessary implementation activities up to issuance of an
encroachment permit.
2. Existing freeway agreement need not be revised.
3. All phases of PROJECT, from inception through construction,
whether done by CITY or STATE, will be developed in accordance
with all policies, procedures, practices, and standards that
STATE would normally follow.
4. Detailed steps in the project development process are attached
to this Scope of Work. These attachments are intended as a
guide to STATE and CITY staff.
8 JAN 3 ITEM 21
11 of 20 1995
Request 1 - Phase EA X
Field Review of Site X X
Provide Geometries X
Approve Geometries X
Obtain Surveys & Aerial Mapping X
Obtain Copies of Assessor's Maps
& Other R/W Maps X
Obtain Copies of As-Builts X
Send Approved Geometries to Local Agencies
for Review X
Revise Approved Geometries if required X
Approve Final Geometries X
Determine Need for Permits from
Other Agencies X X
Request Permits X
Initial Materials/Geotechnical Discussion
With District Staff X
Initial Hydraulics Discussion with
District Staff X
Initial Electrical Design Discussion
with District Staff X
Initial Traffic & Signing Discussion
with District Staff X
Initial Landscape Design Discussion with District Staff X
Plan Sheet Format Discussion X X
Prepare & Submit Materials/Geotechnical Report
& Typical Sections X
Review & Approve Materials/Geotechnical Report
& Typical Sections X
Prepare and Submit Materials Information Handout X
Review and Approve Materials Information Handout X
Prepare & Submit Landscaping Recommendation X
Review & Approve Landscaping Recommendation X
Prepare & Submit Hydraulic Design Studies X
Review & Approve Hydraulic Design Studies X
Prepare & Submit Bridge General Plan
& Structure Type Selection X
Review & Approve Bridge General Plan
& Structure Type X
9 JAN 3 1995 ITEM 21
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ATTACHMEN':' 1 (Concinued)
Request Utility Verification X
Request Preliminary Utility Relocation Plans
from Utilities X
Prepare R/W Requirements X
Prepare R/W & Utility Relocation Cost Estimates X
Submit R/W Requirements & Utility Relocation
Plans for Review X
Review & Comment On R/W Requirements X
Longitudinal Encroachment Review X X
Longitudinal Encroachment Application to
Discrict X
Approve Longitudinal Encroachment Application X
Request Final Utility Relocation Plans X
Check Utility Relocation Plans X
Submit Utility Relocation Plans for Approval X
Approval Utility Relocation Plans X
Submit Final R/W Requirements for Review
& Approval X
Fence & Excess Land Review X
R/W Layout Review X
- Approve R/W Requirements X
Obtain Title Reports X
Complete Appraisals X
Review & Approve Appraisals for Setting
Just Compensation X
Prepare Acquisition Documents X
Acquire R/W X
- Open Escrows & Make Payments X
- Obtain Resolution of Necessity X
- Perform Eminent Domain Proceedings X
Provide Displacee Relocation Services X
Perform Property Management Activities X
Perform R/W Clearance Activities X
Prepare & Submit Certification of R/W X
Review & Approve Certification of R/W X
Transfer R/W to State X
- Approve & Record Title Transfer Documents X
Prepare R/W Record Maps X
Perform Hazardous Waste Preliminary Site
Investigation & Prepare Report X
Perform Hazardous Waste Clean-up Activities,
Obtain Clearance of Site From Regulatory
Agencies & Submit Certification X
Review & Approve Hazardous Waste Preliminary
- Site Investigation Report X
Review & Approve Hazardous Waste Certification
of Clearance X
10 JAN 3 1995 ITEiIrt 21
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ATTACHMENT 1 (Continued)
Prepare & Submit Preliminary Stage
Construction Plans X
Review Preliminary Stage Construction Plans X
Calculate & Plot Geometries X
Cross-Sections & Earthwork Quantities
Calculation X
Prepare & submit Grid Grades and Slope Stakes X
Local Review of Preliminary Drainage Plans
& Sanitary Sewer & Adjustment Details X
Prepare & Submit Preliminary Drainage Plans X
Review Preliminary Drainage Plans X
Prepare Traffic Striping & Roadside
Delineation Plans & Submit for Review X
Review Traffic Striping & Roadside
Delineation Plans X
Prepare & Submit Landscaping and/or
Erosion Control Plans X
Review Landscaping and/or Erosion
Control Plans X
Prepare & Submit Preliminary Electrical Plans X
Review Prelimina~/ Electrical Plans X
Prepare & Submit Preliminary Signing Plans X
Review Preliminary Signing Plans X
Safety Review X X
Prepare Specifications X
Prepare & Submit Checked Structure Plans X
Review & Approve Checked Structure Plans X
Prepare Final Contract Plans X
Prepare Lane Closure Requirements X
Review & Approve Lane Closure Requirements X
Prepare & Submit Striping Plan X
Review & Approve Striping Plan X
Prepare Final Estimate X
Prepare & Submit Draft Plans and Specifications X
Review Draft Plans and Specifications X
Finalize & Submit Plans and Specifications TO District X
11 JAN 3 1995 ITEM 21
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s..... of Calöfomia Sus;n-.., Transportation and Housing Ag_ncy
-M e m 0 ran dum
Ta ,s. W. CRAIG Dat. 'November 9, 1994
District Design Office, Chief
Fil. No., ll-SD-67
PM 13.2/15.0
District 11
Sub~, Cooperative Agreement Report - State Route 67/Scripps poway
1. Introduction
This report proposes a cooperative agreement between the
city of poway (City) and the state of California (state). The
District is currently preparing a Project study Report/Project
Report (PSR/PR) for a locally funded project to construct a
signalized intersection on state Route 67 :(SR 67) near the
existing Rio Maria Road intersection (P.M. 13.6) in San Diego
County (see Exhibits 1 and 2). This project has been initiated
- as part of the city of poway's project to complete the
construction of a 4-lane arterial (Scripps poway Parkway) between
Interstate 15 (1-15) and SR 67. The proposed project would
require widening and channelizing existing SR 67 north and south
of the proposed connection and the construction of a signalized
intersection. Construction of this 100 percent locally funded
project is tentatively scheduled for the 1995/96 fiscal year,
based on the accelerated project schedule by the City of Poway.
This Cooperative Agreement Report will be the authorizing
document to execute the cooperative agreement for the design
activities by the City and the oversight activities by the State.
II. Problem
~u 1989 the City of poway established a Transportation Task
Force to identify the current and future transportation needs for
the city's circulation system. The task force determined that
the City's circulation system was not adequate to accommodate the
projected growth in the area. As part of the Transportation Task
Force recommendations, a conceptual alignment for scripps poway
Parkway and the intersection with SR 67 was to be added to the
City's General Plan.
The proposed project would increase the capacity of the
existing transportation corridor between 1-15 and SR 67 in order
to accommodate projected growth in the area and throughout the
JAN 3 1995 ITEM 21
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III. Proposal
This project proposes that the city of poway construct
Scripps poway Parkway to terminate at a signalized intersection
on SR 67, near the existing SR 67/Rio Maria Road intersection
(see Exhibit 3). The intersection improvements include widening
and channelization on SR 67 to provide adequate deceleration and
storage, installation of a signalized intersection, connection to
the realigned Rio Maria Road (work by others) and upgrading the
vertical alignment and shoulder widths on SR 67 to meet current
design standards.
The total capital cost for the proposed intersection
improvements within Caltrans right of way is estimated at
$6.3 million (1994 dollars), including right of way and
The Scripps Poway Parkway alignment (over 3 miles in length)
and the improvements along SR 67 will require construction as one
project to allow for a balance of earthwork. This would require
the entire project to be administered either by Caltrans or the
City. Although the improvements within Caltrans right of way are
over one million dollars, the project will be developed following
the encroachment permit process.
The project has been tentatively identified as a Category 4A
project due to the need for substantial right-of-way acquisition.
IV. Environmental processinq
The City of poway is responsible for meeting the appropriate
CEQA requirements for the entire project. Caltrans is considered
a responsible agency and will require the approved environmental
permits prior to issuance of the Caltrans encroachment permit.
The Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for the Scripps poway
Parkway project and the intersection at SR 67 was
approved/certified in February 1994 by the City of Poway.
Coordination has occurred between Ca1trans and the City during
the preparation of the studies and the EIR review periods. The
mitigation commitments by the City of Poway are outlined in the
EIR and the CEQA Findings.
V. Riqht of Way and utilities
The City of Poway will perform all right-of-way activities
and utility relocations at no cost to the State. The State will
perform oversight of the right-of-way process at no cost to the
JAN 3 m~ mM 21
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- -
VI. Adequacv
Construction of Scripps poway Parkway and the intersection
at SR 67 will meet the future transportation needs of the
City of poway and the region.
VII. Alternate Solutions
A formal CEQA level review of the alternatives was conducted
by the city with certification of the ErR and selection of the
preferred alignment in February 1994. The formal selection of
the preferred alignment (EIR Alignment Bl) was certified by the
City of poway in the adopted Resolution No. 94-015. The No-Build
Alternative would not meet the future transportation needs for
the city's circulation system, accommodate the anticipated growth
in the area, or alleviate the anticipated congestion problems
within the City of Poway.
VIII. Participation
The City of poway will be responsible to perform all design
activities, allow for project coordination and reviews by the
State, and provide 100 percent funding of the project costs. The
State will provide oversight for the project activities that are
within the State's current or future jurisdiction at no cost to
the city.
This report covers only the preparation and the oversight of
the project design ("1" Phase) activities. It is anticipated
that the City will administer the construction contract for the
entire project, and Caltrans staff will perform inspection
activities during construction for the work within Caltrans right
of way. Responsibility for the construction activities will be
outlined as part of a separate future agreement.
IX. Benefits
See Adequacy section.
X. Method of Accomplishment
The City has proposed an accelerated project schedule to
expedite the delivery of this project. At this time, the City
has begun the design activities and anticipates the application
for the encroachment permit and the submittal of the final design
plans in January 1995. Oversight activities will begin
subsequent to the execution of the cooperative agreement to
authorize the work.
Assignment of responsibility for the work and funding of the
project activities was outlined in the Participation section.
JAN 3 1995 ITEM 21
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PM 13.2/15.0
Submitted by: ~~£~ /~A~
ProJect nager
Design Branch N-3
ReV1ew by:
Environmental Analysis
Right of Way
Review by:
Approved by: / /- /tJ -9~
ice, Chief
Concurred by:
Di rict Division Chief
P ogramjproject Management
JAN 3 1995 ITEM 21
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.------~-_.~ -- -
- ~.
XI. Recommendation
Approval of this report constitutes authority to enter into
a cooperative agreement with the City of poway for the proposed
project activities. This will fulfill the purpose of this report
and allow the development of the design phase to be completed.
Exhibit 1 - Vicinity Map
Exhibit 2 - Project Limits Map
Exhibit 3 - Horizontal Layout
JAN 3 1995 ITEM 21
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. . . . .. or Maria
. . . .,
U ~ I
~ D-
oS .;:-
11-50-67 PM 13.2/15.1
20 of 20 JAN 3 1995 ITEM 21