Item 25 - Annual RDA Report for FY 93-94 ~ AGENDA REPORT SU\f\IARY - , -TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council Honorable Chairman and Members of the Redevelopment Agency FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Manager/Executive Dir~ INITIATED BY: John D. Fitch, Assistant City Manager/Assistant Executi.'lL.9irect01 Warren H. Shafer, Director of Redevelopment Service~~ Pamela Colby, Redevelopment Project Administrator~ Kris Gridley, Redevelopment Coordinator ~ DATE: January 3, 1995 SUBJECT: Annual Redevelopment Agency Report for Fiscal Year 1993-94 ABSTRACT State Law requires that the Redevelopment Agency prepare a number of annual reports regarding various activities. This staff report includes the Redevelopment Agency's Annual Report, State Controller's Report and the Annual Reports required by the State Department of Housing and Community Development, Schedules "A", "B" and "Cu. Thes~ reports provide detailed information regarding the general, financial and housing activities of the Redevelopment Agency. - ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW This item is not subject to CEQA review. FISCAL IMPACT None ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE None. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council/Redevelopment Agency receive and approve the Redevelopment Agency's Annual Report, Annual Financial Report, Report of Financial Transactions of Community Redevelopment Agencies, and Schedules "A", "B", and "C" from the State Department of Housing and Community Development. ACTION - 1 of 89 .11-11'1 ~ 1~~:¡ lIeM c;~ ~ AG ENDA REPOR~ CITY OF POW A Y Th;s report;s ;ncluded on the Consent Calendar There wHi be no separate d;scuss;on of the report pr;or to approval by the Oty Councol unless members 01 the Coundl, staff or pubfic request ;t to be removed from the Consent Calendar and d;scussed separately. If you w;sh to have th;s report pulled for d;scuss;on, please fill out a sfip ;nd;cat;ng the report number and g;ve ;t to the Oty Clerk prior to the beg;nn;ng of the Oty Coundl meet;ng. TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council Honorable Chairman and Members of the Redevelopment Agency FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Manager/Executive Dire~ INITIATED BY: John D. Fitch, Assistant City Manager/Assistant Executivect'\ Director ~5 Warren Shafer, Director of Redevelopment Service ~~ Pamela Colby, Redevelopment Project Admi~trator pC Kris Gridley, Redevelopment Coordinator DATE: January 3, 1995 SUBJECT: Annual Redevelooment Aqencv ReDort for Fiscal 1993-94 BACKGROUND In accordance with Section 330080.1 of the California Health and Safety Code, the Poway Redevelopment Agency is required to prepare an Annual Report for consideration by its members and submittal to the State Controller. This report must be competed within six months after the end of each fiscal year. The subject report must include an independent financial audit report and an opinion of the Agency's compliance with laws, regulations and administrative requirements governing activities of the Agency. Also required are the Report of Financial Transactions of Community Redevelopment Agencies (State Controller's Report) and the State Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) Schedules "A","B" and "C". These documents are required to be forwarded to the State Controller's office and the State Department of Housing and Community Development within six months after the end of the fiscal year. FINDINGS Attached are: the Annual Report for the Poway Redevelopment Agency for the 1993-1994 fiscal year (Attachment 1), the Annual Financial Report (Attachment 2), the State Controller's Report (Attachment 3) and the State Department of Housing and Community Development Schedules "A","B" and "C" (Attachment 4). r ACTION, U~25 2 of 89 JAN 3 1995 - - Agenda Report - January 3, 1995 Page 2 The Redevelopment Agency Annual Report provides an overview of redevelopment activities undertaken during the past fiscal year and a review of goals for the current fiscal year. The Annual Financial Report, which includes the "Independent Auditors' Compliance Report" (Page 35 of this report), indicates that the Agency has complied with the laws and regulations contained within the Guidelines for Compliance Audits of California Redevelopment Agencies issued by the State Controller's Office. The State Controller's Report provides a detailed summary of the financial transactions of the Redevelopment Agency during the 1993-1994 fiscal year. This report is based on the numbers generated by the Redevelopment Agency's annual audit performed by Moreland and Associates. Schedules "A","B" and "CO from the State Department of Housing and Community Development focus on the Agency's affordable housing activities which were undertaken by the Redevelopment Agency during the 1993-1994 fiscal year. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW This item is not subject to CEQA review. FISCAL IMPACT None - ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION None RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council/Redevelopment Agency receive and approve the: 1. Annual Report of the Redevelopment Agency 2. Poway Redevelopment Agency Annual Financial Report 3. Report of Financial Transactions of Community Redevelopment Agencies, and 4. State Department of Housing and Community Development Schedules "A","B" and "Co. Attachments: 1. Annual Report of the Redevelopment Agency 2. Poway Redevelopment Agency Annual Financial Report 3. Report of Financial Transactions of Community Redevelopment Agencies 4. State Department of Housing and Community Development Schedules "A","B" and "CO. JAN 3 1995 ITEM 25 3 of 89 ATTAC!L'1ENT 1 POWAY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY PaQuav RedeveloDment Project Area I. WORK PROGRAM FOR 1994-1995 FISCAL YEAR: The 1994-1995 Fiscal Year will be the twelfth year of implementation of the Poway Redevelopment Plan for the Paguay Redevelopment Project Area. On June 15, 1993, the Redevelopment Agency and City Council approved the first Amendment of the Poway Redevelopment Plan since its original adoption in 1983. The Amendment increased the amount of bonded indebtedness that the Redevelopment Agency can incur, increased the time limit to issue bonded debt and raised the limit on tax increment revenue which may be allocated and received. The passage of Assembly Bill 1290, the Redevelopment Reform Act of 1993, has had a significant impact on many facets of redevelopment activities. This legislation prescribed new time limits for the Redevelopment Agency, including, a limit on the ability to incur and repay debt, and a limit on the effective life of the Redevelopment Agency. The Redevelopment Agency amended the Poway Redevelopment Plan to included these new limits on December 13, 1994, with the adoption of Ordinance #439. Without future amendments to Redevelopment Law, these time limits will have a significant restricting affect on the ability of the Redevelopment Agency to implement the Redevelopment Plan as originally contemplated. The development and approval of a redevelopment implementation plan was also required by Assembly Bill 1290. On November 29, 1994, the Redevelopment Agency approved the Redevelopment and Housing Implementation Plan which outlines anticipated Agency activities during the five year period between 1993 and 1998. This document provides a focus for the implementation of the Redevelopment Plan in the areas of economic development/redevelopment, infrastructure improvements, and affordable housing. The Implementation Plan is consistent with the City's General Plan and must be updated at least every five years, with one public hearing between years 2 and 3 to provide the opportunity for public input. The economic development activities undertaken by the Poway Redevelopment Agency during previous years continue to produce benefits to the Project Area and to the community as a whole. The newly established Economic Development Division assisted the Agency in designing programs to attract and retain business and industry. During the 1994-1995 Program Year, the Agency will continue with aggressive efforts to market both commercial and industrial property within the Project Area. New marketing programs have been instrumental in reducing vacancy rates in the South Poway Business Park to five percent. Efforts to stimulate commercial activity and viability have included a retail training program co-sponsored by the Chamber of Commerce. It is expected that a commercial rehabil itation program will also be developed in the upcoming year. The Redevelopment Agency's capital improvement program helps to sustain and stimulate economic development activities through ongoing infrastructure and facility improvements. This Agency assistance is necessary because the private sector is not able to address core blighting conditions due to the JAN 3 1995 ITEM 25 4 of 89 - - RDA Annual Report ,- January 3, 1995 Page 2 magnitude of the improvements needed. The Agency's investment in improvements which upgrade existing commercial and residential neighborhoods encourages the private investment and development which is essential for a successful redevelopment program. Capital improvement projects playa continuing role in alleviating conditions of blight in the Project Area and surrounding neighborhoods. The Agency's capital improvements make Poway a more competitive location and help to attract new businesses. For example, the Work Program for fiscal 1994-1995 includes completion of the design and environmental work for the eastern link of Scripps Poway Parkway. Construction of this essential regional expressway from Highway 67 to Interstate 15 should result in a dramatic increase in the marketability of the industrial property in the South Poway Business Park, a 2,500 acre industrial park located in the Project Area. Activities necessary for the development of affordable housing and the preservation of existing affordable housing will continue to be a priority for the Redevelopment Agency in the upcoming fiscal year. In the past year the Agency purchased three properties which will be the sites for approximately : 300 units of affordable housing for the elderly and families with very-low incomes. Initiation of the design and development of an affordable housin9 project for one of these Agency owned sites is a program goal for Fiscal 1994- -- 1995. In addition, the Agency anticipates negotiating an Owner Participation Agreement with a property owner for the development of additional affordable units. Housing preservation efforts will include the continuation of the Redevelopment Agency's Affordable Housing Rehabilitation Program and development of a similar residential rehabilitation program to be funded by Community Development Block Grant monies. These programs improve Poway's existing affordable housing stock and help to counteract any trends toward deterioration in Poway's more affordable residential areas. PrOQram Goals for Fiscal Year 1994-1995 The following section outlines the primary economic development, housing and administrative activities that the Redevelopment Agency staff plans to undertake during the 1994-95 fiscal year. A. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND REDEVELOPMENT South Poway Business Park - continue to promote leasing and land sales throughout the Business Park by utilizing a variety of marketing tools including direct mail, media advertising, executive/VIP tours, trade shows, and preparation and dissemination of updated marketing/demographic information. JAN 3 1995 ITEM 25 5 of 89 RDA Annual Report January 3, 1995 Page 3 Poway Road Specific Plan - continue to provide technical support to this citizens' advisory committee on matters related to revitalizing the City's primary commercial area and advise on the redevelopment potential for this effort. It is anticipated that the Poway Road Specific Plan will be adopted by the City Counci 1 i n 1995, and that the Redevelopment Agency wi 11 pl ay an important role in its implementation. Commercial Rehabilitation Program - Work with the Redevelopment and Housing Advisory Committee to develop and implement a commercial rehabilitation program to revitalize the existing commercial development along Poway Road. Existing Commercial Lease Space - work to attract appropriate tenants for vacant commercial lease space, especially the former Megafoods site, the Builders Emporium building and the Vons building at the west end of town. Poway Vol kswagen, Chrys 1 er Pl ymouth, Jeep Eagl e Deal ershi p Expans i on - approve a Disposition and Development Agreement in 1995 for the development and sale of the Agency owned, previously developed property which is adjacent to this existing auto dealership. Scripps-Poway Parkway East - Complete the design and environmental review for this essential regional expressway through to Highway 67. The Parkway will provide an alternative route from Ramona and the East County through to 1-15. This should decrease the disruptive levels of traffic on Poway Road, thereby encouragi ng shoppers to return to thi s 1 oca 1 commerc i a 1 corri dor. It wi 11 also provide excellent regional access for the South Poway Business Park. B. AFFORDA8LE HOUSING Acquisition of Haley Ranch Estates - pursuant to the Owner Participation Agreement with Poway Land, Inc., complete negotiations for the purchase of this 65 unit very low-income housing project. Gateway Park Drive Property - work with Retirement Housing Foundation, Inc. to prepare an Owner Participation Agreement for the development of an 84 unit very-low income senior housing project on this 3.36 acre site, located on Gateway Park Drive, east of Pomerado Road. Bowron Road Property - initiate the planning and development process for a 110-unit low income senior housing project for this site which is located at the northeast corner of Bowron Road and Civic Center Drive. Mobilehome Park Rent Subsidy Program - assist up to 108 very-low income mobilehome residents in meeting their housing related expenses. Poway Affordable Housing Brochure - work with Lifeline Community Services to complete a brochure which will provide basic information regarding the affordable housing opportunities, programs and services available in Poway and the surrounding area. 6 of 89 JAN 3 1995 ITEM 25 - - RDA Annual Report January 3, 1995 Page 4 C. PUBLIC FACILITIES Library Site Development - work with the Community Services Department to complete the design of a new Community Library for the Western Lumber property. This project will provide an essential public facility and also contribute to the revitalization of a blighted segment of Poway Road where the existing commercial building has remained vacant since 1989. D. ADMINISTRATION Compliance with AB 1290 - prepare an Ordinance amending certain time limits as prescribed by AB 1290. Complete preparation of the Redevelopment and Housing Implementation Plan and submit to the Redevelopment Agency Board for approval. Compliance with SB 732 - coordinate the collection of necessary data on Redevelopment Project Area building activity and project the Redevelopment Agency's inclusionary housing obligations pursuant to Health and Safety Code Sect ion 33413. Legal Matters - conclude activities necessary for resolution of the lawsuits challenging the validity of the 1993 Redevelopment Plan Amendment and the Agency's financial contribution to the Low- and Moderate-Income Housing Fund. - Planning and Administrative Cost for Affordable Housing Program - develop an on-line system for tracking and monitoring administrative costs associated with implementing the Redevelopment Agency's affordable housing programs. Capital Improvement Project Prioritization - work with the Redevelopment and Housing Advisory Committee to develop a system for prioritizing capital improvement projects included in the Redevelopment Plan. E. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM The following section of this report provides a summary of the Redevelopment Agency's Capital Improvement Projects work program for 1994-1995. This program includes projects that were approved by the Redevelopment Agency in its 1994-95 Capital Improvement Budget and those of prior years which received additional appropriations in 1994-95 and have yet to be completed. The number of new and proposed projects is significantly less than in prior years because current projections indicate that the Agency will not have sufficient tax increment to issue bonds for the next five years. Proiect # Proiect DescriDtion Estimated Cost (RedeveloDment Aqency Share only) 5261 Scripps Poway Pkwy-East End $ 3,300,000 5281 Stowe Drive Extension $ 400,000 - 1679 Arbolitos Mini-Park $ 120,000 7 of 89 JAN 3 1995 11 í:iVl 2 RDA Annual Report January 3, 1995 Page 5 5524 Senior Center Remodel $ 261,155 5527 Performing Arts Center Equipment $ 25,000 5528 Remediation/ Twin Peaks Gym Floor $ 100,000 5529 Auxiliary Generator/Building $ 185,000 5627 Adobe Ridge Mini-Park $ 120,000 II. REVIEW OF GOALS AND ACHIEVEMENTS FOR FISCAL YEAR 1993-1994 The following section of this report provides a review of the goals and achievements for the 1993-1994 fiscal year. This review includes capital improvement projects, economic development, affordable housing, and administrative accomplishments. A. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM On July 13, 1993, the Poway Redevelopment Agency approved the Capital Improvement Project budget for fiscal year 1993-1994. This budget funded continuing projects that were identified in the Poway Redevelopment Plan adopted in December 1983, and those identified in the Amended Redevelopment Plan adopted in June 1993. The 1993-1994 capital improvement program addressed many deficiencies within the project area and also encouraged investment by private developers. The following listing includes projects approved through the adoption of the Agency's 1993-1994 budget and projects that have been carried over from prior fiscal years. Total Cost Proiect # Proiect Description Status Code* as of 6/94 5234 State Hwy 56/SR 125 Study On Hold 5238 Scripps Poway Pkwy (West end) C $7,110,031 5251 Scripps Poway Parkway Landscape TBC 94-95 5256 Espola Rd - Alignment Study/EIR On Hold 5263 Poway.Grade Rehabilitation TBC 94-95 5265 Twin Peaks Pl/Pebble Canyon Rd TBC 95-96 Alignment 5277 Community Road (South of Poway Rd.) TBC 94-95 *Status Code: C - Completed, TBC - To Be Completed JAN 3 1995 ITEM 25 8 of 89 -- -- RDA Annual Report - January 3, 1995 Page 6 Total Cost Proiect # Proiect Description Status Code* as of 6/94 5278 Landscape Driveway, Community/Metate TBC 94-95 5279 Pomerado/Glen Oaks Median TBC 94-95 5310 Metate at Community Rd Traffic Signal T8C 95-96 5313 Cas a Ave/Pomerado Rd Traffic Signal TBC 94-95 5402 Poway Creek Detention Basin TBC 96/97 5407 Rattlesnake Creek Improvements (Community Park) On Hold 5414 Phase I North Twin Peaks/Midland Rd. TBC 94-95 Drainage 5415 Los Olivos Drainage TBC 94-95 5508 City Hall Improvements C $ 326,662 - 5514 Library Site Construction TBC 95-96 5521 Performing Arts Center HVAC C $ 79,700 5522 PCPA Access Improvements and Lighting C $ 65,000 5523 City Hall Remodel (Bldg. A, B & C) C $ 129,099 5525 Remodel for 80ney's Market C $ 354,946 5602 Old Poway Improvements TBC 94-95 5620 South Poway Sports Park C $3,102,493 5621 Community Park Ballfield C $ 86,971 5623 Poway High Baseball Field Lighting C $ 581,939 5624 Community Park Auditorium HVAC C $ 32,448 5626 Bocci Ball Court C $ 7,500 1718 Water Treatment Plant Upgrade TBD 96-97 5716 Espola Rd Transmission Main On Hold -- *Status Code: C - Completed, TBC - To Be Completed JAN 3 1995 ITEM 25 9 of 89 RDA Annual Report January 3, 1995 Page 7 Total Cost Proiect # Proiect DescriDtion Status Code* as of 6/94 5717 Beeler/Cobblestone Creek Rd Study TBC 95-96 5801 Water Reclamation Program TBC 96-97 5901 Commercial Revitalization Ongoing 5905 Poway Royal Electrical Renovation TBC 94-95 5950 Housing Revitalization Projects Ongoing 5951 Poway Land Owner Participation Agreement C $6,723,812 5962 Residential Rehabilitation Ongoing 5999 Neighborhood Improvement Program Ongoing *Status Code: C - Completed, TBC - To Be Completed B. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT The Agency has successfully completed a number of the economic goals listed in last years annual report and has initiated additional activities designed to promote local business. 8 The marketing program for South Poway Business Park is well underway. The Program includes advertisements in trade journals and site location magazines, a direct mail campaign, distribution of marketing and development information for potential industrial builders, participation in trade shows and production of a Redevelopment Newsletter. These efforts have generated many inquiries and prospects. Vacancy rates in the industrial park are down to five percent. 8 The Agency worked with the Chamber of Commerce to complete the design and printing of a Visitor's Brochure to promote local businesses. 8 A flyer promoting Poway Grocery Stores was distributed to residential developments in neighboring communities. 8 A retail training program, presented by a nationally known retailing consultant, was made available to local merchants. The program included in store consultations as well as group trainings. Approximately 80 local businesses took advantage of the program. JAN 3 1995 ITEM 2: 10 of 89 - - RDA Annual Report -- January 3, 1995 Page 8 . The Agency negotiated the lease of the former Longs Drug Store building to Boney's Marketplace and the store was remodeled to accommodate the new use. C. AFFORDABLE HOUSING Property Acquisition - A major focus of the affordable housing program in the 1993-1994 fiscal year was the purchase of property for future development with affordable housing projects. Two of the three sites which the Agency acquired were previously designated as Affordable Housing (AH) sites by City Council through a formal public hearing process. The properties which were acquired are: . The Breihan Property - a 33 acre site located on the east side of Community Road adjoining Haley Ranch Estates. A 50 unit very low-income family housing project is proposed for this site. . The Huber Property - A 4.4 acre site located at the northeast corner of Bowron Road and Civic Center Drive. It is proposed that this site be developed with a 110 unit low income senior housing project. . The Brookview village Property - A 6.7 acre site located on the west -- side of Pomerado Road, between Poway Road and Robi son Bl vd. This site is also proposed for a low-income senior housing project. Residential Rehabilitation - The Agency's primary affordable housing preservation activity in fiscal 1993-1994 was the development and implementation of an affordable housing rehabilitation program. The Program was approved by the City Council/Redevelopment Agency in November 1993 and began accepting applications in February 1994. As of June 30, 1994, 439 loan applications had been mailed out and 190 completed applications had been received. The first eight loans were closed in June 1994. As of the date of this report, 71 loans have been funded and over 40 rehabilitation projects have been completed. The Program has been very popular, and, due to the fact the funding is limited, the Agency has established a waiting list for rehabilitation loans. There are currently 271 names on the waiting list. Affordable Housing Assistance and Referral - Fiscal 1993-1994 also saw the expansion of the Agency's Affordable Housing Assistance and Referral Program. This Program is administered by Lifeline Community Services, a non-profit organization based in Vista. A new contract was negotiated and the Program now offers a broad range of emergency and referral services as well as a shared housing matching service. Public awareness of this Program has increased over the last year and shared housing matches have increased by 300% and total number of clients served has increased by 249%. -- JAN 3 1995 ITEM 2 11 of 89 RDA Annual Report January 3, 1995 Page 9 First-Time Homebuyer Assistance - The Redevelopment Agency coordinated the approval of an agreement with the County of San Diego for the City of Poway to participate in a regional Mortgage Credit Certificate (MCC) Program. This is a program which assists income qualified first-time homebuyers by allowing them to take a federal income tax credit which improves their ability to qualify for their first home mortgage loan. III. DEVELOPMENT PROPOSALS AND AGREEMENTS REVIEWED BY THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY DURING FISCAL YEAR 1993-1994 The Redevelopment Agency did not complete negotiation of any new development agreements in the 1993-1994 Fiscal Year. IV. REDEVELOPMENT BONDS The Redevelopment agency did not issue any bonds during the 1993-1994 Fiscal Year. C:\data\annua194.rpt JAN 3 1995 ITEM 25 12 of 89 - -- ATTACHMENT 2 - POWAY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY Annual Financial Report June 30, 1994 -- JAN 3 1995 (¡EM 25 13 of 89 OWAY REDEVELOPMENT AG- -¡CY Annual Financial Report June 30, 1994 TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE FINANCIAL SECTION Independent Auditors' Report 1 General Purpose Financial Statements: Combined Balance Sheet - All Fund Types and Account Groups 2 Combined Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balances - All Governmental Fund Types 4 Combined Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balances - Budget and Actual - All Governmental Fund Types 6 Notes to Financial Statements 8 SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION Schedule of Tax Increment Shift to Educational Revenue Augmentation Fund 20 COMPLIANCE SECTION Independent Auditors' Compliance Report 21 JAN 3 1995 11EM 25 14 of 89 - .- 6'~ .¿wPCP- CóNcER CRlVó. Sc"E 6A' NEWPORT BEACH CA"FORN'" 9266G M O~~!~~c~~ (714) 760.9788 2111 PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD. SUITE 150 CARLS8AD. CAliFORNIA 92009 (619) 431.84?S October 7, 1994 The Board of Directors of the Poway Redevelopment Agency Independent Auditors' Report We have audited the general purpose financial statements of the Poway Redevelopment Agency, a component unit of the City of Poway, as of and for the year ended June 30, 1994, as listed in the table of contents. These general purpose financial statements are the responsibility of the Poway Redevelopment Agency management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these general purpose fInancial statements based on our audi~ We conducted our audit in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards. Those standards require that we plan and perfonn the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation. We believe that our audit provides a reasonable basis for our opinIOn. In our opinion, the general purpose financial statements referred to above present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of the Poway Redevelopment Agency at June 30, 1994 and the results of its operations for the year then ended in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles. Our audit was made for the purpose of fonning an opinion on the general purpose financial statements taken as a whole. The accompanying schedule listed as supplemental information in the table of contents is presented for purposes of additional analysis and is not a required part of the general purpose financial statements of the Poway Redevelopment Agency. The information has been subjected to the auditing procedures applied in the audit of the general purpose financial statements and, in our opinion, is fairly presented in all material respects in relation to the general purpose financial statements taken as a whole. ~ ~~c 1t'L--I-PJ;. ~~ld.. 1 JAN 3 1995 ITEM 25 15 of 89 POWAY REDEVELOPME1'<"T A NCY Combined Balance Sheet All Fund Types and Account Groups June 30,1994 Governmental Fund Types Special Debt Assets and Other Debits Revenue Service Cash and investments (Note 4) $ 15,730,068 $ 2,867,861 Taxes receivable 274,024 Interest receivable 249,446 189,998 Deposits Due from City of Po way Due from other governments Lease receivable (Note 7) 28,300,000 Fixed assets held for resale Restricted cash and investments with fiscal agents (Note 4) 6,315 12,308,977 Property, plant and equipment, at cost (Note 5) Amount available for debt service Amount to be provided for repayment of long-term debt Total Assets and Other Debits $ 15.985,829 $ 43.940,860 I1abilities. Fund Balances and Other Credits I1abilities: Accounts payable and accrued liabilities $ 12,458 Deposits Deferred revenue (Note 7) $ 28,300,000 Notes payable (Note 6) Advances from City of Po way (Note 6) Reimbursement agreements (Note 6) Contracts payable (Note 6) Tax allocation bonds payable (Note 6) Certificates of participation (Note 6) Total I1abilities 12,458 28,300,000 Fund Balances and Other Credits: Investment in general fixed assets Fund Balances: Reserved for encumbrances Reserved for fixed assets held for resale Reserved for debt service 15,188,714 Reserved for low and moderate income housing 15,968,199 Reserved for capital projects Reserved for temporary decline in market value of investments 5,172 452,146 Total Fund Balances and Other Credits 15,973,371 15,640,860 Total I1abilities, Fund Balances, and Other Credits $ 15,985.829 $ 43,940.860 See Accompanying Notes to Financial Statements 2 JAN 3 ITEM 1995 25 16 of 89 - - - Account Groups General General Totals Capital Fixed Long- Term (Memorandum Only) Projects Assets Debt 1994 1993 $ 40,555,242 $ 59,153,171 $ 75,912,882 274,024 442,175 442,727 882,171 582,383 10,969 10,969 10,969 10,000 10,000 2,422 2,422 28,300,000 28,300,000 2,366,651 2,366,651 2,366,651 336,345 12,651,637 14,289,408 $ 28,313,870 28,313,870 20,516,718 $ 15,640,860 15,640,860 18,527,562 187,867,851 187,867,851 188,012.989 $ 43,724,356 $ 28.313.870 $ 203,508.711 $ 335,473,626 $ 348.961.737 $ 932,796 $ 945,254 $ 1,733,122 73,946 73,946 7,450 28,300,000 28,300,000 $ 14,094,983 14,094,983 12,950,363 13,497,865 13,497,865 13,503,865 21,145,000 21,145,000 21,530,000 5,300,863 5.300,863 5.301,323 121,170,000 121,170,000 124,955,000 28.300.000 28.300,000 28.300,000 1,006,742 203,508,711 232.827.911 236,581,123 $ 28,313,870 28,313,870 20,516,718 1.512,166 1.512.166 4,103,292 2,366,651 2,366,651 2,366,651 15,188,714 18.527.562 15,968,199 19,972,946 38,713,630 38,713,630 46,893,445 125,167 582,485 42.717,614 28.313,870 102.645,715 112,380,614 $ 43,724,356 $ 28,313.870 $ 203.508,711 $ 335,473.626 $ 348.961.737 - 3 JAN 3 1995 .7Ei\! ; 17 of 89 POW A Y REDE\'ELOP~Å’l\T A _NCY Combined Statement of Revenues, Expenditures. and Changes in Fund Balances All Governmental Fund Types For the Year Ended June 30, 1994 Special Debt Revenue Service Revenues: Taxes (Note 3) $ 11,554,728 Intergovernmental Charges for services $ 174,250 Interest and rentals 1,093,320 944,276 Lease revenue 1,817,100 Developer fees Other 27,000 380 Total Revenues 1.294.570 14,316,484 Expenditures: Administration costs 610,371 Capital expenditures 4,686,300 Tax sharing agreement expenditure Payment to educational augmentation fund 545,597 Debt service: Principal 6,474,721 Interest and fiscal charges 11,458,550 Bond issuance costs Payment to refunded bond escrow agent Total Expenditures 5,296,671 18,478,868 (Deficiency) of Revenues Over Expenditures (4,002.101) (4,162,384) Other Financing Sources (Uses): Proceeds from refunding bonds Proceeds from long-term debt 1,199.293 Payment to refunded bond escrow agent Operating transfers in 2,770,338 2,623,258 Operating transfers out (2,761,283) (2,546.869) Total Other Financing Sources (Uses) 9,055 1,275,682 Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues and Other Sources Over Expenditures and Other Uses (3,993,046) (2,886.702) Fund Balances. Beginning. Restated (Note 9) 19,966,417 18,527.562 Fund Balances, Ending $ 15.973.371 $ 15,640.860 See Accompanying Notes to Financial Statements 4 18 of 89 JAN 3 1995 HEM 25 - - Totals Capital (Memorandum Only) Projects 1994 1993 $ 11,554,728 $ 10,866,497 $ 5,000,000 5,000,000 809,750 1,438,086 1,612.336 1,506,621 2.701,351 4,738,947 3,824,723 1,817,100 1,827,503 250,000 121.959 149.339 41.027 9,261.396 24,872.450 19.126.121 2.876,539 3,486,910 3,216,332 9.695,304 14,381,604 14,991,277 9,500,000 9,500,000 545,597 1,524,740 -- 10.000 6,484,721 4,603,109 11,458,550 7.909,295 3,331,707 3,899,214 22.081.843 45,857.382 39,475.674 (12.820.447) (20,984,932) (20,349,553) 102,238,484 2,253,588 3,452,881 5,620,849 (47,271,404) 294,262 5,687,858 5,798,717 (379,706) (5,687.858) (5,798,717) 2,168.144 3,452.881 60,587,929 (10,652.303) (17,532.051) 40,238,376 53,369,917 91,863.896 51,625,520 $ 42.717.614 $ 74.331.845 $ 91.863.896 ,- 5 JAN 3 1995 ITEiIt 25 ,. 19 of 89 POW A Y REDEVELOPMEÌ'<l A .NCY Combined Statement of Revenues, Expenditures. and Changes in Fund Balances - Budget and Actual All Governmental Fund Types For the Year Ended June 30,1994 Special Revenue Fund Variance Favorable Budget Actual (Unfavorable) Revenues: Taxes (Note 3) Intergovernmental Charges for services $ 147,460 $ 174,250 $ 26,790 Interest and rentals 828,480 1,093,320 264,840 Lease revenue Other 27,000 27,000 Total Revenues 975.940 1.294,570 318.630 Expenditures: Administration costs 637,260 610,371 26,889 Capital expenditures 19,736,173 4,686,300 15,049,&'13 Payment to educational augmentation fund Tax sharing agreement expenditure Debt service: Principal Interest and fiscal charges Total Expenditures 20,373,433 5,296,671 15,076,762 (Deficiency) of Revenues Over Expenditures (19,397,493) (4,002,101) 15,395,392 Other Financing Sources (Uses): Proceeds from long-term debt Operating transfers in 2,732,489 2,770,338 37,849 Operating transfers out (2,656.567) (2,761,283) (104,716) Total Other Financing Sources (Uses) 75,922 9,055 (66,867) (Deticiency) of Revenues and Other Sources Over Expenditures and Other Uses (19,321,571) (3,993,046) 15,328.525 Fund Balances, Beginning, Restated (Note 9) 19,966,417 19,966,417 Fund Balances, Ending $ 644.846 $ 15.973.371 $ 15,328.525 See Accompanying Notes to Financial Statements. 6 JAN 3 1995 ITEM 25 20 of 89 ~ - - Debt Service Fund Capital Projects Fund Variance Variance Favorable Favorable Budget Actual (Unfavorable) Budget Actual (Unfavorable) $ 11,370,100 $ 11,554,728 $ 184,628 $ 5,000,000 $ 5,000,000 $ 1,430,200 1,438,086 7,886 742,280 944,276 201,996 2,352,330 2,701,351 349,021 2,001,140 1,817,100 (184,040) 380 380 20,000 121,959 101.959 14,113.520 14.316.484 202.964 3,802,530 9,261.396 5,458,866 3,216,140 2,876,539 339,601 46,072,833 9,695,304 36,377,529 545,597 545,597 9,500,000 9,500,000 - 6,869,838 6,474,721 395,117 10,000 (10,000) 10,558,428 11,458,550 (900.122) 17,973,863 18,478.868 (505,005) 58,788,973 22,081.843 36,707,130 (3,860,343) (4,162,384) (302.041) (54.986,443) (12.820,447) 42,165,996 1,199,293 1,199,293 2,253,588 2,253,588 2,550,850 2,623,258 72,408 2,167,479 294,262 (1,873.217) (3,810,063) (2,546,869) 1,263,194 (984,188) (379,706) 604,482 (1,259.213) 1,275,682 2,534,895 3,436,879 2,168.144 (1,268,735) (5,119,556) (2,886,702) 2,232,854 (51,549,564) (10,652,303) 40,897.261 18,527.562 18,527,562 53,369,917 53,369,917 $ 13,408.006 $ 15.640.860 $ 2.232.854 $ 1.820.353 $ 42.717.614 $ 40.897.261 - 7 21 of 89 JAN 3 1995 rìeM 25 POWA. Y REDEVELOPMENT AC"'lCY Notes to Fint:mcial Statement~ June 30, 1994 1. SummarY of Si¡mificant Accouminl! Policies Description of Funds and Account Groups The accounting records of the Agency are organized on the basis of funds and account groups as follows: Governmental Funds: The Special Revenue Fund - is used to account for the 20% portion of the Agency's tax increment revenue that is required to be set aside for low and moderate income housing and related expenditures. The Debt Service Fund - is used to account for the accumulation of resources for, and the payment of principal, interest and related costs of the tax allocation bonds and other debt of the general long- term debt account group. The Capital Proiects Fund is used to account for the financial resources used in developing the project area as well as the administrative expenditures incurred in sustaining Agency activities. Account Groups: The General Fixed Assets Account Group is used to account for the cost of general fixed assets of the Agency which are not being held for resale. These assets include the Poinsettia Mobil Home Park, land held for parksite improvements, and miscellaneous office equipment. The General Long-Term Debt Account Group is used to record the outstanding principal balance of Agency's long-term debt obligation. Basis of Accounting Basis of accounting refers to when revenues and expenditures are recognized in the accounts and reported in the financial statements. Basis of accounting relates to the timing of the measurements made, regardless of the measurement focus applied. The governmental funds are accounted for using the modified accrual basis of accounting. Their revenues are recognized when they become measurable and available as net current assets. 8 JAN 3 1995 ITEM 25 22 of 89 .Dí)WA Y REDEVELOPME:\T AGPJo.:CY . .otes to Fimmcial Statements (ContL.~ed) June 30, 1994 - Expenditures are general1y recognized under the modified accrual basis of accounting when the related fund liability is incurred. An exception to this general rule is principal and interest on general long-term debt which is recognized when due. A¡¡encv Financial Reporting In accordance with GASB Cod. Sec. 2100, "Defining the Governmental Reporting Entity," the Agency's financial activities will be included with financial activities of the City of Poway for financial reporting purposes. Memorandum Onlv Totals and Comparative Data Columns in the accompanying financial statements captioned "Total (Memorandum Only)" are not necessary for a fair presentation of the financial statements in accordance with general1y accepted accounting principles, but are presented only to facilitate financial analysis. Data in these columns do not present financial position, results of operations, or changes in financial position in conformity with generalW accepted accounting principles. Neither is such data comparable to a consolidation. Interfund eliminations have not been made in the aggregation of this data. - Comparative total data for the prior year have been presented in the accompanying [mancial statements in order to provide an understanding of changes in the City's [mancial position and operations. However, comparative (i.e., presentation of prior year totals by fund type) data have not been presented in each of the statements since their inclusion would make the statements unduly complex and difficult to read. General Fixed Assets General fixed assets are recorded as expenditures in the Capital Projects Fund and capitalized in the General Fixed Assets Account Group at cost. No depreciation is recorded on general fIXed assets. Fixed Assets Held for Resale Fixed assets acquired by the Agency and held for resale is recorded at cost unless market value is determined to be below cost. Investments Investments are stated at cost. When market values decline below cost, no loss is recorded if such declines are considered temporary. The Agency's policy is to hold - investments until maturity, or until market values equal or exceed cost. 9 JAN 3 1995 17EiVI 25 23 of 89 POWA Y REDEVELOP:-.1ENT Ai NCY Notes to Financial Statements (Continued) June 30, 1994 Budiietary Data The Agency adopts an annual budget prepared on the modified accrual basis for all of its governmental funds. The Executive Director is required to prepare and submit to the Agency Board of Directors the annual budget of the Agency and administer it after adoption. Any revisions that alter the total appropriations of any fund must be approved by the Board of Directors. Prior year appropriations lapse unless they are encumbered at year end or reappropriated through the formal budget process. For each fund, total expenditures may not legally exceed total appropriations. 2. History and Oriianization The Agency was established on December 13, 1983 with the adoption of Ordinance No. 117 by the Poway City CounciJ pursuant to the State of California Health and Safety Code, Section 33000 entitled "Community Redevelopment Law." The Agency has the broad authority to acquire, rehabiJitate, develop, administer and sell or leasé property. Additionally, it has the right of eminent domain to facilitate acquisition of property. The principal objectives of the Agency are to improve the commercial environment, develop senior citizen housing, provide new public improvements, strengthen the City of Poway's economic base, generate added employment opportunities and improve and expand the City's industrial base. 3. PropertY Taxes Property taxes attach as an enforceable !jen on property as of March 1. Taxes are levied on July 1 and are payable in two installments on December 10 and April 10. The County biIIs and collects the property taxes and remits them to the Agency in installments during the year. Agency property tax revenues are recognized when levied to the extent that they result in current receivables in accordance with GASB Cod. Sec. P70. The County is permitted by State Law (Proposition 13) to levy taxes at 1 % of full market value (at time of purchase) and can increase the property tax rate no more than two percent per year. The Agency receives a share of this basic levy proportionate to the increase in market value of property in the Redevelopment Area. 10 JAN 3 ITEM 25 1995 24 of 89 ;W A Y REDEVELOPMEr-.'T AGF-':Y J,otes to Financial Statements (Contir¡úed) June 30, 1994 - 4. Cash and Investments Cash and investments at June 30, 1994 consisted of the following: Pooled Cash and Investments $59,153,171 Cash and Investmentswith Fiscal Agents 12.651.637 Total Cash and Investments $71.804.808 Pooled Cash and Investments: The Agency foIlows the practice of pooling all cash and investments (except for cash and investments with fiscal agents) with the City of Poway to maximize yield. Cash and Investments with Fiscal Agents: The City has monies held by fiscal agents pledged to the payment or security of certain bonds. The California Government Code provides these monies, in tbe absence of specific statutory provisions governing the issuance of bonds, may be invested in accordance with the ordinance, resolutions or indentures specifying the types of investments its fiscal agents may make. - In accordance with GASB Statement 3, cash and investments with fiscal agents are classified in category 3 - uninsured and unregistered with securities held by the counterparty's trust department or agent, but not in the Agency's name. . 5. Changes in General Fixed Assets Balance Balance Julv 1. 1993 Additions Deletions June 30. 1994 Land $12,277,057 $5,844,830 $18,121,887 Buildings and structures 8,044,114 1,957,491 $42,340 9,959,265 Equipment 195.547 37.171 - 232718 $20.516.718 $7.839.492 $42.340 $28.313.870 _. 11 JAN 3 1995 ITEM 25 25 of 89 POWAY REDEVELOPMENT A -:~CY Notes to financial Statements (Commued) June 30, 1994 6. Long-Term Deht Changes in long-term debt for the year ended June 30, 1994 were as follows: Balance Balance Julv 1. 1993 Additions DeJetions June 30. 1994 Notes payable $ 12,950,363 $1,199,293 $ 54,673 $ 14,094,983 Advances from City of Poway 13,503,865 2,253,588 2,259,588 13,497,865 Reimbursement agreements 21,530,000 385,000 21,145,000 Contracts payable 5,301,323 460 5,300,863 Tax allocation bonds payable 124,955,000 3,785,000 121,170,000 Certificates of participation 28.300.000 28.300.000 $206.540.551 $3.452.881 $6.484.721 $203.508.7li1 Notes Payable In December 1985, the Agency entered into an acquisition agreement with CF Poway Ltd. to provide for the construction of public improvements relating to the development of Pomerado Business Park. The agreement provides that the Agency will enter into a promissory note with CF Poway to reimburse them for the cost of constructing certain public improvements. In March 1991, the Agency accepted $8,608,753 of improvements. The note plus accrued interest at 9.375% is to be paid from excess tax increment generated by the project as the funds become available. $11,352,967 In November 1990, the Agency entered into an acquisition agreement with Tech Business Center to provide for the construction of public improvements relating to the development of the Poway Corporate Center. The agreement provides that the Agency .will enter into a promissory note with Tech Business Center to reimburse them for the cost of constructing certain public improvements. In April 1993, the Agency accepted $2,500,000 of improvements and executed a promissory note at 8.0%. The note plus accrued interest is payable from excess tax increment generated by the project as the funds become available. 2.742.016 Total Notes Payable $14.094.983 12 26 of 89 JAN 3 1995 ITEM 25 - - )WA Y REDEVELOPME~T AGf -=:y Notes to Financial Statements (Continued) June 30, 1994 - Advances from CitY of Powav The City Council authorized various loans to the Redevelopment Agency totalling $13,497,865 at interest rates ranging from 7.4% to 8.7%. The terms of the loans are indefinite. Accrued interest on the loans of $3,986,509 is not reflected in the accompanying financial statements as payment is contingent upon the availabiIity of tax increment. $13.497.865 Reimbursement A~reements - CitY of Poway A The Agency and the City of Poway entered into a lease agreement on August 1, 1986 whereby certain parcels of land, property, improvements and equipment were leased from the Agency to the City. The Agency assigned its rights under the lease agreement to the owners of Certificates of Participation for the aggregate principal amount of $10,000,000. The Agency and City also entered into a reimbursement agreement which obligates the c. Agency to reimburse the City for lease payments made under the lease. The source of reimbursements is tax increment funds available to the Agency. The balance is - payable in annual installments of $195,000 to $895,000 to 2011 with interest ranging from 6.25% to 7.875%. $ 9,145,000 B. The Agency and the City of Poway entered into a lease agreement on May 1, 1988 whereby certain parcels of land, property, improvements and equipment were leased from the Agency to the City. The Agency assigned its rights under the lease agreement to the owners of Certificates of Participation for the aggregate principal amount of $10,650,000. The Agency and City also entered into a reimbursement agreement which obligates the Agency to reimburse the City for lease payments made under the lease. The source of reimbursements is tax increment funds available to the Agency. During fiscal year 1991-1992 the City advance refunded the $10,650,000 Certificates of Participation with Refunding Certificates of Participation for the aggregate principal amount of $12,640,000 for which the Agency is to reimburse the City for lease payments made under the lease. The balance is payable in annual installments of $70,000 to $485,000 to 2018 with interest ranging from 3.50% to 6.375%. 12.000.000 Total Reimbursement Agreements - City of Poway $21.145.000 13 JAN 3 1995 ITEM 2: 27 of 89 POW A Y REDEVELOPME~T p. :::~CY Notes to financial Statements (Continued) June 30, 1994 Contracts Pavable The amounts are payable to the County of San Diego and the Pomerado Cemetery District from future tax revenues in accordance with agreements between the Poway Redevelopment Agency and the County of San Diego and the Pomerado Cemetery District dated March 7 and October 23, 1984, respectively. The purpose of the agreements is to alleviate any financial burden or detriment caused to the County and District by the Redevelopment Plan. The Agency is to make payments to the County as follows: A For the first fiscal year in which the Agency receives tax revenues at least equal to twenty-eight thousand dollars ($28,000) plus an additional twenty percent (20%) pursuant to Section 33334.2 of the Health and Safety Code, the Agency shall pay to the County the sum of twenty-eight thousand dollars ($28,000). B. For each fiscal year during which the Redevelopment Plan remains in effect after the fiscal year referred to in the preceding paragraph A, the Agency shall pay to the County from tax revenues an amount equal to (1) the amount of tax revenues paid by the Agency to the County during the fiscal year immediately preceding the fiscal year for which the calculation is being made, multiplied by (2) one and seven one-hundredths (1.07). In May 1993, the Agency entered into a tax sharing agreement with the County as a result of amending the Redevelopment Plan. Under the agreement, the Agency is to allocate $5,000,000 of new tax allocation bonds to the County in settlement of any claimed amounts owed by the Agency for the tax years prior to the date of the agreement. As of June 30, 1994 the Agency had not issued new tax allocation bonds nor paid the County pending the results of the litigation described in footnote 10. Therefore, no payments were made in fiscal year ended June 30, 1994 under the agreement dated March 7, 1984. $5,254,401 Payments by the Agency to the Pomerado Cemetery District are as follows: A For the first fiscal year in which the Agency receives tax revenues at least equal to two hundred-fifty dollars ($250) plus an additional twenty percent (20%) pursuant to Section 14 28 of 89 JAN 3 1995 ITEM 25 - - iW A Y REDEVELOPMENT AGE Y Notes to Financial Statements (Continued) June 30, 1994 .- Section 33334.2 of the Health and Safety Code, the Agency shaH pay to the District the sum of two hundred-fifty dollars ($250). B. For each fiscal year during which the Redevelopment Plan remains in effect after the fiscal year referred to in the preceding paragraph A, the Agency shall pay to the District from tax revenues an amount equal to (1) the amount of tax revenues paid by the Agency to the District during the fiscal year immediately preceding the fiscal year for which the calculation is being made, multiplied by (2) one and seven one-hundredths (1.07). 46.462 Total Contracts Payable $5.300.863 Tax Allocation Bonds Pavable 1990 Tax Allocation Bonds, 5.75% to 7.25%, issued in 1990 in the amount of $21,595,000 consisting of serial bonds of $7,475,000 maturing from 1992 to 2000 in semi-annual installments of $295,000 to $510,000 and term bonds of $4,840,000 and $9,280,000 maturing in 2004 and 2011, respectively. $ 19,595,000 -- 1993 Tax Allocation Refunding Bonds issued in 1993 in the amount of $104,710,000 consisting of $79,355,000 Fixed Rate bonds and $25,355,000 Indexed Inverse Floating/Fixed Rate bonds. The $79,355,000 Fixed Rate bonds consist of $9,520,000 serial bonds maturing from 1993 to 2002 in annual installments of $325,000 to $2,810,000; term bonds of $49,035,000 maturing in 2023; and term bonds of $20,800,000 maturing in 2026. The $25,355,000 Indexed Inverse Floating/Fixed Rate bonds consist of $4,390,000 bonds maturing in 2006 scheduled to convert in 2003 to 5.22% and $20,965,000 bonds maturing in 2014 scheduled to convert in 1998 to 5.67%. Interest on the bonds is payable semi- annually on June 15 and December 15 at rates ranging from 2.70% to 5.75%. Bonds maturing on or after December 15, 2002 are subjecno optional redemption in whole or in part on any interest date. Bonds maturing on December 15,2006, are subject to mandatory redemption beginning June 15, 2003. Bonds maturing on December 15, 2023 are subject to mandatory redemption beginning June 15, 2015. Bonds maturing on December 15, 2026, are subject to mandatory redemption beginning June 15, 2024. 101.575.000 -- Total Tax Allocation Bonds Payable $121.170.000 15 JAN 3 17EiVi 2: 1995 29 of 89 POWAY REDEVELOPME:\T Al i\CY Notes to Financial Statements (Continued) June 30, 1994 Certificates of Participation 1991 Certificates of Participation, 6.00% to 7.20% issued in 1991 in the amount of $28,300,000 consisting of $2,660,000 serial certificates maturing from 1995 to 2001 in semi-annual installments of $155,000 to $230,000 and term certificates of $6,800,000, $11,835,000 and $7,005,000 maturing in 2011, 2020 and 2024, respectively. $28.300.000 The annual requirements to amortize all debt outstanding in the General Long-Term Debt Account Group, excluding loans from the City of Poway and notes payable, as of June 30, 1994, including interest payments of $232,579,199 are as follows: Year Tax Reimbur- Ending Allocation Contracts semen! Certificates of June 30. Bonds Pavable Agreement Participation Total 1995 $ 8,294,053 $ 107,041 $ 1,855,012 $ 2,300,985 $ 12,557,091 1996 8,293,448 59,462 1,853,304 2,301,703 12,507,917 1997 8,300,501 63,625 1,854,394 2,300,875 12,519,395 1998 7,930,801 68,078 1,951,530 2,298,462 12,248,871 1999 8,656,386 72,843 1,951,398 2,299,425 12,980,052 Thereafter 224.862.525 4.929.814 31.268.248 84.621.149 345.681.736 $266.337.714 $5.300.863 $40.733.886 $96.122.599 $408.495.062 7. Lease Receivable/Deferred Revenue The Agency entered into a lease agreement with the City of Poway whereas the City agrees to take possession of the Poway Royal Mobilehome Park and to make lease payments to the Trustee for the Agency in amounts equal to the principal and interest payments on the 1991 Certificates of Participation on June 15 and December 15 of each year, commencing June 15, 1991 (See Note 6). The term of the lease commenced on January 1, 1991 and ends on January 1, 2014. A lease receivable and corresponding deferred revenue amount have been recorded in the Debt Service Fund to account for the net present value of the lease payments at June 30, 1994. 8. Defeasement of Lon~-Term Debt In 1993 the Agency advance refunded $35,000,000 Tax Allocation Bonds, Series 1989A and $9,330,000 Tax Allocation Bonds, Issue of 1991 by placing in an irrevocab1e trust amounts sufficient to meet all future debt service payments of the 16 30 of 89 JAN 3 1995 IT~M 23 - 1 WAY REDEVELOPMENT AGa 'i Notes to Financial Statements (Continued) June 30, 1994 - refunded debts. As a result, the refunded bonds were considered defeased and the liability was removed from the general long-term debt account group. At June 30, 1994, $34,635,000 of the Tax Allocation Bonds, Series 1989A and $9,225,000 of the Tax Allocation Bonds, Issue of 1991 remained outstanding. In 1990 the Agency advance refunded $4,260,000 Tax Allocation Bonds, Series 1985 and $17,000,000 Tax Allocation Bonds, Series 1986 by placing in an irrevocable trust amounts sufficient to meet alI future debt service payments of the refunded debts. As a result, the refunded bonds were considered defeased and the liability was removed from the general long-term debt account group. At June 30, 1994, $3,340,000 of the Tax Allocation Bonds, Series 1985 and $15,285,000 of the Tax Allocation Bonds, Series 1986 remained outstanding. 9. Prior Period Ad¡ustment The 20% portion of the Agency's tax increment revenue that is required to be set aside for low and moderate income housing and related expenditures were'. previously reported within the Capital Projects Fund. The Special Revenue ancf Capital Projects Funds beginning fund balances have been restated as follows: - Special Capital Revenue Projects Fund Fund As Previously Reported $ - $73,336,334 Adjustment 19.966.417 (19966.417) As Restated $19.966.417 $53.369.917 10. Commitments and Contin¡¡encies a. In May 1993, the Agency entered into tax sharing agreements with various public agencies as a result of amending the Redevelopment Plan. Under the agreements, if litigation of whatever form is filed chalIenging the Plan then the payment requirements of the Agency are to be tolIed and delayed for the period of such litigation. The amendment to the Redevelopment Plan has been chalIenged in a court of law and at June 30, 1994 the litigation had not been settled. Therefore no payments were made by the Agency during the fiscal year ended June 30, 1994 and no liabilities recorded except as noted below. The Agency paid $4,500,000 to one of the public agencies during the fiscal year ended June 30, 1994 under a settlement agreement dated May 17, 1994. If the -- amendment to the Redevelopment Plan is set aside by a court of law pursuant to the litigation, the public agency is to return these funds to the Agency. 17 rã¡:M 2: JAN 3 1995 31 of 89 'OW A Y REDEVELOPMENT AG ICY Notes to Financial Statements (Continued) June 30, 1994 b. Subsequent to year end, a court of law determined that the Redevelopment Agency has incorrectly deposited tax increment funds into the Low and Moderate Income Housing Special Revenue Fund. The method of computing the additional amount that will be required to be set-aside is being determined through a settlement agreement which should be executed in late 1994. 18 JAN 3 1995 l"Jí::i'n 2 32 of 89 - - - SUPPLEMENTALINFO~TION - - 19 JAN 3 1995 IJ::M 2: 33 of 89 ¿ow A Y REDEVELOPMENT AGu'ÍCY Schedule of Tax Increment Shift to Educational Revenue Augmentation Fund For the Year Ended June 30, 1994 Total Tax Increment to be shifted to the Educational Revenue Augmentation Fund (ERAF) per State Department of Finance (DOF) Jetter dated October 1, 1993 """""""'" $545.597 Funding Sources: Redevelopment Agency: Agency Tax Increment. . . . .. $545,597 Other Agency Funds. . . . . . - Total Agency Funds. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $545,597 Agency Borrowing: From current 20% Low & Moderate Income Housing Funds. .. $ - From Legislative Body. . . . .. --=--- Total Borrowed Funds. . . . . . . . . . . . - Total Tax Increment Shift to ERAF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. $545.597 20 JAN 3 1995 17èîw1 2: 34 of 89 ,,- -- 6W NEWPORT CEr,TER ORI',E. SUrTE M °C~~!:?u~c~~ NEWPORT BEACh. CALiFOR"A 92660 (714) 760.9788 2111 PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD. SUITE 150 CARLS BAD. CALIFORNIA 92009 1619) 43).8476 October 7, 1994 The Board of Directors of the Poway Redevelopment Agency Independent Auditors' Compliance Report We have audited the general purpose financial statements of the Poway Redevelopment Agency as of and for the year ended June 30, 1994, and have issued our report thereon dated October 7, 1994. We conducted our audit in accordance with generally accepteci auditing standards and Government Auditin~ Standards. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement. Compliance with laws and regulations applicable to the Poway Redevelopment Agency is the responsibility of the Poway Redevelopment Agency management. As part of obtaining reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement, we performed tests of the Poway Redevelopment Agency compliance with provisions of laws and regulations contained in the Guidelines For Compliance Audits of California Redevelopment At¡¡encies issued by the State Controller's Office, Division of Local Government Fiscal Affairs. The results of our tests indicated that, with respect to the items tested, the Poway Redevelopment Agency complied, in all material respects, with the provisions referred to in the preceding paragraph. With respect to items not tested, nothing came to our attention that caused us to believe that the Poway Redevelopment Agency has not complied, in all material respects, with those provisions. This report is intended for the information of the Poway Redevelopment Agency management and the State Controller's Office. However, this report is a matter of public record and its distribution is not limited. 7;, I4Lt a" uf ; !la.om C I ~..:7 t!' S 21 r/:: M 35 of 89 JAN 3 1995 25 ~i co I I ATTACHNDiT 3, I Iii ~ co '.. ;:;::: .. I'" eo I 1"11 I""", i5 ~ ~ ~~. I ! lê ~ ~ :i~1 I~~I~ I z ~~ 8~~: I ¡¡ =~'--.J ~(;1i. N I" ~o:> N ~ , ~ ~ it 0: ~~ ~ 1 I ii~ ~.~I I I ~~~ t; ,,:!Ii 00:> ID Z Z ~ S ..,"" -" 0 [ ~ -" , ~~W. ~ w "'.-<~' ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ <ó ~ 6 ~ g ~ " ~ 61 ~ 9 ::¡ < "" !I: t: 0:> >- ~! - II) j¡ II) C/ u ~ R! z:> " .¡J ~C/ ~~ gi! ~ "; I rn -UJ ~~ r,¡~ ~ ~ ,,'" I-< t¡ü ...."" ~ 8 ~ I-< æ 2J Q <z za: - i I.. 2J '" 'E I-< C/ UJ ~~.,. ~ ~!ii "; ~ 2J ZO "-z-o § ~ ~ ð ~ ~ ~< SljR, < ..1 Eo< U ~ ~ ð .g f-f-z ~uo- t; ~ I!!¡" '~ .¡.J '" ..,.... '" .. "; ... Z' I-< oJ UJ <:> Ô ~ ~ ~ ~JJ I!! !:!'~ ~ 1.1 s¡u ~ Æ. :!::::E <:>a:u -" 8 t~ "Ll'I ]ffi'-<!'S +I ¡:o. <:> 0 :¡ '.;" N .. 11)" I-< UzO "'">-"'>- ~ :Z:E6~M ~'" <Z oJ C«:N<I: .. 1"1 II) .<::.. <.., 1'-:3"':3 >< .. t;..... 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Community Park Bocci Ball Court Belvedere Drive Fire Hydrant HiIltop Circle Fire Hydrant Espola Rd Water Improvements Water Reclamation Plant Hilltop Circle Sewer Main Commercial Revitalization Poway Royal Electrical Renov. Project Poway Chrysler/Plymouth, Jeep/Eagle, VW Poinsettia Street Reconstruction Poway Shared Housing Program Residential Rehabilitation Program Huber Senior Project Breihan Single-Family Project Gateway Park Property Acquisition Brookview Property Acquisition c: \data \ wpfiles \rdacip. ak: 13325 Civic Center Drive Mailing Address: P.O. Box 789, Poway, California 92074..Q789. (619) 748-6600, (619) 695.1400 38 of 89 JAN 3 1995 I'T¿NI 25 - I"': I- - :> ~' qr-:-- -.- I ., ,,' "", <, " 1 ¡,:; ,¡,;. " I I u L1 >' = ': I % I' - >-1 I I :S !OJ . I~ ~%-'~' I:) Z 00. % - < 0 r-----=-1 - , N .... .. E ~ 0 ~ p. 1:J1.~-1 ' =: t'-' u 6 =>1 I u l w~~ w u w" ž iI: c:: I- II) !<I I z ;!;, z, 580 w - !;;¡ ~I ~ ~' ~. II)w~ §j :>1,0:010:1 ~::¡;:<Ol=¡ i <, 0 '-' 0, .. 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Community Park Bocci Ball Court Belvedere Drive Fire Hydrant HiIltop Circle Fire Hydrant Espola Rd Water Improvements Water Reclamation Plant Hilltop Circle Sewer Main Commercial Revitalization Poway Royal Electrical Renov. Project Poway Chrysler/Plymouth, leepÆagle, VW Poinsettia Street Reconstruction Poway Shared Housing Program Residential Rehabilitation Program Huber Senior Project Breihan Single-Family Project Gateway Park Property Acquisition Brooleview Property Acquisition c: \data \ wpfiles \rdacip. air - 13325 Civic Center Drive M>'ling Address: P.O. Box 789, Poway, California 92074-0789. (619) 748-6600, (619) 695-1400 47 of 89 JAN 3 1995 ú:;:M 25 ~ EI ¡ I! I '= ex> .... '" 0 '0- 0 . I .. . N I I .,. ""I O! II "" '" ~ I I < .... 0- ""I""', 00 "" ~ ~ lb' . ~., . .,s to:) .. I;;!; I: ~ ~ ~, . ¡::¡ ~ .¡ < ti ~ I r: I '" . ": I' ~ r:. .: a...... .,........... Ln N. ..... ~ I Q;, , :~~!i,.' 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Councilmember SUSAN CALLERY. Councilmember MICKEY CAFAGNA. Councilmember September 30, 1993 County of San Diego Auditor and Controller 1600 Pacific Highway San Diego, CA 92101-2472 ATTN: James R. Griego, Manager Property Tax Services RE: Statement of Indebtedness Dear Mr. Griego: Enclosed please find our completed Statement of Indebtedness, along with the Agreement Information Form for the period July 1, 1993 to June 30, 1994. If you have any questions, please call me at 679-4321. Sincerely, Christine Tsung Finance Manager CT:ms Enclosures c:\data\wpfil..\STMTDEBT.CT City Hall Located at 13325 Civic Center Drive ) 58 of 89 Address: P.O. Box 789. Poway. California 92074-0789 . (619) 748-~600. 695-14001~"';W 2: ." AN 3 1995 »1:: i N A I: 1" " ....=- IJ-tr--NO""""OOONC:COU"lU"lC:C"" r-- r-- '" c:c..... c:c c:c U"I '" N c:c r-- ,.., N '" "1.¡"""';."" ~~~~a:.r;.~"';.~~a:.~ .. '8.""'"" 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SAN DIEGO COUNTY x 3/7/84 PALOMAR RESOURCE DIST. POMERACO CEMETERY DIST. x 0/23/84 R 84-06 POWAY UNIFIED PALOMAR COLLEGE COUNTY SCHOOLS - CITYOFPOWAY POWAY SEWER DIST. POWAY CITY WATER DIST. POWAY CITY LIGHTING DIST. PALOMAR HOSPITAL DIST. NORTHERN S.D. HOSPITAL MWD CWA POWAY CITY CHIEF FISCAL OFFICER CERTIFICATION: JëUres L. Bc:J\ærsox Executive Director (NAME TYPED) (TITLE) ~ £U»f~~ 9/29/93 (SIG T E) (DATE) - JAN 3 1995 liìè:vl 25 63 of 89 CITY OF POWhY DON IflGGINSON. Mayor BOB E,\Å’RY. Deputy Mayor B. TONY SNESKO. Councilmember SUSAN CALLERY. Councilmember MICKEY CAFAGNA. Counci1member September 13, 1994 County of San Diego Auditor and Controller 1600 Pacific Highway San Diego, CA 92101-2472 ATTN: James R. Griego, Manager Property Tax Services RE: Statement. of Indebtedness Dear Mr. Griego: Enclosed please find our completed Statement of Indebtedness, along with the Agreement Information Form for the period July 1, 1994 to June 30,1995. If you have any questions, please call me at 679-4321. Sincerely, Christine Tsung Finance Manager C'I' : me Enclosures c:\data\wpfilee\STMrDEBT.CT City Hall Located at 13325 Civic Center Drive """'9 Address: P.O. Box 789, Poway, California 92074-0789 . (61 9) 748-~í~0'369~9MOO I ,¿M 25 64 of 89 """" - - II 8C :. - ¡ 8 1 Ë ; ~ ~ : I ;r¡... - u ~~- 11 ~ g ~...r¡ ""'1 'I ~ - ;;11~ : ii ""~ 11-" ]-;;1~ Q g1.! ~ .r¡]~æ < <c-~ Q !~J- :318: æ1!-! 0 -.r¡... w fI'J~ ":"p;.r¡!!! :z:~ f.,1!¡:iI ! ~ 0>( !.~ '8 z ¡;; U ~ - ,- ~ ~"€" I ..=_1 ~ ~I l'õ ,*i - W I II ~õ :z: "" J~....; Q~ ~~..- ¡¡¡o- ..cS ¡ 1-- .. ""-e =~ ~ j=~!! ~~~ ~ ]ii..GJ :z: 18: '1:1 -j¡ ~ .. -0 . =5 -!! 1:.11. ~.!! 00 ~ ~ 1J!~i I- ~ ~ I:. < :-.:! p. :z: = '1:1 E e 115 wll. u ë=-II: ~ I ø.~ a ~æl~ g) t;< IS j¡ c" ...:1 ~ J:j j..::i i~ >< 8 ¡¡~;~ .:!j! f ii 8~" ..." ~~ = :!g"! ;~.:. 5! ,;;.g II: ~'õ É 1 ~ >< :S J!..::¡¡ ¡,;::-~ þ. -~>"" t x"" K i'õ : - fi ë J! Ë ¡ ~ .. _cg.. 0':-.. < .!! E ;¡~II:¡;¡ -c.r¡.. - .!! II( !...." '¡;:ø~J .8 . CI J! c":= S-,g 8 - I- 11 """..." ,,"'- II 8 I - ~...~" ...tõ- ~w -;; -...w- ",...".. -.2< {:.... ~ = c~æ -;¡...== 1'- c a ,,~. -..-. uti 1'1::'õ c-~,g ës':,g 1ë' '8:' t~ !!~.::! 'õ¡¡~5 11:10 '1:- II(,!!I .g--e "CI);" OS OS :. S' j .! ~ = :g 1! §.,~ .g]~&JJ! 1995 17~'\¡1 25 i! -] ¡",,!!~(,J ! ê!!g~ C:¡J;"fj ~ II "~-".-&" U".... 0::"..... ~ 65 of 89 ~ ~ 0 .~ ,~ ,õl! ,f E _Ii .. - . .~ !:'! ~ .5 r CALCULATION OF AVAILABLE REVENUES AGENCY NAME PCW.Y RmE\lEIDPMENl' Þ.GEOC¥ PROJECT AREA PÞGUAY RmE\lEIDPMENl' Prom:::T TAX YEAR 1994-1995 RECONCILIATION DATES: JU~ Y 1, 192L- TO JUNE 30, 19 ~ 1. Beginning B8I8I1C8. Av8lleble R_nuee 8,255,792 (See IrmrucllOne) 2. Tex Iricl8mt1m Receiv8d - GIO8I; 11.554.729 All Tex Incl8menl R_nu.., 10 Include 8I1y Tex Incrwmem ~d lllrougn 10 OIner IOC8llaXlng agencl... 3. All oIII8r AVIII8Þ18 R8wnuee Racaiv8d 0 (See 1n8IrucII0ne) 4. R_nu.. from 8I1y oIII8r 8OUrc8. Included In Column E of Ills Aeconclll8llon SI8Iement, but nOllncluded In (1 -3) abovw 1,996,949 5. Sum of Une. 1 lllrougn 4 21. 807,470 6. TOI8I amounts paid ag8ln81 IndeÞlednea In pravtou, year. CD + E on Reconcilillion SI8Iemem) 22,975,851 7. Av8llable A_nue" End of Vear (5 - 6) (1,168,381) FORWARD THIS AMOUNT TO STATEMENT OF INDEBTEDNESS, COVER PAGE, UNE 4 ~# NOTES Tex Incrwmem R_nue,: TIle only amoum(,) 10 be excluded a Tex Incl8mem A_nus erw 8I1Y amounts ~d lllrougn 10 Olner IOC8l1lXlng agencle, pursuant 10 Htl81111 8I1d Safely Code Section 33676. Tex Incrwmem Re...nue 181-Uide in Ills Low 8I1d Moderate Income Houalng Fund will be waned In Ills lbovw Calcul8ll0n. 8I1d lIIerafor omitted from Avalilble R_nu.. 81 year Ind. lIem 4. 8bov8: TIll, rwpl8..nts 8I1y paymen1l from 8I1y aoure8 oilier In8l1 Tex Incl8mem OR available r_nue.. For Inll8l1ce, 811 agency funds I pro 8CI wtIII I bond l88ue. TIle pravtou, SOl Included I DI'posIllon D_topment Agr..ment (DDA) whlcn wa fully Hlianed wtIII lIIe18 bond proceeds. TIle DDA would be shown on Ine Reconclll8l10n SI8Iemenl a fully I8paid under IllS 'ollie,. column (Col E). but willi funda 11181 ware neither Tex Incrwmenl, nor 'Available A_nue.' a dinned. TIle amoun1l u18d 10 e8llsfy Inl. pDA would be included on line 4 lbo... In order 10 accur8lely delermlne ending 'Av8l1lble R_nue,.' Rw. (8I3IM) "j'¿:\11.2~ JAN 3 1995 66 of 89 - .. J~ C; :I :E... ... a:. 0 i' !I "'A- ~8 I! I, ! ::I) =-" 2i .. :¡ i! 1&1 ! I !! ... III 1&1 °a: .. ;~ ij ~~ ... ... --i= , , ..;1 j"f .. ..: , ... a: ... 1111&1 ffi~ J I Za: °0 ;~ II 0 A- I il¡", III A- I: i Å¡! '" I i~ ! i i I j A.~ J j ~ III ]. - ¡- Ti [ a:A.1 '!i '8 C'; .. ~ ct 67 of 89 ':"; ... 1ft Iii: :: ! 2 2 .. ..! II. "'." ~:¡: C~ 1M g : ~ ~ , = ~ .. I- "'!. .. .. .. ... ... N 8N ~ N ... ... ... ... iii: .. ... Or !. ... A- - :I .~o A-! 0 Ir !! Iii: :: ! II ! :1.- "'.".. 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IIII 1&1 S !5-!SS I CI; luuuuuu c 'I I! 1111111 ~ iii: ] 'I5I!1;.I~I~ ~ ~ '15 '15 i .2\.2\.2\.2\.2\ < 1 c!!!!&& ~ 69 of 89 5 c ~~~~~c:z:...... - --.... If ¡¡¡ ìC'N'",a:>°1o""oc: "",O'>\DI' M Co \D,.-< CD o ON 0O ° 0'> 0'>' Q.Ó °"<1"0 If> 0O NO o If>If>M' Õ ,¡ í w ,~ I MI' ..; I ..; .; ò I ò a; M Ñ I Ñ I Ñ a; I 1,...1- N'<I'r--NNN o If> o CDNr--1 .-< I.!J~O IM~N\Dr;,1 --:,~--:,If>, & S r-- "" NM\D"" Ii : .-< M O'>::¡ ~ 1 If> If> ~ M M " ... ... ~ ~ II IJ! ~ ~ i c .. ' "- i : .-<.-< . ... t ~ )11'-< ° N If> CD ... o \D.-< r-- "" W !Q 1! "':. '<I' ~ ~ ': ~ J ~:g :g G; ~ ,!~ 0'> ~ ~ = If> N a:> W . Q;I T z. t ž g I i - I !! fß .. j!l (! ¡! I ~I i i (J .: .i I t ~ I! ... I J~ Z e j w... i :I .. W . ...~ f JI '-<ONO'>OOO'<l'OOO'>'<I'O'> ~ Q.! ~g~c;¡;¡ggg¡gg¡:::~¡::: en Ii, - ¡CO J i .; M ..; ..; .:; ò ò a; M Ñ a; M ..; I,.. jlf>N""r--a:>NNOlf>OM.-<M Z~ ¡¡ . IN MO'>N\DM .-<r--.-<a:> 0 J :f,¡¡ LfÌ r-- .; Ñ LfÌ a; .; ¡:: .-< M 0'> ::: ~!~ ~~~ j ~ I! E E E E f I! ~ ~ .f ~ ~ i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i>o I :;is ¡, ~.;Ji ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~.;Ji ! i r f q ~ II n n ~ ~ ~ I~ H. I I~ ¡ 1 ¡ I~ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ 15 880'> ZZO'> ¡ ï¡ '-<"'-<II1.-<t.-<Q.-<¡.¡.-<r...-<f.: f-<:C'-<""'-<~N< 1 ~ i;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ : I ~ ! ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ 70 of 89 JAN 3 1995 ITEM 25 1"11 q; 0/ cc¡ .) 01010/ cc 0 0 \D M; \D N ~ 'f8'i'8gG;¡8ì88,:;;g ~ ~1:2:;¡:1 I!"" E i If 1"1 .;! .;, ò' ò ò! ,;,..;- .; r.: ,; ,..;- I N .! jj,:¡:::':;;'~!'-<IO\~gcc, ~'-<M;::!; 8. S ...; .; : N N I ~J.! r- ~ i ~ J.fi ::!; ~ ~ ~ W.liE 0\ 0 0 0\ Ze ..!Ii .-<' ,..;- IJÒ aò I 0 0\ \D Ll'I W I 0\ OM 1"1 ...... ,..;- ,..;- ...; CD ~;I - 3: = f 3: å 1° I! (I) ! !¡ W . ø ~ Í ~ ~ i i (,) .: 8i - I ,!o III I 'B. ~ It.:! i ~ ~ ~ I Wiø. 8 ~ Ii !..80 CC.-< 000.... 000\ M \D.-< ... I If 2: g g; 2: 2: 2: g) g ~ ¡::: ~ :2 :;¡: (I) Ie I .....; Ll'I 0 0 Ò ,..;- ,..;- ,..;- Ñ r.: ,; ò Z .. j.NI' N'-<O\""'-<CCØ\Ø\'-<MO 0 J ~.....MCC'-< N\D 0.-< .... - <.Ii .; ,..;- Ñ ;; ... 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II ¡ == 11:11".1 (.) E ! j t!!~ z 0 (.) ~ ,,§! w ~ .... .... II: 1 i 0 '0 I'll Î II! ~ ] ~ ~ J . I. ...- ..-4 '.-4 ..-4 1"1 I! II C,) & C,) C,) '15' I ~ 8 8 .I-)' ell. ~ if Ii Clio 'IS'! .... .... ¡I~ 21 ~ M ~ ~ ,J.I ! '" all!1 '" ."" .... z Z.... I tli I I ~ .,. Me '" MU Mril Mf&< I '" ~! ~! ~! ~! ~! ~! ~! ~! ... I . t.: !! ~~! I ~ I ai.i ~ ~ I- ~l ~! ~! ~! ~! 0 . ~! ~! Z ¡ .IN i! I~' 5 n!M 2:5 72 of 89 .- SUPPLEMENTAL TO THE ANNUAL REPORT OF COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCIES .- The U.S. Bureau of the Census requests the following information about the fiscal activities of your government for the year ended June 30, 1994. Governments furnishing this information will no longer receive Census Bureau Form F-32, Survey of Local Government Finances. If you have any questions please contact Marion Paddy at the Census Bureau 1-800-242-4523. A. PERSONNEL EXPENDITURES Report your government's total expenditure for .alaries and wages during the year, includin" amounts "aid on force account construction "roiects. !H $ 1,308,073 B. MORTGAGE REVENUE BOND XNTEREST PAYMENTS .-- 'icate the amount of interest paid on mortgage revenue bonds during the year. IlU $ -n- C. CASH AND XNVESTMENTS HELD AT THE END OF THE FISCAL YEAR Report .eparately for each of the three types of funds li.ted below, the total cash on hand and on deposit and investments in Federal government, Federal agency, State and local government and non-governmental securities. Report all investments at par value. Include in the sinking fund total any mortgages and notes receivable held as offsets to housing and industrial financing loans. Exclude account. receivable, value of real property and non-.ecurity assets. 1. sinking funds - Reserves held for redemption !!ll of long term debt. $ 15,176,838 2. Bond funds - Unexpended proceeds from sale of bond W31 issues held pending disbursement. $ 56,141,181 3. All other funds - Exclude employee retirement funds. W61 .- $ 486,789 73 of 89 JAN 3 1995 17ëM 25 ATTACIL.'1ENT 4 ANNUAL REPORT OF HOUSING ACTIVITY OF COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCIES FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDED ...JdL1-1Q..../-.2L Agency Name and Address: County of Jurisdiction: Pownv Redevelooment A.encv San Diecro P.O. Box 789 Powav. CA 92074 Pursuant to Health and Safety Code Section 33080.1. redevelopment agencies must annualIy report on their housing activities and Low & Moderate Income Housing Fund balances. and per Section 33080.3 file a copy of this report with the Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD). Section 33080.6 requires HCD to annualIy compile and publish a report of redevelopment agencies' housing activity. Please answer each of the following questions to deterrrune which HCD Schedules your agency must prepare to provide a complete report of housing activity and fund balances for the reporting period. 1. How many adopted project areas did the agency have during the reporting period? ~ If one or more, prepare and submit a separate copy of SCHEDULE HCD-A for each adopted project area. If none, do not subrrùt Schedule HCD-A. 2. Did the agency conduct any housing activity outside of adopted redevelopment project areas? -X Yes. Prepare and submit one copy of SCHEDULE HCD-B for the agency. - No. Do not subrrùt Schedule HCD-B. 3. Did the agency have any adopted project areas, QI housing activity outside of redevelopment project areas, QI any funds in the Low & Moderate Income Housing Fund? ---1L Yes. Prepare and subrrùt one copy of SCHEDULE HCD-C for the agency. - No. Do not subrrùt Schedule HCD-C. To the best of my knowledge the representations made in the above statement and the disclosures contained in the HCD schedulers) subrrùtted herewith are true and correct. December 14, 1994 Date Executive Director Title (619) 679-4200 Telephone Number HCD-Co' 93/94 P'g' 1 of 1 74 of 89 JAN 3 1995 GèM 25 - SCHEDULE HCD-A Project Area Activity ~ for Fiscal Year Ended -2L/~/-2L Agency Name: Powav Redevelooment Aaencv Project Area Name: Pa!!uav RedeveloDment Project Area Preparer's Name, Titl.: Pam.la R. Colhy RdA Proioct Administrator Proparer's T.I.phone No: (619) 679-4363 General Infonnatinn 1. a. Year project aroa adopt.d: ~ b. If project nam. has chang.d, giy. previous nam.(s) or numbor: N/A c. Year(s) morged: N/A Areas morged: N/A d. Y.ar(s) aroas wee< add.d or romov.d:~,_,_,-,- 2. Redeve1opm.nt proj.ct aroas adopt.d or portions add.d thor.to aft.r 1975 are subject to affordable housing production requirements (including "AB 315 plans") per Section 33413. In addition, the agency may, by resolution, elect to make tbe project area, or portions thereof adopted prior to 1976 subject to this section. Check here if this area -1L , or portion thereof -' is subject to the affordable housing production and planning requirements. Tax Increment Set-asides -3. Percentage of project's gross tax increments set aside for housing and deposited in the L&M Fund: (Show exact %.) ~ % 4. a. If set-aside is less than 20% of the total gross tax increments, indicate the reason(s). Check the appropriate Health and Safety Code Section designation(s): -1!.LL - Section 33334.2(a)(1): No need in community to increase/improve supply of low/moderate-income housing. - Section 33334.2(a)(2): Less than 20% set-aside is sufficient to meet the need. - Section 33334.2(a)(3): Community is making substantial effort equivalent in value to 20 % set-aside and has specific contractual obligations incurred prior to May 1, 1991 requiring continued use of this funding. - Section 33334.6(d): Project was adopted prior to 1977 and tax increments are needed to meet existing debts. - Section 33334.6(e): Project was adopted prior to 1977 and tax increments are needed for timely completion of projects to which agency was committed prior to 1986.) - Other: Specify code section, reasons: b. When were the necessary findings adopted? (Show month/day/year.) _1_1- N/A Please attach copies of any findings adopted for this reporting period per Section 33334.2, if you have not yet submitted them to the Department. 5. If agency is exempting per Section 33334.2(a)(1), (2) or (3), identify the amount by which the set-aside was reduced during the tiscal year: N/A $ -- HCD-A 93/94 Page t of 6 JAN 3 1995 rrr:iIII 2: 75 of 89 Agency Name: Powav Redeveloomen! AQencv Project Area Name: PaQuav Redeveloomen! Projec! Are." - 6. a. A deferred set-aside pursuaot to Sectioo 33334.6(d) or (e) constitutes an indebtedness to the L&M Fund equal to the amount of the set-aside being deferred. Summarize the amount(s) of set-aside deferred during this fiscal year and cumulatively: N/A Fiscal Year Amount Deferred Amount of Prior FY Cumulative Amount During FY Deferrals Repaid Deferred (less any During FY amount repaid) 92/93 $ 93/94 $ $ If 92/93 cumulative deferral shown here differs from what was reported on the last report, indicate the amount of and the reason for the difference: b. Is the cumulative amount of indebtedness included in the agency's L&M Fund ending balance (Schedule HCD-C)? N/ A Yes - No - c. Section 33334.6(g) requires any agency which defers set-asides to adopt a plan to eliminate the deficit in subsequent years. If this agency has deferred set-asides, has it adopted such a plan? N/ A Yes - No - d. If yes, by what date is the deficit to be eliminated? N/ A _/_/- 7. Report all actual (not deferred) revenues from this project area added to the agency's L&M Fund this fiscal year. Any income related to agency-assisted housing located outside the project area(s) should be reported as .Other Revenues. (item 7d, below) if this project area is named as beneticiary in the authorizing resolution. a. Tax Increments: $ 2.311.869 b. Debt Proceeds (include bond proceeds): $ 27000 c. Interest: $ 1.093.320 d. Other Revenues (e.g., loan repayments, rental income, transfers in, deferral repayments, property sales): specify: rental income $ 174.250 ) e. Total L & M Deposits for this Project Area (a+b+c+d): $ 3.606.439 If item 3, above, indicates the agency is setting aside tax increments but $0 is entered in item 7a, above, indicate the reason for that inconsistency: N/ A - Project has not yet generated tax increments. - Tax increments are used to pay debt service on debt proceeds added to L&M Fund. - Other (explain): HCD-A 93/94 Page 2 0[6 76 of 89 JAN 3 1995 r;¿;v¡ 25 .- Agency Name: Pnwav RedeveloDment Aeencv Project Area Name: Paeuav RedeveloDment Project Area - orrent Housin!! Activitv 11. Pursuant to Sections 33080.4(a)(4) and (a)(5), report units in this project area assisted by the agency during the reporting period which have occunancv restrictions based on household type or income level. Report any multifamily units for which the agency purchased or otherwise acquired long-term affordability covenants per Section 33413(b)(2)(B). Include information on units located outside redevelopment areas for the benefit of this project area (e.g., replace units lost in this project area, supported by funds from this project area). Report units built or rehabilitated only if the work was comoleted during the fiscal year. Household Income Built with Rehabbed wi Acquired by Receiving Affordability and Type Agency Help Agency Help Agency Subsidies Covenants from Agency Acquired by Agency Total Very Low 43 Subtotal Elderly 8 Subtotal Other 35 Total Low 14 Subtotal Elderly 6 Subtotal Other 8 Total Moderate 6 Subtotal Elderly 3 Subtotal Other 3 Total Above Mod. 1* Subtotal Elderly Subtotal Other I *relocarion assisTance which will expire in 1'1'10. 12. Indicate how many of th" units list"d in item II ar" replacements for units previously removed through redevelopment activiti"s. as required in Section 33080.4(a)(4): Household Income Built with Rehabbed wi Acquired by Receiving and Type Ag"ncy Help Agency H"lp Agency Subsidies from Agency Total Very Low 20 Subtotal Eld"rly 8 Subtotal Other 11 Total Low 11 Subtotal Eld"rly 6 Subtotal Oth"r 5 Total Moderat" 6 Subtotal Eld"rly 3 Subtotal Oth"r 3 These are households receiving relocation assistance which will expire in 1996. These households are included In the data provided for questiôn #11 above. HCD-A 93/94 Page4of6 77 of 89 JAN 3 1995 IJ"'~;V¡ 23 Agency Name: Pnwav Redevelnoment A.encv Project Area Name: Pal!uav Redevelnoment Project Area 13. Report by household income level any units in this project area assisted by the agency during the reporting period which d. have occupancy restrictions based on household type or income level and thus are not reported in item 11. N/A Household Income Built with Rehabbed w/ Acquired by Receiving and Type Agency Help Agency Help Agency Subsidies from Agency Total Very Low Total Low Total Moderate Total Above Mod. 14. Report any additional households in this project area assisted by the agency during the fiscal year but not reported in items 11 or 13, and explain the type of program and assistance (e.g., shelter beds, emergency rental assistance). ---1L Very low ---1L Low ---1L Moderate ~ Above Moderate (Poway Shared Housing Program) *Reflects home provider in shared housing match. 15. Pursuant to Section 33080.4(a)(10), report the number of dwelling units to be built in the project area per an executed contract or agreement including their estimated completion date. Note that these units may only be reported for a period of two years from the execution date of the contract. Do not report any units shown in items 11 or 13. N/ A Name of Contract or Agreement Execution Est. Date of Numbers of Units to be Built Date Completion Total Very Low Low Mod Other - - --- - - --- - - --- - - --- - - --- 16. Does the project area contain units which have occupancy or affordabi1ity restrictions imposed by agreements or recorded conditions, covenants, and restrictions? - No. Stop here. Complete HCD-B and/or C, as needed. -1L Yes. Pursuant to Sections 33080.4(a)(7) and 33418, provide an inventory of all such restricted housing units in this project area. Did the project area submÜ an inventory last year? -1L Yes. Use the form on page 6 to report any additions or corrections to last year's inventory. - No. Use the form on page 6 (duplicate as needed) to provide the information requested. HCD-A 93/0. PageS of 6 78 of 89 .IA~I ~ 100<; '--::::11'1 ~ël ~ <~ j!~ 6' -=,g" ~ < U '" c:J<~ z Z xo E ~ :1 .~ :S E < . ." Q ~~~ '" ë »~~ -< ~ -¡¡.ËI '¡j {hi - 0 õ-: 0': c;e-'I ~ ~ f;;1 ~ ~ .~ ~ ~ ë § ~ ~~ 'j¡ ::;1 ~ 8 g ~.~ 1J~< t~. ~] ~ ",=:-~~~::¿I ~ ¡, :H ~.~ Q. ~:E§ '$,I£~-'I ::¡.:¡ ëp j~ -"'~ ",g ~:; E~8 .0. ¡; :d"2" -I'a';:.-,! ~'a E¡¡;~"~ E .=""" 0::>-"> "'.;: 8.."""'¿";;" Ž £<~,., o¡j'~:'~~; ¡¡ .558 _I 5'i~tn .( .~~.; 8 h~g~~ - ü c¡;§ ::;1 ::ü¡¡,n» ,,~o..'= < 0,,-»0.; 'õ'~¡¡:;;13.. ~<"'¡¡"" o':'iñö§11~::¿1 gu.g¡Æ~x " u "'.» x '" f- :ê § 5 ;H-'I iJu::¿r.o ~ ~. "", ¡¡; II - ~.§ Ê ::~.£;;/ Q II 5'~E ~ fL~ 5~id ~ -" ¡:QìÉO 5 g -~-< ~ c .";: 13 0 ~ ""2 ~.;:~ ~ 0 õ'a'e ~ ... 0. ~ ~ f-::>" '" ~ g ~ ~:n ë ¡¡ " ~ ':" ~ ë . . f? ~ ~; .Å¡ ~::;; ":!! C ] .,;~ u H] ž. j~.g ~ .g;g~ n :;>.;] ž .. 2,g eo .::¡ ~...~ '" ~ j¡i:e-" 0< o,g", :> ~ °üëg ~ h ~~ ~ ." ~ E t .9 !! ð ~ ~~h'é ",' 0 : ~>:§~!! :: n... ... .~ ~ »~-;:.gQ~ .- æ. - Jjciì8 8 ~'~~-ë.g~.~>.;¡ Ë .c-":;:-":;: .C"::>~EaQ1J . g~. :;-.;. ¡¡ ~=.."'oi!cu Lr> .. z.o¡uu""'u ",,"'8;Qxè-ë.0> E HI »:;>~ H~ :; .£ [1!'~e8;o¡':: ~ Ž n ~ n H ~ g ¡¡~; d"që >, .... xx.. ~, :~ ~iu~j~j M .. ,; :1~~"I:;,,"1I1I Z 00+1 <'(¡-"II..> c>: 79 of 89 [8 C~ ~ f-e ~ ;:! < Q Q ;¡ ~ ~ ¡¡ ~ ~ ~ '" '" . Q::>::>EQQ< f- . . '" x x u. u;o f- SCHEDULE HCD-B Activity Outside Project Areas for Fiscal Year Ended --2L1--1Q...J...2L Agency Name: Powav RedeveloDment A~encv Preparer's Name, Title: Pamela R. Colby Redevelooment Proiect Administrator Preparer's Telephone No: (619679-4363 Pursuant to Health & Safety Code Section 33334.2(g) agencies may use Low and Moderate Income Housing Funds to assist housing affordable and available to very low-, low-, and moderate-income households out,ide of adopted redevelopment project areas. Report here on the agency's housing activities conducted during the reporting period out,ide of adopted project areas which were not reported on HCD-A. Hnusin~ Units Lnst and Hnuseholds DLsDlaced !. Pursuant to Sections 33080.4(a)(1) and (a)(3), report the number of dwelling units and bedrooms (33413(a)) destroyed or removed: the number of those units the agency is not required to replace; and the income category and type of households displaced from outside of project areas during the fiscal year. None Household Income Households Households Total No. Lost Number Lost Not and Type Displaced Displaced (Removed or Required to be by Income by Type Destroyed) Replaced Units 1 Bedrooms Units 1 Bedrooms Very Low ~ _1- _1- Elderly Family (non-elderly) Other (not E or F) Low ~ _1- 1 -- Elderly Family (non-elderly) Other (not E or F) Moderate ~ _1- _1- Elderly Family (non-elderly) Other (not E or F) Above Moderate ~ _1- _1- Elderly Family (non-elderly) Other (not E or F) 2. As required in Section 33080.4(a)(2), estimate the type and number of households, by income category, to be displaced outside of project areas during the next reporting period (the current fiscal year): The Agency does not anticipate displacing any households. Income Level Total Households Subtotal Elderly Subtotal Otber Households Households Very Low 0 Low 0 Moderate 0 Ahove Moderate 0 HCO.B 93/94 Pogo I of 4 JAN 3 1995 rici\ll 25 80 of 89 - -- Agency Name: Powav RedeveloDment A~encv - _~rrent Housin~ Activitv 3. Pursuant to Sections 33080.4(a)(4) and (a)(5), report units outside of adopted project areas which were assisted by the agency and have occunancv restrictions hased on household type or income level. Report any multifamily units for which the agency purchased or otherwise acquired long-tenn affordability covenants per Section 334 I 3(b)(2)(B). Report units built or rehabilitated only if the work was comnleted during the reporting period. Do not include any units reported on Schedule HCD-A. None- all included on HCD-A. Household Income Built with Rehabbed wi Acquired by Receiving Affordability and Type Agency Help Agency Help Agency Subsidies Covenants from Agency Acquired by Agency Total Very Low Subtotal Elderly Subtotal Other Total Low Subtotal Elderly Subtotal Other Total Moderate Subtotal Elderly Subtotal Other Total Above Mod. Subtotal Elderly Subtotal Other 4. Indicate how many of the units listed in item 3 are replacements for units removed through redevelopment activities, as required in Section 33080.4(a)(4). Units reported on Schedule HCD-A (item 12) should not be included here. None Iocome Level Built with Rehabbed wi Acquired by Receiving Agency Help Agency Help Agency Subsidies from Agency Total Very Low Subtotal Elderly Subtotal Other Total Low Subtotal Elderly Subtotal Other Total Moderate Subtotal Elderly Subtotal Other _. HCD.B 93/94 P.ge2 0" JAN 3 1995 ITë:w - 81 of 89 c Agency Name: Pnw"v RedeveloDment A~encv 5. Report by household income level any units outside of adopted project area assisted by the agency during the reporting period which do not have occupancy restrictions based on household type or income level and thus are not reported in item 3, above, or on ¡ -A. Nt A - all illcluded all HCD-A. Household Income Built with Rehabbed wi Acquired by Receiving and Type Agency Help Agency Holp Agency Subsidies from Agency Total Very Low Total Low Total Moderate Total Above Mod. 6. Report any additional households outsido of adoptod projoct aroas which wore assisted by the agoney during the fiscal year but not reported in items 3 or 5, or on HCD-A, and ox plain tho typo of program and assistance (e.g., sholter beds, emergency rental assistance). Nt A - all illcluded all HCD-A. _Very low- Low - Modorato - Above Moderato 7. Pursuant to Section 33080.4(a)( 10), report the numbor of dwelling units to be built outside of adopted project areas per an executed contract or agreoment including their «timatod completion date. Note that those units may only be reported for a periòd of tWo yea" from the exocution dato of the cootract. Do oat report aoy units shown in itoms 3 or 5, or on HCD-A. Nt A Name of Contract or Agreoment Exocution Est. Date of Numbors of Units to bo Built Date Complotion Total Vory Low Low Mod Other - - --- - - --- - - --- - - --- - - --- 8. Are there any agency-assisted units outside of adopted project areas which have occupancy or affordability restrictions imposed by agreements or recorded conditions, covenants, and restrictions? ...x....- No. Stop here. Complete HCD-C. - Yes. Pursuant to Sections 33080.4(a)(7) and 334]8, provido an inventory of all such restricted housing units outside of adopted project areas. Did the project area submit an inventory last year? - Yos. Use tho form on page 4 to roport any additions or corrections to last year's inventory. - No. Uso tbo form on pago 4 (duplicato as needod) to provide tho information requested. HCD-B 93/94 Pogd of. 82 of 89 JAN 3 1995 liì¡:;;W 2: ¿ '" ~ ~~. , -.~ -- e'õ 'e,g êl~1 ~ ~ .; x;' .:! <:!-" 8 ~ ö: B t " ." - ~ '" ~ :1 §¡:¡~ ~ ~ '~:n ~ H ë -;; ~H æ~~ ~ '& ~ ti -0 ~ ~ '" 15 " ~ ~ '" " - Co'- >,H .9 ~ ~"i u¡ '" >< ." I .: " 'õ.:i! ::< ë. " ¡¡ 0 0-;; ði~ ~ '& .~ ~ ""I ~ !: ::>.5 > 0 c .ß '- :; § -;; .., ~ 5 ~ :£ ,s.- So Eo 0 .9 ë"S ~ 8 g ti ::<1 0 ~ -;; 'ü>,,;õ '- <:" > 1èo. ".2 d.~ 1!-E" '" ~ ] "-~g .~~ ~»c.:: .Ë°=< J: ,s - t~':;]'; ...;.'::." I ~Ë .5" Q~, ..s'. ti]; ~8""[ Ë" ~ ~ E~~ ,~ .g,"Ë.'!J - .~.5 ""I ~ ;:: ." § ~~1! ~~ e..g; 1::>£>::< > ¡¡ u.s:'.;.:;¡o~ ",;::;:5 ~ ~ -:;'~:'.e~~ :::1~i5 - ~ <:¡ .~x~,=-¡¡~ feU c.."" i5~==¡¡~¡¡ -». ~ ..0> O<.J~ I 0'- xU8""c>' - ~;§ ::<1 » ~. 'õ,,-!;oo.:¡ .'::Co":::." < .':: ~ ~<".õ"" :3 §'g .g ] ~ :§ ~ ð~~g~¡: "'00 ¡¡¡ ~ ¿ ." '" <u::<.o.o .5 =U ~ ~-Ë" 5"" u 8 !! 0 5 ¡¡ ":!í ""I ::: ",' " - ~:£.>-.~u¡ ~ 1: Q" ::9 {; .. :5 .2 ;;1 ,s '" ~ ~ oti~ ~ "" t ~ ì::-'~ ~ ii: 'E'~ ~ .9 ~ ~ 5 ~ d:: ¡¡ ~.<: <' ... ~:": § ..=.'::¡¡ °0 Co ~ .. ~." z._-~ 0 e 5 ~ .~ 'ë ~ ~ ~ .; I ¡¡ ¡...::> 0. - - '" E c.:: '5:¡; E ~ ¡¡ E .>: ä.~ E 0 ~ e ¡¡ ~ <.J ." ~ ¡¡.:¡o ~ ~ ~ .0 ~ So .¿ ~ -; ~ ~ ~~ - .:s.-¡¡¡ < 5 '<> ~ .g ] 0 "_U "" " O"E ~ Å¡~ö...; ]1 '~~d ~ ~I ~~E ¡¡ <:¡ ;; ~~ ~~ ~:¡¡ ~OO §. ." ~ §ð~8 0< o.':~ 0 t § ~-~¡¡¡- lr'l ¡;: õj '" " gooõ!i N õ >!>. ~ E~.gËo c.. ~ ~ ] .tg~S-fi . c.:: ~ :: t~:5~[ 'ü g .g, 0 >,~~.§Q.5 .. ... = '- e ~ O.§<!;o~~ - - <58 g ~ ~ .~ ~~.~ n Q ~ - ~ ,q~ c¿ ~ ~I ~ h~:i! n~ ~ .. :~I >ðu. ð ~ 0.2[~ê~8:¡:: ¡2: ~ .~~ ;-.~ ;- ¡;. <:¡ 0 g~;" 5! ~! Ž c:::! ~u~ ~ ~ .;.; ~I :~ ~:i!,:~~~~ "" ?o 0 0,; È' ~ ~ ] ~~;.."~,, ~ 00" .c ~ f- 0 ~ <QQ::>¡¡§<U - 83 of 89 'ê"'ot!' f- ^<> 0 .'J; ~ Q::>::>êQQ~ "¡'" .. * - f- . . "xXu.u::>¡... SCHEDULE HCD-C Agency-wide Activity for Fiscal Year Ended ~ / ~ /.....2.L Agency Name: Pnwav RedeveloDment A~encv Preparer's Name, Title: Pamela R. Colbv Redevelonment Project Administrator Preparer's Telephone No: (619679-.J03 Low & Moderate Income Hou~in~ Fund.' Report on the "status and use of the agency's Low and Moderate Income Housing Fund," including infonnation developed to comply with Section 33080.4(a)(6) and (a)(8). Information reported here should be based on that reported to the State Controller. I. Beginning Balance: $ 19.966.417 If Beginning Balance is not the same as the Total Ending Balance reported for the last fiscal year, indicate the amount of, and reason(s) for, the difference: 2. Total Revenues, Other Income and Transfers In: a. Total deposits from project areas: $ 3.606.439 (Sum of amount(s) from line 7e on Schedule HCD-A(s)) b. Other revenues not reported on Schedule HCD-A(s): $ -0- (Specify: ) c. Operating transfers in (specify: ) $ -0- 3. Total Expenditures and Transfers Out: a. Total expenditures: ($ 7.305.223 ) I) Subtotal for onsite/offsite improvements $ -0- 2) Subtotal for planning & adolln. costs as [Note: total of subtotals defined in Sections 33334.3(d) and (e): $ 42 287 should equal 3a.] 3) Subtotal for acquisition of land $ 4460526 4) Subtotal for acquisition of housing $ -0- 5) Subtotal for new housing construction $ 34 427 6) Subtotal for housing rehabilitation $ 187.757 7) Subtotal for housing subsidies $ 571 674 8) Subtotal for debt service $ 2 008 552 9) Subtotal for purchase of affordability $ -0- covenants (per 33413(b)(2)(B)) 10) Other (Specify: $ -0- b. Other transfers out (including to other housing agencies; specify: Pursuant to Section 3(a)(2) above and funds to pav portion of cost of ) ($ 294.262 ) preparing AB 1290 Plan to be expended and reported in FY 94/95 adolln. cost. 4. Total Ending Balance (l +2a+2b+2c-3a-3b): $ 15 973 371 a. Amount of line 4 encumbered ("reserved") for written agreements or contracts: ($ 4.247.787 ) b. Amount of line 4 unencumbered but designated for specific purposes (Specify: Funds appropriated for snecitic affordable housin. projects ) ($ 10877 417 ) c. Amount of line 4 representing value of land purchased with L&M funds and/or held for development of affordable housing: ($ -0- ) d. Amount of line 4 representing indebtedness for set-asides deferred (per 33334.6) ($ -0- ) e. Amount of line 4 representing loans receivable for housing activities ($ -0- ) f. Amount of line 4 representing total (all years) ERAF loans receivable per 33681 ($ -0- ) g. Other unavailable funds included in line 4 (specify: ) ($ -0- ) 5. Unencumbered, uncommitted balance available for housing activities (4 minus 4a - 4g): $ 848.167 HCD.C Page I of6 84 of 89 JAN 3 1995 ITEM 25 - -- Agency Name: Powav Redeve". "ment A"encv 6. Per Section 33080.4(a)( II) attach to this schedule a summary showing the date and amount of all deposits to and withdrawals from -- the agency's L&M Fund during the reporting period. Arrached as Exhibir "A". t.xcess Surolus 7. a. Agencies are required to report any "excess surplus" (as ddined in Section 33334.12) to HCD pursuant to Section 33080.7. An excess surplus exists for a fiscal year if the unencumbered balance in the L&M Fund at year end exceeds the greater of $1,000,000 or the aggregate amount of tax increments deposited into the L&M Fund during the preceding four fiscal years. "Encumbering" means committing funds pursuant to a legally enforceable contract or agreement for expenditure for authorized redevelopment housing activities. For purposes of this surplus calculation, the unencumbered balance may be adjusted to accOUnt for bond proceeds and also for conveyances of land for less than fair market value. Per Section 33334.12(g)(3)(A), the agency may subtract from the L&M fund balance the difference between the tair market value and the amount the agency receives when it conveys for less than fair market value land On which Jow- and moderate-income housing is or will be built with at least 49 percent of the units available at affordable housing cost to lower-income households for at least the time specitied in Section 33334.3. Per Section 33334. 12(g)(3)(B), if taxes that would have been deposited in the L&M Fund are used as security for bonds or other indebtedness, the agency shall subtract from the unencumbered balance the bond or other debt proceeds included and add in the amounts of taxes that would have been deposited had there been no bond or deh, proceeds. Agencies should track each fiscal year's excess surplus, if any, separately. If an agency fails to expend or encumber each fiscal year's excess surplus within one year of that tiscal year, it is required to disburse the remaining excess surplus to the county housing authority, or another public agency exercising housing development powers within the agency's territorial jurisdiction, Q[ expend or encumber the surplus within an additional two years. If after the three years the excess surplus has not been fully expended or encumbered, the agency shall be prohibited from encumbering any funds or expending any moneys from any source, except for specified obligations, until the full amount of the excess surplus plus 50% of the surplus is expended or encumbered. Fill in the following table to calculate and track your agency's excess surplus amounts for each fiscal year beginning with 93/94. Fi"ol To,,1 Tu Sum ofT" Un,n,umb",d Ex"", Sucplu, Amount Exp,nd,d R,moining Exo", y", tnmm'n" tn""n'n" in L&M 8olon" in L&M ond Encumbered Sucplu,. for ",h D'po,it,d in L&M Fund from Previou, Fund" End of FY ogoinst Exom FY, .. of End of Fund Four FY, Sucplu" for oach R'porting FY FY," of'nd of R'porting FY 89-90 $ 1.500 107 90-91 91-92 92-93 93-94 b. Did you adjust the unencumbered balance for bond proceeds? Yes ~ No - Not Applicable- or land sales? Yes - No - Not Applicable----2L- If yes, please describe the amounts and methodology of the adjustments: "Deposirs" equals 20% of gross fax ineremem, no bol/d proceeds iI/eluded. Debt service and cosr of bond issuance were not ineluded as expenses for calculating rhefund balance. Balance was calculmed by addil/g 20% of gross tax increment collecfed by ¡he Agency, plus accrued imeresr, less program expendilures rhrough June 30, 1994. c, If you reported an excess surplus for the reporting tiscal year, brietly summarize the agency's plan (authorized in Section 33334.10) - for encumbering or expending that amount: NI A d. If plan described in 7.c was adopted, give adoption date: N/A _I_I- .' "\II! 25'=D-C¡ j/l.N 3 1995 I.c.,v. P'g,>ofó 85 of 89 - Agency Name: Powuv Rede.docment A~encv Misc. Uses of Funds 8. Per Section 33080.4(a)(6), report the total number of very low-, low-, and moderate-income households directly bend. by expenditures for onsite/offsite imorovemeots. (If line 3.a.1 of this schedule shows no expenditures for improvements, co units should be reported here.) N/ A 9. If the agency is holding land for future housing development (such as reported on item 4.c), summarize here the sites held, including acreage, date of purchase, zoning, and anticipated start date for the housing development. Site Name/Location No. of Acres Zoning Purchase Date Est. Housing Comments Start Date Breihan Property 33 (8 net) MHP 03/16/94 January 1996 Huber Property 4.4 AH Overlay 06/14/94 June 1995 First priority project Brookview Property 6.7 AH Overlayl 06/17/94 October 1998 Post next bond issue RS-7 10. Section 33334.13 requires agencies which have used the L&M Fund to assist mortgagors in a homeownership mortgage revenue bond program, or home tinancing program described in that Section, to provide the following infoonation: N/ A a. Has your agency used the authority related to definitions of income or family size adjustment factors provided in Section 33334. 13(a)'! Yes - No - Not Applicable...2 b. Has the agency complied with requirements in Section 33334.13(b) related to assistance for very low-income households equal to twice that provided for above moderate-income households? Yes - No - Not Applicable...x.... 11. Section 50835(h) requires agencies to report the use of !!Q!]-L&M funds for federal HOME or HOPE program support. Has this agency used any funds in this reporting period for this purpose? Yes - No - Not Applicable ~ Set-aside funds used: HOME $ HOPE $ Non-set-aside funds used: HOME $ HOPE $ 12. a. Did the agency borrow from the L&M Fund to make its FY 93/94 transfer to the Educational Revenue Assessment Fund'! (If yes, amount should he included in line 4.f, ahove.) Yes - No...x.... Not Applicable- h. If yes, specify the amount harrowed for FY 93/94: $ c. If yes, was this indebtedness reported on the Agency's next Statement of Indebtedness? Yes - No - d. If yes, when was the finding of necessity adopted? (Attach copy.) _/_/- 13. Has the agency completed an affordable housing production plan (" AB 315 plan") for all project areas adopted or added to after 1975 as required by Section 33413(b)(4)? Yes...x.... No - Not Applicahle- If yes, give date of adoption: ....iL/ 29/.-2.L' . Updated and incorporated into the Agency's AB 1290 Implementation Plan. HCD-C 86 of 89 JAN 3 1995 r;è~ ~~of6\ ~ -- Agency Name: Powav Redevek ,ment Ao"ncv Unil~ Removed and ReDlaced .-+. Per Sectioos 33334.5 and 33413(a) redevelopment agencies are responsible for replacing affordable (very low, low, and moderate- income level) units removed or destroy"d due to redevelopment activiti"s. The following table allows agencies to provide a historical summary of lost and replaced units, jurisdiction-wide. Did th" agency provid" a compl"te summary using this table in last y"ar's r"port? - No. Complete the following table of units lost and replaced. Note that from FY 89/90 forward, the losses and replacements must be reported by incom" level. -L Yes. Use the table to report any additions or corrections to last year's inventory. If none, initial here_. Fiscal Year, Total No. Lost No. Lost Not FY(s) in No. Replacement What Income Levels UnitslBedrooms Required to be which Units Provided in FY(s)' Replaced Unites) this FY Losses UnitslBedrooms Replaced UnitslBedrooms Replaced? 77/78 I I I 78/79 -=="I-==" -=="I-==" == -=="I-==" == 79/80 I I I 80/81 -=="I-==" -=="I-==" == -=="I-==" == 81/82 I I I 82/83 -=="I-==" -=="I-==" == -=="I-==" == 83/84 I I I. 84/85 -=="I-==" -=="I-==" == -=="I-==" === 85/86 _1- _1- - _1- - - 86/87 _1- _1- - _1- - 87/88 _1- _1- - _1- - 88/89 _I _I - 1- 89/90 VLow ~/~ _1- 1(91/92) _1- - Low _1- _1- _1- - Mod. ~/-2- _1- 1(91/92) _1- - 90191 VLow ---1L-/~ _1- 8 (91/92) _1- - Low ~/---12.- _1- 3 (91/92) _1- - Mod. -1L-/~ _1- 11(91/92) _1- - 91/92 VLow I I I 89/90 Low -,- -1- - -1- 90/91 Mod. -,- -1- - --W~ 93/94 92/93 VLow I I I Low -1- -1- - -1- - Mod. _1- -=="I-==" == -=="I-==" == 93/94 VLow I I I Low -1- -1- - -1- - Mod. 4 I 5 -=="I-==" 4(91192) -=="I-==" == Cum. Totals --2L-/~ _1- 65*1195 UllitS are curremly deed restricted at the moderate ill come level, however, Redevelopmem Agellcy tellallt selectioll policy dictates that ollly very-low illcome households are eligiblefor placemem ill these ullits. The Agellcy imellds to modify covenallls ollce acquired by the Agellcy, pursualll to all OPA with the developer. Curremly, 66% of the ullitsare occupied by very-low illcome households, with another 23% occupied by low illcome households for a total of 89% at or below lower illcome stalldards. HCD-C 87 of 89 P'go'ofb ,JAN 3 1995 ~cM 2: Agency Name: Pnwav Red npment A~encv Prn~rams 15. Identify your agency's currently active housing programs by marking tbe box (and line, where applicable), and write in other p ms in the spaces provided, as needed. Summarize the activity for the reporting period by listing the numbers and total amounts 01 lOans or grants, and the numbers and income levels of households served by each program. Program Type, Description 1/ of $$ 1/ of $$ in 1/ Income Loans Loaned Grants Grants Hshlds Levels Predevelopment Improvements/In frastructure X Acquisition: -"L Land 3 sites - Housing Other bldg X Rehab.. Owner: - Major 8 78,214 8 VL-I, L- X Minor 3, M-4 Rehab., Rental: - Major Minor New construction, Owner: - , Self-help New construction, Rental: ( _Apts. - 2nd units SROs Mobilehome Conversions Ownership assistance: - Downpmts - MCCs Refinance X Renter assistance: 571,674 64 VL-42 - Emergency L-15 ..x. Household M-6 X Project AM-I. Preservation of at-risk units X Shared Housing Program + 33 VL-18 L-14 M-17 AM-17.. X Relocation Assistance + 38+ VL-20 L-ll M-6 AM-I. + inclmled in RenIer A.,Úslanc< hm'c noled o&ovc. 'rcioeOlion os.,i."onec which will expire in June 1996. " reflee/s homc provider in shored housing mOleh. 88 of 89 Page 5 ofb JAN 3 1995 lï~)/ 25 -- Agency Name: Powav Redevelooment Anenev Achievements - Please briefly describe one outstanding project, cooperative or partnership financing or development arrangement, or other innovative practice or program used to increase or improve the affordable housing stock durin. this reoortin. Deriod, (If you wish to report more than one, please make and attach additional copies of this page.) Name of Project or Program: N/A Contact Person and Telephone Number: Description (No. of units, resident incomes, type and address of structures, services provided, financing arrangements, etc.): Theprimaryfocus oflhe Redevelopmelll Agellcy durillg rhe reporling period was lIegolimillgfor Ihe acquisilion of landfor affordable housing. Markel coruiiliolls were favorable for land bankillg alld should resull ill reducing Ihe overall COSI of affordable housing projeas in Ihe Redevelopmefll Projea Area. Three sires were acquired lolallillg lIearly 43 acres. - ,f History (successful aspects, unusual features, lessons learned, problems encountered, etc.): Resnurce Needs 17. What additional training, information, authority, or other resourCeS would help your agency more quickly and effectively use its Low and Moderate Income Housing (L&M) funds to increase, improve, and preserve affordable housing? .- HCD-C Paid of 6 89 of 89 JAN 3 1995 ITèM 25