Item 27 - 1st Ammnd Cooperative Agreement btwn. Fish & Game and City Bicycle Access into Blue Sky AGENDA!EPORTSUMMARY " TO: - FROM: INITIATED BY: DATE: January 3, 1995 SUBJECT: First Amendment to Cooperative Agreement Between the State of California Department of Fish and Game and the City of Poway to Conduct a Six Month Trial Period for Bicycle Access into Blue Sky Ecological Reserve ABSTRACT The Blue Sky Bicycle Advisory Committee has requested that the Cooperative Agreement Between the State of California Department of Fish and Game and the City of Poway to Conduct a Six Month Trial Period for Bicycle Access into Blue Sky Ecological Reserve be amended (Attachment 1) to allow bicycle access from Lake Poway to Green Valley Truck Trail and to close bicycle access on Green Valley Truck Trail on Fridays, and until 12 p.m. on Saturdays. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW - This item is not subject to CEQA review. FISCAL IMPACT None. ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE Additional notification sent to Patricia Wolf and Robert Copper. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council approve the First Amendment to the Cooperative Agreement Between the State of California Department of Fish and Game and the City of Poway to Conduct a Si x Month Tri a 1 Peri od for Bi cycl e Access into Bl ue Sky Eco 1 ogi ca 1 Reserve. ACTION - 1 of 4 JAN 3 1995 ITEM 27 I ~ AGENDA REPOR': CITY OF POW A Y This report is included on the Consent Calendar. There will be no separate discussion of the report prior to approval by the City Council unless membecs of the Council. staff or public request it to be removed from the Con,ent Calendar and discussed separately. If you wi,h to have this report pulled for discus,ion. please fill out a ,lip indicating the report number and give it to the City Clerk prior to the beginning of the City Council meeting. TO: Honorable Mayor and Member~~e City Council FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Man INITIATED BY: John D. Fitch, Assistant City Manage~ Robert L. Thomas, Director of Communit Services ~ DATE: January 3, 1995 SUBJECT: First Amendment to Cooperative Agreement Between the State of California Department of Fish and Game and the City of Poway to Conduct a Six Month Trial Period for Bicycle Access into Blue Sky Ecological Reserve BACKGROUND The State Department of Fish and Game and the City of Poway have entered into an agreement to allow bicycle access in Blue Sky Ecological Reserve for a six month trial period. As part of the agreement, a bicycle advisory committee composed of interested parties, has been formed to monitor and evaluate the impact of bicycle access in Blue Sky. The committee held its first meeting on December 8, 1994, and recommended that the Cooperative Agreement be amended. FINDINGS Section 2 of the Cooperative Agreement restricted bicycle access to Green Valley Truck Trail and did not include the trail connection to Lake Poway. Since this connection is important for bicycle users, the Bicycle Advisory Committee is requesting that the connection be included in the designated trail route. ACTION: 2 of 4 .JAN 3 1995 ITEM 27 t Agenda Report - -, January 3, 1995 Page 2 ,-' Section 7 of the Cooperative Agreement precludes bicycle access on Saturdays and Sundays from 7 a.m. to 12 p.m., unless in conjunction with a State sponsored or approved tour. In order to provide for a controlled monitoring environment, the Bicycle Advisory Committee is requesting that bicycle access on Green Valley Truck Trail be closed to bicycle use on Fridays and until 12 p.m. on Saturdays. Bicycle access would be permitted between sunrise and sunset on all other days. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW This item is not subject to CEQA review. FISCAL IMPACT None. ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE Additional notification sent to Patricia Wolf and Robert Copper. RECOMMENDATION It i s recommended that the City Council approve the Fi rst Amendment to the Cooperative Agreement Between the State of California Department of Fish and Game and the City of Poway to Conduct a Six Month Trial Period for Bicycle Access into Blue Sky Ecological Reserve. - JLB:JDF:RLT Attachment Amendment to Agreement (e, IDATAIAGENDAI>' ,uky, amd) - JAN 3 1995 ITEM 27 ! 3 of 4 First Amendment to Cooperative A9reement Between the State of California Department of Fish ¡d Game and the City of Poway t :onduct a Six Month Trial Perioo for Bicycle Access into Blue Sky Ecological Reserve WHEREAS, the State of California and the City of Poway approved the Cooperative Agreement Between the State of California Department of Fish and Game and the City of Poway to Conduct a Six Month Trial Period for Bicycle Access into Blue Sky Ecological Reserve on November 15, 1994; and WHEREAS, the State of California and the City of Poway agree it is necessary to amend said agreement. NOW, THEREFORE, the parties do hereby agree to amend those sections of the a9reement as follows: Section 2 Under the terms of this agreement, bicycle access into BSER will be restricted to the Green Valley Truck Trail (GVTT). The designated trail route is an approximate 1.5 mile stretch along the GVTT between Espola Road and a Department maintained gate located at the easterly boundary of the reserve adjacent to land owned by the Ramona Water District. A sign will be posted on the western side of the easterly boundary gate signifying the end of the public bicycle trail and informing the users access beyond that point may be restricted by private property owners. Access to Lake Poway will be permitted for bicyclists via the GVTT through the City of Poway Clyde E. Rexrode Wilderness Campground along the City's existing multi-use trail alignment. Section 7 (Delete existing language) Green Valley Truck Trail will be closed to bicycle use on Fridays and until 12 p.m. on Saturdays. Bicycles will be permitted Sunday through Thursday during those times designated in Section 6. 8E IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that all remaining sections of said agreement shall remain in full force and effect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FISH AND GAME, has caused this agreement to be executed by its Executive Officers, and the City has caused this agreement to be executed by its City Manager and attested to by its Cl erk. STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FISH AND GAME Dated ,19- By Patricia Wolf Deputy Regional Manager, Region 5 CITY OF POWAY . A political subdivision of the County of San Diego Dated ,19- 8y James L. Bowersox, City Manager Dated ,19- By Marjorie K. Wahlsten, City Clerk 4 of 4 JAN 3 1995 ITEM 27 I