Item 29 - 1995 Calendar for Cancelled Meetings
TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council
- FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Ma~
INITIATED BY: John D. Fitch, Assistant City Managerlj)t
Marjorie K. Wahlsten, City Clerk
DATE: January 3, 1995
SUBJECT: 1995 Calendar for Cancelled Meetings
On January 11, 1994, the City Council adopted a calendar for the year and a procedure
for' cancelli ng any meeti ngs that were not shown as cancelled on thi s calendar. Staff
is proposing a calendar for 1995.
- None is required.
It is recommended that the City Council adopt a 1995 calendar and the method for
cancelling any additional meetings.
1 of 2 JAN 3 1995 ITëM 29
AGENDA REPORT ~"c '-..... ,ø ,.:1
g-¡; IN THE 0>"
Thie 'sport ie included on the Con..nt Calends,. The,e wm be no eep...ete discussion of the 'eport p,io, tc epp,ovel by the City Council
unl..e membe,. of the Council. eteff 0' public 'equ..t it to be ,amoved f,om the Consent Celend", end diecueeed ..p"'etely. If you wish
to hove this 'eport pulled fo, discussion. ple..e fill out e slip indiceting the ,eport numbe, end give it to the City Cle,k p,io, to the
beginning of the City Council meeting.
TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council
FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Man~
INITIATED BY: John D. Fitch, Àssistant City Manage~~
Marjorie K. Wahlsten, City Clerk
DATE: January 3, 1995
SUBJECT: 1995 Calendar for Cancelled Meetings
Section 2.18.040 of the Poway Municipal Code calls for regular meetings of the
City Council to be held every Tuesday except on certain State holidays that
may fall on a Tuesday. Starting in 1994, the City Council adopted a calendar
for the year stating which Tuesday meetings would be cancelled and agreed that
any add it i Dna 1 meetings coul d only be cance 11 ed by pri or acti on of the City ,
Council. Staff is hereby proposing the 1995 calendar.
It would be appropriate to cancel the meetings of April 11 (spring break for
both Escondido and Poway School Districts; May 30 (Memorial Day and fifth
Tuesday); July 25 (Mayor and Councilmembers' Executive Forum, Monterey);
August 29 (fifth Tuesday); October 24 (League annual conference, San
Francisco); November 23 (Thanksgiving week); December 26 and January 2, 1996
(winter holidays). Any additional meetings proposed to be cancelled because
of a short agenda or Council members , vacation schedules would be presented to
the City Council for approval at a prior meeting.
None Requi red
It is recommended that the City Council authorize cancellation of the April
11, May 30, July 25, August 29, October 24, November 23 and December 26, 1995
and January 2, 1996 regular meetings.
JAN 3 1995 ITEM 29
2 of 2
Th.. 'oport Is Includ" on tho Con..nt Colend.., Ths,s will be no sop,,"e discussion of the ..port ..Ior to _rovol by tho C~y Council
unl... membs.. of the Council, stelf 0' public requsst ~ to be rsmov"!<om tho Conssnt Colend.. and d..cuas.. ..p....sly, If you wish
to have this "'po" pull.. for dlscuelion, pla..s fill out a Ilip the rspo" numb" and givI ~ to the City CI"k prior to thl
boginning of thl C~y Council meeting,
TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council
FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Manager
INITIATED BY: John D. Fitch, Assistant City Manage~
Marjorie K. Wahlsten, City Clerk
DATE: January 3, 1995
SUBJECT: 1995 Calendar for Cancelled Meetin9s
Section 2.18.040 of the Poway Municipal Code calls for regular meetings of the
City Council to be held every Tuesday except on certain State holidays that
may fall on a Tuesday. Starting in 1994, the City Council adopted a calendar
for the year stating which Tuesday meetings would be cancelled and agreed that
any additional meetings could only be cancelled by prior action of the City
Council. Staff is hereby proposing the 1995 calendar.
It would be appropriate to cancel the meetings of April 11 (spring break for
both Escondido and Poway School Districts; May 30 (Memorial Day and fifth
Tuesday); July 25 (Mayor and Council members , Executive Forum, Monterey);
August 29 (fifth TuE!sday); October 24 (League annual conference, San
Franci sco); Nøîl¡m¡!ìgî!.2~ (Thanksgi vi ng week); December 26 and January 2, 1996
(wi nter ho 1 i dìíýs):'Aiiy add it i ona 1 meet i ngs proposed to be cancell ed because
of a short agenda or Councilmembers' vacation schedules would be presented to
the City Council for approval at a prior meeting.
None Required
It is recommended that the City Council authorize cancellation of the April
11, May 30, July 25, August 29, October 24, 1I¡¡~ilw.ii'¡:~~ and December 26, 1995
and January 2, 1996 regular meetings. ',,'..,
JAN 3 1995 ITEM 29
-.---------- 1)~r 3,/9,
Bo" Emer~
14360 MountaIn Boad
Powa3/, CA 92064 .
(619) 748-3968
To: Mayor and members of the City Council
From: Bob Emery
Subject: Approval, in concept, of a plan to involve the entire
community in a fundraising effort to ensure fireworks displays
at the Fourth of July and Poway Days.
Date: January 3, 1995
At a previous council meeting, Councilman Cafagna and I mentioned the
possibility of going to the community at large to raise funds that could be
matched by the City for our two annual fireworks displays. The loss of the
fireworks from the most recent Poway Days celebration was a
disappointment. If at all possible, they should be resumed.
.- The concept of involving the community and more specifically, community
based organizations, can have multiple benefits. First, it can foster a sense of
"ownership" and participation in a truly community effort. A second benefit
could be the creation of a continuing source of funding. The idea would be to
create "subscribers" to the fireworks fund, recognize them publicly and make
them a part of the action, so to speak. A sign, or display could be kept
permanently at Old Poway or Community Park with the names of the
organizations that subscribe to the fireworks fund and plaques or certificates
would be provided each year.
The types of organizations that could be contacted would be service
organizations, school ASB's, school parent-teacher organizations, Scouting
and youth organizations, civic organizations, corporations and local
businesses. Individuals could, of course, also subscribe ü they wished. The
City would pledge to match the funds necessary to cover the total costs but the
goal would be to create a continuing fund that would be as self sufficient as
Recommendation: Create a subcommittee of CounciImembers Emery and
Cafagna to work out the details of the proposal with staff and to authorize the
staff time to implement.
JAN 3 1995 ITEM 34fT