Item 3 - Pre-General Plan Amendment 95-01 TO: AGENDA REPORT SUMMARY Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council ú' ~r James L. Bowersox, City Man~ :î\\- ~~ '-',.. ~ John D. Fitch, Assistant City Manage n ~ IN nt' CO Reba Wright-Quastler, Director of Plan ing service~~ January 5, 1995 Pre-General Plan Amendment 95-01 his report introduces P-GPA 95-01, a process which provides the proponent the ability 0 ascertain the City Council's level of interest in a proposed land use and zone change rior to submitting a formal General Plan Amendment application. P-GPA 95-01A proposes redes ignat i on of a 1. 73 acre site located on Budwi n Lane, south of Twi n Peaks Road rom Rural Residential-C (RR-C) to Residential Single Family-4 (RS-4). This request is ubject to the conditions and requirements of Proposition FF. t is recommended that the City Council review and comment on P-GPA 95-01A. None. subject to C.E.Q.A. review. ADDmONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE None. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council review and comment on P-GPA 95-01A. ACTION A 1 of 9 JAN 5 1995 ITEM :3 ~~ . ~ AGENDA REPORT CITY OF POW A Y FROM: INITIATED BY: Honorable Mayor and Members o~~e City Council James L. Bowersox, City Man~ John D. Fitch, Assistant City Manage~~ Reba Wright-Quastler, Director of Pl~n~ing ServicesïeuDOl James H. Lyon, Assistant Planner II TO: DATE: SUBJECT: January 5, 1995 Pre-Application for GPA 95-01 BACKGROUND On April 4, 1989, the City Council adopted a resolution providing for review of pre-applications for General Plan amendments. The purpose of this review is to allow the proponent of the pre-application and staff to ascertain the Council's level of interest in the request. The review is considered advisory only, and if the applicant wishes to proceed, the formal public application must be submitted by February 28, 1992 for consideration at a public hearing in June. This year, although staff spoke to four perspective candidates, only one pre- General Plan application was received. With the pre-application request staff has included certain maps and other information to assist the City Council in their review. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW Preliminary reviews of proposed General Plan amendments are not considered a project and therefore not subject to CEQA. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council revi ew the attached pre-app 1 i cat ion contained within this report. JLB:RWQ:JHL:kls Attachments: 1. P-GPA 95-01A ACTION: JAN 5 1995 ITEM :3 , 2 of 9 SUBJECT: Pre-application, General Plan Amendment 95-01A Eddie M Johnson OWNER/ APPL ICANT: LOCATION: Southeast terminus of Budwin Lane APN: 314-690-06 PARCEL SIZE: ABSTRACT 1.73 acres Current Land Use and Zoning Designation: Rural Residential-C (RR-C) Requested Land Use and Zoning Designation: Residential Single Family-4 (RS-4) BACKGROUND The applicant is requesting consideration of a General Plan amendment for a 1.73 acre parcel which is developed with a single family residence. The subject parcel is located on Budwin Lane, south of Twin Peaks Road near the former Daren Johnson Ranch. The single family home is constructed on the northern end of the parcel. The remainder of the parcel is constrained by the 100-year floodplain of Rattlesnake Creek and remains undeveloped. The land is generally flat with a slight southerly slope toward Rattlesnake Creek. Surrounding zoning and land uses to the north include single family residences designated Residential Single Family-4 (RS-4). To the east is the former Daren Johnson Ranch located on a four acre parcel and an adjoining two-acre parcel, zoned RR-C, that is part of the Country Creek subdivision. The remainder of the Country Creek development is zoned RS-4. West of the subject parcel is Budwin Lane beyond whi ch 1 i e s i ngl e famil y res i dences, also designated RS-4. Rattl esnake Creek and associated floodplain and floodway traverse the southern portion of the parcel and the adjoining southern parcel. The applicant has proposed redesignating the subject property from RR-C to RS-4. The appl i cant has i ndi cated that the dra i nage improvements made along Rattl esnake Creek within the Country Creek subdivision have significantly reduced the areas encumbered by the floodplain and floodway on his property, thereby creating the potential for subdivision of the land. The Residential Single Family-4 designation request is to seek compatibility with the surrounding land use and zoning. Although, the channel improvements have reduced the extent of the floodplain, it has not entirely removed the floodplain or floodway from the parcel. These flood constrained areas are typically designated Rural Residential-C throughout the City. In addition, given that the applicant is requesting an increase in potential density for a Rural Residential designated parcel, the constraints and regul at ions of Propos i t ion FF apply. Shoul d the appl i cant fil e a formal General Pl an Amendment app 1 i cat i on, the redes i gnat i on request must be placed on the 1 oca 1 ballot and approved by the citizens of Poway. JAN 5 1995 ITEM :3 3 of 9 P-GPA95-01A January 5, 1995 Page 2 Attachments: lA. lB. lC. 10. 4 of 9 Surrounding Zoning and Land Use Floodway/Floodplain Map Letter of Justification Agreement of Understanding JAN 5 1995 fa ¿M 3 RRA CITY OF PO WAY @ SCALE, .vA 5 of 9 - PF-- I ITEM: f4"PA4õ-o\A TITLE: ~~.~,Us.t~ A TT ACHMENT : I~ JAN 5 1995 ITE~.I! 3 NOTES: BUDWIN LANE FULLY SERVICED WITH EXIST. PAVEMENT. CURB AND GUTTER, STORM DRAINS, SEWER AND WATER. AND STREET LIGHTS. AœvIOL1& FL.OoDpt..ø,¡,.,J u,.,¡e f'RIO", ~ ./ TO ~hle;L. J:M~e.~ ~ .- ~---""'¿1 IAPN-31(-690-d5 I I I LOT 5 I I I I I I I tAPÑ-=-317=-690-=1,1 ~ I LOT 11 I ...J I I Z ;¡: ~PN'=;f7~;0=-1~ ~ I LOT 10 I t-------~ ¡APN-317-690-09¡ I LOT 9 I kpN-3;7.:s90=-0~ ' : LOT 8 J ~----- IAPN-317-690 O~ I LOT 7 .I I 1--- ¡.... .... .... PL 26' 124-' RATTLE SNAKE CREEK 182' SCALE: 1"=100' .L. 14535 BUDWIN LANE A.P.N.314-69o-œ MAP 9431 LOT 6 EXIST ZONE: R 1C (RR-C) AREA- 1.73 ACRES 75,359. S.F. ~ 0 -Þ:. NEW 100 YR. FLOOD PLAIN LINE NEW FLOODWA Y SITE PLAN FOR: 14535 BUDWIN LANE OWNER: EDDIE AND JOYCE JOHNSON LEGAL DESC. LOT 6 MAP 94-31 6 of 9 APN-314-690-06 SCALE: ITEM 3 A~MEt.CT 16 --- Eddie M. Johnson 14535 Budwin Lane Poway, CA 92065 November 30, 1994 Mr. Jim Lyons Planning Department City of Poway Subject: Pre-application GPA and Rezone Dear Mr. Lyons, Please accept my application request and schematic site plan for consideration along with the City of Poway's annual update. My property was zoned RR-C because the Flood Plain Maps (at the time) indicated the majority of my property was subject to the 100 year flood. However, the Flood Plain Mapping has been updated (FEMA), and now the majority of my property is out of the flood plain. I hereby request that the zone and general plan redesign be reinstated. Sincerely, ~~ End: 2 JAN 5 1995 ITEM :3 1994 7 of 9 -Ä,1'f.èQ-\MaIT I c. -_Un___--.----- Eddie M. Johnson 14535 Budwin Lane Poway, CA 92064 DeceDlber 12,1994 CITY OF PO WAY JllIIles H. Lyon, Assistant Planner ß P.O. Box 789 Poway, CA 92064 RE: Pre-application General Plan, Amendment Dear Mr. Lyon, Please find enclosed the corrections and additions referenced in your letter of December 6, 1994. Also enclosed please find a revised site plan which llIIlends the previously submitted site plan, the assessor parcel maps showing all properties within 500 feet of my lot, and an executed application for a pre-plan review. I am requesting that our property be re-zoned frODl C(RR-C) to single family 4(RS-4). If this re-zoning is completed, my property would be compatible with the existing zones in the area. If there is any additional action necessary, please contact Dle directly at 748-2130 or 679-1037. Sincerely, ~::þ- EMJ/bj Encl: 8 of 9 JAN 5 1995 ITEM 3 ~eÑÏ \c. AGREEMENT OF UNDERSTANDING Proponent owns or has an equitable interest in land described by tax assessor's parcel number(s) ) 10- ø{P . Proponent desires to amend the Genera Plan for this property in accordance with the will of the City and without the expense of a protracted process. City is concerned that Proponent will create a General Plan Amendment propo- sal unsatisfactory to City and consume time and effort of City employees needlessly on an unsatisfactory proposal unless City assists in directin9 Proponent. Based upon the above-mentioned facts, City will grant Proponent a review prior to filing any application for General Plan Amendment upon the following understanding: Dated: 9 of 9 /FORM8 /16/89 A. City will render no decision with regards to any General Plan Amendment or part thereof. City will receive no evidence, specific in nature, in support of a par- ticular General Plan Amendment. B. C. City will make no representations that will obligate the City to render a decision in favor of or against any General Plan Amendment or part thereof Proponent may subsequently submit. If any General Plan Amendment is subsequently submitted, Proponent will proceed at its sole and exclusive risk with the understanding that City has made no representations upon which Proponent may rely. D. í.2 //3/14- ~ ~ Proponent: . d1.kL---. ignature ç JAN 5 1995 ITEM :3 ~Me;.tí It::'