1995 01-10 Agenda CITY OF POWAY REGULAR MEETING - JANUARY 10, 1995 - 7:00 P.M. CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS - 13325 CIVIC CENTER DRIVE MEETING CALLED TO ORDER AS CITY COUNCIL/PLANNING COMMISSION/REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY 1. ROLL CALL - CAFAGNA, CALLERY, EMERY, REXFORD, HIGGINSON 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE - DEPUTY MAYOR CALLERY 3. PUBLIC ORAL COMMUNICATIONS (State law may prohibit the City Council from taking action on items not on the agenda. Your concerns will be referred to staff. ) CONSENT CALENOAR - NOTICE TO PUBLIC ITEMS NUMBERED 9 THROUGH 12 MAY BE ENACTED IN ONE MOTION AT THIS POINT IN THE MEETING. THERE WILL BE NO SEPARATE DISCUSSION OF THESE ITEMS PRIOR TO THE TIME COUNCIL VOTES ON THE MOTION UNLESS THE MEMBERS OF COUNCIL, STAFF OR THE PUBLIC REQUEST SPECIFIC ITEMS TO BE REMOVED AND DISCUSSED SEPARATELY. THOSE ITEMS WHICH ARE REMOVED WILL BE CONSIDERED IN THE ORDER THEY APPEAR ON THE AGENDA. IF YOU WISH TO PULL AN ITEM, PLEASE FILL OUT A SLIP AND GIVE IT TO THE CITY CLERK. NEN PUBLIC HEARINGS 4.* Environmental Assessment and a Modification to County Use Permit P65- 77H(2) and Hinor Development Review 94-52, Poway Church of Jesus Christ L.D.S. applicant: a request to construct a 905 square foot auxiliary room onto the existing 18,340 square foot church building; request also includes a proposal to construct a 600 square foot detached storage building. Property located at 15705 Pomerado Road. (203-10) CITY MANAGER'S RECOMMENDATXON: Take public input; close public hearing; adopt Planning Resolution approving with conditions. 5.* Scoping hearing for Poway Entertainment Center, Bill Silva Presents, and Intent to Prepare a Draft Environmental Impact Report/Notice of Preparation. An approximate 156 acres located within the South Poway Planned Community; proposal is for an outdoor performing arts center that can seat an audience of approximately 20,000 persons with potential ancillary uses. (203-21) CITY MANAGER~EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S RECOMMENDATION: ~i~?~=:*~i~!~i§:~!~i~:':'::':':~iii~ :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: .: :;:;::; ::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::,.~:::::;:..;::::>...:....;; ..,::; :~.;..:;: ..~: :-,>..::;:~..::::::::..~..~::: ~., :>.~'~, ::::::::::~:k'.'c: :: :::::::;::::::~::::: * Exhibit Enclosed # Exhibit in Preparation CITY OF POWAY - C ' COUNCIL AGENDA - JANUAR~, ), 1995 - PAGE TWO STAFF REPORTS 6.* Mashburn Waste and Recycling Services' Rate Schedule for Multi-Family Dwelling Units. (602-01 #1031) CITY NANAGER'S RECONNENOATION: Adopt Resolution approving Mashburn Waste and Recycling Services' Rate Schedule for Multi-Family Dwelling Units. 7.* Potential sites for location of Sheriff's substation. {1504-10) CITY I~ANAGER'S RECONMENOATION: Provide guidance to staff regarding --preference for the siting of a sheriff substation. 8.* 1994 Traffic Signal Report to be used in evaluating safety and effectiveness at existing signalized intersections, and in identifying, analyzing, and prioritizing locations for possible future signal installations. (1160-02} CITY NANAGER'S RECONMENDATION: Adopt the 1994 Traffic Signal Report. CONSENT CALENDAR 9.* Ratification of Warrant Registers for the period December ]g, to December 23, 1994. (401-10) 10.* Resolution No. 95- - Approving the Application for Grant Funds From the Used Oil Recycl~-6g Fund (Third Cycle} for Residential Public Education and Collection of Used Oil and Oil Filters Within the Jurisdiction of the City; approve letter of authorization. (401-30} 11.* Denial of claim for damages: James E. Burroughs (704-13) 12.* Approval of an agreement with the County of San Diego to acquire rights- of-way and to construct Scripps Poway Parkway within the County jurisdiction. (602-0] #1047) CITY NANAGER ITENS 13. CITY AI-~ORNEY ITEMS 14. Closed Session - Annual Litigation Status Report A. Conference with Legal Counsel -- Existing Litigation -- §54956.9(a) (1) Smith v. City of Poway. San Diego Superior Court Case No. 625859. * Exhibit Enclosed ~ Exhibit in Preparation CITY OF POWAY - CIT', ~OUNCIL AGENDA - JANUARY 1 1995 - PAGE THREE (2) Smith v. All Persons. San Diego Superior Court Case No. 667691. (3) Nest Coast General v. City of Poway. San Diego Superior Court Case No. 669217. {4) Chilcote v. City of Poway. San Diego Superior Court Case No. 682678. {5) (a} NASHCO v. Ark Enterorises. San Diego Superior Court Case No. 663266 (consolidated with Vance under this Case No.). {b) Vance v. Kuebler. San Diego Superior Court Case No. 633550 (consolidated with NASHCO under Case No. 663266}. (c) Marathon v. Kuebler. San Diego Superior Court Case No. 663837. (6) Poway Royal Mobile Home Owners Assn. v. City of Poway. San Diego Superior Court Case No. 682581. (7} (a) City of Poway v. Parkway Business Centre Partners, Ltd.. San Diego Superior Case No. 672341. (b) City of Poway v. South Poway Associates. San Diego Superior Court Case No. 672339. (c) City of Poway V. Poway Venture, Ltd.. San Diego Superior Court Case No. 67385g. (d) City of Powav v. Security First National Coro.. San Diego Superior Court Case No. 673858. (8) City of Poway v. R. Kenneth Plummet, dba All Health Nutrition. San Diego Superior Court Case No. 683250. (g) City of Powav v. Yeaqer. San Diego Superior Court Case No. 672987. {10) SDG&E v. Powav. San Diego Superior Court Case No. 672505. (11) Sycamore Canyon Assn. v. Powav. San Diego Superior Court Case No. 674656. (12) People v. Bill Arban. dba Arban Excavatina & Gradina. San Diego Municipal Court Case No. M692968P. CITY OF POWAY - C' ' COUNCIL AGENDA - JANUARY' ~, 1995 - PAGE FOUR CITY ATTORNEY /TENS (Continued) (13) (a) People v. Kenneth Hichael Brown. San Diego Hunicipal Court Case Ho. H692053-P. (b) Peoo]e v. Hanolo Perez. San Diego Hunicipal Court Case No. H678454P. (c) People v. Johny Edmond Lanqille. San Diego Hunicipal Court Case No. H683948P. (d) People v. Jeffory Bart Oravec. San Diego Hunicipal Court Case No. H688550P. (]4) Conference with Legal Counsel - Anticipated Litigation Deciding whether to initiate litigation pursuant to Government Code §54956.9(c). Number of potential cases: 2 NAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL-INITIATED ]TEH$ 15. MICKEY CAFAGNA 16. SUSAN CALLERY 17. ROBERT EMERY ]8. BETTY REXFORD ]9. DON HIGGINSON ADJOURNHENT .................... ? ============================================== ................. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ............... ~:: ~::::::::::: ::::::::: ============================ ::::~::::... :>..,..%:~::..::