Item 11 - Denial of Claim for Damages AGENDA REPORT SLTMMARY · 0: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Manager INITIATED BY: John D. Fitch, Assistant City Managerq'~' Peggy A. Stewart, Director of Administrative Services_~ Douglas A. Milton, General Services Manager DATE: January 10, 1995 SUBJECT: Denial of Claim for Damages - James E. Burroughs ABSTRACT James E. Burroughs presented a claim to the City in the amount of $364.48. The claim is for damage incurred by his vehicle at Old Poway Park. It is recommended that this claim be denied. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW Environmental review is not required for this agenda item according to CEQA guidelines. FISCAL IMPACT Unknown ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE None [ECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council deny this claim. ACTION lof7 JAN 1 0 1995 tTE..'~ 1.. 1 '-- AGENDA REPOR? CITY OF POWAY This report is included on the Consent Calendar, There will be no separate discussion of the report pdor to approval by the City Council unless members of the Council, staff or public request it to be removed from the Consent Calendar and discussed separately, tf you wish to have this report pulled for discussion, please fill out a sEp indicating the report number and give it to the Ci~/Clerk prior to the beginning of the City Council meeting. TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Manager INITIATED BY: John D. Fitch, Assistant City Manager~~f Peggy A. Stewart, Director of Administrative Services Douglas A. Milton, General Services Manager DATE: January 10, 1995 SUBJECT: Denial of Claim for Damages -- James E. Burroughs BACKGROUND A claim for damages was received from Mr. James E. Burroughs of Poway on December 19, 1994. The amount of the claim is $364.48. It is recommended that this claim be denied. FINDINGS Mr. Burroughs claims that when he parked his automobile in front of the Hamburger Factory at Old Poway Park, the vehicle bumper was damaged by a rod protruding from a wooden curb (rail tie). ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW Environmental review is not required for this agenda item according to CEQA guidelines. FISCAL IMPACT Unknown IACTION: 2of7 JAN 1 0 1995 1'7~ 11 Agenda Report January 10, 1995 Page 2 ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCF None RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council deny this claim. JDF:PAS:DAM:eg Attachment: Claim for Damages - James E. Burroughs 3 of 7 JAN 1 0 1995 ITEM 11 vtsy va c vw:�y CINM.AG/uNST THE:CtTY OF;P D' � - � 0 �,� — Received�by ,: - � DEC g UsS..Ma71� � � � . "tMar-0ffice A'Aaii �� overthsCounter cRroF:aowAreisK ;�Y�,� ald . A;dalm must b� if�ed_with {he Gty Cierk or RLtk Manager of the;Cily<ot:Poway wfWn,6 mon atter which thi incideni or.�evenEoccurred. Be sure your da�m;Es a�ainst tha Ck`y`of Powty., not enotherpub0e ar�tlty WherE spaee ts InsufBden� Piease uss,idditlonal. Paper and:ideritffy lnforrnatlo�,,by:paragraph ewmber. Compl'etec ;datms.muat=ba ms�'ted or detivered'to Tho Gty`ot Poway.13325 Cf`vie CA. 92064 ( PA, Box'789`).. Attr►:�Rtsk FAanager 70T}1E HONOAABLE iv1AYqR ANO CT( GQUNCII�TNE CITY'OF POWAY CAUFORNIA „ The imdera►gned tespectfuly submits the foilowing daim and infoanatlon�rttaUve tn damape to persons andlorpersonal properry: 1. Name otdaimant •�//M,G 3 �..,, ��%%�/>'G v�`// `� � � Add.ress ot'ciaimant b. . PAOne No. a Date of btrtti d Sociai Security No'. a• Drfivsfs<Ue No:_ 2. Name, telephone and posto�ce.BQdre;s to which ciumant desires no�ces to be sent N other plan above: _ 3. Oc=urrence orevenfirom which:ttie•ciaim artses: . . � . , a. ., Date� b. Time y��3 �M a place ( exacf and speafic location) P�1�K'i��� < � i � F2��T o r /��r_r���z,.� ,� Frf `/ d How^and;underwhat�circumstances did damage orin�u,ry oecur.4 Specity the particuiar oecursence,:�verit, act or,omissian you cfaim caused vie in�ury or d�stisge (use additional paper if'neceasary }: ?H� c�EFT r��ziNT GoR,�F� o F rri� ��M�3�� aN .M ��y��; M�o�7� h16 wh5 /7/(M/�G`/J R�/ T�F Il�CT/t/N//�v ��/1 v S:E,. To SFe v��,�' r�tf= wool�,�. N cv/�� , e. Wt�aiparJcuiar actton,by the City, or Its.empioyees, caused the aJleged dama9e or injury? � T/7`� �t bT.f �N/NC— tPGO �'✓h S N� T/��� V F. N/t< !,: T/T wHy o�.N �;� T� TN�: c��>. r r A��T�OFn: �N/I=r. -►� F�,,� �;��r��r ����r,� o r w`��r l�e�r, ��ti �;_ � O �; p, c ���-a S, 01 %? T�" : i'`G'''' /�fr: )��' =�^� 0/� l �!- N �'� ✓.,v , /-,-y ,y• . .. � , !r/.•'. ' G•� %�? ) �AN 1 0 1995 i`;�iL� 1 C._ 4of 7 L ~ount ~med ~ of ~ ~te /~ ~/~ c · To~ ~ount B~is for ~o~ of ~ou~ ~med ( In~u~e ~es of ~1 b~s.in~ices, ~mates, etc = WA~NING: ~ IS A C~IMINAL ~FF~SE ~O ~LE A ~A~E C~IMt ~en~! ~od~ ~72; Insurance Code i 656,1 ) 5of7 DAMAGE REPORT BURROUGHS 1'2/S9/•9.4 at 1A:49 D.R._ 13712-0011220 AA-4060 Est': @. ADAM JOHN HINE,COLliISION ;CENTER °.I'GO.T:Mi�1E AT HTNE "' 1545 CAMINO.D�L RIO SOUTH SAN DI•EGO., CA 92108= (619) �9 Owner: JIM�,BURROUGHS Day Phone: ( ) Address:' Other Ph: ( ) �00 Deductible: $ N/A Snsurance Co.: Phone; Claim No.:CUSTOMER PAY Adj.: 94' MAZD LX SED BLUE MET 6-2•.5L-FI Vin: Licerise: � CA Prod'Date: 10/93 Odometer: 346; 5 speed.transmission Power steerir•.c; Power brakes P,ower windows Power locks �Power antenna Power mirrors Tinted,glass Body side moldings Dual mirrors Air conditior,i�q Rea= defogger Tilt wheel Cruise contrc�, Am Tadio Fm radYo Stereo Cassette Driver airbag Passenqer ai:::ag 4' wheel disc brakes Cloth seats Hucket seat:: Recline/lounge seats Alloy wheels Clear coat p.��ir,t Metallic paint --------------------------------- -- REPR/ , PART LBR PAINT NO. REPL DESCRIP.TION'OF DAI'4AG'_: QTY COST HRS HRS MISC -------------------------..__-__^---^-------------------------�-----------------^ 1 FRONT BUMPER & LF:MPS 2 Repl 0/H Front Bumper 1 2.-0 3* Repr Cover 1 �.0 2.5 4 Add for : Clear Coat 1 1.0 5* MATCH & SLEND 1 1.0 6* FLEX COAT 1 T 8.00 7* APPRX. 3 WRKG DAYS T^ 'tEPAIR 1 Hazardous Wa§te Remava; cee 1 X 2.00 ----------------------------�------------------- -- - $ubtotals =__> 0.00 7.0 3.5 10.00 0 � � � ,�� n<<� Q � �- � . �� QF ?OWFY RtSK MANAGEMENTj Fa;r= : 1 . JAN 10 1995 ��� 11 6of7 DAMAGE REPORT BURROUGHS 12/19/94 at 10:49 D.R. 13712-0011220 AA-4060-N Est: C. ADAM - JOHN HINE CCLLISION CENTER " I GOT HI!,~E AT HINE " 1545 CAMINO DEL RIO SOUTH SAN DIEGO, CA 92108- - .... Par%s (Subject to Invoice) 0.00 Lakor 7.0 hrs $ 28.00/hr 196.00 Paiut 3.5 hfs $ 28.00/hr 98.00 Paint/Materials 3.5 hrs $ 16.00/hr 56.00 Sublet/Misc 10.00 SU: 7OTAL $ 360.00 ?ax on $ 64.00 at 7.0000% 4.48 GRA'.~ D TOTAL $ 364.48 INSURANCE PAYS $ 364.48 THIS REPORT i$ BASED ON OUR INSPECTION AND DOES NOT COVER *~;DITZO~AL PARTS OR LABOR UHICH HAY BE REQUIRED AFTER THE ~ORK HAS BEEN STARTED. NATURALLY THIS REPORT CANNOT COVER SUCH C:~NT[NGENCIE$. PARTS PRICES SUBJECT TO CHANGE %4ITNOUT NOTICE. THIS ESTIMATE IS FOR ~MMEDIATE ACCEPTANCE. Estimate based on MOTOR CRASH ESTIMATING GUIDE. Non-aNtcc{-::': i tem~ are derived fr~m the Guide IRH5435. Database Date 9/94 Double asterisk(*') items indicate part supplied ky n ~.'..piler other than the original equipment manufacturer. EZEst - A product of CCC I:.fcn,,otion Services '-~ Pacjc: 2 JAN 1 0 1995 IT~-M 11 7 0f7