Item 5 - Scripps Poway Pkwy East End Project Funding Status Report DISTRIBLLTEO AGENDA REPORT SUMMARY~ TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council Honorable Chairman and Members of the Redevelopment Agency 'ROM: James L. Bowersox, City Man INITIATED BY: John D. Fitch, Assistant City Manage~'~ MarkS. Weston, Director of Engineerin~ Services Alan F. Schuler, Senior Civil Engineer DATE: January 17, 1995 SUBJECT: Scripps Poway Parkway East End Project Funding Status Report ABSTRACT The estimated total project cost for the Scripps Poway parkway from Stowe Drive to Sycamore Canyon Road with cost reduction measures is $39,730,000. Approximately $11,000,000 of construction responsibility by the Parkway Business Centre will not be completed. Current approved project funding is estimated to be $32,366,000. The project deficit is $7,364,000. Staff recommends implementing the nine cost reduction measures itemized in this report. Further, staff recommends providing additional revenue as detailed in Attachment 4 in order to balance project costs with project funding. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW No additional environmental findings are necessary. FISCAL IMPACT The Scripps Poway Parkway, with reduced costs, is now estimated to be $39,730,000. Staff recommends obtaining the funding of $7,364,000 from the following sources to balance the project: Transfer Unpledged Scripps Poway Parkway West End Funds $1,200,000 STP/Transnet Transfer Funds $ 500,000 Transfer Balance of Ted Williams Parkway Funds $ 320,000 Transfer all Transportation Reimbursement Funds from the Rolling Hills $1,600,000 Estates (Trident Homes) Appropriate Street Improvement Funds (Traffic Mitigation) $ 244,000 Construction Interest $ 500,000 Transfer Funds from Poway Creek Detention Basin $3,000,000 ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE None RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council/Redevelopment Agency adopt the amended financing plan for the Scripps Poway Parkway as listed above to match project costs with appropriated funding. ACTION I of 9 JAN 1 ? 1995 ITEM 5 'AGENDA REPORT CITY OF POWAY This report is included on the Consent Calendar. There will be no separate discussion of the repoR prior to approval by the City Councd unless members of the Council, staff or public request it to be removed from the Consent Calendar and discussed separately, if you wish to have this report pulled for discussion, please fill out a slip indicating the report number and give it to the Cit~ Clerk prior to the beginning of the City Council meeting. TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council Honorable Chairman and Member~s~bthe Redevelopment Agency FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Mana~ INITIATED BY: John D. Fitch, Assistant City Manager~ Mark S. Weston, Director of Engineerin~ Services Alan F. Schuler, Senior Civil Engineer DATE: January 17, 1995 SUBJECT: Scripps Poway Parkway East End Project Funding Status Report BACKGROUND In February 1994, the City Council certified the EIR for the Scripps Poway Parkway from Stowe Drive to SR67 which included the construction of the Parkway to six lanes. On May 17, I994, the City Council amended the project by phasing the construction east of Sycamore Canyon Road. Council adopted a plan to purchase the right-of-way for six lanes from Sycamore Canyon Road to SR67, construct a 4-lane alternate for Phase I, construct a bridge over Sycamore Canon Road, and eliminate a connection from the Parkway to Sycamore Canyon Road. With this modification, the County of San Diego approved a General Plan Amendment for the Parkway in July of 1994. At that time, the estimated budget for the project was $30.4 million from Sycamore Canyon Road to SR67. The section of Parkway from Stowe Drive to Sycamore Canyon Road was to be constructed as a Condition of Approval for the Parkway Business Centre project. The Parkway Business Centre was required to grade the road to six lanes and pave half the roadway east of their eastern property line to Sycamore Canyon Road. Project Costs: The final design for the Parkway is now 80% complete and the City's consultants have prepared cost estimates for both sections of the roadway (Attachment 1). As shown in Attachment 2, the total project cost is $41,841,000. The costs east of Sycamore Canyon Road are $28.9 million and west of Sycamore Canyon Road are $12.9 million. Parkway Business Centre's share of the project costs west of Sycamore Canyon Road are just over $11 ACTION: 2 of 9 JAN 1 7 1995 ITEM 5 Agenda Report - Scripps Poway Parkway East End Project Fu~ing Status ~- January 17, 1995 Page 2 million. Based on the current status of the Parkway Business Centre project, and the timing of the construction of the remaining section of roadway, the City will proceed with funding and constructing the improvements. The City must secure additional funding to balance the budget. Before determining needed revenues, staff and our design engineers sought cost reduction measures to reduce the overall project costs. Staff is proposing nine reduction measures which are listed in Attachment 3. Staff has suggested cost saving measures which will reduce the total project cost by $2,111,000, reducing the total project cost to $39,730,000. Project Funding: The City Council and the Redevelopment Agency have budgeted $30.4 million as of July 1, 1994. Based on all current approved funding, and an estimated increase in SB300 funding due to an increased eligible project by Caltrans, available funding is now estimated at $32,366,000. With the revised project costs, including cost reductions, the total project is now estimated at $39,730,000. Based on estimated available funding of $32,366,000, the deficit in project funding is $7,364,000 (Attachment 4). _. To secure funding to complete the project, staff proposes obtaining revenue from the following sources: Unpledged Scripps Poway Parkway West End $1,200 000 STP/Transnet Transfer $ 500 000 Ted Williams Pkwy. Balance Transfer $ 320 000 Rolling Hills (Trident)Transportation Reimbursement $1,600 000 Street Improvement Funds (Traffic Mitigation) $ 244.000 Construction Interest $ 500 000 Poway Creek Detention Basin Transfer $3,000 000 With a combination of cost-cutting measures Implemented during the design and construction management and additional funding sources, the Scripps Poway Parkway East End project would have a balanced budget. FINDINGS The estimated total project cost for the Scripps Poway Parkway from Stowe Drive to Sycamore Canyon Road with cost reduction measures is $39,730,000. Approximately $11,000,000 of construction responsibility by the Parkway Business Centre will not be completed. Current approved project funding is estimated to be $32,366,000. The project deficit is $7,364,000. Staff recommends implementing the nine cost reduction measures itemized in this report. Further, staff recommends providing additional revenue as detailed in Attachment 4 in order to balance project costs with project funding. 3of 9 JAN1?1995 ITEM 5 Agenda Report - Scripps Poway Parkway East End Project Funding Status January 17, 1995 Page 3 ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW No additional environmental findings are necessary. FISCAL IMPACT The Scripps Poway Parkway, with reduced costs, is now estimated to be $39,730,000. Staff recommends obtaining the funding of $7,364,000 from the following sources to balance the project: Transfer Unpledged Scripps Poway Parkway West End Funds $1,200,000 STP/Transnet Transfer Funds $ 500,000 Transfer Balance of Ted Williams Parkway Funds $ 320,000 Transfer all Transportation Reimbursement Funds from the $1,600,000 Rolling Hills Estates (Trident Homes) Appropriate Street Improvement Funds (Traffic Mitigation) $ 244,000 Construction Interest $ 500,000 Transfer Funds from Poway Creek Detention Basin $3,000,000 ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE None RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council/Redevelopment Agency adopt the amended financing plan for the Scripps Poway Parkway as listed above to match project costs with appropriated funding. JLB:JDF:MSW:AFS:mh Attachments: 1. Map Showing Scripps Poway Parkway from Stowe Dr. to SR67 2. Parkway Costs 3. Cost Reduction Measures 4. Funding 4 of 9 JAN 1 ? 1995 ITEM 5 ~ .- ATTACHMENT 2 rOI 5 of 9 O_ JAN 1 7 1995 ITEM 5 .. ~ ~ -"~ . .t i , ..:,. 6 oi 9 ATTACHMENT 1 ~ OF 2 JAN 1 7 1995 I~EM 5 COST REDUCTION MEASURE Cost Savinqs A. REMOVE CONCRETE BROW DITCHES ON SLOPE BENCHES $ 260,000 Eliminate benches and rock fill and cut slopes, and remove brow ditches. B. REDUCE ORNAMENTAL LANDSCAPING AND IRRIGATION SYSTEM $ 400,000 Remove irrigation from landslide remediation area and eliminate landscaping along the Parkway both in the medians and Parkway strips. C. ELIMINATE TRAFFIC SIGNAL AT THE PARKWAY AND STOWE DRIVE $ 100,000 Eliminate proposed traffic signal at Stowe Drive and the Parkway and install it with future development as the need for the signal arises. D. DELETE EMERGENCY VEHICLE TURN AROUNDS $ 60,000 Delete two of the five planned emergency vehicle turn arounds on the Parkway between Sycamore Canyon Road and SR67. We retained spacing of 1/2 to 3/4 of a mile for each turn around. E. DELETE EXTENSIONS OF RECLAIMED WATER AND DOMESTIC $ 100,000 WATER LINES With the elimination of irrigation, we recommend the deletion of reclaimed water lines and potable water lines. These can be installed at a future date as development occurs in the area. F. REVISE DESIGN OF ROCK FILL CAP $ 200,000 County design review suggest geotechnical revisions recommending modifying the design of the rock fill cap. G. REDUCE UNPAVED SHOULDER AREAS TO 3 FEET IN WIDTH $ 400,000 Reducing the shoulder width in the deep rock cuts at the east end of the project from 10 feet to 3 feet. Retaining a 10-foot paved shoulder will reduce significant rock cut quantities. H. REDUCE ASPHALT SECTION ON ROCK CUTS AND FILLS IN $ 20,000 COUNTY AREA County suggests reducing the thickness of asphalt in the section constructed in the County. I. ALTERNATIVE CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT $ 250,000 Originally staff envisioned hiring a firm to perform all construction management activities. Staff is suggesting a combination of Caltrans, County staff, City staff, and consultant services. TOTAL $1,790,000 MOBILIZATION AND CONTINGENCY SAVINGS $ 321,000 TOTAL ESTIMATED PROJECT SAVINGS $2,111,000 8 of 9 ATTACHMENT ]~ ,JAN 1 ? 1995 ITEi~I 5 Fundinq Summary Date: 12/29/94 SCRIPPS POWAY PARKwAy EAST Funding Projections Programmed Funds Amount PowayRDA 5 3,300,000 Developer Contributions 5 250,000 Prop A-County 513,000,000 Prop A-Highway* 5 8,800,000 Prop A-Bikelanes 5 125,000 LocaISB300** 5 6,126,000 Local SB 300 (Transfer) 5 515,000 STP/Transnet Transfer $ 250,000 _ Subtotal: 532,366,000 Proposed Funds Amount Unpledged SPP West $ 1,200,000 STP/Transnet Transfer 5 500,000 Ted Williams Pkwy Balance $ 320,000 Mc Millin (Trident) $ 1,600,000 Street Improvement Funds (Traffic Mitigation) $ 244,000 Construction Interest $ 500,000 Poway Creek Detention $ 3,000,000 Subtotal: $ 7,364,000 TOTAL POTENTIAL FUNDS: $39,730,000 *By time of construction (Poway Grade transfer) **Based on estimated State Cycle 6 contribution of 15% of 540,857,554 eligible. (Cycle 5 contribution was 19 + %) ATTACHHENT u~ 9of 9 ,3AN 17 1995 ITEM .5