Item 11.1 - COPS FAST Application for Additional Deputy to Assist Juvenile Intervention AGENDA REPORT SUMMARY TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: Sames L. Bowersox, City M~ INITIATED BY: John D. F~tch, Assistant City Manager Mark A. Sanchez, D/rector of Safety 5e/O~ices ~/' January 17, 1995 SUBJECT: "COPS FAST" APPLICATION FOR ADDITIONAL DEPUTY TO ASSIST -.:_'. IN JUVENILE INTERVENrlON TheassistCityin juvenileC°UncilinterventionhaS requestedwork.Staff to submit an application to "Cops FaSt" for an additional deputy to ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW Not subject to CEQA guidelines. "Cops Fast" Grams are for three years. The maximum funding by the federal government for the 3-year period is $75:000 per officer. The City of Po. way currently pays about $62,250 per special putp~ ~ officer per year. This would cost out at $186,750 minus the $75,000 grant funds or a cost to the City of $111,750 for the three-year period. Additional costs for equipment are anticipated. Some local juri~lictions have ,ap~pca,~l ~ed~to the.federal g. ovcmment for a gram. higher than thc S75,000 cap, but indications are that the ~/~.,? nl~ure ~ not going to change. There ~s an expectation that the City will assume total costs for this posluon when the grant period ends. ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION None. RECOMM'ENDATION It i~ recommended that City Council concur with the submittal of thc application for one "Cops Fast" dcput sheriff. lof3 ,JAN 1 7 1995 ITI~] 11.] . AGENDA REPORT CITY OF POWAY TO: The Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Man~ [NITIA~ BY: $ohn D. Fitch, Assis .rant City Manager ~I(~ ~ M~rk A. Sanchez, Director of Safety Serl, iCes~' DATE: January ~7, 1995 SUIlIECT: "COPS FAST" APPLICATION FOR ADDITIONAL DEPUTY TO ASSIST IN 3UVENH~R INTI~VEN~ON The United States Depamnent of Justice is administering various crime bill progr~m.~ including "Cops I[Fast." This program applies to cities with a population to 50,000 or less. The mi.~ion of "Coos Fast" [ is ~ ~ the.d?p, lo .~y~m. en.t~o~f n~ew officers devoted to community policing. The City of Poway', in [ conjuncuon w~.~ the ~nenn's t~epartment, has applied for one deputy sheriff. This position would be used for juvenile intervention work. Although the crime rate for the City of Poway is fairly stable and is one of the lowest of any ci in San Diego County, the Sheriff's Department has continually stated that an additional juvenile ~Yf~cer would have a significant impact on juvenile crimes. This would be accomplished through pm-active counseling for "at risk" juveniles and reactive diversion programs for minor offenders. It has also been the goal of the City Council to provide additional juvenile law enforcement services to those age groups not currently served by either the DARE officer or the Cran~ officer. In order to meet thc federal application time constraints of December 31, 1994, staff has apphed for thc juvenile officer pending concurrence by the City Council. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW Not subject to CEQA guidelines. "Cop~ Fast" Grants are for three years. The maximum funding by the federal government ~-or. the 3- y~e~r period is $?$,..0.00 per officer. The City of Poway currently pays about $62,250 pe~r ~ ~ omcer per year. This would cost out at $186,750 mint, is the $75,000 grant funds or a co~t to the City of A. CTION: 2 of 3 JAN 1 7 1995 ITEM 11.1 Agenda Report Jnnua~y 17, 1995 Page 2 $111,750 for thc three-year period. Additional costs for equipment are nnticipeted. Some local ~ ,u~. '..ctions hav. e a .ppe~!_ed to the federal govern, ment for a grant hil~.er than the $7.5,000 cap, but mmcatiom are that the $75,000 figure is not going to change. 'l'nere ~s an expectation that the City will assume total costs for thls position when the grant period ends. AI)DITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORR{r. mmONI)EN~-~ None. - .... RECOMlVlENDATION It is recommended that City Council concur with the submittal of the application for one "Cops Fast" deputy sheriff. 3 of 3 4JAN 1 ? 1995 rrEM 11, [