Item 18 - Project CARE MEMORANDUM CITY OF POWAY TO: Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: Susan Callery, Deputy Mayo~/~ DATE: January 31, 1995 SUBJECT: Project CARE Backqround: In response to a circumstance in Chula Vista where an elderly woman's death went unnoticed for five weeks, that community instituted a "safety net" program for seniors and the disabled (see attached). This program involves watching for outward signs that something may be wrong (newspapers piling up, mailboxes filling up, trash not put out for collection, etc.). If something seems possibly wrong, then volunteer follow up is requested. Other activities include daily telephone calls, medical information availability, and assistance with minor home repairs for those meeting income qualifications. In addition to the program in Chula Vista, a similar program will be started in Alpine. Recommendation: It is recommended that with City Council concurrence that staff be directed to review Project CARE and determine the feasibility of establishing a similar program in Poway. JAN311995 [TE~ 18~'~