Item 9 - Ratification of Warrant Register TO: FROM: INITIATED BY: DATE: SUBJECT: AGE1'<DA REPORT SUMMARY Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council James L. Bowersox, City Man~ John D. Fitch, Assistant City Manage~i1í Peggy A. Stewart, Di rector of Admi n i st~at i ve Servi c(3P) February 7, 1995 Ratification of Warrant Register for the Period January 16 to January 20, 1995 ABSTRACT The attached report for the period January 16 to January 20, 1995 is submitted to the City Council for ratification/approval. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW Environmental review is not required for this item under California Environmental Quality Act guidelines. FISCAL IMPACT The total amount of warrants paid for the period January 16 to January 20, 1995 was $764,328.57. ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE None RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council ratify/approve the warrant register for the period January 16 to January 20, 1995. ACTION !: 1 of 10 FEB ITEM 9 7 1995 -- --.---.--------------.---- --------.----.--.------.---.---- ~ AG ENDA REPORj, CITY OF POW A Y ~ ~~_\\\ C:F~:J¡tl,Y '". ~., f c"".,-' .'~ ~'" 'HE CO,- - This report is included on the Consent Calendar. Thece will be no separate discussion of the report prior to approval by the City Council unless members of the Council. staff or public request it 10 be removed hom the Consent Calendar and discussed separately. If you wish to have this report pulled for discussion. please fill out a slip indicating the report number and give it to the City Clerk prior to the beginning of the City Council meeting. FROM: INITIATED BY: Honorable Mayor and Members ,"o~ City Council James L. Bowersox, City Man~ John D. Fitch, Assistant City Manager Peggy Stewart, Director of Administrative Services TO: DATE: SUBJECT: February 7, 1995 Ratification of Warrant Register for the Period January 16 to January 20, 1995 BACKGROUND The weekly register of audited demands is submitted to the Council by the Director of Administrative Services for ratification/approval. The attached report is for the period January 16 to January 20, 1995. FINDINGS The following register is submitted for your ratification: January 16 to January 20, 1995 AMOUNT $764,328.57 DATE ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW Environmental review is not required for this item under California Environmental Quality Act guidelines. FISCAL IMPACT The total amount of warrants paid for the period January 16 to January 20, 1995 was $764,328.57. ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE None /. ~ ACTION: ~ 2 of 10 FEB /, '( 1':J':J~ IICM 9 Agenda Report February 7, 1995 Page 2 RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council ratify/approve the warrant register for the period January 16 to January 20, 1995. Attachments: 1) Warrant Register for the Period January 16 to January 20, 1995 c: \data\wpf i l es\warrant .agn 3 of 10 FEB 7 1995 ITEM 9 a- City of Powoy Director of Achlniotrotive Services ~ Subnits the Following Regloter of o...nds and Rec~ W its Rotificotlon/Approvol: t: F J SCAL YEAR 1995 RUN DATE: 01/19/95 Lr> "errants FrOIO 01/16/95 To 01/20/95 PAGE: 1 0> ~ <- CHECK NUMBER DATE PAYEE/VENDOR INVOICE COMMENT FUND ORGII ACCT PROO CHECK AMT m - - - - - - - - ---------------- ------------ ---------------- ---_u_-----_u__u_--_u-----_uu_-----------_uu_-- -------......-........u--.--------------_uu.....--.--. lLJ ....... 00010330 01/19/95 800000008 A C Electric 3822 Labor/Svco: Flah Pond a Old 100 0411 4308 300 100.00 00010331 01/19/95 800000190 A T & T 61954858560 1 Cellular 548-5856 12/1/94 510 0402 3310 300 1.22 619O100n20 1 Callular Long Ol.tance: \lest 100 D6OO 3310 100 6.70 00010332 01/19/95 800000192 A T & T 1181928260 Elevator Phone artly Malnt t 100 0106 4308 100 90_91 0182865623001 Long Olotanca: Plbl Ic Svc. F 275 0470 3310 300 6.56 0181051255002 Long Ofatanca 748-1050 12/31 510 0402 3310 300 2.30 00010333 01/19/95 l1OOO00019 AA S... Day Exte....lnatoro 29684 Pest Control Lake P...ay _i 100 0411 4304 300 20.00 29682 Pest control Lake powey Recr 100 0411 4304 300 15.00 00010334 01/19/95 800003345 AIrborne Tree end Shrub Maintenance R_ve/Grlnd 4 Eucalyptus Tr 211 0407 4324 300 440.00 00010335 01/19/95 ANOERSON, HAL SOI697 Refund CIa.. 1247.301 100 0201 7625 4000 52.00 00010336 01/19/95 800000152 Ar_rk Refres'->t Services 325027 Coff.. Svc.: Ope Ctr 510 0409 4760 300 74.00 00010337 01/19/95 800000169 Arrowhead Drinking Water C- 4LOO16169O96 Drinking Wtr/dlapenaer: Ope 510 0409 4760 300 26.32 000103]8 01/19/95 800000173 Arts Alivel FOUI1d8tion FInal Reconetl totlon: Sleuth 100 0204 7622 4000 5,061.50 00010339 01/19/95 800000212 AWA A..es.....,t Fund 3778651 "Inetr_tatlon & C_ter 1718C 1000P 41121 600 94_00 00010340 01/19/95 BACKOFF, JUDY SO1692 Refund CIa.. 4711.306 - 15 100 0201 7625 4000 60.00 00010341 01/19/95 800000266 Battery comection Inc 121144 BatterIes 100 0504 61221 200 27.82 123044 BatterIes 100 0504 6122B 200 392.16 00010342 01/19/95 lAUER, KARRI 164 Refund Audltorl... Oeposlt 4/ 100 0201 7471 6000 100.00 00010343 01/19/95 800000691 Berl"¡lllOn & Henlger/BSI Consultants 93m A.aa.....t Study 1234 I00OP 4112B 600 1 , 738. 00 00010344 01/19/95 BUIIBERG, MAUREEN SO1691 Refund CIa.. 5711.305 - IS 100 0201 7625 4000 60.00 00010345 01/19/95 800000628 Boneor Water Syst... 1944 1 Soft Wtr: polne Laundrlea 291 1120 4760 500 35.00 00010346 01/19/95 BUICE, REGINA SOI695 Refund CIa.. 7587.331 . 15. 100 0201 7625 4000 73.00 0001""701/19/95 BURLEY, CAROL 88n Return Security Deposit: Pol 291 1120 4304 500 150.00 0001 , 01/19/95 BURNS, LISA 161 Refund T_lar. Hall Deposit 100 0205 7471 6000 100.00 00010349 01/19/95 800000334 Calffornla Edl.on Uttlltla. Co 151025 1 Raad Mater./Pr_re Rent SUI 293 1140 4120 500 441.00 00010350 01/19/95 CALIFORNIA PRESENTERS 95113 1995 Dues: ".Put.... 100 0204 4760 400 SO.OO 00010351 01/19/95 CAMPBELL, LISA SO1657 Refund Claa. 2310.322 100 0201 7625 4000 70.00 00010352 01/19/95 ~ELL, MEREDITH SO1696 Refund CIa.. 9416.317 - 15. 100 0201 7625 4000 40.00 00010353 01/19/95 CENTEs HOMES \/ATER REFUND Refund Watar 103.00700-13 510 B120 131.70 00010354 01/19/95 800000514 Chevron USA Inc 7898194753 1 cradl t card Purcha.es 100 0501 3120 200 123.04 00010355 01/19/95 CHINTALA, AMY SO1694 Refund cl... 2312.300 100 0201 7625 4000 70.00 00010356 01/19/95 800003245 CHS Inc/Clty of Powey Affordable Ho Fund 3 Affordable Housing Re 5962 SOOOP 6408 600 27,016.27 00010357 01/19/95 800000535 City of Powey PPE 1/15/95 Cradlt union Decb:tlona PPE 100 8618 93,370.51 C) 00010358 01/19/95 800000537 City of San Ole o EngIneerIng & Dev NPOES Progr.. \let _ther Mo 231 0408 In6 300 8,708.77 ..... )0010359 01/19/95 800000539 City Trea.urer 241987 Flra & MedIcal DI.patchlng 1 100 0501 4106 200 11,887.00 4- 0 ~ a- Register of 0- (cont.) :E FISCAL YEAR 1995 RUII DATE: 01/19/95 W \/srrants Fr"," 01/16/95 To 01/20/95 PAGE: Z t: CHECK In H""BER OATE PAYEE/VENDOR INVOICE InMNT FUlfIl ORGO ACCT PROG CHECK AMT a> ..... ..UU.'...h'm...... ............ ............ '.......u... """"""""'U""""U"""""""""""""hh"'UU'""""""""""......hh.. ~ 00010360 01/19/95 a000005S0 Cle... LIne S_lng I00Z S- Stroo" . polns 291 1120 4332 500 100.00 ¡:... 1004 Sweet Stree" . Haley 294 1150 4332 500 120.00 1003 S- Stroot. . Pwy Ryl 293 1140 4332 500 280.00 ID w 00010361 01/19/95 I10OOO3440 C""""ter Life 300notll8078 12 I..... 100 0104 4924 100 16.94 LI- 00010362 01/19/95 800000737 Cor'o'Yan 9501083 Records Stor_.I2/94 100 0011 4938 100 261.19 00010363 01/19/95 DE WILDT, TOM 801687 Refund Cl... 9019.300 100 0201 7625 4000 55.00 oor" -'64 01/19/95 DENLER, MARY 801678 Refund 5 Cl..... . SS e. 100 0201 7625 4000 153.00 ODt -65 01/19/95 800000467 deSign Media N... LIbrary Slgn'FInal P)'IOt 5514 5000P 4120 600 Z19.Z4 - Kiosk: Serl""" P_y Pk 1Z38 1000P 6412 600 500.00 00010366 01/19/95 EADEH, JOHN, AHD COHP USA PC lJpgrodo 100 8151 900 . 90 00010367 01/19/95 8Ooooo77Z Eas-" Kodak C- 6073027 Kodak Copier Maintenance 200 100 0106 4308 100 260.21 6073029 Kodak Coplor Malntonanco 2Z5 100 0106 4308 100 377.65 00010368 01/19/95 800000846 E""lov-nt Devel_t Depart_t PPE 1/15/95 State W/holdlng Tex PPE 1/15 100 8622 10,316.51 00010369 01/19/95 ll00OOO849 ENR 010986958RD94 1 yr .\ÖK:rlption r..-I 100 0600 49Z4 100 69.00 00010370 01/19/95 800000867 Escondldo Ready "Ix Concroto 509742 pO 6076 Short Pd'Standby Tho 211 0407 4514 300 4.90 509742 I pO 6016 Standby TI. Duo 211 0401 4514 300 4.90 00010371 01/19/95 800000870 E.gll Corporation 1/9.1/13/95 Ildg S"". 1/9.1/13195 100 0303 1706 100 4,183.73 00010372 01/19195 lO0O0O889 Fellon Agency, Yho 16138 CollectIon F- for Cust",""r 100 8131 Z64.34 00010373 01/19/95 800000899 Federal R..erve Sank PPE 1/15195 Purche.o US $eyIng. Bonds 100 8621 900 . 00 00010374 01/19195 FFE TRUST HATER REFUIID Rofund Wetor 499.05100.10 510 8120 277.30 00010375 01/19/95 lO0O0O925 First Intor.tete lank PPE 1/15195 Flox 1-- PPE 1/15195 100 8625 11,030.16 00010376 01/19195 ll00OOO931 FIrst Intor.teto 8ank PPE 1/15195 Direct D_It. PPE 1/15/95 100 8623 50,539.89 00010377 01/19/95 I0O0O2805 First Inter.tate Bank WILLIAMS 12 12/94 Stet-.t 100 0400 3140 300 46.39 TIIOMAS IZ CPRS Conforsnc:o reglstrltlon 100 0201 3140 400 180.00 oo( '8 01/19/95 1IOOOO35Z1 FII98 KIF" 17161 N... Yr'. Eve ed _to 100 0204 4932 400 1,275.00 00010379 01/19/95 I0O0O1001 GFH Lsndscepe Arehitecturo 1092 C-tructlon Inopectlon.C..... S277A SOOOP 1714E 600 495.00 00010380 01/19/95 GIl-EIMINX NOMES INC HATER REFUND Rofund Wetor 499,07000,09 510 8120 39.Z0 00010381 01/19/95 800003438 Golden Seer Arborl.t., Inc. 941728 lid Allerd: City Tr.. P"",lng 100 0411 4116 300 5,514.00 00010352 01/19/95 GOSSELIN, PIERRE 801675 Rofund Z ell"" . IS el 100 0201 1625 4000 77.00 00010383 01/19/95 IOOOO1Z4Z _rd "-_t Inc 5228 security Petrol SVC 291 1120 4120 500 121.09 00010384 01/19/95 -TJNGTON GATE LP HATER REFUIID Rofund \/ator 499.05800.41 510 8120 303.51 00010385 01/19/95 I0O0O1118 I C " A Rotlr_t Trust 457 PPE 1/15195 Doferred Caep PPE 1/15/95 100 8611 10,81Z.52 00010386 01/19/95 I0O0O1141 InciJstrlll _tell Groupo Phyoleel.'Pr_lov-nt & Of! 100 0101 4916 100 2Z5.00 00010387 01/19/95 I0O0O3530 Intomotlonsl Flro Code Instltuto H59661 -r.hlp ..... Yr endIng 2/ 100 0503 4924 200 50.00 C> H59698 AmI _rahfp dues: D.Welt 100 0502 4924 200 50.00 .-< 00010388 01/19/95 JAMES, STEPHEN 1978 Roh"bur.o Prln" for Sr Ctr 5524 SOOOP 6402 600 50.08 4- 00010389 01/19/95 I0O0O3289 JC', Nlturel Sakery 8805 Conc...lon S_I I... PCPA 100 0204 4799 400 50.78 0 00010390 01/19/95 I0O0O1315 Jones, Judy P_y Today EditorIal Svc. 100 0013 1799 100 500.00 00010391 01/19/95 JORGEHSEN, 8ETTY I Repleco D_ed x.s LIght. 5905 SOOOP 6414 600 34.22 0' Register of D....nds (conto) ~ FISCAL YEAR 1995 RUN DATE: 01/19/95 W ~orronts FrOlll 01/16/95 To 01/20/95 PAGE: 3 !:: CHECK U') N""BER DATE PAYEE/VENOOR INVOICE COMMENT FUND ORGII ACCT PROG CHECK AMT m ~ - - - - - -------- - -_u_----------_u ---- u-- ---------_U_-----------_U_------uu _uuu_--------------------_u_u_u_---_u_-------_u__u__uu---_u_-------------- r- 00010392 01/19/95 800001317 Judlciol Dote Syet.... 941 CITY Porking Citøtion-I2/94 City 100 0504 4919 200 100.00 938 PHS Porking Citøtiona-I2/94 PHS 100 0504 4919 200 37.80 <n 00010393 01/19/95 K C BUTLER INS AGENCY PY00282 Røfln! Fol.e Alo... Ovttrpd 100 0502 4120 200 25.00 lLJ 00010394 01/19/95 KANE, NONICA 167 Refln! Povll ion deposit 1/14 100 0201 7471 6000 100.00 ""'" 00010395 01/19/95 800001384 n...t 814 N... Yr'. Eve ed &poto 100 0204 4932 400 1,650.00 00010396 01/19/95 800003526 KSPA/KOI/F Redio 12038 N... Yr'. Eve ed 100 0204 4932 400 500.00 00010397 01/19/95 N GRANT COIISTR IlATER REfUII) Refln! Woter 499-08000-097 510 8120 331.31 0001"'98 01/19/95 800001953 N T D B 1/95 B.. "".....: 1/95 100 8629 2,566.75 000 I 01/19/95 800003244 N.rkell, S..-de Gor- Gourde CI... Flnol P 100 0201 4118 400 25.20 00010400 01/19/95 800001618 N..hburn Wo.te & Recycling PRN5021 12 Yehlcle Nolnt C_rclol SVC 611 0401 4760 300 53.90 PRN5022 12 C_rclol plck-'4': Ops Ctr 510 0404 2900 300 53.90 00010401 01/19/95 800001673 Nc Dougol, Love, Eckis end Grindle L..ol Foes 100 0012 170ZA 100 2,993.39 00010402 01/19/95 800001713 Nedlo Di..,.lona 50167 LOIO de811111 for GENS ~ do 100 0101 4908 100 331.70 00010403 01/19/95 800001898 _re Nedlcel Corpore"on 7756132 PO 5617 Short Pel-PO closed 100 0503 4740 200 175.37 00010404 01/19/95 800002038 Murrey, Heether 549579 cone....lon Lobor PCPA 100 0204 4120 400 125.00 00010405 D1/19/95 800003529 Notional Prof II Ing 21552 1 hr Borco Nil I 100 ..phold 211 0407 4936 300 295.00 00010406 01/19/95 800001969 Nel.on, P.t 10/26-12/29/9 Rel...r.e .1I_e 10/26-12/2 263 0421 3110 300 5.00 00010407 01/19/95 800001990 Njoo, ErIc 7/125/6409 Rel...r.e Sofety Shoes 510 0404 1393 300 109.39 00010408 01/19/95 NODES, TI»I Refln! Security Deposit G 85 761 7102 7895 7000 2,000.00 00010409 01/19/95 800001991 Nol,,", Bruce Rel...r.e Sofety Boot. 611 0401 1393 300 60.00 00010410 01/19/95 800001997 Pocffl" Bell 4869813609164 S_r 619486981360916456 520 0403 2310 300 15.70 5798754962164 Eckl. PC phone 6195798754962 100 0106 3310 100 15.35 4866578848164 P\J>lfc Sye phone 61948665788 510 0404 3310 300 93.86 4861719552164 PIJ>I Ic Sye. phone 6194861719 510 0404 3310 300 12.91 4869329504164 PlJ>lfc Sye phone 61948693295 510 0404 3310 300 24.76 6951400580164 Phone 61969514OO580164S2 100 0106 3310 100 975.46 4510065955164 Phone 3384S1OO6595S164S5 100 0106 3310 100 169.63 4510071962164 Phone 3384S10071962164S3 100 0106 3310 100 127_23 00010411 01/19/95 800002013 Pocfflc Southwest BlolOllc.l Servlc 3990 Holey Creek Nolnt 294 1150 4116 500 4,550.00 00010412 01/19/95 PAlHAlIOII, JULIAN 160 Refln! Audltorl.. Deposit 1/ 100 0201 7471 6000 100.00 00010413 01/19/95 PAPET, STEVEN 801690 Refln! cl... 7417.301 100 0201 7625 4000 40.00 00010414 01/19/95 800002106 Por..... Alr.o. 40339 Cyllndor Rentol 510 0402 4760 300 36.00 40283 Cyl Indor Rentol 100 0503 4740 200 32.50 00010415 01/19/95 800002198 potter.on, Krlotl cone...lon lobor PCPA 100 0204 4120 400 320.00 00010416 01/19/95 800003477 PC IhIr""ouøe 1418 HP D..k Jet 320 portøble prl 263 0421 6122B 300 142.00 0 .--< 0001041701/19/95 800002223 Pøbøco Poyroll proc....lng PPE 1/15195 Deferred C- PPE 1/15195 100 8617 B,O8O.64 4- JODIO418 01/19/95 800002279 Pøpøl Col. BottI Ing Co of Son Diego 40870502 Pepøl: Fire Prey Week Open H 100 0502 4904 200 52.34 0 40770404 Pøpøl: Fire Provo Week Open 100 0502 4904 200 212.41 41070405 B Pepøl: Fire Provo Week Open 100 OSD2 4904 200 -84.69 'egister of o-nets (cont.) FISCAL YEAR 1995 ~.rr.nts Frooo 01/16/95 To 01120/95 CHECK H"'.ER DATE 00010419 01/19/95 00010420 01/19/95 00010421 01/19/95 00010422 01/19/95 00010423 01/19/95 00010/.24 01/19/95 000' PAYEE/VENDOR 800002314 Petty C..h Gener.1 800002317 Petty Ce.h H.ley Perk E.tete. a00002325 Petty Ce.h Polnsettle MHP a00002330 Petty Ce.h Powey Royel Eltet.. a00002331 Petty Ce.h Plbllc Servle.. c/o Mer 800002508 Pllvsn Petrol.... Inc -5 01/19/95 a00002529 P_rodo Plbll.hlng Co 00010426 01/19/95 a0000256O Post...ter of Powoy 00010427 01/19/95 POULSEN, IlARGAREY 00010428 01/19/95 800002702 Powoy Firefighter. A..ocletlon 00010/.29 01/19/95 800002876 Prudent leI OVerell S_ly 00010430 01/19/95 a00002060 _lfty Tree Coopny ODO10/.3T 01/19/95 800003281 Ronsooo-FUIIler, Tine 00010/.32 01/19/95 00010/.33 01/19/95 00010/.34 01/19/95 00010/.35 01/19/95 00010/.36 01/19/95 a00003532 Roy, John a00002225 R..cue Rooter REVELATION a00002239 Rox Trophl.. a00003323 Roger'. Service Co 00010437 01/19/95 a00002433 Rysn, Pet 00010438 01/19/95 a00002175 S 0 F CAT 0 S 00010439 01/19/95 SALTS, LAURIE INVOICE 53195 53331 2185 3413 3434 3433 801689 DUES 4G92-2Q9 DUES PÆ 1/15 1303601 12 4980015 12 4980014 12 4980001 12 4980010 12 1303604 12 4980008 12 4978001 12 1303603 12 4980003 4980005 12 4980011 12 1587100519007 1571127242 7200783 \/ATER REFUND 7439 8622 8620 6824 801676 ~ENT Re!omur.e Petty Ce.h Heley polneettle POOley Royol Rehobur.e Petty Ce.h G8801l... Fuel 011 Cleeelfled Ad Order. 94-140 - 94-142 Order 95003 Order 95004 Replenish Pel'1lllt Ø4 ReflR! Cle.. 3016.305 R..erve F/F DIM.: bock pyootl Fire Assoc Dues PÆ 1/15/95 13202 powoy Rd Mete: Civic Ctr Dr Nete: Bowron Rd Unlfo_: Ntr Trtlll'lt PInt T .N.....rd'. Ponts/SIIlrt.-sewe Nete: Ntr Treet...t PInt UnlforsWNet. Vehicle Nelnt Untfo- UntfOI'1ll: Ntr Unlfo_: Sewer Untfo_: IICO Untfo_: Streets R- 3 -god treos & roo Rel"""'.e Ofe S_II../Lunch Rel""r.e COIIpUter Boot. Ret""..e 1 yr .""erlptlon: _rterly S....r Cleonlng: PH ReflR!lIeter 207-32558-18 2 Plet.. engreved A..tet In Securing Abondoned PI....,lng Repelr: Pwy Ryl Rot......... Sefety Slloes Repel R..cue Syst- 1: K.Kltch 3/ ReflR! CII.. 5111.30/. .Inus FUND 100 294 293 293 611 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 510 510 510 520 510 611 100 510 520 510 211 293 510 211 100 293 510 100 293 293 211 100 100 ORGY 0010 1150 1110 1140 0401 0010 0011 0011 0011 0102 0201 0501 0200 0402 0402 0402 0403 0409 0401 0411 0404 0405 0406 0407 1140 0406 0407 0104 1140 0501 1140 1140 0407 0501 0201 ACCT 4904 3320 3140 4304 4799 8180 8180 4904 4932 4932 4932 3320 7625 1520 8615 4304 4760 4760 4928 4928 4760 4928 4304 4928 4928 4928 4928 4116 4710 4760 4924 4304 8120 4760 4304 4304 1393 4908 7625 RUN DATE: 01/19/95 PAGE: 4 PROG 100 500 500 500 300 100 100 100 100 100 4000 200 400 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 500 300 300 100 500 200 500 500 300 200 4000 CHECK ANT 148_01 3.60 45.00 248.33 3.88 7,505.99 265.62 20_00 82.50 107.50 80.00 3,000.00 40.00 3,933.00 331.52 19.44 67.04 32.10 381.95 22.30 21.08 212.79 302.07 255.53 222.58 98.35 245.86 540.00 265.10 77.75 55.00 725.00 25.00 27.39 40.00 119.50 32.00 200.00 60.00 C1' ~ UI t: U") m ~ "" CD lLJ u.. 0 .--< .... 0 ..... a- 'ogistor of Demonds (eont.) ~ fISCAL YEAR 1995 RUN DATE: 01/19/95 LU ~.rr.nts FrOOl 01/16/95 To 01/20/95 PAGE: 5 !:: CHECK o.n m HUMBER DATE PAYEEIVENDOR INVOICE COMMENT FUND ORON ACCT PROG CHECK AMT S:! - -- - --- ------ ------------------------------- ------------------------------------------_uu_--------------------------_u_--------------- ------ ---------_uu_------ <- 00010440 01/19/95 SAN DIEGO CHINESE CULTURAL ASSOC 162 Refund Audltorl... Depotlit 21 100 0201 7471 6000 100.00 ID 00010441 01/19/95 aoo002252 SII/1 Diogo Cl fpplng Service CLipping 12/94 100 0011 1799 100 44.90 "'" Li- Ad Clipping PCPA 100 0204 4932 400 60.80 00010442 01/19/95 a00002161 SII/1 Diogo County P..t & Te...lto Con Monthly pest eontrol-Pwy Ryl 293 1140 4120 500 60.00 00010443 01/19/95 800002290 SIIn Diogo County ~.ter Authority 941215 Row Vtr pureho... 12/94 510 0402 2710 300 263,223.20 00010444 01/19/95 SAN DIEGO COUNTY XERISCAI'E COUNCIL AmI _r.hlp fee 100 0411 4924 300 25.00 000"'445 01/19/95 aooOO2319 Son Diogo Go. & electric Refund DepotIlt. 6820-92 POlIO 761 6915 7895 1000 2,488.99 Ot .46 01/19/95 800002459 Son Ologuito Rlvor P.rk Jofnt Power 95F19 Quartorly Dues A..........t 100 0010 4924 100 6,152.00 00010447 01/19/95 SANTA MARGARITA VATER DISTRICT Rul../Rogs: N_tle Vtr 100 0602 4924 100 15.00 00010448 01/19/95 aoo003S2S Scot..., GrOOJp, Inc SMCOOOOO13101 Troller le..o: II.. Sky Eeol 1683 10001' 1799 600 108.08 00010449 01/19/95 8D0002807 Servle_.ter C_Iete R..torotlon 106632 Monthly Spotlight eorpet 12/ 100 0204 4114 400 175.00 00010450 01/19/95 8D0003512 Shoroff, Chris 80 1682 Rofund Clo.. 6187.318 100 0201 7625 4000 14.00 00010451 01/19/95 SHLAGER, DEBORAH 168 Rofund Povll Ion DepotIlt 12/1 100 0202 7471 6000 100.00 00010452 01/19/95 a000029O8 Signol Molntenonce Incorporotod 6357 Lfght/Slgnol Molntenonce 275 0470 4326 300 2,305.80 6449 Lfght/Slgnol Molntenonce 275 0470 4326 300 55.17 6450 Lfght/Slgnol Molntononce 275 0470 4326 300 16.65 6451 Lfghts/Slgnol. Molntenonce 275 0470 4326 300 89.22 6374 Street Lfghts/.lgnol. .Inte 275 0470 4326 300 41.58 6397 Street Lfghtol.lgnol. .Inte 275 0470 4326 300 68.91 6423 Street IIghts/.lgnol. .Inte 275 0470 4326 300 50.75 6424 Street I Ightol.lgnol. .Inte 275 0470 4326 300 35.23 6398 Street I Ights/.lgnol. .Inte 275 0470 4326 300 123-94 6373 Street fght.I.lgnolo .Inten 275 0470 4326 300 76.13 6358 Street light ropelr. 275 0470 4327 300 1,803.20 6448 Street light repelr. 275 0470 4327 300 1,814.76 6454 Street light repelr. 275 0470 4327 300 6,472.43 6452 Street light ropelr. 275 0470 4327 300 1,429.86 6453 Street light ropelra 275 0470 4327 300 1,789.40 00010453 01/19/95 800003458 SklllP.th Inc. Vorcl'erfect 6.0 cl..s: T . Ron 510 0406 3140 300 99.00 00010454 01/19/95 SMALL, R M VATER REFUND Refund Voter 356-03900-27 510 8120 63.47 00010455 01/19/95 800003032 Southem Collf Soil T..tfng Inc 128954 Matl T..t: C-. Rd. a/o Pow 52711 50001' 1714E 600 539.00 128953 PO 5711 211 0407 4328 300 602.70 128819 PO 5711 211 0407 4328 300 3,067.40 00010456 01/19/95 800003040 Spoldfng, Rosa D. COI'I8ul tlng Servle.. 436 1030 1799 100 2,262.51 00010457 01/19/95 800003044 Sporkletta Drinking Voter 288961063 Orlnklng Vtr: Pol.. Sr eloub 292 1130 4120 500 20.39 00010458 01/19/95 SPECTER, ANN 159 Refund povll Ion deposit 1115 100 0202 7471 6000 140.00 C) ..... 00010459 01/19/95 800003523 Stote loord of Equollutlon TKHCI44022219 Fuel Storage Tonk Fee Oct-De 100 0106 5730 100 204.35 ..... 00010460 01/19/95 8D0003102 Stock, leth 7109 New Yr'. EYO lobor PCPA 100 0204 4120 400 55.00 0 00010461 01/19/95 8D0003103 Stock, Olone 7108 New Yr'. Eve lobor PCPA 100 0204 4120 400 55.00 co CJ' ...iator of D_nds (cont.) FISCAL TEAR 1995 RUN DATE: 01/19/95 :¡¡¡ Worronts Fr... 01/16/95 To 01120/95 PAGE: 6 !J.I t= CHECK NUMBER DATE PAYEE/VENDOR INWICE CIMIENT FUND ORGII ACCT PRDG CHECK NH U') - - - - - - -.... - - - -- -- ---- - - - - - --. --.. - - - - - - -. - - -- - - - - - -- -- -... - - - - -- -.... - - - -.. -- - - ..--- -.... -- - - - -. -- - -.... - - -.. -- ...- - -- -- --. .-- - -.. -- - -- -- - -...... - - - - - - -. -- -- -. - - -. en ~ 0001046201/19195 STDNE, PATTI 80 I 693 Refund clo.. 5711.305 100 0201 7625 4000 65.00 r-- 00010463 01/19/95 a0D003127 s.., Exproos 18E7229O Ethorllnk III 10ØASE-T PO 64 100 DIO4 4308 100 148.74 00010464 01/19/95 a0D003131 Suncol OUtdoor AdvertIsing 11265 5 KIosk SI...: SO Ch_r Dr 100 0204 4932 400 375.00 CO 00010465 01/19/95 SUPERIOR READY HIS CON WATER REFUIII Refund Water 499-02800-28 510 812D 280.16 UJ 00010466 01/19/95 TAWN!, CELIA C 166 Rofund """ltorl.. deposit 11 100 0201 7471 6000 100.00 \.L- 0001046701/19195 a0D002347 Technlcol Directions I"" 10280 Consulting SVCa 100 0104 4308 100 660. 00 oon'lI468 01/19/95 a0D003439 Tho Ellz_th Hospice -rlsl Donotlon for Lolond 100 0010 4904 100 50.00 oé 069 01/19/95 TOLLlN, CINDY 801688 Rofund cl..s 5317.300 - 85 100 0201 7625 4000 45.00 00010470 01/19/95 a0D002642 T-. Vonrlckloy Assoclotoo 5094 PIon Ck s\/cs 100 0502 4122 200 680. 00 5137 PIon ck s\/Cs 100 0502 4122 200 125.00 00010471 01/19/95 a0D002714 Tops 226176 Pwy Ryl Payroll 293 1140 4120 500 1,443.60 226175 Pvy Ryl Payroll 293 1140 4120 500 719.73 226174 Pwy Ryl Payroll 293 1140 4120 500 809 . 25 226178 Noloy Payroll 294 1150 4120 500 448. 00 226177 Holoy Payroll 294 1150 4120 500 766.94 226180 Polns Payroll 292 1130 4120 500 541.20 22617'9 Po Ins Payroll 291 1120 4120 500 805.26 00010472 01/19/95 a0D00317'9 Tru'Blu Pool Core & S_ly 1054 Repslr pool _'p: Pvy Ryl 293 1140 4308 500 40.00 1066 Repslr pool _'p: Pwy Ryl 293 1140 4308 500 35.93 00010~73 01/19195 a0D002441 U S _t Cellulsr of Csllfornto 1011-1396810 Monthl Y Chor 08 100 0500 3310 200 204.35 1011.208S48 1 CoIL Ph..... IIse 12/94 100 0603 3310 100 244.19 1011-225291 1 Collullr Ph.....: 12/94 J.Fltc 100 0013 3310 100 7.86 1011-212373 1 Monthly Cho.... 100 0501 3310 200 28.77 1011-212378 1 Monthly Chor 08 100 0501 3310 200 11.52 1011-95402 1 Monthl Y Chor- 100 0501 3310 200 11.82 1011-95404 1 Monthly Chor- 100 0501 3310 200 11.33 00010474 01/19/95 a0D002474 union Bonk-Dlroct D~lt PPE 1115/95 Dlroct D_'ts PPE 1/15/95 100 8623 21,284.83 DOOIO475 01/19/95 a0D003475 union BsnIt-fod/Modlcore PPE 1115/95 Fodorol & Modlcoro Tox II/hol 100 8621 40,645.69 00010476 01/19/95 I10OOO3474 union BsnIt-Net Plyroll PPE 1/15/95 Net Payroll PPE 1/15/95 100 8OO3U 95,103.04 00010477 01/19/95 I0O0O2570 union Toleph..... Co C95018 Ropolr/Reploce Cobll & Jocks 100 0106 4308 100 196.74 C95006 Holntoln Ph..... Equip VehIcle 611 0401 4308 300 3.35 C95011 Ph..... Equip Holnt Trtllt PInt 510 0402 4308 300 40.7'9 C95020 Reploci IItr D_god Ph...../1IO 510 0409 4304 300 220.95 C95019 Instill - Jock: X369 100 0201 3310 400 65.00 a 00010478 01/19/95 a0D003522 united Tr.. Service I"" EMrgoncy Tr.. R-.vol: Pvy 293 1140 4116 500 500.00 '-< 0001047'9 01/19195 a0D002593 unl ted lIoy PPE 1115/95 Elliployoo ContrIbutIons PPE 1 100 8614 332.10 "" 0 00010/080 01/19/95 VAGUEROS SOCCER CLUB 163 Rofund Hilloory Pk 12194 "16 100 0201 7471 6000 150.00 '" 00010/081 01/19195 I10OOO3528 Vent.... Vlnoyords llinory I"" 534 Cone..slon ~I lIS: PCPA 100 0204 4799 400 413.22 00010482 01/19195 a0D002663 Villo.. Lock ond Koy 5717 EMrgoney lock I\/C: Pvy Ryl 293 1140 4304 500 71.90 G' Register of Demands (cont.) ~ FISCAL YEAR 1995 RUN DATE: 01/19/95 ~.rr.nts From 01/16/95 To 01/20/95 PAGE: 7 LU t:: CHECK Hl.O4BER DATE PAYEE/VENDOR INWICE CIM4ENT FUND ORGN ACCT PROG CHECK AMT lJ') OJ - - - - - -- - --- --------...--.-----..........------- -.-.-.-------."-----__h--___._----______h______--___h___------------------------..------------.---------------..- ~ 00010483 01/19/95 IlOO002679 Wohlaten. John A. 2369 RelntJurae A- Us & p<j>llc 510 0404 4924 300 65.00 "" 00010484 01/19/95 IlOO002682 Wal"Mart Store 11700 PC6O6 Pent.. PC6O6 c_ra 510 0406 4760 300 80.11 00010485 01/19/95 WANG, JWITH 801674 Refund Class 2312.306 100 0201 7625 4000 80.00 m 00010486 01/19/95 IlOO002708 Waate Managetllent of San DIego T03S826O2 14644 lake P_y Rd 854718 S 100 0411 2900 300 204.00 "'" .&.. 00010487 01/19/95 I10OOO2785 !lea tern CIty MagazIne 8333 12 Renew Slbscrfptlon: J.Fltch 100 0013 4924 100 55.00 00010488 01/19/95 IlOO003524 Wigfall. D Edward. Trust.. 9308127 1 Caae 9308127 1/95 E.Engliah 100 8620 340.00 00010489 01/19/95 IlOO002898 Willi... Morrl. Agency In< Depoalt .Boy Howdy" 4/8/95 100 0204 4120 400 1.550.00 00D1n49( 01/19/95 I10OOO3531 YMCA Youth & F...lly Resources Caoh Match 2 _riCo.". - 1684 1000P 1799 600 712.00 Diroctor of AcIolnlatrative Services ApprovedO ...fÇ.".." )/2AT Q~ .......-..-. REGISTER TOTAL 764,328.57 Dote I Ú1/- qJ C> .--< .... 0 C> .--<