Item 10 - Denial of Claim for Damages TO: FROM: INITIATED BY: DATE: SUBJECT: _AGEND.\. REPORT SU\I\IARY ~ Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council James L. Bowersox, City Man~ John D. Fitch, Assistant City Manager£iÐt Peggy A. Stewart, Director of AdministCf~tive~ervic~~ Douglas A. Milton, General Services Manager~~LJ February 7, 1995 Denial of Claim for Damages - Patricia Hansen Denial of Claim for Damages - Dmar and Anne Bohannon Denial of Claim for Damages - Peter and Frances Meeker Denial of Claim for Damages - Susan Dixon ABSTRACT 1. On January 6, 1995, Ms. Patricia Hansen's home suffered flood damage. Ms. Hansen feels the City is liable for this damage. Ms. Hansen presented a claim for damages on January 13, 1995. It is recommended that this claim be denied. 2. On January 4, 1995, the home of Omar and Anne Bohannon was flooded during a severe rainstorm. On January 6, 1995, the Bohannons presented a claim to the City for repair to their property. It is recommended that this claim be denied. 3. On January 4, 1995, the home of Peter and Frances Meeker was flooded during a severe rainstorm. On January 9, 1995, the Meekers presented a claim to the City for repair to their property. It is recommended that this claim be denied. 4. On January 4, 1995, the home of Susan Dixon was flooded during a severe rainstorm. On January 6, 1995, Ms. Dixon presented a claim to the City for repair to her property. It is recommended that this claim be denied. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW Environmental review is not required for this agenda item according to CEQA guidelines. FISCAL IMPACT Unknown ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE None RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council deny these claims. ¡ACTION I 1 of 24 FEB 7 1995 ITEM 10 "-"-----~~-,-------,---"~-,-,--- ------------,--- - ' AGENDA REPO'Rr `�; .F ,��,� r CITY OF POWAY This,repon is included on the Consent Calendar There will be no separare discussion of the repori pnor ro approval:6y Ne ; i Oty Council unless members of the{ounal staff or pubLc Fcquest it to be'removed from che Conserrt'Calendarand °�y ; �. ..w,. ,.. . . ,'<",� discusseG se rate I(. uynsh to have this report pulled for discussion, please fill out a�slip indicanngthereport numDer, �in. �\. rHE .:`�, aa N- r° ., , �and give iftolhe�City.Ckrk pnorto)lle of Ihe City Council'meetirig: TO;; Honorable Mayor and Mem6ers of e City Council FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Mana�' �� INI.TIATED BY: John D. Fitcfi, Ass,istant City Manager� Peggy A. Stewart, Director of Administ ati 5ervices Douglas A. Milton, General Services Manager DATE: February J, t995 SUBJECT: �enial of Claim for D - Patricia Hansen BACK6ROUND On January 13, 1995, a claim for damages was receiveii from Ms. Patricia Hansen of Poway. The amount of th"e cTaim is unknown at this time. It is recommended that this claim 6e denied. FINDINGS On January 6, 1995, Ms. Hansen's hbme and property aL- i in Poway suffered water damage due to floodi'ng, She feels that the City is liafile for tfiese damages. ENVIRONMEN7Al REVIEW Environmental review is not required for this agenda according to CEQA guidelines. FISCAL IMPACT Unknown ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIffiCATION AND CORRESPONDENCE None AeTiox: 2of24 Fee 7 1995 ITEAA Z p Agenda Report February 7, 1995 Page 2 RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council deny this claim. JLB:JDF:PAS:DAM:eg Attachment: Claim for Damages -- Patricia Hansen 3 of 24 FEB 7 1995 ITEM 10 - -----------,--------------- --------------- ------------------------------------,- City Of Poway Q b, . CiJUM AGd1NST T1�E CITY OF POVYAY D ' .'� ,� � � � �- - >. g TTn1s! ���'� � .���� a V � CiiY OF POMp1Y A�f dANAm9ENT . J.S:,1A�1 nEer-0ftia MoA ��v`er�ti�sco�meor � � ?—`I`���j`�� � Z'� � eWm nwst be:�d with�B�o City CMrfc or Flisk Manaper ot�tA�.C&y ot Pawqy �thin i mo�tu:�r wtiteh the nWltn,Or eveet oeamod. Bt sure yourCfalm is.a�atnst th� C'�b of Pavray,.tsoYanoaitr pubuo ontlty. Wnere _.� �pac� la b±suPRdsnL;P�� usm �iddlUo�sl papsf and id�riUfy In#ormatlo� DY �O�Ph twn�r. Compteted dalms;must`ba �aa0�d or;delivor�d to=Th� Cily ot Powey.13325 Civk Csntar �iw.POway, CA. 82064 (P.O. dox 7!9 ). A!!n: Rbk AAariager . 'fOTHE HONORAB.LE AMYOR AfJD CRY COilNClL.Tl�IE CRY OF PCWAY:CALIFORNlA .. n,.?:w+d.rslgned ee:pecm,�y �utimits mo:talowlr+D asim enb �ron�ltome�etanvq to 8art�p. to peraons , otid/o� p�rsonal property: �, 1. Name ot cWr�ant ���C ��(/-� - �/A 1�� � s. Addrsss�oi_dairtianY. b. . Phone Wo. e. Oat� ot birth d sodal seartty N� e. Drivora-Lic.,No. 2 Name, telephone and post otfice nddress to whld� datmant dssi»$�t�otkes to bs sor�t M ot�er �hsn atiove: . 3. Occurranuror avtnthom wAieh;th�°dafm ariass: . � . . a. . c�te �1- D �. �� 5 "e. „ n+..�e "' a�ace c�ae� ana°�pe�o �on, - (��;,.,;�1,' } t�l-`1 rn��,-I�� r� r�>+�,►�� ��., �(�� s� c� d D�low �nd undar wfiat cireumstu+ces did dan+OQa orinjury oewr? Sp�dPy fhe parUtutar oecurrenu, ovent, ac! or omtssion you dalm �ut��d tfio Injury o� dtimaps (use etldisiona! P�P�� �'�a�fY �• . . � � , � � . _ ,�;�� ` __ __ :,,. � - � �ti� a.u��_ - � .e�c� � _ -; , _ a,�:� ;��z:. � . e. tlVhat pat'Jwfar actlon by fAs Ctty. � It�'a�oy�g.,eaused'1he aD�p�d:dar:+ego or Enjury? _ � t� ��{� �k u �s- � � ls , -� , . �. . ,_. . .L � �: �1 �� � �.� � �"h�Q � .. �r �U !�l �'�,:� �'PLL'r�.%� �.fZ��('.F , . a of 24 FEB 71395 1TE� 1 4. Give. dlSCt1pllon 01 Inl Injury, prcpetty damage or Iou. 80 far &I II known alltIl urn, of ltIis ~ ;m. 'th8r'WI...nolnju~-.~"No,' riel'~/' . \ ~,'. .~ ,; , ¡¡ . ;, 5 S - Ii I.-U ~ 1/ Ie:,."- <) ) . : ð 5 ~i- - . i).,' eJ ~ t,(Á , i'è L ~ ~ s. . G/Yenamen(~)~.~~e~O3(~(~C8I4i( "$I~lr~O Û L ~ '" ~u"~ ... /1)() vf,...,1.;'^'=>~úll;;.r- ~)""'~J ~'Z.£:":""-J(N\,j~ . 1 ~ r-~~~:.r.::::=", :' ? ~ I;'~ c.' Total amount claimed: S ~ cI. 8asil for computation or amounls clalmlCl ( 1n,1 copill or 811 ÞII8.1nYo, I. estimates. lie) : 8. :::rvj) ~ r::~1$ of all wi,"....., hoIpItaIs, doctors, etc. b. V ft\ ' ArJHc; Lh- . c.~~J~~,l.í ~ iI U\ cI. n Wi ç' - jtU,~ -f.-IYLø--¿¿; lv ....,. 10, My additional Information Ihat ~ht be helpful In conaid.rIng thIa claim: #,$ (t Å-u..- ¡¿il) , '5?'nJ ì h C:. c, . .~~ '!l~ I !III Ji i'-~ ~ ï I ~ ~.. ... .;;: ;.::; .:~ 7. -- Hlme 8nd 8ddr8u of any other per8Oft lr\Iured: ~ and ~u or ~p ;' ."y damaged ~rty: tt 1c¡',,8~ ~Iì..£.,l 1 , >, . J . ¡ ~ WARNING: IT IS A CRIMINAL OFFENSE TO FlLë A FALSE CLAIM! (penal Cod. 172; lnauranee Cod. 1151.1 ) IIItve 18" 1tI8 rnatters IllcllIat'mtnII made In "" 8bove c:IIIm IllclIIInow 1tI8 ume 10 be 1NI or my own klÞNted;., -- 8110 VIol, maft8rl1tlt1d upon Wonnation or belief 8110 8Ud\ I118118rsllldrtt lit -10 be IN,. I Clnify unci! ,,1IIIy 01 ptrjuty lllat ~;oIng .. TRUE ItICI CORRECT. . . ~ ... I -:x ~ ......~, 0.1£.. ~~r:;;æ'--= . I ... 0Mca of she CIty CIek PowIy. CaIfomSa DOCUMENT NO. FJI.ED 5 of 24 FEB 71995 në:.'VI 10 ------------- _ _ AGENDA REPO'R"' - :;: -.� �; GiTY OF POWAY This repon is induGed�on Ne Consent Calendar.�Tfiere will�,be'no separate diuussion oF�the�reponpnono.approval�.by.the� ��-- � �, , Ciry�Council unless��members of�the Counal staff,or pubhc request it to tie'removed ConsenCCalendacand y, -���-- ,-, � discussedupamtelyJFyouwshto'Rave�hisreportpulledfordiscusson,plcasefill'outaslip�indicatingtfiereportnumber '�';r \ � `:.�: ard�give�.irro'the Ciry Clerk�priorto the begmn�ng qf�.the Gry Council meeting. � T0; Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Gouncil FROM: James L Bowersox, City Man� INITIATED BY: John D. Fi:tch, Assistant City Manager Peggy A. Stewart, Director of Administ ativ Services Douglas A. Milton, General Services Manager�� � � ��� - DATE: February 7,, 1'995 SUBJECT: Denial of Claim for Oamages - Omar and Anne Bohannon BACK6ROUND A claim £or dama ges was rece-i!ved 6y the City from Omar and,Anne Bohannon„ residents ;.� ,. ' in.Poway.. The claim is for flood damage that was incurred on �January 4, 1995'. The dollar amount of the claim is unknown at tFiis time., • FINDINGS On January 4, 1995, water ori'gi,nating at an overflowing sil't basin at the County landfi]l above_Springvale Street'cascaded througfi Ci-ty dr.ains and streets causing water damage to the inside and out3ide of a home owned 6y the claimants. ENVIRONMENTAL,REV�IEW Environmental review is not required for this agenda according to CEQA guidelines. FISCAL IMPACT Unknown � -� � ACTION: 6 of 24 �_ FEB 71995 ITEM 10 /- Agenda Report February 7, 1995 Page 2 ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE None RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council deny this claim. JLB:JDF:PAS:DAM:eg Attachment: Claim for Damages - Omar and Anne Bohannon ~. 7 of 24 FEB 7 1995 ITEM 10 ` City Of Poway ° ; POWAX � � "� �' CLJUM l►GAItV57 THE C�t1Y OF : a, , . .. _ . itc�hred Oy �C`�� vEt u i � �. __ _ , , J ..�..�._. - . rrEer•Offic� AA�1 Aror tNs Coun�r �� �- j y-� T'o Za 1.datm must'b�°�Ied wlth �o qty _orialak I�nagerof tAe Ciq� ot Paw�y wtthtn_�,nantAt eRet whlch the nctdent,oFMnt aavmd. Ba;su� you�;elaim ks ipminst`qie Ci�r.:ot�Poway�`not ariothK pub0e ontlry. Where � aee.ls hfsulYidetft. PNase^us�:�ddftlonal pap�r and Id�ntffy k�tortnatioii bY'paraBraDh tlurriber. Compteted rtwst De maHed ordeUvored to Tht, G!y of'PowaY.13325 CNic�Cet�tar'DrivO:FOwaY� CA: 9Z064 ( P:O. 9ox788�). Attn: Wsk�Msnaper _ mTHE WONOAABLE'AAAYOFI ANO CITI( COUNCIL. TME CTTY OF PO'WAY CAL.IFORNIA .. Th� undersign0d raapectfiily subiniffi 3he,lotlowing etalm and @+toana!lon:rols.ftw to d�ma�� to penons ;ind/oc P�rsona!''ProP@nY� , . .- 1: Name of elskriant R':� � a. Addreu ot Gsimant � b. . Rhone No. a Dat� ot:birth" . d Socia! Sgcu�ity No. a. p�iverB:Ua No., 2 Nama, te�ephone and post office address to which dalmant'desires notlees to D• aent U oC►er �� .. � �� � . , . . ,./� . � �z�e�,c: - 3. Ooai�snca'or ovent from whicfisthe dalm erisss; � �/ � ' . a. . Dnse� b. Tlms -$�:<o;� J�.W) a Plut ('�xac!'end spec8io loeetfon) � ' �-- �/. ,� _ � � /a �ii �.�i/rD_t ��i�y _ ��/:.j . . � �— ` — • d" How and u�er what eireurnatet+esa;dtd damag� or,�Jury'ocwr? �peeNy tl±� particular oew�nce,•�vsn�_act o��omis�ion you daim.�muacd th�`u�jury`or ds�n (use addtional paper; if'n�eassary j. - fi• eo-/nljl �2'li� �d�.ev 4!�- .•,,• � � /�ta�.�tt.� � �t�l. ���aZ:����h - �. � ry� vJcular �etlon tiy;�: Gty. orlt� frr�loYtea, pus�d the allrgQd dams9e or 8 of 24 FEB 7 1995 ITF� 1 , _ 4. G+�-a �sa�oon�or tns in�u� �roParty dam�qa or lo�s, �o fat � a�own u the tlme ot mis w '. �doim. If�if+er�,wer�.no lnjuitos. �tate'No 4�uiisa' . � '�: .�o1�S.v)u�•iSs . d , i. � _. .... _ y , ... .— s: tiivm' , natne(s) of � Gty'smploye�(s) �aus�ng,;hq:d�map� or tnJury: � ,� . e.. , j . :� �y{ a. �dBfIN �f1d t�►�'O�`itty OM1Qf pffSOfl'Q�N�@d; � 'r . _ . � ►_ ;; '7. 9�m. ar+��or tn� i,ot any dsmsp�d , _ /#1��F d', i9'N�vdN R .. ; 8'. Oamagos`clmtmnd: . • � �. Amount.d'simed =s..o('thle daie r.C,R ���t) ' ' - b. EstimateC smount of (uwr� coats: ? i .�w FV.�:'tw r.� K, fc�,�,,,.G'� c. • Total'amour�i daimed:: : y . d: 8asis tor eomputa�on �okartiounts datmod`"( lnduds c�piea oFall bffis.lnvoices. es�mates, sty : - 9. - N�m�sand address�'of alf.aittriessms� hosPttsls, doctors� �te. L � . . . G . d . 10: a,y.dd �nfortnation auat�mipnc c�,nmtphi� ln oo�,s;a.rinp `wm aann: � . / ' �t A'f�'cr.�idET� iiv -f�iii .�:�S.:cc SiwcE �'6U`Qs....)/�'F/f��'!/E•e SFEN' ��/ � �'L( r �� '• ,q .tE�4 �i�aa � tli,�;l 't�e- o'Ll� .Ca a:a /-t�Jl u/As l�,t.+:�E a� d. s�a/'6 �o! �.C.� i n�a F M , �, -. . . t; �/�!/(�/- � Lt'�si-Grnrciv.D� /i-rJe�' �AS �u/�rf rrnm � WdRNING: 1T IS A CRt , INAL. OEFENSE YO �*ILE A FALSg CLAIM! j#��rta1 CodQ ;Z2; �— ; Insuranee Code � 856:1 )� ' J I_!wo �ad U+� mattoR e� tnade tr� 1he abovo d�bn an0=l,�aw,lMitams lo tia tiw Ot , �.o�am.kriavkC�e, . ���copt if to tf�as' .,_, _ b+lorFnatla+.a bm6at as' n�i I DeBw� IM"'sart�s �`true, t:certtity,und 9��Y �'P� �tfi`�,iarm;oing° enC COWqECT. • ; � _' - a� r� Q s -� � . ;: _< . ; o� or � cxy ca� _ .. � �y c.nroR,� DOCUOuEPJT'NO. - �p . . . 9 of 2a • FEB 71995 17E11f1 �,� ' City CDf Po�vay � � � - /,� I i Cl/J1+111GAlNST THE CfTY OF POWAY �" s T�+� Stamp — 'teCOh!ed by v!a `I:S. Mar1 . 1Z0f-01f10E NA�A M�i`tho Count�r - , qr� �--�0 20 � cialm must be;:Hl�d with th� Gry C1�F1c o�,Flisk Msnager oF.tht Gty`of Powq'wlWn 6'montfu efter which'the sddent o�r=went oax�red. Bo su►e,your daim b;npainst`th� of� Povvay, not �nothtr Where pae�;i� kisuRid�nt,�pl�asq uso odditlo�a! p�r and idondfy In�tlo�.Cy p�ragraph nu!r�r., Compieted iat�en.nu�i ba mmtted ot dslMrad Lo'Tha C1ty ot Poway.13325 CMic Gntor O�Ida.Poar�y�,CA. 92064 ( P.O. bz7B9'). A1tnc'kfs ic:Mtnaper 'O T}i£ FIONORABCE MAYOR ANC CfT1''COLINCIL THE CTTY OF POWAY CALIFORNIA .. rns unders�pnsd �sPeettu�y submits tha;tot�owir+p c�alm and iniomiatlon r��ativ� e� dgmape;to persons u�d/or,Pe��,P��Y� I. Nams oT dalmant lLsir:� � �i.vg �, ./,�f�.c�,� � • .- �; Address of daimant ' b. , PAOne No. a Date oi'birfh. �. Sociai Security No: o. �ivtfs Uc, Nc. �. Nams; bi�phone and post o�ce'addreu to wfiieA ctaimant desiros noticos:te ba sent H other =hgn.aibove: . . ��- .__. . 3. Oceurrenc� or �vent from which ths daim �rises: , . . , e. . Date_ ��/�Y:S . b. T4no 9,�c��i�'J e. Ptace (�xsa:er� spednc':loestton) - d. New and under'.what areumstanees did dammgo or lnjury. �xeu� Sioeaitv fh� qartir,.ii2r oewrr�nu, event,:mct or`omiation you qsim aused th� tnjury o� dama90 (use' add�lionaJ'paper if ni�eaasary ). �, �,� %//.P4s.��dD'PP: 1�,4,/f,4 ino e.�.�/iViu��� l7i.v�av !Ci iC�F.v. _ � � - J ' �f�ry �E' �lic e eo� __ . , . : n . �t /P�8E.v7 . �. f _% . , �avD o i�, � � /� �Fsl . _ . � - e. Whsi!parpwlar. eeUoe by ths`Gy, or its„�mployoe;. caus�d th� a�egsd tlamage or Mjury? . . /e �'t E . . :�v �o s ' D. �2. —.�ic o /YIiL'�i✓ td �t�.p V � /' •, Fu.. L r- 10 of z4 FEB 7 1995 1�T�� 1( 4. C�ivs.a eeaafptlon orthe in�, -, ProWRY �sq� or toa�, =o t�r � kr,own at tn� tlrt�e or tn;s � delm; � M+art wore:no 1r+h+des, s�te 'No b+�ueies.° . , '_M'; ,O^e d.� r�i�.es � C�s�,�.�� R ' �' �' � .a� — 8: Cilvo nems(a) ot tn� Gb or�ioYK(s? e�i�9 �+� ddmap� o� �jury: , . _ _ _ _ _. ..._ .e. ,:� . . « tii d: Norne end eddnaa oP o1Ps�r p�r�on Er�u�d, __ „ _ . -. Y - � • ,. R . � ` ` 7. Name mnd=add�ss.orthe:�.oarnsror _ _ od ,. _ ' . . � �i 'j ; 8. Damapts datmed: ? � a AmouM dairr►�d gs of ttus;date � � • • . . � - Q EsBmated�amouriYof.future costs: �� , e' 7ota1 amount.daimtd; .`. g_ t . � d �asis `for emaunts eWmsd ( Indud�%copues of �!1 bDls.�voic�s, tstfmst�s. �tc) : — •3 +� r?, �.Fi r.e,w �ES Ce-f ' . � � a. Nemes and addreues of 81_I'ryltnos�EeS� Ao�pKata� �clprs„ttC. ' � ' �_ � vr►' � p. . E �t 6:. ; � ;t,: 9b " � _ C, .0 f F, _ d ts -� -- . . 10. Iiny additional.i+slormation:that-migAt Da hslpful !n eonsidee{np� Ws daim: � � /E d�9 dF'rCiuF-p i.v T� ,s s,��F ,�>� �,�: 1rN� ,�.�,�,� f,6,✓ a„ , ko�s �� �p�,A�4�(� Scr.,:•as�.�N6VER �� �,� b� ��� Wow.DEa'��.-{�C�, 'IDYU' �lhiJ �lAs�� E��ras��l1's�'�� f :JL �ur 'A�� GJ��L. � r�� • � � � = � � -----�—��� �,► � z �� � WARNtNG: R IS ; A CR11�A1NAL OfFE1�b$£'TO �16E A� e c�ta�i �er,at coae ;za; ` Bnaurane� Coda ;. ss8.t ) , �- ; , �: . r , . : 1 Aave road tl+o,maaois mor�ts maefo tr� tt�m ebove efdm and I,iat4w 1M`a�ma 1D � truo of ef�r ovvn kno�vbdpQ. , esupt et,fo`thoae ted upoe+ 1r6om�tion a bs�1 osto att�rnWmra 1'Oe6�v* tRs s� so b�.truo: t a�tiay'undr ,, �na9y� ry tAat,tl+f 16ridob� ts 17tt1E�arid COR�ECT. • • • � � . , `�� ' � • 90 p3 - oC 1Jl'��IJ , , . - � ,; - _ .�. : �_ ., , , • � �- ,-_. ., , _, • -: . .: ..: . ,, , ;161eta�euY� �ianrn ,;- � OQiat et.the CkY C�iC ,; t �,,. ' �Y. . .. DOCUMIfiTdT N0. _ � _" _ . : __ � - ` .. . _ '�D `� ' .____. . . . .. . .._.� .:__ __��._ _.�:3__.__. -- ... _.._. . ________..._ ...__._ :�_._.. _.._.. __ ,a'�n1�� ,F,-..: >�ia �:L'= ?�,�...�Y�f - - �.,. _._...�__...r..__... %'r 11 of 24 r ya",.` �10 1�Iv�J'jli%7`oi. �E8 7 1995 �TE� 10 - -- ,"",,'¡i/ - ~T> r" ' ..- / ¡;'C tt: "'-- 'T' , Ke!..;)1\do; ,{IAVr!C' CN~;D~ I ' ~ I -' . I 041<.. ',N,j. f'" '5T~c !;=-- R.~ R"""';"A'J ð;l() '4~ 5::' ~'U1- 7>:':> -111. S7'"AI\i a -ð<.J fie-:-- ÜE5. =có;;.;: i4f3J;- Ç!).E¡../;::; Mf3/es ß"~I.AZ:""=-'?4.: ¡d4l.i /1"uTcj., C';':N"'(rJh..--'~T- ,.. ?-r -f I. " n) "'-rrh~,'-,4- ",' ,OJ ,kT;"". ¿,,;:::> ' '/ <:,,'1"' 7"'- ç/J )"--:"/7 - ) / -:,;.1P'- IL~ì;"", 7:. ý'.<~ Ji>;' // //,-" '"S' / ' ;! 3:::-, ? "-1 JJ/~f;"'CJ ~ ~RI;: (-4) "}¡4iR.s- - ;;;:: rlfiA-'".J4Lr; , J...ê; s (j'e.e'M" ",,<) ... ~ ('1"'ð'>!J iii í' 7ø )14-""""' ~ :RE/"'/~': ?'- K c; 4T -s-,;.j.. d-f ?"', ,,?,,/,4) ..1!~~G;L/;""7'" ;c".w -r SeC<.i".: 'y .é hé!",r VðdP- - ~~~",:.,.:1'~~.</. ..(. /? 111:>" .i.!' 13.4'5"'= B,.,¿A, f"'J ~ ~,=:i No,7 (J".,,= '" ~ '-------- -- f!!15'°> - û./4/I'... J.......:,¡:>.!"'.: cAec-¡(",a'- E:!;""". :"'I£.y ~w .s;;",... IV f('.-f,-h- "'Ix. Tc/...... k//H'/ jlntE.! Úv'é J.. /r!.;¡¡þ-;..oÞ# - - 6' ~o)"" r; E.sï1""""1?: ~ ~i:/ HP.E .:)</ r (~;'2,:),:t /^,,~r~L!.,;:~ rA!p,:? #VIHU?; h~"Fa:e . ' , 1'# '~ t d IftFS w¿- ,hI,It.'E ( 1=/(lv['1 í3(f51É R~ ., 'Z/~'1<; 7ð e/F';' ,.;-.;..</ ~/Oe/"'/',.,/' ~ ic/.,¡..¿Ls. 12 of 24 FEB 7 1995 ITEM 10 ..---.- ------------- ...-. e ,�, a` - • •� � . • �" i - r• • � • � rf .�s..o'_'v��:�: • �. _ ,:� .A� i :OR.� <0' - • � K�',1 �;i':�',►' `�.m: °'' �''" , , � � O Rb °'. ki�vi.t:9:'. :,) '..�' Y m><�'""� a . : p �.: �,-� i: iA fP �:. p �„ . - ,�� ' � . �... .. " � _ : � _ ..._ -., "�a:_-:�a , . �� � > - _. : � :. , ,,, ,, ___ _ _..--_ � � � . ' � , � � �. � � � � , � Y . �• � �^ � �� } x �r— :w'� � � t` {{S � Y�::,. �r , r .ruo.." � � � � �. ; � Q, - . -r . , � o�e. �.�. ■ .�_ •�, �' �-:ae.'ou - - - .o,:: ,�,.�.�,e. .; : �t. ; �.,: s � .: �o� �„� .,.��:. . �`�t�9'��� • :-;<.,�._� .. � . ,....:, .�o�+:. .. � • � ~ AGENDA REPOR'- CITY OF POW A Y This report is included on the Consent Calendar. There will be no separate discussion of the report plior to approval by the c;ty Council unless members of the Council. staff or public request it to be removed from the Consent Calendar and discussed separately. If you wish to have this report pulled for discussion. please fill out a slip indicating the report number and give it to the c;ty Clerk plior to the beginning of the c;ty Council meeting. INITIATED BY: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council James L. Bowersox, City Man~ John D. Fitch, Assistant City ManagerC{~ Peggy A. Stewart, Director of AdministrUativ~Services Douglas A. Milton, General Services Manage~~ February 7, 1995 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Denial of Claim for Damages - Peter and Frances Meeker BACKGROUND A claim for damages was received by the City from Peter and Frances Meeker, residents of Springvale Street in Poway. The claim is for flood damage that was incurred on January 4, 1995. The dollar amount of the claim is unknown at this time. FINDINGS On January 4, 1995, water originating at an overflowing silt basin at the County landfill above Springvale Street cascaded through City drains and streets causing water damage to the inside and outside of a home owned by the claimants. ENVIRDNMENTAL REVIEW Environmental review is not required for this agenda according to CEQA guidelines. FISCAL IMPACT Unknown ~ ACTION: 14 of 24 Agenda Report February 7, 1995 Page 2 ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE None RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council deny this claim. JLB:JDF:PAS:DAM:eg Attachment: Claim for Damages - Peter and Frances Meeker '!{ 15 of 24 FEB 71995 ITEM 10 City Of Poway I � . . .. L1U � = 9 , �--: -, - � CLNM AGAIN6T THE CRY OF POWAY - . . _ . ,. ... ._ ., „ , .. .:,, . . �,:..,, � . -. _. gtCeivod by � �YZ� _, � _ J:S. MaD . rrtoi-0fNco Mail � :�r Me Coainter �/ �-�c.��y r_ O Z� C dalm Rwst ba 810d�with �s Ctty Ct�rk:o� R1sk Manegor ot th� Clty�of Powsy wFlhln'6 months sRer which the ncldent or evtnt oeeurred. Be suro your elaim kt apainat ths�1�y of PoMr�y, not another pub0e entlty. Where r�aee l� b�sufTidont, pisase iae addttlon�l pap�[ or�d �entily ionnatlo��,by poraprsph rr�mbsr. Completed �alma:musLtie maiied;or deiive►ed tb'flie Clty ot Paway,'13325 CI"vte Cinter DriJ�.Pw�y. GL �2064 ( PA. 3ox 789'), /►itn:,Rts Ms naper , � -. ' - rOTNE N0�`�ARA�IE MAYOR'�/WD CTf COUNCILTHE CTTY,DF�PDWAY CALIFORNiA . .. fho underslgn�d rfspeE�ultyc wbauts tn�'fotlow(np, qstm ani! Inioanatlon°reia!!ve to:damape to p�nons '�rxi/or Pe�rso^al Pr'opertY: � �. �ameoraa�mar�t �p. - �^ Fea/]�e5 •' /r?.ee�e>h- � � �. adareu cr uvman:: b. . Phone:No. r. Dat� oibirth, d Social Securfty No. Crive�a`Uc. No. ,2: Plame, toiephone and posi offei sCdreu`to which �dalmant dtsii's notletsrto be sent;K oMer =han above: . _ y . . 3. Occvrrence or eyent from=whieh,th� daim �rlses: . � . . � . Date =� b. TIm� �rP 9�, m � e; Pftee ( ezaet and sp�dileiGoeatkn) r d. Wow �nd underwhat cireumstances.did damap� or irijury xwr? 6p�eHy ths;pa'tleutar oecumnce, event, act or,omission you daim causad t�e'(nJury:or damago (use addit;onal psper fYn�cessarj' )• a � �,(e: o/q� 1Ao o t /�i /l s i d� rn n.� Q. mert.'7� a;n d r a d/ri '-- - "6'M. .r/o�s . �' Q� e ,.` '. � _ � "a° e' . : ra ° a.9'�' `t'Ys ,� M`• ° � . - _ a. n"d h.e" :5�' .�.a:�is in e K '_ i✓e:. • _. o�l r rc . s ' , is p ' ro1 � e, /'Y�¢Gd i,7F- ��. �-t('S % TfieS �e 'r�en<r, e. t psrticu(�aetion by t�ICtty, or ks art�pioy�e:, uussd th0 au ed damape or In u? ✓L so n t/ ro " wh i.a;Ji- � /s o A,as be:e� j rY 1�' 1� �'� da.in d�.�o/: __�� �•� 16 of 24 FEB 71995 I7�� 1( d, �Sivs;t dosa�ptlon otN+a M1u�c..P�P�nY.d�maQQ orbas. so tar as i�-kr+own a2 tha tlm� ofthis s� dairn. !f f�er� ev�rre norinjurk �t8te'P1o!ek�juuries.' . . y � ��� �' � e..(Ced de w � N / 7?7 cl d .y4' 2 r� ro: o c�. i(,;r(jSp . �.q.I7 .- �. _ . S. f�ivY; " e(s) 04 th� GQr;emp oye�"(sj eau:tnp th� damsp��or•'Injucy: HQ-/�o .% . • y ia ' W y'8. Odamo and`tdCr�s oP any.olherpe�son b�ssd: -.; , . s ' ; 7. I�lan+� andaadress of:m� oam.► or anr �amoped,propony; . - � :; e:I-�ti , ;, � 6. Damap�s daimed: . e . ,� ;_ ra � a. AtnouM elaimed at otfhis„dsie :?' y � : - . d. ,Basis for �p ouM ottuture cpsts: ;S � c � T amoucita'daimed: , g mputatlon ot;arriounts;daimtd ( Includ � a!I'bipsJrn►ofcQ:. esttmatos� etej :. S. Nam�s snd adtlnues of.�ll w(trtisss�s.�ho�pnals. doclora.�Qte. a b. ' ,. ; _ a d ' 10. Any addiUonal intortnatlon rtiipht be holptul in wnsid�i4�p thts�qa(m: ; Gvi w i// --�o //e.u��-yc�.t-, "�v i 1�J ��lal i-�-i o rzr� i n�,P-e �� d�i n c ,; • �s if be e.e ir,e c. a. vT ��- -' — . ,� . ' ": WARNING: R IS A CRIMINAL OFREN�E TO l�iL� A�ALSE ClAlAAI (�onai Coda �72; lnsut8nes�'�Codo ,� �56.1 ) ,_ : � � . � I IYvt,rtad tM mtt�tta;tnd,sffinmerf� Jr�de h 1t+o abo�w, defm and 1 htlow Y+f;eartw � bo' Ctis ofny own kmwlpd�t; e�iapt sti tilhols'ts�Atl� upon lnlommtion or 0�1i�f oa':� L�aeh �eiott�ra I'0�9ew U»'sanw b bt',ttu�. I Cortity unde . pon�h a DQrjwY Y�i _ omoietg }a 171UE an0 CORRECT. � Sip�d �. Q� ot;: ��e .,,, al� ��s r� �- 1 • <. .- � �, , .. ,. ., - , , j: /�/��� , _ _ , 1 '��� � �� ��. 4 �! �. � � A� Z�J \ 'V�VW � � � • � - flOCUNlENT NO:. � , __ � .,_. . ; .�.. � .;� . _ _ --FILED . . _ .. - . . __ .__ _ FEB 7_1995 I?E3�14 10 17 of 24 - _ _ = AGENDA REPOR''" -.t� �` '���; ,,. CITY 'OF POWAY - Tliis report is��includeC on Uie.ConxM Caltndar:?here will be no separate Gixussion of the repon pnor to.approval by.the , -- : City Gounal unless meinbers of �he'�Counal. sWff�or,publlc request itto�be�removed.from the Consent Calendar�and .�^y� � � -- d�scussed�,5eparotely If yoo vn5h to bave this repoM1�pulled for discussion, please fill oul a�slip indicaUng.ihereport riumber '!7r� `_��. �,��� � � ' and�give itro.the Eiry Cierk prior to�tfie�beginningbf the Gry Council�meeting. � TO-: Honorable.Mayor and Members o� City Council FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Man INITIATED BY: John D. Fitch, Assistant City Manager �� Peggy A. Stewart, Direator of Admi'nistr�G':i'V �S�ervices Dougl_as A Miltori, General Services Managerll\Yt,� V' — �ATE: February 7, 1995 SUBJECT: Denial of C}aim for Damages - Susan Dikon BACKGROUND _A_claim for damages was received by the City from Susan Dixon„ a residernt of i'.� �,'� .. . `in Poway. `The claim is for flood "damage tHat' ,was incurred on January 4, 1995. The doll,ar amount of the claim is unknoan at this time. FINDIN65 On Janu,ary 4 1995, water orig an overfl.ow.ing bas,in at tfie County landfill above SpringvaTe Street cascaded through G.ity drains and str,eets causing water damage to the inside and outside of a hbme owned by tAe claimant . ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW Environmental review is not required for this agenda acco,rding to CEQA guidelines. FISCAC IMPACT Unknown -��. AGTION: / i8 of 2a FE8 i 1995 1C r Agenda Report February 7, 1995 Page 2 ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE None RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council deny this claim. JLB:JDF:PAS:DAM:eg Attachment: Claim for Damages - Susan Dixon wr= ~~~~ 19 of 24 FEB - ~-~------«<------~ --------------< 71995 ITEM 10 p � v C�ty Of Pcway D cwM Ac�a,r,sr� cmr oF PawaY �' s . _ - , r �cewed er �. �r� t,T,;�J , �m �.s. a�an _ . . rU�r�of�a 9�a11 �,— �t me Cau+car /� yy- y.S = L3 1 cWm�te�s! b� filed�wttl� 1�� Gty Cl�rk�or FUsk Man r of th. City'ot Pow�y wNNn 6;mo�ths aP�erwhlch C�e �� r�dden; or: evtnt oecurnd. 8e;suu►Q yqur daim'IS apatn�t tho Gry of=Poway, no4 enothet.ps�Ue �rnity. Where � I� i�sauRi�ient Pwasa e�e.additlonal,papar;and kio�tify InfoRn�tlo�i Dy+p�raQraph fwrt�ber..Cortfpleted muat be rtWed or deliv�r�d to Ths`Cky ot`Poway.13325 C�vk' Carfb"r Drhr�:Powuy, CA. @2064 ( P:Q. 3ox 76� ): Altn: R AAer�aOer CpTHE NpNORABLE MAYOR AND'CtTY COUNCILTHE CTTY OF`POWAY CAl.IFORNIA .. fh� tmderaigned t�spe�tfuly submits t�� iollowing dafm anC! InforrnatJon,RlsUvo to damigt Eo' penons. end/or p�rsonai propeRY. f. Namsotdatmant S��c,r�v, o_Oi�74r�;e�. ��xo�1� t Address o! d airttiant � , —� - b: . Pho�e No.._, _.. � a Ddt� of birth r . d Social Security No e. . O�Ivers Ua No. 2 Name, t�icphone and post<oHic� aOdress to whieh datmant desires°;notleea �o b. sent M other �han'ebove: 3': Oceur�encQ orevent from whiM t�e datm"'tar(ses: - a . Gate I , b., Time �.:� ,.., c, Placa,( axaG;'arb apsdRe Oocatlon) _ . d How end u�dervrAat ateumstanct�s.did damapo or inJury oecur? Spe�ily tltie parUwtar o�currente. sven�;sct;or omisaion!you dtim caused;the InJury o� d�maga (v'se add�ionalipayxrit naeesamry ): �fld�v���a occv�� -�n, �a �� � �ou�e � u:c �SF�_ � Y S�o� L�n� V� S'1'U'fTh �(`GiY1S �- 1'hrif� �' �,�tu =�t`t�n. �n: �� 5��2 � • . e. What parJwfaraWon:byihe Gry, oriis �mploy�es, caused tha aAeped:damagm:or hjury� �nn o rr� o� d1A P�no a 2 �- �'-1 ��'S lUt° [/N!LQ'U1D.Qe ' � FEB 7 1995 ITEhf9 � p 20 of 24 = �, . 4. C�v� a:dasulptlon at tt� in�. ,• ProPe�y'darnage o� 1oes. so 4ar �s _;ar,own a� �,r �me or m�s . �:, datm. lt�a±aro were no�ie�+etos.��arats'Ido' rses - 1 � � �o�' _IN�42f,� IlJ a�4C � IM fr "�;S�QUJ`GIGf� �A �11,v..AG �� yH�'Sf A�fsc +a � ,._, �_ �_ _ �� � — 3. Givf'lIiR1B(i) Ot �110, �, a � ��• • � O mploxn(s) causi the o o� Ca�s .�, 1%� n kV1011 N1 .+ . —��� � � � B: Atam.;and?tddr�as,ot any etl+erpsrson:�; . , � � r rG '� 7. Piamt and �addr�ss ot tht own�r of any dama8� P��Y - _ ' s awe a s r f,p.t� ":: � � ., ,� _ - � � `'; 8. Damapes daimed: • '. a. AmourK et�imed �s;ot tAla date �, . ?, . . '= b. Estimated amouM�of hr�ure'casts: � c � Total amouM elaimed: �� d. Buis for computs�on ot�amounts daimed ( induda.:cop;�s�of ai1 bms3nwicea, osUmuss, etc) : 9. Namerand addresses of �ll�w! � a , e - b. _ • e . `.; , .} a _ ' a G,�N , . 10. My additionai ritocm 'o�. ht'ba:;holpful In eonaidarinp thia�elSim: ` ; � �na"Pr ��d� t� �I�:S �nn �so /1/ vealcS �n�u �e��o�.loo�, 9 1 [J � d ;� • Siv�ct� l'qS� Gt-t�cA �C4��eC�P �nn�, 114"t2� h'�PN Qriu -�nt�fliinn I'�� 4 �. �-4n� S , ��� U.uis �� � v�aF:� 4t• �n � � � � i��_?e(' �' ��S 1r�,a ry�aue Iris Ce�Code 'A CRIMINAL OFIRENSE T ���ALSE CLAIM! (P�onat Cpde ;T2; % � 536:1 ) ; I'frv� �ad tf+� maEars �tftrunt� trald� In 1R� obovo Wkn snd I Rnow,thi b be �u!`of oMm kt�owledt4. � '�,ii�bJµlhOSf HOflft�iDf IC':�Rily.�JAd� t �28d 1lpOfl , pe►�aaY a°Wrj�uY ihat'-tlw lioregoinp[fa �iliUE 8n9'Otll1REC1. • � • � s�o�oama �c�� e�„m �Tav�. :�e�,e 7;oQ P,rn, ,, ° . _. .. ., : nc� , • s ,g�o,�e_ . _ � � of t5e Ckyr.Cleic Bav�Y.'Ca9[Qmta, - __ UOCUMENT NO. �p , _ _. _ _. -- .. � 21 o f za . 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