Item 13 - Temporary Sewer Connection William K. Sweeney AGENDA REPORT SUMMARY TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council James L. Bowersox, City Man~ John D. Fitch, Assistant City Manager /~ Mark S. Weston, Director of Engineering Services~ Javid Siminou. Senior Civil Engineer '(2 Kathy L. Cerini, Assistant Civil Engir\¥er II\L\..C/ February 7, 1995 FROM: INITIATED BY: DATE: SUBJECf: Temporary Sewer Connection for APN 275-291-13, 16333 Martincoit Road: Applicant: William K. Sweenev ABSTRACf The property owner at 16333 Martincoit Road is requesting a temporary sewer connection due to a failing septic system. Staff recommends condit i ona 1 approval of the connection. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW This action is not subject to C.E.Q.A. review. FISCAL IMPACf None. ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE A copy of th i s report has been mailed to William K. Sweeney. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council approve a temporary sewer connection to serve APN 275-291-13, subject to the conditions listed in the report. ACfION c - FEB 7 1995 ITEM 13 1 of 7 ------------ .-._--------_._-~----------------------------- AGENDA REPORT CITY OF POW A Y This report is included on the Consent Calendar. There will be no separate discussion of the report prior to a~rov~ by th~ Ci Counol unless members of the Council. staff or public request ,t to be removed fr?m the Consent alen ar an di%ussed separately. If you wish to have this report pulled for discussion. plea,. nil out a shp ,nd«at,ng the report number and give it to the City Clerk prior to the beginning of the Oty Counol meet,ng. TO: FROM: INITIATED BY: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council James L. Bowersox, City Man~ John D. Fitch, Assistant City Managert~ Mark S. Weston, Director of Engineerin9-$ervices~ Javid Siminou, Senior Civil Engineer 'f\? Kathy L. Cerini, Assistant Civil Enginì!er II p.C February 7, 1995 Temporary Sewer Connection for APN 275-291-13, 16333 Martincoit Road: Acolicant: William K. Sweenev DATE: SUBJECT: BACKGROUND: The subject parcel, 1.19 acres in size (Attachment 1) is located at 16333 Martincoit Road. The property is presently sewered by a septic system which is now showing signs of failure and as such, the owner is interested in connecting his property to the City sewer system. Because of the imminent complete septic system failure, the non-availability of a viable corrective action to the septic system, and the non-availability of a sewer main fronting the property, the owner has requested a temporary connection (Attachment 2) to the existing sewer main along the rear property line of the neighboring parcel (APN 275-291-14). The route of the proposed private sewer lateral crosses the adjacent parcel addressed as 16345 Martincoit Road, which necessitates the acquisition of an easement (Attachment 3). The owner has already obtained the easement but it is yet to be recorded in the Office of the San Diego County Recorder. FINDINGS: There is an existing temporary connection to the adjacent parcel (APN 275-291- 09) addressed as 16310 Woodson View Road. This temporary connection request is consistent with previously approved temporary sewer connections. FISCAL IMPACT: ~ None. ACTION: FEB 7 1995 ITEM 13 2 of 7 Temporary Sewer Connec February 7, 1995 Page 2 In - APN 275-291-13 ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT: This action is not subject to C.E.Q.A. review. PUBLIC NOTIFICATION & CORRESPONDENCE: A copy of this report has been mailed to William K. Sweeney. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the City Council approve a temporary sewer connection to serve APN 275-291-13, subject to the following conditions: 1. Payment of all related fees and costs, including but not limited to the following: Sewer Connect i on Fee Clean-Out Box Inspection Fee Sewer Annexation Fee Annexation Administration Fee State Annexation Fee Ri ght-of-Way Permit Fee Right-of-Way Inspection Fee Right-of-Way Security Deposit - (refundable upon satisfactory completion of project) $3,356.00 $ 50.00 $ 25.00 $ 476.00 $ 475.00 $ 160.00 $ 50.00 $ 200.00 $ 500.00 2. The execution of an "Agreement Respecting Temporary Sewer Connection" by the owner. A current lot book report, title report, or grant deed shall be provided to the City of Poway Engineering Services Department for verification of ownership. The owner shall be responsible for the recordation fees for the above agreement. 3. The owner shall furni sh the City of Poway with a copy of the recorded easement for the private sewer lateral. 4. The owner or his contractor shall obtain a right-of-way permit prior to beginning any work within a City-held easement. 5. Compllititn of all the above conditions within six months of Council approval; if granted, and prior to issuance of a sewer connection permit, otherwise the approval shall be deemed expired. JLB:MSW:JS:KLC:bw ATTACHMENTS: 1. Vicinity Map 2. Letter Requesting Temporary Sewer Connection 3. Sewer Easement Pl at FEB 7 1995 ITEM 1 3 of 7 - ---------------------~- ----- ---- ", l j (ORCHARD BEND RD) ROSTRATA . "',, u'. t- O U Z 1-. a: < :::E ~. :."". ---R-.S-.-~",62 @ ,,:~.¡ .. '..., . n.,. @ @ CD . " ÁC HI17'zn. '....7 ~ . @ ,'. ÁC N. .......... @ 'OZ ÁC - Subject ~roperty - APN 275-291-13 CITY OF POW A Y ITEM: Temporary Sewer Connpction @ TITLE: Vicinitv Map SCALE: None A TT ACHMENT : il nf 7 FEB 7 1995 ITEM 13 WILCOAM K. SW«NEY. LL.M W. MICHAEL SW«NEY LAW OF"CES OF WILLIAM K. SWEENEY A ..O"S"ON~ CO.~~"ON "440 WEST URNAROO COURT S<.V,"G .'VE""OE ANO SAN O«GO COUNms SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92127 TEL. 'e"" 487-5878 FAX 181g1487-0179 RECEIVED DEC 1 3 1994 December 12, 1994 ENG/~~~~J~.g,,~~~V CES Our File No. 456 Mr. Mark S. Weston, P.E. Director of Engineering Services City Engineer City of poway 13325 Civic Center Drive Poway, CA 92064-0120 Re: APN 275-291-13; Connection. Application For Temporary Sewer Dear Mr. Weston: I reside at 16333 Martincoit Rd., Poway. The property utilizes a septic system. The system's leach lines have ceased to adequately function causing the adjacent underground and surface to become saturated and contaminated with discharge. I have consulted with a contractor and there is no viable corrective action that can be taken to correct the leach line problem or relocate the leach lines to another area. Without taking corrective action the discharge will progressively get worse and pose a potential health hazard. The"dj¡$charge currently emits a gas with strong odors that permeates the air to my neighbors. The odor is particularly strong to my neighbors at 16345 Martincoit. I hereby formally apply and request that as soon as possible I be allowed to connect to the existing sewer line at the back of my neighbor's property at 16345 Martincoit Rd. To do so requires agreement from my neighbor. Consequently, enclosed please find a copy of a "Grant of Sewer Easement" whereunder my neighbor, Ms. Wood, at 16345 Martincoit has agreed to an easement across the back of her property to allow me access to the sewer line. Exhibits to the easement describe the location of the sewer line and also the easement. The easement will be recorded prior to connection of FEB 7 1995 ITEM 13 MORENO VALLEY TEMECULA MISSION VALLEV LA JOLLA RANCHO "ERNAROO 5 of 7 AttMhmpnt ? Mr. Mark S. Weston, P.E. Director of Engineering Services December 12, 1994 Page 2 of 2 the lateral to the sewer line. As instructed, I have enclosed herewith a check made payable to the City of poway in the sum of $300.00 to begin the application process. If anything further is needed from me during business hours I can be contacted at my office, as set forth in the letterhead. I can also be contacted in the evening at my residence at (619) 485-7147. My neighbors and I appreciate any expedited treatment that you and your staff can bring to my application. Your department's. cooperation is greatly appreciated. WKS: cc: Ms. Wood - . . FEB 7 1995 ITEM 13 ¡:; nf 7 \.)~";:)CK.\\""' \ \ON ~l SI-\OWIN(¡ THE LC .TION OF A. '?ROf'OS!:P S6I\ :. EASE.!1ENT O'lE:R.. f'P£c.E.L ?7 I ~..tS. 38~7 , IN THE: C-LTY OF" PO WAY ,CQJN..,' oF" .5f>..N "CIE.C;O ,SfA,ï"E!: Or CALIFORNIA'. r -(.... ?C2c,o K.r)-\, .:J. ...}'JJ, r)^,,";,-,-O :;;'/ 1,\1\1...-- 1--1- :..;1.£' ~WEE:).JE..I rJ n <")(~ ,- , \ 1-\,\\,-1--\- WOóD ?,.., -' { j tJ ~ «1 3 0 Ç) ~ ø n <D \I) ~u}./€ 0'" P/?otOSEÞ 10.0\.)' SG:.WE.~ LA~^'- EN>EM6/í. -) I ~~~ / ~. / td ' q,~~ \ ~ ""', ~~:-..L-- \ \ ,~ Nù"o<:,'z.o"w 4-6.~' ~ " . - -- - ;:.. :;}.$' ( NO"o<.'zo.W70. C>Q' / (; /- \ -FD ~g. PIN PER. R:rf~ 3:3~7 -- /' (Ð<JsrI/llq SMH II [ 5c.J>.J...e ¡".ZO' - 1"1\t:PA.Œ."D '9.', .JolJ -ac..~Ke: L..S +3"5 /o/z.~/'">4- *Plat supplied by owner, William K. Sweeney Attachment 3 FEB 7 1995 ITEM 13 7 ~ç 7