Item 14 - Revision to Matrix Old Coach Golf Estates TPM 92-04 AGENDA REPORT SUMMARY' TO: FROM: INITIATED BY: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council James L. Bowersox, City Man~ ~ John D. Fitch, Assistant City Managerc:fAí. -{) '-0" Servl'ceQ\V'" Reba Wright-Quastler, Director of Planning ~ DATE: February 7, 1995 Revision to Matrix Concerning the Timing for Implementation of Conditions of Approval for Old Coach Golf Estates, Tentative Parcel Map 92-04, ~nvironmental Development, Ltd., Applicant SUBJECT: ABSTRACT Tentative Parcel Map 92-04 was approved by the City Council on November 10, 1992 and received final approval on July 12, 1994. The conditions of approval for the original tentative tract map were distributed over the four parcels of this map in a matrix which described the timing and applicability of each condition. Continental Homes representatives, the prospective purchaser of the southerly 78 residential lots on Parcel 1, have met with staff to discuss the timing of conditions outlined in the matrix. . ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW The original action by the City Council on May 15, 1990 included certification of the Final Environmental Impact Report (E1R)for Old Coach Golf Estates. FISCAL IMPACT None. ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE None. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council approve the modifications to the matrix concerning the timinçjfor implementation of conditions of approval for Tentative Parcel Map 92-04, Environmel\Ìal Development, Ltd., Appl icant by modifying Resolution No. P-92- 67 as it pertains'to -Parcell and adopting the attached resolution. ACTION lb e: 1 of 63 port\tpm92D4a.sum FEB 7 1995 ITEM 14 ~ AGENDA REPOR~ CITY OF POW A Y This report is included on the Consent Calendar. There will be no separate discussion of the report prior to approval by the City Council unless membeL$ of the Council. staff or public request it to be removed from the Consent Calendar and discussed separately. If you wish to have this report pulled for discuss>on. please fill out a slip indicating the report number and give it to the City Clerk prior to the beginning of the City Council meeting. TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council James L. Bowersox, City Ma~ John D. Fitch, Assistant City Manager \.-1\ Reba Wright-Quastler, Director of Planning service~~ Stephen A. Streeter, Principal Planner ~ February 7, 1995 FROM: INITIATED BY: DATE: SUBJECT: Revision to Matrix Concerning the Timing for Implementation of Conditions of Approval for Old Coach Golf Estates, Tentative Parcel Map 92-04, Environmental Development, Ltd., Applicant BACKGROUND: On May 15, 1990, the City Council approved Tentative Tract Map 89-13 for 157 lots where 156 lots were intended for the development of detached single- family dwellings, one lot was intended for the development a golf course with clubhouse and six open space lots were designated. On November 27, 1990, the City Council approved Tentative Tract Map 89-13R for 156 residential lots, one golf course lot and six open space lots, and Conditional Use Permit 90-13 for development of a 27 hole golf course with associated clubhouse facilities on 708 acres. Also, on November 27, 1990, the City Council adopted Ordinance 327 that approved a Development Agreement with Environmental Development, Ltd., a California limited partnership, for the development of the property over a ten year period. The development agreement became effective on December 27, 1990. In order to facilitate development of the site, a four parcel map was proposed with Tentative Parcel Map 92-04 that was approved by the City Council on November 10, 1992 and received final approval on July 12, 1994. The conditions of approval for the original tentative tract map were distributed over the parcels of this map in a matrix which described the timing and applicability of each condition. Continental Homes representatives, the prospective purc~ser of the southerly 78 residential lots on Parcell, have met with staff,t~discuss the timing of conditions outlined in the matrix. The "A" and "¡¡~ cònditions are of primary concern to Continental Homes. The close of escrow for Continental Homes on acquisition of the property from Environmental Development, Ltd. is scheduled for February 15, 1995. ACTION: 2 of 63 FEB 7 1995 ITEM 14'"1 )) Agenda Report February 7, 1995 Page 2 As shown on page 4 of Resolution No. P-92-67, (Attachment E) "A" conditions indic-ate that: "The requirement must be completed or bonded for the entire project area before Tentative Tract Map 89-13R or any portion thereof may be finaled and before building or grading permits can be issued for golf course development on any parcel created by Tentative Parcel Map 92-04. "B" conditions indicate that: "The requirement must be completed or bonded for within a specific area or phase before the corresponding portion of Tentative Tract Map 89-13R may be finaled. Engineering Services and Planning Services staff have met with Bruce Tabb of Environmental Development and Christopher Chambers of Continental Homes to review their concerns with the matrix within Resolution No. P-92-67 for Tentative Parcel Map 92-04. The key areas of proposed revision to the matrix focus on those conditions that are off-site of Parcell and would be impractical to accomplish unless Continental Homes owned Parcels 2, 3 and 4. The City staff concur with the revisions provided guarantees remain in place to assure the completion of all conditions. Planning and Engineering Services staff agree to the requested revisions in Attachment A, a resolution incorporating revisions outlined in the December 15, 1994 letter from Rick Engineering. FINDINGS: The requested revisions to the matrix are reasonable and are recommended for approval. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW The original action by the City Council on May 15, 1990 included certification of the Final Environmental Impact Report (EIR). PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE: None. FISCAL IMPACT None. ~ " RECOMMENDATION.: It is recommended that the City Council approve the modifications to the matrix concerning the timing for implementation of conditions of approval for Tentative Parcel Map 92-04, Environmental Development, Ltd., Applicant by modifying Resolution No. P-92-67 as it pertains to Parcell and adopting the attached resolution. 3 of 63 FIB 7 1995 ITEM 14 - ---- - ---------- -- ------------------------------------------.--.---. --------------------------. Agenda Report February 7, 1995 Page 3 Attachments: A. Resolution B. Vicinity Map C. Tentative Parcel Map 92-04 D. Tentative Tract Map 89-13R - Parcell - Existing and Current Proposal E. Resolution No. P-92-67 for Tentative Parcel Map 92-04 F. Resolution No. 90-91 for Tentative Tract Map 89-13R - excerpts G. Resolution No. P-90-34 for Tentative Tract Map 89-13 - excerpts H. Letter of December 15, 1994 from Rick Engineering I. Letter of November 1, 1994 from Continental Homes e: \c i ty\pl anni ng\report\ tpm9204a. agn ~. ~- ~ FEB 7 1995 ITEM 14 'M 4 of 63 3. 5 of 63 RESOLUTION NO. P- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF POWAY, CALIFORNIA . ...... TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP 92-04 ÞARCËbli ASSESSOR'S PAR B 2 -::18;19;'273-100-10, 11; 277-010-02, OS, 22, 23; 277-070-24, 27-31; 277-071-01, 02, 08, 09; 277-140-01, 06, 23, 24, AND 26 WHEREAS, t¡¡~iffií411flç~~1¡¡rlt9~~~q)qtJÕm~ôJ9~Þ~7£õW Tentative Parcel Map 92-04, hereiriilner"Màþll...šÚbriïfttedÞi[hyîréh~erJârDevelopment,...Inc .,....Bruc.e Tabb,.~ppl.jçant, for the purpose ofr!ìyj§j69~!!g~Jmj¡¡g9~ç¡¡iîÃj~}g!í§,t~ppJ;iç~!!J~ t¡¡R~¡H¡gJl!iij the real property si ttiatedTrithèCilyöfPöwaY;CötiritjófSan Diego;Stiltêof Cal i forni a, descri bed as the port ion of Sect i on's 18, 19 and 30, Township 13 North, Range One West, San Bernardino Base Meridian and a portion of Section 24 and 25, Township 13 South, Range 2 West San Bernardino Base Meridian into four parcels and a remainder parcel; and WHEREA$,theDirectoroLPlanning Services has recommended approval of the r~¥j~~gr.!ì.~9JH~j¡¡!ít;gm~lj~m~P subject to all conditions set forth in the ÞTàrinTng ServTces Deþarti11erifrêþort; and WHEREAS, the City Council has read and considered said report and has considered other evidence presented at the public hearing. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council does hereby resolve as follows: Section 1: Environmental FindinGs: The Ci ty Council fi nds that the proposed rg~!îl~tJQ¡¡¡;gVJ~.J9ìi~àhg consi stent with the 01 d Coach Golf Estates project for whfêhárìiíárriíì/friiiíi11ênta 1 Impact Report (SCH #90010015) was certified by the City Council on May 15, 1990. Section 2: FindinGs: 1. The ~ppr!îyff~ project wi 11 be cons i stent with the general plan in thatThêþröposed land use will be a development consisting of 7!1! single-family residences on lots of one acre or more in size and the General Plan designates this site for rural residential development. Tentat i ve Parcel Map 92-04 is des i gned to accommodate the low dens ity residential development. The design\nd improvements of the tentative parcel map are consistjßt \¡ith all applicable specific plans in that conditions of approval for the map specify that it must comply with all requirements of Specific Plan 89-01 which was written specifically for the Old Coach project. The site is phys i call y suitable for the type of deve 1 opment~ppr¡:¡x1ì~ in that the site is located withi n an area of predomi nant 1 y šTriglê::'. family residential development and the underlying project has been 2. FEB 7 1995 ITEM 14 'I 4. 5. 6. Resolution No. P- Page 2 designed to substantially observe the natural contours and avoid impacts on sensitive riparian habitat and corridors. No phys i ca 1 improvements are proposed tentative parcel map other than those approved with map. The site is phys i call y su itab 1 e for the dens ity of the development ~pp¡';qV~~; in that the proposed lots meet the acreage requirements of thes¡Jeëific plan and underlying RR-A and RR-C zones. of the land The design of the parcel map is not likely to cause substantial environmental avoidable injury to humans and wildlife or their habitat, because appropriate mitigation measures have been identified by the project EIR and will be implemented with project construction. 7. tentative parcel map is not likely to ems, because City water and sewer services will be provided to new parcels. Low flow plumbing fixtures will be required throughout future buildings on the site. Landscaping plans will eventually be prepared with minimal water consumption and incorporating low volume irrigation techniques for trees and shrubs. The design of p~¡¡¡¡~Jî¡¡t the tentative parcel map will not confl ict with any easement äêqÙTredhy the public at large, now of record, for access through or use of the property within the proposed subdivision. 8. The project will not create adverse impacts on the environment, because it is a minor land division and the underlying Tract Map 89- 13R will comply with all requirements of the project EIR. Section 3: Citv Council Decision: 6 of 63 The City Council hereby approves Tentative Parcel Map 92-04 conditions: 1. Within 30 days of approval (1) the applicant shall submit in writing that all conditions of approval have been read and understood; and (2) the property owner shall execute a Covenant on Real Property. Prior to a~ clearing, brushing, or grubbing of areas not already cl earedt"~..approvedfgrc:l¡a?rjT19?T1AglTliT1i§tr:?JiV¡aÇ}g?riT19 P¡armi t .....'.' . $~~~Jð~~ óbta i ned it!1gm~~.~..~'~'Q~~~~~.P~p~n¡;m~\'jti~ó)t1i!N~!îijj~¡¡gi~rg..~...~..9¡¡gtP.~~~im9 2. 3. The developer shall design and construct a water system for the transportation of reclaimed water throughout the project in accordance with Poway's Master Plan. Said construction shall be complete within six months of availability of reclaimed water. This condition supersedes Condition No.6 on Page 13 of Resolution No. P-90-91. FEB 7 1995 ITEM 14 'f'i 4. 7 of 63 4. Resolution No. P- Page 3 The applicant shall enter into a contract with the City of Poway for service of reclaimed water at a market rate when it becomes available. When reclaimed water becomes available, this project will be required to relinquish the use of the aqueduct except in emergenc i es. Thi s cond it i on supersedes Condit i on No.7 on Page 3 of Resolution No.P-90-91. 5. In the event that Tentative Tract Map 89-13R and Conditional Use Permit 90-13 expire or are rescinded by City Council, owner may develop the property pursuant to the underlying zoning of the property in its existing condition after obtaining all approvals and permits required by the City for the proposed development. ENVIRONMENTAL MITIGATION MEASURES 1. The required environmental mitigation measures are contained in the document entitled Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program - Old Coach Golf Estates (SCH #90010015) dated May 1990. Þ-~iî¡¡;~~i~øt' Tentative Parcel Map 92-04 shall comply with all of the C6hdfff6hi¡conta i ned in the envi ronmenta 1 document referenced above. 1Qgpr¡¡H~rp~¡¡¥i¡¡@r(~)¡¡ifig~pç~m~ must complete all of the environmental !'EiquireménfswhiC:hapþTYf6 - that specific parcel. In addition, the following are specific mitigation measures which must be met before any development permit (grading, building, or clearing) can be granted. 2. a. Preservation of the riparian forest corridor - 100 foot buffer as dedicated biological open space easement (Item 1 and 2, Page 9). Preservation of southern oak woodland habitat, 25 foot buffer in dedicated biological open space easement (Item 1 and 2, Page 11). b. C. Protection of five stands of Palmer's encameria in permanent open space easements (Item 2, Page 12). d. Submittal of final acreage calculations for riparian oak woodland and coastal sage scrub based on detailed grading plans (Item 3, Page 17). 3. Within ~O qpys of project approval, the applicant shall complete the remova 1 J.n<f cl ean-up of silt in the ri pari an and oak woodl and areas. Requi re<f.pricedures for cl eanup are detail ed in the 1 etter by the project biologist, Vince Scheidt, dated February 10, 1992. The work must be monitored and approved by a qualified biologist. Within 30 days of project approval, the applicant shall complete installation of erosion control measures throughout the entire project site to the satisfaction of the Directors of Planning and Engineering Services. FEa 7 1995 ITEM 14 -------.------------- ..----.--.-------------- Resolution No. P Page 4 MATRIX OF CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Development must comply with the following matrix which classifies each of the conditions of approval from City Council Resolutions No.P-90-34 and P-90-91. When a condition is designated as A, B, C, or D, it indicates that: 8 of 63 A. The requirement must be completed or bonded for the entire project area before Tentative Tract Map 89-13R or any portion thereof may be finaled and before building or grading permits can be issued for golf course development on any parcel created by Tentative Parcel Map 92-04. B. The requirement must be completed or bonded for within a specific area or phase before the corresponding portion of Tentative Tract Map 89-13R may be finaled. C. The app 1 i cant may complete these cond it ions in phases or increments as the individual lots to which they apply are developed. Conditions are to be completed in conjunction with grading or building permits. The requirement does not apply to the corresponding parcel. D. ~ - FEB ITEM 14 .,¡ 7 1995 w 0 HI '" w ::¡ m s: ~ .¡=- Resolution No. P- 92-67 Page 5 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - RESOLUTION NO. P-90-34 PARCEL I - RES IDENTIAL (SOUTI1ERL Y 78 LOTS) PARCEL 2 - GOLF COURSE (SOUTHERLY 9 HOLES) PARCEL 3 - GOLF COURSE (18 HOLES SURROUNDING CLUB HOUSE) PARCEL 4 - RESIDENTIAL (NORTHERLY 78 LOTS) RESQkUT'ONNO. P-90-34 .... ... SITE. OEVELQPMENTCONOITIQNS ~ .~~~.. ~~~~ PARCEL. I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 # . I~ C C B C C ß J C C C C C C c II C D C C C D 2~~. C C D D D A A C C c t C C C A C C C C D 0 .3.............. C C D D D A A C C C C C C C A C C C C D D 4~~ C C B C C A A C C C C C C C A C D C C C D REMAINDER C C B C C A A C C C C C C C A C D C C C B PARCEL "Tf IT1 to RESOLUTION NO. P-90-34 LANDSCAPING. COND ITIQNS . PARCEL II CONDITION 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 B B C C B B B C 2 C C C C C C C D 3 .... C C C C C C C D 1......4> B B C C B B B C REMAINDER B B C C B B B C PARCEL - ) ..., <D <D U1 t-' 0 0 ..... '" w "';"'IIf"I, 2 REM,AINDER PARCEL CONDITION 1 C C C C C RE50LUTJONNO.P,..90.,34 REcREAT ION. CONO In ONS I I I CONDITION I I 2 ""T fTl CD "" ill <D UI ::¡ rTl 2: .-. .þ- B B .,.." 2 D C 3 D C 4 B B REMAINDER B B 'PARCEL' 3 B C C B B Resolution No. p-' Page 6 4 5 6 B C C C C C C B C B C f-' f-' 0 HI '" w Resolution No. P-92-67 Page 7 RESOLUTION NO. P-90~34 , ADDITIONAL APPROYALS I I I CONDITION 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 . '! II ", ,.', ¡¡ < C C B B A A B ,""'-""',! II I D D D D A A A D D D D A A A C C B B A A B C C B B A A B "" , RESOLUTION NO, P-90-34 ... GRADING CONDITIONS 'cL ,', CONDITION I:'I\KI,~F'f 1 2 3 4 5 6 . 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 .> i/ B C ~ C C C C C C C D C C "~ 2 D C A C C D C C C C C C C (/3 """,', D C A C C D C C C C C C C ,."",.. B C A C C C C C C C D C C / B C A C C C C C C C D C C 1/ DlI 0 rl "'",,'~/ .." I"T1 co cD <D VI ::¡ m s;: ..... .þ- z ,... N 0 HI Resolution No. P-92-67 Page 8 '" w RESOLUTION NO. P~90-34 ..... .. . ~ STREETS. AND SIDEWALKS .... ~ PARCEL # COND IT ION 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 17 18 19 20 21 22 1. B B B D B B A C ~ B ~y B *A/B A/B C A A/B C C A/B C D C e D C C A C A C A A AI A/C C A A/C C C A/C C ...... ....... C** D C C D e C A e A C A A A/ A/C C A A/C C C Ale C C** 4 D B B B B B A C A B A B A/B* A/B C A A/B C C A/B C REMAINDER D B ß D B ß A C A ß A B A/B A/B e A A/B C C A/ß C PARCEL ..., RESOLUTION NO. P~90-34 DRAINAGE AND FLOOD CONTROL PARCEL # CONDITION 1 2 3 4 7 B B A A A C A A A C A A A A B B A A A REMAINDER A B B A A A PARCEL /- ) "T ,.., CD ü5 <D (,11 =i rfJ ~ ...... .¡..- * A/B MEANS CATEGORY "A" FOR PUBLIC STREETS; CATEGORY "B" FOR PRIVATE STREETS. A/C MEANS CATEGORY "A" FOR PUBLIC STREETS; CATEGORY "C" FOR PRIVATE STREETS WITHIN TIlE GOLF COURSE. -~ ** RESOLUTION NO.P-90";34 . UTIlITIES I I I CONDITION I 2 3 4 5 6 7 , ", ~,'.. .1 B B B B C A A ",' ""'"" C A C C C A A C A C C C A A 4 B B B B C A A REMAINDER B B B B C A A PARCEL II P-9O,.34 2 3 A A C A A D A A D B B C A A C 0- W a H> '" w .." /'T1 W -.:;¡ W <D VI ::¡ FTI ~ Reso 1 uti on No. P-92-67 Page 9 B 9 A/B* A/C** ) -j ..... +.- * - A/B MEANS CATEGORY "A" FOR ~UBLIC STREETS; CATEGORY "B" FOR PRIVATE STREETS. ** -=- A/C MEANS CATEGORY "A" FOR PUBLIC STREETS; CATEGORY "C" FOR PRIVATE STREETS WITHIN THE GOLF COURSE. ..... "" 0 H\ '"T ,.., OJ --J ¡¡) CD VI =t IT' ~ ..... .po ~ '" w 2 3 4 5 ",0""." B B .¡¡;. D A C A A A C A A B B A 0 C C Resolution No. P- 92-67 Page 10 DESIGN OF RECLAIMED WATER SYSTEM SHALL. BE DONE AS A "CATEGORY A" CONDITION. INSTALLATION OF RECLAIMED WATER SYSTEM SHALL BE DONE IN CONJUCTION WITH INSTALLATION OF POTABLE WATER SYSTEM AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH SAME PHASING SCHEDULE. * RESOLUTIoN NO, P-90-34 TRAFFIC SIGNAL AT ESPOLA PARCEL # CONDITION I A , ",:' A , ",'" A 4 A , A :J f-' VI 0 ..... '" w Resolution No. P-92-67 Page 11 RESOLUTION NO, P~90~34 ",' SAFETY SERVICES CONDITION ','" 1\ ' 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 .... 1 .",.. ,"I"" " '" A C A 1: C c c B C B 8 C 8 A 0 ,, 2 ',', A C A C C C C C C A C C D A C i /3> A C A C C C C C C A C C D A C < ~~ ',,"', A C A C C C C B C B 8 C D A 0 i', i... B B A C A C C C C 8 C C D A D ::¡ m :s:: RESOLUTIONNO,P~90-34 ,SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT CONDITION 1 2 3 4 5 6 A C B D B C A C C B C D D D C D C D D D B D B C C C C "T "T CD --:¡ ü5 ill lT1 ....... .¡:,- .... '" 0 H> '" VJ * ** *** "1"f /T1 CD ::¡ m ~ ..... .¡o- Resolution No. P-92-67 Page 12 RESOLUTION NO. P--90~34 ........'. ,.,.,. .'..... GENERALREQUIREMENTSANP APPROVALS iÎÂRtEl . CO~pITION , ""'I ", 2 3 4*** 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 ~~ "A""" ,"""B C B D..þ,. C B A B C* C C A/B A/B ~B* D ..",. ~ .,. * - B ,..' . A A/C C C C A C A A C C C C A A A/C D A/ ',..,. ** ** C "'. . D A/C C C C A C A A C C C C A A A/C D A/ ... ** ** C 4 D A/B C B D A C B ABC C C A/B A/B A/B* D A/ * B REMAINDER A A/B C' B D A C B ABC A/ C A/B A/B A/B* D A/ PARCEL * C B ,-- -.J A/B MEANS CATEGORY "A" FOR TPM AND CATEGORY "B" FOR EASEMENTS REQUIRED AS CONDITION HM. A/C MEANS THAT EASEMENTS FOR ENVIRONMENTAL MITIGATION, PUBLIC STREETS, AND UTILITIES ARE REQUIRED TO BE RECORDED PRIOR TO FINALIZATION OF ANY PORTION OF TTM AND BEFORE DEVELOPMENT CAN PROCEED ON ANY GOLF COURSE PARCELS. OTHER EASEMENTS ARE CATEGORY "C". EXCEPT AS NOTED IN THE RESOLUTION OF APPROVAL FOR TPM 92-04. C) '"" ill w U1 * ""T rrr CD "" <D w c.n =i IT! 15: ..... .þ * ..... -.J 0 HI '" w Reso 1 ut i on No. P-92-67 Page 13 RESOLUTION NO.. P-90-91 PLANNING,SERVICES,CONDITIONS 11,1,: CONDITION '\' 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 .,..."...', T ,,1""'11>,' C D C B * C C D C D C 0 C C .'...'..' ,,2 C C C 0 * C C C C D C D C C ..",,( ..t C C C D * C C D C D C D C C lii(,'.. I,., C D C D * C C D C B C D C C C 0 C D * C C D C D C D C C n.. 'Hi PER SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE SIERRA CLUB, CITY OF POWAY, AND ENVIRONMENTAL DEVELOPMENT LTD., ("SIERRA V. POWAY" CASE NO. 633634) PARCEL II RESOLUTION NO. P-90-91 ENGINEERING .SERVICES CONDITIONS I I I I CONDITION 1 B A A B B D 6* 8 ~ ~ ~ W. A/B =-) 1 2 A A A A A 3 A A A A A 4 A A A A A 5 0 C 7* D D D D D D D D D C D D I PJlRrFl THESE CONDITIONS HAVE BEEN UPDATED AND INCORPORATED IN THE RESOLUTION OF APPROVAL FOR TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP 92-04. Resolution No. P- Page 14 APPROVED and ADOPTED by the City Counc i 1 of the City of Poway, State of California, this 7th day of February, 1995. Don Higginson, Mayor ATTEST: MarJorie K. Wahlsten, City Clerk STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO I, Marjorie K. Wahlsten, City Clerk of the City of Poway, do hereby certify, under the penalty of perjury, that the foregoing Resolution, No. , was duly adopted by the City Council at a meeting of said City Council IieTdon the day of , 1995, and that it was so adopted by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSTAIN: ABSENj: " t. MarJorie K. Wahlsten, City Clerk City of Poway 8 of 63 FEB 7 1995 ITEM 14 'H . . -- ---'-----_u_------------- -- ---- --- -~---------------_. k"""C,,",O BERN"" ('PROJECT ¡ [<"\}~~;~j fit,; ~'~.~'.'. .;<j l"- ~':~.'.; ,- !;!. t E~~.'.,: <- -" r.~ I<T.O VICINITY MAF f ,- - CITY OF POWAY ,IL 63 . ~ "SC~L'" .'- N,T,S. PARCEL MAP FOR OLD COACH GOLF ESTATES, ITEM :TPM 92-04. ENVIRONMENTAL DEVELOPMENT,LTD,APPLICANT TITLE: VICINITY MAP FEB 7 1995 ITEM 14 ATTACHMENT ¡::'--B. -------------------- ---------------------------------------, -------..-.-----------.- I 1 -ì PARCEL 4 REMAINDER PARCEL ~£stLA ROAD OLD COACH GOLF ESTATES CITY OF POWAY PARCEL MAP FOR OLD COACH GOLF ESTATES, ITEM :TPM 92-04, ENVIRONMENTAL DEVELOPMENT,LTD,APPLICANT 20 of 6J .~SCALE' <,' , TITLE: SITE PLAN N.T.S. FEB 7 1995 ITEM 14 ATTACHMENT :. ~--- ,.,. ..,' ,'" , ':,~ ' ')i:+:;,!'~i~~,:.:" .:.i.:'i",, '~'-:':,~.J:.(i}:;~:;~:,":~ "),' ",.;i 21 of 63 ;;:'~~~,:';~:it;fi~~;&.',~: õ ~¡ ,,),;,11. -~ «2 , ~Of- ~\-, ~~ 19 ~ eo g ð Ii FEe 7 1995 rrE~ Ì1 ~ !! ~ WI (!) ",. W ","',,"" .... !" ATTACHMENT D 14 "j ~-¡: ~ð ~~t.., ~~ ~ ~¡-« Á::(2 N '60- :¡¡ 50' '-n ~ ~!~' ""1~ ~ ~~ ~ i (!) ~~-1I ~ ~ ~§ 0 ~ Q ~ z '5 ~~ 'AI FEB 22 of 63 7 1995 ð ITEM 14 i ",,! 23 of 63 i II! 0 '" ¡" .., FEB 7 1995 ITEM 4 " ~ RESOLUTION NO. P-92-67 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF POWAY, CALIFORNIA APPROVING TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP 92-04 ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER 273-182-18, 19; 273-100-10, 11; 277-010-02, 05, 22, 23; 277-070-24, 27-31; 277-071-01, 02, 08, 09; 277-140-01, 06, 23, 24, AND 26 WHEREAS, Tentative Parcel Map 92-04, hereinafter "Map" submitted by Environmental Development, Inc., Bruce Tabb, applicant, for the purpose of subdividing the real property situated in the City of Poway, County of San Diego, State of California, described as the portion of Sections 18,19, and 30, Township 13 North, Range One West, San Bernardino Base Meridian and a portion of Section 24 and 25, Township 13 South, Range 2 West San Bernardino Base Meridian into four parcels and a remainder parcel; and WHEREAS, the Director of Planning Services has recommended approval of the map subject to all conditions set forth in the Planning Services Department report; and WHEREAS, the City Council has read and cons i dered said report and has considered other evidence presented at the public hearing. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council does hereby resolve as follows: Environmental Findinos: Section 1: The City Council finds that the proposed parcel map is consistent with the Old Coach Golf Estates project for which a Final Environmental Impact Report (SCH #90010015) was certified by the City Council on May 15, 1990. The Final Environmental Impact Report has been considered and found to contain an adequate assessment of the impacts of the proposed parcel map. The map has been conditioned tQ implement all applicable mitigation measures identified in the Fin~ EIR. 24 of 63 Section 2: FindiMs: 1. The proposed project wi 11 be cons i stent with the general, p.l an in t-fi proposed land use will be a development consisting of a go1"- . rse and single-family residences on lots of one acre or more in 51 e and the General Pl an desi gnates thi s site for rural restdential development. Tentative Parcel Map 92-04 is designed to accommodate the low density residential development. The design and improvements of the tentative parcel map are consistent with all applicable general and specific plans in that conditions of approval for the map specify that it must comply with all requirements of Specific Plan 89-01 which was written specifically for the Old Coach project. 2. 3. The site is physically suitable for the type of development proposed in that the site is located within an area of predominantly single- family residential development and the underlying project has been ATTACHMENT E FEa 7 1995 ITEM 14 : 1 25 of 63 Resolution No. P-92-67 Page 2 designed to substantially observe the natural contours of the land and avoid impacts on sensitive riparian habitat and wildlife corridors. No physical improvements are proposed with the tentative parcel map other than those approved with the original tentative map. 4. The site is physically suitable for the density of the development proposed; in that the proposed lots meet the acreage requirements of the specific plan and underlying RR-A and RR-C zones. The design of the parcel map is not likely to cause substantial environmental damage and avoidable injury to humans and wildlife or their habitat, because appropriate mitigation measures have been identified by the project EIR and will be implemented with project construction. 5. 6. The tentative parcel map is not likely to cause serious public health problems, because City water and sewer services will be provided to the new parcels. Low now plumbing fixtures will be required throughout future buildings on the site. Landscaping plans will eventually be prepared with mi nima 1 water consumpt i on and incorporating low volume irrigation techniques for trees and shrubs. 7. The design of the tentative parcel map will not conflict with any easement acquired by the public at large, now of record, for access through or use of the property within the proposed subdivision. The project will not create adverse impacts on the environment, because it is a minor land division and the underlying Tract Map 89- 13R will comply with all requirements of the project EIR. 8. Section 3: Citv Council Decision; The City Council hereby approves Tentative Parcel Map 92-04 subject to the following conditions: 1. Within 30 days of approval (1) the applicant shall submit in writing t~.....~.~l..l conditions of approval have been read and understood; and (~.. property owner shall execute a Covenant on Real Property. "- "i , PrtGrito any clearing, brushing, or grubbing of areas not already cleared, or approved for clearing, an Administrative Clearing Permit shall be obtained. 2. 3. The developer shall design and construct a water system for the transportation of reclaimed water throughout the project in accordance with Poway's Master Pl an. Said construct i on shall be complete within six months of availability of reclaimed water. This condition supersedes Condition No.6 on Page 13 of Resolution No. P- 90-91. FEB 7 1995 ITEM 14 'j " I 4. Resolution No. P-92-67 Page 3 The applicant shall enter into a contract with the City of Poway for service of reclaimed water at a market rate when it becomes available. When reclaimed water becomes available, this project will be required to relinquish the use of the aqueduct except in emergencies. This condition supersedes Condition No.7 on Page 3 of Resolution No. P-90-91. 5. In the event that Tentative Tract Map 89-13R and Conditional Use Permit 90-13 expi re or are resc i nded by City Counc i 1, owner may develop the property pursuant to the underlying zoning of the property in its existing condition after obtaining all approvals and permits required by the City for the proposed development. Once the sale of individual lots commences, if Parcel 2 or 3 is not developed as a golf course within ten years of the sale of the last lot, then an irrevocable easement for the undeveloped parcel shall be offered to the City of Poway for the City to develop the parcel as a municipal golf course or to hold the land in permanent natural. open space. 6. ENVIRONMENTAL MITIGATION MEASURES 1. The required environmental mitigation measures are contained in the document entitled Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program - Old Coach Golf Estates (SCH #90010015) dated May 1990. Tentat i ve Parcel Map 92-04 shall comply with a 11 of the condi t ions contained in the environmental document referenced above. In the event that one or more of the four parcels are developed independent of the project as a whole, that parcel must complete all of the environmental requirements which apply to that specific parcel. In addition, the following are specific mitigation, measures which must be met before any deve 1 opment permi t (gradi ng, buil ding, or cleari ng) can be granted on any of the four parcels or remainder parcel. 2. b. c. d. 26 of 63 a. Preservation of the entire riparian forest corridor - 100 foot buffer as dedicated biological open space easement (Item 1 and 2, p.~. ' - . Prue~ation of southern oak woodland habitat, 25 foot buffer in deðFcated biological open space easement (Item 1 and 2, Page 11). Protection of five stands of Palmer's encameria in permanent open space easements (Item 2, Page 12). Submittal of final acreage calculations for riparian oak woodland and coastal sage scrub b~sed on detailed grading plans (Item 3, Page 17) . FES 7 1995 ITEM 14!'1 3. 4. e. Resolution No. P-92-67 Page 4 Completion of mitigation for impacts to coastal sage habitat as detailed in the Settlement Agreement between the Sierra Club, City of Poway, and Environmental Development Ltd. Case No. 633634 (Sierra v. Powav). Within 30 days of project approval, the appl icant shall complete the remova 1 and cl ean-up of silt in the ri pari an and oak woodl and areas. Required procedures for cleanup are detailed in the letter by the project biologist, Vince Scheidt, dated February 10, 1992. The work must be monitored and approved by a qualified biologist. Within 30 days of project approval, the applicant shall complete installation of erosion control measures throughout the entire project site to the satisfaction of the Directors of Planning and Engineering Services. MATRIX OF CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Should the applicant or future property owner(s) choose to develop one or more of the parcels created by this map,or the remainder parcel independent of the project as a whole,. development must comply with the following matrix which classifies each of the conditions of approval from City Council Resolutions No. P-90-34 and P-90-91. When a condition is designated as A, B, C, or D, it indicates that: A. C. D. 27 of 63 The requirement must be completed or bonded for the entire project area before Tentative Tract Map 89-13R or any portion thereof may be finaled and before building or grading permits can be issued for golf course development on any parcel created. by Tentative Parcel Map 92-04. B. The requirement must be completed or bonded for within a specific area or phase before the corresponding portion of Tentative Tract Map 89-13R may be finaled The applicant may complete these conditions in phases or increments as the individual lots to which they apply are developed. C,Q,!Iditions are to be completed in conjunction. with gr.ading or .~ng permits. - ~ . TRe ;èquirement does not apply to the corresponding parcel. FEa ITEM 14 7 1995 00 0 HI '" w '"T' ", OJ Resolution No. P- 92-67 Page 5 1;.1. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - RESOLUTION NO. P-90-34 PARCEL 1 - RES IDENTIAL (SOUTIIERL Y 78 LOTS) PARCEL 2 - GOLF COURSE (SOUTHERLY 9 IIOLES) £f,ARCEL 3 - GOLF COURSE (18 IIOLES SURROUNDING CLUB HOUSE) I~ PARCEL 4 - RES IDENTIAL (NORTlIERL Y 78 LOTS) .'" REso~UTIoN No, P-90ë34 / '" SITEDEVElOPMEN'fCONDITIQNS, " > ",""" ",,'" PARCEL I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 , # Ii C C B C C A A C C C C C C C A C D C C C D "2 "",', ..,'.'..... C C D D D A A C C C C C C C A C C C C D D .,3 .> ,'." C C D D D A A C C C C C C C A C C C C D D '"" . ,,\.4.>\, C C B C C A A C C C C C C C A C D C C C D REMAINDER C C B C C A A C C C C C C C A C D C C C B PARCEL "'" w u:;, <.n RI;SOlUnON NO. '. P-90-H LAHDS(:AP I NG '" COND IT IONS PARCEl7 CONDITION I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ." I B B C C B B ß C "'."""""2 >' C C C C C C C D '7 "3» C C C C C C C D ."'»>..» B B C C B B B C '> '" >> REMAINDER B B C C B B ß C PARCEL ~.J I'n 1š': ...... +- tv u:> 0 ..... 0\ W Resolution No. P-92-67 Page 6 ,. :'!".. ," ,~~: "".,tr",",' c c . RtMAINP~R . .. PARCEL... c c ::¡ "tj ¡s¡: . . R~~QbYnONNQ! P,..90.,34 . REtREATIONCONOITIONS .......... .......',"""",, ',PARÞ~L~# CONDITION 1 2 3 4 5 6 XiI..' X B B B B C ", '..."'.,'...,...,..'.". D C C C C C ..,. ~ 3x .',.. D C C C C Xi ,'4.X B B B B C REMAINDER B B B B c ""'",'",.pARCELi!,.. "Tf ,." w -oJ W <D <J1 ..... .¡:,- " "" , N aI , "- 0 Z <= 0 .... "'" 0'" VI 0'1 """ """- 10 of 63 ... ""'" "....1 0< aI>, I.Q CI..,"" CI.. .CI.. 0< Z' ....I Z'< Z OZ 0 ,...,Q - ....- .... ~.... -- ....1'- 0 QO' Z "'0 0 "'"< '-' "" , " "" ..., ... ,., N , " " ': ~.... , , ~'~ ~ -" '" <:: <:: '" '" '-' '-' <:: <:: <:: 0 0 0 0 <:: <:: <:: 0 0 0 0 '" '" <:: <:: <:: <:: '" '" '" '" '-' '-' '-' '-' :' :' , , ::::: ~ ~ '-' '-' '-' '-' '-' N '-' '-' '-' '-' '-' - - 0 '-' '-' 0 0 .... 0 '-' '-' '-' '-' '-' - 0'1 '-' '-' '-' '-' '-' <XI '-' '-' '-' '-' '-' ... "" 1 '" ," '-' '-' '-' '-' '-' Q Z alQ 1- "-t:; u;) '-' 0 0 '-' '-' -0 oz ZO ..., '-' '-' '-' '-' '-' Z: u 0"'" ""'Z ... '-' '-' '-' '-' '-' ....- ~'O ....< 0"'" ,., <:: <:: <:: <:: <:: "',.". "-', "'" N '-' '-' '-' '-' '-' z 8 .... '" 0 0 '" '" 0 z 0 ", '-' " ':':,:", ", ""'" .',:. ~ 'j" i... l 'ry ", "'.::'.' ~ """ ~ : "": FEB 7 1995 HEM 14 ,,< , w ..... 0 H> '" w Reso 1 ution No. P-92-67 Page 8 RE~OlUTIPN NO, ,PâO~34 i"~<~ ",',< '",,' '.. ","".,' " "."".'" '.'/\ ~TREETSAND'~SJDEWI\LKS . ",' '., PARCEL # CONDITION I 2 3." 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 17 18 19 20 21 22 I ..",' B B!. ,JI,~ ,"0 B B A C A B A B *A/B AIB C A AIB C C A/B C D C C D C C A C A C A A A/ A/C C A A/C C C A/C C ,.".,,' C** ""'."'...3 D C C 0 C C A C A C A A AI A/C C A A/C C C A/C C C** 4 D B B B B B A C A B A B A/B* A/B C A A/B C C A/B C REMAINDER D B B D B B A C A B A B AIB A/B C A A/B C C AIB C PARCEL PARCEL # I 2 3 4 5 6 7 A B B A A A/B A A A C A A A/C A A A C A A A/C A A B B A A A/B A !PARCEll ,A B B A A A/B A A/B MEANS CATEGORY "A" FoR PUBLIC STREETS; CATEGORY "B" FOR PRIVATE STREETS, AIC MEANS CATEGORY "A" FOR PUBLIC STREETS; CATEGORY "C" FOR PRIVATE STREETS WITIHN TIlE GOLf COURSE. "Tf T OJ -:¡ W <D <T1 ::¡ 111 ¡s: *>-> .þ- **c ;:::; 0 HI '" w Resolution No. P-92-67 Page 9 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 8 I 9 l' B B B B C A A C A C C C A A C A C C C A A 4 B B ß ß C A A REMAINDER ß B B B C A A I A/B* I A/C** PARCE~ 2 3 A C A A D I ì A A D ß B C A A C "Tf tTI W --J <D lD U"1 :::¡ 111 ' * iš: A/B MEANS CATEGORY "A" FOR ~UßLIC STREETS; CATEGORY "ß" FOR PRIVATE STREETS. ** A/C MEANS CATEGORY "A" FOR PUBLIC STREETS; CATEGORY "C" FOR PRIVATE STREETS WITHIN TliE GOLF COURSE, >-' +:- w w 0 ..... '" -'" * .~:"-*": . ~!II": ""'~.:'.: 2 3 4 5 B B A D A C A A A C A A B B A D C C Resolution No. P-92-67 Page 10 II DESIGN OF RECLAIMED WATER SYSTEM SHALl. BE DONE AS A "CATEGORY A" CONDITION. INSTALLATION OF RECLAIMED WATER SYSTEM SHALL BE DONE IN CONJUCTION WIT/(¡NSTALlATION OF POTABLE WATER SYSTEM AND IN ACCORDANCE WITIt SAME PHAS ING SCIIEDULE. -ry fT1 OJ "" w w <.n ::¡ I'll 3: ~ ..,.. R~SOWTIPN NO, P:90-H TRAffiC SIGNAL AT ESPOLA ~ A A A A A RESQUIUOtt.NP,... Ih90,..H . ..... SHERlff!SDEPAlUKENT CONDITION 1 2 3 4 5 6 A C B D B C A C C B C D D D C D C D D D B D B C C C C w "" 0 ,." '" w "T M W --1 W CD <T1 ::j rn :s: .... ..,.. Resolution No. P-92-67 Page 11 RESO~UT.QN NO, P~~O~~4 .. SAFETY.. SERVICES 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 A C A C C C C B C B B C B A D A C A C C C C C C A C C D A C A C A C C C C C c A C C D A C A C A C C C C B C B B C D A D A C A C C C C B C B 8 C D A D Ul 0 .... 0\ W * ** *** Resolution No. P-92-67 Page 12 R~S9LYT!9N NO; P~99,34 .,',' GENERAL REQI.IJREI'IEIÜS ANÖAPPRQVALS. ,'.,' .,.."",.".,.,'. "....'.¿~"""'.~~ {..:"', CQNDJ.Tj{)N ~~';,~ ¡" r~~ 2 3 4*** 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 , ".,,\ ~,..: A/B C B D A C B A B C* C C A/B A/B A/B* 0 A/ .', * B A A/C C C C A C A A C C C C A A A/C 0 A/ ...... ..'. ** ** C ~ .'~ '. .. D A/C C C C A C A A C C C C A A A/C 0 A/ "".1 ** ** C 4 D A/B C B D A C B ABC C C A/B A/B A/B* D A/ , * B REMAINDER A A/B C" B D A C B ABC A/ C A/B A/B A/B* D A/ . PARCEL' * C B -D A/B MEANS CATEGORY "A" FOR TPM AND CATEGORY "B" FOR EASEMENTS REQUIRED AS CONDITION TTM. A/C MEANS THAT EASEMENTS FOR ENVIRONMENTAL MITIGATION, PUBLIC STREETS, AND UTILITIES ARE REQUIRED TO BE RECORDED PRIOR TO FINALIZATION OF ANY PORTION OF TTM AND BEFORE DEVELOPMENT CAN PROCEED ON ANY GOLF COURSE PARCELS. OTHER EASEMENTS ARE CATEGORY "C". EXCEPT AS NOTED IN THE RESOLUTION OF APPROVAL FOR TPM 92-04. ") '"Tf ,.., to """ ë:D u:> (Jl ::¡ 11'. ¡š;: J-' -I"- w <J) 0 H¡ <J) w Resolution No. P-92-67 Page 13 RESOLUTJONNo.. P~90-91 . .... ..... PLAtUÜNG SERVICES CONDITIONS .... n^~,..ií I.j¡ klMlDITION . ..... .m,}'1I\Iij1 234567891011 121314 .i.1 ..i'i\ l¡f;,_' C D C B * C C D C D C D C C >~" C C C D * C C C C D C D C C .'....... ,i> C C C D * C C D C D C D C C >~ C D C D * C C D C BCD C C C D C D * C C D C D C D C C 1'.. * PER SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE SIERRA CLUB, CITY OF POWAY., AND ENVIRONMENTAL DEVELOPMENT LTD., ("SIERRA V. POWAY" CASE NO. 633634) . ..., RESOLUTION NO, P~90~91 ENGINEERINGSEÍlVICES CONI) IT IONS CONDITION 1 2 3 4 5 6* 7* 8 \/1 II -) B A A A D D D A B A A A A C D D A/C A A A A C D D A/C B A A A D D D AIB B A A A D D D A/B -r¡ ", OJ tD <.D Ul ::¡ 111 :s: * ~ THESE CONDITIONS HAVE BEEN UPDATED AND INCORPORATED IN THE RESOLUT.ION OF APPROVAL FOR TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP 92-04. .¡=- Resolution No. P-92-67 Page 14 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS AND APPROVALS The tentative parcel map approval shall expire on November 10, 1994. An application for time extension must be received 90 days prior to expiration in accordance with the City's Subdivision Ordinance. APPROVED and ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Poway, State of California, this 10th day of November 1992. ATTEST: STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO ) ) SS. ) I, Marjori e K. Wahl sten, Ci ty Cl erk of the Ci ty of Poway, do hereby certify, under the penalty of perjury, that the foregoing Resolution, No. P-92-67 , was duly adopted by the City Council at a meeting of said City Council held on the 10th day of November , 1992, and that it was so adopted by the following vote: ~ ~. I{ N~. HIGGINSON, MCINTYRE, SNESKO EMERY, ABSTAIN: NONE ABSENT: NONE 7 of 63 REPORTI TPH9204, RES FEB 7 1995 ITEM 14 (Note: One vacancy created by termination of Mayor Goldsmith's appointed term on November 3, 1992.) Ì!ì ~ /LJu_çi:z., Marjor e . Wahlsten, City Clerk City 0 P way - I -:) J RESOLUTION NO. P- 90-£1 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF POWAY, CALIFORNIA APPROVING TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 89-13R AND CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 90-13 ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER 273-182-18,19; 273-100-10, 11; 277-010-02, OS, 22, 23; 277-070-24, 27 - 31; 277-071-01, 02, 08, 09; 277-140-01, 06, 23, 24, 26 WHEREAS, Revised Tentative Tract Map 89-13R, hereinafter "Map" submitted by Environmental Development, Inc., Bruce Tabb, applicant, for the purpose of subdividing the real property situated in the City of Poway, County of San Diego, State of California, described as the portion of Section 18, 19~ and 30, Township 13 North, Range One West, San Bernardino Base Meridian and a portion of Section 24 and 25, Township 13 South, Range 2 West, San Bernardino Base Meridian into 156 residential lots, one golf course lot, and six open space lots, and Conditional Use Permit 90- 13 for development of a 27 hole golf course with associated clubhouse facilities; and WHEREAS, the Director of Planning Services has recommended approval of the map su~ect to all conditions set forth in the Planning Services Department report; and , L WHEREAS, the City Council has read and considered said report and has considered other evidence presented at the public hearing. follows: NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council.does hereby resolve as Section 1: 2. 38 of 63 Environmental Findinqs: 1. The City Council finds that the proposed revised tentative map and conditional use permit are components of the Old Coach Golf Estates project for which a Final Environmental Impact Report (SCH #90010015) was certified by the City Council on May 15, 1990 .'The Final En~entaJ. ;rmpact Report has been consiqered and found to ~ain an adequate assessment of the impacts of the re~ftl tentative tract map and conditional use permit. The revised map and conditional use permit have been conditioned to implement all applicable mitigation measures identified in the Final EIR. City Staff analyzed the changes that have occurred in the Old Coach Development project ("Project") since certification of the Old Coach EIR ("EIR) by comparing and contrasting Revised Tentative Tract Map 89-13-R ("RTTM 89-13-R") with Tentative Tract Map 89-13 ("TTM 89- 13"), which was analyzed in the EIR and- Mr. Vincent Scheidt, the City's biological consultant compared the ATTACHMENT F FES 7 1995 ITEM 14 I 8. 9. 10. 11. 'L t 12. 13 . 14. r- ------ 1, Resolution No. P- 90-91 Page 12 The landscaping plans for the golf course shall include a low flow irrigation system to water trees and shrubs. The applicant shall revise the grading plan to eliminate any retaining walls which exceed six feet in height. A request for variance or amendment to Specific plan 89-01 may be submitted for action by City Council where over-height walls serve to preserve significant natural features or reduce slope height. The rock enclosures within Archaeological Site SDill, S22 shall be incorporated in an open space easement prior to final map recordation. The limits of the easement shall b~ subject to approval by the project archaeologist. This easement shall be clearly shown on the grading plans and grading design shall be modified as necessary to avoid disturbance of this archaeological resource. The location of required biological open space easements shall be clearly shown on the grading plans prior to issuance of any grading permits. These easements include the 100 foot buffer from the edge of the riparian forest canopy and the 25 foot buffer from the outer edge of the oak woodland canopy dripline as required by the ErR. The mini park site shall be removed incorporated into Open Space Lot E. from the map and This approval shall become null and void if building permits are not issued for this project in accordance with the time lines set forth on Page 4 of the Development Agreement. Lots which are located in areas within an underlying slope of 25 percent or greater shall incorporate multiple foundations with a minimum separation of five feet. The Director of Planning Services may approve alternative methods which reduce slope height such as changing the building pad elevation or adjaCeh~~.. eet grade, reducing building pad size or ~se of retaini~ ".alls under six feet in height provided these techniques~educe slope height to 25 feet or less. ~ *c APPLICANT SHALL CONTACT THE DEPARTMENT OF ENGINEERING SERVICES REGARDING COMPLIANCE WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: 1. 2. 3. 39 of 63 ::- All adopted conditions of approval of the underlying tract map shall be satisfied except as amended herein. Developer shall modify existing access to the fire station from Espola Road. Said modification shall include the regrading and re-landscaping of the driveway and parking area to eliminate steep grades and allow adequate turnaround areas. ,;; ,j ,'- Lt') m S2 10- Developer shall install a switch in the fire station and additional "Opticom" to control the Espola Road and Old Coach QJ 41 ;¡... The applicant shall enter into a contract with the operators of the San pasqual Reclaimed Water Facility for service of reclaimed water when it becomes available. When reclaimed water becomes available, this project will be required to relinquish the use of the aqueduct except in emergencies. Street improvements on Old Coach Road shall be made in accordance with City Ordinance standards for Semi-Rural Streets Local Collector with the exception of pavement width which shall be 28 feet curb-to-curb. Sidewalk on one side of Old Coach Road (public portion) shall be required in addition to concrete curbs and gutters on both sides (public portion). A 35 mile per hour design speed will be used in the geometric design of the roadway. Paved turnouts will be provided at regular intervals in locations approved by the Director of Engineer~.~Bervices. ' APPROvED'an1{ ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Poway, State of Cali~rhia, this 27th day of November 1990. CJ~ \+J~~- Don Higginson, ~ yor '- 'I \ , 1./ ',I' ¡ .. i\[t)","',i r:- ..',J,cl-)l,,- Marjorie K. Wahlsten, City Clerk l~'. I , 7. L 8. ATTEST: 40 of 63 t -ì Resolution No. P-90-91 Page 13 Road traffic signal to provide protected left turn access to and from Espola Road for emergency vehicles. 4. Developer shall process a boundary adjustment through the Engineering Services Department. The Certificate of Compliance shall be recorded prior to final map approval. Prior to any rough grade approval, if it is found that the golf course irrigation needs cannot be met by ground water only, the applicant shall enter into an agreement with the City of poway for use of untreated water from the Aqueduct. The City presently has the rights to 2.5 Cubic Feet per Second (CFS) from the Water Authority. StoneRidge Golf Cou~se has a senior agreement with the City for use of the water. Old Coach Estates shall be entitled to the excess water available up to 2.5 CFS. 5. 6. The developer shall design and construct a water system for the transportation of reclaimed water from the San pasqual Reclamation Plan to the project. Said construction shall be complete within six months of availability of reclaimed water. FES 7 1995 ITEM 14 ,p~ .u ----u_----------------- ----- RESOLUTION NO. p-90-34 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF POWAY, CALIFORNIA APPROVING TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 89-13 ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBERS 273-182, 18, 19; 273-100-10, 277-010-2,5,22, 23; 277-070-24, 27 - 31,277-071-01,2, AND 277-140-1, 6,23,24, AND 26 11; 8, 9; WHEREAS, Tentative Tract Map No. 89-13, hereinafter "Map" submitted by Environmental Development Inc., Bruce Tabb, applicant, for the purpose of sub- dividing the real property situated in the City of Poway, County of San Diego, State of California, described as the portion of Section 18, 19, and 30, Township 13 north, Range 1 west, San Bernardino Baseline and a portion of Section 24 and 25, Township 13 south, Range 2 west, San Bernardino Baseline into 157 lots where 156 lots are intended for the development of detached single- family dwellings and one lot is intended for the development of a golf course with clubhouse, regularly came before the City Council on May 15, 1990; and WHEREAS, the Director of Planning Services has recommended approval of the map subject to all conditions set forth in the Planning Services Department report; and WHEREAS, the City Council has read and considered said report and has con- sidered other evidence presented at the public hearing. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of poway does hereby resolve as follows: Section 1: Environmental Findings: The City Council finds that the proposed map is a component of the Old Coach Golf Estates project for which a Final Environmental Impact Report (SCH #90010015) for the subject project was reviewed and considered by the City Council on May IS, 199D and was certified as complete and adequate for the proposed map by Council resolution. The Final EIR concluded that develop- ment pursuant to the map would not result in any unmitigated impacts. Section 2: Finllq-t , The City Council~~s the following findings in regard to Tentative Tract Map 89-13 and the Map thereof. 1. The tentative tract map is consistent with all applicable general and specific plans; in that the proposed land use is for single-family residences and a golf course use in accordance with the goals, objec- tives, and policies of the General Plan and in compliance with the adopted Old Coach Golf Estates Planned Community Specific Plan 89-01. ATTACHMENT G FEB 7 1995 ITEM 14'It' 41 of 63 Resolution No. P-90-34 Page 3 APPLICANT SHALL CONTACT THE DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING SERVICES REGARDING COMPLIANCE WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: SITE DEVELOPMENT 42 of 63 1. Site shall be developed in accordance with the approved tentative tract map (TTM 89-13), the approved final tract map or maps for the project site, the applicable provisions of Zoning Development Code (Chapter 17.20 PC - Planned Community Zone), and the approved Old Coach Golf Estates Planned Community Specific Plan (SP 89-01) all on file in the Planning Services Department; and, in compliance with the conditions contained within TTM 89-13 and SP 89-01 and further the conditions contained herein. 2. Site shall be developed in compliance with all environmental impact mitiga- tion measures and the mitigation monitoring and reporting program contained within the Certified Final Environmental Impact Report (Old Coach Golf Estates Project - State Clearinghouse No. 90010015) on file in the Planning Services Department. The storage of recreational vehicles on single-family residential lots is prohibited in the required front yard and the CC&Rs shall state such prohi- bition. Such recreational vehicle storage shall be in accordance with City standards and the applicable provisions contained within the approved Specific Plan 89-01. 3. 4. The development of the single-family residential lots shall be in accordance with the amended Rural Residential C property development standards of the Zoning Development Code as detailed in Section VII A of the Specific Plan Text and with the conditions contained herein. 5. In order to minimize grading and its effects thereon, single-family residen- tial lots located on natural slopes between 25 percent and 45 percent gra- dient shall be developed with multi-level foundations in accordance with Poway General Plan policies and to the satisfaction of the Planning Services and Engineering Services Departments. Those lots, by their respective lot number, shall be~Jl!a..JI!. arly identified on the final map or maps. ,This require- ment for multi-~foundations shall be contained within each Deed of-Sale for the subject ~~and also under the General notes of the Final map or maps. Developmet5 thu/or grading within areas of 45 percent and above natural slope shall be prohibited, except where it is unavoidable in order to permit reasonable street access to a development area. 6. The developer shall provide appropri~te easements along the easterly sub- division boundary of the project north of Espola Road for the purpose of an equestrian/pedestrian trail to the satisfaction of the Directors of the Planning, Community, and Public Services Departments. The conceptual align- ment of the equestrian/pedestrian trail is as shown on the tentative map. Precise alignment of the trail will be reviewed and considered for approval by the City at the time final grading plans are submitted. The trail system FEB 7 1995 ITEM 14 11'1 Resolution No. P- 90-34 Page 4 7. design and trail improvement plan for the entire project sit~ shall be incorporated on the final map or maps and final grading plan and shall be reviewed and approved by the City prior to final map and final grading plan approval. In addition, the proposed regional trail design shall be coor- dinated between the Director of Community Services and the Project Coordinator to the San Dieguito River Park Joint Powers Authority prior to its depiction on the final map(s) and final grading plants). The preliminary engineering design of Old Coach Road improvements, shall be coordinated with the Directors of Community, Engineering and Planning Services, and a qualified biologist. Should the Directors of Community and Engineering Services and biologist determine that the inclusion of a staging area is both feasible and appropriate, a staging area shall be incorporated into the final map and the final grading plan. The developer shall coor- dinate staging area improvements with the City. The staging area should be adequate in area to accommodate a minimum of five parking spaces of 10' x 40' in dimension. 8. Prior to final grading plan and final map approval, the developer shall pro- vide the City with a development/construction schedule and time line (phasing program) for the grading and development of the project site. The program shall include, but not be limited to grading, public improvements and utilities, golf course with clubhouse facility, mini park, trail system, project growing grounds, entry gates to private internal streets, landsca- ping/ irrigation installation, and open space preservation. 9. Site plans and building elevations incorporating all conditions of approval shall be submitted to the Planning Services Department prior to issuance of building permits. 10. Approval of this request shall not waive compliance with applicable sections of the Zoning Development Code and all other applicable City Ordinances in effect at the time of building permit issuance. Where specific property development standards and requirements of the Zoning Development Code differ with the those o~Pecific.Plan 89-01, the standards of SP 89-01 shall take precedence. 91' ~, 'i . 11. Mail boxes and/o~p8tcel delivery areas shall be installed by the developer according to a plan which is acceptable to both the Post Office and the Director of Planning Services. The location of mail boxes and/or parcel delivery areas shall be compatible ~ith the gåted entries to private streets within the development. 12. Roof materials and colors shall be subject to the provisions of Specific Plan 89-01. FES 7 1995 ITEM 14 ."i 13 of 63 Resolution No. P- 90-34 Page 5 13. For all new residential dwelling unit(s), the applicant shall pay develop- ment fees at the established rate. Such fees may include, but not be limited to: Permit and Plan Checking Fees, School Fees (in accordance with State Law) Water and Sewer Service Fees. These fees shall be paid prior to final map approval, however, a security deposit may be posted for park, drainage, and traffic mitigation fees. 14. Street names shall be approved by the Planning Services Department prior to the recordation of the final map, and street addresses shall be provided prior to the issuance of building permits. 16. 15. A dedicated biological open space easement shall be placed on the riparian habitat along Sycamore Creek and Thompson Creek to minimize impacts to biological resources. All riparian habitat impacts shall be avoided to the extent possible, and any minimal impacts by project development (i.e., Old Coach Road realignment, golf cart paths, and sewer easement crossings) shall be compensated by the replacement of habitat lost with native species at a 3:1 replacement ratio, such that there would be no "net loss" of riparian habitat. The mitigation measures and mitigation monitoring and reporting program contained in the Certified Final EIR for this project and any sub- sequent environmental mitigation shall be adhered to. In accordance with the Certified Final EIR, sensitive biological and archaeological/cultural resources existing on-site that are to be preserved shall be identified in the field by certified specialists and protected from potential disturbance by grading activities. To ensure the optimum protection of these resources, the final grading plan and final map(s) shall clearly depict the parameters of these resources and their rela- tionship to the limits of grading line. 17. The developer shall prepare for City review and approval, prior to final map approval, detailed grading, engineering improvement, and site development plans for the golf course lot including the plans for the associated cl ubhouse facl1 ny. These plans shall address and i ncorpora te the mit i ga'- tion measures <;itòtiJned in the Certified Final EIR as well as 'other mitiga- t ion requi remerf'Ji 1II.i ch may be determi ned from the condit ions stated here i n. The design of tITé ~lf course and clubhouse facility shall address and incorporate mea!8rÎS to minimize irrigated areas and shall utilize salt- tolerant and drought-resistant vegetation. 18. The developer shall prepare for City review and approval, a detailed propo- sal for the use, operation, and maintenance of all proposed entry gates to private streets within the development. All gated entries shall operate to the satisfaction of the Safety Services and Sheriff's Departments. 19. The development of buildings and/or structures within the Old Coach Golf Estates Planned Community Specific Plan 89-01 shall be subject to the City's planning application and development review procedures as required by City ordinance and as determined by the Director of Planning Services. 44 of 63 FEB 7 1995 ITEM 14 ,~.j Resolution No. P- 90-34 Page 8 ADDITIONAL APPROVALS REQUIRED 1. A temporary use permit for a sales trailer, if a trailer is so desired by the developer, shall be submitted to and approved by the Director of Planning Services prior to the commencement of sales activities. 2. The developer shall display a current Zoning and Land Use Map in the sales office at all times, and/or suitable alternative to the satisfaction of the Director of Planning Services. 3. All sales maps that are distributed or made available to the public shall include but not be limited to trails, future and existing Schools, parks, and streets. 4. A copy of the Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions (CC&Rs) and/or Articles of Incorporation of the Homeowners Association and Architectural Review Committee (if adopted) shall be subject to the review for compliance with conditions herein, to the satisfaction of the City Attorney and Director of Planning Services, and shall be filed with the Secretary of State, the County Recorder, and the City Clerk prior to building permit issuance. The CC&Rs shall incorporate, by reference, the approved Specific Plan 89-D1 and shall specifically identify all development guidelines, conditions, and requirements that apply to individual lots. 5. The Old Coach Golf Estates Planned Community specific plan and final map(s) shall be limited to a maximum of 156 numbered lots for single-family resi- dential development and one numbered lot for the golf course, for a total of 157 numbered lots. All residential lots shall be no less than one net acre in size. All open space areas shall be identified on the final map(s) as lettered lots separate from the numbered lots. 6. The Old Coach Golf Estates Planned Community shall be subject to Ordinance No. 283 passed by the voters of the City of poway on November 8, 1988, and adopted by the Poway City Council on December 6, 1988. Ordinance No. 2B3 enacted Proposition FF, and said ordinance added, in part, the following provisions to the poway General Plan and Zoning Development Code concerning the Old Coach PilnBed Community. ' -, ~~ a. No change15';lhe Old Coach Planned Community Development Plan or to the Poway Muni~ Code which would increase the residential density or increase the commercial or manufacturing use within the Old Coach Planned Community shall be adoRted unless and until such change is approved by ordinance adopted by the voters of the City at a special or general election, or approved first by the City Council and then adopted by the voters in such an election. b. In order to preserve the very low density and intensity of development in the Old Coach Planned Community, no property located within the Old Coach Planned Community shall be rezoned to a zone, nor shall the poway Municipal Code or the Old Coach Planned Community Development Plan be :5 of 63 FEB 7 1995 HEM 14 ¡-j Resolution No. P- 90-34 Page 10 2. Prior to colTTl1encement of grading, all open space easements and colTTl1on open space lots (lettered lots) as designated on the approved tentative map shall be protected from grading by means acceptable to the City and a qualified 'biologist pursuant to Condition No. 13 of General Requirements and Approvals. Said protection may include temporary chain link fencing. Upon removal of the protection at completion of bulk grading, the developer shall install a low level marking system to designate those open spaces. 3. Erosion control, including, but not limited to desi1tation basins, shall be installed. The developer shall make provisions to insure the proper main- tenance of all erosion control devices throughout their intended life. 4. The tops and toes of all graded slopes shall be constructed with a five foot minimum setback from any open space area. Grading of the subject property shall be in accordance with the Uniform Building Code, City Grading Ordinance, approved grading plan and geotech- nical report, and accepted grading practices. 6. The grading plan shall contain a certificate signed by a registered civil engineer that the grading plan has preserved a minimum of 100 square feet of solar access for each dwelling unit and for each future building site within the subdivision. 5. 7. A soils report shall be prepared by a qualified engineer licensed by the State of California to perform such work at first submittal of a grading plan. 8. A geological report shall be prepared by a qualified engineer or geologist and submitted at the time of application for grading plan check. 9. The final grading plan shall be subject to review and approval by the Planning Services and Engineering Services Department and shall be completed prior to recordation of the final subdivision map or issuance of building permit, whichever comes first. , . . 10. A pre-blast sur~f surrounding property shall be conducted to the satis- faction of the ~tor of Engineering Services prior to any rock blasting. Seismic recordin1fs shall be taken for all blasting and blasting shall occur only at locations and levels approved by the Director of Engineering Services. . 11. The proposed golf course has been designated as a possible oversized rock disposal area. The developer shall submit proposed rock disposal methods and alternative grading methods prepared by a geotechnical consultant to the City of Poway for review and consideration. Said proposal shall make ade- quate provisions for sub-surface drainage, mass stability, and for preven- tion of migration of fine soils particles within the rock disposal area. ~6 of 63 FEB 7 1995 ITEM 14 '~'1 Resolution No. P-90-34 Page 11 12. All grading within the residential lots and within building areas of the golf course lot must be performed in compliance with City standards and . practices. 13. Non-supervised nor non-engineered fill is specifically not allowed. Rock disposal areas in the golf course shall only be graded in compliance with City-approved soils investigations and recommendations and grading plans. STREETS AND SIDEWALKS 2. 1. Developer shall install curb and gutter and any necessary drainage facili- ties required to terminate Indian Canyon Lane. The developer shall bring about the vacation and restoration, removal of surface improvements and regrading to natural, of any of these areas that may no longer be needed as roadway. Bridges to be constructed within the City right-of-way, easement, or irrevo- cable offer of dedication, shall be constructed to the satisfaction of the Directors of Engineering and Planning Services. 3. Developer shall install a cul-de-sac with a 38 foot minimum radius at the end of all private roads. Developer shall remove the private forced sewer mains in Del Paso Drive and tie those individuals on Del Paso Drive into the public gravity flow sewer system at no cost to the property owners. 4. 5. All interior rural local private roads shall be constru~ted with 24 feet of pavement, asphalt curb, on both sides, with a minimum 40 foot easement. ---- 6. All interior Rural Collector Private Roads and the private portion of Old Coach Road as shown on the tentative map shall be constructed with 26 feet of pavement, and asphalt curb on both sides in a 52 foot easement. 7. Developer shall install half-width street improvements to Espola Road along the property'sllllbtage. Said half-width improvements shall be a minímum of 41 feet of pav~.-ithin 51 feet of right-of-way from the westerly boundary to a point 250.. east of Old Coach Road.' Half-street improvements may then transition~-tó 37 feet of paving within 47 feet of right-of-way with an adequate transition to existing roadway.at the project boundary. 8. The developer shall acquire an encroachment permit for any private improve- ments placed within the public right-of-way. 9. Direct rights of access to Espola Road and Old Coach Road shall be relinquished on the final map except as allowed at private road intersec- tions. 47 of 63 FEB 7 1995 I'TEM 14 l'¡ Resolution No. P-90-34 Page 12 ID. All interior and exterior public streets shall be constructed to public street standards. ,8 of 63 11. Sidewalks 4.5 feet in width shall be required on one side of Old Coach Road (public portion). 12. Reciprocal access and maintenance and/or agreements shall be provided insuring access to all parcels over private roads, drives or parking areas and maintenance thereof to the satisfaction of the Director of Engineering Services. 13. Street striping and signing shall be installed to the satisfaction of the Director of Engineering Services. All street structural sections shall be submitted to, and approved by the Director of Engineering Services. 14. 15. Street improvement plans prepared on standard size sheets by a Registered Civil Engineer shall be submitted for approval by the Director of Engineering Services. Plan check and inspection expenses shall be paid by the developer. 17. All exterior street improvements shall be constructed prior to issuance of building permits, to the satisfaction of the Director of Engineering Services. - 18. Street improvements that include, but are not limited to: X a. Sidewalks -----X-b. Driveways -----X-c. Wheel chair ramps X d. Curb and gutter X e. -f. ----¡¡:- g . -h. Cross gutter Alley gutter Street paving Alley paving shall be constructed prior to the occupancy of the units to the satisfac- tion of the Direc~or of Engineering Services. - 19. All damaged 0 e public works facilities, including parkway trees, shall be repa r replaced prior to exoneration of bonds and improve- ments, to the satisfaction of the Department of Public Services. 2D. Prior to any work being performed in the public right-of-way, a right-of-way permit shall be obtained from the Engineering Services office and appropriate fees paid, in addition to any other permits required. FEB ITEM 14 I,j 7 1995 19 of 63 Resolution No. P- 90-34 Page 13 21. Street improvements and maintenance shall be made in accordance with City Ordinance standards for semi-rural streets local Collector - Old Coach Road. Sidewalk on one side of Old Coach Road (public portion) shall be required in .addition to concrete curbs and gutters on both sides. 22. The developer shall pay the Traffic Mitigation Fee at the established rate at the date the final inspection or the date the Certificate of Occupancy is issued, whichever occurs later, but a security deposit shall be posted with the City's Engineering Services Department prior to final map approval. The Old Coach Road and Espola Road traffic signal installation will be credited toward the projects Traffic mitigation Fees. DRAINAGE AND FLOOD CONTROL 1. Developer shall clearly label those areas designated as floodway and floodplain on the final map. These areas shall be determined from an analy- sis of the 100 year flood in accordance with the San Diego County hydrology manua I . 2. Developer shall analyze the potential inundation areas due to Ramona Dam failure prior to approval of the final map. All residential lots or por- tions of residential lots located within the flood inundation area shall be delineated on the final map and a notification shall be contained in the deeds of sale of each of these lots. 3. Intersection drains will be required at locations specified by the Director of Engineering Services and in accordance with standard engineering prac- tices. 4. The proposed project falls within areas indicated as subject to flooding and is subject to the provisions of the City Ordinance. 5. A drainage study shall be performed by the developer to ensure that the pro- ject drainage system is capable of handling and disposing of all surface water originating within the subdivision, and all surface waters that may flow onto the subdivision from adjacent lands, shall be required. Said drainage system J include any easements and structures as required by' the Director of eering Services to properly handle the drainage. The design, functio maintenance of the drainage system shall be in compliance with roject certified Final EIR. 6. Portland cement concrete cross gutters shall be installed where water crosses the roadways. . 7. Concentrated flows across driveways and/or sidewalks shall not be permitted. UTILITIES t. All propqsed utilities within the project sha11 be installed underground 1ncluding existing utilities along Circulation Element roads and/or highways less than 34.5 KV. FE8 7 1995 ITEM 14 Tj 50 of 63 Resolution No. P- 90-34 Page 14 2. Utility easements shall be provided to the specification of the serving uti- lity companies and the Director of Engineering Services. The developer shall be responsible for the relocation and undergrounding of existing public utilities, as required. 3. 4. -"2 Water, sewer, and fire protection systems plans shall be designed and constructed to meet requirements of the City of poway and the Health Department of the County of San Diego. 5. Prior to acceptance of property for sewer service, annexation to the sewer-- improvement area shall occur. . 6. The applicant shall pay for a water system analysis to establish the proper size and location for the public water system. The amount will be deter- mined by the cost of the analysis and shall be paid prior to submittal of improvement plans. The analysis shall be subject to environmental review so that the potential environmental impacts in the areas of growth inducement and cumulative effects can be adequately addressed. The environmental review of the analysis shall be completed and approved by the City prior to final map approval. The applicant shall, within 30 days after receiving approval of the ten- ~ tative tract map. apply for a Letter of Availability (LOA) to reserve sewerage availability and post with the City, a nonrefundable reservation fee equal to 2D% of the appropriate sewerage connection fee in effect at the time the LOA is issued. 7. 8. Developer shall construct a public street light system on all public streets and intersections, conforming to City of poway Standards at no cost to the public, subject to the following: . a. Cut-off luminaries shall be installed which will provide true 90 degree cutoff and prevent projection of light above the horizontal from the lowest point of the lamp or light emitting refractor or qevice. All fixtu~all use a clear, low pressure sodium vapor light source. .'" Advance energy charges and District engineering charges shall be paid by the developer. b. c. Annexation to the lighting district shall be accomplished and evidence of annexation shall be accomplished at the time of final inspection or certificate of occupancy, whichever occurs later. 9. Cable television services shall be provided and installed underground. The developer shall notify the Cable company when trenching for utilities is to be accomplished. d. FES 7 1995 ITEM 14i ______mn______------------- Resolution No. P- 90-34 Page 15 All existing cable television utility and access easements shall be shown on the final grading plan and final map(s). The developer shall coordinate the relocation of existing utilities with the cable company prior to final map approval and/or the commencement of on-site grading operations. Sewer 2. 1. A detailed sewage collection and distribution system/improvement feasibility study shall be prepared by the applicant and approved by the Engineering Services Department prior to final map approval. The feasibility study shall be subject to environmental review so that the potential environmental impacts in the areas of growth inducement and cumulative effects can be ade- quatelyaddressed. The environmental review of the feasibility study shall be completed and approved by the City prior to final map approval. Developer may be required to construct off-site improvements as needed to maintain or attain City of Poway sewage disposal standards. Such improve- ments may include, but not be limited to, upsizing or replacing sewer mains and/or upgrading pump stations to current standards involving pump capacity, controls, monitoring system and/or odor control. / Individual sewer pump systems will only be allowed in circumstances of extreme impact on grading. The sewer system and the pad locations shall be designed to provide gravity flow to public sewer mains wherever possible. The sewer system and project layout shall be designed to minimize the number of public pump stations necessary. The sewer system and project layout shall be designed to minimize the number of public and individual pump sta- tions necessary. Water 1. A reclaimed water system, consisting of pump stations, distribution and transmission mains, reservoirs, and appurtenances to the City of poway stan- dards and pol icies in effect at the time of improvement plan submitta I, shall be sized to meet the needs for the North Poway basin and installed for landscaping and -- - ation to the satisfaction of the Director'of -,- Engineering Ser . Prior to final map approval for each phase, a deed covenant shall b4¡:i corded reQui ri ng property' owners to agree to joi nand participate in a future water reclamation district. Also, the water plans shall be reviewed and approved by the California State Health Department prior to final map approval. The system shall be sized to irrigate private residential lots. Laterals to each 'lot shall be installed, capped, and clearly identified. Use of reclaimed water on individual lots shall be encouraged through design of the reclaimed water system, but shall ,not be mandatory as a condition of the map. For any portion(s) of the sewer, water, reclaimed water, or public drainage system and appurtenances that will be installed at a location other than a public street, an easement of 20 feet minimum width, shall be dedicated to "'" ~. 31 of 63 FEB 7 1995 li::¡VJ 14 - - ---- -- -------- ---- -------------- ---_.,---- ----- ,---------- ;2 of 63 Resolution No. P- 90-34 Page 16 3. the City of poway. Multiple parallel facilities will require additional easement width. Dedication shall be offered on the final map for on-site facilities and by a separate document for off-site facilities, which shall be recorded prior to final map approval. All public utility lines (i.e., water, sewer, drainage) not located within public or private streets shall have an improved access over and along their respective easement; the surfacing and width shall be acceptable to the City Engineer. 4. Developer shall perform a ground water hydrology analysis to determine the feasibility of the use of ground water until reclaimed water is available. The said analysis and any associated system design and/or system improvement plan shall be completed to the satisfaction of the Director of Engineering Services, and submitted to the Director of Engineering Services for review and consideration. Prior to City approval, the ground water hydrology ana- lysis, system design and/or system improvement plan shall be subjected to the,City's environmental review process, and prior to Final map approval the implementation of said analysis, design and/or improvement plan shall be guaranteed. Groundwater shall not be used without the prior approval of the City Council. In the event of a water shortage, the water supply to the course shall be classified as interruptible agricultural. v 5. Traffic Signal A traffic signal at Espola Road and Old Coach Road shall be designed and a security posted prior to final map approval. The signal shall be installed and accepted by the City of poway prior to issuance of a building permit for the golf course clubhouse facility or prior to issuance of the 41st residen- tial building permit, whichever occurs first. The cost of the installation of the traffic signal shall be credited toward the traffic mitigation fees required of this project. APPLICANT SHALL CONTACT THE DEPARTMENT OF SAFETY SERVICES REGARDING COMPLIANCE WITH THE FOLLOWING ~IONS: 1. Provide emergen unless access h hicle access from Old Coach Way to Highland Valley Road, ~ ready been provided by other finaled subdivision maps. 2. All gates shall meet current electrically operated access gate policy including "Knox" key override switc~ and "Opticom" traffic control detec- tion. 3. All residential lot development within the project with a response time of greater than five minutes shall be protected by a residential fire sprinkler system. Upon completion of roadway constructions, each road will be tested by the Fire Department to determine actual response time. FE8 7 1995 ITEM 141"1 Resolution No. P- 90-34 Page 17 4. All rural roads should be considered for a minimum width of 24 feet and all residential rural roads shall be posted with "NO PARKING - EITHER SIDE" signs. 5. All lots with driveways in excess of 150 feet shall be provided with ade- quate space to meet fire apparatus access road turnaround requirements. 6. For all lots accessed by roadways or driveways constructed with slopes exceeding 15 percent grade or less than 16 feet in width, the new home shall be protected by a residential fire sprinkler system. 7. Roof covering shall meet Class A fire retardant testing as specified in the Uniform Building Standards No. 32-7 for fire retardant roof. 8. Approved numbers or addresses shall be placed on the building in such a position as to be plainly visible and legible from the street or the address shall also be posted at the entrance driveway to each home when the home cannot be adequately seen from the street by emergency personnel. Said num- bers shall contrast with their background. Minimum height of address num- bers shall be four inches. 1. Fire hydrants will be required throughout the project with a maximum spacing of 500 feet to each building pad/home. All fire hydrants to be located by the City Fire Marshal. A new fire hydrant shall be installed on-site at Fire Station No.2. . ./" 10. Plans for the improvement of single-family residential lots, the golf course, and the golf course clubhouse facility shall be submitted to and approved by the Department of Safety Services prior to the issuance of a building permit and construction. 11. The CC&Rs shall reflect property owners responsibility for maintenance on wildland fuel mitigation in interface areas. The Homeowner's Association shall be required to maintain the Wildland Fuel Mitigation Plan. 12. The developer s ~ repare for City review and approval a Wildland Fuel' Mitigation Plan inimize any potential threat of spread of fire from the proposed buildi _nd the open space easements. This plan shall be in compliance with -e~City of Poway's adopted Guide to Landscape Requirements and Landscape Standards (Novemb~r, 1988) to the satisfaction of the Directors of Safety Services, Planning Services, and Community Services prior to building occupancy. . ....- 13. Prior to delivery of combustible building materials on-site, water and sewer systems shall satisfactorily pass all required tests and be connected to the public water and sewer systems. In addition, the first lift of asphalt 53 of 63 FEB 7 1995 ITEM 14!'1 Resolution No. P- 90-34 Page 19 6. Prior to the issuance of building permits for new home construction in the development, the poway Sheriff's Crime Prevention Unit will be provided with the site plans, landscaping plans, fencing/wall plans and blueprints for each home in order to recommend measures to enhance the security of each residential unit in the development. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS AND APPROVALS 1. Any work within the aqueduct easement will require written permission from the County Water Authority. 2. Applicant shall delineate all public and private easements on the final map. 3. Additional "Knox" type locks and keys for all gates within this development shall be supplied for the Public Services Department for Operations access to and maintenance of public facilities. 4. Applicant shall adhere to those mitigation measures and mitigating moni- toring and reporting program as stated in the Certified Final Environmental Impact Report and those conditions included in Specific Plan 89-01 as adopted by the City Council. In the event of conflicts, the Resolution of Approval for the tentative tract map shall take precedence over the Certified Final EIR which shall take precedence over the specific plan. 5. Developer shall meet all the applicable State or local regulations governing the construction and installation of the man-made lakes. 6. Developer shall enter into an agreement with the City of San Diego to pay their fair share costs of the construction of dual left turn lanes for the southbound approach of Pomerado Road and for the east bound approach of Rancho Bernardo Road at subject intersection. Agreement is required prior to final map approval. 7. All operations conducted on the premises, including the warming up, repair, arrival, departure, or running of trucks, earthmoving equipment, construc~ tion equipment, and any other associated equipment, shall be limited to the period between "-a.m. and 5:00 p.m. each day, Monday through Friday; ând no earthmoving ading operations shall be conducted on the premises on Saturdays, Sundi8$~or legal holidays. Any requests for work on Saturdays, Sundays, or legal holidays must be submitted in writing 72 hours prior to work. Additional inspection fees shall be paid in advance of approval. 8. The developer shall make an irrevocåble offer of dedication for all private road easements as shown on the tentative map. Said IOD shall be recorded as part of the fi na I map, rej ected by the City counci I, and hel d open for future acceptance at the City Council's discretion. 9. Developer shall make the necessary dedication, if any, to attain the necessary street right-of-way on Espola Road. 54 of 63 FEB 7 1995 ITEM 14 Resolution No. P- 90-34 Page 20 10. Developer shall provide improved access and easements from public right-of- way to adjacent properties with existing easements through the development. The developer must obtain quitclaim deeds from all holders of easements which are in conflict with the development plans. In the event that Quitclaim deeds are unattainable, the City must help the developer to remove easements. 11. The developer shall provide the City of Poway with copies of all digitized topographic and improvement data reflecting initial conditions and as-built conditions of the development. 12. Regulatory permits from local, state, and federal agencies shall be obtained by the developer, as required in the Final EIR for the project. 13. Prior to the issuance of grading permits, the developer shall consult with the City and a qualified biologist in order to develop a plan for the long- term preservation and protection of all biological open space areas, ease- ments, and lots within the project site, as shown on the tentative map. The City shall ensure that all ground disturbance activities will be prohibited within open space areas and such prohibition shall be clearly stated on each Deed of Sale and within the project CC&R'S. /' 14. Final parcel and tract maps shall conform to City standards and procedures. 15. All provisions of the Subdivision Ordinance of the poway Municipal Code shall be met as they relate to the division of land. 16. Prior to final map approval, all dedications shall be made and easements granted as required above. 17. This tentative map approval shall not become effective before 30 days after second reading and adoption of the ordinance changing the zoning classifica- tion of the property to Planned Community (PC). An application for time extension must be received 90 days prior to expiration in accordance wjtry the City's Sub ~ on Ordinance. 18. All public util ~cystems including sewer, water, and reclaimed water systems shall b~designed and constructed to serve the ultimate development of the surrounding areas. These facilities shall include requirements for off-site improvements as necesary to connect to existing facilities and the extension of improvements to the boúndaries of the project. Any supplemen- tal improvements and additional sizing, beyond that which is necessary to serve the project shall be reimbursable to the extent permitted by the poway Municipal Code. 55 of 63 FEB 7 1995 I1EM 14 ,\ Resolution No. P- 90-34 Page 21 APPROVED and ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Poway, State of California, this 15th day of May, 1990. C)~-- ~ . ( , Don Higginson, ~, ATTEST: 'tl~ ~ ¡V~-L MarjOr~. Wahlsten, City Clerk STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO ) ) ss. ) I, Marjorie K. Wahlsten, City Clerk of the City of Poway, do hereby certify, under the penalty of perjury, that the foregoing Resolution, No. P-90-034 , was duly adopted by the City Council at a meeting of said City Council held on the 15th day of Mav , 1990, and that it was so adopted by the following vote: AYES: NOES: BR~NNON, GOLDSMITH, HIGGINSON Et1ERY ABSTAIN: KRUSE ABSENT: N ~,- ~" '1h~ 1< JU M..;L Marjor.e~. Wahlsten, City Clerk C Hy of Jioway R/R-5-15.1-19B ; 6 of 63 FEe 7 1995 HEM 14 '-"',,~,-,~,,---~--~,~- --.-./,,<- '--'<>~'~---'~-~-'> -"w,->~-,,-"'-"""--_.'^_. ~.-Q_c ~ 5620 F,iars Road RICK ENGINEERING COMPANY San Diego Ca]¡lomia 92] 10-2596 (6]9) 291-0707 FAX, 16]9) 29]-4]65 December 15, 1994 Mr. Javid Siminou City of Poway 13325 Civic Center Drive Poway, California 92064 SUBJECT: RESOLUTION ITEMS FOR OLD COACH GOLF ESTATES (REC JOB NO. 12395B) Dear Javid: As you know, a meeting was held with City staff on November 9, 1994 to discuss the resolution- items on the Old Coach Golf Estates project. Specifically, the discussion pertained to those items in the resolution that were given a letter designation of "A" in the matrix of conditions of approval from Resolution No. P-92-67. It was the judgement of Continental Homes and City staff that, based on the proposed phasing of the project, some of these Letter A designations should be changed to Letter B designation; that is, some of these resolution items should be required to be completed (or bonded for) within a specific phase of the project before the corresponding map is recorded rather than that item being completed for the entire project before any map is recorded. Each of these resolution items were reviewed on a case by case basis. Following is documentation of the City staffs recommendation for each of these items and comments that were made supporting the recommendation. Phase 1 refers to Parcell of PM 17433 (south 78 lots only) and ~ refers to the remainder of the Old Coach projeèt. A copy of each resolution is ene_with this letter. .~ RESOLUTION NO. P-90-34 Item 6, Page 3 - Change from A to B. The precise alignment for the trail in Phase 2 is independent of the Phase 1 development, therefore, these "offsite" easements can be granted when Phase 2 is designed and constructed. Portions of the trail that are within Phase 1 (as shown on the Tentative Map) will have those easements granted on the Phase 1 map. 57 of 63 ATTACHMENT H FEB 7 1995 ITEM 14 'i --'--------"-----------'-'-' Mr. Javid Siminou December 15, 1994 Page 2 of 5 Item 7, Page 4 - Change from A to B. The majority of Old Coach Road is in Phase 2. It is appropriate to do the design of each portion of Old Coach Road with its respective development phase. Item 15, Page 5 - Change from A to B. Biological easements can more accurately be placed during final design. It is appropriate to grant these easements on the final map for the portion of the project being final at the time. Item 5, Page 8 - Remains as A. Item 6, Page 8 - Remains as A. Item 3, Page 10 - Change A to B. This item is a requirement for portions of the project as they become developed, therefore, it is appropriate that it is phased in this manner. Item 7, Page 11 - Remains as A. Item 9, Page 11 -' Change from A to B. Access rights can only be relinquished on the final map for its respective phase. Item 11, Page 12 - Change from A to B. Sidewalks should be required corresponding to the phasing of the Old Coach Road improvements. Bruce Tabb (Environmental Development) recommended that this resolution item be deleted altogether based on the fact that a regional trial will be constructed through the project, plus pedestrian traffic on Old Coach Road is expected to be low. Item 17, Page 1 mains as A. This item will remain unchanged with- the clarification that "external" refer e entire Old Coach Golf Estates project boundary, not a specific phase boundary. ~ '" Item 18, Page 12 - Remains as NB. The requirement for wheel chair ramps on private streets was going to be re-evaluated by the City staff since there are no sidewalks required on private streets. Item 21, Page 13 - Remains at A. See comment for "Item 11, Page 12". 58 of 63 FEB 7 1995 ITEM 14 .--,w, > . Mr. Javid Siminou December 15, 1994 Page 3 of 5 Item 1 (drainage and flood control), Page 13 - Change from A to B. The floodway and floodplain can only be shown on the map for that portion of the project being subdivided. Item 5, Page 13 - Change from A to B. It is appropriate that this work be done in conjunction with the fmal design for each phase of the project. Item 6, Page 13 - Change from AlB to B. There will be no cross gutters in Espola Road. This item, therefore, relates to Old Coach Road (for the A designation) and should be required to be done in conjunction with the phasing of the project. Item 6, Page 14 - Change from A to B. It is appropriate to do this work during final design of each phase of the project. it is understood, however, that the design of the "onsite" system will be done by incorporating potential future demands. Item 7, Page 14 - Remains as A. Item 8, Page 14 - Change from AlB to B. It is appropriate to construct a street light system on the public streets that are being constructed/improved for that phase of the project only. Item 9, Page 14 - Change from AlB to B. It is appropriate to install cable television in the public streets that are being constructed/improved for that phase of the project only. Item 1 (sewer), 5 - Remains as A. ~...~ Item 2 (sewer), Page 15 - Remains as A. Item I (water), Page 15 - Change from AlB to B. It is appropriate to provide a reclaimed water system for the particular phase of the project being developed at the time. Item 4, Page 16 - Change from A to C (condition may be completed on phases or increments as the individual lots to which they apply are developed). It is appropriate to do this analysis on more of a lot by lot basis. 59 of 63 FEB 7 1995 ITEM 14 Mr. Javid Siminou December 15, 1994 Page 4 of 5 Item (?), Page 16 (traffic signal) - Remains as A. Item (2), Page 16 - Remains as A. Item 4, Page 17 - Remains as A. Item 15, Page 17 - Remains as A. Item 1, Page 17 - Remains as A. Item 1, Page 19 - Remains as A. Item 2, Page 19 - Change from A/B to B. This requirement can only be done for the map over that portion of the project being developed. Item 6, Page 19 - Delete from resolution. According to City staff, these improvements have already been completed. Item 9, Page 19 - Remains as A. Item 14, Page 20 - Remains as A/B. Item 15, Page 20 - Remains as A/B. Item 16, Page 20 - Change from A to B. This requirement can only be done for the map over that portion of the project being developed. Item 18, Page 20 - Change from A/B to B. '.., . This requiremen - re appropriately done for each particular phase of the project being developed. .-~ RESOLUTION NO. P-90-91 Item 2, Page 12 - Remains as A. Item 3, Page 12 - Remains as A. Item 4, Page 13 - Remains as A. ;0 of 63 FEB 7 1995 ITEM 14 Mr. Javid Siminou December 15, 1994 Page 5 of 5 Item 8, Page 13 - Change from A/B. This requirement should be done during the phase when that portion of Old Coach Road is improved. Again, sidewalk was recommended to be deleted from Old Coach Road. City staff is re-evaluating this. The changing of any letter designation will not preclude the developer from complying with that condition (or ¡my portion of that condition) as set forth in the resolution. The letter designations would be changed in order to phase the requirements in a more justifiable manner. It is my understanding that City staff recommends presenting these changes to the City Council for their approval. In light of the timing of the Old Coach project, this action should be taken immediately so that any remaining issues can be resolved quickly. I will be sending a copy of this letter to Continental Homes for their review. If you have any questions or comments regarding the above information, please contact me as soon as possible. Sincerely, RICK ENGINEERING COMPANY tiJ~ G. ~ Donald A. Druse DAD:amb:OO2 ce. Chris ChaJ.!!b~rs - Continental Homes Bruce Ta_~nvironmental Development Mark W~ City of Poway ~',", 61 of 63 FEB 7 1995 ITEM 14 Continental Homes 12636 High Bluff Drive, Suite 300 San Diego, CalifonUa 92130 (619) 793-2580 Fax (619) 793-2575 Ms. Reba Wright-Quastler Director of Planning Services Mr. Roger Free Engineering Department City of Poway 13325 Civic Center Drive Poway, CA 92064 November 1, 1994 , " , . - -.,' .' is':].) Re: Old Coach Golf Estates Parcel #1 (Southerly 78 lots) '- ,..:.i--: Dear Reba and Roger, You will recall that Bruce Tabb, Norm Arndt (Rick Engineering) and I met with you and members of your staff on August 18, 1994 to discuss Continental Homes' involvement with the referenced project. Essentially, we advised you that (i) Mr. Tabb was selling the southernmost 78 (Parcel #1) of the 156 lots in the referenced project to Continental Homes and (ii) a number of improvements to the original Tentative Map were being proposed on such 78 lots which would reduce grading quantities, pad sizes, and landform impacts. The city's determination that the proposed changes were in substantial conformance with the approved Tentative Map was memorialized in a September 9, 1994 letter from Rick Engineering to you both. It is important to recognize a fundamental change in the character of the Old Coach project. The 78 lots which will be acquired (and currently are being final engineered) by Continental will be a project separate and very distinct from Mr. Tabb's 76 northerly lots and the golf course. A number of the Tentative Map and Parcel Map conditions contemplate sole ownership and control because they require completion of many items for ttie entire 156 lots and golf course as a' - ndition for issuance of any grading or building permits for any'portion of the project. g the above mentioned meeting a general reference was made to the conditions of th tive Map which would have 'to be clarified in light of the fact that the original Tentative Map is now proposed to be split into two distinct projects. ~.',~ - We have enclosed a copy of Resolution P-92-67 which establishes a matrix of conditions for .the four parcels .comp~ising th~¥lÛg!naJ."J,56"Jot Tentative, Map. r.:.IIave çirçled tþose con~itions resp~~j¡g p$c;klil %fi~~ reqû~et1ì!lt'tIí~~S\f~ject~~~,be perf9~~.for ~eeNir: proJ~t before r.ny:wo~k,,~comwe~ on~aill #1'~~Sh_<:q.Q~~tlons ar~ ~d~~t~.!.--~an~.? sta~;, If the SU?lect l~.tn~ to ?;g ~~~~ OÏ1lyw~%!espect t~~Parce~ #,~1 l~..!S m<!!ga~; by ~; ~~~~~g . ~~~;~¡itt:ft':~4r~\ft~::Wt~~J; t fJ~~t~~~~rr~~::~~~~f~~~ wO:~~i~::;~a~: :~a~;a;~r::i:~';-~~~~;.':'.~:~~~.;_f~.:,e ~~aOn.~.1~.oulld ¡. ~ace 62 of 63 . '-.¥~~.~lJt 1;\... LJ l1j'j -<f' .-< 0:;;: ¡:w t;: U') m g! .,.. en LU ).J.. Ms. Reba Wright-Quastler Mr. Roger Free November 1, 1994 Page 2 By way of example, Grading Condition 3 regarding Parcel #1 (page 7 of Resolution No. P-92-67) as "A" status would require Continental Homes to submit grading improvement plans on not just the 78 southerly lots but on the northern 78 lots and (presumably) golf course as well; areas that Continental Homes will not own or control and which have not yet gone through final engineering scrutiny. A change of status from" A" to "B" on Parcel #1 would mean that Continental only was required to process grading plans for that portion of the original Tentative Map which it intends to develop. I believe the only condition that cannot be changed merely from" A" to "B" status is Streets and Sidewalks Condition 7 regarding Parcel #1. This condition addresses Espola and Old Coach roads. Espola will be submitted for public road improvements but Continental Homes need only submit public road improvements for Old Coach to the intersection with Street" A " to provide ingress/egress to the southerly 78 lots. We would appreciate your earliest consideration and resolution of this matter. Yours very truly, CONTINENTAL HOMES ~~ Christopher J. Chambers Enclosure cc: Bruce T Don Dt1IIIlf ~ Ninoy Basuil Environmental Development Rick Engineering , Engineering Department CJC\dlc ;3 of 63 FEB 7 1995 ITE~~ 14 ":