Item 11 - Comprehensive Annual Financial Report AGENDA REPORT SUMMARY TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Mang~~) A INITIATED BY: John D. Fitch, Assistant City Manager~¥ Peggy A. Stewart, Director of Administrative Service~-~l Christine Tsung, Finance Manager DATE: February 14, 1995 SUBJECT: Compehensive Annual Financial Report ABSTRACT Annually, The City's staff prepares a Comprehensive Annual Finance Report (CAFR) to provide the City Council and the community with a comprehensive review of the City's financial position and the financial transactions for the fiscal year. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW Environmental review is not required for this agenda item according to CEQA guidelines. FISCAL IMPACT None S, DDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE None RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council accept and file the attached report. ~CTION i of 7 FEB 14 ~995 ITEM 11 , - AGENDA REPORT CITY OF POWAY This report is included on the Consent Calendar. There will be no separate discussion of the report pdor to approval by the City Council unless members of the Council staff or public request it to be removed from the Consent Calendar and discussed separately. If you wish to have this report pulled for discussion, please fill out a slip indicating the report number and give it to the City Clerk prior to the beginning of ~he City Council meeting, TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Mana~ INITIATED BY:r~99~w~'u'r~rur~um'n'~Lr~~yDA.F~r~SS~o?~[~]~ive Servi ce~2~ Christine Tsung, Finance Manager C~-} DATE: February 14, 1995 SUBJECT: Comprehensive Annual Financal Report BACKGROUND The City has finished its annual report for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1994. The report was audited by Moreland & Associates, an accounting firm. Based upon their audit, they have issued an unqualified statement with regard to the fair, material representation of the City's financial position, according to generally accepted accounting standards. Together with the financial report, the auditor also issued a communication letter and Compliance Report on Gann Limit. The City has received a Certificate of Award for Outstanding Financial Reporting from the California Finance Officers Association as well as the Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting from the Government Finance Officers Association of the United States and Canada for fiscal year ending June 30, 1993. This year's report has again been submitted for the awards. It has been the City's policy to adopt the latest reporting requirements recommended by the government codes as well as the Government Accounting Standards Board, and these are reflected in the report. FINDINGS Copies of the communication letter and a Compliance Report on Gann Limit are attached. The independent auditor's report from Moreland & Associates, as on page 3 of the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR), noted that "The general purpose financial statements referred to above present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of the City of Poway at June 30, 1994, and the results of its operations and cash flows of its proprietary fund types and nonexpandable trust fund type for the year then ended, in conformity with generally accepted accounting ACTION: 2 of 7 FEE) 1 4 1995 i?E 11 Agenda Report - February 14, 1995 Page 2 principles." The communication letter indicated that the auditors noted no unusual transactions during the year, or transactions for which there is a lack of authoritative guidance or consensus. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW Environmental review is not required for this agenda item according to CEQA guidelines. FISCAL IMPACT None ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCF None RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council accept and file the attached report. JLB:PAS:CT:eg Attachments: I. Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR} for Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 1994 (Limited Distribution/ 2. Communication and Gann Limit Letters c:\data\wpfi [es\cafr.agn 3of7 FEB 1 4 1995 ITEM oreland (714) 760-9788 CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS 2111 PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD SUITE 150 CARLSSAD CALIFORNIA 92009 (619) 43~ 8476 October 7, 1994 To the Honorable City Council of the City of Poway We have audited the general purpose financial statements of the City of Powa3], California for the year ended June 30, 1994, and have issued our report thereon dated October 7, 1994. Under generally accepted auditing standards, we are providing you the attached information related to the conduct of our audit. Our responsibility under generally accepted auditing standards is to express an opinion on the financial statements of the City based on our audit. In carrying out tMs responsFoility, we assessed the risk that the financial statements may contain a material misstatement, either intentional or unintentional, and designed and conducted our audit to provide reasonable, but not absolute, assurance that misstatements material to the financial statements would be detected. In addition, we considered the internal control structure of the City to gain a basic understanding of the interne control policies and procedures in order to design an effective and efficient audit approach, not for the purpose of providing assurance on the internal control structure. Si_maificant Accounting Policies The significant accounting policies of the City are described in note 1 to the general purpose financial statements. No new accounting policies were adopted and the application of existing policies was not changed during the year. We noted no signLficant, unusual transactions during the year, or transactions for which there is a lack of authoritative guidance or consensus. Management Sudgments and Accounting Estimates Accounting estimates are an integral part of the financial statements prepared by management and are based upon management's current judgments. We noted that the City's significant account balances are not dependent upon management's estimates. Audit Adjustments The City staff made considerable progress in the closing of the accounting records and preparing for the fiscal year ended .lune 30, 1994 audit, which resulted in fewer audit adjustments than were necessary in prior year audits. However, as a result of our testwork, some adjusting entries were still required to the financial statements. 4 of 7 FEB 1~. 1995 ITEM 11 ~ The Honorable City C( -cil of the City of Poway October 7, 1994 Page 2 Other Information in Documents Containing Audited Financial Statements Our responsibility for other information in documents containing the City's general purpose financial statements and our report thereon does not extend beyond financial information identified in our report, and we have no obligation to perform any procedures to corroborate other information contained in these documents. We have, however, read the other information included in the City's comprehensive annual financial report; and no matters came to our attention that cause us to believe that such information, or its manner of presentation, is materially inconsistent with the information, or its manner of presentation, appearing in the financial statements. Disagreements With Management There were no disagreements with management on financial accounting and reporting matters. Consultation With Other Accountants We are not aware of any instances where management has consulted with or obtained opinions, written or oral, from other independent accountants during the past year that were subject to the requirements of Statement on Auditing Standards No. 50, Reports on the Application of Accounting Principles. Ma_ior Issues Discussed With Management Prior to Retention We generally discuss a variety of matters, including the application of accounting principles and auditing standards, with management each year prior to retention as the City's auditors. These discussions occurred in the normal course of our professional relationship. This information is intended solely for the use of the City Council, and should not be used for any other purpose. However, we understand that this document may be public information. 5 of 7 FEB141995 l"r~.~/~ 11 b ~ NEWPORT CENTER DRIVE SUITE 940 NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA 92660 Moreland (714) 760-9788 CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS 21~ PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD SUITE ~50 CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92009 October 7, 1994 (619) 431-8476 The Honorable City Council of the City of Poway, California: We have applied the procedures enumerated below to the accompanying Appropriations Limit worksheet #6 of the City of Poway for the year ended June 30, 1994. These procedures, which were agreed to by the League of California Cities and presented in their Article XIIIB Appropriations l.imitation Uniform Guidelines, were performed solely to assist you in meeting the requirements of Section 1.5 of article XIIIB of the California Constitution. This report is intended for the information of management and the City Council. This restriction is not intended to limit the distn'bution of this report, which is a matter of public record. The procedures performed and our findings were as follows: 1. We obtained the completed worksheets (#1 through #7) presented in the Article XIIIB Appropriations Limitation Uniform Guidelines (or other alternative computations), and determined that the limit and annual adjustment factors were adopted by resolution of the City Council. We also determined that the population and inflation options were selected by a recorded vote of the City Council. 2. For the accompanying Appropriations Limit worksheet # 6, we added line A, last year's limit, to line E, total adjustments, and agreed the resulting amount to line F, this year's limit. 3. We agreed the current year information presented in the accompanying Appropriations l.imit worksheet #6 to the other worksheets described in #1 above. 4. We agreed the prior year appropriations limit presented in the accompanying Appropriations Limit worksheet #6 to the prior year appropriations limit adopted by the City Council during the prior year. These agreed upon procedures are substantially less in scope than an audit, the objective of which is the expression of an opinion on the accompanying Appropriations f.imit worksheet #6. Accordingly, we do not express such an opinion. Based on the appl/cation of the procedures referred to above, nothing came to our attention that caused us to believe that the accompanying Appropriations Limit worksheet #6 was not computed in accordance with Article XIIIB of the California Constitution. Had we performed additional procedures or had we made an audit of the accompanying Appropriations Limit worksheet #6 and the other completed worksheets described in #1 above, matters might have come to our attention that would have been reported to you. FEB141995 ITEM 11 6of7 CITY OF POWAY APPROPRIATIONS LIMIT WORKSHEET #6 FY 1993-94 BUDGET AMOUNT A. LAST YEAR'S LIMIT I $65,406,418 I B. AD~t~STIV~NT FACTORS 1. Population % I 2.0% 2. Inflation % [ 2.76% Total Adjustment % [ 4.76%j C. ANNUAL ADJIJSTMENT [ $3,113,346] D. OTHE~R ADJUSTMENTS: Assumed Responsibility (Lost Respons~ility) (Transfer to Private) (Transfer to Fees) Sub-total { _ ] E. TOTAL ADJUSTMENTS [ $3,113,346 ] F. CURRENT YEAR LIMIT [ $68,519,764 [ FEB lA 1995 ITEM 11 ~ 7of7 CITY OF POWAY BOB EMERY. Deputy Mayor B. TONY SNESKO, Councilmember SUSAN CALLERY, Councilrnember MICKEY CAFAGNA, Councilmember November 30, 1994 Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council Poway, California This Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR} is prepared in order to provide you and the community with a comprehensive report of the financial transactions of the City of Poway as of and for the year ended June 30, 1994. Responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, and fairness of the report rests with the City. We believe that the data, as presented, is accurate in all material aspects; that it is presented in a manner designed to fairly set forth the financial position and results of operations of the City as measured by the financial activity of its various fund types, and that all disclosures necessary to enable the reader to gain the maximum understanding of the City's financial affairs have been included. The significant accounting policies of the City are described in the Notes to Financial Statements. These accounting policies have been approved by the City's independent certified public accountants and are in conformance with the recommendations of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants and the Governmental Accounting Standards Board. This report is prepared following the guidelines set forth by the Government Finance Officers Association of the United States and Canada and the California Society of Municipal Finance Officers. In accordance with the above mentioned guidelines, the report is divided into three sections: 1. Introductory Section - including this letter of transmittal, the City's organizational chart, and the list of principal officers. 2. Financial Section - including the independent report from the City's certified public accountants, the combined financial statements, notes to financial statements and supplemental statements. 3. Statistical Section - including other pertinent unaudited financial tables and information that presents historical trends, demographics and miscellaneous data about the City. City Hall Located at 13325 Civic Center Drive / "~-Mailing Address: P,O. Box 789, Poway, California 92074-0789 · (619) 748-6600, 695-1400~' Annual Financial Report November 30, 1994 Page 2 The Reportinq Entity and Its Services Included within the City's financial statements is the financial information of the Poway Redevelopment Agency. Although the Agency is legally separate from the - City, its financial operations are closely related thereto. The activities of the Agency are included with the activities of the City because the City Council serves as the Board of Directors and is able to impose its will on the Agency. -- There is, therefore, a financial benefit/burden relationship. This financial presentation is in accordance with GASB COD, Section 2100. _ The City of Poway was incorporated December 1, 1980, under the general laws of the State of California. The City operates under a Council-Manager form of government and provides the following services: public safety (police and fire), community services, engineering services, planning services, public works, - general administrative services, and capital improvements. The Poway Redevelopment Agency was established April 26, 1983, pursuant to the -- State of California Health and Safety Codes, Section 33000 entitled "Community Redevelopment Law." Its purpose is to eliminate blighted areas by encouraging the development of residential, commercial, industrial, recreational and public facilities. Economic Condition and Outlook Poway, from Indian words meaning "where the waters meet," first gained prominence in the 1800s as an important link in Southern California's stagecoach network. _ Now the City, a thriving, civic-spirited community, is located in the coastal foothills of San Diego County just twenty miles north of downtown San Diego and three miles east of Interstate 15. -- The City of Poway flourishes with a family-oriented population of 46,579 and covers 39 square miles with elevations ranging from 450 to 2,250 feet above sea level. Poway incorporated December 1, 1980 as a full-service general law city -- governed by a council of five members-at-large serving staggered four-year terms. In 1990 the City had its first mayor directly elected by the voters. The City absorbed existing special districts as of February 1, 1981. Water, sewage __ disposal, fire, paramedic, parks and recreation, planning and building, street maintenance, and redevelopment services are prov'ided by the City; sheriff services are contracted through the County of San Diego. -- Poway has been popularly dubbed the "City in the Country." Within its boundaries are 340 acres of developed parks and 57 miles of riding and hiking trails. Home lots are often larger than in most other areas, with a median value of $219,598. -- Poway is predominately a single-family community, and the Poway Unified School District--a top performer in the state and nation--is a source of great pride, as is the fact that the City has the lowest crime rate in the county. As part of San Diego County, Poway has a relatively dry climate with frost-free - temperatures over 300 days per year, and rainfall of about 11 inches which Annual Financial Report November 30, 1994 Page 3 falls principally between October and April. The average daytime temperature in Poway is about 74oF. Poway has set aside over 70 percent of total land use as open space, nearly 3,000 acres of dedicated public open space, and 140 acres of developed parkland featuring community parks and centers. The local economy is primarily based on automobile and transportation, general merchandising, industrial park wholesale consumer products, and retail sales of food and gas. The median annual household income in Poway is approximately $53,300 which is the highest median income of any city in San Diego County. The expected population at buildout is approximately 55,000. Due to a slow economy, the South Poway Business Park--a 2,500-acre project encompassing 495 acres designated for light industrial, a 14g-acre industrial park, and 28 acres of commercial and office use--had no major development during fiscal year 1993-94. This year, we faced the most complex governmental financial challenge in California's history. Despite a monumental recession and reductions in the defense industry with the end of the Cold War, Poway has managed to maintain a balanced budget by a reduction in work force guided by a management audit and a nominal increase in fees as proposed by an outside consultant. Sales tax revenue increased 10.5% during fiscal year 1993-94 reaching another historical high in the City's history. Major Initiatives For the Year: During 1994, the City moved on with the Scripps Poway Parkway Project. The east end of Scripps-Poway Parkway, a six-lane prime arterial which will eventually connect Interstate 15 and Highway 67, is bringing traffic through South Poway Business Park smoothly. The construction continues, and by 1996 the final 3.1 miles will be completed. Espola Road reconstruction and Community Road storm drains were both completed in 1994. The fiscal year 1993-94 street maintenance program resurfaced segments of streets at Espola Road and Pomerado Road and provided for citywide slurry seal and stripping of the streets. A total of $1.7 million was spent on street maintenance in 1994. These improvements have improved Poway's traffic flow which was once identified as one of Poway's major concerns. Several park and recreation facilities were also completed in 1994. Old Poway Park, containing several historical buildings and an operating train track, had its east end finished this year. Rail, concrete paths, and landscaping were added to the historical site of the City. South Poway Sports Park opened this year. A unique public-private partnership, the Sports Park is a a 15-acre complex complete with three softball fields, racquetball courts, four sand volleyball courts, and a children's playground operating on a pay-for-play basis. During 1994, the City received $105,~00 from a community development grant to do a pedestrian bridge and to finish accessibility renovations in City facilities for compliance with the Americans with Disability Act of 1990. X Annual Financial Report November 30, 1994 Page 4 -- Fo~ the Kutu~e: The C(ty has acqu(red a l(brary s(te and (s proceed(ng w(th design of a full-service library in Poway, Major efforts will be placed on economic development and future development of the South Poway Business Park. An _ $8 million water treatment plant upgrade is planned to begin in early 1995 to construct new deep-bed, dual-media filters to comply with federal and state drinking water standards. - Transportation, easing travel in and through Poway, continues to be a high priority with City. With the 1988 voter-approved increase in sales tax, more than $4.25 billion will be generated locally to help pay for local highways and road projects. Poway was one of the first recipients of TransNet funds. The City received $7.8 million for street construction in 1994. The City plans to spend over $42 million in total for the Scripps-Poway Parkway between Sycamore _ Canyon and Highway 67, eventually linking Highway 67 and Interstate 15. The total current budgeted construction extends over 3.1 miles to be completed by December 1996. Other recommendations made by the City's Transportation Task Force include construction of Route 125 from Scripps-Poway Parkway to Santee, and -- construction of Route 603/604 from Ramona to Escondido and Interstate 15. _ Accountinq System and Budqetary Control The City's accounting records for governmental fund types, the expendable trust fund, and the agency funds are maintained on the modified accrual basis of accounting. The modifications to the accrual basis of accounting are described in the Notes to Financial Statements. The accounting records for proprietary funds {water and sewer) and the nonexpendable trust fund are maintained on the - full accrual basis of accounting. Accordingly, revenues are recognized in the accounting period earned, and expenses are recognized in the period incurred. _ In developing and evaluating the City's accounting system, consideration is given to the adequacy of internal accounting controls. Internal accounting controls are designed to provide reasonable, but not absolute, assurance regarding: 1) the safeguarding of assets against loss from unauthorized use or disposition; and 2) - the reliability of financial records for preparing financial statements and maintaining accountability of assets. The concept of reasonable assurance recognizes that the cost of a control should not exceed the benefits likely to be - derived. The evaluation of this cost benefit relationship requires estimates and judgments by management. All internal control evaluations occur within the above framework. We believe - that the City's internal accounting controls adequately safeguard assets and provide reasonable assurance of proper recording of financial transactions. - Financial transactions are compiled monthly and reported to management and the City Council as part of the City's computerized financial reporting systems. These financial reports for all funds compare the budgeted figures to the -- xi Annual Financial Report November 30, 1994 Page 5 recorded transactions and compute the resulting variance. These reports form the basis of the budgetary control system which allows for the timely review and continuous assessment of the financial position and results of operations. Additionally, an encumbrance system is employed as an extension of the formal budget integration. The estimated purchase order amounts are encumbered prior to releasing the order to a vendor. Purchase orders which would result in an overrun of balances at the functional level are normally not released until budget transfers are approved by the City Manager or additional appropriations are authorized by the City Council. Open encumbrances are reported as reservations of fund balances at year end. The level of budgetary control (the level on which expenditures may not legally exceed appropriations) is the individual fund level. Other financial reports available for management and legislative review include monthly reports of investments and capital improvement projects. At each quarter end, an interim report is distributed which assesses the City's financial position and results of operations and projects activity for the remainder of the fiscal year. The interim reports form the basis for the budget projections for the upcoming fiscal year's budget. A budget review committee consisting of five council-designated citizens annually reviews the City's financial opera~ions and budget controls. Financial Hiqhliqhts of 1993-1994 The City continued an aggressive capital improvement program administering 145 new or continuing pr. ojects designed to expand and maintain the City's infra- structure. These projects were financed using redevelopment funds, the reserves in the General Fund, and special revenue funds. The City's investment policy is reviewed annually for changes in state regulations and is approved by City Council. The investment portfolio balance decreased by $1.907 million, or 3.1%, from the beginning of the year to the end of the year. Major changes in the City's investment portfolio include a $4,058,000 decrease in the San Diego County Investment Pool, a $3,899,000 reduction in the State Local Agency Investment Pool, a $2,416,000 reduction in medium-term corporate notes and federal agency issues, a $2,461,000 increase in U.S. treasury securities, a $6.4 million increase in U.S. government securities mutual funds, and a $593,000 reduction in mortgage-backed securities. Financial Statement Analysis General Governmental Functions Governmental fund types include General, Special Revenue, Debt Service, Capital Projects (City of Poway, Poway Redevelopment Agency, and Community Facility District), and Fiduciary Fund Type Expendable Trust. . xii Annual Financial Report -- November 30, 1994 Page 6 Revenues For the 1993-94 fiscal year, revenues for governmental fund types and the -- expendable trust fund totaled $47,974,695 as compared to $39,729,131 for the prior fiscal year--an increase of $8,245,564, or 20.8%. The amount of revenue from each revenue source and the changes over the previous year are shown in the following tabulation: Increase FY 93-94 Percent of (Decrease) -- Revenue Sources Amount Total From 1993 Taxes $19,995,042 41.7 $ 1,042,591 -- Licenses and Permits 335,037 0.7 (5,847) Intergovernmental 10,374,690 21.6 6,730,973 Charges for Services 7,061,989 14.7 529,831 Fines and Forfeitures 91,593 0.2 19,846 -- Interest and Rentals 8,995,116 18.7 768,275 Developer Fees 265,576 0.6 (462,926) Other 855,652 1.~ (377,179) Total ~ 100.0 $ 8.245.56~4 _ A pie chart depicting the above information is shown below. City of Poway Revenue Composite (41.7%) -- ~ Taxes (0.7%) [] Licenses & Permits (1. S%) · Intergovermental -- (0.6%) (21.6%) rm Charges for Services · Fines & Forfeitures (18.7%) B Interest & Rentals (14.7%) (0.2%) · Developer Fees -- [] Other Xlll Annual Financial Report November 30, 1994 Page 7 Revenues from taxes increased by 5.5% in 1994. The bulk of the $1,042,591 increase was attributable to property taxes ($662,696) and greater sales tax income ($341,589). Revenues from intergovernmental sources increased 184.7% ($6,730,973) in 1994. Of this amount, $7,481,844 was due to a special Prop. A revenue increase for Scripps Poway Parkway, and there was a reduction of SB-300 revenue totaling $809,750. A major revenue increase occurred in charges for services such as building inspection, engineering inspection and plan checks ($529,831) due to the move-in of South Poway Industrial Park business and a major shopping center opening during fiscal year 1993-94. Because of the general slowdown in the economy and development, revenues generated from developer fees during fiscal year 1993-94 decreased $462,926 over the prior year. The interest and rentals revenues category increased by $768,275 over the prior year. This is mainly due to 1993 tax allocation bond proceeds and the Low and Moderate Income Housing Fund generating $531,253 additional interest income over last year. The Other revenue category decreased by $377,179. Most of this is attributable to the reduction in PERS excess earnings of $46],887. Expenditures Changes in the level of expenditures for major functions of the City over the previous year are shown in the following tabulation: Increase FY 93-94 Percent of (Decrease) Function Amount Total From 1993 General Government $ 6,018,367 8.7 $ (936,137) Public Safety 8,371,953 12.1 49,342 Public Works 3,001,012 4.3 395,676 Community Services 4,216,928 6.0 (72,565) Capital Expenditures 18,312,184 26.4 (378,238) Other 10,045,597 14.5 4,621,643 Debt Service: Principal 7,033,457 10.1 1,940,348 Interest 12,390,611 17.9 4,477,835 Bond Issuance Costs - - (3,331,707) Total ~ 100.~0 ~ 6~766,197 xiv Annual Financial Report -- November 30, 1994 Page 8 - City of Poway Expenditure Composite _ I_FY_!993..-!994] (6.0%) (4.3%) (12.1%) [] General Government (26.4%) ~ Public Safety (8,7%) m Public Works [] Community Services m Capital Expenditures (17.9%) mOther (14.5%) [] Principal (10.1%) [] Interest Total expenditures increased by $6,766,197 with the bulk of the increase due to _ an increase in debt service expenditures ($6,418,183). This increase was mainly due to the payment of the 1993 tax allocation bond debt service in the Redevelopment Agency Debt Service Fund {originally issued in 1992-93}. - The cost for the operating departments decreased 2.5% over the prior year. This net decrease of $563,684 was mainly due to a decrease in general government personnel costs of $936,137 as a result of layoffs. Fiscal year 1994 was the -- first year the City had to lay off personnel. General Fund Surplus Amount (In Thousands) Year Ended June 30 % 1994 1993 Chanqe - Revenues $15,758 $15,745 0.1 Expenditures 15,595 16.728 (6.8) Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues Over Expenditures 163 (983) - Other Financing Sources (Uses), Net (169) 819 - Decrease in Fund Balance $(6) $ (164) 96.~3 At the end of fiscal year 1993-94, the fund balance in the General Fund was $26,233,357 compared to the balance at June 30, 1993 of $26,238,894, or a - decrease of $5,537. Included in the operating transfers out are principal XV Annual Financial Report November 30, 1994 Page 9 paydowns of the 1986 and 1992 certificates of participation amounting to $385,000. The fund balances remain adequate in the major operating funds. There were decreases in the general, special revenue, debt service, capital projects, and the expendable trust funds. Fiscal year 1993-94 saw the completion of various ongoing capital projects. There was a $378,238 expenditure decrease in capital expenditures in FY 1994. This was a result of an increase of $6.0 million in the special revenue funds ($4.7 million in Low and Moderate Income Housing), and a $6.4 million decrease in the capital projects funds ($5.3 million in the redevelopment area funds). The general fixed assets of the government are those fixed assets used in the performance of general governmental functions and exclude the fixed assets accounted for in the enterprise funds. The general fixed assets totaled $76,081,916 as of year-end. Depreciation of general fixed assets is not recognized in the accounting system. The net book value of fixed assets presented for the water and sewer funds includes depreciation, which is in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles. The stated values for the assets for the enterprise funds represent the original c~st ~f the assets which is considerably less than the present-day values. Enterprise Operations The City's water utility had a net increase in retained earnings of $1,109,532, which included interest income of $642,503, net operating loss of $453,512, and tax revenue of $1,455,776. Total operating revenue was $114,843 more than the prior year. This was mainly due to a decrease in connection fees of $230,912 and an increase for charges for services of $363,702. The sewer utility sustained a net increase in retained earnings of $1,201,586, which included operating income of $207,328, and interest income of $1,041,479. Total operating revenue was $211,706 less than last year, and sewer service operating expenses decreased by $832,387 due to a decrease of $634,937 in the Metropolitan Sewer maintenance and operations charge imposed by the City of San Diego. One financial test to verify an enterprise fund's ability to continue operating {paying its own bills) is a comparison of liquid or readily available assets to liabilities which must be paid from these assets~ This comparison--also known as the acid test ratio--was 5.3 for the water fund (a ratio of 1.0 or greater is usually deemed an acceptable level of liquidity for an enterprise fund}. The sewer fund's acid test ratio is about 50.8, indicating a very liquid position for this fund. The data used to calculate water and sewer rates do not include all of the factors present in the financial statements. Primarily such items as depreciation and debt service that affect the financial statements are not xvi Annual Financial Report November 30, 1994 -- Page 10 _ included in the rate calculation, and it would be misleading to infer that the rates that are established to offset operating costs also are sufficient to offset the total expenses of these funds. -- Fiduciary Operations The City has made available to its employees a deferred compensation program _ which is administered by two major plan administrators. City employees can con- tribute 25 percent of their salaries up to $7,500 per year. The balance in the fund at the end of the year was $3,939,611. -- The South Poway and the Parkway Business Center Community Facilities District funds account for debt service payments collected through property tax assessments to fiscal agent-trustee for payment of bonds. The assets at fiscal -- year-end in each fund were $5.0 and $4.5 million, respectively. Cash Manaqement -- Cash was invested primarily in the County of San Diego's Treasury Pool, Certificates of Deposits with savings and loan institutions and banks, the State of California's Local Agency Investment Fund, U. S. Government Securities, -- medium-term corporate notes, and Government Securities-backed mutual funds. The average yield on maturing investments during fiscal year 1993-94 was 6.1% as compared with 7.2% in the prior year. Investment interest revenue was _ $3,566,198--a decrease of $646,546 from the previous year. This was the result of a decline in the general interest rate level at the market in 1993-94. Debt Administration At June 30, 1994, the City and the Poway Redevelopment Agency had general long- term debt account groups amounting to $218.8 million which is detailed in the -- Notes to Financial Statements. This includes $121.2 million for tax allocatlon bonds, $49.4 million for certificates of participation, $5.3 million contracts payable to the County of San Diego and the cemetery district, $0.5 million _ general obligation bonds, $28.2 million in advances from other funds, notes payable of $14.1 million, and $0.1 million obligation for a capital lease. The Water Fund has included in long-term debt $7,925,000 of general obligation - bonded indebtedness, all of which was assumed from the Poway Municipal Water District. An additional $338,339 has been issued by the City in 1915 Act Assessment District bonds. The Sewer Fund has included in long-term debt $150,000 in general obligation bonded indebtedness, which was assumed from the Pomerado County Water District. - The City also has $476~543 in general long-term bonded indebtedness which was assumed from the Poway Municipal Water District. The District issued those bonds for the purchase of fire equipment and the construction of new fire stations. xvii Annual Financial Report November 30, 1994 Page 11 There are no current plans to issue additional general obligation debt. At the present time, the rating by Moody's Investment Service is "Baal" for Pomerado County Water District (sewer) Bonds and "A" for Poway Municipal Water District (water) Bonds. Additionally, Standard and Poors has rated Poway Municipal Water District's fire bonds as "A-". Risk Manaqement The City of Poway is a member of the Southern California Joint Powers Insurance Authority, a consortium of approximately 75 California cities. The Authority's governing board consists of one member from each participating city and is responsible for the selection of management as well as budgeting and finance. Insurance activities are financed by charges to member cities, and no long-term debt has been incurred. Actual annual premiums are determined using a retro- spective method. At June 30, 1994, the City self-insured for each loss to the extent of $20,000. Losses between $20,000 and $10,000,000 are shared by the participant cities. Because of the low deductible amounts of the self-insurance program, the City does not have reserves or a sinking fund set up for its unpaid claims and judgments. They are expended as they occur, and the City intends to pay all of its unpaid claims and judgments from available financial resources. GFOA Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reportinq The Government Finance Officers Association of the United States and Canada (GFOA) has awarded a Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting to the City of Poway, California, for its comprehensive annual financial report for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1993. In order to be awarded a Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting, a government must publish an easily readable and efficiently organized comprehensive annual financial report whose contents conform to program standards. Such reports must satisfy both generally accepted accounting principles and applicable legal requirements. A Certificate of Achievement is valid for a period of one year only. We believe that our current report continues to conform to Certificate of Achievement program requirements, and we are submitting it to GFOA to determine its eligibility for the certificate. Independent Audit The Government Code of the State of California requires general law cities such as Poway to be audited annually by independent certified public accountants selected by the City Council. This requirement has been met and the auditors' independent report is included in this report. XVlll Annual Financial Report November 30, 1994 Page 12 Acknowledqements Preparation of the City's Comprehensive Annual Financial Report is an under- taking of the Administrative Services Department. Special credit is due to Christine Tsung, Finance Manager, and the staff in the Finance Division. Their - year-long hard work and dedication have made this report possible. We should also like to thank the City Council for their interest and support in - planning and conducting the financial operations of the City in a responsible and progressive manner. _ Respectfully submitted, -- ~ames ~L. Bow~rsox / Pegg~ Stewart C~_~anager Director of Administrative Services c: \data\upf i t es\caf r. rpt xix - Certificate of - Achievement for Excellence in Financial - Reporting - Presented to - City of Poway, California For its Comprehensive Annual - Financial Report for the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 199~3 -- A Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting is presented by the Government Finance Officers Association of the United States and Canada to -- government units and public employee retirement systems whose comprehensive annual financial reports (CAFRs) achieve the highest _ standards in government accounting and financial reporting. President Executive Director xxi xxii FINANCIAL SECTION 610 NEWPORT CENTER DRIVE SUITE 840 NEWPORT REACH. CALIFORNIA 92660 Moreland ,7 4,760_9786 C[RTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS 21~ PALQMAR AIRPORT ROAD SUITE 150 CARLSBAO. CALIFORNIA 92009 (619) 431 6476 _ October 7, 1994 The City Council of the City of Poway, California Independent Auditors' Report We have audited the accompanying general purpose financial statements of the City of Poway as of and for the year ended June 30, 1994, as listed in the table of contents. -- These financial statements are the responsibility of the City of Poway management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these general purpose financial statements based on our audit. We conducted our audit in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance - about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation. We believe that our audit provides a reasonable basis for our _ opinion. In our opinion, the general purpose financial statements referred to above present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of the City of Poway at June 30, 1994, and the results of its operations and the cash flows of its proprietary fund types and nonexpendable trust fund type for the year then ended, in conformity with generally '- accepted accounting principles. Our audit was made for the purpose of forming an opinion on the general purpose -- financial statements taken as a whole. The accompanying combining and individual fund and account group financial statements and schedules listed as supplementary information in the table of contents are presented for purposes of additional analysis and are not a -- required part of the general purpose financial statements of the City of Poway. The information has been subjected to the auditing procedures applied in the audit of the general purpose financial statements and, in our opinion, is fairly presented in all material - respects in relation to the general purpose financial statements taken as a whole. The statistical information listed in the table of contents was not audited by us and, accordingly, we do not express an opinion thereon. - 3 CITY OF POWAY Combined Balance Sheet - All Fund Types and Account Groups .rune 30, 1994 Governmental Fund Types Special Debt Capital Assets and Other Debits General Revenue Service Projects Cash and investments (Note 2) $ 4,846,851 $ 21,670,955 $ 5,980,699 $ 40,680,355 Receivables (net of allowance for uncollectibles): Taxes 324,347 20,398 274,024 Accounts 134,286 1,136 Interest 853,785 249,446 229,114 442,735 Notes 7,095 Due from other funds (Note 12) 1,371,398 10,000 Due from other governments 247,359 13,606 2,422 Deposits 4,969 10,969 Inventories, at cost 59,585 Advances to other funds (Note 12) 19,397,212 5,205,100 125,660 Fixed assets held for resale 2,366,651 Restricted assets: Cash and investments (Notes 2 & 7) Cash and investments with fiscal agents (Notes 2 & 7) 6,315 14,317,110' 338,966 Interest and taxes receivable (net) (Note 7) Property, plant and equipment (net) (Notes 4 & 5) Amount available in debt service fund Amount to be provided for long- term debt Total Assets and Other Debits $ 27,234,823 $ 27,179,020 $ 20,800,947 $ 43.977.758 See Accompanying Notes to Financial Statements. Proprietary Fiduciary Account Groups Fund Types Fund Type General General Totals Internal Trust and Fixed Long-Term (Memorandum Only) Enterprise Service Agency Assets Debt 1994 1993 20,837,006 $ 3,516,245 $ 7,090,779 $ 104,622,890 $ 121,620,020 40,734 659,503 760,935 1,894,195 130,256 2,159,873 1,976,082 117,891 227,822 2,120,793 1,789,314 7,095 7,095 2,788,262 4,169,660 1,419,371 263,387 338,342 13,378 29,316 29,316 813,361 872,946 846,655 5,345,238 30,073,210 30,592,412 2,366,651 2,366,65t 5,101,836 5,101,836 4,348,637 232,730 6,846,469 21,741,590 25,222,142 38,323 38,323 23,561 26,672,278 $ 76,081,916 102,754,194 95,291,391 $ 20,799,897 20,799,897 24,283,089 197.97%106 197,97%106 198,077,953 63,854,498 $ 3,516~245 $ 14,336,060 $ 767081,916 $ 218,779~003 $ 495,760,270 $ 508.992,966 (Continued) CITY OF POWAY Combined Balance Sheet - All Fund Types and Account Groups (Continued) June 30, 1994 Governmental Fund Types Special Debt Capital Liabilities, Equity, and General Revenue Service Projects Other Credits Liabilities: Accounts payable $ 352,549 $ 160, I00 $ 921,173 Accrued liabilities 612,816 35,191 $ 1,050 11,623 Due to other funds (Note 12) 10,000 Deposits 36,10! 73,946 Due to bondholders Deferred revenue Payable fi.om restricted assets: Bonds payable within one year (Note 6) Accrued liabilities Deferred compensation payable (Note 9) Advances from other funds (Notes 6 & 12) 897,788 980,910 Contracts payable (Note 6) Notes payable (Note 6) Obligation under capital lease (Note 6 Bonds payable (Note 6) Certificates of Participation (Note 6) Total Liabilities 1,001,466 1,103,079 1,050 1,987,652 Equity and Other Credits: Contributed capital Investment in general fixed assets Retained earnings: Reserved (Note 11) Unreserved Fund Balances: Reserved (Note 11) 19,665,100 21,410,139 20,799,897 42,927,296 Unreserved: Designated (Note 11) 6,568,257 4,160,946 Undesignated (Deficit) 504,856 (937,190) Total Equity and Other Credits 26,233,357. 26,075,941 20,799,897 41,990,106 Total Liabilities, Equity and Other Credits $ 27,234,823 $ 27,179,020 $ 20,800,947 $ 43,977,758 See Accompanying Notes to Financial Statements. 6 Proprietary Fiduciary Account Groups Fund Types Fund Type General General Totals -- Internal Trust and Fixed Long-Term (Memorandum Only) Enterprise Service Agency Assets Debt 1994 1993 $ 896,557 $ 13,660 $ 22,057 $ 2,366,096 $ 3,554,726 -- 104,949 10,680 776,309 1,459,089 4,159,660 4,169,660 1,419,371 432,696 542,743 545,954 -- 5,256,602 5,256,602 7,625,212 168,390 500,000 500,000 450,000 359,584 359,584 345,471 3,939,611 3,939,611 3,409,376 20,000 $ 28,174,512 30,073,210 30,592,412 5,407 5,300,863 5,306,270 5,306,730 14,094,983 14,094,983 12,950,363 117,102 117,102 140,838 8,413,339 121,646,543 130,059,882 134,462,458 49,445,000 49,445,000 49,830,000 10,279,836 24,340 13,830,626 218,779,003 247,007,052 252,260,390 -- 4,712,430 4,712,430 4,779,921 ' $ 76,081,916 76,081,916 67,499,070 -- 4,745,945 3,491,905 8,237,850 6,823,542 44,116,287 44,116,287 42,948,130 -- 514,209 105,316,641 125,817,339 10,729,203 9,647,559 -- (8,775) (441,3.09) (782,985). 53,574,662 3,491,905 505,434 76,081,916 248,753,218 256,732.576 $ 63,854,498 $ 3,516,245 $ 14,336,060 $ 76,081,916 $ 218,779,003 $ 495,760,270 $ 508,992,966 CITY OF POWAY Combined Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balances - All Governmental Fund Types and Expendable Trust Funds For the Year Ended June 30, 1994 Governmental Fund Types Special Debt Capital General Revenue Service Projects Revenues: Taxes (Note 3) $ 7,889,870 $ 377,744 $ 11,727,428 Licenses and permits 335,037 Intergovernmental 1,566,910 3,807,780 $ 5,000,000 Charges for services 4,453,428 1,170,475 1,438,086 Fines and forfeitures 91,593 Interest and rentals 869,443 4,162,180 1,235,078 2,725,915 Developer fees 248,076 17,500 Other 551,830 41,566 380 261,876 Total Revenues 15,758,111 9,807,821 12,962,886 9,443,377 Expenditures: Current: General government 2,531,457 610,371 2,876,539 Public safety 8,371,953 Public works 1,404,125 1,596,887 Community services 2,496,504 1,600,108 Capital expenditures 755,107 7,151,767 10,405,310 Payment to education augmentation fund 545,597 Tax sharing agreement expenditure 9,500,000 Debt service: Principal 23,736 6,999,721 10,000 Interest and fiscal charges 12,069 12,378,542 Bond issuance costs Payment to refunded bond escrow agent Total Expenditures 15,594,951 10,959,133 19,923,860. 22,791,849 Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues Over Expenditures 163,160 (1,151312) (6,960,974) (13,348,472) Other Financing Sources (Uses): Proceeds from refunding bonds Proceeds from long-term debt 1,199,293 2,253,588 Payment to refunded bond escrow agent Operating transfers in 268,055 2,796,877 5,424,546 321,475 Operating transfers (out) (436,752) (4,588,382) (3,146,057) (379,706) Total Other Financing Sources (Uses) (168,697) (1,791,505) 3,477,782 2,195,357 Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues and Other Sources Over Expenditures and Other Uses (5,537) (2,942,817) (3,483,192) (11,153,115) Fund Balances, Beginning, Restated (Note 16) 26,238,894 29,018,758 24,283,089 54,548,221 Residual Equity Transfer (Note 18) (1,405,000) Fund Balances, Ending $ 26,233,357 $ 26,075,941 $ 20,799,897 $ 41,990,106 See Accompanying Notes to Financial Statements. -- Fiduciary Fund Type Totals Expendable (Memorandum Only) _ Trust 1994 1993 $ 19,995,042 $ 18,952,451 335,037 340,884 10,374,690 3,643,717 7,061,989 6,532,158 91,593 71,747 -- $ 2,500 8,995,116 8,226,841 265,576 728,502 855,652 1,232,831 2,500 47,974,695 39,729,131 6,018,367 6,954,504 8,371,953 8,322,611 3,001,012 2,605,336 120,316 4,216,928 4,289,493 18,312,184 18,690,422 545,597 1,524,740 -- 9,500,000 7,033,457 5,093,109 -- 12,390,611 7,912,776 3,331,707 3,899,214 -- 120,316 69,390,109 62,623,912 _ (117,816) (21,415,414) (22,894,781) 102,238,484 _ 3,452,881 5,761,687 (47,271,404) 8,810,953 11,044,424 _ (8,550,897) (10,609,813) 3,712,937 61,163,378 (117,816) (17,702,477) 38,268,597 123,366 134,212,328 95,943,731 (1,4o5,ooo) $ 5,550 $ 115,104,851 $ 134,212,328 -- 9 CITY OF POWAY Combined Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balances Budget and Actual General, Special Revenue and Debt Service Funds For the Year Ended June 30. 1994 General Fund Variance Favorable Budget Actual (Unfavorable) Revenues: Taxes (Note 3) $ 7,579,630 $ 7,889,870 $ 310,240 Licenses and permits 330,100 335,037 4,937 Intergovernmental 1,588,300 1,566,910 (21,390) Charges for services 4,218,490 4,453,428 234.938 Fines and forfeitures 64,000 91,593 27,593 Interest and rentals 1,024,880 869,443 (155,437) Developer fees Other 905,100 551,830 (353,270) Total Revenues 15,710,500 15,758,111 47,611 Expenditures: Current: General government 2,624,184 2,531,457 92,727 Public safety 8,642,159 8,371,953 270,206 Public works 1,504,596 1,404,125 100,471 Community services 2,676,133 2,496,504 179,629 Capital expenditures 440,913 755,107 (314,194) Payment to education augmentation fund Debt service: Principal 23,736 23,736 Interest and fiscal charges 12,069 12,069 Total Expenditures 15,923,790 15,594,951 328,839 Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues Over Expenditures (213,290) 163,160 376,450 Other Financing Sources (Uses): Proceeds from long-term debt Operating transfers in 128,317 268,055 139,738 Operating transfers (out) (356,039) (436,752) (80,713) Total Other Financing Sources (Uses) (227,722) (168,697) 59,025 Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues and Other Sources Over Expenditures and Other Uses (441,012) (5,537) 435,475 Fund Balances, Beginning, Restated (Note 16) 26.238,894 26,238,894 Fund Balances, Ending $ 25,797,882 $ 26,233.357 $ 435,475 See Accompanying Notes to Financial Statements. 10 Special Revenue Funds Debt Service Funds Variance Variance Favorable Favorable Budget Actual (Unfavorable) Budget Actual (Unfavorable) 379,310 $ 377,744 $ (1,566) $ 11,542,800 $ 11,727,428 $ 184,628 3,998,880 3,807,780 (191,100) 1,259,160 1,170,475 (88,685) 3,766,400 4,162,180 395,780 1,024,960 1,235,078 210,118 70.300 248,076 177,776 6,000 41,566 35,566 380 380 9,480,050 9,807,821 327,771 12,567,760 12,962,886 395,126 637,260 610,371 26,889 1,719,926 1,596,887 123,039 1,902,770 1,600,108 302,662 24,473,470 7,151,767 17,321,703 545,597 545,597 7,394,838 6,999,721 395,117 11,486,480 12,378,542 (892,062) 28,733,426 10,959,133 17,774,293 19,426,915 19,923,860 (496,945) -- (19,253,3%) (1,151,312) 18,102,064 (6,859,155) (6,960,974) (101,819) · ~ 1,199,293 1,199,293 '2,759,028 2,796,877 37,849 5,536,178 5,424,546 (111,632) (4,657,707) (4,588,382) 69,325 (4,479,606) (3,146,057) 1,333,549 -- (1,898,679) (1,791,505) 107,174 1.056,572 3.477.782 2.421.210 (21,152,055) (2,942,817) 18,209,238 (5,802,583) (3,483,192) 2,319,391 29,018,758 29,018,758 24,283,089 24,283,089 $ 7,866,703 $ 26,075,941 $ 18,209,238 $ 18,480,506 $ 20,799,897 $ 2,319,391' 11 CITY OF POWAY Combined Statement of Revenues, Expenses, and Changes in Retained Earnings - All Proprietary Fund Types and Similar Trust Funds For the Year Ended June 30, 1994 Proprietary Fund Types Internal Enterprise Service Operating Revenues: Charges tbr services $ 11,872,008 $ 543,840 Connection tees 292,158 Annexation fees 20,384 Donations Other 52,401 4,039 Total Operating Revenues 12,236,951 547,879 Operating Expenses: Personal services 1,575,015 175,865 Maintenance and operations 5,398,984 43,672 Cost of purchased water 4,352,730 Depreciation and amortization 1,156,406 Total Operating Expenses 12,483,135 219,537 Operating Income (Loss) (246,184) 328,342 Nonoperating Revenues (Expenses): Taxes 1,509,310 Interest revenue 1,683,982 203,061 Interest expense and fiscal agent charges (703,481) Total Nonoperating Revenues 2,489,811 203,061 Income Before Operating Transfers 2,243,627 531,403 Operating Transfers: Transfers in 106,230 Transfers (out) (106,230) (260,056) Total Operating Transfers (260,056) Net Income 2,243,627 271,347 Depreciation on Contributed Capital 67,491 Increase in Retained Earnings 2,311,118 271,347 Retained Earnings/Fund Balance, Beginning 46,551,114 3,220,558 Retained Earnings/Fund Balance, Ending $ 48,862;232 $ 3,491,905 See Accompanying Notes to Financial Statements. 12 FiduciaryFund Type Totals Nonexpendable (Memorandum Only) Trust Funds 1994 1993 $ 12,415,848 $ 11,476,128 292,158 903,965 20,384 23,289 $ 870 870 401,000 29,429 85,869 509,888 30,299 12,815,129 13,314,270 1,750,880 2,141,798 5,442,656 5,956,912 4,352,730 3,493,486 1,156,406 1,112,726 12,702~72 12,704,922 30,299 112,457 609,348 -- 1,509,310 1,466,940 1,887,043 2,021,858 (703,481) (736,825) 2,692,872 2,751,973 30,299 2,805,329 3,361,321 106,230 635,812 -- (366,286) (1,070,423) (260,056) (434,611) 30,299 2,545,273 2,926,710 67,491 67,491 30,299 2,612,764 2,994,201 -- 469,585 50,241,257 47,247,056 $ 499,884 $ 52,854,021 $ 50,241,257 -- 13 CITY OF POWAY Combined Statement of Cash Flows All Proprietary Fund Types and Similar Trust Funds For the Year Ended June 30, 1994 Proprietary Fund Types Internal Enterprise Service Cash Flows From Operating Activities: Operating income (loss) $ (246,184) $ 328,342 Adjustments to reconcile operating income (loss) to net cash provided by operating activities: Depreciation and amortization 1,156,406 Interest income Changes in operating assets and liabilities: (Increase) in accounts receivable (232,606) (Increase) Decrease in inventories (29,819) Increase (decrease) in accounts payable (266,274) (42,608) (Decrease) in accrued liabilities (84,360) (3,084) Net Cash Provided by Operating Activities 297,163 282,650 Cash Flows from Non-Capital Financing Activities: Taxes 1,494,548 Transfers in 106,230 Transfers out (106,230) (260,056) Payments - due fi.om other funds (2,788,262) Net Cash Provided by (Used for) Non-Capital Financing Activities (1,293,714) (260,056) Cash Flows fi.om Capital and Related Financing Activities: Interest expense and fiscal agent charges (665,482) Principal payments on long-term borrowing (450,000) Acquisition of property, plant, and equipment (36,363) Net Cash Used for Capital and Related Financing Activities (1,151,845) Cash Flows fi.om Investing Activities: Interest received 1,566,091 203,061 Net Increase (Decrease) in Cash and Cash Equivalents (582,305) 225,655 Cash and Cash Equivalents, Beginning 26,753,877 3,290,590 Cash and Cash Equivalents, Ending (Note 20) $ 26,171.572 $ 3,516,245 See Accompanying Notes to Financial Statements. 14 Fiduciary Fund - Type Totals Nonexpendable (Memorandum Only) Trust 1994 1993 $ 30,299 $ 112,457 $ 609,348 1,156,406 1,112,726 (29,429) (29,429) (232,6~6) (279,871) (29,819) 24,657 __ (308,882) 214,626 (87,444) (106,371) 870 580,683 1,575,115 1,494,548 1,468,664 -- 106,230 635,812 (366,286) (1,070,423) (2,788,262) (362,000) (1,553,770) 672,053 (665,482) (647,280) (450,000) (415,000) (36,363)' (277,925) (1,151,845) (1,340205) 29,429 1,798,581 2,021,858 30,299 (326,351) 2,928,821 469,585 30,514D52 27,585,231 $ 499,884 $ 30,187,701 $ 30,514D52 CITY OF POWAY Notes to Financial Statements June 30, 1994 1. SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES Description of the Reporting Enti _ty: The financial statements of the City of Poway include financial activities of the City and the Poway Redevelopment Agency. Their financial operations are closely related and the City Council has a continuing oversight responsibility over the entities. Since the Poway City Council acts as the Board of Directors and is able to impose its will on the Redevelopment Agency, the City is considered to be the primary government and the Redevelopment Agency is a component unit. Additionally, since the governing boards of the City and the Redevelopment Agency are the same, the financial statements are blended. The financial statements of the Redevelopment Agency can be obtained from the Poway Finance Department located at Poway City Hall. The City of Poway was incorporated December 1, 1980, under the general laws of the State of California. The City operates under a Council-Manager form of government and provides the following services: public safety (police--through the County of San Diego--and fire), community services, engineering services, planning services, public works, general administrative services, and capital improvements. The Poway Redevelopment Agency was established April 26, 1983, pursuant to the State of California Health and Safety Codes, Section 33000 entitled "Community Redevelopment Law." Its purpose is to eliminate blighted areas by encouraging the development of residential, commercial, industrial, recreational and public facilities. The accounting policies of the City of Poway and the Poway Redevelopment Agency conform to generally accepted accounting principles as applicable to governments. The following is a summary of the more significant policies. Fund Accounting: The accounts of the City are organized on the basis of funds and account groups, each of which is considered a separate accounting entity. The operations of each fund are accounted for with a separate set of self-balancing accounts that comprise its assets, liabilities, fund equity, revenues, and expenditures, or expenses, as appropriate. Government resources are allocated to and accounted for in individual funds based upon the purposes for which they are to be spent and the means by which spending activities are controlled. The various funds are grouped, in the financial statements in this report, into generic fund types and broad fund categories as follows: 16 CITY OF POWAY -- Notes to Financial Statements (Continued) June 30, 1994 -- Governmental Funds: General Fund - The General Fund is the general operating fund of the - City. It is used to account for all financial resources except those required to be accounted for in another fund. -- Special Revenue Funds - Special Revenue Funds are used to account for the proceeds of specific revenue sources that are legally restricted to expenditures for specified purposes. Debt Service Funds - The Debt Service Funds are used to account for the accumulation of resources for, and the payment of principal, interest, and -- related costs of the debt of the general long-term debt account group. Capital Projects Funds - Capital Projects Funds are used to account for financial resources to be used for the acquisition or construction of major capital facilities (other than those financed by proprietary funds). Proprietary_ Funds: _ Enterprise Funds The Enterprise Funds are used to account for operations that are financed and operated in a manner similar to a private business enterprise - where the intent of the City Council is that the costs _ (expenses, including depreciation) of providing goods or services to the general public on a continuing basis be financed or recovered primarily through user charges. Internal Service Fund - The Internal Service Fund is used to account for activities and services performed for other organizational units within the City. Charges to other city departments are made to support these activities. Fiduciary_ Funds: Nonexpendable Trust Fund - The Nonexpendable Trust Fund is used to account for the resources received from a private donor and held by the City -- in a trustee capacity. The principal .gift is to be maintained intact and invested. Investment earnings are used for park-related projects. This fund is accounted for in essentially the same manner as proprietary funds, since - capital maintenance is critical. Expendable Trust Funds The Expendable Trust Funds are used to -- account for the resources received from private donors. The principal gifts and investment earnings are used for beautification projects on Poway Road. These funds are accounted for in essentially the same manner as Governmental Funds. - 17 CITY OF POWAY Notes to Financial Statements (Continued) June 30, 1994 Agency Funds The Agency Funds are used to account for deferred compensation, developer deposits, and bond deposits. These funds are custodial in nature (assets equal liabilities) and do not involve measurement of results of operations. Fixed Assets and Long-Term Liabilities: The accounting and reporting treatment applied to the fixed assets and long-term liabilities associated with a fund are determined by its measurement focus. All governmental funds are accounted for on a spending or "financial flow" measurement focus. This means that only current assets and current liabilities are generally included on their balance sheets. Their reported fund balance (net current assets) is considered a measure of "available spendable resources." Governmental fund operating statements present increases (revenues and other financing sources) and decreases (expenditures and other financing uses) in net current assets. Accordingly, they are said to present a summary of resources and uses of "available spendable resources" during a period. Fixed assets used in governmental fund type operations (general fixed assets) are accounted for in the General Fixed Assets Account Group, rather than in governmental funds, Pt~blic domain ("infrastructure") general fixed assets consisting of certain improvements other than buildings, including roads, bridges, curbs and gutters, streets and sidewalks, drainage systems, and lighting systems are not capitalized along with other general fixed assets. No depreciation has been provided on general fixed assets. All fixed assets are valued at historical cost or estimated historical cost if actual historical cost is not available. Donated fixed assets are valued at their estimated fair market value on the date donated. The City capitalizes its fixed assets acquired under lease, purchases or similar contracts. Long-term liabilities expected to be financed from governmental funds are accounted for in the General Long-Term Debt Account Group, not in the governmental funds. The two account groups are not "funds." They are concerned only with the measurement of financial position. They are not involved with measurement of results of operations. Because of their spending measurement focus, expenditure recognition for governmental fund types is limited to exclude amounts represented by non-current liabilities. Since they do not affect net current assets, such long-term amounts are not recognized as governmental fund type expenditures or fund liabilities. They are instead reported as liabilities in the General Long-Term Debt Account Group. 18 CITY OF POWAY - Notes to Financial Statements (Continued) June 30, 1994 The proprietary funds and nonexpendable trust funds are accounted for on a cost of services or "capital maintenance" measurement focus. This means that all assets -- and all liabilities (whether current or noncurrent) associated with their activities are included on their balance sheets. The reported fund equity (net total assets) is segregated into contributed capital and retained earnings components. -- Proprietary fund type operating statements present increases (revenues) and decreases (expenses) in net total assets. -- Depreciation of all exhaustible fixed assets used by the proprietary funds is charged as an expense against their operations. Accumulated depreciation is provided on proprietary fund balance sheets. Depreciation has been provided -- over the estimated useful lives using the straight-line method. The estimated useful lives are as follows: -- Distribution lines and improvements other than buildings 25-100 Years Buildings 25 Years -- Machinery and equipment 5-10 Years Basis of Accountine: Basis of accounting refers to when revenues and expenditures or expenses are ._ recognized in the accounts and reported in the financial statements. Basis of accounting relates to the timing of the measurements made, regardless of the measurement focus applied. All governmental funds, the expendable trust fund and the agency fund are accounted for using the modified accrual basis of accounting. Their revenues are recognized when they become measurable and available as net current assets. Their measurement focus is based on flow of current financial resources. The primary revenue sources susceptible to accrual are property, sales and cigarette -- taxes, investment income, federal entitlements, motor vehicle fees and gas tax subventions. Sources not susceptible to accrual are uniform transient occupancy taxes, franchise fees, and charges for services. Expenditures are generally recognized under the modified accrual basis of accounting when the related fund liability is incurred. An exception to this general -- rule is principal and interest on general long-term debt which is recognized when due. -- The proprietary funds and the nonexpendable trust fund are accounted for using the accrual basis of accounting. Their measurement focus is based on flow of economic resources. Their revenues are recognized when earned, and expenses - are recognized when they are incurred. -- 19 CITY OF POWAY Notes to Financial Statements (Continued) June 30, 1994 Budgets and Budgetary Accounting: The City prepares its budgets on the basis of estimated actual expenditures and, accordingly, the budget amounts included in the accompanying financial statements are presented on a basis consistent with generally accepted accounting principles. Each year, the City Manager submits a proposed budget to the City Council during early May. The City Council holds budget hearings during May and early June. The final budget is adopted by the City Council during late June. No budget expenditures can be disbursed without proper appropriations. Once the budget is adopted, no additional fund appropriations can be authorized without the Council's approval. The level of budgetary control (the level on which expenditures may not legally exceed appropriations) is the individual fund level. The City Manager can authorize budget transfers between departments without additional appropriations. During fiscal year 1993-1994, supplemental budgetary appropriations were minor. The City holds a mid-year budget review meeting. During the meeting, all the budget expenditures are reviewed and projects for the whole year are made. Therefore, any necessary changes are submitted for approval by the City Council with a resolution. Annual appropriated budgets are adopted for the general, special revenue, and debt service funds. Budgets are adopted on a basis consistent with generally accepted accounting principles. Budgeted amounts are as originally adopted and as further amended by the City Council. Unexpended and unencumbered appropriations of the governmental funds automatically lapse at the end of the fiscal year. Encumbrances: Encumbrance accounting, under which purchase orders, contracts and other commitments for the expenditure of monies are recorded in order to reserve that portion of the applicable appropriation, is employed as an extension of formal budgetary integration in the Governmental Fund Types. Encumbrances at year end are a portion of reserved fund balance and are reappropriated the following year. 20 CITY OF POWAY _ Notes to Financial Statements (Continued) June 30, 1994 Investments: - Investments are stated at cost except for investments of the deferred compensation plan which are stated at market value (see Notes 2 and 9). When market values decline below cost, no loss is recorded if such declines are considered temporary. C4ash and Cash Equivalents: -- For purposes of the Statement of Cash Flows, the City considered all highly liquid investments (including restricted assets) with a maturity of three months or less when purchased to be cash equivalents. In addition, cash invested in the City's -- cash management pool is considered to be cash equivalents. Inventories: Inventories are stated at cost, computed on a first-in, first-out basis. -- General fund inventory consists of expendable supplies held for consumption, and are recorded as expenditures in the fiscal year consumed. This reported inventory is offset by a fund balance reserve to indicate that it is not available for - appropriation. Fixed Assets Held for Resale: The Capital Projects Fund fixed assets held for resale are valued at lower of cost _ or market. Reported fixed assets held for resale are equally offset by a fund balance reserve which indicates that it does not constitute available spendable resources. Compensated Absences: The City accounts for compensated absences (unpaid vacation, sick leave and compensatory tioae) in accordance with GASB Cod. See. C60. Compensated absences are accrued as incurred in both governmental and proprietary funds as -- the City intends to pay this liability as it becomes due, from currently available financial resources. No portion of this liability is considered to be long-term. Comparative total data for the prior year have been presented in the -- accompanying financial statements in order to provide an understanding of changes in the City's financial position and operations. However, comparative (i.e., presentation of prior year totals by fund type) data have not been presented -- 21 CITY OF POWAY Notes to Financial Statements (Continued) June 30, 1994 in each of the statements since their inclusion would make the statements unduly complex and difficult to read. Certain prior year amounts have been reclassified to conform to the current year presentation for comparative purposes. Total Columns on Combined Statements: Total columns on the Combined Statements are captioned "Memorandum Only" to indicate that they are presented only to facilitate financial analysis. Data in these columns do not present financial position, results of operations, or cash flows in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles. Neither is such data comparable to a consolidation. Interfund eliminations have not been made in the aggregation of this data. 2. CASH AND INVESTMENTS Cash and investments at June 30, 1994 consisted of the following: Pooled deposits: Demand accounts (bank balances) $4,043,999 Add deposit in transit 48,405 Less outstanding warrants (.1.842.852) Book Balance $ 2,249,552 Certificates of deposit 2,073,000 Total Pooled Deposits 4,322,552 Pooled investments 101,462,563 Deposits and investments with fiscal agents 21,741,590 Cash and investments - deferred compensation plan 3,939,611 Total Cash and Investments ~131~466~316 The City follows the practice of pooling cash and investments of aH funds except for funds required to be held by outside fiscal agents under the provisions of bond indentures and funds in its deferred compensation plan (see Note 9). Interest income earned on pooled cash and investments is allocated monthly to the various funds based on the average cash balance in each fund. Interest income from cash and investments with fiscal agents and the deferred compensation plan is credited directly to the related fund. 22 CITY OF POWAY _ Notes to Financial.Statements (Continued) June 30, 1994 Authorized Deposits/Investments: Under provision of the City's investment policy, and in accordance with Section 53601 of the California Government Code, the City may invest in the following types of investments: Securities of the U.S. Government or its agencies. CeCdfieates of Deposit (or Time Deposits). -- Bankers' Acceptances. Negotiable Certificates of Deposit Commercial Paper. - Local Agency Investment Fund demand deposits (State pool). County Treasury Pool. Repurchase Agreements. -- Passbook Savings Account demand deposits. Mutual Funds. Medium-Term Corporate Notes. - Mortgage-backed Securities. Deposits/Credit Risk: The California Government Code requires California banks and savings and loan associations to secure a City's deposits by pledging government securities as collateral. The market value of pledged securities must equal at least 110% of a City's deposits. California law also allows financial institutions to secure City deposits by pledging first trust deed mortgage notes having a value of 150% of a City's total deposits. The City may waive collateral requirements for deposits which are fully insured up to $100,000 by Federal depository insurance. In accordance with GASB Statement 3, deposits are classified as to credit risk by three categories as follows: -- Category 1: Insured or collateralized with securities held by the City or by its agent in the City's name. -- Category 2: Collateralized with securities held by the pledging financial institution's trust department or agent in the City's name. Category 3: Uncollateralized. -- 23 CITY OF POWAY Notes to Financial Statements (Continued) June 30, 1994 Credit Risk. Carpi_ 'ng Amount, and Market Value of Investments: The investments that are represented by specific identifiable investment securities are classified as to credit risk by the three categories as follows: Category 1: Insured or registered, or securities held by the City or its agent in the City's name. Category 2: Uninsured and unregistered with securities held by the pledging financial institution's or counterparty's trust department or agent in the City's name. Category 3: Uninsured and unregistered with securities held by the counterparty, or by its trust department or agent, but not in the City's name. The table below summarizes the credit risks, bank balance/carrying amounts and market values of deposits and investments at June 30, 1994. 1 2 3 Amount Value Pooled Detx~its: (Bank Balance) $ 107,021 $3,936,978 $ 4,043,999 $ 4,043,999 Add deposit in transit 48,405 48,405 1 ~ outstanding warrants (1.842.852) (1.842.852) (Book Balance) 2249552 2249552 Total Pooled Deposits 2.180.021 3,936,978 4322,552 __4322552 Depots with F~al Agents: Deposits (Cash) $ 232.742 232.742 232,742 u2.q. Government Securities 4,155351 4,155,851 4,161276 Medium-Term Corporate Notes 4,159,933 4,159,933 4,187,796 County Treasmy Pool 81,843377' 81¢143377 Fund (State Pool) 4,103,618' 4,103,618 Mutual Funds 7,199284* 6,728517 Total Pooled Investments 8,315,784 101.,162563 101,025,084 24 CITY OF POWAY Notes to Financial Statements (Continued) - June 30, 1994 Balan~ Category Can~ Marloet -- 1 2 3 Amount Value Inv~tmenm ~ith Fr~al Agent~ U~ Tmasmy Notes 11,559,206 11,559,206 11,183,209 Contram 3,968,193' 3,968,193 ~ Mutual Funds 2,159,705' 2,159,705 County Treasmy Pool 821,744' 821,744 _ Total Investments with Fr, cal Agents 14,791,948 21,741.590 21~65.593 _ Deferred Compensat~n: Mutual Funds 3.939.611 * 3,939,611 Tot~ Cash and h,~stments $10,495,805 $3,93~978 $~4,791,94~ ~ $~30.65~8a0 'Not subject to categorization Cash and Investments with Fiscal Agents: _ The City has monies held by trustees or fiscal agents pledged to the payment or security of certain bonds. The California Government Code provides these monies, in the absence of specific statutory provisions governing the issuance of _ bonds, may be invested in accordance with the ordinance, resolutions or indentures specifying the types of investments its trustees or fiscal agents may make. These ordinances, resolutions, and indentures are generally more restrictive than the - City's general investment policy. In no instance have additional types'of investments, not permitted bY the City's general investment policy, been authorized. Cash and Investments - Deferred Compensation Plan: - The City offers its employees a deferred compensation plan created in accordance with Internal Revenue Code Section 457. See Note 9 for additional information about this plan. The City invests deferred compensation assets with two entities-- - the International City Management Association (ICMA) and the Public Employees Benefit Services Corporation (PEBSCO). Authorized investments for the plan include stock mutual funds, bond mutual funds, and guaranteed investment -- contracts purchased from insurance companies. These types of investments are not subject to categorization. The plan assets totaling $3,939,611 are recorded at market value at June 30, 1994. CITY OF POWAY Notes to Financial Statements (Continued) June 30, 1994 3. PROPERTY TAXES Property taxes attach as an enforceable lien on property as of March 1. Taxes are levied on July 1 and are payable in two installments on December 10 and April 10. The County bills and collects the property taxes and remits them to the City in installments during the year. City property tax revenues are recognized when levied to the extent that they result in current receivables in accordance with GASB Cod. Sec. P70. The County is permitted by State Law (Proposition 13) to levy taxes at 1% of full market value (at time of purchase) and can increase the property tax rate no more than two percent per year. The City receives a share of this basic levy. 4. CHANGES IN GENERAL FIXED ASSETS Changes in general fixed assets during the year ended June 30, 1994, were as follows: Balance Balance July 1, 1993 Additions Deletions June 30, 1994 Land $36,518,112 $5,873,229 $42,391,341 Buildings 25,299,630 749,609 $42,340 26,006,899 Improvements other than buildings 854,149 1,235,530 2,089,679 Machinery and equipment 4.827.179 766.818 5.593.997 ~67~499~070 $8~625~186 :~42~340 $76~081~916 5. ENTERPRISE FIXED ASSETS A summary of proprietary fund type property, plant and equipment at June 30, 1994 follows: Land $ 76,797 Buildings 9,463,064 Improvements other than buildings 33,498,428 Machinery and equipment 1,067,877 Construction in progress 1.973.031 Total 46,079,197 Less accumulated depreciation (19.406,919) Net $26.672.278 · 26 CITY OF POWAY -- Notes to Financial Statements (Continued) June 30, 1994 6. CItANGES IN LONG-TERM DEBT - General Lon?Term Debt Account Group: The following is a summary of the changes in the General Long-Term Debt -- Account Group for the year ended June 30, 1994: Balance New Debt Debt Balance -- July 1. 1993 Incurred Retirement June 30. 1994 General Obligation Bonds $ 618,006 $ 141,463 $ 476,543 -- Tax Allocation Bonds 124,955,000 3,785,000 121,170,000 Certificates of Participation 49,830,000 385,000 49,445,000 Advances from Other Funds 28,565,512 $2,253,588 2,644,588 28,174,512 Contracts Payable 5,301,323 460 5~300,863 -- Notes Payable 12,950,363 1,199,293 54,673 14,094,983 Obliga~on Under _ Capital Lease 140.838 23.736 117.102 Total ~ $3.45Z881 $7.034.920 $218.779.003 General long-term debt consisted of the following at June 30, 1994: - 1978 general obligation bonds issued in 1979 in the amount of $1,900,000 maturing from 1979 to 1996 in annual installments of $55,000 to $170,000, including premium of $1,543. Interest is -- payable semi-annually on February I and August I at rates ranging from 6.00% to 8.00%. Bonds matur/ng on or after August 1, 1989 are subject to redemption in whole on any date -- or in part on any interest payment date in inverse order of maturity by lot beginning August 1, 1988. $ 476,543 -- 1990 Tax Allocation Bonds, issued in 1990 in the amount of $21,595,000 consisting of serial bonds of $7,475,000 maturing from 1991 to 2000 in semi-annual installments of $295,000 to - $510,000 and term bonds of $4,840,000 and $9,280,000 maturing in 2004 and 2011 respectively. Interest is payable semi-annually on June 15 and December 15 at rates ranging from 5.75% to -- 7.25%. Bonds maturing on or after December 15, 2011 are subject to optional redemption in whole or in part on any interest payment date. Bonds maturing on December 15, 2004 are - subject to mandatory redemption on eac. h interest payment date - 27 CITY OF POWAY Notes to Financial Statements (Continued) June 30, 1994 from June 15, 2001 to December 15, 2004. Bonds maturing on December 15, 2011 are subject to mandatory redemption on each interest payment date from June 15, 2005 to December 15, 2011. 19,595,000 1993 Tax Allocation Refunding Bonds issued in 1993 in the amount of $104,710,000 consisting of $79,355,000 Fixed Rate bonds and $25,355,000 Indexed Inverse Floating/Fixed Rate bonds. The $79,355,000 Fixed Rate bonds consist of $9,520,000 serial bonds maturing from 1993 to 2002 in annual installments of $325,000 to $2,810,000; term bonds of $49,035,000 maturing in 2023; and term bonds of $20,800,000 maturing in 2026. The $25,355,000 Indexed Inverse Floating/Fixed Rate bonds consist of $4,390,000 bonds maturing in 2006 scheduled to convert in 2003 to 5.22% and $20,965,000 bonds maturing in 2014 scheduled to convert in 1998 to 5.67%. Interest on the bonds is payable semi- annually on June 15 and December 15 at rates ranging from 2.70% to 5.75%. Bonds maturing on or after December 15, 2002 are subject to optional redemption in whole or in part on any interest date. Bonds maturing on December 15, 2006, are subject to mandatory redemption beginning June 15, 2003. Bonds maturing on December 15, 2014, are subject to mandatory redemption beginning June 15, 2007. Bonds maturing on December 15, 2023, are subject to mandatory redemption beginning June 15, 2015. Bonds maturing on December 15, 2026, are subject to mandatory redemption beginning June 15, 2024. 101,575,000 1986 Certificates of Participation issued in 1986 in the amount of $10,000,000 consisting of $3,060,000 serial certificates maturing from 1990 to 2000 in annual installments of $195,000 to $390,000 and $6,940,000 term certificates maturing in 2011. Interest is payable semi-annually on February 1 and August 1 at rates ranging from 6.25% to 7.875%. Certificates maturing on or after August 1, 1997 are subject to optional redemption in whole or in part on any interest payment date beginning August 1, 1996. Certificates maturing on August 1, 2011 are subject to mandatory redemptions in whole or in part on August 1 of each year beginning August 1, 2001. %145,000 1991 Certificates of Participation issued in 1991 in the amount of $28,300,000 consisting of $2,660,000 serial certificates maturing from 1995 to 2001 in semi-annual installments of $155,000 to $230,000 and term certificates of $6,800,000, $11,835,000 and $7,005,000 maturing in 2011, 2020 and 2024, respectively. Interest is payable semi-annually on June 15 and December 15 28 CITY OF POWAY Notes to Financial Statements (Continued) June 30, 1994 at rates ranging from 6.00% to 7.20%. Certificates maturing on or after January 1, 2002 are subject to optional prepayment in - whole on any interest payment date. Certificates maturing on July 1, 2011, July 1, 2020 and January 1, 2024 are subject to mandatory prepayment by lot on any interest payment date -- beginning January 1, 2002, January 1, 2012 and January 1, 2021 respectively. 28,300,000 -- 1992 Certificates of Participation, issued in 1992 in the amount of $12,640,000 consisting of serial certificates of $3,265,000 maturing from 1992 to 2003 in semi-annual installments of -- $70,000 to $350,000 and term certificates of $2,880,000 and $6,495,000 maturing in 2009 and 2018, respectively. Interest is payable semi-annually on June I and December 1 at rates -- ranging from 3.5% to 6.375%. Certificates maturing on or after December 1, 2002 are subject to optional prepayment in whole on any interest payment date on or after June 1, 2002. - Certificates maturing on December 1, 2009 are subject to mandatory prepayment on each interest payment date from June 1, 2004 to December 1, 2009. Certificates maturing on June 1, -- 2018 are subject to mandatory prepayment on each interest payment date from June 1, 2010 to June 1, 2018. 12,000,000 The City Council authorized a loan to the Redevelopment Agency in the amount of $6,014,159 at an interest rate ranging from 6.25% to 7.875%. The loan is repayable as tax increment - funds become available to the Agency. 6,014,159 _ The City Council authorized a number of loans to the Redevelopment Agency in the amount of $13,497,865 at interest rates ranging from 7.4% to 8.70%. The terms of the loans are -- indefinite. Accrued interest on the loans of $3,986,509 is not reflected in the accompanying financial statements. Interest is recorded when it becomes payable from available spendable -- resources. 13,497,865 The City Council authorized a loan to the Redevelopment -- Agency in the amount of $8,662,488 at interest rates ranging from 6.5% to 8.375%. The loan is repayable as tax increment funds become available to the Agency. 8,662,488 - 29 CITY OF POWAY Notes to Financial Statements (Continued) June 30, 1994 Payable to County of San Diego from future tax revenues per agreement between the County of San Diego and the Redevelopment Agency dated March 7, 1984. The purpose of the agreement is to alleviate any financial burden or detriment caused to the County by the Redevelopment Plan. The Agency is to make payments to the County as follows: A. For the first fiscal year in which the Agency receives tax revenues at least equal to twenty-eight thousand dollars ($28,000) plus an additional twenty percent (20%) pursuant to Section 33334.2 of the Health and Safety Code, the Agency shall pay to the County the sum of twenty-eight thousand dollars ($28,000); B. For each fiscal year during which the Redevelopment Plan remains in effect after the fiscal year referred to in the preceding paragraph A, the Agency shall pay to the County from tax revenues an amount equal to (i) the amount of tax revenues paid by the Agency to the County during the fiscal year immediately preceding the fiscal year for which the calculation is being made, multiplied by (ii) one and seven one-hundredths (1.07). In May 1993, the Agency entered into a tax sharing agreement with the County as a result of amending the Redevelopment Plan. Under the agreement, the Agency is to allocate $5,000,000 of new tax allocation bonds to the County in settlement of any claimed amounts owed by the Agency for the tax years prior to the date of the agreement. As of June 30, 1994 the Agency had not issued new tax allocation bonds nor paid the County pending the results of the litigation described in footnote 19. Therefore, no payments were made in fiscal year ended June 30, 1994 under the agreement dated March 7, 1984. 5,254,401 Payable to Pomerado Cemetery District from future tax revenues per agreement between the Cemetery District and the Poway Redevelopment Agency dated October 23, 1984. The purpose of the agreement is to alleviate any financial burden or detriment caused to the District by the Redevelopment Plan. The Agency is to make payments to the District as follows: Pu For the first fiscal year in which the Agency receives tax revenues at least equal to two hundred fifty dollars ($250) plus an additional twenty percent (20%) pursuant to Section 30 CITY OF POWAY _ Notes to Financial Statements (Continued) June 30, 1994 33334.2 of the Health and Safety Code, the Agency shall pay to the District the sum of two hundred fifty dollars ($250); B. For each fiscal year during which the Redevelopment Plan remains in effect after the fiscal year referred to in the -- preceding paragraph A, the Agency shall pay to the District from tax revenues an amount equal to (i) the amount of tax revenues paid by the Agency to the District during the fiscal -- year immediately preceding the fiscal year for which the calculation is being made, multiplied by (ii) one and seven one-hundredths (1.07). 46,462 In December 1985, the Poway Redevelopment Agency entered into an acquisition agreement with CF Poway Ltd. to provide for -- the construction of public improvements relating to the development of Pomerado Business Park. The agreement provides that the Agency will enter into a promissory note with -- CF Poway to reimburse them for the cost of constructing certain public improvements. In March 1991, the Agency accepted $8,608,753 of improvements. The note plus accrued interest at -- 9.375% is to be paid from excess tax increment generated by the project as the funds become available. 11,352,967 -- In November 1990 the Poway Redevelopment Agency entered into an acquisition agreement with Tech Business Center to provide for the construction of public improvements relating to the development of the Poway Corporate Center. The agreement provides that the Agency will enter into a promissory note with Tech Business Center to reimburse them for the cost of constructing certain public improvements. In April 1993, the Agency accepted $2,500,000 of improvements and executed a _ promissory note at 8.0%. The note plus accrued interest is payable from ex.cess tax increment generated by the project as the funds become available. 2,742,016 The City entered into a lease payable agreement for mobile radios having a value of $140,838. The lease qualifies as a capital -- lease and has been reflected in general government expenditures and in other financing sources. The terms of the lease call for five annual payments of $35,805 including interest at 8.57%. 117.102 Total General Long-Term Debt $218.779.003 - 31 CITY OF POWAY Notes to Financial Statements (Continued) June 30, 1994 There are a number of limitations and restrictions contained in the bond indentures. The City is in compliance with all significant limitations and restrictions. In addition, the City is contingently liable for the long-term debt of the water and sewer funds, which is being paid from revenues of those funds. The annual requirements to amortize all debt outstanding in the General Long- Term Debt Account Group, excluding amounts for advances from other funds and notes payable, as of June 30, 1994, including interest payments of $232,648,024 are as follows: Obligation Year General Tax Certificates Under Ending Obligation Allocation of Contracts Capital June 3Q Bonds Bonds Participation payabk~ I~as~ Total 1995 $169,150$ 8,294,063 $ 4,155,997 $ 107,041 $ 35,805 $12,762,046 1996 175,000 8,293,448 4,155,007 59,462 35,805 12,718,722 1997 175,100 8,300501 4,155,268 63,625 35,805 12,730,299 1998 7,930,801 4,249,993 68,078 35,805 12,284,677 Thereafter 224,862.525 115.889397 4.929.814 345.681.736 $519.250$Tfo6t337~714 $136.856.485$5.300.863~;~43r220~9.157532 $177,628 is available in the Debt Service Fund to service the general obligation bonds. The contracts payable, advances from other funds, Tax Allocation Bonds and notes payable are serviced by tax increment revenues of the City of Poway Redevelopment Agency. Enterprise Funds: The following is a summary of bonded debt of the Enterprise Funds for the year ended June 30, 1994: General Special Obligation Assessment Bonds Bonds Total Balance, July 1, 1993 $8,685,000 $654,452 $9,339,452 Debt retirement (285,000) (141.113) (426.113) Balance, June 30, 1994 $8.400.000 $513~339 $8.913.339 32 CITY OF POWAY Notes to Financial Statements (Continued) June 30, 1994 Bonds payable in the Water Fund at June 30, 1994, were as follows: _ 1970 general obligation bonds issued in 1971 in the amount of $3,200,000. The balance of $1,910,000 is due in the year 2000. Interest is payable semi-annually on May 1 and November 1 at -- rates ranging from 6.60% to 7.00%. Bonds maturing on or after November 1, 1981 are callable in whole on any date or in part on any interest payment date in inverse order of maturity by lot -- beginning November 1, 1980. $1,910,000 1972 general obligation bonds issued in 1972 in the amount of -- $1,400,000. The balance of $895,000 is due in the year 2002. Interest is payable semi-annually on June 1 and December 1 at rates ranging from 5.50% to 7.00%. 895,000 1975 general obligation bonds issued in 1976 in the amount of $6,300,000 maturing from 1980 to 2005 in annual installments of -- $5,000 to $930,000. Interest is payable semi-annually on April 1 and October 1 at rates ranging from 7.25% to 8.00%. Bonds maturing on or after October 1, 1986 are subject to redemption -- in whole or in part on any interest payment date in inverse order of maturity beginning October 1, 1985. 5,295,000 -- 1981 special assessment bonds issued in the amount of $1,814,210 maturing from 1983 to 1997 in annual installments of $59,210 to $215,000 beginning in July, 1983, less discount of $71,661. -- Interest on the bonds is payable semi-annually on January 2 and July 2 at a rate of 10.00%. Bonds are subject to redemption in whole or in part on any interest payment date. The bonds are secured by unpaid assessments levied upon property within the assessment district. However, in the event of a delinquency, the _ City has a special obligation to advance the funds. Therefore, in accordance with GASB Cod. Sec. S40, the City has included the liability on its financial statements. 513,339 Bonds payable in the Sewer Fund at June 30, 1994, were as follows: - 1957 general obligation bonds, Series B issued in 1971 in the amount of $1,520,000 maturing from 1988 to 1996 in annual installments of $50,000 to $150,000. Interest is payable semi- -- annually on June 1 and December 1 at rates ranging from 6.00% to 6.50%. 300,000 -- 33 CITY OF POWAY Notes to Financial Statements (Continued) June 30, 1994 8,913,339 Less current portion 500.000 Bonds Payable in Enterprise Funds [8~413~339 The annual requirements to amortize bonded debt outstanding included in the Enterprise Funds as of June 30, 1994, including interest payments of $4,557,299 are as follows: General Special Year Ending Obligation Assessment June 30 Bonds Bonds Total 1995 $ 908,453 $233,500 $ 1,141,953 1996 910,478 236,000 1,146,478 1997 755,727 236,500 992,227 1998 763,290 763,290 1999 855,277 855,277 Thereafter 8,571,413 8,571,413 ~;12.764.638 ~706,000 ~13.470.638 Contracts payable in the Water Fund at June 30, 1994, were as follows: Contracts payable consist of reimbursement agreements with developers. The outstanding balance of these agreements at June 30, 1994, was $5,407. 7. RESTRICTED ASSETS Restricted assets at June 30, 1994, consisted of the following: Cash and Cash ami LwesUnen~s Imesm~en~ Receivables With F'r, cal A_oents Special Debt Capitol Funds Funds Fund Funds Funds Funds Funds Tax revenues received for payment of Tax IWv~nt{e for payment of general 34 CITY OF POWAY Notes to Financial Statements (Continued) June 30, 1994 Cash and Cash and Inv~Unents lnv~m~en~ Receivables Whh ~ ~n~ S~ ~bt ~pi~ ~ F~ F~ F~ F~ F~ F~ ~ ~ ~,~71 1~ ~ ~n ~ 4~,~ -- 1~1 of ~n ~ 5~,016 -- of ~ 1,~ 1~ m ~n ~.101~ ~ ~15 ~14¢17~110 8. SEGME~ INFOR~ON FOR E~RPRISE ~e Ci~ maintains ~o enterphse funds which pro.de water and sewer se~s. Segment infomation for the year ended June 30, 1994, was as fo~ows: Total' Ente~hse Water Fund Sewer Fund Funds Operat~g Revenues $ 7,~1,818 $ 4,355,133 $12,236,951 Depreciation and -- ~o~tion ~ense 779,978 376,428 1,156,4~ Operating Income (~ss) (453,512) 207,328 (2~,1~) O~rafing Transfer In 1~,230 1~,230 -- Operating Transfer Out (106,230) (1~,230) T~ Revenues 1,455,776 53,534 1,509,310 Net Income 1,072,391 1,171,236 2,243,627 -- Total ~sets 31,467,715 32,386,783 63,~4,498 Plant, Prope~ and Equipment: -- Additions 14,834 21,529 36,363 -- 35 CITY OF POWAY Notes to Financial Statements (Continued) June 30, 1994 Total Enterprise Water Fund Sewel' Fund Funds Net Working Capital 7,166,524 18,282,685 25,449,209 Bonds and Other Long- Term Liabilities: Payable from Operating Revenues 8,268,746 150,000 8,418,746 Total Equity 21,702,048 31,872,614 53,574,662 9. DEFERRED COMPENSATION The City has made available to its employees a deferred compensation plan, created in accordance with Internal Revenue Code Section 457. The plan, available to all City employees, permits them to defer a portion of their salary to be deposited in individual investment accounts. Funds may be withdrawn by participants upon termination of employment, retirement, or certified emergency. The plan is administered by an independent plan administrator. All amounts of compensation deferred under the plan, all property and rights purchased with those amounts, and all income attributable to those amounts, property, or rights are (until paid or made available to the employee or other beneficiary) solely the property and rights of the City (without being restricted to the provisions of benefits under the plan), subject only to the claims of the City's general creditors. Participants' rights under the plan are equal to those of general creditors of the City in an amount equal to the fair market value of the deferred account for each participant. The City has no liability for losses under the plan but does have the duty of due care that would be required of an ordinary prudent investor. The City believes that it is unlikely that it will use the assets to satisfy the claims of general creditors in the future. Assets of the fund totaled $3,939,611 at June 30, 1994. The assets are stated at market value. 10. PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT SYSTEM Plan Description: PERS Defined Benefit Pension Plan: The City contributes to the State of California Public Employees' Retirement System (PERS), an agent multiple-employer public employee retirement system that acts as a common investment and administrative agent for cities and school districts in California. The City's payroll for employees covered by PERS for the year ended June 30, 1994 was $8,578,781; the City's total payroll was $9,330,029. 36 CITY OF POWAY Notes to Financial Statements (Continued) June 30, 1994 -- Substantially, all full-time City employees are eligible to participate in PERS. Employees who retire with five years of credited service are entitled to a retirement benefit, payable monthly for life, equal to 2 percent of their highest last -- three years average annual salary for each year of credited service at or after age 55 for miscellaneous employees and for public safety employees. Benefits fully vest on reaching five years of service. Vested employees may retire at or after age -- 50 and receive reduced retirement benefits. PERS also provides death and disability benefits. These benefit provisions and all -- other requirements are established by State statute and City ordinance. Employee and Employer Contribution Obligations: The City makes the contributions required of City employees on their behalf and for their account. The rates are set by statute and therefore remain unchanged from year to year. Member Rates as a Percenta~,e of Wages Local miscellaneous members 7% _ Local safety members 9% The City is required to contribute the remaining amounts necessary to fund the benefits for its members, using the actuarial losses recommended by the PERS actuaries and actuarial consultants and adopted by the Board of Administration. -- Funding Status and Pro_tress: The amount shown below as the "pension benefit obligation" is a standardized -- measure of the present value of pension benefits, adjusted for the effects of step- rate benefits, estimated to be payable in the futureas a result of employee service to date. The measure is intended to help assess the funding status of the system -- on a going-concern basis, assess progress made in accumulating sufficient assets to pay benefits when due, and make comparisons among employers. The measure is the actuarial present value of credited projected benefits and is independent of -- the funding method used to determine contributions to the system. The pension benefit obligation was computed as part of an actuarial valuation -- performed as of June 30, 1994. Significant actuarial assumptions used in the valuation include (a) a rate of return on the investment of present and future assets of 8.75 percent a year compounded annually; (b) projected salary increases -- of 4.50 percent a year compounded annually, attributable to inflation; (c) additional projected salary increased of 2.50 and 2.75 percent a year, attributable to seniority/merit for miscellaneous and safety employees, respectively; and (d) no post-retirement benefit increases. -- 37 CITY OF POWAY Notes to Financial Statements (Continued) June 30, 1994 The unfunded pension benefit obligation applicable to the City employees was $166,187 at June 30, 1994 (based upon June 30, 1993 data), as follows: Pension Benefit Obligation: Retirees and beneficiaries currently receiving benefits and terminated employees not yet receiving benefits $ 3,414,386 Current Employees: Accumulated employee contributions including allocated investment earnings 6,569,013 Employer-financed vested 5,570,170 Employer-financed nonvestefl 319,411 Total Pension Benefit Obligation 15,872,980 Net Assets Available for Benefits at Cost (Market Value is $18,675,661) 15.706.793 Unfunded Pension Benefit Obligation $ 166~187 Changes in the pension benefit obligation from last year attributable to changes in actuarial assumptions wire $(280,723). Actuarially-Determined Contribution Requirements and Contribution Made: PERS uses the Entry Age Normal Actuarial Cost Method which is a projected benefit cost method. That is, it takes into account those benefits that are expected to be earned in the future as well as those already accrued. According to this cost method, the normal cost for an employee is the level amount which would fund the projected benefit if it were paid annually from date of employment until retirement. PERS uses a modification of the Entry Age Cost Method in which the employer's total normal cost is expressed as a level percent of payroll. PERS also uses the level percentage of paYroll method to amortize any unfunded actuarial liabilities. The amortization period of the unfunded actuarial liability ends in the year 2000 for prior service benefits and in the year 2011 for current service benefits. The significant actuarial assumptions used to compute the actuarially-determined contribution requirement are the same as those used to compute the pension benefit obligation, as previously described. 38 CITY OF POWAY Notes to Financial Statements (Continued) June 30, 1994 The contribution to the system for 1994 of $1,316,394 was made in accordance with actuarially determined requirements computed through an actuarial valuation -- performed as of June 30, 1992. The contribution consisted of (a) $1,204,648 normal cost (14.0 percent of current covered payroll), and (b) $111,746 amortization of the unfunded actuarial accrued liability (1.3 percent of current -- covered payroll). The City contributed employer contributions of $677,745 (7.9 percent of current covered payroll) and $638,649 (7.4 percent of current covered payroll) on behalf of its employees. Trend Information: Trend information gives an indication of the progress made in accumulating sufficient assets to pay benefits when due. Within the City's financial statement, ten years of historical trend information are required. 1987-88 is the first year that this actuarial information has been made available by PERS. Until ten years of data are available, as many years as are available are presented as follows: 1987-88 19~8-89 19~-90 1990-91 1991-~2 1992-93 1993-94 Net Assets A~afiab~ for Benefits $~,118,657 $7~50,874 $8,903,586 $10,631,536 $12,077,095 $13,896,673 $15,706,793 Pension Benefit Obligation $5,076,061 $5,980,875 $7,489,378 $9,829,646 $10,947,393 $14D29,196 $15¢V/7.,980 Net Assets Amilable for Benefits a Percentage of the Pension -- Benefit Obligation120_5% 122.9% 11&9% 1~8.2% 1103% 99.1% 99.0% (Ur,~aea) A~ets Pensio~ Benefi~ Obligefio~ $1,042,5% $1,369,999 $1,414,2f~ $~01,890 $1,129,702 $(132,523) $(1(~,187) Payroll $5,M3,833 $5,80~875 $~631,8~ $7,~6,040 $8,40~,120 $8,920,251 $8,578,781 -- 39 CITY OF POWAY Notes to Financial Statements (Continued) June 30, 1994 a Percentage of Annual Covered Payroll 193% 23.6% 21.32% 10.46% 13.43% (1.49%) (1.94%) Employer Conm'ou~ns $362,956 $414,637 $462,819 $641,774 $844,128 $748,567 $677,745 Employer Contnbutions F_xpressed as a Percentage of Payroll These conua'outions were made in accordance with determined requirements 6.8% 7.1% 7.0% 8.3% 10.0% 8.4% 7.9% Plan Description: Defined Contribution Pension Plan The City provides pension benefits for all of its part-time employees through a defined contribution plan (Public Agency Retirement Plan). In a defined contribution plan, benefits depend solely on amounts contributed to the plan plus investment earnings. The plan is administered as part of the City's 457 plan. All part-time employees are eligible to participate from the date of employment. Federal legislation requires contributions of at least 7.5% to a retirement plan, and City Council resolved to match the employees' contributions of 3.75%. The City's contributions for each employee (and interest earned by the accounts) are fully vested immediately. For the year ended June 30, 1994, the City's .total payroll and covered payroll was $420,410. The City made employer contributions of $15,765 (3.75 percent of current covered payroll), and employees contributed $15,765 (3.75 percent of current covered payroll). 40 CITY OF POWAY -- Notes to Financial Statements (Continued) June 30, 1994 11. RETAINED EARNINGS/FUND BALANCE RESERVES AND DESIGNATIONS Reserves: The various reserves established as of June 30, 1994, are described below: Encumbrances $ 160,303 Advances to Other Funds 19,397,213 Inventory 59,585 Temporary Decline in Market Value of Investments 47,999 Total Reserved ~19~665~100 Special Revenue Funds Encumbrances $ 176,650 Long-term Notes Receivable 7,095 Advances to Other Funds 5,205,100 Low and Moderate Income Housing 15,968,199 Temporary Decline in Market Value of Investments 53.095 Total Reserved ~ Debt Service $20,324,763 Temporary Decline in Market Value of Investments 475.134 Total Reserved ~ Capital pro!ects Funds Encumbrances $ 1,537,877 Fixed Assets Held for Resale 2,366,651 Advances to Other Funds 125,660 Capital Projects 38,771,452 Temporary Decline in Market Value of Investments 125.656 Total Reserved ~ CITY OF POWAY Notes to Financial Statements (Continued) June 30, 1994 Enter. prise Funds Debt Service $4,513,305 Temporary Decline in Market Value of Investments 232.640 Total Reserved $4~745~945 Internal Service Fund Equipment Replacement $3,460,847 Temporary Decline in Market Value of Investments 31.058 Total Reserved $3~491~905 Trust and Agency_ Funds Capital Projects $509,696 Temporary Decline in Market Value of Investments 4,513 Total Reserved $514.209 Reserve for Encumbrances: These reserves represent the portion of purchase orders and contracts for goods and services which had not been received at June 30, 1994. Reserve for Advances to Other Funds: This reserve is established for long-term advances to other funds. Reserve for Inventory: Reserves have been established for inventory held by the General Fund (stationery, gasoline, and maintenance supplies). Reserve for Temporary Decline in Market Value of Investments: This reserve was established for the temporary difference between cost and market value of certain investments. The City plans to hold all investments for which there is a temporary decline to maturity and/or until market value equals or exceeds cost. 42 CITY OF POWAY Notes to Financial Statements (Continued) June 30, 1994 Reserve for Notes Receivable: _ This reserve is established for long-term notes receivable. Reserve for Low and Moderate Income Housing: This reserve is established for funds set aside to benefit low and moderate income housing within the redevelopment area. Reserve for Debt Sen, ice: -- Funds collected and interest earned on these funds are reserved for future principal and interest payments of general obligation bonds. In addition, fiscal agents hold cash for the general obligation bonds restricted solely for paying debt -- service on the bonds. Reserve for Fixed Assets Held for Resale: This reserve is established for fixed assets the Redevelopment Agency purchased for the purpose of resale. Fund balance is reserved in an amount equal to the -- carrying value of the fixed assets held for resale because such assets are not available to finance the Agency's operations. -- Reserve for Capital Projects: Principal from the nonexpendable trust is reserved for park expansion and is - restricted from use until after the year 2006. Additional funding is reserved in the Capital Projects Fund for continuing projects. Reserve for Equipment Replacement: _ This reserve is established for replacement of vehicles and equipment on a scheduled program based on the estimated life of the vehicles and equipment Resolution 85-038 passed by the City Council set aside all unreserved funds -- ($6,568,257) at June 30, 1994, of the General fund for future contingencies. The General Fund contingencies are unfunded reserves for insurance, vacation and sick leave, infrastructure replacement, and future contingencies designated by the City - Council. - 43 CITY OF POWAY Notes to Financial Statements (Continued) June 30, 1994 The Gas Tax, Drainage, Maintenance District, Miscellaneous Grants, and Proposition A Special Revenue Funds unreserved fund balances are designated for capital projects. 12. INTERFUND RECEIVABLES/PAYABLES Fund Receivables Payables General Fund $20,768,610 Special Revenue Funds: Gas Tax Fund $ 134,717 Street Improvement Fund 2,466,944 763,071 Drainage Fund 2,527,156 Miscellaneous Grants Fund 11,000 Community Development Block Grant 10,000 Proposition A Fund 200,000 Capital Projects Funds: Park Improvement Fund 125,660 307,228 Municipal Improvement Fund 673,682 Redevelopment Area Fund 10,000 Water Enterprise Fund 3,862,411 Sewer Enterprise Fund 4,271,089 Agency Funds: Developer Deposits 20,000 Parkway Business Center CFD #88-1 Bond Deposits 4,159,660 General Long-Term Debt Account Group 28.174.512 ~34~242~870 ~34~242~870 13~ INSURANCE JOINT VENTURE (CLAIMS AND JUDGMENTS} The City of Poway is a member of the Southern California Joint Powers Insurance Authority, a consortium of approximately 75 California cities. The Authority's governing board consists of one member from each participating city and is responsible for the selection of management as well as budgeting and finance. Insurance activities are financed by charges to member cities, and no long-term debt has been incurred. Actual annual premiums are determined using a retrospective method. This annual premium includes estimates of amounts to be paid for reported claims and incurred-but-not-yet-reported claims based upon past experience, modified for current trends and information. CITY OF POWAY - Notes to Financial Statements (Continued) June 30, 1994 At June 30, 1994, the City self-insured for each loss to the extent of $20,000. Between $20,000 and $10,000,000, losses are shared by the participant cities. Because of the low deductible amounts of the self insurance program, the City does not have reserves or a sinking fund set up for its unpaid claims and -- judgments. They are expended as they occur and the City intends to pay all of its unpaid claims and judgments from available financial resources. -- The Southern California Joint Powers Insurance Authority's fiscal year ends on June 30. As of June 30, 1994, the audited balance sheet for the Authority showed total assets of $85,996,937, liabilities of $63,266,807, and equity of $22,730,130 in the form of reserves for losses and claims. The Authority reported revenues of $23,196,940, expenses of $18,242,833, generating an equity increase of $4,954,107. The City of Poway's precise share of the Authority's assets, liabilities, equities, and changes therein during the year are not available. 14. OTHER REQUIRED INDIVIDUAL FUND DISCLOSURES Expenditures of $819,476. of the Gas Tax Special Revenue Fund exceeded the budget appropriation of $805,100. Expenditures of $17,879,680 of the City of Poway Redevelopment Agency Debt Service Fund exceeded the budget appropriation of $17,374,675. The following funds had deficit fund balances at June 30, 1994, which are expected to be eliminated through future revenues: Fund Amount -- Special Revenue Fund: Royal Mobile-home Park Administration $ 5,537 -- Capital Projects Funds: Park Improvement 112,137 Municipal Improvement 673,682 Expendable Trust Fund: Performing Art Center 8,775 - 45 CITY OF POWAY Notes to Financial .Statements (Continued) June 30, 1994 15. MELLO-ROOS COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICTS In February 1987, the City issued $32,800,000 in Special Tax Refunding Bonds to refund the outstanding portion of the $30,000,000 South Poway Community Facilities District No. I Special Tax Bonds Series 1985. The 1985 bonds were issued to finance the acquisition of certain public improvements within South Poway Community Facilities District No. 1. In April 1989, the City issued $30,000,000 Community Facilities District No. 88-1 Special Tax Bonds to finance the acquisition and construction of certain public improvements within the District. In January 1991, the City issued $8,000,000 Community Facilities District No. 88-1 Special Tax Bonds, Series 1990 to finance part of the costs of the acquisition and construction of public improvements within the District. The bonds are authorized pursuant to the Mello-Roos Community Facilities Act of 1982 and are secured by and payable from the proceeds of annual special assessment taxes levied and collected on the property within the Districts. The Bonds are not general or special obligations of the City of Poway. The City is acting as agent only for the property owners in collecting the special assessments and forwarding the collections to the fiscal agents. Neither the faith and credit nor the taxing power of the City is pledged to the payment of these bonds. At June 30, 1994, the 1987, 1989, and 1990 bonds outstanding were $30,440,000, $29,800,000, and $6,585,000, respectively. 16. PRIOR PERIOD ADJUSTMENTS The Low and Moderate Income Housing Fund Special Revenue Fund was previously reported within the Redevelopment Area Capital Projects Fund. The Special Revenue and Capital Projects Funds beginning fund balances have been restated as follows: Special Capital Revenue Projects Fund Fund As Previously Reported $ 9,052,341 $74,514,638 Adjustment 19.966.417 (19,966,417) As Restated ~;29~018~758 $54.548.221 46 CITY OF POWAY Notes to Financial Statements (Continued) June 30, 1994 17. DEFEASEMENT OF LONG-TERM DEBT -- In 1993 the Agency advance refunded $35,000,000 Tax Allocation Bonds Series 1989A and $9,330,000 Tax Allocation Bonds, Issue of 1991 by placing in an irrevocable trust amounts sufficient to meet all future debt service payments of the - refunded debts. As a result, thc bonds were considered released and the liability was removed from the General Long-Term debt account group. At June 30, 1994, $34,635,000 of the Tax Allocation Bonds, Series 1989A and $9,225,000 of the Tax -- Allocation Bonds, Issue of 1991 remained outstanding. In 1992, the City advance refunded $10,650,000 1988 Certificates of Participation -- by placing in an irrevocable trust amounts sufficient to meet all future debt service payments of the refunded debt. As a result, the 1988 Certificates of Participation were considered defeased and the liability was removed from the general long- - term debt account group. At June 30, 1994, $10,255,000 of the 1988 Certificates of Participation remained outstanding. -- In 1990, the Poway Redevelopment Agency advance refunded $4,260,000 Tax Allocation Bonds, Series 1985 and $17,000,000 Tax Allocation Bonds, Series 1986 by placing in an irrevocable trust amounts sufficient to meet all future debt service -- payments of the refunded debts. As a result, the refunded bonds were considered defeased and the liability was removed from the general long-term debt account group. At June 30, 1994, $3,340,000 of the Tax Allocation Bonds, Series 1985 and -- $15,285,000 of the Tax Allocation Bonds, Series 1986 remained outstanding. 18. RESIDUAL EQUITY TRANSFER During the fiscal year ended June 30, 1994, the Parkway Business Center Community Facilities District #88-1 Capital Projects Fund transferred $1,405,000 to the Parkway Business Center Community Facilities District #88-1 Agency Fund to call $1,405,000 of the Community Facilities District No. 88-1 Special Tax Bonds. 19. COMMITMENTS AND CONTINGENCIES -- a. In May 1993, the Redevelopment Agency entered into tax sharing agreements with various public agencies as a result of amending the Redevelopment Plan. Under the agreements, if litigation of whatever form is filed challenging the - Plan then the payment requirements of the Agency are to be tolled and delayed for the period of such litigation. The amendment to the Redevelopment Plan has been challenged in a court of law and at June 30, - 1994 the litigation had not been settled. Therefore, no payments were made by the Agency during the fiscal year ended June 30, 1994 and no liabilities recorded except as noted below. -- 47 CITY OF POWAY Notes to Financial Statements (Continued) June 30, 1994 The Agency paid $4,500,000 to one of the public agencies during the fiscal year end June 30, 1994 under a settlement agreement dated May 17, 1994. If the amendment to the Redevelopment Plan is set aside by a court of law pursuant to the litigation, the public agency is to return these funds to the Agency. b. Subsequent to year end, a court of law determined that the Redevelopment Agency has incorrectly deposited tax increment funds into the Low and Moderate Income Housing Special Revenue Fund. The method of computing the additional amount that will be required to be set-aside is being determined through a settlement agreement which should be executed in late 1994. 20. RECONCILIATION OF CASFI AND CASIt EQUIVALENTS A reconciliation of cash and cash equivalents at June 30, 1994 from the combined balance sheet to the combined statement of cash flows follows: Enterprise Internal Fiduciary Funds Service Fund Funds Cash and Investments per the Combined Balance Sheet $20,837,006 $3,516,245 $7,090,779 Restricted: Cash and Investments 5,101,836 Cash and Investments with Fiscal Agents 232,730 Cash and Investments of Expendable Trust and Agency Funds (6.590.895) Cash and Cash Equivalents per the Combined Statement of Cash Flows $26~171~572 $3.516~245 ~ 499~884 48 SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION -- COMBINING AND INDIVIDUAL FUND AND ACCOUNT GROUP FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AND SCHI~DULES GENERAL FUND Used to account for all of the general revenues of the City not specifically levied or collected for other City funds, and for the expenditures related to the rendering of general se~ices by the City. The General Fund is used to account for all resources not required to be accounted for in another fund. CITY OF POWAY Comparative Balance Sheet General Fund June 30, 1994 1994 1993 Assets Cash and investments $ 4,846,851 $ 4,641,748 Receivables (Net of allowance tbr uncollectibles): Taxes 324,347 283,874 Accounts 134,286 306,946 Interest 853,785 888,043 Due from other funds 1,371,398 1,419,371 Due from other governments 247,359 261,180 Inventory, at cost 59,585 63,113 Advances to other funds 19,397,212 19,920,414 Total Assets $ 27,234,823 $ 27,784,689 Liabilities and Fund Balance Liabilities: Accounts payable $ 352,549 $ 644,025 Accrued liabilities 612,816 700,802 Deposits 36,101 32,578 Deferred revenue 168,390 Total Liabilities 1,001,466 1,545,795 Fund Balance: Reserved: Encumbrances 160,303 171,804 Inventory 59,585 63,113 Advances to other funds 19,397,213 19,920,414 Temporary decline in market value of investments 47,999 Unreserved: Designated for contingencies 6,568,257 6,083,563 Total Fund Balance 26,233,357 26,238,894 Total Liabilities and Fund Balance $ 27,234,823 $ 27~784,689 52 CITY OF ?OWAY Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balance Budget and Actual General Fund For the Year Ended Sunc 30, 1994 1994 1993 Variance -- Favorable Budget Actual (Unfavorable) Actual Revenues: -- Taxes $ 7,579,630 $ 7,889,870 $ 310,240 $ 7,425,204 Licenses and permits 330,100 335,037 4,937 340,884 Intergovernmental 1,588,300 1,566,910 (21,390) 1,636,092 -- Charges for services 4,218,490 4,453,428 234,938 4,098,276 Fines and forfeitures 64,000 91,593 27,593 71,747 Interest and rentals 1,024,880 869,443 (155,437) 1,070,136 -- Other 905,100 551,830 (353,270) 1,102,932 Total Revenues 15,710,500 15,758,111 47,611 15,745,271 -- Expenditures: Current: General government 2,624,184 2,531,457 92,727 3,738,172 -- Public safety 8,642,159 8,371,953 270,206 8,322,611 Public works 1,504,596 1,404,125 100,471 1,211,792 Community services 2,676,133 2,496,504 179,629 2,666,515 -- Capital expenditures 440,913 755,107 (314,194) 788,767 Debt service: Principal 23,736 23,736 -- Interest 12,069 12,069 Total Expenditures 15,923,790 15,594,951 328,839 16,727,857 -- Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues Over Expenditures (213,290) 163,160 376,450 (982,586) Other Financing Sources (Uses): Proceeds from long-term debt 140,838 _ Operating transfers in 128,317 268,055 139,738 1,208,093 Operating transfers (out) (356,039) (436,752) (80,713) (530,317) Total Other Financing -- Sources(Uses) (227,722) · (168,697) 59,025 818,614 Excess (Deficiency) of _ Revenues and Other Sources Over Expenditures and -- Other Uses (441,012) (5,537) 435,475 (163,972) Fund Balance, Beginning 26,238,894 26,238,894 26,402,866 ~ Fund Balance, Ending $ 25,797,882 $ 26,233,357 $ 435,475 $ 26,238,894 53 SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS Gas Tax Fund Used to account for revenues received and - expenditures made for street maintenance. Financing is provided by the City's share of State gasoline taxes made pursuant to the California -- State Constitution and authorized by the State Legislature. -- Street Improvement Fund Used to account for revenues received and expenditures made for street improvements. Financing is provided primarily from developer's - traffic mitigation fees. City Ordinance No. 80 authorized the collection and the segregation of the funding. Drainage Fund Used to account for operations of the flood control _ and drainage division. Financing is provided by developer's drainage fees and flood zone fees from the County. Poway Municipal Code Section 16.72 _ requires the segregation of the funding. Maintenance District 83-1 Fund Used for landscape and maintenance of a noise ~_ buffer. Costs of the projects are estimated and property owners are assessed their proportionate share based on acreage owned. The assessments -- are collected via the tax rolls. -- Miscellaneous Grants Fund Used to account for grants from various agencies used for operations and maintenance. Financ'mg is provided by the State, County and Federal -- Government. Such grants provide for payment of all current operating costs and may be used only for specified purposes. Community Development Used to account for revenues received and Block Grant Fund expenditures made for community development -- and housing assistance. Financ'mg is provided under agreement with the County whereby the City is a secondary recipient with funds made available -- from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development under the Housing and Community Development Acts of 1974 and 1977. -- 55 SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS (Continued) Transportation Development Used to account for revenues received and - Act Fund expenditures made for transportation development, transit and related studies. Funding is provided to the City as secondary recipient under agreements - with the County and with the San Diego Association of Governments. -- Proposition A Fund To account for the San Diego County special Proposition A one-half (1/2) cent transportation sales tax which became effective July 1, 1988. All -- revenues of this fund must be expended for certain transportation-related purposes. - Royal Mobilehome Park Used to account for revenues received and Administration Fund expenditures made in the administration of the _ Royal Mobilehome Parl~ Low and Moderate Income Used to account for funds restricted for low and _ Housing Fund moderate income housing financial activity. CITY OF POWAY Combining Balance Sheet - All Special Revenue Funds June 30, 1994 Miscel - Street Maintenance laneous Assets Gas Tax Improvement Drainage District 83-1 Grants Cash and investments $ 224,350 $1,335,990 $ 389,129 $1,749,002 $ 78,278 Taxes receivable 20,398 Accounts receivable 1,136 Interest receivable Notes receivable 7,095 Due from other governments Deposits 4,969 Advances to other ~nds 2,466,944 2,527,156 11,000 Cash and investments with fiscal agents Total Assets $ 22~5,486 $ 3,814,998 $ 2,916,285 $1,769,400 $ 89,278 Liabilities and Fund Balances Liabilities: Accounts payable $ 51,335 $ 45,511 $ 14 $ 43,421 Accrued liabilities 21,551 8,971 1,733 Due to other funds Advances from other funds 134,717 763,071 Total Liabilities 207,603 808,582 8,985 45,154 Fund Balances: Reserved: Encumbrances 133,625 15,930 4,298 $19,407 Notes receivable 7,095 Advances to other funds 2,466,944 2,527,156 11,000 Low and moderate income housing Temporary decline in market value of investments 11,801 3,528 17,643 Unreserved: Designated for capital projects 17,883 360,686 1,702,305 58,871 Undesignated (deficit) 386,951 Total Fund Balances 17,883 3,006,416 2,907,300 1,724,246 89,278 Total Liabilities and Fund Balances $ 225,486 $ 3,814,998 $ 2,916,285 $1,769,400 $ 89,278 58 Transpor - tation Low and Community Develop- Royal Mobile- Moderate - Development ment Proposition home Park Income Totals Block Grant Act A Administxation Housing 1994 1993 -- $ 1,507 $ 126,455 $ 2,034,641 $ 1,535 $ 15,730,068 $ 21,670,955 $ 24,760,161 20,398 15,877 1,136 1,136 -- 249,446 249,446 142,981 7,095 7,095 10,381 3,225 13,606 77,162 -- 4,969 4,969 200,000 5,205,100 5,201,100 -- 6,315 6,315 15,560 $11,888 $ 126,455 $ 2,234,641 $ 4,760 $ 15,985,829 $ 27~179,020 $ 30~226~041 $ 7,361 $ 12,458 $ 160,100$ 248,748 2,936 35,191 57,643 $ 10,000 I0,000 3,104 897,788 897,788 -- 10,000 10,297 12,458 1,103,079 1,207,283 199 $ 2,000 1,191 176,650 135,734 7,095 -- $ 200,000 5,205,100 5,201,100 15,968,199 15,968,199 19,966,417 1,511 13,440 5,172 53,095 -- 2,021,201 4,160,946 3,454,112 1,689 122,944 (6,728) 504,856 261,395 -- 1,888 126,455 2,234,641 (5,537) 15,973,371 26,075,941 29,018,758 -- $ 11,888 $ 126,455 $ 2,234,641 $ 4,760 $ 15,985,829. $ 27,179,020 $ 30,226,041 CITY OF POWAY Combining Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balances All Special Revenue Funds For the Year Ended June 30, 1994 Miscel - Street Maintenance laneous GasTax Improvement Drainage District 83-1 Grants Revenues: Taxes $ 237,050 $ 140,694 Intergovernmental $ 819,841 $ 13,077 Charges for services 996,225 Interest and rentals $ 78,682 23,572 96,016 Developer fees 237,866 10,210 Other 5,073 6,268 Total Revenues 824,914 316,548 277,100 1,232,935 13,077 Expenditures: Current: General government Public works 767,984 351,865 477,038 Community services 664,265 Capital expenditures 51,492 109,553 10,513 107,712 Bond issuance costs Total Expenditures 819,476 109,553 362,378 1,141,303 107,712 Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues over Expenditures 5,438 206,995 (85,278) 91,632 (94,635) Other Financing Sources (Uses): Proceeds of reflanding bonds Proceeds of long-term debt Operating transfers in 26,539 Operating transfers (out) Total Other Financing Sources (Uses) 26,539 Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues and Other Sources Over Expenditures and Other Uses 5,438 206,995 (85,278) 91,632 (68,096) Fund Balances, Beginning, Restated 12,445 2,799,421 2,992,578 1,632,614 157,374 Fund Balances, Ending $ 17,883 $ 3,006,416 $ 2,907,300 $1,724,246 $ 89,278 60 Transpor- tation Low and Community Develop- Royal Mobile- Moderate Development merit Proposition home Park Income Totals Block Grant Act A Administration Housing 1994 1993 $ 377,744 $ 489,950 $ 112,476 $ 70,003 $ 2,792,383 3,807,780 1,197,875 -- $ 174,250 1,170,475 1,072,841 3,077 82,379 $ 2,785,134 1,093,320 4,162,180 3,437,665 248,076 363,052 -- 3,225 27,000 41,566 32,948 112,476 73,080 2,874,762 2,788,359 1,294,570 9,807,821 6,594,331 -- 610,371 610,371 479,615 1,596,887 1,393,544 935,843 1,600,108 1,622,978 -- 92,255 21,678 2,072,264 4,686,300 7,151,767 1,921,188 507,792 __ 92,255 21,678 2,072,264 935,843 5,296,671 10,959,133 5,925,117 20,221 51,402 802,498 1,852,516 (4,002,101) (1,151,312) 669,214 - 12,951,911 17,993 2,770,338 2,796,877 . 2,624,659 -- (10,000) (1,817,099) (2,761,283) (4,588,382) (3,185,339) -- (10,000) (1,817,099) 9,055 (1,791,505) 12,409,224 -- 10,221 51,402 802,498 35,417 (3,993,046) (2,942,817) 13,078,438 (8,333) 75,053 1,432,143 (40,954) 19,966,417 29,018,758 15,940,320 $ 1,888 $ 126,455 $ 2,234,641 $ (5,537) $ 15,973,371 $ 26,075,941 $ 29,018,758 61 CITY OF POWAY Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balance Budget and Actual Gas Tax Special Revenue Fund For the Year Ended June 30, 1994 1994 1993 Variance Favorable Budget Actual (Unfavorable) Actual Revenues: Intergovernmental $ 805,100 $ 819,841 $ 14,741 $ 760,386 Other 6000 5,073 (927) 9,070 Total Revenues 811,100 824,914 13,814 769,456 Expenditures: Current: Public works 747,900 767,984 (20,084) 749,673 Capital expenditures 57,200 51,492 5,708. 9,936 Total Expenditures 805,100 819,476 (14,376) 759,609 Excess of Revenues Over Expenditures 6,000 5,438 (562) 9,847 Fund Balance, Beginning 12,445 12,445 2,598 Fund Balance, Ending $ 18,445 $ 17,883 $~(562) $ 12,445 62 CITY OF POWAY -- Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balance Budget and Actual Street Improvement Special Revenue Fund -- For the Year Ended June 30, 1994 _ 1994 1993 Variance Favorable _ Budget Actual (Unfavorable) Actual Revenues: Taxes $ 17,530 $ (17,530) _ Intergovernmental $ 25,275 Interest and rentals 29,240 $ 78,682 49,442 55,471 Developer fees 46,550 237,866 191,316 312,303 Other 567 Total Revenues 93,320 316,548 223,228 393,616 -- Expenditures: Capital expenditures 632,923 109,553 523,370 351,106 -- Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues Over Expenditures (539,603) 206,995 746,598 42,510 Fund Balance, Beginning 2,799,421 2,799,421 2,756,911 -- Fund Balance, Ending $ 2,259,818 $ 3,006,416 $ 74____~6,598 $ 2,799,421 -- 63 CITY OF POWAY Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balance Budget and Actual Drainage Special Revenue Fund For the Year Ended June 30, 1994 1994 1993 Variance Favorable Budget Actual (Unfavorable) Actual Revenues: Taxes $ 237,050 $ 237,050 $ 302,739 Interest and rentals 33,840 23,572 $ (10,268) 34,830 Developer fees 23,750 10,210 (13,540) 50,749 Other 6,268 6,268 23,311 Total Revenues 294,640 277,100 (17,540) 411,629 Expenditures: Current: Public works 370,946 351,865 19,081 337,784 Capital expenditures 204,095 10,513 193,582 278,385 Total Expenditures 575,041 362,378 212,663 616,169 (Deficiency) of Revenues Over Expenditures (280,401) (85,278) 195,123 ' (204,540) Fund Balance, Beginning 2,992,578 2,992,578 3,197,118 Fund Balance, Ending $ 2,712,177 $ 2,907,300 $ 195,123 $ 2,992,578 64 CITY OF POWAY Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balance Budget and Actual Maintenance District 83-1 Special Revenue Fund -- For the Year Ended June 30, 1994 -- 1994 1993 Variance Favorable -- Budget Actual (Unfavorable) Actual Revenues: Taxes $ 124,730 $ 140,694 $ 15,964 $ 137,211 -- Charges for services 1,111,700 996,225 (115,475) 927,261 Interest income 84,380 96,016 11,636 103,918 -- Total Revenues 1,320,810 1,232,935 (87,875) 1,168,390 Expenditures: _ Current: Public works 601,080 477,038 124,042 306,087 Community services 879,440 664,265 215,175 723,751 Total Expenditures 1,480,520 1,141,303 339,217 1,029,838 _ Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues Over Expenditures (159,710) 91,632 251,342 138,552 Fund Balance, Beginning 1,632,614 1,632,614 1,494,062 Fund Balance, Ending $1,472,904 $1,724,246 $ 251,342 $1,632,614 CITY OF POWAY Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balance Budget and Actual' Miscellaneous Grants Special Revenue Fund For the Year Ended June 30, 1994 1994 1993 Variance Favorable Budget Actual (Unfavorable) Actual Revenues: Intergovernmental $ 37,000 $ 13,077 $ (23,923) $ 87,318 Expenditures: Capital expenditures 198,288 107,712 90,576 91,857 (Deficiency) of Revenues Over Expenditures (161,288) (94,635) 66,653 (4,539) Other Financing Sources (Uses): Operating transfers in 26,539 26,539 106,123 Operating transfers out (64,600) Total Other Financing Sources (Uses) 26,539 26,539 41,523 Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues and Other Sources Over Expenditures and Other Uses (134,749) (68,096) 66,653 36,984 Fund Balance, Beginning 157,374 157,374 120,390 Fund Balance, Ending $ 22,625 $ 89,278 $__66,653 $ 157~37~4 66 CITY OF POWAY -- Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balance Budget and Actual Community Development Block Grant Special Revenue Fund -- For the Year Ended June 30, 1994 -- 1994 1993 Variance Favorable _ Budget Actual (Unfavorable) Actual Revenues: Intergovernmental $ 202,780 $ 112,476 $ (90,304) Interest and rentals $ 89 Total Revenues 202,780 112,476 (90,304) 89 Expenditures: Capital expenditures 332,364 92,255 240,109 10,221 Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues Over Expenditures (129,584) 20,221 149,805 (10,132) Other Financing (Uses): Operating transfers out (10,000) (10,000) Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues Over -- Expenditures and Other Uses (129,584) 10,221 139,805 (10,132) -- Fund Balance (Deficit), Beginning (8,333) (8,333) 1,799 Fund Balance (Deficit), Ending $ (137,917} $ 1,888 $ 139,805 $ (8,333) -- 67 CITY OF POWAY Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balance Budget and Actual Transportation Development Act Special Revenue Fund For the Year Ended June 30, 1994 1994 1993 Variance Favorable Budget Actual (Unfavorable) Actual Revenues: Taxes $ 50,000 Intergovernmental $ 200,000 $ 70,003 $ (129,997) 14,357 Interest and rentals 3,077 3,077 3,461 Total Revenues 200,000 73,080 (126,920) 67,818 Expenditures: Capital expenditures 269,533 21,678 247,855 36,768 Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues Over Expenditures (69,533) 51,402 120,935 31,050 Other Financing (Uses): Operating transfers out (124,063) Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues Over Expenditures and Other Uses (69,533) 51,402 120,935 (93,013) Fund Balance, Beginning 75,053 75,053 168,066 Fund Balance, Ending $ 5,520 $ 126,45.__~5 $ 120,935 $ 75,053 68 CITY OF POWAY -- Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balance Budget and Actual Proposition A Special Revenue Fund -- For the Year Ended June 30, 1994 -- 1994 1993 Variance Favorable -- Budget Actual (Unfavorable) Actual Revenues: Intergovernmental $ 2,754,000 $ 2,792,383 $ 38,383 $ 310,539 -- Interest and rentals 73,920 82,379 8,459 84,365 Total Revenues 2,827,920 2,874,762 46,842 394,904 Expenditures: Capital expenditures 3,042,894 2,072,264 970,630 310,539 Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues Over _ Expenditures (214,974) 802,498 1,017,472 84,365 Fund Balance, Beginning 1,432,143 1,432,143 1,347,778 Fund Balance, Ending $1,217,169 $ 2,234,641 $1,017,472 ' $1,432,143 CITY OF POWAY Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balance Budget and Actual Royal Mobilehome Park Administration Special Revenue Fund For the Year Ended June 30, 1994 1994 1993 Variance Favorable Budget Actual (Unfavorable) Actual Revenues: Interest andrentals $ 2,716,540 $ 2,785,134 $ 68,594 $ 2,537,552 Other 3,225 3,225 Total Revenues 2,716,540 2,788,359 71,819 2,537,552 Expenditures: Current: Community services 1,023,330 935,843 87,487 899,227 Capital expenditures 9,169 Total Expenditures 1,023,330 935,843 87,487 908,396 Excess of Revenues Over Expenditures 1,693,210 1,852,516 159,306 1,629,156 Other Financing (Uses): Operating transfers out (2,001,140) (1,817,099) 184,041 (1,827,504) Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues Over Expenditures and Other Uses (307,930) 35,417 343,347 (198,348) Fund Balance, (Deficit) Beginning (40,954) (40,954) 157,394 Fund Balance, (Deficit) Ending $ (348,884) $ (5,537'} $ 343,347 $ (40,954) 70 CITY OF POWAY -- Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balance Budget and Actual Low and Moderate Income Housing Special Revenue Fund -- For the Year Ended June 30, 1994 -- 1994 1993 Variance Favorable -- Budget Actual (Unfavorable) Actual Revenues: Charges for services $ 147,460 $ 174,250 $ 26,790 $ 145,580 _ Interest and rentals 828,480 1,093,320 264,840 617,979 Other 27,000 27,000 Total Revenues 975,940 1,294,570 318,630 763,559 Expenditures: _ General government 637,260 610,371 26,889 479,615 Capital expenditures 19,736,173 4,686,300 15,049,873 823,207 Bond issuance costs 507,792 -- Total Expenditures 20,373,433 5,296,671 15,076,762 1,810,614 (Deficiency) of Revenues -- Over Expenditures (19,397,493) (4,002,101) 15,395,392 (1,047,055) Other Financing Sources (Uses): -- Proceeds of refunding bonds 12,951,911 Proceeds of long-term debt 17,993 Operating transfers in 2,732,489 2,770,338 37,849 2,518,536 -- Operating transfers out (2,656,567) (2,761,283) (104,716) (1,169,172) Total Other Financing ~ Sources (Uses) 75,922 9,055 (66,867) 14,319,268 Excess (Deficiency) of -- Revenues and Other Sources Over Expenditures and ~ Other Uses (19,321,571) (3,993,046) 15,328,525 13,272,213 Fund Balance~ Beginning, Restated 19,966,417 19,966,417 6,694,204 Fund Balance, Ending ~ 644,84_.~_6 $15,973r371 $ 15,328r525 $ 19,966,417 -- 71 DEBT SERVICE FUNDS Used to account for accumulation of resources for the payment of interest and -- principal of general long-term debt. -- 73 CITY OF POWAY Combining Balance Sheet All Debt Service Funds June 30, 1994 1986 1992 City of 1978 Certificates Certificates Poway Fire of of Redevelopment Bonds Participation Participation Agency Assets Cash and investments $ 177,328 $ 2,218,583 $ 716,927 $ 2,867,861 Taxes receivable 274,024 Interest receivable 300 28,041 10,775 189,998 Restricted assets: Cash and investments with fiscal agents 969,225 1,038,908 12,308,977 Total Assets $ 177,628 $ 3,215,849 $1,766,610 $ 15,640,860 Liabilities and Fund Balances Liabilities: Accrued liabilities $ 1,050 Fund balances: Reserved: Debt service $ 176,318 $ 3,199,465 1,760,266 $ 15,188,714 Temporary decline in market value of investments 1,310 16,384 5,294 452,146 Total Fund Balances 177,628 3,215,849 1,765,560 15,640,860 Total Liabilities and Fund Balances $ 177,62~8 $__3,215,849 $1,766,610 $ 15,640,860 74 Totals 1994 1993 $ 5,980,699 $ 9,695,116 _ 274,024 442,175 229,114 110,396 14,317,110 14,338,803 $ 20,800,947 $ 24,586,490 $ 1,050 $ 303,401 20,324463 24,283589 475,134 20,799,897 24,283,089 20,800,947 $ 24,586~490 -- 75 CITY OF POWAY Combining Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balances - All Debt Service Funds For the Year Ended June 30, 1994 1986 1992 City of 1978 Certificates Certificates Poway Fire of of Redevelopment Bonds Participation Participation Agency Revenues: Taxes $ 172,700 $ 11,554,728 Interest 4,750 $ 148,332 $ 137,720 944,276 Other 380 Total Revenues 177,450 148,332 137,720 12,499,384 Expenditures: Payment to education augmentation fund 545,597 Debt service: Principal 140,000 235,000 150,000 6,474,721 Interest and fiscal charges 32,700 727,523 758,957 10,859,362 Bond issuance costs Payment to refunded bond escrow agent Total Expenditures 172,700 962,523 908,957 17,879,680 Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues Over Expenditures 4,750 (814,191) (771,237) (5,380,296) Other Financing Sources (Uses): Proceeds from refunding bonds Proceeds from long-term debt 1,199,293 Payment to refunded bond escrow agent Operating transfers in 604,482 379,706 4,440,358 Operating transfers (out) (3,146,057) Total Other Financing Sources (Uses) 604,482 379,706 2,493,594 Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues and Other Sources Over Expenditures and Other Uses 4,750 (209,709) (391,531) (2,886,702) Fund Balances, Beginning 172,878 3,425,558 2,157,091 18,527,562 Fund Balances, Ending $ 177,628 $ 3,215,849 $1,765,560 $ 15,640,860 76 Totals 1994 1993 $ 11,727,428 $ 11,037,297 1,235,078 1,346,926 380 12,962,886 12,384,223 545,597 1,524,740 6,999,721 5,093,109 12,378,542 7,912,776 -- 1,542,165 3,899,214 19,923,860 19,972,004 (6,960,974) (7,587,781) 57,122,550 1,199,293 943,602 (47,271,404) · 5,424,546 6,636,720 (3,146,057) (3,689,000) 3,477,782 13,742,468 (3,483,192) 6,154,687 24,283,089 18,128,402 20,799,897 $ 24,283,089 -- 77 CITY OF POWAY Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balance Budget and Actual 1978 Fire Bonds Debt Service Fund For the Year Ended June 30, 1994 1994 1993 Variance Favorable Budget Actual (Unfavorable) Actual Revenues: Taxes $ 172,700 $ 172,700 $ 170,800 Interest 4,750 $ 4,750 4,653 Total Revenues 172,700 177,450 4,750. 175,453 Expenditures: Debt Service: Principal 140,000 140,000 130,000 Interest and fiscal charges 32,700 32,700 40,700 Total Expenditures 172,700 172,700 170,700 Excess of Revenues Over Expenditures 4,750 4,750 4,753 Fund Balance, Beginning 172,878 172,878 168,125 Fund Balance, Ending $ 172,878 $ 177,628 $4,750 $ 172,878 78 CITY OF POWAY -- Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balance Budget and Actual 1986 Certificates of Participation Debt Service Fund _ For the Year Ended June 30, 1994 1994 1993 Variance Favorable _ Budget Actual (Unfavorable) Actual Revenues: Interest $ 136,420 $ 148,332 $11,912 $ 147,934 Expenditures: Debt service: Principal 235,000 235,000 220,000 -- Interest and fiscal charges 732,123 727,523 4,600 711,068 Total Expenditures 967,123 962,523 4,600 931,068 (Deficiency) of Revenues Over Expenditures (830,703) (814,191) 16,512 (783,134) Other Financing Sources: Operating transfers in 604,482 604,482 967,760 Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues and Other -- Sources Over Expenditures (226,221) (209,709) 16,512 184,626 -- Fund Balance, Beginning 3,425,558 3,425,558 3,240,932 Fund Balance, Ending $ 3,199~337 $ 3,215,849 $16~512 $ 3~425,558 -- 79 CITY OF POWAY Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balance Budget and Actual 1992 Certificates of Participation Debt Service Fund For the Year Ended June 30, 1994 1994 1993 Variance Favorable Budget Actual (Unfavorable) Actual Revenues: Interest $ 146,260 $ 137,720 $ (8,540) $ 152,859 Expenditures: Principal 150,000 150,000 140,000 Interest and fiscal charges 762,417 758,957 3,460 767,413 Total Expenditures 912,417 908,957 3,460 907,413 (Deficiency) of Revenues Over Expenditures (766,157) (771,237) (5,080) (754,554) Other Financing Sources: Operating transfers in 379,706 379,706 907,941 Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues and Other Sources Over Expenditures (386,451) (391,531) (5,080) 153,387 Fund Balance, Beginning 2,157,091 2,157,091 2,003,704 Fund Balance, Ending $1,770,640 $1,765~560 $ (5,080) $ 2~157,091 8O CITY OF POWAY - Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balance Budget and Actual City of Poway Redevelopment Agency Debt Service Fund -- For the Year Ended June 30, 1994 -- 1994 1993 Variance Favorable -- Budget Actual (Unfavorable) Actual Revenues: Taxes $ 11,370,100 $ 11,554,728 $ 184,628 $ 10,866,497 _ Interest 742,280 944,276 201,996 1,041,480 Other 380 380 Total Revenues 12,112,380 12,499,384 387,004 11,907,977 Expenditures: Payment to education -- augmentation fund 545,597 545,597 1,524,740 Debt service: Principal 6,869,838 6,474,721 395,117 4,603,109 -- Interest and fiscal charges 9,959,240 10,859,362 (900,122) 6,393,595 Bond issuance costs 1,542,165 Payment to refunded bond -- escrow agent 3,899,214 Total Expenditures 17,374,675 17,879,680 (505,005) 17,962,823 (Deficiency) of Revenues Over Expenditures (5,262,295) (5,380,296) (118,001) (6,054,846) Other Financing Sources (Uses): Proceeds from refunding bonds 57,122,550 _ Proceeds from long-term debt 1,199,293 1,199,293 943,602 Payment to refunded bond escrow agent (47,271,404) _ Operating transfers in 4,551,990 4,440,358 (111,632) 4,761,019 Operating transfers (out) (4,479,606) (3,146,057) 1,333,549 (3,689,000) Total Other Financing -- Sources (Uses) 72,384 2,493,594 2,421,210 11,866,767 Excess (Deficiency) of -- Revenues and Other Sources Over Expenditures and -- Other Uses (5,189,911) (2,886,702) 2,303,209 5,811,921 Fund Balance, Beginning 18,527,562 18,527,562 12,715,641 Fund]Balance, Ending $ 13,337,651 $ 15,640,860 $ 2,303,209 $ 18,527,562 CAPITAL PROJECTS FUNDS Park Improvement Fund Used to account for the financing and -- construction of park facilities throughout the City. Park assessment fee revenues and State grants provide the financing. Municipal Improvement Fund Used to account for financing and -- construction of major capital facilities other than those financed by the proprietary funds. Major capital projects include construction of -- government buildings, including City Hall, fire station and warehouse facilities. South Poway CFD #1 Fund Used to account for financing and construction of streets, water and sewer facilities in the South Poway Business Park. Parkway Business Center Used to account for financing of grading and CFD #88-1 Fund construction of streets, water and sewer _ facilities in Parkway Business Center. - Redevelopment Area Fund Used to account for financing and construction of projects of the Redevelopment Agency in accordance with -- the State's Health and Safety Code. - 83 CITY OF POWAY Combining Balance Sheet All Capital Projects Funds June 30, 1994 Parkway South Business Park Municipal Poway Center Improvement Improvement CFD #1 CFD #88-1 Assets Cash and investments $ 69,431 $ 7,468 $ 48,214 Interest receivable 8 Deposits Due from other funds Due from other governments Advances to other funds 125,660 Fixed assets held for resale Cash and investments with fiscal agents 2,621 Total Assets $ 195,091 $ - $7,468 $ 50,84~3 Liabilities and Fund Balances Liabilities: Accounts payable Accrued liabilities. Advances from other funds $ 307,228 $ 673,682 Deposits Total Liabilities 307,228 673,682 Fund Balances: Reserved: Encumbrances 10,598 15,113 Advances to other funds 125,660 Fixed assets held for resale Capital projects $ 7,402 $ 50,420 Temporary decline in market value of investments 66 423 Unreserved, undesignated (deficit) (248,395) (688,795) Total Fund Balances (112,137) (673,682) 7,468 50,843 Total Liabilities and Fund Balances $ 195,091 $ - $7,468 $ 50,843 84 Redevelopment Totals Area 1994 1993 $ 40,555,242 $ 40,680,355 $ 50,534,819 442,727 442,735 428,351 10,969 10,969 10,969 10,000 10,000 2,422 2,422 125,660 125,660 2,366,651 2,366,651 2,366,651 336,345 338,966 3,827,472 $ 43,7245356 $ 43,977,758 $ 57,293,922 921,173 $ 921,173 $ 1,442,853 11,623 11,623 194,170 980,910 1,101,228 73,946 73,946 7,450 1,006,742 1,987,652 2,745,701 1,512,166 1,537,877 4,148,036 125,660 125,660 2,366,651 2,366,651 2,366,651 38,713,630 38,771,452 48,952,254 125,167 125,656 (937,190) (1,044,380) 42,717,614 41,990,106 54,548,221 43,724,356 $ 43,977,758 $ 57,293,922 85 CITY OF POWAY Combining Statement of Revenues, Expenditures agd Changes in Fund Balances All Capital Projects Fun~s For the Year Ended June 30, 1994 Parkway Business Park Municipal South Poway Center Improvement Improvement CFD #1 CFD #88-1 Revenues: Intergovernmental Charges for services Interest and rentals $ (83) $ 440 $ 24,207 Developer fees $ 17,500 Other 120,317 29,600 Total Revenues 17,500 120,234 440 53,807 Expenditures: Current: General government Capital expenditures 55,371 11,419 643,216 Tax sharing agreement expenditure Debt service: Principal Bond issuance costs Total Expenditures 55,371 11,419. 643,216 Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues Over Expenditures (37,871) 108,815 440 (589,409) Other Financing Sources (Uses): Proceeds from refunding bonds Proceeds from long-term debt Operating transfers in 1,500 15,713 Operating transfers (out) Total Other Financing Sources (Uses) 1,500 15,713 Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues and Other Sources Over Expenditures and Other Uses (36,371) 124,528 440 (589,409) Fund Balances, (Deficit) Beginning, Restated (75,766) (798,210) 7,028 2,045,252 Residual Equity Transfer (1,405,000) Fund Balances, (Deficit) Ending $ (112,137) $ (673,682) $7,468 $ 50,843 86 -- Redevelopment Totals Area 1994 1993 -- $ 5,000,000 $ 5,000,000 $ 809,750 1,438,086 1,438,086 1,361,041 2,701,351 2,725,915 2,362,217 -- 17,500 365,450 111,959 261,876 96,739 _ 9,251,396 9,443,377 4,995,197 2,876,539 2,876,539 2,736,717 9,695,304 10,405,310 15,980,467 9,500,000 9,500,000 10,000 10,000 1,281,750 22,081,843 22,791,849 19,998,934 (12,830,447) (13,348,472) (15,003,737) 32,164,023 2,253,588 2,253,588 4,659,254 304,262 321,475 461,852 (379,706) (379,706) (3,092,057) 2,178,144 2;195,357 34,193,072 (10,652,303) (11,153,115) 19,189,335 -- 53,369,917 54,548,221 3'5,358,886 (1,405,000) $ 42,717,614 $ 41,990,106 $ 54,548,221 -- ENTERPRISE FUNDS Water Fund To account for the provision of water services to the residents of the City. All activities necessary to -- provide such services are accounted for in this fund, including, but not limited to, administration, operations, maintenance, financing and related debt -- service, and billing and collection. -- Sewer Fund To account for the provision of sewer services to the residents of the City. All activities necessary to provide such services are accounted for in this fund, -- including, but not limited to, administration, operations, maintenance, financing and related debt service, and billing and collection. - 89 CITY OF POWAY Combining Balance Sheet All Enterprise Funds June 30, 1994 Water Sewer Totals Assets Fund Fund 1994 1993 Current Assets: Cash and investments $ 6,029,767 $ 14,807.239 $ 20,837,006 $ 22,378,983 Receivables (net, where applicable of allowance for estimated uncollectl'bles): Accounts 1,113,208 780,987 1,894,195 1,661,589 Interest 117,891 117,891 Due from other funds 2,788,262 2,788,262 Inventories, at cost 813,361 813,361 783,542 Total Current Assets 7,956,336 18,494,379 26,450,715 24,824,114 Restricted Assets: Cash and investments 4,844,599 257,237 5,101,836 4,348,637 Cash and investments with fiscal agents 232,730 232,730 26,257 Taxes receivable (net, where applicable, of allowance for estimated uncollectibles) 36,773 1,550 38,323 23,561 Deposits 13,378 13,378 13,378 Total Restricted Assets 5,127,480 258,787 5,386,267 4,411,833 Advances to other funds 3,862,411 1,482,827 5,345,238 5,345,238 Property, Plant and Equipment: Land 76,797 76,797 76,797 Buildings and structures 8,794,860 668,204 9,463,064 9,463,064 Improvements other than buildings 18,506,145 14,992,283 33,498,428 33,462,065 Machinery and equipment 669,682 398,195 1,067,877 1,067,877 Construction in progress 1,973,031 1,973,031 1,973,031 Total Property, Plant and Equipment 27,970,687 18,108,510 46,079,197 46,042,834 Less Accumulated Depreciation (13,449,199) (5,957,720) (19,406,919) (18,250,513) Net Property, Plant and Equipment 14,521,488 12,150,790 26,672,278 27,792,321. Total Assets $ 31,467,715 $ 32,386,783 $ 63,854,498 $ 62,373,506 90 CITY OF POWAY -- Combining Balance Sheet All Enterprise Funds (Continubd) June 30, 1994 Water Sewer Totals Fund Fund 1994 1993 Liabilities and Fund Equity _ Current Liabilities (payable from current assets): -- Accounts payable $ 713,469 $ 183,088 $ 896,557 $ 1,162,832 Accrued liabilities 76,343 28,606 104,949 189,309 789,812 211,694_ 1,001,506 1,352,141 Current Liabilities (payable from restricted assets): _ Bonds payable - due within one year 350,000 150,000 500,000 450,000 Unredeemed matured bond 357,109 2,475 359,584 345,471 and interest payable 707,109 152,475 859,584 795,471 -- Total Current Liabilities 1,496,921 364,169 1,861,090 2,147,612 Long-Term Debt Excluding -- Current Installments: General obligation bonds Payable 7,925,000 150,000 8,075,000 8,400,000 Special assessment bonds payable 338,339 338,339 489,452 -- Contracts payable 5,407 5,407 5,407 Total Long-Term Debt 8,268,746 150,000 8,418,746 8,894,859 Total Liabilities 9,765,667 514,169 10,279,836 11,042,471 _ Fund Equity: ~,505,455 Contributed capital ,3,228,040 2,277,415 5,505,455 Less accumulated depreciation (435,161) _ (357,864) (793,025) (725,534) -- 2,792,879 1,919,551 4,712,430 4,779,921 Retained Earnings: Reserved for debt service 4,406,993 106,312 4,513,305 3,602,984 -- Reserved for temporary decline in market value of investments 98,642 133,998 232,640 Unreserved 14,403,534 29,712,753 44,116,287 42,948,130 Total Retained Earnings 18,909,169 29,953,063 48,862,232 46,551,114 -- Total Fund Equity 21,702,048 31,872,614 53,574,662 51,331,035 Total Liabilities and -- Fund Equity $ 31 467 715 $ 32 386 783 $ 63 854 498 $ 62,373r506 -- 91 CITY OF POWAY - Combining Statement of Revenues, Expenses, and Changes in Retained Earnings All Enterprise Funds For the Year Ended June 30, 1994 Water Sewer Totals Fund Fund 1994 1993 Operating Revenues: Charges for services $ 7,746,559 $ 4,125,449 $ 11,872,008 $ 10,933,648 Connection fees 118,453 173,705 292,158 903,965 Annexation fees 20,384 20,384 23,289 Other 16,806 35,595 52,401 472,912 -- Total Operating Revenues 7,881,818 4,355,133 12,236,951 12,333,814 Operating Expenses: -- Personal services 1,189,537 385,478 1,575,015 1,975,282 Maintenance and operations 2,013,085 3,385,899 5,398,984 5,953,170 Cost of purchased water 4,352,730 4,352,730 3,493,486 -- Depreciation and amortization 779,978 376,428 1,156,406 1,112,726 Total Operating Expenses 8,335,330 4,147,805 12,483,135 12,534,664 Operating Income (Loss) (453,512) 207,328 (246,184) (200,850) -- Nonoperating Revenues (Expenses): Taxes 1,455,776 53,534 1,509,310 1,466,940 Interest revenue 642,503 1,041,479 1,683,982 1,801,619 -- Interest expense and fiscal agent charges (678,606) (24,875) (703,481) (736,825) _ Total Nonoperating Revenues 1,419,673 1,070,138 2,489,811 2,531,734 Income Before _ Operating Transfers 966,161 1,277,466 2,243,627 2,330,884 Operating Transfers: Transfers in 106,230 106,230 Transfers (out) (106,230) (106,230) (21,800) Net Income 1,072,391 1,171,236 2,243,627 2,309,084 Depreciation on contributed capital 37,141 30,350 67,491 67,491 -- Increase in Retained Earnings 1,109,532 1,201,586 2,311,118 2,376,575 Retained Earnings, Beginning 17,799,637 28,751,477 46,551,114 44,174,539 RetainedEarnings, Ending $ 18,909,169 $ 29,953,063 $ 48,862,232 $ 46,551,114 -- 93 CITY OF POWAY Combining Statement of Cash Flows All Enterprise Funds For the Year Ended June 30, 1994 Water Sewer Fund Fund Cash Flows from Operating Activities: Operating income (loss) $ (453,512) $ 207,328 Adjustments to reconcile operating income (loss) to net cash provided by operating activities: Depreciation and amortization 779,978 376,428 Changes in operating assets and liabilities: Increase in accounts receivable (31,524) (201,082) (Increase) Decrease in inventories (29,819) Increase (decrease) in accounts payable (4,278) (261,996) (Decrease) in accrued liabilities (75,268) (9,092) Net Cash Provided by Operating Activities 185,577 111,586 Cash Flows from Non-Capital Financing Activities: Taxes 1,440,060 54,488 Transfers in 106,230 Transfers out (106,230) Payments - due from other thnds (2,788,262) Net Cash Provided by (Used for) Non-Capital Financing Activities 1,546,290 (2,840,004) Cash Flows from Capital and Related Financing Activities: Interest expense and fiscal agent charges (637,012) (28,470) Principal payments on long-term borrowing (325,000) (125,000) Acquisition of property, plant, and equipment (14,834) (21,529) Net Cash Used for Capital and Related Financing Activities (976,846) (174,999) Cash Flows from Investing Activities: Interest received 642,503 923,588 Net Increase (Decrease) in Cash and Cash Equivalents 1,397,524 (1,979,829) Cash and Cash Equivalents, Beginning 9,709,572 17,044,305 Cash and Cash Equivalents, Ending $ 11,107,096 $ 15~064,476 94 Totals _ 1994 1993 $ (246,184) $ (2oo,85o) 1,156,406 1,112,726 (232,6o6) (279,871) (29,819) 24,657 (266,274) 161,447 (84,360) (105,459) 297,163 712,650 1,494,548 1,468,664 106,230 (106,230) (21,800) (2,788,262) (362,000) (1,293,714) 1,084,864 (665,482) (647,280) (450,000) (415,000) (36,363) (277,925) (1,151,845) (1,340,205) 1,566,091 1,801,619 (582,305) 2,258,928 26,753,877 24,494,949 26~171,572 $ 26~753~877 -- 95 _ INTI~RNAL SERVICE FUND Vehicle Maintenance Fund Used to account for the costs of operating a maintenance facility for -- automotive equipment used by other City departments. Such costs to other departments are billed on a direct cost -- basis. The Vehicle Maintenance Fund is responsible for financing replacement vehicles, as necessary. -- 97 CITY OF POWAY Comparative Balance Sheet Vehicle Maintenance Internal Service Fund June 30, 1994 1994 1993 Assets Current Assets: Cash and investments $3,516,245 $ 3,290,590 Liabilities and Fund Equity Current Liabilities: Accounts payable $ 13,660 $ 56,268 Accrued liabilities 10,680. 13,764 Total Liabilities 24,340 70,032 Fund Equity: Retained Earnings: Reserved for equipment replacement 3,460,847 3,220,558 Reserved for temporary decline in market value of investments 31,058 Total Fund Equity 3,491,905 3,220,558 Total Liabilities and Fund Equity $ 3t516,245 $ 3,290,590 98 CITY OF POWAY - Comparative Statement of Revenues, Expenses, and Changes in Retained Earnings Vehicle Maintenance Internal Service Fund For the Year Ended June 30, 1994 1994 1993 -- Operating Revenues: Charges for services $ 543,840 $ 542,480 Other 4,039 6,014 Total Operating Revenues 547,879 548,494 -- Operating Expenses: Personal services 175,865 166,516 Maintenance and operations 43,672 3,742 Total Operating Expenses 219,537 170,258 _ Operating Income 328,342 378,236 Nonoperating Revenue: Interest revenue 203,061 220,239 Income Before Operating Transfers 531,403 598,475 Operating Transfers: Transfers in 635,812 Transfers (out) (260,056) (1,048,623) Total Operating Transfers (260,056) (412,811) -- Net Income 271,347 185,664 Retained Earnings, Beginning 3,220,558 3,034,894 Retained Earnings, Ending $ 3,491,905 $ 3,220,558 CITY OF POWAY Comparative Statement of Cash Flows Vehicle Maintenance Internal Service Fund For the Year Ended June 30, 1994 1994 1993 Cash Flows from Operating Activities: Operating income $ 328,342 $ 378,236 Adjustments to reconcile operating income to net cash provided by operating activities: Changes in operating assets and liabilities: Increase (decrease) in accounts payable (42,608) 53,179 (Decrease) in accrued liabilities (3,084) (912) Net Cash Provided by Operating Activities 282,650 430,503 Cash Flows from Non-capital and Related Financing Activities: Transfers in 635,812 Transfers (out) (260,056) (1,048,623) Net Cash Used for Non-Capital and Related Financing Activities (260,056) (412,811) Cash Flows from Investing Activities: Interest received 203,061 220,239 Net Increase in Cash and Cash Equivalents 225,655 237,931 Cash and Cash Equivalents, Beginning 3,290,590 3,052,659 Cash and Cash Equivalents, Ending $ 3,516~245 $ 3~290~59_~_0 100 - FIDUCIARY FUNDS -- NONEXPENDABLE TRUST FUND Mary Patricia Ross Trust Fund Used to account for revenues and expenses -- provided by a private estate to finance community park and recreation purposes. The principal must be maintained intact until 2006. Interest income must also be used to finance such recreational purposes. Library Trust Fund Used to account for a donation to the City which is to be held in perpetual trust. The _ income from the principal is to be used for library supplies and services. EXPENDABLE TRUST FUNDS _ Bendixon Expendable Trust Fund Used to account for money provided by private donors restricted to maintenance of riding and hiking trails. Poway Road Beautification Used to account for money provided by Expendable Trust Fund donors restricted to beautification efforts -- along Poway Road. Performing Arts Center Used to account for money provided by - Expendable Trust Fund donors restricted to Performing Arts Center construction. AGENCY FUNDS -- Deferred Compensation Used to account for deferred compensation programs on behalf of the City and its _ employees. Developer Deposits Used to account for the collection and _ payments of development deposits from and on behalf of the collective and individual developers. South Poway CFD #1 Used to account for debt service payments Bond Deposits collected through property tax assessments -- remitted to fiscal agent-trustee for payment on bonds. 101 FIDUCIARY FUNDS (Continued) AGENCY FUNDS Parkway Business Center Used to account for debt service payments CFD #88-1 Bond Deposits collected through property tax assessments -- remitted to fiscal agent-trustee for payment on bonds. 103 CITY OF POWAY Combining Balance Sheet All Fiduciary Funds June 30, 1994 Nonexpendable Trust Funds Expendable Trust Funds Mary Poway Patricia Road Performing Ross Library Bendixon Beautification Arts Center Assets Cash and investments $ 42,888 $ 456,996 $ 9,026 $5,299 Receivables: Taxes Accounts Interest Cash and investments with fiscal agents Total Assets $ 42,888 $ 456,996 $9,026 $5,299 $ - Liabilities and Fund Balances Liabilities: Accounts payable Due to other funds Deposits $ 8,775 Due to bondholders Deferred compensation payable Advances from other t~nds Total Liabilities 8,775 Fund Balances: Reserved for capital projects $ 42,512 $ 452,985 $8,947 $5,252 Reserved for temporary decline in market value of investments 376 4,011 79 47 Unreserved: Designated for performing arts Undesignated (8,775) Total Fund Balances 42,888 456,996 9,026 5,299 (8,775) Total Liabilities and Fund Balances $42,888 $~456,996 $9,026 $5,299 $ - 104 Agency Funds - Park~vay Business South Poway Center -- Deferred Developer CFD #1 CFD #88-1 Totals Compensation Deposits Bond Deposits Bond Deposits 1994 1993 $ 3,939,611 $ 435,148 $ 1,864,722 $ 337,089 $ 7,090,779 $ 6,318,603 _ 6,118 34,616 40,734 19,969 8,773 121,483 130,256 6,411 89,070 138,752 227,822 218,583 3,002,571 3,843,898 6,846,469 7,014,050 _ $ 3,939.611 $ 44_~3~921. $ 4,962,481 $ 4,475,838 $14,336,060 $ 13,577,61.~6 $ 22,057 $ 22,057 4,159,660 4,159,660 $ 1,416,267 -- $ 423,921 432,696 505,926 $ 4,962,481 294,121 5,256,602 7,625,212 $ 3,939,611 3,939,611 3,409,376 -- 20,000 20,000 27,884 3,939,611 443,921 4,962,481 4,475,838 13,830,626 12,984,665 509,696 483,067 4,513 -- 109,884 (8,775) _ 505,434 592,951 -- $ 3,939,611 $ 443,92~1 $ 4,962,481 $ 4,475,838 $14,336.060 $ 13,577,616 105 CITY OF POWAY Combining Statement of Revenues, Expenses, and Changes in Fund Balances All Nonexpendable Trust Funds For the Year Ended June 30, 1994 Mary Patricia Totals Ross Library 1994 1993 Operating Revenues: Donations $ 870 $ 870 $ 401,000 Interest $ 2,526 26,903 29,429 30,962 Total Revenues 2,526 27,773 30,299 431,962 Fund Balances, Beginning 40,362 429,223 469,585 37,623 Fund Balances, Ending $ 42,888 $ 456,996 $ 499,884 $ 469,585 106 CITY OF POWAY -- Combining Statement of Cash Flows All Nonexpendable Trust Funds For the Year Ended June 30, 1994 Patricia Totals Ross Library 1994 1993 Cash Flows from Operating Activities: Operating income $ 2,526 $ 27,773 $ 30,299 $ 431,962 Adjustment to reconcile opera~ng income to net cash provided by ~- operating activities: Interest income (2,526) (26,903) (29,429) (30,962) -- Net Cash Provided by Operating Activities 870 870 401,000 -- Cash Hows from Investing Activities: Interest received 2,526 26,903 29,429 30,962 -~ Net Increase in Cash and Cash Equivalents 2,526 27,773 30,299 431,962 -- Cash and Cash Equivalents, Beginning 40,362 429,223 469,585 37,623 Cash and Cash Equivalents, Ending $ 42,888 $ 456~996 $ 499~884 $ 469~585 -- 107 CITY OF POWAY Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balances Expendable Trust Funds For the Year Ended June 30, 1994 Poway Road Performing Beautifi- Arts Totals Bendixon cation Center 1994 1993 Revenues: Interest $ 531 $ 312 $ 1,657 $ 2,500 $ 9,897 Donations 212 Total Revenues 531 312 1,657 2,500 10,109 Expenditures: Current: Community services 120,316 120,316 Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues Over Expenditures 531 312 (118,659) (117,816) 10,109 Fund Balances, Beginning 8,495 4,987 109,884 123,366 113,257 Fund Balances, Ending $ 9~026 $ 5,299 $ (8,775) $ 5,550 $ 123,366 108 CITY OF POWAY Combining Statement of Changes in Assets and Liabilities All Ageno/Funds For the Year Ended June $0, 1994 Balance Balance - Deferred Compensation Fund July 1, 1993 Additions Deletions June 30, 1994 Assets Cash and investments $ 3,409,376 $ 64:2,151 $ 111,916 $ 3,939,61~1 -- Liabilities Deferred compensation payable $~3,409,376 $ 642~151 $ 111,916 $ 3,939,611 Developer Deposits Fund -- Assets Cash and investments $ 510,740 $ 346,050 $ 421,642 $ 435,148 Accounts receivable 6,411 8,773 6,411 8,773 Total Assets $ 51..~7,151. $ 354,823 $ 428,053 $ 443,921 Liabilities Deposits $ 497,151 $ 354,823 $ 428,053 $ 423,921 Advances from other funds 20,000 20,000 Total Liabilities $ 517,151 $ 354,823 $ 428,053 $ 443,921 South Powa¥ CFD #1 Bond Deposits -- Assets Cash and investments $ 1,796,921 $ 67,801 $ 1,864,722 ~'- Taxes receivable 19,969 6,118 $ 19,969 6,118 Interest receivable 91,048 8%070 91,048 8%070 Cash and investments with - fiscal agents 3,003,131 218,713 219,273 3,002,571 Total Assets $ 4,911,069 $ 381,702 $ 330,290 $ 4,962,481 Liabilities -- Due to bondholders $ 4,911,069 $ 381,702 $ 330~290 $ 4,962,481 (Continued) CITY OF POWAY Combining Statement of Changes in Assets and Liabilities All Agency Funds (Continued) For the Year Ended June 30, 1994 Balance Balance Parkway Business Center July 1, 1993 Additions Deletions June 30, 1994 CFD #88-1 Bond Deposits Assets Cash and investments $ 8,892,081 $ 8,554,992 $ 337,089 Taxes receivable 34,616 34,616 Accounts receivable 121,483 121,483 Interest receivable $ 127,375 138,752 127,375 138,752 Gash and investments with fiscal agents 4,010,919 2,209,560 2,376,581 3,843,898 TotalAssets $ 4,138,294 $ 11,396,492 $ 11,058,948 $ 4,475,838 Liabilities Accounts payable $ 22,057 $ 22,057 Due to other funds $ 1,416,267 2,743,393 4,159,660 Due to bondholders 2,714,143 8,631,042 $ 11,051,064 294,121 Advances from other funds 7,884 7,884 Total Liabilities $ 4,138,294 $ 11,396,492 $ 11,058,948 $ 4,475,838 Total - All Agency Funds Assets Cash and investments $ 5,717,037 $ 9,948,083 $ %088,550 $ 6,576,570 Accounts receivable 6,411 130,256 6,411 130,256 Taxes receivable 19,969 40,734 19,969 40,734 Interest receivable 218,423 227,822 218,423 227,822 Cash and investments with fiscal agents 7,014,050 2,428,273 2,595,854 6,846,469 Total Assets $ 12,975,890 $ 12,775,168 $ 11~929,207 $ 13,821,851 Liabilities Accounts payable $ 22,057 $ 22,057 Due to other funds $ 1,416,267 2,743,393 4,159,660 Deposits 497,151 354,823 $ 428,053 423,921 Due to bondholders 7,625,212 9,012,744 11,381,354 5,256,602 Deferred compensation payable 3,409,376 642,151 111,916 3,939,611 Advances from other funds 27,884 7,884 20,000 Total Liabilifies $ 12,975,890 $ 12,775,168 $ 11,929,207 $ 13,821,851 110 -- ACCOUNT GROUPS General Fixed Assets Used to account for the cost of fixed assets that are used in the performance of general - government functions and that are not accounted for in the proprietary funds. General Long-Term Debt Used to account for the unmatured long-term indebtedness of the City and Redevelopment Agency not accounted for in the proprietary funds. 111 CITY OF POWAY Comparative Schedule of General Fixed Assets by Source June 30, 1994 1994 1993 -- General Fixed Assets: Land $ 42,391,341 $ 36,518,112 Buildings 26,006,899 25,299,630 - Improvements other than buildings 2,089,679 854,149 Machinery and equipment 5,593,997 4,827,179 Total General Fixed Assets $ 76,081,916 $ 67,499,070 -- Investments in General Fixed Assets: General Fund revenues $ 68,279,009 $ 59,696,163 Special Revenue Fund revenues 1,397,031 1,397,031 _ Capital Projects Funds: State grants 237,514 237,514 Donations 1,987,442 1,987,442 Bond proceeds 262,922 262,922 Federal grants 1,096 1,096 -- Transfer from prior water districts 3,916,902 3,916,902 Total Investments in General Fixed Assets $ 76,081,916 $ 67,499,070 113 CITY OF POWAY Schedule of General Fixed Assets by Function and Activity June 30, 1994 Improvements Other than Function and Activity Land Buildings Buildings General Government: Manager $ 33,674 Clerk Personnel Finance and Administration $ 117,796 413,793 Other - Services 2,864,429 311,114 $ 27,160 Government Buildings 1,997,057 10,180,749 49,174 Total General Government 4,979,282 10,939,330 76,334 Public Safety.' Safety 2,476,330 Fire Paramedics Inspection Total Public Safety 2,476,330 Highways and Streets: Engineering Maintenance 371,844 6,983 Total Highways and Streets 371,844 6,983 Culture and Recreation 12,594,082 7,044,883 475,999 Mobilehome Parks 24,817,977 5,174,512 1,530,363 Total General Fixed Assets $ 42,391,341 $ 26,006,899 $ 2,089,679 114 Machinery - and Equipment Total $ 17,121 $ 50,795 125,005 125,005 -- 4,053 4,053 1,061,759 1,593,348 -- 731,735 3,934,438 642,030 12,869,010 -- 2,581,703 18,576,649 354,995 2,831,325 841,147 841,147 127,240 127,240 39,946 39,946 1,363,328 3,839,658 20,173 20,173 1,170,727 1,549,554 1,190,900 1,569,727 445,712 20,560,676 12,354 31,535,206 5,593,997 $ 76,081,916 115 CITY OF POWAY Schedule of Changes in General .Fixed Assets by Function and Activity For the Year Ended June 30, 1994 General General Fixed Fixed Assets Assets Function and Activity July 1, 1993 Additions Deletions June 30, 1994 General Government: Manager $ 50,795 $ 50,795 Clerk 125,005 125,005 Personnel 4,053 4,053 Finance and Administration 1,562,406 $ 30,942 1,593,348 Other - Services 743,439 3,190,999 3,934,438 Government Buildings 12,789,687 79,323 12,869,010 Total General Government 15,275,385 3,301,264 18,576,649 Public Safety: Safety 2,812,690 18,635 2,831,325 Fire 285,314 555,833 841,147 Paramedics 127,240 127,240 Inspection 39,946 39,946 Total Public Safety 3,265,190 574,468 3,839,658 Highways and Streets: Engineering 20,173 20,173 Maintenance 1,434,237 115,317 1,549,554 Total Highways and Streets 1,454,410 115,317 ,1,569,727 Culture and Recreation 18,676,112 1,884,564 20,560,676 Mobilehome Parks 28,827,973 2,749,573 $ 42,340 31,535,206 Total General Fixed Assets $ 67~499,070 $ 8,625,186 $ 42,340 $ 76,081~916 116 CITY OF POWAY Comparative Schedule of General Long-Term Debt June 30, 1994 1994 1993 Amount Available and to be Provided for the Payment of General Long-Term Debt: _ General Obligation Bonds: Amount available in debt service fund $ 177,628 $ 172,878 Amount to be provided 298,915 445,128 Total General Obligation Bonds 476,543 618,006 Other General Long-Term Debt: Amount available in debt service fund 20,622,269 24,110,211 Amount to be provided 197,680,191 197,632,825 -- Total Other General Long-Term Debt 218,302,460 221,743,036 Total Available and to be Provided $ 218,779,003 $ 222~361,04____~_2 General Long-Term Debt Payable: General obligation bonds payable $ 476,543 $ 618,006 Other General Long-Term Debt Payable: Certificates of participation 49,445,000 49,830,000 -- Tax allocation bonds payable 121,170,000 124,955,000 Advances from other funds 28,174,512 28,565,512 Contracts payable 5,300,863 5,301,323 -- Notes payable 14,094,983 12,950,363 Obligation under capital lease 117,102 140,838 _ Total Other General Long-Term Debt Payable 218,302,460 221,743,036 -_ Total General Long-Term Debt Payable $ 218,779,003 $ 222,361,042 -- 117 STATISTICAL SECTION CITY OF POWAY General Governmental Expenditures by Function (1) Last Ten Fiscal Years Fiscal General Public Public Community Capital Year Government Safety Works Services Expenditures 1985 $ 2,235,693 $ 3,110,452 $1,138,213 $1,174,574 $ 1,900,558 1986 1,892,658 3,586,667 1,842,148 1,354,792 2,617,481 1987 5,510,445 3,839,927 2,352,455 1,619,141 5,981,374 1988 3,735,640 4,389,463 3,134,370 1,920,189 8,670,339 1989 3,784,515 4,851,875 4,464,397 2,611,714 36,041,610 1990 5,726,143 5,563,163 4,108,962 3,532,117 33,314,917 1991 5,680,185 8,212,765 2,562,230 3,487,041 55,427,599 1992 5,487,555 8,019,225 2,584,301 4,009,375 27,891,391 1993 6,954,504 8,322,611 2,605,336 4,289,493 18,690,422 1994 6,018,367 8,371,953 3,001,012 4,216,928 18,312,184 Notes: (1) Includes all governmental fund types Source: City Administrative Services Department 120 Debt Service Total $ 475,813 $ 10,035,303 -- 255,137 11,548,883 2,413,256 21,716,598 2,740,959 24,590,960 _ 5,896,486 57,650,597 7,465,211 59,710,513 11,911,077 87,280,897 23,317,449 71,309,296 21,761,546 62,623,912 - 29,469,665 69,390,109 -- 121 CITY OF POWAY General Governmental Revenues by Source (1) Last Ten Fiscal Years Licenses Intergovern - Charges Fiscal and mental for Fines and Year Taxes Permits Revenues Services Forfeitures 1985 $ 4,554,371 $ 328 701 $ 2,692,099 $ 2,518,836 $ 145,801 1986 6,107,864 316 911 3,862,104 2,158,738 159,582 1987 7,460,663 388 728 3,426,391 4,457,868 145,609 1988 9,473,188 373 624 2,872,540 4,807,079 134,111 1989 12,709,759 378 091 3,692,440 7,577,139 141,763 1990 14,824,205 398 748 2,751,273 7,466,928 139,312 1991 18,695,696 394 812 2,991,647 7,364,057 146,838 1992 18,702,862 352 341 3,492,141 6,047,267 95,080 1993 18,952,451 340 884 3,643,717 6,532,158 71,747 1994 19,995,042 335 037 10,374,690 7,061,989 91,593 TABLE 2A CITY OF POWAY General Governmental Tax Revenues by Source Last Ten Fiscal Years Fiscal Property Franchise Motor Year Tax Sales Tax Tax Vehicle Tax Total 1985 $ 1,424,665 $1,647,344 $ 284,641 $1,197,721 $ 4,554,371 1986 2,164,151 2,158,356 314,952 1,470,405 6,107,864 1987 3,530,980 2,079,533 304,148 1,546,002 7,460,663 1988 5,161,064 2,297,080 317,747 1,697,297 9,473,188 1989 8,214,128 2,416,290 330,129 1,749,212 12,709,759 1990 9,905,769 2,790,198 338,865 1,789,373 14,824,205 ~1991 13,915,042 2,571,959 398,823 1,809,872 18,695,696 1992 13,920,524 2,672,052 403,911 1,706,375 18,702,862 1993 13,588,578 3,251,723 510,581 1,601,569 18,952,451 1994 14,251,274 3,593,312 589,035 1,561,421 19,995,042 Note: (1) Includes all governmental fund types and an expendable trust fund. Source: City Administrative Services.Department 122 Interest and - Rentals Other Total $ 945,855 $ 153,597 $11,339,260 -- 2,114,240 205,997 14,925,436 3,992,736 502,011 20,374,006 4,396,088 486,322 22,542,952 _ 7,376,764 1,680,039 33,555,995 8,680,108 2,535,849 36,796,423 8,833,021 9,288,421 47,714,492 -- 8,351,217 2,574,632 39,615,540 8,226,841 1,961,333 39,729,131 8,995,116 1,121,228 47,974,695 CITY OF POWAY Property Tax Levies and Collections Last Ten Fiscal Years Current Percent Delinquent Delinquent Fiscal Year Current Tax of Levy Tax Tax Year Tax Levy Collections Collected Receivable Collections 1985 $ 4,126,697 $ 3,846,429 93% $ 486,136 $ 216,385 1986 4,873,378 4,635,446 95 509,275 275,516 1987 5,261,453 4,968,778 94 487,319 233,983 1988 5,892,828 5,617,548 95 528,247 242,144 1989 6,622,830 6,169,589 93 660,998 107,529 1990 8,009,185 7,812,459 98 518,976 115,233 1991 9,136,715 8,689,581 95 196,617 230,400 1992 12,639,697 12,284,495 97 377,585 424,816 1993 9,604,741 9,156,139 95 484,933. 400,191 1994 12,855,280 9,585,698 74 548,364 386,361 Source: County of San Diego, Auditor and Controller's Office 124 Percent of Percent of Total Tax Outstanding Delinquent - Total Tax Collections Delinquent Taxes to Collections to Tax Levy Taxes Tax Levy -- $ 4,062,814 98% $ 550,019 13% 4,910,962 101 471,691 10 5,202,761 99 546,011 10 _ 5,859,692 99 561,383 10 6,277,118 95 834,392 13 7,927,692 99 600,469 7 8,919,981 98 413,351 5 12,709,311 101 307,971 3 -- 9,556,330 99 533,344 6 9,972,059 78 3,431,585 27 CITY OF POWAY Assessed and Estimated Actual Value of Taxable Property Last Ten Fiscal Years Real Property Personal Property Fiscal Assessed Estimated Assessed Estimated Year Value Actual Value Value Actual Value 1985 $ 1,115,557,602 $ 1,115,557,602 $ 18,010,665 $ 18,010,665 1986 1,224,261,949 1,224,261,949 19,624,399 19,624,399 1987 1,371,840,241 1,371,840,241 18,277,448 18,277,448 1988 1,546,330,363 1,546,330,363 24,897,449 24,897,449 1989 1,744,013,209 1,744,013,209 27,045,506 27,045,506 1990 2,052,405,447 2,052,405,447 30,240,937 30,240,937 1991 2,413,737,613 2,413,737,613 37,219,612 37,219,612 1992 2,684,903,547 2,684,903,547 44,186,797 44,186,797 1993 2,858,029,834 2,858,029,834 54,214,861 54,214,861 1994 2,964,014,503 2,964,014,503 69,952,694 69,952,694 Source: County of San Diego Assessor's Office 126 Total Percent Assessed Estimated Change From - Value Actual Value Previous Year $ 1,133,568,267 $ 1,133,568,267 9% 1,243,886,348 1,243,886,348 10 __ 1,390,117,689 1,390,117,689 12 1,571,227,812 1,571,227,812 13 1,771,058,715 1,771,058,715 13 2,082,646,384 2,082,646,384 18 2,450,957,225 2,450,957,225 18 -- 2,729,090,344 2,729,090,344 1 ! 2,912,244,695 2,912,244,695 7 3,033,967,197 3,033,967,197 4 127 CITY OF POWAY TABLE 5 Property Tax Rates - Direct and Overlapping Governments (Per $100 of Assessed Value) I~st Ten Fiscal Years School Other Fiscal District Total Year City County District 1985 .28905 .25000 .51242 .11926 1.17073 1986 .32886 .24950 .46733 .08607 1.13176 1987 .29186 .25000 .46737 .11266 1.12189 1988 .28323 .25000 .46636 .11147 1.11106 1989 .27807 .25000 .46636 .11147 1.10585 1990 .26594 .25000 .46636 .11147 1.09357 1991 .25841 .25000 .46636 .11147 1.08624 1992 .25440 .25000 .46636 .11147 1.08223 1993 .39145 .15465 .38705 .14314 1.07629 1994 .38977 .15465 .38705 .14314 1.07461 Source: County of San Diego Auditor and Controller's Office and Planning and l.~nd Use Development 128 CITY OF POWA¥ TABLE 6 - Ten Largest Taxpayers June 30, 1994 Percentage Name Assessed Valuation of Total Burnham Pacific Properties Inc. $ 30,352,000 16.4% _ JMP Advisors Inc. 30,094,858 16.2 Stoneridgc Country Club Corp. 26,954,274 14.5 C.F. Poway Ltd. 25,351,104 13.7 _ Tech Business Center 17,147,015 9.2 R & R Partners-Poway 15,779,609 8.5 Beecroft, Joseph N. & Lois M; 11,923,832 6.4 Gateway Medical Building-Joint Venture 10,710,964 5.8 Poway Creekside Partners 9,136,744 4.9 -- Standard Pacific LP 8,251,770 4.4 $ 185~702,170 100.0% Source: San Diego County Assessor's Office and City Finance Division 129 CITY OF POWAY TABLE 7 Special Assessment Collections Last Ten Fiscal Years Current Current Ratio of Total Fiscal Assessment Assessment Collections Outstanding Year Due Collected To Amount Due Assessments 1985 $ 215,919 $ 202,210 94% $13,709 1986 218,630 204,749 94 13,881 1987 215,920 172,956 80 42,964 1988 213,209 176,038 83 37,171 1989 213,209 177,506 83 35,703 1990 213,209 200,146 94 13,063 1991 212,210 180,172 85 32,038 1992 215,209 187,447 87 27,762 1993 209,640 194,214 93 15,426 1994 216,707 196,692 91 20,015 Source: City Adminisu'ative Services Department 130 CITY OF POWAY TABLE 8 ~ Computation of Legal Debt Margin June 30, 1994 -- Total Valuation (1) $ 489,815,405 Debt Limit - 15 percent of total valuation $ 73,472,310 Amount of Debt Applicable to Debt Limit: Bonded Debt $ 8,875,000 -- Less Amounts Available for Repayment of Debt: -- Held by Debt Service Fund 5,511,894 Total Amount of Debt Applicable _ to Debt Limit 3,363,106 Legal Debt Margin $ 70,109~204 -- Notes: (1) 25% of the assessed valuation, after deducting redevelopment tax allocation -- increment. -- Source: City Administrative Services Department _ 131 CITY OF POWAY TABLE 9 Ratio of Net General Bonded Debt to Assessed Value and Net Bonded Debt Per Capita Last Ten Fiscal Years General Ratio to Per Fiscal Assessed Bonded Assessed Capita Year Population (1) Valuation Debt Valuation Debt 1985 35,950 $ 1,115,557,602 $ 12,613,000 1.13% $350.85 1986 37,950 1,201,896,247 (2) 12,232,000 1.02 322.32 1987 39,170 1,263,426,696 (3) 11,826,000 0.94 301.91 1988 41,306 1,349,398,879 (4) 11,390,000 0.84 275.75 1989 43,900 1,437,338,786 (5) 10,963,000 0.76 249.73 1990 43,933 1,549,703,605 (6) 10,515,000 0.68 239.34 1991 44,450 1,692,505,672 (7) 10,050,000 0.59 226.10 1992 45,263 1,809,620,594 (8) 9,850,000 0.54 217.62 1993 46,219 1,898,988,326 (9) 9,300,000 0.49 201.22 1994 46,579 1,959,261,620 (10) 8,875,000 0.45 190.54 Notes: (1) Based on est/mated population prov/ded by the State of California. (2) After deducting $41,990,101 Redevelopment Tax Allocation increment. (3) After deduc, ting $126,690,993 Redevelopment Tax Allocation increment. (4) After deducting $221,828,933 Redevelopment Tax Allocation increment. (5) After deducting $333,719,979 Redevelopment Tax Allocation increment. (6) After deducting $532,942,779 Redevelopment Tax Allocation increment. (7) After deducting $758,451,553 Redevelopment Tax Allocation increment. (8) After deducting $919,469,750 Redevelopment Tax Allocation increment. (9) After deducting $1,013,256,369 Redevelopment Tax Allocation increment. (10) After deducting $1,074,705,577 Redevelopment Tax Allocation increment. Source: City Administrative Services Department 132 CITY OF POWAY TABLE 10 -- Ratio of Debt Service for General Bonded Debt to Total General Expenditures (1) I. ast Ten Fiscal Years Total Total Ratio of Debt Service Fiscal Debt General to Total General _ Year Principal Interest Service Expenditures Expenditures 1985 $ 75,000 $ 98,600 $ 173,600 $ 10,035,303 1.7 1986 80,000 92,400 172,400 11,548,883 1.5 1987 90,000 85,600 175,600 21,716,598 0.8 1988 95,000 78,200 173,200 24,590,960 0.7 -- 1989 105,000 70,200 175,200 57,650,597 0.3 1990 110,000 62,700 172,700 59,710,513 0.3 1991 120,000 55,800 175,800 87,280,897 0.2 -- 1992 125,000 48,450 173,450 70,480,667 0.2 1993 130,000 40,800 170,800 62,623,912 0.3 1994 140,000 32,700 172,700 69,390,109 0.2 Note: (1) Includes all governmental fund types. Source: City Administrative Services Department 133 CITY OF POWAY TABLE 11 Direct and Overlapping Bonded Debt June 30, 1994 1993-94 Assessed Valuation: $1,959,261,620 (after deducting $1,074,705.577 redevelopment incremental valuation) POPULATION: 46,579 DIRECT AND OVERLAPPING BONDED DEBT: % Applicable Debt 6/30/94 San Diego County Building Authorities 1.486% $ 12,567,444 San Diego County Superintendent or' Schools Certificates of Participation 1.486 23,751 San Diego County Water Authority 1.541 209,576 Metropolitan Water District 0.243 1,574,033 Poway Unified School District Certificates of Participation 20.235 1,408,331 Escondido Union High School District 0.082 60 San Pasqual Union School District .769 5,532 Poway Municipal Water District 100. 7,890,000 Poway Sewer Improvement District #1 99.995 299,865 Palomar Pomerado Hospital District 9.479 153,086 Palomar Pomerado Hospital District Authority 9.479 770,643 South Poway Community Facilities District #1 100. 30,440,000 City of Poway Community Facilities District #88-1 100. 36,385,000 City of Poway Certificates of Participation 100. 49,445,000 TOTAL DIRECT AND OVERLAPPING BONDED DEBT $ 141,172,321 (1) Ratios to Assessed Valuation: Direct Debt {$49,445.000) 2.52% Total Debt 7.28% SHARE OF AUTHORIZED AND UNSOLD BONDS: Metropolitan Water District $ 121,000 Poway Municipal Water District $1,900,000 Poway Municipal Water District, I.D. #2 $1,620,000 Poway Municipal Water District, I.D. #3 $ 140,000 STATE SCHOOL BUILDING AID REPAYABLE AS OF 6/30/94 $0 (1) Excludes tax and revenue anticipation notes, mortgage revenue and tax allocation bonds and non-bonded capital lease obligations. Source: California Municipal Statistics, Inc. 134 CITY OF POWAY TABLE 12 Dcmo~aphic Statistics I~st Ten Fiscal Years Per Fiscal Capita Median School Unemployment Year Population (1) Income (2) Age (2) Enrollment Rate (2) 1985 35,950 $14,175 28 16,543 5.2% 1986 37,950 14,920 28.8 18,311 5.0 1987 39,170 15,490 28.7 18,266 4.4 1988 41,306 15,940 28.7 21,960 4.5 1989 43,900 16,410 28.7 22,018 4.0 1990 43,933 16,900 28.8 24,509 4.3 1991 44,450 17,207 32.6 26,055 6.2 1992 45,263 20,720 32.6 25,873 8.1 1993 46,219 20,720 32.6 26,625 8.4 1994 46,579 20,720 32.1 27,520 7.5 Notes: -- (1) Based on estimated population provided by the State of California as of January 1 each year. (2) Based on census provided by SANDAG. Source: Compiled by City Administrative Services Deparwaent 135 CITY OF POWAY Property Value, Construction Activity a~d Bank Deposits Last Ten Fiscal Years Property Value (2) Fiscal Property Value Year Commercial Residential Exemption Total 1985 $ 17,719,498 $ 1,146,301,697 $ 48,463,593 $ 1,115,557,602 1986 19,624.399 1,255,471,422 50,833,872 1,224,261,949 1987 18,277,448 1,406,216,745 52,653,952 1,371,840,241 1988 24,897,449 1,577,115,148 55,682,234 1,546,330,363 1989 27,045,506 1,776,089,820 59,122,117 1,744,013,209 1990 30,240,937 2,113,865,650 61,460,203 2,082,646,384 1991 37,219,612 2,476,632,903 62,895,290 2,450,957,225 1992 44,186,797 2,750,384,816 65,481,269 2,729,090,344 1993 54,214,861 2,922,783,103 64,753,269 2,912,244,695 1994 69,952;694 3,032,530,528 68,516,025 3,033,967,197 Notes: (1) San Diego Trust and Savings Bank Marketing Department provided actuals for 1989 and 1990. 1982-1988 estimated based on population growth and 1989 actual. (2) Estimated assessed value from Table 4. Source: City Planning Department 136 TABLE 13 Commercial Construction Residential Construction Number Percent Number Percent Bank of Units Value Change of Units Value Change Deposits (1) 3 $ 1,132,945 -4.2% 519 $ 42,696,415 2.6% $ 126,694,607 8 1,531,180 35.2 607 67,600,177 58.3 126,694,607 11 3,232,746 111.1 626 101,277,886 49.8 137,970,427 37 20,104,235 521.9 391 83,222,526 -17.8 142,247,511 37 15,514,796 -22.8 524 86,511,053 3.9 150,000,000 34 14,150,143 -8.8 325 70,998,2.58 -17.9 181,000,000 9 7,240,173 -48.8 218 47,113,614 -33.6 171,248,346 15 17,696,194 144.4 50 17,152,025 -63.6 184,091,972 19 13,887,733 -11.5 40 12,870,944 -25.0 163,998,953 4 915,093 -93.4 81 19,829,254 54.1 143,923,796 -- 137 CITY OF POWAY TABLE 14 Miscellaneous Statistics June 30, 1994 Date of Incorporation December 1, 1980 Form of Government Council -Manager Area 39 Square Miles Miles of Streets 153 Number of Street Lights 2,780 Fire Protection: Number of Stations 2 Number of Staff Firefighters and Officers 32 Number of Volunteer Firefighters 20 Police Protection: Number of Stations 1 Number of Sworn Officers 44 Number of Clerical Staff 5 Senior Volunteer Patrol 19 Education: Attendance Centers 26 Number of Classrooms 1,040 Number of Teachers 1,215 Number of Students 27,520 Water: Number of Consumers 12,432 Average Daily Consumption 9,594,430 gallons Miles of Water Mains 214 Scwcr: Sanitary Sewers 130 miles Storm Sewers 39.5 miles Building Permits Issued 1,210 Recreation and Culture: Parks 13 with 340 acres Community Center 1 Libraries (1) -0- Employees: Classified Services (full and part-time) 197 Management 71 Total Employees 268 Note: (1) Library facilities are provided by the County of San Diego. Source: Compiled by City Administrative Services Department